| This directory contains standard format files for "power_pads_lib", |
| which is an efabless addendum to the SkyWater I/O library "s8iom0". |
| power_pads_lib does the following: |
| (1) Changes the orientation of the corner pad from upper-right to |
| lower-left with a wrapper cell called "s8iom0_corner_pad". Also |
| extends the power buses to make the dimensions of the corner pad |
| (2) Adds a 1um-wide spacer cell to complement the existing 5um-wide |
| (3) Adds wrappers for all the combinations of power pad base cell + |
| power pad overlay, to create all 12 combinations, for pads with |
| either high- or low-voltage clamps, connecting to one of the six |
| power domains vddio, vdda, vccd, vssio, vssa, or vssd. |
| "power_pads_lib" is open source copyright 2019 efabless, Inc. |
| Released under Apache 2.0 license |