Re-instituted a block of code that was deleted from the script in sky130/custom/scripts/.  The problem was
an incorrectly formatted diagnostic output making it appear that
the block of code was doing nothing.  In fact, the block of code
is critically important for the installation of the sky130_fd_io
library.  The block has been put back in, and the diagnostic
print statement now produces the correct output.
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/ b/sky130/custom/scripts/
index e607193..a090b67 100755
--- a/sky130/custom/scripts/
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/
@@ -47,6 +47,18 @@
                 # NOTE:  These files are assumed not to need in-line
                 # includes, but includes of primitives need to be ignored.
+                # Quick hack:  Remove this when the filenames are corrected
+                if not os.path.exists(inpath + '/' + incfilename):
+                    print('Detected incorrect filename')
+                    print('   Old filename was: ' + incfilename)
+                    dlist = incfilename.split('.')
+                    ilist = dlist[0:-3]
+                    ilist.append(dlist[-2])
+                    ilist.append(dlist[-3])
+                    ilist.append(dlist[-1])
+                    incfilename = '.'.join(ilist)
+                    print('   New filename is: ' + incfilename)
                 with open(inpath + '/' + incfilename, 'r') as incfile:
                     v2text =
                     v2lines = v2text.splitlines()