Corrected the "sed" script for installing the xschem test circuits file
for variant sky130A, as recommended by Stefan Schippers to prevent errors
resulting from incorrect changes to the ReRAM components.
diff --git a/sky130/ b/sky130/
index f509275..1c0711e 100644
--- a/sky130/
+++ b/sky130/
@@ -957,10 +957,12 @@
 	# In the sky130A variant, remove the reram schematic/symbol and references
 	if test "x${XSCHEM_PATH}" != "x" ; then \
 		if test "x$*" == "xA" ; then \
+			rm -f  ${XSCHEM_STAGING_$*}/sky130_tests/test_reram* ; \
 			rm -f  ${XSCHEM_STAGING_$*}/sky130_tests/tb_reram* ; \
 			rm -f  ${XSCHEM_STAGING_$*}/sky130_fd_pr/reram* ; \
 			cat ${XSCHEM_STAGING_$*}/sky130_tests/top.sch | \
-				${SED} -e "/reram/,+7d" \
+				${SED} -e "/^C.*{.*reram.*}.*{.*[^}] *$$/,/.*} *$$/d" \
+					-e "/^C.*{.*reram.*}.*{.*} *$$/d" \
 				> ${XSCHEM_STAGING_$*}/temp ; \
 			mv ${XSCHEM_STAGING_$*}/temp ${XSCHEM_STAGING_$*}/sky130_tests/top.sch ; \
 		fi ; \