blob: 41e90f272f3394ddbfc95120e7e4765b72b2a73b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# The purpose of this script is to package up the user
# design schematic and associated files and send them to
# the remote marketplace server, precipitating a launch
# of CACE to officially characterize the design.
import os
import json
import re
import sys
import requests
import subprocess
import file_compressor
import file_request_hash
import local_uid_services
import config
Open Galaxy standalone script.
Makes rest calls to marketplace REST server to save datasheet
and associated file(s). Request hash is generated so the two
requests can be associated on the server side. This action
causes the marketplace to run the official characterization
on the CACE server.
mktp_server_url = config.mktp_server_url
cace_server_url = config.cace_server_url
# Make request to server sending json passed in.
def send_doc(doc):
result = + '/cace/simulate_request', json=doc)
print('send_doc', result.status_code)
# Cancel simulation (sent directly to CACE)
def send_cancel_doc(doc):
result = + '/cace/cancel_sims', json=doc)
print('send_cancel_doc', result.status_code)
# Pure HTTP post here. Add the file to files object and the hash/filename
# to the data params.
def send_file(hash, file, file_name):
files = {'file': file.getvalue()}
data = {'request-hash': hash, 'file-name': file_name}
result = + '/cace/simulate_request_files', files=files, data=data)
print('send_file', result.status_code)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Divide up command line into options and arguments
options = []
arguments = []
for item in sys.argv[1:]:
if item.find('-', 0) == 0:
# There should be two arguments passed to the script. One is
# the path and filename of the datasheet JSON file, and the
# other a path to the location of the design (netlist and/or
# schematic).
datasheet_filepath = []
design_filepath = []
for argval in arguments:
if os.path.isfile(argval):
datasheet_filepath = argval
elif os.path.isdir(argval):
design_filepath = argval
elif os.path.splitext(argval)[1] == '':
argname = argval + '.json'
if os.path.isfile(argval):
datasheet_filepath = argname
if not datasheet_filepath:
# Check for JSON file 'project.json' in the current or parent directory
if design_filepath:
argtry = design_filepath + '/project.json'
if os.path.isfile(argtry):
datasheet_filepath = argtry
argtry = os.path.split(design_filepath)[0] + '/project.json'
if os.path.isfile(argtry):
datasheet_filepath = argtry
if not os.path.isfile(datasheet_filepath):
# Legacy behavior support:
# Check for JSON file with same name as netlist filepath,
# but with a .json extension, in the netlist filepath directory
# or the directory above it.
if design_filepath:
argtry = design_filepath + '/' + os.path.basename(design_filepath) + '.json'
if os.path.isfile(argtry):
datasheet_filepath = argtry
argtry = os.path.split(design_filepath)[0] + '/' + os.path.basename(design_filepath) + '.json'
if os.path.isfile(argtry):
datasheet_filepath = argtry
if not datasheet_filepath:
print('Error: No datasheet JSON file specified\n')
if not os.path.isfile(datasheet_filepath):
print('Error: No datasheet JSON file ' + datasheet_filepath + ' found\n')
# Read the datasheet now. Get the expected design name
dsheet = {}
print('Reading JSON datasheet ' + datasheet_filepath)
with open(datasheet_filepath, 'r') as user_doc_file:
docinfo = json.load(user_doc_file)
dsheet = docinfo['data-sheet']
name = dsheet['ip-name']
# Get JSON file of settings if it exists. It should be in the same
# location as the JSON datasheet file (generated by
testmode = False
force = False
settings_filepath = os.path.split(datasheet_filepath)[0] + '/settings.json'
if os.path.exists(settings_filepath):
with open(settings_filepath, 'r') as user_settings_file:
settings = json.load(user_settings_file)
docinfo['settings'] = settings
if 'submit-as-schematic' in settings:
if settings['submit-as-schematic'] == True:
force = True
if 'submit-test-mode' in settings:
if settings['submit-test-mode'] == True:
testmode = True
# Use of "-force" in the options overrides any settings from the JSON file.
if '-force' in options:
force = True
if '-test' in options:
testmode = True
# Diagnostic
if 'identifiers' in docinfo:
print('Identifiers: ' + str(docinfo['identifiers']))
if not design_filepath:
print('Error: No schematic or netlist directory given\n')
# If design_filepath has a subdirectory "design", add that to
# the path name.
if os.path.isdir(design_filepath + '/spi'):
spice_filepath = design_filepath + '/spi'
filelist = os.listdir(spice_filepath)
if os.path.isdir(design_filepath + '/elec'):
if os.path.isdir(design_filepath + '/elec/' + name + '.delib'):
schem_filepath = design_filepath + '/elec/' + name + '.delib'
# To be valid, the filepath must contain either a .spi file with
# the name of ip-name, or a .sch file with the name of ip-name.
netlistname = name + '.spi'
schemname = name + '.sch'
if netlistname not in filelist and schemname not in filelist:
print('Error: Path ' + design_filepath + ' has no schematic '
+ 'or netlist for design ' + name + '\n')
# Add key 'project-folder' to the document, containing the path to the
# JSON file. This is used by the CACE to ensure that progress information
# is passed to the correct folder, not relying on hard-coded home paths,
# and allowing for copies of projects in different paths.
foldername = os.path.split(datasheet_filepath)[0]
docinfo['project-folder'] = foldername
# Current expectation is to use UID (username). If it is not in the
# document, then add it here.
if testmode:
uid = {}
if 'UID' not in docinfo:
uid = local_uid_services.get_uid(os.environ['USER'])
uid = docinfo['UID']
if not uid or uid == 'null':
uid = os.environ['USER']
docinfo['UID'] = uid
# Handle cancel requests
if '-cancel' in options:
# Read last message . . .
if os.path.exists(design_filepath + '/ngspice/char/remote_status.json'):
with open(design_filepath + '/ngspice/char/remote_status.json', 'r') as f:
status = json.load(f)
if 'hash' in status:
docinfo['request-hash'] = status['hash']
print('No hash value in status file, cannot cancel.')
print('No status file found, cannot cancel.')
# If settings specify that the submission should be forced to be schematic-only,
# pass the setting to CACE as 'netlist-source' in the data-sheet record.
if force:
dsheet['netlist-source'] = 'schematic'
# Put the current git system state into the target directory
# prior to tarballing
if os.path.isfile('/ef/.ef-version'):
with open('/ef/.ef-version', 'r') as f:
ef_version =
docinfo['ef-version'] = ef_version
rhash, timestamp = file_request_hash.get_hash(name)
docinfo['request-hash'] = rhash
print('request hash = ' + rhash + '\n')
# Now send the document
if testmode:
print('Test: running send_doc(docinfo)\n')
# Send the tarballed design file directory to the marketplace server for storage.
# Ignore the log file, which is meant for in-system diagnostics, not for storage.
exclusions = [name + '\.log', '.*\.raw',
# If settings specify that the submission should be forced to be schematic-only,
# then don't tarball the layout database files.
if force:
# Now send the netlist file tarball
tarballname = name + '.tar.gz'
if testmode:
tarballname, exclude=exclusions)
os.rename(design_filepath + '/' + tarballname, tarballname)
print('Test: running send_file(' + rhash + ', <tarball>, ' + tarballname + ')\n')
tar = file_compressor.tar_directory_contents(design_filepath,
send_file(rhash, tar, tarballname)