blob: 70364ca98ad36473c011a9f43005c217a72760cc [file] [log] [blame]
### Source file sky130.tcl
### Process this file with the preprocessor script
# Magic/TCL design kit for SKYWATER TECHNAME
# Tim Edwards
# Revision 1 ALPHA 9/10/2020
if {[catch {set TECHPATH $env(PDK_ROOT)}]} {
# "sky130" is the namespace used for all devices
puts stdout "Loading TECHNAME Device Generator Menu ..."
# Initialize toolkit menus to the wrapper window
global Opts
namespace eval sky130 {}
# Set the window callback
if [catch {set Opts(callback)}] {set Opts(callback) ""}
set Opts(callback) [subst {sky130::addtechmenu \$framename; $Opts(callback)}]
# if {![info exists Opts(cmdentry)]} {set Opts(cmdentry) 1}
# Set options specific to this PDK
set Opts(hidelocked) 1
set Opts(hidespecial) 0
# Wrap the closewrapper procedure so that closing the last
# window is equivalent to quitting.
if {[info commands closewrapper] == "closewrapper"} {
rename closewrapper closewrapperonly
proc closewrapper { framename } {
if {[llength [windownames all]] <= 1} {
} else {
closewrapperonly $framename
# Remove maze router layers from the toolbar by locking them
tech lock fence,magnet,rotate
namespace eval sky130 {
namespace path {::tcl::mathop ::tcl::mathfunc}
set ruleset [dict create]
# Process DRC rules (magic style)
dict set ruleset poly_surround 0.08 ;# Poly surrounds contact
dict set ruleset diff_surround 0.06 ;# Diffusion surrounds contact
dict set ruleset gate_to_diffcont 0.145 ;# Gate to diffusion contact center
dict set ruleset gate_to_polycont 0.275 ;# Gate to poly contact center
dict set ruleset gate_extension 0.13 ;# Poly extension beyond gate
dict set ruleset diff_extension 0.29 ;# Diffusion extension beyond gate
dict set ruleset contact_size 0.17 ;# Minimum contact size
dict set ruleset via_size 0.17 ;# Minimum via size
dict set ruleset metal_surround 0.08 ;# Local interconnect overlaps contact
dict set ruleset sub_surround 0.18 ;# Sub/well surrounds diffusion
dict set ruleset diff_spacing 0.28 ;# Diffusion spacing rule
dict set ruleset poly_spacing 0.21 ;# Poly spacing rule
dict set ruleset diff_poly_space 0.075 ;# Diffusion to poly spacing rule
dict set ruleset diff_gate_space 0.20 ;# Diffusion to gate poly spacing rule
dict set ruleset metal_spacing 0.23 ;# Local interconnect spacing rule
dict set ruleset mmetal_spacing 0.14 ;# Metal spacing rule (above local interconnect)
dict set ruleset res_to_cont 0.20 ;# resistor to contact center
dict set ruleset res_diff_spacing 0.20 ;# resistor to guard ring
# magic::addtechmenu
proc sky130::addtechmenu {framename} {
global Winopts Opts
# Check for difference between magic 8.1.125 and earlier, and 8.1.126 and later
if {[catch {${framename}.titlebar cget -height}]} {
set layoutframe ${framename}
} else {
set layoutframe ${framename}
# List of devices is long. Divide into two sections for active and passive deivces
magic::add_toolkit_menu $layoutframe "Devices 1" pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "nmos (MOSFET)" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8" pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "pmos (MOSFET)" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8" pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_separator $layoutframe pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "n-diode" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5" pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "p-diode" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5" pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "photodiode" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__photodiode" pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_separator $layoutframe pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "MOS varactor" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_lvt" pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_separator $layoutframe pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "NPN 1.0 x 1.0" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_npn_05v5_W1p00L1p00" pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "NPN 1.0 x 2.0" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_npn_05v5_W1p00L2p00" pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "PNP 0.68 x 0.68" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_pnp_05v5_W0p68L0p68" pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "PNP 3.4 x 3.4" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_pnp_05v5_W3p40L3p40" pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_separator $layoutframe pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "inductor 1" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil1" pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "inductor 2" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil2" pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "inductor 3" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil3" pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_separator $layoutframe pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "substrate contact (1.8V)" \
"sky130::subconn_draw" pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "substrate contact (5.0V)" \
"sky130::mvsubconn_draw" pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "deep n-well region" \
"sky130::deep_nwell_draw" pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "n-well region with guard ring" \
"sky130::nwell_draw" pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "mcon" \
"sky130::mcon_draw" pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "via1" \
"sky130::via1_draw" pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "via2" \
"sky130::via2_draw" pdk1
#ifdef METAL5
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "via3" \
"sky130::via3_draw" pdk1
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "via4" \
"sky130::via4_draw" pdk1
#endif (METAL5)
magic::add_toolkit_menu $layoutframe "Devices 2" pdk2
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "n-diff resistor (1.8V) - 120 Ohm/sq" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd" pdk2
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "p-diff resistor (1.8V) - 197 Ohm/sq" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd" pdk2
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "n-diff resistor (5.0V) - 114 Ohm/sq" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd__hv" pdk2
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "p-diff resistor (5.0V) - 191 Ohm/sq" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd__hv" pdk2
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "poly resistor - 48.2 Ohm/sq" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_po" pdk2
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "poly resistor - 319.8 Ohm/sq" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p35" pdk2
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "poly resistor - 2000 Ohm/sq" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p35" pdk2
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "p-well resistor - 3050 Ohm/sq" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_iso_pw" pdk2
magic::add_toolkit_separator $layoutframe pdk2
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "l1 metal resistor - 12.2 Ohm/sq" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_l1" pdk2
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "m1 metal resistor - 125 mOhm/sq" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m1" pdk2
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "m2 metal resistor - 125 mOhm/sq" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m2" pdk2
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "m3 metal resistor - 47 mOhm/sq" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3" pdk2
#ifdef METAL5
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "m4 metal resistor - 47 mOhm/sq" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m4" pdk2
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "m5 metal resistor - 29 mOhm/sq" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m5" pdk2
#endif (METAL5)
#ifdef MIM
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "MiM cap - 2fF/um^2 (metal3)" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1" pdk2
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "MiM cap - 2fF/um^2 (metal4)" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2" pdk2
#endif (MIM)
magic::add_toolkit_separator $layoutframe pdk2
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp 11.5x11.7 m1-m4, li/m5 shield" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_11p5x11p7_m1m2m3m4_shieldl1m5" pdk2
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp 11.5x11.7 m1-m2" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_11p5x11p7_m1m2_noshield" pdk2
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp 8.6x7.8 m1-m2 l1 shield" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_08p6x07p8_m1m2_shieldl1" pdk2
magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp 4.4x4.6 m1-m2 l1 shield" \
"magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_04p4x04p6_m1m2_shieldl1" pdk2
# Additional DRC style for routing only---add this to the DRC menu
${layoutframe}.titlebar.mbuttons.drc.toolmenu add command -label "DRC Routing" -command {drc style drc(routing)}
# Add SPICE import function to File menu
${layoutframe}.titlebar.mbuttons.file.toolmenu insert 4 command -label "Import SPICE" -command {sky130::importspice}
${layoutframe}.titlebar.mbuttons.file.toolmenu insert 4 separator
# Add command entry window by default if enabled
if {[info exists Opts(cmdentry)]} {
set Winopts(${framename},cmdentry) $Opts(cmdentry)
} else {
set Winopts(${framename},cmdentry) 0
if {$Winopts(${framename},cmdentry) == 1} {
addcommandentry $framename
# Menu callback function to read a SPICE netlist and generate an
# initial layout using the SKYWATER TECHNAME gencells.
proc sky130::importspice {} {
global CAD_ROOT
set Layoutfilename [ tk_getOpenFile -filetypes \
{{SPICE {.spice .spc .spi .ckt .cir .sp \
{.spice .spc .spi .ckt .cir .sp}}} {"All files" {*}}}]
if {$Layoutfilename != ""} {
magic::netlist_to_layout $Layoutfilename sky130
proc sky130::mcon_draw {{dir default}} {
set w [magic::i2u [box width]]
set h [magic::i2u [box height]]
if {$w < 0.17} {
puts stderr "Mcon width must be at least 0.17um"
if {$h < 0.17} {
puts stderr "Mcon height must be at least 0.17um"
paint mcon
if {($w < $h) || ($dir == "vert")} {
box grow e 0.03um
box grow w 0.03um
box grow n 0.06um
box grow s 0.06um
paint m1
} else {
box grow n 0.03um
box grow s 0.03um
box grow e 0.06um
box grow w 0.06um
paint m1
proc sky130::via1_draw {} {
set w [magic::i2u [box width]]
set h [magic::i2u [box height]]
if {$w < 0.26} {
puts stderr "Via1 width must be at least 0.26um"
if {$h < 0.26} {
puts stderr "Via1 height must be at least 0.26um"
paint via1
box grow n 0.05um
box grow s 0.05um
paint m2
box grow n -0.05um
box grow s -0.05um
box grow e 0.05um
box grow w 0.05um
paint m1
box grow e -0.05um
box grow w -0.05um
proc sky130::via2_draw {} {
set w [magic::i2u [box width]]
set h [magic::i2u [box height]]
if {$w < 0.28} {
puts stderr "Via2 width must be at least 0.28um"
if {$h < 0.28} {
puts stderr "Via2 height must be at least 0.28um"
paint via2
box grow n 0.05um
box grow s 0.05um
paint m2
box grow n 0.025um
box grow s 0.025um
box grow e 0.05um
box grow w 0.05um
paint m3
#ifdef METAL5
proc sky130::via3_draw {} {
set w [magic::i2u [box width]]
set h [magic::i2u [box height]]
if {$w < 0.32} {
puts stderr "Via3 width must be at least 0.32um"
if {$h < 0.32} {
puts stderr "Via3 height must be at least 0.32um"
paint via3
box grow n 0.005um
box grow s 0.005um
box grow e 0.005um
box grow w 0.005um
paint m4
box grow e 0.05um
box grow w 0.05um
paint m3
proc sky130::via4_draw {} {
set w [magic::i2u [box width]]
set h [magic::i2u [box height]]
if {$w < 1.18} {
puts stderr "Via3 width must be at least 1.18um"
if {$h < 1.18} {
puts stderr "Via3 height must be at least 1.18um"
paint via4
box grow n 0.12um
box grow s 0.12um
box grow e 0.12um
box grow w 0.12um
paint m5
#endif (METAL5)
proc sky130::subconn_draw {} {
set w [magic::i2u [box width]]
set h [magic::i2u [box height]]
if {$w < 0.17} {
puts stderr "Substrate tap width must be at least 0.17um"
if {$h < 0.17} {
puts stderr "Substrate tap height must be at least 0.17um"
paint psc
if {$w > $h} {
box grow e 0.08um
box grow w 0.08um
paint li
box grow e 0.04um
box grow w 0.04um
} else {
box grow n 0.08um
box grow s 0.08um
paint li
box grow n 0.04um
box grow s 0.04um
paint psd
proc sky130::mvsubconn_draw {} {
set w [magic::i2u [box width]]
set h [magic::i2u [box height]]
if {$w < 0.17} {
puts stderr "Substrate tap width must be at least 0.17um"
if {$h < 0.17} {
puts stderr "Substrate tap height must be at least 0.17um"
paint mvpsc
if {$w > $h} {
box grow e 0.08um
box grow w 0.08um
paint li
box grow e 0.04um
box grow w 0.04um
} else {
box grow n 0.08um
box grow s 0.08um
paint li
box grow n 0.04um
box grow s 0.04um
paint mvpsd
proc sky130::nwell_draw {} {
set w [magic::i2u [box width]]
set h [magic::i2u [box height]]
# NOTE: Width and height are determined by the requirement for
# a contact on each side. There is not much that can be done
# with an guarded nwell smaller than that, anyway.
if {$w < 0.6} {
puts stderr "N-well region width must be at least 0.6um"
if {$h < 0.6} {
puts stderr "N-well region height must be at least 0.6um"
tech unlock *
box grow c 0.265um
paint nwell
box width 0
box grow c 0.085um
paint li
box grow n -0.3um
box grow s -0.3um
paint nsc
paint nsd
box height 0
box grow c 0.085um
paint li
box grow e -0.3um
box grow w -0.3um
paint nsc
paint nsd
box move n [box height]i
box height 0
box grow c 0.085um
paint li
box grow e -0.3um
box grow w -0.3um
paint nsc
paint nsd
box move e [box width]i
box width 0
box grow c 0.085um
paint li
box grow n -0.3um
box grow s -0.3um
paint nsc
paint nsd
tech revert
proc sky130::deep_nwell_draw {} {
set w [magic::i2u [box width]]
set h [magic::i2u [box height]]
if {$w < 3.0} {
puts stderr "Deep-nwell region width must be at least 3.0um"
if {$h < 3.0} {
puts stderr "Deep-nwell region height must be at least 3.0um"
tech unlock *
paint dnwell
box grow c 0.4um
paint nwell
box grow c -1.43um
erase nwell
box grow c 0.03um
box width 0
box grow c 0.085um
paint li
box grow n -0.3um
box grow s -0.3um
paint nsc
box grow c 0.1um
paint nsd
box height 0
box grow c 0.085um
paint li
box grow e -0.3um
box grow w -0.3um
paint nsc
box grow c 0.1um
paint nsd
box move n [box height]i
box height 0
box grow c 0.085um
paint li
box grow e -0.3um
box grow w -0.3um
paint nsc
box grow c 0.1um
paint nsd
box move e [box width]i
box width 0
box grow c 0.085um
paint li
box grow n -0.3um
box grow s -0.3um
paint nsc
box grow c 0.1um
paint nsd
tech revert
proc sky130::res_recalc {field parameters} {
set snake 0
set sterm 0.0
set caplen 0
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
set val [magic::spice2float $val]
set l [magic::spice2float $l]
set w [magic::spice2float $w]
if {$snake == 0} {
# Straight resistor calculation
switch $field {
val { set l [expr ($val * ($w - $dw) - (2 * $term)) / $rho]
set w [expr ((2 * $term + $l * $rho) / $val) + $dw]
w { set val [expr (2 * $term + $l * $rho) / ($w - $dw)]
set l [expr ($val * ($w - $dw) - (2 * $term)) / $rho]
l { set val [expr (2 * $term + $l * $rho) / ($w - $dw)]
set w [expr ((2 * $term + $l * $rho) / $val) + $dw]
} else {
set term [expr $term + $sterm]
# Snake resistor calculation
switch $field {
val { set l [expr (($val - $rho * ($nx - 1)) * ($w - $dw) \
- (2 * $term) - ($rho * $caplen * ($nx - 1))) \
/ ($rho * $nx)]
set w [expr ((2 * $term + $l * $rho * $nx \
+ $caplen * $rho * ($nx - 1)) \
/ ($val - $rho * ($nx - 1))) + $dw]
w { set val [expr $rho * ($nx - 1) + ((2 * $term) \
+ ($rho * $l * $nx) + ($rho * $caplen * ($nx - 1))) \
/ ($w - $dw)]
set l [expr (($val - $rho * ($nx - 1)) * ($w - $dw) \
- (2 * $term) - ($rho * $caplen * ($nx - 1))) \
/ ($rho * $nx)]
l { set val [expr $rho * ($nx - 1) + ((2 * $term) \
+ ($rho * $l * $nx) + ($rho * $caplen * ($nx - 1))) \
/ ($w - $dw)]
set w [expr ((2 * $term + $l * $rho * $nx \
+ $caplen * $rho * ($nx - 1)) \
/ ($val - $rho * ($nx - 1))) + $dw]
set val [magic::3digitpastdecimal $val]
set w [magic::3digitpastdecimal $w]
set l [magic::3digitpastdecimal $l]
dict set parameters val $val
dict set parameters w $w
dict set parameters l $l
return $parameters
# Drawn diode routines
proc sky130::diode_recalc {field parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
switch $field {
area { puts stdout "area changed" }
peri { puts stdout "perimeter changed" }
w { puts stdout "width changed" }
l { puts stdout "length changed" }
dict set parameters area $area
dict set parameters peri $peri
dict set parameters w $w
dict set parameters l $l
# diode: Conversion from SPICE netlist parameters to toolkit
proc sky130::diode_convert {parameters} {
set pdkparams [dict create]
dict for {key value} $parameters {
switch -nocase $key {
l -
w -
peri {
# Length, width, and perimeter are converted to units of microns
set value [magic::spice2float $value]
# set value [expr $value * 1e6]
set value [magic::3digitpastdecimal $value]
dict set pdkparams [string tolower $key] $value
area {
# area also converted to units of microns
set value [magic::spice2float $value]
# set value [expr $value * 1e12]
set value [magic::3digitpastdecimal $value]
dict set pdkparams [string tolower $key] $value
m {
# Convert m to ny
dict set pdkparams ny $value
return $pdkparams
# diode: Interactively specifies the fixed layout parameters
proc sky130::diode_dialog {device parameters} {
# Editable fields: w, l, area, perim, nx, ny
magic::add_entry area "Area (um^2)" $parameters
magic::add_entry peri "Perimeter (um)" $parameters
sky130::compute_aptot $parameters
magic::add_message atot "Total area (um^2)" $parameters
magic::add_message ptot "Total perimeter (um)" $parameters
magic::add_entry l "Length (um)" $parameters
magic::add_entry w "Width (um)" $parameters
magic::add_entry nx "X Repeat" $parameters
magic::add_entry ny "Y Repeat" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters compatible]} {
set sellist [dict get $parameters compatible]
magic::add_selectlist gencell "Device type" $sellist $parameters $device
if {[dict exists $parameters doverlap]} {
magic::add_checkbox doverlap "Overlap at end contact" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters elc]} {
magic::add_checkbox elc "Add left end contact" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters erc]} {
magic::add_checkbox erc "Add right end contact" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters etc]} {
magic::add_checkbox etc "Add top end contact" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters ebc]} {
magic::add_checkbox ebc "Add bottom end contact" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters guard]} {
magic::add_checkbox full_metal "Full metal guard ring" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters glc]} {
magic::add_checkbox glc "Add left guard ring contact" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters grc]} {
magic::add_checkbox grc "Add right guard ring contact" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters gtc]} {
magic::add_checkbox gtc "Add top guard ring contact" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters gbc]} {
magic::add_checkbox gbc "Add bottom guard ring contact" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters viagb]} {
magic::add_entry viagb "Bottom guard ring via coverage \[+/-\](%)" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters viagt]} {
magic::add_entry viagt "Top guard ring via coverage \[+/-\](%)" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters viagr]} {
magic::add_entry viagr "Right guard ring via coverage \[+/-\](%)" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters viagl]} {
magic::add_entry viagl "Left guard ring via coverage \[+/-\](%)" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters vias]} {
magic::add_checkbox vias "Add vias over contacts" $parameters
magic::add_dependency sky130::diode_recalc $device sky130 l w area peri
# magic::add_checkbox dummy "Add dummy" $parameters
# Diode total area and perimeter computation
proc sky130::compute_aptot {parameters} {
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
set area [magic::spice2float $area]
set area [magic::3digitpastdecimal $area]
set peri [magic::spice2float $peri]
set peri [magic::3digitpastdecimal $peri]
# Compute total area
catch {set magic::atot_val [expr ($area * $nx * $ny)]}
# Compute total perimeter
catch {set magic::ptot_val [expr ($peri * $nx * $ny)]}
# diode: Check device parameters for out-of-bounds values
proc sky130::diode_check {parameters} {
set guard 0
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
# Normalize distance units to microns
set l [magic::spice2float $l]
set l [magic::3digitpastdecimal $l]
set w [magic::spice2float $w]
set w [magic::3digitpastdecimal $w]
set area [magic::spice2float $area]
set area [magic::3digitpastdecimal $area]
set peri [magic::spice2float $peri]
set peri [magic::3digitpastdecimal $peri]
if {$l == 0} {
# Calculate L from W and area
set l [expr ($area / $w)]
dict set parameters l [magic::float2spice $l]
} elseif {$w == 0} {
# Calculate W from L and area
set w [expr ($area / $l)]
dict set parameters w [magic::float2spice $w]
if {$w < $wmin} {
puts stderr "Diode width must be >= $wmin"
dict set parameters w $wmin
if {$l < $lmin} {
puts stderr "Diode length must be >= $lmin"
dict set parameters l $lmin
# Check via coverage for syntax
if {$guard == 1} {
if {[catch {expr abs($viagb)}]} {
puts stderr "Guard ring bottom via coverage must be numeric!"
dict set parameters viagb 0
} elseif {[expr abs($viagb)] > 100} {
puts stderr "Guard ring bottom via coverage can't be more than 100%"
dict set parameters viagb 100
if {[catch {expr abs($viagt)}]} {
puts stderr "Guard ring top via coverage must be numeric!"
dict set parameters viagt 0
} elseif {[expr abs($viagt)] > 100} {
puts stderr "Guard ring top via coverage can't be more than 100%"
dict set parameters viagt 100
if {[catch {expr abs($viagr)}]} {
puts stderr "Guard ring right via coverage must be numeric!"
dict set parameters viagr 0
} elseif {[expr abs($viagr)] > 100} {
puts stderr "Guard ring right via coverage can't be more than 100%"
dict set parameters viagr 100
if {[catch {expr abs($viagl)}]} {
puts stderr "Guard ring left via coverage must be numeric!"
dict set parameters viagl 0
} elseif {[expr abs($viagl)] > 100} {
puts stderr "Guard ring left via coverage can't be more than 100%"
dict set parameters viagl 100
# Calculate area and perimeter from L and W
set area [expr ($l * $w)]
dict set parameters area [magic::float2spice $area]
set peri [expr (2 * ($l + $w))]
dict set parameters peri [magic::float2spice $peri]
sky130::compute_aptot $parameters
return $parameters
# NOTE: sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_lvt,
# sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_nvt, sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_lvt,
# and sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_11v0 are all considered parasitic diodes.
# They may be generated by invoking the build procedure on the
# command line. To enable them in the PDK, add them to the
# appropriate compatible {} list.
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_defaults {} {
return {w 0.45 l 0.45 area 0.2025 peri 1.8 \
nx 1 ny 1 dummy 0 lmin 0.45 wmin 0.45 \
elc 1 erc 1 etc 1 ebc 1 doverlap 0 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5 sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_lvt \
sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_nvt sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_11v0} \
full_metal 1 vias 1 viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_lvt_defaults {} {
return {w 0.45 l 0.45 area 0.2025 peri 1.8 \
nx 1 ny 1 dummy 0 lmin 0.45 wmin 0.45 \
elc 1 erc 1 etc 1 ebc 1 doverlap 0 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5 sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_lvt \
sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_nvt sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_11v0} \
full_metal 1 vias 1 viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_nvt_defaults {} {
return {w 0.45 l 0.45 area 0.2024 peri 1.8 \
nx 1 ny 1 dummy 0 lmin 0.45 wmin 0.45 \
elc 1 erc 1 etc 1 ebc 1 doverlap 0 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5 sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_lvt \
sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_nvt sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_11v0} \
full_metal 1 vias 1 viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_11v0_defaults {} {
return {w 0.45 l 0.45 area 0.2024 peri 1.8 \
nx 1 ny 1 dummy 0 lmin 0.45 wmin 0.45 \
elc 1 erc 1 etc 1 ebc 1 doverlap 0 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5 sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_lvt \
sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_nvt sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_11v0} \
full_metal 1 vias 1 viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__photodiode_defaults {} {
return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 xstep 8.0 ystep 8.0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_defaults {} {
return {w 0.45 l 0.45 area 0.2025 peri 1.8 \
nx 1 ny 1 dummy 0 lmin 0.45 wmin 0.45 \
elc 1 erc 1 etc 1 ebc 1 \
glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 doverlap 0 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5 sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_lvt \
sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_hvt sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_11v0} \
full_metal 1 vias 1 viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_lvt_defaults {} {
return {w 0.45 l 0.45 area 0.2025 peri 1.8 \
nx 1 ny 1 dummy 0 lmin 0.45 wmin 0.45 \
elc 1 erc 1 etc 1 ebc 1 \
glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 doverlap 0 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5 sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_lvt \
sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_hvt sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_11v0} \
full_metal 1 vias 1 viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_hvt_defaults {} {
return {w 0.45 l 0.45 area 0.2025 peri 1.8 \
nx 1 ny 1 dummy 0 lmin 0.45 wmin 0.45 \
elc 1 erc 1 etc 1 ebc 1 \
glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 doverlap 0 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5 sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_lvt \
sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_hvt sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_11v0} \
full_metal 1 vias 1 viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_11v0_defaults {} {
return {w 0.45 l 0.45 area 0.2024 peri 1.8 \
nx 1 ny 1 dummy 0 lmin 0.45 wmin 0.45 \
elc 1 erc 1 etc 1 ebc 1 \
glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 doverlap 0 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5 sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_lvt \
sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_hvt sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_11v0} \
full_metal 1 vias 1 viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::diode_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_lvt_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::diode_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_nvt_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::diode_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_11v0_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::diode_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__photodiode_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::diode_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_lvt_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::diode_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_hvt_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::diode_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_11v0_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::diode_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::diode_dialog sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_lvt_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::diode_dialog sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_lvt $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_nvt_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::diode_dialog sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_nvt $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_11v0_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::diode_dialog sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_11v0 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__photodiode_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::diode_dialog sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_lvt_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::diode_dialog sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_lvt $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_hvt_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::diode_dialog sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_hvt $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_11v0_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::diode_dialog sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_11v0 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_check {parameters} {
sky130::diode_check $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_lvt_check {parameters} {
sky130::diode_check $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_nvt_check {parameters} {
sky130::diode_check $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_11v0_check {parameters} {
sky130::diode_check $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__photodiode_check {parameters} {
sky130::fixed_check $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_check {parameters} {
sky130::diode_check $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_lvt_check {parameters} {
sky130::diode_check $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_hvt_check {parameters} {
sky130::diode_check $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_11v0_check {parameters} {
sky130::diode_check $parameters
# Diode: Draw a single device
proc sky130::diode_device {parameters} {
# Epsilon for avoiding round-off errors
set eps 0.0005
# Set local default values if they are not in parameters
set dev_surround 0
set dev_sub_type ""
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
# If there is no end_sub_surround, set it to sub_surround
if {![dict exists $parameters end_sub_surround]} {
set end_sub_surround $sub_surround
# Draw the device
box size 0 0
set hw [/ $w 2.0]
set hl [/ $l 2.0]
# Calculate ring size (measured to contact center)
set gx [+ $w [* 2.0 [+ $dev_spacing $dev_surround]] $contact_size]
set gy [+ $l [* 2.0 [+ $dev_spacing $dev_surround]] $contact_size]
# Draw the ring first, because diode may occupy well/substrate plane
set guardparams $parameters
dict set guardparams plus_diff_type $end_type
dict set guardparams plus_contact_type $end_contact_type
dict set guardparams diff_surround $end_surround
dict set guardparams sub_type $end_sub_type
dict set guardparams sub_surround $sub_surround
dict set guardparams guard_sub_surround $end_sub_surround
dict set guardparams glc $elc
dict set guardparams grc $erc
dict set guardparams gtc $etc
dict set guardparams gbc $ebc
set cext [sky130::guard_ring $gx $gy $guardparams]
box grow n ${hl}um
box grow s ${hl}um
box grow e ${hw}um
box grow w ${hw}um
paint ${dev_type}
set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::getbox]]
if {$dev_sub_type != ""} {
box grow n ${sub_surround}um
box grow s ${sub_surround}um
box grow e ${sub_surround}um
box grow w ${sub_surround}um
paint ${dev_sub_type}
if {${w} < ${l}} {
set orient vert
} else {
set orient horz
# Reduce width by surround amount
set w [- $w [* ${dev_surround} 2.0]]
set l [- $l [* ${dev_surround} 2.0]]
# Draw via over contact first
if {$vias != 0} {
set ch $l
if {$ch < $via_size} {set ch $via_size}
set cw $w
if {$cw < $via_size} {set cw $via_size}
box grow n [/ $ch 2]um
box grow s [/ $ch 2]um
box grow w [/ $cw 2]um
box grow e [/ $cw 2]um
set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::draw_contact ${w} ${l} \
${dev_surround} ${metal_surround} ${contact_size} \
${dev_type} ${dev_contact_type} li ${orient}]]
return $cext
# Diode: Draw the tiled device
proc sky130::diode_draw {parameters} {
tech unlock *
# Set defaults if they are not in parameters
set doverlap 0 ;# overlap diodes at contacts
set guard 0 ;# draw a guard ring
set prohibit_overlap false ;# don't prohibit overlaps
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
# Normalize distance units to microns
set w [magic::spice2float $w]
set l [magic::spice2float $l]
box values 0 0 0 0
# Determine the base device dimensions by drawing one device
# while all layers are locked (nothing drawn). This allows the
# base drawing routine to do complicated geometry without having
# to duplicate it here with calculations.
tech lock *
set bbox [sky130::diode_device $parameters]
# puts stdout "Diagnostic: Device bounding box e $bbox (um)"
tech unlock *
set fw [- [lindex $bbox 2] [lindex $bbox 0]]
set fh [- [lindex $bbox 3] [lindex $bbox 1]]
set lw [+ [lindex $bbox 2] [lindex $bbox 0]]
set lh [+ [lindex $bbox 3] [lindex $bbox 1]]
# If prohibit_overlap is true, then end overlapping is prohibited when
# nx or ny is > 1 to prevent DRC errors (typically from well spacing rule)
if {$prohibit_overlap == true} {
if {($nx > 1) || ($ny > 1)} {
set doverlap 0
# Determine tile width and height (depends on overlap)
if {$doverlap == 0} {
set dx [+ $fw $end_spacing]
set dy [+ $fh $end_spacing]
} else {
# overlap contact
set dx [- $fw [+ [* 2.0 $sub_surround] [* 2.0 $end_surround] $contact_size]]
set dy [- $fh [+ [* 2.0 $sub_surround] [* 2.0 $end_surround] $contact_size]]
# Determine core width and height
set corex [+ [* [- $nx 1] $dx] $fw]
set corey [+ [* [- $ny 1] $dy] $fh]
set corellx [/ [+ [- $corex $fw] $lw] 2.0]
set corelly [/ [+ [- $corey $fh] $lh] 2.0]
if {$guard != 0} {
# Calculate guard ring size (measured to contact center)
set gx [+ $corex [* 2.0 [+ $diff_spacing $diff_surround]] $contact_size]
set gy [+ $corey [* 2.0 [+ $diff_spacing $diff_surround]] $contact_size]
# Draw the guard ring first, because diode may occupy well/substrate plane
sky130::guard_ring $gx $gy $parameters
box move w ${corellx}um
box move s ${corelly}um
if {($nx > 1) || ($ny > 1)} {
set hfw [/ $fw 2.0]
set hfh [/ $fh 2.0]
box move w ${hfw}um
box move s ${hfh}um
box size ${corex}um ${corey}um
paint $end_sub_type
for {set xp 0} {$xp < $nx} {incr xp} {
for {set yp 0} {$yp < $ny} {incr yp} {
sky130::diode_device $parameters
box move n ${dy}um
box move e ${dx}um
tech revert
# Photodiode: Draw a single device
proc sky130::photodiode_device {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
# Draw the device
box size 0 0
# Device has ntap fixed width of 0.41 x 0.41
# Surrounded by nwell 0.84 x 0.84
# Surrounded by deep nwell 3.0 x 3.0
box grow c 0.205um
paint nsd
box grow c 0.42um
paint nwell
box grow c 1.5um
paint photo
set cext [sky130::getbox]
# Only enough space for one contact
set w ${contact_size}
set l ${contact_size}
set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::draw_contact ${w} ${l} \
0 ${metal_surround} ${contact_size} \
nsd nsc li horz]]
return $cext
proc sky130::photodiode_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
box values 0 0 0 0
# Determine the base device dimensions by drawing one device
# while all layers are locked (nothing drawn). This allows the
# base drawing routine to do complicated geometry without having
# to duplicate it here with calculations.
tech lock *
set bbox [sky130::photodiode_device $parameters]
# puts stdout "Diagnostic: Device bounding box e $bbox (um)"
tech unlock *
set fw [- [lindex $bbox 2] [lindex $bbox 0]]
set fh [- [lindex $bbox 3] [lindex $bbox 1]]
set lw [+ [lindex $bbox 2] [lindex $bbox 0]]
set lh [+ [lindex $bbox 3] [lindex $bbox 1]]
# Determine tile width and height
set dx [+ $fw $end_spacing]
set dy [+ $fh $end_spacing]
# Determine core width and height
set corex [+ [* [- $nx 1] $dx] $fw]
set corey [+ [* [- $ny 1] $dy] $fh]
set corellx [/ [+ [- $corex $fw] $lw] 2.0]
set corelly [/ [+ [- $corey $fh] $lh] 2.0]
# Calculate guard ring size (measured to contact center)
# Spacing between photodiode (deep nwell) and deep nwell (other) is 5.3um
set gx [+ $corex 15.965]
set gy [+ $corey 15.965]
# The deep nwell is offset 0.315 from the nwell ring center to get the
# right overlap. The deep nwell ring has a minimum width of 3um.
set hgx [/ $gx 2.0]
set hgy [/ $gy 2.0]
set dwx [+ $hgx 0.315]
set dwy [+ $hgy 0.315]
box grow e ${dwx}um
box grow w ${dwx}um
box grow n ${dwy}um
box grow s ${dwy}um
paint dnwell
box grow e -3.0um
box grow w -3.0um
box grow n -3.0um
box grow s -3.0um
erase dnwell
# Draw the guard ring first. 0.63 is the amount nwell surrounds contact;
# 0.63 * 2 + 0.17 = total nwell width 1.43um, needed to cover dnwell edge.
set newdict [dict create \
sub_type space \
guard_sub_type nwell \
guard_sub_surround 0.63 \
plus_diff_type nsd \
plus_contact_type nsc \
set guarddict [dict merge $parameters $newdict]
sky130::guard_ring $gx $gy $guarddict
# Draw outside P-ring and generated the 2nd ring
set gx [+ $gx [* 2.0 [+ 0.56 $diff_spacing $diff_surround]] $contact_size]
set gy [+ $gy [* 2.0 [+ 0.56 $diff_spacing $diff_surround]] $contact_size]
sky130::guard_ring $gx $gy $parameters
box move w ${corellx}um
box move s ${corelly}um
for {set xp 0} {$xp < $nx} {incr xp} {
for {set yp 0} {$yp < $ny} {incr yp} {
sky130::photodiode_device $parameters
box move n ${dy}um
box move e ${dx}um
tech revert
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
set newdict [dict create \
dev_type ndiode \
dev_contact_type ndic \
end_type psd \
end_contact_type psc \
end_sub_type psub \
dev_spacing ${diff_spacing} \
dev_surround ${diff_surround} \
end_spacing ${diff_spacing} \
end_surround 0 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::diode_draw $drawdict]
# NOTE: Use ppd instead of psd so that there is additional
# diffusion around the contact, allowing more space for the
# implant (likewise sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_lvt and
# sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_11v0).
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_lvt_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
set newdict [dict create \
dev_type ndiodelvt \
dev_contact_type ndilvtc \
end_type ppd \
end_contact_type psc \
end_sub_type psub \
dev_spacing ${diff_spacing} \
dev_surround ${diff_surround} \
end_spacing ${diff_spacing} \
end_surround ${diff_surround} \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::diode_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_05v5_nvt_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
set newdict [dict create \
dev_type nndiode \
dev_contact_type nndic \
end_type mvpsd \
end_contact_type mvpsc \
end_sub_type psub \
dev_spacing 0.37 \
dev_surround ${diff_surround} \
end_spacing 0.30 \
end_surround ${diff_surround} \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::diode_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pw2nd_11v0_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
set newdict [dict create \
dev_type mvndiode \
dev_contact_type mvndic \
end_type mvpsd \
end_contact_type mvpsc \
end_sub_type psub \
diff_spacing 0.37 \
dev_spacing 0.39 \
dev_surround ${diff_surround} \
end_spacing 0.36 \
end_surround ${diff_surround} \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::diode_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
set newdict [dict create \
dev_type pdiode \
guard 1 \
dev_contact_type pdic \
end_type nsd \
end_contact_type nsc \
end_sub_type nwell \
plus_diff_type psd \
plus_contact_type psc \
sub_type psub \
dev_spacing ${diff_spacing} \
dev_surround ${diff_surround} \
end_spacing ${diff_spacing} \
end_surround 0 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::diode_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_lvt_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
set newdict [dict create \
dev_type pdiodelvt \
guard 1 \
dev_contact_type pdilvtc \
end_type nnd \
end_contact_type nsc \
end_sub_type nwell \
plus_diff_type psd \
plus_contact_type psc \
sub_type psub \
dev_spacing ${diff_spacing} \
dev_surround ${diff_surround} \
end_spacing ${diff_spacing} \
end_surround ${diff_surround} \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::diode_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_hvt_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
set newdict [dict create \
dev_type pdiodehvt \
guard 1 \
dev_contact_type pdihvtc \
end_type nnd \
end_contact_type nsc \
end_sub_type nwell \
plus_diff_type psd \
plus_contact_type psc \
sub_type psub \
dev_spacing ${diff_spacing} \
dev_surround ${diff_surround} \
end_spacing ${diff_spacing} \
end_surround ${diff_surround} \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::diode_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_11v0_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
set newdict [dict create \
guard 1 \
dev_type mvpdiode \
dev_contact_type mvpdic \
end_type mvnsd \
end_contact_type mvnsc \
end_sub_type nwell \
plus_diff_type mvpsd \
plus_contact_type mvpsc \
sub_type psub \
diff_spacing 0.58 \
dev_spacing 0.37 \
dev_surround ${diff_surround} \
end_spacing 0.30 \
end_sub_surround 0.33 \
end_surround ${diff_surround} \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::diode_draw $drawdict]
# The photodiode has its own drawing routine, so
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__photodiode_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
set newdict [dict create \
guard 1 \
sub_type space \
end_spacing 5.0 \
end_surround 1.0 \
sub_spacing 5.3 \
guard_sub_type pwell \
guard_sub_surround 0.18 \
plus_diff_type psd \
plus_contact_type psc \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::photodiode_draw $drawdict]
# Drawn capacitor routines
# NOTE: Work in progress. These values need to be corrected.
#ifdef MIM
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1_defaults {} {
return {w 2.00 l 2.00 val 8.0 carea 2.00 cperi 0.19 \
nx 1 ny 1 dummy 0 square 0 lmin 2.00 wmin 2.00 \
lmax 30.0 wmax 30.0 dc 0 bconnect 1 tconnect 1 \
ccov 100}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2_defaults {} {
return {w 2.00 l 2.00 val 8.0 carea 2.00 cperi 0.19 \
nx 1 ny 1 dummy 0 square 0 lmin 2.00 wmin 2.00 \
lmax 30.0 wmax 30.0 dc 0 bconnect 1 tconnect 1 \
ccov 100}
#endif (MIM)
# Recalculate capacitor values from GUI entries.
# Recomputes W/L and Value as long as 2 of them are present
# (To be completed)
proc sky130::cap_recalc {field parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
switch $field {
val { puts stdout "value changed" }
w { puts stdout "width changed" }
l { puts stdout "length changed" }
dict set parameters val $val
dict set parameters w $w
dict set parameters l $l
# Capacitor defaults:
# w Width of drawn cap
# l Length of drawn cap
# nx Number of devices in X
# ny Number of devices in Y
# val Default cap value
# carea Area
# cperi Perimeter
# dummy Add dummy cap
# square Make square capacitor
# (not user-editable)
# wmin Minimum allowed width
# lmin Minimum allowed length
# dc Area to remove to calculated area
# capacitor: Conversion from SPICE netlist parameters to toolkit
proc sky130::cap_convert {parameters} {
set pdkparams [dict create]
dict for {key value} $parameters {
switch -nocase $key {
l -
w {
# Length and width are converted to units of microns
set value [magic::spice2float $value]
# set value [expr $value * 1e6]
set value [magic::3digitpastdecimal $value]
dict set pdkparams [string tolower $key] $value
m {
# Convert m to ny
dict set pdkparams ny $value
return $pdkparams
#ifdef MIM
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1_convert {parameters} {
return [cap_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2_convert {parameters} {
return [cap_convert $parameters]
#endif (MIM)
# capacitor: Interactively specifies the fixed layout parameters
proc sky130::cap_dialog {device parameters} {
# Editable fields: w, l, nx, ny, val
# Checked fields: square, dummy
magic::add_entry val "Value (fF)" $parameters
sky130::compute_ctot $parameters
magic::add_message ctot "Total capacitance (pF)" $parameters
magic::add_entry l "Length (um)" $parameters
magic::add_entry w "Width (um)" $parameters
magic::add_entry nx "X Repeat" $parameters
magic::add_entry ny "Y Repeat" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters square]} {
magic::add_checkbox square "Square capacitor" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters bconnect]} {
magic::add_checkbox bconnect "Connect bottom plates in array" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters tconnect]} {
magic::add_checkbox tconnect "Connect top plates in array" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters ccov]} {
magic::add_entry ccov "Capacitor contact coverage \[+/-\](%)" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters guard]} {
magic::add_checkbox guard "Add guard ring" $parameters
magic::add_dependency sky130::cap_recalc $device sky130 l w val
# magic::add_checkbox dummy "Add dummy" $parameters
#ifdef MIM
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::cap_dialog sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::cap_dialog sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2 $parameters
#endif (MIM)
# Capacitor total capacitance computation
proc sky130::compute_ctot {parameters} {
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
set val [magic::spice2float $val]
set val [magic::3digitpastdecimal $val]
# Compute total capacitance (and convert fF to pF)
catch {set magic::ctot_val [expr (0.001 * $val * $nx * $ny)]}
# Capacitor: Draw a single device
proc sky130::cap_device {parameters} {
# Epsilon for avoiding round-off errors
set eps 0.0005
# Set local default values if they are not in parameters
set cap_surround 0
set bot_surround 0
set top_surround 0
set end_spacing 0
set bconnect 0 ;# bottom plates are connected in array
set cap_spacing 0 ;# cap spacing in array
set top_metal_space 0 ;# top metal spacing (if larger than cap spacing)
set top_metal_width 0 ;# top metal minimum width
set contact_size 0 ;# cap contact minimum size
set ccov 100 ;# amount of contact coverage
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
if {![dict exists $parameters top_metal_space]} {
set top_metal_space $metal_spacing
# Draw the device
box size 0 0
set hw [/ $w 2.0]
set hl [/ $l 2.0]
box grow e ${hw}um
box grow w ${hw}um
box grow n ${hl}um
box grow s ${hl}um
paint ${cap_type}
# Find contact width if ccov is other than 100
set cmaxw [- $w [* $cap_surround 2]]
set cw [* $cmaxw [/ [expr abs($ccov)] 100.0]]
# Contact width must meet minimum
if {$cw < $contact_size} {set cw $contact_size}
if {$cw < $top_metal_width} {set cw $top_metal_width}
# Difference between maximum contact width and actual contact width
set cdif [- $cmaxw $cw]
# Reduce the box to the maximum contact area
box grow n -${cap_surround}um
box grow s -${cap_surround}um
box grow e -${cap_surround}um
box grow w -${cap_surround}um
set anchor [string index $ccov 0]
if {$anchor == "+"} {
box grow e -${cdif}um
} elseif {$anchor == "-"} {
box grow w -${cdif}um
} else {
set cdif [/ ${cdif} 2]
box grow w -${cdif}um
box grow e -${cdif}um
paint ${cap_contact_type}
box grow n ${top_surround}um
box grow s ${top_surround}um
box grow e ${top_surround}um
box grow w ${top_surround}um
paint ${top_type}
set cext [sky130::getbox]
box grow n ${bot_surround}um
box grow s ${bot_surround}um
box grow e ${bot_surround}um
box grow w ${bot_surround}um
paint ${bot_type}
# Create boundary using properties
property FIXED_BBOX [box values]
set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::getbox]]
# Calculate the distance from the top metal on the cap contact
# to the top metal on the end contact.
set top_met_sep [+ $end_spacing [- $cdif $top_surround]]
# Diagnostic!
puts stdout "cdif = $cdif"
puts stdout "top_met_sep = $top_met_sep"
# Increase end spacing if top metal spacing rule is not met
set loc_end_spacing $end_spacing
if {$top_met_sep < $top_metal_space} {
set loc_end_spacing [+ $loc_end_spacing [- $top_metal_space $top_met_sep]]
# Diagnostic!
puts stdout "loc_end_spacing = $loc_end_spacing"
# Extend bottom metal under contact to right
box grow e ${loc_end_spacing}um
set chw [/ ${contact_size} 2.0]
box grow e ${chw}um
box grow e ${end_surround}um
paint ${bot_type}
# Draw contact to right. Reduce contact extent if devices are not
# wired together and the top metal spacing rule limits the distance
set lcont $l
if {($bconnect == 0) && ($ny > 1)} {
if {$cap_spacing < $top_metal_space} {
set cspace [- $top_metal_space $cap_spacing]
set lcont [- $l $cspace]
box move e ${hw}um
box move e ${bot_surround}um
box move e ${loc_end_spacing}um
set cl [- [+ ${lcont} [* ${bot_surround} 2.0]] [* ${end_surround} 2.0]]
set cl [- ${cl} ${metal_surround}] ;# see below
set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::draw_contact 0 ${cl} \
${end_surround} ${metal_surround} ${contact_size} \
${bot_type} ${top_contact_type} ${top_type} full]]
return $cext
# cl shrinks top and bottom to accomodate larger bottom metal
# surround rule for contacts near a MiM cap. This should be its
# own variable, but metal_surround is sufficient.
# Metal plate sandwich capacitor: Draw a single device
proc sky130::sandwich_cap_device {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
box size 0 0
set hw [/ $w 2.0]
set hl [/ $l 2.0]
set cw [- [* $hw [/ 2.0 3]] [* $cont_surround 2.0]]
set cl [- [* $hl [/ 2.0 3]] [* $cont_surround 2.0]]
# plate capacitor defines layers p0, p1, etc.
for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
if {[catch {set layer [subst \$p${i}_type]}]} {break} ;# no more layers defined
box grow e ${hw}um
box grow w ${hw}um
box grow n ${hl}um
box grow s ${hl}um
if {![catch {set shrink [subst \$p${i}_shrink]}]} {
box grow e -${shrink}um
box grow w -${shrink}um
box grow n -${shrink}um
box grow s -${shrink}um
set cutout_spacing [+ [* ${shrink} 2.0] [/ $via_size 2.0] $cont_surround]
} else {
set cutout_spacing 0
paint ${layer}
if {$i == 1} {
# Note that cap_type geometry is coincident with p1_type.
# Typically, this will define a layer that outputs as both
# poly and a capacitor definition layer.
if {[dict exists $parameters cap_type]} {
paint $cap_type
# Even layers connect at corners, odd layers connect at sides.
# Even layers cut out the sides, odd layers cut out the corners.
# Layer zero has no side contacts or cutout.
if {[% $i 2] == 0} {
set cornercmd paint
set cornersize $cutout_spacing
set sidecmd erase
set nssidelong [+ $cutout_spacing [/ $hw 3.0]]
set ewsidelong [+ $cutout_spacing [/ $hl 3.0]]
set sideshort $cutout_spacing
} else {
set cornercmd erase
set cornersize $cutout_spacing
set sidecmd paint
set nssidelong [/ $hw 3.0]
set ewsidelong [/ $hl 3.0]
set sideshort $cutout_spacing
if {$i > 0} {
box move e ${hw}um
box grow n ${ewsidelong}um
box grow s ${ewsidelong}um
box grow w ${sideshort}um
${sidecmd} ${layer}
box move n ${hl}um
box grow e ${nssidelong}um
box grow w ${nssidelong}um
box grow s ${sideshort}um
${sidecmd} ${layer}
box move w ${hw}um
box grow n ${ewsidelong}um
box grow s ${ewsidelong}um
box grow e ${sideshort}um
${sidecmd} ${layer}
box move s ${hl}um
box grow e ${nssidelong}um
box grow w ${nssidelong}um
box grow n ${sideshort}um
${sidecmd} ${layer}
box move n ${hl}um
box move e ${hw}um
box grow s ${cornersize}um
box grow w ${cornersize}um
${cornercmd} ${layer}
box move n ${hl}um
box move w ${hw}um
box grow s ${cornersize}um
box grow e ${cornersize}um
${cornercmd} ${layer}
box move s ${hl}um
box move e ${hw}um
box grow n ${cornersize}um
box grow w ${cornersize}um
${cornercmd} ${layer}
box move s ${hl}um
box move w ${hw}um
box grow n ${cornersize}um
box grow e ${cornersize}um
${cornercmd} ${layer}
# Draw contacts after all layers have been drawn, so that erasing
# layers does not affect the contacts.
for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
if {![catch {set contact [subst \$p${i}_contact_type]}]} {
set layer [subst \$p${i}_type]
set j [+ $i 1]
set toplayer [subst \$p${j}_type]
# Draw corner contacts
box move e ${hw}um
box move n ${hl}um
sky130::draw_contact 0 0 \
${cont_surround} ${cont_surround} ${via_size} \
${layer} ${contact} ${toplayer} full
box move w ${hw}um
box move n ${hl}um
sky130::draw_contact 0 0 \
${cont_surround} ${cont_surround} ${via_size} \
${layer} ${contact} ${toplayer} full
box move e ${hw}um
box move s ${hl}um
sky130::draw_contact 0 0 \
${cont_surround} ${cont_surround} ${via_size} \
${layer} ${contact} ${toplayer} full
box move w ${hw}um
box move s ${hl}um
sky130::draw_contact 0 0 \
${cont_surround} ${cont_surround} ${via_size} \
${layer} ${contact} ${toplayer} full
# Draw side contacts (except on poly)
if {$i > 0} {
box move w ${hw}um
sky130::draw_contact 0 ${cl} \
${cont_surround} ${cont_surround} ${via_size} \
${layer} ${contact} ${toplayer} full
box move e ${hw}um
sky130::draw_contact 0 ${cl} \
${cont_surround} ${cont_surround} ${via_size} \
${layer} ${contact} ${toplayer} full
box move n ${hl}um
sky130::draw_contact ${cw} 0 \
${cont_surround} ${cont_surround} ${via_size} \
${layer} ${contact} ${toplayer} full
box move s ${hl}um
sky130::draw_contact ${cw} 0 \
${cont_surround} ${cont_surround} ${via_size} \
${layer} ${contact} ${toplayer} full
} else {
# Bounding box is the same as the device length and width
set cext [list -$hw -$hl $hw $hl]
return $cext
# Capacitor: Draw the tiled device
proc sky130::cap_draw {parameters} {
tech unlock *
set savesnap [snap]
snap internal
# Set defaults if they are not in parameters
set coverlap 0 ;# overlap capacitors at contacts
set guard 0 ;# draw a guard ring
set sandwich 0 ;# this is not a plate sandwich capacitor
set cap_spacing 0 ;# abutted caps if spacing is zero
set cap_diff_spacing 0
set wide_cap_spacing 0 ;# additional spacing for wide metal rule
set wide_cap_width 0
set end_spacing 0
set end_surround 0
set bot_surround 0
set top_metal_width 0
set bconnect 0 ;# connect bottom plates in array
set tconnect 0 ;# connect top plates in array
set top_type ""
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
# Normalize distance units to microns
set w [magic::spice2float $w]
set l [magic::spice2float $l]
box values 0 0 0 0
# Determine the base device dimensions by drawing one device
# while all layers are locked (nothing drawn). This allows the
# base drawing routine to do complicated geometry without having
# to duplicate it here with calculations.
tech lock *
if {$sandwich == 1} {
set bbox [sky130::sandwich_cap_device $parameters]
} else {
set bbox [sky130::cap_device $parameters]
# puts stdout "Diagnostic: Device bounding box e $bbox (um)"
tech unlock *
set fw [- [lindex $bbox 2] [lindex $bbox 0]]
set fh [- [lindex $bbox 3] [lindex $bbox 1]]
set lw [+ [lindex $bbox 2] [lindex $bbox 0]]
set lh [+ [lindex $bbox 3] [lindex $bbox 1]]
set dwide 0
if {($fw >= $wide_cap_width) && ($fh >= $wide_cap_width)} {
set dwide $wide_cap_spacing
# Determine tile width and height (depends on overlap)
if {$coverlap == 0} {
set dy [+ $fh $cap_spacing $dwide]
} else {
# overlap at end contact
set dy [- $fh [+ $end_surround $end_surround $contact_size]]
# Contact is placed on right so spacing is determined by end_spacing.
set dx [+ $fw $end_spacing $dwide]
# Determine core width and height
set corex [+ [* [- $nx 1] $dx] $fw]
set corey [+ [* [- $ny 1] $dy] $fh]
set corellx [/ [+ [- $corex $fw] $lw] 2.0]
set corelly [/ [+ [- $corey $fh] $lh] 2.0]
if {$guard != 0} {
# Calculate guard ring size (measured to contact center)
set gx [+ $corex [* 2.0 [+ $cap_diff_spacing $diff_surround]] $contact_size]
set gy [+ $corey [* 2.0 [+ $end_spacing $diff_surround]] $contact_size]
# Draw the guard ring first.
sky130::guard_ring $gx $gy $parameters
set twidth [+ ${contact_size} ${end_surround} ${end_surround}]
if {${twidth} < ${top_metal_width}} {
set twidth ${top_metal_width}
set hmw [/ $twidth 2.0]
set hdy [/ $dy 2.0]
set cdx [+ [/ ${w} 2.0] ${bot_surround} ${end_spacing}]
box move w ${corellx}um
box move s ${corelly}um
for {set xp 0} {$xp < $nx} {incr xp} {
for {set yp 0} {$yp < $ny} {incr yp} {
if {$sandwich == 1} {
sky130::sandwich_cap_device $parameters
} else {
sky130::cap_device $parameters
if {$ny > 1} {
box grow e ${hmw}um
box grow w ${hmw}um
box grow n ${hdy}um
box grow s ${hdy}um
if {($top_type != "") && ($tconnect == 1)} {
paint ${top_type}
if {($top_type != "") && ($bconnect == 1)} {
box move e ${cdx}um
paint ${top_type}
box move n ${dy}um
box move e ${dx}um
snap $savesnap
tech revert
#ifdef MIM
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1_draw {parameters} {
set newdict [dict create \
top_type m4 \
top_contact_type via3 \
cap_type mimcap \
cap_contact_type mimcc \
bot_type m3 \
bot_surround 0.2 \
cap_spacing 1.2 \
cap_surround 0.2 \
top_surround 0.005 \
end_surround 0.1 \
end_spacing 1.2 \
contact_size 0.32 \
metal_surround 0.08 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::cap_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2_draw {parameters} {
set newdict [dict create \
top_type m5 \
top_contact_type via4 \
cap_type mimcap2 \
cap_contact_type mim2cc \
bot_type m4 \
bot_surround 0.4 \
cap_spacing 1.2 \
cap_surround 0.2 \
top_surround 0.12 \
end_surround 0.1 \
end_spacing 2.0 \
contact_size 1.18 \
metal_surround 0.21 \
top_metal_width 1.6 \
top_metal_space 0.7 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::cap_draw $drawdict]
#endif (MIM)
# capacitor: Check device parameters for out-of-bounds values
proc sky130::cap_check {parameters} {
# In case wmax and/or lmax are undefined
set lmax 0
set wmax 0
set ccov 100
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
# Normalize distance units to microns
set l [magic::spice2float $l]
set l [magic::3digitpastdecimal $l]
set w [magic::spice2float $w]
set w [magic::3digitpastdecimal $w]
set val [magic::spice2float $val]
set carea [magic::spice2float $carea]
set cperi [magic::spice2float $cperi]
set dc [magic::spice2float $dc]
if {$square == 1} {
# Calculate L and W from value
set a $carea
set b [expr $cperi * 4]
set c [expr -4 * $dc - $val]
set l [expr ((-$b + sqrt($b * $b - (4 * $a * $c))) / (2 * $a))]
dict set parameters l [magic::float2spice $l]
set w $l
dict set parameters w [magic::float2spice $w]
} elseif {$l == 0} {
# Calculate L from W and value
set l [expr (($val + 4 * $dc - 2 * $w * $cperi) / ($w * $carea + 2 * $cperi))]
dict set parameters l [magic::float2spice $l]
} elseif {$w == 0} {
# Calculate W from L and value
set w [expr (($val + 4 * $dc - 2 * $l * $cperi) / ($l * $carea + 2 * $cperi))]
dict set parameters w [magic::float2spice $w]
if {$w < $wmin} {
puts stderr "Capacitor width must be >= $wmin"
dict set parameters w $wmin
set w $wmin
if {$l < $lmin} {
puts stderr "Capacitor length must be >= $lmin"
dict set parameters l $lmin
set l $lmin
if {($wmax > 0) && ($w > $wmax)} {
puts stderr "Capacitor width must be <= $wmax"
dict set parameters w $wmax
set w $wmax
if {($lmax > 0) && ($l > $lmax)} {
puts stderr "Capacitor length must be <= $lmax"
dict set parameters l $lmax
set l $lmax
if {[catch {expr abs($ccov)}]} {
puts stderr "Capacitor contact coverage must be numeric!"
dict set parameters ccov 100
} elseif {[expr abs($ccov)] > 100} {
puts stderr "Capaitor contact coverage can't be more than 100%"
dict set parameters ccov 100
# Calculate value from L and W
set cval [expr ($l * $w * $carea + 2 * ($l + $w) * $cperi - 4 * $dc)]
dict set parameters val [magic::float2spice $cval]
sky130::compute_ctot $parameters
return $parameters
#ifdef MIM
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::cap_check $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::cap_check $parameters]
#endif (MIM)
# Drawn resistors
# Resistor defaults:
# User editable values:
# val Resistor value in ohms
# w Width
# l Length
# t Number of turns
# m Number devices in Y
# nx Number devices in X
# snake Use snake geometry (if not present, snake geometry not allowed)
# dummy Flag to mark addition of dummy resistor
# Non-user editable values:
# wmin Minimum allowed width
# lmin Minimum allowed length
# rho Resistance in ohms per square
# dw Delta width
# term Resistance per terminal
# sterm Additional resistance per terminal for snake geometry
# sky130_fd_pr__res_iso_pw: Specify all user-editable default values
# and those needed by sky130_fd_pr__res_iso_pw_check
# NOTE: Work in progress. Some values need to be corrected.
# Discrepancy between sheet rho value in documentation vs. model.
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_iso_pw_defaults {} {
return {w 2.650 l 26.50 m 1 nx 1 wmin 2.650 lmin 26.50 \
rho 3050 val 30502 dummy 0 dw 0.25 term 1.0 \
guard 1 endcov 100 full_metal 1 vias 1 \
viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
# rpp1: Specify all user-editable default values and those
# needed by rp1_check
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_po_defaults {} {
return {w 0.330 l 1.650 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.330 lmin 1.650 \
rho 48.2 val 241 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 0.0 \
sterm 0.0 caplen 0.4 snake 0 guard 1 \
glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 roverlap 0 endcov 100 \
full_metal 1 hv_guard 0 n_guard 0 vias 1 \
viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
# "term" is rho * 0.06, the distance between xpc edge and CONT.
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p35_defaults {} {
return {w 0.350 l 0.50 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.350 lmin 0.50 \
rho 319.8 val 456.857 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 194.82 \
sterm 0.0 caplen 0 guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p35 \
sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p69 sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_1p41 \
sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_2p85 sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_5p73} \
snake 0 full_metal 1 wmax 0.350 vias 1 n_guard 0 hv_guard 0 \
viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p69_defaults {} {
return {w 0.690 l 1.00 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.690 lmin 0.50 \
rho 319.8 val 463.480 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 194.82 \
sterm 0.0 caplen 0 guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p35 \
sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p69 sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_1p41 \
sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_2p85 sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_5p73} \
snake 0 full_metal 1 wmax 0.690 n_guard 0 hv_guard 0 vias 1 \
viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_1p41_defaults {} {
return {w 1.410 l 2.00 m 1 nx 1 wmin 1.410 lmin 0.50 \
rho 319.8 val 453.620 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 194.82 \
sterm 0.0 caplen 0 guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p35 \
sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p69 sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_1p41 \
sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_2p85 sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_5p73} \
snake 0 full_metal 1 wmax 1.410 n_guard 0 hv_guard 0 vias 1 \
viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_2p85_defaults {} {
return {w 2.850 l 3.00 m 1 nx 1 wmin 2.850 lmin 0.50 \
rho 319.8 val 336.630 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 194.82 \
sterm 0.0 caplen 0 guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p35 \
sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p69 sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_1p41 \
sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_2p85 sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_5p73} \
snake 0 full_metal 1 wmax 2.850 n_guard 0 hv_guard 0 vias 1 \
viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_5p73_defaults {} {
return {w 5.730 l 6.00 m 1 nx 1 wmin 5.730 lmin 0.50 \
rho 319.8 val 334.870 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 194.82 \
sterm 0.0 caplen 0 guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p35 \
sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p69 sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_1p41 \
sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_2p85 sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_5p73} \
snake 0 full_metal 1 wmax 5.730 n_guard 0 hv_guard 0 vias 1 \
viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
# "term" is rho * 0.06, the distance between xpc edge and CONT.
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p35_defaults {} {
return {w 0.350 l 0.50 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.350 lmin 0.50 \
rho 2000 val 2875.143 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 188.2 \
sterm 0.0 caplen 0 wmax 0.350 \
guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p35 \
sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_1p41 \
sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_2p85 sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_5p73} \
snake 0 full_metal 1 n_guard 0 hv_guard 0 vias 1 \
viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69_defaults {} {
return {w 0.690 l 1.00 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.690 lmin 0.50 \
rho 2000 val 2898.600 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 188.2 \
sterm 0.0 caplen 0 wmax 0.690 \
guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p35 \
sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_1p41 \
sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_2p85 sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_5p73} \
snake 0 full_metal 1 n_guard 0 hv_guard 0 vias 1 \
viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_1p41_defaults {} {
return {w 1.410 l 2.00 m 1 nx 1 wmin 1.410 lmin 0.50 \
rho 2000 val 2836.900 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 188.2 \
sterm 0.0 caplen 0 wmax 1.410 \
guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p35 \
sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_1p41 \
sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_2p85 sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_5p73} \
snake 0 full_metal 1 n_guard 0 hv_guard 0 vias 1 \
viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_2p85_defaults {} {
return {w 2.850 l 3.00 m 1 nx 1 wmin 2.850 lmin 0.50 \
rho 2000 val 2105.300 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 188.2 \
sterm 0.0 caplen 0 wmax 2.850 \
guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p35 \
sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_1p41 \
sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_2p85 sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_5p73} \
snake 0 full_metal 1 n_guard 0 hv_guard 0 vias 1 \
viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_5p73_defaults {} {
return {w 5.730 l 6.00 m 1 nx 1 wmin 5.730 lmin 0.50 \
rho 2000 val 2094.200 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 188.2 \
sterm 0.0 caplen 0 wmax 5.730 \
guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p35 \
sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_1p41 \
sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_2p85 sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_5p73} \
snake 0 full_metal 1 n_guard 0 hv_guard 0 vias 1 \
viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
# sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd: Specify all user-editable default values and those
# needed by rdn_check
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd_defaults {} {
return {w 0.420 l 2.100 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.42 lmin 2.10 \
rho 120 val 600.0 dummy 0 dw 0.05 term 0.0 \
sterm 0.0 caplen 0.4 snake 0 guard 1 \
glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 roverlap 0 endcov 100 \
full_metal 1 vias 1 \
viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd__hv_defaults {} {
return {w 0.420 l 2.100 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.42 lmin 2.10 \
rho 120 val 600.0 dummy 0 dw 0.02 term 0.0 \
sterm 0.0 caplen 0.4 snake 0 guard 1 \
glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 roverlap 0 endcov 100 \
full_metal 1 vias 1 \
viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
# sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd: Specify all user-editable default values and those
# needed by rdp_check
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd_defaults {} {
return {w 0.420 l 2.100 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.42 lmin 2.10 \
rho 197 val 985.0 dummy 0 dw 0.02 term 0.0 \
sterm 0.0 caplen 0.60 snake 0 guard 1 \
glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 roverlap 0 endcov 100 \
full_metal 1 vias 1 \
viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd__hv_defaults {} {
return {w 0.420 l 2.100 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.42 lmin 2.10 \
rho 197 val 985.0 dummy 0 dw 0.02 term 0.0 \
sterm 0.0 caplen 0.60 snake 0 guard 1 \
glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 roverlap 0 endcov 100 \
full_metal 1 vias 1 \
viagb 0 viagt 0 viagl 0 viagr 0}
# sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_l1: Specify all user-editable default values and those needed
# by sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_l1_check
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_l1_defaults {} {
return {w 0.170 l 0.170 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.17 lmin 0.17 \
rho 12.8 val 12.8 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 0.0 snake 0 \
roverlap 0}
# sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m1: Specify all user-editable default values and those needed
# by sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m1_check
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m1_defaults {} {
return {w 0.140 l 0.140 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.14 lmin 0.14 \
rho 0.125 val 0.125 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 0.0 \
roverlap 0}
# sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m2: Specify all user-editable default values and those needed
# by sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m2_check
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m2_defaults {} {
return {w 0.140 l 0.140 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.14 lmin 0.14 \
rho 0.125 val 0.125 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 0.0 \
roverlap 0}
# sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3: Specify all user-editable default values and those needed
# by sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3_check
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3_defaults {} {
return {w 0.300 l 0.300 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.30 lmin 0.30 \
rho 0.047 val 0.047 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 0.0 \
roverlap 0}
# Additional entries for sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m4 and sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m5, depending on the
# back-end metal stack.
#ifdef METAL5
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m4_defaults {} {
return {w 0.300 l 0.300 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.30 lmin 0.30 \
rho 0.047 val 0.047 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 0.0 \
roverlap 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m5_defaults {} {
return {w 1.600 l 1.600 m 1 nx 1 wmin 1.60 lmin 1.60 \
rho 0.029 val 0.029 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 0.0 \
roverlap 0}
#endif (METAL5)
# resistor: Conversion from SPICE netlist parameters to toolkit
proc sky130::res_convert {parameters} {
set pdkparams [dict create]
dict for {key value} $parameters {
switch -nocase $key {
l -
w {
# Length and width are converted to units of microns
set value [magic::spice2float $value]
# set value [expr $value * 1e6]
set value [magic::3digitpastdecimal $value]
dict set pdkparams [string tolower $key] $value
return $pdkparams
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_iso_pw_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_po_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p35_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p69_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_1p41_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_2p85_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_5p73_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p35_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_1p41_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_2p85_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_5p73_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd__hv_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd__hv_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_l1_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m1_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m2_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
#ifdef METAL5
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m4_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m5_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
#endif (METAL5)
# resistor: Interactively specifies the fixed layout parameters
proc sky130::res_dialog {device parameters} {
# Editable fields: w, l, t, nx, m, val
# Checked fields:
magic::add_entry val "Value (ohms)" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters snake]} {
sky130::compute_ltot $parameters
magic::add_message ltot "Total length (um)" $parameters
magic::add_entry l "Length (um)" $parameters
magic::add_entry w "Width (um)" $parameters
magic::add_entry nx "X Repeat" $parameters
magic::add_entry m "Y Repeat" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters endcov]} {
magic::add_entry endcov "End contact coverage (%)" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters compatible]} {
set sellist [dict get $parameters compatible]
magic::add_selectlist gencell "Device type" $sellist $parameters $device
# magic::add_checkbox dummy "Add dummy" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters snake]} {
magic::add_checkbox snake "Use snake geometry" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters roverlap]} {
if {[dict exists $parameters endcov]} {
magic::add_checkbox roverlap "Overlap at end contact" $parameters
} else {
magic::add_checkbox roverlap "Overlap at ends" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters guard]} {
magic::add_checkbox guard "Add guard ring" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters hv_guard]} {
magic::add_checkbox hv_guard "High-voltage guard ring" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters n_guard]} {
magic::add_checkbox n_guard "N-well connected guard ring" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters full_metal]} {
magic::add_checkbox full_metal "Full metal guard ring" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters glc]} {
magic::add_checkbox glc "Add left guard ring contact" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters grc]} {
magic::add_checkbox grc "Add right guard ring contact" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters gtc]} {
magic::add_checkbox gtc "Add top guard ring contact" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters gbc]} {
magic::add_checkbox gbc "Add bottom guard ring contact" $parameters
magic::add_entry viagb "Bottom guard ring via coverage \[+/-\](%)" $parameters
magic::add_entry viagt "Top guard ring via coverage \[+/-\](%)" $parameters
magic::add_entry viagr "Right guard ring via coverage \[+/-\](%)" $parameters
magic::add_entry viagl "Left guard ring via coverage \[+/-\](%)" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters vias]} {
magic::add_checkbox vias "Add vias over contacts" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters snake]} {
magic::add_dependency sky130::res_recalc $device sky130 l w val nx snake
} else {
magic::add_dependency sky130::res_recalc $device sky130 l w val nx
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_iso_pw_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::res_dialog sky130_fd_pr__res_iso_pw $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_po_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::res_dialog sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_po $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p35_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::res_dialog sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p35 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p69_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::res_dialog sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p69 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_1p41_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::res_dialog sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_1p41 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_2p85_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::res_dialog sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_2p85 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_5p73_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::res_dialog sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_5p73 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p35_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::res_dialog sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p35 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::res_dialog sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_1p41_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::res_dialog sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_1p41 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_2p85_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::res_dialog sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_2p85 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_5p73_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::res_dialog sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_5p73 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::res_dialog sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::res_dialog sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd__hv_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::res_dialog sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd__hv $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd__hv_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::res_dialog sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd__hv $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_l1_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::res_dialog sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_l1 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m1_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::res_dialog sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m1 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m2_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::res_dialog sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m2 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::res_dialog sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 $parameters
#ifdef METAL5
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m4_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::res_dialog sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m4 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m5_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::res_dialog sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m5 $parameters
#endif (METAL5)
# Resistor: Draw a single device in straight geometry
proc sky130::res_device {parameters} {
# Epsilon for avoiding round-off errors
set eps 0.0005
# Set local default values if they are not in parameters
set endcov 0 ;# percent coverage of end contacts
set roverlap 0 ;# overlap resistors at end contacts
set well_res_overlap 0 ;# not a well resistor
set end_contact_type "" ;# no contacts for metal resistors
set end_overlap_cont 0 ;# additional end overlap on sides
set vias 0 ;# add vias over contacts
set res_idtype none
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
if {![dict exists $parameters end_contact_size]} {
set end_contact_size $contact_size
# Draw the resistor and endcaps
box size 0 0
set hw [/ $w 2.0]
set hl [/ $l 2.0]
box grow n ${hl}um
box grow s ${hl}um
box grow e ${hw}um
box grow w ${hw}um
box grow n ${res_to_endcont}um
box grow s ${res_to_endcont}um
if {$well_res_overlap > 0} {
set well_extend [+ ${well_res_overlap} [/ ${end_contact_size} 2.0] ${end_surround}]
box grow n ${well_extend}um
box grow s ${well_extend}um
paint ${well_res_type}
} else {
paint ${end_type}
set cext [sky130::getbox]
if {$well_res_overlap > 0} {
erase ${well_res_type}
} else {
erase ${end_type}
paint ${res_type}
if {"$res_idtype" != "none"} {
box grow c 2
paint ${res_idtype}
# Reduce contact sizes by (end type) surround so that
# the contact area edges match the device type width.
# (Minimum dimensions will be enforced by the contact drawing routine)
set epl [- ${w} [* ${end_surround} 2]] ;# end contact width
# Reduce end material size for well resistor types
if {$well_res_overlap > 0} {
set epl [- ${epl} [* ${well_res_overlap} 2]]
# Reduce by coverage percentage unless overlapping at contacts
if {(${roverlap} == 0) && (${endcov} > 0)} {
set cpl [* ${epl} [/ ${endcov} 100.0]]
} else {
set cpl $epl
# Ensure additional overlap of diffusion contact if required
set dov [* ${end_overlap_cont} 2]
if {[- ${epl} ${cpl}] < $dov} {
set cpl [- ${epl} $dov] ;# additional end contact width
set hepl [+ [/ ${epl} 2.0] ${end_surround}]
set hesz [/ ${end_contact_size} 2.0]
# LV substrate diffusion types have a different surround requirement
set lv_sub_types {"psd" "nsd"}
if {[lsearch $lv_sub_types $end_type] < 0} {
set hesz [+ ${hesz} ${end_surround}]
# Top end material & contact
box move n ${hl}um
box move n ${res_to_endcont}um
box size 0 0
box grow n ${hesz}um
box grow s ${hesz}um
box grow e ${hepl}um
box grow w ${hepl}um
paint ${end_type}
set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::getbox]]
if {${end_contact_type} != ""} {
# Draw via over contact first
if {$vias != 0} {
set ch $res_to_endcont
if {$ch < $via_size} {set ch $via_size}
set cw $epl
if {$cw < $via_size} {set cw $via_size}
box grow n [/ $via_size 2]um
box grow s [- $ch [/ $via_size 2]]um
box grow w [/ $cw 2]um
box grow e [/ $cw 2]um
set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::draw_contact ${cpl} 0 \
${end_surround} ${metal_surround} ${end_contact_size} \
${end_type} ${end_contact_type} li horz]]
# Bottom end material & contact
box move s ${hl}um
box move s ${res_to_endcont}um
box size 0 0
box grow n ${hesz}um
box grow s ${hesz}um
box grow e ${hepl}um
box grow w ${hepl}um
paint ${end_type}
set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::getbox]]
if {${end_contact_type} != ""} {
# Draw via over contact first
if {$vias != 0} {
set ch $res_to_endcont
if {$ch < $via_size} {set ch $via_size}
set cw $epl
if {$cw < $via_size} {set cw $via_size}
box grow n [- $ch [/ $via_size 2]]um
box grow s [/ $via_size 2]um
box grow w [/ $cw 2]um
box grow e [/ $cw 2]um
set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::draw_contact ${cpl} 0 \
${end_surround} ${metal_surround} ${end_contact_size} \
${end_type} ${end_contact_type} li horz]]
return $cext
# Resistor: Draw a single device in snake geometry
proc sky130::res_snake_device {nf parameters} {
# nf is the number of fingers of the snake geometry
# Epsilon for avoiding round-off errors
set eps 0.0005
# Set local default values if they are not in parameters
set endcov 100 ;# percent coverage of end contacts
set well_res_overlap 0 ;# not a well resistor
set end_contact_type "" ;# no contacts for metal resistors
set mask_clearance 0 ;# additional length to clear mask
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
if {![dict exists $parameters end_contact_size]} {
set end_contact_size $contact_size
# Compute half width and length
set hw [/ $w 2.0]
set hl [/ $l 2.0]
# Reduce contact sizes by (end type) surround so that
# the contact area edges match the device type width.
# (Minimum dimensions will be enforced by the contact drawing routine)
set epl [- ${w} [* ${end_surround} 2]] ;# end contact width
# Reduce contact size for well resistor types
if {$well_res_overlap > 0} {
set epl [- ${epl} [* ${well_res_overlap} 2]]
# Reduce contact part of end by coverage percentage
if {${endcov} > 0} {
set cpl [* ${epl} [/ ${endcov} 100.0]]
} else {
set cpl $epl
set hepl [+ [/ ${epl} 2.0] ${end_surround}]
set hesz [+ [/ ${end_contact_size} 2.0] ${end_surround}]
box size 0 0 ;# Position is taken from caller
# Front end contact (always bottom)
box move s ${hl}um
box move s ${mask_clearance}um
box move s ${res_to_endcont}um
box size 0 0
box grow n ${hesz}um
box grow s ${hesz}um
box grow e ${hepl}um
box grow w ${hepl}um
paint ${end_type}
set cext [sky130::getbox]
if {${end_contact_type} != ""} {
set cext [sky130::draw_contact ${cpl} 0 \
${end_surround} ${metal_surround} ${end_contact_size} \
${end_type} ${end_contact_type} li horz]
# Draw portion between resistor end and contact.
box grow e ${hw}um
box grow w ${hw}um
box grow s ${mask_clearance}um
if {${mask_clearance} > 0} {
paint ${res_type}
box move s ${mask_clearance}um
box grow s ${res_to_endcont}um
if {$well_res_overlap > 0} {
set well_extend [+ ${well_res_overlap} [/ ${end_contact_size} 2.0] ${end_surround}]
box grow s ${well_extend}um
paint ${well_res_type}
} else {
paint ${end_type}
set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::getbox]]
# Draw the resistor and endcaps
box grow n ${hl}um
box grow s ${hl}um
box grow e ${hw}um
box grow w ${hw}um
# Capture these extents in the bounding box in case both contacts
# are on one side.
set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::getbox]]
set deltax [+ ${res_spacing} ${w}]
set deltay [- ${l} ${w}]
for {set i 0} {$i < [- $nf 1]} {incr i} {
# Really should be drawing endcaps last instead of working around 1st one
if {($i == 0) && (${mask_clearance} < 0)} {
box grow s ${mask_clearance}um
paint ${res_type}
} else {
paint ${res_type}
if {[% $i 2] == 0} {
box move n ${deltay}um
box height ${w}um
box width ${deltax}um
paint ${res_type}
box move e ${deltax}um
paint ${res_type}
# Capture these extents in the bounding box
set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::getbox]]
# Move box to last finger
set lastf [* [- $nf 1] $deltax]
box move e ${lastf}um
# Back-end contact (top or bottom, depending if odd or even turns)
if {[% $nf 2] == 1} {
set dir n
} else {
set dir s
box move $dir ${hl}um
box move $dir ${mask_clearance}um
box move $dir ${res_to_endcont}um
box size 0 0
box grow n ${hesz}um
box grow s ${hesz}um
box grow e ${hepl}um
box grow w ${hepl}um
paint ${end_type}
set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::getbox]]
if {${end_contact_type} != ""} {
set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::draw_contact ${cpl} 0 \
${end_surround} ${metal_surround} ${end_contact_size} \
${end_type} ${end_contact_type} li horz]]
# Draw portion between resistor end and contact.
box grow e ${hw}um
box grow w ${hw}um
box grow $dir ${mask_clearance}um
if {${mask_clearance} > 0} {
paint ${res_type}
box move $dir ${mask_clearance}um
box grow $dir ${res_to_endcont}um
if {$well_res_overlap > 0} {
set well_extend [+ ${well_res_overlap} [/ ${end_contact_size} 2.0] ${end_surround}]
box grow $dir ${well_extend}um
paint ${well_res_type}
} else {
paint ${end_type}
return $cext
# Resistor: Draw the tiled device
proc sky130::res_draw {parameters} {
tech unlock *
set savesnap [snap]
snap internal
# Set defaults if they are not in parameters
set snake 0 ;# some resistors don't allow snake geometry
set roverlap 0 ;# overlap resistors at contacts
set guard 0 ;# draw a guard ring
set plus_diff_type nsd ;# guard ring diffusion type
set overlap_compress 0 ;# special Y distance compression
set well_res_overlap 0 ;# additional well extension behind contact
set res_diff_spacing 0 ;# spacing from resistor to diffusion
set res_idtype none
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
# For devices where inter-device space is smaller than device-to-guard ring
if {![dict exists $parameters end_to_end_space]} {
set end_to_end_space $end_spacing
if {![dict exists $parameters end_contact_size]} {
set end_contact_size $contact_size
# Normalize distance units to microns
set w [magic::spice2float $w]
set l [magic::spice2float $l]
box values 0 0 0 0
# Determine the base device dimensions by drawing one device
# while all layers are locked (nothing drawn). This allows the
# base drawing routine to do complicated geometry without having
# to duplicate it here with calculations.
tech lock *
set nf $nx
if {($snake == 1) && ($nx == 1)} {set snake 0}
if {$snake == 1} {
set bbox [sky130::res_snake_device $nf $parameters]
set nx 1
} else {
set bbox [sky130::res_device $parameters]
# puts stdout "Diagnostic: Device bounding box e $bbox (um)"
tech unlock *
set fw [- [lindex $bbox 2] [lindex $bbox 0]]
set fh [- [lindex $bbox 3] [lindex $bbox 1]]
set lw [+ [lindex $bbox 2] [lindex $bbox 0]]
set lh [+ [lindex $bbox 3] [lindex $bbox 1]]
# Determine tile width and height (depends on overlap)
# Snake resistors cannot overlap.
# However, snake resistors with an odd number of fingers can
# compress the space if overlap_compress is defined
if {($roverlap == 1) && ($snake == 1) && ([% $nf 2] == 1) && ($m > 1)} {
set dy [- $fh $overlap_compress]
} elseif {($roverlap == 0) || ($snake == 1)} {
set dy [+ $fh $end_to_end_space]
} else {
# overlap poly
set dy [- $fh [+ [* [+ $end_surround $well_res_overlap] 2.0] $end_contact_size]]
set dx [+ $fw $res_spacing]
# Determine core width and height
set corex [+ [* [- $nx 1] $dx] $fw]
set corey [+ [* [- $m 1] $dy] $fh]
set corellx [/ [+ [- $corex $fw] $lw] 2.0]
set corelly [/ [+ [- $corey $fh] $lh] 2.0]
set lv_sub_types {"psd" "nsd"}
if {[lsearch $lv_sub_types $plus_diff_type] >= 0} {
set guard_diff_surround 0
} else {
set guard_diff_surround ${diff_surround}
if {$guard != 0} {
# Calculate guard ring size (measured to contact center)
set gx [+ $corex [* 2.0 [+ $res_diff_spacing $guard_diff_surround]] $contact_size]
set gy [+ $corey [* 2.0 [+ $end_spacing $guard_diff_surround]] $contact_size]
# Draw the guard ring first, because well resistors are on the substrate plane
sky130::guard_ring $gx $gy $parameters
box move w ${corellx}um
box move s ${corelly}um
# puts "Device position at = [sky130::getbox]"
for {set xp 0} {$xp < $nx} {incr xp} {
for {set yp 0} {$yp < $m} {incr yp} {
if {$snake == 1} {
sky130::res_snake_device $nf $parameters
} else {
sky130::res_device $parameters
box move n ${dy}um
box move e ${dx}um
snap $savesnap
tech revert
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_po_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
# Handle options related to guard ring type (high/low voltage, nwell/psub)
if {[dict exists $parameters hv_guard]} {
set use_hv_guard [dict get $parameters hv_guard]
} else {
set use_hv_guard 0
if {[dict exists $parameters n_guard]} {
set use_n_guard [dict get $parameters n_guard]
} else {
set use_n_guard 0
if {$use_hv_guard == 1} {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype mvnsd
set gdiffcont mvnsc
} else {
set gdifftype mvpsd
set gdiffcont mvpsc
set gsurround 0.33
} else {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype nsd
set gdiffcont nsc
} else {
set gdifftype psd
set gdiffcont psc
set gsurround $sub_surround
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gsubtype nwell
} else {
set gsubtype psub
set newdict [dict create \
res_type npres \
end_type poly \
end_contact_type pc \
plus_diff_type $gdifftype \
plus_contact_type $gdiffcont \
sub_type $gsubtype \
guard_sub_surround $gsurround \
end_surround $poly_surround \
end_spacing 0.48 \
end_to_end_space 0.52 \
res_to_cont 0.575 \
res_to_endcont 1.985 \
res_spacing $poly_spacing \
res_diff_spacing 0.48 \
mask_clearance 0.52 \
overlap_compress 0.36 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p35_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
# Handle options related to guard ring type (high/low voltage, nwell/psub)
if {[dict exists $parameters hv_guard]} {
set use_hv_guard [dict get $parameters hv_guard]
} else {
set use_hv_guard 0
if {[dict exists $parameters n_guard]} {
set use_n_guard [dict get $parameters n_guard]
} else {
set use_n_guard 0
if {$use_hv_guard == 1} {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype mvnsd
set gdiffcont mvnsc
} else {
set gdifftype mvpsd
set gdiffcont mvpsc
set gsurround 0.33
} else {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype nsd
set gdiffcont nsc
} else {
set gdifftype psd
set gdiffcont psc
set gsurround $sub_surround
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gsubtype nwell
set gresdiff_spacing 0.785
set gresdiff_end 0.525
} else {
set gsubtype psub
set gresdiff_spacing 0.48
set gresdiff_end 0.48
set newdict [dict create \
res_type ppres \
end_type xpc \
end_contact_type xpc \
end_contact_size 0 \
plus_diff_type $gdifftype \
plus_contact_type $gdiffcont \
sub_type $gsubtype \
guard_sub_surround $gsurround \
end_surround $poly_surround \
end_spacing $gresdiff_end \
end_to_end_space 0.52 \
end_contact_size 0.19 \
res_to_cont 0.575 \
res_to_endcont 1.985 \
res_spacing 0.48 \
res_diff_spacing $gresdiff_spacing \
mask_clearance -2.16 \
overlap_compress 0.36 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p69_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
# Handle options related to guard ring type (high/low voltage, nwell/psub)
if {[dict exists $parameters hv_guard]} {
set use_hv_guard [dict get $parameters hv_guard]
} else {
set use_hv_guard 0
if {[dict exists $parameters n_guard]} {
set use_n_guard [dict get $parameters n_guard]
} else {
set use_n_guard 0
if {$use_hv_guard == 1} {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype mvnsd
set gdiffcont mvnsc
} else {
set gdifftype mvpsd
set gdiffcont mvpsc
set gsurround 0.33
} else {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype nsd
set gdiffcont nsc
} else {
set gdifftype psd
set gdiffcont psc
set gsurround $sub_surround
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gsubtype nwell
set gresdiff_spacing 0.615
set gresdiff_end 0.525
} else {
set gsubtype psub
set gresdiff_spacing 0.48
set gresdiff_end 0.48
set newdict [dict create \
res_type ppres \
end_type xpc \
end_contact_type xpc \
end_contact_size 0 \
plus_diff_type $gdifftype \
plus_contact_type $gdiffcont \
sub_type $gsubtype \
guard_sub_surround $gsurround \
end_surround $poly_surround \
end_spacing $gresdiff_end \
end_to_end_space 0.52 \
end_contact_size 0.19 \
res_to_cont 0.575 \
res_to_endcont 1.985 \
res_spacing 0.48 \
res_diff_spacing $gresdiff_spacing \
mask_clearance 0.52 \
overlap_compress 0.36 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_1p41_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
# Handle options related to guard ring type (high/low voltage, nwell/psub)
if {[dict exists $parameters hv_guard]} {
set use_hv_guard [dict get $parameters hv_guard]
} else {
set use_hv_guard 0
if {[dict exists $parameters n_guard]} {
set use_n_guard [dict get $parameters n_guard]
} else {
set use_n_guard 0
if {$use_hv_guard == 1} {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype mvnsd
set gdiffcont mvnsc
} else {
set gdifftype mvpsd
set gdiffcont mvpsc
set gsurround 0.33
} else {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype nsd
set gdiffcont nsc
} else {
set gdifftype psd
set gdiffcont psc
set gsurround $sub_surround
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gsubtype nwell
set gresdiff_spacing 0.525
set gresdiff_end 0.525
} else {
set gsubtype psub
set gresdiff_spacing 0.48
set gresdiff_end 0.48
set newdict [dict create \
res_type ppres \
end_type xpc \
end_contact_type xpc \
end_contact_size 0 \
plus_diff_type $gdifftype \
plus_contact_type $gdiffcont \
sub_type $gsubtype \
guard_sub_surround $gsurround \
end_surround $poly_surround \
end_spacing $gresdiff_end \
end_to_end_space 0.52 \
end_contact_size 0.19 \
res_to_cont 0.575 \
res_to_endcont 1.985 \
res_spacing 0.48 \
res_diff_spacing $gresdiff_spacing \
mask_clearance 0.52 \
overlap_compress 0.36 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_2p85_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
# Handle options related to guard ring type (high/low voltage, nwell/psub)
if {[dict exists $parameters hv_guard]} {
set use_hv_guard [dict get $parameters hv_guard]
} else {
set use_hv_guard 0
if {[dict exists $parameters n_guard]} {
set use_n_guard [dict get $parameters n_guard]
} else {
set use_n_guard 0
if {$use_hv_guard == 1} {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype mvnsd
set gdiffcont mvnsc
} else {
set gdifftype mvpsd
set gdiffcont mvpsc
set gsurround 0.33
} else {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype nsd
set gdiffcont nsc
} else {
set gdifftype psd
set gdiffcont psc
set gsurround $sub_surround
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gsubtype nwell
set gresdiff_spacing 0.525
set gresdiff_end 0.525
} else {
set gsubtype psub
set gresdiff_spacing 0.48
set gresdiff_end 0.48
set newdict [dict create \
res_type ppres \
end_type xpc \
end_contact_type xpc \
end_contact_size 0 \
plus_diff_type $gdifftype \
plus_contact_type $gdiffcont \
sub_type $gsubtype \
guard_sub_surround $gsurround \
end_surround $poly_surround \
end_spacing $gresdiff_end \
end_to_end_space 0.52 \
end_contact_size 0.19 \
res_to_cont 0.575 \
res_to_endcont 1.985 \
res_spacing 0.48 \
res_diff_spacing $gresdiff_spacing \
mask_clearance 0.52 \
overlap_compress 0.36 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_5p73_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
# Handle options related to guard ring type (high/low voltage, nwell/psub)
if {[dict exists $parameters hv_guard]} {
set use_hv_guard [dict get $parameters hv_guard]
} else {
set use_hv_guard 0
if {[dict exists $parameters n_guard]} {
set use_n_guard [dict get $parameters n_guard]
} else {
set use_n_guard 0
if {$use_hv_guard == 1} {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype mvnsd
set gdiffcont mvnsc
} else {
set gdifftype mvpsd
set gdiffcont mvpsc
set gsurround 0.33
} else {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype nsd
set gdiffcont nsc
} else {
set gdifftype psd
set gdiffcont psc
set gsurround $sub_surround
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gsubtype nwell
set gresdiff_spacing 0.525
set gresdiff_end 0.525
} else {
set gsubtype psub
set gresdiff_spacing 0.48
set gresdiff_end 0.48
set newdict [dict create \
res_type ppres \
end_type xpc \
end_contact_type xpc \
end_contact_size 0 \
plus_diff_type $gdifftype \
plus_contact_type $gdiffcont \
sub_type $gsubtype \
guard_sub_surround $gsurround \
end_surround $poly_surround \
end_spacing $gresdiff_end \
end_to_end_space 0.52 \
end_contact_size 0.19 \
res_to_cont 0.575 \
res_to_endcont 1.985 \
res_spacing 0.48 \
res_diff_spacing $gresdiff_spacing \
mask_clearance 0.52 \
overlap_compress 0.36 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p35_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
# Handle options related to guard ring type (high/low voltage, nwell/psub)
if {[dict exists $parameters hv_guard]} {
set use_hv_guard [dict get $parameters hv_guard]
} else {
set use_hv_guard 0
if {[dict exists $parameters n_guard]} {
set use_n_guard [dict get $parameters n_guard]
} else {
set use_n_guard 0
if {$use_hv_guard == 1} {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype mvnsd
set gdiffcont mvnsc
} else {
set gdifftype mvpsd
set gdiffcont mvpsc
set gsurround 0.33
} else {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype nsd
set gdiffcont nsc
} else {
set gdifftype psd
set gdiffcont psc
set gsurround $sub_surround
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gsubtype nwell
set gresdiff_spacing 0.785
set gresdiff_end 0.525
} else {
set gsubtype psub
set gresdiff_spacing 0.48
set gresdiff_end 0.48
set newdict [dict create \
res_type xpres \
end_type xpc \
end_contact_type xpc \
end_contact_size 0 \
plus_diff_type $gdifftype \
plus_contact_type $gdiffcont \
sub_type $gsubtype \
guard_sub_surround $gsurround \
end_surround $poly_surround \
end_spacing $gresdiff_end \
end_to_end_space 0.52 \
end_contact_size 0.19 \
res_to_cont 0.575 \
res_to_endcont 1.985 \
res_spacing 0.48 \
res_diff_spacing $gresdiff_spacing \
mask_clearance 0.52 \
overlap_compress 0.36 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p35_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
# Handle options related to guard ring type (high/low voltage, nwell/psub)
if {[dict exists $parameters hv_guard]} {
set use_hv_guard [dict get $parameters hv_guard]
} else {
set use_hv_guard 0
if {[dict exists $parameters n_guard]} {
set use_n_guard [dict get $parameters n_guard]
} else {
set use_n_guard 0
if {$use_hv_guard == 1} {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype mvnsd
set gdiffcont mvnsc
} else {
set gdifftype mvpsd
set gdiffcont mvpsc
set gsurround 0.33
} else {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype nsd
set gdiffcont nsc
} else {
set gdifftype psd
set gdiffcont psc
set gsurround $sub_surround
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gsubtype nwell
set gresdiff_spacing 0.785
set gresdiff_end 0.525
} else {
set gsubtype psub
set gresdiff_spacing 0.48
set gresdiff_end 0.48
set newdict [dict create \
res_type xpres \
end_type xpc \
end_contact_type xpc \
end_contact_size 0 \
plus_diff_type $gdifftype \
plus_contact_type $gdiffcont \
sub_type $gsubtype \
guard_sub_surround $gsurround \
end_surround $poly_surround \
end_spacing $gresdiff_end \
end_to_end_space 0.52 \
end_contact_size 0.19 \
res_to_cont 0.575 \
res_to_endcont 1.985 \
res_spacing 0.48 \
res_diff_spacing $gresdiff_spacing \
mask_clearance 0.52 \
overlap_compress 0.36 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
# Handle options related to guard ring type (high/low voltage, nwell/psub)
if {[dict exists $parameters hv_guard]} {
set use_hv_guard [dict get $parameters hv_guard]
} else {
set use_hv_guard 0
if {[dict exists $parameters n_guard]} {
set use_n_guard [dict get $parameters n_guard]
} else {
set use_n_guard 0
if {$use_hv_guard == 1} {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype mvnsd
set gdiffcont mvnsc
} else {
set gdifftype mvpsd
set gdiffcont mvpsc
set gsurround 0.33
} else {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype nsd
set gdiffcont nsc
} else {
set gdifftype psd
set gdiffcont psc
set gsurround $sub_surround
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gsubtype nwell
set gresdiff_spacing 0.615
set gresdiff_end 0.525
} else {
set gsubtype psub
set gresdiff_spacing 0.48
set gresdiff_end 0.48
set newdict [dict create \
res_type xpres \
end_type xpc \
end_contact_type xpc \
end_contact_size 0 \
plus_diff_type $gdifftype \
plus_contact_type $gdiffcont \
sub_type $gsubtype \
guard_sub_surround $gsurround \
end_surround $poly_surround \
end_spacing $gresdiff_end \
end_to_end_space 0.52 \
end_contact_size 0.19 \
res_to_cont 0.575 \
res_to_endcont 1.985 \
res_spacing 0.48 \
res_diff_spacing $gresdiff_spacing \
mask_clearance 0.52 \
overlap_compress 0.36 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_1p41_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
# Handle options related to guard ring type (high/low voltage, nwell/psub)
if {[dict exists $parameters hv_guard]} {
set use_hv_guard [dict get $parameters hv_guard]
} else {
set use_hv_guard 0
if {[dict exists $parameters n_guard]} {
set use_n_guard [dict get $parameters n_guard]
} else {
set use_n_guard 0
if {$use_hv_guard == 1} {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype mvnsd
set gdiffcont mvnsc
} else {
set gdifftype mvpsd
set gdiffcont mvpsc
set gsurround 0.33
} else {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype nsd
set gdiffcont nsc
} else {
set gdifftype psd
set gdiffcont psc
set gsurround $sub_surround
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gsubtype nwell
set gresdiff_spacing 0.525
set gresdiff_end 0.525
} else {
set gsubtype psub
set gresdiff_spacing 0.48
set gresdiff_end 0.48
set newdict [dict create \
res_type xpres \
end_type xpc \
end_contact_type xpc \
end_contact_size 0 \
plus_diff_type $gdifftype \
plus_contact_type $gdiffcont \
sub_type $gsubtype \
guard_sub_surround $gsurround \
end_surround $poly_surround \
end_spacing $gresdiff_end \
end_to_end_space 0.52 \
end_contact_size 0.19 \
res_to_cont 0.575 \
res_to_endcont 1.985 \
res_spacing 0.48 \
res_diff_spacing $gresdiff_spacing \
mask_clearance 0.52 \
overlap_compress 0.36 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_2p85_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
# Handle options related to guard ring type (high/low voltage, nwell/psub)
if {[dict exists $parameters hv_guard]} {
set use_hv_guard [dict get $parameters hv_guard]
} else {
set use_hv_guard 0
if {[dict exists $parameters n_guard]} {
set use_n_guard [dict get $parameters n_guard]
} else {
set use_n_guard 0
if {$use_hv_guard == 1} {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype mvnsd
set gdiffcont mvnsc
} else {
set gdifftype mvpsd
set gdiffcont mvpsc
set gsurround 0.33
} else {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype nsd
set gdiffcont nsc
} else {
set gdifftype psd
set gdiffcont psc
set gsurround $sub_surround
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gsubtype nwell
set gresdiff_spacing 0.525
set gresdiff_end 0.525
} else {
set gsubtype psub
set gresdiff_spacing 0.48
set gresdiff_end 0.48
set newdict [dict create \
res_type xpres \
end_type xpc \
end_contact_type xpc \
end_contact_size 0 \
plus_diff_type $gdifftype \
plus_contact_type $gdiffcont \
sub_type $gsubtype \
guard_sub_surround $gsurround \
end_surround $poly_surround \
end_spacing $gresdiff_end \
end_to_end_space 0.52 \
end_contact_size 0.19 \
res_to_cont 0.575 \
res_to_endcont 1.985 \
res_spacing 0.48 \
res_diff_spacing $gresdiff_spacing \
mask_clearance 0.52 \
overlap_compress 0.36 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_5p73_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
# Handle options related to guard ring type (high/low voltage, nwell/psub)
if {[dict exists $parameters hv_guard]} {
set use_hv_guard [dict get $parameters hv_guard]
} else {
set use_hv_guard 0
if {[dict exists $parameters n_guard]} {
set use_n_guard [dict get $parameters n_guard]
} else {
set use_n_guard 0
if {$use_hv_guard == 1} {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype mvnsd
set gdiffcont mvnsc
} else {
set gdifftype mvpsd
set gdiffcont mvpsc
set gsurround 0.33
} else {
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gdifftype nsd
set gdiffcont nsc
} else {
set gdifftype psd
set gdiffcont psc
set gsurround $sub_surround
if {$use_n_guard == 1} {
set gsubtype nwell
set gresdiff_spacing 0.525
set gresdiff_end 0.525
} else {
set gsubtype psub
set gresdiff_spacing 0.48
set gresdiff_end 0.48
set newdict [dict create \
res_type xpres \
end_type xpc \
end_contact_type xpc \
end_contact_size 0 \
plus_diff_type $gdifftype \
plus_contact_type $gdiffcont \
sub_type $gsubtype \
guard_sub_surround $gsurround \
end_surround $poly_surround \
end_spacing $gresdiff_end \
end_to_end_space 0.52 \
end_contact_size 0.19 \
res_to_cont 0.575 \
res_to_endcont 1.985 \
res_spacing 0.48 \
res_diff_spacing $gresdiff_spacing \
mask_clearance 0.52 \
overlap_compress 0.36 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
set newdict [dict create \
res_type rdn \
end_type ndiff \
end_contact_type ndc \
plus_diff_type psd \
plus_contact_type psc \
sub_type psub \
end_surround $diff_surround \
end_spacing 0.44 \
res_to_endcont 0.37 \
res_spacing 0.30 \
res_diff_spacing 0.44 \
mask_clearance 0.22 \
overlap_compress 0.36 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd__hv_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
set newdict [dict create \
res_type mvrdn \
end_type mvndiff \
end_contact_type mvndc \
plus_diff_type mvpsd \
plus_contact_type mvpsc \
sub_type psub \
end_surround $diff_surround \
end_spacing 0.44 \
res_to_endcont 0.37 \
res_spacing 0.30 \
res_diff_spacing 0.44 \
mask_clearance 0.22 \
overlap_compress 0.36 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
set newdict [dict create \
res_type rdp \
end_type pdiff \
end_contact_type pdc \
plus_diff_type nsd \
plus_contact_type nsc \
sub_type nwell \
end_surround $diff_surround \
end_spacing 0.44 \
res_to_endcont 0.37 \
res_spacing $diff_spacing \
res_diff_spacing 0.44 \
mask_clearance 0.22 \
overlap_compress 0.36 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd__hv_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
set newdict [dict create \
res_type mvrdp \
end_type mvpdiff \
end_contact_type mvpdc \
plus_diff_type mvnsd \
plus_contact_type mvnsc \
sub_type nwell \
end_surround $diff_surround \
guard_sub_surround 0.33 \
end_spacing 0.44 \
res_to_endcont 0.37 \
res_spacing 0.30 \
res_diff_spacing 0.44 \
mask_clearance 0.22 \
overlap_compress 0.36 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_iso_pw_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
set newdict [dict create \
well_res_type pwell \
res_type rpw \
end_type psd \
end_contact_type psc \
plus_diff_type nsd \
plus_contact_type nsc \
sub_type dnwell \
sub_surround 0.23 \
guard_sub_type nwell \
guard_sub_surround 0.63 \
end_surround $diff_surround \
end_spacing 0.63 \
end_to_end_space 1.15 \
end_overlap_cont 0.06 \
end_contact_size 0.53 \
overlap_compress -0.17 \
res_to_endcont 0.265 \
res_spacing 1.4 \
res_diff_spacing 0.63 \
well_res_overlap 0.2 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_l1_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
set newdict [dict create \
guard 0 \
res_type rli \
end_type li \
end_surround 0.0 \
end_spacing 0.0 \
res_to_endcont 0.2 \
end_to_end_space 0.23 \
res_spacing $metal_spacing \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m1_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
set newdict [dict create \
guard 0 \
res_type rm1 \
end_type m1 \
end_surround 0.0 \
end_spacing 0.0 \
end_to_end_space 0.28 \
res_to_endcont 0.2 \
res_spacing $mmetal_spacing \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m2_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
set newdict [dict create \
guard 0 \
res_type rm2 \
end_type m2 \
end_surround 0.0 \
end_spacing 0.0 \
end_to_end_space 0.28 \
res_to_endcont 0.2 \
res_spacing $mmetal_spacing \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
set newdict [dict create \
guard 0 \
res_type rm3 \
end_type m3 \
end_surround 0.0 \
end_spacing 0.0 \
end_to_end_space 0.28 \
res_to_endcont 0.2 \
res_spacing $mmetal_spacing \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
#ifdef METAL5
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m4_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
set newdict [dict create \
guard 0 \
res_type rm4 \
end_type m4 \
end_surround 0.0 \
end_spacing 0.0 \
end_to_end_space 0.28 \
res_to_endcont 0.2 \
res_spacing $mmetal_spacing \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m5_draw {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
set newdict [dict create \
guard 0 \
res_type rm5 \
end_type m5 \
end_surround 0.0 \
end_spacing 0.0 \
end_to_end_space 1.6 \
res_to_endcont 0.2 \
res_spacing $mmetal_spacing \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
#endif (METAL5)
# Resistor total length computation
proc sky130::compute_ltot {parameters} {
# In case snake not defined
set snake 0
set caplen 0
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
set l [magic::spice2float $l]
set l [magic::3digitpastdecimal $l]
# Compute total length. Use catch to prevent error in batch/scripted mode.
if {$snake == 1} {
catch {set magic::ltot_val [expr ($caplen * ($nx - 1)) + ($l * $nx) + ($nx - 1)]}
} else {
catch {set magic::ltot_val $l}
# resistor: Check device parameters for out-of-bounds values
proc sky130::res_check {device parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
set snake 0
set guard 0
set sterm 0.0
set caplen 0
set wmax 0
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
# Normalize distance units to microns
set w [magic::spice2float $w]
set w [magic::3digitpastdecimal $w]
set l [magic::spice2float $l]
set l [magic::3digitpastdecimal $l]
set val [magic::spice2float $val]
set rho [magic::spice2float $rho]
# nf, m must be integer
if {![string is int $nx]} {
puts stderr "X repeat must be an integer!"
dict set parameters nx 1
if {![string is int $m]} {
puts stderr "Y repeat must be an integer!"
dict set parameters m 1
# Width always needs to be specified
if {$w < $wmin} {
puts stderr "Resistor width must be >= $wmin um"
dict set parameters w $wmin
if {$wmax > 0 && $w > $wmax} {
puts stderr "Resistor width must be <= $wmax um"
dict set parameters w $wmax
# Val and W specified - no L
if {$l == 0} {
set l [expr ($w - $dw) * $val / $rho]
set l [magic::3digitpastdecimal $l]
set stringval [magic::float2spice $val]
dict set parameters l [magic::float2spice [expr $l * 1e-6]]
# L and W specified - ignore Val if specified
} else {
if {$snake == 0} {
set val [expr (2 * $term + $l * $rho) / ($w - $dw)]
} else {
set val [expr $rho * ($nx - 1) + ((2 * ($term + $sterm)) \
+ ($rho * $l * $nx) + ($rho * $caplen * ($nx - 1))) \
/ ($w - $dw)]
set val [magic::float2spice $val]
dict set parameters val $val
if {$l < $lmin} {
puts stderr "Resistor length must be >= $lmin um"
dict set parameters l $lmin
if {$nx < 1} {
puts stderr "X repeat must be >= 1"
dict set parameters nx 1
if {$m < 1} {
puts stderr "Y repeat must be >= 1"
dict set parameters m 1
# Snake resistors cannot have width greater than length
if {$snake == 1} {
if {$w > $l} {
puts stderr "Snake resistor width must be < length"
dict set parameters w $l
# Check via coverage for syntax
if {$guard == 1} {
if {[catch {expr abs($viagb)}]} {
puts stderr "Guard ring bottom via coverage must be numeric!"
dict set parameters viagb 0
} elseif {[expr abs($viagb)] > 100} {
puts stderr "Guard ring bottom via coverage can't be more than 100%"
dict set parameters viagb 100
if {[catch {expr abs($viagt)}]} {
puts stderr "Guard ring top via coverage must be numeric!"
dict set parameters viagt 0
} elseif {[expr abs($viagt)] > 100} {
puts stderr "Guard ring top via coverage can't be more than 100%"
dict set parameters viagt 100
if {[catch {expr abs($viagr)}]} {
puts stderr "Guard ring right via coverage must be numeric!"
dict set parameters viagr 0
} elseif {[expr abs($viagr)] > 100} {
puts stderr "Guard ring right via coverage can't be more than 100%"
dict set parameters viagr 100
if {[catch {expr abs($viagl)}]} {
puts stderr "Guard ring left via coverage must be numeric!"
dict set parameters viagl 0
} elseif {[expr abs($viagl)] > 100} {
puts stderr "Guard ring left via coverage can't be more than 100%"
dict set parameters viagl 100
# Diffusion resistors must satisfy diffusion-to-tap spacing of 20um.
# Therefore the maximum of guard ring width or height cannot exceed 40um.
# If in violation, reduce counts first, as these are easiest to recover
# by duplicating the device and overlapping the wells.
if {$device == "rdn" || $device == "rdp"} {
set origm $m
set orignx $nx
while true {
set xext [expr ($w + 0.8) * $nx + 1.0]
set yext [expr ($l + 1.7) * $m + 1.7]
if {[expr min($xext, $yext)] > 40.0} {
if {$yext > 40.0 && $m > 1} {
incr m -1
} elseif {$xext > 40.0 && $nx > 1} {
incr nx -1
} elseif {$yext > 40.0} {
set l 36.6
puts -nonewline stderr "Diffusion resistor length must be < 36.6 um"
puts stderr " to avoid tap spacing violation."
dict set parameters l $l
} elseif {$xext > 40.0} {
set w 38.2
puts -nonewline stderr "Diffusion resistor width must be < 38.2 um"
puts stderr " to avoid tap spacing violation."
dict set parameters w $w
} else {
if {$m != $origm} {
puts stderr "Y repeat reduced to prevent tap distance violation"
dict set parameters m $m
if {$nx != $orignx} {
puts stderr "X repeat reduced to prevent tap distance violation"
dict set parameters nx $nx
sky130::compute_ltot $parameters
return $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_iso_pw_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_check sky130_fd_pr__res_iso_pw $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_po_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_check sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_po $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p35_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_check sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p35 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p69_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_check sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p69 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_1p41_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_check sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_1p41 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_2p85_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_check sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_2p85 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_5p73_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_check sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_5p73 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p35_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_check sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p35 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_check sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_1p41_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_check sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_1p41 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_2p85_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_check sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_2p85 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_5p73_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_check sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_5p73 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_check sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_check sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd__hv_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_check sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd__hv $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd__hv_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_check sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd__hv $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_l1_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_check sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_l1 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m1_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_check sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m1 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m2_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_check sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m2 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_check sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 $parameters]
#ifdef METAL5
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m4_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_check sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m4 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m5_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::res_check sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m5 $parameters]
#endif (METAL5)
# MOS defaults:
# w = Gate width
# l = Gate length
# m = Multiplier
# nf = Number of fingers
# diffcov = Diffusion contact coverage
# polycov = Poly contact coverage
# topc = Top gate contact
# botc = Bottom gate contact
# guard = Guard ring
# (not user-editable)
# lmin = Gate minimum length
# wmin = Gate minimum width
# pmos: Specify all user-editable default values and those
# needed by mos_check
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_defaults {} {
return {w 0.42 l 0.15 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.15 wmin 0.42 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 \
sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_lvt sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_hvt \
sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5} full_metal 1 \
viasrc 100 viadrn 100 viagate 100 \
viagb 0 viagr 0 viagl 0 viagt 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_lvt_defaults {} {
return {w 0.42 l 0.35 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.35 wmin 0.42 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 \
sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_lvt sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_hvt \
sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5} full_metal 1 \
viasrc 100 viadrn 100 viagate 100 \
viagb 0 viagr 0 viagl 0 viagt 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_hvt_defaults {} {
return {w 0.42 l 0.15 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.15 wmin 0.42 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 \
sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_lvt sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_hvt \
sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5} full_metal 1 \
viasrc 100 viadrn 100 viagate 100 \
viagb 0 viagr 0 viagl 0 viagt 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_defaults {} {
return {w 0.42 l 0.50 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.50 wmin 0.42 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 \
sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_lvt sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_hvt \
sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5} full_metal 1 \
viasrc 100 viadrn 100 viagate 100 \
viagb 0 viagr 0 viagl 0 viagt 0}
# nmos: Specify all user-editable default values and those
# needed by mos_check
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_defaults {} {
return {w 0.420 l 0.150 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.15 wmin 0.42 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt \
sky130_fd_bs_flash__special_sonosfet_star \
sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 sky130_fd_pr__nfet_05v0_nvt \
sky130_fd_pr__nfet_03v3_nvt} \
full_metal 1 viasrc 100 viadrn 100 viagate 100 \
viagb 0 viagr 0 viagl 0 viagt 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt_defaults {} {
return {w 0.420 l 0.150 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.15 wmin 0.42 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt \
sky130_fd_bs_flash__special_sonosfet_star \
sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 sky130_fd_pr__nfet_05v0_nvt \
sky130_fd_pr__nfet_03v3_nvt} \
full_metal 1 viasrc 100 viadrn 100 viagate 100 \
viagb 0 viagr 0 viagl 0 viagt 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_bs_flash__special_sonosfet_star_defaults {} {
return {w 0.420 l 0.150 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.15 wmin 0.42 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt \
sky130_fd_bs_flash__special_sonosfet_star \
sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 sky130_fd_pr__nfet_05v0_nvt \
sky130_fd_pr__nfet_03v3_nvt} \
full_metal 1 viasrc 100 viadrn 100 viagate 100 \
viagb 0 viagr 0 viagl 0 viagt 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_defaults {} {
return {w 0.42 l 0.50 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.50 wmin 0.42 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt \
sky130_fd_bs_flash__special_sonosfet_star \
sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 sky130_fd_pr__nfet_05v0_nvt \
sky130_fd_pr__nfet_03v3_nvt} \
full_metal 1 viasrc 100 viadrn 100 viagate 100 \
viagb 0 viagr 0 viagl 0 viagt 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_05v0_nvt_defaults {} {
return {w 0.42 l 0.90 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.90 wmin 0.42 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt \
sky130_fd_bs_flash__special_sonosfet_star \
sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 sky130_fd_pr__nfet_05v0_nvt \
sky130_fd_pr__nfet_03v3_nvt} \
full_metal 1 viasrc 100 viadrn 100 viagate 100 \
viagb 0 viagr 0 viagl 0 viagt 0}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_03v3_nvt_defaults {} {
return {w 0.42 l 0.50 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.50 wmin 0.42 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt \
sky130_fd_bs_flash__special_sonosfet_star \
sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 sky130_fd_pr__nfet_05v0_nvt \
sky130_fd_pr__nfet_03v3_nvt} \
full_metal 1 viasrc 100 viadrn 100 viagate 100 \
viagb 0 viagr 0 viagl 0 viagt 0}
# mos varactor: Specify all user-editable default values and those
# needed by mosvc_check
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_lvt_defaults {} {
return {w 1.0 l 0.18 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.18 wmin 1.0 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_lvt \
sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_hvt sky130_fd_pr__cap_var} \
full_metal 1 viasrc 100 viadrn 100 viagate 100 \
viagb 0 viagr 0 viagl 0 viagt 0 gshield 1}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_hvt_defaults {} {
return {w 1.0 l 0.18 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.18 wmin 1.0 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_lvt \
sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_hvt sky130_fd_pr__cap_var} \
full_metal 1 viasrc 100 viadrn 100 viagate 100 \
viagb 0 viagr 0 viagl 0 viagt 0 gshield 1}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_defaults {} {
return {w 1.0 l 0.50 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.50 wmin 1.0 \
compatible {sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_lvt \
sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_hvt sky130_fd_pr__cap_var} \
full_metal 1 viasrc 100 viadrn 100 viagate 100 \
viagb 0 viagr 0 viagl 0 viagt 0 gshield 1}
# mos: Conversion from SPICE netlist parameters to toolkit
proc sky130::mos_convert {parameters} {
set pdkparams [dict create]
dict for {key value} $parameters {
switch -nocase $key {
l -
w {
# Length and width are converted to units of microns
set value [magic::spice2float $value]
# set value [expr $value * 1e6]
set value [magic::3digitpastdecimal $value]
dict set pdkparams [string tolower $key] $value
m {
dict set pdkparams [string tolower $key] $value
nf {
# Adjustment ot W will be handled below
dict set pdkparams [string tolower $key] $value
# Magic does not understand "nf" as a parameter, but expands to
# "nf" number of devices connected horizontally. The "w" value
# must be divided down accordingly, as the "nf" parameter implies
# that the total width "w" is divided into "nf" fingers.
catch {
set w [dict get $pdkparams w]
set nf [dict get $pdkparams nf]
if {$nf > 1} {
dict set pdkparams w [expr $w / $nf]
return $pdkparams
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_bs_flash__special_sonosfet_star_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_05v0_nvt_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_03v3_nvt_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_lvt_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_hvt_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_lvt_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_hvt_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
# mos: Interactively specifies the fixed layout parameters
proc sky130::mos_dialog {device parameters} {
# Editable fields: w, l, nf, m, diffcov, polycov
# Checked fields: topc, botc
# For specific devices, gate type is a selection list
magic::add_entry w "Width (um)" $parameters
magic::add_entry l "Length (um)" $parameters
magic::add_entry nf "Fingers" $parameters
magic::add_entry m "M" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters compatible]} {
set sellist [dict get $parameters compatible]
magic::add_selectlist gencell "Device type" $sellist $parameters $device
# Default-empty message area, used by the varactor dialog.
magic::add_message minfo "" $parameters brown
magic::add_entry diffcov "Diffusion contact coverage (%)" $parameters
magic::add_entry polycov "Poly contact coverage (%)" $parameters
magic::add_entry rlcov "Guard ring contact coverage (%)" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters gbc]} {
magic::add_entry tbcov "Guard ring top/bottom contact coverage (%)" $parameters
magic::add_checkbox poverlap "Overlap at poly contact" $parameters
magic::add_checkbox doverlap "Overlap at diffusion contact" $parameters
magic::add_checkbox topc "Add top gate contact" $parameters
magic::add_checkbox botc "Add bottom gate contact" $parameters
magic::add_checkbox guard "Add guard ring" $parameters
magic::add_checkbox full_metal "Full metal guard ring" $parameters
magic::add_checkbox glc "Add left guard ring contact" $parameters
magic::add_checkbox grc "Add right guard ring contact" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters gbc]} {
magic::add_checkbox gbc "Add bottom guard ring contact" $parameters
if {[dict exists $parameters gtc]} {
magic::add_checkbox gtc "Add top guard ring contact" $parameters
if {[string first "cap_var" $device] != -1} {
magic::add_checkbox gshield "Metal shield over gate" $parameters
magic::add_entry viasrc "Source via coverage \[+/-\](%)" $parameters
magic::add_entry viadrn "Drain via coverage \[+/-\](%)" $parameters
magic::add_entry viagate "Gate via coverage \[+/-\](%)" $parameters
magic::add_entry viagb "Bottom guard ring via coverage \[+/-\](%)" $parameters
magic::add_entry viagt "Top guard ring via coverage \[+/-\](%)" $parameters
magic::add_entry viagr "Right guard ring via coverage \[+/-\](%)" $parameters
magic::add_entry viagl "Left guard ring via coverage \[+/-\](%)" $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::mos_dialog sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::mos_dialog sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_bs_flash__special_sonosfet_star_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::mos_dialog sky130_fd_bs_flash__special_sonosfet_star $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::mos_dialog sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_05v0_nvt_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::mos_dialog sky130_fd_pr__nfet_05v0_nvt $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_03v3_nvt_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::mos_dialog sky130_fd_pr__nfet_03v3_nvt $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::mos_dialog sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_lvt_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::mos_dialog sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_lvt $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_hvt_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::mos_dialog sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_hvt $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::mos_dialog sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_lvt_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::mos_dialog sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_lvt $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_hvt_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::mos_dialog sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_hvt $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::mos_dialog sky130_fd_pr__cap_var $parameters
# getbox: Get the current cursor box, in microns
proc sky130::getbox {} {
set curbox [box values]
set newbox []
set oscale [cif scale out]
for {set i 0} {$i < 4} {incr i} {
set v [* [lindex $curbox $i] $oscale]
lappend newbox $v
return $newbox
# unionbox: Get the union bounding box of box1 and box2
proc sky130::unionbox {box1 box2} {
set newbox []
for {set i 0} {$i < 2} {incr i} {
set v [lindex $box1 $i]
set o [lindex $box2 $i]
if {$v < $o} {
lappend newbox $v
} else {
lappend newbox $o
for {set i 2} {$i < 4} {incr i} {
set v [lindex $box1 $i]
set o [lindex $box2 $i]
if {$v > $o} {
lappend newbox $v
} else {
lappend newbox $o
return $newbox
# Draw a contact
proc sky130::draw_contact {w h s o x atype ctype mtype {orient vert}} {
# Draw a minimum-size diff contact centered at current position
# w is width, h is height. Minimum size ensured.
# x is contact size
# s is contact diffusion (or poly) surround
# o is contact metal surround
# atype is active (e.g., ndiff) or bottom metal if a via
# ctype is contact (e.g., ndc)
# mtype is metal (e.g., m1) or top metal if a via
# orient is the orientation of the contact
# Set orientations for the bottom material based on material type.
# Substrate diffusions (tap) need not overlap the contact in all
# directions, but other (diff) types do. The metal (local
# interconnect) layer always overlaps in two directions only.
set lv_sub_types {"psd" "nsd"}
if {[lsearch $lv_sub_types $atype] >= 0} {
set aorient $orient
} else {
set aorient "full"
box size 0 0
if {$w < $x} {set w $x}
if {$h < $x} {set h $x}
set hw [/ $w 2.0]
set hh [/ $h 2.0]
box grow n ${hh}um
box grow s ${hh}um
box grow e ${hw}um
box grow w ${hw}um
paint ${ctype}
# Bottom layer surrounded on sides as declared by aorient
if {($aorient == "vert") || ($aorient == "full")} {
box grow n ${s}um
box grow s ${s}um
if {($aorient == "horz") || ($aorient == "full")} {
box grow e ${s}um
box grow w ${s}um
paint ${atype}
set extents [sky130::getbox]
# Top layer surrounded on sides as declared by orient
if {($orient == "vert") || ($orient == "full")} {
box grow n ${o}um
box grow s ${o}um
if {($orient == "horz") || ($orient == "full")} {
box grow e ${o}um
box grow w ${o}um
paint ${mtype}
return $extents
# Draw a guard ring
proc sky130::guard_ring {gw gh parameters} {
# Set local default values if they are not in parameters
set rlcov 100 ;# Right-left contact coverage percentage
set tbcov 100 ;# Top-bottom contact coverage percentage
set grc 1 ;# Draw right side contact
set glc 1 ;# Draw left side contact
set gtc 1 ;# Draw right side contact
set gbc 1 ;# Draw left side contact
set viagb 0 ;# Draw bottom side via
set viagt 0 ;# Draw top side via
set viagr 0 ;# Draw right side via
set viagl 0 ;# Draw left side via
set full_metal 1 ;# Draw full (continuous) metal ring
set guard_sub_type pwell ;# substrate type under guard ring
set guard_sub_surround 0 ;# substrate type surrounds guard ring
set plus_diff_type nsd ;# guard ring diffusion type
set plus_contact_type nsc ;# guard ring diffusion contact type
set sub_type pwell ;# substrate type
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
# Set guard_sub_type to sub_type if it is not defined
if {![dict exists $parameters guard_sub_type]} {
set guard_sub_type $sub_type
set hx [/ $contact_size 2.0]
set hw [/ $gw 2.0]
set hh [/ $gh 2.0]
# Watch for (LV) substrate diffusion types, which have a different
# contact surround amount depending on the direction
set lv_sub_types {"psd" "nsd"}
if {[lsearch $lv_sub_types $plus_diff_type] >= 0} {
set diff_surround 0
# Compute diffusion width
set difft [+ $contact_size $diff_surround $diff_surround]
set hdifft [/ $difft 2.0]
# Compute guard ring diffusion width and height
set hdiffw [/ [+ $gw $difft] 2.0]
set hdiffh [/ [+ $gh $difft] 2.0]
box size 0 0
box move n ${hh}um
box grow n ${hdifft}um
box grow s ${hdifft}um
box grow e ${hdiffw}um
box grow w ${hdiffw}um
paint $plus_diff_type
if {$guard_sub_surround > 0} {
box grow c ${guard_sub_surround}um
paint $guard_sub_type
box move s ${hh}um
box grow n ${hdifft}um
box grow s ${hdifft}um
box grow e ${hdiffw}um
box grow w ${hdiffw}um
paint $plus_diff_type
if {$guard_sub_surround > 0} {
box grow c ${guard_sub_surround}um
paint $guard_sub_type
box move e ${hw}um
box grow e ${hdifft}um
box grow w ${hdifft}um
box grow n ${hdiffh}um
box grow s ${hdiffh}um
paint $plus_diff_type
if {$guard_sub_surround > 0} {
box grow c ${guard_sub_surround}um
paint $guard_sub_type
box move w ${hw}um
box grow e ${hdifft}um
box grow w ${hdifft}um
box grow n ${hdiffh}um
box grow s ${hdiffh}um
paint $plus_diff_type
if {$guard_sub_surround > 0} {
box grow c ${guard_sub_surround}um
paint $guard_sub_type
if {$full_metal} {
set hmetw [/ [+ $gw $contact_size] 2.0]
set hmeth [/ [+ $gh $contact_size] 2.0]
box move n ${hh}um
box grow n ${hx}um
box grow s ${hx}um
box grow e ${hmetw}um
box grow w ${hmetw}um
paint li
box move s ${hh}um
box grow n ${hx}um
box grow s ${hx}um
box grow e ${hmetw}um
box grow w ${hmetw}um
paint li
box move e ${hw}um
box grow e ${hx}um
box grow w ${hx}um
box grow n ${hmeth}um
box grow s ${hmeth}um
paint li
box move w ${hw}um
box grow e ${hx}um
box grow w ${hx}um
box grow n ${hmeth}um
box grow s ${hmeth}um
paint li
# Set guard ring height so that contact metal reaches to end, scale by $per
# set ch [* [+ $gh $contact_size [* $metal_surround -2.0]] [/ $rlcov 100.0]]
set ch [* [- $gh $contact_size [* [+ $metal_surround $metal_spacing] \
2.0]] [/ $rlcov 100.0]]
if {$ch < $contact_size} {set ch $contact_size}
# Set guard ring width so that contact metal reaches to side contacts
set cw [* [- $gw $contact_size [* [+ $metal_surround $metal_spacing] \
2.0]] [/ $tbcov 100.0]]
if {$cw < $contact_size} {set cw $contact_size}
if {$tbcov > 0.0} {
if {$gtc == 1} {
box move n ${hh}um
sky130::draw_contact $cw 0 $diff_surround $metal_surround \
$contact_size $plus_diff_type $plus_contact_type li horz
if {$gbc == 1} {
box move s ${hh}um
sky130::draw_contact $cw 0 $diff_surround $metal_surround \
$contact_size $plus_diff_type $plus_contact_type li horz
if {$rlcov > 0.0} {
if {$grc == 1} {
box move e ${hw}um
sky130::draw_contact 0 $ch $diff_surround $metal_surround \
$contact_size $plus_diff_type $plus_contact_type li vert
if {$glc == 1} {
box move w ${hw}um
sky130::draw_contact 0 $ch $diff_surround $metal_surround \
$contact_size $plus_diff_type $plus_contact_type li vert
# Vias
if {$viagb != 0} {
set ch $via_size
set cw [* [- $gw $via_size] [/ [expr abs($viagb)] 100.0]]
if {$cw < $via_size} {set cw $via_size}
box move s ${hh}um
box grow n [/ $ch 2]um
box grow s [/ $ch 2]um
set anchor [string index $viagb 0]
if {$anchor == "+"} {
box move w [/ [- $gw $via_size] 2]um
box grow e ${cw}um
} elseif {$anchor == "-"} {
box move e [/ [- $gw $via_size] 2]um
box grow w ${cw}um
} else {
box grow e [/ $cw 2]um
box grow w [/ $cw 2]um
sky130::mcon_draw horz
if {$viagt != 0} {
set ch $via_size
set cw [* [- $gw $via_size] [/ [expr abs($viagt)] 100.0]]
if {$cw < $via_size} {set cw $via_size}
box move n ${hh}um
box grow n [/ $ch 2]um
box grow s [/ $ch 2]um
set anchor [string index $viagt 0]
if {$anchor == "+"} {
box move w [/ [- $gw $via_size] 2]um
box grow e ${cw}um
} elseif {$anchor == "-"} {
box move e [/ [- $gw $via_size] 2]um
box grow w ${cw}um
} else {
box grow e [/ $cw 2]um
box grow w [/ $cw 2]um
sky130::mcon_draw horz
if {$viagr != 0} {
set ch [* [- $gh $via_size] [/ [expr abs($viagr)] 100.0]]
if {$ch < $via_size} {set ch $via_size}
set cw $via_size
box move e ${hw}um
box grow e [/ $cw 2]um
box grow w [/ $cw 2]um
set anchor [string index $viagr 0]
if {$anchor == "+"} {
box move s [/ [- $gh $via_size] 2]um
box grow n ${ch}um
} elseif {$anchor == "-"} {
box move n [/ [- $gh $via_size] 2]um
box grow s ${ch}um
} else {
box grow n [/ $ch 2]um
box grow s [/ $ch 2]um
sky130::mcon_draw vert
if {$viagl != 0} {
set ch [* [- $gh $via_size] [/ [expr abs($viagl)] 100.0]]
if {$ch < $via_size} {set ch $via_size}
set cw $via_size
box move w ${hw}um
box grow e [/ $cw 2]um
box grow w [/ $cw 2]um
set anchor [string index $viagl 0]
if {$anchor == "+"} {
box move s [/ [- $gh $via_size] 2]um
box grow n ${ch}um
} elseif {$anchor == "-"} {
box move n [/ [- $gh $via_size] 2]um
box grow s ${ch}um
} else {
box grow n [/ $ch 2]um
box grow s [/ $ch 2]um
sky130::mcon_draw vert
box grow e ${hw}um
box grow w ${hw}um
box grow n ${hh}um
box grow s ${hh}um
# Create boundary using properties
property FIXED_BBOX [box values]
box grow c ${hx}um ;# to edge of contact
box grow c ${diff_surround}um ;# to edge of diffusion
box grow c ${sub_surround}um ;# sub/well overlap of diff (NOT guard_sub)
paint $sub_type
set cext [sky130::getbox]
return $cext
# MOSFET: Draw a single device
proc sky130::mos_device {parameters} {
# Epsilon for avoiding round-off errors
set eps 0.0005
# Set local default values if they are not in parameters
set diffcov 100 ;# percent coverage of diffusion contact
set polycov 100 ;# percent coverage of poly contact
set topc 1 ;# draw top poly contact
set botc 1 ;# draw bottom poly contact
set viasrc 100 ;# draw source vias
set viadrn 100 ;# draw drain vias
set viagate 100 ;# draw gate vias
set evens 1 ;# even or odd numbered device finger, in X
set dev_sub_type "" ;# device substrate type (if different from guard ring)
set dev_sub_dist 0 ;# device substrate distance (if nondefault dev_sub_type)
set min_effl 0 ;# gate length below which finger pitch must be stretched
set diff_overlap_cont 0 ;# extra overlap of end contact by diffusion
set gshield 0 ;# no metal shield over gate (used for varactors)
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
# Draw the diffusion and poly
box size 0 0
set hw [/ $w 2.0]
set hl [/ $l 2.0]
set he [/ $min_effl 2.0]
if {$nf == 1 || $he < $hl} {set he $hl}
box grow n ${hw}um
box grow s ${hw}um
box grow e ${hl}um
box grow w ${hl}um
if {${diff_extension} > ${gate_to_diffcont}} {
box grow e ${diff_extension}um
box grow w ${diff_extension}um
} else {
box grow e ${gate_to_diffcont}um
box grow w ${gate_to_diffcont}um
paint ${diff_type}
if {${gate_extension} > ${gate_to_polycont}} {
box grow n ${gate_extension}um
box grow s ${gate_extension}um
} else {
if {$topc} {
box grow n ${gate_to_polycont}um
} else {
box grow n ${gate_extension}um
if {$botc} {
box grow s ${gate_to_polycont}um
} else {
box grow s ${gate_extension}um
paint ${poly_type}
set cext [sky130::getbox]
# save gate area now and paint later, so that diffusion surrounding the
# contact does not paint over the gate area, in case the gate type is
# not part of a "compose" entry in the techfile.
set gaterect [box values]
# Adjust position of contacts for dogbone geometry
# Rule 1: Minimize diffusion length. Contacts only move out
# if width < contact diffusion height. They move out enough
# that the diffusion-to-poly spacing is satisfied.
set ddover 0
set cdwmin [+ ${contact_size} [* ${diff_surround} 2]]
set cstem [- ${gate_to_diffcont} [/ ${cdwmin} 2.0]]
set cgrow [- ${diff_poly_space} ${cstem}]
if {[+ ${w} ${eps}] < ${cdwmin}} {
if {${cgrow} > 0} {
set gate_to_diffcont [+ ${gate_to_diffcont} ${cgrow}]
set ddover [/ [- ${cdwmin} ${w}] 2.0]
# Rule 2: Minimum poly width. Poly contacts only move out
# if length < contact poly width. They move out enough
# that the diffusion-to-poly spacing is satisfied.
set gporig ${gate_to_polycont}
set cplmin [+ ${contact_size} [* ${poly_surround} 2]]
set cstem [- ${gate_to_polycont} [/ ${cplmin} 2.0]]
set cgrow [- ${diff_poly_space} ${cstem}]
if {[+ ${l} ${eps}] < ${cplmin}} {
if {${cgrow} > 0} {
set gate_to_polycont [+ ${gate_to_polycont} ${cgrow}]
# Rule 3: If both poly and diffusion are dogboned, then move
# poly out further to clear spacing to the diffusion contact
if {[+ ${w} ${eps}] < ${cdwmin}} {
if {[+ ${l} ${eps}] < ${cplmin}} {
set cgrow [/ [- ${cplmin} ${w}] 2.0]
set gate_to_polycont [+ ${gate_to_polycont} ${cgrow}]
# Rule 4: If M > 1 and poly contacts overlap, then increase the
# transistor-to-poly-contact distance by the amount of any
# diffusion dogbone overhang.
if {($poverlap == 1) && ($m > 1)} {
if {${gate_to_polycont} - $gporig < $ddover} {
set gate_to_polycont [+ ${gporig} ${ddover}]
# Reduce contact sizes by poly or diffusion surround so that
# the contact area edges match the device diffusion or poly.
# (Minimum dimensions will be enforced by the contact drawing routine)
set tsurround [+ ${diff_surround} ${diff_overlap_cont}]
set cdw [- ${w} [* ${tsurround} 2]] ;# diff contact height
set cpl [- ${l} [* ${poly_surround} 2]] ;# poly contact width
# Save the full diffusion (source/drain) and poly (gate) lengths
set cdwfull $cdw
set cplfull $cpl
# Reduce by coverage percentage. NOTE: If overlapping multiple devices,
# keep maximum poly contact coverage.
set cdw [* ${cdw} [/ ${diffcov} 100.0]]
if {($poverlap == 0) || ($m == 1)} {
set cpl [* ${cpl} [/ ${polycov} 100.0]]
# Right diffusion contact
box move e ${he}um
box move e ${gate_to_diffcont}um
# Source via on top of contact
if {$evens == 1} {set viatype $viasrc} else {set viatype $viadrn}
if {$viatype != 0} {
set cw $via_size
set ch [* $cdwfull [/ [expr abs($viatype)] 100.0]]
if {$ch < $via_size} {set ch $via_size}
box grow e [/ $cw 2]um
box grow w [/ $cw 2]um
set anchor [string index $viatype 0]
if {$anchor == "+"} {
box move s [/ [- $cdwfull $via_size] 2]um
box grow n ${ch}um
} elseif {$anchor == "-"} {
box move n [/ [- $cdwfull $via_size] 2]um
box grow s ${ch}um
} else {
box grow n [/ $ch 2]um
box grow s [/ $ch 2]um
sky130::mcon_draw vert
set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::draw_contact 0 ${cdw} \
${diff_surround} ${metal_surround} ${contact_size}\
${diff_type} ${diff_contact_type} li vert]]
# Left diffusion contact
box move w ${he}um
box move w ${gate_to_diffcont}um
# Drain via on top of contact
if {$evens == 1} {set viatype $viadrn} else {set viatype $viasrc}
if {$viatype != 0} {
set cw $via_size
set ch [* $cdwfull [/ [expr abs($viatype)] 100.0]]
if {$ch < $via_size} {set ch $via_size}
box grow e [/ $cw 2]um
box grow w [/ $cw 2]um
set anchor [string index $viatype 0]
if {$anchor == "+"} {
box move s [/ [- $cdwfull $via_size] 2]um
box grow n ${ch}um
} elseif {$anchor == "-"} {
box move n [/ [- $cdwfull $via_size] 2]um
box grow s ${ch}um
} else {
box grow n [/ $ch 2]um
box grow s [/ $ch 2]um
sky130::mcon_draw vert
set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::draw_contact 0 ${cdw} \
${diff_surround} ${metal_surround} ${contact_size} \
${diff_type} ${diff_contact_type} li vert]]
set diffarea $cext
# Gate shield (only on varactors)
if {$gshield == 1} {
box move w ${he}um
box move w ${gate_to_diffcont}um
box width [* 2 [+ ${he} ${gate_to_diffcont}]]um
box grow n [/ $cdwfull 2]um
box grow s [/ $cdwfull 2]um
paint m1
# Enforce slotting of large metal
set gsh [magic::i2u [box height]]
if {$gsh > 25} {
box move n [/ $gsh 2]um
box move s 1.15um
box height 2.3um ;# Minimum m1 slot width
box grow w -${via_size}um
box grow e -${via_size}um
erase m1
# Top poly contact
if {$topc} {
box move n ${hw}um
box move n ${gate_to_polycont}um
# Gate via on top of contact
if {$viagate != 0} {
set ch $via_size
set cw [* $cplfull [/ [expr abs($viagate)] 100.0]]
if {$cw < $via_size} {set cw $via_size}
box grow n [/ $ch 2]um
box grow s [/ $ch 2]um
set anchor [string index $viagate 0]
if {$anchor == "+"} {
box move w [/ [- $cplfull $via_size] 2]um
box grow e ${cw}um
} elseif {$anchor == "-"} {
box move e [/ [- $cplfull $via_size] 2]um
box grow w ${cw}um
} else {
box grow e [/ $cw 2]um
box grow w [/ $cw 2]um
sky130::mcon_draw horz
set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::draw_contact ${cpl} 0 \
${poly_surround} ${metal_surround} ${contact_size} \
${poly_type} ${poly_contact_type} li horz]]
# Bottom poly contact
if {$botc} {
box move s ${hw}um
box move s ${gate_to_polycont}um
# Gate via on top of contact
if {$viagate != 0} {
set ch $via_size
set cw [* $cplfull [/ [expr abs($viagate)] 100.0]]
if {$cw < $via_size} {set cw $via_size}
box grow n [/ $ch 2]um
box grow s [/ $ch 2]um
set anchor [string index $viagate 0]
if {$anchor == "+"} {
box move w [/ [- $cplfull $via_size] 2]um
box grow e ${cw}um
} elseif {$anchor == "-"} {
box move e [/ [- $cplfull $via_size] 2]um
box grow w ${cw}um
} else {
box grow e [/ $cw 2]um
box grow w [/ $cw 2]um
sky130::mcon_draw horz
set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::draw_contact ${cpl} 0 \
${poly_surround} ${metal_surround} ${contact_size} \
${poly_type} ${poly_contact_type} li horz]]
# Now draw the gate, after contacts have been drawn
box values {*}${gaterect}
# gate_type need not be defined if poly over diff paints the right type.
catch {paint ${gate_type}}
# sub_surround_dev, if defined, may create a larger area around the gate
# than sub_surround creates around the diffusion/poly area.
if [dict exists $parameters sub_surround_dev] {
box grow n ${sub_surround_dev}um
box grow s ${sub_surround_dev}um
box grow e ${sub_surround_dev}um
box grow w ${sub_surround_dev}um
paint ${dev_sub_type}
set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::getbox]]
if {$dev_sub_type != ""} {
box values [lindex $diffarea 0]um [lindex $diffarea 1]um \
[lindex $diffarea 2]um [lindex $diffarea 3]um
box grow n ${sub_surround}um
box grow s ${sub_surround}um
box grow e ${sub_surround}um
box grow w ${sub_surround}um
paint ${dev_sub_type}
if {$dev_sub_dist > 0} {
set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::getbox]]
# puts stdout "Diagnostic: bounding box is $cext"
return $cext
# MOSFET: Draw the tiled device
proc sky130::mos_draw {parameters} {
tech unlock *
set savesnap [snap]
snap internal
# Set defaults if they are not in parameters
set poverlap 0 ;# overlap poly contacts when tiling
set doverlap 1 ;# overlap diffusion contacts when tiling
set dev_sub_dist 0 ;# substrate to guard ring, if dev_sub_type defined
set dev_sub_space 0 ;# distance between substrate areas for arrayed devices
set min_allc 0 ;# gate length below which poly contacts must be interleaved
set id_type "" ;# additional type covering everything
set id_surround 0 ;# amount of surround on above type
set id2_type "" ;# additional type covering everything
set id2_surround 0 ;# amount of surround on above type
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
# Diff-to-tap spacing is by default the same as diff spacing
if {![dict exist $parameters diff_tap_space]} {
set diff_tap_space $diff_spacing
# If poverlap is 1 then both poly contacts must be present
if {$poverlap == 1} {
set topc 1
set botc 1
dict set parameters topc 1
dict set parameters botc 1
# Normalize distance units to microns
set w [magic::spice2float $w]
set l [magic::spice2float $l]
box values 0 0 0 0
# If dx < (poly contact space + poly contact width), then there is not
# enough room for a row of contacts, so force alternating contacts
set evens 1
if {$nf > 1 && $l < $min_allc} {
set intc 1
set evenodd 1
set topc 1
set botc 1
dict set parameters topc 1
dict set parameters botc 1
set poverlap 0
} else {
set intc 0
# Determine the base device dimensions by drawing one device
# while all layers are locked (nothing drawn). This allows the
# base drawing routine to do complicated geometry without having
# to duplicate it here with calculations.
tech lock *
set bbox [sky130::mos_device $parameters]
# puts stdout "Diagnostic: Device bounding box e $bbox (um)"
tech unlock *
set fw [- [lindex $bbox 2] [lindex $bbox 0]]
set fh [- [lindex $bbox 3] [lindex $bbox 1]]
set lw [+ [lindex $bbox 2] [lindex $bbox 0]]
set lh [+ [lindex $bbox 3] [lindex $bbox 1]]
# If dev_sub_dist > 0 then each device must be in its own substrate
# (well) area, and overlaps are disallowed. dev_sub_space determines
# the distance between individual devices in an array.
if {$dev_sub_dist > 0} {
set poverlap 0
set doverlap 0
if {$dev_sub_space > $poly_spacing} {
set dx [+ $fw $dev_sub_space]
set dy [+ $fh $dev_sub_space]
} else {
set dx [+ $fw $poly_spacing]
set dy [+ $fh $poly_spacing]
} else {
# Determine tile width and height (depends on overlap)
if {$poverlap == 0} {
set dy [+ $fh $poly_spacing]
} else {
# overlap poly
set dy [- $fh [+ $poly_surround $poly_surround $contact_size]]
if {$doverlap == 0} {
set dx [+ $fw $diff_spacing]
} else {
# overlap diffusions
set dx [- $fw [+ $diff_surround $diff_surround $contact_size]]
# Determine core width and height
set corex [+ [* [- $nf 1] $dx] $fw]
set corey [+ [* [- $m 1] $dy] $fh]
set corellx [/ [+ [- $corex $fw] $lw] 2.0]
set corelly [/ [+ [- $corey $fh] $lh] 2.0]
# If there is a diffusion dogbone, and no top poly contact, then
# increase the core height by the amount of the dogbone overhang.
if {$topc == 0} {
set cdwmin [+ ${contact_size} [* ${diff_surround} 2]]
if {${w} < ${cdwmin}} {
set corey [+ $corey [/ [- ${cdwmin} ${w}] 2.0]]
# Calculate guard ring size (measured to contact center)
if {($guard != 0) || (${id_type} != "")} {
if {($dev_sub_dist > 0) && ([+ $dev_sub_dist $sub_surround] > $diff_tap_space)} {
set gx [+ $corex [* 2.0 [+ $dev_sub_dist $diff_surround]] $contact_size]
} else {
set gx [+ $corex [* 2.0 [+ $diff_tap_space $diff_surround]] $contact_size]
if {($dev_sub_dist > 0) && ([+ $dev_sub_dist $sub_surround] > $diff_gate_space)} {
set gy [+ $corey [* 2.0 [+ $dev_sub_dist $diff_surround]] $contact_size]
} else {
set gy [+ $corey [* 2.0 [+ $diff_gate_space $diff_surround]] $contact_size]
# Somewhat tricky. . . if the width is small and the diffusion is
# a dogbone, and the top or bottom poly contact is missing, then
# the spacing to the guard ring may be limited by diffusion spacing, not
# poly to diffusion.
set inset [/ [+ $contact_size [* 2.0 $diff_surround] -$w] 2.0]
set sdiff [- [+ $inset $diff_tap_space] [+ $gate_extension $diff_gate_space]]
if {$sdiff > 0} {
if {$topc == 0} {
set gy [+ $gy $sdiff]
set corelly [+ $corelly [/ $sdiff 2.0]]
if {$botc == 0} {
set gy [+ $gy $sdiff]
set corelly [- $corelly [/ $sdiff 2.0]]
if {$guard != 0} {
# Draw the guard ring first, as MOS well may interact with guard ring substrate
sky130::guard_ring $gx $gy $parameters
# If any surrounding identifier type is defined, draw it
if {${id_type} != ""} {
set hw [/ $gx 2]
set hh [/ $gy 2]
box grow e ${hw}um
box grow w ${hw}um
box grow n ${hh}um
box grow s ${hh}um
box grow c ${id_surround}um
paint ${id_type}
box move w ${corellx}um
box move s ${corelly}um
for {set xp 0} {$xp < $nf} {incr xp} {
dict set parameters evens $evens
set evens [- 1 $evens]
if {$intc == 1} {
set evenodd [- 1 $evenodd]
if {$evenodd == 1} {
dict set parameters topc 1
dict set parameters botc 0
} else {
dict set parameters topc 0
dict set parameters botc 1
set saveeo $evenodd
for {set yp 0} {$yp < $m} {incr yp} {
sky130::mos_device $parameters
box move n ${dy}um
if {$intc == 1} {
set evenodd [- 1 $evenodd]
if {$evenodd == 1} {
dict set parameters topc 1
dict set parameters botc 0
} else {
dict set parameters topc 0
dict set parameters botc 1
if {$intc == 1} {
set evenodd $saveeo
box move e ${dx}um
snap $savesnap
tech revert
# nMOS 1.8V
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_draw {parameters} {
set newdict [dict create \
gate_type nfet \
diff_type ndiff \
diff_contact_type ndc \
plus_diff_type psd \
plus_contact_type psc \
poly_type poly \
poly_contact_type pc \
sub_type psub \
min_effl 0.185 \
min_allc 0.26 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt_draw {parameters} {
set newdict [dict create \
gate_type nfetlvt \
diff_type ndiff \
diff_contact_type ndc \
plus_diff_type psd \
plus_contact_type psc \
poly_type poly \
poly_contact_type pc \
sub_type psub \
min_effl 0.185 \
min_allc 0.26 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_bs_flash__special_sonosfet_star_draw {parameters} {
set newdict [dict create \
gate_type nsonos \
diff_type ndiff \
diff_contact_type ndc \
plus_diff_type psd \
plus_contact_type psc \
poly_type poly \
poly_contact_type pc \
sub_type psub \
id_type dnwell \
id_surround 1.355 \
min_effl 0.185 \
min_allc 0.26 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
# pMOS 1.8V
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_draw {parameters} {
set newdict [dict create \
gate_type pfet \
diff_type pdiff \
diff_contact_type pdc \
plus_diff_type nsd \
plus_contact_type nsc \
poly_type poly \
poly_contact_type pc \
sub_type nwell \
dev_sub_type nwell \
gate_to_polycont 0.32 \
min_effl 0.185 \
min_allc 0.26 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_lvt_draw {parameters} {
set newdict [dict create \
gate_type pfetlvt \
diff_type pdiff \
diff_contact_type pdc \
plus_diff_type nsd \
plus_contact_type nsc \
poly_type poly \
poly_contact_type pc \
sub_type nwell \
dev_sub_type nwell \
gate_to_polycont 0.32 \
min_effl 0.185 \
min_allc 0.26 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_hvt_draw {parameters} {
set newdict [dict create \
gate_type pfethvt \
diff_type pdiff \
diff_contact_type pdc \
plus_diff_type nsd \
plus_contact_type nsc \
poly_type poly \
poly_contact_type pc \
sub_type nwell \
dev_sub_type nwell \
gate_to_polycont 0.32 \
min_effl 0.185 \
min_allc 0.26 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
# pMOS 5.0V
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_draw {parameters} {
set newdict [dict create \
gate_type mvpfet \
diff_type mvpdiff \
diff_contact_type mvpdc \
plus_diff_type mvnsd \
plus_contact_type mvnsc \
poly_type poly \
poly_contact_type pc \
sub_type nwell \
dev_sub_type nwell \
guard_sub_surround 0.33 \
gate_to_polycont 0.32 \
diff_spacing 0.31 \
diff_tap_space 0.38 \
diff_gate_space 0.38 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
# nMOS 5.0V
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_draw {parameters} {
set newdict [dict create \
gate_type mvnfet \
diff_type mvndiff \
diff_contact_type mvndc \
plus_diff_type mvpsd \
plus_contact_type mvpsc \
poly_type poly \
poly_contact_type pc \
sub_type psub \
diff_spacing 0.31 \
diff_tap_space 0.38 \
diff_gate_space 0.38 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_05v0_nvt_draw {parameters} {
set newdict [dict create \
gate_type mvnnfet \
diff_type mvndiff \
diff_contact_type mvndc \
plus_diff_type mvpsd \
plus_contact_type mvpsc \
poly_type poly \
poly_contact_type pc \
sub_type psub \
diff_spacing 0.30 \
diff_tap_space 0.38 \
diff_gate_space 0.38 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_03v3_nvt_draw {parameters} {
set newdict [dict create \
gate_type nnfet \
diff_type mvndiff \
diff_contact_type mvndc \
plus_diff_type mvpsd \
plus_contact_type mvpsc \
poly_type poly \
poly_contact_type pc \
sub_type psub \
diff_spacing 0.30 \
diff_tap_space 0.38 \
diff_gate_space 0.38 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
# MOS varactor (1.8V)
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_lvt_draw {parameters} {
set newdict [dict create \
gate_type var \
diff_type nnd \
diff_contact_type nsc \
plus_diff_type psd \
plus_contact_type psc \
poly_type poly \
poly_contact_type pc \
sub_type psub \
dev_sub_type nwell \
diff_overlap_cont 0.06 \
dev_sub_dist 0.14 \
dev_sub_space 1.27 \
gate_to_diffcont 0.34 \
diff_extension 0.485 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_hvt_draw {parameters} {
set newdict [dict create \
gate_type varhvt \
diff_type nnd \
diff_contact_type nsc \
plus_diff_type psd \
plus_contact_type psc \
poly_type poly \
poly_contact_type pc \
sub_type psub \
dev_sub_type nwell \
diff_overlap_cont 0.06 \
dev_sub_dist 0.14 \
dev_sub_space 1.27 \
gate_to_diffcont 0.34 \
diff_extension 0.485 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
# MOS varactor (5.0V)
# NOTE: dev_sub_space set to 2.0 assuming different nets.
# Should have option for same-net with merged wells.
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_draw {parameters} {
set newdict [dict create \
gate_type mvvar \
diff_type mvnsd \
diff_contact_type mvnsc \
plus_diff_type mvpsd \
plus_contact_type mvpsc \
poly_type poly \
poly_contact_type pc \
sub_type psub \
dev_sub_type nwell \
sub_surround 0.38 \
sub_surround_dev 0.56 \
guard_sub_surround 0.18 \
diff_overlap_cont 0.06 \
dev_sub_dist 0.785 \
dev_sub_space 2.0 \
gate_to_diffcont 0.34 \
diff_extension 0.485 \
set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
# MOSFET: Check device parameters for out-of-bounds values
proc sky130::mos_check {device parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
# Normalize distance units to microns
set l [magic::spice2float $l]
set l [magic::3digitpastdecimal $l]
set w [magic::spice2float $w]
set w [magic::3digitpastdecimal $w]
# nf, m must be integer
if {![string is int $nf]} {
puts stderr "NF must be an integer!"
dict set parameters nf 1
if {![string is int $m]} {
puts stderr "M must be an integer!"
dict set parameters m 1
# diffcov, polycov must be numeric
if {[catch {expr abs($diffcov)}]} {
puts stderr "diffcov must be numeric!"
set diffcov 100
dict set parameters diffcov $diffcov
if {[catch {expr abs($polycov)}]} {
puts stderr "polycov must be numeric!"
set polycov 100
dict set parameters polycov $polycov
if {$l < $lmin} {
puts stderr "Mos length must be >= $lmin um"
dict set parameters l $lmin
if {$w < $wmin} {
puts stderr "Mos width must be >= $wmin um"
dict set parameters w $wmin
if {$nf < 1} {
puts stderr "NF must be >= 1"
dict set parameters nf 1
if {$m < 1} {
puts stderr "M must be >= 1"
dict set parameters m 1
if {$diffcov < 20 } {
puts stderr "Diffusion contact coverage must be at least 20%"
dict set parameters diffcov 20
} elseif {$diffcov > 100 } {
puts stderr "Diffusion contact coverage can't be more than 100%"
dict set parameters diffcov 100
if {$polycov < 20 } {
puts stderr "Poly contact coverage must be at least 20%"
dict set parameters polycov 20
} elseif {$polycov > 100 } {
puts stderr "Poly contact coverage can't be more than 100%"
dict set parameters polycov 100
if {[catch {expr abs($viasrc)}]} {
puts stderr "Source via coverage must be numeric!"
dict set parameters viasrc 100
} elseif {[expr abs($viasrc)] > 100} {
puts stderr "Source via coverage can't be more than 100%"
dict set parameters viasrc 100
if {[catch {expr abs($viadrn)}]} {
puts stderr "Drain via coverage must be numeric!"
dict set parameters viadrn 100
} elseif {[expr abs($viadrn)] > 100} {
puts stderr "Drain via coverage can't be more than 100%"
dict set parameters viadrn 100
if {[catch {expr abs($viagate)}]} {
puts stderr "Gate via coverage must be numeric!"
dict set parameters viagate 100
} elseif {[expr abs($viagate)] > 100} {
puts stderr "Gate via coverage can't be more than 100%"
dict set parameters viagate 100
if {[catch {expr abs($viagb)}]} {
puts stderr "Guard ring bottom via coverage must be numeric!"
dict set parameters viagb 0
} elseif {[expr abs($viagb)] > 100} {
puts stderr "Guard ring bottom via coverage can't be more than 100%"
dict set parameters viagb 100
if {[catch {expr abs($viagt)}]} {
puts stderr "Guard ring top via coverage must be numeric!"
dict set parameters viagt 0
} elseif {[expr abs($viagt)] > 100} {
puts stderr "Guard ring top via coverage can't be more than 100%"
dict set parameters viagt 100
if {[catch {expr abs($viagr)}]} {
puts stderr "Guard ring right via coverage must be numeric!"
dict set parameters viagr 0
} elseif {[expr abs($viagr)] > 100} {
puts stderr "Guard ring right via coverage can't be more than 100%"
dict set parameters viagr 100
if {[catch {expr abs($viagl)}]} {
puts stderr "Guard ring left via coverage must be numeric!"
dict set parameters viagl 0
} elseif {[expr abs($viagl)] > 100} {
puts stderr "Guard ring left via coverage can't be more than 100%"
dict set parameters viagl 100
# Values must satisfy diffusion-to-tap spacing of 20um.
# Therefore the maximum of guard ring width or height cannot exceed 40um.
# If in violation, reduce counts first, as these are easiest to recover
# by duplicating the device and overlapping the wells.
set origm $m
set orignf $nf
while true {
set yext [expr ($w + 3.0) * $m]
set xext [expr ($l + 1.0) * $nf + 1.1]
if {[expr min($xext, $yext)] > 40.0} {
if {$yext > 40.0 && $m > 1} {
incr m -1
} elseif {$xext > 40.0 && $nf > 1} {
incr nf -1
} elseif {$yext > 40.0} {
set w 37
puts -nonewline stderr "Transistor width must be < 37 um"
puts stderr " to avoid tap spacing violation."
dict set parameters w $w
} elseif {$xext > 40.0} {
set l 37.9
puts -nonewline stderr "Transistor length must be < 37.9 um"
puts stderr " to avoid tap spacing violation."
dict set parameters l $l
} else {
if {$m != $origm} {
puts stderr "Y repeat reduced to prevent tap distance violation"
dict set parameters m $m
if {$nf != $orignf} {
puts stderr "X repeat reduced to prevent tap distance violation"
dict set parameters nf $nf
# Used by varactor only
if {$device == "sky130_fd_pr__cap_var"} {
# NOTE: Removed until update behavior is fixed.
# set magic::minfo_val "Warning: No model exists for this device!"
set magic::minfo_val ""
} else {
set magic::minfo_val ""
return $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_check sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_check sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_bs_flash__special_sonosfet_star_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_check sky130_fd_bs_flash__special_sonosfet_star $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_check sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_05v0_nvt_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_check sky130_fd_pr__nfet_05v0_nvt $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__nfet_03v3_nvt_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_check sky130_fd_pr__nfet_03v3_nvt $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_check sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_lvt_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_check sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_lvt $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_hvt_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_check sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_hvt $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_check sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_lvt_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_check sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_lvt $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_hvt_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_check sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_hvt $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_var_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::mos_check sky130_fd_pr__cap_var $parameters]
# Fixed device: Specify all user-editable default values
# deltax --- Additional horizontal space between devices
# deltay --- Additional vertical space between devices
# nx --- Number of arrayed devices in X
# ny --- Number of arrayed devices in Y
# Note that these values, specifically nx, ny, deltax,
# and deltay, are properties of the instance, not the cell.
# They translate to the instance array x and y counts; while
# deltax is the x pitch less the cell width, and deltay is the
# y pitch less the cell height.
# non-user-editable
# nocell --- Indicates that this cell has a predefined layout
# and therefore there is no cell to draw.
# xstep --- Width of the cell (nominal array pitch in X)
# ystep --- Height of the cell (nominal array pitch in Y)
# Fixed-layout devices (from sky130_fd_pr_base, _rf, and _rf2 libraries)
# Bipolar transistors:
# sky130_fd_pr__rf_npn_05v5_W1p00L1p00
# sky130_fd_pr__rf_npn_05v5_W1p00L2p00
# sky130_fd_pr__rf_pnp_05v5_W3p40L3p40
# sky130_fd_pr__rf_pnp_05v5_W0p68L0p68
# Parallel Plate Capacitors:
# sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_11p5x11p7_m1m2m3m4_shieldlim5
# sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_11p5x11p7_m1m2_noshield
# sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_08p6x07p8_m1m2_shieldl1
# sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_04p4x04p6_m1m2_shieldl1
# Inductors:
# sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil1
# sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil2
# sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil3
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_npn_05v5_W1p00L1p00_defaults {} {
return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 7.03 ystep 7.03}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_npn_05v5_W1p00L2p00_defaults {} {
return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 7.03 ystep 8.03}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_pnp_05v5_W0p68L0p68_defaults {} {
return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 3.72 ystep 3.72}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_pnp_05v5_W3p40L3p40_defaults {} {
return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 6.44 ystep 6.44}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil1_defaults {} {
return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 258 ystep 258}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil2_defaults {} {
return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 290 ystep 404}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil3_defaults {} {
return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 290 ystep 404}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_11p5x11p7_m1m2m3m4_shieldl1m5_defaults {} {
return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 11.08 ystep 11.36}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_11p5x11p7_m1m2_noshield_defaults {} {
return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 11.08 ystep 11.36}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_08p6x07p8_m1m2_shieldl1_defaults {} {
return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 11.08 ystep 11.36}
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_04p4x04p6_m1m2_shieldl1_defaults {} {
return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 11.08 ystep 11.36}
# Fixed device: Conversion from SPICE netlist parameters to toolkit
proc sky130::fixed_convert {parameters} {
set pdkparams [dict create]
dict for {key value} $parameters {
switch -nocase $key {
m {
dict set pdkparams nx $value
return $pdkparams
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_npn_05v5_W1p00L1p00_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_npn_05v5_W1p00L2p00_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_pnp_05v5_W0p68L0p68_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_pnp_05v5_W3p40L3p40_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil1_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil2_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil3_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_11p5x11p7_m1m2m3m4_shieldl1m5_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_11p5x11p7_m1m2_noshield_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_08p6x07p8_m1m2_shieldl1_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_04p4x04p6_m1m2_shieldl1_convert {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
# Fixed device: Interactively specifies the fixed layout parameters
proc sky130::fixed_dialog {parameters} {
# Instance fields: nx, ny, pitchx, pitchy
# Editable fields: nx, ny, deltax, deltay
# Non-editable fields: nocell, xstep, ystep
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
# "nocell" field causes nx and ny to be dropped in from
# "array count". Also "pitchx" and "pitchy" are passed
# in internal units. Convert these to microns and generate
# If there is no pitchx and pitchy, then the device has not
# yet been created, so keep the deltax and deltay defaults.
if [dict exists $parameters pitchx] {
set pitchux [magic::i2u $pitchx]
set stepux [magic::spice2float $xstep]
set deltax [magic::3digitpastdecimal [expr $pitchux - $stepux]]
# An array size 1 should not cause deltax to go negative
if {$deltax < 0.0} {set deltax 0.0}
dict set parameters deltax $deltax
if [dict exists $parameters pitchy] {
set pitchuy [magic::i2u $pitchy]
set stepuy [magic::spice2float $ystep]
set deltay [magic::3digitpastdecimal [expr $pitchuy - $stepuy]]
# An array size 1 should not cause deltay to go negative
if {$deltay < 0.0} {set deltay 0.0}
dict set parameters deltay $deltay
magic::add_entry nx "NX" $parameters
magic::add_entry ny "NY" $parameters
magic::add_entry deltax "X step (um)" $parameters
magic::add_entry deltay "Y step (um)" $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_npn_05v5_W1p00L1p00_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_npn_05v5_W1p00L2p00_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_pnp_05v5_W0p68L0p68_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_pnp_05v5_W3p40L3p40_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil1_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil2_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil3_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_11p5x11p7_m1m2m3m4_shieldl1m5_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_11p5x11p7_m1m2_noshield_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_08p6x07p8_m1m2_shieldl1_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_04p4x04p6_m1m2_shieldl1_dialog {parameters} {
sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
# Fixed device: Draw the device
proc sky130::fixed_draw {devname parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
# This cell declares "nocell" in parameters, so it needs to
# instance the cell and set properties.
# Instantiate the cell. The name corresponds to the cell in the sky130_fd_pr_* directory.
set instname [getcell ${devname}]
set deltax [magic::spice2float $deltax]
set deltay [magic::spice2float $deltay]
set xstep [magic::spice2float $xstep]
set ystep [magic::spice2float $ystep]
# Array stepping
if {$nx > 1 || $ny > 1} {
set xstep [expr $xstep + $deltax]
set ystep [expr $ystep + $deltay]
box size ${xstep}um ${ystep}um
array $nx $ny
select cell $instname
return $instname
# No additional parameters declared for drawing
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_npn_05v5_W1p00L1p00_draw {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr__rf_npn_05v5_W1p00L1p00 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_npn_05v5_W1p00L2p00_draw {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr__rf_npn_05v5_W1p00L2p00 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_pnp_05v5_W0p68L0p68_draw {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr__rf_pnp_05v5_W0p68L0p68 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_pnp_05v5_W3p40L3p40_draw {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr__rf_pnp_05v5_W3p40L3p40 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil1_draw {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil1 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil2_draw {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil2 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil3_draw {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil3 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_11p5x11p7_m1m2m3m4_shieldl1m5_draw {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_11p5x11p7_m1m2m3m4_shieldl1m5 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_11p5x11p7_m1m2_noshield_draw {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_11p5x11p7_m1m2_noshield $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_08p6x07p8_m1m2_shieldl1_draw {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_08p6x07p8_m1m2_shieldl1 $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_04p4x04p6_m1m2_shieldl1_draw {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_04p4x04p6_m1m2_shieldl1 $parameters]
# Fixed device: Check device parameters for out-of-bounds values
proc sky130::fixed_check {parameters} {
# Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
# Normalize distance units to microns
set deltax [magic::spice2float $deltax -1]
set deltax [magic::3digitpastdecimal $deltax]
set deltay [magic::spice2float $deltay -1]
set deltay [magic::3digitpastdecimal $deltay]
# nx, ny must be integer
if {![string is int $nx]} {
puts stderr "NX must be an integer!"
dict set parameters nx 1
if {![string is int $ny]} {
puts stderr "NY must be an integer!"
dict set parameters nx 1
# Number of devices in X and Y must be at least 1
if {$nx < 1} {
puts stderr "NX must be >= 1"
dict set parameters nx 1
if {$ny < 1} {
puts stderr "NY must be >= 1"
dict set parameters nx 1
# Step less than zero violates DRC
if {$deltax < 0} {
puts stderr "X step must be >= 0"
dict set parameters deltax 0
if {$deltay < 0} {
puts stderr "Y step must be >= 0"
dict set parameters deltay 0
return $parameters
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_npn_05v5_W1p00L1p00_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_npn_05v5_W1p00L2p00_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_pnp_05v5_W0p68L0p68_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_pnp_05v5_W3p40L3p40_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil1_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil2_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__rf_test_coil3_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_11p5x11p7_m1m2m3m4_shieldl1m5_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_11p5x11p7_m1m2_noshield_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_08p6x07p8_m1m2_shieldl1_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_04p4x04p6_m1m2_shieldl1_check {parameters} {
return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]