Corrected rules for poly spacing to poly resistor, which was causing
false positive errors on mrp1 and pres resistors (the non-high-res
diff --git a/sky130/magic/ b/sky130/magic/
index ae94a21..c469116 100644
--- a/sky130/magic/
+++ b/sky130/magic/
@@ -5594,7 +5594,13 @@
   spacing xhrpoly,uhrpoly,xpc alldiff 480 touching_illegal \
 	"xhrpoly/uhrpoly resistor spacing to diffusion < %d (poly.9)"
-  spacing allpolyres,xpc *poly,allfets 480 touching_illegal \
+  spacing alllpolyres allfets 480 touching_illegal \
+	"Poly resistor spacing to poly < %d (poly.9)"
+  spacing xhrpoly,uhrpoly,xpc *poly 480 touching_illegal \
+	"Poly resistor spacing to poly < %d (poly.9)"
+  spacing mrp1,rmp *poly 480 touching_okay \
 	"Poly resistor spacing to poly < %d (poly.9)"
   spacing allpolyres,xpc alldiff 480 touching_illegal \