blob: f17a408b116a095efc8383e78fc8050673e767b2 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# inc_verilog ---
# This script handles the verilog sources by removing `include statements
# for files that are already being added to the single consolidated
# verilog library file, and in-lining any other verilog files (namely
# the functional and behavioral sources).
# This script is a filter to be run by setting the name of this script as
# the value to "filter=" for the model install in the sky130 Makefile.
import re
import os
import sys
def filter(inname, outname):
# Read input
with open(inname, 'r') as inFile:
vtext =
vlines = vtext.splitlines()
print(' failed to open ' + inname + ' for reading.', file=sys.stderr)
return 1
# Check if input file is a base cell or strength-specific cell, and
# check if it has a "specify" block file. To enable this, change
# dospecify from False to True.
dospecify = True
# Process input with regexp
fixedlines = []
modified = False
increx = re.compile('[ \t]*`include[ \t]+"?([^ \t\n"]+)"?')
ddotrex = re.compile('[^\.]+\.[^\.]+\.v')
tdotrex = re.compile('[^\.]+\.[^\.]+\.[^\.]+\.v')
endrex = re.compile('[ \t]*endmodule')
inpath = os.path.split(inname)[0]
for line in vlines:
isbehav = False
# Check includes
imatch = increx.match(line)
if imatch:
incfilename =
dmatch = ddotrex.match(incfilename)
tmatch = tdotrex.match(incfilename)
if dmatch or tmatch:
# double-dot or triple-dot: Include this file in-line
# NOTE: These files are assumed not to need in-line
# includes, but includes of primitives need to be ignored.
# Quick hack: Remove this when the filenames are corrected
if not os.path.exists(inpath + '/' + incfilename):
print('Detected incorrect filename')
print(' Old filename was: ' + incfilename)
dlist = incfilename.split('.')
ilist = dlist[0:-3]
incfilename = '.'.join(ilist)
print(' New filename is: ' + incfilename)
# If adding specify blocks, check if the include file is a
# behavioral base cell.
if dospecify:
if '.behavioral.' in incfilename:
specname = incfilename.split('.')[0] + '.specify.v'
if os.path.exists(inpath + '/' + specname):
print('Specfile ' + specname + ' found for cell ' + incfilename)
isbehav = True
with open(inpath + '/' + incfilename, 'r') as incfile:
v2text =
v2lines = v2text.splitlines()
for line2 in v2lines:
i2match = increx.match(line2)
if not i2match:
# Experimental: Put back "specify" block.
if isbehav:
ematch = endrex.match(line2)
if ematch:
with open(inpath + '/' + specname, 'r') as ispec:
v3text =
v3lines = v3text.splitlines()
for line3 in v3lines:
# Fix issues in specify files
line3 = line3.replace('RESETB_delayed', 'RESET_B_delayed')
line3 = line3.replace('GATEN_delayed', 'GATE_N_delayed')
line3 = line3.replace('SETB_delayed', 'SET_B_delayed')
line3 = line3.replace('CLKN_delayed', 'CLK_N_delayed')
line3 = line3.replace('AWAKE', 'awake')
line3 = line3.replace('COND0', 'cond0')
line3 = line3.replace('COND1', 'cond1')
line3 = line3.replace('COND2', 'cond2')
line3 = line3.replace('COND3', 'cond3')
line3 = line3.replace('COND4', 'cond4')
line3 = line3.replace('CONDB', 'condb')
line3 = line3.replace('COND_D', 'cond_D')
line3 = line3.replace('COND_SCD', 'cond_SCD')
line3 = line3.replace('COND_SCE', 'cond_SCE')
# Fix issues in included files
if ' wire 1 ;' in line2:
line2 = line2.replace('\tB2', ' ')
line2 = line2.replace('\tCIN', ' ')
line2 = line2.replace('\tcsi_opt_276,', ' ')
line2 = line2.replace('\tB1', ' ')
line2 = line2.replace('\tA4', ' ')
line2 = line2.replace('\tC1', ' ')
line2 = line2.replace('\tX', ' ')
line2 = line2.replace('\tD', ' ')
line2 = line2.replace('\tbuf_Q', ' ')
line2 = line2.replace('\tgate', ' ')
line2 = line2.replace('\tcsi_opt_296,', ' ')
line2 = line2.replace('\tY', ' ')
line2 = line2.replace(' wire N not0_out ;', ' wire not0_out ;')
line2 = line2.replace(' wire N nor0_out ;', ' wire nor0_out ;')
line2 = line2.replace(' wire N nand0_out ;', ' wire nand0_out ;')
# single-dot: Ignore this line
modified = True
# Write output
if outname == None:
for i in fixedlines:
# If the output is a symbolic link but no modifications have been made,
# then leave it alone. If it was modified, then remove the symbolic
# link before writing.
if os.path.islink(outname):
if not modified:
return 0
with open(outname, 'w') as outFile:
for i in fixedlines:
print(i, file=outFile)
print(' failed to open ' + outname + ' for writing.', file=sys.stderr)
return 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
# This script expects to get one or two arguments. One argument is
# mandatory and is the input file. The other argument is optional and
# is the output file. The output file and input file may be the same
# name, in which case the original input is overwritten.
options = []
arguments = []
for item in sys.argv[1:]:
if item.find('-', 0) == 0:
if len(arguments) > 0:
infilename = arguments[0]
if len(arguments) > 1:
outfilename = arguments[1]
outfilename = None
result = filter(infilename, outfilename)