blob: 91e35faa0ffc57522cb5cac07f14b8267fde416f [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Parse the SPICE model files from sky130 and use the (commented out)
# statistics block to generate the correct monte carlo expressions
# in the device models for mismatch.
import os
import re
import sys
mm_switch_param = 'MC_MM_SWITCH'
options = []
arguments = []
for item in sys.argv[1:]:
if item.find('-', 0) == 0:
variant = 'sky130A'
walkpath = variant + '/'
if len(options) > 0:
for option in options:
if option.startswith('variant'):
variant = option.split('=')[1]
walkpath = variant + '/libs.ref/sky130_fd_pr/spice'
for option in options:
if option == 'ef_format':
walkpath = variant + '/libs.ref/spi/sky130_fd_pr'
elif len(arguments) > 0:
walkpath = arguments[0]
mismatch_params = []
mmrex = re.compile('^\*[ \t]*mismatch[ \t]*\{')
endrex = re.compile('^\*[ \t]*\}')
filelist = []
# Step 1. Gather variables
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(walkpath):
for filename in filenames:
if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.spice':
infile_name = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
infile = open(infile_name, 'r')
state = 'before_mismatch'
line_number = 0
replaced_something = False
for line in infile:
line_number += 1
if state == 'before_mismatch':
mmatch = mmrex.match(line)
if mmatch:
state = 'in_mismatch'
elif state == 'in_mismatch':
ematch = endrex.match(line)
if ematch:
state = 'after_mismatch'
tokens = line.split()
if 'vary' in tokens:
if ('dist=gauss' in tokens) or ('gauss' in tokens):
gtype = 'A'
mismatch_param = tokens[2]
for token in tokens[3:]:
gparam = token.split('=')
if len(gparam) == 2:
if gparam[0] == 'std':
std_dev = float(gparam[1])
elif gparam[0] == 'percent' and gparam[1] == 'yes':
gtype = ''
if gtype == '':
# Convert percentage to a fraction
std_dev = std_dev / 100
repltext = '{}*' + gtype + 'GAUSS(0,{!s},1)'
replacement = repltext.format(mm_switch_param, std_dev)
mismatch_params.append((mismatch_param, replacement))
elif ('dist=lnorm' in tokens) or ('lnorm' in tokens):
mismatch_param = tokens[2]
for token in tokens[3:]:
gparam = token.split('=')
if len(gparam) == 2:
if gparam[0] == 'std':
std_dev = float(gparam[1])
replacement = '{}*EXP(AGAUSS(0,{!s},1))'.format(mm_switch_param, std_dev)
mismatch_params.append((mismatch_param, replacement))
print('Mismatch parameters found:')
for (mismatch_param, replacement) in mismatch_params:
print(mismatch_param + ' : ' + replacement)
# Create regexp for the alternative PSPICE "dev/gauss" syntax used in
# a number of places in the models.
gaussrex = re.compile('\'[ \t]+dev\/gauss=\'', re.IGNORECASE)
# Same as above, for parameters that are not already expressions.
gauss2rex = re.compile('=[ \t]*([^ \t]+)[ \t]+dev\/gauss=\'', re.IGNORECASE)
# Step 2. Make replacements
for infile_name in filelist:
filepath = os.path.split(infile_name)[0]
filename = os.path.split(infile_name)[1]
fileroot = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
outfile_name = os.path.join(filepath, fileroot + '_temp')
infile = open(infile_name, 'r')
outfile = open(outfile_name, 'w')
state = 'before_mismatch'
line_number = 0
replaced_something = False
for line in infile:
line_number += 1
newline = line
gmatch =
if gmatch:
newline = gaussrex.sub('+' + mm_switch_param + '*AGAUSS(0,1.0,1)*', newline)
replaced_something = True
print(" Line {}: Found PSPICE dev/gauss and replaced.".format(line_number))
gmatch =
if gmatch:
newline = gauss2rex.sub("='\g<1>+" + mm_switch_param + '*AGAUSS(0,1.0,1)*', newline)
replaced_something = True
print(" Line {}: Found PSPICE dev/gauss and replaced.".format(line_number))
if state == 'before_mismatch':
mmatch = mmrex.match(newline)
if mmatch:
state = 'in_mismatch'
elif state == 'in_mismatch':
ematch = endrex.match(newline)
if ematch:
state = 'after_mismatch'
elif state == 'after_mismatch':
for (param, replacement) in mismatch_params:
if param in newline:
newline = newline.replace(param, replacement)
replaced_something = True
print(" Line {}: Found mismatch parameter '{}' and replaced with '{}'.".format(line_number, param, replacement))
if replaced_something:
# print("Something was replaced in '{}', backed up original file"
# + " and replaced with processed one.".format(infile_name))
print("Something was replaced in '{}'.".format(infile_name))
# os.rename(infile_name, infile_name + '.orig')
os.rename(outfile_name, infile_name)
print("Nothing was replaced in '{}'.".format(infile_name))