blob: 15a98936eaa7f570709a381f9694781abbfa8062 [file] [log] [blame]
### Source file
### Process this file with the macro processor
### Note that the tech name is always TECHNAME for
### magic; this keeps compatibility between layouts
### for all process variants.
# Copyright (c) 2020 R. Timothy Edwards
# Revisions: See below
# This file is an Open Source foundry process describing
# the SkyWater sky130 hybrid 0.18um / 0.13um fabrication
# process. The file may be distributed under the terms
# of the Apache 2.0 license agreement.
format 35
version REVISION
description "SkyWater SKY130: Open Source rules and DRC"
requires magic-8.3.411
# Status 7/10/20: Rev 1 (alpha):
# First public release
# Status 8/14/20: Rev 2 (alpha):
# Started updating with new device/model naming convention
# Status 1/3/21: Taking out of beta and declaring an official release.
# Status 3/17/22: Added fringeshieldhalo to improve parasitic capacitance
# calculations.
# Status 5/21/22: Added sidewall edge (spacing) enlargement.
# Supported device types
# device name magic ID layer description
# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 nfet standard nFET
# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 scnfet standard nFET in standard cell**
# sky130_fd_pr__special_nfet_latch npd special nFET in SRAM cell
# sky130_fd_pr__special_nfet_pass npass special nFET in SRAM cell
# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt nfetlvt low Vt nFET
# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt scnfetlvt low Vt nFET in standard cell**
# sky130_fd_bs_flash__special_sonosfet_star nsonos SONOS nFET
# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 pfet standard pFET
# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 scpfet standard pFET in standard cell**
# sky130_fd_pr__special_pfet_latch ppu special pFET in SRAM cell
# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_lvt pfetlvt low Vt pFET
# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_mvt pfetmvt med Vt pFET
# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_hvt pfethvt high Vt pFET
# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_03v3_nvt nnfet native nFET
# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 mvpfet thickox pFET
# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 mvnfet thickox nFET
# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_05v0_nvt mvnnfet thickox native nFET
# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d16v0 mvnfet extended-drain nFET***
# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d16v0 mvpfet extended-drain pFET***
# sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5 ndiode n+ diff diode
# sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_lvt ndiodelvt low Vt n+ diff diode
# sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_nvt nndiode diode with nndiff
# sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_11v0 mvndiode thickox n+ diff diode
# sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5 pdiode p+ diff diode
# sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_lvt pdiodelvt low Vt p+ diff diode
# sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_hvt pdiodehvt high Vt p+ diff diode
# sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_11v0 mvpdiode thickox p+ diff diode
# sky130_fd_pr__npn_05v5 pbase NPN in deep nwell
# sky130_fd_pr__npn_11v0 pbase thick oxide gated NPN
# sky130_fd_pr__pnp_05v5 nbase PNP
# sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1 mimcap MiM cap 1st plate
# sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2 mimcap2 MiM cap 2nd plate
# sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd rdn n+ diff resistor
# sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd__hv mvrdn thickox n+ diff resistor
# sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd rdp p+ diff resistor
# sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd__nv mvrdp thickox p+ diff resistor
# sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_l1 rli local interconnect resistor
# sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_po npres n+ poly resistor
# sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_* ppres (*) p+ poly resistor (300 Ohms/sq)
# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_* xres (*) p+ poly resistor (2k Ohms/sq)
# sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_lvt varactor low Vt varactor
# sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_hvt varactorhvt high Vt varactor
# sky130_fd_pr__cap_var mvvaractor thickox varactor
# sky130_fd_pr__res_iso_pw rpw pwell resistor (in deep nwell)
# sky130_fd_pr__esd_nfet_g5v0d10v5 mvnfetesd ESD thickox nFET
# sky130_fd_pr__esd_pfet_g5v0d10v5 mvpfetesd ESD thickox pFET
# sky130_fd_pr__photodiode photo Photodiode
# (*) Note that ppres may extract into some generic type called
# "sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po", but only specific sizes of xhrpoly are
# allowed, and these are created from fixed layouts like the types below.
# (**) nFET and pFET in standard cells are the same as devices
# outside of the standard cell except for the DRC rule for
# FET to diffusion contact spacing (which is 0.05um, not 0.055um)
# (***) The extended-drain devices have the same identifying
# FET type as the thick oxide devices, but the drain side of the
# device is represented by layer extdrain extending to nsd or psd.
# The following devices are not extracted but are represented
# only by script-generated subcells in the PDK.
# sky130_fd_pr__esd_nfet_01v8 ESD nFET
# sky130_fd_pr__esd_nfet_05v0_nvt ESD native nFET
# sky130_fd_pr__special_nfet_pass_flash flash nFET device
# sky130_fd_pr__esd_rf_diode_pw2nd_11v0 ESD n+ diode
# sky130_fd_pr__esd_rf_diode_pd2nw_11v0 ESD p+ diode
# sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_* Vpp cap
# sky130_fd_pr__ind_* inductor
# sky130_fd_pr__fuse_m4 metal fuse device
# Tile planes
#ifdef METAL5
#ifdef MIM
#endif (MIM)
#ifdef MIM
#endif (MIM)
#endif (METAL5)
# Tile types
# Deep nwell
dwell dnwell,dnw
dwell isosubstrate,isosub
dwell photodiode,photo
# Wells
well nwell,nw
well pwell,pw
well rpw,rpwell
-well obswell
well pbase,npn
well nbase,pnp
# Transistors
active nmos,ntransistor,nfet
-active scnmos,scntransistor,scnfet
-active npd,npdfet,sramnfet
-active npass,npassfet,srampassfet
active pmos,ptransistor,pfet
-active scpmos,scptransistor,scpfet
-active ppu,ppufet,srampfet
active nnmos,nntransistor,nnfet
active mvnmos,mvntransistor,mvnfet
active mvpmos,mvptransistor,mvpfet
active mvnnmos,mvnntransistor,mvnnfet
-active mvnmosesd,mvntransistoresd,mvnfetesd
-active mvpmosesd,mvptransistoresd,mvpfetesd
active varactor,varact,var
active mvvaractor,mvvaract,mvvar
active pmoslvt,pfetlvt
active pmosmvt,pfetmvt
active pmoshvt,pfethvt
-active scpmoshvt,scpfethvt
active nmoslvt,nfetlvt
-active scnmoslvt,scnfetlvt
active varactorhvt,varacthvt,varhvt
-active nsonos,sonos
-active sramnvar,corenvar,corenvaractor
-active srampvar,corepvar,corepvaractor
# Diffusions
-active fomfill
active ndiff,ndiffusion,ndif
active pdiff,pdiffusion,pdif
active mvndiff,mvndiffusion,mvndif
active mvpdiff,mvpdiffusion,mvpdif
active ndiffc,ndcontact,ndc
active pdiffc,pdcontact,pdc
active mvndiffc,mvndcontact,mvndc
active mvpdiffc,mvpdcontact,mvpdc
active psubdiff,psubstratepdiff,ppdiff,ppd,psd,ptap
active nsubdiff,nsubstratendiff,nndiff,nnd,nsd,ntap
active mvpsubdiff,mvpsubstratepdiff,mvppdiff,mvppd,mvpsd,mvptap
active mvnsubdiff,mvnsubstratendiff,mvnndiff,mvnnd,mvnsd,mvntap
active psubdiffcont,psubstratepcontact,psc,ptapc
active nsubdiffcont,nsubstratencontact,nsc,ntapc
active mvpsubdiffcont,mvpsubstratepcontact,mvpsc,mvptapc
active mvnsubdiffcont,mvnsubstratencontact,mvnsc,mvntapc
active extdrain,ed
-active obsactive
-active mvobsactive
# Poly
active poly,p,polysilicon
active polycont,pc,pcontact,polycut,polyc
active xpolycontact,xpolyc,xpc
-active polyfill
# Resistors
active npolyres,npres,mrp1
active ppolyres,ppres,xhrpoly
active xpolyres,xpres,xres,uhrpoly
active ndiffres,rnd,rdn,rndiff
active pdiffres,rpd,rdp,rpdiff
active mvndiffres,mvrnd,mvrdn,mvrndiff
active mvpdiffres,mvrpd,mvrdp,mvrpdiff
active rmp
# Diodes
active pdiode,pdi
active ndiode,ndi
active nndiode,nndi
active pdiodec,pdic
active ndiodec,ndic
active nndiodec,nndic
active mvpdiode,mvpdi
active mvndiode,mvndi
active mvpdiodec,mvpdic
active mvndiodec,mvndic
active pdiodelvt,pdilvt
active pdiodehvt,pdihvt
active ndiodelvt,ndilvt
active pdiodelvtc,pdilvtc
active pdiodehvtc,pdihvtc
active ndiodelvtc,ndilvtc
# Local Interconnect
locali locali,li1,li
-locali corelocali,coreli1,coreli
locali rlocali,rli1,rli
locali viali,vial,mcon,m1c,v0
-locali obsli1,obsli
-locali obsli1c,obsmcon
-locali lifill
# Metal 1
metal1 metal1,m1,met1
metal1 rmetal1,rm1,rmet1
metal1 via1,m2contact,m2cut,m2c,via,v,v1
-metal1 obsm1
-metal1 m1fill
#ifdef RERAM
metal2 reram,rr
# Metal 2
metal2 metal2,m2,met2
metal2 rmetal2,rm2,rmet2
metal2 via2,m3contact,m3cut,m3c,v2
-metal2 obsm2
-metal2 m2fill
# Metal 3
metal3 metal3,m3,met3
metal3 rmetal3,rm3,rmet3
-metal3 obsm3
#ifdef METAL5
metal3 via3,v3
-metal3 m3fill
#ifdef MIM
cap1 mimcap,mim,capm
cap1 mimcapcontact,mimcapc,mimcc,capmc
# Metal 4
metal4 metal4,m4,met4
metal4 rmetal4,rm4,rmet4
-metal4 obsm4
metal4 via4,v4
-metal4 m4fill
#ifdef MIM
cap2 mimcap2,mim2,capm2
cap2 mimcap2contact,mimcap2c,mim2cc,capm2c
# Metal 5
metal5 metal5,m5,met5
metal5 rm5,rmetal5,rmet5
-metal5 obsm5
-metal5 m5fill
#endif (METAL5)
metal5 mrdlcontact,mrdlc,pi1
metali metalrdl,mrdl,metrdl,rdl
-metali obsmrdl
metali pi2
block ubm
# Miscellaneous
-block glass
-block fillblock
comment comment
-comment obscomment
# Magic contact types
pc poly locali
ndc ndiff locali
pdc pdiff locali
nsc nsd locali
psc psd locali
ndic ndiode locali
ndilvtc ndiodelvt locali
nndic nndiode locali
pdic pdiode locali
pdilvtc pdiodelvt locali
pdihvtc pdiodehvt locali
xpc xpc locali
mvndc mvndiff locali
mvpdc mvpdiff locali
mvnsc mvnsd locali
mvpsc mvpsd locali
mvndic mvndiode locali
mvpdic mvpdiode locali
mcon locali metal1
obsmcon obsli metal1
via1 metal1 metal2
via2 metal2 metal3
#ifdef METAL5
via3 metal3 metal4
via4 metal4 metal5
#endif (METAL5)
#ifdef METAL5
#ifdef MIM
# MiM cap contacts are not stackable!
mimcc mimcap metal4
mim2cc mimcap2 metal5
#endif (MIM)
#endif (!METAL5)
mrdlc metal5 mrdl
pi2 mrdl ubm
# Layer aliases
allwellplane nwell
allnwell nwell,obswell,pnp
allnfets nfet,npass,npd,scnfet,mvnfet,mvnfetesd,mvnnfet,nnfet,nfetlvt,scnfetlvt,nsonos
allpfets pfet,ppu,scpfet,scpfethvt,mvpfet,mvpfetesd,pfethvt,pfetlvt,pfetmvt
allfets allnfets,allpfets,varactor,mvvaractor,varhvt,corenvar,corepvar
allfetsstd nfet,mvnfet,mvnfetesd,mvnnfet,nnfet,nfetlvt,pfet,mvpfet,mvpfetesd,pfethvt,pfetlvt,pfetmvt
allfetsspecial scnfet,scpfet,scpfethvt,scnfetlvt
allfetscore npass,npd,nsonos,ppu,corenvar,corepvar
allfetsnolvt nfet,npass,npd,scnfet,mvnfet,mvnfetesd,mvnnfet,nnfet,nsonos,pfet,ppu,scpfet,scpfethvt,mvpfet,mvpfetesd,pfethvt,pfetmvt,varactor,mvvaractor,varhvt,corenvar
allnactivenonfet *ndiff,*nsd,*ndiode,*nndiode,*mvndiff,*mvnsd,*mvndiode,*ndiodelvt
allnactive allnactivenonfet,allnfets
allnactivenontap *ndiff,*ndiode,*nndiode,*mvndiff,*mvndiode,*ndiodelvt,allnfets
allnactivetap *nsd,*mvnsd,var,varhvt,mvvar,corenvar
allpactivenonfet *pdiff,*psd,*pdiode,*mvpdiff,*mvpsd,*mvpdiode,*pdiodelvt,*pdiodehvt
allpactive allpactivenonfet,allpfets
allpactivenontap *pdiff,*pdiode,*mvpdiff,*mvpdiode,*pdiodelvt,*pdiodehvt,allpfets
allpactivetap *psd,*mvpsd,corepvar
allactivenonfet allnactivenonfet,allpactivenonfet
allactive allactivenonfet,allfets
allactiveres ndiffres,pdiffres,mvndiffres,mvpdiffres
allndifflv *ndif,*nsd,*ndiode,ndiffres,nfet,npass,npd,scnfet,scnfetlvt,nfetlvt,nsonos
allpdifflv *pdif,*psd,*pdiode,pdiffres,pfet,ppu,scpfet,scpfethvt,pfetlvt,pfetmvt,pfethvt
alldifflv allndifflv,allpdifflv
allndifflvnonfet *ndif,*nsd,*ndiode,*nndiode,ndiffres,*ndiodelvt
allpdifflvnonfet *pdif,*psd,*pdiode,pdiffres,*pdiodelvt,*pdiodehvt
alldifflvnonfet allndifflvnonfet,allpdifflvnonfet
allndiffmv *mvndif,*mvnsd,*mvndiode,*nndiode,mvndiffres,mvnfet,mvnfetesd,mvnnfet,nnfet
allpdiffmv *mvpdif,*mvpsd,*mvpdiode,mvpdiffres,mvpfet,mvpfetesd
alldiffmv allndiffmv,allpdiffmv
allndiffmvnontap *mvndif,*mvndiode,*nndiode,mvndiffres,mvnfet,mvnfetesd,mvnnfet,nnfet
allpdiffmvnontap *mvpdif,*mvpdiode,mvpdiffres,mvpfet,mvpfetesd
alldiffmvnontap allndiffmvnontap,allpdiffmvnontap
allndiffmvnonfet *mvndif,*mvnsd,*mvndiode,*nndiode,mvndiffres
allpdiffmvnonfet *mvpdif,*mvpsd,*mvpdiode,mvpdiffres
alldiffmvnonfet allndiffmvnonfet,allpdiffmvnonfet
alldiffnonfet alldifflvnonfet,alldiffmvnonfet
alldiff alldifflv,alldiffmv,fomfill
allpolyres mrp1,xhrpoly,uhrpoly,rmp
allpolynonfet *poly,allpolyres,xpc
allpolynonres *poly,allfets,xpc
allpoly allpolynonfet,allfets
allpolynoncap *poly,xpc,allfets,allpolyres
allndiffcontlv ndc,nsc,ndic,nndic,ndilvtc
allpdiffcontlv pdc,psc,pdic,pdilvtc,pdihvtc
allndiffcontmv mvndc,mvnsc,mvndic
allpdiffcontmv mvpdc,mvpsc,mvpdic
allndiffcont allndiffcontlv,allndiffcontmv
allpdiffcont allpdiffcontlv,allpdiffcontmv
alldiffcontlv allndiffcontlv,allpdiffcontlv
alldiffcontmv allndiffcontmv,allpdiffcontmv
alldiffcont alldiffcontlv,alldiffcontmv
allcont alldiffcont,pc
allres allpolyres,allactiveres
allli *locali,coreli,rli
allm1 *m1,rm1
#ifdef RERAM
allm2 *m2,rm2,reram
#else (!RERAM)
allm2 *m2,rm2
#endif (!RERAM)
allm3 *m3,rm3
#ifdef METAL5
allm4 *m4,rm4
allm5 *m5,rm5
#endif (METAL5)
psub pwell
obstypes obswell,mvobsactive,obsactive,obsli,obsmcon,obsm1,obsm2,obsm3,obsm4,obsm5,obsmrdl,obscomment
blocktypes fillblock
# Layer drawing styles
styletype mos
dnwell cwell
isosub subcircuit
nwell nwell
pwell pwell
rpwell pwell ptransistor_stripes
photo nwell nwell_field_implant
ndiff ndiffusion
fomfill ndiffusion
pdiff pdiffusion
nsd ndiff_in_nwell
psd pdiff_in_pwell
nfet ntransistor ntransistor_stripes
scnfet ntransistor ntransistor_stripes
scnfetlvt ntransistor ntransistor_stripes implant1
npass ntransistor ntransistor_stripes
npd ntransistor ntransistor_stripes
pfet ptransistor ptransistor_stripes
scpfet ptransistor ptransistor_stripes
scpfethvt ptransistor ptransistor_stripes implant2
ppu ptransistor ptransistor_stripes
var polysilicon ndiff_in_nwell
ndc ndiffusion metal1 contact_X'es
pdc pdiffusion metal1 contact_X'es
nsc ndiff_in_nwell metal1 contact_X'es
psc pdiff_in_pwell metal1 contact_X'es
corenvar polysilicon ndiff_in_nwell
corepvar polysilicon pdiff_in_pwell
pnp nwell ntransistor_stripes
npn pwell ptransistor_stripes
pfetlvt ptransistor ptransistor_stripes implant1
pfetmvt ptransistor ptransistor_stripes implant3
pfethvt ptransistor ptransistor_stripes implant2
nfetlvt ntransistor ntransistor_stripes implant1
nsonos ntransistor implant3
varhvt polysilicon ndiff_in_nwell implant2
nnfet ntransistor ndiff_in_nwell
mvndiff ndiffusion hvndiff_mask
mvpdiff pdiffusion hvpdiff_mask
mvnsd ndiff_in_nwell hvndiff_mask
mvpsd pdiff_in_pwell hvpdiff_mask
mvnfet ntransistor ntransistor_stripes hvndiff_mask
mvnfetesd ntransistor ntransistor_stripes hvndiff_mask
mvnnfet ntransistor ndiff_in_nwell hvndiff_mask
mvpfet ptransistor ptransistor_stripes
mvpfetesd ptransistor ptransistor_stripes
mvvar polysilicon ndiff_in_nwell hvndiff_mask
mvndc ndiffusion metal1 contact_X'es hvndiff_mask
mvpdc pdiffusion metal1 contact_X'es hvpdiff_mask
mvnsc ndiff_in_nwell metal1 contact_X'es hvndiff_mask
mvpsc pdiff_in_pwell metal1 contact_X'es hvpdiff_mask
extdrain nselect pselect
poly polysilicon
polyfill polysilicon
pc polysilicon metal1 contact_X'es
npolyres polysilicon silicide_block nselect2
ppolyres polysilicon silicide_block pselect2
xpc polysilicon pselect2 metal1 contact_X'es
rmp polysilicon poly_resist_stripes
pdiode pdiffusion pselect2
ndiode ndiffusion nselect2
pdiodec pdiffusion pselect2 metal1 contact_X'es
ndiodec ndiffusion nselect2 metal1 contact_X'es
nndiode ndiffusion nselect2 implant3
ndiodelvt ndiffusion nselect2 implant1
pdiodelvt pdiffusion pselect2 implant1
pdiodehvt pdiffusion pselect2 implant2
pdilvtc pdiffusion pselect2 implant1 metal1 contact_X'es
pdihvtc pdiffusion pselect2 implant2 metal1 contact_X'es
ndilvtc ndiffusion nselect2 implant1 metal1 contact_X'es
mvpdiode pdiffusion pselect2 hvpdiff_mask
mvndiode ndiffusion nselect2 hvndiff_mask
mvpdiodec pdiffusion pselect2 metal1 contact_X'es hvpdiff_mask
mvndiodec ndiffusion nselect2 metal1 contact_X'es hvndiff_mask
nndiodec ndiff_in_nwell nselect2 metal1 contact_X'es hvndiff_mask
locali metal1
lifill metal1
coreli metal1
rli metal1 poly_resist_stripes
mcon metal1 metal2 via1arrow
obsli metal1
obsmcon metal1 metal2 via1arrow
metal1 metal2
m1fill metal2
rm1 metal2 poly_resist_stripes
obsm1 metal2
m2c metal2 metal3 via2arrow
#ifdef RERAM
reram metal2 metal3 via2 contact_X'es
#endif (RERAM)
metal2 metal3
m2fill metal3
rm2 metal3 poly_resist_stripes
obsm2 metal3
m3c metal3 metal4 via3alt
metal3 metal4
m3fill metal4
rm3 metal4 poly_resist_stripes
obsm3 metal4
#ifdef METAL5
#ifdef MIM
mimcap metal3 mems
mimcc metal3 contact_X'es mems
mimcap2 metal4 mems
mim2cc metal4 contact_X'es mems
#endif (MIM)
via3 metal4 metal5 via4
metal4 metal5
m4fill metal5
rm4 metal5 poly_resist_stripes
obsm4 metal5
via4 metal5 metal6 via5
metal5 metal6
m5fill metal6
rm5 metal6 poly_resist_stripes
obsm5 metal6
#endif (METAL5)
mrdlc metal6 metal7 via6
metalrdl metal7
obsmrdl metal7
ubm metal8
pi2 metal7 metal8 via7
glass overglass
mrp1 poly_resist poly_resist_stripes
xhrpoly poly_resist silicide_block
uhrpoly poly_resist
ndiffres ndiffusion ndop_stripes
pdiffres pdiffusion pdop_stripes
mvndiffres ndiffusion hvndiff_mask ndop_stripes
mvpdiffres pdiffusion hvpdiff_mask pdop_stripes
comment comment
error_p error_waffle
error_s error_waffle
error_ps error_waffle
fillblock cwell
obswell cwell
obsactive implant4
magnet substrate_field_implant
rotate via3alt
fence via5
# Special paint/erase rules
compose nfet poly ndiff
compose pfet poly pdiff
compose var poly nsd
decompose npass poly ndiff
decompose npd poly ndiff
decompose scnfet poly ndiff
decompose scnfetlvt poly ndiff
decompose nfetlvt poly ndiff
decompose nsonos poly ndiff
decompose ppu poly pdiff
decompose scpfet poly pdiff
decompose scpfethvt poly pdiff
decompose pfethvt poly pdiff
decompose pfetlvt poly pdiff
decompose pfetmvt poly pdiff
decompose corenvar poly nsd
decompose corepvar poly psd
decompose varhvt poly nsd
compose mvnfet poly mvndiff
compose mvpfet poly mvpdiff
compose mvvar poly mvnsd
decompose nnfet poly mvndiff
decompose mvnfetesd poly mvndiff
decompose mvnnfet poly mvndiff
decompose mvpfetesd poly mvpdiff
paint obsmcon locali via1
paint obsmcon obsm1 obsli,obsm1
paint ndc nwell pdc
paint nfet nwell pfet
paint scnfet nwell scpfet
paint ndiff nwell pdiff
paint psd nwell nsd
paint psc nwell nsc
paint npd nwell ppu
paint pdc pwell ndc
paint pfet pwell nfet
paint scpfet pwell scnfet
paint pdiff pwell ndiff
paint nsd pwell psd
paint nsc pwell psc
paint ppu pwell npd
paint pdc coreli pdc
paint ndc coreli ndc
paint pc coreli pc
paint nsc coreli nsc
paint psc coreli psc
paint viali coreli viali
paint mvpdc coreli mvpdc
paint mvndc coreli mvndc
paint mvnsc coreli mvnsc
paint mvpsc coreli mvpsc
paint coreli pdc pdc
paint coreli ndc ndc
paint coreli pc pc
paint coreli nsc nsc
paint coreli psc psc
paint coreli viali viali
paint coreli mvpdc mvpdc
paint coreli mvndc mvndc
paint coreli mvnsc mvnsc
paint coreli mvpsc mvpsc
#ifdef RERAM
paint reram metal2 reram
#endif (RERAM)
#ifdef METAL5
paint m4 obsm4 m4
paint m5 obsm5 m5
#endif (METAL5)
# Electrical connectivity
*nwell,*nsd,*mvnsd,dnwell,pnp,photo *nwell,*nsd,*mvnsd,dnwell,pnp,photo
pwell,*psd,*mvpsd,npn,isosub pwell,*psd,*mvpsd,npn,isosub
*mvnsd ed
*mvpsd ed
*li,coreli,lifill *li,coreli,lifill
*m1,m1fill,obsmcon *m1,m1fill,obsmcon
#ifdef RERAM
*m2,m2fill,reram *m2,m2fill,reram
#else (!RERAM)
*m2,m2fill *m2,m2fill
#endif (!RERAM)
*m3,m3fill *m3,m3fill
#ifdef METAL5
*m4,m4fill *m4,m4fill
*m5,m5fill *m5,m5fill
#ifdef MIM
*mimcap *mimcap
*mimcap2 *mimcap2
#endif (MIM)
#endif (METAL5)
allnactivenonfet allnactivenonfet
allpactivenonfet allpactivenonfet
*poly,xpc,allfets,polyfill *poly,xpc,allfets,polyfill
# RDL connects to m5 through glass cut
*mrdl *mrdl
glass metrdl
# CIF/GDS output layer definitions
# NOTE: All values in this section MUST be multiples of 25
# or else magic will scale below the allowed layout grid size
style gdsii
# NOTE: This section is used for actual GDS output
scalefactor 10 nanometers
options calma-permissive-labels
gridlimit 5
# Create a temp layer from the cell bounding box for use in
# generating ID layers. Note that "boundary", unlike "bbox",
# requires the FIXED_BBOX property (abutment box) in the cell.
templayer CELLBOUND
calma 235 4
layer DNWELL dnwell,npn,photo
calma 64 18
layer PWRES rpw
and dnwell
calma 64 13
layer SUBCUT isosub
calma 81 53
# Identify LDMOS drain areas
templayer ndrainarea
bloat-all ed *mvnsd
and-not ed
templayer pdrainarea
bloat-all ed *mvpsd
and-not ed
# Generate n-well under extended-drain nFET
templayer extnwell
bloat-or *mvnsd * 0 extdrain 1150
and-not *mvnsd
or ndrainarea
grow 660
# Erase n-well under extended-drain pFET
templayer extpwell
bloat-or *mvpsd * 0 extdrain 590
and-not *mvpsd
or pdrainarea
grow 860
layer NWELL allnwell
bloat-all rpw dnwell
and-not rpw,pwell
or extnwell
and-not extpwell
calma 64 20
labels allnwell
calma 64 5
labels allnwell port
calma 64 16
# SUB (text/port only)
layer SUBTXT
labels pwell
calma 64 59
layer SUBPIN
labels pwell port
calma 122 16
# Extended-drain FETs cut the diffusion under the gate
templayer ldbreak
bloat-or *mvnsd * 0 extdrain 1585
bloat-or *mvpsd * 0 extdrain 1190
layer DIFF allnactivenontap,allpactivenontap,allactiveres
and-not ldbreak
calma 65 20
labels allnactivenontap,allpactivenontap
calma 65 6
labels allnactivenontap,allpactivenontap port
calma 65 16
layer TAP allnactivetap,allpactivetap
labels allnactivetap,allpactivetap port
calma 65 44
layer TAPTXT
labels allnactivetap,allpactivetap
calma 65 5
layer FOMFILL fomfill
labels fomfill
calma 23 28
# PSDM, NSDM (PPLUS, NPLUS implants)
templayer basePSDM pdiffres,mvpdiffres
grow 15
or xhrpoly,uhrpoly,xpc
grow 110
bloat-or allpactivetap * 125 allnactivenontap 0
bloat-or allpactivenontap * 125 allnactivetap 0
templayer baseNSDM ndiffres,mvndiffres
grow 125
bloat-or allnactivetap * 125 allpactivenontap 0
bloat-or allnactivenontap * 125 allpactivetap 0
templayer extendPSDM basePSDM
bridge 380 380
and-not baseNSDM
layer PSDM basePSDM,extendPSDM
grow 185
shrink 185
close 265000
mask-hints PSDM
calma 94 20
templayer extendNSDM baseNSDM
bridge 380 380
and-not basePSDM
layer NSDM baseNSDM,extendNSDM
grow 185
shrink 185
close 265000
mask-hints NSDM
calma 93 44
# EDID (Extended drain identifier)
layer EDID
bloat-all extdrain *mvnsd,*mvpsd,mvnfet,mvpfet,*mvndiff,*mvpdiff
labels extdrain
calma 81 57
layer LVID nnfet
grow 100
calma 81 60
layer LVTN pfetlvt,nfetlvt,scnfetlvt,mvvar,mvnnfet,nnfet,nsonos,*pdiodelvt,*ndiodelvt,*nndiode
grow 180
bridge 380 380
grow 185
shrink 185
close 265000
mask-hints LVTN
calma 125 44
layer HVTR pfetmvt
grow 180
bridge 380 380
grow 185
shrink 185
close 265000
calma 18 20
layer HVTP scpfethvt,ppu,pfethvt,varhvt,*pdiodehvt
grow 180
bridge 380 380
grow 185
shrink 185
close 265000
mask-hints HVTP
calma 78 44
layer SONOS nsonos
grow 100
grow-min 410
bridge 500 410
grow 250
shrink 250
calma 80 20
# The coreli layer indicates a cell needing COREID. Also,
# devices npd, npass, and ppu indicate a COREID cell. NOTE:
# SONOS does not use COREID, counter to SkyWater rules.
layer COREID
bloat-all coreli,ppu,npd,npass,corepvar,corenvar CELLBOUND
mask-hints COREID
calma 81 2
# STDCELL applies to all cells containing scnfet or scpfet.
layer STDCELL scnfet
bloat-all scpfet,scpfethvt,scnfet,scnfetlvt CELLBOUND
mask-hints STDCELL
calma 81 4
# ESDID is a marker layer for ESD devices in the padframe I/O.
layer ESDID
bloat-all mvnfetesd *mvndiff,*poly
bloat-all mvpfetesd *mvpdiff,*poly
grow 100
mask-hints ESDID
calma 81 19
# NPNID and PNPID apply to bipolar transistors
layer NPNID
bloat-all npn dnwell
mask-hints NPNID
calma 82 20
templayer pnparea pnp
grow 400
layer PNPID
bloat-all pnparea *psd
or pnparea
mask-hints PNPID
calma 82 44
layer PHOTO photo
calma 81 81
layer RPM
bloat-all xhrpoly xpc
grow 200
grow-min 1270
grow 420
shrink 420
calma 86 20
# URPM (2kOhms/sq. poly implant)
layer URPM
bloat-all uhrpoly xpc
grow 200
grow-min 1270
grow 420
shrink 420
calma 79 20
# LDNTM (Tip implant for SONOS FETs)
layer LDNTM
bloat-all nsonos *ndiff
grow 185
grow 345
shrink 345
calma 11 44
# HVNTM (Tip implant for MV ndiff devices)
templayer hvntm_block *mvpsd
grow 185
layer HVNTM
bloat-all mvnfet,mvnfetesd,mvnnfet,nnfet,*mvndiode,mvrdn,*nndiode *mvndiff
bloat-all mvvaractor *mvnsd
and-not hvntm_block
grow 185
bridge 700 700
grow 345
shrink 345
and-not hvntm_block
mask-hints HVNTM
calma 125 20
layer POLY allpoly
calma 66 20
labels allpoly
calma 66 5
labels allpoly port
calma 66 16
layer POLYFILL polyfill
labels polyfill
calma 28 28
# HVI (includes rules NWELL 8-11 and DIFFTAP 14-26)
templayer thkox_area ed
grow 475
or alldiffmv,mvvar
grow 185
bloat-all alldiffmv nwell
grow 345
shrink 345
templayer large_ptap_mv thkox_area
shrink 420
grow 420
templayer small_ptap_mv thkox_area
and-not large_ptap_mv
# (HVI min width rule is 0.6 but CNTM min width rule is 0.84um)
grow-min 840
layer HVI thkox_area,small_ptap_mv
bridge 700 600
grow 345
shrink 345
mask-hints HVI
calma 75 20
layer CONT allcont
squares-grid 0 170 170
calma 66 44
# Contact for pres is different than other LICON contacts
# See rules LICON 1b, 1c (width/length) and 2b (spacing)
templayer xpc_horiz xpc
shrink 1007
grow 1007
layer CONT xpc
and-not xpc_horiz
# Force long edge vertical for contacts narrower than 2um
# Minimum space is 350 but 520 satisfies no. of contacts rule
slots 80 190 520 80 2000 350
calma 66 44
layer CONT xpc
and xpc_horiz
# Force long edge vertical for contacts wider than 2um
# Minimum space is 350 but 520 satisfies no. of contacts rule
slots 80 2000 350 80 190 520
calma 66 44
# NPC (Nitride poly cut)
# surrounds CONT (LICON) on poly only (i.e., pc)
# Avoids a common case of NPC bridges too close to other LICON shapes.
templayer diffcutarea pdc,ndc,psc,nsc,mvpdc,mvndc,mvpsc,mvnsc
grow 90
layer NPC pc
squares-grid 0 170 170
grow 100
bridge 270 270
and-not diffcutarea
bridge 270 270
grow 130
shrink 130
mask-hints NPC
calma 95 20
# NPC is also generated on xhrpoly and uhrpoly resistors
layer NPC xpc,xhrpoly,uhrpoly
# xpc surrounds precision_resistor by 0.095um
grow 95
grow 130
shrink 130
calma 95 20
# Device markers
layer DIFFRES rdn,mvrdn,rdp,mvrdp
calma 65 13
layer POLYRES mrp1
calma 66 13
# POLYSHORT is a poly layer resistor like rli, rm1, etc., for metal layers
layer POLYSHORT rmp
calma 66 15
# POLYRES extends to edge of contact cut
layer POLYRES xhrpoly,uhrpoly
grow 80
and xpc
or xhrpoly,uhrpoly
calma 66 13
layer DIODE *pdi,*ndi,*nndi,*mvpdi,*mvndi,*pdilvt,*pdihvt,*ndilvt
# To be done: Expand to include anode, cathode, and guard ring
calma 81 23
# LI
layer LI allli
calma 67 20
layer LITXT
labels *locali,coreli
calma 67 5
layer LIPIN
labels *locali,coreli port
calma 67 16
layer LIRES rli
labels rli
calma 67 13
layer LIFILL lifill
labels lifill
calma 56 28
layer MCON mcon
squares-grid 0 170 190
calma 67 44
# MET1
layer MET1 allm1
calma 68 20
layer MET1TXT
labels allm1
calma 68 5
layer MET1PIN
labels allm1 port
calma 68 16
layer MET1RES rm1
labels rm1
calma 68 13
layer MET1FILL m1fill
labels m1fill
calma 36 28
# VIA1
layer VIA1 via1
squares-grid 55 150 170
calma 68 44
#ifdef RERAM
#undef RERAM
layer VIA1 reram
squares-grid 55 150 170
calma 68 44
layer RERAM reram
calma 201 20
#define RERAM
#endif (RERAM)
# MET2
layer MET2 allm2
calma 69 20
layer MET2TXT
labels allm2
calma 69 5
layer MET2PIN
labels allm2 port
calma 69 16
layer MET2RES rm2
labels rm2
calma 69 13
layer MET2FILL m2fill
labels m2fill
calma 41 28
# VIA2
layer VIA2 via2
squares-grid 40 200 200
calma 69 44
# MET3
layer MET3 allm3
calma 70 20
layer MET3TXT
labels allm3
calma 70 5
layer MET3PIN
labels allm3 port
calma 70 16
layer MET3RES rm3
labels rm3
calma 70 13
layer MET3FILL m3fill
labels m3fill
calma 34 28
#ifdef METAL5
# VIA3
layer VIA3 via3
#ifdef MIM
or mimcc
#endif (MIM)
squares-grid 60 200 200
calma 70 44
# MET4
layer MET4 allm4
calma 71 20
layer MET4TXT
labels allm4
calma 71 5
layer MET4PIN
labels allm4 port
calma 71 16
layer MET4RES rm4
labels rm4
calma 71 13
layer MET4FILL m4fill
labels m4fill
calma 51 28
# VIA4
layer VIA4 via4
#ifdef MIM
or mim2cc
#endif (MIM)
squares-grid 190 800 800
calma 71 44
# MET5
layer MET5 allm5,m5fill
calma 72 20
layer MET5TXT
labels allm5
calma 72 5
layer MET5PIN
labels allm5 port
calma 72 16
layer MET5RES rm5
labels rm5
calma 72 13
layer MET5FILL m5fill
labels m5fill
calma 59 28
#endif (METAL5)
layer RDL *metrdl
calma 74 20
layer RDLTXT
labels *metrdl
calma 74 5
layer RDLPIN
labels *metrdl port
calma 74 16
layer PI1 *metrdl
and m5,glass
# Test only---needs GDS layer number
layer UBM *metrdl
shrink 50000
grow 40000
# Test only---needs GDS layer number
layer PI2 *metrdl
shrink 50000
grow 25000
# Test only---needs GDS layer number
layer GLASS glass
calma 76 20
#ifdef MIM
layer CAPM *mimcap
labels mimcap
calma 89 44
layer CAPM2 *mimcap2
labels mimcap2
calma 97 44
#endif (MIM)
# Chip top level marker for DRC latchup rules to check 15um
# distance to taps (otherwise 6um is used)
bbox top
# Clear 200um for pads + 50um for required high tap density
# in critical area.
shrink 250000
calma 81 14
layer FILLOBSFOM obsactive
calma 22 24
layer FILLOBSLI fillblock,obsli
calma 67 10
layer FILLOBSM1 fillblock,obsm1
calma 62 24
layer FILLOBSM2 fillblock,obsm2
calma 105 52
layer FILLOBSM3 fillblock,obsm3
calma 107 24
layer FILLOBSM4 fillblock,obsm4
calma 112 4
layer FILLOBSM5 fillblock,obsm5
calma 117 4
render DNWELL cwell -0.1 0.1
render NWELL nwell 0.0 0.2062
render DIFF ndiffusion 0.2062 0.12
render TAP pdiffusion 0.2062 0.12
render POLY polysilicon 0.3262 0.18
render CONT via 0.5062 0.43
render LI metal1 0.9361 0.10
render MCON via 1.0361 0.34
render MET1 metal2 1.3761 0.36
render VIA1 via 1.7361 0.27
render MET2 metal3 2.0061 0.36
render VIA2 via 2.3661 0.42
render MET3 metal4 2.7861 0.845
#ifdef METAL5
render VIA3 via 3.6311 0.39
render MET4 metal5 4.0211 0.845
render VIA4 via 4.8661 0.505
render MET5 metal6 5.3711 1.26
render CAPM metal8 2.4661 0.2
render CAPM2 metal9 3.7311 0.2
render RDL metal7 11.8834 4.0
#endif (!METAL5)
style drc
# NOTE: This style is used for DRC only, not for GDS output
scalefactor 10 nanometers
options calma-permissive-labels
# Ensure nwell overlaps dnwell at least 0.4um outside and 1.03um inside
templayer dnwell_shrink dnwell
shrink 1030
templayer nwell_missing dnwell
grow 400
and-not dnwell_shrink
and-not nwell
templayer pwell_in_dnwell dnwell
and-not nwell
# SONOS nFET devices must be in deep nwell
templayer dnwell_missing nsonos
and-not dnwell
# SONOS nFET devices must be in cell with abutment box
templayer abutment_box
templayer bbox_missing nsonos
and-not abutment_box
# Make sure nwell covers varactor poly
templayer var_poly_no_nwell
bloat-all varactor,mvvaractor *poly
grow 150
and-not nwell
# Define areas where mim2cc is inside the boundary of mimcc
# by more than the contact surround
templayer mim2_contact_overlap
bloat-all *mimcap2 mimcc
shrink 60
and-not *mimcap2
# Note that metal fill is performed by the foundry and so is not
# an option for a cifoutput style.
# Check latchup rule (15um minimum from tap LICON center to any
# non-tap diffusion. Note that to count as a tap, the diffusion
# must be contacted to LI
templayer ptap_reach psc,mvpsc
and-not dnwell
# grow total is 15um. grow in 0.84um increments to ensure that
# no nwell ring is crossed
grow 840
and-not nwell,dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell,dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell,dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell,dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell,dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell,dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell,dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell,dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell,dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell,dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell,dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell,dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell,dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell,dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell,dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell,dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell,dnwell
grow 635
and-not nwell,dnwell
templayer ptap_missing *ndiff,*mvndiff
and-not dnwell
and-not ptap_reach
templayer ntap_reach nsc,mvnsc
# grow total is 15um. grow in 1.27um increments to ensure that
# no nwell ring is crossed. There is no difference between
# ntaps in and out of deep nwell.
grow 1270
and nwell,pnp
grow 1270
and nwell,pnp
grow 1270
and nwell,pnp
grow 1270
and nwell,pnp
grow 1270
and nwell,pnp
grow 1270
and nwell,pnp
grow 1270
and nwell,pnp
grow 1270
and nwell,pnp
grow 1270
and nwell,pnp
grow 1270
and nwell,pnp
grow 1270
and nwell,pnp
grow 945
and nwell,pnp
templayer ntap_missing *pdiff,*mvpdiff
and-not pwell_in_dnwell
and-not ntap_reach
templayer dptap_reach psc,mvpsc
and dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell
and dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell
and dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell
and dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell
and dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell
and dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell
and dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell
and dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell
and dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell
and dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell
and dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell
and dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell
and dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell
and dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell
and dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell
and dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell
and dnwell
grow 840
and-not nwell
and dnwell
grow 635
and-not nwell
and dnwell
templayer dptap_missing *ndiff,*mvndiff
and dnwell
and-not dptap_reach
templayer pdiff_crosses_dnwell dnwell
grow 20
and-not dnwell
and allpdifflv,allpdiffmv
# MV nwell must be 2um from any other nwell
templayer mvnwell
bloat-all alldiffmv nwell
grow-min 840
bridge 700 600
# Simple spacing checks to lvnwell must use CIF-DRC rule
# Note that HVI may *abut* lvnwell; this can only be handled
# with mask-hints layers.
templayer drawn_hvi
mask-hints HVI
templayer allmvdiffnowell *mvndiff,*mvpsd
and-not drawn_hvi
templayer nwell_or_hvi nwell,drawn_hvi
templayer lvnwell nwell
and-not mvnwell
# Check for low-voltage diffusion in high-voltage well
templayer lvdiff_in_mvnwell *pdiff,*pdiode,pdiffres,*nsd
or pfet,ppu,scpfet,scpfethvt,pfetlvt,pfetmvt,pfethvt
and mvnwell
templayer nwell_with_tap
bloat-all nsc,mvnsc nwell,pnp
templayer nwell_missing_tap nwell,pnp
and-not nwell_with_tap
templayer tap_with_licon
bloat-all allpactivetap psd,mvpsd
bloat-all allnactivetap nsd,mvnsd
templayer tap_missing_licon allnactivetap,allpactivetap
and-not tap_with_licon
# Make sure varactor nwell contains no P diffusion
templayer pdiff_in_varactor_well
bloat-all varactor,mvvaractor nwell
and allpactive
# HVNTM spacing requires recreating HVNTM
templayer hvntm_block *mvpsd
grow 185
templayer hvntm_generate
bloat-all mvnfet,mvnfetesd,mvnnfet,nnfet,*mvndiode,mvrdn,*nndiode *mvndiff
bloat-all mvvaractor *mvnsd
and-not hvntm_block
grow 185
bridge 700 700
grow 345
shrink 345
and-not hvntm_block
# RPM spacing checks require recreating RPM
templayer rpm_generate
bloat-all xhrpoly,uhrpoly xpc
grow 200
grow-min 1270
grow 420
shrink 420
# Check distance RPM to NSDM
templayer rpm_nsd_check rpm_generate
grow 325
and allndifflv,allndiffmv
# Check distance RPM to (unrelated) POLY
templayer rpm_poly_check rpm_generate
grow 200
and-not xhrpoly,uhrpoly,xpc
and allpoly
# Check distance RPM to HVNTM
templayer rpm_hvntm_check rpm_generate
grow 385
and allndiffmvnontap
templayer m1_small_hole allm1,obsm1,obsmcon
close 140000
templayer m1_hole_empty m1_small_hole
and-not allm1,obsm1,obsmcon
templayer m2_small_hole allm2,obsm2
close 140000
templayer m2_hole_empty m2_small_hole
and-not allm2,obsm2
templayer m1_huge allm1
shrink 1500
grow 1500
templayer m1_large_halo m1_huge
grow 280
and-not m1_huge
and allm1
templayer m2_huge allm2
shrink 1500
grow 1500
templayer m2_large_halo m2_huge
grow 280
and-not m2_huge
and allm2
templayer m3_huge allm3
shrink 1500
grow 1500
templayer m3_large_halo m3_huge
grow 400
and-not m3_huge
and allm3
templayer m4_huge allm4
shrink 1500
grow 1500
templayer m4_large_halo m4_huge
grow 400
and-not m4_huge
and allm4
style paint
# NOTE: This style is used for database manipulations only via
# the "cif paint" command.
scalefactor 10 nanometers
templayer m1grow *m1
grow 290
# layer listrap: Use the following set of commands to strap local
# interconnect wires with metal1 (inside the cursor box) to satisfy
# the maximum aspect ratio rule for local interconnect:
# tech unlock *
# cif ostyle paint
# cif paint m1strap comment
# cif paint m1strap m1
# cif paint listrap viali
# erase comment
templayer m1strap *li
and-not m1grow
grow 30
templayer listrap comment
slots 30 170 170 60
style density
# Style used by scripts to check for fill density
scalefactor 10 nanometers
options calma-permissive-labels
gridlimit 5
templayer fom_all alldiff,fomfill
templayer poly_all allpoly,polyfill
templayer li_all allli,lifill
templayer m1_all allm1,m1fill
templayer m2_all allm2,m2fill
templayer m3_all allm3,m3fill
templayer m4_all allm4,m4fill
templayer m5_all allm5,m5fill
style wafflefill variants (),(tiled)
# Style used by scripts for automatically generating fill layers
# NOTE: Be sure to generate output on flattened layout.
scalefactor 10 nanometers
options calma-permissive-labels
gridlimit 5
# Generate and retain a layer representing the bounding box.
# For variant ():
# The bounding box is the full extent of geometry on the top level
# cell.
# For variant (tiled):
# Use with a script that breaks layout into flattened tiles and runs
# fill individually on each. The tiles should be larger than the
# step size, and each should draw a layer "comment" the size of the
# step box.
variants ()
templayer topbox
bbox top
variants (tiled)
templayer topbox comment
# Each tile imposes the full keepout distance rule of
# 3um on all sides.
shrink 1500
variants *
# Generate guard-band around nwells to keep FOM from crossing
# Spacing from LV nwell = Diff/Tap 9 = 0.34um
# Spacing from HV nwell = Diff/Tap 18 = 0.43um (= 0.18 + 0.25)
# Enclosure by nwell = Diff/Tap 8 = 0.18um
templayer mvnwell
bloat-all alldiffmv nwell
templayer lvnwell allnwell
and-not mvnwell
templayer well_shrink mvnwell
shrink 250
or lvnwell
shrink 180
templayer well_guardband allnwell
grow 340
and-not well_shrink
# Diffusion and poly keep-out areas
templayer obstruct_fom alldiff,allpoly,fomfill,polyfill,obsactive
or rpw,pnp,npn
grow 500
or well_guardband
templayer obstruct_poly alldiff,allpoly,fomfill,polyfill,obsactive
or rpw,pnp,npn
grow 1000
# FOM and POLY fill
templayer fomfill_pass1 topbox
# slots 0 4080 1320 0 4080 1320 1360 0
slots 0 4080 1600 0 4080 1600 1360 0
and-not obstruct_fom
and topbox
shrink 2035
grow 2035
templayer obstruct_poly_pass1 fomfill_pass1
grow 300
or obstruct_poly
templayer polyfill_pass1 topbox
slots 0 720 360 0 720 360 240 0
and-not obstruct_poly_pass1
and topbox
shrink 355
grow 355
templayer obstruct_fom_pass2 fomfill_pass1
grow 1290
or polyfill_pass1
grow 300
or obstruct_fom
templayer fomfill_pass2 topbox
slots 0 2500 1320 0 2500 1320 1360 0
and-not obstruct_fom_pass2
and topbox
shrink 1245
grow 1245
templayer obstruct_poly_coarse polyfill_pass1
grow 60
or fomfill_pass1,fomfill_pass2
grow 300
or obstruct_poly
templayer polyfill_coarse topbox
slots 0 720 360 0 720 360 240 120
and-not obstruct_poly_coarse
and topbox
shrink 355
grow 355
templayer obstruct_poly_medium polyfill_pass1,polyfill_coarse
grow 60
or fomfill_pass1,fomfill_pass2
grow 300
or obstruct_poly
templayer polyfill_medium topbox
slots 0 540 360 0 540 360 240 100
and-not obstruct_poly_medium
and topbox
shrink 265
grow 265
templayer obstruct_poly_fine polyfill_pass1,polyfill_coarse,polyfill_medium
grow 60
or fomfill_pass1,fomfill_pass2
grow 300
or obstruct_poly
templayer polyfill_fine topbox
slots 0 480 360 0 480 360 240 200
and-not obstruct_poly_fine
and topbox
shrink 235
grow 235
templayer obstruct_fom_coarse fomfill_pass1,fomfill_pass2
grow 1290
or polyfill_pass1,polyfill_coarse,polyfill_medium,polyfill_fine
grow 300
or obstruct_fom
templayer fomfill_coarse topbox
slots 0 1500 1320 0 1500 1320 1360 0
and-not obstruct_fom_coarse
and topbox
shrink 745
grow 745
templayer obstruct_fom_fine fomfill_pass1,fomfill_pass2,fomfill_coarse
grow 1290
or polyfill_pass1,polyfill_coarse,polyfill_medium,polyfill_fine
grow 300
or obstruct_fom
templayer fomfill_fine topbox
slots 0 500 400 0 500 400 160 0
and-not obstruct_fom_fine
and topbox
shrink 245
grow 245
layer FOMFILL fomfill_pass1
or fomfill_pass2
or fomfill_coarse
or fomfill_fine
calma 23 28
layer POLYFILL polyfill_pass1
or polyfill_coarse
or polyfill_medium
or polyfill_fine
calma 28 28
# LI fill
# Note requirement that LI fill may not overlap (non-fill)
# diff or poly.
templayer obstruct_li_coarse allli,obsli,lifill,fillblock
grow 2800
or alldiff,allpoly
grow 200
templayer lifill_coarse topbox
# slots 0 3000 650 0 3000 650 700 0
slots 0 3000 900 0 3000 900 700 0
and-not obstruct_li_coarse
and topbox
shrink 1495
grow 1495
templayer obstruct_li_medium allli,obsli,lifill,fillblock
grow 2500
or lifill_coarse
grow 300
or alldiff,allpoly
grow 200
templayer lifill_medium topbox
slots 0 1500 500 0 1500 500 700 0
and-not obstruct_li_medium
and topbox
shrink 745
grow 745
templayer obstruct_li_fine allli,obsli,lifill,fillblock
or lifill_coarse,lifill_medium
grow 300
or alldiff,allpoly
grow 200
templayer lifill_fine topbox
slots 0 580 500 0 580 500 700 0
and-not obstruct_li_fine
and topbox
shrink 285
grow 285
layer LIFILL lifill_coarse
or lifill_medium
or lifill_fine
calma 56 28
# MET1 fill
templayer obstruct_m1_coarse allm1,glass,obsm1,m1fill,fillblock
grow 3000
templayer met1fill_coarse topbox
# slots 0 2000 200 0 2000 200 700 0
slots 0 2000 800 0 2000 800 700 350
and-not obstruct_m1_coarse
and topbox
shrink 995
grow 995
templayer obstruct_m1_medium allm1,glass,obsm1,m1fill,fillblock
grow 2800
or met1fill_coarse
grow 200
templayer met1fill_medium topbox
slots 0 1000 200 0 1000 200 700 0
and-not obstruct_m1_medium
and topbox
shrink 495
grow 495
templayer obstruct_m1_fine allm1,glass,obsm1,m1fill,fillblock
grow 300
or met1fill_coarse,met1fill_medium
grow 200
templayer met1fill_fine topbox
slots 0 580 200 0 580 200 700 0
and-not obstruct_m1_fine
and topbox
shrink 285
grow 285
templayer obstruct_m1_veryfine allm1,glass,obsm1,m1fill,fillblock
grow 100
or met1fill_coarse,met1fill_medium,met1fill_fine
grow 200
templayer met1fill_veryfine topbox
slots 0 300 200 0 300 200 100 50
and-not obstruct_m1_veryfine
and topbox
shrink 145
grow 145
layer MET1FILL met1fill_coarse
or met1fill_medium
or met1fill_fine
or met1fill_veryfine
calma 36 28
# MET2 fill
templayer obstruct_m2 allm2,glass,obsm2,m2fill,fillblock
grow 3000
templayer met2fill_coarse topbox
# slots 0 2000 200 0 2000 200 700 350
slots 0 2000 800 0 2000 800 700 350
and-not obstruct_m2
and topbox
shrink 995
grow 995
templayer obstruct_m2_medium allm2,glass,obsm2,m2fill,fillblock
grow 2800
or met2fill_coarse
grow 200
templayer met2fill_medium topbox
slots 0 1000 200 0 1000 200 700 350
and-not obstruct_m2_medium
and topbox
shrink 495
grow 495
templayer obstruct_m2_fine allm2,glass,obsm2,m2fill,fillblock
grow 300
or met2fill_coarse,met2fill_medium
grow 200
templayer met2fill_fine topbox
slots 0 580 200 0 580 200 700 350
and-not obstruct_m2_fine
and topbox
shrink 285
grow 285
templayer obstruct_m2_veryfine allm2,glass,obsm2,m2fill,fillblock
grow 100
or met2fill_coarse,met2fill_medium,met2fill_fine
grow 200
templayer met2fill_veryfine topbox
slots 0 300 200 0 300 200 100 100
and-not obstruct_m2_veryfine
and topbox
shrink 145
grow 145
layer MET2FILL met2fill_coarse
or met2fill_medium
or met2fill_fine
or met2fill_veryfine
calma 41 28
# MET3 fill
templayer obstruct_m3 allm3,glass,obsm3,m3fill,fillblock
grow 3000
templayer met3fill_coarse topbox
# slots 0 2000 300 0 2000 300 700 700
slots 0 2000 800 0 2000 800 700 350
and-not obstruct_m3
and topbox
shrink 995
grow 995
templayer obstruct_m3_medium allm3,glass,obsm3,m3fill,fillblock
grow 2700
or met3fill_coarse
grow 300
templayer met3fill_medium topbox
slots 0 1000 300 0 1000 300 700 700
and-not obstruct_m3_medium
and topbox
shrink 495
grow 495
templayer obstruct_m3_fine allm3,glass,obsm3,m3fill,fillblock
grow 200
or met3fill_coarse,met3fill_medium
grow 300
templayer met3fill_fine topbox
slots 0 580 300 0 580 300 700 700
and-not obstruct_m3_fine
and topbox
shrink 285
grow 285
templayer obstruct_m3_veryfine allm3,glass,obsm3,m3fill,fillblock
# Note: Adding 0.1 to waffle rule to clear wide spacing rule
grow 100
or met3fill_coarse,met3fill_medium,met3fill_fine
grow 300
templayer met3fill_veryfine topbox
slots 0 500 300 0 500 300 150 200
and-not obstruct_m3_veryfine
and topbox
shrink 245
grow 245
layer MET3FILL met3fill_coarse
or met3fill_medium
or met3fill_fine
or met3fill_veryfine
calma 34 28
#ifdef METAL5
# MET4 fill
templayer obstruct_m4 glass
grow 2500
or allm4,obsm4,m4fill,fillblock
grow 3000
templayer met4fill_coarse topbox
# slots 0 2000 300 0 2000 300 700 1050
slots 0 2000 800 0 2000 800 700 350
and-not obstruct_m4
and topbox
shrink 995
grow 995
templayer obstruct_m4_medium glass
grow 2500
or allm4,obsm4,m4fill,fillblock
grow 2700
or met4fill_coarse
grow 300
templayer met4fill_medium topbox
slots 0 1000 300 0 1000 300 700 1050
and-not obstruct_m4_medium
and topbox
shrink 495
grow 495
templayer obstruct_m4_fine glass
grow 5000
or allm4,obsm4,m4fill,fillblock
grow 200
or met4fill_coarse,met4fill_medium
grow 300
templayer met4fill_fine topbox
slots 0 580 300 0 580 300 700 1050
and-not obstruct_m4_fine
and topbox
shrink 285
grow 285
templayer obstruct_m4_veryfine glass
grow 5100
or allm4,obsm4,m4fill,fillblock
# Note: Adding 0.1 to waffle rule to clear wide spacing rule
grow 100
or met4fill_coarse,met4fill_medium,met4fill_fine
grow 300
templayer met4fill_veryfine topbox
slots 0 500 300 0 500 300 150 300
and-not obstruct_m4_veryfine
and topbox
shrink 245
grow 245
layer MET4FILL met4fill_coarse
or met4fill_medium
or met4fill_fine
or met4fill_veryfine
calma 51 28
# MET5 fill
templayer obstruct_m5 allm5,glass,obsm5,m5fill,fillblock
grow 3000
templayer met5fill_coarse topbox
slots 0 5000 1600 0 5000 1600 1000 100
and-not obstruct_m5
and topbox
shrink 2495
grow 2495
templayer obstruct_m5_medium allm5,glass,obsm5,m5fill,fillblock
grow 1400
or met5fill_coarse
grow 1600
templayer met5fill_medium topbox
slots 0 3000 1600 0 3000 1600 1000 100
and-not obstruct_m5_medium
and topbox
shrink 1495
grow 1495
layer MET5FILL met5fill_coarse
or met5fill_medium
calma 59 28
#endif (METAL5)
# NOTE: All values in this section MUST be multiples of 25
# or else magic will scale below the allowed layout grid size
style sky130 variants (),(vendor)
scalefactor 10 nanometers
gridlimit 5
options ignore-unknown-layer-labels
#ifndef MIM
ignore CAPM
ignore CAPM2
#endif (!MIM)
#ifndef METAL5
ignore MET4,VIA3
ignore MET5,VIA4
ignore NPC
ignore SEALID
ignore CAPID
ignore LDNTM
ignore HVNTM
ignore POLYMOD
ignore OUTLINE
ignore POLYCUT
ignore DIFFCUT
labels NWELL
labels WELLPIN port
labels WELLTXT text
and-not PNPID
labels NWELL
labels WELLPIN port
labels WELLTXT text
variants *
templayer nwellarea NWELL
copyup nwelcheck
# Copy nwell areas up for diffusion checks
templayer xnwelcheck nwelcheck
copyup nwelcheck
templayer hvarea HVI
copyup hvcheck
# Copy high-voltage (HVI) areas up for diffusion checks
templayer xhvcheck hvcheck
copyup hvcheck
# Always draw pwell under p-tap and n-diff. This is not always
# necessary but works better with deep nwell for correct extraction.
layer pwell TAP,DIFF
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
grow 130
grow 420
shrink 420
labels SUBPIN port
labels SUBTXT text
layer dnwell DNWELL
labels DNWELL
layer isosub SUBCUT
labels SUBCUT
layer npn DNWELL
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
layer photo DNWELL
layer rpw PWRES
labels PWRES
templayer ndiffarea DIFF,DIFFTXT,DIFFPIN,barediff
and-not POLY
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
and-not PSDM
and-not DIODE
and-not DIFFRES
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and NSDM
and-not CORELI
copyup ndifcheck
labels DIFF
labels DIFFPIN port
labels DIFFTXT text
variants *
layer ndiff ndiffarea
# Copy ndiff areas up for contact checks
templayer xndifcheck ndifcheck
copyup ndifcheck
templayer mvndiffarea DIFF,DIFFTXT,DIFFPIN,barediff
and-not POLY
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
and-not PSDM
and-not DIODE
and-not DIFFRES
and HVI,hvcheck
and NSDM
copyup ndifcheck
labels DIFF
labels DIFFPIN port
labels DIFFTXT text
layer mvndiff mvndiffarea
# Copy ndiff areas up for contact checks
templayer mvxndifcheck mvndifcheck
copyup mvndifcheck
layer ndiode DIFF,barediff
and NSDM
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
and-not POLY
and-not PSDM
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and-not LVTN
labels DIFF
layer ndiodelvt DIFF,barediff
and NSDM
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
and-not POLY
and-not PSDM
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and LVTN
labels DIFF
templayer ndiodearea DIODE
and NSDM
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
layer ndiffres DIFFRES
and NSDM
and-not HVI,hvcheck
labels DIFF
templayer pdiffarea DIFF,DIFFTXT,DIFFPIN,barediff
and-not POLY
and NWELL,nwelcheck
and-not NSDM
and-not DIODE
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and PSDM
copyup pdifcheck
labels DIFF
labels DIFFPIN port
labels DIFFTXT text
layer pdiff pdiffarea
layer mvndiode DIFF,barediff
and NSDM
and HVI,hvcheck
and-not POLY
and-not PSDM
and-not LVTN
labels DIFF
layer nndiode DIFF,barediff
and NSDM
and HVI,hvcheck
and-not POLY
and-not PSDM
and LVTN
labels DIFF
templayer mvndiodearea DIODE
and NSDM
and HVI,hvcheck
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
layer mvndiffres DIFFRES
and NSDM
and HVI,hvcheck
labels DIFF
# Note: Not checking PSDM specifically, just lack of NSDM
templayer mvpdiffarea DIFF,DIFFTXT,DIFFPIN,barediff
and-not POLY
and NWELL,nwelcheck
and-not NSDM
and HVI,hvcheck
and-not DIODE
and-not DIFFRES
copyup mvpdifcheck
labels DIFF
labels DIFFPIN port
labels DIFFTXT text
layer mvpdiff mvpdiffarea
# Copy pdiff areas up for contact checks
templayer xpdifcheck pdifcheck
copyup pdifcheck
layer pdiode DIFF,barediff
and PSDM
and-not POLY
and-not NSDM
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and-not LVTN
and-not HVTP
labels DIFF
layer pdiodelvt DIFF,barediff
and PSDM
and-not POLY
and-not NSDM
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and LVTN
and-not HVTP
labels DIFF
layer pdiodehvt DIFF,barediff
and PSDM
and-not POLY
and-not NSDM
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and-not LVTN
and HVTP
labels DIFF
templayer pdiodearea DIODE
and PSDM
and-not HVI,hvcheck
# Define pfet areas as known pdiff, regardless of the presence of a well.
templayer pfetarea DIFF,barediff
and POLY
or baretrans
and-not NSDM
and-not HVI,hvcheck
layer pfet pfetarea
and-not LVTN
and-not HVTP
and-not STDCELL
and-not COREID
labels DIFF
layer scpfet pfetarea
and-not LVTN
and-not HVTP
and-not COREID
labels DIFF
layer scpfethvt pfetarea
and-not LVTN
and HVTP
labels DIFF
layer ppu pfetarea
and-not LVTN
and HVTP
# Shrink-grow operation eliminates the smaller parasitie device
# shrink 70
# grow 70
labels DIFF
layer pfetlvt pfetarea
and LVTN
labels DIFF
layer pfetmvt pfetarea
and HVTR
labels DIFF
layer pfethvt pfetarea
and HVTP
and-not STDCELL
and-not COREID
labels DIFF
# Always force nwell under pfet (nwell encloses pdiff by 0.18)
layer nwell pfetarea
and-not COREID
grow 180
# Copy mvpdiff areas up for contact checks
templayer mvxpdifcheck mvpdifcheck
copyup mvpdifcheck
layer mvpdiode DIFF,barediff
and PSDM
and-not POLY
and-not NSDM
and HVI,hvcheck
labels DIFF
templayer mvpdiodearea DIODE
and PSDM
and HVI,hvcheck
# Define pfet areas as known pdiff,
# regardless of the presence of a
# well.
templayer mvpfetarea DIFF,barediff
and POLY
or baretrans
and-not NSDM
and HVI,hvcheck
layer mvpfet mvpfetarea
and-not ESDID
labels DIFF
layer mvpfetesd mvpfetarea
labels DIFF
layer pdiff DIFF,DIFFTXT,DIFFPIN,barediff
and-not NSDM
and-not POLY
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and-not DIODE
and-not DIFFRES
labels DIFF
labels DIFFPIN port
labels DIFFTXT text
layer pdiffres DIFFRES
and PSDM
and NWELL,nwelcheck
and-not HVI,hvcheck
labels DIFF
layer nfet DIFF,barediff
and POLY
or baretrans
and-not PSDM
and NSDM
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and-not LVTN
and-not SONOS
and-not STDCELL
and-not COREID
labels DIFF
layer scnfet DIFF,barediff
and POLY
or baretrans
and-not PSDM
and NSDM
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and-not LVTN
and-not SONOS
labels DIFF
layer scnfetlvt DIFF,barediff
and POLY
or baretrans
and-not PSDM
and NSDM
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and LVTN
and-not SONOS
labels DIFF
layer npass DIFF,barediff
and POLY
or baretrans
and-not PSDM
and NSDM
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
labels DIFF
layer npd DIFF,barediff
and POLY
or baretrans
and-not PSDM
and NSDM
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
# Shrink-grow operation eliminates the smaller npass device
shrink 70
grow 70
labels DIFF
# Devices abutting tap under gate are officially npd, not npass
layer npd TAP
grow 100
and DIFF
and POLY
and-not PSDM
and NSDM
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
labels DIFF
layer nfetlvt DIFF,barediff
and POLY
or baretrans
and-not PSDM
and NSDM
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and LVTN
and-not SONOS
and-not STDCELL
labels DIFF
layer nsonos DIFF,barediff
and POLY
or baretrans
and-not PSDM
and NSDM
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and LVTN
labels DIFF
templayer nsdarea TAP,DIFF
and NSDM
and NWELL,nwelcheck
and-not POLY
and-not PSDM
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and-not CORELI
copyup nsubcheck
layer nsd nsdarea
labels TAP
layer nsd TAP,TAPTXT
and NSDM
and-not POLY
and-not HVI,hvcheck
labels TAP
labels TAPTXT text
layer corenvar TAP
and NSDM
and POLY
labels TAP
templayer nsdexpand nsdarea
grow 500
# Copy nsub areas up for contact checks
templayer xnsubcheck nsubcheck
copyup nsubcheck
templayer psdarea TAP,DIFF
and PSDM
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
and-not POLY
and-not NSDM
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and-not pfetexpand
copyup psubcheck
layer psd psdarea
labels TAP
layer psd TAP
and PSDM
and-not POLY
and-not HVI,hvcheck
labels TAP
labels TAPTXT text
layer corepvar TAP
and PSDM
and POLY
labels TAP
templayer psdexpand psdarea
grow 500
layer mvpdiff DIFF,DIFFTXT,DIFFPIN,barediff
and-not NSDM
and-not POLY
and HVI,hvcheck
and mvpfetexpand
labels DIFF
labels DIFFPIN port
labels DIFFTXT text
layer mvpdiffres DIFFRES
and PSDM
and NWELL,nwelcheck
and HVI,hvcheck
and-not mvrdpioedge
labels DIFF
templayer mvnfetarea DIFF,barediff
and POLY
or baretrans
and-not PSDM
and NSDM
and-not LVTN
and HVI,hvcheck
grow 350
templayer mvnnfetarea DIFF,TAP,barediff
and POLY
or baretrans
and-not PSDM
and NSDM
and LVTN
and HVI,hvcheck
and-not mvnfetarea
layer mvnfetesd DIFF,barediff
and POLY
or baretrans
and-not PSDM
and NSDM
and HVI,hvcheck
and-not mvnnfetarea
labels DIFF
layer mvnfet DIFF,barediff
and POLY
or baretrans
and-not PSDM
and NSDM
and HVI,hvcheck
and-not ESDID
and-not mvnnfetarea
labels DIFF
layer nnfet mvnnfetarea
and LVID
labels DIFF
layer mvnnfet mvnnfetarea
and-not LVID
labels DIFF
templayer mvnsdarea TAP,DIFF
and NSDM
and NWELL,nwelcheck
and-not POLY
and-not PSDM
and HVI,hvcheck
copyup mvnsubcheck
layer mvnsd mvnsdarea
labels TAP
layer mvnsd TAP,TAPTXT
and NSDM
and HVI,hvcheck
labels TAP
labels TAPTXT text
# Fill in FET under extended drain
layer mvpfet EDID
and POLY
and-not DIFF
and-not TAP
and-not NWELL
layer mvnfet EDID
and POLY
and-not DIFF
and-not TAP
# Restrict where nwell is merged
templayer ldmos_nwell EDID
grow 1200
# Remove or add well under extended FET gate
layer nwell EDID
and POLY
and DIFF
and PSDM
grow 685
or ldmos_nwell
grow 420
shrink 420
layer pwell EDID
and POLY
and DIFF
and NSDM
grow 660
grow 420
shrink 420
layer ed EDID
and-not POLY
and-not DIFF
and-not TAP
templayer mvnsdexpand mvnsdarea
grow 500
# Copy nsub areas up for contact checks
templayer mvxnsubcheck mvnsubcheck
copyup mvnsubcheck
templayer mvpsdarea TAP,DIFF,barediff
and PSDM
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
and-not POLY
and-not NSDM
and HVI,hvcheck
and-not mvpfetexpand
copyup mvpsubcheck
layer mvpsd mvpsdarea
labels DIFF
layer mvpsd TAP,TAPTXT
and PSDM
and HVI,hvcheck
labels TAP
labels TAPTXT text
templayer mvpsdexpand mvpsdarea
grow 500
# Copy psub areas up for contact checks
templayer xpsubcheck psubcheck
copyup psubcheck
templayer mvxpsubcheck mvpsubcheck
copyup mvpsubcheck
layer psd TAP
and-not PSDM
and-not NSDM
and-not POLY
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and-not pfetexpand
and psdexpand
layer nsd TAP
and-not PSDM
and-not NSDM
and-not POLY
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and nsdexpand
layer mvpsd TAP
and-not PSDM
and-not NSDM
and-not POLY
and HVI,hvcheck
and-not mvpfetexpand
and mvpsdexpand
layer mvnsd TAP
and-not PSDM
and-not NSDM
and-not POLY
and HVI,hvcheck
and mvnsdexpand
# The following recipes deal with DIFFRES layers expanded over large areas
# outside the resistor. Find areas which may have been accidentally
# captured as a resistor which were supposed to be transistors.
templayer diffresarea DIFFRES
and-not HVI,hvcheck
grow 3000
layer pfet DIFF
and diffresarea
and POLY
and-not NSDM
and-not STDCELL
and-not HVI
layer mvpfet DIFF
and diffresarea
and POLY
and-not NSDM
and-not STDCELL
and HVI
layer scpfet STDCELL
and POLY
and diffresarea
and DIFF
and-not NSDM
and-not HVTP
layer scpfethvt STDCELL
and POLY
and diffresarea
and DIFF
and-not NSDM
and HVTP
# End of resistor area hack
templayer xpolyterm RPM,URPM
and POLY
and-not POLYRES
# add back the 0.08um contact surround in the direction of the resistor
grow 80
and POLY
layer xpc xpolyterm
templayer polyarea POLY,POLYTXT,POLYPIN
and-not POLYRES
and-not DIFF
and-not TAP
and-not RPM
and-not URPM
templayer polycontarea polyarea
# Remove areas too small for a contact
shrink 130
grow 130
copyup polycheck
layer poly polyarea
labels POLY
labels POLYPIN port
labels POLYTXT text
# Copy (non-resistor) poly areas up for contact checks
templayer xpolycheck polycheck
copyup polycheck
layer mrp1 POLYRES
and POLY
and-not RPM
and-not URPM
labels POLY
layer rmp POLYSHORT
and POLY
labels POLY
layer xhrpoly RPM
and POLY
and-not URPM
and PSDM
and NPC
and-not xpolyterm
labels POLY
layer uhrpoly URPM
and POLY
and-not RPM
and NPC
and-not xpolyterm
labels POLY
templayer ndcbase CONT
or barecont
and LI
or barelicont
and DIFF
and NSDM
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
and-not HVI,hvcheck
layer ndc ndcbase
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or ndcbase
labels CONT
templayer nscbase CONT
or barecont
and LI
or barelicont
and NSDM
and NWELL,nwelcheck
and-not HVI,hvcheck
layer nsc nscbase
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or nscbase
labels CONT
templayer pdcbase CONT
or barecont
and LI
or barelicont
and DIFF
and PSDM
and NWELL,nwelcheck
and-not HVI,hvcheck
layer pdc pdcbase
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or pdcbase
labels CONT
templayer pdcnowell CONT
or barecont
and LI
or barelicont
and DIFF
and PSDM
and pfetexpand
and-not HVI,hvcheck
layer pdc pdcnowell
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or pdcnowell
labels CONT
templayer pscbase CONT
or barecont
and LI
or barelicont
and PSDM
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
and-not pfetexpand
and-not HVI,hvcheck
layer psc pscbase
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or pscbase
labels CONT
templayer pcbase CONT
or barecont
and LI
or barelicont
and POLY
and-not DIFF
and-not RPM,URPM
layer pc pcbase
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or pcbase
labels CONT
templayer ndicbase CONT
or barecont
and LI
or barelicont
and DIFF
and NSDM
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
and-not POLY
and-not PSDM
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and-not LVTN
layer ndic ndicbase
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or ndicbase
labels CONT
templayer ndilvtcbase CONT
or barecont
and LI
or barelicont
and DIFF
and NSDM
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
and-not POLY
and-not PSDM
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and LVTN
layer ndilvtc ndilvtcbase
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or ndilvtcbase
labels CONT
templayer pdicbase CONT
or barecont
and LI
or barelicont
and DIFF
and PSDM
and-not POLY
and-not NSDM
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and-not LVTN
and-not HVTP
layer pdic pdicbase
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or pdicbase
labels CONT
templayer pdilvtcbase CONT
or barecont
and LI
or barelicont
and DIFF
and PSDM
and-not POLY
and-not NSDM
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and LVTN
and-not HVTP
layer pdilvtc pdilvtcbase
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or pdilvtcbase
labels CONT
templayer pdihvtcbase CONT
or barecont
and LI
or barelicont
and DIFF
and PSDM
and-not POLY
and-not NSDM
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and-not LVTN
and HVTP
layer pdihvtc pdihvtcbase
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or pdihvtcbase
labels CONT
templayer mvndcbase CONT
or barecont
and LI
or barelicont
and DIFF
and NSDM
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
and HVI,hvcheck
layer mvndc mvndcbase
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or mvndcbase
labels CONT
templayer mvnscbase CONT
or barecont
and LI
or barelicont
and NSDM
and NWELL,nwelcheck
and HVI,hvcheck
layer mvnsc mvnscbase
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or mvnscbase
labels CONT
# See note above: Not checking PSDM
templayer mvpdcbase CONT
or barecont
and LI
or barelicont
and DIFF
and-not NSDM
and NWELL,nwelcheck
and HVI,hvcheck
layer mvpdc mvpdcbase
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or mvpdcbase
labels CONT
templayer mvpdcnowell CONT
or barecont
and LI
or barelicont
and DIFF
and PSDM
and mvpfetexpand
and MET1
and HVI,hvcheck
layer mvpdc mvpdcnowell
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or mvpdcnowell
labels CONT
# Note: Not checking PSDM specifically, just lack of NSDM
templayer mvpscbase CONT
or barecont
and LI
or barelicont
and-not NSDM
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
and-not mvpfetexpand
and HVI,hvcheck
layer mvpsc mvpscbase
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or mvpscbase
labels CONT
templayer mvndicbase CONT
or barecont
and LI
or barelicont
and DIFF
and NSDM
and-not POLY
and-not PSDM
and-not LVTN
and HVI,hvcheck
layer mvndic mvndicbase
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or mvndicbase
labels CONT
templayer nndicbase CONT
or barecont
and LI
or barelicont
and DIFF
and NSDM
and-not POLY
and-not PSDM
and LVTN
and HVI,hvcheck
layer nndic nndicbase
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or nndicbase
labels CONT
templayer mvpdicbase CONT
or barecont
and LI
or barelicont
and DIFF
and PSDM
and-not POLY
and-not NSDM
and HVI,hvcheck
layer mvpdic mvpdicbase
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or mvpdicbase
labels CONT
layer fomfill FOMFILL
layer polyfill POLYFILL
layer coreli LI,LITXT,LIPIN
labels LI
labels LIPIN port
labels LITXT text
layer locali LI,LITXT,LIPIN
and-not COREID
labels LI
labels LIPIN port
labels LITXT text
layer rli LI
layer lifill LIFILL
layer mcon MCON
grow 95
shrink 95
shrink 85
grow 85
labels MCON
labels MET1
labels MET1PIN port
labels MET1TXT text
layer rm1 MET1
layer m1fill MET1FILL
#ifdef MIM
layer mimcap MET3
and CAPM
labels CAPM
layer mimcc VIA3
and CAPM
grow 60
grow 40
shrink 40
labels CAPM
layer mimcap2 MET4
and CAPM2
labels CAPM2
layer mim2cc VIA4
and CAPM2
grow 190
grow 210
shrink 210
labels CAPM2
#endif (MIM)
#ifdef RERAM
#undef RERAM
# RERAM is drawn as-is
layer reram RERAM
#define RERAM
#endif (RERAM)
templayer m2cbase VIA1
#ifdef RERAM
#undef RERAM
and-not RERAM
#define RERAM
#endif (RERAM)
and-not COREID
grow 5
or VIA1
#ifdef RERAM
#undef RERAM
and-not RERAM
#define RERAM
#endif (RERAM)
grow 50
layer m2c m2cbase
grow 30
shrink 30
shrink 130
grow 130
or m2cbase
labels MET2
labels MET2PIN port
labels MET2TXT text
layer rm2 MET2
layer m2fill MET2FILL
templayer m3cbase VIA2
grow 40
layer m3c m3cbase
grow 60
shrink 60
shrink 140
grow 140
or m3cbase
labels MET3
labels MET3PIN port
labels MET3TXT text
layer rm3 MET3
layer m3fill MET3FILL
#ifdef (METAL5)
templayer via3base VIA3
#ifdef MIM
and-not CAPM
#endif (MIM)
grow 60
layer via3 via3base
grow 40
shrink 40
shrink 160
grow 160
or via3base
labels MET4
labels MET4PIN port
labels MET4TXT text
layer rm4 MET4
layer m4fill MET4FILL
labels MET5
labels MET5PIN port
labels MET5TXT text
layer rm5 MET5
layer m5fill MET5FILL
templayer via4base VIA4
#ifdef MIM
and-not CAPM2
#endif (MIM)
grow 190
layer via4 via4base
grow 210
shrink 210
shrink 590
grow 590
or via4base
#endif (METAL5)
layer metrdl RDL,RDLTXT,RDLPIN
labels RDL
labels RDLPIN port
labels RDLTXT text
# Find diffusion not covered in
# NSDM or PSDM and pull it into
# the next layer up
templayer gentrans DIFF
and-not PSDM
and-not NSDM
and POLY
copyup baretrans
templayer gendiff DIFF,TAP
and-not PSDM
and-not NSDM
and-not POLY
and-not COREID
copyup barediff
# Handle contacts found by copyup
templayer ndiccopy CONT
and LI
and DIFF
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
and NSDM
and-not LVTN
and-not HVI,hvcheck
layer ndic ndiccopy
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or ndiccopy
labels CONT
templayer mvndiccopy CONT
and LI
and DIFF
and-not NWELL,nwelcheck
and NSDM
and-not LVTN
and HVI,hvcheck
layer mvndic mvndiccopy
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or mvndiccopy
labels CONT
templayer pdiccopy CONT
and LI
and DIFF
and PSDM
and-not HVI,hvcheck
layer pdic pdiccopy
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or pdiccopy
labels CONT
templayer mvpdiccopy CONT
and LI
and PSDM
and HVI,hvcheck
layer mvpdic mvpdiccopy
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or mvpdiccopy
labels CONT
templayer ndccopy CONT
and ndifcheck
layer ndc ndccopy
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or ndccopy
labels CONT
templayer mvndccopy CONT
and mvndifcheck
layer mvndc mvndccopy
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or mvndccopy
labels CONT
templayer pdccopy CONT
and pdifcheck
layer pdc pdccopy
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or pdccopy
labels CONT
templayer mvpdccopy CONT
and mvpdifcheck
layer mvpdc mvpdccopy
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or mvpdccopy
labels CONT
templayer pccopy CONT
and polycheck
layer pc pccopy
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or pccopy
labels CONT
templayer nsccopy CONT
and nsubcheck
layer nsc nsccopy
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or nsccopy
labels CONT
templayer mvnsccopy CONT
and mvnsubcheck
layer mvnsc mvnsccopy
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or mvnsccopy
labels CONT
templayer psccopy CONT
and psubcheck
layer psc psccopy
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or psccopy
labels CONT
templayer mvpsccopy CONT
and mvpsubcheck
layer mvpsc mvpsccopy
grow 85
shrink 85
shrink 85
grow 85
or mvpsccopy
labels CONT
# Find contacts not covered in
# metal and pull them into the
# next layer up
templayer barelicont CONT
and LI
and-not DIFF,TAP
and-not POLY
and-not DIODE
and-not nsubcheck
and-not psubcheck
and-not mvnsubcheck
and-not mvpsubcheck
and-not CORELI
copyup barelicont
templayer barecont CONT
and-not LI
and-not nsubcheck
and-not psubcheck
and-not mvnsubcheck
and-not mvpsubcheck
and-not CORELI
copyup barecont
labels GLASS
labels PADPIN port
labels PADTXT text
templayer boundary BOUND,STDCELL,PADCELL
layer comment LVSTEXT
labels LVSTEXT text
layer comment TTEXT
labels TTEXT text
# Do not infer generic "fillblock" from GDS input
# layer fillblock FILLOBSM5
# Use the obstruction types for fill block on individual layers
templayer obspoly FILLOBSPOLY
and-not POLY
layer obsactive FILLOBSFOM
and-not DIFF,TAP
or obspoly
layer obsli LIBLOCK
and-not LI
labels LIBLOCK
and-not MET1
and-not MET2
and-not MET3
and-not MET4
and-not MET5
# MOS Varactor
layer var POLY
and TAP
and NSDM
and NWELL,nwelcheck
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and-not HVTP
# NOTE: Else forms a varactor that is not in the vendor netlist.
and-not COREID
labels POLY
layer varhvt POLY
and TAP
and NSDM
and NWELL,nwelcheck
and-not HVI,hvcheck
and HVTP
labels POLY
layer mvvar POLY
and TAP
and NSDM
and NWELL,nwelcheck
and HVI,hvcheck
labels POLY
calma NWELL 64 20
calma DIFF 65 20
calma TAP 65 44
calma DNWELL 64 18
calma SUBCUT 81 53
calma PWRES 64 13
calma LVTN 125 44
calma HVTR 18 20
calma HVTP 78 44
calma SONOS 80 20
calma NSDM 93 44
calma PSDM 94 20
calma HVI 75 20
calma EDID 81 57
calma NPC 95 20
calma RPM 86 20
calma URPM 79 20
calma LDNTM 11 44
calma HVNTM 125 20
# Poly resistor ID mark
calma POLYRES 66 13
# Diffusion resistor ID mark
calma DIFFRES 65 13
calma POLY 66 20
calma POLYMOD 66 83
# 3.3V native FET ID mark
calma LVID 81 60
# Diode ID mark
calma DIODE 81 23
# Bipolar NPN mark
calma NPNID 82 20
# Bipolar PNP mark
calma PNPID 82 44
# Capacitor ID
calma CAPID 82 64
# Core area ID mark
calma COREID 81 2
# Photodiode ID mark
calma PHOTO 81 81
# Standard cell ID mark
calma STDCELL 81 4
# Padframe cell ID mark
calma PADCELL 81 3
# Seal ring ID mark
calma SEALID 81 1
# Low tap density ID mark
# ESD area ID
calma ESDID 81 19
# Various unused layers
calma OUTLINE 236 0
calma POLYCUT 66 14
calma POLYGATE 66 9
calma DIFFCUT 65 14
calma HVNWELLID 81 63
calma PADDIFFID 81 6
calma PADMETALID 81 8
calma PADCENTERID 81 20
calma CONT 66 44
calma LI 67 20
calma MCON 67 44
calma MET1 68 20
calma VIA1 68 44
#ifdef RERAM
#undef RERAM
calma RERAM 201 20
#define RERAM
#endif (RERAM)
calma MET2 69 20
calma VIA2 69 44
calma MET3 70 20
#ifdef METAL5
calma VIA3 70 44
calma MET4 71 20
calma VIA4 71 44
calma MET5 72 20
calma RDL 74 20
calma GLASS 76 20
calma SUBTXT 64 59
calma PADTXT 76 5
calma DIFFTXT 65 6
calma TAPTXT 65 5
calma WELLTXT 64 5
calma LITXT 67 5
calma POLYTXT 66 5
calma MET1TXT 68 5
calma MET2TXT 69 5
calma MET3TXT 70 5
#ifdef METAL5
calma MET4TXT 71 5
calma MET5TXT 72 5
calma RDLTXT 74 5
calma LIRES 67 13
calma MET1RES 68 13
calma MET2RES 69 13
calma MET3RES 70 13
#ifdef METAL5
calma MET4RES 71 13
calma MET5RES 72 13
calma FOMFILL 23 28
calma POLYFILL 28 28
calma LIFILL 56 28
calma MET1FILL 36 28
calma MET2FILL 41 28
calma MET3FILL 34 28
#ifdef METAL5
calma MET4FILL 51 28
calma MET5FILL 59 28
calma POLYSHORT 66 15
calma LISHORT 67 15
calma MET1SHORT 68 15
calma MET2SHORT 69 15
calma MET3SHORT 70 15
#ifdef METAL5
calma MET4SHORT 71 15
calma MET5SHORT 72 15
calma SUBPIN 122 16
calma PADPIN 76 16
calma DIFFPIN 65 16
calma POLYPIN 66 16
calma WELLPIN 64 16
calma LIPIN 67 16
calma MET1PIN 68 16
calma MET2PIN 69 16
calma MET3PIN 70 16
#ifdef METAL5
calma MET4PIN 71 16
calma MET5PIN 72 16
calma RDLPIN 74 16
calma BOUND 235 4
calma LVSTEXT 83 44
#ifdef (MIM)
calma CAPM 89 44
calma CAPM2 97 44
#endif (MIM)
# Obstruction (fill block) layers
calma FILLOBSFOM 22 24
calma FILLOBSPOLY 33 24
calma FILLOBSM1 62 24
calma FILLOBSM2 105 52
calma FILLOBSM3 107 24
#ifdef METAL5
calma FILLOBSM4 112 4
calma FILLOBSM5 117 4
# Alternate layer purpose used for fill
# which uses the regular layer numbers.
calma FOMFILLALT 22 99
calma DIFFFILLALT 65 99
calma POLYFILLALT 66 99
calma LIFILLALT 67 99
calma MET1FILLALT 68 99
calma MET2FILLALT 69 99
calma MET3FILLALT 70 99
#ifdef METAL5
calma MET4FILLALT 71 99
calma MET5FILLALT 72 99
# Alternate layer purpose used for obstruction (fill block)
calma LIBLOCK 67 10
calma MET1BLOCK 68 10
calma MET2BLOCK 69 10
calma MET3BLOCK 70 10
#ifdef METAL5
calma MET4BLOCK 71 10
calma MET5BLOCK 72 10
style rdlimport
# This style is for reading shapes generated with the RDL layers
scalefactor 10 nanometers
gridlimit 5
options ignore-unknown-layer-labels no-reconnect-labels
layer mrdl RDL
layer mrdlc RDLC
calma RDL 10 0
calma RDLC 20 0
# Digital flow maze router cost parameters
# Vendor DRC rules
style drc variants (fast),(full),(routing)
scalefactor 10
cifstyle drc
variants (fast),(full)
width dnwell 3000 "Deep N-well width < %d (dnwell.2)"
spacing dnwell dnwell 6300 touching_ok "Deep N-well spacing < %d (dnwell.3)"
spacing allnwell dnwell 4500 surround_ok \
"Deep N-well spacing to N-well < %d (nwell.7)"
variants (full)
cifmaxwidth nwell_missing 0 bend_illegal \
"N-well overlap of Deep N-well < 0.4um outside, 1.03um inside (nwell.5a, 7)"
cifmaxwidth dnwell_missing 0 bend_illegal \
"SONOS nFET must be in Deep N-well (tunm.6a)"
cifmaxwidth pdiff_crosses_dnwell 0 bend_illegal \
"P+ diff cannot straddle Deep N-well (dnwell.5)"
variants (fast),(full)
width photo 3000 "Photodiode width < %d (photo.2)"
spacing photo photo 5000 touching_ok "Photodiode spacing < %d (photo.3)"
spacing photo dnwell 5300 touching_illegal \
"Photodiode spacing to deep nwell < %d (photo.4)"
width allnwell 840 "N-well width < %d (nwell.1)"
spacing allnwell allnwell 1270 touching_ok "N-well spacing < %d (nwell.2a)"
variants (full)
cifmaxwidth nwell_missing_tap 0 bend_illegal \
"All nwells must contain metal-connected N+ taps (nwell.4)"
cifspacing mvnwell lvnwell 2000 touching_illegal \
"Spacing of HV nwell to LV nwell < 2.0um (nwell.8)"
cifspacing mvnwell mvnwell 2000 touching_ok \
"Spacing of HV nwell to HV nwell < 2.0um (nwell.8)"
cifmaxwidth lvdiff_in_mvnwell 0 bend_illegal \
"All HV nwell can contain only HV diffusion (diff/tap.21)"
variants (fast),(full)
width *ndiff,nfet,scnfet,scnfetlvt,npd,npass,*nsd,*ndiode,ndiffres,*pdiff,pfet,scpfet,scpfethvt,ppu,*psd,*pdiode,pdiffres,fomfill \
150 "Diffusion width < %d (diff/tap.1)"
width *mvndiff,mvnfet,mvnfetesd,mvnnfet,nnfet,*mvndiode,*nndiode,mvndiffres,*mvpdiff,mvpfet,mvpfetesd,*mvpdiode,mvpdiffres 290 \
"MV Diffusion width < %d (diff/tap.14)"
width *mvnsd,*mvpsd 150 "MV Tap width < %d (diff/tap.1)"
extend *mvpsd *mvndiff 700 "MV Butting tap length < %d (diff/tap.16)"
extend *mvnsd *mvpdiff 700 "MV Butting tap length < %d (diff/tap.16)"
extend *psd *ndiff 290 "Butting tap length < %d (diff/tap.4)"
extend *nsd *pdiff 290 "Butting tap length < %d (diff/tap.4)"
width mvpdiffres 150 "MV P-Diffusion resistor width < %d (diff/tap.14a)"
spacing alldifflv,var,varhvt,corenvar,corepvar,fomfill \
alldifflv,var,varhvt,corenvar,corepvar,fomfill 270 touching_ok \
"Diffusion spacing < %d (diff/tap.3)"
spacing alldifflv,var,varhvt alldiffmv,mvvar 270 touching_illegal \
"LV to MV Diffusion spacing < %d (diff/tap.3)"
spacing alldiffmvnontap,mvvar alldiffmvnontap,mvvar 300 touching_ok \
"MV Diffusion spacing < %d (diff/tap.15a)"
spacing alldiffmv *mvnsd,*mvpsd 270 touching_ok \
"MV Diffusion to MV tap spacing < %d (diff/tap.3)"
spacing *mvndiff,mvnfet,mvnfetesd,mvnnfet,nnfet,*mvndiode,*nndiode,mvndiffres,mvvar *mvpsd 370 \
touching_ok "MV P-Diffusion to MV N-tap spacing < %d (diff/tap.15b)"
spacing *mvnsd,*mvpdiff,mvpfet,mvpfetesd,mvvar,*mvpdiode *mvpsd,*psd 760 touching_illegal \
"MV Diffusion in N-well to P-tap spacing < %d (diff/tap.20 + diff/tap.17,19)"
spacing *ndiff,*ndiode,nfet allnwell 340 touching_illegal \
"N-Diffusion spacing to N-well < %d (diff/tap.9)"
spacing *mvndiff,*mvndiode,mvnfet,mvnnfet,nnfet allnwell 340 touching_illegal \
"N-Diffusion spacing to N-well < %d (diff/tap.9)"
spacing *psd allnwell 130 touching_illegal \
"P-tap spacing to N-well < %d (diff/tap.11)"
spacing *mvpsd allnwell 130 touching_illegal \
"P-tap spacing to N-well < %d (diff/tap.11)"
surround *nsd allnwell 180 absence_illegal \
"N-well overlap of N-tap < %d (diff/tap.10)"
surround *mvnsd allnwell 330 absence_illegal \
"N-well overlap of MV N-tap < %d (diff/tap.19)"
surround *pdiff,*pdiode,pfet,scpfet,ppu allnwell 180 absence_illegal \
"N-well overlap of P-Diffusion < %d (diff/tap.8)"
surround *mvpdiff,*mvpdiode,mvpfet,mvpfetesd allnwell 330 absence_illegal \
"N-well overlap of P-Diffusion < %d (diff/tap.17)"
surround mvvar allnwell 560 absence_illegal \
"N-well overlap of MV varactor < %d (lvtn.10 + lvtn.4b)"
spacing *mvndiode *mvndiode 1070 touching_ok \
"MV N-diode spacing < %d (hvntm.2 + 2 * hvntm.3)"
variants (full)
cifspacing allmvdiffnowell lvnwell 825 touching_illegal \
"MV diffusion to LV nwell spacing < %d (hvi.5 + nsd/psd.5)"
cifspacing nwell_or_hvi nwell_or_hvi 700 touching_ok \
"HVI to HVI or LV nwell spacing < %d (hvi.5)"
variants (fast),(full)
spacing allnfets allpactivenonfet 270 touching_illegal \
"nFET cannot abut P-diffusion (diff/tap.3)"
spacing allpfets allnactivenonfet 270 touching_illegal \
"pFET cannot abut N-diffusion (diff/tap.3)"
# Butting junction rules
edge4way (*psd)/a ~(*ndiff,*psd)/a 125 ~(*ndiff)/a (*ndiff)/a 125 \
"N-Diffusion to P-tap spacing < %d across butted junction (psd.5b)"
edge4way (*ndiff)/a ~(*ndiff,*psd)/a 125 ~(*psd)/a (*psd)/a 125 \
"N-Diffusion to P-tap spacing < %d across butted junction (psd.5a)"
edge4way (*nsd)/a ~(*pdiff,*nsd)/a 125 ~(*pdiff)/a (*pdiff)/a 125 \
"P-Diffusion to N-tap spacing < %d across butted junction (nsd.5b)"
edge4way (*pdiff)/a ~(*pdiff,*nsd)/a 125 ~(*nsd)/a (*nsd)/a 125 \
"P-Diffusion to N-tap spacing < %d across butted junction (nsd.5a)"
edge4way (*mvpsd)/a ~(*mvndiff,*mvpsd)/a 125 ~(*mvndiff)/a (*mvndiff)/a 125 \
"MV N-Diffusion to MV P-tap spacing < %d across butted junction (psd.5b)"
edge4way (*mvndiff)/a ~(*mvndiff,*mvpsd)/a 125 ~(*mvpsd)/a (*mvpsd)/a 125 \
"MV N-Diffusion to MV P-tap spacing < %d across butted junction (psd.5a)"
edge4way (*mvnsd)/a ~(*mvpdiff,*mvnsd)/a 125 ~(*mvpdiff)/a (*mvpdiff)/a 125 \
"MV P-Diffusion to MV N-tap spacing < %d across butted junction (nsd.5b)"
edge4way (*mvpdiff)/a ~(*mvpdiff,*mvnsd)/a 125 ~(*mvnsd)/a (*mvnsd)/a 125 \
"MV P-Diffusion to MV N-tap spacing < %d across butted junction (nsd.5a)"
# Sandwiched butting junction restrictions
edge4way (*pdiff)/a (*nsd)/a 400 ~(*pdiff)/a 0 0 "NSDM width < %d (diff/tap.5)"
edge4way (*ndiff)/a (*psd)/a 400 ~(*ndiff)/a 0 0 "PSDM width < %d (diff/tap.5)"
# Extended drain rules
edge4way space/a ed/a 5000 ~(space)/a 0 0 "LDNFET/LDPFET width < %d (denmos/depmos.2)"
edge4way (*mvndiff)/a mvnfet 1055 ~(ed)/a 0 0 "LDNFET length < %d (denmos.1)"
edge4way (*mvnsd)/a ed/a 2510 ~(*mvndiff)/a 0 0 \
"LDNFET drain to source < %d (denmos.6 + denmos.3)"
edge4way (*mvpdiff)/a mvpfet 1050 ~(ed)/a 0 0 "LDPFET length < %d (depmos.1)"
edge4way (*mvpsd)/a ed/a 2110 ~(*mvpdiff)/a 0 0 \
"LDPFET drain to source < %d (depmos.6 + depmos.3)"
area *nsd,*mvnsd 70110 150 "N-tap minimum area < 0.07011um^2 (nsd.10b)"
area *psd,*mvpsd 70110 150 "P-tap minimum area < 0.07011um^2 (psd.10b)"
angles allactive 90 "Only 90 degree angles permitted on diff and tap (x.2)"
variants (full)
cifmaxwidth tap_missing_licon 0 bend_illegal "All taps must be contacted (licon.16)"
# Latchup rules
cifmaxwidth ptap_missing 0 bend_illegal \
"N-diff distance to P-tap must be < 15.0um (LU.2)"
cifmaxwidth dptap_missing 0 bend_illegal \
"N-diff distance to P-tap in deep nwell.must be < 15.0um (LU.2.1)"
cifmaxwidth ntap_missing 0 bend_illegal \
"P-diff distance to N-tap must be < 15.0um (LU.3)"
variants (fast),(full)
width allpoly,polyfill 150 "poly width < %d (poly.1a)"
spacing allpoly,polyfill allpoly,polyfill 210 touching_ok "poly spacing < %d (poly.2)"
spacing allpolynonfet,polyfill \
*ndiff,*mvndiff,*ndiode,*nndiode,ndiffres,*ndiodelvt,*pdiff,*mvpdiff,*pdiode,pdiffres,*pdiodelvt,*pdiodehvt \
75 corner_ok allfets \
"poly spacing to Diffusion < %d (poly.4)"
spacing npres *nsd 480 touching_illegal \
"poly resistor spacing to N-tap < %d (poly.9)"
overhang *ndiff,rndiff nfet,scnfet,scnfetlvt,npd,npass,nsonos 250 "N-Diffusion overhang of nFET < %d (poly.7)"
overhang *mvndiff,mvrndiff mvnfet,mvnnfet,nnfet 250 \
"N-Diffusion overhang of nFET < %d (poly.7)"
overhang *pdiff,rpdiff pfet,scpfet,ppu 250 "P-Diffusion overhang of pmos < %d (poly.7)"
overhang *mvpdiff,mvrpdiff mvpfet,mvpfetesd 250 "P-Diffusion overhang of pmos < %d (poly.7)"
overhang *poly allfetsstd,allfetsspecial 130 "poly overhang of transistor < %d (poly.8)"
overhang *poly allfetscore 110 "poly overhang of SRAM core transistor < %d (poly.8)"
rect_only allfets "No bends in transistors (poly.11)"
extend xpc/a xhrpoly,uhrpoly 2160 \
"poly contact extends poly resistor by < %d (licon.1c + li.5)"
spacing xhrpoly,uhrpoly,xpc xhrpoly,uhrpoly,xpc 210 touching_illegal \
"Distance between precision resistors < %d (poly.2)"
spacing xhrpoly,uhrpoly,xpc *poly,allfets,mrp1,rmp 400 touching_illegal \
"Distance from precision resistor to poly < %d (rpm.7 + rpm.3)"
variants (fast)
spacing xhrpoly,uhrpoly,xpc allndifflv,allndiffmv 525 touching_illegal \
"Distance from precision resistor to N+ diffusion < %d (rpm.3 + rpm.6 + nsd.5a)"
spacing xhrpoly,uhrpoly,xpc *poly 400 touching_illegal \
"Distance from precision resistor to unrelated poly < %d (rpm.3 + rpm.7)"
spacing xhrpoly,uhrpoly,xpc allndiffmvnontap 585 touching_illegal \
"Distance from precision resistor to MV N+ device < %d (rpm.3 + rpm.9 + hvntm.3)"
# Minimum width requirement means actual spacing from res to ndiff has to be
# constructed from mask rules. These supercede the simpler checks.
variants (full)
cifmaxwidth rpm_nsd_check 0 bend_illegal \
"Distance from precision resistor to N+ diffusion < 0.525um (rpm.3 + rpm.6 + nsd.5a)"
cifmaxwidth rpm_poly_check 0 bend_illegal \
"Distance from precision resistor to unrelated poly < 0.4um (rpm.3 + rpm.7)"
cifmaxwidth rpm_hvntm_check 0 bend_illegal \
"Distance from precision resistor to MV N+ device < 0.585um (rpm.3 + rpm.9 + hvntm.3)"
variants (fast),(full)
angles allpoly,polyfill 90 "Only 90 degree angles permitted on poly (x.2)"
spacing pfethvt,pdiodehvt,varactorhvt pfet,ppu,scpfet,mvpfet,mvpfetesd,pfetlvt,pfetmvt \
360 touching_illegal \
"Min. spacing between pFET and HVTP < %d (hvtp.4)"
spacing pfethvt,pdiodehvt,varactorhvt varactor 360 touching_illegal \
"Min. spacing between varactor and HVTP < %d (hvtp.4 + varac.3)"
spacing pfetlvt,nfetlvt,pdiodelvt,ndiodelvt \
allfetsnolvt 360 touching_illegal \
"Min. spacing between FET and LVTN < %d (lvtn.3a)"
spacing pfetlvt,nfetlvt,pdiodelvt,ndiodelvt scpfethvt,pfethvt,pdiodehvt,varactorhvt \