Initial commit of public repository open_pdks.
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38d0f2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
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diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
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index 0000000..02000c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Makefile for efabless project open_pdks
+# Tim Edwards, 11/21/2016
+# Updated 10/19/2018 for use independently of the
+# efabless /ef/ tree filesystem setup.
+# Updated 5/5/2020 for use with the 2-stage install
+# Typical usage:
+# make
+# generates the tech files from source masters.
+# make install-local
+# installs the tech files locally.
+# make install-dist
+# installs the tech files in the git project
+# that is used for distribution of software
+# across the system.
+# make clean
+# clean up all files generated by 'make'
+# The following definitions are tied to the contents
+# of this repository and should not be changed.
+TECHS = sky130
+all: ${TECHS}
+ for tech in ${TECHS}; do \
+ ${MAKE} tech_$$tech; done
+ (cd sky130 && ${MAKE} all)
+install-sky130-local: sky130
+ (cd sky130 && ${MAKE} install-local)
+install-sky130-dist: sky130
+ (cd sky130 && ${MAKE} install-dist)
+ (cd sky130 && ${MAKE} clean)
+ (cd sky130 && ${MAKE} veryclean)
+ ${MAKE} install-local
+install-local: ${TECHS}
+ for tech in ${TECHS}; do \
+ ${MAKE} install-$${tech}-local; done
+install-dist: ${TECHS}
+ for tech in ${TECHS}; do \
+ ${MAKE} install-$${tech}-dist; done
+ for tech in ${TECHS}; do \
+ ${MAKE} clean-$${tech}; done
+ for tech in ${TECHS}; do \
+ ${MAKE} veryclean-$${tech}; done
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24fc238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+open_pdks : A system for installing silicon foundry PDKs for open-source EDA tools
+(also maybe works for installing commercial tools)
+Written by Tim Edwards 2019 / 2020 for efabless (
+and Open Circuit Design (
+ Silicon foundry PDKs are notoriously non-standard, and files obtained
+ from the foundry may end up in any possibly configuration of files and
+ folders. In addition, silicon foundries are notorious among open source
+ EDA tool enthusiasts for supplying user setups for commercial EDA tools
+ and all but ignoring open source EDA tools. Open_pdks aims to mitigate
+ the problem by defining a standard layout of files and directories for
+ known open standard formats (e.g., SPICE, verilog, liberty, LEF, etc.)
+ and for various open source EDA tools (e.g., magic, netgen, OpenROAD,
+ klayout) using a Makefile system and a number of conversion scripts to
+ ensure that for any process, all files needed by all EDA tools can be
+ found in predictable locations.
+ The scripts aim to be as general-purpose as possible to allow easy
+ adaptation to new tools, formats, and foundries. Where foundry data
+ is intractably unusable, custom install files can be added to overwrite
+ or annotate vendor data as needed.
+ Each foundry process is a subdirectory of the open_pdks top level and
+ has its own Makefile. The typical install process is to cd to the
+ foundry top level and run "make" (see below for details).
+ The general file structure created by open_pdks is as follows:
+ <foundry_root>/
+ <name_of_pdk_variant_1>/
+ <name_of_pdk_variant_2>/
+ ...
+ <name_of_pdk_variant_x>/
+ <name_of_EDA_tool_1>/
+ <name_of_EDA_tool_2>/
+ ...
+ <name_of_EDA_tool_x>/
+ <EDA_tool_setup_files>
+ libs.ref
+ <name_of_IP_library_1>/
+ <name_of_IP_library_2>/
+ ...
+ <name_of_IP_library_x>/
+ <name_of_file_format_1>
+ <name_of_file_format_2>
+ ...
+ <name_of_file_format_x>
+ <vendor_files>
+ Note that this format is very general and does not constrain the
+ EDA tools supported or file formats supported, so long as there
+ are scripts in the system to provide that support. It is intended
+ that open_pdks can be extended as needed to support new tools or
+ new file formats.
+ Current EDA tools supported in this version of open_pdks:
+ Tool Directory name
+ --------------------------
+ ngspice ngspice
+ magic magic
+ netgen netgen
+ klayout klayout
+ qflow qflow
+ openlane openlane
+ Current IP library file formats supported in this version of open_pdks*:
+ Format Directory name
+ --------------------------
+ CDL cdl
+ SPICE spice
+ magic mag, maglef
+ LEF lef, techlef
+ GDS gds
+ verilog verilog
+ liberty lib
+ PDF** doc
+ (* "Supported" meaning expected/handled by conversion scripts;
+ as noted, the install is very general purpose and any name
+ can be used as a target for any vendor or custom files.)
+ (** or HTML or any valid document format, plus supporting files.)
+How to use open_pdks:
+ There are a seriously limited number of open foundry PDKs. Those that
+ are known (SkyWater, MOSIS SCMOS) are included in the repository. In
+ other cases (X-Fab XH035, XH018) it is possible to get an extension to
+ open_pdks from a known trusted source through NDA verification with
+ the foundry. In all other cases, foundries should be berated until
+ they agree to support the open_pdks format.
+ Open_pdks does not attempt to keep any foundry data to the extent
+ possible. Instead, it adapts to the file structure available from
+ whatever system each foundry uses for downloads. Each foundry
+ directory should contain a README file that details how to obtain
+ downloads from the foundry, and what files need to be downloaded.
+ Since the download methods vary wildly, it is up to the user to obtain
+ the foundry data as instructed. The Makefile in the open_pdks foundry
+ directory then needs to be edited to set the correct path to the
+ foundry source data.
+ The installation is a bootstrapping process, so needs to be done in
+ stages. The first stage installs setup files for all the EDA tools.
+ The second stage installs IP libraries (e.g., standard cells, padframe
+ I/O, analog circuits) and depends heavily on the use of the open EDA
+ tools themselves to fill in any missing file formats. Therefore the
+ tool setup files need to be installed first, and then the IP libraries.
+ If using a distributed install (see below), then the tool setup files
+ need to be installed and distributed (relocated to the final run-time
+ location) before the IP libraries are installed.
+ There are two distinct install types supported by open_pdks:
+ (1) Local install: Use a local install when the EDA tools will be run
+ on a single host, and all the PDK data are on the same host.
+ The local install sequence is:
+ make Generate local staging area
+ make install-local Migrate to install directory
+ (2) Distributed install: Use the distributed install when the PDK
+ will be run from multiple hosts, but will be installed into a
+ different location such as a git repo which is then distributed to
+ all hosts, and may not itself reside in the same root directory tree.
+ The distributed install sequence is:
+ make Generate local staging area
+ make install-dist Migrate to distribution directory
+ Note that local installs may opt to make symbolic links back to the
+ foundry sources, where possible (see options for,
+ below). Distributed installs and local installs may also make
+ symbolic links from any PDK variant back to a "master" PDK variant,
+ where possible (that is, where the files are the same). For example,
+ a standard cell library will probably be compatible with all metal
+ back-end stacks, and so only one copy of all the library files is
+ needed in one of the PDK variants. For the other PDK variants, the
+ same files are all symbolic links to the files in the first PDK
+ variant. But an I/O library would have different layouts for different
+ metal back-end stacks, so layout-dependent files like GDS would be
+ different for each PDK, but layout-independent files like verilog
+ might be symbolic links to files in the first PDK.
+ The following tools/software stacks are needed to run open_pdks:
+ python3
+ magic or
+ assumed to be installed and discoverable in the standard
+ search path as defined by the shell (version 8.2+ required)
+How to make or update an open PDK:
+ The backbone of the open_pdks system is a set of scripts found in the
+ common/ subdirectory. The two main scripts are "" and
+ "", with a host of supporting scripts.
+ Creating a new PDK starts with generating a Makefile, which can be
+ done by copying a Makefile from an existing project. The first thing
+ to do is to define the number of PDK variants (usually based on back-end
+ metal stacks available, but can also include front-end options, especially
+ if they are mutually exclusive rather than simply additional masks).
+ Then create the make and make-install targets for local and distributed
+ install, including install (plain), install-vendor, and install-custom.
+ Define the default source and target paths.
+ (Needed: A "make makefile" script that generates the "local" and "dist"
+ automatically, and potentially can also make all the different PDK
+ targets automatically, from a much shorter and simpler master Makefile.)
+ Create the basic scripts for tools. Since foundries do not support open
+ EDA tools, it is inevitable that these files need to be created by hand
+ unless there is an option to import other formats. Because Magic is used
+ heavily by open_pdks to create missing file formats from other existing
+ file formats, a Magic techfile is critical. Each of the basic scripts
+ will contain #ifdef ... #endif and similar conditionals to allow the
+ script to be parsed for each target PDK variant. Each of these scripts
+ is passed through common/ to handle the conditionals. Of course,
+ it is possible to make a separate file for each PDK variant as long as the
+ Makefile handles them properly, but use of the script allows
+ all the PDK variants to be handled in the same way, simplifying the Makefile.
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Usage:
+ input_file [output_file] [-D<variable> ...]
+ Where <variable> may be a keyword or a key=value pair
+ Syntax: Basically like cpp. However, this preprocessor handles
+ only a limited set of keywords, so it does not otherwise mangle
+ the file in the belief that it must be C code. Handling of boolean
+ relations is important, so these are thoroughly defined (see below)
+ #if defined(<variable>) [...]
+ #ifdef <variable>
+ #ifndef <variable>
+ #elseif <variable>
+ #else
+ #endif
+ #define <variable> [...]
+ #undef <variable>
+ #include <filename>
+ <variable> may be
+ <keyword>
+ <keyword>=<value>
+ <keyword> without '=' is effectively the same as <keyword>=1
+ Lack of a keyword is equivalent to <keyword>=0, in a conditional.
+ Boolean operators (in order of precedence):
+ ! NOT
+ && AND
+ || OR
+ Comments:
+ Most comments (C-like or Tcl-like) are output as-is. A
+ line beginning with "###" is treated as a preprocessor
+ comment and is not copied to the output.
+ Examples;
+ #if defined(X) || defined(Y)
+ #else
+ #if defined(Z)
+ #endif
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ The script common/ handles all the IP library processing
+ and installation. It generates the local directory structure and populates
+ the directories with foundry vendor data, and filters or otherwise uses
+ open EDA tools to generate missing standard file formats or create file
+ formats needed by the open EDA tools.
+ Usage:
+ [option [option_arguments]] ...
+ All options begin with "-" and may be followed by one or more
+ arguments (that do not begin with "-"). The
+ script may be called multiple times, although it is best to
+ group together all files for the installation of an IP library,
+ since the options given will be used to determine what files are
+ missing and need to be generated.
+ Global options:
+ -link_from <type>
+ Make symbolic links to vendor files from target
+ Types are: "none", "source", or a PDK name.
+ Default "none" (copy all files from source)
+ -source <path>
+ Path to source data top level directory
+ -target <path>
+ Path to target top level directory
+ -local <path>
+ For distributed installs, this is the local
+ path to target top level directory.
+ -library <type> <name>
+ The install target is an IP library with
+ name <name>.
+ -ef_format
+ Use the original efabless format for file
+ installs. This has several differences from
+ then no-efabless install. The most important
+ is that the order of directories for IP libraries
+ is <file_format>/<library_name> instead of
+ <library_name>/<file_format>. As the efabless
+ platform migrates to the open_pdks developing
+ standard, this use should eventually be
+ deprecated. In open_pdks, the option is set
+ from the EF_FORMAT variable setting in the Makefile.
+ All other options represent installation into specific directories.
+ The primary rule is that if is passed an option
+ "-library" (see syntax below), then all other non-global options
+ represent subdirectories of the IP library, given the same name as
+ the option word following the "-". If the command
+ line does not have an option "-library", then all non-global options
+ represent per-EDA tool subdirectories, where the name of the subdirectory
+ is the same as the option word following the "-".
+ Each tool install option has the syntax:
+ -<tool_name> <path> [<option_arguments>]
+ Each IP library install option has the syntax:
+ -<file_format_name> <path> [<option_arguments>]
+ The <path> is a directory path that is relative to the path prefix
+ given by the -source option. The path may be wildcarded with the
+ escape string "%l", which is replaced by the name of the library,
+ and for simplicity with versioning, "%v" will be interpreted to
+ match any versioning string in the form "major[.minor[.rev]]".
+ Note that only the numerical part of a versioning string is
+ represented, so, for example, to match "/V1.1.0/" the <path> should
+ use "/V%v/". In the unlikely event of a percent character in the
+ path, use the escape string "%%".
+ "*" has the usual meaning of matching any characters in a name (see
+ python glob.glob() command for reference). However, for backwards
+ compatibility with earlier versions of open_pdks, the library name
+ in the path may also be wildcarded with "*" in the specific text
+ "/*/".
+ Library name wildcarding in either form is only valid if "-library"
+ is given as an an option.
+ (Note that the INSTALL variable in the Makefile starts with "set -f"
+ to suppress the OS from doing wildcard substitution; otherwise the
+ wildcards in the install options will get expanded by the OS before
+ being passed to the install script.)
+ Library option:
+ -library <type> <name> [<target>]
+ <type> may be one of the following:
+ digital Digital standard cells
+ primitive Primitive devices
+ general All others
+ Analog and I/O libraries fall under the category "general".
+ <name> is the vendor name of the library.
+ [<target>] is the (optional) local name of the library. If omitted,
+ then the vendor name is used for the target (there is no particular
+ reason to specify a different local name for a library).
+ Any number of libraries may be supported, and one "-library" option
+ may be provided for each supported library. The use of multiple
+ libraries for a single run of only works if the
+ formats (gds, cdl, lef, etc.) happen to all work with the same wildcards.
+ But it is generally most common to declare only one library name per
+ call to
+ Common options when used with "-library":
+ -techlef <path> [option_arguments] Technology LEF file
+ -doc <path> [option_arguments] library documentation
+ -lef <path> [option_arguments] LEF file
+ -spice <path> [option_arguments] SPICE netlists
+ -cdl <path> [option_arguments] CDL netlists
+ -lib <path> [option_arguments] Liberty timing files
+ -gds <path> [option_arguments] GDS layout data
+ -verilog <path> [option_arguments] Verilog models
+ Any name can be used after the "-" and the installation of files
+ will be made into a directory of that name, which will be created
+ if it does not exist. The names used above are preferred, for
+ the sake of compatibility between EDA tools.
+ Of special note is "techlef", as technology LEF files are often
+ associated with a PDK and not an IP library. In this system,
+ the technology LEF file should be associated with each standard
+ cell library for which it is intended.
+ [option_arguments] may be one of the following:
+ up <number>
+ Any tool option can use this argument to indicate that
+ the source hierarchy should be copied entirely, starting
+ from <number> levels above the files indicated by <path>.
+ For example, if liberty files are kept in multiple
+ directories according to voltage level, then
+ -liberty x/y/z/PVT_*/*.lib
+ would install all .lib files directly into
+ libs.ref/<libname>/liberty/*.lib while
+ -liberty x/y/z/PVT_*/*.lib up 1
+ would install all .lib files into
+ libs.ref/liberty/<libname>/PVT_*/*.lib.
+ nospec
+ Remove timing specification before installing (used with
+ verilog files only; could be extended to liberty files).
+ compile
+ Create a single library from all components. Used when a
+ foundry library has inconveniently split an IP library
+ (LEF, CDL, verilog, etc.) into individual files.
+ compile-only
+ Same as argument "compile", except that the individual
+ files are not copied to the target; only the compiled
+ library is created.
+ stub
+ Remove contents of subcircuits from CDL and SPICE netlist,
+ or verilog files. This is useful to LVS and other tools
+ to know the order of pins in a circuit (for CDL or SPICE),
+ or simply to ignore the contents of the file (any format)
+ so that the circuit in question is treated as a "black box".
+ priv
+ Mark the contents being installed as privleged, and put
+ them in a separate root directory libs.priv where they
+ can be given additional read/write restrictions.
+ rename <file_name>
+ Rename the file being copied to the name of the argument.
+ This can be used to copy one file into multiple destination
+ libraries and give each copy a name related to the
+ destination library.
+ filter <script_file_path>
+ Process all files through the script <script_file_path>,
+ which is given as a relative path to the directory
+ containing the Makefile. The filter script traditionally
+ is put in local subdirectory custom/scripts/. The filter
+ script should be written to take a single argument, which
+ is the path to a file, and process that file, and overwrite
+ the file with the result. Commonly used filters are found
+ in the common/ directory. See common/ for an
+ example.
+ noclobber
+ Mainly diagnostic. When specified, any temporary files
+ used during installation will be retained instead of
+ deleted after use. This includes, for example, scripts
+ passed to magic for running extraction or file format
+ generation. It is useful when debugging problems with
+ the install.
+ anno
+ Currently only supported for LEF files. This argument
+ indicates that the vendor LEF files should be used only
+ for annotating GDS input with port location information,
+ but the LEF files themselves should not be installed.
+ File conversions handled by
+ The following file format conversions can be done automatically by
+ CDL to SPICE: A CDL netlist or library can be converted to a
+ general-purpose SPICE netlist that can be read
+ by any tool that can read Berkeley SPICE 3f5
+ syntax.
+ GDS to LEF: An abstract view can be generated from a full
+ layout view using Magic.
+ GDS to SPICE: In the absence of any netlist, Magic will
+ extract a SPICE netlist from a full layout.
+ SPICE (any) to SPICE (ngspice): The script will
+ attempt to convert any SPICE model file,
+ cell library, or netlist to a form that is
+ compatible with ngspice version 30.
+ open_pdks additional Makefile notes:
+ The "make install-local" ("make install-dist") step is generally
+ broken into individual make sections, one for each tool (e.g.,
+ magic, netgen, klayout). There is an additional section called
+ "general" which installs a ".config" directory at the PDK top
+ level, containing a file "nodeinfo.json" which has general
+ information about the PDK that may be used by any tool that
+ understands the key:value pairs used in the JSON file. Keys used
+ are as follows:
+ foundry : Short name of the foundry, equal to the foundry
+ directory root, above the PDK variants.
+ foundry-name : Long name of the foundry.
+ node : The name of the PDK variant
+ feature-size : The foundry process feature size (e.g., 130nm)
+ status : "active" or "inactive". May be used by tools
+ to present or hide specific PDK variants.
+ description : Long text description of the process variant
+ (e.g., 6-metal stack + MiM caps)
+ options : List of options, corresponding to the definitions
+ used in the Makefile and passed to
+ stdcells : List of standard cell libraries available for this
+ PDK variant.
+ iocells : List of I/O pad cell libraries available for this
+ PDK variant.
+ Note that the JSON file is, like other EDA tool setup files, usually a
+ master file that is parsed by; therefore when specifying
+ "options", use #undef before specifying each option name so that the
+ option name itself is ignored by the pre-processor.
+Goals of the open_pdks project:
+ The intended goal of open_pdks is to be able to support as many open source
+ EDA tools as practical, and to be able to generate all needed files for
+ those tools from any sufficiently complete set of vendor files.
+ A number of file converions are not available but would be useful to have:
+ SPICE to liberty: Create timing files by running simulations
+ on SPICE netlists using ngspice.
+ liberty to verilog: Use the function statements in liberty
+ format to create verilog primitives. Maybe
+ use liberty timing information to generate
+ LEF specify sections.
+ verilog to liberty: Reverse of the above. Use verilog logic
+ tables and specify sections to generate liberty
+ functions and timing tables.
+ File formats that need to be supported:
+ Schematic and symbol: There are few standards, so either everyone
+ needs to agree on a good format to use, or there
+ needs to be a lot of scripts to do conversions
+ between formats. Open EDA tools that could be
+ supported include:
+ electric, xcircuit, kicad, sue2
+ Other open source EDA tools that need to be supported:
+ OpenROAD
+ Coriolis2
+ (add more here. . .)
+ Commercial EDA tools can potentially be supported under this same system,
+ provided sufficient compatibility with the file system structure.
+ Other scripts needed:
+ Project setup script: It would be useful to define a "standard
+ project file structure" that is similar to the standard PDK file
+ structure defined in open_pdks. The preferred project setup
+ based on the efabless model is:
+ <project_name>
+ .config/
+ techdir (symbolic link to open_pdks PDK)
+ project.json (information file for tools)
+ <tool_name> (magic, qflow, ngspice, etc.) or
+ <format_name> (spice, gds, verilog, etc.)
+ In general, <tool_name> directories are intended to be workspaces
+ for specific EDA tools (and may have their own nested hierarchies;
+ e.g., qflow/<digital_block>/source,synthesis,layout) while
+ <format_name> is a place to keep (final) files of a specific format,
+ with the intention that any project can easily be made into an
+ IP library and folded into the open_pdks scheme with little effort.
+ The project.json file contains project information that can be used
+ by a script to build a setup for any EDA tool. One goal of the
+ project.json file is to define "datasheet" (documented elsewhere)
+ that can be used to drive characterization simulations and create
+ a datasheet for the project. Field "ip-name" of "datasheet" is
+ the canonical name of the project, which can be distinguished from
+ the project directory top-level name, such that the project can be
+ moved or copied without affecting the tool flows.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12651e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Open-PDKs (open_pdks)
+Automatic setup of PDKs for open-source tools from foundry sources.
+Builds out and populates a new set of directories and subdirectories in
+the efabless format, with the efabless name for the PDK at the top,
+followed by categories "libs.ref" (IP) and "" (EDA tool setup),
+each with subcategories corresponding to layout, abstract views,
+netlists, etc. for the IP; and magic, netgen, qflow, etc., for the
+EDA tool setup.
+The populated PDK directories can contain either copies of files from
+the foundry sources, links to the foundry sources, or links back to
+another PDK.
+Generates magic layout views for all vendor IP for which either a GDS
+view or a LEF view exists. Annotates the views as needed to handle
+ports, bounding boxes, etc.
+This distribution contains sources for building out the SkyWater s8
+130nm process. Sources for the foundry process data must be obtained
+separately. Read the README file in subdirectory s8/ for instructions
+on obtaining and building the SkyWater s8 PDK.
+There is a top-level Makefile but generally it is recommended to cd
+to the directory for the target foundry process and follow the instructions
+in the README file there.
diff --git a/common/README b/common/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..decfec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/README
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+open_pdks : A system for installing silicon foundry PDKs for open-source EDA tools
+(also maybe works for installing commercial tools)
+Written by Tim Edwards 2019 / 2020 for efabless (
+and Open Circuit Design (
+ Silicon foundry PDKs are notoriously non-standard, and files obtained
+ from the foundry may end up in any possibly configuration of files and
+ folders. In addition, silicon foundries are notorious among open source
+ EDA tool enthusiasts for supplying user setups for commercial EDA tools
+ and all but ignoring open source EDA tools. Open_pdks aims to mitigate
+ the problem by defining a standard layout of files and directories for
+ known open standard formats (e.g., SPICE, verilog, liberty, LEF, etc.)
+ and for various open source EDA tools (e.g., magic, netgen, OpenROAD,
+ klayout) using a Makefile system and a number of conversion scripts to
+ ensure that for any process, all files needed by all EDA tools can be
+ found in predictable locations.
+ The scripts aim to be as general-purpose as possible to allow easy
+ adaptation to new tools, formats, and foundries. Where foundry data
+ is intractably unusable, custom install files can be added to overwrite
+ or annotate vendor data as needed.
+ Each foundry process is a subdirectory of the open_pdks top level and
+ has its own Makefile. The typical install process is to cd to the
+ foundry top level and run "make" (see below for details).
+ The general file structure created by open_pdks is as follows:
+ <foundry_root>/
+ <name_of_pdk_variant_1>/
+ <name_of_pdk_variant_2>/
+ ...
+ <name_of_pdk_variant_x>/
+ <name_of_EDA_tool_1>/
+ <name_of_EDA_tool_2>/
+ ...
+ <name_of_EDA_tool_x>/
+ <EDA_tool_setup_files>
+ libs.ref
+ <name_of_IP_library_1>/
+ <name_of_IP_library_2>/
+ ...
+ <name_of_IP_library_x>/
+ <name_of_file_format_1>
+ <name_of_file_format_2>
+ ...
+ <name_of_file_format_x>
+ <vendor_files>
+ Note that this format is very general and does not constrain the
+ EDA tools supported or file formats supported, so long as there
+ are scripts in the system to provide that support. It is intended
+ that open_pdks can be extended as needed to support new tools or
+ new file formats.
+ Current EDA tools supported in this version of open_pdks:
+ Tool Directory name
+ --------------------------
+ ngspice ngspice
+ magic magic
+ netgen netgen
+ klayout klayout
+ qflow qflow
+ openlane openlane
+ Current IP library file formats supported in this version of open_pdks*:
+ Format Directory name
+ --------------------------
+ CDL cdl
+ SPICE spice
+ magic mag, maglef
+ LEF lef
+ GDS gds
+ verilog verilog
+ liberty lib
+ PDF** doc
+ (* "Supported" meaning expected/handled by conversion scripts;
+ as noted, the install is very general purpose and any name
+ can be used as a target for any vendor or custom files.)
+ (** or HTML or any valid document format, plus supporting files.)
+How to use open_pdks:
+ There are a seriously limited number of open foundry PDKs. Those that
+ are known (SkyWater, MOSIS SCMOS) are included in the repository. In
+ other cases (X-Fab XH035, XH018) it is possible to get an extension to
+ open_pdks from a known trusted source through NDA verification with
+ the foundry. In all other cases, foundries should be berated until
+ they agree to support the open_pdks format.
+ Open_pdks does not attempt to keep any foundry data to the extent
+ possible. Instead, it adapts to the file structure available from
+ whatever system each foundry uses for downloads. Each foundry
+ directory should contain a README file that details how to obtain
+ downloads from the foundry, and what files need to be downloaded.
+ Since the download methods vary wildly, it is up to the user to obtain
+ the foundry data as instructed. The Makefile in the open_pdks foundry
+ directory then needs to be edited to set the correct path to the
+ foundry source data.
+ The installation is a bootstrapping process, so needs to be done in
+ stages. The first stage installs setup files for all the EDA tools.
+ The second stage installs IP libraries (e.g., standard cells, padframe
+ I/O, analog circuits) and depends heavily on the use of the open EDA
+ tools themselves to fill in any missing file formats. Therefore the
+ tool setup files need to be installed first, and then the IP libraries.
+ If using a distributed install (see below), then the tool setup files
+ need to be installed and distributed (relocated to the final run-time
+ location) before the IP libraries are installed.
+ There are two distinct install types supported by open_pdks:
+ (1) Local install: Use a local install when the EDA tools will be run
+ on a single host, and all the PDK data are on the same host.
+ The local install sequence is:
+ make
+ make install-local Install EDA tool setup
+ make install-vendor-local Install IP libraries
+ (2) Distributed install: Use the distributed install when the PDK
+ will be run from multiple hosts, but will be installed into a
+ different location such as a git repo which is then distributed to
+ all hosts, and may not itself reside in the same root directory tree.
+ The distributed install sequence is:
+ make
+ make install-dist Install EDA tool setup
+ make install-vendor-dist Install IP libraries
+ Note that local installs may opt to make symbolic links back to the
+ foundry sources, where possible (see options for,
+ below). Distributed installs and local installs may also make
+ symbolic links from any PDK variant back to a "master" PDK variant,
+ where possible (that is, where the files are the same). For example,
+ a standard cell library will probably be compatible with all metal
+ back-end stacks, and so only one copy of all the library files is
+ needed in one of the PDK variants. For the other PDK variants, the
+ same files are all symbolic links to the files in the first PDK
+ variant. But an I/O library would have different layouts for different
+ metal back-end stacks, so layout-dependent files like GDS would be
+ different for each PDK, but layout-independent files like verilog
+ might be symbolic links to files in the first PDK.
+ The following tools/software stacks are needed to run open_pdks:
+ python3
+ magic or
+ assumed to be installed and discoverable in the standard
+ search path as defined by the shell (version 8.2+ required)
+How to make or update an open PDK:
+ The backbone of the open_pdks system is a set of scripts found in the
+ common/ subdirectory. The two main scripts are "" and
+ "", with a host of supporting scripts.
+ Creating a new PDK starts with generating a Makefile, which can be
+ done by copying a Makefile from an existing project. The first thing
+ to do is to define the number of PDK variants (usually based on back-end
+ metal stacks available, but can also include front-end options, especially
+ if they are mutually exclusive rather than simply additional masks).
+ Then create the make and make-install targets for local and distributed
+ install, including install (plain), install-vendor, and install-custom.
+ Define the default source and target paths.
+ (Needed: A "make makefile" script that generates the "local" and "dist"
+ automatically, and potentially can also make all the different PDK
+ targets automatically, from a much shorter and simpler master Makefile.)
+ Create the basic scripts for tools. Since foundries do not support open
+ EDA tools, it is inevitable that these files need to be created by hand
+ unless there is an option to import other formats. Because Magic is used
+ heavily by open_pdks to create missing file formats from other existing
+ file formats, a Magic techfile is critical. Each of the basic scripts
+ will contain #ifdef ... #endif and similar conditionals to allow the
+ script to be parsed for each target PDK variant. Each of these scripts
+ is passed through common/ to handle the conditionals. Of course,
+ it is possible to make a separate file for each PDK variant as long as the
+ Makefile handles them properly, but use of the script allows
+ all the PDK variants to be handled in the same way, simplifying the Makefile.
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Usage:
+ input_file [output_file] [-D<variable> ...]
+ Where <variable> may be a keyword or a key=value pair
+ Syntax: Basically like cpp. However, this preprocessor handles
+ only a limited set of keywords, so it does not otherwise mangle
+ the file in the belief that it must be C code. Handling of boolean
+ relations is important, so these are thoroughly defined (see below)
+ #if defined(<variable>) [...]
+ #ifdef <variable>
+ #ifndef <variable>
+ #elseif <variable>
+ #else
+ #endif
+ #define <variable> [...]
+ #undef <variable>
+ #include <filename>
+ <variable> may be
+ <keyword>
+ <keyword>=<value>
+ <keyword> without '=' is effectively the same as <keyword>=1
+ Lack of a keyword is equivalent to <keyword>=0, in a conditional.
+ Boolean operators (in order of precedence):
+ ! NOT
+ && AND
+ || OR
+ Comments:
+ Most comments (C-like or Tcl-like) are output as-is. A
+ line beginning with "###" is treated as a preprocessor
+ comment and is not copied to the output.
+ Examples;
+ #if defined(X) || defined(Y)
+ #else
+ #if defined(Z)
+ #endif
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ The script common/ handles all the IP library processing
+ and installation. It generates the local directory structure and populates
+ the directories with foundry vendor data, and filters or otherwise uses
+ open EDA tools to generate missing standard file formats or create file
+ formats needed by the open EDA tools.
+ Usage:
+ [option [option_arguments]] ...
+ All options begin with "-" and may be followed by one or more
+ arguments (that do not begin with "-"). The
+ script may be called multiple times, although it is best to
+ group together all files for the installation of an IP library,
+ since the options given will be used to determine what files are
+ missing and need to be generated.
+ Global options:
+ -link_from <type>
+ Make symbolic links to vendor files from target
+ Types are: "none", "source", or a PDK name.
+ Default "none" (copy all files from source)
+ -source <path>
+ Path to source data top level directory
+ -target <path>
+ Path to target top level directory
+ -local <path>
+ For distributed installs, this is the local
+ path to target top level directory.
+ -library <type> <name>
+ The install target is an IP library with
+ name <name>.
+ -ef_format
+ Use the original efabless format for file
+ installs. This has several differences from
+ then no-efabless install. The most important
+ is that the order of directories for IP libraries
+ is <file_format>/<library_name> instead of
+ <library_name>/<file_format>. As the efabless
+ platform migrates to the open_pdks developing
+ standard, this use should eventually be
+ deprecated. In open_pdks, the option is set
+ from the EF_FORMAT variable setting in the Makefile.
+ All other options represent installation into specific directories.
+ The primary rule is that if is passed an option
+ "-library" (see syntax below), then all other non-global options
+ represent subdirectories of the IP library, given the same name as
+ the option word following the "-". If the command
+ line does not have an option "-library", then all non-global options
+ represent per-EDA tool subdirectories, where the name of the subdirectory
+ is the same as the option word following the "-".
+ Each tool install option has the syntax:
+ -<tool_name> <path> [<option_arguments>]
+ Each IP library install option has the syntax:
+ -<file_format_name> <path> [<option_arguments>]
+ The <path> is a directory path that is relative to the path prefix
+ given by the -source option. The path may be wildcarded with the
+ character "*". The specific text "/*/" is always replaced by the
+ name of the IP library (if "-library" is an option). Otherwise,
+ "*" has the usual meaning of matching any characters in a name
+ (see python glob.glob() command for reference).
+ (Note that the INSTALL variable in the Makefile starts with "set -f"
+ to suppress the OS from doing wildcard substitution; otherwise the
+ wildcards in the install options will get expanded by the OS before
+ being passed to the install script.)
+ In some cases, it may be required to process an option like "compile"
+ (see below) on files already in the target path without adding any
+ source files. In that case, <path> may be any keyword that does not
+ point to a valid directory; "none" is a recommended choice.
+ Library option:
+ -library <type> <name> [<target>]
+ <type> may be one of the following:
+ digital Digital standard cells
+ primitive Primitive devices
+ general All others
+ Analog and I/O libraries fall under the category "general".
+ <name> is the vendor name of the library.
+ [<target>] is the (optional) local name of the library. If omitted,
+ then the vendor name is used for the target (there is no particular
+ reason to specify a different local name for a library).
+ Any number of libraries may be supported, and one "-library" option
+ may be provided for each supported library. The use of multiple
+ libraries for a single run of only works if the
+ formats (gds, cdl, lef, etc.) happen to all work with the same wildcards.
+ But it is generally most common to declare only one library name per
+ call to
+ Common options when used with "-library":
+ -techlef <path> [option_arguments] Technology LEF file
+ -doc <path> [option_arguments] library documentation
+ -lef <path> [option_arguments] LEF file
+ -spice <path> [option_arguments] SPICE netlists
+ -cdl <path> [option_arguments] CDL netlists
+ -lib <path> [option_arguments] Liberty timing files
+ -gds <path> [option_arguments] GDS layout data
+ -verilog <path> [option_arguments] Verilog models
+ Any name can be used after the "-" and the installation of files
+ will be made into a directory of that name, which will be created
+ if it does not exist. The names used above are preferred, for
+ the sake of compatibility between EDA tools.
+ Of special note is "techlef", as technology LEF files are often
+ associated with a PDK and not an IP library. In this system,
+ the technology LEF file should be associated with each standard
+ cell library for which it is intended.
+ [option_arguments] may be one of the following:
+ up <number>
+ Any tool option can use this argument to indicate that
+ the source hierarchy should be copied entirely, starting
+ from <number> levels above the files indicated by <path>.
+ For example, if liberty files are kept in multiple
+ directories according to voltage level, then
+ -liberty x/y/z/PVT_*/*.lib
+ would install all .lib files directly into
+ libs.ref/<libname>/liberty/*.lib while
+ -liberty x/y/z/PVT_*/*.lib up 1
+ would install all .lib files into
+ libs.ref/liberty/<libname>/PVT_*/*.lib.
+ nospec
+ Remove timing specification before installing (used with
+ verilog files only; could be extended to liberty files).
+ compile
+ Create a single library from all components. Used when a
+ foundry library has inconveniently split an IP library
+ (LEF, CDL, verilog, etc.) into individual files.
+ compile-only
+ Same as argument "compile", except that the individual
+ files are not copied to the target; only the compiled
+ library is created.
+ stub
+ Remove contents of subcircuits from CDL and SPICE netlist,
+ or verilog files. This is useful to LVS and other tools
+ to know the order of pins in a circuit (for CDL or SPICE),
+ or simply to ignore the contents of the file (any format)
+ so that the circuit in question is treated as a "black box".
+ priv
+ Mark the contents being installed as privleged, and put
+ them in a separate root directory libs.priv where they
+ can be given additional read/write restrictions.
+ filter <script_file_path>
+ Process all files through the script <script_file_path>,
+ which is given as a relative path to the directory
+ containing the Makefile. The filter script traditionally
+ is put in local subdirectory custom/scripts/. The filter
+ script should be written to take a single argument, which
+ is the path to a file, and process that file, and overwrite
+ the file with the result. Commonly used filters are found
+ in the common/ directory. See common/ for an
+ example.
+ noclobber
+ Mainly diagnostic. When specified, any temporary files
+ used during installation will be retained instead of
+ deleted after use. This includes, for example, scripts
+ passed to magic for running extraction or file format
+ generation. It is useful when debugging problems with
+ the install.
+ anno
+ Currently only supported for LEF files. This argument
+ indicates that the vendor LEF files should be used only
+ for annotating GDS input with port location information,
+ but the LEF files themselves should not be installed.
+ noconvert
+ Install files from source to target, but do not perform
+ any additional conversions (such as CDL to SPICE, or
+ GDS or LEF to magic).
+ ignore=<keyword>[,...]
+ Specifically for CDL and SPICE netlists, ignore any
+ parameter found matching <keyword>
+ rename=<new-name>
+ For single files copied from source to target, the
+ target file should be named <new-name> and not be
+ given the same name as the source file. When used
+ with the "compile" or "compile-only" options, then
+ the compiled file gets the name <new-name> rather
+ than taking the name of the library.
+ exclude=<file>[,...]
+ When using "compile" or "compile-only", exclude any
+ file in the target directory matching the name <file>.
+ File conversions handled by
+ The following file format conversions can be done automatically by
+ CDL to SPICE: A CDL netlist or library can be converted to a
+ general-purpose SPICE netlist that can be read
+ by any tool that can read Berkeley SPICE 3f5
+ syntax.
+ GDS to LEF: An abstract view can be generated from a full
+ layout view using Magic.
+ GDS to SPICE: In the absence of any netlist, Magic will
+ extract a SPICE netlist from a full layout.
+ SPICE (any) to SPICE (ngspice): The script will
+ attempt to convert any SPICE model file,
+ cell library, or netlist to a form that is
+ compatible with ngspice version 30.
+ open_pdks additional Makefile notes:
+ The "make install-local" ("make install-dist") step is generally
+ broken into individual make sections, one for each tool (e.g.,
+ magic, netgen, klayout). There is an additional section called
+ "general" which installs a ".config" directory at the PDK top
+ level, containing a file "nodeinfo.json" which has general
+ information about the PDK that may be used by any tool that
+ understands the key:value pairs used in the JSON file. Keys used
+ are as follows:
+ foundry : Short name of the foundry, equal to the foundry
+ directory root, above the PDK variants.
+ foundry-name : Long name of the foundry.
+ node : The name of the PDK variant
+ feature-size : The foundry process feature size (e.g., 130nm)
+ status : "active" or "inactive". May be used by tools
+ to present or hide specific PDK variants.
+ description : Long text description of the process variant
+ (e.g., 6-metal stack + MiM caps)
+ options : List of options, corresponding to the definitions
+ used in the Makefile and passed to
+ stdcells : List of standard cell libraries available for this
+ PDK variant.
+ iocells : List of I/O pad cell libraries available for this
+ PDK variant.
+ Note that the JSON file is, like other EDA tool setup files, usually a
+ master file that is parsed by; therefore when specifying
+ "options", use #undef before specifying each option name so that the
+ option name itself is ignored by the pre-processor.
+Goals of the open_pdks project:
+ The intended goal of open_pdks is to be able to support as many open source
+ EDA tools as practical, and to be able to generate all needed files for
+ those tools from any sufficiently complete set of vendor files.
+ A number of file converions are not available but would be useful to have:
+ SPICE to liberty: Create timing files by running simulations
+ on SPICE netlists using ngspice.
+ liberty to verilog: Use the function statements in liberty
+ format to create verilog primitives. Maybe
+ use liberty timing information to generate
+ LEF specify sections.
+ verilog to liberty: Reverse of the above. Use verilog logic
+ tables and specify sections to generate liberty
+ functions and timing tables.
+ File formats that need to be supported:
+ Schematic and symbol: There are few standards, so either everyone
+ needs to agree on a good format to use, or there
+ needs to be a lot of scripts to do conversions
+ between formats. Open EDA tools that could be
+ supported include:
+ electric, xcircuit, kicad, sue2
+ Other open source EDA tools that need to be supported:
+ OpenROAD
+ Coriolis2
+ (add more here. . .)
+ Commercial EDA tools can potentially be supported under this same system,
+ provided sufficient compatibility with the file system structure.
+ Other scripts needed:
+ Project setup script: It would be useful to define a "standard
+ project file structure" that is similar to the standard PDK file
+ structure defined in open_pdks. The preferred project setup
+ based on the efabless model is:
+ <project_name>
+ .config/
+ techdir (symbolic link to open_pdks PDK)
+ project.json (information file for tools)
+ <tool_name> (magic, qflow, ngspice, etc.) or
+ <format_name> (spice, gds, verilog, etc.)
+ In general, <tool_name> directories are intended to be workspaces
+ for specific EDA tools (and may have their own nested hierarchies;
+ e.g., qflow/<digital_block>/source,synthesis,layout) while
+ <format_name> is a place to keep (final) files of a specific format,
+ with the intention that any project can easily be made into an
+ IP library and folded into the open_pdks scheme with little effort.
+ The project.json file contains project information that can be used
+ by a script to build a setup for any EDA tool. One goal of the
+ project.json file is to define "datasheet" (documented elsewhere)
+ that can be used to drive characterization simulations and create
+ a datasheet for the project. Field "ip-name" of "datasheet" is
+ the canonical name of the project, which can be distinguished from
+ the project directory top-level name, such that the project can be
+ moved or copied without affecting the tool flows.
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..02e3bb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,969 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+""" : netlist processor
+Copyright (c) 2016, 2020 efabless Corporation.
+All rights reserved.
+usage: <inCDLfile> [<outSPCfile>] [options...]
+Writes to .spi to outSPCfile, or stdout if no output argument given. Sets exit
+status if there were non-zero errors. Most errors/warnings are annotated in-line
+in the stdout each before the relevant line.
+import sys, getopt
+import os
+import re
+import textwrap
+# Convert linear scale to area scale suffix
+# (e.g., if linear scale is 1e-6 ('u') then area scales as 1e-12 ('p'))
+def getAreaScale(dscale):
+ ascale = ''
+ if dscale == 'm':
+ ascale = 'u'
+ elif dscale == 'u':
+ ascale = 'p'
+ elif dscale == 'n':
+ ascale = 'a'
+ return ascale
+# Check nm (instanceName) in the context of sub (subckt): is it used yet?
+# If not used yet, mark it used, and return as-is.
+# Else generate a unique suffixed version, and mark it used, return it.
+# If 1M suffixes don't generate a unique name, throw exception.
+# hasInm : global hash, key of hash is (subckt, iname)
+hasInm = {}
+def uniqInm(sub, nm):
+ subl=sub.lower()
+ nml=nm.lower()
+ if not (subl, nml) in hasInm:
+ hasInm[ (subl, nml) ] = 1
+ return nm
+ for i in range(1000000):
+ nm2 = nm + "_q" + str(i)
+ nm2l = nm2.lower()
+ if not (subl, nm2l) in hasInm:
+ hasInm[ (subl, nm2l) ] = 1
+ return nm2
+ # not caught anywhere, and gives (intended) non-zero exit status
+ raise AssertionError("uniqInm: range overflow for (%s,%s)" % (sub, nm))
+# Map illegal characters in an nm (instanceName) in context of sub (subckt).
+# For ngspice, '/' is illegal in instanceNames. Replace it with '|', BUT
+# then make sure the new name is still unique: does not collide with a name
+# used so far or another already derived unique name.
+inmBadCharREX=re.compile( "["+ inmBadChars+"]" )
+def mapInm(sub, nm):
+ nm2 = inmBadCharREX.sub(inmRplChars, nm)
+ return uniqInm(sub, nm2)
+# Process subckt line (array of tokens). Return new array of tokens.
+# There might be a ' /' in the line that needs to be deleted. It may be standalone ' / ', or
+# butting against the next token. It may be before all pins, after all pins, or between pins.
+# Do not touch / in a parameter assignment expression.
+# Do not touch / embedded in a pinName.
+# May touch / butting front of very first parameter assignment expression.
+# .subckt NM / p1 p2 p3 x=y g=h
+# .subckt NM /p1 p2 p3 x=y g=h
+# .subckt NM p1 p2 / p3 x=y g=h
+# .subckt NM p1 p2 /p3 x=y g=h
+# .subckt NM p1 p2 p3 / x=y g=h
+# .subckt NM p1 p2 p3 /x=y g=h
+# .subckt NM p1 p2 p3 x=y g=(a/b) (don't touch this /)
+# .subckt NM p1 p2/3/4 p3 x=y g=(a/b) (don't touch these /)
+def mapSubcktDef(tok):
+ # find index of one-past first token (beyond ".subckt NM") containing an =, if any
+ param0 = len(tok)
+ for i in range(2, len(tok)):
+ if '=' in tok[i]:
+ param0 = i+1
+ break
+ # find first token before or including that 1st-param, starting with /:
+ # strip the slash.
+ for i in range(2, param0):
+ if tok[i][0] == '/':
+ tok[i] = tok[i][1:]
+ if tok[i] == "":
+ del tok[i]
+ break
+ return tok
+def test_mapSubcktInst1():
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktDef( ".subckt abc p1 p2 p3".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktDef( ".subckt abc / p1 p2 p3".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktDef( ".subckt abc /p1 p2 p3".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktDef( ".subckt abc p1 p2 /p3".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktDef( ".subckt abc p1 p2 / p3".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktDef( ".subckt abc p1 p2 p3 x=4 /y=5".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktDef( ".subckt abc p1 p2 p3 x=4/2 y=5".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktDef( ".subckt abc p1 p2 p3 / x=4/2 y=5".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktDef( ".subckt abc p1 p2 p3 x=4/2 /y=5".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktDef( ".subckt abc p1 p2 p3 /x=4/2 y=5".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktDef( ".subckt abc p1/2/3 p2 p3 /x=4/2 y=5".split())))
+# Process subckt instance line (array of tokens). Return new array of tokens.
+# (This function does not map possible illegal-chars in instanceName).
+# There might be a ' /' in the line that needs to be deleted. It may be standalone ' / ', or
+# butting against the next token. It can only be after pins, before or butting subcktName.
+# Do not touch / in, butting, or after 1st parameter assignment expression.
+# Do not touch / embedded in a netName.
+# Do not touch / embedded in instanceName (they are handled separately elsewhere).
+# xa/b/c p1 p2 p3 / NM x=y g=h
+# xa/b/c p1 p2 p3 /NM x=y g=h
+# xabc p1 p2/3/4 p3 /NM x=(a/b) g=h
+# xabc p1 p2/3/4 p3 / NM x=(a/b) g=h
+# xabc p1 p2/3/4 p3 NM x=(a/b) / g=h (don't touch; perhaps needs to be an error trapped somewhere)
+# xabc p1 p2/3/4 p3 NM / x=(a/b) g=h (don't touch; perhaps needs to be an error trapped somewhere)
+# xa/b/c p1 p2/3/4 p3 NM x=(a/b) g=h (don't touch these /)
+def mapSubcktInst(tok):
+ # find index of first token (beyond "x<iname>") containing an =, if any
+ param0 = tlen = len(tok)
+ for i in range(1, tlen):
+ if '=' in tok[i]:
+ param0 = i
+ break
+ # Determine modelName index. Either just prior to 1st-param (if any) else last token.
+ modndx = tlen - 1
+ if param0 < tlen:
+ modndx = param0 - 1;
+ # If modndx now points to a standalone /, that can't be (would yield missing/empty modelName).
+ # Actual modelName must be before it. We need to check, possibly strip / on/before actual modelName.
+ # (Even though standlone / after model are most likely an independent error: we don't touch 'em).
+ while modndx > 1 and tok[modndx] == "/":
+ modndx-=1
+ # Check for standalone / before modelName. Else for modelName starting with /.
+ slashndx = modndx - 1
+ if slashndx > 0 and tok[slashndx] == "/":
+ del tok[slashndx]
+ else:
+ if modndx > 0 and tok[modndx].startswith("/"):
+ tok[modndx] = tok[modndx][1:]
+ return tok
+def test_mapSubcktInst2():
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktInst( "xa/b/c p1 p2 p3 / NM x=y g=h".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktInst( "xa/b/c p1 p2 p3 /NM x=y g=h".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktInst( "xabc p1 p2/3/4 p3 /NM x=(a/b) g=h".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktInst( "xabc p1 p2/3/4 p3 / NM x=(a/b) g=h".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktInst( "xabc p1 p2/3/4 p3 NM x=(a/b) / g=h".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktInst( "xabc p1 p2/3/4 p3 NM / x=(a/b) g=h".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktInst( "xabc p1 p2/3/4 p3 /NM / x=(a/b) g=h".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktInst( "xabc p1 p2/3/4 p3 / NM / x=(a/b) g=h".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktInst( "xa/b/c p1 p2/3/4 p3 NM x=(a/b) g=h".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktInst( "xa/b/c NM x=(a/b) g=h".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktInst( "xa/b/c / NM x=(a/b) g=h".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktInst( "xa/b/c /NM x=(a/b) g=h".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapSubcktInst( "xa/b/c /NM".split())))
+# Primitives with M=<n> need to add additional par1=<n>.
+# Process token list, return new token list.
+# note: line at this point may be like: m... p1 p2 p3 p4 NMOS M=1 $blah W=... L=...
+# meaning M=1 is not necessarily in a block of all parameter-assignments at EOL.
+# But by processing the line from end backwards, we pick up LAST M= if there are
+# multiple (which condition really should get flagged as an error).
+# And M= is more likely towards end of the line than front of line (thus faster).
+# If "M=" with no value, do nothing (should also be a flagged error).
+def mapMfactor(tok, options={}):
+ # find index of M=* if any, starting from end.
+ # "addinm" is an additional parameter that takes the same argument as M
+ addinm = options['addinm'] if 'addinm' in options else []
+ mndx = 0
+ val = ""
+ for i in range(len(tok)-1, 0, -1):
+ if tok[i].lower().startswith("m="):
+ mndx = i
+ break
+ if mndx > 0:
+ val = tok[i][2:]
+ if val != "":
+ for p in addinm:
+ tok += [ addinm + val]
+ return tok
+def test_mapMfactor():
+ print( " ".join(mapMfactor( "m1 p1 p2 p3 p4 NM M=joe".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapMfactor( "m1 p1 p2 p3 p4 NM M= $SUB=agnd".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapMfactor( "m1 p1 p2 p3 p4 NM M=2 $SUB=agnd WM=4".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapMfactor( "m1 p1 p2 p3 p4 NM".split())))
+# From $nm=... strip the $. Preserve order on the line. No attempt to
+# detect any resultant collisions. "W=5 $W=10" becomes "W=5 W=10".
+# Don't touch $SUB=... or $[...] or $.model=... or $blah (no assigment).
+def mapCDLparam(tok):
+ for i in range(1, len(tok)):
+ if not tok[i].startswith("$"):
+ continue
+ eqi = tok[i].find("=")
+ if eqi > 1:
+ pnm = tok[i][1:eqi]
+ pnml = pnm.lower()
+ if pnml in ("sub",".model"):
+ continue
+ tok[i] = tok[i][1:]
+ return tok
+def test_CDLparam():
+ print( " ".join(mapCDLparam( "m1 p1 p2 p3 p4 NM M=joe".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapCDLparam( "m1 p1 p2 p3 p4 NM M= $SUB=agnd $.model=NM3 $LDD".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapCDLparam( "m1 p1 p2 p3 p4 NM M= $SUB=agnd $[NM3]".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapCDLparam( "m1 p1 p2 p3 p4 NM M=joe $X=y".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapCDLparam( "m1 p1 p2 p3 p4 NM M= $SUB=agnd $.model=NM3 $Z=4 $Z=5".split())))
+ print( " ".join(mapCDLparam( "m1 p1 p2 p3 p4 NM M= W=1 $W=2 W=3 $SUB=agnd $[NM3]".split())))
+# Extract $SUB=<tname>. and $[mnm] (or $.model=<mnm>) from tokens.
+# Return array of three items: [ <tname>, <mnm>, tok ] where tok is remainder.
+# Absent $SUB= or model directives give "".
+# Since we delete tokens, process tokens in reverse order.
+def mapCDLtermModel(tok):
+ cdlTerm=""
+ cdlModel=""
+ for i in range(len(tok)-1, 0, -1):
+ if not tok[i].startswith("$"):
+ continue
+ tokl = tok[i].lower()
+ if tokl.startswith("$sub="):
+ if cdlTerm == "":
+ cdlTerm = tok[i][5:]
+ del tok[i]
+ continue
+ if tokl.startswith("$.model="):
+ if cdlModel == "":
+ cdlModel = tok[i][8:]
+ del tok[i]
+ continue
+ if tokl.startswith("$[") and tokl.endswith("]"):
+ if cdlModel == "":
+ cdlModel = tok[i][2:-1]
+ del tok[i]
+ continue
+ return [ cdlTerm, cdlModel, tok ]
+def test_CDLtermModel():
+ print( mapCDLtermModel( "m1 p1 p2 p3 p4 NM M=joe".split()))
+ print( mapCDLtermModel( "m1 p1 p2 p3 p4 NM $SUB=agnd".split()))
+ print( mapCDLtermModel( "m1 p1 p2 p3 p4 NM $SUB= $[PMOS] M=joe".split()))
+ print( mapCDLtermModel( "m1 p1 p2 p3 p4 NM $sUb=vssa $.MoDeL=PM4 M=joe".split()))
+# Determine if a single word looks like a plain numeric spice value.
+# It means a real-number with optional scale suffix, and optional unit suffix.
+# Only unit-suffix we support is m (meters) (because CDL-std describes it).
+# Only scale factors supported are: t,g,meg,k,mil,m,u,n,p,f
+# This does not arithmetically compute anything.
+# Just returns True or False.
+# 220p 10nm -40g 2milm .34e+3 3.1e-4 .34e+3pm 3.1e-4meg
+# (Arguable we should strip a unit-suffix)?
+# def isPlainNumeric(word):
+# Segregate any remaining $* items from input tokens.
+# Return [ assignments, directives, remaining ] where each are lists.
+# Those that look like assigments $nm=... are separated from $blah.
+def mapDiscard(tok):
+ tlen = len(tok)
+ assign=[]
+ directive=[]
+ for i in range(len(tok)-1, 0, -1):
+ if not tok[i].startswith("$"):
+ continue
+ if "=" in tok[i]:
+ assign += [ tok[i] ]
+ del tok[i]
+ continue
+ directive += [ tok[i] ]
+ del tok[i]
+ return [ assign, directive, tok ]
+def test_mapDiscard():
+ print( mapDiscard( "m1 p1 p2 p3 p4 NM $X=4 $LDD M=joe $SUB=agnd ".split()))
+ print( mapDiscard( "m1 p1 p2 p3 p4 NM $X $LDD M=joe $SUB=agnd ".split()))
+ print( mapDiscard( "m1 p1 p2 p3 p4 NM M=joe SUB=agnd ".split()))
+# From a token-slice, partition into assignments and non-assignments.
+# Return [ assigns, nonAssigns] where each are lists.
+def mapPartAssign(tok):
+ tlen = len(tok)
+ assign=[]
+ nona=[]
+ for i in range(len(tok)):
+ if "=" in tok[i]:
+ assign += [ tok[i] ]
+ continue
+ nona += [ tok[i] ]
+ return [ assign, nona ]
+def test_mapPartAssign():
+ print( mapPartAssign( "NM X=4 220nm -1.2e-5g LDD M=joe".split()))
+ print( mapPartAssign( "X=4 M=joe".split()))
+ print( mapPartAssign( "NM 220nm -1.2e-5g LDD".split()))
+ print( mapPartAssign( "".split()))
+# Find an assignment to nm in the token list (nm=val).
+# Return [val, tok]. If edit is True, the nm=val is removed from return tok.
+# If multiple nm=... the last one is used. If del is True, all nm=... are removed.
+def mapLookup(tok, nm, edit):
+ tlen = len(tok)
+ val=""
+ nmeq = nm.lower() + "="
+ nmeqlen = len(nmeq)
+ for i in range(len(tok)-1, 0, -1):
+ if not tok[i].lower().startswith(nmeq):
+ continue
+ if val == "":
+ val = tok[i][nmeqlen:]
+ if edit:
+ del tok[i]
+ return [ val, tok ]
+def test_mapLookup():
+ print( mapLookup( "cnm t1 t2 area=220p PERimeter=100u M=joe par1=1".split(), "periMETER", True))
+ print( mapLookup( "m1 p1 p2 p3 p4 NM $X=4 $LDD M=joe $SUB=agnd ".split(), "x", True))
+ print( mapLookup( "m1 p1 p2 p3 p4 NM X=4 $LDD M=joe $SUB=agnd ".split(), "x", True))
+ print( mapLookup( "m1 p1 p2 p3 p4 NM x=4 $LDD M=joe $SUB=agnd ".split(), "x", True))
+ print( mapLookup( "m1 p1 p2 p3 p4 NM x=4 X=5 xy=6 $LDD M=joe $SUB=agnd ".split(), "x", True))
+ print( mapLookup( "m1 p1 p2 p3 p4 NM x=4 X=5 xy=6 $LDD M=joe $SUB=agnd ".split(), "x", False))
+# Format a diode. cdlTerm and cdlModel are passed in but ignored/unused.
+# Processes tok and returns a final token list to be output.
+# If after "dnm t1 t2 modelName ", there are plain numerics (index 4,5), take them as area and peri,
+# (override other area= peri= parameters), format them as area=... peri=...
+# (Caller already error checked the 1st minimum FOUR fields are there).
+def mapDiode(cdlTerm, cdlModel, tok, options={}):
+ ignore = options['ignore'] if 'ignore' in options else []
+ # strip remaining $* directives
+ [ ign, ign, tok ] = mapDiscard(tok)
+ # Find explicit area= peri=, remove from tok.
+ [area, tok] = mapLookup(tok, "area", True)
+ [peri, tok] = mapLookup(tok, "peri", True)
+ for p in ignore:
+ [ign, tok] = mapLookup(tok, p, True)
+ # For just token-slice after modelName, partition into assignments and non-assigns.
+ [assign, nona] = mapPartAssign(tok[4:])
+ tok = tok[0:4]
+ # TODO: If we have more than two non-assignments it should be an error?
+ # Override area/peri with 1st/2nd non-assigment values.
+ if len(nona) > 0:
+ area = nona.pop(0)
+ if len(nona) > 0:
+ peri = nona.pop(0)
+ if area != "":
+ tok += [ "area=" + area ]
+ if peri != "":
+ tok += [ "peri=" + peri ]
+ tok += nona
+ tok += assign
+ return tok
+def test_mapDiode():
+ print( mapDiode( "", "", "dnm t1 t2 DN 220p 100u M=joe par1=1".split()))
+ print( mapDiode( "", "", "dnm t1 t2 DN peri=100u area=220p M=joe par1=1".split()))
+ print( mapDiode( "", "", "dnm t1 t2 DN M=joe par1=1".split()))
+# Format a mosfet. cdlTerm and cdlModel are passed in but ignored/unused.
+# Processes tok and returns a final token list to be output.
+# If after "mnm t1 t2 t3 t4 modelName ", there are plain numerics (index 6,7), take them as W and L,
+# (override other W= L= parameters), format them as W=... L=...
+# (Caller already error checked the 1st minimum SIX fields are there).
+def mapMos(cdlTerm, cdlModel, tok, options={}):
+ ignore = options['ignore'] if 'ignore' in options else []
+ # strip remaining $* directives
+ [ ign, ign, tok ] = mapDiscard(tok)
+ # Find explicit W= L=, remove from tok.
+ [w, tok] = mapLookup(tok, "w", True)
+ [l, tok] = mapLookup(tok, "l", True)
+ for p in ignore:
+ [ign, tok] = mapLookup(tok, p, True)
+ # For scaling, find AS, PS, AD, PD, SA, SB, SC, and SD
+ [sarea, tok] = mapLookup(tok, "as", True)
+ [darea, tok] = mapLookup(tok, "ad", True)
+ [sperim, tok] = mapLookup(tok, "ps", True)
+ [dperim, tok] = mapLookup(tok, "pd", True)
+ [sa, tok] = mapLookup(tok, "sa", True)
+ [sb, tok] = mapLookup(tok, "sb", True)
+ [sd, tok] = mapLookup(tok, "sd", True)
+ dscale = options['dscale'] if 'dscale' in options else ''
+ ascale = getAreaScale(dscale)
+ # For just token-slice after modelName, partition into assignments and non-assigns.
+ [assign, nona] = mapPartAssign(tok[6:])
+ tok = tok[0:6]
+ # TODO: If we have more than two non-assignments it should be an error?
+ # Override W/L with 1st/2nd non-assigment values.
+ if len(nona) > 0:
+ w = nona.pop(0)
+ if len(nona) > 0:
+ l = nona.pop(0)
+ if w != "":
+ tok += ["W=" + w + dscale]
+ if l != "":
+ tok += ["L=" + l + dscale]
+ if darea != "":
+ tok += ["AD=" + darea + ascale]
+ if sarea != "":
+ tok += ["AS=" + sarea + ascale]
+ if dperim != "":
+ tok += ["PD=" + dperim + dscale]
+ if sperim != "":
+ tok += ["PS=" + sperim + dscale]
+ if sa != "":
+ tok += ["SA=" + sa + dscale]
+ if sb != "":
+ tok += ["SB=" + sb + dscale]
+ if sd != "":
+ tok += ["SD=" + sd + dscale]
+ tok += nona
+ tok += assign
+ return tok
+def test_mapMos():
+ print( mapMos( "", "", "mnm t1 t2 t3 t4 NM 220p 100u M=joe par1=1".split()))
+ print( mapMos( "", "", "mnm t1 t2 t3 t4 NM L=100u W=220p M=joe par1=1".split()))
+ print( mapMos( "", "", "mnm t1 t2 t3 t4 PM M=joe par1=1".split()))
+# Format a cap.
+# Processes tok and returns a final token list to be output.
+# Optional cdlTerm adds a 3rd terminal.
+# If after "cnm t1 t2 ", there is plain numeric or C=numeric they are DISCARDED.
+# area/peri/perimeter assignments are respected. Both peri/perimeter assign to perm=
+# in the output. No perimeter= appears in the output.
+# (Caller already error checked the 1st minimum 3 fields are there; plus cdlModel is non-null).
+def mapCap(cdlTerm, cdlModel, tok, options={}):
+ ignore = options['ignore'] if 'ignore' in options else []
+ # strip remaining $* directives
+ [ ign, ign, tok ] = mapDiscard(tok)
+ # Find explicit area= peri= perimeter=, remove from tok. peri overwrites perimeter,
+ # both assign to perim. Lookup/discard a C=.
+ [area, tok] = mapLookup(tok, "area", True)
+ [perim, tok] = mapLookup(tok, "perimeter", True)
+ [length, tok] = mapLookup(tok, "l", True)
+ [width, tok] = mapLookup(tok, "w", True)
+ [peri, tok] = mapLookup(tok, "peri", True)
+ if peri == "":
+ peri = perim
+ [ign, tok] = mapLookup(tok, "c", True)
+ for p in ignore:
+ [ign, tok] = mapLookup(tok, p, True)
+ # For just token-slice after modelName, partition into assignments and non-assigns.
+ # We ignore the nonassignments. Need remaining assignments for M= par1=.
+ [assign, nona] = mapPartAssign(tok[3:])
+ dscale = options['dscale'] if 'dscale' in options else ''
+ ascale = getAreaScale(dscale)
+ tok = tok[0:3]
+ if cdlTerm != "":
+ tok += [ cdlTerm ]
+ if cdlModel != "":
+ tok += [ cdlModel ]
+ if area != "":
+ tok += [ "area=" + area + ascale]
+ if peri != "":
+ tok += [ "peri=" + peri + dscale]
+ if length != "":
+ tok += [ "L=" + length + dscale]
+ if width != "":
+ tok += [ "W=" + width + dscale]
+ tok += assign
+ return tok
+def test_mapCap():
+ print( mapCap( "", "CPP", "cnm t1 t2 area=220p peri=100u M=joe par1=1".split()))
+ print( mapCap( "", "CPP", "cnm t1 t2 area=220p perimeter=100u M=joe par1=1".split()))
+ print( mapCap( "", "CPP", "cnm t1 t2 area=220p peri=199u perimeter=100u M=joe par1=1".split()))
+ print( mapCap( "", "CPP", "cnm t1 t2 M=joe par1=1".split()))
+ print( mapCap( "", "CPP", "cnm t1 t2 C=444 area=220p peri=199u perimeter=100u M=joe par1=1".split()))
+ print( mapCap( "", "CPP", "cnm t1 t2 444 M=joe par1=1".split()))
+ print( mapCap( "agnd", "CPP2", "cnm t1 t2 $LDD 220p M=joe par1=1".split()))
+# Format a res.
+# Processes tok and returns a final token list to be output.
+# Optional cdlTerm adds a 3rd terminal.
+# If after "rnm t1 t2 ", there is plain numeric or R=numeric they are DISCARDED.
+# W/L assignments are respected.
+# (Caller already error checked the 1st minimum 3 fields are there; plus cdlModel is non-null).
+def mapRes(cdlTerm, cdlModel, tok, options={}):
+ dscale = options['dscale'] if 'dscale' in options else ''
+ ignore = options['ignore'] if 'ignore' in options else []
+ # strip remaining $* directives
+ [ ign, ign, tok ] = mapDiscard(tok)
+ # Find explicit w/l, remove from tok.
+ # Lookup/discard a R=.
+ [w, tok] = mapLookup(tok, "w", True)
+ [l, tok] = mapLookup(tok, "l", True)
+ [r, tok] = mapLookup(tok, "r", True)
+ for p in ignore:
+ [ign, tok] = mapLookup(tok, p, True)
+ # For just token-slice after modelName, partition into assignments and non-assigns.
+ # We ignore the nonassignments. Need remaining assignments for M= par1=.
+ [assign, nona] = mapPartAssign(tok[3:])
+ if len(nona) > 0:
+ r = nona.pop(0)
+ tok = tok[0:3]
+ if cdlTerm != "":
+ tok += [ cdlTerm ]
+ if cdlModel != "":
+ tok += [ cdlModel ]
+ if w != "":
+ tok += [ "W=" + w + dscale]
+ if l != "":
+ tok += [ "L=" + l + dscale]
+ # Convert name "short" to zero resistance
+ if r == "short":
+ tok += [ "0" ]
+ tok += assign
+ return tok
+def test_mapRes():
+ print( mapRes( "", "RPP1", "rnm t1 t2 w=2 L=1 M=joe par1=1".split()))
+ print( mapRes( "", "RPP1", "rnm t1 t2 444 w=2 L=1 M=joe par1=1".split()))
+ print( mapRes( "", "RPP1", "rnm t1 t2 R=444 w=2 L=1 M=joe par1=1".split()))
+ print( mapRes( "", "R2", "rnm t1 t2 L=2 W=10 M=joe par1=1".split()))
+ print( mapRes( "", "RM2", "rnm t1 t2 area=220p perim=199u perimeter=100u M=joe par1=1".split()))
+ print( mapRes( "", "RM2", "rnm t1 t2 M=joe par1=1".split()))
+ print( mapRes( "agnd", "RM3", "rnm t1 t2 $LDD 220p M=joe par1=1".split()))
+ print( mapRes( "agnd", "RM3", "rnm t1 t2 $LDD 220p L=4 W=12 M=joe par1=1".split()))
+# Format a bipolar. cdlTerm is optional. cdlModel is ignored.
+# Processes tok and returns a final token list to be output.
+# Optional cdlTerm adds an optional 4th terminal.
+# If after "qnm t1 t2 t3 model", there are plain numeric (not x=y) they are DISCARDED.
+# (Caller already error checked the 1st minimum 5 fields are there; plus cdlModel is null).
+def mapBipolar(cdlTerm, cdlModel, tok, options={}):
+ # strip remaining $* directives
+ ignore = options['ignore'] if 'ignore' in options else []
+ [ ign, ign, tok ] = mapDiscard(tok)
+ for p in ignore:
+ [ign, tok] = mapLookup(tok, p, True)
+ # For just token-slice after modelName, partition into assignments and non-assigns.
+ # We ignore the nonassignments. Need remaining assignments for M= par1=.
+ [assign, nona] = mapPartAssign(tok[5:])
+ # Start with "qnm t1 t2 t3". Insert optional 4th term. Then insert modelName.
+ model = tok[4]
+ tok = tok[0:4]
+ if cdlTerm != "":
+ tok += [ cdlTerm ]
+ tok += [ model ]
+ tok += assign
+ return tok
+def test_mapBipolar():
+ print( mapBipolar( "", "any", "qnm t1 t2 t3 QP1 M=joe par1=1".split()))
+ print( mapBipolar( "", "", "qnm t1 t2 t3 QP2 M=joe par1=1".split()))
+ print( mapBipolar( "", "", "qnm t1 t2 t3 QP2 $EA=12 M=joe par1=1".split()))
+ print( mapBipolar( "", "", "qnm t1 t2 t3 QP3 M=joe EA=14 par1=1".split()))
+ print( mapBipolar( "agnd", "", "qnm t1 t2 t3 QP4 $LDD 220p M=joe par1=1".split()))
+ print( mapBipolar( "agnd", "any", "qnm t1 t2 t3 QP4 $LDD 220p L=4 W=12 M=joe par1=1".split()))
+# Main routine to do the conversion from CDL format to SPICE format
+def cdl2spice(fnmIn, fnmOut, options):
+ err = 0
+ warn = 0
+ # Open and read input file
+ try:
+ with open(fnmIn, 'r') as inFile:
+ cdltext =
+ # Unwrap continuation lines
+ lines = cdltext.replace('\n+', ' ').splitlines()
+ except:
+ print(' failed to open ' + fnmIn + ' for reading.', file=sys.stderr)
+ return 1
+ # Loop over original CDL:
+ # record existing instanceNames (in subckt-context), for efficient membership
+ # tests later. Track the subckt-context, instanceNames only need to be unique
+ # within current subckt.
+ sub = ""
+ for i in lines:
+ if i == "":
+ continue
+ tok = i.split()
+ tlen = len(tok)
+ if tlen == 0:
+ continue
+ t0 = tok[0].lower()
+ if t0 == '.subckt' and tlen > 1:
+ sub = tok[1].lower()
+ continue
+ if t0 == '.ends':
+ sub = ""
+ continue
+ c0 = tok[0][0].lower()
+ if c0 in '.*':
+ continue
+ # this will ignore primitive-devices (jfet) we don't support.
+ # TODO: flag them somewhere else as an ERROR.
+ if not c0 in primch2:
+ continue
+ # a primitive-device or subckt-instance we care about and support
+ # For subckt-instances record the instanceName MINUS lead x.
+ nm = tok[0]
+ if c0 == 'x':
+ nm = nm[1:]
+ hasInm[ (sub, nm) ] = 1
+ # loop over original CDL: do conversions.
+ # Track the subckt-context while we go; instanceNames only need to be unique
+ # within current subckt.
+ sub = ""
+ tmp = []
+ for i in lines:
+ tok = i.split()
+ tlen = len(tok)
+ # AS-IS: empty line or all (preserved) whitespace
+ if tlen == 0:
+ tmp += [ i ]
+ continue
+ # get 1st-token original, as lowercase, and 1st-char of 1st-token lowercase.
+ T0 = tok[0]
+ t0 = T0.lower()
+ c0 = t0[0]
+ # AS-IS: comment
+ if c0 == '*':
+ tmp += [i]
+ continue
+ # AS-IS: .ends; update subckt-context to outside-of-a-subckt
+ if t0 == '.ends':
+ sub = ""
+ tmp += [i]
+ continue
+ # change .param to a comment, output it
+ if t0 == '.param':
+ tmp += ["*"+i]
+ continue
+ # track .subckt context; process / in .subckt line, and output it.
+ if t0 == '.subckt':
+ if tlen < 2:
+ err+=1
+ msg = "* ERROR: Missing subckt name:"
+ tmp += [ msg, i ]
+ continue
+ T1 = tok[1]
+ sub = T1.lower()
+ tok = mapSubcktDef(tok)
+ tmp += [ " ".join(tok) ]
+ continue
+ # subckt instance line. Process /, map instanceName (exclude x), and output it.
+ if c0 == 'x':
+ nm = T0[1:]
+ if nm == "":
+ err+=1
+ msg = "* ERROR: Missing subckt instance name:"
+ tmp += [ msg, i ]
+ continue
+ inm = mapInm(sub, nm)
+ tok[0] = T0[0] + inm
+ tok = mapSubcktInst(tok)
+ tmp += [ " ".join(tok) ]
+ continue
+ # all primitives: need instanceName mapped, including 1st char in name.
+ # all primitives: need M=n copied to an added par1=n
+ # all primitives: Except for $SUB=... $[...] strip $ from $nm=... parameters.
+ # all primitives: Isolate $SUB and $[...] for further processing (in
+ # primitive-specific sections).
+ cdlTerm=""
+ cdlModel=""
+ if c0 in primch:
+ nm = T0[1:]
+ if nm == "":
+ err+=1
+ msg = "* ERROR: Missing primitive instance name:"
+ tmp += [ msg, i ]
+ continue
+ nm = T0
+ nm = mapInm(sub, nm)
+ tok[0] = nm
+ tok = mapMfactor(tok, options)
+ tok = mapCDLparam(tok)
+ [cdlTerm, cdlModel, tok] = mapCDLtermModel(tok)
+ # diode formats:
+ # dname t1 t2 model <numericA> <numericP> m=...
+ # l:dname t1 t2 model {<numericA>} {<numericP>} {m=...} {$SUB=...}
+ # out format:
+ # Xdname t1 t2 model area=<numericA> peri=<numericP> m=... par1=...
+ # We flag $SUB=... : because so far (for XFAB) we CHOOSE not to support three
+ # terminal diodes.
+ # CDL-std does not define $[...] as available for diodes, so we silently ignore
+ # it.
+ # Always 2 terminals and a modelName.
+ # We already have peri=... and area=... and have ambiguity with plain numerics.
+ # TODO: generate a warning in case of ambiguity, but prefer plain numerics
+ # (with nm= added).
+ if c0 == "d":
+ tlen = len(tok)
+ if tlen < 4:
+ err+=1
+ msg = "* ERROR: Diode does not have minimum two terminals and model:"
+ tmp += [ msg, i ]
+ continue
+ if cdlTerm != "":
+ err+=1
+ msg = "* ERROR: Diode does not support $SUB=...:"
+ tmp += [ msg, i ]
+ continue
+ tok = mapDiode(cdlTerm, cdlModel, tok, options)
+ # add X to tok0.
+ if options['subckt']:
+ tok[0] = "X" + tok[0]
+ tmp += [ " ".join(tok) ]
+ continue
+ # mosfet formats:
+ # mname t1 t2 t3 t4 model W=... L=... m=...
+ # l:mname t1 t2 t3 t4 model {W=... L=...} {m=...} {$NONSWAP} {$LDD[type]}
+ # l:mname t1 t2 t3 t4 model <width> <length> {m=...} {$NONSWAP} {$LDD[type]}
+ # output format:
+ # Xmname t1 t2 t3 t4 model W=... L=... m=... par1=...
+ # Fixed 4 terminals and a modelName.
+ # May already have W= L= and ambiguity with plain numerics.
+ # TODO: generate a warning in case of ambiguity, but prefer plain numerics
+ # (with nm= added).
+ if c0 == "m":
+ tlen = len(tok)
+ if tlen < 6:
+ err+=1
+ msg = "* ERROR: Mosfet does not have minimum four terminals and model:"
+ tmp += [ msg, i ]
+ continue
+ if cdlTerm != "":
+ err+=1
+ msg = "* ERROR: Mosfet does not support $SUB=...:"
+ tmp += [ msg, i ]
+ continue
+ tok = mapMos(cdlTerm, cdlModel, tok, options)
+ # add X to tok0.
+ if options['subckt']:
+ tok[0] = "X" + tok[0]
+ tmp += [ " ".join(tok) ]
+ continue
+ # cap formats:
+ # cname t1 t2 <numeric0> $[model] $SUB=t3 m=...
+ # cname t1 t2 <numeric0> $[model] m=...
+ #? cname t1 t2 C=<numeric0> $[model] $SUB=t3 m=...
+ #? cname t1 t2 <numeric0> $[model] $SUB=t3 area=<numericA> perimeter=<numericP> m=...
+ #? cname t1 t2 <numeric0> $[model] $SUB=t3 area=<numericA> peri=<numericP> m=...
+ #l:cname t1 t2 {<numeric0>} {$[model]} {$SUB=t3} {m=...}
+ # out formats:
+ # Xcname t1 t2 model area=<numericA> peri=<numericP> m=... par1=...
+ # Xcname t1 t2 t3 model area=<numericA> peri=<numericP> m=... par1=...
+ # We require inm, two terminals. Require $[model]. Optional 3rd-term $SUB=...
+ # If both peri and perimeter, peri overrides.
+ # Both area/peri are optional. The optional [C=]numeric0 is discarded always.
+ if c0 == "c":
+ tlen = len(tok)
+ if tlen < 3:
+ err+=1
+ msg = "* ERROR: Cap does not have minimum two terminals:"
+ tmp += [ msg, i ]
+ continue
+ if cdlModel == "":
+ err+=1
+ msg = "* ERROR: Cap missing required $[<model>] directive:"
+ tmp += [ msg, i ]
+ continue
+ tok = mapCap(cdlTerm, cdlModel, tok, options)
+ # add X to tok0.
+ if options['subckt']:
+ tok[0] = "X" + tok[0]
+ tmp += [ " ".join(tok) ]
+ continue
+ # res formats:
+ # rname n1 n2 <numeric> $SUB=t3 $[model] $w=... $l=... m=...
+ # c:rname n1 n2 R=<numeric> $[model] w=... l=... m=... $SUB=t3
+ # l:rname n1 n2 {<numeric>} {$SUB=t3} {$[model]} {$w=...} {$l=...} {m=...}
+ # (all after n1,n2 optional)
+ # We require $[model]. And add 3rd term IFF $SUB=.
+ # out format:
+ # Xrname n1 n2 t3 model w=... l=... m=... par1=...
+ if c0 == "r":
+ tlen = len(tok)
+ if tlen < 3:
+ err+=1
+ msg = "* ERROR: Res does not have minimum two terminals:"
+ tmp += [ msg, i ]
+ continue
+ if cdlModel == "":
+ err+=1
+ msg = "* ERROR: Res missing required $[<model>] directive:"
+ tmp += [ msg, i ]
+ continue
+ tok = mapRes(cdlTerm, cdlModel, tok, options)
+ # add X to tok0.
+ if options['subckt']:
+ tok[0] = "X" + tok[0]
+ tmp += [ " ".join(tok) ]
+ continue
+ # bipolar formats:
+ # qname n1 n2 n3 model <numeric> M=... $EA=...
+ # qname n1 n2 n3 model $EA=... <numeric> M=...
+ # qname n1 n2 n3 model {$EA=...} {$W=...} {$L=...} {$SUB=...} {M=...}
+ # No: l:qname n1 n2 n3 {nsub} model {$EA=...} {$W=...} {$L=...} {$SUB=...} {M=...}
+ # CDL-std adds {nsub} way to add substrate before model: We don't support it.
+ # Add 3rd term IFF $SUB=. We propagate optional W/L (or derived from $W/$L).
+ # EA is emitterSize; not supported by XFAB: deleted.
+ # We require 3-terminals and model. It is an error to specify $[model].
+ #
+ # out format:
+ # Xqname n1 n2 n3 model M=... par1=...
+ if c0 == "q":
+ tlen = len(tok)
+ if tlen < 5:
+ err+=1
+ msg = "* ERROR: Bipolar does not have minimum three terminals and a model:"
+ tmp += [ msg, i ]
+ continue
+ if cdlModel != "":
+ err+=1
+ msg = "* ERROR: Bipolar does not support $[<model>] directive:"
+ tmp += [ msg, i ]
+ continue
+ tok = mapBipolar(cdlTerm, cdlModel, tok, options)
+ # add X to tok0.
+ if options['subckt']:
+ tok[0] = "X" + tok[0]
+ tmp += [ " ".join(tok) ]
+ continue
+ # Anything else. What to do, preserve AS-IS with warning, or
+ # flag them as ERRORs?
+ tmp += [ "* ERROR: unrecognized line:", i ]
+ err+=1
+ # tmp += [ "* WARNING: unrecognized line:", " ".join(tok) ]
+ # tmp += [ "* WARNING: unrecognized line:", i ]
+ # warn+=1
+ # Re-wrap continuation lines at 80 characters
+ lines = []
+ for line in tmp:
+ lines.append('\n+ '.join(textwrap.wrap(line, 80)))
+ # Write output
+ if fnmOut == sys.stdout:
+ for i in lines:
+ print(i)
+ else:
+ try:
+ with open(fnmOut, 'w') as outFile:
+ for i in lines:
+ print(i, file=outFile)
+ except:
+ print(' failed to open ' + fnmOut + ' for writing.', file=sys.stderr)
+ return 1
+ # exit status: indicates if there were errors.
+ print( "* %d errors, %d warnings" % (err, warn))
+ return err
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ options = {}
+ # Set option defaults
+ options['debug'] = False
+ options['subckt'] = False
+ options['dscale'] = ''
+ options['addinm'] = []
+ options['ignore'] = []
+ arguments = []
+ for item in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if item.find('-', 0) == 0:
+ thisopt = item.split('=')
+ optname = thisopt[0][1:]
+ optval = '='.join(thisopt[1:])
+ if not optname in options:
+ print('Unknown option -' + optname + '; ignoring.')
+ else:
+ lastoptval = options[optname]
+ if len(thisopt) == 1:
+ options[optname] = True
+ elif lastoptval == '':
+ options[optname] = optval
+ else:
+ options[optname].append(optval)
+ else:
+ arguments.append(item)
+ # Supported primitive devices (FET, diode, resistor, capacitor, bipolar)
+ primch = 'mdrcq'
+ primch2 = 'mdrcqx'
+ if len(arguments) > 0:
+ fnmIn = arguments[0]
+ if len(arguments) > 1:
+ fnmOut = arguments[1]
+ else:
+ fnmOut = sys.stdout
+ if options['debug']:
+ test_mapSubcktInst1()
+ test_mapSubcktInst2()
+ test_mapMfactor()
+ test_CDLparam()
+ test_CDLtermModel()
+ test_mapDiscard()
+ test_mapPartAssign()
+ test_mapLookup()
+ test_mapDiode()
+ test_mapMos()
+ test_mapCap()
+ test_mapRes()
+ test_mapBipolar()
+ elif len(arguments) > 2 or len(arguments) < 1 :
+ print('Usage: <cdlFileName> [<spiFileName>]')
+ print(' Options:' )
+ print(' -debug run debug tests')
+ print(' -dscale=<suffix> rescale lengths with <suffix>')
+ print(' -addinm=<param> add multiplier parameter <param>')
+ print(' -ignore=<param> ignore parameter <param>')
+ print(' -subckt convert primitive devices to subcircuits')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ if options['debug'] == True:
+ print('Diagnostic: options = ' + str(options))
+ result = cdl2spice(fnmIn, fnmOut, options)
+ sys.exit(result)
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0aa0056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+#!/bin/env python3
+# Script to read a GDS file, modify the timestamp(s), and rewrite the GDS file.
+import os
+import sys
+import datetime
+def usage():
+ print(' <create_stamp> <mod_stamp> <path_to_gds_in> [<path_to_gds_out>]')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ debug = False
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+ print("No options given to")
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ optionlist = []
+ arguments = []
+ for option in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if option.find('-', 0) == 0:
+ optionlist.append(option)
+ else:
+ arguments.append(option)
+ if len(arguments) < 3 or len(arguments) > 4:
+ print("Wrong number of arguments given to")
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if '-debug' in optionlist:
+ debug = True
+ createstamp = arguments[0]
+ modstamp = arguments[1]
+ source = arguments[2]
+ # If modstamp is zero or negative, then set the modification timestamp
+ # to be the same as the creation timestamp.
+ try:
+ if int(modstamp) <= 0:
+ modstamp = createstamp
+ except:
+ pass
+ # If only three arguments are provided, then overwrite the source file.
+ if len(arguments) == 4:
+ dest = arguments[3]
+ else:
+ dest = arguments[2]
+ sourcedir = os.path.split(source)[0]
+ gdsinfile = os.path.split(source)[1]
+ destdir = os.path.split(dest)[0]
+ gdsoutfile = os.path.split(dest)[1]
+ with open(source, 'rb') as ifile:
+ gdsdata =
+ # Generate 12-byte modification timestamp data from date.
+ try:
+ modtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(modstamp))
+ except:
+ modtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(modstamp, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
+ modyear = modtime.year - 1900
+ year = modyear.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')
+ month = modtime.month.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')
+ day =, byteorder='big')
+ hour = modtime.hour.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')
+ minute = modtime.minute.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')
+ second = modtime.second.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')
+ gdsmodstamp = year + month + day + hour + minute + second
+ # Generate 12-byte creation timestamp data from date.
+ try:
+ createtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(createstamp))
+ except:
+ createtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(createstamp, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
+ createyear = createtime.year - 1900
+ year = createyear.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')
+ month = createtime.month.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')
+ day =, byteorder='big')
+ hour = createtime.hour.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')
+ minute = createtime.minute.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')
+ second = createtime.second.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')
+ gdscreatestamp = year + month + day + hour + minute + second
+ # To be done: Allow the user to select which datestamps to change
+ # (library or structure). Otherwise, apply the same datestamps to both.
+ recordtypes = ['beginstr', 'beginlib']
+ recordfilter = [5, 1]
+ datalen = len(gdsdata)
+ dataptr = 0
+ while dataptr < datalen:
+ # Read stream records up to any string, then search for search text.
+ bheader = gdsdata[dataptr:dataptr + 2]
+ reclen = int.from_bytes(bheader, 'big')
+ if reclen == 0:
+ print('Error: found zero-length record at position ' + str(dataptr))
+ break
+ rectype = gdsdata[dataptr + 2]
+ datatype = gdsdata[dataptr + 3]
+ brectype = rectype.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')
+ bdatatype = datatype.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')
+ if rectype in recordfilter:
+ # Datatype should be 2
+ if datatype != 2:
+ print('Error: Header data type is not 2-byte integer!')
+ if reclen != 28:
+ print('Error: Header record length is not 28!')
+ if debug:
+ print('Record type = ' + str(rectype) + ' data type = ' + str(datatype) + ' length = ' + str(reclen))
+ before = gdsdata[0:dataptr]
+ after = gdsdata[dataptr + reclen:]
+ # Assemble the new record
+ newrecord = bheader + brectype + bdatatype + gdscreatestamp + gdsmodstamp
+ # Reassemble the GDS data around the new record
+ gdsdata = before + newrecord + after
+ # Advance the pointer past the data
+ dataptr += reclen
+ with open(dest, 'wb') as ofile:
+ ofile.write(gdsdata)
+ exit(0)
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b8a0321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+#!/bin/env python3
+# Script to read a GDS file, modify the given string, and rewrite the GDS file.
+# The string may be a substring; the GDS file will be parsed completely for
+# library name, structure name, instance name, and other strings, and the
+# replacement made everywhere it occurs, finding the bounds of the entire
+# string around the search text, and adjusting the record bounds accordingly.
+import os
+import sys
+def usage():
+ print(' <old_string> <new_string> <path_to_gds_in> [<path_to_gds_out>]')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ debug = False
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+ print("No options given to")
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ optionlist = []
+ arguments = []
+ for option in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if option.find('-', 0) == 0:
+ optionlist.append(option)
+ else:
+ arguments.append(option)
+ if len(arguments) < 3 or len(arguments) > 4:
+ print("Wrong number of arguments given to")
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if '-debug' in optionlist:
+ debug = True
+ oldstring = arguments[0]
+ newstring = arguments[1]
+ source = arguments[2]
+ # If only three arguments are provided, then overwrite the source file.
+ if len(arguments) == 4:
+ dest = arguments[3]
+ else:
+ dest = arguments[2]
+ sourcedir = os.path.split(source)[0]
+ gdsinfile = os.path.split(source)[1]
+ destdir = os.path.split(dest)[0]
+ gdsoutfile = os.path.split(dest)[1]
+ with open(source, 'rb') as ifile:
+ gdsdata =
+ # To be done: Allow the user to select a specific record type or types
+ # in which to restrict the string substitution. If no restrictions are
+ # specified, then substitue in library name, structure name, and strings.
+ recordtypes = ['libname', 'strname', 'sname', 'string']
+ recordfilter = [2, 6, 18, 25]
+ bsearch = bytes(oldstring, 'ascii')
+ brep = bytes(newstring, 'ascii')
+ datalen = len(gdsdata)
+ if debug:
+ print('Original data length = ' + str(datalen))
+ dataptr = 0
+ while dataptr < datalen:
+ # Read stream records up to any string, then search for search text.
+ bheader = gdsdata[dataptr:dataptr + 2]
+ reclen = int.from_bytes(bheader, 'big')
+ newlen = reclen
+ if newlen == 0:
+ print('Error: found zero-length record at position ' + str(dataptr))
+ break
+ rectype = gdsdata[dataptr + 2]
+ datatype = gdsdata[dataptr + 3]
+ if rectype in recordfilter:
+ # Datatype 6 is STRING
+ if datatype == 6:
+ if debug:
+ print('Record type = ' + str(rectype) + ' data type = ' + str(datatype) + ' length = ' + str(reclen))
+ bstring = gdsdata[dataptr + 4: dataptr + reclen]
+ repstring = bstring.replace(bsearch, brep)
+ if repstring != bstring:
+ before = gdsdata[0:dataptr]
+ after = gdsdata[dataptr + reclen:]
+ newlen = len(repstring) + 4
+ # Record sizes must be even
+ if newlen % 2 != 0:
+ # Was original string padded with null byte? If so,
+ # remove the null byte and reduce newlen. Otherwise,
+ # add a null byte and increase newlen.
+ if bstring[-1] == 0:
+ repstring = repstring[0:-1]
+ newlen -= 1
+ else:
+ repstring += b'\x00'
+ newlen += 1
+ bnewlen = newlen.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')
+ brectype = rectype.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')
+ bdatatype = datatype.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')
+ # Assemble the new record
+ newrecord = bnewlen + brectype + bdatatype + repstring
+ # Reassemble the GDS data around the new record
+ gdsdata = before + newrecord[0:newlen] + after
+ # Adjust the data end location
+ datalen += (newlen - reclen)
+ if debug:
+ print('Replaced ' + str(bstring) + ' with ' + str(repstring))
+ # Advance the pointer past the data
+ dataptr += newlen
+ with open(dest, 'wb') as ofile:
+ ofile.write(gdsdata)
+ exit(0)
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3ebd38c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Look up all .mag files in maglef paths from the root
+# PDK directory given as the first argument, and replace them with the
+# path that is given as the second argument.
+# The purpose of this script is to prepare a technology for relocation.
+# This script may be expanded to take care of all relocation issues.
+# For now, only the property "GDS_FILE" in each .mag file is modified.
+# Usage, e.g.:
+# /home/tim/projects/efabless/tech/XFAB/EFXH035B/libs.ref/mag/D_CELLS /ef/tech/XFAB/EFXH035B/libs.ref/mag/D_CELLS
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import glob
+def usage():
+ print(" <orig_path_to_dir> <target_path_to_dir>")
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ optionlist = []
+ arguments = []
+ for option in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if option.find('-', 0) == 0:
+ optionlist.append(option)
+ else:
+ arguments.append(option)
+ if len(arguments) != 2:
+ print("Wrong number of arguments given to")
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ source = arguments[0]
+ target = arguments[1]
+ gdssource = source.replace('/mag/', '/gds/')
+ gdssource = gdssource.replace('/maglef/', '/gds/')
+ gdstarget = target.replace('/mag/', '/gds/')
+ gdstarget = gdstarget.replace('/maglef/', '/gds/')
+ magpath = source + '/*.mag'
+ sourcefiles = glob.glob(magpath)
+ if len(sourcefiles) == 0:
+ print("Warning: No files were found in the path " + magpath + ".")
+ for file in sourcefiles:
+ # print("Converting file " + file)
+ with open(file, 'r') as ifile:
+ magtext =
+ proprex = re.compile('string[ \t]+GDS_FILE[ \t]+([^ \t]+)')
+ with open(file, 'w') as ofile:
+ for line in magtext:
+ pmatch = proprex.match(line)
+ if pmatch:
+ filepath =
+ if filepath.startswith(gdssource):
+ print('string GDS_FILE ' + filepath.replace(gdssource, gdstarget), file=ofile)
+ else:
+ print(line, file=ofile)
+ else:
+ print(line, file=ofile)
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..383aac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Example file converts the techname in all magic database files.
+for i in `ls *.mag` ; do
+ /ef/efabless/bin/ -DEFXH035A=EFXH035B $i > tmp.out
+ mv tmp.out $i ;
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..21f8dc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# <path>
+# Compare the format subdirectories of <path> and report on which files do not appear
+# in all of them. If a directory has no files in it, then it is ignored.
+# NOTE: This script was not designed for files in the "ef_format" file structure.
+import os
+import sys
+def compare_dirs(path, styles, formats, debug):
+ do_cdl = True if 'cdl' in formats else False
+ do_gds = True if 'gds' in formats else False
+ do_lef = True if 'lef' in formats else False
+ do_mag = True if 'mag' in formats else False
+ do_maglef = True if 'maglef' in formats else False
+ do_verilog = True if 'verilog' in formats else False
+ try:
+ d1 = os.listdir(path + '/cdl')
+ except:
+ d1 = []
+ d1e = list(item for item in d1 if os.path.splitext(item)[1] == '.cdl')
+ d1r = list(os.path.splitext(item)[0] for item in d1e)
+ try:
+ d2 = os.listdir(path + '/gds')
+ except:
+ d2 = []
+ d2e = list(item for item in d2 if os.path.splitext(item)[1] == '.gds')
+ d2r = list(os.path.splitext(item)[0] for item in d2e)
+ try:
+ d3 = os.listdir(path + '/lef')
+ except:
+ d3 = []
+ d3e = list(item for item in d3 if os.path.splitext(item)[1] == '.lef')
+ d3r = list(os.path.splitext(item)[0] for item in d3e)
+ try:
+ d4 = os.listdir(path + '/mag')
+ except:
+ d4 = []
+ d4e = list(item for item in d4 if os.path.splitext(item)[1] == '.mag')
+ d4r = list(os.path.splitext(item)[0] for item in d4e)
+ try:
+ d5 = os.listdir(path + '/maglef')
+ except:
+ d5 = []
+ d5e = list(item for item in d5 if os.path.splitext(item)[1] == '.mag')
+ d5r = list(os.path.splitext(item)[0] for item in d5e)
+ try:
+ d6 = os.listdir(path + '/verilog')
+ except:
+ d6 = []
+ d6e = list(item for item in d6 if os.path.splitext(item)[1] == '.v')
+ d6r = list(os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(item)[0])[0] for item in d6e)
+ d1r.sort()
+ d2r.sort()
+ d3r.sort()
+ d4r.sort()
+ d5r.sort()
+ d6r.sort()
+ d1_2 = list(item for item in d1r if item not in d2r)
+ d1_3 = list(item for item in d1r if item not in d3r)
+ d1_4 = list(item for item in d1r if item not in d4r)
+ d1_5 = list(item for item in d1r if item not in d5r)
+ d1_6 = list(item for item in d1r if item not in d6r)
+ d2_1 = list(item for item in d2r if item not in d1r)
+ d2_3 = list(item for item in d2r if item not in d3r)
+ d2_4 = list(item for item in d2r if item not in d4r)
+ d2_5 = list(item for item in d2r if item not in d5r)
+ d2_6 = list(item for item in d2r if item not in d6r)
+ d3_1 = list(item for item in d3r if item not in d1r)
+ d3_2 = list(item for item in d3r if item not in d2r)
+ d3_4 = list(item for item in d3r if item not in d4r)
+ d3_5 = list(item for item in d3r if item not in d5r)
+ d3_6 = list(item for item in d3r if item not in d6r)
+ d4_1 = list(item for item in d4r if item not in d1r)
+ d4_2 = list(item for item in d4r if item not in d2r)
+ d4_3 = list(item for item in d4r if item not in d3r)
+ d4_5 = list(item for item in d4r if item not in d5r)
+ d4_6 = list(item for item in d4r if item not in d6r)
+ d5_1 = list(item for item in d5r if item not in d1r)
+ d5_2 = list(item for item in d5r if item not in d2r)
+ d5_3 = list(item for item in d5r if item not in d3r)
+ d5_4 = list(item for item in d5r if item not in d4r)
+ d5_6 = list(item for item in d5r if item not in d6r)
+ d6_1 = list(item for item in d6r if item not in d1r)
+ d6_2 = list(item for item in d6r if item not in d2r)
+ d6_3 = list(item for item in d6r if item not in d3r)
+ d6_4 = list(item for item in d6r if item not in d4r)
+ d6_5 = list(item for item in d6r if item not in d5r)
+ d_complete = []
+ if do_cdl:
+ d_complete.extend(list(item for item in d1r if item not in d_complete))
+ if do_gds:
+ d_complete.extend(list(item for item in d2r if item not in d_complete))
+ if do_lef:
+ d_complete.extend(list(item for item in d3r if item not in d_complete))
+ if do_mag:
+ d_complete.extend(list(item for item in d4r if item not in d_complete))
+ if do_maglef:
+ d_complete.extend(list(item for item in d5r if item not in d_complete))
+ if do_verilog:
+ d_complete.extend(list(item for item in d6r if item not in d_complete))
+ d_all = d_complete
+ if do_cdl:
+ d_all = list(item for item in d_all if item in d1r)
+ if do_gds:
+ d_all = list(item for item in d_all if item in d2r)
+ if do_lef:
+ d_all = list(item for item in d_all if item in d3r)
+ if do_mag:
+ d_all = list(item for item in d_all if item in d4r)
+ if do_maglef:
+ d_all = list(item for item in d_all if item in d5r)
+ if do_verilog:
+ d_all = list(item for item in d_all if item in d6r)
+ d_notall = list(item for item in d_complete if item not in d_all)
+ d_all.sort()
+ d_complete.sort()
+ d_notall.sort()
+ if debug:
+ print('Selected styles option: ' + ','.join(styles))
+ print('Selected formats option: ' + ','.join(formats))
+ print('\nd_complete = ' + ','.join(d_complete))
+ print('\nd_notall = ' + ','.join(d_notall) + '\n')
+ print('Library file type cross-correlation:' + '\n')
+ if 'allgood' in styles:
+ print('Cells appearing in all libraries:')
+ for cell in d_all.sort():
+ print(cell)
+ if 'cross' in styles:
+ # Print which cells appear in one format but not in another, for all format pairs
+ if do_cdl:
+ print('')
+ if do_gds and len(d1_2) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in cdl/ but not in gds/:')
+ for cell in d1_2:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_lef and len(d1_3) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in cdl/ but not in lef/:')
+ for cell in d1_3:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_mag and len(d1_4) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in cdl/ but not in mag/:')
+ for cell in d1_4:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_maglef and len(d1_5) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in cdl/ but not in maglef/:')
+ for cell in d1_5:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_verilog and len(d1_6) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in cdl/ but not in verilog/:')
+ for cell in d1_6:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_gds:
+ print('')
+ if do_cdl and len(d2_1) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in gds/ but not in cdl/:')
+ for cell in d2_1:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_lef and len(d2_3) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in gds/ but not in lef/:')
+ for cell in d2_3:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_mag and len(d2_4) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in gds/ but not in mag/:')
+ for cell in d2_4:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_maglef and len(d2_5) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in gds/ but not in maglef/:')
+ for cell in d2_5:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_verilog and len(d2_6) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in gds/ but not in verilog/:')
+ for cell in d2_6:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_lef:
+ print('')
+ if do_cdl and len(d3_1) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in lef/ but not in cdl/:')
+ for cell in d3_1:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_gds and len(d3_2) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in lef/ but not in gds/:')
+ for cell in d3_2:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_mag and len(d3_4) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in lef/ but not in mag/:')
+ for cell in d3_4:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_maglef and len(d3_5) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in lef/ but not in maglef/:')
+ for cell in d3_5:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_verilog and len(d3_6) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in lef/ but not in verilog/:')
+ for cell in d3_6:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_mag:
+ print('')
+ if do_cdl and len(d4_1) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in mag/ but not in cdl/:')
+ for cell in d4_1:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_gds and len(d4_2) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in mag/ but not in gds/:')
+ for cell in d4_2:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_lef and len(d4_3) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in mag/ but not in lef/:')
+ for cell in d4_3:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_maglef and len(d4_5) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in mag/ but not in maglef/:')
+ for cell in d4_5:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_verilog and len(d4_6) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in mag/ but not in verilog/:')
+ for cell in d4_6:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_maglef:
+ print('')
+ if do_cdl and len(d5_1) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in maglef/ but not in cdl/:')
+ for cell in d5_1:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_gds and len(d5_2) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in maglef/ but not in gds/:')
+ for cell in d5_2:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_lef and len(d5_3) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in maglef/ but not in lef/:')
+ for cell in d5_3:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_mag and len(d5_4) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in maglef/ but not in mag/:')
+ for cell in d5_4:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_verilog and len(d5_6) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in maglef/ but not in verilog/:')
+ for cell in d5_6:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_verilog:
+ print('')
+ if do_cdl and len(d6_1) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in verilog/ but not in cdl/:')
+ for cell in d6_1:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_gds and len(d6_2) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in verilog/ but not in gds/:')
+ for cell in d6_2:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_lef and len(d6_3) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in verilog/ but not in lef/:')
+ for cell in d6_3:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_mag and len(d6_4) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in verilog/ but not in mag/:')
+ for cell in d6_4:
+ print(cell)
+ if do_maglef and len(d6_5) > 0:
+ print('Cells appearing in verilog/ but not in maglef/:')
+ for cell in d6_5:
+ print(cell)
+ if 'cell' in styles:
+ # Print one cell per row, with list of formats per cell
+ for cell in d_complete:
+ informats = []
+ if do_cdl and cell in d1r:
+ informats.append('CDL')
+ if do_gds and cell in d2r:
+ informats.append('GDS')
+ if do_lef and cell in d3r:
+ informats.append('LEF')
+ if do_mag and cell in d4r:
+ informats.append('mag')
+ if do_maglef and cell in d5r:
+ informats.append('maglef')
+ if do_verilog and cell in d6r:
+ informats.append('verilog')
+ print(cell + ': ' + ','.join(informats))
+ if 'notcell' in styles:
+ # Print one cell per row, with list of missing formats per cell
+ for cell in d_complete:
+ informats = []
+ if do_cdl and cell not in d1r:
+ informats.append('CDL')
+ if do_gds and cell not in d2r:
+ informats.append('GDS')
+ if do_lef and cell not in d3r:
+ informats.append('LEF')
+ if do_mag and cell not in d4r:
+ informats.append('mag')
+ if do_maglef and cell not in d5r:
+ informats.append('maglef')
+ if do_verilog and cell not in d6r:
+ informats.append('verilog')
+ print(cell + ': ' + ','.join(informats))
+ if 'table' in styles:
+ cellnamelen = 0
+ for cell in d_complete:
+ if len(cell) > cellnamelen:
+ cellnamelen = len(cell)
+ # Print one cell per row, with list of formats per cell in tabular form
+ outline = 'cell'
+ outline += ' ' * (cellnamelen - 5)
+ fmtspc = 0
+ if do_cdl:
+ outline += ' CDL'
+ fmtspc += 4
+ if do_gds:
+ outline += ' GDS'
+ fmtspc += 4
+ if do_lef:
+ outline += ' LEF'
+ fmtspc += 4
+ if do_mag:
+ outline += ' mag'
+ fmtspc += 4
+ if do_maglef:
+ outline += ' maglef'
+ fmtspc += 7
+ if do_verilog:
+ outline += ' verilog'
+ fmtspc += 8
+ print(outline)
+ print('-' * (cellnamelen + fmtspc))
+ for cell in d_complete:
+ informats = []
+ outline = cell
+ outline += ' ' * (cellnamelen - len(cell))
+ if do_cdl:
+ if cell in d1r:
+ outline += ' X '
+ else:
+ outline += ' '
+ if do_gds:
+ if cell in d2r:
+ outline += ' X '
+ else:
+ outline += ' '
+ if do_lef:
+ if cell in d3r:
+ outline += ' X '
+ else:
+ outline += ' '
+ if do_mag:
+ if cell in d4r:
+ outline += ' X '
+ else:
+ outline += ' '
+ if do_maglef:
+ if cell in d5r:
+ outline += ' X '
+ else:
+ outline += ' '
+ if do_verilog:
+ if cell in d6r:
+ outline += ' X'
+ else:
+ outline += ' '
+ print(outline)
+ print('-' * (cellnamelen + fmtspc))
+def usage():
+ print(' <path_to_dir> [-styles=<style_list>] [-debug] [-formats=<format_list>|"all"]')
+ print(' <format_list>: Comma-separated list of one or more of the following formats:')
+ print(' cdl, gds, lef, verilog, mag, maglef')
+ print(' <style_list>: Comma-separated list of one or more of the following styles:')
+ print(' allgood, cross, cell, notcell, table')
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ options = []
+ arguments = []
+ for item in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if item.find('-', 0) == 0:
+ options.append(item)
+ else:
+ arguments.append(item)
+ if len(arguments) < 1:
+ print("Not enough options given to")
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ debug = True if '-debug' in options else False
+ allformats = ['cdl', 'gds', 'lef', 'mag', 'maglef', 'verilog']
+ allstyles = ['allgood', 'cross', 'cell', 'notcell', 'table']
+ formats = allformats
+ styles = ['table']
+ for option in options:
+ if '=' in option:
+ optpair = option.split('=')
+ if optpair[0] == '-styles' or optpair[0] == '-style':
+ if optpair[1] == 'all':
+ styles = allstyles
+ else:
+ styles = optpair[1].split(',')
+ elif optpair[0] == '-formats' or optpair[0] == '-format':
+ if optpair[1] == 'all':
+ formats = allformats
+ else:
+ formats = optpair[1].split(',')
+ path = arguments[0]
+ compare_dirs(path, styles, formats, debug)
+ sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..03276fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+ consoletext --- extends tkinter class Text
+ with stdout and stderr redirection.
+# Written by Tim Edwards
+# efabless, inc.
+# September 11, 2016
+# Version 0.1
+import sys
+import tkinter
+class ConsoleText(tkinter.Text):
+ linelimit = 500
+ class IORedirector(object):
+ '''A general class for redirecting I/O to this Text widget.'''
+ def __init__(self,text_area):
+ self.text_area = text_area
+ class StdoutRedirector(IORedirector):
+ '''A class for redirecting stdout to this Text widget.'''
+ def write(self,str):
+ self.text_area.write(str,False)
+ class StderrRedirector(IORedirector):
+ '''A class for redirecting stderr to this Text widget.'''
+ def write(self,str):
+ self.text_area.write(str,True)
+ def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw):
+ '''See the __init__ for Tkinter.Text.'''
+ tkinter.Text.__init__(self, master, cnf, **kw)
+ self.tag_configure('stdout',background='white',foreground='black')
+ self.tag_configure('stderr',background='white',foreground='red')
+ # None of these works! Cannot change selected text background!
+ self.config(selectbackground='blue', selectforeground='white')
+ self.tag_configure('sel',background='blue',foreground='white')
+ def write(self, val, is_stderr=False):
+ lines = int(self.index('end-1c').split('.')[0])
+ if lines > self.linelimit:
+ self.delete('1.0', str(lines - self.linelimit) + '.0')
+ self.insert('end',val,'stderr' if is_stderr else 'stdout')
+ self.see('end')
+ def limit(self, val):
+ self.linelimit = val
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a12ae42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+#!/bin/env python3
+# fixspice ---
+# This script fixes problems in SPICE models to make them ngspice-compatible.
+# The methods searched and corrected in this file correspond to ngspice
+# version 30.
+# This script is a filter to be run by setting the name of this script as
+# the value to "filter=" for the model install in the PDK Makefile in
+# open_pdks.
+# This script converted from the bash script by Risto Bell, with improvements.
+# This script is minimally invasive to the original SPICE file, making changes
+# while preserving comments and line continuations. In order to properly parse
+# the file, comments and line continuations are recorded and removed from the
+# file contents, then inserted again before the modified file is written.
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+import textwrap
+def filter(inname, outname, debug=False):
+ notparsed = []
+ # Read input. Note that splitlines() performs the additional fix of
+ # correcting carriage-return linefeed (CRLF) line endings.
+ try:
+ with open(inname, 'r') as inFile:
+ spitext =
+ except:
+ print(' failed to open ' + inname + ' for reading.', file=sys.stderr)
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if debug:
+ print('Fixing ngspice incompatibilities in file ' + inname + '.')
+ # Due to the complexity of comment lines embedded within continuation lines,
+ # the result needs to be processed line by line. Blank lines and comment
+ # lines are removed from the text, replaced with tab characters, and collected
+ # in a separate array. Then the continuation lines are unfolded, and each
+ # line processed. Then it is all put back together at the end.
+ # First replace all tabs with spaces so we can use tabs as markers.
+ spitext = spitext.replace('\t', ' ')
+ # Now do an initial line split
+ spilines = spitext.splitlines()
+ # Search lines for comments and blank lines and replace them with tabs
+ # Replace continuation lines with tabs and preserve the position.
+ spitext = ''
+ for line in spilines:
+ if len(line) == 0:
+ notparsed.append('\n')
+ spitext += '\t '
+ elif line[0] == '*':
+ notparsed.append('\n' + line)
+ spitext += '\t '
+ elif line[0] == '+':
+ notparsed.append('\n+')
+ spitext += '\t ' + line[1:]
+ else:
+ spitext += '\n' + line
+ # Now split back into an array of lines
+ spilines = spitext.splitlines()
+ # Process input with regexp
+ fixedlines = []
+ modified = False
+ # Regular expression to find 'agauss(a,b,c)' lines and record a, b, and c
+ grex = re.compile('[^{]agauss\(([^,]*),([^,]*),([^)]*)\)', re.IGNORECASE)
+ # Regular expression to determine if the line is a .PARAM card
+ paramrex = re.compile('^\.param', re.IGNORECASE)
+ # Regular expression to determine if the line is a .MODEL card
+ modelrex = re.compile('^\.model', re.IGNORECASE)
+ # Regular expression to detect a .SUBCKT card
+ subcktrex = re.compile('^\.subckt', re.IGNORECASE)
+ for line in spilines:
+ devtype = line[0].upper() if len(line) > 0 else 0
+ # NOTE: All filter functions below take variable fixedline, alter it, then
+ # set fixedline to the altered text for the next filter function.
+ fixedline = line
+ # Fix: Wrap "agauss(...)" in brackets and remove single quotes around expressions
+ # Example:
+ # before: + SD_DN_CJ=agauss(7.900e-04,'1.580e-05*__LOT__',1) dn_cj=SD_DN_CJ"
+ # after: + SD_DN_CJ={agauss(7.900e-04,1.580e-05*__LOT__,1)} dn_cj=SD_DN_CJ"
+ # for gmatch in grex.finditer(fixedline):
+ while True:
+ gmatch =
+ if gmatch:
+ fixpart1 ="'")
+ fixpart2 ="'")
+ fixpart3 ="'")
+ fixedline = fixedline[0:gmatch.span(0)[0] + 1] + '{agauss(' + fixpart1 + ',' + fixpart2 + ',' + fixpart3 + ')}' + fixedline[gmatch.span(0)[1]:]
+ if debug:
+ print('Fixed agauss() call.')
+ else:
+ break
+ # Fix: Check for "dtemp=dtemp" and remove unless in a .param line
+ pmatch =
+ if not pmatch:
+ altered = re.sub(' dtemp=dtemp', ' ', fixedline, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ if altered != fixedline:
+ fixedline = altered
+ if debug:
+ print('Removed dtemp=dtemp from instance call')
+ # Fixes related to .MODEL cards:
+ mmatch =
+ if mmatch:
+ modeltype = fixedline.split()[2].lower()
+ if modeltype == 'nmos' or modeltype == 'pmos':
+ # Fixes related specifically to MOS models:
+ # Fix: Look for hspver=98.2 in FET model
+ altered = re.sub(' hspver[ ]*=[ ]*98\.2', ' ', fixedline, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ if altered != fixedline:
+ fixedline = altered
+ if debug:
+ print('Removed hspver=98.2 from ' + modeltype + ' model')
+ # Fix: Change level 53 FETs to level 49
+ altered = re.sub(' (level[ ]*=[ ]*)53', ' \g<1>49', fixedline, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ if altered != fixedline:
+ fixedline = altered
+ if debug:
+ print('Changed level 53 ' + modeltype + ' to level 49')
+ # Fix: Look for version=4.3 or 4.5 FETs, change to 4.8.0 per recommendations
+ altered = re.sub(' (version[ ]*=[ ]*)4\.[35]', ' \g<1>4.8.0',
+ fixedline, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ if altered != fixedline:
+ fixedline = altered
+ if debug:
+ print('Changed version 4.3/4.5 ' + modeltype + ' to version 4.8.0')
+ # Fix: Look for mulu0= (NOTE: Might be supported for bsim4?)
+ altered = re.sub('mulu0[ ]*=[ ]*[0-9.e+-]*', '', fixedline, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ if altered != fixedline:
+ fixedline = altered
+ if debug:
+ print('Removed mulu0= from ' + modeltype + ' model')
+ # Fix: Look for apwarn=
+ altered = re.sub(' apwarn[ ]*=[ ]*[0-9.e+-]*', ' ', fixedline, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ if altered != fixedline:
+ fixedline = altered
+ if debug:
+ print('Removed apwarn= from ' + modeltype + ' model')
+ # Fix: Look for lmlt=
+ altered = re.sub(' lmlt[ ]*=[ ]*[0-9.e+-]*', ' ', fixedline, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ if altered != fixedline:
+ fixedline = altered
+ if debug:
+ print('Removed lmlt= from ' + modeltype + ' model')
+ # Fix: Look for nf=
+ altered = re.sub(' nf[ ]*=[ ]*[0-9.e+-]*', ' ', fixedline, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ if altered != fixedline:
+ fixedline = altered
+ if debug:
+ print('Removed nf= from ' + modeltype + ' model')
+ # Fix: Look for sa/b/c/d/=
+ altered = re.sub(' s[abcd][ ]*=[ ]*[0-9.e+-]*', ' ', fixedline, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ if altered != fixedline:
+ fixedline = altered
+ if debug:
+ print('Removed s[abcd]= from ' + modeltype + ' model')
+ # Fix: Look for binflag= in MOS .MODEL
+ altered = re.sub(' binflag[ ]*=[ ]*[0-9.e+-]*', ' ', fixedline, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ if altered != fixedline:
+ fixedline = altered
+ if debug:
+ print('Removed binflag= from ' + modeltype + ' model')
+ # Fix: Look for wref, lref= in MOS .MODEL (note: could be found in other models?)
+ altered = re.sub(' [wl]ref[ ]*=[ ]*[0-9.e+-]*', ' ', fixedline, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ if altered != fixedline:
+ fixedline = altered
+ if debug:
+ print('Removed lref= from MOS .MODEL')
+ # TREF is a known issue for (apparently?) all device types
+ # Fix: Look for tref= in .MODEL
+ altered = re.sub(' tref[ ]*=[ ]*[0-9.e+-]*', ' ', fixedline, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ if altered != fixedline:
+ fixedline = altered
+ if debug:
+ print('Removed tref= from ' + modeltype + ' model')
+ # Fix: Look for double-dot model binning and replace with single dot
+ altered = re.sub('\.\.([0-9]+)', '.\g<1>', fixedline, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ if altered != fixedline:
+ fixedline = altered
+ if debug:
+ print('Collapsed double-dot model binning.')
+ # Various deleted parameters above may appear in instances, so those must be
+ # caught as well. Need to catch expressions and variables in addition to the
+ # usual numeric assignments.
+ if devtype == 'M':
+ altered = re.sub(' nf=[^ \'\t]+', ' ', fixedline, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ altered = re.sub(' nf=\'[^\'\t]+\'', ' ', altered, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ if altered != fixedline:
+ fixedline = altered
+ if debug:
+ print('Removed nf= from MOSFET device instance')
+ altered = re.sub(' mulu0=[^ \'\t]+', ' ', fixedline, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ altered = re.sub(' mulu0=\'[^\'\t]+\'', ' ', altered, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ if altered != fixedline:
+ fixedline = altered
+ if debug:
+ print('Removed mulu0= from MOSFET device instance')
+ altered = re.sub(' s[abcd]=[^ \'\t]+', ' ', fixedline, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ altered = re.sub(' s[abcd]=\'[^\'\t]+\'', ' ', altered, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ if altered != fixedline:
+ fixedline = altered
+ if debug:
+ print('Removed s[abcd]= from MOSFET device instance')
+ # Remove tref= from all device type instances
+ altered = re.sub(' tref=[^ \'\t]+', ' ', fixedline, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ altered = re.sub(' tref=\'[^\'\t]+\'', ' ', altered, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ if altered != fixedline:
+ fixedline = altered
+ if debug:
+ print('Removed tref= from device instance')
+ # Check for use of ".subckt ... <name>=l" (or <name>=w) with no antecedent
+ # for 'w' or 'l'. It is the responsibility of the technology file for extraction
+ # to produce the correct name to pass to the subcircuit for length or width.
+ smatch = subcktrex.match(fixedline)
+ if smatch:
+ altered = fixedline
+ if fixedline.lower().endswith('=l'):
+ if ' l=' not in fixedline.lower():
+ altered=re.sub( '=l$', '=0', fixedline, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ elif '=l ' in fixedline.lower():
+ if ' l=' not in fixedline.lower():
+ altered=re.sub( '=l ', '=0 ', altered, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ if altered != fixedline:
+ fixedline = altered
+ if debug:
+ print('Replaced use of "l" with no definition in .subckt line')
+ altered = fixedline
+ if fixedline.lower().endswith('=w'):
+ if ' w=' not in fixedline.lower():
+ altered=re.sub( '=w$', '=0', fixedline, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ elif '=w ' in fixedline.lower():
+ if ' w=' not in fixedline.lower():
+ altered=re.sub( '=w ', '=0 ', altered, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ if altered != fixedline:
+ fixedline = altered
+ if debug:
+ print('Replaced use of "w" with no definition in .subckt line')
+ fixedlines.append(fixedline)
+ if fixedline != line:
+ modified = True
+ # Reinsert embedded comments and continuation lines
+ if debug:
+ print('Reconstructing output')
+ olines = []
+ for line in fixedlines:
+ while '\t ' in line:
+ line = line.replace('\t ', notparsed.pop(0), 1)
+ olines.append(line)
+ fixedlines = '\n'.join(olines).strip()
+ olines = fixedlines.splitlines()
+ # Write output
+ if debug:
+ print('Writing output')
+ if outname == None:
+ for line in olines:
+ print(line)
+ else:
+ # If the output is a symbolic link but no modifications have been made,
+ # then leave it alone. If it was modified, then remove the symbolic
+ # link before writing.
+ if os.path.islink(outname):
+ if not modified:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ os.unlink(outname)
+ try:
+ with open(outname, 'w') as outFile:
+ for line in olines:
+ print(line, file=outFile)
+ except:
+ print(' failed to open ' + outname + ' for writing.', file=sys.stderr)
+ return 1
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # This script expects to get one or two arguments. One argument is
+ # mandatory and is the input file. The other argument is optional and
+ # is the output file. The output file and input file may be the same
+ # name, in which case the original input is overwritten.
+ options = []
+ arguments = []
+ for item in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if item.find('-', 0) == 0:
+ options.append(item[1:])
+ else:
+ arguments.append(item)
+ if len(arguments) > 0:
+ infilename = arguments[0]
+ if len(arguments) > 1:
+ outfilename = arguments[1]
+ else:
+ outfilename = None
+ debug = True if 'debug' in options else False
+ result = filter(infilename, outfilename, debug)
+ sys.exit(result)
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2067663
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,2376 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# This file generates the local directory structure and populates the
+# directories with foundry vendor data. The local directory (target)
+# should be a staging area, not a place where files are kept permanently.
+# Options:
+# -ef_format Use efabless naming (libs.ref/techLEF),
+# otherwise use generic naming (
+# -clean Clear out and remove target directory before starting
+# -source <path> Path to source data top level directory
+# -target <path> Path to target (staging) top level directory
+# All other options represent paths to vendor files. They may all be
+# wildcarded with "*", or with specific escapes like "%l" for library
+# name or "%v" for version number (see below for a complete list of escape
+# sequences).
+# Note only one of "-spice" or "-cdl" need be specified. Since the
+# open source tools use ngspice, CDL files are converted to ngspice
+# syntax when needed.
+# -techlef <path> Path to technology LEF file
+# -doc <path> Path to technology documentation
+# -lef <path> Path to LEF file
+# -spice <path> Path to SPICE netlists
+# -cdl <path> Path to CDL netlists
+# -models <path> Path to SPICE (primitive device) models
+# -liberty <path> Path to Liberty timing files
+# -gds <path> Path to GDS data
+# -verilog <path> Path to verilog models
+# -library <type> <name> [<target>] See below
+# For the "-library" option, any number of libraries may be supported, and
+# one "-library" option should be provided for each supported library.
+# <type> is one of: "digital", "primitive", or "general". Analog and I/O
+# libraries fall under the category "general", as they are all treated the
+# same way. <name> is the vendor name of the library. [<target>] is the
+# (optional) local name of the library. If omitted, then the vendor name
+# is used for the target (there is no particular reason to specify a
+# different local name for a library).
+# In special cases using options (see below), path may be "-", indicating
+# that there are no source files, but only to run compilations or conversions
+# on the files in the target directory.
+# All options "-lef", "-spice", etc., can take the additional arguments
+# up <number>
+# to indicate that the source hierarchy should be copied from <number>
+# levels above the files. For example, if liberty files are kept in
+# multiple directories according to voltage level, then
+# -liberty x/y/z/PVT_*/*.lib
+# would install all .lib files directly into libs.ref/<libname>/liberty/*.lib
+# (if "-ef_format" option specified, then: libs.ref/<libname>/liberty/*.lib)
+# while
+# -liberty x/y/z/PVT_*/*.lib up 1
+# would install all .lib files into libs.ref/liberty/<libname>/PVT_*/*.lib
+# (if "-ef_format" option specified, then: libs.ref/<libname>/liberty/PVT_*/*.lib)
+# Please note that the INSTALL variable in the Makefile starts with "set -f"
+# to suppress the OS from doing wildcard substitution; otherwise the
+# wildcards in the install options will get expanded by the OS before
+# being passed to the install script.
+# Other library-specific arguments are:
+# nospec : Remove timing specification before installing
+# (used with verilog files; needs to be extended to
+# liberty files)
+# compile : Create a single library from all components. Used
+# when a foundry library has inconveniently split
+# an IP library (LEF, CDL, verilog, etc.) into
+# individual files.
+# stub : Remove contents of subcircuits from CDL or SPICE
+# netlist files.
+# priv : Mark the contents being installed as privleged, and
+# put them in a separate root directory libs.priv
+# where they can be given additional read/write
+# restrictions.
+# exclude : Followed by "=" and a comma-separated list of names.
+# exclude these files/modules/subcircuits. Names may
+# also be wildcarded in "glob" format.
+# rename : Followed by "=" and an alternative name. For any
+# file that is a single entry, change the name of
+# the file in the target directory to this (To-do:
+# take regexps for multiple files). When used with
+# "compile" or "compile-only", this refers to the
+# name of the target compiled file.
+# noconvert : Install only; do not attempt to convert to other
+# formats (applies only to GDS, CDL, and LEF).
+# NOTE: This script can be called once for all libraries if all file
+# types (gds, cdl, lef, etc.) happen to all work with the same wildcards.
+# However, it is more likely that it will be called several times for the
+# same PDK, once to install I/O cells, once to install digital, and so
+# forth, as made possible by the wild-carding.
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+import glob
+import stat
+import shutil
+import fnmatch
+import subprocess
+def usage():
+ print(" [options...]")
+ print(" -copy Copy files from source to target (default)")
+ print(" -ef_format Use efabless naming conventions for local directories")
+ print("")
+ print(" -source <path> Path to top of source directory tree")
+ print(" -target <path> Path to top of target directory tree")
+ print("")
+ print(" -techlef <path> Path to technology LEF file")
+ print(" -doc <path> Path to technology documentation")
+ print(" -lef <path> Path to LEF file")
+ print(" -spice <path> Path to SPICE netlists")
+ print(" -cdl <path> Path to CDL netlists")
+ print(" -models <path> Path to SPICE (primitive device) models")
+ print(" -lib <path> Path to Liberty timing files")
+ print(" -liberty <path> Path to Liberty timing files")
+ print(" -gds <path> Path to GDS data")
+ print(" -verilog <path> Path to verilog models")
+ print(" -library <type> <name> [<target>] See below")
+ print("")
+ print(" All <path> names may be wild-carded with '*' ('glob'-style wild-cards)")
+ print("")
+ print(" All options with <path> other than source and target may take the additional")
+ print(" arguments 'up <number>', where <number> indicates the number of levels of")
+ print(" hierarchy of the source path to include when copying to the target.")
+ print("")
+ print(" Library <type> may be one of:")
+ print(" digital Digital standard cell library")
+ print(" primitive Primitive device library")
+ print(" general All other library types (I/O, analog, etc.)")
+ print("")
+ print(" If <target> is unspecified then <name> is used for the target.")
+# Return a list of files after glob-style substituting into pathname. This
+# mostly relies on glob.glob(), but uses the additional substitutions with
+# escape strings:
+# %v : Match a version number in the form "major[.minor[.rev]]"
+# %l : substitute the library name
+# %% : substitute the percent character verbatim
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+def makeuserwritable(filepath):
+ if os.path.exists(filepath):
+ st = os.stat(filepath)
+ os.chmod(filepath, st.st_mode | stat.S_IWUSR)
+def substitute(pathname, library):
+ if library:
+ # Do %l substitution
+ newpathname = re.sub('%l', library, pathname)
+ else:
+ newpathname = pathname
+ if '%v' in newpathname:
+ vglob = re.sub('%v.*', '*', newpathname)
+ vlibs = glob.glob(vglob)
+ try:
+ vstr = vlibs[0][len(vglob)-1:]
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ for vlib in vlibs[1:]:
+ vtest = vlib[len(vglob)-1:]
+ if LooseVersion(vtest) > LooseVersion(vstr):
+ vstr = vtest
+ newpathname = re.sub('%v', vstr, newpathname)
+ if '%%' in newpathname:
+ newpathname = re.sub('%%', '%', newpathname)
+ return newpathname
+def get_gds_properties(magfile):
+ proprex = re.compile('^[ \t]*string[ \t]+(GDS_[^ \t]+)[ \t]+([^ \t]+)$')
+ proplines = []
+ if os.path.isfile(magfile):
+ with open(magfile, 'r') as ifile:
+ magtext =
+ for line in magtext:
+ lmatch = proprex.match(line)
+ if lmatch:
+ propline = + ' ' +
+ proplines.append(propline)
+ return proplines
+# Read subcircuit ports from a CDL file, given a subcircuit name that should
+# appear in the file as a subcircuit entry, and return a dictionary of ports
+# and their indexes in the subcircuit line.
+def get_subckt_ports(cdlfile, subname):
+ portdict = {}
+ pidx = 1
+ portrex = re.compile('^\.subckt[ \t]+([^ \t]+)[ \t]+(.*)$', flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ with open(cdlfile, 'r') as ifile:
+ cdltext =
+ cdllines = cdltext.replace('\n+', ' ').splitlines()
+ for line in cdllines:
+ lmatch = portrex.match(line)
+ if lmatch:
+ if == subname.lower():
+ ports =
+ for port in ports:
+ portdict[port.lower()] = pidx
+ pidx += 1
+ break
+ return portdict
+# Filter a verilog file to remove any backslash continuation lines, which
+# iverilog does not parse. If targetroot is a directory, then find and
+# process all files in the path of targetroot. If any file to be processed
+# is unmodified (has no backslash continuation lines), then ignore it. If
+# any file is a symbolic link and gets modified, then remove the symbolic
+# link before overwriting with the modified file.
+def vfilefilter(vfile):
+ modified = False
+ with open(vfile, 'r') as ifile:
+ vtext =
+ # Remove backslash-followed-by-newline and absorb initial whitespace. It
+ # is unclear what initial whitespace means in this context, as the use-
+ # case that has been seen seems to work under the assumption that leading
+ # whitespace is ignored up to the amount used by the last indentation.
+ vlines = re.sub('\\\\\n[ \t]*', '', vtext)
+ if vlines != vtext:
+ # File contents have been modified, so if this file was a symbolic
+ # link, then remove it. Otherwise, overwrite the file with the
+ # modified contents.
+ if os.path.islink(vfile):
+ os.unlink(vfile)
+ with open(vfile, 'w') as ofile:
+ ofile.write(vlines)
+# Run a filter on verilog files that cleans up known syntax issues.
+# This is embedded in the foundry_install script and is not a custom
+# filter largely because the issue is in the tool, not the PDK.
+def vfilter(targetroot):
+ if os.path.isfile(targetroot):
+ vfilefilter(targetroot)
+ else:
+ vlist = glob.glob(targetroot + '/*')
+ for vfile in vlist:
+ if os.path.isfile(vfile):
+ vfilefilter(vfile)
+# For issues that are PDK-specific, a script can be written and put in
+# the PDK's custom/scripts/ directory, and passed to the foundry_install
+# script using the "filter" option.
+def tfilter(targetroot, filterscript, outfile=[]):
+ filterroot = os.path.split(filterscript)[1]
+ if os.path.isfile(targetroot):
+ print(' Filtering file ' + targetroot + ' with ' + filterroot)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ if not outfile:
+ outfile = targetroot
+ else:
+ # Make sure this file is writable (as the original may not be)
+ makeuserwritable(outfile)
+ fproc =[filterscript, targetroot, outfile],
+ stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines = True)
+ if fproc.stdout:
+ for line in fproc.stdout.splitlines():
+ print(line)
+ if fproc.stderr:
+ print('Error message output from filter script:')
+ for line in fproc.stderr.splitlines():
+ print(line)
+ else:
+ tlist = glob.glob(targetroot + '/*')
+ for tfile in tlist:
+ if os.path.isfile(tfile):
+ print(' Filtering file ' + tfile + ' with ' + filterroot)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ fproc =[filterscript, tfile, tfile],
+ stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines = True)
+ if fproc.stdout:
+ for line in fproc.stdout.splitlines():
+ print(line)
+ if fproc.stderr:
+ print('Error message output from filter script:')
+ for line in fproc.stderr.splitlines():
+ print(line)
+# Given a destination directory holding individual verilog files of a number
+# of modules, create a single verilog library file named <alllibname> and place
+# it in the same directory. This is done for the option "compile" if specified
+# for the "-verilog" install.
+def create_verilog_library(destlibdir, destlib, do_compile_only, do_stub, excludelist):
+ alllibname = destlibdir + '/' + destlib + '.v'
+ if os.path.isfile(alllibname):
+ os.remove(alllibname)
+ print('Diagnostic: Creating consolidated verilog library ' + destlib + '.v')
+ vlist = glob.glob(destlibdir + '/*.v')
+ if alllibname in vlist:
+ vlist.remove(alllibname)
+ # Create exclude list with glob-style matching using fnmatch
+ if len(vlist) > 0:
+ vlistnames = list(os.path.split(item)[1] for item in vlist)
+ notvlist = []
+ for exclude in excludelist:
+ notvlist.extend(fnmatch.filter(vlistnames, exclude))
+ # Apply exclude list
+ if len(notvlist) > 0:
+ for file in vlist[:]:
+ if os.path.split(file)[1] in notvlist:
+ vlist.remove(file)
+ if len(vlist) > 1:
+ print('New file is: ' + alllibname)
+ with open(alllibname, 'w') as ofile:
+ allmodules = []
+ for vfile in vlist:
+ with open(vfile, 'r') as ifile:
+ # print('Adding ' + vfile + ' to library.')
+ vtext =
+ modules = re.findall(r'[ \t\n]module[ \t]+([^ \t\n\(]+)', vtext)
+ mseen = list(item for item in modules if item in allmodules)
+ allmodules.extend(list(item for item in modules if item not in allmodules))
+ vfilter = remove_redundant_modules(vtext, allmodules, mseen)
+ # NOTE: The following workaround resolves an issue with iverilog,
+ # which does not properly parse specify timing paths that are not in
+ # parentheses. Easy to work around
+ vlines = re.sub(r'\)[ \t]*=[ \t]*([01]:[01]:[01])[ \t]*;', r') = ( \1 ) ;', vfilter)
+ print(vlines, file=ofile)
+ print('\n//--------EOF---------\n', file=ofile)
+ if do_compile_only == True:
+ print('Compile-only: Removing individual verilog files')
+ for vfile in vlist:
+ if os.path.isfile(vfile):
+ os.remove(vfile)
+ elif os.path.islink(vfile):
+ os.unlink(vfile)
+ else:
+ print('Only one file (' + str(vlist) + '); ignoring "compile" option.')
+# Remove redundant module entries from a verilog file. "m2list" is a list of
+# module names gleaned from all previously read files using re.findall().
+# "mlist" is a list of all module names including those in "ntext".
+# The reason for doing this is that some verilog files may includes modules used
+# by all the files, and if included more than once, then iverilog complains.
+def remove_redundant_modules(ntext, mlist, m2list):
+ updated = ntext
+ for module in mlist:
+ # Determine the number of times the module appears in the text
+ if module in m2list:
+ # This module seen before outside of ntext, so remove all occurrances in ntext
+ new = re.sub(r'[ \t\n]+module[ \t]+' + module + '[ \t\n\(]+.*[ \t\n]endmodule', '\n', updated, flags=re.DOTALL)
+ updated = new
+ else:
+ n = len(re.findall(r'[ \t\n]module[ \t]+' + module + '[ \t\n\(]+.*[ \t\n]endmodule', updated, flags=re.DOTALL))
+ # This module defined more than once inside ntext, so remove all but one
+ # Optimization: Just keep original text if n < 2
+ if n < 2:
+ continue
+ # Remove all but one
+ updated = re.sub(r'[ \t\n]+module[ \t]+' + module + '[ \t\n]+.*[ \t\n]endmodule', '\n', n - 1, updated, flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)
+ return updated
+# Given a destination directory holding individual LEF files of a number
+# of cells, create a single LEF library file named <alllibname> and place
+# it in the same directory. This is done for the option "compile" if specified
+# for the "-lef" install.
+def create_lef_library(destlibdir, destlib, do_compile_only, excludelist):
+ alllibname = destlibdir + '/' + destlib + '.lef'
+ if os.path.isfile(alllibname):
+ os.remove(alllibname)
+ print('Diagnostic: Creating consolidated LEF library ' + destlib + '.lef')
+ llist = glob.glob(destlibdir + '/*.lef')
+ if alllibname in llist:
+ llist.remove(alllibname)
+ # Create exclude list with glob-style matching using fnmatch
+ if len(llist) > 0:
+ llistnames = list(os.path.split(item)[1] for item in llist)
+ notllist = []
+ for exclude in excludelist:
+ notllist.extend(fnmatch.filter(llistnames, exclude))
+ # Apply exclude list
+ if len(notllist) > 0:
+ for file in llist[:]:
+ if os.path.split(file)[1] in notllist:
+ llist.remove(file)
+ if len(llist) > 1:
+ print('New file is: ' + alllibname)
+ with open(alllibname, 'w') as ofile:
+ headerdone = False
+ for lfile in llist:
+ with open(lfile, 'r') as ifile:
+ # print('Adding ' + lfile + ' to library.')
+ ltext =
+ llines = ltext.splitlines()
+ headerseen = False
+ for lline in llines:
+ if headerdone:
+ if not headerseen:
+ if not lline.startswith('MACRO'):
+ continue
+ else:
+ headerseen = True
+ print(lline, file=ofile)
+ headerdone = True
+ print('#--------EOF---------\n', file=ofile)
+ if do_compile_only == True:
+ print('Compile-only: Removing individual LEF files')
+ for lfile in llist:
+ if os.path.isfile(lfile):
+ os.remove(lfile)
+ if newname:
+ if os.path.isfile(newname):
+ os.remove(newname)
+ else:
+ print('Only one file (' + str(llist) + '); ignoring "compile" option.')
+# Given a destination directory holding individual liberty files of a number
+# of cells, create a single liberty library file named <alllibname> and place
+# it in the same directory. This is done for the option "compile" if specified
+# for the "-lib" install.
+# Warning: This script is unfinished. Needs to parse the library header
+# in each cell and generate a new library header combining the contents of
+# all cell headers. Also: The library name in the header needs to be
+# changed to the full library name. Also: There is no mechanism for
+# collecting all files belonging to a single process corner/temperature/
+# voltage.
+def create_lib_library(destlibdir, destlib, do_compile_only, excludelist):
+ alllibname = destlibdir + '/' + destlib + '.lib'
+ if os.path.isfile(alllibname):
+ os.remove(alllibname)
+ print('Diagnostic: Creating consolidated liberty library ' + destlib + '.lib')
+ # Create exclude list with glob-style matching using fnmatch
+ if len(llist) > 0:
+ llistnames = list(os.path.split(item)[1] for item in llist)
+ notllist = []
+ for exclude in excludelist:
+ notllist.extend(fnmatch.filter(llistnames, exclude))
+ # Apply exclude list
+ if len(notllist) > 0:
+ for file in llist[:]:
+ if os.path.split(file)[1] in notllist:
+ llist.remove(file)
+ if len(llist) > 1:
+ print('New file is: ' + alllibname)
+ with open(alllibname, 'w') as ofile:
+ headerdone = False
+ for lfile in llist:
+ with open(lfile, 'r') as ifile:
+ # print('Adding ' + lfile + ' to library.')
+ ltext =
+ llines = ltext.splitlines()
+ headerseen = False
+ for lline in llines:
+ if headerdone:
+ if not headerseen:
+ if not lline.split()[0] == 'cell':
+ continue
+ else:
+ headerseen = True
+ print(lline, file=ofile)
+ headerdone = True
+ print('/*--------EOF---------*/\n', file=ofile)
+ if do_compile_only == True:
+ print('Compile-only: Removing individual LEF files')
+ for lfile in llist:
+ if os.path.isfile(lfile):
+ os.remove(lfile)
+ if newname:
+ if os.path.isfile(newname):
+ os.remove(newname)
+ else:
+ print('Only one file (' + str(llist) + '); ignoring "compile" option.')
+# Given a destination directory holding individual GDS files of a number
+# of cells, create a single GDL library file named <alllibname> and place
+# it in the same directory. This is done for the option "compile" if specified
+# for the "-gds" install.
+def create_gds_library(destlibdir, destlib, startup_script, do_compile_only, excludelist):
+ alllibname = destlibdir + '/' + destlib + '.gds'
+ if os.path.isfile(alllibname):
+ os.remove(alllibname)
+ print('Diagnostic: Creating consolidated GDS library ' + destlib + '.gds')
+ glist = glob.glob(destlibdir + '/*.gds')
+ glist.extend(glob.glob(destlibdir + '/*.gdsii'))
+ glist.extend(glob.glob(destlibdir + '/*.gds2'))
+ if alllibname in glist:
+ glist.remove(alllibname)
+ # Create exclude list with glob-style matching using fnmatch
+ if len(glist) > 0:
+ glistnames = list(os.path.split(item)[1] for item in glist)
+ notglist = []
+ for exclude in excludelist:
+ notglist.extend(fnmatch.filter(glistnames, exclude))
+ # Apply exclude list
+ if len(notglist) > 0:
+ for file in glist[:]:
+ if os.path.split(file)[1] in notglist:
+ glist.remove(file)
+ if len(glist) > 1:
+ print('New file is: ' + alllibname)
+ if os.path.isfile(startup_script):
+ # If the symbolic link exists, remove it.
+ if os.path.isfile(destlibdir + '/.magicrc'):
+ os.remove(destlibdir + '/.magicrc')
+ os.symlink(startup_script, destlibdir + '/.magicrc')
+ # A GDS library is binary and requires handling in Magic
+ print('Creating magic generation script to generate GDS library.')
+ with open(destlibdir + '/generate_magic.tcl', 'w') as ofile:
+ print('#!/usr/bin/env wish', file=ofile)
+ print('#--------------------------------------------', file=ofile)
+ print('# Script to generate .gds library from files ', file=ofile)
+ print('#--------------------------------------------', file=ofile)
+ print('drc off', file=ofile)
+ print('gds readonly true', file=ofile)
+ print('gds flatten true', file=ofile)
+ print('gds rescale false', file=ofile)
+ print('tech unlock *', file=ofile)
+ for gdsfile in glist:
+ print('gds read ' + gdsfile, file=ofile)
+ print('puts stdout "Creating cell ' + destlib + '"', file=ofile)
+ print('load ' + destlib, file=ofile)
+ print('puts stdout "Adding cells to library"', file=ofile)
+ print('box values 0 0 0 0', file=ofile)
+ for gdsfile in glist:
+ gdsroot = os.path.split(gdsfile)[1]
+ gdsname = os.path.splitext(gdsroot)[0]
+ print('getcell ' + gdsname, file=ofile)
+ # Could properly make space for the cell here. . .
+ print('box move e 200', file=ofile)
+ print('puts stdout "Writing GDS file ' + destlib + '"', file=ofile)
+ print('gds write ' + destlib, file=ofile)
+ print('puts stdout "Done."', file=ofile)
+ print('quit -noprompt', file=ofile)
+ # Run magic to read in the individual GDS files and
+ # write out the consolidated GDS library
+ print('Running magic to create GDS library.')
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ mproc =['magic', '-dnull', '-noconsole',
+ destlibdir + '/generate_magic.tcl'],
+ stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = destlibdir,
+ universal_newlines = True)
+ if mproc.stdout:
+ for line in mproc.stdout.splitlines():
+ print(line)
+ if mproc.stderr:
+ print('Error message output from magic:')
+ for line in mproc.stderr.splitlines():
+ print(line)
+ if mproc.returncode != 0:
+ print('ERROR: Magic exited with status ' + str(mproc.returncode))
+ if do_compile_only == True:
+ print('Compile-only: Removing individual GDS files')
+ for gfile in glist:
+ if os.path.isfile(gfile):
+ os.remove(gfile)
+ if newname:
+ if os.path.isfile(newname):
+ os.remove(newname)
+ else:
+ print('Only one file (' + str(glist) + '); ignoring "compile" option.')
+# Given a destination directory holding individual SPICE netlists of a number
+# of cells, create a single SPICE library file named <alllibname> and place
+# it in the same directory. This is done for the option "compile" if specified
+# for the "-spice" install.
+def create_spice_library(destlibdir, destlib, spiext, do_compile_only, do_stub, excludelist):
+ fformat = 'CDL' if spiext == '.cdl' else 'SPICE'
+ allstubname = destlibdir + '/stub' + spiext
+ alllibname = destlibdir + '/' + destlib + spiext
+ if do_stub:
+ outputname = allstubname
+ else:
+ outputname = alllibname
+ print('Diagnostic: Creating consolidated ' + fformat + ' library ' + outputname)
+ if os.path.isfile(outputname):
+ os.remove(outputname)
+ if fformat == 'CDL':
+ slist = glob.glob(destlibdir + '/*.cdl')
+ else:
+ # Sadly, there is no consensus on what a SPICE file extension should be.
+ slist = glob.glob(destlibdir + '/*.spc')
+ slist.extend(glob.glob(destlibdir + '/*.spice'))
+ slist.extend(glob.glob(destlibdir + '/*.spi'))
+ slist.extend(glob.glob(destlibdir + '/*.ckt'))
+ if alllibname in slist:
+ slist.remove(alllibname)
+ if allstubname in slist:
+ slist.remove(allstubname)
+ # Create exclude list with glob-style matching using fnmatch
+ if len(slist) > 0:
+ slistnames = list(os.path.split(item)[1] for item in slist)
+ notslist = []
+ for exclude in excludelist:
+ notslist.extend(fnmatch.filter(slistnames, exclude))
+ # Apply exclude list
+ if len(notslist) > 0:
+ for file in slist[:]:
+ if os.path.split(file)[1] in notslist:
+ slist.remove(file)
+ if len(slist) > 1:
+ with open(outputname, 'w') as ofile:
+ allsubckts = []
+ for sfile in slist:
+ with open(sfile, 'r') as ifile:
+ # print('Adding ' + sfile + ' to library.')
+ stext =
+ subckts = re.findall(r'\.subckt[ \t]+([^ \t\n]+)', stext, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ sseen = list(item for item in subckts if item in allsubckts)
+ allsubckts.extend(list(item for item in subckts if item not in allsubckts))
+ sfilter = remove_redundant_subckts(stext, allsubckts, sseen)
+ print(sfilter, file=ofile)
+ print('\n******* EOF\n', file=ofile)
+ if do_compile_only == True:
+ print('Compile-only: Removing individual SPICE files')
+ for sfile in slist:
+ if os.path.isfile(sfile):
+ os.remove(sfile)
+ elif os.path.islink(sfile):
+ os.unlink(sfile)
+ else:
+ print('Only one file (' + str(slist) + '); ignoring "compile" option.')
+# Remove redundant subcircuit entries from a SPICE or CDL netlist file. "sseen"
+# is a list of subcircuit names gleaned from all previously read files using
+# re.findall(). "slist" is a list of subcircuits including those in "ntext".
+# If a subcircuit is defined outside of "ntext", then remove all occurrences in
+# "ntext". Otherwise, if a subcircuit is defined more than once in "ntext",
+# remove all but one copy. The reason for doing this is that some netlists will
+# include primitive device definitions used by all the standard cell subcircuits.
+# It may be necessary to remove redundant .include statements and redundant .model
+# and/or .option statements as well.
+def remove_redundant_subckts(ntext, slist, sseen):
+ updated = ntext
+ for subckt in slist:
+ if subckt in sseen:
+ # Remove all occurrences of subckt
+ updated = re.sub(r'\n\.subckt[ \t]+' + subckt + '[ \t\n]+.*\n\.ends[ \t\n]+', '\n', updated, flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)
+ else:
+ # Determine the number of times the subcircuit appears in the text
+ n = len(re.findall(r'\n\.subckt[ \t]+' + subckt + '[ \t\n]+.*\n\.ends[ \t\n]+', updated, flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL))
+ # Optimization: Just keep original text if n < 2
+ if n < 2:
+ continue
+ # Remove all but one
+ updated = re.sub(r'\n\.subckt[ \t]+' + subckt + '[ \t\n]+.*\n\.ends[ \t\n]+', '\n', n - 1, updated, flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)
+ return updated
+# This is the main entry point for the foundry install script.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+ print("No options given to")
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ optionlist = []
+ newopt = []
+ sourcedir = None
+ targetdir = None
+ ef_format = False
+ do_clean = False
+ have_lef = False
+ have_techlef = False
+ have_lefanno = False
+ have_gds = False
+ have_spice = False
+ have_cdl = False
+ have_verilog = False
+ have_lib = False
+ # Break arguments into groups where the first word begins with "-".
+ # All following words not beginning with "-" are appended to the
+ # same list (optionlist). Then each optionlist is processed.
+ # Note that the first entry in optionlist has the '-' removed.
+ for option in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if option.find('-', 0) == 0:
+ if newopt != []:
+ optionlist.append(newopt)
+ newopt = []
+ newopt.append(option[1:])
+ else:
+ newopt.append(option)
+ if newopt != []:
+ optionlist.append(newopt)
+ # Pull library names from optionlist
+ libraries = []
+ for option in optionlist[:]:
+ if option[0] == 'library':
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ libraries.append(option[1:])
+ # Check for option "ef_format" or "std_format" or "clean"
+ for option in optionlist[:]:
+ if option[0] == 'ef_naming' or option[0] == 'ef_names' or option[0] == 'ef_format':
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ ef_format = True
+ elif option[0] == 'std_naming' or option[0] == 'std_names' or option[0] == 'std_format':
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ ef_format = False
+ elif option[0] == 'clean':
+ do_clean = True
+ # Check for options "source" and "target"
+ for option in optionlist[:]:
+ if option[0] == 'source':
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ sourcedir = option[1]
+ elif option[0] == 'target':
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ targetdir = option[1]
+ if not targetdir:
+ print("No target directory specified. Exiting.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Take the target PDK name from the target path last component
+ pdkname = os.path.split(targetdir)[1]
+ # If targetdir (the staging area) exists, make sure it's empty.
+ if os.path.isdir(targetdir):
+ # Error if targetdir exists but is not writeable
+ if not os.access(targetdir, os.W_OK):
+ print("Target installation directory " + targetdir + " is not writable.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Clear out the staging directory if specified
+ if do_clean:
+ shutil.rmtree(targetdir)
+ elif os.path.exists(targetdir):
+ print("Target installation directory " + targetdir + " is not a directory.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Error if no source or dest specified unless "-clean" was specified
+ if not sourcedir:
+ if do_clean:
+ print("Done removing staging area.")
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print("No source directory specified. Exiting.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Create the target directory
+ os.makedirs(targetdir, exist_ok=True)
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Installation part 1: Install files into the staging directory
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Diagnostic
+ print("Installing in target (staging) directory " + targetdir)
+ # Create the top-level directories
+ os.makedirs(targetdir + '/', exist_ok=True)
+ os.makedirs(targetdir + '/libs.ref', exist_ok=True)
+ # Path to magic techfile depends on ef_format
+ if ef_format == True:
+ mag_current = '/'
+ else:
+ mag_current = '/'
+ # Check for magic version and set flag if it does not exist or if
+ # it has the wrong version.
+ have_mag_8_2 = False
+ try:
+ mproc =['magic', '--version'],
+ stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE,
+ universal_newlines = True)
+ if mproc.stdout:
+ mag_version = mproc.stdout.splitlines()[0]
+ mag_version_info = mag_version.split('.')
+ try:
+ if int(mag_version_info[0]) > 8:
+ have_mag_8_2 = True
+ elif int(mag_version_info[0]) == 8:
+ if int(mag_version_info[1]) >= 2:
+ have_mag_8_2 = True
+ print('Magic version 8.2 available on the system.')
+ except ValueError:
+ print('Error: "magic --version" did not return valid version number.')
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ print('Error: Failed to find executable for magic in standard search path.')
+ if not have_mag_8_2:
+ print('WARNING: Magic version 8.2 cannot be executed from the standard executable search path.')
+ print('Please install or correct the search path.')
+ print('Magic database files will not be created, and other missing file formats may not be generated.')
+ # Populate any targets that do not specify a library, or where the library is
+ # specified as "primitive".
+ # Populate the techLEF and SPICE models, if specified. Also, this section can add
+ # to any directory in as given by the option; e.g., "-ngspice" will
+ # install into
+ if libraries == [] or 'primitive' in libraries[0]:
+ for option in optionlist[:]:
+ # Legacy behavior is to put models and techLEF files in
+ # the same grouping as files for the primdev library (which go in
+ # libs.ref). Current behavior is to put all files in
+ # a grouping with no library, with unrestricted ability to write
+ # into any subdirectory of Therefore, need to restrict
+ # legacy use to just 'techlef' and 'models'.
+ if len(libraries) > 0 and 'primitive' in libraries[0]:
+ if option[0] != 'techlef' and option[0] != 'techLEF' and option[0] != 'models':
+ continue
+ # Normally technology LEF files are associated with IP libraries.
+ # However, if no library is specified or the library is 'primitive'
+ # (legacy behavior), then put in the techLEF directory with no subdirectory.
+ filter_scripts = []
+ if option[0] == 'techlef' or option[0] == 'techLEF':
+ for item in option:
+ if item.split('=')[0] == 'filter':
+ filter_scripts.append(item.split('=')[1])
+ break
+ if ef_format:
+ techlefdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/' + 'techLEF'
+ else:
+ techlefdir = targetdir + '/'
+ os.makedirs(techlefdir, exist_ok=True)
+ # All techlef files should be copied, so use "glob" on the wildcards
+ techlist = glob.glob(substitute(sourcedir + '/' + option[1], None))
+ for lefname in techlist:
+ leffile = os.path.split(lefname)[1]
+ targname = techlefdir + '/' + leffile
+ if os.path.isfile(lefname):
+ shutil.copy(lefname, targname)
+ else:
+ shutil.copytree(lefname, targname)
+ for filter_script in filter_scripts:
+ # Apply filter script to all files in the target directory
+ tfilter(targname, filter_script)
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ # All remaining options will refer to specific tools (e.g., -ngspice, -magic)
+ # although generic names (.e.g, -models) are acceptable if the tools know
+ # where to find the files. Currently, most tools have their own formats
+ # and standards for setup, and so generally each install directory will be
+ # unique to one EDA tool.
+ else:
+ filter_scripts = []
+ for item in option:
+ if item.split('=')[0] == 'filter':
+ filter_scripts.append(item.split('=')[1])
+ break
+ print('Diagnostic: installing ' + option[0] + '.')
+ tooldir = targetdir + '/' + option[0]
+ os.makedirs(tooldir, exist_ok=True)
+ # All files should be linked or copied, so use "glob" on
+ # the wildcards. Copy each file and recursively copy each
+ # directory.
+ toollist = glob.glob(substitute(sourcedir + '/' + option[1], None))
+ for toolname in toollist:
+ toolfile = os.path.split(toolname)[1]
+ targname = tooldir + '/' + toolfile
+ if os.path.isdir(toolname):
+ # Remove any existing directory, and its contents
+ if os.path.isdir(targname):
+ shutil.rmtree(targname)
+ os.makedirs(targname)
+ # Recursively find and copy or link the whole directory
+ # tree from this point.
+ alltoollist = glob.glob(toolname + '/**', recursive=True)
+ commonpart = os.path.commonpath(alltoollist)
+ for subtoolname in alltoollist:
+ if os.path.isdir(subtoolname):
+ continue
+ # Get the path part that is not common between toollist and
+ # alltoollist.
+ subpart = os.path.relpath(subtoolname, commonpart)
+ subtargname = targname + '/' + subpart
+ os.makedirs(os.path.split(subtargname)[0], exist_ok=True)
+ if os.path.isfile(subtoolname):
+ shutil.copy(subtoolname, subtargname)
+ else:
+ shutil.copytree(subtoolname, subtargname)
+ for filter_script in filter_scripts:
+ # Apply filter script to all files in the target directory
+ tfilter(subtargname, filter_script)
+ else:
+ # Remove any existing file
+ if os.path.isfile(targname):
+ os.remove(targname)
+ elif os.path.isdir(targname):
+ shutil.rmtree(targname)
+ if os.path.isfile(toolname):
+ shutil.copy(toolname, targname)
+ else:
+ shutil.copytree(toolname, targname)
+ for filter_script in filter_scripts:
+ # Apply filter script to all files in the target directory
+ tfilter(targname, filter_script)
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ # Do an initial pass through all of the options and determine what is being
+ # installed, so that we know in advance which file formats are missing and
+ # need to be generated.
+ for option in optionlist[:]:
+ if option[0] == 'lef':
+ have_lef = True
+ if option[0] == 'techlef' or option[0] == 'techLEF':
+ have_techlef = True
+ elif option[0] == 'gds':
+ have_gds = True
+ elif option[0] == 'spice' or option[0] == 'spi':
+ have_spice = True
+ elif option[0] == 'cdl':
+ have_cdl = True
+ elif option[0] == 'verilog':
+ have_verilog = True
+ elif option[0] == 'lib' or option[0] == 'liberty':
+ have_lib = True
+ # The remaining options in optionlist should all be types like 'lef' or 'liberty'
+ # and there should be a corresponding library list specified by '-library'
+ for option in optionlist[:]:
+ # Ignore if no library list---should have been taken care of above.
+ if libraries == []:
+ break
+ # Diagnostic
+ print("Install option: " + str(option[0]))
+ # For ef_format: always make techlef -> techLEF and spice -> spi
+ if ef_format:
+ if option[0] == 'techlef':
+ option[0] = 'techLEF'
+ elif option[0] == 'spice':
+ option[0] = 'spi'
+ destdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/' + option[0]
+ os.makedirs(destdir, exist_ok=True)
+ # If the option is followed by the keyword "up" and a number, then
+ # the source should be copied (or linked) from <number> levels up
+ # in the hierarchy (see below).
+ if 'up' in option:
+ uparg = option.index('up')
+ try:
+ hier_up = int(option[uparg + 1])
+ except:
+ print("Non-numeric option to 'up': " + option[uparg + 1])
+ print("Ignoring 'up' option.")
+ hier_up = 0
+ else:
+ hier_up = 0
+ filter_scripts = []
+ for item in option:
+ if item.split('=')[0] == 'filter':
+ filter_scripts.append(item.split('=')[1])
+ break
+ # Option 'stub' applies to netlists ('cdl' or 'spice') and generates
+ # a file with only stub entries.
+ do_stub = 'stub' in option
+ # Option 'compile' is a standalone keyword ('comp' may be used).
+ do_compile = 'compile' in option or 'comp' in option
+ do_compile_only = 'compile-only' in option or 'comp-only' in option
+ # Option 'nospecify' is a standalone keyword ('nospec' may be used).
+ do_remove_spec = 'nospecify' in option or 'nospec' in option
+ # Option 'exclude' has an argument
+ try:
+ excludelist = list(item.split('=')[1].split(',') for item in option if item.startswith('excl'))[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ excludelist = []
+ else:
+ print('Excluding files: ' + (',').join(excludelist))
+ # Option 'rename' has an argument
+ try:
+ newname = list(item.split('=')[1] for item in option if item.startswith('rename'))[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ newname = None
+ else:
+ print('Renaming file to: ' + newname)
+ # 'anno' may be specified for LEF, in which case the LEF is used only
+ # to annotate GDS and is not itself installed; this allows LEF to
+ # be generated from Magic and avoids quirky use of obstruction layers.
+ have_lefanno = True if 'annotate' in option or 'anno' in option else False
+ if have_lefanno:
+ if option[0] != 'lef':
+ print("Warning: 'annotate' option specified outside of -lef. Ignoring.")
+ else:
+ # Mark as NOT having LEF since we want to use it only for annotation.
+ have_lef = False
+ # For each library, create the library subdirectory
+ for library in libraries:
+ if len(library) == 3:
+ destlib = library[2]
+ else:
+ destlib = library[1]
+ if ef_format:
+ destlibdir = destdir + '/' + destlib
+ else:
+ destdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/' + destlib + '/' + option[0]
+ destlibdir = destdir
+ os.makedirs(destlibdir, exist_ok=True)
+ # Populate the library subdirectory
+ # Parse the option and replace each '/*/' with the library name,
+ # and check if it is a valid directory name. Then glob the
+ # resulting option name. Warning: This assumes that all
+ # occurences of the text '/*/' match a library name. It should
+ # be possible to wild-card the directory name in such a way that
+ # this is always true.
+ testpath = substitute(sourcedir + '/' + option[1], library[1])
+ liblist = glob.glob(testpath)
+ # Create a file "sources.txt" (or append to it if it exists)
+ # and add the source directory name so that the staging install
+ # script can know where the files came from.
+ with open(destlibdir + '/sources.txt', 'a') as ofile:
+ print(testpath, file=ofile)
+ # Create exclude list with glob-style matching using fnmatch
+ if len(liblist) > 0:
+ liblistnames = list(os.path.split(item)[1] for item in liblist)
+ notliblist = []
+ for exclude in excludelist:
+ notliblist.extend(fnmatch.filter(liblistnames, exclude))
+ # Apply exclude list
+ if len(notliblist) > 0:
+ for file in liblist[:]:
+ if os.path.split(file)[1] in notliblist:
+ liblist.remove(file)
+ if len(excludelist) > 0 and len(notliblist) == 0:
+ print('Warning: Nothing from the exclude list found in sources.')
+ print('excludelist = ' + str(excludelist))
+ print('destlibdir = ' + destlibdir)
+ # Diagnostic
+ print('Collecting files from ' + testpath)
+ print('Files to install:')
+ if len(liblist) < 10:
+ for item in liblist:
+ print(' ' + item)
+ else:
+ for item in liblist[0:4]:
+ print(' ' + item)
+ print(' .')
+ print(' .')
+ print(' .')
+ for item in liblist[-6:-1]:
+ print(' ' + item)
+ print('(' + str(len(liblist)) + ' files total)')
+ for libname in liblist:
+ # Note that there may be a hierarchy to the files in option[1],
+ # say for liberty timing files under different conditions, so
+ # make sure directories have been created as needed.
+ libfile = os.path.split(libname)[1]
+ libfilepath = os.path.split(libname)[0]
+ destpathcomp = []
+ for i in range(hier_up):
+ destpathcomp.append('/' + os.path.split(libfilepath)[1])
+ libfilepath = os.path.split(libfilepath)[0]
+ destpathcomp.reverse()
+ destpath = ''.join(destpathcomp)
+ if newname:
+ if len(liblist) == 1:
+ destfile = newname
+ else:
+ if not do_compile and not do_compile_only:
+ print('Error: rename specified but more than one file found!')
+ destfile = libfile
+ else:
+ destfile = libfile
+ targname = destlibdir + destpath + '/' + destfile
+ # NOTE: When using "up" with link_from, could just make
+ # destpath itself a symbolic link; this way is more flexible
+ # but adds one symbolic link per file.
+ if destpath != '':
+ if not os.path.isdir(destlibdir + destpath):
+ os.makedirs(destlibdir + destpath, exist_ok=True)
+ # Remove any existing file
+ if os.path.isfile(targname):
+ os.remove(targname)
+ elif os.path.isdir(targname):
+ shutil.rmtree(targname)
+ # NOTE: Diagnostic, probably much too much output.
+ print(' Install:' + libname + ' to ' + targname)
+ if os.path.isfile(libname):
+ shutil.copy(libname, targname)
+ else:
+ shutil.copytree(libname, targname)
+ # File filtering options: Two options 'stub' and 'nospec' are
+ # handled by scripts in ../common/. Custom filters can also be
+ # specified.
+ local_filter_scripts = filter_scripts[:]
+ if option[0] == 'verilog':
+ # Internally handle syntactical issues with verilog and iverilog
+ vfilter(targname)
+ if do_remove_spec:
+ scriptdir = os.path.split(os.getcwd())[0] + '/common'
+ local_filter_scripts.append(scriptdir + '/')
+ elif option[0] == 'cdl' or option[0] == 'spi' or option[0] == 'spice':
+ if do_stub:
+ scriptdir = os.path.split(os.getcwd())[0] + '/common'
+ local_filter_scripts.append(scriptdir + '/')
+ for filter_script in local_filter_scripts:
+ # Apply filter script to all files in the target directory
+ tfilter(targname, filter_script)
+ if do_compile == True or do_compile_only == True:
+ # NOTE: The purpose of "rename" is to put a destlib-named
+ # library elsewhere so that it can be merged with another
+ # library into a compiled <destlib>.<ext>
+ compname = destlib
+ # To do: Make this compatible with linking from another PDK.
+ if option[0] == 'verilog':
+ # If there is not a single file with all verilog cells in it,
+ # then compile one, because one does not want to have to have
+ # an include line for every single cell used in a design.
+ create_verilog_library(destlibdir, compname, do_compile_only, do_stub, excludelist)
+ elif option[0] == 'gds' and have_mag_8_2:
+ # If there is not a single file with all GDS cells in it,
+ # then compile one.
+ # Link to the PDK magic startup file from the target directory
+ startup_script = targetdir + mag_current + pdkname + '-F.magicrc'
+ if not os.path.isfile(startup_script):
+ startup_script = targetdir + mag_current + pdkname + '.magicrc'
+ create_gds_library(destlibdir, compname, startup_script, do_compile_only, excludelist)
+ elif option[0] == 'liberty' or option[0] == 'lib':
+ # If there is not a single file with all liberty cells in it,
+ # then compile one, because one does not want to have to have
+ # an include line for every single cell used in a design.
+ create_lib_library(destlibdir, compname, do_compile_only, excludelist)
+ elif option[0] == 'spice' or option[0] == 'spi':
+ # If there is not a single file with all SPICE subcircuits in it,
+ # then compile one, because one does not want to have to have
+ # an include line for every single cell used in a design.
+ spiext = '.spice' if not ef_format else '.spi'
+ create_spice_library(destlibdir, compname, spiext, do_compile_only, do_stub, excludelist)
+ if do_compile_only == True:
+ if newname:
+ if os.path.isfile(newname):
+ os.remove(newname)
+ elif option[0] == 'cdl':
+ # If there is not a single file with all CDL subcircuits in it,
+ # then compile one, because one does not want to have to have
+ # an include line for every single cell used in a design.
+ create_spice_library(destlibdir, compname, '.cdl', do_compile_only, do_stub, excludelist)
+ if do_compile_only == True:
+ if newname:
+ if os.path.isfile(newname):
+ os.remove(newname)
+ elif option[0] == 'lef':
+ # If there is not a single file with all LEF cells in it,
+ # then compile one, because one does not want to have to have
+ # an include line for every single cell used in a design.
+ create_lef_library(destlibdir, compname, do_compile_only, excludelist)
+ # Find any libraries/options marked as "privileged" (or "private") and
+ # move the files from or libs.ref to libs.priv, leaving a
+ # symbolic link in the original location. Do this during the initial
+ # install so that options following in the list can add files to the
+ # non-privileged equivalent directory path.
+ if 'priv' in option or 'privileged' in option or 'private' in option:
+ # Diagnostic
+ print("Install option: " + str(option[0]))
+ if ef_format == True:
+ os.makedirs(targetdir + '/libs.priv', exist_ok=True)
+ for library in libraries:
+ if len(library) == 3:
+ destlib = library[2]
+ else:
+ destlib = library[1]
+ if ef_format:
+ srclibdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/' + option[0] + '/' + destlib
+ destlibdir = targetdir + '/libs.priv/' + option[0] + '/' + destlib
+ else:
+ srclibdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/' + destlib + '/' + option[0]
+ destlibdir = targetdir + '/libs.priv/' + destlib + '/' + option[0]
+ if not os.path.exists(destlibdir):
+ os.makedirs(destlibdir)
+ print('Moving files in ' + srclibdir + ' to privileged space.')
+ filelist = os.listdir(srclibdir)
+ for file in filelist:
+ srcfile = srclibdir + '/' + file
+ destfile = destlibdir + '/' + file
+ if os.path.isfile(destfile):
+ os.remove(destfile)
+ elif os.path.isdir(destfile):
+ shutil.rmtree(destfile)
+ if os.path.isfile(srcfile):
+ shutil.copy(srcfile, destfile)
+ os.remove(srcfile)
+ else:
+ shutil.copytree(srcfile, destfile)
+ shutil.rmtree(srcfile)
+ print("Completed installation of vendor files.")
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Installation part 2: Generate derived file formats
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Now for the harder part. If GDS and/or LEF databases were specified,
+ # then migrate them to magic (.mag files in layout/ or abstract/).
+ ignorelist = []
+ do_cdl_scaleu = False
+ no_cdl_convert = False
+ no_gds_convert = False
+ no_lef_convert = False
+ cdl_compile_only = False
+ cdl_exclude = []
+ lef_exclude = []
+ gds_exclude = []
+ spice_exclude = []
+ verilog_exclude = []
+ cdl_reflib = '/libs.ref/'
+ gds_reflib = '/libs.ref/'
+ lef_reflib = '/libs.ref/'
+ for option in optionlist[:]:
+ if option[0] == 'cdl':
+ # Option 'scaleu' is a standalone keyword
+ do_cdl_scaleu = 'scaleu' in option
+ # Option 'ignore' has arguments after '='
+ for item in option:
+ if item.split('=')[0] == 'ignore':
+ ignorelist = item.split('=')[1].split(',')
+ # Option 'noconvert' is a standalone keyword.
+ if 'noconvert' in option:
+ if option[0] == 'cdl':
+ no_cdl_convert = True
+ elif option[0] == 'gds':
+ no_gds_convert = True
+ elif option[0] == 'lef':
+ no_lef_convert = True
+ # Option 'privileged' is a standalone keyword.
+ if 'priv' in option or 'privileged' in option or 'private' in option:
+ if option[0] == 'cdl':
+ cdl_reflib = '/libs.priv/'
+ elif option[0] == 'gds':
+ gds_reflib = '/libs.priv/'
+ elif option[0] == 'lef':
+ lef_reflib = '/libs.priv/'
+ # If CDL is marked 'compile-only' then CDL should only convert the
+ # compiled file to SPICE if conversion is needed.
+ if 'compile-only' in option:
+ if option[0] == 'cdl':
+ cdl_compile_only = True
+ # Find exclude list for any option
+ for item in option:
+ if item.split('=')[0] == 'exclude':
+ exclude_list = item.split('=')[1].split(',')
+ if option[0] == 'cdl':
+ cdl_exclude = exclude_list
+ elif option[0] == 'lef':
+ lef_exclude = exclude_list
+ elif option[0] == 'gds':
+ gds_exclude = exclude_list
+ elif option[0] == 'spi' or option[0] == 'spice':
+ spice_exclude = exclude_list
+ elif option[0] == 'verilog':
+ verilog_exclude = exclude_list
+ devlist = []
+ pdklibrary = None
+ if have_gds and not no_gds_convert:
+ print("Migrating GDS files to layout.")
+ if ef_format:
+ destdir = targetdir + gds_reflib + 'mag'
+ srcdir = targetdir + gds_reflib + 'gds'
+ vdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/' + 'verilog'
+ cdir = targetdir + cdl_reflib + 'cdl'
+ sdir = targetdir + cdl_reflib + 'spi'
+ os.makedirs(destdir, exist_ok=True)
+ # For each library, create the library subdirectory
+ for library in libraries:
+ if len(library) == 3:
+ destlib = library[2]
+ else:
+ destlib = library[1]
+ if ef_format:
+ destlibdir = destdir + '/' + destlib
+ srclibdir = srcdir + '/' + destlib
+ vlibdir = vdir + '/' + destlib
+ clibdir = cdir + '/' + destlib
+ slibdir = sdir + '/' + destlib
+ else:
+ destdir = targetdir + gds_reflib + destlib + '/mag'
+ srcdir = targetdir + gds_reflib + destlib + '/gds'
+ vdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/' + destlib + '/verilog'
+ cdir = targetdir + cdl_reflib + destlib + '/cdl'
+ sdir = targetdir + cdl_reflib + destlib + '/spice'
+ destlibdir = destdir
+ srclibdir = srcdir
+ vlibdir = vdir
+ clibdir = cdir
+ slibdir = sdir
+ os.makedirs(destlibdir, exist_ok=True)
+ # For primitive devices, check the PDK script and find the name
+ # of the library and get a list of supported devices.
+ if library[0] == 'primitive':
+ pdkscript = targetdir + mag_current + pdkname + '.tcl'
+ print('Searching for supported devices in PDK script ' + pdkscript + '.')
+ if os.path.isfile(pdkscript):
+ librex = re.compile('^[ \t]*set[ \t]+PDKNAMESPACE[ \t]+([^ \t]+)$')
+ devrex = re.compile('^[ \t]*proc[ \t]+([^ :\t]+)::([^ \t_]+)_defaults')
+ fixrex = re.compile('^[ \t]*return[ \t]+\[([^ :\t]+)::fixed_draw[ \t]+([^ \t]+)[ \t]+')
+ devlist = []
+ fixedlist = []
+ with open(pdkscript, 'r') as ifile:
+ scripttext =
+ for line in scripttext:
+ lmatch = librex.match(line)
+ if lmatch:
+ pdklibrary =
+ dmatch = devrex.match(line)
+ if dmatch:
+ if == pdklibrary:
+ devlist.append(
+ fmatch = fixrex.match(line)
+ if fmatch:
+ if == pdklibrary:
+ fixedlist.append(
+ # Diagnostic
+ print("PDK library is " + str(pdklibrary))
+ # Link to the PDK magic startup file from the target directory
+ # If there is no -F version then look for one without -F (open source PDK)
+ startup_script = targetdir + mag_current + pdkname + '-F.magicrc'
+ if not os.path.isfile(startup_script):
+ startup_script = targetdir + mag_current + pdkname + '.magicrc'
+ if have_mag_8_2 and os.path.isfile(startup_script):
+ # If the symbolic link exists, remove it.
+ if os.path.isfile(destlibdir + '/.magicrc'):
+ os.remove(destlibdir + '/.magicrc')
+ os.symlink(startup_script, destlibdir + '/.magicrc')
+ # Find GDS file names in the source
+ print('Getting GDS file list from ' + srclibdir + '.')
+ gdsfilesraw = os.listdir(srclibdir)
+ gdsfiles = []
+ for gdsfile in gdsfilesraw:
+ gdsext = os.path.splitext(gdsfile)[1].lower()
+ if gdsext == '.gds' or gdsext == '.gdsii' or gdsext == '.gds2':
+ gdsfiles.append(gdsfile)
+ # Create exclude list with glob-style matching using fnmatch
+ if len(gdsfiles) > 0:
+ gdsnames = list(os.path.split(item)[1] for item in gdsfiles)
+ notgdsnames = []
+ for exclude in gds_exclude:
+ notgdsnames.extend(fnmatch.filter(gdsnames, exclude))
+ # Apply exclude list
+ if len(notgdsnames) > 0:
+ for file in gdsfiles[:]:
+ if os.path.split(file)[1] in notgdsnames:
+ gdsfiles.remove(file)
+ # Generate a script called "generate_magic.tcl" and leave it in
+ # the target directory. Use it as input to magic to create the
+ # .mag files from the database.
+ print('Creating magic generation script to generate magic database files.')
+ with open(destlibdir + '/generate_magic.tcl', 'w') as ofile:
+ print('#!/usr/bin/env wish', file=ofile)
+ print('#--------------------------------------------', file=ofile)
+ print('# Script to generate .mag files from .gds ', file=ofile)
+ print('#--------------------------------------------', file=ofile)
+ print('gds readonly true', file=ofile)
+ print('gds flatten true', file=ofile)
+ print('gds rescale false', file=ofile)
+ print('tech unlock *', file=ofile)
+ for gdsfile in gdsfiles:
+ # Note: DO NOT use a relative path here.
+ print('gds read ' + srclibdir + '/' + gdsfile, file=ofile)
+ # Make sure properties include the Tcl generated cell
+ # information from the PDK script
+ if pdklibrary:
+ tclfixedlist = '{' + ' '.join(fixedlist) + '}'
+ print('set devlist ' + tclfixedlist, file=ofile)
+ print('set topcell [lindex [cellname list top] 0]',
+ file=ofile)
+ print('foreach cellname $devlist {', file=ofile)
+ print(' load $cellname', file=ofile)
+ print(' property gencell $cellname', file=ofile)
+ print(' property parameter m=1', file=ofile)
+ print(' property library ' + pdklibrary, file=ofile)
+ print('}', file=ofile)
+ print('load $topcell', file=ofile)
+ print('cellname delete \(UNNAMED\)', file=ofile)
+ print('writeall force', file=ofile)
+ leffiles = []
+ lefmacros = []
+ if have_lefanno:
+ # Find LEF file names in the source
+ if ef_format:
+ lefsrcdir = targetdir + lef_reflib + 'lefanno'
+ lefsrclibdir = lefsrcdir + '/' + destlib
+ else:
+ lefsrcdir = targetdir + lef_reflib + destlib + '/lefanno'
+ lefsrclibdir = lefsrcdir
+ leffiles = os.listdir(lefsrclibdir)
+ leffiles = list(item for item in leffiles if os.path.splitext(item)[1] == '.lef')
+ # Get list of abstract views to make from LEF macros
+ for leffile in leffiles:
+ with open(leffile, 'r') as ifile:
+ ltext =
+ llines = ltext.splitlines()
+ for lline in llines:
+ ltok = re.split(' |\t|\(', lline)
+ if ltok[0] == 'MACRO':
+ lefmacros.append(ltok[1])
+ # Create exclude list with glob-style matching using fnmatch
+ if len(lefmacros) > 0:
+ lefnames = list(os.path.split(item)[1] for item in lefmacros)
+ notlefnames = []
+ for exclude in lef_exclude:
+ notlefnames.extend(fnmatch.filter(lefnames, exclude))
+ # Apply exclude list
+ if len(notlefnames) > 0:
+ for file in lefmacros[:]:
+ if os.path.split(file)[1] in notlefnames:
+ lefmacros.remove(file)
+ elif have_verilog and os.path.isdir(vlibdir):
+ # Get list of abstract views to make from verilog modules
+ vfiles = os.listdir(vlibdir)
+ vfiles = list(item for item in vfiles if os.path.splitext(item)[1] == '.v')
+ for vfile in vfiles:
+ with open(vlibdir + '/' + vfile, 'r') as ifile:
+ vtext =
+ vlines = vtext.splitlines()
+ for vline in vlines:
+ vtok = re.split(' |\t|\(', vline)
+ try:
+ if vtok[0] == 'module':
+ if vtok[1] not in lefmacros:
+ lefmacros.append(vtok[1])
+ except:
+ pass
+ # Create exclude list with glob-style matching using fnmatch
+ if len(lefmacros) > 0:
+ lefnames = list(os.path.split(item)[1] for item in lefmacros)
+ notlefnames = []
+ for exclude in verilog_exclude:
+ notlefnames.extend(fnmatch.filter(lefnames, exclude))
+ # Apply exclude list
+ if len(notlefnames) > 0:
+ for file in lefmacros[:]:
+ if os.path.split(file)[1] in notlefnames:
+ lefmacros.remove(file)
+ elif have_cdl and os.path.isdir(clibdir):
+ # Get list of abstract views to make from CDL subcircuits
+ cfiles = os.listdir(clibdir)
+ cfiles = list(item for item in cfiles if os.path.splitext(item)[1] == '.cdl')
+ for cfile in cfiles:
+ with open(clibdir + '/' + cfile, 'r') as ifile:
+ ctext =
+ clines = ctext.splitlines()
+ for cline in clines:
+ ctok = cline.split()
+ try:
+ if ctok[0].lower() == '.subckt':
+ if ctok[1] not in lefmacros:
+ lefmacros.append(ctok[1])
+ except:
+ pass
+ # Create exclude list with glob-style matching using fnmatch
+ if len(lefmacros) > 0:
+ lefnames = list(os.path.split(item)[1] for item in lefmacros)
+ notlefnames = []
+ for exclude in cdl_exclude:
+ notlefnames.extend(fnmatch.filter(lefnames, exclude))
+ # Apply exclude list
+ if len(notlefnames) > 0:
+ for file in lefmacros[:]:
+ if os.path.split(file)[1] in notlefnames:
+ lefmacros.remove(file)
+ elif have_spice and os.path.isdir(slibdir):
+ # Get list of abstract views to make from SPICE subcircuits
+ sfiles = os.listdir(slibdir)
+ sfiles = list(item for item in sfiles)
+ for sfile in sfiles:
+ with open(slibdir + '/' + sfile, 'r') as ifile:
+ stext =
+ slines = stext.splitlines()
+ for sline in slines:
+ stok = sline.split()
+ try:
+ if stok[0].lower() == '.subckt':
+ if stok[1] not in lefmacros:
+ lefmacros.append(stok[1])
+ except:
+ pass
+ # Create exclude list with glob-style matching using fnmatch
+ if len(lefmacros) > 0:
+ lefnames = list(os.path.split(item)[1] for item in lefmacros)
+ notlefnames = []
+ for exclude in spice_exclude:
+ notlefnames.extend(fnmatch.filter(lefnames, exclude))
+ # Apply exclude list
+ if len(notlefnames) > 0:
+ for file in lefmacros[:]:
+ if os.path.split(file)[1] in notlefnames:
+ lefmacros.remove(file)
+ if not lefmacros:
+ print('No source for abstract views: Abstract views not made.')
+ elif not have_lef:
+ # This library has a GDS database but no LEF database. Use
+ # magic to create abstract views of the GDS cells. If
+ # option "annotate" is given, then read the LEF file after
+ # loading the database file to annotate the cell with
+ # information from the LEF file. This usually indicates
+ # that the LEF file has some weird definition of obstruction
+ # layers and we want to normalize them by using magic's LEF
+ # write procedure, but we still need the pin use and class
+ # information from the LEF file, and maybe the bounding box.
+ for leffile in leffiles:
+ if have_lefanno:
+ print('lef read ' + lefsrclibdir + '/' + leffile, file=ofile)
+ for lefmacro in lefmacros:
+ print('if {[cellname list exists ' + lefmacro + '] != 0} {', file=ofile)
+ print(' load ' + lefmacro, file=ofile)
+ print(' lef write ' + lefmacro + ' -hide', file=ofile)
+ print('}', file=ofile)
+ print('puts stdout "Done."', file=ofile)
+ print('quit -noprompt', file=ofile)
+ print('Running magic to create magic database files.')
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ # Run magic to read in the GDS file and write out magic databases.
+ with open(destlibdir + '/generate_magic.tcl', 'r') as ifile:
+ mproc =['magic', '-dnull', '-noconsole'],
+ stdin = ifile, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = destlibdir,
+ universal_newlines = True)
+ if mproc.stdout:
+ for line in mproc.stdout.splitlines():
+ print(line)
+ if mproc.stderr:
+ print('Error message output from magic:')
+ for line in mproc.stderr.splitlines():
+ print(line)
+ if mproc.returncode != 0:
+ print('ERROR: Magic exited with status ' + str(mproc.returncode))
+ if not have_lef:
+ print('No LEF file install; need to generate LEF.')
+ # Remove the lefanno/ target and its contents.
+ if have_lefanno:
+ if ef_format:
+ lefannosrcdir = targetdir + lef_reflib + 'lefanno'
+ else:
+ lefannosrcdir = targetdir + lef_reflib + destlib + '/lefanno'
+ if os.path.isdir(lefannosrcdir):
+ shutil.rmtree(lefannosrcdir)
+ if ef_format:
+ destlefdir = targetdir + lef_reflib + 'lef'
+ destleflibdir = destlefdir + '/' + destlib
+ else:
+ destlefdir = targetdir + lef_reflib + destlib + '/lef'
+ destleflibdir = destlefdir
+ os.makedirs(destleflibdir, exist_ok=True)
+ leflist = os.listdir(destlibdir)
+ leflist = list(item for item in leflist if os.path.splitext(item)[1] == '.lef')
+ # All macros will go into one file
+ destleflib = destleflibdir + '/' + destlib + '.lef'
+ # Remove any existing library file from the target directory
+ if os.path.isfile(destleflib):
+ print('Removing existing library ' + destleflib)
+ os.remove(destleflib)
+ first = True
+ with open(destleflib, 'w') as ofile:
+ for leffile in leflist:
+ # Remove any existing single file from the target directory
+ if os.path.isfile(destleflibdir + '/' + leffile):
+ print('Removing ' + destleflibdir + '/' + leffile)
+ os.remove(destleflibdir + '/' + leffile)
+ # Append contents
+ sourcelef = destlibdir + '/' + leffile
+ with open(sourcelef, 'r') as ifile:
+ leflines =
+ if not first:
+ # Remove header from all but the first file
+ leflines = leflines[8:]
+ else:
+ first = False
+ for line in leflines:
+ print(line, file=ofile)
+ # Remove file from the source directory
+ print('Removing source file ' + sourcelef)
+ os.remove(sourcelef)
+ # Set have_lef now that LEF files were made, so they
+ # can be used to generate the maglef/ databases.
+ have_lef = True
+ elif not have_mag_8_2:
+ print('The installer is not able to run magic.')
+ else:
+ print("Master PDK magic startup file not found. Did you install")
+ print("PDK tech files before PDK vendor files?")
+ if have_lef and not no_lef_convert:
+ print("Migrating LEF files to layout.")
+ if ef_format:
+ destdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/' + 'maglef'
+ srcdir = targetdir + lef_reflib + 'lef'
+ magdir = targetdir + gds_reflib + 'mag'
+ cdldir = targetdir + cdl_reflib + 'cdl'
+ os.makedirs(destdir, exist_ok=True)
+ # For each library, create the library subdirectory
+ for library in libraries:
+ if len(library) == 3:
+ destlib = library[2]
+ else:
+ destlib = library[1]
+ if ef_format:
+ destlibdir = destdir + '/' + destlib
+ srclibdir = srcdir + '/' + destlib
+ maglibdir = magdir + '/' + destlib
+ cdllibdir = cdldir + '/' + destlib
+ else:
+ destdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/' + destlib + '/maglef'
+ srcdir = targetdir + lef_reflib + destlib + '/lef'
+ magdir = targetdir + gds_reflib + destlib + '/mag'
+ cdldir = targetdir + cdl_reflib + destlib + '/cdl'
+ destlibdir = destdir
+ srclibdir = srcdir
+ maglibdir = magdir
+ cdllibdir = cdldir
+ os.makedirs(destlibdir, exist_ok=True)
+ # Link to the PDK magic startup file from the target directory
+ startup_script = targetdir + mag_current + pdkname + '-F.magicrc'
+ if not os.path.isfile(startup_script):
+ startup_script = targetdir + mag_current + pdkname + '.magicrc'
+ if have_mag_8_2 and os.path.isfile(startup_script):
+ # If the symbolic link exists, remove it.
+ if os.path.isfile(destlibdir + '/.magicrc'):
+ os.remove(destlibdir + '/.magicrc')
+ os.symlink(startup_script, destlibdir + '/.magicrc')
+ # Find LEF file names in the source
+ leffiles = os.listdir(srclibdir)
+ leffiles = list(item for item in leffiles if os.path.splitext(item)[1].lower() == '.lef')
+ # Get list of abstract views to make from LEF macros
+ lefmacros = []
+ err_no_macros = False
+ for leffile in leffiles:
+ with open(srclibdir + '/' + leffile, 'r') as ifile:
+ ltext =
+ llines = ltext.splitlines()
+ for lline in llines:
+ ltok = re.split(' |\t|\(', lline)
+ if ltok[0] == 'MACRO':
+ lefmacros.append(ltok[1])
+ # Create exclude list with glob-style matching using fnmatch
+ if len(lefmacros) > 0:
+ lefnames = list(os.path.split(item)[1] for item in lefmacros)
+ notlefnames = []
+ for exclude in lef_exclude:
+ notlefnames.extend(fnmatch.filter(lefnames, exclude))
+ # Apply exclude list
+ if len(notlefnames) > 0:
+ for file in lefmacros[:]:
+ if os.path.split(file)[1] in notlefnames:
+ lefmacros.remove(file)
+ if len(leffiles) == 0:
+ print('Warning: No LEF files found in ' + srclibdir)
+ continue
+ print('Generating conversion script to create magic databases from LEF')
+ # Generate a script called "generate_magic.tcl" and leave it in
+ # the target directory. Use it as input to magic to create the
+ # .mag files from the database.
+ with open(destlibdir + '/generate_magic.tcl', 'w') as ofile:
+ print('#!/usr/bin/env wish', file=ofile)
+ print('#--------------------------------------------', file=ofile)
+ print('# Script to generate .mag files from .lef ', file=ofile)
+ print('#--------------------------------------------', file=ofile)
+ print('tech unlock *', file=ofile)
+ # If there are devices in the LEF file that come from the
+ # PDK library, then copy this list into the script.
+ if pdklibrary:
+ shortdevlist = []
+ for macro in lefmacros:
+ if macro in devlist:
+ shortdevlist.append(macro)
+ tcldevlist = '{' + ' '.join(shortdevlist) + '}'
+ print('set devlist ' + tcldevlist, file=ofile)
+ for leffile in leffiles:
+ print('lef read ' + srclibdir + '/' + leffile, file=ofile)
+ for lefmacro in lefmacros:
+ # To be completed: Parse SPICE file for port order, make
+ # sure ports are present and ordered.
+ if pdklibrary and lefmacro in shortdevlist:
+ print('set cellname ' + lefmacro, file=ofile)
+ print('if {[lsearch $devlist $cellname] >= 0} {',
+ file=ofile)
+ print(' load $cellname', file=ofile)
+ print(' property gencell $cellname', file=ofile)
+ print(' property parameter m=1', file=ofile)
+ print(' property library ' + pdklibrary, file=ofile)
+ print('}', file=ofile)
+ # Load one of the LEF files so that the default (UNNAMED) cell
+ # is not loaded, then delete (UNNAMED) so it doesn't generate
+ # an error message.
+ if len(lefmacros) > 0:
+ print('load ' + lefmacros[0], file=ofile)
+ print('cellname delete \(UNNAMED\)', file=ofile)
+ else:
+ err_no_macros = True
+ print('writeall force', file=ofile)
+ print('puts stdout "Done."', file=ofile)
+ print('quit -noprompt', file=ofile)
+ if err_no_macros == True:
+ print('Warning: No LEF macros were defined.')
+ print('Running magic to create magic databases from LEF')
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ # Run magic to read in the LEF file and write out magic databases.
+ with open(destlibdir + '/generate_magic.tcl', 'r') as ifile:
+ mproc =['magic', '-dnull', '-noconsole'],
+ stdin = ifile, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = destlibdir,
+ universal_newlines = True)
+ if mproc.stdout:
+ for line in mproc.stdout.splitlines():
+ print(line)
+ if mproc.stderr:
+ print('Error message output from magic:')
+ for line in mproc.stderr.splitlines():
+ print(line)
+ if mproc.returncode != 0:
+ print('ERROR: Magic exited with status ' + str(mproc.returncode))
+ # Now list all the .mag files generated, and for each, read the
+ # corresponding file from the mag/ directory, pull the GDS file
+ # properties, and add those properties to the maglef view. Also
+ # read the CDL (or SPICE) netlist, read the ports, and rewrite
+ # the port order in the mag and maglef file accordingly.
+ # Diagnostic
+ print('Annotating files in ' + destlibdir)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ magfiles = os.listdir(destlibdir)
+ magfiles = list(item for item in magfiles if os.path.splitext(item)[1] == '.mag')
+ for magroot in magfiles:
+ magname = os.path.splitext(magroot)[0]
+ magfile = maglibdir + '/' + magroot
+ magleffile = destlibdir + '/' + magroot
+ prop_lines = get_gds_properties(magfile)
+ # Make sure properties include the Tcl generated cell
+ # information from the PDK script
+ prop_gencell = []
+ if pdklibrary:
+ if magname in fixedlist:
+ prop_gencell.append('gencell ' + magname)
+ prop_gencell.append('library ' + pdklibrary)
+ prop_gencell.append('parameter m=1')
+ nprops = len(prop_lines) + len(prop_gencell)
+ cdlfile = cdllibdir + '/' + magname + '.cdl'
+ if os.path.exists(cdlfile):
+ cdlfiles = [cdlfile]
+ else:
+ # Assume there is at least one file with all cell subcircuits
+ # in it.
+ try:
+ cdlfiles = glob.glob(cdllibdir + '/*.cdl')
+ except:
+ pass
+ if len(cdlfiles) > 0:
+ for cdlfile in cdlfiles:
+ port_dict = get_subckt_ports(cdlfile, magname)
+ if port_dict != {}:
+ break
+ else:
+ port_dict = {}
+ if port_dict == {}:
+ print('No CDL file contains ' + destlib + ' device ' + magname)
+ cdlfile = None
+ # To be done: If destlib is 'primitive', then look in
+ # SPICE models for port order.
+ if destlib == 'primitive':
+ print('Fix me: Need to look in SPICE models!')
+ proprex = re.compile('<< properties >>')
+ endrex = re.compile('<< end >>')
+ rlabrex = re.compile('rlabel[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+([^ \t]+)')
+ flabrex = re.compile('flabel[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+([^ \t]+)')
+ portrex = re.compile('port[ \t]+([^ \t]+)[ \t]+(.*)')
+ gcellrex = re.compile('string gencell')
+ portnum = -1
+ with open(magleffile, 'r') as ifile:
+ magtext =
+ with open(magleffile, 'w') as ofile:
+ has_props = False
+ is_gencell = False
+ for line in magtext:
+ tmatch = portrex.match(line)
+ if tmatch:
+ if portnum >= 0:
+ line = 'port ' + str(portnum) + ' ' +
+ else:
+ line = 'port ' + + ' ' +
+ ematch = endrex.match(line)
+ if ematch and nprops > 0:
+ if not has_props:
+ print('<< properties >>', file=ofile)
+ if not is_gencell:
+ for prop in prop_gencell:
+ print('string ' + prop, file=ofile)
+ for prop in prop_lines:
+ print('string ' + prop, file=ofile)
+ print(line, file=ofile)
+ pmatch = proprex.match(line)
+ if pmatch:
+ has_props = True
+ gmatch = gcellrex.match(line)
+ if gmatch:
+ is_gencell = True
+ lmatch = flabrex.match(line)
+ if not lmatch:
+ lmatch = rlabrex.match(line)
+ if lmatch:
+ labname =
+ try:
+ portnum = port_dict[labname]
+ except:
+ portnum = -1
+ if os.path.exists(magfile):
+ with open(magfile, 'r') as ifile:
+ magtext =
+ with open(magfile, 'w') as ofile:
+ for line in magtext:
+ tmatch = portrex.match(line)
+ if tmatch:
+ if portnum >= 0:
+ line = 'port ' + str(portnum) + ' ' +
+ else:
+ line = 'port ' + + ' ' +
+ ematch = endrex.match(line)
+ print(line, file=ofile)
+ lmatch = flabrex.match(line)
+ if not lmatch:
+ lmatch = rlabrex.match(line)
+ if lmatch:
+ labname =
+ try:
+ portnum = port_dict[labname]
+ except:
+ portnum = -1
+ elif os.path.splitext(magfile)[1] == '.mag':
+ # NOTE: Possibly this means the GDS cell has a different name.
+ print('Error: No file ' + magfile + '. Why is it in maglef???')
+ elif not have_mag_8_2:
+ print('The installer is not able to run magic.')
+ else:
+ print("Master PDK magic startup file not found. Did you install")
+ print("PDK tech files before PDK vendor files?")
+ # If SPICE or CDL databases were specified, then convert them to
+ # a form that can be used by ngspice, using the script
+ if have_spice:
+ if ef_format:
+ if not os.path.isdir(targetdir + cdl_reflib + 'spi'):
+ os.makedirs(targetdir + cdl_reflib + 'spi', exist_ok=True)
+ elif have_cdl and not no_cdl_convert:
+ if ef_format:
+ if not os.path.isdir(targetdir + cdl_reflib + 'spi'):
+ os.makedirs(targetdir + cdl_reflib + 'spi', exist_ok=True)
+ print("Migrating CDL netlists to SPICE.")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ if ef_format:
+ destdir = targetdir + cdl_reflib + 'spi'
+ srcdir = targetdir + cdl_reflib + 'cdl'
+ os.makedirs(destdir, exist_ok=True)
+ # For each library, create the library subdirectory
+ for library in libraries:
+ if len(library) == 3:
+ destlib = library[2]
+ else:
+ destlib = library[1]
+ if ef_format:
+ destlibdir = destdir + '/' + destlib
+ srclibdir = srcdir + '/' + destlib
+ else:
+ destdir = targetdir + cdl_reflib + destlib + '/spice'
+ srcdir = targetdir + cdl_reflib + destlib + '/cdl'
+ destlibdir = destdir
+ srclibdir = srcdir
+ os.makedirs(destlibdir, exist_ok=True)
+ # Find CDL file names in the source
+ # If CDL is marked compile-only then ONLY convert <distdir>.cdl
+ if cdl_compile_only:
+ alllibname = destlibdir + '/' + destlib + '.cdl'
+ if not os.path.exists(alllibname):
+ cdl_compile_only = False
+ else:
+ cdlfiles = [alllibname]
+ if not cdl_compile_only:
+ cdlfiles = os.listdir(srclibdir)
+ cdlfiles = list(item for item in cdlfiles if os.path.splitext(item)[1].lower() == '.cdl')
+ # The directory with scripts should be in ../common with respect
+ # to the Makefile that determines the cwd.
+ scriptdir = os.path.split(os.getcwd())[0] + '/common'
+ # Run script to read in the CDL file and write out SPICE
+ for cdlfile in cdlfiles:
+ if ef_format:
+ spiname = os.path.splitext(cdlfile)[0] + '.spi'
+ else:
+ spiname = os.path.splitext(cdlfile)[0] + '.spice'
+ procopts = [scriptdir + '/', srclibdir + '/' + cdlfile, destlibdir + '/' + spiname]
+ if do_cdl_scaleu:
+ procopts.append('-dscale=u')
+ for item in ignorelist:
+ procopts.append('-ignore=' + item)
+ print('Running (in ' + destlibdir + '): ' + ' '.join(procopts))
+ pproc =,
+ stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = destlibdir,
+ universal_newlines = True)
+ if pproc.stdout:
+ for line in pproc.stdout.splitlines():
+ print(line)
+ if pproc.stderr:
+ print('Error message output from')
+ for line in pproc.stderr.splitlines():
+ print(line)
+ elif have_gds and not no_gds_convert:
+ # If neither SPICE nor CDL formats is available in the source, then
+ # read GDS; if the result has no ports, then read the corresponding
+ # LEF library to get port information. Then write out a SPICE netlist
+ # for the whole library. NOTE: If there is no CDL or SPICE source,
+ # then the port numbering is arbitrary, and becomes whatever the
+ # output of this script makes it.
+ if ef_format:
+ destdir = targetdir + cdl_reflib + 'spi'
+ srcdir = targetdir + gds_reflib + 'gds'
+ lefdir = targetdir + lef_reflib + 'lef'
+ os.makedirs(destdir, exist_ok=True)
+ # For each library, create the library subdirectory
+ for library in libraries:
+ if len(library) == 3:
+ destlib = library[2]
+ else:
+ destlib = library[1]
+ if ef_format:
+ destlibdir = destdir + '/' + destlib
+ srclibdir = srcdir + '/' + destlib
+ leflibdir = lefdir + '/' + destlib
+ else:
+ destdir = targetdir + cdl_reflib + destlib + '/spice'
+ srcdir = targetdir + gds_reflib + destlib + '/gds'
+ lefdir = targetdir + lef_reflib + destlib + '/lef'
+ destlibdir = destdir
+ srclibdir = srcdir
+ leflibdir = lefdir
+ os.makedirs(destlibdir, exist_ok=True)
+ # Link to the PDK magic startup file from the target directory
+ startup_script = targetdir + mag_current + pdkname + '-F.magicrc'
+ if not os.path.isfile(startup_script):
+ startup_script = targetdir + mag_current + pdkname + '.magicrc'
+ if os.path.isfile(startup_script):
+ # If the symbolic link exists, remove it.
+ if os.path.isfile(destlibdir + '/.magicrc'):
+ os.remove(destlibdir + '/.magicrc')
+ os.symlink(startup_script, destlibdir + '/.magicrc')
+ # Get the consolidated GDS library file, or a list of all GDS files
+ # if there is no single consolidated library
+ allgdslibname = srclibdir + '/' + destlib + '.gds'
+ if not os.path.isfile(allgdslibname):
+ glist = glob.glob(srclibdir + '/*.gds')
+ glist.extend(glob.glob(srclibdir + '/*.gdsii'))
+ glist.extend(glob.glob(srclibdir + '/*.gds2'))
+ allleflibname = leflibdir + '/' + destlib + '.lef'
+ if not os.path.isfile(allleflibname):
+ llist = glob.glob(leflibdir + '/*.lef')
+ print('Creating magic generation script to generate SPICE library.')
+ with open(destlibdir + '/generate_magic.tcl', 'w') as ofile:
+ print('#!/usr/bin/env wish', file=ofile)
+ print('#---------------------------------------------', file=ofile)
+ print('# Script to generate SPICE library from GDS ', file=ofile)
+ print('#---------------------------------------------', file=ofile)
+ print('drc off', file=ofile)
+ print('gds readonly true', file=ofile)
+ print('gds flatten true', file=ofile)
+ print('gds rescale false', file=ofile)
+ print('tech unlock *', file=ofile)
+ if not os.path.isfile(allgdslibname):
+ for gdsfile in glist:
+ print('gds read ' + gdsfile, file=ofile)
+ else:
+ print('gds read ' + allgdslibname, file=ofile)
+ if not os.path.isfile(allleflibname):
+ # Annotate the cells with information from the LEF files
+ for leffile in llist:
+ print('lef read ' + leffile, file=ofile)
+ else:
+ print('lef read ' + allleflibname, file=ofile)
+ # Load first file and remove the (UNNAMED) cell
+ if not os.path.isfile(allgdslibname):
+ print('load ' + os.path.splitext(glist[0])[0], file=ofile)
+ else:
+ gdslibroot = os.path.split(allgdslibname)[1]
+ print('load ' + os.path.splitext(gdslibroot)[0], file=ofile)
+ print('cellname delete \(UNNAMED\)', file=ofile)
+ print('ext2spice lvs', file=ofile)
+ # NOTE: Leaving "subcircuit top" as "auto" (default) can cause
+ # cells like decap that have no I/O to be output without a subcircuit
+ # wrapper. Also note that if this happens, it is an indication that
+ # power supplies have not been labeled as ports, which is harder to
+ # handle and should be fixed in the source.
+ print('ext2spice subcircuit top on', file=ofile)
+ print('ext2spice cthresh 0.1', file=ofile)
+ if os.path.isfile(allgdslibname):
+ print('select top cell', file=ofile)
+ print('set glist [cellname list children]', file=ofile)
+ print('foreach cell $glist {', file=ofile)
+ else:
+ print('foreach cell [cellname list top] {', file=ofile)
+ print(' load $cell', file=ofile)
+ print(' puts stdout "Extracting cell $cell"', file=ofile)
+ print(' extract all', file=ofile)
+ print(' ext2spice', file=ofile)
+ print('}', file=ofile)
+ print('puts stdout "Done."', file=ofile)
+ print('quit -noprompt', file=ofile)
+ # Run magic to read in the individual GDS files and
+ # write out the consolidated GDS library
+ print('Running magic to create GDS library.')
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ mproc =['magic', '-dnull', '-noconsole',
+ destlibdir + '/generate_magic.tcl'],
+ stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = destlibdir,
+ universal_newlines = True)
+ if mproc.stdout:
+ for line in mproc.stdout.splitlines():
+ print(line)
+ if mproc.stderr:
+ print('Error message output from magic:')
+ for line in mproc.stderr.splitlines():
+ print(line)
+ if mproc.returncode != 0:
+ print('ERROR: Magic exited with status ' + str(mproc.returncode))
+ # Remove intermediate extraction files
+ extfiles = glob.glob(destlibdir + '/*.ext')
+ for extfile in extfiles:
+ os.remove(extfile)
+ # If the GDS file was a consolidated file of all cells, then
+ # create a similar SPICE library of all cells.
+ if os.path.isfile(allgdslibname):
+ spiext = '.spice' if not ef_format else '.spi'
+ create_spice_library(destlibdir, destlib, spiext, do_compile_only, do_stub, excludelist)
+ sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1ee5687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# For the given install path, library name, and cellname,
+# find the Magic layout of the cell, and add the specified property string.
+# If the property exists and is the same as specified, then it remains the
+# same. If the property exists but has a different value, it is replaced.
+# The property is added to the layout in both the mag/ (full) and maglef/
+# (abstract) directories. Option "-maglef" or "-mag" will restrict the
+# use to only the view indicated by the option.
+# e.g.:
+# /home/tim/projects/efabless/tech/SkyWater/EFS8A \
+# s8iom0 s8iom0s8_top_gpio "FIXED_BBOX 0 607 15000 40200"
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+def addprop(filename, propstring, noupdate):
+ with open(filename, 'r') as ifile:
+ magtext =
+ propname = propstring.split()[0]
+ proprex = re.compile('<< properties >>')
+ endrex = re.compile('<< end >>')
+ in_props = False
+ printed = False
+ done = False
+ with open(filename, 'w') as ofile:
+ for line in magtext:
+ pmatch = proprex.match(line)
+ if pmatch:
+ in_props = True
+ elif in_props:
+ linetok = line.split()
+ if linetok[0] == 'string':
+ testname = linetok[1]
+ testval = linetok[2]
+ if testname == propname:
+ if noupdate == False:
+ print('string ' + propstring, file=ofile)
+ printed = True
+ done = True
+ ematch = endrex.match(line)
+ if ematch:
+ if in_props == False:
+ print('<< properties >>', file=ofile)
+ if done == False:
+ print('string ' + propstring, file=ofile)
+ if not printed:
+ print(line, file=ofile)
+ printed = False
+def usage():
+ print(" <path_to_pdk> <libname> <cellname> <prop_string> [option]")
+ print(" options:")
+ print(" -mag do only for the view in the mag/ directory")
+ print(" -maglef do only for the view in the maglef/ directory")
+ print(" -noupdate do not replace the property if it already exists in the file")
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ options = []
+ arguments = []
+ for item in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if item.find('-', 0) == 0:
+ options.append(item)
+ else:
+ arguments.append(item)
+ if len(arguments) < 4:
+ print("Not enough options given to")
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ source = arguments[0]
+ libname = arguments[1]
+ cellname = arguments[2]
+ propstring = arguments[3]
+ noupdate = True if '-noupdate' in options else False
+ fail = 0
+ efformat = True if '-ef_format' in options else False
+ domag = True
+ domaglef = True
+ if '-mag' in options and '-maglef' not in options:
+ domaglef = False
+ if '-maglef' in options and '-mag' not in options:
+ domag = False
+ if domag:
+ if efformat:
+ filename = source + '/libs.ref/mag/' + libname + '/' + cellname + '.mag'
+ else:
+ filename = source + '/libs.ref/' + libname + '/mag/' + cellname + '.mag'
+ if os.path.isfile(filename):
+ addprop(filename, propstring, noupdate)
+ else:
+ fail += 1
+ else:
+ fail += 1
+ if domaglef:
+ if efformat:
+ filename = source + '/libs.ref/maglef/' + libname + '/' + cellname + '.mag'
+ else:
+ filename = source + '/libs.ref/' + libname + '/maglef/' + cellname + '.mag'
+ if os.path.isfile(filename):
+ addprop(filename, propstring, noupdate)
+ else:
+ fail += 1
+ else:
+ fail += 1
+ if fail == 2:
+ print('Error: No layout file in either mag/ or maglef/', file=sys.stderr)
+ if efformat:
+ print('(' + source + '/libs.ref/mag[lef]/' + libname +
+ '/' + cellname + '.mag)', file=sys.stderr)
+ else:
+ print('(' + source + '/libs.ref/' + libname + '/mag[lef]/'
+ + cellname + '.mag)', file=sys.stderr)
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a5334d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Read a CDL or SPICE netlist and remove all contents from subcircuits,
+# leaving only the .SUBCKT ... .ENDS wrapper. Used as a filter, so it
+# replaces the original file with the modified one. If the original
+# file is a symbolic link, then it is first unlinked and replaced with
+# the new contents.
+# Use:
+# <path_to_netlist_file>
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import stat
+import textwrap
+def makeuserwritable(filepath):
+ if os.path.exists(filepath):
+ st = os.stat(filepath)
+ os.chmod(filepath, st.st_mode | stat.S_IWUSR)
+def generate_stubs(netlist_path, output_path):
+ netlist_dir = os.path.split(netlist_path)[0]
+ netlist_filename = os.path.split(netlist_path)[1]
+ netlist_root = os.path.splitext(netlist_filename)[0]
+ netlist_ext = os.path.splitext(netlist_filename)[1]
+ if not os.path.exists(netlist_path):
+ print('Error: Specified file "' + netlist_path + '" does not exist!')
+ return
+ if output_path == None:
+ output_path = netlist_path
+ with open(netlist_path, 'r') as ifile:
+ spicetext =
+ # Remove blank lines and comment lines
+ spicelines = []
+ for line in spicetext:
+ if len(line) > 0:
+ if line[0] != '*':
+ spicelines.append(line)
+ # Remove line extensions
+ spicetext = '\n'.join(spicelines)
+ spicelines = spicetext.replace('\n+', ' ').splitlines()
+ # SPICE subcircuit definition:
+ subcrex = re.compile(r'[ \t]*\.subckt[ \t]+([^ \t]+)[ \t]+(.*)$', re.IGNORECASE)
+ endsrex = re.compile(r'[ \t]*\.ends[ \t]*', re.IGNORECASE)
+ spiceoutlines = []
+ insub = False
+ for line in spicelines:
+ if insub:
+ ematch = endsrex.match(line)
+ if ematch:
+ insub = False
+ spiceoutlines.append(line)
+ else:
+ smatch = subcrex.match(line)
+ if smatch:
+ insub = True
+ spiceoutlines.append('')
+ spiceoutlines.append('*----------------------------------------------')
+ spiceoutlines.append('* SPICE stub entry for ' + + '.')
+ spiceoutlines.append('*----------------------------------------------')
+ spiceoutlines.append('')
+ spiceoutlines.append(line)
+ if output_path == netlist_path:
+ if os.path.islink(netlist_path):
+ os.unlink(netlist_path)
+ # Re-wrap continuation lines at 100 characters
+ wrappedlines = []
+ for line in spiceoutlines:
+ wrappedlines.append('\n+ '.join(textwrap.wrap(line, 100)))
+ # Just in case the file in the source repo is not user-writable
+ if os.path.exists(output_path):
+ makeuserwritable(output_path)
+ with open(output_path, 'w') as ofile:
+ for line in wrappedlines:
+ print(line, file=ofile)
+# If called as main, run generate_stubs
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Divide up command line into options and arguments
+ options = []
+ arguments = []
+ for item in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if item.find('-', 0) == 0:
+ options.append(item)
+ else:
+ arguments.append(item)
+ # Need one argument: path to CDL or SPICE netlist
+ # If two arguments, then 2nd argument is the output file.
+ if len(arguments) == 2:
+ netlist_path = arguments[0]
+ output_path = arguments[1]
+ generate_stubs(netlist_path, output_path)
+ elif len(arguments) != 1:
+ print("Usage: <file_path> [<output_path>]")
+ elif len(arguments) == 1:
+ netlist_path = arguments[0]
+ generate_stubs(netlist_path, None)
diff --git a/common/orig/ b/common/orig/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..96caf14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/orig/
@@ -0,0 +1,1175 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# This file generates the local directory structure and populates the
+# directories with foundry vendor data.
+# Options:
+# -link_from <type> Make symbolic links to vendor files from target
+# Types are: "none", "source", or a PDK name.
+# Default "none" (copy all files from source)
+# -ef_names Use efabless naming (libs.ref/techLEF),
+# otherwise use generic naming (
+# -source <path> Path to source data top level directory
+# -target <path> Path to target top level directory
+# All other options represent paths to vendor files. They may all be
+# wildcarded with "*" to represent, e.g., version number directories,
+# or names of supported libraries. Where wildcards exist, if there is
+# more than one directory in the path, the value represented by "*"
+# will first be checked against library names. If no library name is
+# found, then the wildcard value will be assumed to be numeric and
+# separated by either "." or "_" to represent major/minor/sub/...
+# revision numbers (alphanumeric).
+# Note only one of "-spice" or "-cdl" need be specified. Since the
+# open source tools use ngspice, CDL files are converted to ngspice
+# syntax when needed.
+# -techlef <path> Path to technology LEF file
+# -doc <path> Path to technology documentation
+# -lef <path> Path to LEF file
+# -lefanno <path> Path to LEF file (for annotation only)
+# -spice <path> Path to SPICE netlists
+# -cdl <path> Path to CDL netlists
+# -models <path> Path to SPICE (primitive device) models
+# -liberty <path> Path to Liberty timing files
+# -gds <path> Path to GDS data
+# -verilog <path> Path to verilog models
+# -library <type> <name> [<target>] See below
+# For the "-library" option, any number of libraries may be supported, and
+# one "-library" option should be provided for each supported library.
+# <type> is one of: "digital", "primitive", or "general". Analog and I/O
+# libraries fall under the category "general", as they are all treated the
+# same way. <name> is the vendor name of the library. [<target>] is the
+# (optional) local name of the library. If omitted, then the vendor name
+# is used for the target (there is no particular reason to specify a
+# different local name for a library).
+# All options "-lef", "-spice", etc., can take the additional arguments
+# up <number>
+# to indicate that the source hierarchy should be copied from <number>
+# levels above the files. For example, if liberty files are kept in
+# multiple directories according to voltage level, then
+# -liberty x/y/z/PVT_*/*.lib
+# would install all .lib files directly into libs.ref/lef/<libname>/*.lib
+# while
+# -liberty x/y/z/PVT_*/*.lib up 1
+# would install all .lib files into libs.ref/lef/PVT_*/<libname>/*.lib
+# Other library-specific arguments are:
+# nospec : Remove timing specification before installing
+# (used with verilog files; needs to be extended to
+# liberty files)
+# compile : Create a single library from all components. Used
+# when a foundry library has inconveniently split
+# an IP library (LEF, CDL, verilog, etc.) into
+# individual files.
+# NOTE: This script can be called once for all libraries if all file
+# types (gds, cdl, lef, etc.) happen to all work with the same wildcards.
+# However, it is more likely that it will be called several times for the
+# same PDK, once to install I/O cells, once to install digital, and so
+# forth, as made possible by the wild-carding.
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+import glob
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+def usage():
+ print(" [options...]")
+ print(" -link_from <name> Make symbolic links from target to <name>")
+ print(" where <name> can be 'source' or a PDK name.")
+ print(" Default behavior is to copy all files.")
+ print(" -copy Copy files from source to target (default)")
+ print(" -ef_names Use efabless naming conventions for local directories")
+ print("")
+ print(" -source <path> Path to top of source directory tree")
+ print(" -target <path> Path to top of target directory tree")
+ print("")
+ print(" -techlef <path> Path to technology LEF file")
+ print(" -doc <path> Path to technology documentation")
+ print(" -lef <path> Path to LEF file")
+ print(" -lefanno <path> Path to LEF file (for annotation only)")
+ print(" -spice <path> Path to SPICE netlists")
+ print(" -cdl <path> Path to CDL netlists")
+ print(" -models <path> Path to SPICE (primitive device) models")
+ print(" -lib <path> Path to Liberty timing files")
+ print(" -liberty <path> Path to Liberty timing files")
+ print(" -gds <path> Path to GDS data")
+ print(" -verilog <path> Path to verilog models")
+ print(" -library <type> <name> [<target>] See below")
+ print("")
+ print(" All <path> names may be wild-carded with '*' ('glob'-style wild-cards)")
+ print("")
+ print(" All options with <path> other than source and target may take the additional")
+ print(" arguments 'up <number>', where <number> indicates the number of levels of")
+ print(" hierarchy of the source path to include when copying to the target.")
+ print("")
+ print(" Library <type> may be one of:")
+ print(" digital Digital standard cell library")
+ print(" primitive Primitive device library")
+ print(" general All other library types (I/O, analog, etc.)")
+ print("")
+ print(" If <target> is unspecified then <name> is used for the target.")
+def get_gds_properties(magfile):
+ proprex = re.compile('^[ \t]*string[ \t]+(GDS_[^ \t]+)[ \t]+([^ \t]+)$')
+ proplines = []
+ if os.path.isfile(magfile):
+ with open(magfile, 'r') as ifile:
+ magtext =
+ for line in magtext:
+ lmatch = proprex.match(line)
+ if lmatch:
+ propline = + ' ' +
+ proplines.append(propline)
+ return proplines
+# Read subcircuit ports from a CDL file, given a subcircuit name that should
+# appear in the file as a subcircuit entry, and return a dictionary of ports
+# and their indexes in the subcircuit line.
+def get_subckt_ports(cdlfile, subname):
+ portdict = {}
+ pidx = 1
+ portrex = re.compile('^\.subckt[ \t]+([^ \t]+)[ \t]+(.*)$', re.IGNORECASE)
+ with open(cdlfile, 'r') as ifile:
+ cdltext =
+ cdllines = cdltext.replace('\n+', ' ').splitlines()
+ for line in cdllines:
+ lmatch = portrex.match(line)
+ if lmatch:
+ if == subname.lower():
+ ports =
+ for port in ports:
+ portdict[port.lower()] = pidx
+ pidx += 1
+ break
+ return portdict
+# Filter a verilog file to remove any backslash continuation lines, which
+# iverilog does not parse. If targetroot is a directory, then find and
+# process all files in the path of targetroot. If any file to be processed
+# is unmodified (has no backslash continuation lines), then ignore it. If
+# any file is a symbolic link and gets modified, then remove the symbolic
+# link before overwriting with the modified file.
+# If 'do_remove_spec' is True, then remove timing information from the file,
+# which is everything between the keywords "specify" and "endspecify".
+def vfilefilter(vfile, do_remove_spec):
+ modified = False
+ with open(vfile, 'r') as ifile:
+ vtext =
+ # Remove backslash-followed-by-newline and absorb initial whitespace. It
+ # is unclear what initial whitespace means in this context, as the use-
+ # case that has been seen seems to work under the assumption that leading
+ # whitespace is ignored up to the amount used by the last indentation.
+ vlines = re.sub('\\\\\n[ \t]*', '', vtext)
+ if do_remove_spec:
+ specrex = re.compile('\n[ \t]*specify[ \t\n]+')
+ endspecrex = re.compile('\n[ \t]*endspecify')
+ smatch =
+ while smatch:
+ specstart = smatch.start()
+ specpos = smatch.end()
+ ematch =[specpos:])
+ specend = ematch.end()
+ vtemp = vlines[0:specstart + 1] + vlines[specpos + specend + 1:]
+ vlines = vtemp
+ smatch =
+ if vlines != vtext:
+ # File contents have been modified, so if this file was a symbolic
+ # link, then remove it. Otherwise, overwrite the file with the
+ # modified contents.
+ if os.path.islink(vfile):
+ os.unlink(vfile)
+ with open(vfile, 'w') as ofile:
+ ofile.write(vlines)
+# Run a filter on verilog files that cleans up known syntax issues.
+# This is embedded in the foundry_install script and is not a custom
+# filter largely because the issues are in the tool, not the PDK.
+def vfilter(targetroot, do_remove_spec):
+ if os.path.isfile(targetroot):
+ vfilefilter(targetroot, do_remove_spec)
+ else:
+ vlist = glob.glob(targetroot + '/*')
+ for vfile in vlist:
+ if os.path.isfile(vfile):
+ vfilefilter(vfile, do_remove_spec)
+# For issues that are PDK-specific, a script can be written and put in
+# the PDK's custom/scripts/ directory, and passed to the foundry_install
+# script using the "filter" option.
+def tfilter(targetroot, filterscript):
+ if os.path.isfile(targetroot):
+ print(' Filtering file ' + targetroot)
+[filterscript, targetroot, targetroot],
+ stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines = True)
+ else:
+ tlist = glob.glob(targetroot + '/*')
+ for tfile in tlist:
+ if os.path.isfile(tfile):
+ print(' Filtering file ' + tfile)
+[filterscript, tfile, tfile],
+ stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines = True)
+# This is the main entry point for the foundry install script.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+ print("No options given to")
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ optionlist = []
+ newopt = []
+ sourcedir = None
+ targetdir = None
+ link_from = None
+ ef_names = False
+ have_lef = False
+ have_lefanno = False
+ have_gds = False
+ have_spice = False
+ have_cdl = False
+ ignorelist = []
+ do_install = True
+ # Break arguments into groups where the first word begins with "-".
+ # All following words not beginning with "-" are appended to the
+ # same list (optionlist). Then each optionlist is processed.
+ # Note that the first entry in optionlist has the '-' removed.
+ for option in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if option.find('-', 0) == 0:
+ if newopt != []:
+ optionlist.append(newopt)
+ newopt = []
+ newopt.append(option[1:])
+ else:
+ newopt.append(option)
+ if newopt != []:
+ optionlist.append(newopt)
+ # Pull library names from optionlist
+ libraries = []
+ for option in optionlist[:]:
+ if option[0] == 'library':
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ libraries.append(option[1:])
+ # Check for option "ef_names" or "std_names"
+ for option in optionlist[:]:
+ if option[0] == 'ef_naming' or option[0] == 'ef_names':
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ ef_names = True
+ elif option[0] == 'std_naming' or option[0] == 'std_names':
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ ef_names = False
+ elif option[0] == 'uninstall':
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ do_install = False
+ # Check for options "link_from", "source", and "target"
+ link_name = None
+ for option in optionlist[:]:
+ if option[0] == 'link_from':
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ if option[1].lower() == 'none':
+ link_from = None
+ elif option[1].lower() == 'source':
+ link_from = 'source'
+ else:
+ link_from = option[1]
+ link_name = os.path.split(link_from)[1]
+ elif option[0] == 'source':
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ sourcedir = option[1]
+ elif option[0] == 'target':
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ targetdir = option[1]
+ # Error if no source or dest specified
+ if not sourcedir:
+ print("No source directory specified. Exiting.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not targetdir:
+ print("No target directory specified. Exiting.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # If link source is a PDK name, if it has no path, then pull the
+ # path from the target name.
+ if link_from:
+ if link_from != 'source':
+ if link_from.find('/', 0) < 0:
+ target_root = os.path.split(targetdir)[0]
+ link_from = target_root + '/' + link_from
+ link_name = link_from
+ else:
+ # If linking from source, convert the source path to an
+ # absolute pathname.
+ sourcedir = os.path.abspath(sourcedir)
+ # Take the target PDK name from the target path last component
+ pdkname = os.path.split(targetdir)[1]
+ # checkdir is the DIST target directory for the PDK pointed
+ # to by link_name. Files must be found there before creating
+ # symbolic links to the (not yet existing) final install location.
+ if link_name:
+ checkdir = os.path.split(targetdir)[0] + '/' + link_name
+ else:
+ checkdir = ''
+ # Diagnostic
+ if do_install:
+ print("Installing in target directory " + targetdir)
+ # Create the top-level directories
+ os.makedirs(targetdir, exist_ok=True)
+ os.makedirs(targetdir + '/libs.ref', exist_ok=True)
+ os.makedirs(targetdir + '/', exist_ok=True)
+ # Path to magic techfile depends on ef_names
+ if ef_names == True:
+ mag_current = '/'
+ else:
+ mag_current = '/'
+ # Populate the techLEF and SPICE models, if specified.
+ for option in optionlist[:]:
+ if option[0] == 'techlef':
+ filter_script = None
+ for item in option:
+ if item.split('=')[0] == 'filter':
+ filter_script = item.split('=')[1]
+ break
+ if ef_names == True:
+ techlefdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/techLEF'
+ checklefdir = checkdir + '/libs.ref/techLEF'
+ if link_from:
+ linklefdir = link_from + '/libs.ref/techLEF'
+ else:
+ linklefdir = ''
+ else:
+ techlefdir = targetdir + '/'
+ checklefdir = checkdir + '/'
+ if link_from:
+ linklefdir = link_from + '/'
+ else:
+ linklefdir = ''
+ os.makedirs(techlefdir, exist_ok=True)
+ # All techlef files should be linked or copied, so use "glob"
+ # on the wildcards
+ techlist = glob.glob(sourcedir + '/' + option[1])
+ for lefname in techlist:
+ leffile = os.path.split(lefname)[1]
+ targname = techlefdir + '/' + leffile
+ checklefname = checklefdir + '/' + leffile
+ linklefname = linklefdir + '/' + leffile
+ # Remove any existing file(s)
+ if os.path.isfile(targname):
+ os.remove(targname)
+ elif os.path.islink(targname):
+ os.unlink(targname)
+ elif os.path.isdir(targname):
+ shutil.rmtree(targname)
+ if do_install:
+ if not link_from:
+ if os.path.isfile(lefname):
+ shutil.copy(lefname, targname)
+ else:
+ shutil.copytree(lefname, targname)
+ elif link_from == 'source':
+ os.symlink(lefname, targname)
+ else:
+ if os.path.exists(checklefname):
+ os.symlink(linklefname, targname)
+ elif os.path.isfile(lefname):
+ shutil.copy(lefname, targname)
+ else:
+ shutil.copytree(lefname, targname)
+ if filter_script:
+ # Apply filter script to all files in the target directory
+ tfilter(targname, filter_script)
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ elif option[0] == 'models':
+ filter_script = None
+ for item in option:
+ if item.split('=')[0] == 'filter':
+ filter_script = item.split('=')[1]
+ break
+ print('Diagnostic: installing models.')
+ modelsdir = targetdir + '/'
+ checkmoddir = checkdir + '/'
+ if link_from:
+ linkmoddir = link_from + '/'
+ else:
+ linkmoddir = ''
+ os.makedirs(modelsdir, exist_ok=True)
+ # All model files should be linked or copied, so use "glob"
+ # on the wildcards. Copy each file and recursively copy each
+ # directory.
+ modellist = glob.glob(sourcedir + '/' + option[1])
+ for modname in modellist:
+ modfile = os.path.split(modname)[1]
+ targname = modelsdir + '/' + modfile
+ checkmodname = checkmoddir + '/' + modfile
+ linkmodname = linkmoddir + '/' + modfile
+ if os.path.isdir(modname):
+ # Remove any existing directory, and its contents
+ if os.path.isdir(targname):
+ shutil.rmtree(targname)
+ os.makedirs(targname)
+ # Recursively find and copy or link the whole directory
+ # tree from this point.
+ allmodlist = glob.glob(modname + '/**', recursive=True)
+ commonpart = os.path.commonpath(allmodlist)
+ for submodname in allmodlist:
+ if os.path.isdir(submodname):
+ continue
+ # Get the path part that is not common between modlist and
+ # allmodlist.
+ subpart = os.path.relpath(submodname, commonpart)
+ subtargname = targname + '/' + subpart
+ os.makedirs(os.path.split(subtargname)[0], exist_ok=True)
+ if do_install:
+ if not link_from:
+ if os.path.isfile(submodname):
+ shutil.copy(submodname, subtargname)
+ else:
+ shutil.copytree(submodname, subtargname)
+ elif link_from == 'source':
+ os.symlink(submodname, subtargname)
+ else:
+ if os.path.exists(checkmodname):
+ os.symlink(linkmodname, subtargname)
+ elif os.path.isfile(submodname):
+ shutil.copy(submodname, subtargname)
+ else:
+ shutil.copytree(submodname, subtargname)
+ if filter_script:
+ # Apply filter script to all files in the target directory
+ tfilter(targname, filter_script)
+ else:
+ # Remove any existing file
+ if os.path.isfile(targname):
+ os.remove(targname)
+ elif os.path.islink(targname):
+ os.unlink(targname)
+ elif os.path.isdir(targname):
+ shutil.rmtree(targname)
+ if do_install:
+ if not link_from:
+ if os.path.isfile(modname):
+ shutil.copy(modname, targname)
+ else:
+ shutil.copytree(modname, targname)
+ elif link_from == 'source':
+ os.symlink(modname, targname)
+ else:
+ if os.path.isfile(checkmodname):
+ os.symlink(linkmodname, targname)
+ elif os.path.isfile(modname):
+ shutil.copy(modname, targname)
+ else:
+ shutil.copytree(modname, targname)
+ if filter_script:
+ # Apply filter script to all files in the target directory
+ tfilter(targname, filter_script)
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ # The remaining options in optionlist should all be types like 'lef' or 'liberty'
+ for option in optionlist[:]:
+ # Diagnostic
+ if do_install:
+ print("Installing option: " + str(option[0]))
+ destdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/' + option[0]
+ checklibdir = checkdir + '/libs.ref/' + option[0]
+ if link_from:
+ destlinkdir = link_from + '/libs.ref/' + option[0]
+ else:
+ destlinkdir = ''
+ os.makedirs(destdir, exist_ok=True)
+ # If the option is followed by the keyword "up" and a number, then
+ # the source should be copied (or linked) from <number> levels up
+ # in the hierarchy (see below).
+ if 'up' in option:
+ uparg = option.index('up')
+ try:
+ hier_up = int(option[uparg + 1])
+ except:
+ print("Non-numeric option to 'up': " + option[uparg + 1])
+ print("Ignoring 'up' option.")
+ hier_up = 0
+ else:
+ hier_up = 0
+ filter_script = None
+ for item in option:
+ if item.split('=')[0] == 'filter':
+ filter_script = item.split('=')[1]
+ break
+ # Option 'compile' is a standalone keyword ('comp' may be used).
+ do_compile = 'compile' in option or 'comp' in option
+ # Option 'nospecify' is a standalone keyword ('nospec' may be used).
+ do_remove_spec = 'nospecify' in option or 'nospec' in option
+ # Check off things we need to do migration to magic database and
+ # abstact files.
+ if option[0] == 'lef':
+ have_lef = True
+ elif option[0] == 'gds':
+ have_gds = True
+ elif option[0] == 'lefanno':
+ have_lefanno = True
+ elif option[0] == 'spice':
+ have_spice = True
+ elif option[0] == 'cdl':
+ have_cdl = True
+ # For each library, create the library subdirectory
+ for library in libraries:
+ if len(library) == 3:
+ destlib = library[2]
+ else:
+ destlib = library[1]
+ destlibdir = destdir + '/' + destlib
+ destlinklibdir = destlinkdir + '/' + destlib
+ checksrclibdir = checklibdir + '/' + destlib
+ os.makedirs(destlibdir, exist_ok=True)
+ # Populate the library subdirectory
+ # Parse the option and replace each '/*/' with the library name,
+ # and check if it is a valid directory name. Then glob the
+ # resulting option name. Warning: This assumes that all
+ # occurences of the text '/*/' match a library name. It should
+ # be possible to wild-card the directory name in such a way that
+ # this is always true.
+ testopt = re.sub('\/\*\/', '/' + library[1] + '/', option[1])
+ liblist = glob.glob(sourcedir + '/' + testopt)
+ # Diagnostic
+ print('Collecting files from ' + str(sourcedir + '/' + testopt))
+ print('Files to install:')
+ if len(liblist) < 10:
+ for item in liblist:
+ print(' ' + item)
+ else:
+ for item in liblist[0:4]:
+ print(' ' + item)
+ print(' .')
+ print(' .')
+ print(' .')
+ for item in liblist[-6:-1]:
+ print(' ' + item)
+ print('(' + str(len(liblist)) + ' files total)')
+ for libname in liblist:
+ # Note that there may be a hierarchy to the files in option[1],
+ # say for liberty timing files under different conditions, so
+ # make sure directories have been created as needed.
+ libfile = os.path.split(libname)[1]
+ libfilepath = os.path.split(libname)[0]
+ destpathcomp = []
+ for i in range(hier_up):
+ destpathcomp.append('/' + os.path.split(libfilepath)[1])
+ libfilepath = os.path.split(libfilepath)[0]
+ destpathcomp.reverse()
+ destpath = ''.join(destpathcomp)
+ targname = destlibdir + destpath + '/' + libfile
+ # NOTE: When using "up" with link_from, could just make
+ # destpath itself a symbolic link; this way is more flexible
+ # but adds one symbolic link per file.
+ if destpath != '':
+ if not os.path.isdir(destlibdir + destpath):
+ os.makedirs(destlibdir + destpath, exist_ok=True)
+ # Both linklibname and checklibname need to contain any hierarchy
+ # implied by the "up" option.
+ linklibname = destlinklibdir + destpath + '/' + libfile
+ checklibname = checksrclibdir + destpath + '/' + libfile
+ # Remove any existing file
+ if os.path.isfile(targname):
+ os.remove(targname)
+ elif os.path.islink(targname):
+ os.unlink(targname)
+ elif os.path.isdir(targname):
+ shutil.rmtree(targname)
+ if do_install:
+ if not link_from:
+ if os.path.isfile(libname):
+ shutil.copy(libname, targname)
+ else:
+ shutil.copytree(libname, targname)
+ elif link_from == 'source':
+ os.symlink(libname, targname)
+ else:
+ if os.path.exists(checklibname):
+ os.symlink(linklibname, targname)
+ elif os.path.isfile(libname):
+ shutil.copy(libname, targname)
+ else:
+ shutil.copytree(libname, targname)
+ if option[0] == 'verilog':
+ # Special handling of verilog files to make them
+ # syntactically acceptable to iverilog.
+ # NOTE: Perhaps this should be recast as a custom filter?
+ vfilter(targname, do_remove_spec)
+ if filter_script:
+ # Apply filter script to all files in the target directory
+ tfilter(targname, filter_script)
+ if do_compile == True:
+ # To do: Extend this option to include formats other than verilog.
+ # Also to do: Make this compatible with linking from another PDK.
+ if option[0] == 'verilog':
+ # If there is not a single file with all verilog cells in it,
+ # then compile one, because one does not want to have to have
+ # an include line for every single cell used in a design.
+ alllibname = destlibdir + '/' + destlib + '.v'
+ print('Diagnostic: Creating consolidated verilog library ' + destlib + '.v')
+ vlist = glob.glob(destlibdir + '/*.v')
+ if alllibname in vlist:
+ vlist.remove(alllibname)
+ if len(vlist) > 1:
+ print('New file is: ' + alllibname)
+ with open(alllibname, 'w') as ofile:
+ for vfile in vlist:
+ with open(vfile, 'r') as ifile:
+ # print('Adding ' + vfile + ' to library.')
+ vtext =
+ # NOTE: The following workaround resolves an
+ # issue with iverilog, which does not properly
+ # parse specify timing paths that are not in
+ # parentheses. Easy to work around
+ vlines = re.sub(r'\)[ \t]*=[ \t]*([01]:[01]:[01])[ \t]*;', r') = ( \1 ) ;', vtext)
+ print(vlines, file=ofile)
+ print('\n//--------EOF---------\n', file=ofile)
+ else:
+ print('Only one file (' + str(vlist) + '); ignoring "compile" option.')
+ print("Completed installation of vendor files.")
+ # Now for the harder part. If GDS and/or LEF databases were specified,
+ # then migrate them to magic (.mag files in layout/ or abstract/).
+ ignore = []
+ do_cdl_scaleu = False
+ for option in optionlist[:]:
+ if option[0] == 'cdl':
+ # Option 'scaleu' is a standalone keyword
+ do_cdl_scaleu = 'scaleu' in option
+ # Option 'ignore' has arguments after '='
+ for item in option:
+ if item.split('=')[0] == 'ignore':
+ ignorelist = item.split('=')[1].split(',')
+ devlist = []
+ pdklibrary = None
+ if have_gds:
+ print("Migrating GDS files to layout.")
+ destdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/mag'
+ srcdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/gds'
+ os.makedirs(destdir, exist_ok=True)
+ # For each library, create the library subdirectory
+ for library in libraries:
+ if len(library) == 3:
+ destlib = library[2]
+ else:
+ destlib = library[1]
+ destlibdir = destdir + '/' + destlib
+ srclibdir = srcdir + '/' + destlib
+ os.makedirs(destlibdir, exist_ok=True)
+ # For primitive devices, check the PDK script and find the name
+ # of the library and get a list of supported devices.
+ if library[0] == 'primitive':
+ pdkscript = targetdir + mag_current + pdkname + '.tcl'
+ print('Searching for supported devices in PDK script ' + pdkscript + '.')
+ if os.path.isfile(pdkscript):
+ librex = re.compile('^[ \t]*set[ \t]+PDKNAMESPACE[ \t]+([^ \t]+)$')
+ devrex = re.compile('^[ \t]*proc[ \t]+([^ :\t]+)::([^ \t_]+)_defaults')
+ fixrex = re.compile('^[ \t]*return[ \t]+\[([^ :\t]+)::fixed_draw[ \t]+([^ \t]+)[ \t]+')
+ devlist = []
+ fixedlist = []
+ with open(pdkscript, 'r') as ifile:
+ scripttext =
+ for line in scripttext:
+ lmatch = librex.match(line)
+ if lmatch:
+ pdklibrary =
+ dmatch = devrex.match(line)
+ if dmatch:
+ if == pdklibrary:
+ devlist.append(
+ fmatch = fixrex.match(line)
+ if fmatch:
+ if == pdklibrary:
+ fixedlist.append(
+ # Diagnostic
+ print("PDK library is " + str(pdklibrary))
+ # Link to the PDK magic startup file from the target directory
+ # If there is no -F version then look for one without -F (open source PDK)
+ startup_script = targetdir + mag_current + pdkname + '-F.magicrc'
+ if not os.path.isfile(startup_script):
+ startup_script = targetdir + mag_current + pdkname + '.magicrc'
+ if os.path.isfile(startup_script):
+ # If the symbolic link exists, remove it.
+ if os.path.isfile(destlibdir + '/.magicrc'):
+ os.remove(destlibdir + '/.magicrc')
+ os.symlink(startup_script, destlibdir + '/.magicrc')
+ # Find GDS file names in the source
+ print('Getting GDS file list from ' + srclibdir + '.')
+ gdsfiles = os.listdir(srclibdir)
+ # Generate a script called "generate_magic.tcl" and leave it in
+ # the target directory. Use it as input to magic to create the
+ # .mag files from the database.
+ print('Creating magic generation script.')
+ with open(destlibdir + '/generate_magic.tcl', 'w') as ofile:
+ print('#!/usr/bin/env wish', file=ofile)
+ print('#--------------------------------------------', file=ofile)
+ print('# Script to generate .mag files from .gds ', file=ofile)
+ print('#--------------------------------------------', file=ofile)
+ print('gds readonly true', file=ofile)
+ print('gds flatten true', file=ofile)
+ # print('gds rescale false', file=ofile)
+ print('tech unlock *', file=ofile)
+ for gdsfile in gdsfiles:
+ # Note: DO NOT use a relative path here.
+ # print('gds read ../../gds/' + destlib + '/' + gdsfile, file=ofile)
+ print('gds read ' + srclibdir + '/' + gdsfile, file=ofile)
+ # Make sure properties include the Tcl generated cell
+ # information from the PDK script
+ if pdklibrary:
+ tclfixedlist = '{' + ' '.join(fixedlist) + '}'
+ print('set devlist ' + tclfixedlist, file=ofile)
+ print('set topcell [lindex [cellname list top] 0]',
+ file=ofile)
+ print('foreach cellname $devlist {', file=ofile)
+ print(' load $cellname', file=ofile)
+ print(' property gencell $cellname', file=ofile)
+ print(' property parameter m=1', file=ofile)
+ print(' property library ' + pdklibrary, file=ofile)
+ print('}', file=ofile)
+ print('load $topcell', file=ofile)
+ print('writeall force', file=ofile)
+ if have_lefanno:
+ # Find LEF file names in the source
+ lefsrcdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/lefanno'
+ lefsrclibdir = lefsrcdir + '/' + destlib
+ leffiles = list(item for item in os.listdir(lefsrclibdir) if os.path.splitext(item)[1] == '.lef')
+ if not have_lef:
+ # This library has a GDS database but no LEF database. Use
+ # magic to create abstract views of the GDS cells. If
+ # option "-lefanno" is given, then read the LEF file after
+ # loading the database file to annotate the cell with
+ # information from the LEF file. This usually indicates
+ # that the LEF file has some weird definition of obstruction
+ # layers and we want to normalize them by using magic's LEF
+ # write procedure, but we still need the pin use and class
+ # information from the LEF file, and maybe the bounding box.
+ print('set maglist [glob *.mag]', file=ofile)
+ print('foreach name $maglist {', file=ofile)
+ print(' load [file root $name]', file=ofile)
+ if have_lefanno:
+ print('}', file=ofile)
+ for leffile in leffiles:
+ print('lef read ' + lefsrclibdir + '/' + leffile, file=ofile)
+ print('foreach name $maglist {', file=ofile)
+ print(' load [file root $name]', file=ofile)
+ print(' lef write [file root $name]', file=ofile)
+ print('}', file=ofile)
+ print('quit -noprompt', file=ofile)
+ # Run magic to read in the GDS file and write out magic databases.
+ with open(destlibdir + '/generate_magic.tcl', 'r') as ifile:
+['magic', '-dnull', '-noconsole'],
+ stdin = ifile, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = destlibdir,
+ universal_newlines = True)
+ if not have_lef:
+ # Remove the lefanno/ target and its contents.
+ if have_lefanno:
+ lefannosrcdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/lefanno'
+ if os.path.isdir(lefannosrcdir):
+ shutil.rmtree(lefannosrcdir)
+ destlefdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/lef'
+ destleflibdir = destlefdir + '/' + destlib
+ os.makedirs(destleflibdir, exist_ok=True)
+ leflist = list(item for item in os.listdir(destlibdir) if os.path.splitext(item)[1] == '.lef')
+ # All macros will go into one file
+ destleflib = destleflibdir + '/' + destlib + '.lef'
+ # Remove any existing library file from the target directory
+ if os.path.isfile(destleflib):
+ os.remove(destleflib)
+ first = True
+ with open(destleflib, 'w') as ofile:
+ for leffile in leflist:
+ # Remove any existing single file from the target directory
+ if os.path.isfile(destleflibdir + '/' + leffile):
+ os.remove(destleflibdir + '/' + leffile)
+ # Append contents
+ sourcelef = destlibdir + '/' + leffile
+ with open(sourcelef, 'r') as ifile:
+ leflines =
+ if not first:
+ # Remove header from all but the first file
+ leflines = leflines[8:]
+ else:
+ first = False
+ for line in leflines:
+ print(line, file=ofile)
+ # Remove file from the source directory
+ os.remove(sourcelef)
+ have_lef = True
+ # Remove the startup script and generation script
+ os.remove(destlibdir + '/.magicrc')
+ os.remove(destlibdir + '/generate_magic.tcl')
+ else:
+ print("Master PDK magic startup file not found. Did you install")
+ print("PDK tech files before PDK vendor files?")
+ if have_lef:
+ print("Migrating LEF files to layout.")
+ destdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/maglef'
+ srcdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/lef'
+ magdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/mag'
+ cdldir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/cdl'
+ os.makedirs(destdir, exist_ok=True)
+ # For each library, create the library subdirectory
+ for library in libraries:
+ if len(library) == 3:
+ destlib = library[2]
+ else:
+ destlib = library[1]
+ destlibdir = destdir + '/' + destlib
+ srclibdir = srcdir + '/' + destlib
+ maglibdir = magdir + '/' + destlib
+ cdllibdir = cdldir + '/' + destlib
+ os.makedirs(destlibdir, exist_ok=True)
+ # Link to the PDK magic startup file from the target directory
+ startup_script = targetdir + mag_current + pdkname + '-F.magicrc'
+ if not os.path.isfile(startup_script):
+ startup_script = targetdir + mag_current + pdkname + '.magicrc'
+ if os.path.isfile(startup_script):
+ # If the symbolic link exists, remove it.
+ if os.path.isfile(destlibdir + '/.magicrc'):
+ os.remove(destlibdir + '/.magicrc')
+ os.symlink(startup_script, destlibdir + '/.magicrc')
+ # Find LEF file names in the source
+ leffiles = os.listdir(srclibdir)
+ # Generate a script called "generate_magic.tcl" and leave it in
+ # the target directory. Use it as input to magic to create the
+ # .mag files from the database.
+ with open(destlibdir + '/generate_magic.tcl', 'w') as ofile:
+ print('#!/usr/bin/env wish', file=ofile)
+ print('#--------------------------------------------', file=ofile)
+ print('# Script to generate .mag files from .lef ', file=ofile)
+ print('#--------------------------------------------', file=ofile)
+ print('tech unlock *', file=ofile)
+ if pdklibrary:
+ tcldevlist = '{' + ' '.join(devlist) + '}'
+ print('set devlist ' + tcldevlist, file=ofile)
+ for leffile in leffiles:
+ # Okay to use a relative path here.
+ # print('lef read ' + srclibdir + '/' + leffile', file=ofile)
+ print('lef read ../../lef/' + destlib + '/' + leffile, file=ofile)
+ # To be completed: Parse SPICE file for port order, make
+ # sure ports are present and ordered.
+ if pdklibrary:
+ print('set cellname [file root ' + leffile + ']', file=ofile)
+ print('if {[lsearch $devlist $cellname] >= 0} {',
+ file=ofile)
+ print(' load $cellname', file=ofile)
+ print(' property gencell $cellname', file=ofile)
+ print(' property parameter m=1', file=ofile)
+ print(' property library ' + pdklibrary, file=ofile)
+ print('}', file=ofile)
+ print('writeall force', file=ofile)
+ print('quit -noprompt', file=ofile)
+ # Run magic to read in the LEF file and write out magic databases.
+ with open(destlibdir + '/generate_magic.tcl', 'r') as ifile:
+['magic', '-dnull', '-noconsole'],
+ stdin = ifile, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = destlibdir,
+ universal_newlines = True)
+ # Now list all the .mag files generated, and for each, read the
+ # corresponding file from the mag/ directory, pull the GDS file
+ # properties, and add those properties to the maglef view. Also
+ # read the CDL (or SPICE) netlist, read the ports, and rewrite
+ # the port order in the mag and maglef file accordingly.
+ # Diagnostic
+ print('Annotating files in ' + destlibdir)
+ magfiles = os.listdir(destlibdir)
+ for magroot in magfiles:
+ magname = os.path.splitext(magroot)[0]
+ magfile = maglibdir + '/' + magroot
+ magleffile = destlibdir + '/' + magroot
+ prop_lines = get_gds_properties(magfile)
+ # Make sure properties include the Tcl generated cell
+ # information from the PDK script
+ if pdklibrary:
+ if magname in fixedlist:
+ prop_lines.append('string gencell ' + magname)
+ prop_lines.append('string library ' + pdklibrary)
+ prop_lines.append('string parameter m=1')
+ cdlfile = cdllibdir + '/' + magname + '.cdl'
+ if not os.path.exists(cdlfile):
+ # Assume there is one file with all cell subcircuits in it.
+ try:
+ cdlfile = glob.glob(cdllibdir + '/*.cdl')[0]
+ except:
+ print('No CDL file for ' + destlib + ' device ' + magname)
+ cdlfile = None
+ # To be done: If destlib is 'primitive', then look in
+ # SPICE models for port order.
+ if destlib == 'primitive':
+ print('Fix me: Need to look in SPICE models!')
+ if cdlfile:
+ port_dict = get_subckt_ports(cdlfile, magname)
+ else:
+ port_dict = {}
+ proprex = re.compile('<< properties >>')
+ endrex = re.compile('<< end >>')
+ rlabrex = re.compile('rlabel[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+([^ \t]+)')
+ flabrex = re.compile('flabel[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+([^ \t]+)')
+ portrex = re.compile('port[ \t]+([^ \t])+[ \t]+(.*)')
+ portnum = -1
+ with open(magleffile, 'r') as ifile:
+ magtext =
+ with open(magleffile, 'w') as ofile:
+ for line in magtext:
+ tmatch = portrex.match(line)
+ if tmatch:
+ if portnum >= 0:
+ line = 'port ' + str(portnum) + ' ' +
+ else:
+ line = 'port ' + + ' ' +
+ ematch = endrex.match(line)
+ if ematch and len(prop_lines) > 0:
+ print('<< properties >>', file=ofile)
+ for prop in prop_lines:
+ print('string ' + prop, file=ofile)
+ print(line, file=ofile)
+ pmatch = proprex.match(line)
+ if pmatch:
+ for prop in prop_lines:
+ print('string ' + prop, file=ofile)
+ prop_lines = []
+ lmatch = flabrex.match(line)
+ if not lmatch:
+ lmatch = rlabrex.match(line)
+ if lmatch:
+ labname =
+ try:
+ portnum = port_dict[labname]
+ except:
+ portnum = -1
+ if os.path.exists(magfile):
+ with open(magfile, 'r') as ifile:
+ magtext =
+ with open(magfile, 'w') as ofile:
+ for line in magtext:
+ tmatch = portrex.match(line)
+ if tmatch:
+ if portnum >= 0:
+ line = 'port ' + str(portnum) + ' ' +
+ else:
+ line = 'port ' + + ' ' +
+ ematch = endrex.match(line)
+ print(line, file=ofile)
+ lmatch = flabrex.match(line)
+ if not lmatch:
+ lmatch = rlabrex.match(line)
+ if lmatch:
+ labname =
+ try:
+ portnum = port_dict[labname]
+ except:
+ portnum = -1
+ elif os.path.splitext(magfile)[1] == '.mag':
+ # NOTE: Probably this means the GDS cell has a different name.
+ print('Error: No file ' + magfile + '. Why is it in maglef???')
+ # Remove the startup script and generation script
+ os.remove(destlibdir + '/.magicrc')
+ os.remove(destlibdir + '/generate_magic.tcl')
+ else:
+ print("Master PDK magic startup file not found. Did you install")
+ print("PDK tech files before PDK vendor files?")
+ # If SPICE or CDL databases were specified, then convert them to
+ # a form that can be used by ngspice, using the script
+ if have_spice:
+ if not os.path.isdir(targetdir + '/libs.ref/spi'):
+ os.makedirs(targetdir + '/libs.ref/spi', exist_ok=True)
+ elif have_cdl:
+ if not os.path.isdir(targetdir + '/libs.ref/spi'):
+ os.makedirs(targetdir + '/libs.ref/spi', exist_ok=True)
+ print("Migrating CDL netlists to SPICE.")
+ destdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/spi'
+ srcdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/cdl'
+ os.makedirs(destdir, exist_ok=True)
+ # For each library, create the library subdirectory
+ for library in libraries:
+ if len(library) == 3:
+ destlib = library[2]
+ else:
+ destlib = library[1]
+ destlibdir = destdir + '/' + destlib
+ srclibdir = srcdir + '/' + destlib
+ os.makedirs(destlibdir, exist_ok=True)
+ # Find CDL file names in the source
+ cdlfiles = os.listdir(srclibdir)
+ # The directory with scripts should be in ../common with respect
+ # to the Makefile that determines the cwd.
+ scriptdir = os.path.split(os.getcwd())[0] + '/common/'
+ # Run script to read in the CDL file and write out SPICE
+ for cdlfile in cdlfiles:
+ spiname = os.path.splitext(cdlfile)[0] + '.spi'
+ procopts = [scriptdir + '', srclibdir + '/' + cdlfile, destlibdir + '/' + spiname]
+ if do_cdl_scaleu:
+ procopts.append('-dscale=u')
+ for item in ignorelist:
+ procopts.append('-ignore=' + item)
+ print('Running (in ' + destlibdir + '): ' + ' '.join(procopts))
+ stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = destlibdir,
+ universal_newlines = True)
+ sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..c87a0c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/pdk.bindkeys b/common/pdk.bindkeys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b502db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/pdk.bindkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+# Cadence-compatibility bindings except where marked.
+macro f "view" ;# zoom to fit window
+macro ^z "zoom 0.5" ;# zoom in
+macro Z "zoom 2" ;# zoom out
+macro B "popstack" ;# up hierarchy
+macro X {pushstack [cellname list self]} ;# down hierarchy
+macro x "edit" ;# down hierarchy, edit-in-place
+macro b "select top cell ; edit" ;# up hierarchy from edit-in-place
+macro p "tool wire; magic::trackwire %W pick" ;# path
+macro ^r "redraw"
+macro ^f "unexpand"
+macro F "expand"
+macro ^a "select area"
+macro ^d "select clear"
+macro k "magic::measure"
+macro K "magic::unmeasure"
+macro i "magic::promptload getcell"
+macro l "magic::update_texthelper ; wm deiconify .texthelper ; raise .texthelper"
+macro O "magic::clock"
+macro <del> "magic::delete"
+# Toolkit parameter dialog
+macro q "magic::gencell {} ; raise .params"
+# The following should be already implemented as existing Magic bindings
+macro u "undo"
+macro U "redo"
+macro m "move"
+macro c "copy"
+# Compatibility with Electric; Cadence bindings are on function keys and
+# do not work through the VNC.
+macro ^s "magic::promptsave magic" ;# save dialog menu
+# Bertrand's bindings follow except where marked.
+macro < sideways
+macro ^ upsidedown
+# Set grid at 1 micron
+macro 0 "grid on ; grid 1l" ;# Grid at 0.5um (1 lambda)
+# macro ^f "feedback clear" ;# conflicts with Cadence binding
+# Paint/Erase macros
+macro 1 "paint m1"
+macro ! "erase m1"
+macro 2 "paint m2"
+macro @ "erase m2"
+macro 3 "paint m3"
+macro # "erase m3"
+#ifdef METAL4
+macro 4 "paint mtp"
+macro $ "erase mtp"
+#ifdef METAL5
+macro 4 "paint m4"
+macro $ "erase m4"
+macro 5 "paint mtp"
+macro % "erase mtp"
+#ifdef METAL6
+macro 4 "paint m4"
+macro $ "erase m4"
+macro 5 "paint m5"
+macro % "erase m5"
+macro 6 "paint mtp"
+macro ^ "erase mtp"
+macro 7 "paint poly"
+# macro & "erase poly"
+# macro p "paint pdiff"
+macro n "paint ndiff"
+# macro l "erase labels"
+macro P "erase pdiff"
+macro N "erase ndiff"
+macro y "drc check; drc why"
+macro ? "select area; what"
+macro / "expand toggle"
+macro ^w "writeall force"
+macro ^e "edit"
+# macro ^x "quit"
+macro z "findbox zoom"
+# "f" conflicts with Cadence "full view", so use control-i to select cells.
+# macro f "select cell"
+macro ^i "select cell"
+# Leave keypad bindings as-is, further down. However, keypad
+# keys generally don't translate through the VNC session, so
+# use the following arrow key bindings:
+# no shift shift
+# arrows only -> Pan 10% 100%
+# with alt -> Move 1 lambda 1 grid
+# with ctrl -> Stretch 1 lambda 1 grid
+# Pan 10 percent of the window size with arrows
+# macro XK_Left "scroll l .1 w"
+# macro XK_Up "scroll u .1 w"
+# macro XK_Right "scroll r .1 w"
+# macro XK_Down "scroll d .1 w"
+# Pan 100 percent of the window size with arrows
+# macro Shift_XK_Left "scroll l 1 w"
+# macro Shift_XK_Up "scroll u 1 w"
+# macro Shift_XK_Right "scroll r 1 w"
+# macro Shift_XK_Down "scroll d 1 w"
+# move 0.05um with arrows
+# macro Alt_XK_Left "move l 1l"
+# macro Alt_XK_Right "move r 1l"
+# macro Alt_XK_Up "move u 1l"
+# macro Alt_XK_Down "move d 1l"
+# move 1 grid unit with arrows
+# macro Alt_Shift_XK_Left "move l 1g"
+# macro Alt_Shift_XK_Right "move r 1g"
+# macro Alt_Shift_XK_Up "move u 1g"
+# macro Alt_Shift_XK_Down "move d 1g"
+# stretch 0.05um with arrows
+# macro Control_XK_Left "stretch l 1l"
+# macro Control_XK_Right "stretch r 1l"
+# macro Control_XK_Up "stretch u 1l"
+# macro Control_XK_Down "stretch d 1l"
+# stretch 1 grid unit with arrows
+# macro Control_Shift_XK_Left "stretch l 1g"
+# macro Control_Shift_XK_Right "stretch r 1g"
+# macro Control_Shift_XK_Up "stretch u 1g"
+# macro Control_Shift_XK_Down "stretch d 1g"
+# shift mouse wheel bindings for right-left shift
+macro Shift_XK_Pointer_Button4 "scroll r .05 w"
+macro Shift_XK_Pointer_Button5 "scroll l .05 w"
+# control mouse wheel bindings for zoom in/out
+macro Control_XK_Pointer_Button4 "zoom 0.70711"
+macro Control_XK_Pointer_Button5 "zoom 1.41421"
+# Bertrand's original arrow macros
+# move 1 grid unit with arrows
+macro XK_Left "move l 1g"
+macro XK_Right "move r 1g"
+macro XK_Up "move u 1g"
+macro XK_Down "move d 1g"
+# move 0.05um with arrows
+macro Control_XK_Left "move l 1l"
+macro Control_XK_Right "move r 1l"
+macro Control_XK_Up "move u 1l"
+macro Control_XK_Down "move d 1l"
+# stretch 1 grid unit with arrows
+macro Shift_XK_Left "stretch l 1g"
+macro Shift_XK_Right "stretch r 1g"
+macro Shift_XK_Up "stretch u 1g"
+macro Shift_XK_Down "stretch d 1g"
+# stretch 0.05um with arrows
+macro Control_Shift_XK_Left "stretch l 1l"
+macro Control_Shift_XK_Right "stretch r 1l"
+macro Control_Shift_XK_Up "stretch u 1l"
+macro Control_Shift_XK_Down "stretch d 1l"
+# Restore pan function on Alt-key
+# Pan 10 percent of the window size with arrows
+macro Alt_XK_Left "scroll l .1 w"
+macro Alt_XK_Up "scroll u .1 w"
+macro Alt_XK_Right "scroll r .1 w"
+macro Alt_XK_Down "scroll d .1 w"
+# Pan 100 percent of the window size with arrows
+macro Alt_Shift_XK_Left "scroll l 1 w"
+macro Alt_Shift_XK_Up "scroll u 1 w"
+macro Alt_Shift_XK_Right "scroll r 1 w"
+macro Alt_Shift_XK_Down "scroll d 1 w"
diff --git a/common/pdk.prm b/common/pdk.prm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..719eb74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/pdk.prm
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+; TODO: make changes to this file for TECHNAME?
+; configuration file for TECHNAME (left same as osu035, 0.35um process)
+; Note that these values are totally bogus!
+lambda 0.01 ; length scaling, microns (1 lambda = 1 centimicron)
+capga .0115 ; gate capacitance, pF/micron^2
+capda 0.0012
+capdp 0.0013
+cappda 0.00260
+cappdp 0.00090
+lowthresh 0.5 ; logic low threshold as a normalized voltage
+highthresh 0.5 ; logic high threshold as a normalized voltage
+cntpullup 0 ; irrelevant, cmos technology; no depletion transistors
+diffperim 0 ; don't include diffusion perimeters for sidewall cap.
+subparea 0 ; poly over transistor won't count as part pf bulk-poly cap.
+diffext 0 ; diffusion extension for each transistor
+resistance n-channel dynamic-low 2 0.4 1844.70
+resistance p-channel dynamic-high 6.2 0.4 1489.10
+resistance n-channel static 2 0.4 2203.94
+resistance p-channel static 6.2 0.4 1693.37
diff --git a/common/pdk.tcl b/common/pdk.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04f32a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/pdk.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+# General-purpose routines for the PDK script in all technologies
+# Number Conversion Functions
+# Microns to Lambda
+proc magic::u2l {micron} {
+ set techlambda [magic::tech lambda]
+ set tech1 [lindex $techlambda 1]
+ set tech0 [lindex $techlambda 0]
+ set tscale [expr {$tech1 / $tech0}]
+ set lambdaout [expr {((int([magic::cif scale output] * 10000)) / 10000.0)}]
+ return [expr $micron / ($lambdaout*$tscale) ]
+# Lambda to Microns
+proc magic::l2u {lambda} {
+ set techlambda [magic::tech lambda]
+ set tech1 [lindex $techlambda 1] ; set tech0 [lindex $techlambda 0]
+ set tscale [expr {$tech1 / $tech0}]
+ set lambdaout [expr {((int([magic::cif scale output] * 10000)) / 10000.0)}]
+ return [expr $lambda * $lambdaout * $tscale ]
+# Internal to Microns
+proc magic::i2u { value } {
+ return [expr {((int([magic::cif scale output] * 10000)) / 10000.0) * $value}]
+# Microns to Internal
+proc magic::u2i {value} {
+ return [expr {$value / ((int([magic::cif scale output] * 10000)) / 10000.0)}]
+# Float to Spice
+proc magic::float2spice {value} {
+ if {$value >= 1.0e+6} {
+ set exponent 1e+6
+ set unit "meg"
+ } elseif {$value >= 1.0e+3} {
+ set exponent 1e+3
+ set unit "k"
+ } elseif { $value >= 1} {
+ set exponent 1
+ set unit ""
+ } elseif {$value >= 1.0e-3} {
+ set exponent 1e-3
+ set unit "m"
+ } elseif {$value >= 1.0e-6} {
+ set exponent 1e-6
+ set unit "u"
+ } elseif {$value >= 1.0e-9} {
+ set exponent 1e-9
+ set unit "n"
+ } elseif {$value >= 1.0e-12} {
+ set exponent 1e-12
+ set unit "p"
+ } elseif {$value >= 1.0e-15} {
+ set exponent 1e-15
+ set unit "f"
+ } else {
+ set exponent 1e-18
+ set unit "a"
+ }
+ set val [expr $value / $exponent]
+ set val [expr int($val * 1000) / 1000.0]
+ if {$val == 0} {set unit ""}
+ return $val$unit
+# Spice to Float
+proc magic::spice2float {value {faultval 0.0}} {
+ # Remove trailing units, at least for some common combinations
+ set value [string tolower $value]
+ set value [string map {um u nm n uF n nF n pF p aF a} $value]
+ set value [string map {meg "* 1.0e6" k "* 1.0e3" m "* 1.0e-3" u "* 1.0e-6" \
+ n "* 1.0 e-9" p "* 1.0e-12" f "* 1.0e-15" a "* 1.0e-15"} $value]
+ if {[catch {set rval [expr $value]}]} {
+ puts stderr "Value is not numeric!"
+ set rval $faultval
+ }
+ return $rval
+# Numeric Precision
+proc magic::3digitpastdecimal {value} {
+ set new [expr int([expr $value * 1000 + 0.5 ]) / 1000.0]
+ return $new
+# File Access Functions
+# Ensures that a cell name does not already exist, either in
+# memory or on disk. Modifies the name until it does.
+proc magic:cellnameunique {cellname} {
+ set i 0
+ set newname $cellname
+ while {[cellname list exists $newname] != 0 || [magic::searchcellondisk $newname] != 0} {
+ incr i
+ set newname ${cellname}_$i
+ }
+ return $newname
+# Looks to see if a cell exists on disk
+proc magic::searchcellondisk {name} {
+ set rlist {}
+ foreach dir [path search] {
+ set ftry [file join $dir ${name}.mag]
+ if [file exists $ftry] {
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+# Checks to see if a cell already exists on disk or in memory
+proc magic::iscellnameunique {cellname} {
+ if {[cellname list exists $cellname] == 0 && [magic::searchcellondisk $cellname] == 0} {
+ return 1
+ } else {
+ return 0
+ }
+# Procedure that checks the user's "ip" subdirectory on startup
+# and adds each one's maglef subdirectory to the path.
+proc magic::query_mylib_ip {} {
+ global TECHPATH
+ global env
+ if [catch {set home $env(SUDO_USER)}] {
+ set home $env(USER)
+ }
+ set homedir /home/${home}
+ set ip_dirs [glob -directory ${homedir}/design/ip *]
+ set proj_dir [pwd]
+ set config_dir .config
+ set info_dir ${proj_dir}/${config_dir}
+ if {![file exists ${info_dir}]} {
+ set config_dir .ef-config
+ set info_dir ${proj_dir}/${config_dir}
+ }
+ set info_file ${info_dir}/info
+ set depends [dict create]
+ if {![catch {open $info_file r} ifd]} {
+ set depsec false
+ while {[gets $ifd line] >= 0} {
+ if {[string first dependencies: $line] >= 0} {
+ set depsec true
+ }
+ if {$depsec} {
+ if {[string first version: $line] >= 0} {
+ if {$ipname != ""} {
+ set ipvers [string trim [lindex [split $line] 1] ']
+ dict set depends $ipname $ipvers
+ set ipname ""
+ } else {
+ puts stderr "Badly formatted info file in ${config_dir}!"
+ }
+ } else {
+ set ipname [string trim $line :]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach dir $ip_dirs {
+ # Version handling: version dependencies are found in
+ # ${config_dir}/info. For all other IP, use the most recent
+ # version number.
+ set ipname [lindex [file split $dir] end]
+ if {![catch {set version [dict get $depends $ipname]}]} {
+ if {[file isdirectory ${dir}/${version}/maglef]} {
+ addpath ${dir}/${version}/maglef
+ continue
+ } else {
+ puts stderr "ERROR: Dependency ${ipname} version ${version} does not exist"
+ }
+ }
+ # Secondary directory is the version number. Use the highest
+ # version available.
+ set sub_dirs {}
+ catch {set sub_dirs [glob -directory $dir *]}
+ set maxver 0.0
+ foreach subdir $sub_dirs {
+ set vidx [string last / $subdir]
+ incr vidx
+ set version [string range $subdir $vidx end]
+ if {$version > $maxver} {
+ set maxver $version
+ }
+ }
+ if {[file exists ${dir}/${maxver}/maglef]} {
+ # Compatibility rule: foundry name must match.
+ # Get foundry name from ${config_dir}/techdir symbolic link reference
+ if {[file exists ${dir}/${maxver}/${config_dir}/techdir]} {
+ set technodedir [file link ${dir}/${maxver}/${config_dir}/techdir]
+ set nidx [string last / $technodedir]
+ set techdir [string range $technodedir 0 $nidx-1]
+ if {$techdir == $TECHPATH} {
+ addpath ${dir}/${maxver}/maglef
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Procedure that checks the user's design directory on startup
+# and adds each one's mag subdirectory to the path.
+proc magic::query_my_projects {} {
+ global TECHPATH
+ global env
+ if [catch {set home $env(SUDO_USER)}] {
+ set home $env(USER)
+ }
+ set homedir /home/${home}
+ set proj_dirs [glob -directory ${homedir}/design *]
+ foreach dir $proj_dirs {
+ # Compatibility rule: foundry name must match.
+ # Get foundry name from ${config_dir}/techdir symbolic link reference
+ if {[file exists ${dir}/mag]} {
+ set config_dir .config
+ set tech_dir ${dir}/${config_dir}
+ if {![file exists ${tech_dir}]} {
+ set config_dir .ef-config
+ set tech_dir ${dir}/${config_dir}
+ }
+ if {[file exists ${dir}/${config_dir}/techdir]} {
+ set technodedir [file link ${dir}/${config_dir}/techdir]
+ set nidx [string last / $technodedir]
+ set techdir [string range $technodedir 0 $nidx-1]
+ if {$techdir == $TECHPATH} {
+ addpath ${dir}/mag
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1fca5be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# General purpose macro preprocessor
+# Usage:
+# input_file [output_file] [-D<variable> ...]
+# Where <variable> may be a keyword or a key=value pair
+# Syntax: Basically like cpp. However, this preprocessor handles
+# only a limited set of keywords, so it does not otherwise mangle
+# the file in the belief that it must be C code. Handling of boolean
+# relations is important, so these are thoroughly defined (see below)
+# #if defined(<variable>) [...]
+# #ifdef <variable>
+# #ifndef <variable>
+# #elseif <variable>
+# #else
+# #endif
+# #define <variable> [...]
+# #define <variable>(<parameters>) [...]
+# #undef <variable>
+# #include <filename>
+# <variable> may be
+# <keyword>
+# <keyword>=<value>
+# <keyword> without '=' is effectively the same as <keyword>=1
+# Lack of a keyword is equivalent to <keyword>=0, in a conditional.
+# Boolean operators (in order of precedence):
+# ! NOT
+# && AND
+# || OR
+# Comments:
+# Most comments (C-like or Tcl-like) are output as-is. A
+# line beginning with "###" is treated as a preprocessor
+# comment and is not copied to the output.
+# Examples;
+# #if defined(X) || defined(Y)
+# #else
+# #if defined(Z)
+# #endif
+import re
+import sys
+def solve_statement(condition):
+ defrex = re.compile('defined[ \t]*\(([^\)]+)\)')
+ orrex = re.compile('(.+)\|\|(.+)')
+ andrex = re.compile('(.+)&&(.+)')
+ notrex = re.compile('!([^&\|]+)')
+ parenrex = re.compile('\(([^\)]+)\)')
+ leadspacerex = re.compile('^[ \t]+(.*)')
+ endspacerex = re.compile('(.*)[ \t]+$')
+ matchfound = True
+ while matchfound:
+ matchfound = False
+ # Search for defined(K) (K must be a single keyword)
+ # If the keyword was defined, then it should have been replaced by 1
+ lmatch =
+ if lmatch:
+ key =
+ if key == 1 or key == '1' or key == True:
+ repl = 1
+ else:
+ repl = 0
+ condition = defrex.sub(str(repl), condition)
+ matchfound = True
+ # Search for (X) recursively
+ lmatch =
+ if lmatch:
+ repl = solve_statement(
+ condition = parenrex.sub(str(repl), condition)
+ matchfound = True
+ # Search for !X recursively
+ lmatch =
+ if lmatch:
+ only = solve_statement(
+ if only == '1':
+ repl = '0'
+ else:
+ repl = '1'
+ condition = notrex.sub(str(repl), condition)
+ matchfound = True
+ # Search for A&&B recursively
+ lmatch =
+ if lmatch:
+ first = solve_statement(
+ second = solve_statement(
+ if first == '1' and second == '1':
+ repl = '1'
+ else:
+ repl = '0'
+ condition = andrex.sub(str(repl), condition)
+ matchfound = True
+ # Search for A||B recursively
+ lmatch =
+ if lmatch:
+ first = solve_statement(
+ second = solve_statement(
+ if first == '1' or second == '1':
+ repl = '1'
+ else:
+ repl = '0'
+ condition = orrex.sub(str(repl), condition)
+ matchfound = True
+ # Remove whitespace
+ lmatch = leadspacerex.match(condition)
+ if lmatch:
+ condition =
+ lmatch = endspacerex.match(condition)
+ if lmatch:
+ condition =
+ return condition
+def solve_condition(condition, keys, defines, keyrex):
+ # Do definition replacement on the conditional
+ for keyword in keys:
+ condition = keyrex[keyword].sub(defines[keyword], condition)
+ value = solve_statement(condition)
+ if value == '1':
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+def sortkeys(keys):
+ newkeys = []
+ for i in range(0, len(keys)):
+ keyword = keys[i]
+ found = False
+ for j in range(0, len(newkeys)):
+ inword = newkeys[j]
+ if inword in keyword:
+ # Insert keyword before inword
+ newkeys.insert(j, keyword)
+ found = True
+ break
+ if not found:
+ newkeys.append(keyword)
+ return newkeys
+def runpp(keys, keyrex, defines, ccomm, incdirs, inputfile, ofile):
+ includerex = re.compile('^[ \t]*#include[ \t]+"*([^ \t\n\r"]+)')
+ definerex = re.compile('^[ \t]*#define[ \t]+([^ \t]+)[ \t]+(.+)')
+ paramrex = re.compile('^([^\(]+)\(([^\)]+)\)')
+ defrex = re.compile('^[ \t]*#define[ \t]+([^ \t\n\r]+)')
+ undefrex = re.compile('^[ \t]*#undef[ \t]+([^ \t\n\r]+)')
+ ifdefrex = re.compile('^[ \t]*#ifdef[ \t]+(.+)')
+ ifndefrex = re.compile('^[ \t]*#ifndef[ \t]+(.+)')
+ ifrex = re.compile('^[ \t]*#if[ \t]+(.+)')
+ elseifrex = re.compile('^[ \t]*#elseif[ \t]+(.+)')
+ elserex = re.compile('^[ \t]*#else')
+ endifrex = re.compile('^[ \t]*#endif')
+ commentrex = re.compile('^###[^#]*$')
+ ccstartrex = re.compile('/\*') # C-style comment start
+ ccendrex = re.compile('\*/') # C-style comment end
+ contrex = re.compile('.*\\\\$') # Backslash continuation line
+ badifrex = re.compile('^[ \t]*#if[ \t]*.*')
+ badelserex = re.compile('^[ \t]*#else[ \t]*.*')
+ # This code is not designed to operate on huge files. Neither is it designed to be
+ # efficient.
+ # ifblock state:
+ # -1 : not in an if/else block
+ # 0 : no condition satisfied yet
+ # 1 : condition satisfied
+ # 2 : condition was handled, waiting for endif
+ ifile = False
+ try:
+ ifile = open(inputfile, 'r')
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ for dir in incdirs:
+ try:
+ ifile = open(dir + '/' + inputfile, 'r')
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ break
+ if not ifile:
+ print("Error: Cannot open file " + inputfile + " for reading.\n", file=sys.stderr)
+ return
+ ccblock = -1
+ ifblock = -1
+ ifstack = []
+ lineno = 0
+ filetext = ifile.readlines()
+ lastline = []
+ for line in filetext:
+ lineno += 1
+ # C-style comments override everything else
+ if ccomm:
+ if ccblock == -1:
+ pmatch =
+ if pmatch:
+ ematch =[pmatch.end(0):])
+ if ematch:
+ line = line[0:pmatch.start(0)] + line[pmatch.end(0) + ematch.end(0):]
+ else:
+ line = line[0:pmatch.start(0)]
+ ccblock = 1
+ elif ccblock == 1:
+ ematch =
+ if ematch:
+ line = line[ematch.end(0)+2:]
+ ccblock = -1
+ else:
+ continue
+ # Handle continuation detected in previous line
+ if lastline:
+ # Note: Apparently there is a character retained after the backslash,
+ # so strip the last two characters from the line.
+ line = lastline[0:-2] + line
+ lastline = []
+ # Continuation lines have the next highest priority. However, this
+ # script will attempt to keep continuation lines in the body of the
+ # text and only collapse lines where continuation lines occur in
+ # a preprocessor statement.
+ cmatch = contrex.match(line)
+ # Ignore lines beginning with "###"
+ pmatch = commentrex.match(line)
+ if pmatch:
+ continue
+ # Handle ifdef
+ pmatch = ifdefrex.match(line)
+ if pmatch:
+ if cmatch:
+ lastline = line
+ continue
+ if ifblock != -1:
+ ifstack.append(ifblock)
+ if ifblock == 1 or ifblock == -1:
+ condition =
+ ifblock = solve_condition(condition, keys, defines, keyrex)
+ else:
+ ifblock = 2
+ continue
+ # Handle ifndef
+ pmatch = ifndefrex.match(line)
+ if pmatch:
+ if cmatch:
+ lastline = line
+ continue
+ if ifblock != -1:
+ ifstack.append(ifblock)
+ if ifblock == 1 or ifblock == -1:
+ condition =
+ ifblock = solve_condition(condition, keys, defines, keyrex)
+ ifblock = 1 if ifblock == 0 else 0
+ else:
+ ifblock = 2
+ continue
+ # Handle if
+ pmatch = ifrex.match(line)
+ if pmatch:
+ if cmatch:
+ lastline = line
+ continue
+ if ifblock != -1:
+ ifstack.append(ifblock)
+ if ifblock == 1 or ifblock == -1:
+ condition =
+ ifblock = solve_condition(condition, keys, defines, keyrex)
+ else:
+ ifblock = 2
+ continue
+ # Handle elseif
+ pmatch = elseifrex.match(line)
+ if pmatch:
+ if cmatch:
+ lastline = line
+ continue
+ if ifblock == -1:
+ print("Error: #elseif without preceding #if at line " + str(lineno) + ".", file=sys.stderr)
+ ifblock = 0
+ if ifblock == 1:
+ ifblock = 2
+ elif ifblock != 2:
+ condition =
+ ifblock = solve_condition(condition, keys, defines, keyrex)
+ continue
+ # Handle else
+ pmatch = elserex.match(line)
+ if pmatch:
+ if cmatch:
+ lastline = line
+ continue
+ if ifblock == -1:
+ print("Error: #else without preceding #if at line " + str(lineno) + ".", file=sys.stderr)
+ ifblock = 0
+ if ifblock == 1:
+ ifblock = 2
+ elif ifblock == 0:
+ ifblock = 1
+ continue
+ # Handle endif
+ pmatch = endifrex.match(line)
+ if pmatch:
+ if cmatch:
+ lastline = line
+ continue
+ if ifblock == -1:
+ print("Error: #endif outside of #if block at line " + str(lineno) + " (ignored)", file=sys.stderr)
+ elif ifstack:
+ ifblock = ifstack.pop()
+ else:
+ ifblock = -1
+ continue
+ # Check for 'if' or 'else' that were not properly formed
+ pmatch = badifrex.match(line)
+ if pmatch:
+ print("Error: Badly formed #if statement at line " + str(lineno) + " (ignored)", file=sys.stderr)
+ if ifblock != -1:
+ ifstack.append(ifblock)
+ if ifblock == 1 or ifblock == -1:
+ ifblock = 0
+ else:
+ ifblock = 2
+ continue
+ pmatch = badelserex.match(line)
+ if pmatch:
+ print("Error: Badly formed #else statement at line " + str(lineno) + " (ignored)", file=sys.stderr)
+ ifblock = 2
+ continue
+ # Ignore all lines that are not satisfied by a conditional
+ if ifblock == 0 or ifblock == 2:
+ continue
+ # Handle include. Note that this code does not expect or
+ # handle 'if' blocks that cross file boundaries.
+ pmatch = includerex.match(line)
+ if pmatch:
+ if cmatch:
+ lastline = line
+ continue
+ inclfile =
+ runpp(keys, keyrex, defines, ccomm, incdirs, inclfile, ofile)
+ continue
+ # Handle define (with value)
+ pmatch = definerex.match(line)
+ if pmatch:
+ if cmatch:
+ lastline = line
+ continue
+ condition =
+ # Additional handling of definition w/parameters: #define X(a,b,c) ..."
+ rmatch = paramrex.match(condition)
+ if rmatch:
+ # 'condition' as a key into keyrex only needs to be unique.
+ # Use the definition word without everything in parentheses
+ condition =
+ # 'pcondition' is the actual search regexp and must capture all
+ # the parameters individually for substitution
+ parameters =',')
+ # Generate the regexp string to match comma-separate values
+ # Note that this is based on the cpp preprocessor, which
+ # apparently allows commas in arguments if surrounded by
+ # parentheses; e.g., "def(a, b, (c1,c2))". This is NOT
+ # handled.
+ pcondition = condition + '\('
+ for param in parameters[0:-1]:
+ pcondition += '(.*),'
+ pcondition += '(.*)\)'
+ # Generate the substitution string with group substitutions
+ pvalue =
+ idx = 1
+ for param in parameters:
+ pvalue = pvalue.replace(param, '\g<' + str(idx) + '>')
+ idx = idx + 1
+ defines[condition] = pvalue
+ keyrex[condition] = re.compile(pcondition)
+ else:
+ parameters = []
+ value =
+ # Note: Need to check for infinite recursion here, but it's tricky.
+ defines[condition] = value
+ keyrex[condition] = re.compile(condition)
+ if condition not in keys:
+ # Parameterized keys go to the front of the list
+ if parameters:
+ keys.insert(0, condition)
+ else:
+ keys.append(condition)
+ keys = sortkeys(keys)
+ continue
+ # Handle define (simple case, no value)
+ pmatch = defrex.match(line)
+ if pmatch:
+ if cmatch:
+ lastline = line
+ continue
+ condition =
+ defines[condition] = '1'
+ keyrex[condition] = re.compile(condition)
+ if condition not in keys:
+ keys.append(condition)
+ keys = sortkeys(keys)
+ continue
+ # Handle undef
+ pmatch = undefrex.match(line)
+ if pmatch:
+ if cmatch:
+ lastline = line
+ continue
+ condition =
+ if condition in keys:
+ defines.pop(condition)
+ keyrex.pop(condition)
+ keys.remove(condition)
+ continue
+ # Now do definition replacement on what's left (if anything)
+ # This must be done repeatedly from the top until there are no
+ # more substitutions to make.
+ while True:
+ origline = line
+ for keyword in keys:
+ newline = keyrex[keyword].sub(defines[keyword], line)
+ if newline != line:
+ line = newline
+ break
+ if line == origline:
+ break
+ # Output the line
+ print(line, file=ofile, end='')
+ if ifblock != -1 or ifstack != []:
+ print("Error: input file ended with an unterminated #if block.", file=sys.stderr)
+ if ifile != sys.stdin:
+ ifile.close()
+ return
+def printusage(progname):
+ print('Usage: ' + progname + ' input_file [output_file] [-options]')
+ print(' Options are:')
+ print(' -help Print this help text.')
+ print(' -ccomm Remove C comments in /* ... */ delimiters.')
+ print(' -D<def> Define word <def> and set its value to 1.')
+ print(' -D<def>=<val> Define word <def> and set its value to <val>.')
+ print(' -I<dir> Add <dir> to search path for input files.')
+ return
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Parse command line for options and arguments
+ options = []
+ arguments = []
+ for item in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if item.find('-', 0) == 0:
+ options.append(item)
+ else:
+ arguments.append(item)
+ if len(arguments) > 0:
+ inputfile = arguments[0]
+ if len(arguments) > 1:
+ outputfile = arguments[1]
+ else:
+ outputfile = []
+ else:
+ printusage(sys.argv[0])
+ sys.exit(0)
+ defines = {}
+ keyrex = {}
+ keys = []
+ incdirs = []
+ ccomm = False
+ for item in options:
+ result = item.split('=')
+ if result[0] == '-help':
+ printusage(sys.argv[0])
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif result[0] == '-ccomm':
+ ccomm = True
+ elif result[0][0:2] == '-I':
+ incdirs.append(result[0][2:])
+ elif result[0][0:2] == '-D':
+ keyword = result[0][2:]
+ try:
+ value = result[1]
+ except:
+ value = '1'
+ defines[keyword] = value
+ keyrex[keyword] = re.compile(keyword)
+ keys.append(keyword)
+ keys = sortkeys(keys)
+ else:
+ print('Bad option ' + item + ', options are -help, -ccomm, -D<def> -I<dir>\n')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if outputfile:
+ ofile = open(outputfile, 'w')
+ else:
+ ofile = sys.stdout
+ if not ofile:
+ print("Error: Cannot open file " + output_file + " for writing.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Sort keys so that if any definition contains another definition, the
+ # subset word is handled last; otherwise the subset word will get
+ # substituted, screwing up the definition names in which it occurs.
+ keys = sortkeys(keys)
+ runpp(keys, keyrex, defines, ccomm, incdirs, inputfile, ofile)
+ if ofile != sys.stdout:
+ ofile.close()
+ sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..746a06f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Remove timing information from a verilog file, which is everything between
+# the keywords "specify" and "endspecify".
+# Filter a verilog file to remove any backslash continuation lines, which
+# iverilog does not parse. If targetroot is a directory, then find and
+# process all files in the path of targetroot. If any file to be processed
+# is unmodified (has no backslash continuation lines), then ignore it. If
+# any file is a symbolic link and gets modified, then remove the symbolic
+# link before overwriting with the modified file.
+import stat
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+def makeuserwritable(filepath):
+ if os.path.exists(filepath):
+ st = os.stat(filepath)
+ os.chmod(filepath, st.st_mode | stat.S_IWUSR)
+def remove_specify(vfile, outfile):
+ modified = False
+ with open(vfile, 'r') as ifile:
+ vtext =
+ if outfile == None:
+ outfile = vfile
+ # Remove backslash-followed-by-newline and absorb initial whitespace. It
+ # is unclear what initial whitespace means in this context, as the use-
+ # case that has been seen seems to work under the assumption that leading
+ # whitespace is ignored up to the amount used by the last indentation.
+ vlines = re.sub('\\\\\n[ \t]*', '', vtext)
+ specrex = re.compile('\n[ \t]*specify[ \t\n]+')
+ endspecrex = re.compile('\n[ \t]*endspecify')
+ smatch =
+ while smatch:
+ specstart = smatch.start()
+ specpos = smatch.end()
+ ematch =[specpos:])
+ specend = ematch.end()
+ vtemp = vlines[0:specstart + 1] + vlines[specpos + specend + 1:]
+ vlines = vtemp
+ smatch =
+ if vlines != vtext:
+ # File contents have been modified, so if this file was a symbolic
+ # link, then remove it. Otherwise, overwrite the file with the
+ # modified contents.
+ if outfile == vfile:
+ if os.path.islink(vfile):
+ os.unlink(vfile)
+ if os.path.exists(outfile):
+ makeuserwritable(outfile)
+ with open(outfile, 'w') as ofile:
+ ofile.write(vlines)
+ elif outfile != vfile:
+ if os.path.exists(outfile):
+ makeuserwritable(outfile)
+ with open(outfile, 'w') as ofile:
+ ofile.write(vlines)
+# If called as main, run remove_specify
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Divide up command line into options and arguments
+ options = []
+ arguments = []
+ for item in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if item.find('-', 0) == 0:
+ options.append(item)
+ else:
+ arguments.append(item)
+ # Need one argument: path to verilog netlist
+ # If two arguments, then 2nd argument is the output file.
+ if len(arguments) == 2:
+ netlist_path = arguments[0]
+ output_path = arguments[1]
+ remove_specify(netlist_path, output_path)
+ elif len(arguments) != 1:
+ print("Usage: <file_path> [<output_path>]")
+ elif len(arguments) == 1:
+ netlist_path = arguments[0]
+ remove_specify(netlist_path, None)
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..959a623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,2619 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Padframe Editor and Core Floorplanner
+# Written by Tim Edwards
+# efabless, inc.
+# April 24, 2019
+# Version 0.5
+# Based on (requirement)
+# Update: May 9, 2019 to add console message window
+# Update: May 10, 2019 to incorporate core floorplanning
+# Update: Jan 31, 2020 to allow batch operation
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import glob
+import json
+import math
+import shutil
+import signal
+import select
+import subprocess
+import faulthandler
+import tkinter
+from tkinter import ttk
+from tkinter import filedialog
+import tksimpledialog
+from consoletext import ConsoleText
+# User preferences file (if it exists)
+prefsfile = '~/design/.profile/prefs.json'
+# Dialog for entering a pad
+class PadNameDialog(tksimpledialog.Dialog):
+ def body(self, master, warning=None, seed=None):
+ if warning:
+ ttk.Label(master, text=warning).grid(row = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'wns')
+ ttk.Label(master, text="Enter new group name:").grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = 'wns')
+ self.nentry = ttk.Entry(master)
+ self.nentry.grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = 'ewns')
+ if seed:
+ self.nentry.insert(0, seed)
+ return self.nentry # initial focus
+ def apply(self):
+ return self.nentry.get()
+# Dialog for entering core dimensions
+class CoreSizeDialog(tksimpledialog.Dialog):
+ def body(self, master, warning="Chip core dimensions", seed=None):
+ if warning:
+ ttk.Label(master, text=warning).grid(row = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'wns')
+ ttk.Label(master, text="Enter core width x height (microns):").grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = 'wns')
+ self.nentry = ttk.Entry(master)
+ self.nentry.grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = 'ewns')
+ if seed:
+ self.nentry.insert(0, seed)
+ return self.nentry # initial focus
+ def apply(self):
+ return self.nentry.get()
+# SoC Floorplanner and Padframe Generator GUI
+class SoCFloorplanner(ttk.Frame):
+ """Open Galaxy Pad Frame Generator."""
+ def __init__(self, parent = None, *args, **kwargs):
+ '''See the __init__ for Tkinter.Toplevel.'''
+ ttk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args[1:], **kwargs)
+ self.root = parent
+ self.init_data()
+ if args[0] == True:
+ self.do_gui = True
+ self.init_gui()
+ else:
+ self.do_gui = False
+ self.use_console = False
+ def on_quit(self):
+ """Exits program."""
+ quit()
+ def init_gui(self):
+ """Builds GUI."""
+ global prefsfile
+ message = []
+ fontsize = 11
+ # Read user preferences file, get default font size from it.
+ prefspath = os.path.expanduser(prefsfile)
+ if os.path.exists(prefspath):
+ with open(prefspath, 'r') as f:
+ self.prefs = json.load(f)
+ if 'fontsize' in self.prefs:
+ fontsize = self.prefs['fontsize']
+ else:
+ self.prefs = {}
+ s = ttk.Style()
+ available_themes = s.theme_names()
+ s.theme_use(available_themes[0])
+ s.configure('normal.TButton', font=('Helvetica', fontsize), border = 3, relief = 'raised')
+ s.configure('title.TLabel', font=('Helvetica', fontsize, 'bold italic'),
+ foreground = 'brown', anchor = 'center')
+ s.configure('blue.TLabel', font=('Helvetica', fontsize), foreground = 'blue')
+ s.configure('normal.TLabel', font=('Helvetica', fontsize))
+ s.configure('normal.TCheckbutton', font=('Helvetica', fontsize))
+ s.configure('normal.TMenubutton', font=('Helvetica', fontsize))
+ s.configure('normal.TEntry', font=('Helvetica', fontsize), background='white')
+ s.configure('pad.TLabel', font=('Helvetica', fontsize), foreground = 'blue', relief = 'flat')
+ s.configure('select.TLabel', font=('Helvetica', fontsize, 'bold'), foreground = 'white',
+ background = 'blue', relief = 'flat')
+ # parent.withdraw()
+ self.root.title('Padframe Generator and Core Floorplanner')
+ self.root.option_add('*tearOff', 'FALSE')
+ self.pack(side = 'top', fill = 'both', expand = 'true')
+ self.root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.on_quit)
+ pane = tkinter.PanedWindow(self, orient = 'vertical', sashrelief = 'groove',
+ sashwidth = 6)
+ pane.pack(side = 'top', fill = 'both', expand = 'true')
+ self.toppane = ttk.Frame(pane)
+ self.botpane = ttk.Frame(pane)
+ self.toppane.columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
+ self.toppane.rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
+ self.botpane.columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
+ self.botpane.rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
+ # Scrolled frame using canvas widget
+ self.pframe = tkinter.Frame(self.toppane)
+ self.pframe.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = 'news')
+ self.pframe.rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
+ self.pframe.columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
+ # Add column on the left, listing all groups and the pads they belong to.
+ # This starts as just a frame to be filled. Use a canvas to create a
+ # scrolled frame.
+ # The primary frame holds the canvas
+ self.canvas = tkinter.Canvas(self.pframe, background = "white")
+ self.canvas.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = 'news')
+ # Add Y scrollbar to pad list window
+ xscrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(self.pframe, orient = 'horizontal')
+ xscrollbar.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = 'news')
+ yscrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(self.pframe, orient = 'vertical')
+ yscrollbar.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = 'news')
+ self.canvas.config(xscrollcommand = xscrollbar.set)
+ xscrollbar.config(command = self.canvas.xview)
+ self.canvas.config(yscrollcommand = yscrollbar.set)
+ yscrollbar.config(command = self.canvas.yview)
+ self.canvas.bind("<Button-4>", self.on_scrollwheel)
+ self.canvas.bind("<Button-5>", self.on_scrollwheel)
+ # Configure callback
+ self.canvas.bind("<Configure>", self.frame_configure)
+ # Add a text window to capture output. Redirect print statements to it.
+ self.console = ttk.Frame(self.botpane)
+ self.console.grid(column = 0, row = 0, sticky = "news")
+ self.text_box = ConsoleText(self.console, wrap='word', height = 4)
+ self.text_box.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand='true')
+ console_scrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(self.console)
+ console_scrollbar.pack(side='right', fill='y')
+ # Attach console to scrollbar
+ self.text_box.config(yscrollcommand = console_scrollbar.set)
+ console_scrollbar.config(command = self.text_box.yview)
+ # Add the bottom bar with buttons
+ self.bbar = ttk.Frame(self.botpane)
+ self.bbar.grid(column = 0, row = 1, sticky = "news")
+ self.bbar.import_button = ttk.Button(self.bbar, text='Import',
+ command=self.vlogimport, style='normal.TButton')
+ self.bbar.import_button.grid(column=0, row=0, padx = 5)
+ self.bbar.generate_button = ttk.Button(self.bbar, text='Generate',
+ command=self.generate, style='normal.TButton')
+ self.bbar.generate_button.grid(column=1, row=0, padx = 5)
+ self.bbar.save_button = ttk.Button(self.bbar, text='Save',
+, style='normal.TButton')
+ self.bbar.save_button.grid(column=2, row=0, padx = 5)
+ self.bbar.cancel_button = ttk.Button(self.bbar, text='Quit',
+ command=self.on_quit, style='normal.TButton')
+ self.bbar.cancel_button.grid(column=3, row=0, padx = 5)
+ pane.add(self.toppane)
+ pane.add(self.botpane)
+ pane.paneconfig(self.toppane, stretch='first')
+ def init_data(self):
+ self.vlogpads = []
+ self.corecells = []
+ self.Npads = []
+ self.Spads = []
+ self.Epads = []
+ self.Wpads = []
+ self.NEpad = []
+ self.NWpad = []
+ self.SEpad = []
+ self.SWpad = []
+ self.coregroup = []
+ self.celldefs = []
+ self.coredefs = []
+ self.selected = []
+ self.ioleflibs = []
+ self.llx = 0
+ self.lly = 0
+ self.urx = 0
+ self.ury = 0
+ self.event_data = {}
+ self.event_data['x0'] = 0
+ self.event_data['y0'] = 0
+ self.event_data['x'] = 0
+ self.event_data['y'] = 0
+ self.event_data['tag'] = None
+ self.scale = 1.0
+ self.margin = 10
+ self.pad_rotation = 0
+ self.init_messages = []
+ self.stdout = None
+ self.stderr = None
+ self.keep_cfg = False
+ self.ef_format = False
+ self.use_console = False
+ def init_padframe(self):
+ self.set_project()
+ self.vlogimport()
+ self.readplacement(precheck=True)
+ self.resolve()
+ self.generate(0)
+ # Local routines for handling printing to the text console
+ def print(self, message, file=None, end='\n', flush=True):
+ if not file:
+ if not self.use_console:
+ file = sys.stdout
+ else:
+ file = ConsoleText.StdoutRedirector(self.text_box)
+ if self.stdout:
+ print(message, file=file, end=end)
+ if flush:
+ self.stdout.flush()
+ self.update_idletasks()
+ else:
+ self.init_messages.append(message)
+ def text_to_console(self):
+ # Redirect stdout and stderr to the console as the last thing to do. . .
+ # Otherwise errors in the GUI get sucked into the void.
+ self.stdout = sys.stdout
+ self.stderr = sys.stderr
+ if self.use_console:
+ sys.stdout = ConsoleText.StdoutRedirector(self.text_box)
+ sys.stderr = ConsoleText.StderrRedirector(self.text_box)
+ if len(self.init_messages) > 0:
+ for message in self.init_messages:
+ self.print(message)
+ self.init_messages = []
+ # Set the project name(s). This is the name of the top-level verilog.
+ # The standard protocol is that the project directory contains a file
+ # project.json that defines a name 'ip-name' that is the same as the
+ # layout name, the verilog module name, etc.
+ def set_project(self):
+ # Check pwd
+ pwdname = self.projectpath if self.projectpath else os.getcwd()
+ subdir = os.path.split(pwdname)[1]
+ if subdir == 'mag' or subdir == 'verilog':
+ projectpath = os.path.split(pwdname)[0]
+ else:
+ projectpath = pwdname
+ projectroot = os.path.split(projectpath)[0]
+ projectdirname = os.path.split(projectpath)[1]
+ # Check for efabless format. This is probably more complicated than
+ # it deserves to be. Option -ef_format is the best way to specify
+ # efabless format. However, if it is not specified, then check the
+ # technology PDK directory and the project directory for the tell-tale
+ # ".ef-config" (efabless format) directory vs. ".config" (not efabless
+ # format).
+ if not self.ef_format:
+ if os.path.exists(projectpath + '/.ef-config'):
+ self.ef_format = True
+ elif self.techpath:
+ if os.path.exists(self.techpath + '/.ef-config'):
+ self.ef_format = True
+ else:
+ # Do a quick consistency check. Honor the -ef_format option but warn if
+ # there is an apparent inconsistency.
+ if os.path.exists(projectpath + '/.config'):
+ self.print('Warning: -ef_format used in apparently non-efabless setup.')
+ elif self.techpath:
+ if os.path.exists(self.techpath + '/.config'):
+ self.print('Warning: -ef_format used in apparently non-efabless setup.')
+ # Check for project.json
+ jsonname = None
+ if os.path.isfile(projectpath + '/project.json'):
+ jsonname = projectpath + '/project.json'
+ elif os.path.isfile(projectroot + '/' + projectdirname + '.json'):
+ jsonname = projectroot + '/' + projectdirname + '.json'
+ if os.path.isfile(projectroot + '/project.json'):
+ # Just in case this was started from some other subdirectory
+ projectpath = projectroot
+ jsonname = projectroot + '/project.json'
+ if jsonname:
+ self.print('Reading project JSON file ' + jsonname)
+ with open(jsonname, 'r') as ifile:
+ topdata = json.load(ifile)
+ if 'data-sheet' in topdata:
+ dsheet = topdata['data-sheet']
+ if 'ip-name' in dsheet:
+ self.project = dsheet['ip-name']
+ self.projectpath = projectpath
+ else:
+ self.print('No project JSON file; using directory name as the project name.')
+ self.project = os.path.split(projectpath)[1]
+ self.projectpath = projectpath
+ self.print('Project name is ' + self.project + ' (' + self.projectpath + ')')
+ # Functions for drag-and-drop capability
+ def add_draggable(self, tag):
+ self.canvas.tag_bind(tag, '<ButtonPress-1>', self.on_button_press)
+ self.canvas.tag_bind(tag, '<ButtonRelease-1>', self.on_button_release)
+ self.canvas.tag_bind(tag, '<B1-Motion>', self.on_button_motion)
+ self.canvas.tag_bind(tag, '<ButtonPress-2>', self.on_button2_press)
+ self.canvas.tag_bind(tag, '<ButtonPress-3>', self.on_button3_press)
+ def on_button_press(self, event):
+ '''Begining drag of an object'''
+ # Find the closest item, then record its tag.
+ locx = event.x + self.canvas.canvasx(0)
+ locy = event.y + self.canvas.canvasy(0)
+ item = self.canvas.find_closest(locx, locy)[0]
+ self.event_data['tag'] = self.canvas.gettags(item)[0]
+ self.event_data['x0'] = event.x
+ self.event_data['y0'] = event.y
+ self.event_data['x'] = event.x
+ self.event_data['y'] = event.y
+ def on_button2_press(self, event):
+ '''Flip an object (excluding corners)'''
+ locx = event.x + self.canvas.canvasx(0)
+ locy = event.y + self.canvas.canvasy(0)
+ item = self.canvas.find_closest(locx, locy)[0]
+ tag = self.canvas.gettags(item)[0]
+ try:
+ corecell = next(item for item in self.coregroup if item['name'] == tag)
+ except:
+ try:
+ pad = next(item for item in self.Npads if item['name'] == tag)
+ except:
+ pad = None
+ if not pad:
+ try:
+ pad = next(item for item in self.Epads if item['name'] == tag)
+ except:
+ pad = None
+ if not pad:
+ try:
+ pad = next(item for item in self.Spads if item['name'] == tag)
+ except:
+ pad = None
+ if not pad:
+ try:
+ pad = next(item for item in self.Wpads if item['name'] == tag)
+ except:
+ pad = None
+ if not pad:
+ self.print('Error: Object cannot be flipped.')
+ else:
+ # Flip the pad (in the only way meaningful for the pad).
+ orient = pad['o']
+ if orient == 'N':
+ pad['o'] = 'FN'
+ elif orient == 'E':
+ pad['o'] = 'FW'
+ elif orient == 'S':
+ pad['o'] = 'FS'
+ elif orient == 'W':
+ pad['o'] = 'FE'
+ elif orient == 'FN':
+ pad['o'] = 'N'
+ elif orient == 'FE':
+ pad['o'] = 'W'
+ elif orient == 'FS':
+ pad['o'] = 'S'
+ elif orient == 'FW':
+ pad['o'] = 'E'
+ else:
+ # Flip the cell. Use the DEF meaning of flip, which is to
+ # add or subtract 'F' from the orientation.
+ orient = corecell['o']
+ if not 'F' in orient:
+ corecell['o'] = 'F' + orient
+ else:
+ corecell['o'] = orient[1:]
+ # Redraw
+ self.populate(0)
+ def on_button3_press(self, event):
+ '''Rotate a core object (no pads) '''
+ locx = event.x + self.canvas.canvasx(0)
+ locy = event.y + self.canvas.canvasy(0)
+ item = self.canvas.find_closest(locx, locy)[0]
+ tag = self.canvas.gettags(item)[0]
+ try:
+ corecell = next(item for item in self.coregroup if item['name'] == tag)
+ except:
+ self.print('Error: Object cannot be rotated.')
+ else:
+ # Modify its orientation
+ orient = corecell['o']
+ if orient == 'N':
+ corecell['o'] = 'E'
+ elif orient == 'E':
+ corecell['o'] = 'S'
+ elif orient == 'S':
+ corecell['o'] = 'W'
+ elif orient == 'W':
+ corecell['o'] = 'N'
+ elif orient == 'FN':
+ corecell['o'] = 'FW'
+ elif orient == 'FW':
+ corecell['o'] = 'FS'
+ elif orient == 'FS':
+ corecell['o'] = 'FE'
+ elif orient == 'FE':
+ corecell['o'] = 'FN'
+ # rewrite the core DEF file
+ self.write_core_def()
+ # Redraw
+ self.populate(0)
+ def on_button_motion(self, event):
+ '''Handle dragging of an object'''
+ # compute how much the mouse has moved
+ delta_x = event.x - self.event_data['x']
+ delta_y = event.y - self.event_data['y']
+ # move the object the appropriate amount
+ self.canvas.move(self.event_data['tag'], delta_x, delta_y)
+ # record the new position
+ self.event_data['x'] = event.x
+ self.event_data['y'] = event.y
+ def on_button_release(self, event):
+ '''End drag of an object'''
+ # Find the pad associated with the tag and update its position information
+ tag = self.event_data['tag']
+ # Collect pads in clockwise order. Note that E and S rows are not clockwise
+ allpads = []
+ allpads.extend(self.Npads)
+ allpads.extend(self.NEpad)
+ allpads.extend(reversed(self.Epads))
+ allpads.extend(self.SEpad)
+ allpads.extend(reversed(self.Spads))
+ allpads.extend(self.SWpad)
+ allpads.extend(self.Wpads)
+ allpads.extend(self.NWpad)
+ # Create a list of row references (also in clockwise order, but no reversing)
+ padrows = [self.Npads, self.NEpad, self.Epads, self.SEpad, self.Spads, self.SWpad, self.Wpads, self.NWpad]
+ # Record the row or corner where this pad was located before the move
+ for row in padrows:
+ try:
+ pad = next(item for item in row if item['name'] == tag)
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ padrow = row
+ break
+ # Currently there is no procedure to move a pad out of the corner
+ # position; corners are fixed by definition.
+ if padrow == self.NEpad or padrow == self.SEpad or padrow == self.SWpad or padrow == self.NWpad:
+ # Easier to run generate() than to put the pad back. . .
+ self.generate(0)
+ return
+ # Find the original center point of the pad being moved
+ padllx = pad['x']
+ padlly = pad['y']
+ if pad['o'] == 'N' or pad['o'] == 'S':
+ padurx = padllx + pad['width']
+ padury = padlly + pad['height']
+ else:
+ padurx = padllx + pad['height']
+ padury = padlly + pad['width']
+ padcx = (padllx + padurx) / 2
+ padcy = (padlly + padury) / 2
+ # Add distance from drag information (note that drag position in y
+ # is negative relative to the chip dimensions)
+ padcx += (self.event_data['x'] - self.event_data['x0']) / self.scale
+ padcy -= (self.event_data['y'] - self.event_data['y0']) / self.scale
+ # reset the drag information
+ self.event_data['tag'] = None
+ self.event_data['x'] = 0
+ self.event_data['y'] = 0
+ self.event_data['x0'] = 0
+ self.event_data['y0'] = 0
+ # Find the distance from the pad to all other pads, and get the two
+ # closest entries.
+ wwidth = self.urx - self.llx
+ dist0 = wwidth
+ dist1 = wwidth
+ pad0 = None
+ pad1 = None
+ for npad in allpads:
+ if npad == pad:
+ continue
+ npadllx = npad['x']
+ npadlly = npad['y']
+ if npad['o'] == 'N' or npad['o'] == 'S':
+ npadurx = npadllx + npad['width']
+ npadury = npadlly + npad['height']
+ else:
+ npadurx = npadllx + npad['height']
+ npadury = npadlly + npad['width']
+ npadcx = (npadllx + npadurx) / 2
+ npadcy = (npadlly + npadury) / 2
+ deltx = npadcx - padcx
+ delty = npadcy - padcy
+ pdist = math.sqrt(deltx * deltx + delty * delty)
+ if pdist < dist0:
+ dist1 = dist0
+ pad1 = pad0
+ dist0 = pdist
+ pad0 = npad
+ elif pdist < dist1:
+ dist1 = pdist
+ pad1 = npad
+ # Diagnostic
+ # self.print('Two closest pads to pad ' + pad['name'] + ' (' + pad['cell'] + '): ')
+ # self.print(pad0['name'] + ' (' + pad0['cell'] + ') dist = ' + str(dist0))
+ # self.print(pad1['name'] + ' (' + pad1['cell'] + ') dist = ' + str(dist1))
+ # Record the row or corner where these pads are
+ for row in padrows:
+ try:
+ testpad = next(item for item in row if item['name'] == pad0['name'])
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ padrow0 = row
+ break
+ for row in padrows:
+ try:
+ testpad = next(item for item in row if item['name'] == pad1['name'])
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ padrow1 = row
+ break
+ # Remove pad from its own row
+ padrow.remove(pad)
+ # Insert pad into new row. Watch for wraparound from the last entry to the first
+ padidx0 = allpads.index(pad0)
+ padidx1 = allpads.index(pad1)
+ if padidx0 == 0 and padidx1 > 2:
+ padidx1 = -1
+ if padidx1 > padidx0:
+ padafter = pad1
+ rowafter = padrow1
+ padbefore = pad0
+ rowbefore = padrow0
+ else:
+ padafter = pad0
+ rowafter = padrow0
+ padbefore = pad1
+ rowbefore = padrow1
+ # Do not replace corner positions (? may be necessary ?)
+ if rowafter == self.NWpad:
+ self.Wpads.append(pad)
+ elif rowafter == self.NWpad:
+ self.Npads.append(pad)
+ elif rowafter == self.SEpad:
+ self.Epads.insert(0, pad)
+ elif rowafter == self.SWpad:
+ self.Spads.insert(0, pad)
+ elif rowafter == self.Wpads or rowafter == self.Npads:
+ idx = rowafter.index(padafter)
+ rowafter.insert(idx, pad)
+ elif rowbefore == self.NEpad:
+ self.Epads.append(pad)
+ elif rowbefore == self.SEpad:
+ self.Spads.append(pad)
+ else:
+ # rows E and S are ordered counterclockwise
+ idx = rowbefore.index(padbefore)
+ rowbefore.insert(idx, pad)
+ # Re-run padring
+ self.generate(0)
+ def on_scrollwheel(self, event):
+ if event.num == 4:
+ zoomval = 1.1;
+ elif event.num == 5:
+ zoomval = 0.9;
+ else:
+ zoomval = 1.0;
+ self.scale *= zoomval
+ self.canvas.scale('all', -15 * zoomval, -15 * zoomval, zoomval, zoomval)
+ self.event_data['x'] *= zoomval
+ self.event_data['y'] *= zoomval
+ self.event_data['x0'] *= zoomval
+ self.event_data['y0'] *= zoomval
+ self.frame_configure(event)
+ # Callback functions similar to the pad event callbacks above, but for
+ # core cells. Unlike pad cells, core cells can be rotated and flipped
+ # arbitrarily, and they do not force a recomputation of the padframe
+ # unless their position forces the padframe to expand
+ def add_core_draggable(self, tag):
+ self.canvas.tag_bind(tag, '<ButtonPress-1>', self.on_button_press)
+ self.canvas.tag_bind(tag, '<ButtonRelease-1>', self.core_on_button_release)
+ self.canvas.tag_bind(tag, '<B1-Motion>', self.on_button_motion)
+ self.canvas.tag_bind(tag, '<ButtonPress-2>', self.on_button2_press)
+ self.canvas.tag_bind(tag, '<ButtonPress-3>', self.on_button3_press)
+ def core_on_button_release(self, event):
+ '''End drag of a core cell'''
+ # Find the pad associated with the tag and update its position information
+ tag = self.event_data['tag']
+ try:
+ corecell = next(item for item in self.coregroup if item['name'] == tag)
+ except:
+ self.print('Error: cell ' + item['name'] + ' is not in coregroup!')
+ else:
+ # Modify its position values
+ corex = corecell['x']
+ corey = corecell['y']
+ # Add distance from drag information (note that drag position in y
+ # is negative relative to the chip dimensions)
+ deltax = (self.event_data['x'] - self.event_data['x0']) / self.scale
+ deltay = (self.event_data['y'] - self.event_data['y0']) / self.scale
+ corecell['x'] = corex + deltax
+ corecell['y'] = corey - deltay
+ # rewrite the core DEF file
+ self.write_core_def()
+ # reset the drag information
+ self.event_data['tag'] = None
+ self.event_data['x'] = 0
+ self.event_data['y'] = 0
+ self.event_data['x0'] = 0
+ self.event_data['y0'] = 0
+ # Critically needed or else frame does not resize to scrollbars!
+ def grid_configure(self, padx, pady):
+ pass
+ # Redraw the chip frame view in response to changes in the pad list
+ def redraw_frame(self):
+ self.canvas.coords('boundary', self.llx, self.urx, self.lly, self.ury)
+ # Update the canvas scrollregion to incorporate all the interior windows
+ def frame_configure(self, event):
+ if self.do_gui == False:
+ return
+ self.update_idletasks()
+ bbox = self.canvas.bbox("all")
+ try:
+ newbbox = (-15, -15, bbox[2] + 15, bbox[3] + 15)
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.canvas.configure(scrollregion = newbbox)
+ # Fill the GUI entries with resident data
+ def populate(self, level):
+ if self.do_gui == False:
+ return
+ if level > 1:
+ self.print('Recursion error: Returning now.')
+ return
+ self.print('Populating floorplan view.')
+ # Remove all entries from the canvas
+ self.canvas.delete('all')
+ allpads = self.Npads + self.NEpad + self.Epads + self.SEpad + self.Spads + self.SWpad + self.Wpads + self.NWpad
+ notfoundlist = []
+ for pad in allpads:
+ if 'x' not in pad:
+ self.print('Error: Pad ' + pad['name'] + ' has no placement information.')
+ continue
+ llx = int(pad['x'])
+ lly = int(pad['y'])
+ pado = pad['o']
+ try:
+ padcell = next(item for item in self.celldefs if item['name'] == pad['cell'])
+ except:
+ # This should not happen (failsafe)
+ if pad['cell'] not in notfoundlist:
+ self.print('Warning: there is no cell named ' + pad['cell'] + ' in the libraries.')
+ notfoundlist.append(pad['cell'])
+ continue
+ padw = padcell['width']
+ padh = padcell['height']
+ if 'N' in pado or 'S' in pado:
+ urx = int(llx + padw)
+ ury = int(lly + padh)
+ else:
+ urx = int(llx + padh)
+ ury = int(lly + padw)
+ pad['llx'] = llx
+ pad['lly'] = lly
+ pad['urx'] = urx
+ pad['ury'] = ury
+ # Note that the DEF coordinate system is reversed in Y from the canvas. . .
+ height = self.ury - self.lly
+ for pad in allpads:
+ llx = pad['llx']
+ lly = height - pad['lly']
+ urx = pad['urx']
+ ury = height - pad['ury']
+ tag_id = pad['name']
+ if 'subclass' in pad:
+ if pad['subclass'] == 'POWER':
+ pad_color = 'orange2'
+ elif pad['subclass'] == 'INOUT':
+ pad_color = 'yellow'
+ elif pad['subclass'] == 'OUTPUT':
+ pad_color = 'powder blue'
+ elif pad['subclass'] == 'INPUT':
+ pad_color = 'goldenrod1'
+ elif pad['subclass'] == 'SPACER':
+ pad_color = 'green yellow'
+ elif pad['class'] == 'ENDCAP':
+ pad_color = 'green yellow'
+ elif pad['subclass'] == '' or pad['class'] == ';':
+ pad_color = 'khaki1'
+ else:
+ self.print('Unhandled pad class ' + pad['class'])
+ pad_color = 'gray'
+ else:
+ pad_color = 'gray'
+ sllx = self.scale * llx
+ slly = self.scale * lly
+ surx = self.scale * urx
+ sury = self.scale * ury
+ self.canvas.create_rectangle((sllx, slly), (surx, sury), fill=pad_color, tags=[tag_id])
+ cx = (sllx + surx) / 2
+ cy = (slly + sury) / 2
+ s = 10 if pad['width'] >= 10 else pad['width']
+ if pad['height'] < s:
+ s = pad['height']
+ # Create an indicator line at the bottom left corner of the cell
+ if pad['o'] == 'N':
+ allx = sllx
+ ally = slly - s
+ aurx = sllx + s
+ aury = slly
+ elif pad['o'] == 'E':
+ allx = sllx
+ ally = sury + s
+ aurx = sllx + s
+ aury = sury
+ elif pad['o'] == 'S':
+ allx = surx
+ ally = sury + s
+ aurx = surx - s
+ aury = sury
+ elif pad['o'] == 'W':
+ allx = surx
+ ally = slly - s
+ aurx = surx - s
+ aury = slly
+ elif pad['o'] == 'FN':
+ allx = surx
+ ally = slly - s
+ aurx = surx - s
+ aury = slly
+ elif pad['o'] == 'FE':
+ allx = surx
+ ally = sury + s
+ aurx = surx - s
+ aury = sury
+ elif pad['o'] == 'FS':
+ allx = sllx
+ ally = sury + s
+ aurx = sllx + s
+ aury = sury
+ elif pad['o'] == 'FW':
+ allx = sllx
+ ally = slly - s
+ aurx = sllx + s
+ aury = slly
+ self.canvas.create_line((allx, ally), (aurx, aury), tags=[tag_id])
+ # Rotate text on top and bottom rows if the tkinter version allows it.
+ if tkinter.TclVersion >= 8.6:
+ if pad['o'] == 'N' or pad['o'] == 'S':
+ angle = 90
+ else:
+ angle = 0
+ self.canvas.create_text((cx, cy), text=pad['name'], angle=angle, tags=[tag_id])
+ else:
+ self.canvas.create_text((cx, cy), text=pad['name'], tags=[tag_id])
+ # Make the pad draggable
+ self.add_draggable(tag_id)
+ # Now add the core cells
+ for cell in self.coregroup:
+ if 'x' not in cell:
+ self.print('Error: Core cell ' + cell['name'] + ' has no placement information.')
+ continue
+ # else:
+ # self.print('Diagnostic: Creating object for core cell ' + cell['name'])
+ llx = int(cell['x'])
+ lly = int(cell['y'])
+ cello = cell['o']
+ try:
+ corecell = next(item for item in self.coredefs if item['name'] == cell['cell'])
+ except:
+ # This should not happen (failsafe)
+ if cell['cell'] not in notfoundlist:
+ self.print('Warning: there is no cell named ' + cell['cell'] + ' in the libraries.')
+ notfoundlist.append(cell['cell'])
+ continue
+ cellw = corecell['width']
+ cellh = corecell['height']
+ if 'N' in cello or 'S' in cello:
+ urx = int(llx + cellw)
+ ury = int(lly + cellh)
+ else:
+ urx = int(llx + cellh)
+ ury = int(lly + cellw)
+ print('NOTE: cell ' + corecell['name'] + ' is rotated, w = ' + str(urx - llx) + '; h = ' + str(ury - lly))
+ cell['llx'] = llx
+ cell['lly'] = lly
+ cell['urx'] = urx
+ cell['ury'] = ury
+ # Watch for out-of-window position in core cells.
+ corellx = self.llx
+ corelly = self.lly
+ coreurx = self.urx
+ coreury = self.ury
+ for cell in self.coregroup:
+ if 'llx' not in cell:
+ # Error message for this was handled above
+ continue
+ llx = cell['llx']
+ lly = height - cell['lly']
+ urx = cell['urx']
+ ury = height - cell['ury']
+ # Check for out-of-window cell
+ if llx < corellx:
+ corellx = llx
+ if lly < corelly:
+ corelly = lly
+ if urx > coreurx:
+ coreurx = urx
+ if ury > coreury:
+ coreury = ury
+ tag_id = cell['name']
+ cell_color = 'gray40'
+ sllx = self.scale * llx
+ slly = self.scale * lly
+ surx = self.scale * urx
+ sury = self.scale * ury
+ self.canvas.create_rectangle((sllx, slly), (surx, sury), fill=cell_color, tags=[tag_id])
+ cx = (sllx + surx) / 2
+ cy = (slly + sury) / 2
+ s = 10 if cell['width'] >= 10 else cell['width']
+ if cell['height'] < s:
+ s = cell['height']
+ # Create an indicator line at the bottom left corner of the cell
+ if cell['o'] == 'N':
+ allx = sllx
+ ally = slly - s
+ aurx = sllx + s
+ aury = slly
+ elif cell['o'] == 'E':
+ allx = sllx
+ ally = sury + s
+ aurx = sllx + s
+ aury = sury
+ elif cell['o'] == 'S':
+ allx = surx
+ ally = sury + s
+ aurx = surx - s
+ aury = sury
+ elif cell['o'] == 'W':
+ allx = surx
+ ally = slly - s
+ aurx = surx - s
+ aury = slly
+ elif cell['o'] == 'FN':
+ allx = surx
+ ally = slly - s
+ aurx = surx - s
+ aury = slly
+ elif cell['o'] == 'FE':
+ allx = surx
+ ally = sury + s
+ aurx = surx - s
+ aury = sury
+ elif cell['o'] == 'FS':
+ allx = sllx
+ ally = sury + s
+ aurx = sllx + s
+ aury = sury
+ elif cell['o'] == 'FW':
+ allx = sllx
+ ally = slly - s
+ aurx = sllx + s
+ aury = slly
+ self.canvas.create_line((allx, ally), (aurx, aury), tags=[tag_id])
+ # self.print('Created entry for cell ' + cell['name'] + ' at {0:g}, {1:g}'.format(cx, cy))
+ # Rotate text on top and bottom rows if the tkinter version allows it.
+ if tkinter.TclVersion >= 8.6:
+ if 'N' in cell['o'] or 'S' in cell['o']:
+ angle = 90
+ else:
+ angle = 0
+ self.canvas.create_text((cx, cy), text=cell['name'], angle=angle, tags=[tag_id])
+ else:
+ self.canvas.create_text((cx, cy), text=cell['name'], tags=[tag_id])
+ # Make the core cell draggable
+ self.add_core_draggable(tag_id)
+ # Is there a boundary size defined?
+ if self.urx > self.llx and self.ury > self.lly:
+ self.create_boundary()
+ # Did the core extend into negative X or Y? If so, adjust all canvas
+ # coordinates to fit in the window, or else objects cannot be reached
+ # even by zooming out (since zooming is pinned on the top corner).
+ offsetx = 0
+ offsety = 0
+ # NOTE: Probably want to check if the core exceeds the inner
+ # dimension of the pad ring, not the outer (to check and to do).
+ if corellx < self.llx:
+ offsetx = self.llx - corellx
+ if corelly < self.lly:
+ offsety = self.lly - corelly
+ if offsetx > 0 or offsety > 0:
+ self.canvas.move("all", offsetx, offsety)
+ # An offset implies that the chip is core limited, and the
+ # padframe requires additional space. This can be accomplished
+ # simply by running "Generate". NOTE: Since generate() calls
+ # populate(), be VERY SURE that this does not infinitely recurse!
+ self.generate(level)
+ # Generate a DEF file of the core area
+ def write_core_def(self):
+ self.print('Writing core placementment information in DEF file "core.def".')
+ mag_path = self.projectpath + '/mag'
+ # The core cells must always clear the I/O pads on the left and
+ # bottom (with the ad-hoc margin of self.margin). If core cells have
+ # been moved to the left or down past the padframe edge, then the
+ # entire core needs to be repositioned.
+ # To be done: draw a boundary around the core, let the edges of that
+ # boundary be draggable, and let the difference between the boundary
+ # and the core area define the margin.
+ if self.SWpad != []:
+ corellx = self.SWpad[0]['x'] + self.SWpad[0]['width'] + self.margin
+ corelly = self.SWpad[0]['y'] + self.SWpad[0]['height'] + self.margin
+ else:
+ corellx = self.Wpads[0]['x'] + self.Wpads[0]['height'] + self.margin
+ corelly = self.Spads[0]['x'] + self.Spads[0]['height'] + self.margin
+ offsetx = 0
+ offsety = 0
+ for corecell in self.coregroup:
+ if corecell['x'] < corellx:
+ if corellx - corecell['x'] > offsetx:
+ offsetx = corellx - corecell['x']
+ if corecell['y'] < corelly:
+ if corelly - corecell['y'] > offsety:
+ offsety = corelly - corecell['y']
+ if offsetx > 0 or offsety > 0:
+ for corecell in self.coregroup:
+ corecell['x'] += offsetx
+ corecell['y'] += offsety
+ # Now write the core DEF file
+ with open(mag_path + '/core.def', 'w') as ofile:
+ print('DESIGN CORE ;', file=ofile)
+ print('UNITS DISTANCE MICRONS 1000 ;', file=ofile)
+ print('COMPONENTS {0:d} ;'.format(len(self.coregroup)), file=ofile)
+ for corecell in self.coregroup:
+ print(' - ' + corecell['name'] + ' ' + corecell['cell'], file=ofile)
+ print(' + PLACED ( {0:d} {1:d} ) {2:s} ;'.format(int(corecell['x'] * 1000), int(corecell['y'] * 1000), corecell['o']), file=ofile)
+ print ('END COMPONENTS', file=ofile)
+ print ('END DESIGN', file=ofile)
+ # Create the chip boundary area
+ def create_boundary(self):
+ scale = self.scale
+ llx = (self.llx - 10) * scale
+ lly = (self.lly - 10) * scale
+ urx = (self.urx + 10) * scale
+ ury = (self.ury + 10) * scale
+ pad_color = 'plum1'
+ tag_id = 'boundary'
+ self.canvas.create_rectangle((llx, lly), (urx, ury), outline=pad_color, width=2, tags=[tag_id])
+ # Add text to the middle representing the chip and core areas
+ cx = ((self.llx + self.urx) / 2) * scale
+ cy = ((self.lly + self.ury) / 2) * scale
+ width = self.urx - self.llx
+ height = self.ury - self.lly
+ areatext = 'Chip dimensions (um): {0:g} x {1:g}'.format(width, height)
+ tag_id = 'chiparea'
+ self.canvas.create_text((cx, cy), text=areatext, tags=[tag_id])
+ # Rotate orientation according to self.pad_rotation.
+ def rotate_orientation(self, orient_in):
+ orient_v = ['N', 'E', 'S', 'W', 'N', 'E', 'S', 'W']
+ idxadd = int(self.pad_rotation / 90)
+ idx = orient_v.index(orient_in)
+ return orient_v[idx + idxadd]
+ # Read a list of cell macros (name, size, class) from a LEF library
+ def read_lef_macros(self, libpath, libname = None, libtype = 'iolib'):
+ if libtype == 'iolib':
+ libtext = 'I/O '
+ elif libtype == 'celllib':
+ libtext = 'core '
+ else:
+ libtext = ''
+ macros = []
+ if libname:
+ if os.path.splitext(libname)[1] == '':
+ libname += '.lef'
+ leffiles = glob.glob(libpath + '/' + libname)
+ else:
+ leffiles = glob.glob(libpath + '/*.lef')
+ if leffiles == []:
+ if libname:
+ self.print('WARNING: No file ' + libpath + '/' + libname + '.lef')
+ else:
+ self.print('WARNING: No files ' + libpath + '/*.lef')
+ for leffile in leffiles:
+ libpath = os.path.split(leffile)[0]
+ libname = os.path.split(libpath)[1]
+ self.print('Reading LEF ' + libtext + 'library ' + leffile)
+ with open(leffile, 'r') as ifile:
+ ilines =
+ in_macro = False
+ for iline in ilines:
+ iparse = iline.split()
+ if iparse == []:
+ continue
+ elif iparse[0] == 'MACRO':
+ in_macro = True
+ newmacro = {}
+ newmacro['name'] = iparse[1]
+ newmacro[libtype] = leffile
+ macros.append(newmacro)
+ elif in_macro:
+ if iparse[0] == 'END':
+ if len(iparse) > 1 and iparse[1] == newmacro['name']:
+ in_macro = False
+ elif iparse[0] == 'CLASS':
+ newmacro['class'] = iparse[1]
+ if len(iparse) > 2:
+ newmacro['subclass'] = iparse[2]
+ # Use the 'ENDCAP' class to identify pad rotations
+ # other than BOTTOMLEFT. This is somewhat ad-hoc
+ # depending on the foundry; may not be generally
+ # applicable.
+ if newmacro['class'] == 'ENDCAP':
+ if newmacro['subclass'] == 'TOPLEFT':
+ self.pad_rotation = 90
+ elif newmacro['subclass'] == 'TOPRIGHT':
+ self.pad_rotation = 180
+ elif newmacro['subclass'] == 'BOTTOMRIGHT':
+ self.pad_rotation = 270
+ else:
+ newmacro['subclass'] = None
+ elif iparse[0] == 'SIZE':
+ newmacro['width'] = float(iparse[1])
+ newmacro['height'] = float(iparse[3])
+ elif iparse[0] == 'ORIGIN':
+ newmacro['x'] = float(iparse[1])
+ newmacro['y'] = float(iparse[2])
+ return macros
+ # Read a list of cell names from a verilog file
+ # If filename is relative, then check in the same directory as the verilog
+ # top-level netlist (vlogpath) and in the subdirectory 'source/' of the top-
+ # level directory. Also check in the ~/design/ip/ directory. These are
+ # common include paths for the simulation.
+ def read_verilog_lib(self, incpath, vlogpath):
+ iocells = []
+ if not os.path.isfile(incpath) and incpath[0] != '/':
+ locincpath = vlogpath + '/' + incpath
+ if not os.path.isfile(locincpath):
+ locincpath = vlogpath + '/source/' + incpath
+ if not os.path.isfile(locincpath):
+ projectpath = os.path.split(vlogpath)[0]
+ designpath = os.path.split(projectpath)[0]
+ locincpath = designpath + '/ip/' + incpath
+ else:
+ locincpath = incpath
+ if not os.path.isfile(locincpath):
+ self.print('File ' + incpath + ' not found (at ' + locincpath + ')!')
+ else:
+ self.print('Reading verilog library ' + locincpath)
+ with open(locincpath, 'r') as ifile:
+ ilines =
+ for iline in ilines:
+ iparse = re.split('[\t ()]', iline)
+ while '' in iparse:
+ iparse.remove('')
+ if iparse == []:
+ continue
+ elif iparse[0] == 'module':
+ iocells.append(iparse[1])
+ return iocells
+ # Generate a LEF abstract view from a magic layout. If "outpath" is not
+ # "None", then write output to outputpath (this is required if the input
+ # file is in a read-only directory).
+ def write_lef_file(self, magfile, outpath=None):
+ mag_path = os.path.split(magfile)[0]
+ magfullname = os.path.split(magfile)[1]
+ module = os.path.splitext(magfullname)[0]
+ if outpath:
+ write_path = outpath
+ else:
+ write_path = mag_path
+ self.print('Generating LEF view from layout for module ' + module)
+ with open(write_path + '/pfg_write_lef.tcl', 'w') as ofile:
+ print('drc off', file=ofile)
+ print('box 0 0 0 0', file=ofile)
+ # NOTE: Using "-force" option in case an IP with a different but
+ # compatible tech is used (e.g., EFHX035A IP inside EFXH035C). This
+ # is not checked for legality!
+ if outpath:
+ print('load ' + magfile + ' -force', file=ofile)
+ else:
+ print('load ' + module + ' -force', file=ofile)
+ print('lef write -hide', file=ofile)
+ print('quit', file=ofile)
+ magicexec = self.magic_path if self.magic_path else 'magic'
+ mproc = subprocess.Popen([magicexec, '-dnull', '-noconsole',
+ 'pfg_write_lef.tcl'],
+ stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = write_path, universal_newlines = True)
+ os.remove(write_path + '/pfg_write_lef.tcl')
+ # Watch a running process, polling for output and updating the GUI message
+ # window as output arrives. Return only when the process has exited.
+ # Note that this process cannot handle stdin(), so any input to the process
+ # must be passed from a file.
+ def watch(self, process):
+ if process == None:
+ return
+ while True:
+ status = process.poll()
+ if status != None:
+ try:
+ outputpair = process.communicate(timeout=1)
+ except ValueError:
+ self.print("Process forced stop, status " + str(status))
+ else:
+ for line in outputpair[0].splitlines():
+ self.print(line)
+ for line in outputpair[1].splitlines():
+ self.print(line, file=sys.stderr)
+ break
+ else:
+ sresult =[process.stdout, process.stderr], [], [], 0)[0]
+ if process.stdout in sresult:
+ outputline = process.stdout.readline().strip()
+ self.print(outputline)
+ elif process.stderr in sresult:
+ outputline = process.stderr.readline().strip()
+ self.print(outputline, file=sys.stderr)
+ else:
+ self.update_idletasks()
+ # Reimport the pad list by reading the top-level verilog netlist. Determine
+ # what pads are listed in the file, and check against the existing pad list.
+ # The verilog/ directory should have a .v file containing a module of the
+ # same name as self.project (ip-name). The .v filename should have the
+ # same name as well (but not necessarily). To do: Handle import of
+ # projects having a top-level schematic instead of a verilog netlist.
+ def vlogimport(self):
+ if self.ef_format:
+ config_dir = '/.ef-config'
+ else:
+ config_dir = '/.config'
+ # First find the process PDK name for this project. Read the nodeinfo.json
+ # file and find the list of I/O cell libraries.
+ if self.techpath:
+ pdkpath = self.techpath
+ elif os.path.islink(self.projectpath + config_dir + '/techdir'):
+ pdkpath = os.path.realpath(self.projectpath + config_dir + '/techdir')
+ else:
+ self.print('Error: Cannot determine path to PDK. Try using option -tech-path=')
+ return
+ self.print('Importing verilog sources.')
+ nodeinfopath = pdkpath + config_dir + '/nodeinfo.json'
+ ioleflist = []
+ if os.path.exists(nodeinfopath):
+ self.print('Reading known I/O cell libraries from ' + nodeinfopath)
+ with open(nodeinfopath, 'r') as ifile:
+ itop = json.load(ifile)
+ if 'iocells' in itop:
+ ioleflist = []
+ for iolib in itop['iocells']:
+ if '/' in iolib:
+ # Entries <lib>/<cell> refer to specific files
+ if self.ef_format:
+ iolibpath = pdkpath + '/libs.ref/lef/' + iolib
+ else:
+ iolibpath = pdkpath + '/libs.ref/' + iolib
+ if os.path.splitext(iolib)[1] == '':
+ if not os.path.exists(iolibpath):
+ iolibpath = iolibpath + '.lib'
+ if not os.path.exists(iolibpath):
+ self.print('Warning: nodeinfo.json bad I/O library path ' + iolibpath)
+ ioleflist.append(iolibpath)
+ else:
+ # All other entries refer to everything in the directory.
+ if self.ef_format:
+ iolibpath = pdkpath + '/libs.ref/lef/' + iolib
+ else:
+ iolibpath = pdkpath + '/libs.ref/' + iolib + '/lef/'
+ iolibfiles = glob.glob(iolibpath + '/*.lef')
+ if len(iolibfiles) == 0:
+ self.print('Warning: nodeinfo.json bad I/O library path ' + iolibpath)
+ ioleflist.extend(iolibfiles)
+ else:
+ # Diagnostic
+ self.print('Cannot read PDK information file ' + nodeinfopath)
+ # Fallback behavior: List everything in libs.ref/lef/ beginning with "IO"
+ if len(ioleflist) == 0:
+ if self.ef_format:
+ ioleflist = glob.glob(pdkpath + '/libs.ref/lef/IO*/*.lef')
+ else:
+ ioleflist = glob.glob(pdkpath + '/libs.ref/IO*/lef/*.lef')
+ if len(ioleflist) == 0:
+ self.print('Cannot find any I/O cell libraries for this technology')
+ return
+ # Read the LEF libraries to get a list of all available cells. Keep
+ # this list of cells in "celldefs".
+ celldefs = []
+ ioliblist = []
+ ioleflibs = []
+ for iolib in ioleflist:
+ iolibpath = os.path.split(iolib)[0]
+ iolibfile = os.path.split(iolib)[1]
+ ioliblist.append(os.path.split(iolibpath)[1])
+ celldefs.extend(self.read_lef_macros(iolibpath, iolibfile, 'iolib'))
+ verilogcells = []
+ newpadlist = []
+ coredefs = []
+ corecells = []
+ corecelllist = []
+ lefprocessed = []
+ busrex = re.compile('.*\[[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]*:[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]*\]')
+ vlogpath = self.projectpath + '/verilog'
+ vlogfile = vlogpath + '/' + self.project + '.v'
+ # Verilog netlists are too difficult to parse from a simple script.
+ # Use qflow tools to convert to SPICE, if they are available. Parse
+ # the verilog only for "include" statements to find the origin of
+ # the various IP blocks, and then parse the SPICE file to get the
+ # full list of instances.
+ #
+ # (to be done)
+ if os.path.isfile(vlogfile):
+ with open(vlogfile, 'r') as ifile:
+ vloglines =
+ for vlogline in vloglines:
+ vlogparse = re.split('[\t ()]', vlogline)
+ while '' in vlogparse:
+ vlogparse.remove('')
+ if vlogparse == []:
+ continue
+ elif vlogparse[0] == '//':
+ continue
+ elif vlogparse[0] == '`include':
+ incpath = vlogparse[1].strip('"')
+ libpath = os.path.split(incpath)[0]
+ libname = os.path.split(libpath)[1]
+ libfile = os.path.split(incpath)[1]
+ # Read the verilog library for module names to match
+ # against macro names in celldefs.
+ modulelist = self.read_verilog_lib(incpath, vlogpath)
+ matching = list(item for item in celldefs if item['name'] in modulelist)
+ for imatch in matching:
+ verilogcells.append(imatch['name'])
+ leffile = imatch['iolib']
+ if leffile not in ioleflibs:
+ ioleflibs.append(leffile)
+ # Read a corresponding LEF file entry for non-I/O macros, if one
+ # can be found (this handles files in the PDK).
+ if len(matching) == 0:
+ if libname != '':
+ # (NOTE: Assumes full path starting with '/')
+ lefpath = libpath.replace('verilog', 'lef')
+ lefname = libfile.replace('.v', '.lef')
+ if not os.path.exists(lefpath + '/' + lefname):
+ leffiles = glob.glob(lefpath + '/*.lef')
+ else:
+ leffiles = [lefpath + '/' + lefname]
+ for leffile in leffiles:
+ if leffile in ioleflibs:
+ continue
+ elif leffile in lefprocessed:
+ continue
+ else:
+ lefprocessed.append(leffile)
+ lefname = os.path.split(leffile)[1]
+ newcoredefs = self.read_lef_macros(lefpath, lefname, 'celllib')
+ coredefs.extend(newcoredefs)
+ corecells.extend(list(item['name'] for item in newcoredefs))
+ if leffiles == []:
+ maglefname = libfile.replace('.v', '.mag')
+ # Handle PDK files with a maglef/ view but no LEF file.
+ maglefpath = libpath.replace('verilog', 'maglef')
+ if not os.path.exists(maglefpath + '/' + maglefname):
+ magleffiles = glob.glob(maglefpath + '/*.mag')
+ else:
+ magleffiles = [maglefpath + '/' + maglefname]
+ if magleffiles == []:
+ # Handle user ip/ files with a maglef/ view but
+ # no LEF file.
+ maglefpath = libpath.replace('verilog', 'maglef')
+ designpath = os.path.split(self.projectpath)[0]
+ maglefpath = designpath + '/ip/' + maglefpath
+ if not os.path.exists(maglefpath + '/' + maglefname):
+ magleffiles = glob.glob(maglefpath + '/*.mag')
+ else:
+ magleffiles = [maglefpath + '/' + maglefname]
+ for magleffile in magleffiles:
+ # Generate LEF file. Since PDK and ip/ entries
+ # are not writeable, write into the project mag/
+ # directory.
+ magpath = self.projectpath + '/mag'
+ magname = os.path.split(magleffile)[1]
+ magroot = os.path.splitext(magname)[0]
+ leffile = magpath + '/' + magroot + '.lef'
+ if not os.path.isfile(leffile):
+ self.write_lef_file(magleffile, magpath)
+ if leffile in ioleflibs:
+ continue
+ elif leffile in lefprocessed:
+ continue
+ else:
+ lefprocessed.append(leffile)
+ lefname = os.path.split(leffile)[1]
+ newcoredefs = self.read_lef_macros(magpath, lefname, 'celllib')
+ coredefs.extend(newcoredefs)
+ corecells.extend(list(item['name'] for item in newcoredefs))
+ # LEF files generated on-the-fly are not needed
+ # after they have been parsed.
+ # os.remove(leffile)
+ # Check if all modules in modulelist are represented by
+ # corresponding LEF macros. If not, then go looking for a LEF
+ # file in the mag/ or maglef/ directory. Then, go looking for
+ # a .mag file in the mag/ or maglef/ directory, and build a
+ # LEF macro from it.
+ matching = list(item['name'] for item in coredefs if item['name'] in modulelist)
+ for module in modulelist:
+ if module not in matching:
+ lefpath = self.projectpath + '/lef'
+ magpath = self.projectpath + '/mag'
+ maglefpath = self.projectpath + '/mag'
+ lefname = libfile.replace('.v', '.lef')
+ # If the verilog file root name is not the same as
+ # the module name, then make a quick check for a
+ # LEF file with the same root name as the verilog.
+ # That indicates that the module does not exist in
+ # the LEF file, probably because it is a primary
+ # module that does not correspond to any layout.
+ leffile = lefpath + '/' + lefname
+ if os.path.exists(leffile):
+ self.print('Diagnostic: module ' + module + ' is not in ' + leffile + ' (probably a primary module)')
+ continue
+ leffile = magpath + '/' + lefname
+ istemp = False
+ if not os.path.exists(leffile):
+ magname = libfile.replace('.v', '.mag')
+ magfile = magpath + '/' + magname
+ if os.path.exists(magfile):
+ self.print('Diagnostic: Found a .mag file for ' + module + ' in ' + magfile)
+ self.write_lef_file(magfile)
+ istemp = True
+ else:
+ magleffile = maglefpath + '/' + lefname
+ if not os.path.exists(magleffile):
+ self.print('Diagnostic: (module ' + module + ') has no LEF file ' + leffile + ' or ' + magleffile)
+ magleffile = maglefpath + '/' + magname
+ if os.path.exists(magleffile):
+ self.print('Diagnostic: Found a .mag file for ' + module + ' in ' + magleffile)
+ if os.access(maglefpath, os.W_OK):
+ self.write_lef_file(magleffile)
+ leffile = magleffile
+ istemp = True
+ else:
+ self.write_lef_file(magleffile, magpath)
+ else:
+ self.print('Did not find a file ' + magfile)
+ # self.print('Warning: module ' + module + ' has no LEF or .mag views')
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.print('Diagnostic: Found a LEF file for ' + module + ' in ' + magleffile)
+ leffile = magleffile
+ else:
+ self.print('Diagnostic: Found a LEF file for ' + module + ' in ' + leffile)
+ if os.path.exists(leffile):
+ if leffile in lefprocessed:
+ continue
+ else:
+ lefprocessed.append(leffile)
+ newcoredefs = self.read_lef_macros(magpath, lefname, 'celllib')
+ # The LEF file generated on-the-fly is not needed
+ # any more after parsing the macro(s).
+ # if istemp:
+ # os.remove(leffile)
+ coredefs.extend(newcoredefs)
+ corecells.extend(list(item['name'] for item in newcoredefs))
+ else:
+ # self.print('Failed to find a LEF view for module ' + module)
+ pass
+ elif vlogparse[0] in verilogcells:
+ # Check for array of pads
+ bushigh = buslow = -1
+ if len(vlogparse) >= 3:
+ bmatch = busrex.match(vlogline)
+ if bmatch:
+ bushigh = int(
+ buslow = int(
+ for i in range(buslow, bushigh + 1):
+ newpad = {}
+ if i >= 0:
+ newpad['name'] = vlogparse[1] + '[' + str(i) + ']'
+ else:
+ newpad['name'] = vlogparse[1]
+ newpad['cell'] = vlogparse[0]
+ padcell = next(item for item in celldefs if item['name'] == vlogparse[0])
+ newpad['iolib'] = padcell['iolib']
+ newpad['class'] = padcell['class']
+ newpad['subclass'] = padcell['subclass']
+ newpad['width'] = padcell['width']
+ newpad['height'] = padcell['height']
+ newpadlist.append(newpad)
+ elif vlogparse[0] in corecells:
+ # Check for array of cells
+ bushigh = buslow = -1
+ if len(vlogparse) >= 3:
+ bmatch = busrex.match(vlogline)
+ if bmatch:
+ bushigh = int(
+ buslow = int(
+ for i in range(buslow, bushigh + 1):
+ newcorecell = {}
+ if i >= 0:
+ newcorecell['name'] = vlogparse[1] + '[' + str(i) + ']'
+ else:
+ newcorecell['name'] = vlogparse[1]
+ newcorecell['cell'] = vlogparse[0]
+ corecell = next(item for item in coredefs if item['name'] == vlogparse[0])
+ newcorecell['celllib'] = corecell['celllib']
+ newcorecell['class'] = corecell['class']
+ newcorecell['subclass'] = corecell['subclass']
+ newcorecell['width'] = corecell['width']
+ newcorecell['height'] = corecell['height']
+ corecelllist.append(newcorecell)
+ self.print('')
+ self.print('Source file information:')
+ self.print('Source filename: ' + vlogfile)
+ self.print('Number of I/O libraries is ' + str(len(ioleflibs)))
+ self.print('Number of library cells in I/O libraries used: ' + str(len(verilogcells)))
+ self.print('Number of core celldefs is ' + str(len(coredefs)))
+ self.print('')
+ self.print('Number of I/O cells in design: ' + str(len(newpadlist)))
+ self.print('Number of core cells in design: ' + str(len(corecelllist)))
+ self.print('')
+ # Save the results
+ self.celldefs = celldefs
+ self.coredefs = coredefs
+ self.vlogpads = newpadlist
+ self.corecells = corecelllist
+ self.ioleflibs = ioleflibs
+ # Check self.vlogpads, which was created during import (above) against
+ # self.(N,S,W,E)pads, which was read from the DEF file (if there was one)
+ # Also check self.corecells, which was created during import against
+ # self.coregroup, which was read from the DEF file.
+ def resolve(self):
+ self.print('Resolve differences in verilog and LEF views.')
+ samepads = []
+ addedpads = []
+ removedpads = []
+ # (1) Create list of entries that are in both self.vlogpads and self.()pads
+ # (2) Create list of entries that are in self.vlogpads but not in self.()pads
+ allpads = self.Npads + self.NEpad + self.Epads + self.SEpad + self.Spads + self.SWpad + self.Wpads + self.NWpad
+ for pad in self.vlogpads:
+ newpadname = pad['name']
+ try:
+ lpad = next(item for item in allpads if item['name'] == newpadname)
+ except:
+ addedpads.append(pad)
+ else:
+ samepads.append(lpad)
+ # (3) Create list of entries that are in allpads but not in self.vlogpads
+ for pad in allpads:
+ newpadname = pad['name']
+ try:
+ lpad = next(item for item in self.vlogpads if item['name'] == newpadname)
+ except:
+ removedpads.append(pad)
+ # Print results
+ if len(addedpads) > 0:
+ self.print('Added pads:')
+ for pad in addedpads:
+ self.print(pad['name'] + ' (' + pad['cell'] + ')')
+ if len(removedpads) > 0:
+ plist = []
+ nspacers = 0
+ for pad in removedpads:
+ if 'subclass' in pad:
+ if pad['subclass'] != 'SPACER':
+ plist.append(pad)
+ else:
+ nspacers += 1
+ if nspacers > 0:
+ self.print(str(nspacers) + ' spacer cells ignored.')
+ if len(plist) > 0:
+ self.print('Removed pads:')
+ for pad in removedpads:
+ self.print(pad['name'] + ' (' + pad['cell'] + ')')
+ if len(addedpads) + len(removedpads) == 0:
+ self.print('Pad list has not changed.')
+ # Remove all cells from the "removed" list, with comment
+ allpads = [self.Npads, self.NEpad, self.Epads, self.SEpad, self.Spads, self.SWpad, self.Wpads, self.NWpad]
+ for pad in removedpads:
+ rname = pad['name']
+ for row in allpads:
+ try:
+ rpad = next(item for item in row if item['name'] == rname)
+ except:
+ rpad = None
+ else:
+ row.remove(rpad)
+ # Now the verilog file has no placement information, so the old padlist
+ # entries (if they exist) are preferred. Add to these the new padlist
+ # entries
+ # First pass for unassigned pads: Use of "CLASS ENDCAP" is preferred
+ # for identifying corner pads. Otherwise, if 'CORNER' or 'corner' is
+ # in the pad name, then make sure there is one per row in the first
+ # position. This is not foolproof and depends on the cell library
+ # using the text 'corner' in the name of the corner cell. However,
+ # if the ad hoc methods fail, the user can still manually move the
+ # corner cells to the right place (to be done: Identify if library
+ # uses ENDCAP designation for corner cells up front; don't go
+ # looking for 'corner' text if the cells are easily identifiable by
+ # LEF class).
+ for pad in addedpads[:]:
+ iscorner = False
+ if 'class' in pad and pad['class'] == 'ENDCAP':
+ iscorner = True
+ elif 'CORNER' in pad['cell'].upper():
+ iscorner = True
+ if iscorner:
+ if self.NWpad == []:
+ self.NWpad.append(pad)
+ pad['o'] = 'E'
+ addedpads.remove(pad)
+ elif self.NEpad == []:
+ self.NEpad.append(pad)
+ pad['o'] = 'S'
+ addedpads.remove(pad)
+ elif self.SEpad == []:
+ self.SEpad.append(pad)
+ pad['o'] = 'W'
+ addedpads.remove(pad)
+ elif self.SWpad == []:
+ self.SWpad.append(pad)
+ pad['o'] = 'N'
+ addedpads.remove(pad)
+ numN = len(self.Npads)
+ numS = len(self.Spads)
+ numE = len(self.Epads)
+ numW = len(self.Wpads)
+ minnum = min(numN, numS, numE, numW)
+ minnum = max(minnum, int(len(addedpads) / 4))
+ # Add pads in clockwise order. Note that S and E pads are defined counterclockwise
+ for pad in addedpads:
+ if numN < minnum:
+ self.Npads.append(pad)
+ numN += 1
+ pad['o'] = 'S'
+ self.print("Adding pad " + pad['name'] + " to Npads")
+ elif numE < minnum:
+ self.Epads.insert(0, pad)
+ numE += 1
+ pad['o'] = 'W'
+ self.print("Adding pad " + pad['name'] + " to Epads")
+ elif numS < minnum:
+ self.Spads.insert(0, pad)
+ numS += 1
+ pad['o'] = 'N'
+ self.print("Adding pad " + pad['name'] + " to Spads")
+ # elif numW < minnum:
+ else:
+ self.Wpads.append(pad)
+ numW += 1
+ pad['o'] = 'E'
+ self.print("Adding pad " + pad['name'] + " to Wpads")
+ minnum = min(numN, numS, numE, numW)
+ minnum = max(minnum, int(len(addedpads) / 4))
+ # Make sure all pads have included information from the cell definition
+ allpads = self.Npads + self.NEpad + self.Epads + self.SEpad + self.Spads + self.SWpad + self.Wpads + self.NWpad
+ for pad in allpads:
+ if 'width' not in pad:
+ try:
+ celldef = next(item for item in celldefs if item['name'] == pad['cell'])
+ except:
+ self.print('Cell ' + pad['cell'] + ' not found!')
+ else:
+ pad['width'] = celldef['width']
+ pad['height'] = celldef['height']
+ pad['class'] = celldef['class']
+ pad['subclass'] = celldef['subclass']
+ # Now treat the core cells in the same way (resolve list parsed from verilog
+ # against the list parsed from DEF)
+ # self.print('Diagnostic: ')
+ # self.print('self.corecells = ' + str(self.corecells))
+ # self.print('self.coregroup = ' + str(self.coregroup))
+ samecore = []
+ addedcore = []
+ removedcore = []
+ # (1) Create list of entries that are in both self.corecells and self.coregroup
+ # (2) Create list of entries that are in self.corecells but not in self.coregroup
+ for cell in self.corecells:
+ newcellname = cell['name']
+ try:
+ lcore = next(item for item in self.coregroup if item['name'] == newcellname)
+ except:
+ addedcore.append(cell)
+ else:
+ samecore.append(lcore)
+ # (3) Create list of entries that are in self.coregroup but not in self.corecells
+ for cell in self.coregroup:
+ newcellname = cell['name']
+ try:
+ lcore = next(item for item in self.corecells if item['name'] == newcellname)
+ except:
+ removedcore.append(cell)
+ # Print results
+ if len(addedcore) > 0:
+ self.print('Added core cells:')
+ for cell in addedcore:
+ self.print(cell['name'] + ' (' + cell['cell'] + ')')
+ if len(removedcore) > 0:
+ clist = []
+ for cell in removedcore:
+ clist.append(cell)
+ if len(clist) > 0:
+ self.print('Removed core cells:')
+ for cell in removedcore:
+ self.print(cell['name'] + ' (' + cell['cell'] + ')')
+ if len(addedcore) + len(removedcore) == 0:
+ self.print('Core cell list has not changed.')
+ # Remove all cells from the "removed" list
+ coregroup = self.coregroup
+ for cell in removedcore:
+ rname = cell['name']
+ try:
+ rcell = next(item for item in coregroup if item['name'] == rname)
+ except:
+ rcell = None
+ else:
+ coregroup.remove(rcell)
+ # Add all cells from the "added" list to coregroup
+ for cell in addedcore:
+ rname = cell['name']
+ try:
+ rcell = next(item for item in coregroup if item['name'] == rname)
+ except:
+ coregroup.append(cell)
+ if not 'o' in cell:
+ cell['o'] = 'N'
+ if not 'x' in cell:
+ if len(self.Wpads) > 0:
+ pad = self.Wpads[0]
+ padx = pad['x'] if 'x' in pad else 0
+ cell['x'] = padx + pad['height'] + self.margin
+ else:
+ cell['x'] = self.margin
+ if not 'y' in cell:
+ if len(self.Spads) > 0:
+ pad = self.Spads[0]
+ pady = pad['y'] if 'y' in pad else 0
+ cell['y'] = pady + pad['height'] + self.margin
+ else:
+ cell['y'] = self.margin
+ else:
+ rcell = None
+ # Make sure all core cells have included information from the cell definition
+ for cell in coregroup:
+ if 'width' not in cell:
+ try:
+ coredef = next(item for item in coredefs if item['name'] == cell['cell'])
+ except:
+ self.print('Cell ' + cell['cell'] + ' not found!')
+ else:
+ cell['width'] = coredef['width']
+ cell['height'] = coredef['height']
+ cell['class'] = coredef['class']
+ cell['subclass'] = coredef['subclass']
+ # Generate a new padframe by writing the configuration file, running
+ # padring, reading back the DEF file, and (re)poplulating the workspace
+ def generate(self, level):
+ self.print('Generate legal padframe using padring')
+ # Write out the configuration file
+ self.writeconfig()
+ # Run the padring app
+ self.runpadring()
+ # Rotate pads in the output if pad orientations are different from
+ # padring's expectations
+ self.rotate_pads_in_def()
+ # Read the placement information back from the generated DEF file
+ self.readplacement()
+ # Resolve differences (e.g., remove spacers)
+ self.resolve()
+ # Recreate and draw the padframe view on the canvas
+ self.populate(level + 1)
+ self.frame_configure(None)
+ # Write a new configuration file
+ def writeconfig(self):
+ mag_path = self.projectpath + '/mag'
+ if not os.path.exists(mag_path):
+ self.print('Error: No project path /mag directory exists. Cannot write config file.')
+ return
+ self.print('Writing padring configuration file.')
+ # Determine cell width and height from pad sizes.
+ # NOTE: This compresses the chip to the minimum dimensions
+ # allowed by the arrangement of pads. Use a "core" block to
+ # force the area larger than minimum (not yet implemented)
+ topwidth = 0
+ for pad in self.Npads:
+ if 'width' not in pad:
+ self.print('No width: pad = ' + str(pad))
+ topwidth += pad['width']
+ # Add in the corner cells
+ if self.NWpad != []:
+ topwidth += self.NWpad[0]['height']
+ if self.NEpad != []:
+ topwidth += self.NEpad[0]['width']
+ botwidth = 0
+ for pad in self.Spads:
+ botwidth += pad['width']
+ # Add in the corner cells
+ if self.SWpad != []:
+ botwidth += self.SWpad[0]['width']
+ if self.SEpad != []:
+ botwidth += self.SEpad[0]['height']
+ width = max(botwidth, topwidth)
+ # if width < self.urx - self.llx:
+ # width = self.urx - self.llx
+ leftheight = 0
+ for pad in self.Wpads:
+ leftheight += pad['width']
+ # Add in the corner cells
+ if self.NWpad != []:
+ leftheight += self.NWpad[0]['height']
+ if self.SWpad != []:
+ leftheight += self.SWpad[0]['width']
+ rightheight = 0
+ for pad in self.Epads:
+ rightheight += pad['width']
+ # Add in the corner cells
+ if self.NEpad != []:
+ rightheight += self.NEpad[0]['width']
+ if self.SEpad != []:
+ rightheight += self.SEpad[0]['height']
+ height = max(leftheight, rightheight)
+ # Check the dimensions of the core cells. If they exceed the available
+ # padframe area, then expand the padframe to accomodate the core.
+ corellx = coreurx = (self.llx + self.urx) / 2
+ corelly = coreury = (self.lly + self.ury) / 2
+ for corecell in self.coregroup:
+ corient = corecell['o']
+ if 'S' in corient or 'N' in corient:
+ cwidth = corecell['width']
+ cheight = corecell['height']
+ else:
+ cwidth = corecell['height']
+ cheight = corecell['width']
+ if corecell['x'] < corellx:
+ corellx = corecell['x']
+ if corecell['x'] + cwidth > coreurx:
+ coreurx = corecell['x'] + cwidth
+ if corecell['y'] < corelly:
+ corelly = corecell['y']
+ if corecell['y'] + cheight > coreury:
+ coreury = corecell['y'] + cheight
+ coreheight = coreury - corelly
+ corewidth = coreurx - corellx
+ # Ignoring the possibility of overlaps with nonstandard-sized pads,
+ # assuming that the user has visually separated them. Only check
+ # the core bounds against the standard padframe inside edge.
+ if self.SWpad != [] and self.SEpad != []:
+ if corewidth > width - self.SWpad[0]['width'] - self.SEpad[0]['width']:
+ width = corewidth + self.SWpad[0]['width'] + self.SEpad[0]['width']
+ if self.NWpad != [] and self.SWpad != []:
+ if coreheight > height - self.NWpad[0]['height'] - self.SWpad[0]['height']:
+ height = coreheight + self.NWpad[0]['height'] + self.SWpad[0]['height']
+ # Core cells are given a margin of self.margin from the pad inside edge, so the
+ # core area passed to the padring app is 2 * self.margin larger than the
+ # measured size of the core area.
+ width += 2 * self.margin
+ height += 2 * self.margin
+ if self.keep_cfg == False or not os.path.exists(mag_path + '/padframe.cfg'):
+ if os.path.exists(mag_path + '/padframe.cfg'):
+ # Copy the previous padframe.cfg file to a backup. In case something
+ # goes badly wrong, this should be the only file overwritten, and can
+ # be recovered from the backup.
+ shutil.copy(mag_path + '/padframe.cfg', mag_path + '/padframe.cfg.bak')
+ with open(mag_path + '/padframe.cfg', 'w') as ofile:
+ print('AREA ' + str(int(width)) + ' ' + str(int(height)) + ' ;',
+ file=ofile)
+ print('', file=ofile)
+ for pad in self.NEpad:
+ print('CORNER ' + pad['name'] + ' SW ' + pad['cell'] + ' ;',
+ file=ofile)
+ for pad in self.SEpad:
+ print('CORNER ' + pad['name'] + ' NW ' + pad['cell'] + ' ;',
+ file=ofile)
+ for pad in self.SWpad:
+ print('CORNER ' + pad['name'] + ' NE ' + pad['cell'] + ' ;',
+ file=ofile)
+ for pad in self.NWpad:
+ print('CORNER ' + pad['name'] + ' SE ' + pad['cell'] + ' ;',
+ file=ofile)
+ for pad in self.Npads:
+ flip = 'F ' if 'F' in pad['o'] else ''
+ print('PAD ' + pad['name'] + ' N ' + flip + pad['cell'] + ' ;',
+ file=ofile)
+ for pad in self.Epads:
+ flip = 'F ' if 'F' in pad['o'] else ''
+ print('PAD ' + pad['name'] + ' E ' + flip + pad['cell'] + ' ;',
+ file=ofile)
+ for pad in self.Spads:
+ flip = 'F ' if 'F' in pad['o'] else ''
+ print('PAD ' + pad['name'] + ' S ' + flip + pad['cell'] + ' ;',
+ file=ofile)
+ for pad in self.Wpads:
+ flip = 'F ' if 'F' in pad['o'] else ''
+ print('PAD ' + pad['name'] + ' W ' + flip + pad['cell'] + ' ;',
+ file=ofile)
+ # Run the padring app.
+ def runpadring(self):
+ mag_path = self.projectpath + '/mag'
+ if not os.path.exists(mag_path):
+ self.print('No path /mag exists in project space; cannot run padring.')
+ return
+ self.print('Running padring')
+ if self.padring_path:
+ padringopts = [self.padring_path]
+ else:
+ padringopts = ['padring']
+ # Diagnostic
+ # self.print('Used libraries (self.ioleflibs) = ' + str(self.ioleflibs))
+ for iolib in self.ioleflibs:
+ padringopts.append('-L')
+ padringopts.append(iolib)
+ padringopts.append('--def')
+ padringopts.append('padframe.def')
+ padringopts.append('padframe.cfg')
+ self.print('Running ' + str(padringopts))
+ p = subprocess.Popen(padringopts, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = mag_path)
+ # Read placement information from the DEF file generated by padring.
+ def readplacement(self, precheck=False):
+ self.print('Reading placement information from DEF file')
+ mag_path = self.projectpath + '/mag'
+ if not os.path.isfile(mag_path + '/padframe.def'):
+ if not precheck:
+ self.print('No file padframe.def: pad frame was not generated.')
+ return False
+ # Very simple DEF file parsing. The placement DEF only contains a
+ # COMPONENTS section. Certain assumptions are made about the syntax
+ # that depends on the way 'padring' writes its output. This is not
+ # a rigorous DEF parser!
+ units = 1000
+ in_components = False
+ Npadlist = []
+ Spadlist = []
+ Epadlist = []
+ Wpadlist = []
+ NEpad = []
+ NWpad = []
+ SEpad = []
+ SWpad = []
+ coregroup = []
+ # Reset bounds
+ self.llx = self.lly = self.urx = self.ury = 0
+ corners = 0
+ with open(mag_path + '/padframe.def', 'r') as ifile:
+ deflines =
+ for line in deflines:
+ units = line.split()[3]
+ elif in_components:
+ lparse = line.split()
+ if lparse[0] == '-':
+ instname = lparse[1]
+ cellname = lparse[2]
+ elif lparse[0] == '+':
+ if lparse[1] == 'PLACED':
+ placex = lparse[3]
+ placey = lparse[4]
+ placeo = lparse[6]
+ newpad = {}
+ newpad['name'] = instname
+ newpad['cell'] = cellname
+ try:
+ celldef = next(item for item in self.celldefs if item['name'] == cellname)
+ except:
+ celldef = None
+ else:
+ newpad['iolib'] = celldef['iolib']
+ newpad['width'] = celldef['width']
+ newpad['height'] = celldef['height']
+ newpad['class'] = celldef['class']
+ newpad['subclass'] = celldef['subclass']
+ newpad['x'] = float(placex) / float(units)
+ newpad['y'] = float(placey) / float(units)
+ newpad['o'] = placeo
+ # Adjust bounds
+ if celldef:
+ if newpad['x'] < self.llx:
+ self.llx = newpad['x']
+ if newpad['y'] < self.lly:
+ self.lly = newpad['y']
+ if newpad['o'] == 'N' or newpad['o'] == 'S':
+ padurx = newpad['x'] + celldef['width']
+ padury = newpad['y'] + celldef['height']
+ else:
+ padurx = newpad['x'] + celldef['height']
+ padury = newpad['y'] + celldef['width']
+ if padurx > self.urx:
+ self.urx = padurx
+ if padury > self.ury:
+ self.ury = padury
+ # First four entries in the DEF file are corners
+ # padring puts the lower left corner at zero, so
+ # use the zero coordinates to determine which pads
+ # are which. Note that padring assumes the corner
+ # pad is drawn in the SW corner position!
+ if corners < 4:
+ if newpad['x'] == 0 and newpad['y'] == 0:
+ SWpad.append(newpad)
+ elif newpad['x'] == 0:
+ NWpad.append(newpad)
+ elif newpad['y'] == 0:
+ SEpad.append(newpad)
+ else:
+ NEpad.append(newpad)
+ corners += 1
+ else:
+ # Place according to orientation. If orientation
+ # is not standard, be sure to make it standard!
+ placeo = self.rotate_orientation(placeo)
+ if placeo == 'N':
+ Spadlist.append(newpad)
+ elif placeo == 'E':
+ Wpadlist.append(newpad)
+ elif placeo == 'S':
+ Npadlist.append(newpad)
+ else:
+ Epadlist.append(newpad)
+ elif 'END COMPONENTS' in line:
+ in_components = False
+ elif 'COMPONENTS' in line:
+ in_components = True
+ self.Npads = Npadlist
+ self.Wpads = Wpadlist
+ self.Spads = Spadlist
+ self.Epads = Epadlist
+ self.NWpad = NWpad
+ self.NEpad = NEpad
+ self.SWpad = SWpad
+ self.SEpad = SEpad
+ # The padframe has its own DEF file from the padring app, but the core
+ # does not. The core needs to be floorplanned in a very similar manner.
+ # This will be done by searching for a DEF file of the project top-level
+ # layout. If none exists, it is created by generating it from the layout.
+ # If the top-level layout does not exist, then all core cells are placed
+ # at the origin, and the origin placed at the padframe inside corner.
+ mag_path = self.projectpath + '/mag'
+ if not os.path.isfile(mag_path + '/' + self.project + '.def'):
+ if os.path.isfile(mag_path + '/' + self.project + '.mag'):
+ # Create a DEF file from the layout
+ with open(mag_path + '/pfg_write_def.tcl', 'w') as ofile:
+ print('drc off', file=ofile)
+ print('box 0 0 0 0', file=ofile)
+ print('load ' + self.project, file=ofile)
+ print('def write', file=ofile)
+ print('quit', file=ofile)
+ magicexec = self.magic_path if self.magic_path else 'magic'
+ mproc = subprocess.Popen([magicexec, '-dnull', '-noconsole',
+ 'pfg_write_def.tcl'],
+ stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = mag_path, universal_newlines = True)
+ os.remove(mag_path + '/pfg_write_def.tcl')
+ elif not os.path.isfile(mag_path + '/core.def'):
+ # With no other information available, copy the corecells
+ # (from the verilog file) into the coregroup list.
+ # Position all core cells starting at the padframe top left
+ # inside corner, and arranging in rows without overlapping.
+ # Note that no attempt is made to organize the cells or
+ # otherwise produce an efficient layout. Any dimension larger
+ # than the current padframe overruns to the right or bottom.
+ if self.SWpad != []:
+ corellx = SWpad[0]['x'] + SWpad[0]['width'] + self.margin
+ corelly = SWpad[0]['y'] + SWpad[0]['height'] + self.margin
+ else:
+ corellx = Wpadlist[0]['x'] + Wpadlist[0]['height'] + self.margin
+ corelly = Spadlist[0]['x'] + Spadlist[0]['height'] + self.margin
+ if self.NEpad != []:
+ coreurx = NEpad[0]['x'] - self.margin
+ coreury = NEpad[0]['y'] - self.margin
+ else:
+ coreurx = Epadlist[0]['x'] - self.margin
+ coreury = Npadlist[0]['x'] - self.margin
+ locllx = corellx
+ testllx = corellx
+ loclly = corelly
+ testlly = corelly
+ nextlly = corelly
+ for cell in self.corecells:
+ testllx = locllx + cell['width']
+ if testllx > coreurx:
+ locllx = corellx
+ corelly = nextlly
+ loclly = nextlly
+ newcore = cell
+ newcore['x'] = locllx
+ newcore['y'] = loclly
+ newcore['o'] = 'N'
+ locllx += cell['width'] + self.margin
+ testlly = corelly + cell['height'] + self.margin
+ if testlly > nextlly:
+ nextlly = testlly
+ coregroup.append(newcore)
+ self.coregroup = coregroup
+ if os.path.isfile(mag_path + '/' + self.project + '.def'):
+ # Read the top-level DEF, and use it to position the core cells.
+ self.print('Reading the top-level cell DEF for core cell placement.')
+ units = 1000
+ in_components = False
+ with open(mag_path + '/' + self.project + '.def', 'r') as ifile:
+ deflines =
+ for line in deflines:
+ units = line.split()[3]
+ elif in_components:
+ lparse = line.split()
+ if lparse[0] == '-':
+ instname = lparse[1]
+ # NOTE: Magic should not drop the entire path to the
+ # cell for the cellname; this needs to be fixed! To
+ # work around it, remove any path components.
+ cellpath = lparse[2]
+ cellname = os.path.split(cellpath)[1]
+ elif lparse[0] == '+':
+ if lparse[1] == 'PLACED':
+ placex = lparse[3]
+ placey = lparse[4]
+ placeo = lparse[6]
+ newcore = {}
+ newcore['name'] = instname
+ newcore['cell'] = cellname
+ try:
+ celldef = next(item for item in self.coredefs if item['name'] == cellname)
+ except:
+ celldef = None
+ else:
+ newcore['celllib'] = celldef['celllib']
+ newcore['width'] = celldef['width']
+ newcore['height'] = celldef['height']
+ newcore['class'] = celldef['class']
+ newcore['subclass'] = celldef['subclass']
+ newcore['x'] = float(placex) / float(units)
+ newcore['y'] = float(placey) / float(units)
+ newcore['o'] = placeo
+ coregroup.append(newcore)
+ elif 'END COMPONENTS' in line:
+ in_components = False
+ elif 'COMPONENTS' in line:
+ in_components = True
+ self.coregroup = coregroup
+ elif os.path.isfile(mag_path + '/core.def'):
+ # No DEF or .mag file, so fallback position is the last core.def
+ # file generated by this script.
+ self.read_core_def(precheck=precheck)
+ return True
+ # Read placement information from the "padframe.def" file and rotate
+ # all cells according to self.pad_rotation. This accounts for the
+ # problem that the default orientation of pads is arbitrarily defined
+ # by the foundry, while padring assumes that the corner pad is drawn
+ # in the lower-left position and other pads are drawn with the pad at
+ # the bottom and the buses at the top.
+ def rotate_pads_in_def(self):
+ if self.pad_rotation == 0:
+ return
+ self.print('Rotating pads in padframe DEF file.')
+ mag_path = self.projectpath + '/mag'
+ if not os.path.isfile(mag_path + '/padframe.def'):
+ self.print('No file padframe.def: Cannot modify pad rotations.')
+ return
+ deflines = []
+ with open(mag_path + '/padframe.def', 'r') as ifile:
+ deflines =
+ outlines = []
+ in_components = False
+ for line in deflines:
+ if in_components:
+ lparse = line.split()
+ if lparse[0] == '+':
+ if lparse[1] == 'PLACED':
+ neworient = self.rotate_orientation(lparse[6])
+ lparse[6] = neworient
+ line = ' '.join(lparse)
+ elif 'END COMPONENTS' in line:
+ in_components = False
+ elif 'COMPONENTS' in line:
+ in_components = True
+ outlines.append(line)
+ with open(mag_path + '/padframe.def', 'w') as ofile:
+ for line in outlines:
+ print(line, file=ofile)
+ # Read placement information from the DEF file for the core (created by
+ # a previous run of this script)
+ def read_core_def(self, precheck=False):
+ self.print('Reading placement information from core DEF file.')
+ mag_path = self.projectpath + '/mag'
+ if not os.path.isfile(mag_path + '/core.def'):
+ if not precheck:
+ self.print('No file core.def: core placement was not generated.')
+ return False
+ # Very simple DEF file parsing, similar to the padframe.def reading
+ # routine above.
+ units = 1000
+ in_components = False
+ coregroup = []
+ with open(mag_path + '/core.def', 'r') as ifile:
+ deflines =
+ for line in deflines:
+ units = line.split()[3]
+ elif in_components:
+ lparse = line.split()
+ if lparse[0] == '-':
+ instname = lparse[1]
+ cellname = lparse[2]
+ elif lparse[0] == '+':
+ if lparse[1] == 'PLACED':
+ placex = lparse[3]
+ placey = lparse[4]
+ placeo = lparse[6]
+ newcore = {}
+ newcore['name'] = instname
+ newcore['cell'] = cellname
+ try:
+ celldef = next(item for item in self.coredefs if item['name'] == cellname)
+ except:
+ celldef = None
+ else:
+ newcore['celllib'] = celldef['celllib']
+ newcore['width'] = celldef['width']
+ newcore['height'] = celldef['height']
+ newcore['class'] = celldef['class']
+ newcore['subclass'] = celldef['subclass']
+ newcore['x'] = float(placex) / float(units)
+ newcore['y'] = float(placey) / float(units)
+ newcore['o'] = placeo
+ coregroup.append(newcore)
+ elif 'END COMPONENTS' in line:
+ in_components = False
+ elif 'COMPONENTS' in line:
+ in_components = True
+ self.coregroup = coregroup
+ return True
+ # Save the layout to a Magic database file (to be completed)
+ def save(self):
+ self.print('Saving results in a magic layout database.')
+ # Generate a list of (unique) LEF libraries for all padframe and core cells
+ leflist = []
+ for pad in self.celldefs:
+ if pad['iolib'] not in leflist:
+ leflist.append(pad['iolib'])
+ for core in self.coredefs:
+ if core['celllib'] not in leflist:
+ leflist.append(core['celllib'])
+ # Run magic, and generate the padframe with a series of commands
+ mag_path = self.projectpath + '/mag'
+ with open(mag_path + '/pfg_write_mag.tcl', 'w') as ofile:
+ print('drc off', file=ofile)
+ print('box 0 0 0 0', file=ofile)
+ for leffile in leflist:
+ print('lef read ' + leffile, file=ofile)
+ print('def read padframe', file=ofile)
+ print('select top cell', file=ofile)
+ print('select area', file=ofile)
+ print('select save padframe', file=ofile)
+ print('delete', file=ofile)
+ print('def read core', file=ofile)
+ print('getcell padframe', file=ofile)
+ print('save ' + self.project, file=ofile)
+ print('writeall force ' + self.project, file=ofile)
+ print('quit', file=ofile)
+ magicexec = self.magic_path if self.magic_path else 'magic'
+ mproc = subprocess.Popen([magicexec, '-dnull', '-noconsole',
+ 'pfg_write_mag.tcl'],
+ stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = mag_path, universal_newlines = True)
+ os.remove(mag_path + '/pfg_write_mag.tcl')
+ self.print('Done writing layout ' + self.project + '.mag')
+ # Write the core DEF file if it does not exist yet.
+ if not os.path.isfile(mag_path + '/core.def'):
+ self.write_core_def()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ faulthandler.register(signal.SIGUSR2)
+ options = []
+ arguments = []
+ for item in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if item.find('-', 0) == 0:
+ options.append(item)
+ else:
+ arguments.append(item)
+ if '-help' in options:
+ print(sys.argv[0] + ' [options]')
+ print('')
+ print('options:')
+ print(' -noc Print output to terminal, not the gui window')
+ print(' -nog No graphics, run in batch mode')
+ print(' -cfg Use existing padframe.cfg, do not regenerate')
+ print(' -padring-path=<path> path to padring executable')
+ print(' -magic-path=<path> path to magic executable')
+ print(' -tech-path=<path> path to tech root folder')
+ print(' -project-path=<path> path to project root folder')
+ print(' -help Print this usage information')
+ print('')
+ sys.exit(0)
+ root = tkinter.Tk()
+ do_gui = False if ('-nog' in options or '-nogui' in options) else True
+ app = SoCFloorplanner(root, do_gui)
+ # Allow option -noc to bypass the text-to-console redirection, so crash
+ # information doesn't disappear with the app.
+ app.use_console = False if ('-noc' in options or '-noconsole' in options) else True
+ if do_gui == False:
+ app.use_console = False
+ # efabless format can be specified on the command line, but note that it
+ # is otherwise auto-detected by checking for .config vs. .ef-config in
+ # the project space.
+ app.ef_format = True if '-ef_format' in options else False
+ app.keep_cfg = True if '-cfg' in options else False
+ app.padring_path = None
+ app.magic_path = None
+ app.techpath = None
+ app.projectpath = None
+ for option in options:
+ if option.split('=')[0] == '-padring-path':
+ app.padring_path = option.split('=')[1]
+ elif option.split('=')[0] == '-magic-path':
+ app.magic_path = option.split('=')[1]
+ elif option.split('=')[0] == '-tech-path':
+ app.techpath = option.split('=')[1]
+ elif option.split('=')[0] == '-project-path':
+ app.projectpath = option.split('=')[1]
+ app.projectpath = app.projectpath[:-1] if app.projectpath[-1] == '/' else app.projectpath
+ app.text_to_console()
+ app.init_padframe()
+ if app.do_gui:
+ root.mainloop()
+ else:
+ # Run 'save' in non-GUI mode
+ sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a673c2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#!/bin/env python3
+# Script to read a GDS library and write into individual GDS files, one per cell
+import os
+import sys
+import subprocess
+def usage():
+ print(' <path_to_gds_library> <magic_techfile> [<file_with_list_of_cells>]')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+ print("No options given to")
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ optionlist = []
+ arguments = []
+ for option in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if option.find('-', 0) == 0:
+ optionlist.append(option)
+ else:
+ arguments.append(option)
+ if len(arguments) != 3:
+ print("Wrong number of arguments given to")
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ source = arguments[0]
+ techfile = arguments[1]
+ celllist = arguments[2]
+ if os.path.isfile(celllist):
+ with open(celllist, 'r') as ifile:
+ celllist =
+ destdir = os.path.split(source)[0]
+ gdsfile = os.path.split(source)[1]
+ with open(destdir + '/split_gds.tcl', 'w') as ofile:
+ print('#!/bin/env wish', file=ofile)
+ print('drc off', file=ofile)
+ print('gds readonly true', file=ofile)
+ print('gds rescale false', file=ofile)
+ print('tech unlock *', file=ofile)
+ print('gds read ' + gdsfile, file=ofile)
+ for cell in celllist:
+ print('load ' + cell, file=ofile)
+ print('gds write ' + cell, file=ofile)
+ print('quit -noprompt', file=ofile)
+ mproc =['magic', '-dnull', '-noconsole',
+ '-T', techfile,
+ destdir + '/split_gds.tcl'],
+ stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = destdir,
+ universal_newlines = True)
+ if mproc.stdout:
+ for line in mproc.stdout.splitlines():
+ print(line)
+ if mproc.stderr:
+ print('Error message output from magic:')
+ for line in mproc.stderr.splitlines():
+ print(line)
+ if mproc.returncode != 0:
+ print('ERROR: Magic exited with status ' + str(mproc.returncode))
+ os.remove(destdir + '/split_gds.tcl')
+ exit(0)
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3e13cb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# This file copies the staging area created by
+# into the target directory area, changing paths to match the target,
+# and creating symbolic links where requested and allowed.
+# Options:
+# -link_from <type> Make symbolic links to vendor files from target
+# Types are: "none", "source", or a PDK name.
+# Default "none" (copy all files from source)
+# -ef_format Use efabless naming (libs.ref/techLEF),
+# otherwise use generic naming (
+# -staging <path> Path to staging top level directory
+# -target <path> Path to target top level directory
+# -local <path> For distributed installs, this is the local
+# path to target top level directory.
+# -source <path> Path to original source top level directory,
+# if link_from is "source". This option may
+# be called multiple times if there are multiple
+# sources.
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+import glob
+import stat
+import shutil
+import filecmp
+import subprocess
+# NOTE: This version of copy_tree from distutils works like shutil.copytree()
+# in Python 3.8 and up ONLY using "dirs_exist_ok=True".
+from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
+def usage():
+ print(" [options...]")
+ print(" -link_from <name> Make symbolic links from target to <name>")
+ print(" where <name> can be 'source' or a PDK name.")
+ print(" Default behavior is to copy all files.")
+ print(" -copy Copy files from source to target (default)")
+ print(" -ef_format Use efabless naming conventions for local directories")
+ print("")
+ print(" -staging <path> Path to top of staging directory tree")
+ print(" -target <path> Path to top of target directory tree")
+ print(" -local <path> Local path to top of target directory tree for distributed install")
+ print("")
+ print(" If <target> is unspecified then <name> is used for the target.")
+def makeuserwritable(filepath):
+ if os.path.exists(filepath):
+ st = os.stat(filepath)
+ os.chmod(filepath, st.st_mode | stat.S_IWUSR)
+# Filter files to replace all strings matching "stagingdir" with "localdir" for
+# every file in "tooldir". If "tooldir" contains subdirectories, then recursively
+# apply the replacement filter to all files in the subdirectories. Do not follow
+# symbolic links.
+def filter_recursive(tooldir, stagingdir, localdir):
+ gdstypes = ['.gds', '.gds2', '.gdsii']
+ if not os.path.exists(tooldir):
+ return 0
+ elif os.path.islink(tooldir):
+ return 0
+ toolfiles = os.listdir(tooldir)
+ total = 0
+ for file in toolfiles:
+ # Do not attempt to do text substitutions on a binary file!
+ if os.path.splitext(file)[1] in gdstypes:
+ continue
+ filepath = tooldir + '/' + file
+ if os.path.islink(filepath):
+ continue
+ elif os.path.isdir(filepath):
+ total += filter_recursive(filepath, stagingdir, localdir)
+ else:
+ with open(filepath, 'r') as ifile:
+ try:
+ flines =
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ print('Failure to read file ' + filepath + '; non-ASCII content.')
+ continue
+ # Make sure this file is writable (as the original may not be)
+ makeuserwritable(filepath)
+ modified = False
+ with open(filepath, 'w') as ofile:
+ for line in flines:
+ newline = line.replace(stagingdir, localdir)
+ print(newline, file=ofile)
+ if newline != line:
+ modified = True
+ if modified:
+ total += 1
+ return total
+# To avoid problems with various library functions that copy hierarchical
+# directory trees, remove all the files from the target that are going to
+# be replaced by the contents of staging. This avoids problems with
+# symbolic links and such.
+def remove_target(stagingdir, targetdir):
+ slist = os.listdir(stagingdir)
+ tlist = os.listdir(targetdir)
+ for sfile in slist:
+ if sfile in tlist:
+ tpath = targetdir + '/' + sfile
+ if os.path.islink(tpath):
+ os.unlink(tpath)
+ elif os.path.isdir(tpath):
+ remove_target(stagingdir + '/' + sfile, targetdir + '/' + sfile)
+ else:
+ os.remove(tpath)
+# Create a list of source files/directories from the contents of source.txt
+def make_source_list(sources):
+ sourcelist = []
+ for source in sources:
+ sourcelist.extend(glob.glob(source))
+ return sourcelist
+# Replace all files in list "libfiles" with symbolic links to files in
+# "sourcelist", where the files are found to be the same. If the entry
+# in "libfiles" is a directory and the same directory is found in "sourcelist",
+# then repeat recursively on the subdirectory.
+# Because the installation may be distributed, there may be a difference
+# between where the files to be linked to currently are (checklist)
+# and where they will eventually be located (sourcelist).
+def replace_with_symlinks(libfiles, sourcelist):
+ # List of files that never get installed
+ exclude = ['generate_magic.tcl', '.magicrc', 'sources.txt']
+ total = 0
+ for libfile in libfiles:
+ if os.path.islink(libfile):
+ continue
+ else:
+ try:
+ sourcefile = next(item for item in sourcelist if os.path.split(item)[1] == os.path.split(libfile)[1])
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if os.path.isdir(libfile):
+ newlibfiles = glob.glob(libfile + '/*')
+ newsourcelist = glob.glob(sourcefile + '/*')
+ total += replace_with_symlinks(newlibfiles, newsourcelist)
+ elif filecmp.cmp(libfile, sourcefile):
+ if not os.path.split(libfile)[1] in exclude:
+ os.remove(libfile)
+ # Use absolute path for the source file
+ sourcepath = os.path.abspath(sourcefile)
+ os.symlink(sourcepath, libfile)
+ total += 1
+ return total
+# Similar to the routine above, replace files in "libdir" with symbolic
+# links to the files in "srclibdir", where the files are found to be the
+# same. The difference from the routine above is that "srclibdir" is
+# another installed PDK, and so the directory hierarchy is expected to
+# match that of "libdir" exactly, so the process of finding matches is
+# a bit more straightforward.
+# Because the installation may be distributed, there may be a difference
+# between where the files to be linked to currently are (checklibdir)
+# and where they will eventually be located (srclibdir).
+def replace_all_with_symlinks(libdir, srclibdir, checklibdir):
+ total = 0
+ try:
+ libfiles = os.listdir(libdir)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ print('Cannot list directory ' + libdir)
+ print('Called: replace_all_with_symlinks(' + libdir + ', ' + srclibdir + ', ' + checklibdir + ')')
+ return total
+ try:
+ checkfiles = os.listdir(checklibdir)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ print('Cannot list check directory ' + checklibdir)
+ print('Called: replace_all_with_symlinks(' + libdir + ', ' + srclibdir + ', ' + checklibdir + ')')
+ return total
+ for libfile in libfiles:
+ if libfile in checkfiles:
+ libpath = libdir + '/' + libfile
+ checkpath = checklibdir + '/' + libfile
+ srcpath = srclibdir + '/' + libfile
+ if os.path.isdir(libpath):
+ if os.path.isdir(checkpath):
+ total += replace_all_with_symlinks(libpath, srcpath, checkpath)
+ else:
+ try:
+ if filecmp.cmp(libpath, checkpath):
+ os.remove(libpath)
+ os.symlink(srcpath, libpath)
+ total += 1
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ print('Failed file compare with libpath=' + libpath + ', checkpath=' + checkpath)
+ return total
+# This is the main entry point for the staging install script.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+ print("No options given to")
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ optionlist = []
+ newopt = []
+ stagingdir = None
+ targetdir = None
+ link_from = None
+ localdir = None
+ ef_format = False
+ do_install = True
+ # Break arguments into groups where the first word begins with "-".
+ # All following words not beginning with "-" are appended to the
+ # same list (optionlist). Then each optionlist is processed.
+ # Note that the first entry in optionlist has the '-' removed.
+ for option in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if option.find('-', 0) == 0:
+ if newopt != []:
+ optionlist.append(newopt)
+ newopt = []
+ newopt.append(option[1:])
+ else:
+ newopt.append(option)
+ if newopt != []:
+ optionlist.append(newopt)
+ # Check for option "ef_format" or "std_format"
+ for option in optionlist[:]:
+ if option[0] == 'ef_naming' or option[0] == 'ef_names' or option[0] == 'ef_format':
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ ef_format = True
+ elif option[0] == 'std_naming' or option[0] == 'std_names' or option[0] == 'std_format':
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ ef_format = False
+ elif option[0] == 'uninstall':
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ do_install = False
+ # Check for options "link_from", "staging", "target", and "local"
+ link_name = None
+ for option in optionlist[:]:
+ if option[0] == 'link_from':
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ if option[1].lower() == 'none':
+ link_from = None
+ elif option[1].lower() == 'source':
+ link_from = 'source'
+ else:
+ link_from = option[1]
+ link_name = os.path.split(link_from)[1]
+ elif option[0] == 'staging' or option[0] == 'source':
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ stagingdir = option[1]
+ elif option[0] == 'target':
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ targetdir = option[1]
+ elif option[0] == 'local':
+ optionlist.remove(option)
+ localdir = option[1]
+ # Error if no staging or dest specified
+ if not stagingdir:
+ print("No staging directory specified. Exiting.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not targetdir:
+ print("No target directory specified. Exiting.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # If localdir is not specified, then it is the same as the parent
+ # of the target (local installation assumed)
+ if not localdir:
+ localdir = targetdir
+ # Take the target PDK name from the target path last component
+ pdkname = os.path.split(targetdir)[1]
+ # If link source is a PDK name, if it has no path, then pull the
+ # path from the target name.
+ if link_from:
+ if link_from != 'source':
+ if link_from.find('/', 0) < 0:
+ link_name = link_from
+ link_from = os.path.split(localdir)[0] + '/' + link_name
+ else:
+ # If linking from source, convert the source path to an
+ # absolute pathname.
+ stagingdir = os.path.abspath(stagingdir)
+ # If link_from is the same as localdir, then set link_from to None
+ if link_from == localdir:
+ link_from = None
+ # checkdir is the DIST target directory for the PDK pointed
+ # to by link_name. Files must be found there before creating
+ # symbolic links to the (not yet existing) final install location.
+ if link_name:
+ checkdir = os.path.split(targetdir)[0] + '/' + link_name
+ else:
+ checkdir = ''
+ # Diagnostic
+ if do_install:
+ print("Installing in target directory " + targetdir)
+ else:
+ print("Uninstalling from target directory " + targetdir)
+ print("(Method not yet implemented)")
+ # Create the top-level directories
+ os.makedirs(targetdir, exist_ok=True)
+ os.makedirs(targetdir + '/', exist_ok=True)
+ os.makedirs(targetdir + '/libs.ref', exist_ok=True)
+ if os.path.isdir(stagingdir + '/libs.priv'):
+ os.makedirs(targetdir + '/libs.priv', exist_ok=True)
+ has_priv = True
+ else:
+ has_priv = False
+ # Path to magic techfile depends on ef_format
+ if ef_format == True:
+ mag_current = '/'
+ else:
+ mag_current = '/'
+ # First install everything by direct copy. Keep the staging files
+ # as they will be used to reference the target area to know which
+ # files need to be checked and/or modified.
+ if not os.path.isdir(targetdir):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(targetdir, exist_ok=True)
+ except:
+ print('Fatal error: Cannot make target directory ' + targetdir + '!')
+ exit(1)
+ # Remove any files from the target directory that are going to be replaced
+ print('Removing files from target')
+ remove_target(stagingdir, targetdir)
+ print('Copying staging files to target')
+ # print('Diagnostic: copy_tree ' + stagingdir + ' ' + targetdir)
+ copy_tree(stagingdir, targetdir, preserve_symlinks=True)
+ print('Done.')
+ # Magic and qflow setup files have references to the staging area that have
+ # been used by the vendor install; these need to be changed to the target
+ # directory.
+ print('Changing local path references from ' + stagingdir + ' to ' + localdir)
+ print('Part 1: Tools')
+ needcheck = ['ngspice']
+ techdirs = ['/']
+ if has_priv:
+ techdirs.append('/libs.priv/')
+ for techdir in techdirs:
+ tools = os.listdir(targetdir + techdir)
+ for tool in tools:
+ tooldir = targetdir + techdir + tool
+ # There are few enough tool setup files that they can just all be
+ # filtered directly. This code only looks in the directory 'tooldir'.
+ # If there are files is subdirectories of 'tooldir' that require
+ # substitution, then this code needs to be revisited.
+ # Note that due to the low overhead of tool setup files, there is
+ # no attempt to check for possible symlinks to link_from if link_from
+ # is a base PDK.
+ total = filter_recursive(tooldir, stagingdir, localdir)
+ if total > 0:
+ substr = 'substitutions' if total > 1 else 'substitution'
+ print(' ' + tool + ' (' + str(total) + ' ' + substr + ')')
+ # If "link_from" is another PDK, then check all files against the files in
+ # the other PDK, and replace the file with a symbolic link if the file contents
+ # match (Note: This is done only for ngspice model files; other tool files are
+ # generally small and deemed unnecessary to make symbolic links).
+ if link_from != 'source':
+ thispdk = os.path.split(targetdir)[1]
+ # Only create links for PDKs other than the one we are making links to.
+ if thispdk != link_from:
+ print('Replacing files with symbolic links to ' + link_from + ' where possible.')
+ for techdir in techdirs:
+ for tool in needcheck:
+ tooldir = targetdir + techdir + tool
+ srctooldir = link_from + techdir + tool
+ if checkdir != '':
+ checktooldir = checkdir + techdir + tool
+ else:
+ checktooldir = srctooldir
+ if os.path.exists(tooldir):
+ total = replace_all_with_symlinks(tooldir, srctooldir, checktooldir)
+ if total > 0:
+ symstr = 'symlinks' if total > 1 else 'symlink'
+ print(' ' + tool + ' (' + str(total) + ' ' + symstr + ')')
+ # In .mag files in mag/ and maglef/, also need to change the staging
+ # directory name to localdir
+ needcheck = ['mag', 'maglef']
+ refdirs = ['/libs.ref/']
+ if has_priv:
+ refdirs.append('/libs.priv/')
+ if ef_format:
+ print('Part 2: Formats')
+ for refdir in refdirs:
+ for filetype in needcheck:
+ print(' ' + filetype)
+ filedir = targetdir + refdir + filetype
+ if os.path.isdir(filedir):
+ libraries = os.listdir(filedir)
+ for library in libraries:
+ libdir = filedir + '/' + library
+ total = filter_recursive(libdir, stagingdir, localdir)
+ if total > 0:
+ substr = 'substitutions' if total > 1 else 'substitution'
+ print(' ' + library + ' (' + str(total) + ' ' + substr + ')')
+ else:
+ print('Part 2: Libraries')
+ for refdir in refdirs:
+ libraries = os.listdir(targetdir + refdir)
+ for library in libraries:
+ print(' ' + library)
+ for filetype in needcheck:
+ filedir = targetdir + refdir + library + '/' + filetype
+ total = filter_recursive(filedir, stagingdir, localdir)
+ if total > 0:
+ substr = 'substitutions' if total > 1 else 'substitution'
+ print(' ' + filetype + ' (' + str(total) + ' ' + substr + ')')
+ # If "link_from" is "source", then check all files against the source
+ # directory, and replace the file with a symbolic link if the file
+ # contents match. The "" script should have added a
+ # file "sources.txt" with the name of the source directories for each
+ # install directory.
+ if link_from == 'source':
+ print('Replacing files with symbolic links to source where possible.')
+ for refdir in refdirs:
+ if ef_format:
+ filedirs = os.listdir(targetdir + refdir)
+ for filedir in filedirs:
+ print(' ' + filedir)
+ dirpath = targetdir + refdir + filedir
+ if os.path.isdir(dirpath):
+ libraries = os.listdir(dirpath)
+ for library in libraries:
+ libdir = targetdir + refdir + filedir + '/' + library
+ libfiles = os.listdir(libdir)
+ if 'sources.txt' in libfiles:
+ libfiles = glob.glob(libdir + '/*')
+ libfiles.remove(libdir + '/sources.txt')
+ with open(libdir + '/sources.txt') as ifile:
+ sources =
+ sourcelist = make_source_list(sources)
+ total = replace_with_symlinks(libfiles, sourcelist)
+ if total > 0:
+ symstr = 'symlinks' if total > 1 else 'symlink'
+ print(' ' + library + ' (' + str(total) + ' ' + symstr + ')')
+ else:
+ libraries = os.listdir(targetdir + refdir)
+ for library in libraries:
+ print(' ' + library)
+ filedirs = os.listdir(targetdir + refdir + library)
+ for filedir in filedirs:
+ libdir = targetdir + refdir + library + '/' + filedir
+ if os.path.isdir(libdir):
+ libfiles = os.listdir(libdir)
+ if 'sources.txt' in libfiles:
+ # List again, but with full paths.
+ libfiles = glob.glob(libdir + '/*')
+ libfiles.remove(libdir + '/sources.txt')
+ with open(libdir + '/sources.txt') as ifile:
+ sources =
+ sourcelist = make_source_list(sources)
+ total = replace_with_symlinks(libfiles, sourcelist)
+ if total > 0:
+ symstr = 'symlinks' if total > 1 else 'symlink'
+ print(' ' + filedir + ' (' + str(total) + ' ' + symstr + ')')
+ # Otherwise, if "link_from" is another PDK, then check all files against
+ # the files in the other PDK, and replace the file with a symbolic link
+ # if the file contents match.
+ elif link_from:
+ thispdk = os.path.split(targetdir)[1]
+ # Only create links for PDKs other than the one we are making links to.
+ if thispdk != link_from:
+ print('Replacing files with symbolic links to ' + link_from + ' where possible.')
+ for refdir in refdirs:
+ if ef_format:
+ filedirs = os.listdir(targetdir + refdir)
+ for filedir in filedirs:
+ print(' ' + filedir)
+ dirpath = targetdir + refdir + filedir
+ if os.path.isdir(dirpath):
+ libraries = os.listdir(dirpath)
+ for library in libraries:
+ libdir = targetdir + refdir + filedir + '/' + library
+ srclibdir = link_from + refdir + filedir + '/' + library
+ if checkdir != '':
+ checklibdir = checkdir + refdir + filedir + '/' + library
+ else:
+ checklibdir = srclibdir
+ if os.path.exists(libdir):
+ total = replace_all_with_symlinks(libdir, srclibdir, checklibdir)
+ if total > 0:
+ symstr = 'symlinks' if total > 1 else 'symlink'
+ print(' ' + library + ' (' + str(total) + ' ' + symstr + ')')
+ else:
+ libraries = os.listdir(targetdir + refdir)
+ for library in libraries:
+ print(' ' + library)
+ filedirs = os.listdir(targetdir + refdir + library)
+ for filedir in filedirs:
+ libdir = targetdir + refdir + library + '/' + filedir
+ srclibdir = link_from + refdir + library + '/' + filedir
+ if checkdir != '':
+ checklibdir = checkdir + refdir + library + '/' + filedir
+ else:
+ checklibdir = srclibdir
+ if os.path.exists(libdir):
+ total = replace_all_with_symlinks(libdir, srclibdir, checklibdir)
+ if total > 0:
+ symstr = 'symlinks' if total > 1 else 'symlink'
+ print(' ' + filedir + ' (' + str(total) + ' ' + symstr + ')')
+ # Remove temporary files: Magic generation scripts, sources.txt
+ # file, and magic extract files.
+ print('Removing temporary files from destination.')
+ for refdir in refdirs:
+ if ef_format:
+ filedirs = os.listdir(targetdir + refdir)
+ for filedir in filedirs:
+ if os.path.islink(filedir):
+ continue
+ elif os.path.isdir(filedir):
+ libraries = os.listdir(targetdir + refdir + filedir)
+ for library in libraries:
+ libdir = targetdir + refdir + filedir + '/' + library
+ libfiles = os.listdir(libdir)
+ for libfile in libfiles:
+ filepath = libdir + '/' + libfile
+ if os.path.islink(filepath):
+ continue
+ elif libfile == 'sources.txt':
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ elif libfile == 'generate_magic.tcl':
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ elif os.path.splitext(libfile)[1] == '.ext':
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ else:
+ libraries = os.listdir(targetdir + refdir)
+ for library in libraries:
+ filedirs = os.listdir(targetdir + refdir + library)
+ for filedir in filedirs:
+ filepath = targetdir + refdir + library + '/' + filedir
+ if os.path.islink(filepath):
+ continue
+ elif os.path.isdir(filepath):
+ libfiles = os.listdir(filepath)
+ for libfile in libfiles:
+ libfilepath = filepath + '/' + libfile
+ if os.path.islink(libfilepath):
+ continue
+ elif libfile == 'sources.txt':
+ os.remove(libfilepath)
+ elif libfile == 'generate_magic.tcl':
+ os.remove(libfilepath)
+ elif os.path.splitext(libfile)[1] == '.ext':
+ os.remove(libfilepath)
+ print('Done with PDK migration.')
+ sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4734291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Dialog class for tkinter
+import os
+import tkinter
+from tkinter import ttk
+class Dialog(tkinter.Toplevel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, message = None, title = None, seed = None, border = 'blue', **kwargs):
+ tkinter.Toplevel.__init__(self, parent)
+ self.transient(parent)
+ if title:
+ self.title(title)
+ self.configure(background=border, padx=2, pady=2)
+ self.obox = ttk.Frame(self)
+ self.obox.pack(side = 'left', fill = 'both', expand = 'true')
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.result = None
+ body = ttk.Frame(self.obox)
+ self.initial_focus = self.body(body, message, seed, **kwargs)
+ body.pack(padx = 5, pady = 5)
+ self.buttonbox()
+ self.grab_set()
+ if not self.initial_focus:
+ self.initial_focus = self
+ self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.cancel)
+ self.geometry("+%d+%d" % (parent.winfo_rootx() + 50,
+ parent.winfo_rooty() + 50))
+ self.initial_focus.focus_set()
+ self.wait_window(self)
+ # Construction hooks
+ def body(self, master, **kwargs):
+ # Create dialog body. Return widget that should have
+ # initial focus. This method should be overridden
+ pass
+ def buttonbox(self):
+ # Add standard button box. Override if you don't want the
+ # standard buttons
+ box = ttk.Frame(self.obox)
+ self.okb = ttk.Button(box, text="OK", width=10, command=self.ok, default='active')
+ self.okb.pack(side='left', padx=5, pady=5)
+ w = ttk.Button(box, text="Cancel", width=10, command=self.cancel)
+ w.pack(side='left', padx=5, pady=5)
+ self.bind("<Return>", self.ok)
+ self.bind("<Escape>", self.cancel)
+ box.pack(fill='x', expand='true')
+ # Standard button semantics
+ def ok(self, event=None):
+ if not self.validate():
+ self.initial_focus.focus_set() # put focus back
+ return
+ self.withdraw()
+ self.update_idletasks()
+ self.result = self.apply()
+ self.cancel()
+ def cancel(self, event=None):
+ # Put focus back to the parent window
+ self.parent.focus_set()
+ self.destroy()
+ def validate(self):
+ return 1 # Override this
+ def apply(self):
+ return None # Override this
diff --git a/sky130/Makefile b/sky130/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2673519
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+# Makefile for efabless design kits for SkyWater Sky130:
+# sky130A = 5-metal backend stack with dual MiM
+# Written by Tim Edwards March 2019
+# efabless corporation
+# updated October 2019
+# updated December 2019 (divide installation sections for individual tools)
+# updated March 2020 (refactored the install process)
+# updated May 2020 (changed to new process name Sky130)
+# Instructions:
+# Modify values below as needed:
+# VENDOR_PATH: points to vendor sources
+# EF_STYLE: 1 for efabless style, 0 otherwise
+# LINK_TARGETS: link back to source or link to 1st PDK when possible
+# DIST_PATH: install location for distributed install
+# LOCAL_PATH: install location for local install or runtime location
+# for distributed install
+# Run "make" to stage the PDK for tool setup and vendor libraries
+# If installing into the final destination (local install):
+# Run "make install-local" to install all staged files
+# ("make install" is equivalent to "make install-local")
+# If installing into a repository to be distributed to the final destination:
+# Run "make install-dist" to install all staged files
+# Run "make clean" to remove all staging files.
+# Run "make veryclean" to remove all staging and install log files.
+# For the sake of simplicity, the "standard" local install can be done
+# with the usual
+# make
+# make install
+# make clean
+# This Makefile contains bash-isms
+SHELL = bash
+REVISION = 20200508
+TECH = sky130
+# If EF_STYLE is set to 1, then efabless naming conventions are
+# used, otherwise the generic naming conventions are used.
+# Mainly, the hierarchy of library names and file types is reversed
+# (e.g., sky130_fd_sc_hd/lef vs. lef/sky130_fd_sc_hd).
+# EF_STYLE = 1
+# Normally it's fine to keep the staging path in a local directory,
+# although /tmp or a dedicated staging area are also fine, as long
+# as the install process can write to the path.
+# If LINK_TARGETS is set to "none", then files are copied
+# from the SkyWater sources to the target. If set to "source",
+# symbolic links are made in the target directories pointing
+# back to the SkyWater sources. If set to the name of another
+# PDK (e.g, "sky130A"), then symbolic links are made to the
+# same files in that PDK, where they exist, and are copied
+# from source, where they don't.
+# LINK_TARGETS = source
+# LINK_TARGETS = none
+# LINK_TARGETS = sky130A
+LINK_TARGETS = source
+# Paths:
+# Path to skywater_pdk (to be changed to public repo; work in progress)
+# Version below comes from
+# SKYWATER_PATH = ~/gits/skywater-pdk-scratch/skywater-pdk/libraries
+# Version below is also from foss-eda-tools and is more recent than
+# the scratch repo above.
+SKYWATER_PATH = ~/gits/skywater-pdk/libraries
+# NOTE: Install destination is the git repository of the technology platform.
+# Once updated in git, the git project can be distributed to all hosts.
+ifeq (${EF_STYLE}, 1)
+ LOCAL_PATH = /ef/tech/SW
+ CONFIG_DIR = .ef-config
+ # LOCAL_PATH = /usr/local/share/vlsi/SkyWater
+ LOCAL_PATH = ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW
+ CONFIG_DIR = .config
+ REV_DIR = .
+DIST_PATH = ~/gits/ef-skywater-${TECH}
+# EF process nodes created from the master sources
+SKY130A = sky130A
+ifeq (${LINK_TARGETS}, ${SKY130A})
+# Basic definitions for each EF process node
+# Module definitions for each process node
+# (Note that MOS is default and therefore not used anywhere)
+# Add staging path
+ifeq (${EF_STYLE}, 1)
+ EF_FORMAT = -ef_format
+ EF_FORMAT = -std_format
+ifeq (${EF_STYLE}, 1)
+# Currently, netgen, qflow, and klayout do not use revisioning (needs to change!)
+# Where cpp syntax is followed, this is equivalent to cpp, but it does not
+# mangle non-C source files under the belief that they are actually C code.
+CPP = ../common/
+# The following script in the ../common directory does most of the work of
+# copying or linking the foundry vendor files to the target directory.
+STAGE = set -f ; ../common/ ${EF_FORMAT}
+INSTALL = ../common/ ${EF_FORMAT}
+# The script(s) below are used for custom changes to the vendor PDK files
+ADDPROP = ../common/ ${EF_FORMAT}
+# List the EDA tools to install local setup files for
+TOOLS = magic qflow netgen klayout openlane
+all: all-a
+ echo "Starting sky130A PDK staging on "`date` > ${SKY130A}_install.log
+ ${MAKE} tools-a
+ ${MAKE} vendor-a
+ echo "Ended sky130A PDK staging on "`date` >> ${SKY130A}_install.log
+tools-a: general-a magic-a qflow-a netgen-a klayout-a openlane-a
+general-a: ${TECH}.json
+ mkdir -p ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A}/${CONFIG_DIR}
+ rm -f ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A}/${CONFIG_DIR}/nodeinfo.json
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} ${TECH}.json > \
+ ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A}/${CONFIG_DIR}/nodeinfo.json
+magic-a: ${TECH}.tech ${TECH} ${TECH}.magicrc ${TECH}.tcl
+ mkdir -p ${MAGICTOP_STAGING_A}
+ mkdir -p ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}
+ rm -f ${MAGICTOP_STAGING_A}/current
+ rm -f ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}.tech
+ rm -f ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}
+ rm -f ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}.tcl
+ rm -f ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}-BindKeys
+ rm -f ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/magicrc
+ (cd ${MAGICTOP_STAGING_A} ; ln -s ${REV_DIR} current)
+ cp -rp custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/.
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} ${TECH}.tech > ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}.tech
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} ${TECH} > ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} ${TECH}.magicrc > ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}.magicrc
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} ../common/pdk.bindkeys > ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}-BindKeys
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} ${TECH}.tcl > ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}.tcl
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} ../common/pdk.tcl >> ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}.tcl
+qflow-a: ${TECH}.sh ${TECH}.par
+ mkdir -p ${QFLOWTOP_STAGING_A}
+ mkdir -p ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}
+ rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}
+ rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hd.par
+ rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}
+ rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hdll.par
+ rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}
+ rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hs.par
+ rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}
+ rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hvl.par
+ rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}
+ rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}ls.par
+ rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}
+ rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}lp.par
+ rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}
+ rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}ms.par
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} -DLIBRARY=sky130_fd_sc_hd ${TECH}.sh > \
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} -DLIBRARY=sky130_fd_sc_hdll ${TECH}.sh > \
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} -DLIBRARY=sky130_fd_sc_hvl ${TECH}.sh > \
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} -DLIBRARY=sky130_fd_sc_hs ${TECH}.sh > \
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} -DLIBRARY=sky130_fd_sc_lp ${TECH}.sh > \
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} -DLIBRARY=sky130_fd_sc_ls ${TECH}.sh > \
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} -DLIBRARY=sky130_fd_sc_ms ${TECH}.sh > \
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} ${TECH}.par > ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hd.par
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} ${TECH}.par > ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hdll.par
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} ${TECH}.par > ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hvl.par
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} ${TECH}.par > ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hs.par
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} ${TECH}.par > ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}ms.par
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} ${TECH}.par > ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}lp.par
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} ${TECH}.par > ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}ls.par
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} ${TECH}.par > ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}osu.par
+netgen-a: ${TECH}_setup.tcl
+ mkdir -p ${NETGEN_STAGING_A}
+ rm -f ${NETGEN_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}_setup.tcl
+ rm -f ${NETGEN_STAGING_A}/setup.tcl
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} ${TECH}_setup.tcl > ${NETGEN_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}_setup.tcl
+ (cd ${NETGEN_STAGING_A} ; ln -s ${SKY130A}_setup.tcl setup.tcl)
+klayout-a: ${TECH}.lyp ${TECH}.lyt
+ mkdir -p ${KLAYOUT_STAGING_A}
+ rm -f ${KLAYOUT_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}.lyp
+ rm -f ${KLAYOUT_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}.lyt
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} ${TECH}.lyp > ${KLAYOUT_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}.lyp
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} ${TECH}.lyt > ${KLAYOUT_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}.lyt
+openlane-a: common_pdn.tcl config.tcl sky130_fd_sc_hd_config.tcl
+ mkdir -p ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}
+ mkdir -p ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hd
+ rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/config.tcl
+ rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hd/config.tcl
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} common_pdn.tcl > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/common_pdn.tcl
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} config.tcl > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/config.tcl
+ ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} sky130_fd_sc_hd_config.tcl > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hd/config.tcl
+ # Install base device models from vendor files
+ # (NOTE: .mod and .pm3 files should not be in /cells/?)
+ ${STAGE} -source ${SKYWATER_PATH} -target ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \
+ -ngspice sky130_fd_pr_base/v%v/models/* filter=custom/scripts/ \
+ -ngspice sky130_fd_pr_base/v%v/cells/*.mod filter=custom/scripts/ \
+ -ngspice sky130_fd_pr_base/v%v/cells/*.pm3 filter=custom/scripts/ \
+ |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_install.log
+ # Install RF device models from vendor files
+ ${STAGE} -source ${SKYWATER_PATH} -target ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \
+ -ngspice sky130_fd_pr_rf/v%v/models/* filter=custom/scripts/ \
+ |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_install.log
+ # Install additional RF device models from vendor files
+ ${STAGE} -source ${SKYWATER_PATH} -target ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \
+ -ngspice sky130_fd_pr_rf2/v%v/models/* filter=custom/scripts/ \
+ |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_install.log
+ # Install base device library from vendor files
+ ${STAGE} -source ${SKYWATER_PATH} -target ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \
+ -gds %l/v%v/cells/*/*.gds \
+ -spice %l/v%v/cells/*/*.spice ignore=topography \
+ -spice %l/v%v/cells/*/*.sp \
+ -library primitive sky130_fd_pr_base \
+ -library primitive sky130_fd_pr_rf \
+ -library primitive sky130_fd_pr_rf2 |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_install.log
+ # Install SkyWater I/O pad library
+ # Purposely ignoring "-lef sky130_fd_io/v%v/lef/*.lef" and making our own LEF views
+ ${STAGE} -source ${SKYWATER_PATH} -target ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \
+ -gds %l/v%v/cells/*/*.gds \
+ -verilog %l/v%v/cells/*/*.v \
+ -lib %l/v%v/cells/*/*.lib \
+ -doc %l/v%v/cells/*/*.doc \
+ -cdl %l/v%v/cells/*/*.cdl ignore=topography \
+ -spice %l/v%v/cells/*/*.spice \
+ -library general sky130_fd_io |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_install.log
+ # Install all SkyWater digital standard cells.
+ ${STAGE} -source ${SKYWATER_PATH} -target ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \
+ -spice %l/v%v/cells/*/*.spice compile-only \
+ -cdl %l/v%v/cells/*/*.cdl ignore=topography compile-only \
+ -lef %l/v%v/cells/*/*.lef compile-only \
+ -doc %l/v%v/cells/*/*.pdf \
+ -lib %l/v%v/timing/*.lib \
+ -gds %l/v%v/cells/*/*.gds compile-only \
+ -verilog %l/v%v/cells/*/*.v exclude=*.*.v compile-only \
+ -library digital sky130_fd_sc_hd \
+ -library digital sky130_fd_sc_hdll \
+ -library digital sky130_fd_sc_hvl \
+ -library digital sky130_fd_sc_hs \
+ -library digital sky130_fd_sc_ls \
+ -library digital sky130_fd_sc_ms \
+ -library digital sky130_fd_sc_lp |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_install.log
+ # Install additional model file (efabless)
+ ${STAGE} -source ./custom -target ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \
+ -ngspice models/*.lib rename ${SKY130A}.lib \
+ |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_install.log
+ # Install custom additions to digital libraries
+ ${STAGE} -source ./custom -target ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \
+ -techlef techLEF/sky130_fd_sc_hd_tech.lef \
+ -library digital sky130_fd_sc_hd |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_install.log
+ ${STAGE} -source ./custom -target ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \
+ -techlef techLEF/sky130_fd_sc_hd_tech.lef \
+ rename sky130_fd_sc_hdll_tech.lef \
+ -library digital sky130_fd_sc_hdll |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_install.log
+ ${STAGE} -source ./custom -target ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \
+ -techlef techLEF/sky130_fd_sc_hs_tech.lef \
+ -library digital sky130_fd_sc_hs |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_install.log
+ ${STAGE} -source ./custom -target ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \
+ -techlef techLEF/sky130_fd_sc_hs_tech.lef \
+ rename sky130_fd_sc_ms_tech.lef \
+ -library digital sky130_fd_sc_ms |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_install.log
+ ${STAGE} -source ./custom -target ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \
+ -techlef techLEF/sky130_fd_sc_hs_tech.lef \
+ rename sky130_fd_sc_ls_tech.lef \
+ -library digital sky130_fd_sc_ls |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_install.log
+ # Install custom additions to I/O pad library
+ ${STAGE} -source ./custom -target ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \
+ -gds %l/gds/*.gds \
+ -verilog %l/verilog/*.v \
+ -lef %l/lef/*.lef \
+ -spice %l/spice/*.spice \
+ -library general sky130_fd_io |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_install.log
+ # Add correct bounding boxes on Magic layouts
+ ${ADDPROP} ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} sky130_fd_io sky130_fd_io_top_gpio_ovtv2 \
+ "FIXED_BBOX 0 407 28000 40000"
+ ${ADDPROP} ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} sky130_fd_io sky130_fd_io_top_xres4v2 \
+ "FIXED_BBOX 0 407 15000 40000"
+install: install-local
+install-local: install-local-a
+ echo "Starting SKY130 PDK migration on "`date` > ${SKY130A}_migrate.log
+ ${INSTALL} -source ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \
+ -target ${LOCAL_PATH}/${SKY130A} \
+ -link_from ${LINK_TARGETS} |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_migrate.log
+ echo "Ended SKY130 PDK migration on "`date` >> ${SKY130A}_migrate.log
+install-dist: install-dist-a
+ echo "Starting SKY130 PDK migration on "`date` > ${SKY130A}_migrate.log
+ ${INSTALL} -source ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \
+ -target ${DIST_PATH}/${SKY130A} \
+ -local ${LOCAL_PATH}/${SKY130A} \
+ -link_from ${DIST_LINK_TARGETS} |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_migrate.log
+ echo "Ended SKY130 PDK migration on "`date` >> ${SKY130A}_migrate.log
+clean: clean-a
+ ${STAGE} -target ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} -clean
+veryclean: veryclean-a
+veryclean-a: clean-a
+ ${RM} ${SKY130A}_install.log
+ ${RM} ${SKY130A}_migrate.log
diff --git a/sky130/README b/sky130/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00b9851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/README
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+Master PDK generator for SkyWater Sky130
+Hybrid 180nm / 130nm foundry process
+for open source EDA tools
+1. Foundry source files:
+ Obtain sources for the SkyWater sky130 130nm process from the git repository at
+ the following location:
+ This repository may go in any convenient location. The Makefile suggests
+ the target location ~/projects/foundry/skywater-pdk but any location will
+ do as long as the definition for CYPRESS_PATH in the Makefile is set
+ appropriately.
+ So cd to the target location parent directory (e.g., "cd ~/projects/foundry")
+ and run the following command:
+ git clone
+ Then follow the instructions below.
+2. EDA tools:
+ For installing files to use with the Magic layout tool, Magic must be installed.
+ Obtain Magic from:
+ There are two methods for installation: Local and Distribution. Use Local
+ installation if you are installing on a single host computer. Use Distribution
+ installation if you are installing into a respository (such as git) that will
+ be distributed to multiple hosts.
+Step 1:
+ Edit the Makefile to set the following definitions for your host system:
+ EF_STYLE = Select "1" for an efabless-style file structure, "0"
+ otherwise. There are only minor differences in
+ these two styles, namely for version tracking of
+ the Magic setup files, and the location of the
+ technology LEF file.
+ LINK_TARGETS = "none" or "source". "none" copies files from the source
+ directories to the target. "source" makes symbolic links
+ to the source directories. Use "source" only if doing
+ a local install, and the source foundry data will not
+ be deleted. For distribution installations, LINK_TARGETS
+ must be set to "none".
+ LOCAL_PATH = The path to the target install directory. This is used
+ in both the local and distribution installations. For
+ a distribution installation, this is the local name of
+ the path to the PDK after it has been distributed to
+ the host computers.
+ DIST_PATH = The path to the location of the installed files prior to
+ distribution. This will most likely be a git or similar
+ repo.
+Step 2:
+ Run:
+ make
+ This will pre-process the setup files to create the PDK-specific files
+ for the SKY130A PDK, and process all vendor files, and place everything
+ in a local staging area.
+Step 3:
+ For a local install, do:
+ make install-local
+ This copies all files from the staging area into the destination
+ as specified by the variable LOCAL_PATH in the Makefile. All
+ pointers to absolute paths in the files are changed to match
+ For a distribution install, do:
+ make install-dist
+ This copies all files from the staging area into the destination
+ as specified by the variable DIST_PATH in the Makefile. All
+ pointers to absolute paths in the files are changed to match
+ LOCAL_PATH. The assumption is that DIST_PATH is a repository
+ (such as a git repo) that is cloned to multiple hosts, and
+ the destination on the hosts where it is distributed is
+ The Makefile script takes the source files and generates files for local
+ PDK names "SKY130A", "SKY130B", etc. (Note there is currently only one
+ PDK variant "A".)
+ The definition of each PDK is made in the Makefile using defines; e.g.,
+ -DMETAL5, etc.
+ The make script makes use of the python script "" (in the ../common
+ directory) to parse each source file for "#ifdef ..."-type macros. The syntax
+ is similar to that used by the C preprocessor (cpp) but does not assume C
+ language syntax in the input file, so is generally better to use than cpp
+ (has less unexpected/unintentional behavior). See comments in the
+ script for a full list of macros that it accepts (short list: #ifdef, #ifndef,
+ #define, #include, and boolean operators ||, &&, and !).
+ Files generated:
+ .tech techfile for magic (full DRC, extract, GDS)
+ techfile for magic, vendor mask layers
+ .tcl PDK script for magic
+ -BindKeys key binding script for magic partly matching Cadence defaults
+ .magicrc magic startup script (copy to local directory as .magicrc)
+ _setup.tcl netgen setup script for LVS
+ .sh qflow master setup script, standard 1.8V digital
+ .par graywolf setup file, standard 1.8V digital
+ The installation directory below LOCAL_PATH is the name of the PDK; e.g.,
+ sky130A/ 5-metal stack with MiM cap and redistribution layer
+ The installation directory hierarchy below the PDK name looks like the following:
+ technology and setup files
+ magic/ magic techfiles, startup file, PDK script,
+ and key binding script.
+ netgen/ netgen setup file
+ qflow/ qflow scripts and graywolf setup files.
+ klayout/ setup files for klayout
+ openlane/ setup files for openlane
+ libs.ref/ foundry data
+ cdl/ CDL netlists
+ doc/ Foundry documentation
+ gds/ GDS files
+ lef/ LEF macro files
+ lib/ Timing files
+ mag/ Magic files derived from GDS
+ maglef/ Magic files derived from LEF macros
+ spice/ SPICE netlists (ngspice compatible)
+ techlef/ LEF technology files
+ verilog/ verilog modules
+ Each subdirectory of libs.ref is further divided into sections based on the
+ IP type. The section names are largely foundry-dependent. For SkyWater Sky130,
+ these sections include one or more of:
+ sky130_fd_sc_hd/ 1.8V digital logic (high density)
+ sky130_fd_sc_hdll/ 1.8V digital logic (high density low leakage)
+ sky130_fd_sc_hs/ 1.8V digital logic (low power)
+ sky130_fd_sc_hvl/ 1.8V digital logic (low speed)
+ sky130_fd_sc_lp/ 1.8V digital logic (medium speed)
+ sky130_fd_sc_ls/ 1.8V digital logic (high speed)
+ sky130_fd_sc_ms/ 3.3V digital logic
+ sky130_fd_io/ Standard I/O
+ sky130_fd_pr_base/ Primitive devices w/fixed layout
+ sky130_fd_pr_rf/ RF primitive devices w/fixed layout
+ sky130_fd_pr_rf2/ Additional RF primitive devices w/fixed layout
+ The target installation destinations assume the directory structure above. Changing
+ this requires editing the source files.
diff --git a/sky130/common_pdn.tcl b/sky130/common_pdn.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ad2264
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/common_pdn.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Power nets
+set ::power_nets "VDD"
+set ::ground_nets "VSS"
+set ::macro_blockage_layer_list "li1 met1 met2 met3 met4 met5"
+pdngen::specify_grid stdcell {
+ name grid
+ rails {
+ met1 {width 0.48 pitch $::env(PLACE_SITE_WIDTH) offset 0}
+ }
+ straps {
+ met4 {width 1.6 pitch $::env(FP_PDN_VPITCH) offset $::env(FP_PDN_VOFFSET)}
+ met5 {width 1.6 pitch $::env(FP_PDN_HPITCH) offset $::env(FP_PDN_HOFFSET)}
+ }
+ connect {{met1 met4} {met4 met5}}
+pdngen::specify_grid macro {
+ orient {R0 R180 MX MY R90 R270 MXR90 MYR90}
+ power_pins "VDDE"
+ ground_pins "VSSE"
+ blockages "li1 met1 met2 met3 met4 met5"
+ straps {
+ }
+ connect { }
+set ::halo 0
+# Metal layer for rails on every row
+set ::rails_mlayer "met1" ;
+# POWER or GROUND #Std. cell rails starting with power or ground rails at the bottom of the core area
+set ::rails_start_with "POWER" ;
+# POWER or GROUND #Upper metal stripes starting with power or ground rails at the left/bottom of the core area
+set ::stripes_start_with "POWER" ;
+proc generate_viarules {} {
+cd $::env(TMP_DIR)/floorplan
diff --git a/sky130/ b/sky130/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..948dbd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+li1 X 0.23 0.46
+li1 Y 0.17 0.34
+met1 X 0.17 0.34
+met1 Y 0.17 0.34
+met2 X 0.23 0.46
+met2 Y 0.23 0.46
+met3 X 0.34 0.68
+met3 Y 0.34 0.68
+met4 X 0.46 0.92
+met4 Y 0.46 0.92
+met5 X 1.70 3.40
+met5 Y 1.70 3.40
diff --git a/sky130/config.tcl b/sky130/config.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d34b05f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/config.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Process node
+set ::env(PROCESS) 130
+set ::env(DEF_UNITS_PER_MICRON) 1000
+# Placement site for core cells
+# This can be found in the technology lef
+set ::env(PLACE_SITE) "unithd"
+set ::env(PLACE_SITE_WIDTH) 0.460
+set ::env(PLACE_SITE_HEIGHT) 2.720
+set ::env(VDD_PIN) "vpwr"
+set ::env(GND_PIN) "vgnd"
+# Track information for generating DEF tracks
+set ::env(TRACKS_INFO_FILE) "$::env(PDK_ROOT)/$::env(PDK)/"
+# Technology LEF
+set ::env(TECH_LEF) "$::env(PDK_ROOT)/$::env(PDK)/libs.ref/techLEF/$::env(PDK_VARIANT)/$::env(PDK_VARIANT)_tech.lef"
+set ::env(CELLS_LEF) [glob "$::env(PDK_ROOT)/$::env(PDK)/libs.ref/lef/$::env(PDK_VARIANT)/*.lef"]
+set ::env(MAGIC_TECH_FILE) "$::env(PDK_ROOT)/$::env(PDK)/"
+set ::env(MAGIC_MAGICRC) "$::env(PDK_ROOT)/$::env(PDK)/"
+set ::env(GPIO_PADS_LEF) [glob "$::env(PDK_ROOT)/$::env(PDK)/libs.ref/lef/s8iom0s8/routing_abstract/*.lef"]
+# netgen setup
+set ::env(NETGEN_SETUP_FILE) $::env(PDK_ROOT)/$::env(PDK)/$::env(PDK)_setup.tcl
+# CTS luts
+set ::env(CTS_TECH_DIR) "N/A"
+set ::env(FP_TAPCELL_DIST) 20
diff --git a/sky130/custom/models/sky130.lib b/sky130/custom/models/sky130.lib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04c51ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/models/sky130.lib
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+******* SkyWater s8 model library *********
+* Typical corner (tt)
+.lib tt
+* MOSFET "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nshort_tt.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nlowvt_tt.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__pshort_tt.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__ntvnative_tt.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhvnative_tt.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nshortesd_tt.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__plowvt_tt.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phighvt_tt.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phvesd_tt.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phv_tt.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__pvhv_tt.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhv_tt.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nvhv_tt_discrete.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhvesd_tt.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__tt_nonfet.cor"
+* Mismatch parameters "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nshort_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__pshort_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nlowvt_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__plowvt_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phighvt_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhv_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phv_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhvnative_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__ntvnative_mm.cor"
+* All models "models.all"
+* Corner
+.include "ttrf.cor"
+* Slow-Fast corner (sf)
+.lib sf
+* MOSFET "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nshort_sf.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nlowvt_sf.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__pshort_sf.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__ntvnative_sf.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhvnative_sf.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nshortesd_sf.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__plowvt_sf.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phighvt_sf.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phvesd_sf.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phv_sf.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__pvhv_sf.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhv_sf.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nvhv_sf_discrete.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhvesd_sf.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__sf_nonfet.cor"
+* Mismatch parameters "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nshort_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__pshort_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nlowvt_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__plowvt_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phighvt_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhv_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phv_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhvnative_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__ntvnative_mm.cor"
+* All models "models.all"
+* Corner
+.include "sfrf.cor"
+* Fast-Fast corner (ff)
+.lib ff
+* MOSFET "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nshort_ff.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nlowvt_ff.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__pshort_ff.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__ntvnative_ff.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhvnative_ff.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nshortesd_ff.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__plowvt_ff.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phighvt_ff.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phvesd_ff.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phv_ff.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__pvhv_ff.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhv_ff.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nvhv_ff_discrete.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhvesd_ff.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__ff_nonfet.cor"
+* Mismatch parameters "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nshort_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__pshort_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nlowvt_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__plowvt_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phighvt_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhv_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phv_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhvnative_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__ntvnative_mm.cor"
+* All models "models.all"
+* Corner
+.include "ffrf.cor"
+* Slow-Slow corner (ss)
+.lib ss
+* MOSFET "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nshort_ss.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nlowvt_ss.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__pshort_ss.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__ntvnative_ss.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhvnative_ss.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nshortesd_ss.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__plowvt_ss.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phighvt_ss.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phvesd_ss.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phv_ss.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__pvhv_ss.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhv_ss.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nvhv_ss_discrete.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhvesd_ss.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__ss_nonfet.cor"
+* Mismatch parameters "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nshort_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__pshort_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nlowvt_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__plowvt_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phighvt_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhv_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phv_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhvnative_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__ntvnative_mm.cor"
+* All models "models.all"
+* Corner
+.include "ssrf.cor"
+* Fast-Slow corner (fs)
+.lib fs
+* MOSFET "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nshort_fs.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nlowvt_fs.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__pshort_fs.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__ntvnative_fs.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhvnative_fs.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nshortesd_fs.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__plowvt_fs.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phighvt_fs.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phvesd_fs.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phv_fs.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__pvhv_fs.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhv_fs.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nvhv_fs_discrete.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhvesd_fs.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__fs_nonfet.cor"
+* Mismatch parameters "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nshort_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__pshort_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nlowvt_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__plowvt_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phighvt_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhv_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__phv_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__nhvnative_mm.cor" "./sky130_fd_pr_base__ntvnative_mm.cor"
+* All models "models.all"
+* Corner
+.include "fsrf.cor"
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/ b/sky130/custom/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..92cca88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#!/bin/env python3
+# fixspice ---
+# This script fixes problems in the SkyWater SPICE models. This should be
+# made obsolete by the forthcoming set of models from the foundry, but the
+# script will get the original set working with ngspice.
+# This script is a filter to be run by setting the name of this script as
+# the value to "filter=" for the model install in the s8 Makefile.
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+def filter(inname, outname):
+ # Read input
+ try:
+ with open(inname, 'r') as inFile:
+ spitext =
+ # (Don't) unwrap continuation lines
+ # spilines = spitext.replace('\n+', ' ').splitlines()
+ spilines = spitext.splitlines()
+ except:
+ print(' failed to open ' + fnmIn + ' for reading.', file=sys.stderr)
+ return 1
+ # Process input with regexp
+ fixedlines = []
+ modified = False
+ for line in spilines:
+ # Fix 1: ngspice does not understand the syntax used for the dev/gauss lines,
+ # so remove them.
+ fixedline = re.sub('dev/gauss[ \t]*=.*$', '', line)
+ # Fix 2: Remove references to *_dlc_rotweak
+ # fixedline = re.sub('\+[ \t]*[^ \t_]+_dlc_rotweak', '', fixedline)
+ # Fix 2: Remove references to *_[a,p]junction_mult
+ # fixedline = re.sub('\*[ \t]*[^ \t_]+_[ap]junction_mult', '', fixedline)
+ fixedlines.append(fixedline)
+ if fixedline != line:
+ modified = True
+ # Write output
+ if outname == None:
+ for i in fixedlines:
+ print(i)
+ else:
+ # If the output is a symbolic link but no modifications have been made,
+ # then leave it alone. If it was modified, then remove the symbolic
+ # link before writing.
+ if os.path.islink(outname):
+ if not modified:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ os.unlink(outname)
+ try:
+ with open(outname, 'w') as outFile:
+ for i in fixedlines:
+ print(i, file=outFile)
+ except:
+ print(' failed to open ' + outname + ' for writing.', file=sys.stderr)
+ return 1
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # This script expects to get one or two arguments. One argument is
+ # mandatory and is the input file. The other argument is optional and
+ # is the output file. The output file and input file may be the same
+ # name, in which case the original input is overwritten.
+ options = []
+ arguments = []
+ for item in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if item.find('-', 0) == 0:
+ options.append(item[1:])
+ else:
+ arguments.append(item)
+ if len(arguments) > 0:
+ infilename = arguments[0]
+ if len(arguments) > 1:
+ outfilename = arguments[1]
+ else:
+ outfilename = None
+ result = filter(infilename, outfilename)
+ sys.exit(result)
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/.magicrc b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/.magicrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a18665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/.magicrc
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+scalegrid 1 10
+tech load
+drc off
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/README b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af48894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/README
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# This directory contains a seal ring generator for SkyWater s8 using magic.
+# Because the seal ring contains many layers that do not appear in standard
+# layout editing, they are all specially implemented in the
+# file in this directory.
+# An example seal ring was generated by SkyWater and imported using magic's
+# script. It was then hand-edited to contain only the bottom
+# quarter. Then it was saved in .mag databases.
+# The generator script calls magic using the
+# file, and automatically modifies the geometry to stretch to the half width
+# and height of the specified dimensions. Then the lower-left cells are
+# copied and folded over the centerline to make the complete seal ring.
+# The seal ring is then written out in GDS format. Then a simplified magic
+# view is generated in the usual user-facing s8 technology file, with the
+# GDS_FILE property pointing to the seal ring GDS. This layout and GDS can
+# then be imported into a layout.
+# Usage:
+# width height target_dir [-force] [-outer]
+# Where:
+# width = the full-chip layout width
+# height = the full-chip layout height
+# target_dir = location of the full-chip layout
+# -force = overwrite existing files in the target directory
+# -outer = width and height represent the seal ring outer edge, not the chip area
+# Results:
+# Files advSeal_6u_gen.mag and advSeal_6um_gen.gds are generated and placed in
+# target_dir. advSeal_6u_gen.mag is an "abstract" view that represents the
+# seal ring in diffusion and the nikon cross in metal1, and references
+# the advSeal_6um_gen.gds file in the same directory as a GDS_FILE property.
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/generate_gds.tcl b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/generate_gds.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aedf7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/generate_gds.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Tcl script input to magic to generate seal ring GDS
+tech load s8seal_ring -noprompt
+drc off
+load advSeal_6um_gen
+select top cell
+cif *hier write disable
+cif *array write disable
+gds write advSeal_6um_gen
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/nikon_sealring_shape.mag b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/nikon_sealring_shape.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..caf7cc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/nikon_sealring_shape.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+timestamp 1584558468
+<< checkpaint >>
+rect 0 0 400 400
+<< type21 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type22 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type23 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type27 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type28 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type30 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type32 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type34 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type35 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type36 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type40 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type41 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type43 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type44 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type46 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type50 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type51 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type56 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type58 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type59 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type88 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type96 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type97 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+<< type98 >>
+rect 175 225 225 320
+rect 80 175 320 225
+rect 175 80 225 175
+use sr_polygon00006 sr_polygon00006_0
+timestamp 1584558468
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
+box 0 0 400 400
+use sr_polygon00005 sr_polygon00005_0
+timestamp 1584558468
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
+box 0 0 400 400
+use sr_polygon00004 sr_polygon00004_0
+timestamp 1584558468
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
+box 0 0 400 400
+use sr_polygon00003 sr_polygon00003_0
+timestamp 1584558468
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
+box 0 0 400 400
+use sr_polygon00002 sr_polygon00002_0
+timestamp 1584558468
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
+box 0 0 400 400
+use sr_polygon00001 sr_polygon00001_0
+timestamp 1584558468
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
+box 0 0 400 400
+use sr_polygon00007 sr_polygon00007_0
+timestamp 1584558468
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
+box 0 0 400 400
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d1c3761
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+#!/bin/env python3
+# --- a seal ring generator for SkyWater s8 using magic.
+# Because the seal ring contains many layers that do not appear in standard
+# layout editing, they are all specially implemented in the
+# file in this directory.
+# An example seal ring was generated by SkyWater and imported using magic's
+# script. It was then hand-edited to contain only the bottom
+# quarter. Then it was saved in .mag databases.
+# The generator script calls magic using the
+# file, and automatically modifies the geometry to stretch to the half width
+# and height of the specified dimensions. Then the lower-left cells are
+# copied and folded over the centerline to make the complete seal ring.
+# The seal ring is then written out in GDS format. Then a simplified magic
+# view is generated in the usual user-facing s8 technology file, with the
+# GDS_FILE property pointing to the seal ring GDS. This layout and GDS can
+# then be imported into a layout.
+# Usage:
+# width height target_dir [-force] [-outer] [-keep]
+# Where:
+# width = the full-chip layout width
+# height = the full-chip layout height
+# target_dir = location of the full-chip layout
+# -force = overwrite any existing files at the target
+# -outer = width and height are the seal ring outer edge, not the chip area
+# -keep = keep local working directory of results
+# Results:
+# Files advSeal_6um_gen.mag and advSeal_6um_gen.gds are generated and placed in
+# target_dir. advSeal_6um_gen.mag is an "abstract" view that represents the
+# seal ring in diffusion and the nikon cross in metal1, and references
+# the advSeal_6um_gen.gds file in the same directory as a GDS_FILE property.
+import subprocess
+import shutil
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+def generate_sealring(width, height, target_dir, force, keep):
+ # All files of interest are listed below.
+ script = 'generate_gds.tcl'
+ tech = ''
+ corner = 'seal_ring_corner.mag'
+ abstract = 'seal_ring_corner_abstract.mag'
+ slots = 'sealring_slots.mag'
+ array = 'seal_ring_slots_array.mag'
+ nikon = 'nikon_sealring_shape.mag'
+ polygons = ['sr_polygon00007.mag',
+ 'sr_polygon00027.mag', 'sr_polygon00011.mag', 'sr_polygon00028.mag',
+ 'sr_polygon00001.mag', 'sr_polygon00015.mag', 'sr_polygon00031.mag',
+ 'sr_polygon00002.mag', 'sr_polygon00016.mag', 'sr_polygon00032.mag',
+ 'sr_polygon00003.mag', 'sr_polygon00019.mag', 'sr_polygon00035.mag',
+ 'sr_polygon00004.mag', 'sr_polygon00020.mag', 'sr_polygon00036.mag',
+ 'sr_polygon00005.mag', 'sr_polygon00023.mag', 'sr_polygon00039.mag',
+ 'sr_polygon00006.mag', 'sr_polygon00024.mag']
+ # Create temporary directory
+ if os.path.exists('temp'):
+ print('temp/ directory exists. Please remove it before running.')
+ sys.exit(0)
+ os.makedirs('temp')
+ os.chdir('temp')
+ # Copy all .mag files, .magicrc file, and file to temp/
+ files_to_copy = polygons[:]
+ files_to_copy.append(nikon)
+ files_to_copy.append(slots)
+ files_to_copy.append(array)
+ files_to_copy.append(corner)
+ files_to_copy.append(abstract)
+ files_to_copy.append(tech)
+ files_to_copy.append(script)
+ for file in files_to_copy:
+ shutil.copy('../' + file, '.')
+ # Seal ring is placed 6um outside of the chip, so add 12um to width and height
+ fwidth = float(width) + 12
+ fheight = float(height) + 12
+ dbhwidth = int(fwidth * 100)
+ dbhheight = int(fheight * 100)
+ swidth = str(dbhwidth)
+ sheight = str(dbhheight)
+ swidthx5 = str(dbhwidth * 5)
+ dwidth = str(int(fwidth * 200))
+ dheight = str(int(fheight * 200))
+ # Modify every polygon to half width and height
+ for file in polygons:
+ with open(file, 'r') as ifile:
+ maglines =
+ with open(file, 'w') as ofile:
+ for line in maglines:
+ newline = re.sub('51200', swidth, line)
+ newline = re.sub('51210', sheight, newline)
+ # NOTE: polygon 39 is at scale 10, not 2, due to
+ # corner positions of 45 degree angled geometry.
+ newline = re.sub('256000', swidthx5, newline)
+ print(newline, file=ofile)
+ # Abstract corner view gets the same treatment
+ qwidth = str(int(fwidth * 50))
+ qheight = str(int(fheight * 50))
+ with open(abstract, 'r') as ifile:
+ maglines =
+ with open(abstract, 'w') as ofile:
+ for line in maglines:
+ newline = re.sub('25600', qwidth, line)
+ newline = re.sub('25605', qheight, newline)
+ print(newline, file=ofile)
+ # Slots arrays are recalculated to span the width and height
+ with open(array, 'r') as ifile:
+ maglines =
+ slotsX = False
+ with open(array, 'w') as ofile:
+ for line in maglines:
+ newline = line
+ if 'slots_X' in line:
+ slotsX = True
+ elif 'array 0' in line:
+ if slotsX:
+ nslots = int((fwidth - 25.0) / 25.0) - 1
+ newline = 'array 0 ' + str(nslots) + ' 5000 0 0 430'
+ else:
+ nslots = int((fheight - 25.0) / 25.0) - 1
+ newline = 'array 0 ' + str(nslots) + ' 5000 0 0 430'
+ print(newline, file=ofile)
+ # Corner cell changes bounding boxes to half width and height.
+ with open(corner, 'r') as ifile:
+ maglines =
+ slotsX = False
+ with open(corner, 'w') as ofile:
+ for line in maglines:
+ newline = re.sub('51200', swidth, line)
+ newline = re.sub('51210', sheight, newline)
+ print(newline, file=ofile)
+ # Create a new top-level layout called 'advSeal_6um_gen.mag'
+ # Mirrors uses in X and Y, and adds slots arrays at lower left
+ # and upper right
+ with open('advSeal_6um_gen.mag', 'w') as ofile:
+ print('magic', file=ofile)
+ print('tech s8seal_ring', file=ofile)
+ print('magscale 1 2', file=ofile)
+ print('timestamp 1584630000', file=ofile)
+ # Lower left original
+ print('use seal_ring_corner seal_ring_corner_0', file=ofile)
+ print('timestamp 1584562315', file=ofile)
+ print('transform 1 0 0 0 1 0', file=ofile)
+ print('box -30480 -30480 ' + swidth + ' ' + sheight, file=ofile)
+ # Mirrored in X
+ print('use seal_ring_corner seal_ring_corner_3', file=ofile)
+ print('timestamp 1584562315', file=ofile)
+ print('transform -1 0 ' + dwidth + ' 0 1 0', file=ofile)
+ print('box -30480 -30480 ' + swidth + ' ' + sheight, file=ofile)
+ # Mirrored in Y
+ print('use seal_ring_corner seal_ring_corner_1', file=ofile)
+ print('timestamp 1584562315', file=ofile)
+ print('transform 1 0 0 0 -1 ' + dheight, file=ofile)
+ print('box -30480 -30480 ' + swidth + ' ' + sheight, file=ofile)
+ # Mirrored in both X and Y
+ print('use seal_ring_corner seal_ring_corner_2', file=ofile)
+ print('timestamp 1584562315', file=ofile)
+ print('transform -1 0 ' + dwidth + ' 0 -1 ' + dheight, file=ofile)
+ print('box -30480 -30480 ' + swidth + ' ' + sheight, file=ofile)
+ # Lower left slot arrays (bottom and left sides slots)
+ print('use seal_ring_slots_array seal_ring_slots_array_0', file=ofile)
+ print('timestamp 1584629764', file=ofile)
+ print('transform 1 0 0 0 1 0', file=ofile)
+ print('box 285 285 ' + swidth + ' ' + sheight, file=ofile)
+ # Upper right slot arrays (top and right sides slots)
+ print('use seal_ring_slots_array seal_ring_slots_array_1', file=ofile)
+ print('timestamp 1584629764', file=ofile)
+ print('transform -1 0 ' + dwidth + ' 0 -1 ' + dheight, file=ofile)
+ print('box 285 285 ' + swidth + ' ' + sheight, file=ofile)
+ print('<< end >>', file=ofile)
+ # Create a new abstract layout TO BE called 'advSeal_6um_gen.mag'
+ # This is the view in technology EFS8A. Since there is already
+ # a cell with this name that is used to generate GDS, the cell
+ # will be called "seal_ring.mag" and copied to "advSeal_6um_gen.mag"
+ # in the target directory.
+ xwidth = str(dbhwidth)
+ xheight = str(dbhheight)
+ with open('seal_ring.mag', 'w') as ofile:
+ print('magic', file=ofile)
+ print('tech EFS8A', file=ofile)
+ print('timestamp 1584566829', file=ofile)
+ # Lower left original
+ print('use seal_ring_corner_abstract seal_ring_corner_abstract_0', file=ofile)
+ print('timestamp 1584566221', file=ofile)
+ print('transform 1 0 0 0 1 0', file=ofile)
+ print('box 0 0 ' + qwidth + ' ' + qheight, file=ofile)
+ # Mirrored in X
+ print('use seal_ring_corner_abstract seal_ring_corner_abstract_3', file=ofile)
+ print('timestamp 1584566221', file=ofile)
+ print('transform -1 0 ' + xwidth + ' 0 1 0', file=ofile)
+ print('box 0 0 ' + qwidth + ' ' + qheight, file=ofile)
+ # Mirrored in Y
+ print('use seal_ring_corner_abstract seal_ring_corner_abstract_1', file=ofile)
+ print('timestamp 1584566221', file=ofile)
+ print('transform 1 0 0 0 -1 ' + xheight, file=ofile)
+ print('box 0 0 ' + qwidth + ' ' + qheight, file=ofile)
+ # Mirrored in both X and Y
+ print('use seal_ring_corner_abstract seal_ring_corner_abstract_2', file=ofile)
+ print('timestamp 1584566221', file=ofile)
+ print('transform -1 0 ' + xwidth + ' 0 -1 ' + xheight, file=ofile)
+ print('box 0 0 ' + qwidth + ' ' + qheight, file=ofile)
+ print('<< properties >>', file=ofile)
+ print('string LEFview no_prefix', file=ofile)
+ print('string GDS_FILE advSeal_6um_gen.gds', file=ofile)
+ print('string GDS_START 0', file=ofile)
+ print('string FIXED_BBOX 0 0 ' + swidth + ' ' + sheight, file=ofile)
+ print('<< end >>', file=ofile)
+ # Create the GDS of the seal ring
+ mproc =['magic', '-dnull', '-noconsole',
+ 'generate_gds.tcl'],
+ stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines = True)
+ if mproc.stdout:
+ for line in mproc.stdout.splitlines():
+ print(line)
+ if mproc.stderr:
+ print('Error message output from magic:')
+ for line in mproc.stderr.splitlines():
+ print(line)
+ if mproc.returncode != 0:
+ print('ERROR: Magic exited with status ' + str(mproc.returncode))
+ # Copy the GDS file and the abstract view to the target directory
+ os.chdir('..')
+ if not os.path.exists(target_dir):
+ os.makedirs(target_dir)
+ print('Installing files to ' + target_dir)
+ if force or not os.path.exists(target_dir + '/advSeal_6um_gen.gds'):
+ shutil.copy('temp/advSeal_6um_gen.gds', target_dir)
+ else:
+ print('ERROR: advSeal_6um_gen.gds already exists at target! Use -force to overwrite.')
+ if force or not os.path.exists(target_dir + '/advSeal_6um_gen.mag'):
+ shutil.copy('temp/seal_ring.mag', target_dir + '/advSeal_6um_gen.mag')
+ else:
+ print('ERROR: advSeal_6um_gen.mag already exists at target! Use -force to overwrite.')
+ if force or not os.path.exists(target_dir + '/seal_ring_corner_abstract.mag'):
+ shutil.copy('temp/seal_ring_corner_abstract.mag', target_dir)
+ else:
+ print('ERROR: seal_ring_corner_abstract.mag already exists at target! Use -force to overwrite.')
+ # Remove the temporary directory and its contents
+ if not keep:
+ shutil.rmtree('temp')
+ else:
+ print('Retaining generated files in temp/ directory')
+ # Done!
+ print('Done generating files advSeal_6um_gen.gds and advSeal_6um_gen.mag in ' + target_dir)
+ print('Place the seal ring cell in the final layout at (0um, 0um) before generating GDS.')
+ print('The top level layout minus seal ring must have a lower left corner of (6um, 6um)')
+# If called as main, run generate_sealring()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Divide up command line into options and arguments
+ options = []
+ arguments = []
+ for item in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if item.find('-', 0) == 0:
+ options.append(item)
+ else:
+ arguments.append(item)
+ force = True if '-force' in options else False
+ keep = True if '-keep' in options else False
+ outer = True if '-outer' in options else False
+ # Need one argument: path to verilog netlist
+ # If two arguments, then 2nd argument is the output file.
+ if len(arguments) == 3:
+ width = arguments[0]
+ height = arguments[1]
+ target_dir = arguments[2]
+ # Seal ring is 12um thick, so if "outer" option is used, subtract 12um
+ # from both width and height.
+ if outer:
+ width = str(float(width) - 12.0)
+ height = str(float(height) - 12.0)
+ generate_sealring(width, height, target_dir, force, keep)
+ else:
+ print("Usage: <width> <height> <target_dir> [options]")
+ print("Options:")
+ print(" -outer : Width and height are seal ring outer edge, not chip area")
+ print(" -force : Overwrite any existing files at <target_dir>")
+ print(" -keep : Keep generated files in temp/ directory")
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5d37f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+ 30
+ s8seal_ring
+ version 0.0
+ description "Auto-generated techfile for unknown GDS read-in"
+ plane11
+ plane20
+ plane21
+ plane22
+ plane23
+ plane25
+ plane27
+ plane28
+ plane30
+ plane32
+ plane34
+ plane35
+ plane36
+ plane37
+ plane39
+ plane40
+ plane41
+ plane43
+ plane44
+ plane46
+ plane48
+ plane49
+ plane50
+ plane51
+ plane56
+ plane58
+ plane59
+ plane61
+ plane65
+ plane81
+ plane88
+ plane96
+ plane97
+ plane98
+ plane11 type11
+ plane20 type20
+ plane21 type21
+ plane22 type22
+ plane22 type22_22
+ plane23 type23
+ plane25 type25
+ plane27 type27
+ plane28 type28
+ plane30 type30
+ plane32 type32
+ plane34 type34
+ plane35 type35
+ plane36 type36
+ plane37 type37
+ plane39 type39
+ plane40 type40
+ plane41 type41
+ plane43 type43
+ plane44 type44
+ plane46 type46
+ plane48 type48
+ plane49 type49
+ plane50 type50
+ plane51 type51
+ plane56 type56
+ plane58 type58
+ plane59 type59
+ plane61 type61_20
+ plane65 type65_20
+ plane81 type81_1
+ plane81 type81_51
+ plane81 type81_52
+ plane88 type88
+ plane96 type96
+ plane97 type97
+ plane98 type98
+ styletype mos
+ type11 polysilicon
+ type20 ndiffusion
+ type21 pdiffusion
+ type22 capacitor
+ type22_22 metal1
+ type23 metal2
+ type25 metal3
+ type27 metal4
+ type28 metal5
+ type30 metal6
+ type32 metal7
+ type34 metal8
+ type35 metal9
+ type36 implant1
+ type37 implant2
+ type39 implant3
+ type40 implant4
+ type41 ntransistor
+ type43 ptransistor
+ type44 electrode
+ type46 poly_light
+ type48 mvndiff
+ type49 hvndiff
+ type50 ncontact
+ type51 mvpdiff
+ type56 hvpdiff
+ type58 pcontact
+ type59 poly_resist
+ type61_20 metal10
+ type65_20 mems
+ type81_1 cwell
+ type81_51 cwellnsc
+ type81_52 highvolt_nwell
+ type88 highvolt_pwell
+ type96 nwell
+ type97 pwell
+ type98 poly_light
+style generic
+ scalefactor 1
+ layer GDS11 type11
+ labels type11
+ calma 11 0
+ layer GDS20 type20
+ labels type20
+ calma 20 0
+ layer GDS21 type21
+ labels type21
+ calma 21 0
+ layer GDS22 type22
+ labels type22
+ calma 22 0
+ layer GDS22_22 type22_22
+ labels type22_22
+ calma 22 22
+ layer GDS23 type23
+ labels type23
+ calma 23 0
+ layer GDS25 type25
+ labels type25
+ calma 25 0
+ layer GDS27 type27
+ labels type27
+ calma 27 0
+ layer GDS28 type28
+ labels type28
+ calma 28 0
+ layer GDS30 type30
+ labels type30
+ calma 30 0
+ layer GDS32 type32
+ labels type32
+ calma 32 0
+ layer GDS34 type34
+ labels type34
+ calma 34 0
+ layer GDS35 type35
+ labels type35
+ calma 35 0
+ layer GDS36 type36
+ labels type36
+ calma 36 0
+ layer GDS37 type37
+ labels type37
+ calma 37 0
+ layer GDS39 type39
+ labels type39
+ calma 39 0
+ layer GDS40 type40
+ labels type40
+ calma 40 0
+ layer GDS41 type41
+ labels type41
+ calma 41 0
+ layer GDS43 type43
+ labels type43
+ calma 43 0
+ layer GDS44 type44
+ labels type44
+ calma 44 0
+ layer GDS46 type46
+ labels type46
+ calma 46 0
+ layer GDS48 type48
+ labels type48
+ calma 48 0
+ layer GDS49 type49
+ labels type49
+ calma 49 0
+ layer GDS50 type50
+ labels type50
+ calma 50 0
+ layer GDS51 type51
+ labels type51
+ calma 51 0
+ layer GDS56 type56
+ labels type56
+ calma 56 0
+ layer GDS58 type58
+ labels type58
+ calma 58 0
+ layer GDS59 type59
+ labels type59
+ calma 59 0
+ layer GDS61_20 type61_20
+ labels type61_20
+ calma 61 20
+ layer GDS65_20 type65_20
+ labels type65_20
+ calma 65 20
+ layer GDS81_1 type81_1
+ labels type81_1
+ calma 81 1
+ layer GDS81_51 type81_51
+ labels type81_51
+ calma 81 51
+ layer GDS81_52 type81_52
+ labels type81_52
+ calma 81 52
+ layer GDS88 type88
+ labels type88
+ calma 88 0
+ layer GDS96 type96
+ labels type96
+ calma 96 0
+ layer GDS97 type97
+ labels type97
+ calma 97 0
+ layer GDS98 type98
+ labels type98
+ calma 98 0
+style generic
+ scalefactor 1
+ layer type11 GDS11
+ labels GDS11
+ layer type20 GDS20
+ labels GDS20
+ layer type21 GDS21
+ labels GDS21
+ layer type22 GDS22
+ labels GDS22
+ layer type22_22 GDS22_22
+ labels GDS22_22
+ layer type23 GDS23
+ labels GDS23
+ layer type25 GDS25
+ labels GDS25
+ layer type27 GDS27
+ labels GDS27
+ layer type28 GDS28
+ labels GDS28
+ layer type30 GDS30
+ labels GDS30
+ layer type32 GDS32
+ labels GDS32
+ layer type34 GDS34
+ labels GDS34
+ layer type35 GDS35
+ labels GDS35
+ layer type36 GDS36
+ labels GDS36
+ layer type37 GDS37
+ labels GDS37
+ layer type39 GDS39
+ labels GDS39
+ layer type40 GDS40
+ labels GDS40
+ layer type41 GDS41
+ labels GDS41
+ layer type43 GDS43
+ labels GDS43
+ layer type44 GDS44
+ labels GDS44
+ layer type46 GDS46
+ labels GDS46
+ layer type48 GDS48
+ labels GDS48
+ layer type49 GDS49
+ labels GDS49
+ layer type50 GDS50
+ labels GDS50
+ layer type51 GDS51
+ labels GDS51
+ layer type56 GDS56
+ labels GDS56
+ layer type58 GDS58
+ labels GDS58
+ layer type59 GDS59
+ labels GDS59
+ layer type61_20 GDS61_20
+ labels GDS61_20
+ layer type65_20 GDS65_20
+ labels GDS65_20
+ layer type81_1 GDS81_1
+ labels GDS81_1
+ layer type81_51 GDS81_51
+ labels GDS81_51
+ layer type81_52 GDS81_52
+ labels GDS81_52
+ layer type88 GDS88
+ labels GDS88
+ layer type96 GDS96
+ labels GDS96
+ layer type97 GDS97
+ labels GDS97
+ layer type98 GDS98
+ labels GDS98
+ calma GDS11 11 0
+ calma GDS20 20 0
+ calma GDS21 21 0
+ calma GDS22 22 0
+ calma GDS22_22 22 22
+ calma GDS23 23 0
+ calma GDS25 25 0
+ calma GDS27 27 0
+ calma GDS28 28 0
+ calma GDS30 30 0
+ calma GDS32 32 0
+ calma GDS34 34 0
+ calma GDS35 35 0
+ calma GDS36 36 0
+ calma GDS37 37 0
+ calma GDS39 39 0
+ calma GDS40 40 0
+ calma GDS41 41 0
+ calma GDS43 43 0
+ calma GDS44 44 0
+ calma GDS46 46 0
+ calma GDS48 48 0
+ calma GDS49 49 0
+ calma GDS50 50 0
+ calma GDS51 51 0
+ calma GDS56 56 0
+ calma GDS58 58 0
+ calma GDS59 59 0
+ calma GDS61_20 61 20
+ calma GDS65_20 65 20
+ calma GDS81_1 81 1
+ calma GDS81_51 81 51
+ calma GDS81_52 81 52
+ calma GDS88 88 0
+ calma GDS96 96 0
+ calma GDS97 97 0
+ calma GDS98 98 0
+# mzrouter
+# end
+style generic
+ cscale 1
+ lambda 1
+ step 10
+ sidehalo 0
+ planeorder plane11 0
+ planeorder plane20 1
+ planeorder plane21 2
+ planeorder plane22 3
+ planeorder plane23 4
+ planeorder plane25 5
+ planeorder plane27 6
+ planeorder plane28 7
+ planeorder plane30 8
+ planeorder plane32 9
+ planeorder plane34 10
+ planeorder plane35 11
+ planeorder plane36 12
+ planeorder plane37 13
+ planeorder plane39 14
+ planeorder plane40 15
+ planeorder plane41 16
+ planeorder plane43 17
+ planeorder plane44 18
+ planeorder plane46 19
+ planeorder plane48 20
+ planeorder plane49 21
+ planeorder plane50 22
+ planeorder plane51 23
+ planeorder plane56 24
+ planeorder plane58 25
+ planeorder plane59 26
+ planeorder plane61 27
+ planeorder plane65 28
+ planeorder plane81 29
+ planeorder plane88 30
+ planeorder plane96 31
+ planeorder plane97 32
+ planeorder plane98 33
+# wiring
+# end
+# router
+# end
+# plowing
+# end
+ style pnm
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/seal_ring_corner.mag b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/seal_ring_corner.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e15ffc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/seal_ring_corner.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584562315
+<< type81_52 >>
+rect 0 20320 20320 51210
+rect 0 0 51200 20320
+use sr_polygon00028 sr_polygon00028_0
+timestamp 1584558827
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
+box 650 2369 710 51210
+use sr_polygon00024 sr_polygon00024_0
+timestamp 1584558827
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
+box 530 2319 590 51210
+use sr_polygon00020 sr_polygon00020_0
+timestamp 1584558827
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
+box 410 2269 470 51210
+use sr_polygon00016 sr_polygon00016_0
+timestamp 1584558827
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
+box 290 2219 350 51210
+use sr_polygon00032 sr_polygon00032_0
+timestamp 1584558827
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
+box 0 2099 1000 51210
+use sr_polygon00031 sr_polygon00031_0
+timestamp 1584558827
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
+box 650 650 51200 2394
+use sr_polygon00027 sr_polygon00027_0
+timestamp 1584558827
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
+box 530 530 51200 2344
+use sr_polygon00023 sr_polygon00023_0
+timestamp 1584558827
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
+box 410 410 51200 2294
+use sr_polygon00019 sr_polygon00019_0
+timestamp 1584558827
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
+box 290 290 51200 2244
+use nikon_sealring_shape nikon_sealring_shape_0
+timestamp 1584558468
+transform 1 0 200 0 1 200
+box 0 0 800 800
+use sr_polygon00036 sr_polygon00036_0
+timestamp 1584558827
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
+box 0 0 1200 51210
+use sr_polygon00015 sr_polygon00015_0
+timestamp 1584558468
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
+box 0 0 2099 2099
+use sr_polygon00035 sr_polygon00035_0
+timestamp 1584558827
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
+box 0 0 51200 2514
+use sr_polygon00039 sr_polygon00039_0
+timestamp 1584558827
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
+box 0 0 51200 2597
+use sr_polygon00011 sr_polygon00011_0
+timestamp 1584558468
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
+box -30480 -30480 30480 30480
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/seal_ring_corner_abstract.mag b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/seal_ring_corner_abstract.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1477b9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/seal_ring_corner_abstract.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+tech EFS8A
+timestamp 1584566221
+<< psubstratepdiff >>
+rect 145 1110 355 25605
+tri 145 900 355 1110 ne
+tri 355 900 652 1197 sw
+tri 355 652 603 900 ne
+rect 603 652 652 900
+tri 652 652 900 900 sw
+tri 603 355 900 652 ne
+tri 900 355 1197 652 sw
+tri 900 145 1110 355 ne
+rect 1110 145 25600 355
+<< locali >>
+tri 100 383 217 500 se
+rect 217 383 383 500
+tri 383 383 500 500 sw
+rect 100 217 500 383
+tri 100 100 217 217 ne
+rect 217 100 383 217
+tri 383 100 500 217 nw
+<< metal1 >>
+rect 275 325 325 420
+rect 180 275 420 325
+rect 275 180 325 275
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/seal_ring_slots_array.mag b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/seal_ring_slots_array.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f38f77c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/seal_ring_slots_array.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584629764
+use sealring_slots sealring_slots_Y
+array 0 7 5000 0 0 430
+timestamp 1584628639
+transform 0 -1 1000 1 0 -7000
+box 9500 285 12200 715
+use sealring_slots sealring_slots_X
+array 0 7 5000 0 0 430
+timestamp 1584628639
+transform 1 0 -7000 0 1 0
+box 9500 285 12200 715
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sealring_slots.mag b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sealring_slots.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3ee669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sealring_slots.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584628639
+<< checkpaint >>
+rect 6900 285 7100 355
+rect 9500 285 9700 355
+<< type22_22 >>
+rect 12000 645 12200 715
+rect 9500 525 9700 595
+rect 12000 405 12200 475
+rect 9500 285 9700 355
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00001.mag b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00001.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7c32b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00001.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+timestamp 1584558468
+<< type48 >>
+tri 0 283 117 400 se
+rect 117 320 283 400
+rect 117 283 175 320
+rect 0 225 175 283
+rect 225 283 283 320
+tri 283 283 400 400 sw
+rect 225 225 400 283
+rect 0 175 80 225
+rect 320 175 400 225
+rect 0 117 175 175
+tri 0 0 117 117 ne
+rect 117 80 175 117
+rect 225 117 400 175
+rect 225 80 283 117
+rect 117 0 283 80
+tri 283 0 400 117 nw
+<< end >>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51355fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00002.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+timestamp 1584558468
+<< type25 >>
+tri 0 283 117 400 se
+rect 117 320 283 400
+rect 117 283 175 320
+rect 0 225 175 283
+rect 225 283 283 320
+tri 283 283 400 400 sw
+rect 225 225 400 283
+rect 0 175 80 225
+rect 320 175 400 225
+rect 0 117 175 175
+tri 0 0 117 117 ne
+rect 117 80 175 117
+rect 225 117 400 175
+rect 225 80 283 117
+rect 117 0 283 80
+tri 283 0 400 117 nw
+<< end >>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c2dd29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00003.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+timestamp 1584558468
+<< type20 >>
+tri 0 283 117 400 se
+rect 117 320 283 400
+rect 117 283 175 320
+rect 0 225 175 283
+rect 225 283 283 320
+tri 283 283 400 400 sw
+rect 225 225 400 283
+rect 0 175 80 225
+rect 320 175 400 225
+rect 0 117 175 175
+tri 0 0 117 117 ne
+rect 117 80 175 117
+rect 225 117 400 175
+rect 225 80 283 117
+rect 117 0 283 80
+tri 283 0 400 117 nw
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00004.mag b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00004.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7721108
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00004.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+timestamp 1584558468
+<< type39 >>
+tri 0 283 117 400 se
+rect 117 320 283 400
+rect 117 283 175 320
+rect 0 225 175 283
+rect 225 283 283 320
+tri 283 283 400 400 sw
+rect 225 225 400 283
+rect 0 175 80 225
+rect 320 175 400 225
+rect 0 117 175 175
+tri 0 0 117 117 ne
+rect 117 80 175 117
+rect 225 117 400 175
+rect 225 80 283 117
+rect 117 0 283 80
+tri 283 0 400 117 nw
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00005.mag b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00005.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27e8081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00005.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+timestamp 1584558468
+<< type11 >>
+tri 0 283 117 400 se
+rect 117 320 283 400
+rect 117 283 175 320
+rect 0 225 175 283
+rect 225 283 283 320
+tri 283 283 400 400 sw
+rect 225 225 400 283
+rect 0 175 80 225
+rect 320 175 400 225
+rect 0 117 175 175
+tri 0 0 117 117 ne
+rect 117 80 175 117
+rect 225 117 400 175
+rect 225 80 283 117
+rect 117 0 283 80
+tri 283 0 400 117 nw
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00006.mag b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00006.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b44cb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00006.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+timestamp 1584558468
+<< type49 >>
+tri 0 283 117 400 se
+rect 117 320 283 400
+rect 117 283 175 320
+rect 0 225 175 283
+rect 225 283 283 320
+tri 283 283 400 400 sw
+rect 225 225 400 283
+rect 0 175 80 225
+rect 320 175 400 225
+rect 0 117 175 175
+tri 0 0 117 117 ne
+rect 117 80 175 117
+rect 225 117 400 175
+rect 225 80 283 117
+rect 117 0 283 80
+tri 283 0 400 117 nw
+<< end >>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89547c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00007.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+timestamp 1584558468
+<< type37 >>
+tri 0 283 117 400 se
+rect 117 320 283 400
+rect 117 283 175 320
+rect 0 225 175 283
+rect 225 283 283 320
+tri 283 283 400 400 sw
+rect 225 225 400 283
+rect 0 175 80 225
+rect 320 175 400 225
+rect 0 117 175 175
+tri 0 0 117 117 ne
+rect 117 80 175 117
+rect 225 117 400 175
+rect 225 80 283 117
+rect 117 0 283 80
+tri 283 0 400 117 nw
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00011.mag b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00011.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47854ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00011.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+magscale 1 10
+timestamp 1584558468
+<< type81_51 >>
+tri -14938 151666 0 152400 se
+tri 0 151666 14938 152400 sw
+tri -29732 149472 -14938 151666 se
+rect -14938 149472 14938 151666
+tri 14938 149472 29732 151666 sw
+tri -44239 145838 -29732 149472 se
+rect -29732 145838 29732 149472
+tri 29732 145838 44239 149472 sw
+tri -58321 140799 -44239 145838 se
+rect -44239 140799 44239 145838
+tri 44239 140799 58321 145838 sw
+tri -71841 134405 -58321 140799 se
+rect -58321 134405 58321 140799
+tri 58321 134405 71841 140799 sw
+tri -84669 126716 -71841 134405 se
+rect -71841 126716 71841 134405
+tri 71841 126716 84669 134405 sw
+tri -96682 117807 -84669 126716 se
+rect -84669 117807 84669 126716
+tri 84669 117807 96682 126716 sw
+tri -107763 107763 -96682 117807 se
+rect -96682 107763 96682 117807
+tri 96682 107763 107763 117807 sw
+tri -117807 96682 -107763 107763 se
+rect -107763 96682 107763 107763
+tri 107763 96682 117807 107763 sw
+tri -126716 84669 -117807 96682 se
+rect -117807 84669 117807 96682
+tri 117807 84669 126716 96682 sw
+tri -134405 71841 -126716 84669 se
+rect -126716 71841 126716 84669
+tri 126716 71841 134405 84669 sw
+tri -140799 58321 -134405 71841 se
+rect -134405 58321 134405 71841
+tri 134405 58321 140799 71841 sw
+tri -145838 44239 -140799 58321 se
+rect -140799 44239 140799 58321
+tri 140799 44239 145838 58321 sw
+tri -149472 29732 -145838 44239 se
+rect -145838 29732 145838 44239
+tri 145838 29732 149472 44239 sw
+tri -151666 14938 -149472 29732 se
+rect -149472 14938 149472 29732
+tri 149472 14938 151666 29732 sw
+tri -152400 0 -151666 14938 se
+tri -152400 -14938 -151666 0 ne
+rect -151666 -14938 151666 14938
+tri 151666 0 152400 14938 sw
+tri 151666 -14938 152400 0 nw
+tri -151666 -29732 -149472 -14938 ne
+rect -149472 -29732 149472 -14938
+tri 149472 -29732 151666 -14938 nw
+tri -149472 -44239 -145838 -29732 ne
+rect -145838 -44239 145838 -29732
+tri 145838 -44239 149472 -29732 nw
+tri -145838 -58321 -140799 -44239 ne
+rect -140799 -58321 140799 -44239
+tri 140799 -58321 145838 -44239 nw
+tri -140799 -71841 -134405 -58321 ne
+rect -134405 -71841 134405 -58321
+tri 134405 -71841 140799 -58321 nw
+tri -134405 -84669 -126716 -71841 ne
+rect -126716 -84669 126716 -71841
+tri 126716 -84669 134405 -71841 nw
+tri -126716 -96682 -117807 -84669 ne
+rect -117807 -96682 117807 -84669
+tri 117807 -96682 126716 -84669 nw
+tri -117807 -107763 -107763 -96682 ne
+rect -107763 -107763 107763 -96682
+tri 107763 -107763 117807 -96682 nw
+tri -107763 -117807 -96682 -107763 ne
+rect -96682 -117807 96682 -107763
+tri 96682 -117807 107763 -107763 nw
+tri -96682 -126716 -84669 -117807 ne
+rect -84669 -126716 84669 -117807
+tri 84669 -126716 96682 -117807 nw
+tri -84669 -134405 -71841 -126716 ne
+rect -71841 -134405 71841 -126716
+tri 71841 -134405 84669 -126716 nw
+tri -71841 -140799 -58321 -134405 ne
+rect -58321 -140799 58321 -134405
+tri 58321 -140799 71841 -134405 nw
+tri -58321 -145838 -44239 -140799 ne
+rect -44239 -145838 44239 -140799
+tri 44239 -145838 58321 -140799 nw
+tri -44239 -149472 -29732 -145838 ne
+rect -29732 -149472 29732 -145838
+tri 29732 -149472 44239 -145838 nw
+tri -29732 -151666 -14938 -149472 ne
+rect -14938 -151666 14938 -149472
+tri 14938 -151666 29732 -149472 nw
+tri -14938 -152400 0 -151666 ne
+tri 0 -152400 14938 -151666 nw
+<< end >>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d91c7fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00015.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584558468
+<< type37 >>
+tri 0 1000 1099 2099 sw
+rect 0 200 200 1000
+tri 200 766 434 1000 nw
+tri 766 766 1000 1000 ne
+tri 200 200 434 434 sw
+tri 766 200 1000 434 se
+rect 1000 200 1099 1000
+rect 0 0 1099 200
+tri 1099 0 2099 1000 sw
+<< end >>
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index 0000000..7aa89fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00016.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584558827
+<< type65_20 >>
+rect 290 2244 350 51210
+tri 290 2219 350 2244 nw
+<< end >>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b316735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00019.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584558827
+<< type65_20 >>
+tri 290 2219 350 2244 se
+tri 350 2219 375 2244 sw
+tri 290 2134 375 2219 ne
+tri 375 2134 460 2219 sw
+tri 375 2049 460 2134 ne
+tri 460 2049 545 2134 sw
+tri 460 1964 545 2049 ne
+tri 545 1964 630 2049 sw
+tri 545 1879 630 1964 ne
+tri 630 1879 715 1964 sw
+tri 630 1794 715 1879 ne
+tri 715 1794 800 1879 sw
+tri 715 1709 800 1794 ne
+tri 800 1709 885 1794 sw
+tri 800 1624 885 1709 ne
+tri 885 1624 970 1709 sw
+tri 885 1539 970 1624 ne
+tri 970 1539 1055 1624 sw
+tri 970 1454 1055 1539 ne
+tri 1055 1454 1140 1539 sw
+tri 1055 1369 1140 1454 ne
+tri 1140 1369 1225 1454 sw
+tri 1140 1284 1225 1369 ne
+tri 1225 1284 1310 1369 sw
+tri 1225 1199 1310 1284 ne
+tri 1310 1199 1395 1284 sw
+tri 1310 1114 1395 1199 ne
+tri 1395 1114 1480 1199 sw
+tri 1395 1029 1480 1114 ne
+tri 1480 1029 1565 1114 sw
+tri 1480 944 1565 1029 ne
+tri 1565 944 1650 1029 sw
+tri 1565 859 1650 944 ne
+tri 1650 859 1735 944 sw
+tri 1650 774 1735 859 ne
+tri 1735 774 1820 859 sw
+tri 1735 689 1820 774 ne
+tri 1820 689 1905 774 sw
+tri 1820 604 1905 689 ne
+tri 1905 604 1990 689 sw
+tri 1905 519 1990 604 ne
+tri 1990 519 2075 604 sw
+tri 1990 434 2075 519 ne
+tri 2075 434 2160 519 sw
+tri 2075 349 2160 434 ne
+tri 2160 350 2244 434 sw
+rect 2160 349 51200 350
+tri 2160 290 2219 349 ne
+rect 2219 290 51200 349
+<< end >>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e328f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00020.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584558827
+<< type65_20 >>
+rect 410 2294 470 51210
+tri 410 2269 470 2294 nw
+<< end >>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe8335d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00023.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584558827
+<< type65_20 >>
+tri 410 2269 470 2294 se
+tri 470 2269 495 2294 sw
+tri 410 2184 495 2269 ne
+tri 495 2184 580 2269 sw
+tri 495 2099 580 2184 ne
+tri 580 2099 665 2184 sw
+tri 580 2014 665 2099 ne
+tri 665 2014 750 2099 sw
+tri 665 1929 750 2014 ne
+tri 750 1929 835 2014 sw
+tri 750 1844 835 1929 ne
+tri 835 1844 920 1929 sw
+tri 835 1759 920 1844 ne
+tri 920 1759 1005 1844 sw
+tri 920 1674 1005 1759 ne
+tri 1005 1674 1090 1759 sw
+tri 1005 1589 1090 1674 ne
+tri 1090 1589 1175 1674 sw
+tri 1090 1504 1175 1589 ne
+tri 1175 1504 1260 1589 sw
+tri 1175 1419 1260 1504 ne
+tri 1260 1419 1345 1504 sw
+tri 1260 1334 1345 1419 ne
+tri 1345 1334 1430 1419 sw
+tri 1345 1249 1430 1334 ne
+tri 1430 1249 1515 1334 sw
+tri 1430 1164 1515 1249 ne
+tri 1515 1164 1600 1249 sw
+tri 1515 1079 1600 1164 ne
+tri 1600 1079 1685 1164 sw
+tri 1600 994 1685 1079 ne
+tri 1685 994 1770 1079 sw
+tri 1685 909 1770 994 ne
+tri 1770 909 1855 994 sw
+tri 1770 824 1855 909 ne
+tri 1855 824 1940 909 sw
+tri 1855 739 1940 824 ne
+tri 1940 739 2025 824 sw
+tri 1940 654 2025 739 ne
+tri 2025 654 2110 739 sw
+tri 2025 569 2110 654 ne
+tri 2110 569 2195 654 sw
+tri 2110 484 2195 569 ne
+tri 2195 484 2280 569 sw
+tri 2195 410 2269 484 ne
+rect 2269 470 2280 484
+tri 2280 470 2294 484 sw
+rect 2269 410 51200 470
+<< end >>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb9f364
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00024.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584558827
+<< type65_20 >>
+rect 530 2344 590 51210
+tri 530 2319 590 2344 nw
+<< end >>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6d2ad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00027.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584558827
+<< type65_20 >>
+tri 530 2319 590 2344 se
+tri 590 2319 615 2344 sw
+tri 530 2234 615 2319 ne
+tri 615 2234 700 2319 sw
+tri 615 2149 700 2234 ne
+tri 700 2149 785 2234 sw
+tri 700 2064 785 2149 ne
+tri 785 2064 870 2149 sw
+tri 785 1979 870 2064 ne
+tri 870 1979 955 2064 sw
+tri 870 1894 955 1979 ne
+tri 955 1894 1040 1979 sw
+tri 955 1809 1040 1894 ne
+tri 1040 1809 1125 1894 sw
+tri 1040 1724 1125 1809 ne
+tri 1125 1724 1210 1809 sw
+tri 1125 1639 1210 1724 ne
+tri 1210 1639 1295 1724 sw
+tri 1210 1554 1295 1639 ne
+tri 1295 1554 1380 1639 sw
+tri 1295 1469 1380 1554 ne
+tri 1380 1469 1465 1554 sw
+tri 1380 1384 1465 1469 ne
+tri 1465 1384 1550 1469 sw
+tri 1465 1299 1550 1384 ne
+tri 1550 1299 1635 1384 sw
+tri 1550 1214 1635 1299 ne
+tri 1635 1214 1720 1299 sw
+tri 1635 1129 1720 1214 ne
+tri 1720 1129 1805 1214 sw
+tri 1720 1044 1805 1129 ne
+tri 1805 1044 1890 1129 sw
+tri 1805 959 1890 1044 ne
+tri 1890 959 1975 1044 sw
+tri 1890 874 1975 959 ne
+tri 1975 874 2060 959 sw
+tri 1975 789 2060 874 ne
+tri 2060 789 2145 874 sw
+tri 2060 704 2145 789 ne
+tri 2145 704 2230 789 sw
+tri 2145 619 2230 704 ne
+tri 2230 619 2315 704 sw
+tri 2230 534 2315 619 ne
+tri 2315 590 2344 619 sw
+rect 2315 534 51200 590
+tri 2315 530 2319 534 ne
+rect 2319 530 51200 534
+<< end >>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3db918a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00028.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584558827
+<< type65_20 >>
+rect 650 2394 710 51210
+tri 650 2369 710 2394 nw
+<< end >>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1eb8648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00031.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584558827
+<< type65_20 >>
+tri 650 2369 710 2394 se
+tri 710 2369 735 2394 sw
+tri 650 2284 735 2369 ne
+tri 735 2284 820 2369 sw
+tri 735 2199 820 2284 ne
+tri 820 2199 905 2284 sw
+tri 820 2114 905 2199 ne
+tri 905 2114 990 2199 sw
+tri 905 2029 990 2114 ne
+tri 990 2029 1075 2114 sw
+tri 990 1944 1075 2029 ne
+tri 1075 1944 1160 2029 sw
+tri 1075 1859 1160 1944 ne
+tri 1160 1859 1245 1944 sw
+tri 1160 1774 1245 1859 ne
+tri 1245 1774 1330 1859 sw
+tri 1245 1689 1330 1774 ne
+tri 1330 1689 1415 1774 sw
+tri 1330 1604 1415 1689 ne
+tri 1415 1604 1500 1689 sw
+tri 1415 1519 1500 1604 ne
+tri 1500 1519 1585 1604 sw
+tri 1500 1434 1585 1519 ne
+tri 1585 1434 1670 1519 sw
+tri 1585 1349 1670 1434 ne
+tri 1670 1349 1755 1434 sw
+tri 1670 1264 1755 1349 ne
+tri 1755 1264 1840 1349 sw
+tri 1755 1179 1840 1264 ne
+tri 1840 1179 1925 1264 sw
+tri 1840 1094 1925 1179 ne
+tri 1925 1094 2010 1179 sw
+tri 1925 1009 2010 1094 ne
+tri 2010 1009 2095 1094 sw
+tri 2010 924 2095 1009 ne
+tri 2095 924 2180 1009 sw
+tri 2095 839 2180 924 ne
+tri 2180 839 2265 924 sw
+tri 2180 754 2265 839 ne
+tri 2265 754 2350 839 sw
+tri 2265 669 2350 754 ne
+tri 2350 710 2394 754 sw
+rect 2350 669 51200 710
+tri 2350 650 2369 669 ne
+rect 2369 650 51200 669
+<< end >>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..395db17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00032.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584558827
+<< type61_20 >>
+rect 0 2514 1000 51210
+tri 0 2099 1000 2514 nw
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00035.mag b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00035.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..934e4e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00035.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584558827
+<< type61_20 >>
+tri 0 2099 1000 2514 se
+tri 1000 2099 1415 2514 sw
+tri 0 684 1415 2099 ne
+tri 1415 1000 2514 2099 sw
+rect 1415 684 51200 1000
+tri 1415 0 2099 684 ne
+rect 2099 0 51200 684
+<< end >>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e944a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00036.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584558827
+<< type81_1 >>
+rect 0 2597 1200 51210
+tri 0 0 1200 2597 nw
+<< end >>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24dfe83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/sr_polygon00039.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+tech s8seal_ring
+magscale 1 10
+timestamp 1584558827
+<< type81_1 >>
+tri 2772 6000 6000 12985 se
+tri 6000 6000 12985 12985 sw
+tri 0 0 2772 5999 se
+rect 2772 0 256000 6000
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/README b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edffb27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/README
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+This directory contains standard format files for "power_pads_lib",
+which is an efabless addendum to the SkyWater I/O library "s8iom0".
+power_pads_lib does the following:
+(1) Changes the orientation of the corner pad from upper-right to
+ lower-left with a wrapper cell called "s8iom0_corner_pad". Also
+ extends the power buses to make the dimensions of the corner pad
+ multiples of 1um.
+(2) Adds a 1um-wide spacer cell to complement the existing 5um-wide
+ spacer cell.
+(3) Adds wrappers for all the combinations of power pad base cell +
+ power pad overlay, to create all 12 combinations, for pads with
+ either high- or low-voltage clamps, connecting to one of the six
+ power domains vddio, vdda, vccd, vssio, vssa, or vssd.
+"power_pads_lib" is open source copyright 2019 efabless, Inc.
+Released under Apache 2.0 license
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/cdl/power_pads_lib.cdl b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/cdl/power_pads_lib.cdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..538405f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/cdl/power_pads_lib.cdl
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+* Power pads library (s8 power pads + overlays)
+* Includes corner and fill cell subcircuits
+.SUBCKT s8iom0_vdda_hvc_pad
++ amuxbus_a amuxbus_b drn_hvc src_bdy_hvc
++ vssa vdda vswitch vddio_q vcchib vddio vccd vssio vssd vssio_q
+.SUBCKT s8iom0_vdda_lvc_pad
++ amuxbus_a amuxbus_b drn_lvc1 drn_lvc2 src_bdy_lvc1 src_bdy_lvc2
++ bdy2_b2b vssi
++ vssa vdda vswitch vddio_q vcchib vddio vccd vssio vssd vssio_q
+.SUBCKT s8iom0_vddio_hvc_pad
++ amuxbus_a amuxbus_b drn_hvc src_bdy_hvc
++ vssa vdda vswitch vddio_q vcchib vddio vccd vssio vssd vssio_q
+.SUBCKT s8iom0_vddio_lvc_pad
++ amuxbus_a amuxbus_b drn_lvc1 drn_lvc2 src_bdy_lvc1 src_bdy_lvc2
++ bdy2_b2b vssi
++ vssa vdda vswitch vddio_q vcchib vddio vccd vssio vssd vssio_q
+.SUBCKT s8iom0_vccd_hvc_pad
++ amuxbus_a amuxbus_b drn_hvc src_bdy_hvc
++ vssa vdda vswitch vddio_q vcchib vddio vccd vssio vssd vssio_q
+.SUBCKT s8iom0_vccd_lvc_pad
++ amuxbus_a amuxbus_b drn_lvc1 drn_lvc2 src_bdy_lvc1 src_bdy_lvc2
++ bdy2_b2b vssi
++ vssa vdda vswitch vddio_q vcchib vddio vccd vssio vssd vssio_q
+.SUBCKT s8iom0_vssa_hvc_pad
++ amuxbus_a amuxbus_b drn_hvc src_bdy_hvc
++ vssa vdda vswitch vddio_q vcchib vddio vccd vssio vssd vssio_q
+.SUBCKT s8iom0_vssa_lvc_pad
++ amuxbus_a amuxbus_b drn_lvc1 drn_lvc2 src_bdy_lvc1 src_bdy_lvc2
++ bdy2_b2b vssi
++ vssa vdda vswitch vddio_q vcchib vddio vccd vssio vssd vssio_q
+.SUBCKT s8iom0_vssio_hvc_pad
++ amuxbus_a amuxbus_b drn_hvc src_bdy_hvc
++ vssa vdda vswitch vddio_q vcchib vddio vccd vssio vssd vssio_q
+.SUBCKT s8iom0_vssio_lvc_pad
++ amuxbus_a amuxbus_b drn_lvc1 drn_lvc2 src_bdy_lvc1 src_bdy_lvc2
++ bdy2_b2b vssi
++ vssa vdda vswitch vddio_q vcchib vddio vccd vssio vssd vssio_q
+.SUBCKT s8iom0_vssd_hvc_pad
++ amuxbus_a amuxbus_b drn_hvc src_bdy_hvc
++ vssa vdda vswitch vddio_q vcchib vddio vccd vssio vssd vssio_q
+.SUBCKT s8iom0_vssd_lvc_pad
++ amuxbus_a amuxbus_b drn_lvc1 drn_lvc2 src_bdy_lvc1 src_bdy_lvc2
++ bdy2_b2b vssi
++ vssa vdda vswitch vddio_q vcchib vddio vccd vssio vssd vssio_q
+.SUBCKT s8iom0_corner_pad
++ amuxbus_a amuxbus_b
++ vssa vdda vswitch vddio_q vcchib vddio vccd vssio vssd vssio_q
+.SUBCKT s8iom0s8_com_bus_slice
++ amuxbus_a amuxbus_b
++ vssa vdda vswitch vddio_q vcchib vddio vccd vssio vssd vssio_q
+.SUBCKT s8iom0s8_com_bus_slice_1um
++ amuxbus_a amuxbus_b
++ vssa vdda vswitch vddio_q vcchib vddio vccd vssio vssd vssio_q
+.SUBCKT s8iom0_gpiov2_pad
++ in_h pad_a_noesd_h pad_a_esd_0_h pad_a_esd_1_h
++ pad dm<2> dm<1> dm<0> hld_h_n in inp_dis ib_mode_sel enable_h enable_vdda_h
++ enable_inp_h oe_n tie_hi_esd tie_lo_esd slow vtrip_sel hld_ovr
++ analog_en analog_sel enable_vddio enable_vswitch_h analog_pol out
++ amuxbus_a amuxbus_b vssa vdda vswitch vddio_q vcchib vddio vccd vssio
++ vssd vssio_q
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/gds/power_pads_lib.gds b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/gds/power_pads_lib.gds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da0dc4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/gds/power_pads_lib.gds
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/lef/power_pads_lib.lef b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/lef/power_pads_lib.lef
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ff3c03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/lef/power_pads_lib.lef
@@ -0,0 +1,5391 @@
+VERSION 5.3 ;
+MACRO s8iom0_gpiov2_pad
+ FOREIGN s8iom0_gpiov2_pad ;
+ ORIGIN -0.0000 -0.0000 ;
+ SIZE 80.0000 BY 197.9650 ;
+ PIN amuxbus_a
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 36.4400 54.0700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 38.7600 51.0900 80.0000 54.0700 ;
+ END amuxbus_a
+ PIN amuxbus_b
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 52.1450 49.3100 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 54.4650 46.3300 80.0000 49.3100 ;
+ END amuxbus_b
+ PIN analog_en
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT 62.4300 -2.0350 62.6900 -0.7300 ;
+ END analog_en
+ PIN analog_pol
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 45.8650 -2.0350 46.1950 34.7700 ;
+ END analog_pol
+ PIN analog_sel
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 30.7500 -2.0350 31.0100 0.2300 ;
+ END analog_sel
+ PIN dm<2>
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 28.4900 -2.0350 28.7500 2.0350 ;
+ END dm<2>
+ PIN dm<1>
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 66.8350 -2.0350 67.0950 -0.8400 ;
+ END dm<1>
+ PIN dm<0>
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 49.8550 -2.0350 50.1150 -1.4900 ;
+ END dm<0>
+ PIN enable_h
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 35.4600 -2.0350 35.7200 -0.4850 ;
+ END enable_h
+ PIN enable_inp_h
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 38.3900 -2.0350 38.6500 1.0550 ;
+ END enable_inp_h
+ PIN enable_vdda_h
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 12.7550 -2.0350 13.0150 3.3150 ;
+ END enable_vdda_h
+ PIN enable_vddio
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 78.5800 -2.0350 78.9100 182.7400 ;
+ END enable_vddio
+ PIN enable_vswitch_h
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 16.3100 -2.0350 16.5700 0.2850 ;
+ END enable_vswitch_h
+ PIN hld_h_n
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 31.8150 -2.0350 32.0750 1.3050 ;
+ END hld_h_n
+ PIN hld_ovr
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 26.6000 -2.0350 26.8600 0.6700 ;
+ END hld_ovr
+ PIN ib_mode_sel
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 5.4200 -2.0350 5.6500 2.4400 ;
+ END ib_mode_sel
+ PIN in
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 79.2400 -2.0350 79.5700 187.5250 ;
+ END in
+ PIN in_h
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.4000 -2.0350 1.0200 176.4500 ;
+ END in_h
+ PIN inp_dis
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 45.2450 -2.0350 45.5050 3.0550 ;
+ END inp_dis
+ PIN oe_n
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 3.3750 -2.0350 3.6050 2.4400 ;
+ END oe_n
+ PIN out
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 22.3550 -2.0350 22.6150 4.3900 ;
+ END out
+ PIN pad
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 11.2000 102.5250 73.8000 164.9750 ;
+ END pad
+ PIN pad_a_esd_0_h
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 76.2800 -2.0350 76.9200 0.0200 ;
+ END pad_a_esd_0_h
+ PIN pad_a_esd_1_h
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 68.2750 -2.0350 68.9250 0.2350 ;
+ END pad_a_esd_1_h
+ PIN pad_a_noesd_h
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 62.8200 -2.0350 63.8900 7.6700 ;
+ END pad_a_noesd_h
+ PIN slow
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 77.6100 -2.0350 77.8700 -0.8500 ;
+ END slow
+ PIN tie_hi_esd
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 78.7050 -2.0350 78.9050 -0.8200 ;
+ END tie_hi_esd
+ PIN tie_lo_esd
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 79.7150 -2.0350 79.9150 175.8350 ;
+ END tie_lo_esd
+ PIN vccd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.9500 1.2700 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.8500 1.2700 11.5000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 6.9500 80.0000 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 6.8500 80.0000 11.5000 ;
+ END vccd
+ PIN vcchib
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.1000 1.2700 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.0000 1.2700 5.4500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 0.1000 80.0000 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 0.0000 80.0000 5.4500 ;
+ END vcchib
+ PIN vdda
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 13.0000 0.9650 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 12.9000 0.9650 16.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 78.9700 13.0000 80.0000 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 78.9700 12.9000 80.0000 16.3500 ;
+ END vdda
+ PIN vddio
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.8500 1.2700 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.7500 1.2700 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9650 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 68.0000 80.0000 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 17.8500 80.0000 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 17.7500 80.0000 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 68.0000 80.0000 92.9650 ;
+ END vddio
+ PIN vddio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.1500 1.2700 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.0500 1.2700 66.5000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 62.1500 80.0000 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 62.0500 80.0000 66.5000 ;
+ END vddio_q
+ PIN vssa
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.8050 1.2700 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 2.6100 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 49.6100 1.2700 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 2.6100 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.7000 1.2700 38.1500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 45.7000 80.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 34.8050 80.0000 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 49.6100 80.0000 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 47.0900 54.3700 80.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 47.0900 45.7000 80.0000 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 34.7000 80.0000 38.1500 ;
+ END vssa
+ PIN vssd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.6500 1.2700 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.5500 1.2700 44.2000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 39.6500 80.0000 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 39.5500 80.0000 44.2000 ;
+ END vssd
+ PIN vssio
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 0.8100 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.9000 1.2700 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 1.2700 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.8000 1.2700 28.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 78.9700 173.7500 80.0000 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 23.9000 80.0000 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 23.8000 80.0000 28.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 173.7500 80.0000 197.9650 ;
+ END vssio
+ PIN vssio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.3000 1.2700 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.2000 1.2700 60.6500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 56.3000 80.0000 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 56.2000 80.0000 60.6500 ;
+ END vssio_q
+ PIN vswitch
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.9500 1.2700 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.8500 1.2700 33.3000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 29.9500 80.0000 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 78.7300 29.8500 80.0000 33.3000 ;
+ END vswitch
+ PIN vtrip_sel
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 6.1300 -2.0350 6.3900 -0.4850 ;
+ END vtrip_sel
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ RECT -0.1600 -1.8050 80.1600 197.6700 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT -0.1450 -0.4500 80.1450 197.9650 ;
+ RECT -0.1450 -1.7750 62.1500 -0.4500 ;
+ RECT 62.9700 -1.7750 80.1450 -0.4500 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.2100 176.1150 79.9150 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.2100 4.6700 79.4350 176.1150 ;
+ RECT 0.2100 3.5950 22.0750 4.6700 ;
+ RECT 0.2100 2.7200 12.4750 3.5950 ;
+ RECT 0.2100 -1.7850 3.0950 2.7200 ;
+ RECT 3.8850 -1.7850 5.1400 2.7200 ;
+ RECT 5.9300 -0.2050 12.4750 2.7200 ;
+ RECT 6.6700 -1.7850 12.4750 -0.2050 ;
+ RECT 13.2950 0.5650 22.0750 3.5950 ;
+ RECT 13.2950 -1.7850 16.0300 0.5650 ;
+ RECT 16.8500 -1.7850 22.0750 0.5650 ;
+ RECT 22.8950 3.3350 79.4350 4.6700 ;
+ RECT 22.8950 2.3150 44.9650 3.3350 ;
+ RECT 22.8950 0.9500 28.2100 2.3150 ;
+ RECT 22.8950 -1.7850 26.3200 0.9500 ;
+ RECT 27.1400 -1.7850 28.2100 0.9500 ;
+ RECT 29.0300 1.5850 44.9650 2.3150 ;
+ RECT 29.0300 0.5100 31.5350 1.5850 ;
+ RECT 29.0300 -1.7850 30.4700 0.5100 ;
+ RECT 31.2900 -1.7850 31.5350 0.5100 ;
+ RECT 32.3550 1.3350 44.9650 1.5850 ;
+ RECT 32.3550 -0.2050 38.1100 1.3350 ;
+ RECT 32.3550 -1.7850 35.1800 -0.2050 ;
+ RECT 36.0000 -1.7850 38.1100 -0.2050 ;
+ RECT 38.9300 -1.7850 44.9650 1.3350 ;
+ RECT 45.7850 0.5150 79.4350 3.3350 ;
+ RECT 45.7850 -0.5600 67.9950 0.5150 ;
+ RECT 45.7850 -1.2100 66.5550 -0.5600 ;
+ RECT 45.7850 -1.7850 49.5750 -1.2100 ;
+ RECT 50.3950 -1.7850 66.5550 -1.2100 ;
+ RECT 67.3750 -1.7850 67.9950 -0.5600 ;
+ RECT 69.2050 0.3000 79.4350 0.5150 ;
+ RECT 69.2050 -1.7850 76.0000 0.3000 ;
+ RECT 77.2000 -0.5400 79.4350 0.3000 ;
+ RECT 77.2000 -0.5700 78.4250 -0.5400 ;
+ RECT 77.2000 -1.7850 77.3300 -0.5700 ;
+ RECT 78.1500 -1.7850 78.4250 -0.5700 ;
+ RECT 79.1850 -1.7850 79.4350 -0.5400 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.4000 187.9250 79.5700 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.4000 183.1400 78.8400 187.9250 ;
+ RECT 0.4000 176.8500 78.1800 183.1400 ;
+ RECT 1.4200 35.1700 78.1800 176.8500 ;
+ RECT 1.4200 -1.7900 45.4650 35.1700 ;
+ RECT 46.5950 8.0700 78.1800 35.1700 ;
+ RECT 46.5950 -1.7900 62.4200 8.0700 ;
+ RECT 64.2900 -1.7900 78.1800 8.0700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 173.3500 78.3300 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 93.3650 78.9700 173.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 67.6000 78.3300 93.3650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 66.9000 78.9700 67.6000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 61.6500 78.3300 66.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 61.0500 78.9700 61.6500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 55.8000 78.3300 61.0500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 55.1000 78.9700 55.8000 ;
+ RECT 3.0100 54.4700 46.6900 55.1000 ;
+ RECT 36.8400 50.6900 38.3600 54.4700 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 49.7100 78.3300 50.6900 ;
+ RECT 52.5450 46.4300 54.0650 49.7100 ;
+ RECT 3.0100 45.3000 46.6900 45.9300 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 44.6000 78.9700 45.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 39.1500 78.3300 44.6000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 38.5500 78.9700 39.1500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 34.3000 78.3300 38.5500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 33.7000 78.9700 34.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 29.4500 78.3300 33.7000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 28.8500 78.9700 29.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 23.4000 78.3300 28.8500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 22.8000 78.9700 23.4000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 17.3500 78.3300 22.8000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 16.7500 78.9700 17.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.3650 12.5000 78.5700 16.7500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 11.9000 78.9700 12.5000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 6.4500 78.3300 11.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 5.8500 78.9700 6.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 -0.4000 78.3300 5.8500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 -1.5000 78.9700 -0.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 166.5750 80.0000 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 100.9250 9.6000 166.5750 ;
+ RECT 75.4000 100.9250 80.0000 166.5750 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 94.5500 80.0000 100.9250 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 16.2500 77.1300 94.5500 ;
+ RECT 2.5650 13.0000 77.3700 16.2500 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 0.1000 77.1300 13.0000 ;
+END s8iom0_gpiov2_pad
+MACRO s8iom0_vddio_lvc_pad
+ FOREIGN s8iom0_vddio_lvc_pad ;
+ ORIGIN -0.0000 -0.0000 ;
+ SIZE 75.0000 BY 197.9650 ;
+ PIN amuxbus_a
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 75.0000 54.0700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 1.2700 54.0700 ;
+ END amuxbus_a
+ PIN amuxbus_b
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 75.0000 49.3100 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 1.2700 49.3100 ;
+ END amuxbus_b
+ PIN drn_lvc1
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 26.0000 -0.0350 36.8800 20.1850 ;
+ END drn_lvc1
+ PIN drn_lvc2
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 38.3800 -0.0350 49.2550 22.8650 ;
+ END drn_lvc2
+ PIN src_bdy_lvc1
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.5000 -0.0350 20.4950 1.4500 ;
+ END src_bdy_lvc1
+ PIN src_bdy_lvc2
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 54.7150 -0.0350 74.7000 3.6250 ;
+ END src_bdy_lvc2
+ PIN bdy2_b2b
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 34.4400 -0.0350 44.4400 0.2900 ;
+ END bdy2_b2b
+ PIN vssi
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT 34.3350 0.4750 35.3350 0.9750 ;
+ END vssi
+ PIN vssa
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 45.7000 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.8050 75.0000 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.8050 1.2700 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 49.6100 75.0000 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 75.0000 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.7000 75.0000 38.1500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 49.6100 1.2700 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.7000 1.2700 38.1500 ;
+ END vssa
+ PIN vdda
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 13.0000 75.0000 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 13.0000 0.9650 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 12.9000 75.0000 16.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 12.9000 0.9650 16.3500 ;
+ END vdda
+ PIN vswitch
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.9500 75.0000 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.9500 1.2700 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.8500 75.0000 33.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.8500 1.2700 33.3000 ;
+ END vswitch
+ PIN vddio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.1500 75.0000 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.1500 1.2700 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.0500 75.0000 66.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.0500 1.2700 66.5000 ;
+ END vddio_q
+ PIN vcchib
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.1000 75.0000 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.1000 1.2700 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.0000 75.0000 5.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.0000 1.2700 5.4500 ;
+ END vcchib
+ PIN vddio
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 9.3150 100.1050 65.9550 167.5350 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 50.7550 -0.0350 74.7000 17.7650 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.5000 -0.0350 24.5000 17.7650 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.8500 75.0000 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.8500 1.2700 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.7500 75.0000 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.7500 1.2700 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9650 ;
+ END vddio
+ PIN vccd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.9500 75.0000 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.9500 1.2700 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.8500 75.0000 11.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.8500 1.2700 11.5000 ;
+ END vccd
+ PIN vssio
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.9000 75.0000 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.9000 1.2700 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.8000 75.0000 28.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 173.7500 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 1.2700 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.8000 1.2700 28.4500 ;
+ END vssio
+ PIN vssd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.6500 75.0000 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.6500 1.2700 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.5500 75.0000 44.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.5500 1.2700 44.2000 ;
+ END vssd
+ PIN vssio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.3000 75.0000 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.3000 1.2700 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.2000 75.0000 60.6500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.2000 1.2700 60.6500 ;
+ END vssio_q
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ RECT 0.2400 0.9850 74.7550 197.7450 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT 0.1200 1.2550 74.7850 197.8050 ;
+ RECT 0.1200 0.1950 34.0550 1.2550 ;
+ RECT 35.6150 0.1950 74.7850 1.2550 ;
+ RECT 0.1200 -0.0350 74.7850 0.1950 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.4900 3.9050 74.7000 194.3950 ;
+ RECT 0.4900 1.7300 54.4350 3.9050 ;
+ RECT 20.7750 0.5700 54.4350 1.7300 ;
+ RECT 20.7750 -0.0350 34.1600 0.5700 ;
+ RECT 44.7200 -0.0350 54.4350 0.5700 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.4900 23.2650 74.7000 189.4800 ;
+ RECT 0.4900 20.5850 37.9800 23.2650 ;
+ RECT 0.4900 18.1650 25.6000 20.5850 ;
+ RECT 24.9000 0.0000 25.6000 18.1650 ;
+ RECT 37.2800 0.0000 37.9800 20.5850 ;
+ RECT 49.6550 18.1650 74.7000 23.2650 ;
+ RECT 49.6550 0.0000 50.3550 18.1650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 173.3500 73.3300 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 93.3650 74.0350 173.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 67.6000 73.3300 93.3650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 66.9000 74.0350 67.6000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 61.6500 73.3300 66.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 61.0500 74.0350 61.6500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 55.8000 73.3300 61.0500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 55.1000 74.0350 55.8000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 49.7100 73.3300 50.6900 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 44.6000 74.0350 45.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 39.1500 73.3300 44.6000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 38.5500 74.0350 39.1500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 34.3000 73.3300 38.5500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 33.7000 74.0350 34.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 29.4500 73.3300 33.7000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 28.8500 74.0350 29.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 23.4000 73.3300 28.8500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 22.8000 74.0350 23.4000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 17.3500 73.3300 22.8000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 16.7500 74.0350 17.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.3650 12.5000 73.6350 16.7500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 11.9000 74.0350 12.5000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 6.4500 73.3300 11.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 5.8500 74.0350 6.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 0.0000 73.3300 5.8500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 169.1350 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 98.5050 7.7150 169.1350 ;
+ RECT 67.5550 98.5050 75.0000 169.1350 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 94.5500 75.0000 98.5050 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 16.2500 72.1300 94.5500 ;
+ RECT 2.5650 13.0000 72.4350 16.2500 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 0.1000 72.1300 13.0000 ;
+END s8iom0_vddio_lvc_pad
+MACRO s8iom0_vddio_hvc_pad
+ FOREIGN s8iom0_vddio_hvc_pad ;
+ ORIGIN -0.0000 -0.0000 ;
+ SIZE 75.0000 BY 197.9650 ;
+ PIN amuxbus_a
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 75.0000 54.0700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 1.2700 54.0700 ;
+ END amuxbus_a
+ PIN amuxbus_b
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 75.0000 49.3100 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 1.2700 49.3100 ;
+ END amuxbus_b
+ PIN drn_hvc
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 50.3900 -2.0350 74.2900 23.6250 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 37.8900 -2.0350 48.8900 10.3450 ;
+ END drn_hvc
+ PIN src_bdy_hvc
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.4950 -2.0350 24.3950 0.0200 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 25.8950 -2.0350 36.8950 10.3900 ;
+ END src_bdy_hvc
+ PIN vssa
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 45.7000 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.8050 75.0000 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.8050 1.2700 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 49.6100 75.0000 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 75.0000 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.7000 75.0000 38.1500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 49.6100 1.2700 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.7000 1.2700 38.1500 ;
+ END vssa
+ PIN vdda
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 13.0000 75.0000 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 13.0000 0.9650 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 12.9000 75.0000 16.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 12.9000 0.9650 16.3500 ;
+ END vdda
+ PIN vswitch
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.9500 75.0000 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.9500 1.2700 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.8500 75.0000 33.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.8500 1.2700 33.3000 ;
+ END vswitch
+ PIN vddio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.1500 75.0000 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.1500 1.2700 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.0500 75.0000 66.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.0500 1.2700 66.5000 ;
+ END vddio_q
+ PIN vcchib
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.1000 75.0000 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.1000 1.2700 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.0000 75.0000 5.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.0000 1.2700 5.4500 ;
+ END vcchib
+ PIN vddio
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 6.1000 101.9750 68.8000 164.5900 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 50.3900 -2.0350 74.2900 88.1500 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.4950 -2.0350 24.3950 30.4800 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.8500 75.0000 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.8500 1.2700 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.7500 75.0000 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.7500 1.2700 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9650 ;
+ END vddio
+ PIN vccd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.9500 75.0000 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.9500 1.2700 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.8500 75.0000 11.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.8500 1.2700 11.5000 ;
+ END vccd
+ PIN vssio
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 1.2050 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 74.2250 173.7500 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.9000 75.0000 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.9000 1.2700 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.8000 75.0000 28.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 173.7500 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 1.2700 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.8000 1.2700 28.4500 ;
+ END vssio
+ PIN vssd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.6500 75.0000 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.6500 1.2700 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.5500 75.0000 44.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.5500 1.2700 44.2000 ;
+ END vssd
+ PIN vssio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.3000 75.0000 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.3000 1.2700 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.2000 75.0000 60.6500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.2000 1.2700 60.6500 ;
+ END vssio_q
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ RECT 1.0700 -1.0350 72.7750 197.6600 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT 0.1850 -1.0650 73.6200 197.6900 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.2650 23.9050 74.2900 193.0400 ;
+ RECT 0.2650 0.3000 50.1100 23.9050 ;
+ RECT 24.6750 -2.0350 50.1100 0.3000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.2400 88.5500 74.2900 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.2400 30.8800 49.9900 88.5500 ;
+ RECT 24.7950 10.7900 49.9900 30.8800 ;
+ RECT 24.7950 10.3450 25.4950 10.7900 ;
+ RECT 37.2950 10.7450 49.9900 10.7900 ;
+ RECT 37.2950 10.3450 37.4900 10.7450 ;
+ RECT 49.2900 10.3450 49.9900 10.7450 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 173.3500 73.3300 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 93.3650 74.0350 173.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 67.6000 73.3300 93.3650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 66.9000 74.0350 67.6000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 61.6500 73.3300 66.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 61.0500 74.0350 61.6500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 55.8000 73.3300 61.0500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 55.1000 74.0350 55.8000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 49.7100 73.3300 50.6900 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 44.6000 74.0350 45.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 39.1500 73.3300 44.6000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 38.5500 74.0350 39.1500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 34.3000 73.3300 38.5500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 33.7000 74.0350 34.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 29.4500 73.3300 33.7000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 28.8500 74.0350 29.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 23.4000 73.3300 28.8500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 22.8000 74.0350 23.4000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 17.3500 73.3300 22.8000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 16.7500 74.0350 17.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.3650 12.5000 73.6350 16.7500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 11.9000 74.0350 12.5000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 6.4500 73.3300 11.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 5.8500 74.0350 6.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 0.0000 73.3300 5.8500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 166.1900 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 100.3750 4.5000 166.1900 ;
+ RECT 70.4000 100.3750 75.0000 166.1900 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 94.5500 75.0000 100.3750 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 16.2500 72.1300 94.5500 ;
+ RECT 2.5650 13.0000 72.4350 16.2500 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 0.1000 72.1300 13.0000 ;
+END s8iom0_vddio_hvc_pad
+MACRO s8iom0_vccd_hvc_pad
+ FOREIGN s8iom0_vccd_hvc_pad ;
+ ORIGIN -0.0000 -0.0000 ;
+ SIZE 75.0000 BY 197.9650 ;
+ PIN amuxbus_a
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 75.0000 54.0700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 1.2700 54.0700 ;
+ END amuxbus_a
+ PIN amuxbus_b
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 75.0000 49.3100 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 1.2700 49.3100 ;
+ END amuxbus_b
+ PIN drn_hvc
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 50.3900 -2.0350 74.2900 23.6250 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 37.8900 -2.0350 48.8900 10.3450 ;
+ END drn_hvc
+ PIN src_bdy_hvc
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.4950 -2.0350 24.3950 0.0200 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 25.8950 -2.0350 36.8950 10.3900 ;
+ END src_bdy_hvc
+ PIN vssa
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 45.7000 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.8050 75.0000 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.8050 1.2700 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 49.6100 75.0000 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 75.0000 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.7000 75.0000 38.1500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 49.6100 1.2700 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.7000 1.2700 38.1500 ;
+ END vssa
+ PIN vdda
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 13.0000 75.0000 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 13.0000 0.9650 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 12.9000 75.0000 16.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 12.9000 0.9650 16.3500 ;
+ END vdda
+ PIN vswitch
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.9500 75.0000 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.9500 1.2700 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.8500 75.0000 33.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.8500 1.2700 33.3000 ;
+ END vswitch
+ PIN vddio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.1500 75.0000 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.1500 1.2700 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.0500 75.0000 66.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.0500 1.2700 66.5000 ;
+ END vddio_q
+ PIN vcchib
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.1000 75.0000 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.1000 1.2700 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.0000 75.0000 5.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.0000 1.2700 5.4500 ;
+ END vcchib
+ PIN vddio
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.8500 75.0000 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.8500 1.2700 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.7500 75.0000 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.7500 1.2700 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9650 ;
+ END vddio
+ PIN vccd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 6.1000 101.9750 68.8000 164.5900 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 50.3900 -2.0350 74.2900 6.8650 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.4950 -2.0350 24.3950 6.8650 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.9500 75.0000 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.9500 1.2700 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.8500 75.0000 11.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.8500 1.2700 11.5000 ;
+ END vccd
+ PIN vssio
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 1.2050 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 74.2250 173.7500 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.9000 75.0000 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.9000 1.2700 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.8000 75.0000 28.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 173.7500 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 1.2700 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.8000 1.2700 28.4500 ;
+ END vssio
+ PIN vssd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.6500 75.0000 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.6500 1.2700 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.5500 75.0000 44.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.5500 1.2700 44.2000 ;
+ END vssd
+ PIN vssio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.3000 75.0000 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.3000 1.2700 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.2000 75.0000 60.6500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.2000 1.2700 60.6500 ;
+ END vssio_q
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ RECT 1.0700 -1.0350 72.7750 197.6600 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT 0.1850 -1.0650 73.6200 197.6900 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.2650 23.9050 74.2900 193.0400 ;
+ RECT 0.2650 0.3000 50.1100 23.9050 ;
+ RECT 24.6750 -2.0350 50.1100 0.3000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.2400 10.7900 74.2900 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.2400 7.2650 25.4950 10.7900 ;
+ RECT 24.7950 6.8650 25.4950 7.2650 ;
+ RECT 37.2950 10.7450 74.2900 10.7900 ;
+ RECT 37.2950 6.8650 37.4900 10.7450 ;
+ RECT 49.2900 7.2650 74.2900 10.7450 ;
+ RECT 49.2900 6.8650 49.9900 7.2650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 173.3500 73.3300 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 93.3650 74.0350 173.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 67.6000 73.3300 93.3650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 66.9000 74.0350 67.6000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 61.6500 73.3300 66.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 61.0500 74.0350 61.6500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 55.8000 73.3300 61.0500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 55.1000 74.0350 55.8000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 49.7100 73.3300 50.6900 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 44.6000 74.0350 45.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 39.1500 73.3300 44.6000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 38.5500 74.0350 39.1500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 34.3000 73.3300 38.5500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 33.7000 74.0350 34.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 29.4500 73.3300 33.7000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 28.8500 74.0350 29.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 23.4000 73.3300 28.8500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 22.8000 74.0350 23.4000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 17.3500 73.3300 22.8000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 16.7500 74.0350 17.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.3650 12.5000 73.6350 16.7500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 11.9000 74.0350 12.5000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 6.4500 73.3300 11.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 5.8500 74.0350 6.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 0.0000 73.3300 5.8500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 166.1900 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 100.3750 4.5000 166.1900 ;
+ RECT 70.4000 100.3750 75.0000 166.1900 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 94.5500 75.0000 100.3750 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 16.2500 72.1300 94.5500 ;
+ RECT 2.5650 13.0000 72.4350 16.2500 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 0.1000 72.1300 13.0000 ;
+END s8iom0_vccd_hvc_pad
+MACRO s8iom0_vccd_lvc_pad
+ FOREIGN s8iom0_vccd_lvc_pad ;
+ ORIGIN -0.0000 -0.0000 ;
+ SIZE 75.0000 BY 197.9650 ;
+ PIN amuxbus_a
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 75.0000 54.0700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 1.2700 54.0700 ;
+ END amuxbus_a
+ PIN amuxbus_b
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 75.0000 49.3100 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 1.2700 49.3100 ;
+ END amuxbus_b
+ PIN drn_lvc1
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 26.0000 -0.0350 36.8800 20.1850 ;
+ END drn_lvc1
+ PIN drn_lvc2
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 38.3800 -0.0350 49.2550 22.8650 ;
+ END drn_lvc2
+ PIN src_bdy_lvc1
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.5000 -0.0350 20.4950 1.4500 ;
+ END src_bdy_lvc1
+ PIN src_bdy_lvc2
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 54.7150 -0.0350 74.7000 3.6250 ;
+ END src_bdy_lvc2
+ PIN bdy2_b2b
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 34.4400 -0.0350 44.4400 0.2900 ;
+ END bdy2_b2b
+ PIN vssi
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT 34.3350 0.4750 35.3350 0.9750 ;
+ END vssi
+ PIN vssa
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 45.7000 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.8050 75.0000 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.8050 1.2700 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 49.6100 75.0000 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 75.0000 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.7000 75.0000 38.1500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 49.6100 1.2700 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.7000 1.2700 38.1500 ;
+ END vssa
+ PIN vdda
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 13.0000 75.0000 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 13.0000 0.9650 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 12.9000 75.0000 16.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 12.9000 0.9650 16.3500 ;
+ END vdda
+ PIN vswitch
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.9500 75.0000 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.9500 1.2700 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.8500 75.0000 33.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.8500 1.2700 33.3000 ;
+ END vswitch
+ PIN vddio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.1500 75.0000 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.1500 1.2700 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.0500 75.0000 66.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.0500 1.2700 66.5000 ;
+ END vddio_q
+ PIN vcchib
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.1000 75.0000 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.1000 1.2700 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.0000 75.0000 5.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.0000 1.2700 5.4500 ;
+ END vcchib
+ PIN vddio
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.8500 75.0000 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.8500 1.2700 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.7500 75.0000 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.7500 1.2700 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9650 ;
+ END vddio
+ PIN vccd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 9.3150 100.1050 65.9550 167.5350 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 50.7550 -0.0350 74.7000 6.8650 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.5000 -0.0350 24.5000 6.8650 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.9500 75.0000 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.9500 1.2700 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.8500 75.0000 11.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.8500 1.2700 11.5000 ;
+ END vccd
+ PIN vssio
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 74.2250 173.7500 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 1.2050 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.9000 75.0000 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.9000 1.2700 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.8000 75.0000 28.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 173.7500 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 1.2700 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.8000 1.2700 28.4500 ;
+ END vssio
+ PIN vssd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.6500 75.0000 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.6500 1.2700 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.5500 75.0000 44.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.5500 1.2700 44.2000 ;
+ END vssd
+ PIN vssio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.3000 75.0000 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.3000 1.2700 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.2000 75.0000 60.6500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.2000 1.2700 60.6500 ;
+ END vssio_q
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ RECT 0.2400 0.9850 74.7550 197.7450 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT 0.1200 1.2550 74.7850 197.8050 ;
+ RECT 0.1200 0.1950 34.0550 1.2550 ;
+ RECT 35.6150 0.1950 74.7850 1.2550 ;
+ RECT 0.1200 -0.0350 74.7850 0.1950 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.4900 3.9050 74.7000 194.3950 ;
+ RECT 0.4900 1.7300 54.4350 3.9050 ;
+ RECT 20.7750 0.5700 54.4350 1.7300 ;
+ RECT 20.7750 -0.0350 34.1600 0.5700 ;
+ RECT 44.7200 -0.0350 54.4350 0.5700 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.4900 23.2650 74.7000 189.4800 ;
+ RECT 0.4900 20.5850 37.9800 23.2650 ;
+ RECT 0.4900 7.2650 25.6000 20.5850 ;
+ RECT 24.9000 0.0000 25.6000 7.2650 ;
+ RECT 37.2800 0.0000 37.9800 20.5850 ;
+ RECT 49.6550 7.2650 74.7000 23.2650 ;
+ RECT 49.6550 0.0000 50.3550 7.2650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 173.3500 73.3300 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 93.3650 74.0350 173.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 67.6000 73.3300 93.3650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 66.9000 74.0350 67.6000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 61.6500 73.3300 66.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 61.0500 74.0350 61.6500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 55.8000 73.3300 61.0500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 55.1000 74.0350 55.8000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 49.7100 73.3300 50.6900 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 44.6000 74.0350 45.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 39.1500 73.3300 44.6000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 38.5500 74.0350 39.1500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 34.3000 73.3300 38.5500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 33.7000 74.0350 34.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 29.4500 73.3300 33.7000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 28.8500 74.0350 29.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 23.4000 73.3300 28.8500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 22.8000 74.0350 23.4000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 17.3500 73.3300 22.8000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 16.7500 74.0350 17.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.3650 12.5000 73.6350 16.7500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 11.9000 74.0350 12.5000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 6.4500 73.3300 11.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 5.8500 74.0350 6.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 0.0000 73.3300 5.8500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 169.1350 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 98.5050 7.7150 169.1350 ;
+ RECT 67.5550 98.5050 75.0000 169.1350 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 94.5500 75.0000 98.5050 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 16.2500 72.1300 94.5500 ;
+ RECT 2.5650 13.0000 72.4350 16.2500 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 0.1000 72.1300 13.0000 ;
+END s8iom0_vccd_lvc_pad
+MACRO s8iom0_vdda_hvc_pad
+ FOREIGN s8iom0_vdda_hvc_pad ;
+ ORIGIN -0.0000 -0.0000 ;
+ SIZE 75.0000 BY 197.9650 ;
+ PIN amuxbus_a
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 75.0000 54.0700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 1.2700 54.0700 ;
+ END amuxbus_a
+ PIN amuxbus_b
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 75.0000 49.3100 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 1.2700 49.3100 ;
+ END amuxbus_b
+ PIN drn_hvc
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 50.3900 -2.0350 74.2900 23.6250 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 37.8900 -2.0350 48.8900 10.3450 ;
+ END drn_hvc
+ PIN src_bdy_hvc
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.4950 -2.0350 24.3950 0.0200 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 25.8950 -2.0350 36.8950 10.3900 ;
+ END src_bdy_hvc
+ PIN vssa
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 45.7000 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.8050 75.0000 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.8050 1.2700 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 49.6100 75.0000 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 75.0000 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.7000 75.0000 38.1500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 49.6100 1.2700 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.7000 1.2700 38.1500 ;
+ END vssa
+ PIN vdda
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 6.1000 101.9750 68.8000 164.5900 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 50.3900 -2.0350 74.2900 6.8650 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.4950 -2.0350 24.3950 6.8650 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 13.0000 75.0000 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 13.0000 0.9650 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 12.9000 75.0000 16.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 12.9000 0.9650 16.3500 ;
+ END vdda
+ PIN vswitch
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.9500 75.0000 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.9500 1.2700 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.8500 75.0000 33.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.8500 1.2700 33.3000 ;
+ END vswitch
+ PIN vddio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.1500 75.0000 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.1500 1.2700 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.0500 75.0000 66.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.0500 1.2700 66.5000 ;
+ END vddio_q
+ PIN vcchib
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.1000 75.0000 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.1000 1.2700 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.0000 75.0000 5.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.0000 1.2700 5.4500 ;
+ END vcchib
+ PIN vddio
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.8500 75.0000 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.8500 1.2700 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.7500 75.0000 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.7500 1.2700 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9650 ;
+ END vddio
+ PIN vccd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.9500 75.0000 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.9500 1.2700 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.8500 75.0000 11.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.8500 1.2700 11.5000 ;
+ END vccd
+ PIN vssio
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 74.2250 173.7500 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 1.2050 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.6300 189.5650 0.6400 189.5750 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 74.3600 189.5650 74.3700 189.5750 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.9000 75.0000 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.9000 1.2700 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.8000 75.0000 28.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 173.7500 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 1.2700 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.8000 1.2700 28.4500 ;
+ END vssio
+ PIN vssd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.6500 75.0000 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.6500 1.2700 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.5500 75.0000 44.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.5500 1.2700 44.2000 ;
+ END vssd
+ PIN vssio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.3000 75.0000 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.3000 1.2700 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.2000 75.0000 60.6500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.2000 1.2700 60.6500 ;
+ END vssio_q
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ RECT 1.0700 -1.0350 72.7750 197.6600 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT 0.1850 -1.0650 73.6200 197.6900 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.2650 23.9050 74.2900 193.0400 ;
+ RECT 0.2650 0.3000 50.1100 23.9050 ;
+ RECT 24.6750 -2.0350 50.1100 0.3000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.2400 10.7900 74.6550 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.2400 7.2650 25.4950 10.7900 ;
+ RECT 24.7950 6.8550 25.4950 7.2650 ;
+ RECT 37.2950 10.7450 74.6550 10.7900 ;
+ RECT 37.2950 6.8550 37.4900 10.7450 ;
+ RECT 49.2900 7.2650 74.6550 10.7450 ;
+ RECT 49.2900 6.8550 49.9900 7.2650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 173.3500 73.3300 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 93.3650 74.0350 173.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 67.6000 73.3300 93.3650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 66.9000 74.0350 67.6000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 61.6500 73.3300 66.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 61.0500 74.0350 61.6500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 55.8000 73.3300 61.0500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 55.1000 74.0350 55.8000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 49.7100 73.3300 50.6900 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 44.6000 74.0350 45.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 39.1500 73.3300 44.6000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 38.5500 74.0350 39.1500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 34.3000 73.3300 38.5500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 33.7000 74.0350 34.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 29.4500 73.3300 33.7000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 28.8500 74.0350 29.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 23.4000 73.3300 28.8500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 22.8000 74.0350 23.4000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 17.3500 73.3300 22.8000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 16.7500 74.0350 17.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.3650 12.5000 73.6350 16.7500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 11.9000 74.0350 12.5000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 6.4500 73.3300 11.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 5.8500 74.0350 6.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 0.0000 73.3300 5.8500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 166.1900 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 100.3750 4.5000 166.1900 ;
+ RECT 70.4000 100.3750 75.0000 166.1900 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 94.5500 75.0000 100.3750 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 16.2500 72.1300 94.5500 ;
+ RECT 2.5650 13.0000 72.4350 16.2500 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 0.1000 72.1300 13.0000 ;
+END s8iom0_vdda_hvc_pad
+MACRO s8iom0_vdda_lvc_pad
+ FOREIGN s8iom0_vdda_lvc_pad ;
+ ORIGIN -0.0000 -0.0000 ;
+ SIZE 75.0000 BY 197.9650 ;
+ PIN amuxbus_a
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 75.0000 54.0700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 1.2700 54.0700 ;
+ END amuxbus_a
+ PIN amuxbus_b
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 75.0000 49.3100 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 1.2700 49.3100 ;
+ END amuxbus_b
+ PIN drn_lvc1
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 26.0000 -0.0350 36.8800 20.1850 ;
+ END drn_lvc1
+ PIN drn_lvc2
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 38.3800 -0.0350 49.2550 22.8650 ;
+ END drn_lvc2
+ PIN src_bdy_lvc1
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.5000 -0.0350 20.4950 1.4500 ;
+ END src_bdy_lvc1
+ PIN src_bdy_lvc2
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 54.7150 -0.0350 74.7000 3.6250 ;
+ END src_bdy_lvc2
+ PIN bdy2_b2b
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 34.4400 -0.0350 44.4400 0.2900 ;
+ END bdy2_b2b
+ PIN vssi
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT 34.3350 0.4750 35.3350 0.9750 ;
+ END vssi
+ PIN vssa
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 45.7000 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.8050 75.0000 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.8050 1.2700 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 49.6100 75.0000 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 75.0000 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.7000 75.0000 38.1500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 49.6100 1.2700 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.7000 1.2700 38.1500 ;
+ END vssa
+ PIN vdda
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 50.7550 -0.0350 74.7000 12.9250 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.5000 -0.0350 24.5000 12.9250 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 13.0000 75.0000 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 13.0000 0.9650 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 12.9000 75.0000 16.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 12.9000 0.9650 16.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 9.3150 100.1050 65.9550 167.5350 ;
+ END vdda
+ PIN vswitch
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.9500 75.0000 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.9500 1.2700 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.8500 75.0000 33.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.8500 1.2700 33.3000 ;
+ END vswitch
+ PIN vddio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.1500 75.0000 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.1500 1.2700 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.0500 75.0000 66.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.0500 1.2700 66.5000 ;
+ END vddio_q
+ PIN vcchib
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.1000 75.0000 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.1000 1.2700 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.0000 75.0000 5.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.0000 1.2700 5.4500 ;
+ END vcchib
+ PIN vddio
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.8500 75.0000 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.8500 1.2700 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.7500 75.0000 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.7500 1.2700 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9650 ;
+ END vddio
+ PIN vccd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.9500 75.0000 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.9500 1.2700 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.8500 75.0000 11.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.8500 1.2700 11.5000 ;
+ END vccd
+ PIN vssio
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.9000 75.0000 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.9000 1.2700 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.8000 75.0000 28.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 173.7500 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 1.2700 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.8000 1.2700 28.4500 ;
+ END vssio
+ PIN vssd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.6500 75.0000 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.6500 1.2700 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.5500 75.0000 44.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.5500 1.2700 44.2000 ;
+ END vssd
+ PIN vssio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.3000 75.0000 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.3000 1.2700 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.2000 75.0000 60.6500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.2000 1.2700 60.6500 ;
+ END vssio_q
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ RECT 0.2400 0.9850 74.7550 197.7450 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT 0.1200 1.2550 74.7850 197.8050 ;
+ RECT 0.1200 0.1950 34.0550 1.2550 ;
+ RECT 35.6150 0.1950 74.7850 1.2550 ;
+ RECT 0.1200 -0.0350 74.7850 0.1950 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.4900 3.9050 74.7000 194.3950 ;
+ RECT 0.4900 1.7300 54.4350 3.9050 ;
+ RECT 20.7750 0.5700 54.4350 1.7300 ;
+ RECT 20.7750 -0.0350 34.1600 0.5700 ;
+ RECT 44.7200 -0.0350 54.4350 0.5700 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.4900 23.2650 74.7000 189.4800 ;
+ RECT 0.4900 20.5850 37.9800 23.2650 ;
+ RECT 0.4900 13.3250 25.6000 20.5850 ;
+ RECT 24.9000 0.0000 25.6000 13.3250 ;
+ RECT 37.2800 0.0000 37.9800 20.5850 ;
+ RECT 49.6550 13.3250 74.7000 23.2650 ;
+ RECT 49.6550 0.0000 50.3550 13.3250 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 173.3500 73.3300 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 93.3650 74.0350 173.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 67.6000 73.3300 93.3650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 66.9000 74.0350 67.6000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 61.6500 73.3300 66.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 61.0500 74.0350 61.6500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 55.8000 73.3300 61.0500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 55.1000 74.0350 55.8000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 49.7100 73.3300 50.6900 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 44.6000 74.0350 45.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 39.1500 73.3300 44.6000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 38.5500 74.0350 39.1500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 34.3000 73.3300 38.5500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 33.7000 74.0350 34.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 29.4500 73.3300 33.7000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 28.8500 74.0350 29.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 23.4000 73.3300 28.8500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 22.8000 74.0350 23.4000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 17.3500 73.3300 22.8000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 16.7500 74.0350 17.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.3650 12.5000 73.6350 16.7500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 11.9000 74.0350 12.5000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 6.4500 73.3300 11.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 5.8500 74.0350 6.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 0.0000 73.3300 5.8500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 169.1350 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 98.5050 7.7150 169.1350 ;
+ RECT 67.5550 98.5050 75.0000 169.1350 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 94.5500 75.0000 98.5050 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 16.2500 72.1300 94.5500 ;
+ RECT 2.5650 13.0000 72.4350 16.2500 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 0.1000 72.1300 13.0000 ;
+END s8iom0_vdda_lvc_pad
+MACRO s8iom0s8_com_bus_slice_1um
+ FOREIGN s8iom0s8_com_bus_slice_1um ;
+ ORIGIN -0.0000 -0.0000 ;
+ SIZE 1.0000 BY 197.9650 ;
+ PIN amuxbus_a
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 1.0000 54.0700 ;
+ END amuxbus_a
+ PIN amuxbus_b
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 1.0000 49.3100 ;
+ END amuxbus_b
+ PIN vssa
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 1.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.0000 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.8000 1.0000 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.7000 1.0000 38.1500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 49.6100 1.0000 50.7900 ;
+ END vssa
+ PIN vdda
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 13.0000 1.0000 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 12.9000 1.0000 16.3500 ;
+ END vdda
+ PIN vswitch
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.9500 1.0000 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.8500 1.0000 33.3000 ;
+ END vswitch
+ PIN vddio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.1500 1.0000 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.0500 1.0000 66.5000 ;
+ END vddio_q
+ PIN vcchib
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.1000 1.0000 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 5.4500 ;
+ END vcchib
+ PIN vddio
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.0000 92.9650 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.8500 1.0000 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.7500 1.0000 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.0000 92.9500 ;
+ END vddio
+ PIN vccd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.9500 1.0000 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.8500 1.0000 11.5000 ;
+ END vccd
+ PIN vssio
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.9000 1.0000 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.8000 1.0000 28.4500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 1.0000 197.9650 ;
+ END vssio
+ PIN vssd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.6500 1.0000 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.5500 1.0000 44.2000 ;
+ END vssd
+ PIN vssio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.3000 1.0000 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.2000 1.0000 60.6500 ;
+ END vssio_q
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 1.0000 197.9650 ;
+END s8iom0s8_com_bus_slice_1um
+MACRO s8iom0_vssio_hvc_pad
+ FOREIGN s8iom0_vssio_hvc_pad ;
+ ORIGIN -0.0000 -0.0000 ;
+ SIZE 75.0000 BY 197.9650 ;
+ PIN amuxbus_a
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 75.0000 54.0700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 1.2700 54.0700 ;
+ END amuxbus_a
+ PIN amuxbus_b
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 75.0000 49.3100 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 1.2700 49.3100 ;
+ END amuxbus_b
+ PIN drn_hvc
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 50.3900 -2.0350 74.2900 23.6250 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 37.8900 -2.0350 48.8900 10.3450 ;
+ END drn_hvc
+ PIN src_bdy_hvc
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.4950 -2.0350 24.3950 0.0200 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 25.8950 -2.0350 36.8950 10.3900 ;
+ END src_bdy_hvc
+ PIN vssa
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 45.7000 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.8050 75.0000 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.8050 1.2700 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 49.6100 75.0000 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 75.0000 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.7000 75.0000 38.1500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 49.6100 1.2700 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.7000 1.2700 38.1500 ;
+ END vssa
+ PIN vdda
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 13.0000 75.0000 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 13.0000 0.9650 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 12.9000 75.0000 16.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 12.9000 0.9650 16.3500 ;
+ END vdda
+ PIN vswitch
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.9500 75.0000 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.9500 1.2700 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.8500 75.0000 33.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.8500 1.2700 33.3000 ;
+ END vswitch
+ PIN vddio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.1500 75.0000 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.1500 1.2700 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.0500 75.0000 66.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.0500 1.2700 66.5000 ;
+ END vddio_q
+ PIN vcchib
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.1000 75.0000 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.1000 1.2700 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.0000 75.0000 5.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.0000 1.2700 5.4500 ;
+ END vcchib
+ PIN vddio
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.8500 75.0000 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.8500 1.2700 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.7500 75.0000 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.7500 1.2700 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9650 ;
+ END vddio
+ PIN vccd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.9500 75.0000 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.9500 1.2700 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.8500 75.0000 11.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.8500 1.2700 11.5000 ;
+ END vccd
+ PIN vssio
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 6.1000 101.9750 68.8000 164.5900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.6300 189.5650 0.6400 189.5750 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 74.2500 173.7500 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.4950 -2.0350 24.3950 23.8150 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 50.3900 -2.0350 74.2900 23.8150 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.9000 75.0000 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.9000 1.2700 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.8000 75.0000 28.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 173.7500 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 1.2700 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.8000 1.2700 28.4500 ;
+ END vssio
+ PIN vssd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.6500 75.0000 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.6500 1.2700 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.5500 75.0000 44.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.5500 1.2700 44.2000 ;
+ END vssd
+ PIN vssio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.3000 75.0000 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.3000 1.2700 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.2000 75.0000 60.6500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.2000 1.2700 60.6500 ;
+ END vssio_q
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ RECT 1.0700 -1.0350 72.7750 197.6600 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT 0.1850 -1.0650 73.6200 197.6900 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.2650 23.9050 74.2900 193.0400 ;
+ RECT 0.2650 0.3000 50.1100 23.9050 ;
+ RECT 24.6750 -2.0350 50.1100 0.3000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.2400 24.2150 74.2900 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 24.7950 10.7900 49.9900 24.2150 ;
+ RECT 24.7950 10.3450 25.4950 10.7900 ;
+ RECT 37.2950 10.7450 49.9900 10.7900 ;
+ RECT 37.2950 10.3450 37.4900 10.7450 ;
+ RECT 49.2900 10.3450 49.9900 10.7450 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 173.3500 73.3300 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 93.3650 74.0350 173.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 67.6000 73.3300 93.3650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 66.9000 74.0350 67.6000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 61.6500 73.3300 66.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 61.0500 74.0350 61.6500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 55.8000 73.3300 61.0500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 55.1000 74.0350 55.8000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 49.7100 73.3300 50.6900 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 44.6000 74.0350 45.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 39.1500 73.3300 44.6000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 38.5500 74.0350 39.1500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 34.3000 73.3300 38.5500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 33.7000 74.0350 34.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 29.4500 73.3300 33.7000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 28.8500 74.0350 29.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 23.4000 73.3300 28.8500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 22.8000 74.0350 23.4000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 17.3500 73.3300 22.8000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 16.7500 74.0350 17.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.3650 12.5000 73.6350 16.7500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 11.9000 74.0350 12.5000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 6.4500 73.3300 11.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 5.8500 74.0350 6.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 0.0000 73.3300 5.8500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 166.1900 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 100.3750 4.5000 166.1900 ;
+ RECT 70.4000 100.3750 75.0000 166.1900 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 94.5500 75.0000 100.3750 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 16.2500 72.1300 94.5500 ;
+ RECT 2.5650 13.0000 72.4350 16.2500 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 0.1000 72.1300 13.0000 ;
+END s8iom0_vssio_hvc_pad
+MACRO s8iom0_corner_pad
+ FOREIGN s8iom0_corner_pad ;
+ ORIGIN -0.0000 -0.0000 ;
+ SIZE 200.0000 BY 204.0000 ;
+ PIN amuxbus_a
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 57.1250 22.9100 60.1050 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 53.1250 0.0000 56.1050 26.9100 ;
+ END amuxbus_a
+ PIN amuxbus_b
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 52.3650 20.9350 55.3450 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 48.3650 0.0000 51.3450 20.8750 ;
+ END amuxbus_b
+ PIN vssa
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.7350 23.1550 60.7350 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.6300 56.0200 0.6400 56.0300 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 40.8350 1.3350 44.0850 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.7350 19.5750 52.0650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 40.7350 1.3350 44.1850 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 55.6450 21.5500 56.8250 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 60.4050 23.1750 60.7350 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 36.8400 0.0000 40.0850 1.2700 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 47.7350 0.0000 56.7350 27.1550 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 51.2850 0.6300 51.2950 0.6400 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 56.4050 0.0000 56.7350 27.1750 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 51.6450 0.0000 52.8250 21.5550 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 36.7350 0.0000 40.1850 1.2700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 47.7350 0.0000 48.0650 23.5750 ;
+ END vssa
+ PIN vdda
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 19.0350 1.4700 22.2850 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 18.9350 1.4700 22.3850 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 15.0350 0.0000 18.2850 1.2550 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 14.9350 0.0000 18.3850 1.2550 ;
+ END vdda
+ PIN vswitch
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 35.9850 1.3850 39.2350 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 35.8850 1.3850 39.3350 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 31.9850 0.0000 35.2350 1.2700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 31.8850 0.0000 35.3350 1.2700 ;
+ END vswitch
+ PIN vddio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.1850 1.4800 72.4350 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0850 1.4800 72.5350 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 64.1850 0.0000 68.4350 1.2700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 64.0850 0.0000 68.5350 1.2700 ;
+ END vddio_q
+ PIN vcchib
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.1350 2.3500 11.3850 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.0350 2.3500 11.4850 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 2.1350 0.0000 7.3850 1.2700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 2.0350 0.0000 7.4850 1.2700 ;
+ END vcchib
+ PIN vddio
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 74.0350 2.6450 98.9850 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.8850 1.5250 28.3350 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.7850 1.5250 28.4350 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 74.0350 2.6450 99.0000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 19.8850 0.0000 24.3350 1.2700 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 70.0350 0.0000 94.9850 1.8550 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 70.0350 0.0000 95.0000 1.8550 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 19.7850 0.0000 24.4350 1.2700 ;
+ END vddio
+ PIN vccd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 12.9850 3.7850 17.4350 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 12.8850 3.7850 17.5350 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 8.9850 0.0000 13.4350 1.2700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 8.8850 0.0000 13.5350 1.2700 ;
+ END vccd
+ PIN vssio
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.9350 1.6000 34.3850 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.8350 1.6000 34.4850 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 179.7850 1.4350 204.0000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.6300 194.8650 0.6400 194.8750 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 25.9350 0.0000 30.3850 1.2700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 25.8350 0.0000 30.4850 1.2700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 175.7850 0.0000 200.0000 1.2700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 190.8650 0.6300 190.8750 0.6400 ;
+ END vssio
+ PIN vssd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.6850 1.4750 50.1350 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.5850 1.4750 50.2350 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 41.6850 0.0000 46.1350 1.2700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 41.5850 0.0000 46.2350 1.2700 ;
+ END vssd
+ PIN vssio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.3350 1.6250 66.5850 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.2350 1.6250 66.6850 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 58.3350 0.0000 62.5850 1.2700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 58.2350 0.0000 62.6850 1.2700 ;
+ END vssio_q
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 1.8350 179.3850 200.0000 204.0000 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 99.4000 200.0000 179.3850 ;
+ RECT 3.0450 73.6350 200.0000 99.4000 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 72.9350 200.0000 73.6350 ;
+ RECT 1.8800 67.6850 200.0000 72.9350 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 67.0850 200.0000 67.6850 ;
+ RECT 2.0250 61.8350 200.0000 67.0850 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 61.1350 200.0000 61.8350 ;
+ RECT 23.5750 60.0050 200.0000 61.1350 ;
+ RECT 23.3100 56.7250 200.0000 60.0050 ;
+ RECT 21.9500 55.2450 200.0000 56.7250 ;
+ RECT 21.3350 51.9650 200.0000 55.2450 ;
+ RECT 19.9750 51.3350 200.0000 51.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 50.6350 200.0000 51.3350 ;
+ RECT 1.8750 45.1850 200.0000 50.6350 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 44.5850 200.0000 45.1850 ;
+ RECT 1.7350 40.3350 200.0000 44.5850 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.7350 200.0000 40.3350 ;
+ RECT 1.7850 35.4850 200.0000 39.7350 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.8850 200.0000 35.4850 ;
+ RECT 2.0000 29.4350 200.0000 34.8850 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 28.8350 200.0000 29.4350 ;
+ RECT 1.9250 27.5750 200.0000 28.8350 ;
+ RECT 1.9250 27.3100 56.0050 27.5750 ;
+ RECT 1.9250 23.9750 52.7250 27.3100 ;
+ RECT 1.9250 23.3850 47.3350 23.9750 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 22.7850 47.3350 23.3850 ;
+ RECT 1.8700 18.5350 47.3350 22.7850 ;
+ RECT 48.4650 21.9550 52.7250 23.9750 ;
+ RECT 48.4650 21.2750 51.2450 21.9550 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.9350 47.3350 18.5350 ;
+ RECT 4.1850 12.4850 47.3350 17.9350 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 11.8850 47.3350 12.4850 ;
+ RECT 2.7500 5.6350 47.3350 11.8850 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 1.6700 47.3350 5.6350 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 1.2550 1.6350 1.6700 ;
+ RECT 7.8850 1.2550 8.4850 1.6700 ;
+ RECT 13.9350 1.6550 19.3850 1.6700 ;
+ RECT 13.9350 1.2550 14.5350 1.6550 ;
+ RECT 18.7850 1.2550 19.3850 1.6550 ;
+ RECT 24.8350 1.2550 25.4350 1.6700 ;
+ RECT 30.8850 1.2550 31.4850 1.6700 ;
+ RECT 35.7350 1.2550 36.3350 1.6700 ;
+ RECT 40.5850 1.2550 41.1850 1.6700 ;
+ RECT 46.6350 1.2550 47.3350 1.6700 ;
+ RECT 57.1350 2.2550 200.0000 27.5750 ;
+ RECT 57.1350 1.6700 69.6350 2.2550 ;
+ RECT 57.1350 1.2550 57.8350 1.6700 ;
+ RECT 63.0850 1.2550 63.6850 1.6700 ;
+ RECT 68.9350 1.2550 69.6350 1.6700 ;
+ RECT 95.4000 1.6700 200.0000 2.2550 ;
+ RECT 95.4000 1.2550 175.3850 1.6700 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 100.5850 200.0000 204.0000 ;
+ RECT 4.2450 72.4350 200.0000 100.5850 ;
+ RECT 3.0800 68.1850 200.0000 72.4350 ;
+ RECT 3.2250 62.3350 200.0000 68.1850 ;
+ RECT 24.7550 50.1350 200.0000 62.3350 ;
+ RECT 3.0750 44.0850 200.0000 50.1350 ;
+ RECT 2.9350 40.8350 200.0000 44.0850 ;
+ RECT 2.9850 35.9850 200.0000 40.8350 ;
+ RECT 3.2000 28.7550 200.0000 35.9850 ;
+ RECT 3.2000 28.3350 46.1350 28.7550 ;
+ RECT 3.1250 22.2850 46.1350 28.3350 ;
+ RECT 3.0700 19.0350 46.1350 22.2850 ;
+ RECT 5.3850 11.3850 46.1350 19.0350 ;
+ RECT 3.9500 4.5350 46.1350 11.3850 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 2.8700 46.1350 4.5350 ;
+ RECT 58.3350 3.4550 200.0000 28.7550 ;
+ RECT 58.3350 2.8700 68.4350 3.4550 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.0000 0.5350 2.8700 ;
+ RECT 15.0350 2.8550 18.2850 2.8700 ;
+ RECT 96.5850 0.0000 200.0000 3.4550 ;
+END s8iom0_corner_pad
+MACRO s8iom0_vssio_lvc_pad
+ FOREIGN s8iom0_vssio_lvc_pad ;
+ ORIGIN -0.0000 -0.0000 ;
+ SIZE 75.0000 BY 197.9650 ;
+ PIN amuxbus_a
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 75.0000 54.0700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 1.2700 54.0700 ;
+ END amuxbus_a
+ PIN amuxbus_b
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 75.0000 49.3100 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 1.2700 49.3100 ;
+ END amuxbus_b
+ PIN drn_lvc1
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 26.0000 -0.0350 36.8800 20.1850 ;
+ END drn_lvc1
+ PIN drn_lvc2
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 38.3800 -0.0350 49.2550 22.8650 ;
+ END drn_lvc2
+ PIN src_bdy_lvc1
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.5000 -0.0350 20.4950 1.4500 ;
+ END src_bdy_lvc1
+ PIN src_bdy_lvc2
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 54.7150 -0.0350 74.7000 3.6250 ;
+ END src_bdy_lvc2
+ PIN bdy2_b2b
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 34.4400 -0.0350 44.4400 0.2900 ;
+ END bdy2_b2b
+ PIN vssi
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT 34.3350 0.4750 35.3350 0.9750 ;
+ END vssi
+ PIN vssa
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 45.7000 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.8050 75.0000 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.8050 1.2700 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 49.6100 75.0000 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 75.0000 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.7000 75.0000 38.1500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 49.6100 1.2700 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.7000 1.2700 38.1500 ;
+ END vssa
+ PIN vdda
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 13.0000 75.0000 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 13.0000 0.9650 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 12.9000 75.0000 16.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 12.9000 0.9650 16.3500 ;
+ END vdda
+ PIN vswitch
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.9500 75.0000 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.9500 1.2700 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.8500 75.0000 33.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.8500 1.2700 33.3000 ;
+ END vswitch
+ PIN vddio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.1500 75.0000 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.1500 1.2700 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.0500 75.0000 66.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.0500 1.2700 66.5000 ;
+ END vddio_q
+ PIN vcchib
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.1000 75.0000 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.1000 1.2700 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.0000 75.0000 5.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.0000 1.2700 5.4500 ;
+ END vcchib
+ PIN vddio
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.8500 75.0000 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.8500 1.2700 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.7500 75.0000 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.7500 1.2700 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9650 ;
+ END vddio
+ PIN vccd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.9500 75.0000 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.9500 1.2700 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.8500 75.0000 11.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.8500 1.2700 11.5000 ;
+ END vccd
+ PIN vssio
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 9.3150 100.1050 65.9550 167.5350 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 50.7550 -0.0350 74.7000 23.8150 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.5000 -0.0350 24.5000 23.8150 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.9000 75.0000 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.9000 1.2700 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.8000 75.0000 28.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 173.7500 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 1.2700 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.8000 1.2700 28.4500 ;
+ END vssio
+ PIN vssd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.6500 75.0000 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.6500 1.2700 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.5500 75.0000 44.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.5500 1.2700 44.2000 ;
+ END vssd
+ PIN vssio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.3000 75.0000 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.3000 1.2700 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.2000 75.0000 60.6500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.2000 1.2700 60.6500 ;
+ END vssio_q
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ RECT 0.2400 0.9850 74.7550 197.7450 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT 0.1200 1.2550 74.7850 197.8050 ;
+ RECT 0.1200 0.1950 34.0550 1.2550 ;
+ RECT 35.6150 0.1950 74.7850 1.2550 ;
+ RECT 0.1200 -0.0350 74.7850 0.1950 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.5000 3.9050 74.7000 194.3950 ;
+ RECT 0.5000 1.7300 54.4350 3.9050 ;
+ RECT 20.7750 0.5700 54.4350 1.7300 ;
+ RECT 20.7750 -0.0350 34.1600 0.5700 ;
+ RECT 44.7200 -0.0350 54.4350 0.5700 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.4900 24.2150 74.7000 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 24.9000 23.2650 50.3550 24.2150 ;
+ RECT 24.9000 20.5850 37.9800 23.2650 ;
+ RECT 24.9000 1.6950 25.6000 20.5850 ;
+ RECT 37.2800 1.6950 37.9800 20.5850 ;
+ RECT 49.6550 1.6950 50.3550 23.2650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 173.3500 73.3300 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 93.3650 74.0350 173.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 67.6000 73.3300 93.3650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 66.9000 74.0350 67.6000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 61.6500 73.3300 66.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 61.0500 74.0350 61.6500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 55.8000 73.3300 61.0500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 55.1000 74.0350 55.8000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 49.7100 73.3300 50.6900 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 44.6000 74.0350 45.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 39.1500 73.3300 44.6000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 38.5500 74.0350 39.1500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 34.3000 73.3300 38.5500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 33.7000 74.0350 34.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 29.4500 73.3300 33.7000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 28.8500 74.0350 29.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 23.4000 73.3300 28.8500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 22.8000 74.0350 23.4000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 17.3500 73.3300 22.8000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 16.7500 74.0350 17.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.3650 12.5000 73.6350 16.7500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 11.9000 74.0350 12.5000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 6.4500 73.3300 11.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 5.8500 74.0350 6.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 0.0000 73.3300 5.8500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 169.1350 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 98.5050 7.7150 169.1350 ;
+ RECT 67.5550 98.5050 75.0000 169.1350 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 94.5500 75.0000 98.5050 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 16.2500 72.1300 94.5500 ;
+ RECT 2.5650 13.0000 72.4350 16.2500 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 0.1000 72.1300 13.0000 ;
+END s8iom0_vssio_lvc_pad
+MACRO s8iom0_vssa_lvc_pad
+ FOREIGN s8iom0_vssa_lvc_pad ;
+ ORIGIN -0.0000 -0.0000 ;
+ SIZE 75.0000 BY 197.9650 ;
+ PIN amuxbus_a
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 75.0000 54.0700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 51.0900 75.0000 54.0700 ;
+ END amuxbus_a
+ PIN amuxbus_b
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 75.0000 49.3100 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 46.3300 75.0000 49.3100 ;
+ END amuxbus_b
+ PIN drn_lvc1
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 26.0000 -0.0350 36.8800 20.1850 ;
+ END drn_lvc1
+ PIN drn_lvc2
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 38.3800 -0.0350 49.2550 22.8650 ;
+ END drn_lvc2
+ PIN src_bdy_lvc1
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.5000 -0.0350 20.4950 1.4500 ;
+ END src_bdy_lvc1
+ PIN src_bdy_lvc2
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 54.7150 -0.0350 74.7000 3.6250 ;
+ END src_bdy_lvc2
+ PIN bdy2_b2b
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 34.4400 -0.0350 44.4400 0.2900 ;
+ END bdy2_b2b
+ PIN vssi
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT 34.3350 0.4750 35.3350 0.9750 ;
+ END vssi
+ PIN vssa
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.7000 1.2700 38.1500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 49.6100 1.2700 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 75.0000 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.7000 75.0000 38.1500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 45.7000 75.0000 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 54.3700 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 49.6100 75.0000 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.8000 1.2700 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.8000 75.0000 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 45.7000 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.5000 -0.0350 24.5000 34.7250 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 50.7550 -0.0350 74.7000 34.7250 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 9.3150 100.1050 65.9550 167.5350 ;
+ END vssa
+ PIN vdda
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 12.9000 0.9650 16.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 12.9000 75.0000 16.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 13.0000 0.9650 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 13.0000 75.0000 16.2500 ;
+ END vdda
+ PIN vswitch
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.8500 1.2700 33.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.8500 75.0000 33.3000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.9500 1.2700 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.9500 75.0000 33.2000 ;
+ END vswitch
+ PIN vddio_q
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.0500 1.2700 66.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.0500 75.0000 66.5000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.1500 1.2700 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.1500 75.0000 66.4000 ;
+ END vddio_q
+ PIN vcchib
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.0000 1.2700 5.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.0000 75.0000 5.4500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.1000 1.2700 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.1000 75.0000 5.3500 ;
+ END vcchib
+ PIN vddio
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.7500 1.2700 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.7500 75.0000 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.8500 1.2700 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.8500 75.0000 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9500 ;
+ END vddio
+ PIN vccd
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.8500 1.2700 11.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.8500 75.0000 11.5000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.9500 1.2700 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.9500 75.0000 11.4000 ;
+ END vccd
+ PIN vssio
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.8000 1.2700 28.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 1.2700 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 173.7500 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.8000 75.0000 28.4500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.9000 1.2700 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.9000 75.0000 28.3500 ;
+ END vssio
+ PIN vssd
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.5500 1.2700 44.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.5500 75.0000 44.2000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.6500 1.2700 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.6500 75.0000 44.1000 ;
+ END vssd
+ PIN vssio_q
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.2000 1.2700 60.6500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.2000 75.0000 60.6500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.3000 1.2700 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.3000 75.0000 60.5500 ;
+ END vssio_q
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ RECT 0.2400 0.9850 74.7550 197.7450 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT 0.1200 1.2550 74.7850 197.8050 ;
+ RECT 0.1200 0.1950 34.0550 1.2550 ;
+ RECT 35.6150 0.1950 74.7850 1.2550 ;
+ RECT 0.1200 -0.0350 74.7850 0.1950 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.5000 3.9050 74.7000 194.3950 ;
+ RECT 0.5000 1.7300 54.4350 3.9050 ;
+ RECT 20.7750 0.5700 54.4350 1.7300 ;
+ RECT 20.7750 -0.0350 34.1600 0.5700 ;
+ RECT 44.7200 -0.0350 54.4350 0.5700 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.4900 35.1250 74.7000 189.4800 ;
+ RECT 24.9000 23.2650 50.3550 35.1250 ;
+ RECT 24.9000 20.5850 37.9800 23.2650 ;
+ RECT 24.9000 1.5450 25.6000 20.5850 ;
+ RECT 37.2800 1.5450 37.9800 20.5850 ;
+ RECT 49.6550 1.5450 50.3550 23.2650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 173.3500 73.3300 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 93.3650 74.0350 173.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 67.6000 73.3300 93.3650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 66.9000 74.0350 67.6000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 61.6500 73.3300 66.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 61.0500 74.0350 61.6500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 55.8000 73.3300 61.0500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 55.1000 74.0350 55.8000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 49.7100 73.3300 50.6900 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 44.6000 74.0350 45.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 39.1500 73.3300 44.6000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 38.5500 74.0350 39.1500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 34.3000 73.3300 38.5500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 33.7000 74.0350 34.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 29.4500 73.3300 33.7000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 28.8500 74.0350 29.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 23.4000 73.3300 28.8500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 22.8000 74.0350 23.4000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 17.3500 73.3300 22.8000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 16.7500 74.0350 17.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.3650 12.5000 73.6350 16.7500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 11.9000 74.0350 12.5000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 6.4500 73.3300 11.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 5.8500 74.0350 6.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 0.0000 73.3300 5.8500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 169.1350 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 98.5050 7.7150 169.1350 ;
+ RECT 67.5550 98.5050 75.0000 169.1350 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 94.5500 75.0000 98.5050 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 16.2500 72.1300 94.5500 ;
+ RECT 2.5650 13.0000 72.4350 16.2500 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 0.1000 72.1300 13.0000 ;
+END s8iom0_vssa_lvc_pad
+MACRO s8iom0_vssa_hvc_pad
+ FOREIGN s8iom0_vssa_hvc_pad ;
+ ORIGIN -0.0000 -0.0000 ;
+ SIZE 75.0000 BY 197.9650 ;
+ PIN amuxbus_a
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 75.0000 54.0700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 1.2700 54.0700 ;
+ END amuxbus_a
+ PIN amuxbus_b
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 75.0000 49.3100 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 1.2700 49.3100 ;
+ END amuxbus_b
+ PIN drn_hvc
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 50.3900 -2.0350 74.2900 23.6250 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 37.8900 -2.0350 48.8900 10.3450 ;
+ END drn_hvc
+ PIN src_bdy_hvc
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.4950 -2.0350 24.3950 0.0200 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 25.8950 -2.0350 36.8950 10.3900 ;
+ END src_bdy_hvc
+ PIN vssa
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 6.1000 101.9750 68.8000 164.5900 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.4950 -2.0350 24.3950 30.4800 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 50.3900 -2.0350 74.2900 34.7250 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 45.7000 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.8050 75.0000 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.8050 1.2700 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 49.6100 75.0000 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 54.3700 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 45.7000 75.0000 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.7000 75.0000 38.1500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 49.6100 1.2700 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.7000 1.2700 38.1500 ;
+ END vssa
+ PIN vdda
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 13.0000 75.0000 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 13.0000 0.9650 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 12.9000 75.0000 16.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 12.9000 0.9650 16.3500 ;
+ END vdda
+ PIN vswitch
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.9500 75.0000 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.9500 1.2700 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.8500 75.0000 33.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.8500 1.2700 33.3000 ;
+ END vswitch
+ PIN vddio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.1500 75.0000 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.1500 1.2700 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.0500 75.0000 66.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.0500 1.2700 66.5000 ;
+ END vddio_q
+ PIN vcchib
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.1000 75.0000 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.1000 1.2700 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.0000 75.0000 5.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.0000 1.2700 5.4500 ;
+ END vcchib
+ PIN vddio
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.8500 75.0000 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.8500 1.2700 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.7500 75.0000 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.7500 1.2700 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9650 ;
+ END vddio
+ PIN vccd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.9500 75.0000 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.9500 1.2700 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.8500 75.0000 11.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.8500 1.2700 11.5000 ;
+ END vccd
+ PIN vssio
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 1.2050 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.9000 75.0000 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.9000 1.2700 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.8000 75.0000 28.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 173.7500 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 1.2700 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.8000 1.2700 28.4500 ;
+ END vssio
+ PIN vssd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.6500 75.0000 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.6500 1.2700 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.5500 75.0000 44.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.5500 1.2700 44.2000 ;
+ END vssd
+ PIN vssio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.3000 75.0000 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.3000 1.2700 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.2000 75.0000 60.6500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.2000 1.2700 60.6500 ;
+ END vssio_q
+ PIN vssio
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 74.3600 189.5650 74.3700 189.5750 ;
+ END vssio
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ RECT 1.0700 -1.0350 72.7750 197.6600 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT 0.1850 -1.0650 73.6200 197.6900 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.2650 23.9050 74.2900 193.0400 ;
+ RECT 0.2650 0.3000 50.1100 23.9050 ;
+ RECT 24.6750 -2.0350 50.1100 0.3000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.2400 35.1250 74.2900 193.0650 ;
+ RECT 0.2400 30.8800 49.9900 35.1250 ;
+ RECT 24.7950 10.7900 49.9900 30.8800 ;
+ RECT 24.7950 10.3450 25.4950 10.7900 ;
+ RECT 37.2950 10.7450 49.9900 10.7900 ;
+ RECT 37.2950 10.3450 37.4900 10.7450 ;
+ RECT 49.2900 10.3450 49.9900 10.7450 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 173.3500 73.3300 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 93.3650 74.0350 173.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 67.6000 73.3300 93.3650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 66.9000 74.0350 67.6000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 61.6500 73.3300 66.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 61.0500 74.0350 61.6500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 55.8000 73.3300 61.0500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 55.1000 74.0350 55.8000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 54.4700 73.3300 55.1000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 49.7100 73.3300 50.6900 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 45.3000 73.3300 45.9300 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 44.6000 74.0350 45.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 39.1500 73.3300 44.6000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 38.5500 74.0350 39.1500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 34.3000 73.3300 38.5500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 33.7000 74.0350 34.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 29.4500 73.3300 33.7000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 28.8500 74.0350 29.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 23.4000 73.3300 28.8500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 22.8000 74.0350 23.4000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 17.3500 73.3300 22.8000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 16.7500 74.0350 17.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.3650 12.5000 73.6350 16.7500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 11.9000 74.0350 12.5000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 6.4500 73.3300 11.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 5.8500 74.0350 6.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 0.0000 73.3300 5.8500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 166.1900 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 100.3750 4.5000 166.1900 ;
+ RECT 70.4000 100.3750 75.0000 166.1900 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 94.5500 75.0000 100.3750 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 16.2500 72.1300 94.5500 ;
+ RECT 2.5650 13.0000 72.4350 16.2500 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 0.1000 72.1300 13.0000 ;
+END s8iom0_vssa_hvc_pad
+MACRO s8iom0_vssd_hvc_pad
+ FOREIGN s8iom0_vssd_hvc_pad ;
+ ORIGIN -0.0000 -0.0000 ;
+ SIZE 75.0000 BY 197.9650 ;
+ PIN amuxbus_a
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 75.0000 54.0700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 1.2700 54.0700 ;
+ END amuxbus_a
+ PIN amuxbus_b
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 75.0000 49.3100 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 1.2700 49.3100 ;
+ END amuxbus_b
+ PIN drn_hvc
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 50.3900 -2.0350 74.2900 23.6250 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 37.8900 -2.0350 48.8900 10.3450 ;
+ END drn_hvc
+ PIN src_bdy_hvc
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.4950 -2.0350 24.3950 0.0200 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 25.8950 -2.0350 36.8950 10.3900 ;
+ END src_bdy_hvc
+ PIN vssa
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 45.7000 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.8050 75.0000 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.8050 1.2700 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 49.6100 75.0000 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 75.0000 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.7000 75.0000 38.1500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 49.6100 1.2700 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.7000 1.2700 38.1500 ;
+ END vssa
+ PIN vdda
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 13.0000 75.0000 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 13.0000 0.9650 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 12.9000 75.0000 16.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 12.9000 0.9650 16.3500 ;
+ END vdda
+ PIN vswitch
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.9500 75.0000 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.9500 1.2700 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.8500 75.0000 33.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.8500 1.2700 33.3000 ;
+ END vswitch
+ PIN vddio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.1500 75.0000 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.1500 1.2700 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.0500 75.0000 66.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.0500 1.2700 66.5000 ;
+ END vddio_q
+ PIN vcchib
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.1000 75.0000 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.1000 1.2700 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.0000 75.0000 5.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.0000 1.2700 5.4500 ;
+ END vcchib
+ PIN vddio
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.8500 75.0000 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.8500 1.2700 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.7500 75.0000 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.7500 1.2700 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9650 ;
+ END vddio
+ PIN vccd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.9500 75.0000 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.9500 1.2700 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.8500 75.0000 11.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.8500 1.2700 11.5000 ;
+ END vccd
+ PIN vssio
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 1.2050 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 74.2250 173.7500 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.9000 75.0000 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.9000 1.2700 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.8000 75.0000 28.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 173.7500 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 1.2700 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.8000 1.2700 28.4500 ;
+ END vssio
+ PIN vssd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 6.1000 101.9750 68.8000 164.5900 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.4950 -2.0350 24.3950 30.4800 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 50.3900 -2.0350 74.2900 39.5650 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.6500 75.0000 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.6500 1.2700 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.5500 75.0000 44.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.5500 1.2700 44.2000 ;
+ END vssd
+ PIN vssio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.3000 75.0000 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.3000 1.2700 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.2000 75.0000 60.6500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.2000 1.2700 60.6500 ;
+ END vssio_q
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ RECT 1.0700 -1.0350 72.7750 197.6600 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT 0.1850 -1.0650 73.6200 197.6900 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.2650 23.9050 74.2900 193.0400 ;
+ RECT 0.2650 0.3000 50.1100 23.9050 ;
+ RECT 24.6750 -2.0350 50.1100 0.3000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.2400 39.9650 74.2900 193.0650 ;
+ RECT 0.2400 30.8800 49.9900 39.9650 ;
+ RECT 24.7950 10.7900 49.9900 30.8800 ;
+ RECT 24.7950 10.3450 25.4950 10.7900 ;
+ RECT 37.2950 10.7450 49.9900 10.7900 ;
+ RECT 37.2950 10.3450 37.4900 10.7450 ;
+ RECT 49.2900 10.3450 49.9900 10.7450 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 173.3500 73.3300 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 93.3650 74.0350 173.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 67.6000 73.3300 93.3650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 66.9000 74.0350 67.6000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 61.6500 73.3300 66.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 61.0500 74.0350 61.6500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 55.8000 73.3300 61.0500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 55.1000 74.0350 55.8000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 49.7100 73.3300 50.6900 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 44.6000 74.0350 45.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 39.1500 73.3300 44.6000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 38.5500 74.0350 39.1500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 34.3000 73.3300 38.5500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 33.7000 74.0350 34.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 29.4500 73.3300 33.7000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 28.8500 74.0350 29.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 23.4000 73.3300 28.8500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 22.8000 74.0350 23.4000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 17.3500 73.3300 22.8000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 16.7500 74.0350 17.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.3650 12.5000 73.6350 16.7500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 11.9000 74.0350 12.5000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 6.4500 73.3300 11.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 5.8500 74.0350 6.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 0.0000 73.3300 5.8500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 166.1900 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 100.3750 4.5000 166.1900 ;
+ RECT 70.4000 100.3750 75.0000 166.1900 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 94.5500 75.0000 100.3750 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 16.2500 72.1300 94.5500 ;
+ RECT 2.5650 13.0000 72.4350 16.2500 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 0.1000 72.1300 13.0000 ;
+END s8iom0_vssd_hvc_pad
+MACRO s8iom0_vssd_lvc_pad
+ FOREIGN s8iom0_vssd_lvc_pad ;
+ ORIGIN -0.0000 -0.0000 ;
+ SIZE 75.0000 BY 197.9650 ;
+ PIN amuxbus_a
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 75.0000 54.0700 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 51.0900 1.2700 54.0700 ;
+ END amuxbus_a
+ PIN amuxbus_b
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 75.0000 49.3100 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 46.3300 1.2700 49.3100 ;
+ END amuxbus_b
+ PIN drn_lvc1
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 26.0000 -0.0350 36.8800 20.1850 ;
+ END drn_lvc1
+ PIN drn_lvc2
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 38.3800 -0.0350 49.2550 22.8650 ;
+ END drn_lvc2
+ PIN src_bdy_lvc1
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.5000 -0.0350 20.4950 1.4500 ;
+ END src_bdy_lvc1
+ PIN src_bdy_lvc2
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 54.7150 -0.0350 74.7000 3.6250 ;
+ END src_bdy_lvc2
+ PIN bdy2_b2b
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 34.4400 -0.0350 44.4400 0.2900 ;
+ END bdy2_b2b
+ PIN vssi
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT 34.3350 0.4750 35.3350 0.9750 ;
+ END vssi
+ PIN vssa
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 45.7000 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.8050 75.0000 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.8050 1.2700 38.0500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 49.6100 75.0000 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 75.0000 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 75.0000 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 34.7000 75.0000 38.1500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 45.7000 1.2700 46.0300 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 49.6100 1.2700 50.7900 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 54.3700 1.2700 54.7000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 34.7000 1.2700 38.1500 ;
+ END vssa
+ PIN vdda
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 13.0000 75.0000 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 13.0000 0.9650 16.2500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 74.0350 12.9000 75.0000 16.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 12.9000 0.9650 16.3500 ;
+ END vdda
+ PIN vswitch
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.9500 75.0000 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.9500 1.2700 33.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 29.8500 75.0000 33.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 29.8500 1.2700 33.3000 ;
+ END vswitch
+ PIN vddio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.1500 75.0000 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.1500 1.2700 66.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 62.0500 75.0000 66.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 62.0500 1.2700 66.5000 ;
+ END vddio_q
+ PIN vcchib
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.1000 75.0000 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.1000 1.2700 5.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 0.0000 75.0000 5.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 0.0000 1.2700 5.4500 ;
+ END vcchib
+ PIN vddio
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.8500 75.0000 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.8500 1.2700 22.3000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 17.7500 75.0000 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 68.0000 75.0000 92.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 17.7500 1.2700 22.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 68.0000 1.2700 92.9650 ;
+ END vddio
+ PIN vccd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.9500 75.0000 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.9500 1.2700 11.4000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 6.8500 75.0000 11.5000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 6.8500 1.2700 11.5000 ;
+ END vccd
+ PIN vssio
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 74.2250 173.7500 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 1.2050 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.9000 75.0000 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.9000 1.2700 28.3500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 23.8000 75.0000 28.4500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 173.7500 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 173.7500 1.2700 197.9650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 23.8000 1.2700 28.4500 ;
+ END vssio
+ PIN vssd
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 9.3150 100.1050 65.9550 167.5350 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 50.7550 -0.0350 74.7000 39.5650 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.5000 -0.0350 24.5000 39.5650 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.6500 75.0000 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.6500 1.2700 44.1000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 39.5500 75.0000 44.2000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 39.5500 1.2700 44.2000 ;
+ END vssd
+ PIN vssio_q
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.3000 75.0000 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.3000 1.2700 60.5500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 73.7300 56.2000 75.0000 60.6500 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 56.2000 1.2700 60.6500 ;
+ END vssio_q
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ RECT 0.2400 0.9850 74.7550 197.7450 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT 0.1200 1.2550 74.7850 197.8050 ;
+ RECT 0.1200 0.1950 34.0550 1.2550 ;
+ RECT 35.6150 0.1950 74.7850 1.2550 ;
+ RECT 0.1200 -0.0350 74.7850 0.1950 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT 0.5000 3.9050 74.7000 194.3950 ;
+ RECT 0.5000 1.7300 54.4350 3.9050 ;
+ RECT 20.7750 0.5700 54.4350 1.7300 ;
+ RECT 20.7750 -0.0350 34.1600 0.5700 ;
+ RECT 44.7200 -0.0350 54.4350 0.5700 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT 0.5000 39.9650 74.7000 189.4800 ;
+ RECT 24.9000 23.2650 50.3550 39.9650 ;
+ RECT 24.9000 20.5850 37.9800 23.2650 ;
+ RECT 24.9000 17.7550 25.6000 20.5850 ;
+ RECT 37.2800 17.7550 37.9800 20.5850 ;
+ RECT 49.6550 17.7550 50.3550 23.2650 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 173.3500 73.3300 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 93.3650 74.0350 173.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 67.6000 73.3300 93.3650 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 66.9000 74.0350 67.6000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 61.6500 73.3300 66.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 61.0500 74.0350 61.6500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 55.8000 73.3300 61.0500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 55.1000 74.0350 55.8000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 49.7100 73.3300 50.6900 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 44.6000 74.0350 45.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 39.1500 73.3300 44.6000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 38.5500 74.0350 39.1500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 34.3000 73.3300 38.5500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 33.7000 74.0350 34.3000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 29.4500 73.3300 33.7000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 28.8500 74.0350 29.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 23.4000 73.3300 28.8500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 22.8000 74.0350 23.4000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 17.3500 73.3300 22.8000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 16.7500 74.0350 17.3500 ;
+ RECT 1.3650 12.5000 73.6350 16.7500 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 11.9000 74.0350 12.5000 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 6.4500 73.3300 11.9000 ;
+ RECT 0.9650 5.8500 74.0350 6.4500 ;
+ RECT 1.6700 0.0000 73.3300 5.8500 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 169.1350 75.0000 197.9650 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 98.5050 7.7150 169.1350 ;
+ RECT 67.5550 98.5050 75.0000 169.1350 ;
+ RECT 0.0000 94.5500 75.0000 98.5050 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 16.2500 72.1300 94.5500 ;
+ RECT 2.5650 13.0000 72.4350 16.2500 ;
+ RECT 2.8700 0.1000 72.1300 13.0000 ;
+END s8iom0_vssd_lvc_pad
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/all_pads_test.mag b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/all_pads_test.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54d9f7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/all_pads_test.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,8491 @@
+tech EFS8A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584383567
+<< error_s >>
+rect 119603 132136 121521 132218
+rect 98716 131466 98782 131482
+rect 800 131078 866 131094
+rect 1823 129308 1824 129332
+rect 1904 129308 1905 129332
+rect 2377 129308 2378 129332
+rect 2458 129308 2459 129332
+rect 2931 129308 2932 129332
+rect 3012 129308 3013 129332
+rect 3485 129308 3486 129332
+rect 3566 129308 3567 129332
+rect 4039 129308 4040 129332
+rect 4120 129308 4121 129332
+rect 4593 129308 4594 129332
+rect 4674 129308 4675 129332
+rect 5147 129308 5148 129332
+rect 5228 129308 5229 129332
+rect 5701 129308 5702 129332
+rect 5782 129308 5783 129332
+rect 6255 129308 6256 129332
+rect 6336 129308 6337 129332
+rect 6809 129308 6810 129332
+rect 6890 129308 6891 129332
+rect 7363 129308 7364 129332
+rect 7444 129308 7445 129332
+rect 7917 129308 7918 129332
+rect 7998 129308 7999 129332
+rect 8471 129308 8472 129332
+rect 8552 129308 8553 129332
+rect 9025 129308 9026 129332
+rect 9106 129308 9107 129332
+rect 9579 129308 9580 129332
+rect 9660 129308 9661 129332
+rect 10133 129308 10134 129332
+rect 10214 129308 10215 129332
+rect 10687 129308 10688 129332
+rect 10768 129308 10769 129332
+rect 11241 129308 11242 129332
+rect 11322 129308 11323 129332
+rect 11795 129308 11796 129332
+rect 11876 129308 11877 129332
+rect 12349 129308 12350 129332
+rect 12430 129308 12431 129332
+rect 1847 129284 1881 129296
+rect 2401 129284 2435 129296
+rect 2955 129284 2989 129296
+rect 3509 129284 3543 129296
+rect 4063 129284 4097 129296
+rect 4617 129284 4651 129296
+rect 5171 129284 5205 129296
+rect 5725 129284 5759 129296
+rect 6279 129284 6313 129296
+rect 6833 129284 6867 129296
+rect 7387 129284 7421 129296
+rect 7941 129284 7975 129296
+rect 8495 129284 8529 129296
+rect 9049 129284 9083 129296
+rect 9603 129284 9637 129296
+rect 10157 129284 10191 129296
+rect 10711 129284 10745 129296
+rect 11265 129284 11299 129296
+rect 11819 129284 11853 129296
+rect 12373 129284 12407 129296
+rect 22784 129100 22856 131100
+rect 23055 129133 23173 131027
+rect 23444 129100 23504 131100
+rect 23704 129100 23776 131100
+rect 23975 129133 24093 131027
+rect 24364 129100 24424 131100
+rect 24624 129100 24696 131100
+rect 24895 129133 25013 131027
+rect 25284 129100 25344 131100
+rect 25544 129100 25616 131100
+rect 25815 129133 25933 131027
+rect 26204 129100 26264 131100
+rect 26464 129100 26536 131100
+rect 26735 129133 26853 131027
+rect 27124 129100 27184 131100
+rect 27384 129100 27456 131100
+rect 27655 129133 27773 131027
+rect 28044 129100 28104 131100
+rect 28304 129100 28376 131100
+rect 28575 129133 28693 131027
+rect 28964 129100 29024 131100
+rect 29224 129100 29296 131100
+rect 29495 129133 29613 131027
+rect 29884 129100 29944 131100
+rect 30144 129100 30216 131100
+rect 30415 129133 30533 131027
+rect 30804 129100 30864 131100
+rect 31064 129100 31136 131100
+rect 31335 129133 31453 131027
+rect 31724 129100 31784 131100
+rect 31984 129100 32056 131100
+rect 32255 129133 32373 131027
+rect 32644 129100 32704 131100
+rect 119390 131001 119472 132035
+rect 119682 131171 119764 131865
+rect 119904 131854 121210 131936
+rect 120072 131660 121014 131710
+rect 119941 131617 119967 131628
+rect 119957 131577 120051 131617
+rect 120963 131577 121057 131617
+rect 119957 131417 120051 131457
+rect 120963 131417 121057 131457
+rect 119941 131406 119967 131417
+rect 120072 131316 121014 131366
+rect 119904 131102 121210 131184
+rect 121250 131171 121332 131865
+rect 121542 131001 121624 132035
+rect 122443 131134 122493 132134
+rect 122593 131134 122721 132134
+rect 122749 131134 122799 132134
+rect 122865 131134 122915 132134
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+rect 123291 131134 123347 132134
+rect 123447 131134 123575 132134
+rect 123603 131134 123653 132134
+rect 123769 131134 123819 132134
+rect 123979 131134 124035 132134
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+rect 124291 131134 124347 132134
+rect 124447 131134 124575 132134
+rect 124603 131134 124659 132134
+rect 124759 131134 124809 132134
+rect 124875 131134 124925 131734
+rect 125025 131134 125075 131734
+rect 125141 131134 125191 132134
+rect 125291 131134 125347 132134
+rect 125447 131134 125497 132134
+rect 126387 131130 126445 131164
+rect 127227 131142 127277 132142
+rect 127377 131142 127505 132142
+rect 127533 131142 127661 132142
+rect 127689 131142 127817 132142
+rect 127845 131142 127973 132142
+rect 128001 131142 128051 132142
+rect 128117 131142 128167 132142
+rect 128267 131142 128323 132142
+rect 128423 131142 128473 132142
+rect 128539 131142 128589 132142
+rect 128689 131142 128817 132142
+rect 128845 131142 128901 132142
+rect 129001 131142 129129 132142
+rect 129157 131142 129207 132142
+rect 129273 131142 129323 132142
+rect 129423 131142 129551 132142
+rect 129579 131142 129635 132142
+rect 129735 131142 129863 132142
+rect 129891 131514 129941 132142
+rect 129891 131442 129944 131514
+rect 129891 131142 129941 131442
+rect 130004 131142 130016 131442
+rect 133592 130979 134592 131029
+rect 39774 130302 39840 130318
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+rect 40878 128532 40879 128556
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+rect 6890 127308 6891 127332
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+rect 7917 127308 7918 127332
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+rect 8471 127308 8472 127332
+rect 8552 127308 8553 127332
+rect 9025 127308 9026 127332
+rect 9106 127308 9107 127332
+rect 9579 127308 9580 127332
+rect 9660 127308 9661 127332
+rect 10133 127308 10134 127332
+rect 10214 127308 10215 127332
+rect 10687 127308 10688 127332
+rect 10768 127308 10769 127332
+rect 11241 127308 11242 127332
+rect 11322 127308 11323 127332
+rect 11795 127308 11796 127332
+rect 11876 127308 11877 127332
+rect 12349 127308 12350 127332
+rect 12430 127308 12431 127332
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+rect 3509 127284 3543 127296
+rect 4063 127284 4097 127296
+rect 4617 127284 4651 127296
+rect 5171 127284 5205 127296
+rect 5725 127284 5759 127296
+rect 6279 127284 6313 127296
+rect 6833 127284 6867 127296
+rect 7387 127284 7421 127296
+rect 7941 127284 7975 127296
+rect 8495 127284 8529 127296
+rect 9049 127284 9083 127296
+rect 9603 127284 9637 127296
+rect 10157 127284 10191 127296
+rect 10711 127284 10745 127296
+rect 11265 127284 11299 127296
+rect 11819 127284 11853 127296
+rect 12373 127284 12407 127296
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+rect 3153 125308 3154 125332
+rect 3234 125308 3235 125332
+rect 3989 125308 3990 125332
+rect 4070 125308 4071 125332
+rect 4825 125308 4826 125332
+rect 4906 125308 4907 125332
+rect 5661 125308 5662 125332
+rect 5742 125308 5743 125332
+rect 6497 125308 6498 125332
+rect 6578 125308 6579 125332
+rect 7333 125308 7334 125332
+rect 7414 125308 7415 125332
+rect 8169 125308 8170 125332
+rect 8250 125308 8251 125332
+rect 9005 125308 9006 125332
+rect 9086 125308 9087 125332
+rect 9841 125308 9842 125332
+rect 9922 125308 9923 125332
+rect 10677 125308 10678 125332
+rect 10758 125308 10759 125332
+rect 11513 125308 11514 125332
+rect 11594 125308 11595 125332
+rect 12349 125308 12350 125332
+rect 12430 125308 12431 125332
+rect 2341 125284 2375 125296
+rect 3177 125284 3211 125296
+rect 4013 125284 4047 125296
+rect 4849 125284 4883 125296
+rect 5685 125284 5719 125296
+rect 6521 125284 6555 125296
+rect 7357 125284 7391 125296
+rect 8193 125284 8227 125296
+rect 9029 125284 9063 125296
+rect 9865 125284 9899 125296
+rect 10701 125284 10735 125296
+rect 11537 125284 11571 125296
+rect 12373 125284 12407 125296
+rect 22784 124500 22856 128500
+rect 23055 124533 23173 128467
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+rect 107680 50520 107808 51920
+rect 107836 50520 107964 51920
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+rect 108304 50520 108432 51920
+rect 108460 50520 108588 51920
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+rect 108772 50520 108900 51920
+rect 108928 50520 109056 51920
+rect 109084 50520 109212 51920
+rect 109240 50520 109368 51920
+rect 109396 50520 109524 51920
+rect 109552 50520 109602 51920
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+rect 111623 51076 111751 52476
+rect 111779 51076 111907 52476
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+rect 112403 51076 112531 52476
+rect 112559 51076 112687 52476
+rect 112715 51076 112843 52476
+rect 112871 51076 112999 52476
+rect 113027 51076 113155 52476
+rect 113183 51076 113311 52476
+rect 113339 51076 113467 52476
+rect 113495 51076 113623 52476
+rect 113651 51076 113779 52476
+rect 113807 51076 113857 52476
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+rect 63261 49804 63262 49828
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+rect 63815 49804 63816 49828
+rect 63896 49804 63897 49828
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+rect 65004 49804 65005 49828
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+rect 65558 49804 65559 49828
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+rect 66112 49804 66113 49828
+rect 66585 49804 66586 49828
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+rect 67139 49804 67140 49828
+rect 67220 49804 67221 49828
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+rect 67774 49804 67775 49828
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+rect 68328 49804 68329 49828
+rect 68801 49804 68802 49828
+rect 68882 49804 68883 49828
+rect 69355 49804 69356 49828
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+rect 69909 49804 69910 49828
+rect 69990 49804 69991 49828
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+rect 70544 49804 70545 49828
+rect 71017 49804 71018 49828
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+rect 71571 49804 71572 49828
+rect 71652 49804 71653 49828
+rect 72125 49804 72126 49828
+rect 72206 49804 72207 49828
+rect 72679 49804 72680 49828
+rect 72760 49804 72761 49828
+rect 73233 49804 73234 49828
+rect 73314 49804 73315 49828
+rect 62731 49780 62765 49792
+rect 63285 49780 63319 49792
+rect 63839 49780 63873 49792
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+rect 65501 49780 65535 49792
+rect 66055 49780 66089 49792
+rect 66609 49780 66643 49792
+rect 67163 49780 67197 49792
+rect 67717 49780 67751 49792
+rect 68271 49780 68305 49792
+rect 68825 49780 68859 49792
+rect 69379 49780 69413 49792
+rect 69933 49780 69967 49792
+rect 70487 49780 70521 49792
+rect 71041 49780 71075 49792
+rect 71595 49780 71629 49792
+rect 72149 49780 72183 49792
+rect 72703 49780 72737 49792
+rect 73257 49780 73291 49792
+rect 81709 49610 81710 49634
+rect 81790 49610 81791 49634
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+rect 82344 49610 82345 49634
+rect 82817 49610 82818 49634
+rect 82898 49610 82899 49634
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+rect 83452 49610 83453 49634
+rect 83925 49610 83926 49634
+rect 84006 49610 84007 49634
+rect 84479 49610 84480 49634
+rect 84560 49610 84561 49634
+rect 85033 49610 85034 49634
+rect 85114 49610 85115 49634
+rect 85587 49610 85588 49634
+rect 85668 49610 85669 49634
+rect 86141 49610 86142 49634
+rect 86222 49610 86223 49634
+rect 86695 49610 86696 49634
+rect 86776 49610 86777 49634
+rect 87249 49610 87250 49634
+rect 87330 49610 87331 49634
+rect 87803 49610 87804 49634
+rect 87884 49610 87885 49634
+rect 88357 49610 88358 49634
+rect 88438 49610 88439 49634
+rect 88911 49610 88912 49634
+rect 88992 49610 88993 49634
+rect 89465 49610 89466 49634
+rect 89546 49610 89547 49634
+rect 90019 49610 90020 49634
+rect 90100 49610 90101 49634
+rect 90573 49610 90574 49634
+rect 90654 49610 90655 49634
+rect 91127 49610 91128 49634
+rect 91208 49610 91209 49634
+rect 91681 49610 91682 49634
+rect 91762 49610 91763 49634
+rect 92235 49610 92236 49634
+rect 92316 49610 92317 49634
+rect 81733 49586 81767 49598
+rect 82287 49586 82321 49598
+rect 82841 49586 82875 49598
+rect 83395 49586 83429 49598
+rect 83949 49586 83983 49598
+rect 84503 49586 84537 49598
+rect 85057 49586 85091 49598
+rect 85611 49586 85645 49598
+rect 86165 49586 86199 49598
+rect 86719 49586 86753 49598
+rect 87273 49586 87307 49598
+rect 87827 49586 87861 49598
+rect 88381 49586 88415 49598
+rect 88935 49586 88969 49598
+rect 89489 49586 89523 49598
+rect 90043 49586 90077 49598
+rect 90597 49586 90631 49598
+rect 91151 49586 91185 49598
+rect 91705 49586 91739 49598
+rect 92259 49586 92293 49598
+rect 21039 48275 21089 49275
+rect 21889 48275 21939 49275
+rect 22191 48275 22241 49275
+rect 23841 48275 23891 49275
+rect 24143 48275 24193 49275
+rect 25793 48275 25843 49275
+rect 26095 48275 26145 49275
+rect 27745 48275 27795 49275
+rect 28047 48275 28097 49275
+rect 29697 48275 29747 49275
+rect 29999 48275 30049 49275
+rect 31649 48275 31699 49275
+rect 40817 48469 40867 49469
+rect 41667 48469 41717 49469
+rect 41969 48469 42019 49469
+rect 43619 48469 43669 49469
+rect 43921 48469 43971 49469
+rect 45571 48469 45621 49469
+rect 45873 48469 45923 49469
+rect 47523 48469 47573 49469
+rect 47825 48469 47875 49469
+rect 49475 48469 49525 49469
+rect 49777 48469 49827 49469
+rect 51427 48469 51477 49469
+rect 112053 48989 112103 49989
+rect 112903 48989 112953 49989
+rect 113205 48989 113255 49989
+rect 114055 48989 114105 49989
+rect 60064 48260 60130 48276
+rect 21039 47031 21089 48031
+rect 21889 47031 21939 48031
+rect 22191 47031 22241 48031
+rect 23841 47031 23891 48031
+rect 24143 47031 24193 48031
+rect 25793 47031 25843 48031
+rect 26095 47031 26145 48031
+rect 27745 47031 27795 48031
+rect 28047 47031 28097 48031
+rect 29697 47031 29747 48031
+rect 29999 47031 30049 48031
+rect 31649 47031 31699 48031
+rect 40817 47225 40867 48225
+rect 41667 47225 41717 48225
+rect 41969 47225 42019 48225
+rect 43619 47225 43669 48225
+rect 43921 47225 43971 48225
+rect 45571 47225 45621 48225
+rect 45873 47225 45923 48225
+rect 47523 47225 47573 48225
+rect 47825 47225 47875 48225
+rect 49475 47225 49525 48225
+rect 49777 47225 49827 48225
+rect 51427 47225 51477 48225
+rect 67295 48090 67381 48126
+rect 63927 47896 64279 47922
+rect 64751 47896 65103 47922
+rect 65575 47896 65927 47922
+rect 66399 47896 66751 47922
+rect 9927 46642 10253 46643
+rect 6799 46412 6885 46448
+rect 63953 44897 63954 47896
+rect 64253 44897 64279 47896
+rect 63953 44896 64279 44897
+rect 64777 44897 64778 47896
+rect 65077 44897 65103 47896
+rect 64777 44896 65103 44897
+rect 65601 44897 65602 47896
+rect 65901 44897 65927 47896
+rect 65601 44896 65927 44897
+rect 66425 44897 66426 47896
+rect 66725 44897 66751 47896
+rect 66425 44896 66751 44897
+rect 67295 44702 67331 48090
+rect 67345 44702 67381 48090
+rect 79066 48066 79132 48082
+rect 67925 47896 68277 47922
+rect 68749 47896 69101 47922
+rect 69573 47896 69925 47922
+rect 70397 47896 70749 47922
+rect 67951 44897 67952 47896
+rect 68251 44897 68277 47896
+rect 67951 44896 68277 44897
+rect 68775 44897 68776 47896
+rect 69075 44897 69101 47896
+rect 68775 44896 69101 44897
+rect 69599 44897 69600 47896
+rect 69899 44897 69925 47896
+rect 69599 44896 69925 44897
+rect 70423 44897 70424 47896
+rect 70723 44897 70749 47896
+rect 86297 47896 86383 47932
+rect 82929 47702 83281 47728
+rect 83753 47702 84105 47728
+rect 84577 47702 84929 47728
+rect 85401 47702 85753 47728
+rect 70423 44896 70749 44897
+rect 82955 44703 82956 47702
+rect 83255 44703 83281 47702
+rect 82955 44702 83281 44703
+rect 83779 44703 83780 47702
+rect 84079 44703 84105 47702
+rect 83779 44702 84105 44703
+rect 84603 44703 84604 47702
+rect 84903 44703 84929 47702
+rect 84603 44702 84929 44703
+rect 85427 44703 85428 47702
+rect 85727 44703 85753 47702
+rect 85427 44702 85753 44703
+rect 67295 44666 67381 44702
+rect 86297 44508 86333 47896
+rect 86347 44508 86383 47896
+rect 103445 47745 103495 48745
+rect 104295 47745 104345 48745
+rect 104597 47745 104647 48745
+rect 106247 47745 106297 48745
+rect 106549 47745 106599 48745
+rect 108199 47745 108249 48745
+rect 108501 47745 108551 48745
+rect 110151 47745 110201 48745
+rect 110453 47745 110503 48745
+rect 112103 47745 112153 48745
+rect 112405 47745 112455 48745
+rect 114055 47745 114105 48745
+rect 86927 47702 87279 47728
+rect 87751 47702 88103 47728
+rect 88575 47702 88927 47728
+rect 89399 47702 89751 47728
+rect 86953 44703 86954 47702
+rect 87253 44703 87279 47702
+rect 86953 44702 87279 44703
+rect 87777 44703 87778 47702
+rect 88077 44703 88103 47702
+rect 87777 44702 88103 44703
+rect 88601 44703 88602 47702
+rect 88901 44703 88927 47702
+rect 88601 44702 88927 44703
+rect 89425 44703 89426 47702
+rect 89725 44703 89751 47702
+rect 103445 46501 103495 47501
+rect 104295 46501 104345 47501
+rect 104597 46501 104647 47501
+rect 106247 46501 106297 47501
+rect 106549 46501 106599 47501
+rect 108199 46501 108249 47501
+rect 108501 46501 108551 47501
+rect 110151 46501 110201 47501
+rect 110453 46501 110503 47501
+rect 112103 46501 112153 47501
+rect 112405 46501 112455 47501
+rect 114055 46501 114105 47501
+rect 103445 45257 103495 46257
+rect 104295 45257 104345 46257
+rect 104597 45257 104647 46257
+rect 106247 45257 106297 46257
+rect 106549 45257 106599 46257
+rect 108199 45257 108249 46257
+rect 108501 45257 108551 46257
+rect 110151 45257 110201 46257
+rect 110453 45257 110503 46257
+rect 112103 45257 112153 46257
+rect 112405 45257 112455 46257
+rect 114055 45257 114105 46257
+rect 89425 44702 89751 44703
+rect 86297 44472 86383 44508
+use s8iom0_vdda_lvc_pad s8iom0_vdda_lvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1584383356
+transform 1 0 -868 0 1 91931
+box 0 -61 15000 39593
+use s8iom0_vdda_hvc_pad s8iom0_vdda_hvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1584383356
+transform 1 0 19686 0 1 92471
+box 0 -407 15000 39593
+use s8iom0_vccd_lvc_pad s8iom0_vccd_lvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1584383356
+transform 1 0 38106 0 1 91155
+box 0 -61 15000 39593
+use s8iom0_vccd_hvc_pad s8iom0_vccd_hvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1584383356
+transform 1 0 56526 0 1 91335
+box 0 -435 15000 39593
+use s8iom0_vddio_hvc_pad s8iom0_vddio_hvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1584383356
+transform 1 0 77078 0 1 92305
+box 0 -435 15000 39593
+use s8iom0_vddio_lvc_pad s8iom0_vddio_lvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1584383356
+transform 1 0 97048 0 1 92319
+box 0 -61 15000 39593
+use s8iom0_gpiov2_pad s8iom0_gpiov2_pad_0
+timestamp 1584383356
+transform 1 0 119295 0 1 92724
+box -143 -466 16134 39593
+use s8iom0s8_top_xres4v2 s8iom0s8_top_xres4v2_0 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 140197 0 1 92452
+box -103 0 15124 40000
+use s8iom0s8_top_gpio_ovtv2 s8iom0s8_top_gpio_ovtv2_0 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 160920 0 1 92540
+box -80 -88 28211 40076
+use s8iom0_vssd_lvc_pad s8iom0_vssd_lvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1584383356
+transform 1 0 -480 0 1 46173
+box 0 -61 15000 39593
+use s8iom0_vssd_hvc_pad s8iom0_vssd_hvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1584383356
+transform 1 0 18134 0 1 46741
+box 0 -435 15000 39593
+use s8iom0_vssa_hvc_pad s8iom0_vssa_hvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1584383356
+transform 1 0 37912 0 1 46935
+box 0 -435 15000 39593
+use s8iom0_vssa_lvc_pad s8iom0_vssa_lvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1584383356
+transform 1 0 60016 0 1 44427
+box 0 -61 15000 39593
+use s8iom0_vssio_lvc_pad s8iom0_vssio_lvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1584383356
+transform 1 0 79018 0 1 44233
+box 0 -61 15000 39593
+use s8iom0_vssio_hvc_pad s8iom0_vssio_hvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1584383356
+transform 1 0 100540 0 1 44967
+box 0 -407 15000 39593
+use s8iom0_corner_pad s8iom0_corner_pad_0
+timestamp 1584383356
+transform 1 0 123795 0 1 46420
+box -181 -114 40000 40800
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/power_pads_lib.mag b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/power_pads_lib.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8876fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/power_pads_lib.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+tech EFS8A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1585845698
+use s8iom0_vssd_lvc_pad s8iom0_vssd_lvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1585845698
+transform 1 0 1268 0 1 -42858
+box 0 -61 15000 39593
+use s8iom0_vssd_hvc_pad s8iom0_vssd_hvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1585845698
+transform 1 0 18322 0 1 -43322
+box 0 -435 15000 39593
+use s8iom0_vssa_hvc_pad s8iom0_vssa_hvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1585845698
+transform 1 0 36302 0 1 -43582
+box 0 -435 15000 39593
+use s8iom0_vssa_lvc_pad s8iom0_vssa_lvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1585845698
+transform 1 0 54022 0 1 -43956
+box 0 -61 15000 39593
+use s8iom0_vssio_lvc_pad s8iom0_vssio_lvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1585845698
+transform 1 0 71611 0 1 -43826
+box 0 -7 15000 39593
+use s8iom0_corner_pad s8iom0_corner_pad_0
+timestamp 1585845698
+transform 1 0 111407 0 1 -43193
+box -181 -114 40000 40800
+use s8iom0_vssio_hvc_pad s8iom0_vssio_hvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1585845698
+transform 1 0 89461 0 1 -43192
+box 0 -407 15000 39593
+use s8iom0s8_com_bus_slice_1um s8iom0s8_com_bus_slice_1um_0
+timestamp 1576684134
+transform 1 0 108518 0 1 -43389
+box 0 0 200 39593
+use s8iom0_vdda_lvc_pad s8iom0_vdda_lvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1585845698
+transform 1 0 1952 0 1 -313
+box 0 -61 15000 39593
+use s8iom0_vdda_hvc_pad s8iom0_vdda_hvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1585845698
+transform 1 0 20277 0 1 195
+box 0 -435 15000 39593
+use s8iom0_vccd_lvc_pad s8iom0_vccd_lvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1585845698
+transform 1 0 37605 0 1 -49
+box 0 -61 15000 39593
+use s8iom0_vddio_hvc_pad s8iom0_vddio_hvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1585845698
+transform 1 0 73415 0 1 258
+box 0 -435 15000 39593
+use s8iom0_vccd_hvc_pad s8iom0_vccd_hvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1585845698
+transform 1 0 55455 0 1 325
+box 0 -435 15000 39593
+use s8iom0_gpiov2_pad s8iom0_gpiov2_pad_0
+timestamp 1585845698
+transform 1 0 110622 0 1 590
+box -143 -466 16134 39593
+use s8iom0_vddio_lvc_pad s8iom0_vddio_lvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1585845698
+transform 1 0 91354 0 1 -208
+box 0 -7 15000 39593
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_corner_pad.mag b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_corner_pad.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8da430c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_corner_pad.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+tech EFS8A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1576765820
+<< metal4 >>
+rect 0 35957 254 40800
+rect 0 14807 254 19800
+rect 0 13617 254 14507
+rect 0 12447 254 13337
+rect 0 12081 254 12147
+rect 0 11425 100 12021
+rect 0 11129 254 11365
+rect 0 10473 116 11069
+rect 0 10347 254 10413
+rect 0 9117 254 10047
+rect 0 8147 254 8837
+rect 0 7177 254 7867
+rect 0 5967 254 6897
+rect 0 4757 254 5687
+rect 0 3787 254 4477
+rect 0 2577 254 3507
+rect 0 1207 254 2297
+rect 407 0 1497 254
+rect 1777 0 2707 254
+rect 2987 0 3677 254
+rect 3957 0 4887 254
+rect 5167 0 6097 254
+rect 6377 0 7067 254
+rect 7347 0 8037 254
+rect 8317 0 9247 254
+rect 9547 0 9613 254
+rect 9673 0 10269 115
+rect 10329 0 10565 254
+rect 10625 0 11221 100
+rect 11281 0 11347 254
+rect 11647 0 12537 254
+rect 12817 0 13707 254
+rect 14007 0 19000 254
+rect 35157 0 40000 254
+<< metal5 >>
+rect 0 35957 254 40800
+rect 0 14807 254 19797
+rect 0 13637 254 14487
+rect 0 12467 254 13317
+rect 0 10347 254 12147
+rect 0 9137 254 10027
+rect 0 8167 254 8817
+rect 0 7197 254 7847
+rect 0 5987 254 6877
+rect 0 4777 254 5667
+rect 0 3807 254 4457
+rect 0 2597 254 3487
+rect 0 1227 254 2277
+rect 427 0 1477 254
+rect 1797 0 2687 254
+rect 3007 0 3657 254
+rect 3977 0 4867 254
+rect 5187 0 6077 254
+rect 6397 0 7047 254
+rect 7367 0 8017 254
+rect 8337 0 9227 254
+rect 9547 0 11347 254
+rect 11667 0 12517 254
+rect 12837 0 13687 254
+rect 14007 0 18997 254
+rect 35157 0 40000 254
+use s8iom0s8_corner_bus_overlay s8iom0s8_corner_bus_overlay_0 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1576765096
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 67
+box 0 0 40000 40733
+<< labels >>
+flabel metal5 s 0 10347 254 12147 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 127 11205 127 11205 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 7197 254 7847 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 5987 254 6877 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 9137 254 10027 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 8168 254 8817 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 12467 254 13317 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 13637 254 14487 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 14807 254 19797 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 3807 251 4457 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 3 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 1227 254 2277 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 2597 254 3487 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 4777 254 5667 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 11425 100 12021 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10473 115 11069 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10347 254 10413 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 1207 254 2297 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 2577 254 3507 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 3787 251 4477 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 3 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 4757 254 5687 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 5967 254 6897 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 7177 254 7867 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 8147 254 8837 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9117 254 10047 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 11129 254 11365 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 12081 254 12147 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 12447 254 13337 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 13617 254 14507 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 14808 254 19800 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 35957 254 40800 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 127 38974 127 38974 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 3977 0 4867 254 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vddio
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 1797 0 2687 254 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vccd
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 427 0 1477 254 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vcchib
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 3007 0 3657 251 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vdda
+port 3 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14007 0 18997 254 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vddio
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 12837 0 13687 254 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vddio_q
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 11667 0 12517 254 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vssio_q
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 7368 0 8017 254 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vssa
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 8337 0 9227 254 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vssd
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 5187 0 6077 254 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vssio
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 6397 0 7047 254 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vswitch
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 9547 0 11347 254 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vssa
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 10258 127 10258 127 3 FreeSans 520 90 0 0 vssa
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14008 0 19000 254 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vddio
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 12817 0 13707 254 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vddio_q
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 11647 0 12537 254 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vssio_q
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 11281 0 11347 254 3 FreeSans 520 90 0 0 vssa
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 10329 0 10565 254 3 FreeSans 520 90 0 0 vssa
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 8317 0 9247 254 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vssd
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 7347 0 8037 254 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vssa
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 6377 0 7067 254 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vswitch
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 5167 0 6097 254 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vssio
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 3957 0 4887 254 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vddio
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 2987 0 3677 251 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vdda
+port 3 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 1777 0 2707 254 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vccd
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 407 0 1497 254 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vcchib
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 9547 0 9613 254 3 FreeSans 520 90 0 0 vssa
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 10625 0 11221 100 3 FreeSans 520 90 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 9673 0 10269 115 3 FreeSans 520 90 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 35157 0 40000 254 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vssio
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 38174 127 38174 127 3 FreeSans 520 270 0 0 vssio
+port 9 nsew
+<< properties >>
+string FIXED_BBOX 0 0 40000 40800
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_gpiov2_pad.mag b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_gpiov2_pad.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fea0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_gpiov2_pad.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+tech EFS8A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584473789
+<< metal1 >>
+rect 12486 -407 12538 -351
+<< metal2 >>
+rect 7956 15977 8019 15991
+rect 7956 15927 7969 15977
+tri 7969 15927 8019 15977 nw
+rect 675 -407 721 -361
+rect 1084 -407 1130 -328
+rect 1226 -407 1278 -355
+rect 2551 -407 2603 -363
+rect 3262 -407 3314 -306
+rect 4471 -407 4523 -340
+rect 5320 -407 5372 -379
+rect 5698 -407 5750 -355
+rect 6150 -407 6202 -351
+rect 6363 -407 6415 -363
+rect 7092 -407 7144 -351
+rect 7678 -407 7730 -318
+rect 9049 -407 9101 -355
+rect 9971 -407 10023 -355
+rect 13367 -407 13419 -355
+rect 13655 -407 13785 -363
+rect 15256 -407 15384 -363
+rect 15522 -407 15574 -363
+rect 15741 -407 15781 -363
+rect 15943 -407 15983 -215
+<< metal3 >>
+rect 80 -407 204 -244
+rect 9173 -407 9239 -355
+rect 12564 -407 12778 -260
+rect 15716 -407 15782 -254
+rect 15848 -407 15914 -244
+<< metal4 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 15746 34750 16000 39593
+rect 0 13600 254 18593
+rect 15746 13600 16000 18593
+rect 0 12410 254 13300
+rect 15746 12410 16000 13300
+rect 0 11240 254 12130
+rect 15746 11240 16000 12130
+rect 0 10874 254 10940
+rect 15746 10874 16000 10940
+rect 0 10218 100 10814
+rect 15746 10218 15846 10814
+rect 0 9922 254 10158
+rect 15746 9922 16000 10158
+rect 0 9266 116 9862
+rect 15746 9266 15862 9862
+rect 0 9140 254 9206
+rect 15746 9140 16000 9206
+rect 0 7910 254 8840
+rect 15746 7910 16000 8840
+rect 0 6940 254 7630
+rect 15746 6940 16000 7630
+rect 0 5970 254 6660
+rect 15746 5970 16000 6660
+rect 0 4760 254 5690
+rect 15746 4760 16000 5690
+rect 0 3550 254 4480
+rect 15746 3550 16000 4480
+rect 0 2580 254 3270
+rect 15746 2580 16000 3270
+rect 0 1370 254 2300
+rect 15746 1370 16000 2300
+rect 0 0 254 1090
+rect 15746 0 16000 1090
+<< metal5 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 15746 34750 16000 39593
+rect 6423 24687 10731 28996
+rect 0 13600 254 18590
+rect 15746 13600 16000 18590
+rect 0 12430 254 13280
+rect 15746 12430 16000 13280
+rect 0 11260 254 12110
+rect 15746 11260 16000 12110
+rect 0 9140 254 10940
+rect 15746 9140 16000 10940
+rect 0 7930 254 8820
+rect 15746 7930 16000 8820
+rect 0 6960 254 7610
+rect 15746 6960 16000 7610
+rect 0 5990 254 6640
+rect 15746 5990 16000 6640
+rect 0 4780 254 5670
+rect 15746 4780 16000 5670
+rect 0 3570 254 4460
+rect 15746 3570 16000 4460
+rect 0 2600 254 3250
+rect 15746 2600 16000 3250
+rect 0 1390 254 2280
+rect 15746 1390 16000 2280
+rect 0 20 254 1070
+rect 15746 20 16000 1070
+use s8iom0s8_overlay_gpiov2 s8iom0s8_overlay_gpiov2_0 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -407
+box 0 407 16000 40000
+use s8iom0s8_top_gpiov2 s8iom0s8_top_gpiov2_0 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -407
+box -143 -7 16134 40000
+<< labels >>
+flabel metal4 s 127 37925 127 37925 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 35 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 13600 254 18590 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 31 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 7930 254 8820 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 34 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 11260 254 12110 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 36 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 5990 254 6640 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 37 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 4780 254 5670 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 35 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 2600 193 3250 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 30 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 3570 254 4460 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 31 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 1390 254 2280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 28 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 12430 254 13280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 32 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 9140 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 33 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 6961 254 7610 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 33 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 20 254 1070 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 29 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 34750 254 39593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 35 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 3550 254 4480 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 31 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 12410 254 13300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 32 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 13600 254 18593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 31 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 1370 254 2300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 28 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9140 254 9206 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 33 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 5970 254 6660 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 37 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9922 254 10158 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 33 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 11240 254 12130 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 36 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 4760 254 5690 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 35 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 2580 193 3270 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 30 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10218 254 10814 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10874 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 33 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 6940 254 7630 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 33 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 7910 254 8840 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 34 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9266 254 9862 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 0 254 1090 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 29 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 15873 37925 15873 37925 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 35 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 15746 9140 16000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 33 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 15807 2600 16000 3250 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 30 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 15746 7930 16000 8820 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 34 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 15746 11260 16000 12110 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 36 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 15746 4780 16000 5670 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 35 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 15746 5990 16000 6640 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 37 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 15746 6961 16000 7610 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 33 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 15746 1390 16000 2280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 28 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 15746 12430 16000 13280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 32 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 15746 13600 16000 18590 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 31 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 15746 20 16000 1070 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 29 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 15746 3570 16000 4460 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 31 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 15746 7910 16000 8840 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 34 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 15807 2580 16000 3270 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 30 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 15746 11240 16000 12130 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 36 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 15746 4760 16000 5690 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 35 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 15746 5970 16000 6660 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 37 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 15746 9922 16000 10158 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 33 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 15746 10874 16000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 33 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 15746 3550 16000 4480 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 31 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 15746 9140 16000 9206 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 33 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 15746 6940 16000 7630 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 33 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 15746 12410 16000 13300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 32 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 15746 1370 16000 2300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 28 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 15746 9266 16000 9862 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 15746 34750 16000 39593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 35 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 15746 10218 16000 10814 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 15746 13600 16000 18593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 31 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 15746 0 16000 1090 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 29 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 6423 24687 10731 28996 0 FreeSans 1600 0 0 0 pad
+port 21 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 80 -407 204 -244 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 in_h
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 675 -407 721 -361 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 oe_n
+port 19 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 1084 -407 1130 -328 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 ib_mode_sel
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 1226 -407 1278 -355 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 vtrip_sel
+port 38 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 2551 -407 2603 -363 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 enable_vdda_h
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 3262 -407 3314 -306 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 enable_vswitch_h
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 4471 -407 4523 -340 0 FreeSans 400 0 0 0 out
+port 20 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 5320 -407 5372 -379 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 hld_ovr
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 5698 -407 5750 -355 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 dm<2>
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 6150 -407 6202 -351 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 analog_sel
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 6363 -407 6415 -363 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 hld_h_n
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 7092 -407 7144 -351 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 enable_h
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 7678 -407 7730 -318 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 enable_inp_h
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 9049 -407 9101 -355 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 inp_dis
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 9173 -407 9239 -355 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 analog_pol
+port 3 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 9971 -407 10023 -355 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 dm<0>
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal1 s 12486 -407 12538 -351 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 analog_en
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 13367 -407 13419 -355 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 dm<1>
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 15522 -407 15574 -363 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 slow
+port 25 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 15848 -407 15914 -244 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 in
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 12564 -407 12778 -260 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 pad_a_noesd_h
+port 24 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 13655 -407 13785 -363 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 pad_a_esd_1_h
+port 23 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 15256 -407 15384 -363 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 pad_a_esd_0_h
+port 22 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 15943 -407 15983 -215 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 tie_lo_esd
+port 27 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 15741 -407 15781 -363 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 tie_hi_esd
+port 26 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 15716 -407 15782 -254 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 enable_vddio
+port 11 nsew
+<< properties >>
+string LEFclass PAD INOUT
+string FIXED_BBOX 0 0 16000 39593
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vccd_hvc_pad.mag b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vccd_hvc_pad.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e654d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vccd_hvc_pad.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+tech EFS8A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1585845698
+<< metal2 >>
+rect 99 -407 4879 -259
+rect 5179 -407 5579 -193
+rect 10078 -407 14858 -259
+<< metal3 >>
+rect 99 -407 4879 -16
+rect 5179 -407 7379 -259
+rect 7578 -407 9778 -89
+rect 10078 -407 14858 -16
+<< metal4 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 0 13600 254 18593
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18593
+rect 0 12410 254 13300
+rect 14746 12410 15000 13300
+rect 0 11240 254 12130
+rect 14746 11240 15000 12130
+rect 0 10874 254 10940
+rect 14746 10874 15000 10940
+rect 0 10218 100 10814
+rect 14746 10218 14846 10814
+rect 0 9922 254 10158
+rect 14746 9922 15000 10158
+rect 0 9266 116 9862
+rect 14746 9266 14862 9862
+rect 0 9140 254 9206
+rect 14746 9140 15000 9206
+rect 0 7910 254 8840
+rect 14746 7910 15000 8840
+rect 0 6940 254 7630
+rect 14746 6940 15000 7630
+rect 0 5970 254 6660
+rect 14746 5970 15000 6660
+rect 0 4760 254 5690
+rect 14746 4760 15000 5690
+rect 0 3550 254 4480
+rect 14746 3550 15000 4480
+rect 0 2580 254 3270
+rect 14746 2580 15000 3270
+rect 0 1370 254 2300
+rect 14746 1370 15000 2300
+rect 0 0 254 1090
+rect 14746 0 15000 1090
+<< metal5 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 7329 27458 7594 28780
+rect 0 13600 254 18590
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18590
+rect 0 12430 254 13280
+rect 14746 12430 15000 13280
+rect 0 11260 254 12110
+rect 14746 11260 15000 12110
+rect 0 9140 254 10940
+rect 14746 9140 15000 10940
+rect 0 7930 254 8820
+rect 14746 7930 15000 8820
+rect 0 6960 254 7610
+rect 14746 6960 15000 7610
+rect 0 5990 254 6640
+rect 14746 5990 15000 6640
+rect 0 4780 254 5670
+rect 14746 4780 15000 5670
+rect 0 3570 254 4460
+rect 14746 3570 15000 4460
+rect 0 2600 254 3250
+rect 14746 2600 15000 3250
+rect 0 1390 254 2280
+rect 14746 1390 15000 2280
+rect 0 20 254 1070
+rect 14746 20 15000 1070
+use s8iom0s8_overlay_vccd_hvc s8iom0s8_overlay_vccd_hvc_0 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1585749841
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -407
+box 0 407 15000 40000
+use s8iom0s8_top_power_hvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_power_hvc_wpad_0 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1585749839
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -407
+box 0 0 15000 40000
+<< labels >>
+flabel metal5 s 7329 27458 7594 28780 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 127 37914 127 37914 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14873 37914 14873 37914 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 10078 -407 14858 -259 2 FreeSans 2000 90 0 0 drn_hvc
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 99 -407 4879 -259 2 FreeSans 2000 90 0 0 src_bdy_hvc
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 7578 -407 9778 -89 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 drn_hvc
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 10078 -407 14858 -16 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 99 -407 4879 -16 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 5179 -407 7379 -259 2 FreeSans 2000 90 0 0 src_bdy_hvc
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 9140 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14807 2600 15000 3250 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 7930 15000 8820 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 11260 15000 12110 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 4780 15000 5670 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 5990 15000 6640 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 6961 15000 7610 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 1390 15000 2280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 12430 15000 13280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 13600 15000 18590 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 20 15000 1070 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 3570 15000 4460 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 13600 254 18590 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 7930 254 8820 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 11260 254 12110 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 5990 254 6640 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 4780 254 5670 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 2600 193 3250 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 3570 254 4460 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 1390 254 2280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 12430 254 13280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 9140 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 6961 254 7610 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 20 254 1070 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 7910 15000 8840 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14807 2580 15000 3270 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 11240 15000 12130 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 4760 15000 5690 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 5970 15000 6660 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9922 15000 10158 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10874 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 0 15000 1090 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 3550 15000 4480 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9140 15000 9206 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 6940 15000 7630 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 12410 15000 13300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 1370 15000 2300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9266 15000 9862 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 34750 15000 39593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10218 15000 10814 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 13600 15000 18593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 34750 254 39593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 3550 254 4480 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 12410 254 13300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 13600 254 18593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 1370 254 2300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9140 254 9206 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 5970 254 6660 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 0 254 1090 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9922 254 10158 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 11240 254 12130 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 4760 254 5690 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 2580 193 3270 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10218 254 10814 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10874 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 6940 254 7630 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 7910 254 8840 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9266 254 9862 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+<< properties >>
+string LEFclass PAD POWER
+string FIXED_BBOX 0 0 15000 39593
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vccd_lvc_pad.mag b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vccd_lvc_pad.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3127e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vccd_lvc_pad.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+tech EFS8A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584473789
+<< metal1 >>
+rect 6867 95 7067 195
+rect 5242 -7 5540 69
+<< metal2 >>
+rect 98 0 4099 287
+rect 6888 -7 8888 58
+rect 10953 -7 14940 715
+<< metal3 >>
+rect 98 0 4900 862
+rect 5200 -7 7374 918
+rect 7676 -7 9850 918
+rect 10151 -7 14940 862
+<< metal4 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 0 13600 254 18593
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18593
+rect 0 12410 254 13300
+rect 14746 12410 15000 13300
+rect 0 11240 254 12130
+rect 14746 11240 15000 12130
+rect 0 10874 254 10940
+rect 14746 10874 15000 10940
+rect 0 10218 100 10814
+rect 14746 10218 14846 10814
+rect 0 9922 254 10158
+rect 14746 9922 15000 10158
+rect 0 9266 116 9862
+rect 14746 9266 14862 9862
+rect 0 9140 254 9206
+rect 14746 9140 15000 9206
+rect 0 7910 254 8840
+rect 14746 7910 15000 8840
+rect 0 6940 254 7630
+rect 14746 6940 15000 7630
+rect 0 5970 254 6660
+rect 14746 5970 15000 6660
+rect 0 4760 254 5690
+rect 14746 4760 15000 5690
+rect 0 3550 254 4480
+rect 14746 3550 15000 4480
+rect 0 2580 254 3270
+rect 14746 2580 15000 3270
+rect 0 1370 254 2300
+rect 14746 1370 15000 2300
+rect 0 0 254 1090
+rect 14746 0 15000 1090
+<< metal5 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 6339 32546 10468 33417
+rect 0 13600 254 18590
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18590
+rect 0 12430 254 13280
+rect 14746 12430 15000 13280
+rect 0 11260 254 12110
+rect 14746 11260 15000 12110
+rect 0 9140 254 10940
+rect 14746 9140 15000 10940
+rect 0 7930 254 8820
+rect 14746 7930 15000 8820
+rect 0 6960 254 7610
+rect 14746 6960 15000 7610
+rect 0 5990 254 6640
+rect 14746 5990 15000 6640
+rect 0 4780 254 5670
+rect 14746 4780 15000 5670
+rect 0 3570 254 4460
+rect 14746 3570 15000 4460
+rect 0 2600 254 3250
+rect 14746 2600 15000 3250
+rect 0 1390 254 2280
+rect 14746 1390 15000 2280
+rect 0 20 254 1070
+rect 14746 20 15000 1070
+use s8iom0s8_overlay_vccd_lvc s8iom0s8_overlay_vccd_lvc_0 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -7
+box 0 7 15000 39600
+use s8iom0s8_top_power_lvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_power_lvc_wpad_0 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -7
+box 0 0 15000 39600
+<< labels >>
+flabel metal4 s 14873 37925 14873 37925 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 127 37925 127 37925 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 6339 32546 10468 33417 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 100 -7 4099 287 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 src_bdy_lvc1
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 10953 -7 14940 715 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 src_bdy_lvc2
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 6888 -7 8888 58 0 FreeSans 400 0 0 0 bdy2_b2b
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 7676 -7 9850 918 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 drn_lvc2
+port 3 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 5200 -7 7374 918 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 drn_lvc1
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 10151 -7 14940 862 0 FreeSans 4000 0 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 100 -7 4900 862 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal1 s 6867 95 7067 195 0 FreeSans 300 0 0 0 vssi
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 9140 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14807 2600 15000 3250 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 7930 15000 8820 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 11260 15000 12110 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 4780 15000 5670 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 5990 15000 6640 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 6961 15000 7610 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 1390 15000 2280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 12430 15000 13280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 13600 15000 18590 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 20 15000 1070 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 3570 15000 4460 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 13600 254 18590 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 7930 254 8820 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 11260 254 12110 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 5990 254 6640 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 4780 254 5670 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 2600 193 3250 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 3570 254 4460 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 1390 254 2280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 12430 254 13280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 9140 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 6961 254 7610 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 20 254 1070 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 7910 15000 8840 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14807 2580 15000 3270 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 11240 15000 12130 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 4760 15000 5690 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 5970 15000 6660 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9922 15000 10158 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10874 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 0 15000 1090 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 3550 15000 4480 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9140 15000 9206 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 6940 15000 7630 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 12410 15000 13300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 1370 15000 2300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9266 15000 9862 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 34750 15000 39593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10218 15000 10814 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 13600 15000 18593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 34750 254 39593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 3550 254 4480 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 12410 254 13300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 13600 254 18593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 1370 254 2300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9140 254 9206 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 5970 254 6660 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 0 254 1090 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9922 254 10158 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 11240 254 12130 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 4760 254 5690 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 2580 193 3270 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10218 254 10814 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10874 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 6940 254 7630 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 7910 254 8840 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9266 254 9862 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+<< properties >>
+string LEFclass PAD POWER
+string FIXED_BBOX 0 0 15000 39593
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vdda_hvc_pad.mag b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vdda_hvc_pad.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b81c352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vdda_hvc_pad.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+tech EFS8A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584473789
+<< metal2 >>
+rect 99 -407 4879 -259
+rect 5179 -407 5579 -211
+rect 10078 -407 14858 -259
+<< metal3 >>
+rect 99 -407 4879 -16
+rect 5179 -407 7379 -259
+rect 7578 -407 9778 -89
+rect 10078 -407 14858 -16
+<< metal4 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 0 13600 254 18593
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18593
+rect 0 12410 254 13300
+rect 14746 12410 15000 13300
+rect 0 11240 254 12130
+rect 14746 11240 15000 12130
+rect 0 10874 254 10940
+rect 14746 10874 15000 10940
+rect 0 10218 100 10814
+rect 14746 10218 14846 10814
+rect 0 9922 254 10158
+rect 14746 9922 15000 10158
+rect 0 9266 116 9862
+rect 14746 9266 14862 9862
+rect 0 9140 254 9206
+rect 14746 9140 15000 9206
+rect 0 7910 254 8840
+rect 14746 7910 15000 8840
+rect 0 6940 254 7630
+rect 14746 6940 15000 7630
+rect 0 5970 254 6660
+rect 14746 5970 15000 6660
+rect 0 4760 254 5690
+rect 14746 4760 15000 5690
+rect 0 3550 254 4480
+rect 14746 3550 15000 4480
+rect 0 2580 254 3270
+rect 14746 2580 15000 3270
+rect 0 1370 254 2300
+rect 14746 1370 15000 2300
+rect 0 0 254 1090
+rect 14746 0 15000 1090
+<< metal5 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 7329 27458 7594 28780
+rect 0 13600 254 18590
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18590
+rect 0 12430 254 13280
+rect 14746 12430 15000 13280
+rect 0 11260 254 12110
+rect 14746 11260 15000 12110
+rect 0 9140 254 10940
+rect 14746 9140 15000 10940
+rect 0 7930 254 8820
+rect 14746 7930 15000 8820
+rect 0 6960 254 7610
+rect 14746 6960 15000 7610
+rect 0 5990 254 6640
+rect 14746 5990 15000 6640
+rect 0 4780 254 5670
+rect 14746 4780 15000 5670
+rect 0 3570 254 4460
+rect 14746 3570 15000 4460
+rect 0 2600 254 3250
+rect 14746 2600 15000 3250
+rect 0 1390 254 2280
+rect 14746 1390 15000 2280
+rect 0 20 254 1070
+rect 14746 20 15000 1070
+use s8iom0s8_overlay_vccd_lvc s8iom0s8_overlay_vccd_lvc_0 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -7
+box 0 7 15000 39600
+use s8iom0s8_top_power_hvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_power_hvc_wpad_1 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -407
+box 0 0 15000 40000
+<< labels >>
+flabel metal4 s 14873 37925 14873 37925 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 127 37925 127 37925 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 7329 27458 7594 28780 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 127 37914 127 37914 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14873 37914 14873 37914 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 10078 -407 14858 -259 2 FreeSans 2000 90 0 0 drn_hvc
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 99 -407 4879 -259 2 FreeSans 2000 90 0 0 src_bdy_hvc
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 7578 -407 9778 -89 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 drn_hvc
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 10078 -407 14858 -16 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 99 -407 4879 -16 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 5179 -407 7379 -259 2 FreeSans 2000 90 0 0 src_bdy_hvc
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 9140 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14807 2600 15000 3250 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 7930 15000 8820 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 11260 15000 12110 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 4780 15000 5670 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 5990 15000 6640 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 6961 15000 7610 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 1390 15000 2280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 12430 15000 13280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 13600 15000 18590 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 20 15000 1070 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 3570 15000 4460 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 13600 254 18590 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 7930 254 8820 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 11260 254 12110 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 5990 254 6640 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 4780 254 5670 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 2600 193 3250 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 3570 254 4460 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 1390 254 2280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 12430 254 13280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 9140 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 6961 254 7610 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 20 254 1070 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 7910 15000 8840 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14807 2580 15000 3270 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 11240 15000 12130 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 4760 15000 5690 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 5970 15000 6660 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9922 15000 10158 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10874 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 0 15000 1090 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 3550 15000 4480 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9140 15000 9206 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 6940 15000 7630 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 12410 15000 13300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 1370 15000 2300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9266 15000 9862 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 34750 15000 39593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10218 15000 10814 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 13600 15000 18593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 34750 254 39593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 3550 254 4480 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 12410 254 13300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 13600 254 18593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 1370 254 2300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9140 254 9206 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 5970 254 6660 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 0 254 1090 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9922 254 10158 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 11240 254 12130 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 4760 254 5690 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 2580 193 3270 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10218 254 10814 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10874 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 6940 254 7630 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 7910 254 8840 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9266 254 9862 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+<< properties >>
+string LEFclass PAD POWER
+string FIXED_BBOX 0 0 15000 39593
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vdda_lvc_pad.mag b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vdda_lvc_pad.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cd80a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vdda_lvc_pad.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+tech EFS8A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584473789
+<< metal1 >>
+rect 6867 95 7067 195
+rect 5242 -7 5540 61
+<< metal2 >>
+rect 98 0 4099 287
+rect 6888 -7 8888 58
+rect 10953 -7 14940 715
+<< metal3 >>
+rect 98 0 4900 862
+rect 5200 -7 7374 918
+rect 7676 -7 9850 918
+rect 10151 -7 14940 862
+<< metal4 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 0 13600 254 18593
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18593
+rect 0 12410 254 13300
+rect 14746 12410 15000 13300
+rect 0 11240 254 12130
+rect 14746 11240 15000 12130
+rect 0 10874 254 10940
+rect 14746 10874 15000 10940
+rect 0 10218 100 10814
+rect 14746 10218 14846 10814
+rect 0 9922 254 10158
+rect 14746 9922 15000 10158
+rect 0 9266 116 9862
+rect 14746 9266 14862 9862
+rect 0 9140 254 9206
+rect 14746 9140 15000 9206
+rect 0 7910 254 8840
+rect 14746 7910 15000 8840
+rect 0 6940 254 7630
+rect 14746 6940 15000 7630
+rect 0 5970 254 6660
+rect 14746 5970 15000 6660
+rect 0 4760 254 5690
+rect 14746 4760 15000 5690
+rect 0 3550 254 4480
+rect 14746 3550 15000 4480
+rect 0 2580 254 3270
+rect 14746 2580 15000 3270
+rect 0 1370 254 2300
+rect 14746 1370 15000 2300
+rect 0 0 254 1090
+rect 14746 0 15000 1090
+<< metal5 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 6339 32546 10467 33417
+rect 0 13600 254 18590
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18590
+rect 0 12430 254 13280
+rect 14746 12430 15000 13280
+rect 0 11260 254 12110
+rect 14746 11260 15000 12110
+rect 0 9140 254 10940
+rect 14746 9140 15000 10940
+rect 0 7930 254 8820
+rect 14746 7930 15000 8820
+rect 0 6960 254 7610
+rect 14746 6960 15000 7610
+rect 0 5990 254 6640
+rect 14746 5990 15000 6640
+rect 0 4780 254 5670
+rect 14746 4780 15000 5670
+rect 0 3570 254 4460
+rect 14746 3570 15000 4460
+rect 0 2600 254 3250
+rect 14746 2600 15000 3250
+rect 0 1390 254 2280
+rect 14746 1390 15000 2280
+rect 0 20 254 1070
+rect 14746 20 15000 1070
+use s8iom0s8_overlay_vdda_lvc s8iom0s8_overlay_vdda_lvc_0 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -7
+box 0 7 15000 39600
+use s8iom0s8_top_power_lvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_power_lvc_wpad_1 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -7
+box 0 0 15000 39600
+<< labels >>
+flabel metal2 s 100 -7 4099 287 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 src_bdy_lvc1
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 10953 -7 14940 715 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 src_bdy_lvc2
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 6888 -7 8888 58 0 FreeSans 400 0 0 0 bdy2_b2b
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 7676 -7 9850 918 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 drn_lvc2
+port 3 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 5200 -7 7374 918 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 drn_lvc1
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 10151 -7 14940 862 0 FreeSans 4000 0 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 100 -7 4900 862 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal1 s 6867 95 7067 195 0 FreeSans 300 0 0 0 vssi
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 9140 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14807 2600 15000 3250 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 7930 15000 8820 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 11260 15000 12110 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 4780 15000 5670 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 5990 15000 6640 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 6961 15000 7610 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 1390 15000 2280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 12430 15000 13280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 13600 15000 18590 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 20 15000 1070 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 3570 15000 4460 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 13600 254 18590 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 7930 254 8820 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 11260 254 12110 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 5990 254 6640 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 4780 254 5670 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 2600 193 3250 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 3570 254 4460 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 1390 254 2280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 12430 254 13280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 9140 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 6961 254 7610 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 20 254 1070 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 7910 15000 8840 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14807 2580 15000 3270 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 11240 15000 12130 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 4760 15000 5690 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 5970 15000 6660 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9922 15000 10158 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10874 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 0 15000 1090 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 3550 15000 4480 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9140 15000 9206 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 6940 15000 7630 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 12410 15000 13300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 1370 15000 2300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9266 15000 9862 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 34750 15000 39593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10218 15000 10814 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 13600 15000 18593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 34750 254 39593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 3550 254 4480 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 12410 254 13300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 13600 254 18593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 1370 254 2300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9140 254 9206 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 5970 254 6660 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 0 254 1090 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9922 254 10158 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 11240 254 12130 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 4760 254 5690 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 2580 193 3270 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10218 254 10814 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10874 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 6940 254 7630 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 7910 254 8840 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9266 254 9862 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 6339 32546 10468 33417 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+<< properties >>
+string LEFclass PAD POWER
+string FIXED_BBOX 0 0 15000 39593
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vddio_hvc_pad.mag b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vddio_hvc_pad.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f50667
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vddio_hvc_pad.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+tech EFS8A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1585845698
+<< metal2 >>
+rect 99 -407 4879 -259
+rect 5179 -407 5579 -210
+rect 10078 -407 14858 -259
+<< metal3 >>
+rect 99 -407 4879 -16
+rect 5179 -407 7379 -259
+rect 7578 -407 9778 -89
+rect 10078 -407 14858 -16
+<< metal4 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 0 13600 254 18593
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18593
+rect 0 12410 254 13300
+rect 14746 12410 15000 13300
+rect 0 11240 254 12130
+rect 14746 11240 15000 12130
+rect 0 10874 254 10940
+rect 14746 10874 15000 10940
+rect 0 10218 100 10814
+rect 14746 10218 14846 10814
+rect 0 9922 254 10158
+rect 14746 9922 15000 10158
+rect 0 9266 116 9862
+rect 14746 9266 14862 9862
+rect 0 9140 254 9206
+rect 14746 9140 15000 9206
+rect 0 7910 254 8840
+rect 14746 7910 15000 8840
+rect 0 6940 254 7630
+rect 14746 6940 15000 7630
+rect 0 5970 254 6660
+rect 14746 5970 15000 6660
+rect 0 4760 254 5690
+rect 14746 4760 15000 5690
+rect 0 3550 254 4480
+rect 14746 3550 15000 4480
+rect 0 2580 254 3270
+rect 14746 2580 15000 3270
+rect 0 1370 254 2300
+rect 14746 1370 15000 2300
+rect 0 0 254 1090
+rect 14746 0 15000 1090
+<< metal5 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 7329 27458 7594 28780
+rect 0 13600 254 18590
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18590
+rect 0 12430 254 13280
+rect 14746 12430 15000 13280
+rect 0 11260 254 12110
+rect 14746 11260 15000 12110
+rect 0 9140 254 10940
+rect 14746 9140 15000 10940
+rect 0 7930 254 8820
+rect 14746 7930 15000 8820
+rect 0 6960 254 7610
+rect 14746 6960 15000 7610
+rect 0 5990 254 6640
+rect 14746 5990 15000 6640
+rect 0 4780 254 5670
+rect 14746 4780 15000 5670
+rect 0 3570 254 4460
+rect 14746 3570 15000 4460
+rect 0 2600 254 3250
+rect 14746 2600 15000 3250
+rect 0 1390 254 2280
+rect 14746 1390 15000 2280
+rect 0 20 254 1070
+rect 14746 20 15000 1070
+use s8iom0s8_overlay_vddio_hvc s8iom0s8_overlay_vddio_hvc_0 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1585749841
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -407
+box 0 407 15000 40000
+use s8iom0s8_top_power_hvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_power_hvc_wpad_2 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1585749839
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -407
+box 0 0 15000 40000
+<< labels >>
+flabel metal5 s 7329 27458 7594 28780 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 127 37914 127 37914 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14873 37914 14873 37914 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 10078 -407 14858 -259 2 FreeSans 2000 90 0 0 drn_hvc
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 99 -407 4879 -259 2 FreeSans 2000 90 0 0 src_bdy_hvc
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 7578 -407 9778 -89 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 drn_hvc
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 10078 -407 14858 -16 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 99 -407 4879 -16 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 5179 -407 7379 -259 2 FreeSans 2000 90 0 0 src_bdy_hvc
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 9140 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14807 2600 15000 3250 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 7930 15000 8820 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 11260 15000 12110 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 4780 15000 5670 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 5990 15000 6640 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 6961 15000 7610 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 1390 15000 2280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 12430 15000 13280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 13600 15000 18590 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 20 15000 1070 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 3570 15000 4460 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 13600 254 18590 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 7930 254 8820 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 11260 254 12110 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 5990 254 6640 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 4780 254 5670 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 2600 193 3250 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 3570 254 4460 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 1390 254 2280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 12430 254 13280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 9140 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 6961 254 7610 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 20 254 1070 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 7910 15000 8840 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14807 2580 15000 3270 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 11240 15000 12130 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 4760 15000 5690 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 5970 15000 6660 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9922 15000 10158 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10874 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 0 15000 1090 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 3550 15000 4480 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9140 15000 9206 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 6940 15000 7630 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 12410 15000 13300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 1370 15000 2300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9266 15000 9862 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 34750 15000 39593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10218 15000 10814 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 13600 15000 18593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 34750 254 39593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 3550 254 4480 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 12410 254 13300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 13600 254 18593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 1370 254 2300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9140 254 9206 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 5970 254 6660 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 0 254 1090 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9922 254 10158 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 11240 254 12130 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 4760 254 5690 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 2580 193 3270 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10218 254 10814 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10874 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 6940 254 7630 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 7910 254 8840 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9266 254 9862 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+<< properties >>
+string LEFclass PAD POWER
+string FIXED_BBOX 0 0 15000 39593
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vddio_lvc_pad.mag b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vddio_lvc_pad.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2e943c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vddio_lvc_pad.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+tech EFS8A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584473789
+<< metal1 >>
+rect 6867 95 7067 195
+rect 5242 -7 5540 78
+<< metal2 >>
+rect 98 0 4099 287
+rect 6888 -7 8888 58
+rect 10953 -7 14940 715
+<< metal3 >>
+rect 98 0 4900 862
+rect 5200 -7 7374 918
+rect 7676 -7 9850 918
+rect 10151 -7 14940 862
+<< metal4 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 0 13600 254 18593
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18593
+rect 0 12410 254 13300
+rect 14746 12410 15000 13300
+rect 0 11240 254 12130
+rect 14746 11240 15000 12130
+rect 0 10874 254 10940
+rect 14746 10874 15000 10940
+rect 0 10218 100 10814
+rect 14746 10218 14846 10814
+rect 0 9922 254 10158
+rect 14746 9922 15000 10158
+rect 0 9266 116 9862
+rect 14746 9266 14862 9862
+rect 0 9140 254 9206
+rect 14746 9140 15000 9206
+rect 0 7910 254 8840
+rect 14746 7910 15000 8840
+rect 0 6940 254 7630
+rect 14746 6940 15000 7630
+rect 0 5970 254 6660
+rect 14746 5970 15000 6660
+rect 0 4760 254 5690
+rect 14746 4760 15000 5690
+rect 0 3550 254 4480
+rect 14746 3550 15000 4480
+rect 0 2580 254 3270
+rect 14746 2580 15000 3270
+rect 0 1370 254 2300
+rect 14746 1370 15000 2300
+rect 0 0 254 1090
+rect 14746 0 15000 1090
+<< metal5 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 0 13600 254 18590
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18590
+rect 0 12430 254 13280
+rect 14746 12430 15000 13280
+rect 0 11260 254 12110
+rect 14746 11260 15000 12110
+rect 0 9140 254 10940
+rect 14746 9140 15000 10940
+rect 0 7930 254 8820
+rect 14746 7930 15000 8820
+rect 0 6960 254 7610
+rect 14746 6960 15000 7610
+rect 0 5990 254 6640
+rect 14746 5990 15000 6640
+rect 0 4780 254 5670
+rect 14746 4780 15000 5670
+rect 0 3570 254 4460
+rect 14746 3570 15000 4460
+rect 0 2600 254 3250
+rect 14746 2600 15000 3250
+rect 0 1390 254 2280
+rect 14746 1390 15000 2280
+rect 0 20 254 1070
+rect 14746 20 15000 1070
+use s8iom0s8_overlay_vddio_lvc s8iom0s8_overlay_vddio_lvc_0 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -7
+box 0 7 15000 39600
+use s8iom0s8_top_power_lvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_power_lvc_wpad_2 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -7
+box 0 0 15000 39600
+<< labels >>
+flabel metal5 s 6339 32546 10468 33417 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 100 -7 4099 287 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 src_bdy_lvc1
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 10953 -7 14940 715 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 src_bdy_lvc2
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 6888 -7 8888 58 0 FreeSans 400 0 0 0 bdy2_b2b
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 7676 -7 9850 918 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 drn_lvc2
+port 3 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 5200 -7 7374 918 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 drn_lvc1
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 10151 -7 14940 862 0 FreeSans 4000 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 100 -7 4900 862 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal1 s 6867 95 7067 195 0 FreeSans 300 0 0 0 vssi
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 9140 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14807 2600 15000 3250 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 7930 15000 8820 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 11260 15000 12110 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 4780 15000 5670 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 5990 15000 6640 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 6961 15000 7610 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 1390 15000 2280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 12430 15000 13280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 13600 15000 18590 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 20 15000 1070 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 3570 15000 4460 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 13600 254 18590 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 7930 254 8820 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 11260 254 12110 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 5990 254 6640 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 4780 254 5670 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 2600 193 3250 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 3570 254 4460 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 1390 254 2280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 12430 254 13280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 9140 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 6961 254 7610 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 20 254 1070 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 7910 15000 8840 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14807 2580 15000 3270 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 11240 15000 12130 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 4760 15000 5690 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 5970 15000 6660 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9922 15000 10158 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10874 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 0 15000 1090 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 3550 15000 4480 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9140 15000 9206 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 6940 15000 7630 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 12410 15000 13300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 1370 15000 2300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9266 15000 9862 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 34750 15000 39593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10218 15000 10814 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 13600 15000 18593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 34750 254 39593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 3550 254 4480 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 12410 254 13300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 13600 254 18593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 1370 254 2300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9140 254 9206 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 5970 254 6660 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 0 254 1090 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9922 254 10158 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 11240 254 12130 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 4760 254 5690 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 2580 193 3270 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10218 254 10814 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10874 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 6940 254 7630 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 7910 254 8840 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9266 254 9862 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+<< properties >>
+string LEFclass PAD POWER
+string FIXED_BBOX 0 0 15000 39593
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vssa_hvc_pad.mag b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vssa_hvc_pad.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc6ca8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vssa_hvc_pad.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+tech EFS8A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584473789
+<< metal2 >>
+rect 99 -407 4879 -259
+rect 5179 -407 5579 -184
+rect 10078 -407 14858 -259
+<< metal3 >>
+rect 99 -407 4879 -16
+rect 5179 -407 7379 -259
+rect 7578 -407 9778 -89
+rect 10078 -407 14858 -16
+<< metal4 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 0 13600 254 18593
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18593
+rect 0 12410 254 13300
+rect 14746 12410 15000 13300
+rect 0 11240 254 12130
+rect 14746 11240 15000 12130
+rect 0 10874 254 10940
+rect 14746 10874 15000 10940
+rect 0 10218 100 10814
+rect 14746 10218 14846 10814
+rect 0 9922 254 10158
+rect 14746 9922 15000 10158
+rect 0 9266 116 9862
+rect 14746 9266 14862 9862
+rect 0 9140 254 9206
+rect 14746 9140 15000 9206
+rect 0 7910 254 8840
+rect 14746 7910 15000 8840
+rect 0 6940 254 7630
+rect 14746 6940 15000 7630
+rect 0 5970 254 6660
+rect 14746 5970 15000 6660
+rect 0 4760 254 5690
+rect 14746 4760 15000 5690
+rect 0 3550 254 4480
+rect 14746 3550 15000 4480
+rect 0 2580 254 3270
+rect 14746 2580 15000 3270
+rect 0 1370 254 2300
+rect 14746 1370 15000 2300
+rect 0 0 254 1090
+rect 14746 6 15000 1090
+rect 14746 0 14928 6
+rect 14939 3 15000 6
+<< metal5 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 7329 27458 7594 28780
+rect 0 13600 254 18590
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18590
+rect 0 12430 254 13280
+rect 14746 12430 15000 13280
+rect 0 11260 254 12110
+rect 14746 11260 15000 12110
+rect 0 9140 254 10940
+rect 14746 9140 15000 10940
+rect 0 7930 254 8820
+rect 14746 7930 15000 8820
+rect 0 6960 254 7610
+rect 14746 6960 15000 7610
+rect 0 5990 254 6640
+rect 14746 5990 15000 6640
+rect 0 4780 254 5670
+rect 14746 4780 15000 5670
+rect 0 3570 254 4460
+rect 14746 3570 15000 4460
+rect 0 2600 254 3250
+rect 14746 2600 15000 3250
+rect 0 1390 254 2280
+rect 14746 1390 15000 2280
+rect 0 20 254 1070
+rect 14746 20 15000 1070
+use s8iom0s8_overlay_vssa_hvc s8iom0s8_overlay_vssa_hvc_0 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -407
+box 0 407 15000 40000
+use s8iom0s8_top_ground_hvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_ground_hvc_wpad_0 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -407
+box 0 0 15000 40000
+<< labels >>
+flabel metal5 s 7329 27458 7594 28780 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 127 37914 127 37914 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14873 37914 14873 37914 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 10078 -407 14858 -259 2 FreeSans 2000 90 0 0 drn_hvc
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 99 -407 4879 -259 2 FreeSans 2000 90 0 0 src_bdy_hvc
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 7578 -407 9778 -89 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 drn_hvc
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 99 -407 4879 -16 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 10078 -407 14858 -16 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 5179 -407 7379 -259 2 FreeSans 2000 90 0 0 src_bdy_hvc
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 9140 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14807 2600 15000 3250 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 7930 15000 8820 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 11260 15000 12110 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 4780 15000 5670 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 5990 15000 6640 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 6961 15000 7610 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 1390 15000 2280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 12430 15000 13280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 13600 15000 18590 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 20 15000 1070 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 3570 15000 4460 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 13600 254 18590 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 7930 254 8820 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 11260 254 12110 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 5990 254 6640 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 4780 254 5670 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 2600 193 3250 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 3570 254 4460 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 1390 254 2280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 12430 254 13280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 9140 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 6961 254 7610 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 20 254 1070 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 7910 15000 8840 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14807 2580 15000 3270 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 11240 15000 12130 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 4760 15000 5690 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 5970 15000 6660 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9922 15000 10158 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10874 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 0 15000 1090 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 3550 15000 4480 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9140 15000 9206 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 6940 15000 7630 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 12410 15000 13300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 1370 15000 2300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9266 15000 9862 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 34750 15000 39593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10218 15000 10814 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 13600 15000 18593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 34750 254 39593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 3550 254 4480 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 12410 254 13300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 13600 254 18593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 1370 254 2300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9140 254 9206 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 5970 254 6660 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 0 254 1090 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9922 254 10158 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 11240 254 12130 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 4760 254 5690 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 2580 193 3270 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10218 254 10814 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10874 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 6940 254 7630 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 7910 254 8840 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9266 254 9862 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+<< properties >>
+string LEFclass PAD GROUND
+string FIXED_BBOX 0 0 15000 39593
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vssa_lvc_pad.mag b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vssa_lvc_pad.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c832fc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vssa_lvc_pad.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+tech EFS8A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584473789
+<< metal1 >>
+rect 6867 95 7067 195
+rect 5242 -7 5540 84
+<< metal2 >>
+rect 100 0 4099 287
+rect 6888 -7 8888 58
+rect 10953 -7 14940 715
+<< metal3 >>
+rect 98 309 4900 862
+rect 100 0 4900 309
+rect 5200 -7 7374 918
+rect 7676 -7 9850 918
+rect 10151 -7 14940 862
+<< metal4 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 0 13600 254 18593
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18593
+rect 0 12410 254 13300
+rect 14746 12410 15000 13300
+rect 0 11240 254 12130
+rect 14746 11240 15000 12130
+rect 0 10874 254 10940
+rect 14746 10874 15000 10940
+rect 0 10218 100 10814
+rect 14746 10218 14846 10814
+rect 0 9922 254 10158
+rect 14746 9922 15000 10158
+rect 0 9266 116 9862
+rect 14746 9266 14862 9862
+rect 0 9140 254 9206
+rect 14746 9140 15000 9206
+rect 0 7910 254 8840
+rect 14746 7910 15000 8840
+rect 0 6940 254 7630
+rect 14746 6940 15000 7630
+rect 0 5970 254 6660
+rect 14746 5970 15000 6660
+rect 0 4760 254 5690
+rect 14746 4760 15000 5690
+rect 0 3550 254 4480
+rect 14746 3550 15000 4480
+rect 0 2580 254 3270
+rect 14746 2580 15000 3270
+rect 0 1370 254 2300
+rect 14746 1370 15000 2300
+rect 0 0 254 1090
+rect 14746 0 15000 1090
+<< metal5 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 6339 32546 10468 33417
+rect 0 13600 254 18590
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18590
+rect 0 12430 254 13280
+rect 14746 12430 15000 13280
+rect 0 11260 254 12110
+rect 14746 11260 15000 12110
+rect 0 9140 254 10940
+rect 14746 9140 15000 10940
+rect 0 7930 254 8820
+rect 14746 7930 15000 8820
+rect 0 6960 254 7610
+rect 14746 6960 15000 7610
+rect 0 5990 254 6640
+rect 14746 5990 15000 6640
+rect 0 4780 254 5670
+rect 14746 4780 15000 5670
+rect 0 3570 254 4460
+rect 14746 3570 15000 4460
+rect 0 2600 254 3250
+rect 14746 2600 15000 3250
+rect 0 1390 254 2280
+rect 14746 1390 15000 2280
+rect 0 20 254 1070
+rect 14746 20 15000 1070
+use s8iom0s8_overlay_vssa_lvc s8iom0s8_overlay_vssa_lvc_0 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -7
+box 0 7 15000 39600
+use s8iom0s8_top_ground_lvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_ground_lvc_wpad_0 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -7
+box 0 0 15000 39600
+<< labels >>
+flabel metal4 s 0 9266 254 9862 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 7910 254 8840 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 6940 254 7630 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10874 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10218 254 10814 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 2580 193 3270 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 4760 254 5690 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 11240 254 12130 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9922 254 10158 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 0 254 1090 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 5970 254 6660 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9140 254 9206 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 1370 254 2300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 13600 254 18593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 12410 254 13300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 3550 254 4480 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 34750 254 39593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 13600 15000 18593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10218 15000 10814 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 34750 15000 39593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9266 15000 9862 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 1370 15000 2300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 12410 15000 13300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 6940 15000 7630 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9140 15000 9206 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 3550 15000 4480 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 0 15000 1090 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10874 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9922 15000 10158 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 5970 15000 6660 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 4760 15000 5690 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 11240 15000 12130 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14807 2580 15000 3270 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 7910 15000 8840 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 20 254 1070 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 6961 254 7610 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 9140 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 12430 254 13280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 1390 254 2280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 3570 254 4460 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 2600 193 3250 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 4780 254 5670 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 5990 254 6640 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 11260 254 12110 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 7930 254 8820 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 13600 254 18590 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 3570 15000 4460 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 20 15000 1070 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 13600 15000 18590 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 12430 15000 13280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 1390 15000 2280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 6961 15000 7610 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 5990 15000 6640 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 4780 15000 5670 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 11260 15000 12110 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 7930 15000 8820 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14807 2600 15000 3250 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 9140 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal1 s 6867 95 7067 195 0 FreeSans 300 0 0 0 vssi
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 100 -7 4900 862 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 10151 -7 14940 862 0 FreeSans 4000 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 5200 -7 7374 918 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 drn_lvc1
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 7676 -7 9850 918 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 drn_lvc2
+port 3 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 6888 -7 8888 58 0 FreeSans 400 0 0 0 bdy2_b2b
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 10953 -7 14940 715 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 src_bdy_lvc2
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 100 -7 4099 287 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 src_bdy_lvc1
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 6339 32546 10468 33417 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+<< properties >>
+string LEFclass PAD GROUND
+string FIXED_BBOX 0 0 15000 39593
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vssd_hvc_pad.mag b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vssd_hvc_pad.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..108c5f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vssd_hvc_pad.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+tech EFS8A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584473789
+<< metal2 >>
+rect 99 -407 4879 -259
+rect 5179 -407 5579 -182
+rect 10078 -407 14858 -259
+<< metal3 >>
+rect 99 -407 4879 -16
+rect 5179 -407 7379 -259
+rect 7578 -407 9778 -89
+rect 10078 -407 14858 -16
+<< metal4 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 0 13600 254 18593
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18593
+rect 0 12410 254 13300
+rect 14746 12410 15000 13300
+rect 0 11240 254 12130
+rect 14746 11240 15000 12130
+rect 0 10874 254 10940
+rect 14746 10874 15000 10940
+rect 0 10218 100 10814
+rect 14746 10218 14846 10814
+rect 0 9922 254 10158
+rect 14746 9922 15000 10158
+rect 0 9266 116 9862
+rect 14746 9266 14862 9862
+rect 0 9140 254 9206
+rect 14746 9140 15000 9206
+rect 0 7910 254 8840
+rect 14746 7910 15000 8840
+rect 0 6940 254 7630
+rect 14746 6940 15000 7630
+rect 0 5970 254 6660
+rect 14746 5970 15000 6660
+rect 0 4760 254 5690
+rect 14746 4760 15000 5690
+rect 0 3550 254 4480
+rect 14746 3550 15000 4480
+rect 0 2580 254 3270
+rect 14746 2580 15000 3270
+rect 0 1370 254 2300
+rect 14746 1370 15000 2300
+rect 0 0 254 1090
+rect 14746 0 15000 1090
+<< metal5 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 7329 27458 7594 28780
+rect 0 13600 254 18590
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18590
+rect 0 12430 254 13280
+rect 14746 12430 15000 13280
+rect 0 11260 254 12110
+rect 14746 11260 15000 12110
+rect 0 9140 254 10940
+rect 14746 9140 15000 10940
+rect 0 7930 254 8820
+rect 14746 7930 15000 8820
+rect 0 6960 254 7610
+rect 14746 6960 15000 7610
+rect 0 5990 254 6640
+rect 14746 5990 15000 6640
+rect 0 4780 254 5670
+rect 14746 4780 15000 5670
+rect 0 3570 254 4460
+rect 14746 3570 15000 4460
+rect 0 2600 254 3250
+rect 14746 2600 15000 3250
+rect 0 1390 254 2280
+rect 14746 1390 15000 2280
+rect 0 20 254 1070
+rect 14746 20 15000 1070
+use s8iom0s8_overlay_vssd_hvc s8iom0s8_overlay_vssd_hvc_0 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -407
+box 0 407 15000 40000
+use s8iom0s8_top_ground_hvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_ground_hvc_wpad_1 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -407
+box 0 0 15000 40000
+<< labels >>
+flabel metal5 s 7329 27458 7594 28780 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 127 37914 127 37914 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14873 37914 14873 37914 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 10078 -407 14858 -259 2 FreeSans 2000 90 0 0 drn_hvc
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 99 -407 4879 -259 2 FreeSans 2000 90 0 0 src_bdy_hvc
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 7578 -407 9778 -89 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 drn_hvc
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 99 -407 4879 -16 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 10078 -407 14858 -16 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 5179 -407 7379 -259 2 FreeSans 2000 90 0 0 src_bdy_hvc
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 9140 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14807 2600 15000 3250 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 7930 15000 8820 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 11260 15000 12110 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 4780 15000 5670 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 5990 15000 6640 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 6961 15000 7610 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 1390 15000 2280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 12430 15000 13280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 13600 15000 18590 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 20 15000 1070 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 3570 15000 4460 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 13600 254 18590 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 7930 254 8820 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 11260 254 12110 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 5990 254 6640 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 4780 254 5670 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 2600 193 3250 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 3570 254 4460 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 1390 254 2280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 12430 254 13280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 9140 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 6961 254 7610 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 20 254 1070 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 7910 15000 8840 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14807 2580 15000 3270 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 11240 15000 12130 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 4760 15000 5690 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 5970 15000 6660 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9922 15000 10158 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10874 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 0 15000 1090 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 3550 15000 4480 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9140 15000 9206 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 6940 15000 7630 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 12410 15000 13300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 1370 15000 2300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9266 15000 9862 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 34750 15000 39593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10218 15000 10814 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 13600 15000 18593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 34750 254 39593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 3550 254 4480 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 12410 254 13300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 13600 254 18593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 1370 254 2300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9140 254 9206 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 5970 254 6660 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 0 254 1090 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9922 254 10158 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 11240 254 12130 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 4760 254 5690 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 2580 193 3270 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10218 254 10814 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10874 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 6940 254 7630 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 7910 254 8840 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9266 254 9862 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+<< properties >>
+string LEFclass PAD GROUND
+string FIXED_BBOX 0 0 15000 39593
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vssd_lvc_pad.mag b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vssd_lvc_pad.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7781fa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vssd_lvc_pad.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+tech EFS8A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584473789
+<< metal1 >>
+rect 6867 95 7067 195
+rect 5242 -7 5540 83
+<< metal2 >>
+rect 101 0 4099 287
+rect 6888 -7 8888 58
+rect 10953 -7 14940 715
+<< metal3 >>
+rect 101 0 4900 862
+rect 5200 -7 7374 918
+rect 7676 -7 9850 918
+rect 10151 -7 14940 862
+<< metal4 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 0 13600 254 18593
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18593
+rect 0 12410 254 13300
+rect 14746 12410 15000 13300
+rect 0 11240 254 12130
+rect 14746 11240 15000 12130
+rect 0 10874 254 10940
+rect 14746 10874 15000 10940
+rect 0 10218 100 10814
+rect 14746 10218 14846 10814
+rect 0 9922 254 10158
+rect 14746 9922 15000 10158
+rect 0 9266 116 9862
+rect 14746 9266 14862 9862
+rect 0 9140 254 9206
+rect 14746 9140 15000 9206
+rect 0 7910 254 8840
+rect 14746 7910 15000 8840
+rect 0 6940 254 7630
+rect 14746 6940 15000 7630
+rect 0 5970 254 6660
+rect 14746 5970 15000 6660
+rect 0 4760 254 5690
+rect 14746 4760 15000 5690
+rect 0 3550 254 4480
+rect 14746 3550 15000 4480
+rect 0 2580 254 3270
+rect 14746 2580 15000 3270
+rect 0 1370 254 2300
+rect 14746 1370 15000 2300
+rect 0 0 254 1090
+rect 14746 0 15000 1090
+<< metal5 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 6339 32546 10468 33417
+rect 0 13600 254 18590
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18590
+rect 0 12430 254 13280
+rect 14746 12430 15000 13280
+rect 0 11260 254 12110
+rect 14746 11260 15000 12110
+rect 0 9140 254 10940
+rect 14746 9140 15000 10940
+rect 0 7930 254 8820
+rect 14746 7930 15000 8820
+rect 0 6960 254 7610
+rect 14746 6960 15000 7610
+rect 0 5990 254 6640
+rect 14746 5990 15000 6640
+rect 0 4780 254 5670
+rect 14746 4780 15000 5670
+rect 0 3570 254 4460
+rect 14746 3570 15000 4460
+rect 0 2600 254 3250
+rect 14746 2600 15000 3250
+rect 0 1390 254 2280
+rect 14746 1390 15000 2280
+rect 0 20 254 1070
+rect 14746 20 15000 1070
+use s8iom0s8_overlay_vssd_lvc s8iom0s8_overlay_vssd_lvc_0 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -7
+box 0 7 15000 39600
+use s8iom0s8_top_ground_lvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_ground_lvc_wpad_1 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -7
+box 0 0 15000 39600
+<< labels >>
+flabel metal4 s 14873 37925 14873 37925 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 127 37925 127 37925 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 6339 32546 10468 33417 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 100 -7 4099 287 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 src_bdy_lvc1
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 10953 -7 14940 715 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 src_bdy_lvc2
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 6888 -7 8888 58 0 FreeSans 400 0 0 0 bdy2_b2b
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 7676 -7 9850 918 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 drn_lvc2
+port 3 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 5200 -7 7374 918 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 drn_lvc1
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 10151 -7 14940 862 0 FreeSans 4000 0 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 100 -7 4900 862 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 9140 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14807 2600 15000 3250 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 7930 15000 8820 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 11260 15000 12110 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 4780 15000 5670 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 5990 15000 6640 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 6961 15000 7610 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 1390 15000 2280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 12430 15000 13280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 13600 15000 18590 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 20 15000 1070 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 3570 15000 4460 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 13600 254 18590 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 7930 254 8820 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 11260 254 12110 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 5990 254 6640 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 4780 254 5670 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 2600 193 3250 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 3570 254 4460 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 1390 254 2280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 12430 254 13280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 9140 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 6961 254 7610 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 20 254 1070 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 7910 15000 8840 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14807 2580 15000 3270 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 11240 15000 12130 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 4760 15000 5690 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 5970 15000 6660 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9922 15000 10158 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10874 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 0 15000 1090 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 3550 15000 4480 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9140 15000 9206 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 6940 15000 7630 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 12410 15000 13300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 1370 15000 2300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9266 15000 9862 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 34750 15000 39593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10218 15000 10814 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 13600 15000 18593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 34750 254 39593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 3550 254 4480 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 12410 254 13300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 13600 254 18593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 1370 254 2300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9140 254 9206 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 5970 254 6660 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 0 254 1090 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9922 254 10158 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 11240 254 12130 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 4760 254 5690 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 2580 193 3270 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10218 254 10814 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10874 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 6940 254 7630 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 7910 254 8840 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9266 254 9862 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+flabel metal1 s 6867 95 7067 195 0 FreeSans 300 0 0 0 vssi
+port 7 nsew
+<< properties >>
+string LEFclass PAD GROUND
+string FIXED_BBOX 0 0 15000 39593
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vssio_hvc_pad.mag b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vssio_hvc_pad.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db38a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vssio_hvc_pad.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+tech EFS8A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584473789
+<< metal2 >>
+rect 99 -407 4879 -259
+rect 5179 -407 5579 -181
+rect 10078 -407 14858 -259
+<< metal3 >>
+rect 99 -407 4879 -16
+rect 5179 -407 7379 -259
+rect 7578 -407 9778 -89
+rect 10078 -407 14858 -16
+<< metal4 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 0 13600 254 18593
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18593
+rect 0 12410 254 13300
+rect 14746 12410 15000 13300
+rect 0 11240 254 12130
+rect 14746 11240 15000 12130
+rect 0 10874 254 10940
+rect 14746 10874 15000 10940
+rect 0 10218 100 10814
+rect 14746 10218 14846 10814
+rect 0 9922 254 10158
+rect 14746 9922 15000 10158
+rect 0 9266 116 9862
+rect 14746 9266 14862 9862
+rect 0 9140 254 9206
+rect 14746 9140 15000 9206
+rect 0 7910 254 8840
+rect 14746 7910 15000 8840
+rect 0 6940 254 7630
+rect 14746 6940 15000 7630
+rect 0 5970 254 6660
+rect 14746 5970 15000 6660
+rect 0 4760 254 5690
+rect 14746 4760 15000 5690
+rect 0 3550 254 4480
+rect 14746 3550 15000 4480
+rect 0 2580 254 3270
+rect 14746 2580 15000 3270
+rect 0 1370 254 2300
+rect 14746 1370 15000 2300
+rect 0 6 254 1090
+rect 14746 6 15000 1090
+rect 14934 5 15000 6
+rect 0 0 254 5
+rect 14746 0 15000 5
+<< metal5 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 7329 27458 7594 28780
+rect 0 13600 254 18590
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18590
+rect 0 12430 254 13280
+rect 14746 12430 15000 13280
+rect 0 11260 254 12110
+rect 14746 11260 15000 12110
+rect 0 9140 254 10940
+rect 14746 9140 15000 10940
+rect 0 7930 254 8820
+rect 14746 7930 15000 8820
+rect 0 6960 254 7610
+rect 14746 6960 15000 7610
+rect 0 5990 254 6640
+rect 14746 5990 15000 6640
+rect 0 4780 254 5670
+rect 14746 4780 15000 5670
+rect 0 3570 254 4460
+rect 14746 3570 15000 4460
+rect 0 2600 254 3250
+rect 14746 2600 15000 3250
+rect 0 1390 254 2280
+rect 14746 1390 15000 2280
+rect 0 20 254 1070
+rect 14746 20 15000 1070
+use s8iom0s8_overlay_vssio_hvc s8iom0s8_overlay_vssio_hvc_0 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -407
+box 0 407 15000 40000
+use s8iom0s8_top_ground_hvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_ground_hvc_wpad_2 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -407
+box 0 0 15000 40000
+<< labels >>
+flabel metal5 s 7329 27458 7594 28780 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 127 37914 127 37914 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14873 37914 14873 37914 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 10078 -407 14858 -259 2 FreeSans 2000 90 0 0 drn_hvc
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 99 -407 4879 -259 2 FreeSans 2000 90 0 0 src_bdy_hvc
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 7578 -407 9778 -89 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 drn_hvc
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 99 -407 4879 -16 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 10078 -407 14858 -16 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 5179 -407 7379 -259 2 FreeSans 2000 90 0 0 src_bdy_hvc
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 9140 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14807 2600 15000 3250 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 7930 15000 8820 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 11260 15000 12110 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 4780 15000 5670 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 5990 15000 6640 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 6961 15000 7610 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 1390 15000 2280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 12430 15000 13280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 13600 15000 18590 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 20 15000 1070 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 3570 15000 4460 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 13600 254 18590 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 7930 254 8820 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 11260 254 12110 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 5990 254 6640 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 4780 254 5670 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 2600 193 3250 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 3570 254 4460 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 1390 254 2280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 12430 254 13280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 9140 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 6961 254 7610 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 20 254 1070 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 7910 15000 8840 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14807 2580 15000 3270 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 11240 15000 12130 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 4760 15000 5690 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 5970 15000 6660 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9922 15000 10158 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10874 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 0 15000 1090 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 3550 15000 4480 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9140 15000 9206 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 6940 15000 7630 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 12410 15000 13300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 1370 15000 2300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9266 15000 9862 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 34750 15000 39593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10218 15000 10814 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 13600 15000 18593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 34750 254 39593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 3550 254 4480 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 12410 254 13300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 13600 254 18593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 1370 254 2300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9140 254 9206 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 5970 254 6660 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 0 254 1090 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9922 254 10158 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 11240 254 12130 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 4760 254 5690 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 2580 193 3270 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10218 254 10814 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10874 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 6940 254 7630 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 7910 254 8840 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9266 254 9862 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+<< properties >>
+string LEFclass PAD GROUND
+string FIXED_BBOX 0 0 15000 39593
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vssio_lvc_pad.mag b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vssio_lvc_pad.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b467e36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0_vssio_lvc_pad.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+tech EFS8A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1584473789
+<< metal1 >>
+rect 6867 95 7067 195
+rect 5242 -7 5540 74
+<< metal2 >>
+rect 100 0 4099 287
+rect 6888 -7 8888 58
+rect 10953 -7 14940 715
+<< metal3 >>
+rect 98 339 4900 862
+rect 100 0 4900 339
+rect 5200 -7 7374 918
+rect 7676 -7 9850 918
+rect 10151 -7 14940 862
+<< metal4 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 0 13600 254 18593
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18593
+rect 0 12410 254 13300
+rect 14746 12410 15000 13300
+rect 0 11240 254 12130
+rect 14746 11240 15000 12130
+rect 0 10874 254 10940
+rect 14746 10874 15000 10940
+rect 0 10218 100 10814
+rect 14746 10218 14846 10814
+rect 0 9922 254 10158
+rect 14746 9922 15000 10158
+rect 0 9266 116 9862
+rect 14746 9266 14862 9862
+rect 0 9140 254 9206
+rect 14746 9140 15000 9206
+rect 0 7910 254 8840
+rect 14746 7910 15000 8840
+rect 0 6940 254 7630
+rect 14746 6940 15000 7630
+rect 0 5970 254 6660
+rect 14746 5970 15000 6660
+rect 0 4760 254 5690
+rect 14746 4760 15000 5690
+rect 0 3550 254 4480
+rect 14746 3550 15000 4480
+rect 0 2580 254 3270
+rect 14746 2580 15000 3270
+rect 0 1370 254 2300
+rect 14746 1370 15000 2300
+rect 0 0 254 1090
+rect 14746 0 15000 1090
+<< metal5 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 14746 34750 15000 39593
+rect 6339 32546 10468 33417
+rect 0 13600 254 18590
+rect 14746 13600 15000 18590
+rect 0 12430 254 13280
+rect 14746 12430 15000 13280
+rect 0 11260 254 12110
+rect 14746 11260 15000 12110
+rect 0 9140 254 10940
+rect 14746 9140 15000 10940
+rect 0 7930 254 8820
+rect 14746 7930 15000 8820
+rect 0 6960 254 7610
+rect 14746 6960 15000 7610
+rect 0 5990 254 6640
+rect 14746 5990 15000 6640
+rect 0 4780 254 5670
+rect 14746 4780 15000 5670
+rect 0 3570 254 4460
+rect 14746 3570 15000 4460
+rect 0 2600 254 3250
+rect 14746 2600 15000 3250
+rect 0 1390 254 2280
+rect 14746 1390 15000 2280
+rect 0 20 254 1070
+rect 14746 20 15000 1070
+use s8iom0s8_overlay_vssio_lvc s8iom0s8_overlay_vssio_lvc_0 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -7
+box 0 7 15000 39600
+use s8iom0s8_top_ground_lvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_ground_lvc_wpad_2 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/s8iom0s8/mag
+timestamp 1584046481
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -7
+box 0 0 15000 39600
+<< labels >>
+flabel metal5 s 6339 32546 10468 33417 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 100 -7 4099 287 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 src_bdy_lvc1
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 10953 -7 14940 715 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 src_bdy_lvc2
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal2 s 6888 -7 8888 58 0 FreeSans 400 0 0 0 bdy2_b2b
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 7676 -7 9850 918 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 drn_lvc2
+port 3 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 5200 -7 7374 918 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 drn_lvc1
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 10151 -7 14940 862 0 FreeSans 4000 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal3 s 100 -7 4900 862 0 FreeSans 2000 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal1 s 6867 95 7067 195 0 FreeSans 300 0 0 0 vssi
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 9140 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14807 2600 15000 3250 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 7930 15000 8820 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 11260 15000 12110 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 4780 15000 5670 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 5990 15000 6640 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 6961 15000 7610 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 1390 15000 2280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 12430 15000 13280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 13600 15000 18590 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 20 15000 1070 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 14746 3570 15000 4460 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 13600 254 18590 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 7930 254 8820 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 11260 254 12110 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 5990 254 6640 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 4780 254 5670 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 2600 193 3250 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 3570 254 4460 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 1390 254 2280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 12430 254 13280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 9140 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 6961 254 7610 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 20 254 1070 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 7910 15000 8840 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14807 2580 15000 3270 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 11240 15000 12130 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 4760 15000 5690 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 5970 15000 6660 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9922 15000 10158 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10874 15000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 0 15000 1090 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 3550 15000 4480 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9140 15000 9206 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 6940 15000 7630 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 12410 15000 13300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 1370 15000 2300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 9266 15000 9862 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 34750 15000 39593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 10218 15000 10814 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 14746 13600 15000 18593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 34750 254 39593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 3550 254 4480 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 12410 254 13300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 12 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 13600 254 18593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vddio
+port 14 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 1370 254 2300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vccd
+port 15 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9140 254 9206 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 5970 254 6660 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 0 254 1090 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 13 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9922 254 10158 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 11240 254 12130 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 18 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 4760 254 5690 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssio
+port 16 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 2580 193 3270 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vdda
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10218 254 10814 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10874 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 6940 254 7630 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssa
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 7910 254 8840 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 vssd
+port 17 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9266 254 9862 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+<< properties >>
+string LEFclass PAD GROUND
+string FIXED_BBOX 0 0 15000 39593
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0s8_com_bus_slice_1um.mag b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0s8_com_bus_slice_1um.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2349822
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/s8iom0s8_com_bus_slice_1um.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+tech EFS8A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1586352185
+<< metal4 >>
+rect 0 34750 200 39593
+rect 0 13600 200 18593
+rect 0 12410 200 13300
+rect 0 11240 200 12130
+rect 0 10874 200 10940
+rect 0 10218 200 10814
+rect 0 9922 200 10158
+rect 0 9266 200 9862
+rect 0 9140 200 9206
+rect 0 7910 200 8840
+rect 0 6940 200 7630
+rect 0 5970 200 6660
+rect 0 4760 200 5690
+rect 0 3550 200 4480
+rect 0 2580 200 3270
+rect 0 1370 200 2300
+rect 0 0 200 1090
+<< metal5 >>
+rect 0 34750 200 39593
+rect 0 13600 200 18590
+rect 0 12430 200 13280
+rect 0 11260 200 12110
+rect 0 9140 200 10940
+rect 0 7930 200 8820
+rect 0 6960 200 7610
+rect 0 5990 200 6640
+rect 0 4780 200 5670
+rect 0 3570 200 4460
+rect 0 2600 200 3250
+rect 0 1390 200 2280
+rect 0 20 200 1070
+<< labels >>
+flabel metal4 s 0 13600 200 18593 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vddio
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 12430 200 13280 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 12410 200 13300 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vddio_q
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 11260 200 12110 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 11240 200 12130 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vssio_q
+port 11 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 9140 200 10940 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vssa
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10874 200 10940 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vssa
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 10218 200 10814 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 amuxbus_a
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9266 200 9862 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 amuxbus_b
+port 1 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9140 200 9206 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vssa
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 7930 200 8820 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vssd
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 7910 200 8840 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vssd
+port 10 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 6960 200 7610 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vssa
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 6940 200 7630 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vssa
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 5990 200 6640 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 5970 200 6660 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vswitch
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 4780 200 5670 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vssio
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 4760 200 5690 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vssio
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 3570 200 4460 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vddio
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 3550 200 4480 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vddio
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 2600 200 3250 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vdda
+port 3 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 2580 200 3270 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vdda
+port 3 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 1390 200 2280 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vccd
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 1370 200 2300 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vccd
+port 8 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 20 200 1070 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 0 200 1090 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vcchib
+port 6 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 34750 200 39593 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vssio
+port 9 nsew
+flabel metal5 s 0 13600 200 18590 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vddio
+port 7 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 0 9922 200 10158 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 vssa
+port 2 nsew
+<< properties >>
+string LEFclass PAD SPACER
+string FIXED_BBOX 0 0 200 39593
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/verilog/power_pads_lib.v b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/verilog/power_pads_lib.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f12b529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/verilog/power_pads_lib.v
@@ -0,0 +1,714 @@
+// Verilog entries for standard power pads (s8 power pads + overlays)
+// Also includes stub entries for the corner and fill cells
+// Also includes the custom gpiov2 cell (adds m5 on buses), which is a wrapper
+// for the s8 gpiov2 cell.
+// This file is distributed as open source under the Apache 2.0 license
+// Copyright 2019 efabless, Inc.
+// Written by Tim Edwards
+module s8iom0_vccd_hvc_pad (amuxbus_a, amuxbus_b, drn_hvc,
+ src_bdy_hvc, vssa, vdda, vswitch, vddio_q, vcchib, vddio, vccd,
+ vssio, vssd, vssio_q
+ inout amuxbus_a;
+ inout amuxbus_b;
+ inout drn_hvc;
+ inout src_bdy_hvc;
+ inout vddio;
+ inout vddio_q;
+ inout vdda;
+ inout vccd;
+ inout vswitch;
+ inout vcchib;
+ inout vssa;
+ inout vssd;
+ inout vssio_q;
+ inout vssio;
+ // Instantiate the underlying power pad (connects p_pad to vccd)
+ s8iom0s8_top_power_hvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_power_hvc_base (
+ .vssa(vssa),
+ .vdda(vdda),
+ .vswitch(vswitch),
+ .vddio_q(vddio_q),
+ .vcchib(vcchib),
+ .vddio(vddio),
+ .vccd(vccd),
+ .vssio(vssio),
+ .vssd(vssd),
+ .vssio_q(vssio_q),
+ .p_pad(vccd),
+ .ogc_hvc(),
+ .amuxbus_a(amuxbus_a),
+ .amuxbus_b(amuxbus_b),
+ .drn_hvc(drn_hvc),
+ .src_bdy_hvc(src_bdy_hvc)
+ );
+module s8iom0_vccd_lvc_pad (amuxbus_a, amuxbus_b,
+ drn_lvc1, drn_lvc2, src_bdy_lvc1, src_bdy_lvc2, bdy2_b2b,
+ vssa, vdda, vswitch, vddio_q, vcchib, vddio, vccd,
+ vssio, vssd, vssio_q
+ inout amuxbus_a;
+ inout amuxbus_b;
+ inout drn_lvc1;
+ inout drn_lvc2;
+ inout src_bdy_lvc1;
+ inout src_bdy_lvc2;
+ inout bdy2_b2b;
+ inout vddio;
+ inout vddio_q;
+ inout vdda;
+ inout vccd;
+ inout vswitch;
+ inout vcchib;
+ inout vssa;
+ inout vssd;
+ inout vssio_q;
+ inout vssio;
+ // Instantiate the underlying power pad (connects p_pad to vccd)
+ s8iom0s8_top_power_lvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_power_lvc_base (
+ .vssa(vssa),
+ .vdda(vdda),
+ .vswitch(vswitch),
+ .vddio_q(vddio_q),
+ .vcchib(vcchib),
+ .vddio(vddio),
+ .vccd(vccd),
+ .vssio(vssio),
+ .vssd(vssd),
+ .vssio_q(vssio_q),
+ .p_pad(vccd),
+ .ogc_lvc(),
+ .bdy2_b2b(bdy2_b2b),
+ .amuxbus_a(amuxbus_a),
+ .amuxbus_b(amuxbus_b),
+ .drn_lvc1(drn_lvc1),
+ .drn_lvc2(drn_lvc2),
+ .src_bdy_lvc1(src_bdy_lvc1),
+ .src_bdy_lvc2(src_bdy_lvc2)
+ );
+module s8iom0_vdda_lvc_pad (amuxbus_a, amuxbus_b,
+ drn_lvc1, drn_lvc2, src_bdy_lvc1, src_bdy_lvc2, bdy2_b2b,
+ vssa, vdda, vswitch, vddio_q, vcchib, vddio, vccd,
+ vssio, vssd, vssio_q
+ inout amuxbus_a;
+ inout amuxbus_b;
+ inout drn_lvc1;
+ inout drn_lvc2;
+ inout src_bdy_lvc1;
+ inout src_bdy_lvc2;
+ inout bdy2_b2b;
+ inout vddio;
+ inout vddio_q;
+ inout vdda;
+ inout vccd;
+ inout vswitch;
+ inout vcchib;
+ inout vssa;
+ inout vssd;
+ inout vssio_q;
+ inout vssio;
+ // Instantiate the underlying power pad (connects p_pad to vdda)
+ s8iom0s8_top_power_lvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_power_lvc_base (
+ .vssa(vssa),
+ .vdda(vdda),
+ .vswitch(vswitch),
+ .vddio_q(vddio_q),
+ .vcchib(vcchib),
+ .vddio(vddio),
+ .vccd(vccd),
+ .vssio(vssio),
+ .vssd(vssd),
+ .vssio_q(vssio_q),
+ .p_pad(vdda),
+ .ogc_lvc(),
+ .bdy2_b2b(bdy2_b2b),
+ .amuxbus_a(amuxbus_a),
+ .amuxbus_b(amuxbus_b),
+ .drn_lvc1(drn_lvc1),
+ .drn_lvc2(drn_lvc2),
+ .src_bdy_lvc1(src_bdy_lvc1),
+ .src_bdy_lvc2(src_bdy_lvc2)
+ );
+module s8iom0_vdda_hvc_pad (amuxbus_a, amuxbus_b, drn_hvc,
+ src_bdy_hvc,vssa, vdda, vswitch, vddio_q, vcchib, vddio, vccd,
+ vssio, vssd, vssio_q
+ inout amuxbus_a;
+ inout amuxbus_b;
+ inout drn_hvc;
+ inout src_bdy_hvc;
+ inout vddio;
+ inout vddio_q;
+ inout vdda;
+ inout vccd;
+ inout vswitch;
+ inout vcchib;
+ inout vssa;
+ inout vssd;
+ inout vssio_q;
+ inout vssio;
+ // Instantiate the underlying power pad (connects p_pad to vdda)
+ s8iom0s8_top_power_hvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_power_hvc_base (
+ .vssa(vssa),
+ .vdda(vdda),
+ .vswitch(vswitch),
+ .vddio_q(vddio_q),
+ .vcchib(vcchib),
+ .vddio(vddio),
+ .vccd(vccd),
+ .vssio(vssio),
+ .vssd(vssd),
+ .vssio_q(vssio_q),
+ .p_pad(vdda),
+ .ogc_hvc(),
+ .amuxbus_a(amuxbus_a),
+ .amuxbus_b(amuxbus_b),
+ .drn_hvc(drn_hvc),
+ .src_bdy_hvc(src_bdy_hvc)
+ );
+module s8iom0_vddio_lvc_pad (amuxbus_a, amuxbus_b,
+ drn_lvc1, drn_lvc2, src_bdy_lvc1, src_bdy_lvc2, bdy2_b2b,
+ vssa, vdda, vswitch, vddio_q, vcchib, vddio, vccd,
+ vssio, vssd, vssio_q
+ inout amuxbus_a;
+ inout amuxbus_b;
+ inout drn_lvc1;
+ inout drn_lvc2;
+ inout src_bdy_lvc1;
+ inout src_bdy_lvc2;
+ inout bdy2_b2b;
+ inout vddio;
+ inout vddio_q;
+ inout vdda;
+ inout vccd;
+ inout vswitch;
+ inout vcchib;
+ inout vssa;
+ inout vssd;
+ inout vssio_q;
+ inout vssio;
+ // Instantiate the underlying power pad (connects p_pad and vddio_q to vddio)
+ s8iom0s8_top_power_lvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_power_lvc_base (
+ .vssa(vssa),
+ .vdda(vdda),
+ .vswitch(vswitch),
+ .vddio_q(vddio_q),
+ .vcchib(vcchib),
+ .vddio(vddio),
+ .vccd(vccd),
+ .vssio(vssio),
+ .vssd(vssd),
+ .vssio_q(vssio_q),
+ .p_pad(vddio),
+ .ogc_lvc(),
+ .bdy2_b2b(bdy2_b2b),
+ .amuxbus_a(amuxbus_a),
+ .amuxbus_b(amuxbus_b),
+ .drn_lvc1(drn_lvc1),
+ .drn_lvc2(drn_lvc2),
+ .src_bdy_lvc1(src_bdy_lvc1),
+ .src_bdy_lvc2(src_bdy_lvc2)
+ );
+ assign vddio_q = vddio;
+module s8iom0_vddio_hvc_pad (amuxbus_a, amuxbus_b, drn_hvc,
+ src_bdy_hvc,vssa, vdda, vswitch, vddio_q, vcchib, vddio, vccd,
+ vssio, vssd, vssio_q
+ inout amuxbus_a;
+ inout amuxbus_b;
+ inout drn_hvc;
+ inout src_bdy_hvc;
+ inout vddio;
+ inout vddio_q;
+ inout vdda;
+ inout vccd;
+ inout vswitch;
+ inout vcchib;
+ inout vssa;
+ inout vssd;
+ inout vssio_q;
+ inout vssio;
+ // Instantiate the underlying power pad (connects p_pad and vddio_q to vddio)
+ s8iom0s8_top_power_hvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_power_hvc_base (
+ .vssa(vssa),
+ .vdda(vdda),
+ .vswitch(vswitch),
+ .vddio_q(vddio_q),
+ .vcchib(vcchib),
+ .vddio(vddio),
+ .vccd(vccd),
+ .vssio(vssio),
+ .vssd(vssd),
+ .vssio_q(vssio_q),
+ .p_pad(vddio),
+ .ogc_hvc(),
+ .amuxbus_a(amuxbus_a),
+ .amuxbus_b(amuxbus_b),
+ .drn_hvc(drn_hvc),
+ .src_bdy_hvc(src_bdy_hvc)
+ );
+ assign vddio_q = vddio;
+module s8iom0_vssd_lvc_pad (amuxbus_a, amuxbus_b,
+ drn_lvc1, drn_lvc2, src_bdy_lvc1, src_bdy_lvc2, bdy2_b2b,
+ vssa, vdda, vswitch, vddio_q, vcchib, vddio, vccd,
+ vssio, vssd, vssio_q
+ inout amuxbus_a;
+ inout amuxbus_b;
+ inout drn_lvc1;
+ inout drn_lvc2;
+ inout src_bdy_lvc1;
+ inout src_bdy_lvc2;
+ inout bdy2_b2b;
+ inout vddio;
+ inout vddio_q;
+ inout vdda;
+ inout vccd;
+ inout vswitch;
+ inout vcchib;
+ inout vssa;
+ inout vssd;
+ inout vssio_q;
+ inout vssio;
+ // Instantiate the underlying ground pad (connects g_pad to vssd)
+ s8iom0s8_top_ground_lvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_ground_lvc_base (
+ .vssa(vssa),
+ .vdda(vdda),
+ .vswitch(vswitch),
+ .vddio_q(vddio_q),
+ .vcchib(vcchib),
+ .vddio(vddio),
+ .vccd(vccd),
+ .vssio(vssio),
+ .vssd(vssd),
+ .vssio_q(vssio_q),
+ .g_pad(vssd),
+ .ogc_lvc(),
+ .bdy2_b2b(bdy2_b2b),
+ .amuxbus_a(amuxbus_a),
+ .amuxbus_b(amuxbus_b),
+ .drn_lvc1(drn_lvc1),
+ .drn_lvc2(drn_lvc2),
+ .src_bdy_lvc1(src_bdy_lvc1),
+ .src_bdy_lvc2(src_bdy_lvc2)
+ );
+module s8iom0_vssd_hvc_pad (amuxbus_a, amuxbus_b, drn_hvc,
+ src_bdy_hvc, vssa, vdda, vswitch, vddio_q, vcchib, vddio, vccd,
+ vssio, vssd, vssio_q
+ inout amuxbus_a;
+ inout amuxbus_b;
+ inout drn_hvc;
+ inout src_bdy_hvc;
+ inout vddio;
+ inout vddio_q;
+ inout vdda;
+ inout vccd;
+ inout vswitch;
+ inout vcchib;
+ inout vssa;
+ inout vssd;
+ inout vssio_q;
+ inout vssio;
+ // Instantiate the underlying ground pad (connects g_pad to vssd)
+ s8iom0s8_top_ground_hvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_ground_hvc_base (
+ .vssa(vssa),
+ .vdda(vdda),
+ .vswitch(vswitch),
+ .vddio_q(vddio_q),
+ .vcchib(vcchib),
+ .vddio(vddio),
+ .vccd(vccd),
+ .vssio(vssio),
+ .vssd(vssd),
+ .vssio_q(vssio_q),
+ .g_pad(vssd),
+ .ogc_hvc(),
+ .amuxbus_a(amuxbus_a),
+ .amuxbus_b(amuxbus_b),
+ .drn_hvc(drn_hvc),
+ .src_bdy_hvc(src_bdy_hvc)
+ );
+module s8iom0_vssio_lvc_pad (amuxbus_a, amuxbus_b,
+ drn_lvc1, drn_lvc2, src_bdy_lvc1, src_bdy_lvc2, bdy2_b2b,
+ vssa, vdda, vswitch, vddio_q, vcchib, vddio, vccd,
+ vssio, vssd, vssio_q
+ inout amuxbus_a;
+ inout amuxbus_b;
+ inout drn_lvc1;
+ inout drn_lvc2;
+ inout src_bdy_lvc1;
+ inout src_bdy_lvc2;
+ inout bdy2_b2b;
+ inout vddio;
+ inout vddio_q;
+ inout vdda;
+ inout vccd;
+ inout vswitch;
+ inout vcchib;
+ inout vssa;
+ inout vssd;
+ inout vssio_q;
+ inout vssio;
+ // Instantiate the underlying ground pad (connects g_pad and vssio_q to vssio)
+ s8iom0s8_top_ground_lvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_ground_lvc_base (
+ .vssa(vssa),
+ .vdda(vdda),
+ .vswitch(vswitch),
+ .vddio_q(vddio_q),
+ .vcchib(vcchib),
+ .vddio(vddio),
+ .vccd(vccd),
+ .vssio(vssio),
+ .vssd(vssd),
+ .vssio_q(vssio_q),
+ .g_pad(vssio),
+ .ogc_lvc(),
+ .bdy2_b2b(bdy2_b2b),
+ .amuxbus_a(amuxbus_a),
+ .amuxbus_b(amuxbus_b),
+ .drn_lvc1(drn_lvc1),
+ .drn_lvc2(drn_lvc2),
+ .src_bdy_lvc1(src_bdy_lvc1),
+ .src_bdy_lvc2(src_bdy_lvc2)
+ );
+ assign vssio_q = vssio;
+module s8iom0_vssio_hvc_pad (amuxbus_a, amuxbus_b, drn_hvc,
+ src_bdy_hvc,vssa, vdda, vswitch, vddio_q, vcchib, vddio, vccd,
+ vssio, vssd, vssio_q
+ inout amuxbus_a;
+ inout amuxbus_b;
+ inout drn_hvc;
+ inout src_bdy_hvc;
+ inout vddio;
+ inout vddio_q;
+ inout vdda;
+ inout vccd;
+ inout vswitch;
+ inout vcchib;
+ inout vssa;
+ inout vssd;
+ inout vssio_q;
+ inout vssio;
+ // Instantiate the underlying ground pad (connects g_pad and vssio_q to vssio)
+ s8iom0s8_top_ground_hvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_ground_hvc_base (
+ .vssa(vssa),
+ .vdda(vdda),
+ .vswitch(vswitch),
+ .vddio_q(vddio_q),
+ .vcchib(vcchib),
+ .vddio(vddio),
+ .vccd(vccd),
+ .vssio(vssio),
+ .vssd(vssd),
+ .vssio_q(vssio_q),
+ .g_pad(vssio),
+ .ogc_hvc(),
+ .amuxbus_a(amuxbus_a),
+ .amuxbus_b(amuxbus_b),
+ .drn_hvc(drn_hvc),
+ .src_bdy_hvc(src_bdy_hvc)
+ );
+ assign vssio_q = vssio;
+module s8iom0_vssa_lvc_pad (amuxbus_a, amuxbus_b,
+ drn_lvc1, drn_lvc2, src_bdy_lvc1, src_bdy_lvc2, bdy2_b2b,
+ vssa, vdda, vswitch, vddio_q, vcchib, vddio, vccd,
+ vssio, vssd, vssio_q
+ inout amuxbus_a;
+ inout amuxbus_b;
+ inout drn_lvc1;
+ inout drn_lvc2;
+ inout src_bdy_lvc1;
+ inout src_bdy_lvc2;
+ inout bdy2_b2b;
+ inout vddio;
+ inout vddio_q;
+ inout vdda;
+ inout vccd;
+ inout vswitch;
+ inout vcchib;
+ inout vssa;
+ inout vssd;
+ inout vssio_q;
+ inout vssio;
+ // Instantiate the underlying ground pad (connects g_pad to vssa)
+ s8iom0s8_top_ground_lvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_ground_lvc_base (
+ .vssa(vssa),
+ .vdda(vdda),
+ .vswitch(vswitch),
+ .vddio_q(vddio_q),
+ .vcchib(vcchib),
+ .vddio(vddio),
+ .vccd(vccd),
+ .vssio(vssio),
+ .vssd(vssd),
+ .vssio_q(vssio_q),
+ .g_pad(vssa),
+ .ogc_lvc(),
+ .bdy2_b2b(bdy2_b2b),
+ .amuxbus_a(amuxbus_a),
+ .amuxbus_b(amuxbus_b),
+ .drn_lvc1(drn_lvc1),
+ .drn_lvc2(drn_lvc2),
+ .src_bdy_lvc1(src_bdy_lvc1),
+ .src_bdy_lvc2(src_bdy_lvc2)
+ );
+module s8iom0_vssa_hvc_pad (amuxbus_a, amuxbus_b, drn_hvc,
+ src_bdy_hvc,vssa, vdda, vswitch, vddio_q, vcchib, vddio, vccd,
+ vssio, vssd, vssio_q
+ inout amuxbus_a;
+ inout amuxbus_b;
+ inout drn_hvc;
+ inout src_bdy_hvc;
+ inout vddio;
+ inout vddio_q;
+ inout vdda;
+ inout vccd;
+ inout vswitch;
+ inout vcchib;
+ inout vssa;
+ inout vssd;
+ inout vssio_q;
+ inout vssio;
+ // Instantiate the underlying ground pad (connects g_pad to vssa)
+ s8iom0s8_top_ground_hvc_wpad s8iom0s8_top_ground_hvc_base (
+ .vssa(vssa),
+ .vdda(vdda),
+ .vswitch(vswitch),
+ .vddio_q(vddio_q),
+ .vcchib(vcchib),
+ .vddio(vddio),
+ .vccd(vccd),
+ .vssio(vssio),
+ .vssd(vssd),
+ .vssio_q(vssio_q),
+ .g_pad(vssa),
+ .ogc_hvc(),
+ .amuxbus_a(amuxbus_a),
+ .amuxbus_b(amuxbus_b),
+ .drn_hvc(drn_hvc),
+ .src_bdy_hvc(src_bdy_hvc)
+ );
+module s8iom0_corner_pad (amuxbus_a, amuxbus_b,
+ vssa, vdda, vswitch, vddio_q, vcchib, vddio, vccd,
+ vssio, vssd, vssio_q
+ inout amuxbus_a;
+ inout amuxbus_b;
+ inout vddio;
+ inout vddio_q;
+ inout vdda;
+ inout vccd;
+ inout vswitch;
+ inout vcchib;
+ inout vssa;
+ inout vssd;
+ inout vssio_q;
+ inout vssio;
+module s8iom0s8_com_bus_slice (amuxbus_a, amuxbus_b,
+ vssa, vdda, vswitch, vddio_q, vcchib, vddio, vccd,
+ vssio, vssd, vssio_q
+ inout amuxbus_a;
+ inout amuxbus_b;
+ inout vddio;
+ inout vddio_q;
+ inout vdda;
+ inout vccd;
+ inout vswitch;
+ inout vcchib;
+ inout vssa;
+ inout vssd;
+ inout vssio_q;
+ inout vssio;
+module s8iom0s8_com_bus_slice_1um (amuxbus_a, amuxbus_b,
+ vssa, vdda, vswitch, vddio_q, vcchib, vddio, vccd,
+ vssio, vssd, vssio_q
+ inout amuxbus_a;
+ inout amuxbus_b;
+ inout vddio;
+ inout vddio_q;
+ inout vdda;
+ inout vccd;
+ inout vswitch;
+ inout vcchib;
+ inout vssa;
+ inout vssd;
+ inout vssio_q;
+ inout vssio;
+module s8iom0_gpiov2_pad (in_h, pad_a_noesd_h, pad_a_esd_0_h, pad_a_esd_1_h,
+ pad, dm, hld_h_n, in, inp_dis, ib_mode_sel, enable_h, enable_vdda_h,
+ enable_inp_h, oe_n, tie_hi_esd, tie_lo_esd, slow, vtrip_sel, hld_ovr,
+ analog_en, analog_sel, enable_vddio, enable_vswitch_h, analog_pol, out,
+ amuxbus_a, amuxbus_b,vssa, vdda, vswitch, vddio_q, vcchib, vddio, vccd,
+ vssio, vssd, vssio_q
+ );
+input out;
+input oe_n;
+input hld_h_n;
+input enable_h;
+input enable_inp_h;
+input enable_vdda_h;
+input enable_vswitch_h;
+input enable_vddio;
+input inp_dis;
+input ib_mode_sel;
+input vtrip_sel;
+input slow;
+input hld_ovr;
+input analog_en;
+input analog_sel;
+input analog_pol;
+input [2:0] dm;
+ inout vddio;
+ inout vddio_q;
+ inout vdda;
+ inout vccd;
+ inout vswitch;
+ inout vcchib;
+ inout vssa;
+ inout vssd;
+ inout vssio_q;
+ inout vssio;
+inout pad;
+inout pad_a_noesd_h,pad_a_esd_0_h,pad_a_esd_1_h;
+inout amuxbus_a;
+inout amuxbus_b;
+output in;
+output in_h;
+output tie_hi_esd, tie_lo_esd;
+// Instantiate original version with metal4-only power bus
+s8iom0s8_top_gpiov2 gpiov2_base (
+ .in_h(in_h),
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(pad_a_noesd_h),
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(pad_a_esd_0_h),
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(pad_a_esd_1_h),
+ .pad(pad),
+ .dm(dm),
+ .hld_h_n(hld_h_n),
+ .in(in),
+ .inp_dis(inp_dis),
+ .ib_mode_sel(ib_mode_sel),
+ .enable_h(enable_h),
+ .enable_vdda_h(enable_vdda_h),
+ .enable_inp_h(enable_inp_h),
+ .oe_n(oe_n),
+ .tie_hi_esd(tie_hi_esd),
+ .tie_lo_esd(tie_lo_esd),
+ .slow(slow),
+ .vtrip_sel(vtrip_sel),
+ .hld_ovr(hld_ovr),
+ .analog_en(analog_en),
+ .analog_sel(analog_sel),
+ .enable_vddio(enable_vddio),
+ .enable_vswitch_h(enable_vswitch_h),
+ .analog_pol(analog_pol),
+ .out(out),
+ .amuxbus_a(amuxbus_a),
+ .amuxbus_b(amuxbus_b) ,
+ .vssa(vssa),
+ .vdda(vdda),
+ .vswitch(vswitch),
+ .vddio_q(vddio_q),
+ .vcchib(vcchib),
+ .vddio(vddio),
+ .vccd(vccd),
+ .vssio(vssio),
+ .vssd(vssd),
+ .vssio_q(vssio_q)
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_sc_hd/scs8hd_diode_1.cdl b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_sc_hd/scs8hd_diode_1.cdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ae2f88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_sc_hd/scs8hd_diode_1.cdl
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+* Additional subcircuits not in the vendor CDL library
+.SUBCKT scs8hd_diode_1 DIODE vgnd vnb vpb vpwr
+*.PININFO DIODE:I vgnd:I vnb:I vpb:I vpwr:I
+* NOTE: Tap diode is not represented here.
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_sc_hd/scs8hd_diode_2.cdl b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_sc_hd/scs8hd_diode_2.cdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2abb8b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_sc_hd/scs8hd_diode_2.cdl
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+* Additional subcircuits not in the vendor CDL library
+.SUBCKT scs8hd_diode_2 DIODE vgnd vnb vpb vpwr
+*.PININFO DIODE:I vgnd:I vnb:I vpb:I vpwr:I
+* NOTE: Tap diode is not represented here.
diff --git a/sky130/custom/techLEF/sky130_fd_sc_hd_tech.lef b/sky130/custom/techLEF/sky130_fd_sc_hd_tech.lef
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5e0b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/techLEF/sky130_fd_sc_hd_tech.lef
@@ -0,0 +1,746 @@
+VERSION 5.7 ;
+SITE unithd
+ SIZE 0.460 BY 2.720 ;
+END unithd
+LAYER li1
+ PITCH 0.46 0.34 ;
+ OFFSET 0.23 0.17 ;
+ WIDTH 0.170 ; # LI 1
+ # SPACING 0.170 ; # LI 2
+ WIDTH 0 0.170000 ;
+ AREA 0.0561 ; # LI 6
+ THICKNESS 0.10 ;
+ ANTENNADIFFSIDEAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0.0 75.0 ) ( 0.0125 75.0 ) ( 0.0225 85.125 ) ( 22.5 10200.0 ) ) ;
+END li1
+LAYER mcon
+ WIDTH 0.17 ; # Mcon 1
+ SPACING 0.19 ; # Mcon 2
+ ENCLOSURE BELOW 0.0 0.0 ; # Mcon 4
+ ENCLOSURE ABOVE 0.030 0.060 ; # Met1 4 / Met1 5
+ DCCURRENTDENSITY AVERAGE 0.36 ; # mA per via Iavg_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ANTENNADIFFAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0.0 3.0 ) ( 0.0125 3.0 ) ( 0.0225 3.405 ) ( 22.5 408.0 ) ) ;
+END mcon
+LAYER met1
+ PITCH 0.34 ;
+ OFFSET 0.17 ;
+ WIDTH 0.140 ; # Met1 1
+ #SPACING 0.140 ; # Met1 2
+ #SPACING 0.280 RANGE 3.001 100 ; # Met1 3b
+ WIDTH 0.000 0.140000
+ WIDTH 3.000000 0.280000
+ ;
+ AREA 0.083 ; # Met1 6
+ THICKNESS 0.35 ;
+ ANTENNADIFFSIDEAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0.000000 400.000000 ) ( 0.012500 400.000000 ) ( 0.022500 2609.000000 ) ( 22.500000 11600.000000 ) ) ;
+ DCCURRENTDENSITY AVERAGE 2.8 ; # mA/um Iavg_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ACCURRENTDENSITY RMS 6.1 ; # mA/um Irms_max at Tj = 90oC
+END met1
+LAYER via
+ WIDTH 0.15 ; # Via 1a
+ SPACING 0.17 ; # Via 2
+ ENCLOSURE BELOW 0.055 0.085 ; # Via 4a / Via 5a
+ ENCLOSURE ABOVE 0.055 0.085 ; # Met2 4 / Met2 5
+ ANTENNADIFFAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0.0 6.0 ) ( 0.0125 6.0 ) ( 0.0225 6.81 ) ( 22.5 816.0 ) ) ;
+ DCCURRENTDENSITY AVERAGE 0.29 ; # mA per via Iavg_max at Tj = 90oC
+END via
+LAYER met2
+ PITCH 0.46 ;
+ OFFSET 0.23 ;
+ WIDTH 0.140 ; # Met2 1
+ #SPACING 0.140 ; # Met2 2
+ #SPACING 0.280 RANGE 3.001 100 ; # Met2 3b
+ WIDTH 0.000 0.140000
+ WIDTH 3.000000 0.28000 ;
+ AREA 0.0676 ; # Met2 6
+ THICKNESS 0.35 ;
+ DCCURRENTDENSITY AVERAGE 2.8 ; # mA/um Iavg_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ACCURRENTDENSITY RMS 6.1 ; # mA/um Irms_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ANTENNADIFFSIDEAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0.0 400.0 ) ( 0.0125 400.0 ) ( 0.0225 2609.0 ) ( 22.5 11600.0 ) ) ;
+END met2
+LAYER via2
+ WIDTH 0.20 ; # Via2 1
+ SPACING 0.20 ; # Via2 2
+ ENCLOSURE BELOW 0.040 0.085 ; # Via2 4
+ ENCLOSURE ABOVE 0.065 0.065 ; # Met3 4
+ ANTENNADIFFAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0.0 6.0 ) ( 0.0125 6.0 ) ( 0.0225 6.81 ) ( 22.5 816.0 ) ) ;
+ DCCURRENTDENSITY AVERAGE 0.48 ; # mA per via Iavg_max at Tj = 90oC
+END via2
+LAYER met3
+ PITCH 0.68 ;
+ OFFSET 0.34 ;
+ WIDTH 0.300 ; # Met3 1
+ #SPACING 0.300 ; # Met3 2
+ WIDTH 0 0.30
+ WIDTH 3.0 0.40 ;
+ AREA 0.240 ; # Met3 6
+ DCCURRENTDENSITY AVERAGE 6.8 ; # mA/um Iavg_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ACCURRENTDENSITY RMS 14.9 ; # mA/um Irms_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ANTENNADIFFSIDEAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0.0 400.0 ) ( 0.0125 400.0 ) ( 0.0225 2609.0 ) ( 22.5 11600.0 ) ) ;
+END met3
+LAYER via3
+ WIDTH 0.20 ; # Via3 1
+ SPACING 0.20 ; # Via3 2
+ ENCLOSURE BELOW 0.060 0.090 ; # Via3 4 / Via3 5
+ ENCLOSURE ABOVE 0.065 0.065 ; # Met4 3
+ ANTENNADIFFAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0.0 6.0 ) ( 0.0125 6.0 ) ( 0.0225 6.81 ) ( 22.5 816.0 ) ) ;
+ DCCURRENTDENSITY AVERAGE 0.48 ; # mA per via Iavg_max at Tj = 90oC
+END via3
+LAYER met4
+ PITCH 0.92 ;
+ OFFSET 0.46 ;
+ WIDTH 0.300 ; # Met4 1
+ #SPACING 0.300 ; # Met4 2
+ WIDTH 0 0.30
+ WIDTH 3.0 0.40 ;
+ AREA 0.240 ; # Met4 4a
+ DCCURRENTDENSITY AVERAGE 6.8 ; # mA/um Iavg_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ACCURRENTDENSITY RMS 14.9 ; # mA/um Irms_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ANTENNADIFFSIDEAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0.0 400.0 ) ( 0.0125 400.0 ) ( 0.0225 2609.0 ) ( 22.5 11600.0 ) ) ;
+END met4
+LAYER via4
+ WIDTH 0.80 ; # Via4 1
+ SPACING 0.80 ; # Via4 2
+ ENCLOSURE BELOW 0.190 0.190 ; # Via4 4
+ ENCLOSURE ABOVE 0.310 0.310 ; # Met5 3
+ ANTENNADIFFAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0.0 6.0 ) ( 0.0125 6.0 ) ( 0.0225 6.81 ) ( 22.5 816.0 ) ) ;
+ DCCURRENTDENSITY AVERAGE 2.49 ; # mA per via Iavg_max at Tj = 90oC
+END via4
+LAYER met5
+ PITCH 3.4 ;
+ OFFSET 1.7 ;
+ WIDTH 1.600 ; # Met5 1
+ #SPACING 1.600 ; # Met5 2
+ WIDTH 0 1.600 ;
+ AREA 4.000 ; # Met5 4
+ DCCURRENTDENSITY AVERAGE 10.17 ; # mA/um Iavg_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ACCURRENTDENSITY RMS 22.34 ; # mA/um Irms_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ANTENNADIFFSIDEAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0.0 400.0 ) ( 0.0125 400.0 ) ( 0.0225 2609.0 ) ( 22.5 11600.0 ) ) ;
+END met5
+### Routing via cells section ###
+# Plus via rule, metals are along the prefered direction
+ LAYER mcon ;
+ RECT -0.085000 -0.085000 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ RECT -0.085000 -0.085000 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT -0.145000 -0.115000 0.145000 0.115000 ;
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.000000 0.000000 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.060000 0.030000 ;
+ LAYER mcon ;
+ RECT -0.085000 -0.085000 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+ SPACING 0.360000 BY 0.360000 ;
+# Plus via rule, metals are along the non prefered direction
+ LAYER mcon ;
+ RECT -0.085000 -0.085000 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ RECT -0.085000 -0.085000 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT -0.115000 -0.145000 0.115000 0.145000 ;
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.000000 0.000000 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.030000 0.060000 ;
+ LAYER mcon ;
+ RECT -0.085000 -0.085000 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+ SPACING 0.360000 BY 0.360000 ;
+# Minus via rule, lower layer metal is along prefered direction
+ LAYER mcon ;
+ RECT -0.085000 -0.085000 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ RECT -0.085000 -0.085000 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT -0.115000 -0.145000 0.115000 0.145000 ;
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.000000 0.000000 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.030000 0.060000 ;
+ LAYER mcon ;
+ RECT -0.085000 -0.085000 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+ SPACING 0.360000 BY 0.360000 ;
+# Minus via rule, upper layer metal is along prefered direction
+ LAYER mcon ;
+ RECT -0.085000 -0.085000 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ RECT -0.085000 -0.085000 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT -0.145000 -0.115000 0.145000 0.115000 ;
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.000000 0.000000 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.060000 0.030000 ;
+ LAYER mcon ;
+ RECT -0.085000 -0.085000 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+ SPACING 0.360000 BY 0.360000 ;
+# Centered via rule, we really do not want to use it
+ LAYER mcon ;
+ RECT -0.085000 -0.085000 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ RECT -0.085000 -0.085000 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT -0.145000 -0.145000 0.145000 0.145000 ;
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.000000 0.000000 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.060000 0.060000 ;
+ LAYER mcon ;
+ RECT -0.085000 -0.085000 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+ SPACING 0.360000 BY 0.360000 ;
+# Plus via rule, metals are along the prefered direction
+ LAYER via ;
+ RECT -0.075000 -0.075000 0.075000 0.075000 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT -0.160000 -0.130000 0.160000 0.130000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT -0.130000 -0.160000 0.130000 0.160000 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.085000 0.055000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.055000 0.085000 ;
+ LAYER via ;
+ RECT -0.075000 -0.075000 0.075000 0.075000 ;
+ SPACING 0.320000 BY 0.320000 ;
+# Plus via rule, metals are along the non prefered direction
+ LAYER via ;
+ RECT -0.075000 -0.075000 0.075000 0.075000 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT -0.130000 -0.160000 0.130000 0.160000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT -0.160000 -0.130000 0.160000 0.130000 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.055000 0.085000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.085000 0.055000 ;
+ LAYER via ;
+ RECT -0.075000 -0.075000 0.075000 0.075000 ;
+ SPACING 0.320000 BY 0.320000 ;
+# Minus via rule, lower layer metal is along prefered direction
+ LAYER via ;
+ RECT -0.075000 -0.075000 0.075000 0.075000 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT -0.160000 -0.130000 0.160000 0.130000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT -0.160000 -0.130000 0.160000 0.130000 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.085000 0.055000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.085000 0.055000 ;
+ LAYER via ;
+ RECT -0.075000 -0.075000 0.075000 0.075000 ;
+ SPACING 0.320000 BY 0.320000 ;
+# Minus via rule, upper layer metal is along prefered direction
+ LAYER via ;
+ RECT -0.075000 -0.075000 0.075000 0.075000 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT -0.130000 -0.160000 0.130000 0.160000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT -0.130000 -0.160000 0.130000 0.160000 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.055000 0.085000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.055000 0.085000 ;
+ LAYER via ;
+ RECT -0.075000 -0.075000 0.075000 0.075000 ;
+ SPACING 0.320000 BY 0.320000 ;
+# Centered via rule, we really do not want to use it
+ LAYER via ;
+ RECT -0.075000 -0.075000 0.075000 0.075000 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT -0.160000 -0.160000 0.160000 0.160000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT -0.160000 -0.160000 0.160000 0.160000 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+ LAYER via ;
+ RECT -0.075000 -0.075000 0.075000 0.075000 ;
+ SPACING 0.320000 BY 0.320000 ;
+# Plus via rule, metals are along the prefered direction
+ LAYER via2 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT -0.140000 -0.185000 0.140000 0.185000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT -0.165000 -0.165000 0.165000 0.165000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.040000 0.085000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.065000 0.065000 ;
+ LAYER via2 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ SPACING 0.400000 BY 0.400000 ;
+# Plus via rule, metals are along the non prefered direction
+ LAYER via2 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT -0.185000 -0.140000 0.185000 0.140000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT -0.165000 -0.165000 0.165000 0.165000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.085000 0.040000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.065000 0.065000 ;
+ LAYER via2 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ SPACING 0.400000 BY 0.400000 ;
+# Minus via rule, lower layer metal is along prefered direction
+ LAYER via2 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT -0.140000 -0.185000 0.140000 0.185000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT -0.165000 -0.165000 0.165000 0.165000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.040000 0.085000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.065000 0.065000 ;
+ LAYER via2 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ SPACING 0.400000 BY 0.400000 ;
+# Minus via rule, upper layer metal is along prefered direction
+ LAYER via2 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT -0.185000 -0.140000 0.185000 0.140000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT -0.165000 -0.165000 0.165000 0.165000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.085000 0.040000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.065000 0.065000 ;
+ LAYER via2 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ SPACING 0.400000 BY 0.400000 ;
+# Centered via rule, we really do not want to use it
+ LAYER via2 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT -0.185000 -0.185000 0.185000 0.185000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT -0.165000 -0.165000 0.165000 0.165000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.065000 0.065000 ;
+ LAYER via2 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ SPACING 0.400000 BY 0.400000 ;
+# Plus via rule, metals are along the prefered direction
+ LAYER via3 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT -0.190000 -0.160000 0.190000 0.160000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT -0.165000 -0.165000 0.165000 0.165000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.090000 0.060000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.065000 0.065000 ;
+ LAYER via3 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ SPACING 0.400000 BY 0.400000 ;
+# Plus via rule, metals are along the non prefered direction
+ LAYER via3 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT -0.160000 -0.190000 0.160000 0.190000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT -0.165000 -0.165000 0.165000 0.165000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.060000 0.090000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.065000 0.065000 ;
+ LAYER via3 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ SPACING 0.400000 BY 0.400000 ;
+# Minus via rule, lower layer metal is along prefered direction
+ LAYER via3 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT -0.190000 -0.160000 0.190000 0.160000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT -0.165000 -0.165000 0.165000 0.165000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.090000 0.060000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.065000 0.065000 ;
+ LAYER via3 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ SPACING 0.400000 BY 0.400000 ;
+# Minus via rule, upper layer metal is along prefered direction
+ LAYER via3 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT -0.160000 -0.190000 0.160000 0.190000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT -0.165000 -0.165000 0.165000 0.165000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.060000 0.090000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.065000 0.065000 ;
+ LAYER via3 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ SPACING 0.400000 BY 0.400000 ;
+# Centered via rule, we really do not want to use it
+ LAYER via3 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT -0.190000 -0.190000 0.190000 0.190000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT -0.165000 -0.165000 0.165000 0.165000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.090000 0.090000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.065000 0.065000 ;
+ LAYER via3 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ SPACING 0.400000 BY 0.400000 ;
+# Plus via rule, metals are along the prefered direction
+ LAYER via4 ;
+ RECT -0.400000 -0.400000 0.400000 0.400000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT -0.590000 -0.590000 0.590000 0.590000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT -0.710000 -0.710000 0.710000 0.710000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.190000 0.190000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.310000 0.310000 ;
+ LAYER via4 ;
+ RECT -0.400000 -0.400000 0.400000 0.400000 ;
+ SPACING 1.600000 BY 1.600000 ;
+# Plus via rule, metals are along the non prefered direction
+ LAYER via4 ;
+ RECT -0.400000 -0.400000 0.400000 0.400000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT -0.590000 -0.590000 0.590000 0.590000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT -0.710000 -0.710000 0.710000 0.710000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.190000 0.190000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.310000 0.310000 ;
+ LAYER via4 ;
+ RECT -0.400000 -0.400000 0.400000 0.400000 ;
+ SPACING 1.600000 BY 1.600000 ;
+# Minus via rule, lower layer metal is along prefered direction
+ LAYER via4 ;
+ RECT -0.400000 -0.400000 0.400000 0.400000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT -0.590000 -0.590000 0.590000 0.590000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT -0.710000 -0.710000 0.710000 0.710000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.190000 0.190000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.310000 0.310000 ;
+ LAYER via4 ;
+ RECT -0.400000 -0.400000 0.400000 0.400000 ;
+ SPACING 1.600000 BY 1.600000 ;
+# Minus via rule, upper layer metal is along prefered direction
+ LAYER via4 ;
+ RECT -0.400000 -0.400000 0.400000 0.400000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT -0.590000 -0.590000 0.590000 0.590000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT -0.710000 -0.710000 0.710000 0.710000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.190000 0.190000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.310000 0.310000 ;
+ LAYER via4 ;
+ RECT -0.400000 -0.400000 0.400000 0.400000 ;
+ SPACING 1.600000 BY 1.600000 ;
+# Centered via rule, we really do not want to use it
+ LAYER via4 ;
+ RECT -0.400000 -0.400000 0.400000 0.400000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT -0.590000 -0.590000 0.590000 0.590000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT -0.710000 -0.710000 0.710000 0.710000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.190000 0.190000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.310000 0.310000 ;
+ LAYER via4 ;
+ RECT -0.400000 -0.400000 0.400000 0.400000 ;
+ SPACING 1.600000 BY 1.600000 ;
+### end of single via cells ###
diff --git a/sky130/custom/techLEF/sky130_fd_sc_hs_tech.lef b/sky130/custom/techLEF/sky130_fd_sc_hs_tech.lef
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f8f3af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/techLEF/sky130_fd_sc_hs_tech.lef
@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+SITE unitehd
+ SIZE 0.460 BY 3.400 ;
+END unitehd
+###### Starting overlap layers #####
+# ******** Layer OverlapCheck, type blockage, number 90 **************
+LAYER OverlapCheck
+END OverlapCheck
+###### Starting routing layers - metal and via #####
+# ******** Layer li1, type routing, number 56 **************
+LAYER li1
+ PITCH 0.48 ;
+ MINWIDTH 0.170000 ;
+ WIDTH 0.170000 ;
+ AREA 0.028900 ;
+ WIDTH 0 0.170000 ;
+ THICKNESS 0.100000 ;
+# DCCURRENTDENSITY AVERAGE (no limit on this layer) ;
+ ANTENNADIFFSIDEAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0.000000 75.000000 ) ( 0.012500 75.000000 ) ( 0.022500 85.125000 ) ( 22.500000 10200.000000 ) ) ;
+END li1
+# ******** Layer mcon, type routing, number 35 **************
+LAYER mcon
+ SPACING 0.190000 ;
+ WIDTH 0.170000 ;
+ ANTENNADIFFAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0.000000 3.000000 ) ( 0.012500 3.000000 ) ( 0.022500 3.405000 ) ( 22.500000 408.000000 ) ) ;
+ DCCURRENTDENSITY AVERAGE 0.36 ; # mA per via Iavg_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ENCLOSURE BELOW 0.000000 0.000000 ;
+ ENCLOSURE ABOVE 0.000000 0.000000 ;
+END mcon
+# ******** Layer met1, type routing, number 36 **************
+LAYER met1
+ PITCH 0.37 ;
+ MINWIDTH 0.140000 ;
+ WIDTH 0.140000 ;
+ AREA 0.083000 ;
+ WIDTH 0.000 0.140000
+ WIDTH 3.000000 0.280000
+ ;
+ THICKNESS 0.350000 ;
+ DCCURRENTDENSITY AVERAGE 2.8 ; # mA/um Iavg_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ACCURRENTDENSITY RMS 6.1 ; # mA/um Irms_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ANTENNADIFFSIDEAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0.000000 400.000000 ) ( 0.012500 400.000000 ) ( 0.022500 2609.000000 ) ( 22.500000 11600.000000 ) ) ;
+END met1
+# ******** Layer via, type routing, number 40 **************
+LAYER via1
+ SPACING 0.170000 ;
+ WIDTH 0.150000 ;
+ ANTENNADIFFAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0.000000 6.000000 ) ( 0.012500 6.000000 ) ( 0.022500 6.810000 ) ( 22.500000 816.000000 ) ) ;
+ DCCURRENTDENSITY AVERAGE 0.29 ; # mA per via Iavg_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ENCLOSURE BELOW 0.000000 0.000000 ;
+ ENCLOSURE ABOVE 0.000000 0.000000 ;
+END via1
+# ******** Layer met2, type routing, number 41 **************
+LAYER met2
+ PITCH 0.48 ;
+ MINWIDTH 0.140000 ;
+ WIDTH 0.140000 ;
+ AREA 0.067600 ;
+ WIDTH 0.000 0.140000
+ WIDTH 3.000000 0.280000
+ ;
+ THICKNESS 0.350000 ;
+ DCCURRENTDENSITY AVERAGE 2.8 ; # mA/um Iavg_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ACCURRENTDENSITY RMS 6.1 ; # mA/um Irms_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ANTENNADIFFSIDEAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0.000000 400.000000 ) ( 0.012500 400.000000 ) ( 0.022500 2609.000000 ) ( 22.500000 11600.000000 ) ) ;
+END met2
+# ******** Layer via2, type routing, number 44 **************
+LAYER via2
+ SPACING 0.200000 ;
+ WIDTH 0.200000 ;
+ ANTENNADIFFAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0.000000 6.000000 ) ( 0.012500 6.000000 ) ( 0.022500 6.810000 ) ( 22.500000 816.000000 ) ) ;
+ DCCURRENTDENSITY AVERAGE 0.48 ; # mA per via Iavg_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ENCLOSURE BELOW 0.000000 0.000000 ;
+ ENCLOSURE ABOVE 0.000000 0.000000 ;
+END via2
+# ******** Layer met3, type routing, number 34 **************
+LAYER met3
+ PITCH 0.666 ;
+ MINWIDTH 0.300000 ;
+ WIDTH 0.300000 ;
+ AREA 0.240000 ;
+ WIDTH 0.000 0.300000
+ WIDTH 3.000000 0.400000
+ ;
+ THICKNESS 0.800000 ;
+ DCCURRENTDENSITY AVERAGE 6.8 ; # mA/um Iavg_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ACCURRENTDENSITY RMS 14.9 ; # mA/um Irms_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ANTENNADIFFSIDEAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0.000000 400.000000 ) ( 0.012500 400.000000 ) ( 0.022500 2609.000000 ) ( 22.500000 11600.000000 ) ) ;
+END met3
+# ******** Layer via3, type routing, number 70 **************
+LAYER via3
+ SPACING 0.200000 ;
+ WIDTH 0.200000 ;
+ ANTENNADIFFAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0.000000 6.000000 ) ( 0.012500 6.000000 ) ( 0.022500 6.810000 ) ( 22.500000 816.000000 ) ) ;
+ DCCURRENTDENSITY AVERAGE 0.48 ; # mA per via Iavg_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ENCLOSURE BELOW 0.000000 0.000000 ;
+ ENCLOSURE ABOVE 0.000000 0.000000 ;
+END via3
+# ******** Layer met4, type routing, number 71 **************
+LAYER met4
+ PITCH 0.96 ;
+ MINWIDTH 0.300000 ;
+ WIDTH 0.300000 ;
+ AREA 0.240000 ;
+ WIDTH 0.000 0.300000
+ WIDTH 3.000000 0.400000
+ ;
+ THICKNESS 0.800000 ;
+ DCCURRENTDENSITY AVERAGE 6.8 ; # mA/um Iavg_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ACCURRENTDENSITY RMS 14.9 ; # mA/um Irms_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ANTENNADIFFSIDEAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0.000000 400.000000 ) ( 0.012500 400.000000 ) ( 0.022500 2609.000000 ) ( 22.500000 11600.000000 ) ) ;
+END met4
+# ******** Layer via4, type routing, number 58 **************
+LAYER via4
+ SPACING 0.800000 ;
+ WIDTH 0.800000 ;
+ ANTENNADIFFAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0.000000 6.000000 ) ( 0.012500 6.000000 ) ( 0.022500 6.810000 ) ( 22.500000 816.000000 ) ) ;
+ DCCURRENTDENSITY AVERAGE 2.49 ; # mA per via Iavg_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ENCLOSURE BELOW 0.000000 0.000000 ;
+ ENCLOSURE ABOVE 0.000000 0.000000 ;
+END via4
+# ******** Layer met5, type routing, number 72 **************
+LAYER met5
+ PITCH 3.3 ;
+ MINWIDTH 1.600000 ;
+ WIDTH 1.600000 ;
+ AREA 2.560000 ;
+ WIDTH 0 1.600000 ;
+ THICKNESS 1.200000 ;
+ DCCURRENTDENSITY AVERAGE 10.17 ; # mA/um Iavg_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ACCURRENTDENSITY RMS 22.34 ; # mA/um Irms_max at Tj = 90oC
+ ANTENNADIFFSIDEAREARATIO PWL ( ( 0.000000 400.000000 ) ( 0.012500 400.000000 ) ( 0.022500 2609.000000 ) ( 22.500000 11600.000000 ) ) ;
+END met5
+###### completed routing layers - metal and via #####
+### Routing via cells section ###
+# Plus via rule, metals are along the prefered direction
+ LAYER mcon ;
+ RECT -0.085 -0.085 0.085 0.085 ;
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ RECT -0.085 -0.165 0.085 0.165 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT -0.16 -0.13 0.16 0.13 ;
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.000 0.080 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.030 0.060 ;
+ LAYER mcon ;
+ RECT -0.085 -0.085 0.085 0.085 ;
+ SPACING 0.360 BY 0.360 ;
+# Plus via rule, metals are along the non prefered direction
+ LAYER mcon ;
+ RECT -0.085 -0.085 0.085 0.085 ;
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ RECT -0.165 -0.085 0.165 0.085 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT -0.13 -0.16 0.13 0.16 ;
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.000 0.080 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.030 0.060 ;
+ LAYER mcon ;
+ RECT -0.085 -0.085 0.085 0.085 ;
+ SPACING 0.360 BY 0.360 ;
+# Minus via rule, lower layer metal is along prefered direction
+ LAYER mcon ;
+ RECT -0.085 -0.085 0.085 0.085 ;
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ RECT -0.085 -0.165 0.085 0.165 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT -0.13 -0.16 0.13 0.16 ;
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.000 0.080 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.030 0.060 ;
+ LAYER mcon ;
+ RECT -0.085 -0.085 0.085 0.085 ;
+ SPACING 0.360 BY 0.360 ;
+# Minus via rule, upper layer metal is along prefered direction
+ LAYER mcon ;
+ RECT -0.085 -0.085 0.085 0.085 ;
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ RECT -0.165 -0.085 0.165 0.085 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT -0.16 -0.13 0.16 0.13 ;
+ LAYER li1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.000 0.080 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.030 0.060 ;
+ LAYER mcon ;
+ RECT -0.085 -0.085 0.085 0.085 ;
+ SPACING 0.360 BY 0.360 ;
+# Centered via rule, we really do not want to use it
+# LAYER mcon ;
+# RECT -0.085000 -0.085000 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+# LAYER li1 ;
+# RECT -0.085000 -0.085000 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+# LAYER met1 ;
+# RECT -0.145000 -0.145000 0.145000 0.145000 ;
+# END L1M1_PR_C
+# LAYER li1 ;
+# ENCLOSURE 0.000000 0.000000 ;
+# LAYER met1 ;
+# ENCLOSURE 0.060000 0.060000 ;
+# LAYER mcon ;
+# RECT -0.085000 -0.085000 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+# SPACING 0.360000 BY 0.360000 ;
+# END L1M1_PR_C
+# Plus via rule, metals are along the prefered direction
+ LAYER via1 ;
+ RECT -0.075 -0.075 0.075 0.075 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT -0.16 -0.13 0.16 0.13 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT -0.13 -0.16 0.13 0.16 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.055 0.085 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.055 0.085 ;
+ LAYER via1 ;
+ RECT -0.075 -0.075 0.075 0.075 ;
+ SPACING 0.320 BY 0.320 ;
+# Plus via rule, metals are along the non prefered direction
+ LAYER via1 ;
+ RECT -0.075 -0.075 0.075 0.075 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT -0.13 -0.16 0.13 0.16 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT -0.16 -0.13 0.16 0.13 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.055 0.085 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.055 0.085 ;
+ LAYER via1 ;
+ RECT -0.075 -0.075 0.075 0.075 ;
+ SPACING 0.320 BY 0.320 ;
+# Minus via rule, lower layer metal is along prefered direction
+ LAYER via1 ;
+ RECT -0.075 -0.075 0.075 0.075 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT -0.16 -0.13 0.16 0.13 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT -0.16 -0.13 0.16 0.13 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.055 0.085 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.055 0.085 ;
+ LAYER via1 ;
+ RECT -0.075 -0.075 0.075 0.075 ;
+ SPACING 0.320 BY 0.320 ;
+# Minus via rule, upper layer metal is along prefered direction
+ LAYER via1 ;
+ RECT -0.075 -0.075 0.075 0.075 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ RECT -0.13 -0.16 0.13 0.16 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT -0.13 -0.16 0.13 0.16 ;
+ LAYER met1 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.055 0.085 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.055 0.085 ;
+ LAYER via1 ;
+ RECT -0.075 -0.075 0.075 0.075 ;
+ SPACING 0.320 BY 0.320 ;
+# # Centered via rule, we really do not want to use it
+# LAYER via ;
+# RECT -0.075000 -0.075000 0.075000 0.075000 ;
+# LAYER met1 ;
+# RECT -0.160000 -0.160000 0.160000 0.160000 ;
+# LAYER met2 ;
+# RECT -0.160000 -0.160000 0.160000 0.160000 ;
+# END M1M2_PR_C
+# LAYER met1 ;
+# ENCLOSURE 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+# LAYER met2 ;
+# ENCLOSURE 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+# LAYER via ;
+# RECT -0.075000 -0.075000 0.075000 0.075000 ;
+# SPACING 0.320000 BY 0.320000 ;
+# END M1M2_PR_C
+# Plus via rule, metals are along the prefered direction
+ LAYER via2 ;
+ RECT -0.1 -0.1 0.1 0.1 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT -0.14 -0.185 0.14 0.185 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT -0.165 -0.165 0.165 0.165 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.040 0.085 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.065 0.065 ;
+ LAYER via2 ;
+ RECT -0.1 -0.1 0.1 0.1 ;
+ SPACING 0.40 BY 0.40 ;
+# Plus via rule, metals are along the non prefered direction
+ LAYER via2 ;
+ RECT -0.1 -0.1 0.1 0.1 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT -0.185 -0.14 0.185 0.14 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT -0.165 -0.165 0.165 0.165 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.040 0.085 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.065 0.065 ;
+ LAYER via2 ;
+ RECT -0.1 -0.1 0.1 0.1 ;
+ SPACING 0.40 BY 0.40 ;
+# Minus via rule, lower layer metal is along prefered direction
+ LAYER via2 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT -0.140000 -0.185000 0.140000 0.185000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT -0.165000 -0.165000 0.165000 0.165000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.040000 0.085000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.065000 0.065000 ;
+ LAYER via2 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ SPACING 0.400000 BY 0.400000 ;
+# Minus via rule, upper layer metal is along prefered direction
+ LAYER via2 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ RECT -0.185000 -0.140000 0.185000 0.140000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT -0.165000 -0.165000 0.165000 0.165000 ;
+ LAYER met2 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.085000 0.040000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.065000 0.065000 ;
+ LAYER via2 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ SPACING 0.400000 BY 0.400000 ;
+# # Centered via rule, we really do not want to use it
+# LAYER via2 ;
+# RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+# LAYER met2 ;
+# RECT -0.185000 -0.185000 0.185000 0.185000 ;
+# LAYER met3 ;
+# RECT -0.165000 -0.165000 0.165000 0.165000 ;
+# END M2M3_PR_C
+# LAYER met2 ;
+# ENCLOSURE 0.085000 0.085000 ;
+# LAYER met3 ;
+# ENCLOSURE 0.065000 0.065000 ;
+# LAYER via2 ;
+# RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+# SPACING 0.400000 BY 0.400000 ;
+# END M2M3_PR_C
+# Plus via rule, metals are along the prefered direction
+ LAYER via3 ;
+ RECT -0.1 -0.1 0.1 0.1 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT -0.19 -0.16 0.19 0.16 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT -0.165 -0.165 0.165 0.165 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.06 0.09 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.065 0.065 ;
+ LAYER via3 ;
+ RECT -0.1 -0.1 0.1 0.1 ;
+ SPACING 0.40 BY 0.40 ;
+# Plus via rule, metals are along the non prefered direction
+ LAYER via3 ;
+ RECT -0.1 -0.1 0.1 0.1 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT -0.16 -0.19 0.16 0.19 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT -0.165 -0.165 0.165 0.165 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.06 0.09 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.065 0.065 ;
+ LAYER via3 ;
+ RECT -0.1 -0.1 0.1 0.1 ;
+ SPACING 0.40 BY 0.40 ;
+# Minus via rule, lower layer metal is along prefered direction
+ LAYER via3 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT -0.190000 -0.160000 0.190000 0.160000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT -0.165000 -0.165000 0.165000 0.165000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.090000 0.060000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.065000 0.065000 ;
+ LAYER via3 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ SPACING 0.400000 BY 0.400000 ;
+# Minus via rule, upper layer metal is along prefered direction
+ LAYER via3 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ RECT -0.160000 -0.190000 0.160000 0.190000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT -0.165000 -0.165000 0.165000 0.165000 ;
+ LAYER met3 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.060000 0.090000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.065000 0.065000 ;
+ LAYER via3 ;
+ RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+ SPACING 0.400000 BY 0.400000 ;
+# # Centered via rule, we really do not want to use it
+# LAYER via3 ;
+# RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+# LAYER met3 ;
+# RECT -0.190000 -0.190000 0.190000 0.190000 ;
+# LAYER met4 ;
+# RECT -0.165000 -0.165000 0.165000 0.165000 ;
+# END M3M4_PR_C
+# LAYER met3 ;
+# ENCLOSURE 0.090000 0.090000 ;
+# LAYER met4 ;
+# ENCLOSURE 0.065000 0.065000 ;
+# LAYER via3 ;
+# RECT -0.100000 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 ;
+# SPACING 0.400000 BY 0.400000 ;
+# END M3M4_PR_C
+# Plus via rule, metals are along the prefered direction
+ LAYER via4 ;
+ RECT -0.4 -0.4 0.4 0.4 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT -0.59 -0.59 0.59 0.59 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT -0.71 -0.71 0.71 0.71 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.190 0.190 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.310 0.310 ;
+ LAYER via4 ;
+ RECT -0.4 -0.4 0.4 0.4 ;
+ SPACING 1.60 BY 1.60 ;
+# Plus via rule, metals are along the non prefered direction
+ LAYER via4 ;
+ RECT -0.400000 -0.400000 0.400000 0.400000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT -0.590000 -0.590000 0.590000 0.590000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT -0.710000 -0.710000 0.710000 0.710000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.190000 0.190000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.310000 0.310000 ;
+ LAYER via4 ;
+ RECT -0.400000 -0.400000 0.400000 0.400000 ;
+ SPACING 1.600000 BY 1.600000 ;
+# Minus via rule, lower layer metal is along prefered direction
+ LAYER via4 ;
+ RECT -0.400000 -0.400000 0.400000 0.400000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT -0.590000 -0.590000 0.590000 0.590000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT -0.710000 -0.710000 0.710000 0.710000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.190000 0.190000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.310000 0.310000 ;
+ LAYER via4 ;
+ RECT -0.400000 -0.400000 0.400000 0.400000 ;
+ SPACING 1.600000 BY 1.600000 ;
+# Minus via rule, upper layer metal is along prefered direction
+ LAYER via4 ;
+ RECT -0.400000 -0.400000 0.400000 0.400000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ RECT -0.590000 -0.590000 0.590000 0.590000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ RECT -0.710000 -0.710000 0.710000 0.710000 ;
+ LAYER met4 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.190000 0.190000 ;
+ LAYER met5 ;
+ ENCLOSURE 0.310000 0.310000 ;
+ LAYER via4 ;
+ RECT -0.400000 -0.400000 0.400000 0.400000 ;
+ SPACING 1.600000 BY 1.600000 ;
+# # Centered via rule, we really do not want to use it
+# LAYER via4 ;
+# RECT -0.400000 -0.400000 0.400000 0.400000 ;
+# LAYER met4 ;
+# RECT -0.590000 -0.590000 0.590000 0.590000 ;
+# LAYER met5 ;
+# RECT -0.710000 -0.710000 0.710000 0.710000 ;
+# END M4M5_PR_C
+# LAYER met4 ;
+# ENCLOSURE 0.190000 0.190000 ;
+# LAYER met5 ;
+# ENCLOSURE 0.310000 0.310000 ;
+# LAYER via4 ;
+# RECT -0.400000 -0.400000 0.400000 0.400000 ;
+# SPACING 1.600000 BY 1.600000 ;
+# END M4M5_PR_C
diff --git a/sky130/sky130.json b/sky130/sky130.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf54238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/sky130.json
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#define DESCRIPTION Skywater 0.13um CMOS, local interconntect + high-resistance poly
+#ifdef METAL5
+#define OPTION1 + 5 metal layer backend stack
+#endif (METAL5)
+#ifdef MIM
+#define OPTION2 + MiM caps
+#endif (MIM)
+#define OPTION3 + redistribution layer
+ "foundry" : "SW",
+ "foundry-name" : "SkyWater",
+ "node" : "TECHNAME",
+ "feature-size" : "130nm",
+ "status" : "active",
+ "options" : [
+#ifdef METAL5
+#undef METAL5
+ "METAL5",
+ "METAL5"
+#endif (!(MIM || REDISTRIBUTION))
+#endif (METAL5)
+#ifdef MIM
+#undef MIM
+ "MIM",
+ "MIM"
+#endif (MIM)
+ ],
+ "stdcells" : [
+ "sky130_fd_sc_hd",
+ "sky130_fd_sc_hdll",
+ "sky130_fd_sc_hs",
+ "sky130_fd_sc_hvl",
+ "sky130_fd_sc_lp",
+ "sky130_fd_sc_ls",
+ "sky130_fd_sc_ms",
+ "sky130_osu130"
+ ],
+ "iocells" : [
+ "sky130_fd_io"
+ ]
diff --git a/sky130/sky130.lyp b/sky130/sky130.lyp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf7ec0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/sky130.lyp
@@ -0,0 +1,8241 @@
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+ <animation>0</animation>
+ <name>blanking.drawing - 124/40</name>
+ <source>124/40@1</source>
+ </properties>
+ <name/>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <name>blank</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>2</order>
+ <name>solid</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>3</order>
+ <name>dots</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>4</order>
+ <name>hLine</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>5</order>
+ <name>vLine</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>6</order>
+ <name>cross</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>7</order>
+ <name>grid</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>.*...*...*...*..</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>.*...*...*...*..</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>.*...*...*...*..</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>.*...*...*...*..</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>8</order>
+ <name>slash</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>.*...*...*...*..</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>.*...*...*...*..</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>.*...*...*...*..</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>.*...*...*...*..</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>9</order>
+ <name>backSlash</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>**......**......</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>...**......**...</line>
+ <line>.....*.......*..</line>
+ <line>......**......**</line>
+ <line>*.......*.......</line>
+ <line>.**......**.....</line>
+ <line>...*.......*....</line>
+ <line>....**......**..</line>
+ <line>......*.......*.</line>
+ <line>*......**......*</line>
+ <line>.*.......*......</line>
+ <line>..**......**....</line>
+ <line>....*.......*...</line>
+ <line>.....**......**.</line>
+ <line>.......*.......*</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>10</order>
+ <name>hZigZag</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>*....*....*.....</line>
+ <line>*.....*....*....</line>
+ <line>.*....*.....*...</line>
+ <line>..*....*....*...</line>
+ <line>..*.....*....*..</line>
+ <line>...*....*.....*.</line>
+ <line>....*....*....*.</line>
+ <line>....*.....*....*</line>
+ <line>*....*....*.....</line>
+ <line>*.....*....*....</line>
+ <line>.*....*.....*...</line>
+ <line>..*....*....*...</line>
+ <line>..*.....*....*..</line>
+ <line>...*....*.....*.</line>
+ <line>....*....*....*.</line>
+ <line>....*.....*....*</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>11</order>
+ <name>vZigZag</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>...*****...*****</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>****...*****...*</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>...*****...*****</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>****...*****...*</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>12</order>
+ <name>hCurb</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>.....*.......*..</line>
+ <line>.....*.......*..</line>
+ <line>.....*.......*..</line>
+ <line>..****....****..</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>..****....****..</line>
+ <line>.....*.......*..</line>
+ <line>.....*.......*..</line>
+ <line>.....*.......*..</line>
+ <line>..****....****..</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>..****....****..</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>13</order>
+ <name>vCurb</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>......*.......*.</line>
+ <line>......*.......*.</line>
+ <line>......*.......*.</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>****************</line>
+ <line>......*.......*.</line>
+ <line>......*.......*.</line>
+ <line>......*.......*.</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>14</order>
+ <name>brick</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>*****...*****...</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>.....*.......*..</line>
+ <line>.....*.......*..</line>
+ <line>.....*.......*..</line>
+ <line>...*****...*****</line>
+ <line>.....*.......*..</line>
+ <line>.....*.......*..</line>
+ <line>.....*.......*..</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>15</order>
+ <name>dagger</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>..*.............</line>
+ <line>..*.............</line>
+ <line>..*.............</line>
+ <line>*****...........</line>
+ <line>..*.............</line>
+ <line>..*.............</line>
+ <line>..*.............</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>.............*..</line>
+ <line>.............*..</line>
+ <line>.............*..</line>
+ <line>...........*****</line>
+ <line>.............*..</line>
+ <line>.............*..</line>
+ <line>.............*..</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>16</order>
+ <name>sparseDagger</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>..........*.....</line>
+ <line>..........*.....</line>
+ <line>..........*.....</line>
+ <line>........*****...</line>
+ <line>..........*.....</line>
+ <line>..........*.....</line>
+ <line>..........*.....</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>.....*..........</line>
+ <line>.....*..........</line>
+ <line>.....*..........</line>
+ <line>...*****........</line>
+ <line>.....*..........</line>
+ <line>.....*..........</line>
+ <line>.....*..........</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>17</order>
+ <name>sparseDagger2</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>....*...........</line>
+ <line>...*.*..........</line>
+ <line>..*...*.........</line>
+ <line>.*.....*........</line>
+ <line>*********.......</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>...........*....</line>
+ <line>..........*.*...</line>
+ <line>.........*...*..</line>
+ <line>........*.....*.</line>
+ <line>.......*********</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>18</order>
+ <name>triangle</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>19</order>
+ <name>x</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>.*.....*.....*..</line>
+ <line>..*...**....*...</line>
+ <line>...*.*.*...*....</line>
+ <line>....*..*..*.....</line>
+ <line>.....*.*.*......</line>
+ <line>......***.......</line>
+ <line>.......*........</line>
+ <line>......***.......</line>
+ <line>.....*.*.*......</line>
+ <line>....*..*..*.....</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*....</line>
+ <line>..*....*....*...</line>
+ <line>.*..*******..*..</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>20</order>
+ <name>Xone</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>.*....**.....*..</line>
+ <line>..*..*..*...*...</line>
+ <line>...**....*.*....</line>
+ <line>....*....**.....</line>
+ <line>.....*...*......</line>
+ <line>......*.*.......</line>
+ <line>.......*........</line>
+ <line>......*.*.......</line>
+ <line>.....*...*......</line>
+ <line>....*.....*.....</line>
+ <line>...**......*....</line>
+ <line>..*.*.......*...</line>
+ <line>.*..******...*..</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>21</order>
+ <name>Xtwo</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>......*.......*.</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>......*.......*.</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>22</order>
+ <name>spareDots</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>......*.......*.</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>23</order>
+ <name>spareDots21</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>......*.......*.</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>24</order>
+ <name>spareDots22</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>****....****....</line>
+ <line>****....****....</line>
+ <line>****....****....</line>
+ <line>****....****....</line>
+ <line>....****....****</line>
+ <line>....****....****</line>
+ <line>....****....****</line>
+ <line>....****....****</line>
+ <line>****....****....</line>
+ <line>****....****....</line>
+ <line>****....****....</line>
+ <line>****....****....</line>
+ <line>....****....****</line>
+ <line>....****....****</line>
+ <line>....****....****</line>
+ <line>....****....****</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>25</order>
+ <name>checker</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>....****....****</line>
+ <line>....****....****</line>
+ <line>....****....****</line>
+ <line>....****....****</line>
+ <line>****....****....</line>
+ <line>****....****....</line>
+ <line>****....****....</line>
+ <line>****....****....</line>
+ <line>....****....****</line>
+ <line>....****....****</line>
+ <line>....****....****</line>
+ <line>....****....****</line>
+ <line>****....****....</line>
+ <line>****....****....</line>
+ <line>****....****....</line>
+ <line>****....****....</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>26</order>
+ <name>checker2</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>.......*........</line>
+ <line>......**........</line>
+ <line>.......*........</line>
+ <line>.......*........</line>
+ <line>.......*........</line>
+ <line>.......*........</line>
+ <line>......***.......</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>27</order>
+ <name>one</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>.......**.......</line>
+ <line>......*..*......</line>
+ <line>.........*......</line>
+ <line>........*.......</line>
+ <line>.......*........</line>
+ <line>......*.........</line>
+ <line>......****......</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>28</order>
+ <name>two</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>......***.......</line>
+ <line>.....*...*......</line>
+ <line>.........*......</line>
+ <line>.......**.......</line>
+ <line>.........*......</line>
+ <line>.....*...*......</line>
+ <line>......***.......</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>29</order>
+ <name>three</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>.............*..</line>
+ <line>............**..</line>
+ <line>...........*.*..</line>
+ <line>..........*..*..</line>
+ <line>.........******.</line>
+ <line>.............*..</line>
+ <line>.............*..</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>30</order>
+ <name>four</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>......***.......</line>
+ <line>.....*..........</line>
+ <line>.....*..........</line>
+ <line>.....***........</line>
+ <line>........*.......</line>
+ <line>........*.......</line>
+ <line>.....***........</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>31</order>
+ <name>five</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>.......***......</line>
+ <line>......*.........</line>
+ <line>......*.........</line>
+ <line>......****......</line>
+ <line>......*...*.....</line>
+ <line>......*...*.....</line>
+ <line>.......***......</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>32</order>
+ <name>six</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>.....******.....</line>
+ <line>..........*.....</line>
+ <line>.........*......</line>
+ <line>.........*......</line>
+ <line>........*.......</line>
+ <line>........*.......</line>
+ <line>.......*........</line>
+ <line>......*.........</line>
+ <line>.....*..........</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>33</order>
+ <name>seven</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>......***.......</line>
+ <line>.....*...*......</line>
+ <line>.....*...*......</line>
+ <line>......***.......</line>
+ <line>.....*...*......</line>
+ <line>.....*...*......</line>
+ <line>......***.......</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>34</order>
+ <name>eight</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>*..............*</line>
+ <line>.*............*.</line>
+ <line>..*..........*..</line>
+ <line>...*........*...</line>
+ <line>....*......*....</line>
+ <line>.....*....*.....</line>
+ <line>......*..*......</line>
+ <line>.......**.......</line>
+ <line>.......**.......</line>
+ <line>......*..*......</line>
+ <line>.....*....*.....</line>
+ <line>....*......*....</line>
+ <line>...*........*...</line>
+ <line>..*..........*..</line>
+ <line>.*............*.</line>
+ <line>*..............*</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>35</order>
+ <name>box45</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ <line>*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ <line>*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ <line>*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ <line>*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ <line>*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ <line>*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ <line>*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*</line>
+ <line>*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>36</order>
+ <name>gray50</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>37</order>
+ <name>gray25</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>.*.*.*...*.*.*..</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>.*...*.*.*...*.*</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>.*.*.*...*.*.*..</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>.*...*.*.*...*.*</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>38</order>
+ <name>snow</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>...*.......*....</line>
+ <line>....*.......*...</line>
+ <line>.....*.......*..</line>
+ <line>......*.......*.</line>
+ <line>.......*.......*</line>
+ <line>*.......*.......</line>
+ <line>.*.......*......</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>...*.......*....</line>
+ <line>....*.......*...</line>
+ <line>.....*.......*..</line>
+ <line>......*.......*.</line>
+ <line>.......*.......*</line>
+ <line>*.......*.......</line>
+ <line>.*.......*......</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>39</order>
+ <name>backSlash2</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>*.....*.*.....*.</line>
+ <line>.*...*...*...*..</line>
+ <line>..*.*.....*.*...</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>..*.*.....*.*...</line>
+ <line>.*...*...*...*..</line>
+ <line>*.....*.*.....*.</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>*.....*.*.....*.</line>
+ <line>.*...*...*...*..</line>
+ <line>..*.*.....*.*...</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>..*.*.....*.*...</line>
+ <line>.*...*...*...*..</line>
+ <line>*.....*.*.....*.</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>40</order>
+ <name>lattice</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>**..**..**..**..</line>
+ <line>**..**..**..**..</line>
+ <line>..**..**..**..**</line>
+ <line>..**..**..**..**</line>
+ <line>**..**..**..**..</line>
+ <line>**..**..**..**..</line>
+ <line>..**..**..**..**</line>
+ <line>..**..**..**..**</line>
+ <line>**..**..**..**..</line>
+ <line>**..**..**..**..</line>
+ <line>..**..**..**..**</line>
+ <line>..**..**..**..**</line>
+ <line>**..**..**..**..</line>
+ <line>**..**..**..**..</line>
+ <line>..**..**..**..**</line>
+ <line>..**..**..**..**</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>41</order>
+ <name>smallChecker</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>....*...........</line>
+ <line>...*.*..........</line>
+ <line>..*...*.........</line>
+ <line>.*.....*........</line>
+ <line>*.......*.......</line>
+ <line>.*.......*......</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>...*.......*....</line>
+ <line>....*.......*...</line>
+ <line>.....*.......*..</line>
+ <line>......*.......*.</line>
+ <line>.......*.......*</line>
+ <line>........*.....*.</line>
+ <line>.........*...*..</line>
+ <line>..........*.*...</line>
+ <line>...........*....</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>42</order>
+ <name>slantBox</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>.*...*...*...*..</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>.*...*...*...*..</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>.*...*...*...*..</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ <line>.*...*...*...*..</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>..*...*...*...*.</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>43</order>
+ <name>slash2</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>...*.......*....</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>.*.......*......</line>
+ <line>*.......*.......</line>
+ <line>.......*.......*</line>
+ <line>......*.......*.</line>
+ <line>.....*.......*..</line>
+ <line>....*.......*...</line>
+ <line>...*.......*....</line>
+ <line>..*.......*.....</line>
+ <line>.*.......*......</line>
+ <line>*.......*.......</line>
+ <line>.......*.......*</line>
+ <line>......*.......*.</line>
+ <line>.....*.......*..</line>
+ <line>....*.......*...</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>44</order>
+ <name>bigSlash</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>****....****....</line>
+ <line>*..*....*..*....</line>
+ <line>*..*....*..*....</line>
+ <line>****....****....</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>****....****....</line>
+ <line>*..*....*..*....</line>
+ <line>*..*....*..*....</line>
+ <line>****....****....</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>45</order>
+ <name>boxes</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>..**......**....</line>
+ <line>.*..*....*..*...</line>
+ <line>*....*..*....*..</line>
+ <line>*....*..*....*..</line>
+ <line>.*..*....*..*...</line>
+ <line>..**......**....</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>..**......**....</line>
+ <line>.*..*....*..*...</line>
+ <line>*....*..*....*..</line>
+ <line>*....*..*....*..</line>
+ <line>.*..*....*..*...</line>
+ <line>..**......**....</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>46</order>
+ <name>circles</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>.**..**..**..**.</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>.**..**..**..**.</line>
+ <line>.**..**..**..**.</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>.**..**..**..**.</line>
+ <line>.**..**..**..**.</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>.**..**..**..**.</line>
+ <line>.**..**..**..**.</line>
+ <line>*...*...*...*...</line>
+ <line>...*...*...*...*</line>
+ <line>.**..**..**..**.</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>47</order>
+ <name>zigzag</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>...*....*....*..</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>...*....*....*..</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>...*....*....*..</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>...*....*....*..</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>48</order>
+ <name>lightMesh</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>...............*</line>
+ <line>..............*.</line>
+ <line>.............*..</line>
+ <line>............*...</line>
+ <line>...........*....</line>
+ <line>..........*.....</line>
+ <line>.........*......</line>
+ <line>........*.......</line>
+ <line>.......*........</line>
+ <line>......*.........</line>
+ <line>.....*..........</line>
+ <line>....*...........</line>
+ <line>...*............</line>
+ <line>..*.............</line>
+ <line>.*..............</line>
+ <line>*...............</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>49</order>
+ <name>hugeSlash</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>*...............</line>
+ <line>.*..............</line>
+ <line>..*.............</line>
+ <line>...*............</line>
+ <line>....*...........</line>
+ <line>.....*..........</line>
+ <line>......*.........</line>
+ <line>.......*........</line>
+ <line>........*.......</line>
+ <line>.........*......</line>
+ <line>..........*.....</line>
+ <line>...........*....</line>
+ <line>............*...</line>
+ <line>.............*..</line>
+ <line>..............*.</line>
+ <line>...............*</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>50</order>
+ <name>hugeSlash2</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>*.........*.....</line>
+ <line>.....*..........</line>
+ <line>..*.........*...</line>
+ <line>.......*........</line>
+ <line>....*.........*.</line>
+ <line>.*.......*......</line>
+ <line>......*.........</line>
+ <line>...*.......*....</line>
+ <line>........*.......</line>
+ <line>.....*.......*..</line>
+ <line>*.........*.....</line>
+ <line>.......*........</line>
+ <line>..*.........*...</line>
+ <line>.........*......</line>
+ <line>....*.........*.</line>
+ <line>...........*....</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>51</order>
+ <name>curve</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>....*....*....*.</line>
+ <line>..*.............</line>
+ <line>*.......*.......</line>
+ <line>.............*..</line>
+ <line>.......*........</line>
+ <line>............*...</line>
+ <line>.....*..........</line>
+ <line>...*.......*....</line>
+ <line>*...............</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>.........*......</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>......*........*</line>
+ <line>...*............</line>
+ <line>*............*..</line>
+ <line>..........*.....</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>52</order>
+ <name>curve2</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>...........*....</line>
+ <line>..........*.*...</line>
+ <line>.........*...*..</line>
+ <line>........*.....*.</line>
+ <line>.........*...*..</line>
+ <line>..........*.*...</line>
+ <line>...........*....</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>...*............</line>
+ <line>..*.*...........</line>
+ <line>.*...*..........</line>
+ <line>*.....*.........</line>
+ <line>.*...*..........</line>
+ <line>..*.*...........</line>
+ <line>...*............</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>53</order>
+ <name>diams</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>...*............</line>
+ <line>..*.*...........</line>
+ <line>.*...*..........</line>
+ <line>*.....*.........</line>
+ <line>.*...*..........</line>
+ <line>..*.*...........</line>
+ <line>...*............</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>54</order>
+ <name>sparsediam</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-dither-pattern>
+ <pattern>
+ <line>.......*.......*</line>
+ <line>......*.........</line>
+ <line>.....*..........</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>.*..............</line>
+ <line>*...............</line>
+ <line>.......*.......*</line>
+ <line>..............*.</line>
+ <line>.............*..</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>................</line>
+ <line>.........*......</line>
+ <line>........*.......</line>
+ </pattern>
+ <order>55</order>
+ <name>rain</name>
+ </custom-dither-pattern>
+ <custom-line-style>
+ <pattern>***</pattern>
+ <order>1</order>
+ <name>solid</name>
+ </custom-line-style>
+ <custom-line-style>
+ <pattern>****..</pattern>
+ <order>2</order>
+ <name>dashed</name>
+ </custom-line-style>
+ <custom-line-style>
+ <pattern>*..</pattern>
+ <order>3</order>
+ <name>dots</name>
+ </custom-line-style>
+ <custom-line-style>
+ <pattern>***..*..</pattern>
+ <order>4</order>
+ <name>dashDot</name>
+ </custom-line-style>
+ <custom-line-style>
+ <pattern>**..</pattern>
+ <order>5</order>
+ <name>shortDash</name>
+ </custom-line-style>
+ <custom-line-style>
+ <pattern>****..**..</pattern>
+ <order>6</order>
+ <name>doubleDash</name>
+ </custom-line-style>
+ <custom-line-style>
+ <pattern>*...</pattern>
+ <order>7</order>
+ <name>hidden</name>
+ </custom-line-style>
+ <custom-line-style>
+ <pattern>***</pattern>
+ <order>8</order>
+ <name>thickLine</name>
+ </custom-line-style>
diff --git a/sky130/sky130.lyt b/sky130/sky130.lyt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..139f6cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/sky130.lyt
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ <name>EFS8A</name>
+ <description>EFS8A 5-metals</description>
+ <layer-properties_file>EFS8A.lyp</layer-properties_file>
+ <add-other-layers>true</add-other-layers>
+ <layer-map>
+'66/15 : PY_SHORT ';
+'72/15 : M5_SHORT ';
+'81/14 : LDID ';
+'122/16 :PWELL_PIN ';
+'64/5 : NWELLLABEL ';
+'64/16 : NWELLPT ';
+'64/59 : PWELLLABEL ';
+'64/20 : NWELL ';
+'64/18 : DNWELL ';
+'65/20 : DIFF ';
+'65/44 : TAP ';
+'125/44 : LVTN ';
+'78/44 : HVTP ';
+'75/20 : HVI ';
+'80/20 : TUNM ';
+'66/20 : POLY ';
+'95/20 : NPC ';
+'94/20 : PSDM ';
+'93/44 : NSDM ';
+'66/44 : LICON1 ';
+'67/20 : LI1 ';
+'67/16 : LI1T ';
+'67/5 : LI1P ';
+'67/44 : MCON ';
+'68/20 : MET1 ';
+'68/16 : MET1T ';
+'68/5 : MET1P ';
+'68/44 : VIA1 ';
+'69/20 : MET2 ';
+'69/16 : MET2T ';
+'69/5 : MET2P ';
+'69/44 : VIA2 ';
+'70/20 : MET3 ';
+'70/16 : MET3T ';
+'70/5 : MET3P ';
+'70/44 : VIA3 ';
+'71/20 : MET4 ';
+'71/16 : MET4T ';
+'71/5 : MET4P ';
+'71/44 : VIA4 ';
+'72/20 : MET5 ';
+'72/16 : MET5T ';
+'72/5 : MET5P ';
+'76/20 : PAD ';
+'76/16 : PADT ';
+'76/5 : PADP ';
+'81/4 : BOUND ';
+'83/44 : TEXT ';
+'18/20 : HVTR ';
+'92/44 : NCM ';
+'86/20 : RPM ';
+'61/20 : NSM ';
+'74/20 : RDL ';
+'74/21 : VHVI ';
+'11/44 : LDNTM ';
+'125/20 : HVNTM ';
+'85/44 : PMM ';
+'82/44 : PNP ';
+'82/64 : CAP ';
+'82/24 : IND ';
+'64/13 : PWRES ';
+'66/13 : POLYRES';
+'65/13 : DIFFRES';
+'81/23 : DIODE ';
+ <create-other-layers>true</create-other-layers>
+ <lef-def-import>
+ <read-all-layers>true</read-all-layers>
+ <layer-map/>
+ <produce-net-names>true</produce-net-names>
+ <net-property-name>#1</net-property-name>
+ <produce-cell-outlines>true</produce-cell-outlines>
+ <cell-outline-layer>OUTLINE</cell-outline-layer>
+ <produce-placement-blockages>true</produce-placement-blockages>
+ <placement-blockage-layer>PLACEMENT_BLK</placement-blockage-layer>
+ <produce-via-geometry>true</produce-via-geometry>
+ <via-geometry-suffix/>
+ <via-geometry-datatype>0</via-geometry-datatype>
+ <produce-pins>true</produce-pins>
+ <pins-suffix>.PIN</pins-suffix>
+ <pins-datatype>2</pins-datatype>
+ <produce-obstructions>true</produce-obstructions>
+ <obstructions-suffix>.OBS</obstructions-suffix>
+ <obstructions-datatype>3</obstructions-datatype>
+ <produce-blockages>true</produce-blockages>
+ <blockages-suffix>.BLK</blockages-suffix>
+ <blockages-datatype>4</blockages-datatype>
+ <produce-labels>true</produce-labels>
+ <labels-suffix>.LABEL</labels-suffix>
+ <labels-datatype>1</labels-datatype>
+ <produce-routing>true</produce-routing>
+ <routing-suffix/>
+ <routing-datatype>0</routing-datatype>
+ </lef-def-import>
+ <connectivity>
+ <connection>LI1,LICON1,SRCDRN</connection>
+ <connection>LI1,LICON1,POLY</connection>
+ <connection>MET1,MCON,LI1</connection>
+ <connection>MET1,VIA1,MET2</connection>
+ <connection>MET2,VIA2,MET3</connection>
+ <connection>MET3,VIA3,MET4</connection>
+ <connection>MET4,VIA4,MET5</connection>
+ <connection>LI1,LICON1,NWP</connection>
+ <symbols>SRCDRN='DIFF-POLY'</symbols>
+ <symbols>PTAP='TAP'</symbols>
+ <symbols>NWP='TAP+NWELL'</symbols>
+ <symbols>DIFF='65/20'</symbols>
+ <symbols>POLY='66/20'</symbols>
+ <symbols>LICON1='66/44'</symbols>
+ <symbols>LI1='67/20'</symbols>
+ <symbols>MCON='67/44'</symbols>
+ <symbols>MET1='68/20'</symbols>
+ <symbols>VIA1='68/44'</symbols>
+ <symbols>MET2='69/20'</symbols>
+ <symbols>VIA2='69/44'</symbols>
+ <symbols>MET3='70/20'</symbols>
+ <symbols>VIA3='70/44'</symbols>
+ <symbols>MET4='71/20'</symbols>
+ <symbols>VIA4='71/44'</symbols>
+ <symbols>MET5='72/20'</symbols>
+ </connectivity>
diff --git a/sky130/sky130.magicrc b/sky130/sky130.magicrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..feaf6b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/sky130.magicrc
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+### Source file sky130.magicrc
+### Process this file with the m4 processor
+puts stdout "Sourcing design .magicrc for technology TECHNAME ..."
+# Put grid on 0.005 pitch. This is important, as some commands don't
+# rescale the grid automatically (such as lef read?).
+set scalefac [tech lambda]
+if {[lindex $scalefac 1] < 2} {
+ scalegrid 1 2
+# drc off
+drc euclidean on
+# Allow override of PDK path from environment variable PDKPATH
+if {[catch {set PDKPATH $env(PDKPATH)}]} {
+# loading technology
+#ifdef FULLTECH
+# load device generator
+# load bind keys (optional)
+# set units to lambda grid
+snap lambda
+# set sky130 standard power, ground, and substrate names
+# Allow override of type of magic library views used, "mag" or "maglef",
+# from environment variable MAGTYPE
+if {[catch {set MAGTYPE $env(MAGTYPE)}]} {
+ set MAGTYPE maglef
+# add path to reference cells
+if {[file isdir ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/${MAGTYPE}]} {
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/${MAGTYPE}/sky130_fd_pr_base
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/${MAGTYPE}/sky130_fd_pr_rf
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/${MAGTYPE}/sky130_fd_pr_rf2
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/${MAGTYPE}/sky130_fd_io
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/${MAGTYPE}/sky130_fd_sc_hd
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/${MAGTYPE}/sky130_fd_sc_hdll
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/${MAGTYPE}/sky130_fd_sc_hs
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/${MAGTYPE}/sky130_fd_sc_hvl
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/${MAGTYPE}/sky130_fd_sc_lp
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/${MAGTYPE}/sky130_fd_sc_ls
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/${MAGTYPE}/sky130_fd_sc_ms
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/${MAGTYPE}/sky130_osu130
+} else {
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_pr_base/${MAGTYPE}
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_pr_rf/${MAGTYPE}
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_pr_rf2/${MAGTYPE}
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/${MAGTYPE}
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/${MAGTYPE}
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hdll/${MAGTYPE}
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hs/${MAGTYPE}
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/${MAGTYPE}
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_lp/${MAGTYPE}
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_ls/${MAGTYPE}
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_ms/${MAGTYPE}
+ addpath ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_osu130/${MAGTYPE}
+# add path to GDS cells
+#ifdef FULLTECH
+if {[file isdir ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/gds}]} {
+ path cell ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/gds/sky130_fd_pr_base
+ path cell ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/gds/sky130_fd_pr_rf
+ path cell ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/gds/sky130_fd_pr_rf2
+ path cell +${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/gds/sky130_fd_io
+ path cell +${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/gds/sky130_fd_sc_hd
+ path cell +${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/gds/sky130_fd_sc_hdll
+ path cell +${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/gds/sky130_fd_sc_hs
+ path cell +${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/gds/sky130_fd_sc_hvl
+ path cell +${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/gds/sky130_fd_sc_lp
+ path cell +${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/gds/sky130_fd_sc_ls
+ path cell +${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/gds/sky130_fd_sc_ms
+ path cell +${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/gds/sky130_osu130
+} else {
+ path cell ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_pr_base/gds
+ path cell ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_pr_rf/gds
+ path cell ${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_pr_rf2/gds
+ path cell +${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/gds
+ path cell +${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/gds
+ path cell +${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hdll/gds
+ path cell +${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hs/gds
+ path cell +${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/gds
+ path cell +${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_lp/gds
+ path cell +${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_ls/gds
+ path cell +${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_ms/gds
+ path cell +${PDKPATH}/libs.ref/sky130_osu130/gds
+#endif (FULLTECH)
+# add path to IP from catalog. This procedure defined in the PDK script.
+catch {magic::query_mylib_ip}
+# add path to local IP from user design space. Defined in the PDK script.
+catch {magic::query_my_projects}
diff --git a/sky130/sky130.par b/sky130/sky130.par
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afd9190
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/sky130.par
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# TECHNAME.par --- Parameter file for GrayWolf
+# NOTE: all distance units are in centimicrons unless otherwise stated
+# WARNING: this is NOT tcl syntax! No Comments on end of actual data line.
+# The vast majority of quantities here are not used (read instead from techLEF, etc.)
+ # values are resistance in ohms/sq and capacitance in fF/um^2
+ # TODO: properly pick directions
+ layer metal1 0.105 0.0001 horizontal
+ layer metal2 0.105 0.0001 vertical
+ layer metal3 0.105 0.0001 horizontal
+#ifdef METAL5
+ layer metal4 0.105 0.0001 vertical
+ layer metal5 0.105 0.0001 horizontal
+ via via12 metal1 metal2
+ via via23 metal2 metal3
+#ifdef METAL5
+ via via34 metal3 metal4
+ via via45 metal4 metal5
+ # 0.5 um
+ width metal1 50
+ width metal2 60
+ # 0.6 um
+ width metal3 60
+#ifdef METAL5
+ width metal4 60
+ width metal5 60
+ # TODO verify these two numbers
+ width via12 50
+ width via23 50
+#ifdef METAL5
+ width via34 50
+ width via45 50
+ # Set spacing = track pitch - width, so that GrayWolf places pins
+ # on the right pitch.
+ # Pitches are (in um):
+ # metal1 = 200, metal2 = 160, metal3 = 200, metal4 = 320
+## pitch m1: 1.3um m2: 1.4um m3: 1.3um
+## width m1: 0.5um m2: 0.6um m3: 0.6um
+## space 0.8 0.8 0.7 (pitch calc)
+## fab-space 0.45 0.5 0.6
+ spacing metal1 metal1 80
+ spacing metal2 metal2 80
+ spacing metal3 metal3 80
+#ifdef METAL5
+ spacing metal4 metal4 80
+ spacing metal5 metal5 80
+ # (WAS:) Stacked vias allowed
+ # spacing via12 via23 0
+ # To disable Stacked?: give non-zero spacing (centimicrons = 10 nanometer = 1/100 of micron)
+ # TODO need real value here:
+ spacing via12 via23 0
+#ifdef METAL5
+ spacing via23 via34 0
+ spacing via34 via45 0
+ # .2um .15um
+ overhang via12 metal1 20
+ overhang via12 metal2 15
+ overhang via23 metal2 20
+ overhang via23 metal3 15
+#ifdef METAL5
+ overhang via34 metal3 14
+ overhang via34 metal4 16
+ overhang via45 metal4 14
+ overhang via45 metal5 16
+*vertical_wire_weight : 1.0
+*vertical_path_weight : 1.0
+*padspacing : variable
+*rowSep : 0.0 0
+# min pitch of m1,m2,m3 (FIXME):
+*track.pitch : 130
+*graphics.wait : off
+*last_chance.wait : off
+*random.seed : 12345
+# TODO: proper track.pitch number above, plus feedThruWidth below
+TWMC*chip.aspect.ratio : 1.0
+# FIXME: Change width to width of minimum fill cell
+TWSC*feedThruWidth : 280 layer 1
+TWSC* : on
+TWSC*ignore_feeds : true
+TWSC*call_row_evener : true
+TWSC*even_rows_maximally : true
+# TWSC* : on
+GENR*row_to_tile_spacing: 1
+# GENR*numrows : 6
+GENR*flip_alternate_rows : 1
diff --git a/sky130/ b/sky130/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d8e6ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Shell script setting up all variables used by the qflow scripts
+# for this project
+# The LEF file containing standard cell macros
+#ifdef EF_FORMAT
+set leffile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/lef/LIBRARY/LIBRARY.lef
+#else (!EF_FORMAT)
+set leffile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/LIBRARY/lef/LIBRARY.lef
+#endif (!EF_FORMAT)
+# The SPICE netlist containing subcell definitions for all the standard cells
+#ifdef EF_FORMAT
+set spicefile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/spi/LIBRARY/LIBRARY.spi
+#else (!EF_FORMAT)
+set spicefile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/LIBRARY/spice/LIBRARY.spi
+#endif (!EF_FORMAT)
+# The liberty format file containing standard cell timing and function information
+#ifdef EF_FORMAT
+set libertyfile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/lib/LIBRARY/LIBRARY__ff_n40C_1v95.lib
+#else (!EF_FORMAT)
+set libertyfile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/LIBRARY/lib/LIBRARY__ff_n40C_1v95.lib
+#endif (!EF_FORMAT)
+# If there is another LEF file containing technology information
+# that is separate from the file containing standard cell macros,
+# set this. Otherwise, leave it defined as an empty string.
+#ifdef METAL5
+#ifdef EF_FORMAT
+set techleffile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/techLEF/LIBRARY/LIBRARY_tech.lef
+#else (!EF_FORMAT)
+set techleffile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/LIBRARY/techlef/LIBRARY_tech.lef
+#endif (!EF_FORMAT)
+# NOTE: There is no technology LEF file for the 3-metal stack!
+# All cells below should be the lowest output drive strength value,
+# if the standard cell set has multiple cells with different drive
+# strengths. Comment out any cells that do not exist.
+set bufcell=LIBRARY__buf_1 ;# Minimum drive strength buffer cell
+set bufpin_in=A ;# Name of input port to buffer cell
+set bufpin_out=X ;# Name of output port to buffer cell
+set clkbufcell=LIBRARY__clkbuf_1 ;# Minimum drive strength buffer cell
+set clkbufpin_in=A ;# Name of input port to buffer cell
+set clkbufpin_out=X ;# Name of output port to buffer cell
+set fillcell=LIBRARY__fill_ ;# Spacer (filler) cell (prefix, if more than one)
+set decapcell=LIBRARY__decap_ ;# Decap (filler) cell (prefix, if more than one)
+set antennacell=LIBRARY__diode_ ;# Antenna (filler) cell (prefix, if more than one)
+set antennapin_in=vpb ;# Antenna cell input connection
+set bodytiecell=LIBRARY__tapvpwrvgnd_ ;# Body tie (filler) cell (prefix, if more than one)
+# yosys tries to eliminate use of these; depends on source .v
+set tiehi="LIBRARY__conb_1" ;# Cell to connect to power, if one exists
+set tiehipin_out="HI" ;# Output pin name of tiehi cell, if it exists
+set tielo="LIBRARY__conb_1" ;# Cell to connect to ground, if one exists
+set tielopin_out="LO" ;# Output pin name of tielo cell, if it exists
+set gndnet="vgnd,vnb" ;# Name used for ground pins and taps in standard cells
+set vddnet="vpwr,vpb" ;# Name used for power pins and taps in standard cells
+set separator="" ;# Separator between gate names and drive strengths
+set techfile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/MAGIC_CURRENT/ ;# magic techfile
+set magicrc=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/MAGIC_CURRENT/TECHNAME.magicrc ;# magic startup script
+set magic_display="XR" ;# magic display, defeat display query and OGL preference
+set netgen_setup=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/ ;# netgen setup file for LVS
+#ifdef EF_FORMAT
+set gdsfile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/gds/LIBRARY/LIBRARY.gds ;# GDS database of standard cells
+set verilogfile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/verilog/LIBRARY/LIBRARY.v ;# Verilog models of standard cells
+#else (!EF_FORMAT)
+set gdsfile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/LIBRARY/gds/LIBRARY.gds ;# GDS database of standard cells
+set verilogfile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/LIBRARY/verilog/LIBRARY.v ;# Verilog models of standard cells
+#endif (!EF_FORMAT)
+# Set a conditional default in the file for this process
+set postproc_options="-anchors"
+#ifdef METAL5
+# Normally one does not want to use the top metal for signal routing
+set route_layers = 5
+set route_layers = 3
+set fill_ratios="0,70,10,20"
+set fanout_options="-l 200 -c 20"
+set addspacers_options="-stripe 2.5 50.0 PG"
+set xspice_options="-io_time=500p -time=50p -idelay=5p -odelay=50p -cload=250f"
diff --git a/sky130/sky130.tcl b/sky130/sky130.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..684aee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/sky130.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,5596 @@
+### Source file sky130.tcl
+### Process this file with the preprocessor script
+# Magic/TCL design kit for SKYWATER TECHNAME
+# Tim Edwards
+# Revision 0 PRE-ALPHA 3/21/2019
+if [catch {set PDKPATH}] {set PDKPATH ${TECHPATH}/TECHNAME}
+# "sky130" is the namespace used for all devices
+set PDKNAMESPACE sky130
+puts stdout "Loading TECHNAME Device Generator Menu ..."
+# Initialize toolkit menus to the wrapper window
+global Opts
+namespace eval sky130 {}
+# Set the window callback
+if [catch {set Opts(callback)}] {set Opts(callback) ""}
+set Opts(callback) [subst {sky130::addtechmenu \$framename; $Opts(callback)}]
+# if {![info exists Opts(cmdentry)]} {set Opts(cmdentry) 1}
+# Set options specific to this PDK
+set Opts(hidelocked) 1
+set Opts(hidespecial) 1
+# Create new "tool" proc that doesn't have the netlist tool.
+proc magic::nexttool {} {
+ global Opts
+ # Don't attempt to switch tools while a selection drag is active
+ if {$Opts(motion) == {}} {
+ switch $Opts(tool) {
+ box { magic::tool wiring }
+ wiring { magic::tool pick }
+ default { magic::tool box }
+ }
+ }
+# This shoule be part of sitedef. . .
+macro space magic::nexttool
+# Wrap the closewrapper procedure so that closing the last
+# window is equivalent to quitting.
+if {[info commands closewrapper] == "closewrapper"} {
+ rename closewrapper closewrapperonly
+ proc closewrapper { framename } {
+ if {[llength [windownames all]] <= 1} {
+ magic::quit
+ } else {
+ closewrapperonly $framename
+ }
+ }
+# Remove maze router layers from the toolbar by locking them
+tech lock fence,magnet,rotate
+namespace eval sky130 {
+ namespace path {::tcl::mathop ::tcl::mathfunc}
+ set ruleset [dict create]
+ # Process DRC rules (magic style)
+ dict set ruleset poly_surround 0.08 ;# Poly surrounds contact
+ dict set ruleset diff_surround 0.06 ;# Diffusion surrounds contact
+ dict set ruleset gate_to_diffcont 0.145 ;# Gate to diffusion contact center
+ dict set ruleset gate_to_polycont 0.275 ;# Gate to poly contact center
+ dict set ruleset gate_extension 0.13 ;# Poly extension beyond gate
+ dict set ruleset diff_extension 0.29 ;# Diffusion extension beyond gate
+ dict set ruleset contact_size 0.17 ;# Minimum contact size
+ dict set ruleset via_size 0.17 ;# Minimum via size
+ dict set ruleset metal_surround 0.08 ;# Local interconnect overlaps contact
+ dict set ruleset sub_surround 0.18 ;# Sub/well surrounds diffusion
+ dict set ruleset diff_spacing 0.28 ;# Diffusion spacing rule
+ dict set ruleset poly_spacing 0.21 ;# Poly spacing rule
+ dict set ruleset diff_poly_space 0.075 ;# Diffusion to poly spacing rule
+ dict set ruleset diff_gate_space 0.20 ;# Diffusion to gate poly spacing rule
+ dict set ruleset metal_spacing 0.23 ;# Local interconnect spacing rule
+ dict set ruleset mmetal_spacing 0.14 ;# Metal spacing rule (above local interconnect)
+ dict set ruleset res_to_cont 0.20 ;# resistor to contact center
+ dict set ruleset res_diff_space 0.20 ;# resistor to guard ring
+# magic::addtechmenu
+proc sky130::addtechmenu {framename} {
+ global Winopts Opts
+ # Check for difference between magic 8.1.125 and earlier, and 8.1.126 and later
+ if {[catch {${framename}.titlebar cget -height}]} {
+ set layoutframe ${framename}
+ } else {
+ set layoutframe ${framename}
+ }
+ # List of devices is long. Divide into two sections for active and passive deivces
+ magic::add_toolkit_menu $layoutframe "Devices 1" pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "nmos (MOSFET)" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::nshort" pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "pmos (MOSFET)" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::pshort" pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_separator $layoutframe pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "n-diode" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::ndiode" pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "p-diode" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::pdiode" pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_separator $layoutframe pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "MOS varactor" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::xcnwvc" pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_separator $layoutframe pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "NPN 1x1" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_npn_1x1" pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "NPN 1x2" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_npn_1x2" pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "PNP 5x" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_pnp5x" pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_separator $layoutframe pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "balun" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::balun" pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "inductor 011" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::xind4_011" pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "inductor 02" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::xind4_02" pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_separator $layoutframe pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "substrate contact (1.8V)" \
+ "sky130::subconn_draw" pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "substrate contact (5.0V)" \
+ "sky130::mvsubconn_draw" pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "deep n-well region" \
+ "sky130::deep_nwell_draw" pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "mcon" \
+ "sky130::mcon_draw" pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "via1" \
+ "sky130::via1_draw" pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "via2" \
+ "sky130::via2_draw" pdk1
+#ifdef METAL5
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "via3" \
+ "sky130::via3_draw" pdk1
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "via4" \
+ "sky130::via4_draw" pdk1
+#endif (METAL5)
+ magic::add_toolkit_menu $layoutframe "Devices 2" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "mrdn (1.8V) - 120 Ohm/sq" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::mrdn" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "mrdp (1.8V) - 197 Ohm/sq" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::mrdp" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "mrdn_hv (5.0V) - 114 Ohm/sq" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::mrdn_hv" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "mrdp_hv (5.0V) - 191 Ohm/sq" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::mrdp_hv" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "mrp1 - 48.2 Ohm/sq" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::mrp1" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "xhrpoly - 319.8 Ohm/sq" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::xhrpoly" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "uhrpoly - 2000 Ohm/sq" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::uhrpoly" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "xpwres - 3050 Ohm/sq" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::xpwres" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_separator $layoutframe pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "mrl1 - 12.2 Ohm/sq" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::mrl1" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "mrm1 - 125 mOhm/sq" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::mrm1" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "mrm2 - 125 mOhm/sq" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::mrm2" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "mrm3 - 47 mOhm/sq" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::mrm3" pdk2
+#ifdef METAL5
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "mrm4 - 47 mOhm/sq" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::mrm4" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "mrm5 - 29 mOhm/sq" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::mrm5" pdk2
+#endif (METAL5)
+#ifdef MIM
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "xcmimc1 - 1fF/um^2 MiM cap" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::xcmimc1" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "xcmimc2 - 1fF/um^2 MiM cap" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::xcmimc2" pdk2
+#endif (MIM)
+ magic::add_toolkit_separator $layoutframe pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp 11.5x11.7 li/m5 shield" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_lim5shield" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp 11.5x11.7 li/m3/m5 shield" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3_lim5shield" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp 11.5x11.7 m4 shield" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m4shield" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp 11.5x11.7 p/m4 shield" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym4shield" pdk2
+ # magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp 11.5x11.7 p/m5 shield" \
+ # "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym50p4shield" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp 4.4x4.6 li/m3/m5 shield" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3_lim5shield" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp 6.8x6.1 li/m4 shield" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp6p8x6p1_lim4shield" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp 6.8x6.1 p/m4 shield" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp6p8x6p1_polym4shield" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp 8.6x7.9 li/m3/m5 shield" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3_lim5shield" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp 4.2x2 nhvnat" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvppx4_2xnhvnative10x4" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp 11.5x11.7 li/m3 shield" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3_lishield" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp 11.5x11.7 m3 shield" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3shield" pdk2
+ # magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp 1.8x1.8 li shield" \
+ # "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp1p8x1p8_lishield" pdk2
+ # magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp 1.8x1.8 m3 shield" \
+ # "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp1p8x1p8_m3shield" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp 4.4x4.6 li/m3 shield" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3_lishield" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp 4.4x4.6 m3 shield" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3shield" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp 8.6x7.9 li/m3 shield" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3_lishield" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp 8.6x7.9 m3 shield" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3shield" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp2" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp2" pdk2
+ magic::add_toolkit_command $layoutframe "vpp2 nwell" \
+ "magic::gencell sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp2_nwell" pdk2
+ ${layoutframe}.titlebar.mbuttons.drc.toolmenu add command -label "DRC Routing" -command {drc style drc(routing)}
+ # Add command entry window by default if enabled
+ if {[info exists Opts(cmdentry)]} {
+ set Winopts(${framename},cmdentry) $Opts(cmdentry)
+ } else {
+ set Winopts(${framename},cmdentry) 0
+ }
+ if {$Winopts(${framename},cmdentry) == 1} {
+ addcommandentry $framename
+ }
+proc sky130::mcon_draw {} {
+ set w [magic::i2u [box width]]
+ set h [magic::i2u [box height]]
+ if {$w < 0.17} {
+ puts stderr "Mcon width must be at least 0.17um"
+ return
+ }
+ if {$h < 0.17} {
+ puts stderr "Mcon height must be at least 0.17um"
+ return
+ }
+ paint lic
+ box grow n 0.05um
+ box grow s 0.05um
+ paint m1
+ box grow n -0.05um
+ box grow s -0.05um
+ box grow e 0.05um
+ box grow w 0.05um
+ paint li
+ box grow e -0.05um
+ box grow w -0.05um
+proc sky130::via1_draw {} {
+ set w [magic::i2u [box width]]
+ set h [magic::i2u [box height]]
+ if {$w < 0.26} {
+ puts stderr "Via1 width must be at least 0.26um"
+ return
+ }
+ if {$h < 0.26} {
+ puts stderr "Via1 height must be at least 0.26um"
+ return
+ }
+ paint via1
+ box grow n 0.05um
+ box grow s 0.05um
+ paint m2
+ box grow n -0.05um
+ box grow s -0.05um
+ box grow e 0.05um
+ box grow w 0.05um
+ paint m1
+ box grow e -0.05um
+ box grow w -0.05um
+proc sky130::via2_draw {} {
+ set w [magic::i2u [box width]]
+ set h [magic::i2u [box height]]
+ if {$w < 0.28} {
+ puts stderr "Via2 width must be at least 0.28um"
+ return
+ }
+ if {$h < 0.28} {
+ puts stderr "Via2 height must be at least 0.28um"
+ return
+ }
+ paint via2
+ box grow n 0.05um
+ box grow s 0.05um
+ paint m2
+ box grow n -0.05um
+ box grow s -0.05um
+ box grow e 0.05um
+ box grow w 0.05um
+ paint m3
+ box grow e -0.05um
+ box grow w -0.05um
+#ifdef METAL5
+proc sky130::via3_draw {} {
+ set w [magic::i2u [box width]]
+ set h [magic::i2u [box height]]
+ if {$w < 0.32} {
+ puts stderr "Via3 width must be at least 0.32um"
+ return
+ }
+ if {$h < 0.32} {
+ puts stderr "Via3 height must be at least 0.32um"
+ return
+ }
+ paint via3
+ box grow n 0.05um
+ box grow s 0.05um
+ paint m4
+ box grow n -0.05um
+ box grow s -0.05um
+ box grow e 0.05um
+ box grow w 0.05um
+ paint m3
+ box grow e -0.05um
+ box grow w -0.05um
+proc sky130::via4_draw {} {
+ set w [magic::i2u [box width]]
+ set h [magic::i2u [box height]]
+ if {$w < 1.18} {
+ puts stderr "Via3 width must be at least 1.18um"
+ return
+ }
+ if {$h < 1.18} {
+ puts stderr "Via3 height must be at least 1.18um"
+ return
+ }
+ paint via4
+ box grow n 0.05um
+ box grow s 0.05um
+ paint m5
+ box grow n -0.05um
+ box grow s -0.05um
+ box grow e 0.05um
+ box grow w 0.05um
+ paint m4
+ box grow e -0.05um
+ box grow w -0.05um
+#endif (METAL5)
+proc sky130::subconn_draw {} {
+ set w [magic::i2u [box width]]
+ set h [magic::i2u [box height]]
+ if {$w < 0.17} {
+ puts stderr "Substrate tap width must be at least 0.17um"
+ return
+ }
+ if {$h < 0.17} {
+ puts stderr "Substrate tap height must be at least 0.17um"
+ return
+ }
+ paint nsc
+ box grow c 0.1um
+ paint nsd
+ box grow c -0.1um
+proc sky130::mvsubconn_draw {} {
+ set w [magic::i2u [box width]]
+ set h [magic::i2u [box height]]
+ if {$w < 0.17} {
+ puts stderr "Substrate tap width must be at least 0.17um"
+ return
+ }
+ if {$h < 0.17} {
+ puts stderr "Substrate tap height must be at least 0.17um"
+ return
+ }
+ paint mvnsc
+ box grow c 0.1um
+ paint mvnsd
+ box grow c -0.1um
+proc sky130::deep_nwell_draw {} {
+ set w [magic::i2u [box width]]
+ set h [magic::i2u [box height]]
+ if {$w < 3.0} {
+ puts stderr "Deep-nwell region width must be at least 3.0um"
+ return
+ }
+ if {$h < 3.0} {
+ puts stderr "Deep-nwell region height must be at least 3.0um"
+ return
+ }
+ suspendall
+ tech unlock *
+ paint dnwell
+ pushbox
+ pushbox
+ box grow c 0.4um
+ paint nwell
+ box grow c -1.43um
+ erase nwell
+ popbox
+ box grow c 0.03um
+ pushbox
+ box width 0
+ box grow c 0.085um
+ paint li
+ pushbox
+ box grow n -0.3um
+ box grow s -0.3um
+ paint nsc
+ popbox
+ box grow c 0.1um
+ paint nsd
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box height 0
+ box grow c 0.085um
+ paint li
+ pushbox
+ box grow e -0.3um
+ box grow w -0.3um
+ paint nsc
+ popbox
+ box grow c 0.1um
+ paint nsd
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box move n [box height]i
+ box height 0
+ box grow c 0.085um
+ paint li
+ pushbox
+ box grow e -0.3um
+ box grow w -0.3um
+ paint nsc
+ popbox
+ box grow c 0.1um
+ paint nsd
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box move e [box width]i
+ box width 0
+ box grow c 0.085um
+ paint li
+ pushbox
+ box grow n -0.3um
+ box grow s -0.3um
+ paint nsc
+ box grow c 0.1um
+ paint nsd
+ popbox
+ popbox
+ tech revert
+ resumeall
+proc sky130::res_recalc {field parameters} {
+ set snake 0
+ set sterm 0.0
+ set caplen 0
+ # Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ set val [magic::spice2float $val]
+ set l [magic::spice2float $l]
+ set w [magic::spice2float $w]
+ if {$snake == 0} {
+ # Straight resistor calculation
+ switch $field {
+ val { set l [expr ($val * ($w - $dw) - (2 * $term)) / $rho]
+ set w [expr ((2 * $term + $l * $rho) / $val) + $dw]
+ }
+ w { set val [expr (2 * $term + $l * $rho) / ($w - $dw)]
+ set l [expr ($val * ($w - $dw) - (2 * $term)) / $rho]
+ }
+ l { set val [expr (2 * $term + $l * $rho) / ($w - $dw)]
+ set w [expr ((2 * $term + $l * $rho) / $val) + $dw]
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ set term [expr $term + $sterm]
+ # Snake resistor calculation
+ switch $field {
+ val { set l [expr (($val - $rho * ($nx - 1)) * ($w - $dw) \
+ - (2 * $term) - ($rho * $caplen * ($nx - 1))) \
+ / ($rho * $nx)]
+ set w [expr ((2 * $term + $l * $rho * $nx \
+ + $caplen * $rho * ($nx - 1)) \
+ / ($val - $rho * ($nx - 1))) + $dw]
+ }
+ w { set val [expr $rho * ($nx - 1) + ((2 * $term) \
+ + ($rho * $l * $nx) + ($rho * $caplen * ($nx - 1))) \
+ / ($w - $dw)]
+ set l [expr (($val - $rho * ($nx - 1)) * ($w - $dw) \
+ - (2 * $term) - ($rho * $caplen * ($nx - 1))) \
+ / ($rho * $nx)]
+ }
+ l { set val [expr $rho * ($nx - 1) + ((2 * $term) \
+ + ($rho * $l * $nx) + ($rho * $caplen * ($nx - 1))) \
+ / ($w - $dw)]
+ set w [expr ((2 * $term + $l * $rho * $nx \
+ + $caplen * $rho * ($nx - 1)) \
+ / ($val - $rho * ($nx - 1))) + $dw]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set val [magic::3digitpastdecimal $val]
+ set w [magic::3digitpastdecimal $w]
+ set l [magic::3digitpastdecimal $l]
+ dict set parameters val $val
+ dict set parameters w $w
+ dict set parameters l $l
+ return $parameters
+# Drawn diode routines
+proc sky130::diode_recalc {field parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ switch $field {
+ area { puts stdout "area changed" }
+ peri { puts stdout "perimeter changed" }
+ w { puts stdout "width changed" }
+ l { puts stdout "length changed" }
+ }
+ dict set parameters area $area
+ dict set parameters peri $peri
+ dict set parameters w $w
+ dict set parameters l $l
+# diode: Conversion from SPICE netlist parameters to toolkit
+proc sky130::diode_convert {parameters} {
+ set pdkparams [dict create]
+ dict for {key value} $parameters {
+ switch -nocase $key {
+ l -
+ w -
+ peri {
+ # Length, width, and perimeter are converted to units of microns
+ set value [magic::spice2float $value]
+ # set value [expr $value * 1e6]
+ set value [magic::3digitpastdecimal $value]
+ dict set pdkparams [string tolower $key] $value
+ }
+ area {
+ # area also converted to units of microns
+ set value [magic::spice2float $value]
+ # set value [expr $value * 1e12]
+ set value [magic::3digitpastdecimal $value]
+ dict set pdkparams [string tolower $key] $value
+ }
+ m {
+ # Convert m to ny
+ dict set pdkparams ny $value
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $pdkparams
+# diode: Interactively specifies the fixed layout parameters
+proc sky130::diode_dialog {device parameters} {
+ # Editable fields: w, l, area, perim, nx, ny
+ magic::add_entry area "Area (um^2)" $parameters
+ magic::add_entry peri "Perimeter (um)" $parameters
+ sky130::compute_aptot $parameters
+ magic::add_message atot "Total area (um^2)" $parameters
+ magic::add_message ptot "Total perimeter (um)" $parameters
+ magic::add_entry l "Length (um)" $parameters
+ magic::add_entry w "Width (um)" $parameters
+ magic::add_entry nx "X Repeat" $parameters
+ magic::add_entry ny "Y Repeat" $parameters
+ if {[dict exists $parameters compatible]} {
+ set sellist [dict get $parameters compatible]
+ magic::add_selectlist gencell "Device type" $sellist $parameters $device
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $parameters doverlap]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox doverlap "Overlap at end contact" $parameters
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $parameters elc]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox elc "Add left end contact" $parameters
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $parameters erc]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox erc "Add right end contact" $parameters
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $parameters etc]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox etc "Add top end contact" $parameters
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $parameters ebc]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox ebc "Add bottom end contact" $parameters
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $parameters guard]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox full_metal "Full metal guard ring" $parameters
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $parameters glc]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox glc "Add left guard ring contact" $parameters
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $parameters grc]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox grc "Add right guard ring contact" $parameters
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $parameters gtc]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox gtc "Add top guard ring contact" $parameters
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $parameters gbc]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox gbc "Add bottom guard ring contact" $parameters
+ }
+ magic::add_dependency sky130::diode_recalc $device sky130 l w area peri
+ # magic::add_checkbox dummy "Add dummy" $parameters
+# Diode total area and perimeter computation
+proc sky130::compute_aptot {parameters} {
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ set area [magic::spice2float $area]
+ set area [magic::3digitpastdecimal $area]
+ set peri [magic::spice2float $peri]
+ set peri [magic::3digitpastdecimal $peri]
+ # Compute total area
+ catch {set magic::atot_val [expr ($area * $nx * $ny)]}
+ # Compute total perimeter
+ catch {set magic::ptot_val [expr ($peri * $nx * $ny)]}
+# diode: Check device parameters for out-of-bounds values
+proc sky130::diode_check {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ # Normalize distance units to microns
+ set l [magic::spice2float $l]
+ set l [magic::3digitpastdecimal $l]
+ set w [magic::spice2float $w]
+ set w [magic::3digitpastdecimal $w]
+ set area [magic::spice2float $area]
+ set area [magic::3digitpastdecimal $area]
+ set peri [magic::spice2float $peri]
+ set peri [magic::3digitpastdecimal $peri]
+ if {$l == 0} {
+ # Calculate L from W and area
+ set l [expr ($area / $w)]
+ dict set parameters l [magic::float2spice $l]
+ } elseif {$w == 0} {
+ # Calculate W from L and area
+ set w [expr ($area / $l)]
+ dict set parameters w [magic::float2spice $w]
+ }
+ if {$w < $wmin} {
+ puts stderr "Diode width must be >= $wmin"
+ dict set parameters w $wmin
+ }
+ if {$l < $lmin} {
+ puts stderr "Diode length must be >= $lmin"
+ dict set parameters l $lmin
+ }
+ # Calculate area and perimeter from L and W
+ set area [expr ($l * $w)]
+ dict set parameters area [magic::float2spice $area]
+ set peri [expr (2 * ($l + $w))]
+ dict set parameters peri [magic::float2spice $peri]
+ sky130::compute_aptot $parameters
+ return $parameters
+# NOTE: ndiode_lvt, ndiode_native, pdiode_lvt, and pdiode_hvt are
+# all considered parasitic diodes. They may be generated by
+# invoking the build procedure on the command line. To enable them
+# in the PDK, add them to the appropriate compatible {} list.
+proc sky130::ndiode_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.45 l 0.45 area 0.2025 peri 1.8 \
+ nx 1 ny 1 dummy 0 lmin 0.45 wmin 0.45 \
+ elc 1 erc 1 etc 1 ebc 1 doverlap 0 \
+ compatible {ndiode ndiode_h} full_metal 1}
+proc sky130::ndiode_lvt_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.45 l 0.45 area 0.2025 peri 1.8 \
+ nx 1 ny 1 dummy 0 lmin 0.45 wmin 0.45 \
+ elc 1 erc 1 etc 1 ebc 1 doverlap 0 \
+ full_metal 1}
+proc sky130::pdiode_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.45 l 0.45 area 0.2025 peri 1.8 \
+ nx 1 ny 1 dummy 0 lmin 0.45 wmin 0.45 \
+ elc 1 erc 1 etc 1 ebc 1 \
+ glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 doverlap 0 \
+ compatible {pdiode pdiode_h} full_metal 1}
+proc sky130::pdiode_lvt_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.45 l 0.45 area 0.2025 peri 1.8 \
+ nx 1 ny 1 dummy 0 lmin 0.45 wmin 0.45 \
+ elc 1 erc 1 etc 1 ebc 1 \
+ glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 doverlap 0 \
+ full_metal 1}
+proc sky130::pdiode_hvt_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.45 l 0.45 area 0.2025 peri 1.8 \
+ nx 1 ny 1 dummy 0 lmin 0.45 wmin 0.45 \
+ elc 1 erc 1 etc 1 ebc 1 \
+ glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 doverlap 0 \
+ full_metal 1}
+proc sky130::ndiode_h_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.45 l 0.45 area 0.2024 peri 1.8 \
+ nx 1 ny 1 dummy 0 lmin 0.45 wmin 0.45 \
+ elc 1 erc 1 etc 1 ebc 1 doverlap 0 \
+ compatible {ndiode ndiode_h} full_metal 1}
+proc sky130::ndiode_native_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.45 l 0.45 area 0.2024 peri 1.8 \
+ nx 1 ny 1 dummy 0 lmin 0.45 wmin 0.45 \
+ elc 1 erc 1 etc 1 ebc 1 doverlap 0 \
+ full_metal 1}
+proc sky130::pdiode_h_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.45 l 0.45 area 0.2024 peri 1.8 \
+ nx 1 ny 1 dummy 0 lmin 0.45 wmin 0.45 \
+ elc 1 erc 1 etc 1 ebc 1 \
+ glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 doverlap 0 \
+ compatible {pdiode pdiode_h} full_metal 1}
+proc sky130::ndiode_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::diode_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::ndiode_lvt_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::diode_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::pdiode_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::diode_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::pdiode_lvt_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::diode_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::pdiode_hvt_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::diode_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::ndiode_h_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::diode_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::ndiode_native_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::diode_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::pdiode_h_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::diode_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::ndiode_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::diode_dialog ndiode $parameters
+proc sky130::ndiode_lvt_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::diode_dialog ndiode_lvt $parameters
+proc sky130::pdiode_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::diode_dialog pdiode $parameters
+proc sky130::pdiode_lvt_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::diode_dialog pdiode_lvt $parameters
+proc sky130::pdiode_hvt_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::diode_dialog pdiode_hvt $parameters
+proc sky130::ndiode_h_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::diode_dialog ndiode_h $parameters
+proc sky130::ndiode_native_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::diode_dialog ndiode_native $parameters
+proc sky130::pdiode_h_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::diode_dialog pdiode_h $parameters
+proc sky130::ndiode_check {parameters} {
+ sky130::diode_check $parameters
+proc sky130::ndiode_lvt_check {parameters} {
+ sky130::diode_check $parameters
+proc sky130::pdiode_check {parameters} {
+ sky130::diode_check $parameters
+proc sky130::pdiode_lvt_check {parameters} {
+ sky130::diode_check $parameters
+proc sky130::pdiode_hvt_check {parameters} {
+ sky130::diode_check $parameters
+proc sky130::ndiode_h_check {parameters} {
+ sky130::diode_check $parameters
+proc sky130::ndiode_native_check {parameters} {
+ sky130::diode_check $parameters
+proc sky130::pdiode_h_check {parameters} {
+ sky130::diode_check $parameters
+# Diode: Draw a single device
+proc sky130::diode_device {parameters} {
+ # Epsilon for avoiding round-off errors
+ set eps 0.0005
+ # Set local default values if they are not in parameters
+ set dev_surround 0
+ set dev_sub_type ""
+ # Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ # If there is no end_sub_surround, set it to sub_surround
+ if {![dict exists $parameters end_sub_surround]} {
+ set end_sub_surround $sub_surround
+ }
+ # Draw the device
+ pushbox
+ box size 0 0
+ set hw [/ $w 2.0]
+ set hl [/ $l 2.0]
+ # Calculate ring size (measured to contact center)
+ set gx [+ $w [* 2.0 [+ $dev_spacing $dev_surround]] $contact_size]
+ set gy [+ $l [* 2.0 [+ $dev_spacing $dev_surround]] $contact_size]
+ # Draw the ring first, because diode may occupy well/substrate plane
+ set guardparams $parameters
+ dict set guardparams plus_diff_type $end_type
+ dict set guardparams plus_contact_type $end_contact_type
+ dict set guardparams diff_surround $end_surround
+ dict set guardparams sub_type $end_sub_type
+ dict set guardparams sub_surround $sub_surround
+ dict set guardparams guard_sub_surround $end_sub_surround
+ dict set guardparams glc $elc
+ dict set guardparams grc $erc
+ dict set guardparams gtc $etc
+ dict set guardparams gbc $ebc
+ set cext [sky130::guard_ring $gx $gy $guardparams]
+ pushbox
+ box grow n ${hl}um
+ box grow s ${hl}um
+ box grow e ${hw}um
+ box grow w ${hw}um
+ paint ${dev_type}
+ set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::getbox]]
+ if {$dev_sub_type != ""} {
+ box grow n ${sub_surround}um
+ box grow s ${sub_surround}um
+ box grow e ${sub_surround}um
+ box grow w ${sub_surround}um
+ paint ${dev_sub_type}
+ }
+ popbox
+ if {${w} < ${l}} {
+ set orient vert
+ } else {
+ set orient horz
+ }
+ # Reduce width by surround amount
+ set w [- $w [* ${dev_surround} 2.0]]
+ set l [- $l [* ${dev_surround} 2.0]]
+ set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::draw_contact ${w} ${l} \
+ ${dev_surround} ${metal_surround} ${contact_size} \
+ ${dev_type} ${dev_contact_type} li ${orient}]]
+ popbox
+ return $cext
+# Diode: Draw the tiled device
+proc sky130::diode_draw {parameters} {
+ tech unlock *
+ # Set defaults if they are not in parameters
+ set doverlap 0 ;# overlap diodes at contacts
+ set guard 0 ;# draw a guard ring
+ set prohibit_overlap false ;# don't prohibit overlaps
+ # Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ # Normalize distance units to microns
+ set w [magic::spice2float $w]
+ set l [magic::spice2float $l]
+ pushbox
+ box values 0 0 0 0
+ # Determine the base device dimensions by drawing one device
+ # while all layers are locked (nothing drawn). This allows the
+ # base drawing routine to do complicated geometry without having
+ # to duplicate it here with calculations.
+ tech lock *
+ set bbox [sky130::diode_device $parameters]
+ # puts stdout "Diagnostic: Device bounding box e $bbox (um)"
+ tech unlock *
+ set fw [- [lindex $bbox 2] [lindex $bbox 0]]
+ set fh [- [lindex $bbox 3] [lindex $bbox 1]]
+ set lw [+ [lindex $bbox 2] [lindex $bbox 0]]
+ set lh [+ [lindex $bbox 3] [lindex $bbox 1]]
+ # If prohibit_overlap is true, then end overlapping is prohibited when
+ # nx or ny is > 1 to prevent DRC errors (typically from well spacing rule)
+ if {$prohibit_overlap == true} {
+ if {($nx > 1) || ($ny > 1)} {
+ set doverlap 0
+ }
+ }
+ # Determine tile width and height (depends on overlap)
+ if {$doverlap == 0} {
+ set dx [+ $fw $end_spacing]
+ set dy [+ $fh $end_spacing]
+ } else {
+ # overlap contact
+ set dx [- $fw [+ [* 2.0 $sub_surround] [* 2.0 $end_surround] $contact_size]]
+ set dy [- $fh [+ [* 2.0 $sub_surround] [* 2.0 $end_surround] $contact_size]]
+ }
+ # Determine core width and height
+ set corex [+ [* [- $nx 1] $dx] $fw]
+ set corey [+ [* [- $ny 1] $dy] $fh]
+ set corellx [/ [+ [- $corex $fw] $lw] 2.0]
+ set corelly [/ [+ [- $corey $fh] $lh] 2.0]
+ if {$guard != 0} {
+ # Calculate guard ring size (measured to contact center)
+ set gx [+ $corex [* 2.0 [+ $diff_spacing $diff_surround]] $contact_size]
+ set gy [+ $corey [* 2.0 [+ $diff_spacing $diff_surround]] $contact_size]
+ # Draw the guard ring first, because diode may occupy well/substrate plane
+ sky130::guard_ring $gx $gy $parameters
+ }
+ pushbox
+ box move w ${corellx}um
+ box move s ${corelly}um
+ if {($nx > 1) || ($ny > 1)} {
+ pushbox
+ set hfw [/ $fw 2.0]
+ set hfh [/ $fh 2.0]
+ box move w ${hfw}um
+ box move s ${hfh}um
+ box size ${corex}um ${corey}um
+ paint $end_sub_type
+ popbox
+ }
+ for {set xp 0} {$xp < $nx} {incr xp} {
+ pushbox
+ for {set yp 0} {$yp < $ny} {incr yp} {
+ sky130::diode_device $parameters
+ box move n ${dy}um
+ }
+ popbox
+ box move e ${dx}um
+ }
+ popbox
+ popbox
+ tech revert
+proc sky130::ndiode_draw {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
+ foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
+ set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
+ }
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ dev_type ndiode \
+ dev_contact_type ndic \
+ end_type psd \
+ end_contact_type psc \
+ end_sub_type psub \
+ dev_spacing ${diff_spacing} \
+ dev_surround ${diff_surround} \
+ end_spacing ${diff_spacing} \
+ end_surround 0 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::diode_draw $drawdict]
+# NOTE: Use ppd instead of psd so that there is additional
+# diffusion around the contact, allowing more space for the
+# implant (likewise pdiode_lvt and pdiode_hvt).
+proc sky130::ndiode_lvt_draw {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
+ foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
+ set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
+ }
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ dev_type ndiodelvt \
+ dev_contact_type ndilvtc \
+ end_type ppd \
+ end_contact_type psc \
+ end_sub_type psub \
+ dev_spacing ${diff_spacing} \
+ dev_surround ${diff_surround} \
+ end_spacing ${diff_spacing} \
+ end_surround ${diff_surround} \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::diode_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::pdiode_draw {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
+ foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
+ set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
+ }
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ dev_type pdiode \
+ guard 1 \
+ dev_contact_type pdic \
+ end_type nsd \
+ end_contact_type nsc \
+ end_sub_type nwell \
+ plus_diff_type psd \
+ plus_contact_type psc \
+ sub_type psub \
+ dev_spacing ${diff_spacing} \
+ dev_surround ${diff_surround} \
+ end_spacing ${diff_spacing} \
+ end_surround 0 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::diode_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::pdiode_lvt_draw {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
+ foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
+ set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
+ }
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ dev_type pdiodelvt \
+ guard 1 \
+ dev_contact_type pdilvtc \
+ end_type nnd \
+ end_contact_type nsc \
+ end_sub_type nwell \
+ plus_diff_type psd \
+ plus_contact_type psc \
+ sub_type psub \
+ dev_spacing ${diff_spacing} \
+ dev_surround ${diff_surround} \
+ end_spacing ${diff_spacing} \
+ end_surround ${diff_surround} \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::diode_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::pdiode_hvt_draw {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
+ foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
+ set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
+ }
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ dev_type pdiodehvt \
+ guard 1 \
+ dev_contact_type pdihvtc \
+ end_type nnd \
+ end_contact_type nsc \
+ end_sub_type nwell \
+ plus_diff_type psd \
+ plus_contact_type psc \
+ sub_type psub \
+ dev_spacing ${diff_spacing} \
+ dev_surround ${diff_surround} \
+ end_spacing ${diff_spacing} \
+ end_surround ${diff_surround} \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::diode_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::ndiode_h_draw {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
+ foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
+ set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
+ }
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ dev_type mvndiode \
+ dev_contact_type mvndic \
+ end_type mvpsd \
+ end_contact_type mvpsc \
+ end_sub_type psub \
+ diff_spacing 0.37 \
+ dev_spacing 0.39 \
+ dev_surround ${diff_surround} \
+ end_spacing 0.36 \
+ end_surround ${diff_surround} \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::diode_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::ndiode_native_draw {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
+ foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
+ set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
+ }
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ dev_type nndiode \
+ dev_contact_type nndic \
+ end_type mvpsd \
+ end_contact_type mvpsc \
+ end_sub_type psub \
+ dev_spacing 0.37 \
+ dev_surround ${diff_surround} \
+ end_spacing 0.30 \
+ end_surround ${diff_surround} \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::diode_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::pdiode_h_draw {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
+ foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
+ set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
+ }
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ guard 1 \
+ dev_type mvpdiode \
+ dev_contact_type mvpdic \
+ end_type mvnsd \
+ end_contact_type mvnsc \
+ end_sub_type nwell \
+ plus_diff_type mvpsd \
+ plus_contact_type mvpsc \
+ sub_type psub \
+ diff_spacing 0.58 \
+ dev_spacing 0.37 \
+ dev_surround ${diff_surround} \
+ end_spacing 0.30 \
+ end_sub_surround 0.33 \
+ end_surround ${diff_surround} \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::diode_draw $drawdict]
+# Drawn capactitor routines
+# NOTE: Work in progress. These values need to be corrected.
+#ifdef MIM
+proc sky130::xcmimc1_defaults {} {
+ return {w 2.00 l 2.00 val 4.0 carea 1.00 cperi 0.17 \
+ nx 1 ny 1 dummy 0 square 0 lmin 2.00 wmin 2.00 \
+ lmax 30.0 wmax 30.0 dc 0 bconnect 1 tconnect 1}
+proc sky130::xcmimc2_defaults {} {
+ return {w 2.00 l 2.00 val 4.0 carea 1.00 cperi 0.17 \
+ nx 1 ny 1 dummy 0 square 0 lmin 2.00 wmin 2.00 \
+ lmax 30.0 wmax 30.0 dc 0 bconnect 1 tconnect 1}
+#endif (MIM)
+# Recalculate capacitor values from GUI entries.
+# Recomputes W/L and Value as long as 2 of them are present
+# (To be completed)
+proc sky130::cap_recalc {field parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ switch $field {
+ val { puts stdout "value changed" }
+ w { puts stdout "width changed" }
+ l { puts stdout "length changed" }
+ }
+ dict set parameters val $val
+ dict set parameters w $w
+ dict set parameters l $l
+# Capacitor defaults:
+# w Width of drawn cap
+# l Length of drawn cap
+# nx Number of devices in X
+# ny Number of devices in Y
+# val Default cap value
+# carea Area
+# cperi Perimeter
+# dummy Add dummy cap
+# square Make square capacitor
+# (not user-editable)
+# wmin Minimum allowed width
+# lmin Minimum allowed length
+# dc Area to remove to calculated area
+# capacitor: Conversion from SPICE netlist parameters to toolkit
+proc sky130::cap_convert {parameters} {
+ set pdkparams [dict create]
+ dict for {key value} $parameters {
+ switch -nocase $key {
+ l -
+ w {
+ # Length and width are converted to units of microns
+ set value [magic::spice2float $value]
+ # set value [expr $value * 1e6]
+ set value [magic::3digitpastdecimal $value]
+ dict set pdkparams [string tolower $key] $value
+ }
+ m {
+ # Convert m to ny
+ dict set pdkparams ny $value
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $pdkparams
+#ifdef MIM
+proc sky130::xcmimc1_convert {parameters} {
+ return [cap_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::xcmimc2_convert {parameters} {
+ return [cap_convert $parameters]
+#endif (MIM)
+# capacitor: Interactively specifies the fixed layout parameters
+proc sky130::cap_dialog {device parameters} {
+ # Editable fields: w, l, nx, ny, val
+ # Checked fields: square, dummy
+ magic::add_entry val "Value (fF)" $parameters
+ sky130::compute_ctot $parameters
+ magic::add_message ctot "Total capacitance (pF)" $parameters
+ magic::add_entry l "Length (um)" $parameters
+ magic::add_entry w "Width (um)" $parameters
+ magic::add_entry nx "X Repeat" $parameters
+ magic::add_entry ny "Y Repeat" $parameters
+ if {[dict exists $parameters square]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox square "Square capacitor" $parameters
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $parameters bconnect]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox bconnect "Connect bottom plates in array" $parameters
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $parameters tconnect]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox tconnect "Connect top plates in array" $parameters
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $parameters guard]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox guard "Add guard ring" $parameters
+ }
+ magic::add_dependency sky130::cap_recalc $device sky130 l w val
+ # magic::add_checkbox dummy "Add dummy" $parameters
+#ifdef MIM
+proc sky130::xcmimc1_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::cap_dialog xcmimc1 $parameters
+proc sky130::xcmimc2_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::cap_dialog xcmimc2 $parameters
+#endif (MIM)
+# Capacitor total capacitance computation
+proc sky130::compute_ctot {parameters} {
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ set val [magic::spice2float $val]
+ set val [magic::3digitpastdecimal $val]
+ # Compute total capacitance (and convert fF to pF)
+ catch {set magic::ctot_val [expr (0.001 * $val * $nx * $ny)]}
+# Capacitor: Draw a single device
+proc sky130::cap_device {parameters} {
+ # Epsilon for avoiding round-off errors
+ set eps 0.0005
+ # Set local default values if they are not in parameters
+ set cap_surround 0
+ set bot_surround 0
+ set top_surround 0
+ set bconnect 0 ;# bottom plates are connected in array
+ set cap_spacing 0 ;# cap spacing in array
+ set top_metal_space 0 ;# top metal spacing (if larger than cap spacing)
+ # Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ if {![dict exists $parameters top_metal_space]} {
+ set top_metal_space $metal_spacing
+ }
+ # Draw the device
+ pushbox
+ box size 0 0
+ pushbox
+ set hw [/ $w 2.0]
+ set hl [/ $l 2.0]
+ box grow e ${hw}um
+ box grow w ${hw}um
+ box grow n ${hl}um
+ box grow s ${hl}um
+ paint ${cap_type}
+ pushbox
+ box grow n -${cap_surround}um
+ box grow s -${cap_surround}um
+ box grow e -${cap_surround}um
+ box grow w -${cap_surround}um
+ paint ${cap_contact_type}
+ pushbox
+ box grow n ${top_surround}um
+ box grow s ${top_surround}um
+ box grow e ${top_surround}um
+ box grow w ${top_surround}um
+ paint ${top_type}
+ set cext [sky130::getbox]
+ popbox
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box grow n ${bot_surround}um
+ box grow s ${bot_surround}um
+ box grow e ${bot_surround}um
+ box grow w ${bot_surround}um
+ paint ${bot_type}
+ # Create boundary using properties
+ property FIXED_BBOX [box values]
+ set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::getbox]]
+ # Extend bottom metal under contact to right
+ box grow e ${end_spacing}um
+ set chw [/ ${contact_size} 2.0]
+ box grow e ${chw}um
+ box grow e ${end_surround}um
+ paint ${bot_type}
+ popbox
+ popbox
+ # Draw contact to right. Reduce contact extent if devices are not
+ # wired together and the top metal spacing rule limits the distance
+ set lcont $l
+ if {($bconnect == 0) && ($ny > 1)} {
+ if {$cap_spacing < $top_metal_space} {
+ set cspace [- $top_metal_space $cap_spacing]
+ set lcont [- $l $cspace]
+ }
+ }
+ pushbox
+ box move e ${hw}um
+ box move e ${bot_surround}um
+ box move e ${end_spacing}um
+ set cl [- [+ ${lcont} [* ${bot_surround} 2.0]] [* ${end_surround} 2.0]]
+ set cl [- ${cl} ${metal_surround}] ;# see below
+ set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::draw_contact 0 ${cl} \
+ ${end_surround} ${metal_surround} ${contact_size} \
+ ${bot_type} ${top_contact_type} ${top_type} full]]
+ popbox
+ popbox
+ return $cext
+ # cl shrinks top and bottom to accomodate larger bottom metal
+ # surround rule for contacts near a MiM cap. This should be its
+ # own variable, but metal_surround is sufficient.
+# Metal plate sandwich capacitor: Draw a single device
+proc sky130::sandwich_cap_device {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ pushbox
+ box size 0 0
+ set hw [/ $w 2.0]
+ set hl [/ $l 2.0]
+ set cw [- [* $hw [/ 2.0 3]] [* $cont_surround 2.0]]
+ set cl [- [* $hl [/ 2.0 3]] [* $cont_surround 2.0]]
+ # plate capacitor defines layers p0, p1, etc.
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
+ if {[catch {set layer [subst \$p${i}_type]}]} {break} ;# no more layers defined
+ pushbox
+ box grow e ${hw}um
+ box grow w ${hw}um
+ box grow n ${hl}um
+ box grow s ${hl}um
+ if {![catch {set shrink [subst \$p${i}_shrink]}]} {
+ box grow e -${shrink}um
+ box grow w -${shrink}um
+ box grow n -${shrink}um
+ box grow s -${shrink}um
+ set cutout_spacing [+ [* ${shrink} 2.0] [/ $via_size 2.0] $cont_surround]
+ } else {
+ set cutout_spacing 0
+ }
+ paint ${layer}
+ if {$i == 1} {
+ # Note that cap_type geometry is coincident with p1_type.
+ # Typically, this will define a layer that outputs as both
+ # poly and a capacitor definition layer.
+ if {[dict exists $parameters cap_type]} {
+ paint $cap_type
+ }
+ }
+ popbox
+ # Even layers connect at corners, odd layers connect at sides.
+ # Even layers cut out the sides, odd layers cut out the corners.
+ # Layer zero has no side contacts or cutout.
+ if {[% $i 2] == 0} {
+ set cornercmd paint
+ set cornersize $cutout_spacing
+ set sidecmd erase
+ set nssidelong [+ $cutout_spacing [/ $hw 3.0]]
+ set ewsidelong [+ $cutout_spacing [/ $hl 3.0]]
+ set sideshort $cutout_spacing
+ } else {
+ set cornercmd erase
+ set cornersize $cutout_spacing
+ set sidecmd paint
+ set nssidelong [/ $hw 3.0]
+ set ewsidelong [/ $hl 3.0]
+ set sideshort $cutout_spacing
+ }
+ if {$i > 0} {
+ pushbox
+ box move e ${hw}um
+ box grow n ${ewsidelong}um
+ box grow s ${ewsidelong}um
+ box grow w ${sideshort}um
+ ${sidecmd} ${layer}
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box move n ${hl}um
+ box grow e ${nssidelong}um
+ box grow w ${nssidelong}um
+ box grow s ${sideshort}um
+ ${sidecmd} ${layer}
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box move w ${hw}um
+ box grow n ${ewsidelong}um
+ box grow s ${ewsidelong}um
+ box grow e ${sideshort}um
+ ${sidecmd} ${layer}
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box move s ${hl}um
+ box grow e ${nssidelong}um
+ box grow w ${nssidelong}um
+ box grow n ${sideshort}um
+ ${sidecmd} ${layer}
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box move n ${hl}um
+ box move e ${hw}um
+ box grow s ${cornersize}um
+ box grow w ${cornersize}um
+ ${cornercmd} ${layer}
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box move n ${hl}um
+ box move w ${hw}um
+ box grow s ${cornersize}um
+ box grow e ${cornersize}um
+ ${cornercmd} ${layer}
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box move s ${hl}um
+ box move e ${hw}um
+ box grow n ${cornersize}um
+ box grow w ${cornersize}um
+ ${cornercmd} ${layer}
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box move s ${hl}um
+ box move w ${hw}um
+ box grow n ${cornersize}um
+ box grow e ${cornersize}um
+ ${cornercmd} ${layer}
+ popbox
+ }
+ }
+ # Draw contacts after all layers have been drawn, so that erasing
+ # layers does not affect the contacts.
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
+ if {![catch {set contact [subst \$p${i}_contact_type]}]} {
+ set layer [subst \$p${i}_type]
+ set j [+ $i 1]
+ set toplayer [subst \$p${j}_type]
+ # Draw corner contacts
+ pushbox
+ box move e ${hw}um
+ box move n ${hl}um
+ sky130::draw_contact 0 0 \
+ ${cont_surround} ${cont_surround} ${via_size} \
+ ${layer} ${contact} ${toplayer} full
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box move w ${hw}um
+ box move n ${hl}um
+ sky130::draw_contact 0 0 \
+ ${cont_surround} ${cont_surround} ${via_size} \
+ ${layer} ${contact} ${toplayer} full
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box move e ${hw}um
+ box move s ${hl}um
+ sky130::draw_contact 0 0 \
+ ${cont_surround} ${cont_surround} ${via_size} \
+ ${layer} ${contact} ${toplayer} full
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box move w ${hw}um
+ box move s ${hl}um
+ sky130::draw_contact 0 0 \
+ ${cont_surround} ${cont_surround} ${via_size} \
+ ${layer} ${contact} ${toplayer} full
+ popbox
+ # Draw side contacts (except on poly)
+ if {$i > 0} {
+ pushbox
+ box move w ${hw}um
+ sky130::draw_contact 0 ${cl} \
+ ${cont_surround} ${cont_surround} ${via_size} \
+ ${layer} ${contact} ${toplayer} full
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box move e ${hw}um
+ sky130::draw_contact 0 ${cl} \
+ ${cont_surround} ${cont_surround} ${via_size} \
+ ${layer} ${contact} ${toplayer} full
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box move n ${hl}um
+ sky130::draw_contact ${cw} 0 \
+ ${cont_surround} ${cont_surround} ${via_size} \
+ ${layer} ${contact} ${toplayer} full
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box move s ${hl}um
+ sky130::draw_contact ${cw} 0 \
+ ${cont_surround} ${cont_surround} ${via_size} \
+ ${layer} ${contact} ${toplayer} full
+ popbox
+ }
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ popbox
+ # Bounding box is the same as the device length and width
+ set cext [list -$hw -$hl $hw $hl]
+ return $cext
+# Capacitor: Draw the tiled device
+proc sky130::cap_draw {parameters} {
+ tech unlock *
+ set savesnap [snap]
+ snap internal
+ # Set defaults if they are not in parameters
+ set coverlap 0 ;# overlap capacitors at contacts
+ set guard 0 ;# draw a guard ring
+ set sandwich 0 ;# this is not a plate sandwich capacitor
+ set cap_spacing 0 ;# abutted caps if spacing is zero
+ set cap_diff_spacing 0
+ set wide_cap_spacing 0 ;# additional spacing for wide metal rule
+ set wide_cap_width 0
+ set end_spacing 0
+ set end_surround 0
+ set bot_surround 0
+ set top_metal_width 0
+ set bconnect 0 ;# connect bottom plates in array
+ set tconnect 0 ;# connect top plates in array
+ set top_type ""
+ # Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ # Normalize distance units to microns
+ set w [magic::spice2float $w]
+ set l [magic::spice2float $l]
+ pushbox
+ box values 0 0 0 0
+ # Determine the base device dimensions by drawing one device
+ # while all layers are locked (nothing drawn). This allows the
+ # base drawing routine to do complicated geometry without having
+ # to duplicate it here with calculations.
+ tech lock *
+ if {$sandwich == 1} {
+ set bbox [sky130::sandwich_cap_device $parameters]
+ } else {
+ set bbox [sky130::cap_device $parameters]
+ }
+ # puts stdout "Diagnostic: Device bounding box e $bbox (um)"
+ tech unlock *
+ set fw [- [lindex $bbox 2] [lindex $bbox 0]]
+ set fh [- [lindex $bbox 3] [lindex $bbox 1]]
+ set lw [+ [lindex $bbox 2] [lindex $bbox 0]]
+ set lh [+ [lindex $bbox 3] [lindex $bbox 1]]
+ set dwide 0
+ if {($fw >= $wide_cap_width) && ($fh >= $wide_cap_width)} {
+ set dwide $wide_cap_spacing
+ }
+ # Determine tile width and height (depends on overlap)
+ if {$coverlap == 0} {
+ set dy [+ $fh $cap_spacing $dwide]
+ } else {
+ # overlap at end contact
+ set dy [- $fh [+ $end_surround $end_surround $contact_size]]
+ }
+ # Contact is placed on right so spacing is determined by end_spacing.
+ set dx [+ $fw $end_spacing $dwide]
+ # Determine core width and height
+ set corex [+ [* [- $nx 1] $dx] $fw]
+ set corey [+ [* [- $ny 1] $dy] $fh]
+ set corellx [/ [+ [- $corex $fw] $lw] 2.0]
+ set corelly [/ [+ [- $corey $fh] $lh] 2.0]
+ if {$guard != 0} {
+ # Calculate guard ring size (measured to contact center)
+ set gx [+ $corex [* 2.0 [+ $cap_diff_spacing $diff_surround]] $contact_size]
+ set gy [+ $corey [* 2.0 [+ $end_spacing $diff_surround]] $contact_size]
+ # Draw the guard ring first.
+ sky130::guard_ring $gx $gy $parameters
+ }
+ set twidth [+ ${contact_size} ${end_surround} ${end_surround}]
+ if {${twidth} < ${top_metal_width}} {
+ set twidth ${top_metal_width}
+ }
+ set hmw [/ $twidth 2.0]
+ set hdy [/ $dy 2.0]
+ set cdx [+ [/ ${w} 2.0] ${bot_surround} ${end_spacing}]
+ pushbox
+ box move w ${corellx}um
+ box move s ${corelly}um
+ for {set xp 0} {$xp < $nx} {incr xp} {
+ pushbox
+ for {set yp 0} {$yp < $ny} {incr yp} {
+ if {$sandwich == 1} {
+ sky130::sandwich_cap_device $parameters
+ } else {
+ sky130::cap_device $parameters
+ }
+ if {$ny > 1} {
+ pushbox
+ box grow e ${hmw}um
+ box grow w ${hmw}um
+ box grow n ${hdy}um
+ box grow s ${hdy}um
+ if {($top_type != "") && ($tconnect == 1)} {
+ paint ${top_type}
+ }
+ if {($top_type != "") && ($bconnect == 1)} {
+ box move e ${cdx}um
+ paint ${top_type}
+ }
+ popbox
+ }
+ box move n ${dy}um
+ }
+ popbox
+ box move e ${dx}um
+ }
+ popbox
+ popbox
+ snap $savesnap
+ tech revert
+#ifdef MIM
+proc sky130::xcmimc1_draw {parameters} {
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ top_type m4 \
+ top_contact_type via3 \
+ cap_type mimcap \
+ cap_contact_type mimcc \
+ bot_type m3 \
+ bot_surround 0.5 \
+ cap_spacing 0.5 \
+ cap_surround 0.2 \
+ top_surround 0.005 \
+ end_surround 0.1 \
+ end_spacing 0.60 \
+ contact_size 0.32 \
+ metal_surround 0.08 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::cap_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::xcmimc2_draw {parameters} {
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ top_type m5 \
+ top_contact_type via4 \
+ cap_type mimcap2 \
+ cap_contact_type mim2cc \
+ bot_type m4 \
+ bot_surround 0.5 \
+ cap_spacing 0.5 \
+ cap_surround 0.2 \
+ top_surround 0.12 \
+ end_surround 0.1 \
+ end_spacing 2.10 \
+ contact_size 1.18 \
+ metal_surround 0.21 \
+ top_metal_width 1.6 \
+ top_metal_space 1.7 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::cap_draw $drawdict]
+#endif (MIM)
+# capacitor: Check device parameters for out-of-bounds values
+proc sky130::cap_check {parameters} {
+ # In case wmax and/or lmax are undefined
+ set lmax 0
+ set wmax 0
+ # Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ # Normalize distance units to microns
+ set l [magic::spice2float $l]
+ set l [magic::3digitpastdecimal $l]
+ set w [magic::spice2float $w]
+ set w [magic::3digitpastdecimal $w]
+ set val [magic::spice2float $val]
+ set carea [magic::spice2float $carea]
+ set cperi [magic::spice2float $cperi]
+ set dc [magic::spice2float $dc]
+ if {$square == 1} {
+ # Calculate L and W from value
+ set a $carea
+ set b [expr $cperi * 4]
+ set c [expr -4 * $dc - $val]
+ set l [expr ((-$b + sqrt($b * $b - (4 * $a * $c))) / (2 * $a))]
+ dict set parameters l [magic::float2spice $l]
+ set w $l
+ dict set parameters w [magic::float2spice $w]
+ } elseif {$l == 0} {
+ # Calculate L from W and value
+ set l [expr (($val + 4 * $dc - 2 * $w * $cperi) / ($w * $carea + 2 * $cperi))]
+ dict set parameters l [magic::float2spice $l]
+ } elseif {$w == 0} {
+ # Calculate W from L and value
+ set w [expr (($val + 4 * $dc - 2 * $l * $cperi) / ($l * $carea + 2 * $cperi))]
+ dict set parameters w [magic::float2spice $w]
+ }
+ if {$w < $wmin} {
+ puts stderr "Capacitor width must be >= $wmin"
+ dict set parameters w $wmin
+ set w $wmin
+ }
+ if {$l < $lmin} {
+ puts stderr "Capacitor length must be >= $lmin"
+ dict set parameters l $lmin
+ set l $lmin
+ }
+ if {($wmax > 0) && ($w > $wmax)} {
+ puts stderr "Capacitor width must be <= $wmax"
+ dict set parameters w $wmax
+ set w $wmax
+ }
+ if {($lmax > 0) && ($l > $lmax)} {
+ puts stderr "Capacitor length must be <= $lmax"
+ dict set parameters l $lmax
+ set l $lmax
+ }
+ # Calculate value from L and W
+ set cval [expr ($l * $w * $carea + 2 * ($l + $w) * $cperi - 4 * $dc)]
+ dict set parameters val [magic::float2spice $cval]
+ sky130::compute_ctot $parameters
+ return $parameters
+#ifdef MIM
+proc sky130::xcmimc1_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::cap_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::xcmimc2_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::cap_check $parameters]
+#endif (MIM)
+# Drawn resistors
+# Resistor defaults:
+# User editable values:
+# val Resistor value in ohms
+# w Width
+# l Length
+# t Number of turns
+# m Number devices in Y
+# nx Number devices in X
+# snake Use snake geometry (if not present, snake geometry not allowed)
+# dummy Flag to mark addition of dummy resistor
+# Non-user editable values:
+# wmin Minimum allowed width
+# lmin Minimum allowed length
+# rho Resistance in ohms per square
+# dw Delta width
+# term Resistance per terminal
+# sterm Additional resistance per terminal for snake geometry
+# xpwres: Specify all user-editable default values and those
+# needed by xpwres_check
+# NOTE: Work in progress. These values need to be corrected.
+proc sky130::xpwres_defaults {} {
+ return {w 2.650 l 26.50 m 1 nx 1 wmin 2.650 lmin 26.50 \
+ rho 975 val 4875 dummy 0 dw 0.25 term 1.0 \
+ endcov 100 full_metal 1}
+# rpp1: Specify all user-editable default values and those
+# needed by rp1_check
+proc sky130::mrp1_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.330 l 1.650 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.330 lmin 1.650 \
+ rho 48.2 val 241 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 0.0 \
+ sterm 0.0 caplen 0.4 snake 0 \
+ glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 roverlap 0 endcov 100 \
+ full_metal 1}
+# "term" is rho * 0.06, the distance between xpc edge and CONT.
+proc sky130::xhrpoly_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.350 l 0.50 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.350 lmin 0.50 \
+ rho 319.8 val 456.857 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 19.188 \
+ sterm 0.0 caplen 0 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 \
+ full_metal 1}
+# "term" is rho * 0.06, the distance between xpc edge and CONT.
+proc sky130::uhrpoly_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.350 l 0.50 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.350 lmin 0.50 \
+ rho 2000 val 2875.143 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 120 \
+ sterm 0.0 caplen 0 \
+ glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 full_metal 1}
+# mrdn: Specify all user-editable default values and those
+# needed by rdn_check
+proc sky130::mrdn_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.420 l 2.100 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.42 lmin 2.10 \
+ rho 120 val 600.0 dummy 0 dw 0.05 term 0.0 \
+ sterm 0.0 caplen 0.4 snake 0 \
+ glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 roverlap 0 endcov 100 \
+ full_metal 1}
+proc sky130::mrdn_hv_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.420 l 2.100 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.42 lmin 2.10 \
+ rho 120 val 600.0 dummy 0 dw 0.02 term 0.0 \
+ sterm 0.0 caplen 0.4 snake 0 \
+ glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 roverlap 0 endcov 100 \
+ full_metal 1}
+# mrdp: Specify all user-editable default values and those
+# needed by rdp_check
+proc sky130::mrdp_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.420 l 2.100 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.42 lmin 2.10 \
+ rho 197 val 985.0 dummy 0 dw 0.02 term 0.0 \
+ sterm 0.0 caplen 0.60 snake 0 \
+ glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 roverlap 0 endcov 100 \
+ full_metal 1}
+proc sky130::mrdp_hv_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.420 l 2.100 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.42 lmin 2.10 \
+ rho 197 val 985.0 dummy 0 dw 0.02 term 0.0 \
+ sterm 0.0 caplen 0.60 snake 0 \
+ glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 roverlap 0 endcov 100 \
+ full_metal 1}
+# mrl1: Specify all user-editable default values and those needed
+# by mrl1_check
+proc sky130::mrl1_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.170 l 0.170 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.17 lmin 0.17 \
+ rho 12.8 val 12.8 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 0.0 snake 0 \
+ roverlap 0}
+# mrm1: Specify all user-editable default values and those needed
+# by mrm1_check
+proc sky130::mrm1_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.140 l 0.140 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.14 lmin 0.14 \
+ rho 0.125 val 0.125 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 0.0 \
+ roverlap 0}
+# mrm2: Specify all user-editable default values and those needed
+# by mrm2_check
+proc sky130::mrm2_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.140 l 0.140 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.14 lmin 0.14 \
+ rho 0.125 val 0.125 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 0.0 \
+ roverlap 0}
+# mrm3: Specify all user-editable default values and those needed
+# by mrm3_check
+proc sky130::mrm3_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.300 l 0.300 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.30 lmin 0.30 \
+ rho 0.047 val 0.047 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 0.0 \
+ roverlap 0}
+# Additional entries for mrm4 and mrm5, depending on the
+# back-end metal stack.
+#ifdef METAL5
+proc sky130::mrm4_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.300 l 0.300 m 1 nx 1 wmin 0.30 lmin 0.30 \
+ rho 0.047 val 0.047 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 0.0 \
+ roverlap 0}
+proc sky130::mrm5_defaults {} {
+ return {w 1.600 l 1.600 m 1 nx 1 wmin 1.60 lmin 1.60 \
+ rho 0.029 val 0.029 dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 0.0 \
+ roverlap 0}
+#endif (METAL5)
+# resistor: Conversion from SPICE netlist parameters to toolkit
+proc sky130::res_convert {parameters} {
+ set pdkparams [dict create]
+ dict for {key value} $parameters {
+ switch -nocase $key {
+ l -
+ w {
+ # Length and width are converted to units of microns
+ set value [magic::spice2float $value]
+ # set value [expr $value * 1e6]
+ set value [magic::3digitpastdecimal $value]
+ dict set pdkparams [string tolower $key] $value
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $pdkparams
+proc sky130::xpwres_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::mrp1_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::xhrpoly_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::uhrpoly_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::mrdn_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::mrdp_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::mrdn_hv_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::mrdp_hv_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::mrl1_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::mrm1_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::mrm2_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::mrm3_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
+#ifdef METAL5
+proc sky130::mrm4_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::mrm5_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_convert $parameters]
+#endif (METAL5)
+# resistor: Interactively specifies the fixed layout parameters
+proc sky130::res_dialog {device parameters} {
+ # Editable fields: w, l, t, nx, m, val
+ # Checked fields:
+ magic::add_entry val "Value (ohms)" $parameters
+ if {[dict exists $parameters snake]} {
+ sky130::compute_ltot $parameters
+ magic::add_message ltot "Total length (um)" $parameters
+ }
+ magic::add_entry l "Length (um)" $parameters
+ magic::add_entry w "Width (um)" $parameters
+ magic::add_entry nx "X Repeat" $parameters
+ magic::add_entry m "Y Repeat" $parameters
+ if {[dict exists $parameters endcov]} {
+ magic::add_entry endcov "End contact coverage (%)" $parameters
+ }
+ # magic::add_checkbox dummy "Add dummy" $parameters
+ if {[dict exists $parameters snake]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox snake "Use snake geometry" $parameters
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $parameters roverlap]} {
+ if {[dict exists $parameters endcov]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox roverlap "Overlap at end contact" $parameters
+ } else {
+ magic::add_checkbox roverlap "Overlap at ends" $parameters
+ }
+ }
+ magic::add_checkbox guard "Add guard ring" $parameters
+ if {[dict exists $parameters full_metal]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox full_metal "Full metal guard ring" $parameters
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $parameters glc]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox glc "Add left guard ring contact" $parameters
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $parameters grc]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox grc "Add right guard ring contact" $parameters
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $parameters gtc]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox gtc "Add top guard ring contact" $parameters
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $parameters gbc]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox gbc "Add bottom guard ring contact" $parameters
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $parameters snake]} {
+ magic::add_dependency sky130::res_recalc $device sky130 l w val nx snake
+ } else {
+ magic::add_dependency sky130::res_recalc $device sky130 l w val nx
+ }
+proc sky130::xpwres_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::res_dialog xpwres $parameters
+proc sky130::mrp1_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::res_dialog mrp1 $parameters
+proc sky130::xhrpoly_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::res_dialog xhrpoly $parameters
+proc sky130::uhrpoly_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::res_dialog uhrpoly $parameters
+proc sky130::mrdn_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::res_dialog mrdn $parameters
+proc sky130::mrdp_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::res_dialog mrdp $parameters
+proc sky130::mrdn_hv_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::res_dialog mrdn_hv $parameters
+proc sky130::mrdp_hv_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::res_dialog mrdp_hv $parameters
+proc sky130::mrl1_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::res_dialog mrl1 $parameters
+proc sky130::mrm1_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::res_dialog mrm1 $parameters
+proc sky130::mrm2_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::res_dialog mrm2 $parameters
+proc sky130::mrm3_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::res_dialog mrm3 $parameters
+#ifdef METAL5
+proc sky130::mrm4_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::res_dialog mrm4 $parameters
+proc sky130::mrm5_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::res_dialog mrm5 $parameters
+#endif (METAL5)
+# Resistor: Draw a single device in straight geometry
+proc sky130::res_device {parameters} {
+ # Epsilon for avoiding round-off errors
+ set eps 0.0005
+ # Set local default values if they are not in parameters
+ set endcov 0 ;# percent coverage of end contacts
+ set roverlap 0 ;# overlap resistors at end contacts
+ set well_res_overlap 0 ;# not a well resistor
+ set end_contact_type "" ;# no contacts for metal resistors
+ set end_overlap_cont 0 ;# additional end overlap on sides
+ # Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ if {![dict exists $parameters end_contact_size]} {
+ set end_contact_size $contact_size
+ }
+ # Draw the resistor and endcaps
+ pushbox
+ box size 0 0
+ pushbox
+ set hw [/ $w 2.0]
+ set hl [/ $l 2.0]
+ box grow n ${hl}um
+ box grow s ${hl}um
+ box grow e ${hw}um
+ box grow w ${hw}um
+ pushbox
+ box grow n ${res_to_endcont}um
+ box grow s ${res_to_endcont}um
+ if {$well_res_overlap > 0} {
+ set well_extend [+ ${well_res_overlap} [/ ${end_contact_size} 2.0] ${end_surround}]
+ box grow n ${well_extend}um
+ box grow s ${well_extend}um
+ paint ${well_res_type}
+ } else {
+ paint ${end_type}
+ }
+ set cext [sky130::getbox]
+ popbox
+ if {$well_res_overlap > 0} {
+ erase ${well_res_type}
+ } else {
+ erase ${end_type}
+ }
+ paint ${res_type}
+ popbox
+ # Reduce contact sizes by (end type) surround so that
+ # the contact area edges match the device type width.
+ # (Minimum dimensions will be enforced by the contact drawing routine)
+ set epl [- ${w} [* ${end_surround} 2]] ;# end contact width
+ # Reduce end material size for well resistor types
+ if {$well_res_overlap > 0} {
+ set epl [- ${epl} [* ${well_res_overlap} 2]]
+ }
+ # Reduce by coverage percentage unless overlapping at contacts
+ if {(${roverlap} == 0) && (${endcov} > 0)} {
+ set cpl [* ${epl} [/ ${endcov} 100.0]]
+ } else {
+ set cpl $epl
+ }
+ # Ensure additional overlap of diffusion contact if required
+ set dov [* ${end_overlap_cont} 2]
+ if {[- ${epl} ${cpl}] < $dov} {
+ set cpl [- ${epl} $dov] ;# additional end contact width
+ }
+ set hepl [+ [/ ${epl} 2.0] ${end_surround}]
+ set hesz [/ ${end_contact_size} 2.0]
+ # LV substrate diffusion types have a different surround requirement
+ set lv_sub_types {"psd" "nsd"}
+ if {[lsearch $lv_sub_types $end_type] < 0} {
+ set hesz [+ ${hesz} ${end_surround}]
+ }
+ # Top end material & contact
+ pushbox
+ box move n ${hl}um
+ box move n ${res_to_endcont}um
+ pushbox
+ box size 0 0
+ box grow n ${hesz}um
+ box grow s ${hesz}um
+ box grow e ${hepl}um
+ box grow w ${hepl}um
+ paint ${end_type}
+ set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::getbox]]
+ popbox
+ if {${end_contact_type} != ""} {
+ set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::draw_contact ${cpl} 0 \
+ ${end_surround} ${metal_surround} ${end_contact_size} \
+ ${end_type} ${end_contact_type} li horz]]
+ }
+ popbox
+ # Bottom end material & contact
+ pushbox
+ box move s ${hl}um
+ box move s ${res_to_endcont}um
+ pushbox
+ box size 0 0
+ box grow n ${hesz}um
+ box grow s ${hesz}um
+ box grow e ${hepl}um
+ box grow w ${hepl}um
+ paint ${end_type}
+ set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::getbox]]
+ popbox
+ if {${end_contact_type} != ""} {
+ set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::draw_contact ${cpl} 0 \
+ ${end_surround} ${metal_surround} ${end_contact_size} \
+ ${end_type} ${end_contact_type} li horz]]
+ }
+ popbox
+ popbox
+ return $cext
+# Resistor: Draw a single device in snake geometry
+proc sky130::res_snake_device {nf parameters} {
+ # nf is the number of fingers of the snake geometry
+ # Epsilon for avoiding round-off errors
+ set eps 0.0005
+ # Set local default values if they are not in parameters
+ set endcov 100 ;# percent coverage of end contacts
+ set well_res_overlap 0 ;# not a well resistor
+ set end_contact_type "" ;# no contacts for metal resistors
+ set mask_clearance 0 ;# additional length to clear mask
+ # Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ if {![dict exists $parameters end_contact_size]} {
+ set end_contact_size $contact_size
+ }
+ # Compute half width and length
+ set hw [/ $w 2.0]
+ set hl [/ $l 2.0]
+ # Reduce contact sizes by (end type) surround so that
+ # the contact area edges match the device type width.
+ # (Minimum dimensions will be enforced by the contact drawing routine)
+ set epl [- ${w} [* ${end_surround} 2]] ;# end contact width
+ # Reduce contact size for well resistor types
+ if {$well_res_overlap > 0} {
+ set epl [- ${epl} [* ${well_res_overlap} 2]]
+ }
+ # Reduce contact part of end by coverage percentage
+ if {${endcov} > 0} {
+ set cpl [* ${epl} [/ ${endcov} 100.0]]
+ } else {
+ set cpl $epl
+ }
+ set hepl [+ [/ ${epl} 2.0] ${end_surround}]
+ set hesz [+ [/ ${end_contact_size} 2.0] ${end_surround}]
+ pushbox
+ box size 0 0 ;# Position is taken from caller
+ # Front end contact (always bottom)
+ pushbox
+ box move s ${hl}um
+ pushbox
+ box move s ${mask_clearance}um
+ box move s ${res_to_endcont}um
+ pushbox
+ box size 0 0
+ box grow n ${hesz}um
+ box grow s ${hesz}um
+ box grow e ${hepl}um
+ box grow w ${hepl}um
+ paint ${end_type}
+ set cext [sky130::getbox]
+ popbox
+ if {${end_contact_type} != ""} {
+ set cext [sky130::draw_contact ${cpl} 0 \
+ ${end_surround} ${metal_surround} ${end_contact_size} \
+ ${end_type} ${end_contact_type} li horz]
+ }
+ popbox
+ # Draw portion between resistor end and contact.
+ box grow e ${hw}um
+ box grow w ${hw}um
+ pushbox
+ box grow s ${mask_clearance}um
+ paint ${res_type}
+ popbox
+ box move s ${mask_clearance}um
+ box grow s ${res_to_endcont}um
+ if {$well_res_overlap > 0} {
+ set well_extend [+ ${well_res_overlap} [/ ${end_contact_size} 2.0] ${end_surround}]
+ box grow s ${well_extend}um
+ paint ${well_res_type}
+ } else {
+ paint ${end_type}
+ }
+ set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::getbox]]
+ popbox
+ # Draw the resistor and endcaps
+ pushbox
+ box grow n ${hl}um
+ box grow s ${hl}um
+ box grow e ${hw}um
+ box grow w ${hw}um
+ # Capture these extents in the bounding box in case both contacts
+ # are on one side.
+ set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::getbox]]
+ set deltax [+ ${res_spacing} ${w}]
+ set deltay [- ${l} ${w}]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [- $nf 1]} {incr i} {
+ paint ${res_type}
+ pushbox
+ if {[% $i 2] == 0} {
+ box move n ${deltay}um
+ }
+ box height ${w}um
+ box width ${deltax}um
+ paint ${res_type}
+ popbox
+ box move e ${deltax}um
+ }
+ paint ${res_type}
+ # Capture these extents in the bounding box
+ set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::getbox]]
+ popbox
+ # Move box to last finger
+ set lastf [* [- $nf 1] $deltax]
+ box move e ${lastf}um
+ # Back-end contact (top or bottom, depending if odd or even turns)
+ pushbox
+ if {[% $nf 2] == 1} {
+ set dir n
+ } else {
+ set dir s
+ }
+ box move $dir ${hl}um
+ pushbox
+ box move $dir ${mask_clearance}um
+ box move $dir ${res_to_endcont}um
+ pushbox
+ box size 0 0
+ box grow n ${hesz}um
+ box grow s ${hesz}um
+ box grow e ${hepl}um
+ box grow w ${hepl}um
+ paint ${end_type}
+ set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::getbox]]
+ popbox
+ if {${end_contact_type} != ""} {
+ set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::draw_contact ${cpl} 0 \
+ ${end_surround} ${metal_surround} ${end_contact_size} \
+ ${end_type} ${end_contact_type} li horz]]
+ }
+ popbox
+ # Draw portion between resistor end and contact.
+ box grow e ${hw}um
+ box grow w ${hw}um
+ pushbox
+ box grow $dir ${mask_clearance}um
+ paint ${res_type}
+ popbox
+ box move $dir ${mask_clearance}um
+ box grow $dir ${res_to_endcont}um
+ if {$well_res_overlap > 0} {
+ set well_extend [+ ${well_res_overlap} [/ ${end_contact_size} 2.0] ${end_surround}]
+ box grow $dir ${well_extend}um
+ paint ${well_res_type}
+ } else {
+ paint ${end_type}
+ }
+ popbox
+ popbox
+ return $cext
+# Resistor: Draw the tiled device
+proc sky130::res_draw {parameters} {
+ tech unlock *
+ set savesnap [snap]
+ snap internal
+ # Set defaults if they are not in parameters
+ set snake 0 ;# some resistors don't allow snake geometry
+ set roverlap 0 ;# overlap resistors at contacts
+ set guard 1 ;# draw a guard ring
+ set plus_diff_type nsd ;# guard ring diffusion type
+ set overlap_compress 0 ;# special Y distance compression
+ set well_res_overlap 0 ;# additional well extension behind contact
+ # Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ # For devices where inter-device space is smaller than device-to-guard ring
+ if {![dict exists $parameters end_to_end_space]} {
+ set end_to_end_space $end_spacing
+ }
+ if {![dict exists $parameters end_contact_size]} {
+ set end_contact_size $contact_size
+ }
+ # Normalize distance units to microns
+ set w [magic::spice2float $w]
+ set l [magic::spice2float $l]
+ pushbox
+ box values 0 0 0 0
+ # Determine the base device dimensions by drawing one device
+ # while all layers are locked (nothing drawn). This allows the
+ # base drawing routine to do complicated geometry without having
+ # to duplicate it here with calculations.
+ tech lock *
+ set nf $nx
+ if {($snake == 1) && ($nx == 1)} {set snake 0}
+ if {$snake == 1} {
+ set bbox [sky130::res_snake_device $nf $parameters]
+ set nx 1
+ } else {
+ set bbox [sky130::res_device $parameters]
+ }
+ # puts stdout "Diagnostic: Device bounding box e $bbox (um)"
+ tech unlock *
+ set fw [- [lindex $bbox 2] [lindex $bbox 0]]
+ set fh [- [lindex $bbox 3] [lindex $bbox 1]]
+ set lw [+ [lindex $bbox 2] [lindex $bbox 0]]
+ set lh [+ [lindex $bbox 3] [lindex $bbox 1]]
+ # Determine tile width and height (depends on overlap)
+ # Snake resistors cannot overlap.
+ # However, snake resistors with an odd number of fingers can
+ # compress the space if overlap_compress is defined
+ if {($roverlap == 1) && ($snake == 1) && ([% $nf 2] == 1) && ($m > 1)} {
+ set dy [- $fh $overlap_compress]
+ } elseif {($roverlap == 0) || ($snake == 1)} {
+ set dy [+ $fh $end_to_end_space]
+ } else {
+ # overlap poly
+ set dy [- $fh [+ [* [+ $end_surround $well_res_overlap] 2.0] $end_contact_size]]
+ }
+ set dx [+ $fw $res_spacing]
+ # Determine core width and height
+ set corex [+ [* [- $nx 1] $dx] $fw]
+ set corey [+ [* [- $m 1] $dy] $fh]
+ set corellx [/ [+ [- $corex $fw] $lw] 2.0]
+ set corelly [/ [+ [- $corey $fh] $lh] 2.0]
+ set lv_sub_types {"psd" "nsd"}
+ if {[lsearch $lv_sub_types $plus_diff_type] >= 0} {
+ set guard_diff_surround 0
+ } else {
+ set guard_diff_surround ${diff_surround}
+ }
+ if {$guard != 0} {
+ # Calculate guard ring size (measured to contact center)
+ set gx [+ $corex [* 2.0 [+ $res_diff_spacing $guard_diff_surround]] $contact_size]
+ set gy [+ $corey [* 2.0 [+ $end_spacing $guard_diff_surround]] $contact_size]
+ # Draw the guard ring first, because well resistors are on the substrate plane
+ sky130::guard_ring $gx $gy $parameters
+ }
+ pushbox
+ box move w ${corellx}um
+ box move s ${corelly}um
+ # puts "Device position at = [sky130::getbox]"
+ for {set xp 0} {$xp < $nx} {incr xp} {
+ pushbox
+ for {set yp 0} {$yp < $m} {incr yp} {
+ if {$snake == 1} {
+ sky130::res_snake_device $nf $parameters
+ } else {
+ sky130::res_device $parameters
+ }
+ box move n ${dy}um
+ }
+ popbox
+ box move e ${dx}um
+ }
+ popbox
+ popbox
+ snap $savesnap
+ tech revert
+proc sky130::mrp1_draw {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
+ foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
+ set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
+ }
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ res_type npres \
+ end_type poly \
+ end_contact_type pc \
+ plus_diff_type nsd \
+ plus_contact_type nsc \
+ sub_type nwell \
+ end_surround $poly_surround \
+ end_spacing 0.48 \
+ end_to_end_space 0.52 \
+ res_to_endcont $res_to_cont \
+ res_spacing $poly_spacing \
+ res_diff_spacing 0.48 \
+ mask_clearance 0.52 \
+ overlap_compress 0.36 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::xhrpoly_draw {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
+ foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
+ set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
+ }
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ res_type ppres \
+ end_type xpc \
+ end_contact_type xpc \
+ end_contact_size 0 \
+ plus_diff_type psd \
+ plus_contact_type psc \
+ sub_type psub \
+ end_surround $poly_surround \
+ end_spacing 0.48 \
+ end_to_end_space 0.52 \
+ end_contact_size 0.19 \
+ res_to_endcont 1.985 \
+ res_spacing 1.24 \
+ res_diff_spacing 0.48 \
+ mask_clearance 0.52 \
+ overlap_compress 0.36 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::uhrpoly_draw {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
+ foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
+ set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
+ }
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ res_type xpres \
+ end_type xpc \
+ end_contact_type xpc \
+ end_contact_size 0 \
+ plus_diff_type psd \
+ plus_contact_type psc \
+ sub_type psub \
+ end_surround $poly_surround \
+ end_spacing 0.48 \
+ end_to_end_space 0.52 \
+ end_contact_size 0.19 \
+ res_to_endcont 1.985 \
+ res_spacing 1.24 \
+ res_diff_spacing 0.48 \
+ mask_clearance 0.52 \
+ overlap_compress 0.36 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::mrdn_draw {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
+ foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
+ set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
+ }
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ res_type rdn \
+ end_type ndiff \
+ end_contact_type ndc \
+ plus_diff_type psd \
+ plus_contact_type psc \
+ sub_type psub \
+ end_surround $diff_surround \
+ end_spacing 0.44 \
+ res_to_endcont 0.37 \
+ res_spacing 0.30 \
+ res_diff_spacing 0.44 \
+ mask_clearance 0.22 \
+ overlap_compress 0.36 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::mrdn_hv_draw {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
+ foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
+ set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
+ }
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ res_type mvrdn \
+ end_type mvndiff \
+ end_contact_type mvndc \
+ plus_diff_type mvpsd \
+ plus_contact_type mvpsc \
+ sub_type psub \
+ end_surround $diff_surround \
+ end_spacing 0.44 \
+ res_to_endcont 0.37 \
+ res_spacing 0.30 \
+ res_diff_spacing 0.44 \
+ mask_clearance 0.22 \
+ overlap_compress 0.36 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::mrdp_draw {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
+ foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
+ set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
+ }
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ res_type rdp \
+ end_type pdiff \
+ end_contact_type pdc \
+ plus_diff_type nsd \
+ plus_contact_type nsc \
+ sub_type nwell \
+ end_surround $diff_surround \
+ end_spacing 0.44 \
+ res_to_endcont 0.37 \
+ res_spacing $diff_spacing \
+ res_diff_spacing 0.44 \
+ mask_clearance 0.22 \
+ overlap_compress 0.36 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::mrdp_hv_draw {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
+ foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
+ set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
+ }
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ res_type mvrdp \
+ end_type mvpdiff \
+ end_contact_type mvpdc \
+ plus_diff_type mvnsd \
+ plus_contact_type mvnsc \
+ sub_type nwell \
+ end_surround $diff_surround \
+ guard_sub_surround 0.33 \
+ end_spacing 0.44 \
+ res_to_endcont 0.37 \
+ res_spacing 0.30 \
+ res_diff_spacing 0.44 \
+ mask_clearance 0.22 \
+ overlap_compress 0.36 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::xpwres_draw {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
+ foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
+ set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
+ }
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ well_res_type pwell \
+ res_type rpw \
+ end_type psd \
+ end_contact_type psc \
+ plus_diff_type nsd \
+ plus_contact_type nsc \
+ sub_type dnwell \
+ sub_surround 0.23 \
+ guard_sub_type nwell \
+ guard_sub_surround 0.63 \
+ end_surround $diff_surround \
+ end_spacing 0.63 \
+ end_to_end_space 1.15 \
+ end_overlap_cont 0.06 \
+ end_contact_size 0.53 \
+ overlap_compress -0.17 \
+ res_to_endcont 0.265 \
+ res_spacing 1.4 \
+ res_diff_spacing 0.63 \
+ well_res_overlap 0.2 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::mrl1_draw {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
+ foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
+ set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
+ }
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ guard 0 \
+ res_type rli \
+ end_type li \
+ end_surround 0.0 \
+ end_spacing 0.0 \
+ res_to_endcont 0.2 \
+ end_to_end_space 0.23 \
+ res_spacing $metal_spacing \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::mrm1_draw {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
+ foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
+ set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
+ }
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ guard 0 \
+ res_type rm1 \
+ end_type m1 \
+ end_surround 0.0 \
+ end_spacing 0.0 \
+ end_to_end_space 0.28 \
+ res_to_endcont 0.2 \
+ res_spacing $mmetal_spacing \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::mrm2_draw {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
+ foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
+ set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
+ }
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ guard 0 \
+ res_type rm2 \
+ end_type m2 \
+ end_surround 0.0 \
+ end_spacing 0.0 \
+ end_to_end_space 0.28 \
+ res_to_endcont 0.2 \
+ res_spacing $mmetal_spacing \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::mrm3_draw {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
+ foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
+ set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
+ }
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ guard 0 \
+ res_type rm3 \
+ end_type m3 \
+ end_surround 0.0 \
+ end_spacing 0.0 \
+ end_to_end_space 0.28 \
+ res_to_endcont 0.2 \
+ res_spacing $mmetal_spacing \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
+#ifdef METAL5
+proc sky130::mrm4_draw {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
+ foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
+ set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
+ }
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ guard 0 \
+ res_type rm4 \
+ end_type m4 \
+ end_surround 0.0 \
+ end_spacing 0.0 \
+ end_to_end_space 0.28 \
+ res_to_endcont 0.2 \
+ res_spacing $mmetal_spacing \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::mrm5_draw {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each rule in ruleset
+ foreach key [dict keys $sky130::ruleset] {
+ set $key [dict get $sky130::ruleset $key]
+ }
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ guard 0 \
+ res_type rm5 \
+ end_type m5 \
+ end_surround 0.0 \
+ end_spacing 0.0 \
+ end_to_end_space 1.6 \
+ res_to_endcont 0.2 \
+ res_spacing $mmetal_spacing \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::res_draw $drawdict]
+#endif (METAL5)
+# Resistor total length computation
+proc sky130::compute_ltot {parameters} {
+ # In case snake not defined
+ set snake 0
+ set caplen 0
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ set l [magic::spice2float $l]
+ set l [magic::3digitpastdecimal $l]
+ # Compute total length. Use catch to prevent error in batch/scripted mode.
+ if {$snake == 1} {
+ catch {set magic::ltot_val [expr ($caplen * ($nx - 1)) + ($l * $nx) + ($nx - 1)]}
+ } else {
+ catch {set magic::ltot_val $l}
+ }
+# resistor: Check device parameters for out-of-bounds values
+proc sky130::res_check {device parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
+ set snake 0
+ set sterm 0.0
+ set caplen 0
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ # Normalize distance units to microns
+ set w [magic::spice2float $w]
+ set w [magic::3digitpastdecimal $w]
+ set l [magic::spice2float $l]
+ set l [magic::3digitpastdecimal $l]
+ set val [magic::spice2float $val]
+ set rho [magic::spice2float $rho]
+ # nf, m must be integer
+ if {![string is int $nx]} {
+ puts stderr "X repeat must be an integer!"
+ dict set parameters nx 1
+ }
+ if {![string is int $m]} {
+ puts stderr "Y repeat must be an integer!"
+ dict set parameters m 1
+ }
+ # Width always needs to be specified
+ if {$w < $wmin} {
+ puts stderr "Resistor width must be >= $wmin um"
+ dict set parameters w $wmin
+ }
+ # Val and W specified - no L
+ if {$l == 0} {
+ set l [expr ($w - $dw) * $val / $rho]
+ set l [magic::3digitpastdecimal $l]
+ set stringval [magic::float2spice $val]
+ dict set parameters l [magic::float2spice [expr $l * 1e-6]]
+ # L and W specified - ignore Val if specified
+ } else {
+ if {$snake == 0} {
+ set val [expr (2 * $term + $l * $rho) / ($w - $dw)]
+ } else {
+ set val [expr $rho * ($nx - 1) + ((2 * ($term + $sterm)) \
+ + ($rho * $l * $nx) + ($rho * $caplen * ($nx - 1))) \
+ / ($w - $dw)]
+ }
+ set val [magic::float2spice $val]
+ dict set parameters val $val
+ }
+ if {$l < $lmin} {
+ puts stderr "Resistor length must be >= $lmin um"
+ dict set parameters l $lmin
+ }
+ if {$nx < 1} {
+ puts stderr "X repeat must be >= 1"
+ dict set parameters nx 1
+ }
+ if {$m < 1} {
+ puts stderr "Y repeat must be >= 1"
+ dict set parameters m 1
+ }
+ # Snake resistors cannot have width greater than length
+ if {$snake == 1} {
+ if {$w > $l} {
+ puts stderr "Snake resistor width must be < length"
+ dict set parameters w $l
+ }
+ }
+ # Diffusion resistors must satisfy diffusion-to-tap spacing of 20um.
+ # Therefore the maximum of guard ring width or height cannot exceed 40um.
+ # If in violation, reduce counts first, as these are easiest to recover
+ # by duplicating the device and overlapping the wells.
+ if {$device == "rdn" || $device == "rdp"} {
+ set origm $m
+ set orignx $nx
+ while true {
+ set xext [expr ($w + 0.8) * $nx + 1.0]
+ set yext [expr ($l + 1.7) * $m + 1.7]
+ if {[expr min($xext, $yext)] > 40.0} {
+ if {$yext > 40.0 && $m > 1} {
+ incr m -1
+ } elseif {$xext > 40.0 && $nx > 1} {
+ incr nx -1
+ } elseif {$yext > 40.0} {
+ set l 36.6
+ puts -nonewline stderr "Diffusion resistor length must be < 36.6 um"
+ puts stderr " to avoid tap spacing violation."
+ dict set parameters l $l
+ } elseif {$xext > 40.0} {
+ set w 38.2
+ puts -nonewline stderr "Diffusion resistor width must be < 38.2 um"
+ puts stderr " to avoid tap spacing violation."
+ dict set parameters w $w
+ }
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if {$m != $origm} {
+ puts stderr "Y repeat reduced to prevent tap distance violation"
+ dict set parameters m $m
+ }
+ if {$nx != $orignx} {
+ puts stderr "X repeat reduced to prevent tap distance violation"
+ dict set parameters nx $nx
+ }
+ }
+ sky130::compute_ltot $parameters
+ return $parameters
+proc sky130::xpwres_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_check xpwres $parameters]
+proc sky130::mrp1_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_check mrp1 $parameters]
+proc sky130::xhrpoly_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_check xhrpoly $parameters]
+proc sky130::uhrpoly_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_check uhrpoly $parameters]
+proc sky130::mrdn_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_check mrdn $parameters]
+proc sky130::mrdp_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_check mrdp $parameters]
+proc sky130::mrdn_hv_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_check mrdn_hv $parameters]
+proc sky130::mrdp_hv_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_check mrdp_hv $parameters]
+proc sky130::mrl1_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_check mrl1 $parameters]
+proc sky130::mrm1_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_check mrm1 $parameters]
+proc sky130::mrm2_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_check mrm2 $parameters]
+proc sky130::mrm3_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_check mrm3 $parameters]
+#ifdef METAL5
+proc sky130::mrm4_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_check mrm4 $parameters]
+proc sky130::mrm5_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::res_check mrm5 $parameters]
+#endif (METAL5)
+# MOS defaults:
+# w = Gate width
+# l = Gate length
+# m = Multiplier
+# nf = Number of fingers
+# diffcov = Diffusion contact coverage
+# polycov = Poly contact coverage
+# topc = Top gate contact
+# botc = Bottom gate contact
+# guard = Guard ring
+# (not user-editable)
+# lmin = Gate minimum length
+# wmin = Gate minimum width
+# pmos: Specify all user-editable default values and those
+# needed by mos_check
+proc sky130::pshort_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.42 l 0.15 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
+ guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
+ topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.15 wmin 0.42 \
+ compatible {pshort plowvt phighvt phv} full_metal 1}
+proc sky130::plowvt_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.42 l 0.35 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
+ guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
+ topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.35 wmin 0.42 \
+ compatible {pshort plowvt phighvt phv} full_metal 1}
+proc sky130::phighvt_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.42 l 0.15 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
+ guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
+ topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.15 wmin 0.42 \
+ compatible {pshort plowvt phighvt phv} full_metal 1}
+proc sky130::phv_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.42 l 0.50 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
+ guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
+ topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.50 wmin 0.42 \
+ compatible {pshort plowvt phighvt phv} full_metal 1}
+# nmos: Specify all user-editable default values and those
+# needed by mos_check
+proc sky130::nshort_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.420 l 0.150 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
+ guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
+ topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.15 wmin 0.42 \
+ compatible {nshort nlowvt sonos_e nhv nhvnative} full_metal 1}
+proc sky130::nlowvt_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.420 l 0.150 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
+ guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
+ topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.15 wmin 0.42 \
+ compatible {nshort nlowvt sonos_e nhv nhvnative} full_metal 1}
+proc sky130::sonos_e_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.420 l 0.150 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
+ guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
+ topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.15 wmin 0.42 \
+ compatible {nshort nlowvt sonos_e nhv nhvnative} full_metal 1}
+proc sky130::nhv_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.42 l 0.50 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
+ guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
+ topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.50 wmin 0.42 \
+ compatible {nshort nlowvt sonos_e nhv nhvnative} full_metal 1}
+proc sky130::nhvnative_defaults {} {
+ return {w 0.42 l 0.50 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
+ guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
+ topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.50 wmin 0.42 \
+ compatible {nshort nlowvt sonos_e nhv nhvnative} full_metal 1}
+# mos varactor: Specify all user-editable default values and those
+# needed by mosvc_check
+proc sky130::xcnwvc_defaults {} {
+ return {w 1.0 l 0.18 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
+ guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
+ topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.18 wmin 1.0 \
+ compatible {xcnwvc xcnwvc2 xchvnwc} full_metal 1}
+proc sky130::xcnwvc2_defaults {} {
+ return {w 1.0 l 0.18 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
+ guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
+ topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.18 wmin 1.0 \
+ compatible {xcnwvc xcnwvc2 xchvnwc} full_metal 1}
+proc sky130::xchvnwc_defaults {} {
+ return {w 1.0 l 0.50 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 \
+ guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 \
+ topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.50 wmin 1.0 \
+ compatible {xcnwvc xcnwvc2 xchvnwc} full_metal 1}
+# mos: Conversion from SPICE netlist parameters to toolkit
+proc sky130::mos_convert {parameters} {
+ set pdkparams [dict create]
+ dict for {key value} $parameters {
+ switch -nocase $key {
+ l -
+ w {
+ # Length and width are converted to units of microns
+ set value [magic::spice2float $value]
+ # set value [expr $value * 1e6]
+ set value [magic::3digitpastdecimal $value]
+ dict set pdkparams [string tolower $key] $value
+ }
+ m {
+ # M value in an expression like '1*1' convert to
+ # M and NF
+ if {[regexp {\'([0-9]+)\*([0-9]+)\'} $value valid m nf]} {
+ dict set pdkparams [string tolower $key] $m
+ dict set pdkparams nf $nf
+ } else {
+ dict set pdkparams [string tolower $key] $value
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $pdkparams
+proc sky130::nshort_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::nlowvt_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sonos_e_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::nhv_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::nhvnative_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::pshort_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::plowvt_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::phighvt_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::phv_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::xcnwvc_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::xcnwvc2_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::xchvnwc_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_convert $parameters]
+# mos: Interactively specifies the fixed layout parameters
+proc sky130::mos_dialog {device parameters} {
+ # Editable fields: w, l, nf, m, diffcov, polycov
+ # Checked fields: topc, botc
+ # For specific devices, gate type is a selection list
+ magic::add_entry w "Width (um)" $parameters
+ magic::add_entry l "Length (um)" $parameters
+ magic::add_entry nf "Fingers" $parameters
+ magic::add_entry m "M" $parameters
+ if {[dict exists $parameters compatible]} {
+ set sellist [dict get $parameters compatible]
+ magic::add_selectlist gencell "Device type" $sellist $parameters $device
+ }
+ magic::add_entry diffcov "Diffusion contact coverage (%)" $parameters
+ magic::add_entry polycov "Poly contact coverage (%)" $parameters
+ magic::add_entry rlcov "Guard ring contact coverage (%)" $parameters
+ if {[dict exists $parameters gbc]} {
+ magic::add_entry tbcov "Guard ring top/bottom contact coverage (%)" $parameters
+ }
+ magic::add_checkbox poverlap "Overlap at poly contact" $parameters
+ magic::add_checkbox doverlap "Overlap at diffusion contact" $parameters
+ magic::add_checkbox topc "Add top gate contact" $parameters
+ magic::add_checkbox botc "Add bottom gate contact" $parameters
+ magic::add_checkbox guard "Add guard ring" $parameters
+ magic::add_checkbox full_metal "Full metal guard ring" $parameters
+ magic::add_checkbox glc "Add left guard ring contact" $parameters
+ magic::add_checkbox grc "Add right guard ring contact" $parameters
+ if {[dict exists $parameters gbc]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox gbc "Add bottom guard ring contact" $parameters
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $parameters gtc]} {
+ magic::add_checkbox gtc "Add top guard ring contact" $parameters
+ }
+proc sky130::nshort_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::mos_dialog nshort $parameters
+proc sky130::nlowvt_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::mos_dialog nlowvt $parameters
+proc sky130::sonos_e_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::mos_dialog sonos_e $parameters
+proc sky130::nhv_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::mos_dialog nhv $parameters
+proc sky130::nhvnative_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::mos_dialog nhvnative $parameters
+proc sky130::pshort_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::mos_dialog pshort $parameters
+proc sky130::plowvt_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::mos_dialog plowvt $parameters
+proc sky130::phighvt_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::mos_dialog phighvt $parameters
+proc sky130::phv_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::mos_dialog phv $parameters
+proc sky130::xcnwvc_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::mos_dialog xcnwvc $parameters
+proc sky130::xcnwvc2_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::mos_dialog xcnwvc2 $parameters
+proc sky130::xchvnwc_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::mos_dialog xchvnwc $parameters
+# getbox: Get the current cursor box, in microns
+proc sky130::getbox {} {
+ set curbox [box values]
+ set newbox []
+ set oscale [cif scale out]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 4} {incr i} {
+ set v [* [lindex $curbox $i] $oscale]
+ lappend newbox $v
+ }
+ return $newbox
+# unionbox: Get the union bounding box of box1 and box2
+proc sky130::unionbox {box1 box2} {
+ set newbox []
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 2} {incr i} {
+ set v [lindex $box1 $i]
+ set o [lindex $box2 $i]
+ if {$v < $o} {
+ lappend newbox $v
+ } else {
+ lappend newbox $o
+ }
+ }
+ for {set i 2} {$i < 4} {incr i} {
+ set v [lindex $box1 $i]
+ set o [lindex $box2 $i]
+ if {$v > $o} {
+ lappend newbox $v
+ } else {
+ lappend newbox $o
+ }
+ }
+ return $newbox
+# Draw a contact
+proc sky130::draw_contact {w h s o x atype ctype mtype {orient vert}} {
+ # Draw a minimum-size diff contact centered at current position
+ # w is width, h is height. Minimum size ensured.
+ # x is contact size
+ # s is contact diffusion (or poly) surround
+ # o is contact metal surround
+ # atype is active (e.g., ndiff) or bottom metal if a via
+ # ctype is contact (e.g., ndc)
+ # mtype is metal (e.g., m1) or top metal if a via
+ # orient is the orientation of the contact
+ # Set orientations for the bottom material based on material type.
+ # Substrate diffusions (tap) need not overlap the contact in all
+ # directions, but other (diff) types do. The metal (local
+ # interconnect) layer always overlaps in two directions only.
+ set lv_sub_types {"psd" "nsd"}
+ if {[lsearch $lv_sub_types $atype] >= 0} {
+ set aorient $orient
+ } else {
+ set aorient "full"
+ }
+ pushbox
+ box size 0 0
+ if {$w < $x} {set w $x}
+ if {$h < $x} {set h $x}
+ set hw [/ $w 2.0]
+ set hh [/ $h 2.0]
+ box grow n ${hh}um
+ box grow s ${hh}um
+ box grow e ${hw}um
+ box grow w ${hw}um
+ paint ${ctype}
+ pushbox
+ # Bottom layer surrounded on sides as declared by aorient
+ if {($aorient == "vert") || ($aorient == "full")} {
+ box grow n ${s}um
+ box grow s ${s}um
+ }
+ if {($aorient == "horz") || ($aorient == "full")} {
+ box grow e ${s}um
+ box grow w ${s}um
+ }
+ paint ${atype}
+ set extents [sky130::getbox]
+ popbox
+ # Top layer surrounded on sides as declared by orient
+ if {($orient == "vert") || ($orient == "full")} {
+ box grow n ${o}um
+ box grow s ${o}um
+ }
+ if {($orient == "horz") || ($orient == "full")} {
+ box grow e ${o}um
+ box grow w ${o}um
+ }
+ paint ${mtype}
+ popbox
+ return $extents
+# Draw a guard ring
+proc sky130::guard_ring {gw gh parameters} {
+ # Set local default values if they are not in parameters
+ set rlcov 100 ;# Right-left contact coverage percentage
+ set tbcov 100 ;# Top-bottom contact coverage percentage
+ set grc 1 ;# Draw right side contact
+ set glc 1 ;# Draw left side contact
+ set gtc 1 ;# Draw right side contact
+ set gbc 1 ;# Draw left side contact
+ set full_metal 1 ;# Draw full (continuous) metal ring
+ set guard_sub_type pwell ;# substrate type under guard ring
+ set guard_sub_surround 0 ;# substrate type surrounds guard ring
+ set plus_diff_type nsd ;# guard ring diffusion type
+ set plus_contact_type nsc ;# guard ring diffusion contact type
+ set sub_type pwell ;# substrate type
+ # Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ # Set guard_sub_type to sub_type if it is not defined
+ if {![dict exists $parameters guard_sub_type]} {
+ set guard_sub_type $sub_type
+ }
+ set hx [/ $contact_size 2.0]
+ set hw [/ $gw 2.0]
+ set hh [/ $gh 2.0]
+ # Watch for (LV) substrate diffusion types, which have a different
+ # contact surround amount depending on the direction
+ set lv_sub_types {"psd" "nsd"}
+ if {[lsearch $lv_sub_types $plus_diff_type] >= 0} {
+ set diff_surround 0
+ }
+ # Compute diffusion width
+ set difft [+ $contact_size $diff_surround $diff_surround]
+ set hdifft [/ $difft 2.0]
+ # Compute guard ring diffusion width and height
+ set hdiffw [/ [+ $gw $difft] 2.0]
+ set hdiffh [/ [+ $gh $difft] 2.0]
+ pushbox
+ box size 0 0
+ pushbox
+ box move n ${hh}um
+ box grow n ${hdifft}um
+ box grow s ${hdifft}um
+ box grow e ${hdiffw}um
+ box grow w ${hdiffw}um
+ paint $plus_diff_type
+ if {$guard_sub_surround > 0} {
+ box grow c ${guard_sub_surround}um
+ paint $guard_sub_type
+ }
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box move s ${hh}um
+ box grow n ${hdifft}um
+ box grow s ${hdifft}um
+ box grow e ${hdiffw}um
+ box grow w ${hdiffw}um
+ paint $plus_diff_type
+ if {$guard_sub_surround > 0} {
+ box grow c ${guard_sub_surround}um
+ paint $guard_sub_type
+ }
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box move e ${hw}um
+ box grow e ${hdifft}um
+ box grow w ${hdifft}um
+ box grow n ${hdiffh}um
+ box grow s ${hdiffh}um
+ paint $plus_diff_type
+ if {$guard_sub_surround > 0} {
+ box grow c ${guard_sub_surround}um
+ paint $guard_sub_type
+ }
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box move w ${hw}um
+ box grow e ${hdifft}um
+ box grow w ${hdifft}um
+ box grow n ${hdiffh}um
+ box grow s ${hdiffh}um
+ paint $plus_diff_type
+ if {$guard_sub_surround > 0} {
+ box grow c ${guard_sub_surround}um
+ paint $guard_sub_type
+ }
+ popbox
+ if {$full_metal} {
+ set hmetw [/ [+ $gw $contact_size] 2.0]
+ set hmeth [/ [+ $gh $contact_size] 2.0]
+ pushbox
+ box move n ${hh}um
+ box grow n ${hx}um
+ box grow s ${hx}um
+ box grow e ${hmetw}um
+ box grow w ${hmetw}um
+ paint li
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box move s ${hh}um
+ box grow n ${hx}um
+ box grow s ${hx}um
+ box grow e ${hmetw}um
+ box grow w ${hmetw}um
+ paint li
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box move e ${hw}um
+ box grow e ${hx}um
+ box grow w ${hx}um
+ box grow n ${hmeth}um
+ box grow s ${hmeth}um
+ paint li
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box move w ${hw}um
+ box grow e ${hx}um
+ box grow w ${hx}um
+ box grow n ${hmeth}um
+ box grow s ${hmeth}um
+ paint li
+ popbox
+ }
+ # Set guard ring height so that contact metal reaches to end, scale by $per
+ # set ch [* [+ $gh $contact_size [* $metal_surround -2.0]] [/ $rlcov 100.0]]
+ set ch [* [- $gh $contact_size [* [+ $metal_surround $metal_spacing] \
+ 2.0]] [/ $rlcov 100.0]]
+ if {$ch < $contact_size} {set ch $contact_size}
+ # Set guard ring width so that contact metal reaches to side contacts
+ set cw [* [- $gw $contact_size [* [+ $metal_surround $metal_spacing] \
+ 2.0]] [/ $tbcov 100.0]]
+ if {$cw < $contact_size} {set cw $contact_size}
+ if {$tbcov > 0.0} {
+ if {$gtc == 1} {
+ pushbox
+ box move n ${hh}um
+ sky130::draw_contact $cw 0 $diff_surround $metal_surround \
+ $contact_size $plus_diff_type $plus_contact_type li horz
+ popbox
+ }
+ if {$gbc == 1} {
+ pushbox
+ box move s ${hh}um
+ sky130::draw_contact $cw 0 $diff_surround $metal_surround \
+ $contact_size $plus_diff_type $plus_contact_type li horz
+ popbox
+ }
+ }
+ if {$rlcov > 0.0} {
+ if {$grc == 1} {
+ pushbox
+ box move e ${hw}um
+ sky130::draw_contact 0 $ch $diff_surround $metal_surround \
+ $contact_size $plus_diff_type $plus_contact_type li vert
+ popbox
+ }
+ if {$glc == 1} {
+ pushbox
+ box move w ${hw}um
+ sky130::draw_contact 0 $ch $diff_surround $metal_surround \
+ $contact_size $plus_diff_type $plus_contact_type li vert
+ popbox
+ }
+ }
+ pushbox
+ box grow e ${hw}um
+ box grow w ${hw}um
+ box grow n ${hh}um
+ box grow s ${hh}um
+ # Create boundary using properties
+ property FIXED_BBOX [box values]
+ box grow c ${hx}um ;# to edge of contact
+ box grow c ${diff_surround}um ;# to edge of diffusion
+ box grow c ${sub_surround}um ;# sub/well overlap of diff (NOT guard_sub)
+ paint $sub_type
+ set cext [sky130::getbox]
+ popbox
+ popbox
+ return $cext
+# MOSFET: Draw a single device
+proc sky130::mos_device {parameters} {
+ # Epsilon for avoiding round-off errors
+ set eps 0.0005
+ # Set local default values if they are not in parameters
+ set diffcov 100 ;# percent coverage of diffusion contact
+ set polycov 100 ;# percent coverage of poly contact
+ set topc 1 ;# draw top poly contact
+ set botc 1 ;# draw bottom poly contact
+ set evenodd 1 ;# even or odd numbered device finger, in X
+ set dev_sub_type "" ;# device substrate type (if different from guard ring)
+ set min_effl 0 ;# gate length below which finger pitch must be stretched
+ set diff_overlap_cont 0 ;# extra overlap of end contact by diffusion
+ # Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ # Draw the diffusion and poly
+ pushbox
+ box size 0 0
+ pushbox
+ set hw [/ $w 2.0]
+ set hl [/ $l 2.0]
+ set he [/ $min_effl 2.0]
+ if {$nf == 1 || $he < $hl} {set he $hl}
+ box grow n ${hw}um
+ box grow s ${hw}um
+ box grow e ${hl}um
+ box grow w ${hl}um
+ pushbox
+ if {${diff_extension} > ${gate_to_diffcont}} {
+ box grow e ${diff_extension}um
+ box grow w ${diff_extension}um
+ } else {
+ box grow e ${gate_to_diffcont}um
+ box grow w ${gate_to_diffcont}um
+ }
+ paint ${diff_type}
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ if {${gate_extension} > ${gate_to_polycont}} {
+ box grow n ${gate_extension}um
+ box grow s ${gate_extension}um
+ } else {
+ if {$topc} {
+ box grow n ${gate_to_polycont}um
+ } else {
+ box grow n ${gate_extension}um
+ }
+ if {$botc} {
+ box grow s ${gate_to_polycont}um
+ } else {
+ box grow s ${gate_extension}um
+ }
+ }
+ paint ${poly_type}
+ set cext [sky130::getbox]
+ popbox
+ # save gate area now and paint later, so that diffusion surrounding the
+ # contact does not paint over the gate area, in case the gate type is
+ # not part of a "compose" entry in the techfile.
+ set gaterect [box values]
+ popbox
+ # Adjust position of contacts for dogbone geometry
+ # Rule 1: Minimize diffusion length. Contacts only move out
+ # if width < contact diffusion height. They move out enough
+ # that the diffusion-to-poly spacing is satisfied.
+ set ddover 0
+ set cdwmin [+ ${contact_size} [* ${diff_surround} 2]]
+ set cstem [- ${gate_to_diffcont} [/ ${cdwmin} 2.0]]
+ set cgrow [- ${diff_poly_space} ${cstem}]
+ if {[+ ${w} ${eps}] < ${cdwmin}} {
+ if {${cgrow} > 0} {
+ set gate_to_diffcont [+ ${gate_to_diffcont} ${cgrow}]
+ }
+ set ddover [/ [- ${cdwmin} ${w}] 2.0]
+ }
+ # Rule 2: Minimum poly width. Poly contacts only move out
+ # if length < contact poly width. They move out enough
+ # that the diffusion-to-poly spacing is satisfied.
+ set gporig ${gate_to_polycont}
+ set cplmin [+ ${contact_size} [* ${poly_surround} 2]]
+ set cstem [- ${gate_to_polycont} [/ ${cplmin} 2.0]]
+ set cgrow [- ${diff_poly_space} ${cstem}]
+ if {[+ ${l} ${eps}] < ${cplmin}} {
+ if {${cgrow} > 0} {
+ set gate_to_polycont [+ ${gate_to_polycont} ${cgrow}]
+ }
+ }
+ # Rule 3: If both poly and diffusion are dogboned, then move
+ # poly out further to clear spacing to the diffusion contact
+ if {[+ ${w} ${eps}] < ${cdwmin}} {
+ if {[+ ${l} ${eps}] < ${cplmin}} {
+ set cgrow [/ [- ${cplmin} ${w}] 2.0]
+ set gate_to_polycont [+ ${gate_to_polycont} ${cgrow}]
+ }
+ }
+ # Rule 4: If M > 1 and poly contacts overlap, then increase the
+ # transistor-to-poly-contact distance by the amount of any
+ # diffusion dogbone overhang.
+ if {($poverlap == 1) && ($m > 1)} {
+ if {${gate_to_polycont} - $gporig < $ddover} {
+ set gate_to_polycont [+ ${gporig} ${ddover}]
+ }
+ }
+ # Reduce contact sizes by poly or diffusion surround so that
+ # the contact area edges match the device diffusion or poly.
+ # (Minimum dimensions will be enforced by the contact drawing routine)
+ set tsurround [+ ${diff_surround} ${diff_overlap_cont}]
+ set cdw [- ${w} [* ${tsurround} 2]] ;# diff contact height
+ set cpl [- ${l} [* ${poly_surround} 2]] ;# poly contact width
+ # Reduce by coverage percentage. NOTE: If overlapping multiple devices,
+ # keep maximum poly contact coverage.
+ set cdw [* ${cdw} [/ ${diffcov} 100.0]]
+ if {($poverlap == 0) || ($m == 1)} {
+ set cpl [* ${cpl} [/ ${polycov} 100.0]]
+ }
+ # Right diffusion contact
+ pushbox
+ box move e ${he}um
+ box move e ${gate_to_diffcont}um
+ set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::draw_contact 0 ${cdw} \
+ ${diff_surround} ${metal_surround} ${contact_size}\
+ ${diff_type} ${diff_contact_type} li vert]]
+ popbox
+ # Left diffusion contact
+ pushbox
+ box move w ${he}um
+ box move w ${gate_to_diffcont}um
+ set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::draw_contact 0 ${cdw} \
+ ${diff_surround} ${metal_surround} ${contact_size} \
+ ${diff_type} ${diff_contact_type} li vert]]
+ set diffarea $cext
+ popbox
+ # Top poly contact
+ if {$topc} {
+ pushbox
+ box move n ${hw}um
+ box move n ${gate_to_polycont}um
+ set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::draw_contact ${cpl} 0 \
+ ${poly_surround} ${metal_surround} ${contact_size} \
+ ${poly_type} ${poly_contact_type} li horz]]
+ popbox
+ }
+ # Bottom poly contact
+ if {$botc} {
+ pushbox
+ box move s ${hw}um
+ box move s ${gate_to_polycont}um
+ set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::draw_contact ${cpl} 0 \
+ ${poly_surround} ${metal_surround} ${contact_size} \
+ ${poly_type} ${poly_contact_type} li horz]]
+ popbox
+ }
+ # Now draw the gate, after contacts have been drawn
+ pushbox
+ box values {*}${gaterect}
+ # gate_type need not be defined if poly over diff paints the right type.
+ catch {paint ${gate_type}}
+ # sub_surround_dev, if defined, may create a larger area around the gate
+ # than sub_surround creates around the diffusion/poly area.
+ if [dict exists $parameters sub_surround_dev] {
+ box grow n ${sub_surround_dev}um
+ box grow s ${sub_surround_dev}um
+ box grow e ${sub_surround_dev}um
+ box grow w ${sub_surround_dev}um
+ paint ${dev_sub_type}
+ set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::getbox]]
+ }
+ popbox
+ if {$dev_sub_type != ""} {
+ box values [lindex $diffarea 0]um [lindex $diffarea 1]um \
+ [lindex $diffarea 2]um [lindex $diffarea 3]um
+ box grow n ${sub_surround}um
+ box grow s ${sub_surround}um
+ box grow e ${sub_surround}um
+ box grow w ${sub_surround}um
+ paint ${dev_sub_type}
+ set cext [sky130::unionbox $cext [sky130::getbox]]
+ # puts stdout "Diagnostic: bounding box is $cext"
+ }
+ popbox
+ return $cext
+# MOSFET: Draw the tiled device
+proc sky130::mos_draw {parameters} {
+ tech unlock *
+ set savesnap [snap]
+ snap internal
+ # Set defaults if they are not in parameters
+ set poverlap 0 ;# overlap poly contacts when tiling
+ set doverlap 1 ;# overlap diffusion contacts when tiling
+ set dev_sub_dist 0 ;# substrate to guard ring, if dev_sub_type defined
+ set dev_sub_space 0 ;# distance between substrate areas for arrayed devices
+ set min_allc 0 ;# gate length below which poly contacts must be interleaved
+ set id_type "" ;# additional type covering everything
+ set id_surround 0 ;# amount of surround on above type
+ set id2_type "" ;# additional type covering everything
+ set id2_surround 0 ;# amount of surround on above type
+ # Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ # Diff-to-tap spacing is by default the same as diff spacing
+ if {![dict exist $parameters diff_tap_space]} {
+ set diff_tap_space $diff_spacing
+ }
+ # If poverlap is 1 then both poly contacts must be present
+ if {$poverlap == 1} {
+ set topc 1
+ set botc 1
+ dict set parameters topc 1
+ dict set parameters botc 1
+ }
+ # Normalize distance units to microns
+ set w [magic::spice2float $w]
+ set l [magic::spice2float $l]
+ pushbox
+ box values 0 0 0 0
+ # If dx < (poly contact space + poly contact width), then there is not
+ # enough room for a row of contacts, so force alternating contacts
+ if {$nf > 1 && $l < $min_allc} {
+ set intc 1
+ set evenodd 1
+ set topc 1
+ set botc 1
+ dict set parameters topc 1
+ dict set parameters botc 1
+ set poverlap 0
+ } else {
+ set intc 0
+ }
+ # Determine the base device dimensions by drawing one device
+ # while all layers are locked (nothing drawn). This allows the
+ # base drawing routine to do complicated geometry without having
+ # to duplicate it here with calculations.
+ tech lock *
+ set bbox [sky130::mos_device $parameters]
+ # puts stdout "Diagnostic: Device bounding box e $bbox (um)"
+ tech unlock *
+ set fw [- [lindex $bbox 2] [lindex $bbox 0]]
+ set fh [- [lindex $bbox 3] [lindex $bbox 1]]
+ set lw [+ [lindex $bbox 2] [lindex $bbox 0]]
+ set lh [+ [lindex $bbox 3] [lindex $bbox 1]]
+ # If dev_sub_dist > 0 then each device must be in its own substrate
+ # (well) area, and overlaps are disallowed. dev_sub_space determines
+ # the distance between individual devices in an array.
+ if {$dev_sub_dist > 0} {
+ set poverlap 0
+ set doverlap 0
+ if {$dev_sub_space > $poly_spacing} {
+ set dx [+ $fw $dev_sub_space]
+ set dy [+ $fh $dev_sub_space]
+ } else {
+ set dx [+ $fw $poly_spacing]
+ set dy [+ $fh $poly_spacing]
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Determine tile width and height (depends on overlap)
+ if {$poverlap == 0} {
+ set dy [+ $fh $poly_spacing]
+ } else {
+ # overlap poly
+ set dy [- $fh [+ $poly_surround $poly_surround $contact_size]]
+ }
+ if {$doverlap == 0} {
+ set dx [+ $fw $diff_spacing]
+ } else {
+ # overlap diffusions
+ set dx [- $fw [+ $diff_surround $diff_surround $contact_size]]
+ }
+ }
+ # Determine core width and height
+ set corex [+ [* [- $nf 1] $dx] $fw]
+ set corey [+ [* [- $m 1] $dy] $fh]
+ set corellx [/ [+ [- $corex $fw] $lw] 2.0]
+ set corelly [/ [+ [- $corey $fh] $lh] 2.0]
+ # If there is a diffusion dogbone, and no top poly contact, then
+ # increase the core height by the amount of the dogbone overhang.
+ if {$topc == 0} {
+ set cdwmin [+ ${contact_size} [* ${diff_surround} 2]]
+ if {${w} < ${cdwmin}} {
+ set corey [+ $corey [/ [- ${cdwmin} ${w}] 2.0]]
+ }
+ }
+ if {$guard != 0} {
+ # Calculate guard ring size (measured to contact center)
+ if {($dev_sub_dist > 0) && ([+ $dev_sub_dist $sub_surround] > $diff_tap_space)} {
+ set gx [+ $corex [* 2.0 [+ $dev_sub_dist $diff_surround]] $contact_size]
+ } else {
+ set gx [+ $corex [* 2.0 [+ $diff_tap_space $diff_surround]] $contact_size]
+ }
+ if {($dev_sub_dist > 0) && ([+ $dev_sub_dist $sub_surround] > $diff_gate_space)} {
+ set gy [+ $corey [* 2.0 [+ $dev_sub_dist $diff_surround]] $contact_size]
+ } else {
+ set gy [+ $corey [* 2.0 [+ $diff_gate_space $diff_surround]] $contact_size]
+ }
+ # Somewhat tricky. . . if the width is small and the diffusion is
+ # a dogbone, and the top or bottom poly contact is missing, then
+ # the spacing to the guard ring may be limited by diffusion spacing, not
+ # poly to diffusion.
+ set inset [/ [+ $contact_size [* 2.0 $diff_surround] -$w] 2.0]
+ set sdiff [- [+ $inset $diff_tap_space] [+ $gate_extension $diff_gate_space]]
+ if {$sdiff > 0} {
+ if {$topc == 0} {
+ set gy [+ $gy $sdiff]
+ set corelly [+ $corelly [/ $sdiff 2.0]]
+ }
+ if {$botc == 0} {
+ set gy [+ $gy $sdiff]
+ set corelly [- $corelly [/ $sdiff 2.0]]
+ }
+ }
+ # Draw the guard ring first, as MOS well may interact with guard ring substrate
+ sky130::guard_ring $gx $gy $parameters
+ }
+ pushbox
+ # If any surrounding identifier type is defined, draw it
+ if {${id_type} != ""} {
+ set hw [/ $gx 2]
+ set hh [/ $gy 2]
+ box grow e ${hw}um
+ box grow w ${hw}um
+ box grow n ${hh}um
+ box grow s ${hh}um
+ box grow c ${id_surround}um
+ paint ${id_type}
+ }
+ popbox
+ pushbox
+ box move w ${corellx}um
+ box move s ${corelly}um
+ for {set xp 0} {$xp < $nf} {incr xp} {
+ pushbox
+ if {$intc == 1} {
+ set evenodd [- 1 $evenodd]
+ if {$evenodd == 1} {
+ dict set parameters topc 1
+ dict set parameters botc 0
+ } else {
+ dict set parameters topc 0
+ dict set parameters botc 1
+ }
+ set saveeo $evenodd
+ }
+ for {set yp 0} {$yp < $m} {incr yp} {
+ sky130::mos_device $parameters
+ box move n ${dy}um
+ if {$intc == 1} {
+ set evenodd [- 1 $evenodd]
+ if {$evenodd == 1} {
+ dict set parameters topc 1
+ dict set parameters botc 0
+ } else {
+ dict set parameters topc 0
+ dict set parameters botc 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$intc == 1} {
+ set evenodd $saveeo
+ }
+ popbox
+ box move e ${dx}um
+ }
+ popbox
+ popbox
+ snap $savesnap
+ tech revert
+# nMOS 1.8V
+proc sky130::nshort_draw {parameters} {
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ gate_type nfet \
+ diff_type ndiff \
+ diff_contact_type ndc \
+ plus_diff_type psd \
+ plus_contact_type psc \
+ poly_type poly \
+ poly_contact_type pc \
+ sub_type psub \
+ min_effl 0.185 \
+ min_allc 0.26 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::nlowvt_draw {parameters} {
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ gate_type nfetlvt \
+ diff_type ndiff \
+ diff_contact_type ndc \
+ plus_diff_type psd \
+ plus_contact_type psc \
+ poly_type poly \
+ poly_contact_type pc \
+ sub_type psub \
+ min_effl 0.185 \
+ min_allc 0.26 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::sonos_e_draw {parameters} {
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ gate_type nsonos \
+ diff_type ndiff \
+ diff_contact_type ndc \
+ plus_diff_type psd \
+ plus_contact_type psc \
+ poly_type poly \
+ poly_contact_type pc \
+ sub_type psub \
+ id_type dnwell \
+ id_surround 1.355 \
+ min_effl 0.185 \
+ min_allc 0.26 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
+# pMOS 1.8V
+proc sky130::pshort_draw {parameters} {
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ gate_type pfet \
+ diff_type pdiff \
+ diff_contact_type pdc \
+ plus_diff_type nsd \
+ plus_contact_type nsc \
+ poly_type poly \
+ poly_contact_type pc \
+ sub_type nwell \
+ gate_to_polycont 0.32 \
+ min_effl 0.185 \
+ min_allc 0.26 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::plowvt_draw {parameters} {
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ gate_type pfetlvt \
+ diff_type pdiff \
+ diff_contact_type pdc \
+ plus_diff_type nsd \
+ plus_contact_type nsc \
+ poly_type poly \
+ poly_contact_type pc \
+ sub_type nwell \
+ gate_to_polycont 0.32 \
+ min_effl 0.185 \
+ min_allc 0.26 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::phighvt_draw {parameters} {
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ gate_type pfethvt \
+ diff_type pdiff \
+ diff_contact_type pdc \
+ plus_diff_type nsd \
+ plus_contact_type nsc \
+ poly_type poly \
+ poly_contact_type pc \
+ sub_type nwell \
+ gate_to_polycont 0.32 \
+ min_effl 0.185 \
+ min_allc 0.26 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
+# pMOS 5.0V
+proc sky130::phv_draw {parameters} {
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ gate_type mvpfet \
+ diff_type mvpdiff \
+ diff_contact_type mvpdc \
+ plus_diff_type mvnsd \
+ plus_contact_type mvnsc \
+ poly_type poly \
+ poly_contact_type pc \
+ sub_type nwell \
+ guard_sub_surround 0.33 \
+ gate_to_polycont 0.32 \
+ diff_spacing 0.31 \
+ diff_tap_space 0.38 \
+ diff_gate_space 0.38 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
+# nMOS 5.0V
+proc sky130::nhv_draw {parameters} {
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ gate_type mvnfet \
+ diff_type mvndiff \
+ diff_contact_type mvndc \
+ plus_diff_type mvpsd \
+ plus_contact_type mvpsc \
+ poly_type poly \
+ poly_contact_type pc \
+ sub_type psub \
+ diff_spacing 0.31 \
+ diff_tap_space 0.38 \
+ diff_gate_space 0.38 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::nhvnative_draw {parameters} {
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ gate_type mvnnfet \
+ diff_type mvndiff \
+ diff_contact_type mvndc \
+ plus_diff_type mvpsd \
+ plus_contact_type mvpsc \
+ poly_type poly \
+ poly_contact_type pc \
+ sub_type psub \
+ diff_spacing 0.30 \
+ diff_tap_space 0.38 \
+ diff_gate_space 0.38 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
+# MOS varactor (1.8V)
+proc sky130::xcnwvc_draw {parameters} {
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ gate_type var \
+ diff_type nnd \
+ diff_contact_type nsc \
+ plus_diff_type psd \
+ plus_contact_type psc \
+ poly_type poly \
+ poly_contact_type pc \
+ sub_type psub \
+ dev_sub_type nwell \
+ diff_overlap_cont 0.06 \
+ dev_sub_dist 0.14 \
+ dev_sub_space 1.27 \
+ gate_to_diffcont 0.34 \
+ diff_extension 0.485 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
+proc sky130::xcnwvc2_draw {parameters} {
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ gate_type varhvt \
+ diff_type nnd \
+ diff_contact_type nsc \
+ plus_diff_type psd \
+ plus_contact_type psc \
+ poly_type poly \
+ poly_contact_type pc \
+ sub_type psub \
+ dev_sub_type nwell \
+ diff_overlap_cont 0.06 \
+ dev_sub_dist 0.14 \
+ dev_sub_space 1.27 \
+ gate_to_diffcont 0.34 \
+ diff_extension 0.485 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
+# MOS varactor (5.0V)
+# NOTE: dev_sub_space set to 2.0 assuming different nets.
+# Should have option for same-net with merged wells.
+proc sky130::xchvnwc_draw {parameters} {
+ set newdict [dict create \
+ gate_type mvvar \
+ diff_type mvnsd \
+ diff_contact_type mvnsc \
+ plus_diff_type mvpsd \
+ plus_contact_type mvpsc \
+ poly_type poly \
+ poly_contact_type pc \
+ sub_type psub \
+ dev_sub_type nwell \
+ sub_surround 0.38 \
+ sub_surround_dev 0.56 \
+ guard_sub_surround 0.18 \
+ diff_overlap_cont 0.06 \
+ dev_sub_dist 0.785 \
+ dev_sub_space 2.0 \
+ gate_to_diffcont 0.34 \
+ diff_extension 0.485 \
+ ]
+ set drawdict [dict merge $sky130::ruleset $newdict $parameters]
+ return [sky130::mos_draw $drawdict]
+# MOSFET: Check device parameters for out-of-bounds values
+proc sky130::mos_check {device parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ # Normalize distance units to microns
+ set l [magic::spice2float $l]
+ set l [magic::3digitpastdecimal $l]
+ set w [magic::spice2float $w]
+ set w [magic::3digitpastdecimal $w]
+ # nf, m must be integer
+ if {![string is int $nf]} {
+ puts stderr "NF must be an integer!"
+ dict set parameters nf 1
+ }
+ if {![string is int $m]} {
+ puts stderr "M must be an integer!"
+ dict set parameters m 1
+ }
+ # diffcov, polycov must be numeric
+ if {[catch {expr abs($diffcov)}]} {
+ puts stderr "diffcov must be numeric!"
+ set diffcov 100
+ }
+ if {[catch {expr abs($polycov)}]} {
+ puts stderr "polycov must be numeric!"
+ set polycov 100
+ }
+ if {$l < $lmin} {
+ puts stderr "Mos length must be >= $lmin um"
+ dict set parameters l $lmin
+ }
+ if {$w < $wmin} {
+ puts stderr "Mos width must be >= $wmin um"
+ dict set parameters w $wmin
+ }
+ if {$nf < 1} {
+ puts stderr "NF must be >= 1"
+ dict set parameters nf 1
+ }
+ if {$m < 1} {
+ puts stderr "M must be >= 1"
+ dict set parameters m 1
+ }
+ if {$diffcov < 20 } {
+ puts stderr "Diffusion contact coverage must be at least 20%"
+ dict set parameters diffcov 20
+ } elseif {$diffcov > 100 } {
+ puts stderr "Diffusion contact coverage can't be more than 100%"
+ dict set parameters diffcov 100
+ }
+ if {$polycov < 20 } {
+ puts stderr "Poly contact coverage must be at least 20%"
+ dict set parameters polycov 20
+ } elseif {$polycov > 100 } {
+ puts stderr "Poly contact coverage can't be more than 100%"
+ dict set parameters polycov 100
+ }
+ # Values must satisfy diffusion-to-tap spacing of 20um.
+ # Therefore the maximum of guard ring width or height cannot exceed 40um.
+ # If in violation, reduce counts first, as these are easiest to recover
+ # by duplicating the device and overlapping the wells.
+ set origm $m
+ set orignf $nf
+ while true {
+ set yext [expr ($w + 3.0) * $m]
+ set xext [expr ($l + 1.0) * $nf + 1.1]
+ if {[expr min($xext, $yext)] > 40.0} {
+ if {$yext > 40.0 && $m > 1} {
+ incr m -1
+ } elseif {$xext > 40.0 && $nf > 1} {
+ incr nf -1
+ } elseif {$yext > 40.0} {
+ set w 37
+ puts -nonewline stderr "Transistor width must be < 37 um"
+ puts stderr " to avoid tap spacing violation."
+ dict set parameters w $w
+ } elseif {$xext > 40.0} {
+ set l 37.9
+ puts -nonewline stderr "Transistor length must be < 37.9 um"
+ puts stderr " to avoid tap spacing violation."
+ dict set parameters l $l
+ }
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if {$m != $origm} {
+ puts stderr "Y repeat reduced to prevent tap distance violation"
+ dict set parameters m $m
+ }
+ if {$nf != $orignf} {
+ puts stderr "X repeat reduced to prevent tap distance violation"
+ dict set parameters nf $nf
+ }
+ return $parameters
+proc sky130::nshort_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_check nshort $parameters]
+proc sky130::nlowvt_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_check nlowvt $parameters]
+proc sky130::sonos_e_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_check sonos_e $parameters]
+proc sky130::nhv_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_check nhv $parameters]
+proc sky130::nhvnative_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_check nhvnative $parameters]
+proc sky130::pshort_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_check pshort $parameters]
+proc sky130::plowvt_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_check plowvt $parameters]
+proc sky130::phighvt_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_check phighvt $parameters]
+proc sky130::phv_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_check phv $parameters]
+proc sky130::xcnwvc_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_check xcnwvc $parameters]
+proc sky130::xcnwvc2_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_check xcnwvc2 $parameters]
+proc sky130::xchvnwc_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::mos_check xchvnwc $parameters]
+# Fixed device: Specify all user-editable default values
+# deltax --- Additional horizontal space between devices
+# deltay --- Additional vertical space between devices
+# nx --- Number of arrayed devices in X
+# ny --- Number of arrayed devices in Y
+# Note that these values, specifically nx, ny, deltax,
+# and deltay, are properties of the instance, not the cell.
+# They translate to the instance array x and y counts; while
+# deltax is the x pitch less the cell width, and deltay is the
+# y pitch less the cell height.
+# non-user-editable
+# nocell --- Indicates that this cell has a predefined layout
+# and therefore there is no cell to draw.
+# xstep --- Width of the cell (nominal array pitch in X)
+# ystep --- Height of the cell (nominal array pitch in Y)
+# Fixed-layout devices (from sky130_fd_pr_base, _rf, and _rf2 libraries)
+# Bipolar transistors:
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf_npn_1x1
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf_npn_1x2
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf_pnp5x
+# Parallel Plate Capacitors:
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_lim5shield
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3_lim5shield
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m4shield
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym4shield
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym50p4shield
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3_lim5shield
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp6p8x6p1_lim4shield
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp6p8x6p1_polym4shield
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3_lim5shield
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvppx4_2xnhvnative10x4
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3_lishield
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3shield
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp1p8x1p8_lishield
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp1p8x1p8_m3shield
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp2
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp2_nwell
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3_lishield
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3shield
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3_lishield
+# sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3shield
+# Inductors:
+# balun
+# xind4_011
+# xind4_02
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_npn_1x1_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 7.03 ystep 7.03}
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_npn_1x2_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 7.03 ystep 8.03}
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_pnp5x_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 6.44 ystep 6.44}
+proc sky130::balun_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 292 ystep 292}
+proc sky130::xind4_02_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 258 ystep 258}
+proc sky130::xind4_011_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 290 ystep 404}
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_lim5shield_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 11.08 ystep 11.36}
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3_lim5shield_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 11.08 ystep 11.36}
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m4shield_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 11.08 ystep 11.36}
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym4shield_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 11.08 ystep 11.36}
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym50p4shield_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 11.08 ystep 11.36}
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3_lim5shield_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 4.05 ystep 4.26}
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp6p8x6p1_lim4shield_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 6.47 ystep 5.76}
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp6p8x6p1_polym4shield_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 6.47 ystep 5.76}
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3_lim5shield_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 8.25 ystep 7.51}
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvppx4_2xnhvnative10x4_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 10.41 ystep 11.54}
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3_lishield_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 11.08 ystep 11.36}
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3shield_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 11.08 ystep 11.36}
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp1p8x1p8_lishield_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 1.77 ystep 1.77}
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp1p8x1p8_m3shield_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 3.88 ystep 3.88}
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp2_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 4.55 ystep 4.76}
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp2_nwell_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 4.55 ystep 4.76}
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3_lishield_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 4.05 ystep 4.26}
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3shield_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 4.05 ystep 4.26}
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3_lishield_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 8.25 ystep 7.51}
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3shield_defaults {} {
+ return {nx 1 ny 1 deltax 0 deltay 0 nocell 1 xstep 8.25 ystep 7.51}
+# Fixed device: Conversion from SPICE netlist parameters to toolkit
+proc sky130::fixed_convert {parameters} {
+ set pdkparams [dict create]
+ dict for {key value} $parameters {
+ switch -nocase $key {
+ m {
+ dict set pdkparams nx $value
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $pdkparams
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_npn_1x1_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_npn_1x2_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_pnp5x_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::balun_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::xind4_011_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::xind4_02_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_lim5shield_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3_lim5shield_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m4shield_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym4shield_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym50p4shield_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3_lim5shield_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp6p8x6p1_lim4shield_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp6p8x6p1_polym4shield_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3_lim5shield_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvppx4_2xnhvnative10x4_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3_lishield_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3shield_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp1p8x1p8_lishield_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp1p8x1p8_m3shield_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp2_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp2_nwell_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3_lishield_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3shield_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3_lishield_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3shield_convert {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_convert $parameters]
+# Fixed device: Interactively specifies the fixed layout parameters
+proc sky130::fixed_dialog {parameters} {
+ # Instance fields: nx, ny, pitchx, pitchy
+ # Editable fields: nx, ny, deltax, deltay
+ # Non-editable fields: nocell, xstep, ystep
+ # Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ # "nocell" field causes nx and ny to be dropped in from
+ # "array count". Also "pitchx" and "pitchy" are passed
+ # in internal units. Convert these to microns and generate
+ # If there is no pitchx and pitchy, then the device has not
+ # yet been created, so keep the deltax and deltay defaults.
+ if [dict exists $parameters pitchx] {
+ set pitchux [magic::i2u $pitchx]
+ set stepux [magic::spice2float $xstep]
+ set deltax [magic::3digitpastdecimal [expr $pitchux - $stepux]]
+ # An array size 1 should not cause deltax to go negative
+ if {$deltax < 0.0} {set deltax 0.0}
+ dict set parameters deltax $deltax
+ }
+ if [dict exists $parameters pitchy] {
+ set pitchuy [magic::i2u $pitchy]
+ set stepuy [magic::spice2float $ystep]
+ set deltay [magic::3digitpastdecimal [expr $pitchuy - $stepuy]]
+ # An array size 1 should not cause deltay to go negative
+ if {$deltay < 0.0} {set deltay 0.0}
+ dict set parameters deltay $deltay
+ }
+ magic::add_entry nx "NX" $parameters
+ magic::add_entry ny "NY" $parameters
+ magic::add_entry deltax "X step (um)" $parameters
+ magic::add_entry deltay "Y step (um)" $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_npn_1x1_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_npn_1x2_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_pnp5x_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::balun_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::xind4_011_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::xind4_02_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_lim5shield_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3_lim5shield_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m4shield_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym4shield_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym50p4shield_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3_lim5shield_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp6p8x6p1_lim4shield_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp6p8x6p1_polym4shield_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3_lim5shield_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvppx4_2xnhvnative10x4_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3_lishield_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3shield_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp1p8x1p8_lishield_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp1p8x1p8_m3shield_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp2_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp2_nwell_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3_lishield_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3shield_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3_lishield_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3shield_dialog {parameters} {
+ sky130::fixed_dialog $parameters
+# Fixed device: Draw the device
+proc sky130::fixed_draw {devname parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ # This cell declares "nocell" in parameters, so it needs to
+ # instance the cell and set properties.
+ # Instantiate the cell. The name corresponds to the cell in the sky130_fd_pr_* directory.
+ set instname [getcell ${devname}]
+ set deltax [magic::spice2float $deltax]
+ set deltay [magic::spice2float $deltay]
+ set xstep [magic::spice2float $xstep]
+ set ystep [magic::spice2float $ystep]
+ # Array stepping
+ if {$nx > 1 || $ny > 1} {
+ set xstep [expr $xstep + $deltax]
+ set ystep [expr $ystep + $deltay]
+ box size ${xstep}um ${ystep}um
+ array $nx $ny
+ }
+ select cell $instname
+ expand
+ return $instname
+# No additional parameters declared for drawing
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_npn_1x1_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf_npn_1x1 $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_npn_1x2_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf_npn_1x2 $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_pnp5x_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf_pnp5x $parameters]
+proc sky130::balun_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw balun $parameters]
+proc sky130::xind4_011_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw xind4_011 $parameters]
+proc sky130::xind4_02_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw xind4_02 $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_lim5shield_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_lim5shield $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3_lim5shield_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3_lim5shield $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m4shield_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m4shield $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym4shield_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym4shield $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym50p4shield_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym50p4shield $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3_lim5shield_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3_lim5shield $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp6p8x6p1_lim4shield_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp6p8x6p1_lim4shield $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp6p8x6p1_polym4shield_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp6p8x6p1_polym4shield $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3_lim5shield_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3_lim5shield $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvppx4_2xnhvnative10x4_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvppx4_2xnhvnative10x4 $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3_lishield_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3_lishield $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3shield_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3shield $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp1p8x1p8_lishield_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp1p8x1p8_lishield $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp1p8x1p8_m3shield_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp1p8x1p8_m3shield $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp2_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp2 $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp2_nwell_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp2_nwell $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3_lishield_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3_lishield $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3shield_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3shield $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3_lishield_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3_lishield $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3shield_draw {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_draw sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3shield $parameters]
+# Fixed device: Check device parameters for out-of-bounds values
+proc sky130::fixed_check {parameters} {
+ # Set a local variable for each parameter (e.g., $l, $w, etc.)
+ foreach key [dict keys $parameters] {
+ set $key [dict get $parameters $key]
+ }
+ # Normalize distance units to microns
+ set deltax [magic::spice2float $deltax -1]
+ set deltax [magic::3digitpastdecimal $deltax]
+ set deltay [magic::spice2float $deltay -1]
+ set deltay [magic::3digitpastdecimal $deltay]
+ # nx, ny must be integer
+ if {![string is int $nx]} {
+ puts stderr "NX must be an integer!"
+ dict set parameters nx 1
+ }
+ if {![string is int $ny]} {
+ puts stderr "NY must be an integer!"
+ dict set parameters nx 1
+ }
+ # Number of devices in X and Y must be at least 1
+ if {$nx < 1} {
+ puts stderr "NX must be >= 1"
+ dict set parameters nx 1
+ }
+ if {$ny < 1} {
+ puts stderr "NY must be >= 1"
+ dict set parameters nx 1
+ }
+ # Step less than zero violates DRC
+ if {$deltax < 0} {
+ puts stderr "X step must be >= 0"
+ dict set parameters deltax 0
+ }
+ if {$deltay < 0} {
+ puts stderr "Y step must be >= 0"
+ dict set parameters deltay 0
+ }
+ return $parameters
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_npn_1x1_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_npn_1x2_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_pnp5x_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::balun_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::xind4_011_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::xind4_02_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_lim5shield_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3_lim5shield_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m4shield_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym4shield_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym50p4shield_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3_lim5shield_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp6p8x6p1_lim4shield_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp6p8x6p1_polym4shield_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3_lim5shield_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvppx4_2xnhvnative10x4_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3_lishield_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3shield_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp1p8x1p8_lishield_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp1p8x1p8_m3shield_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp2_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp2_nwell_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3_lishield_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3shield_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3_lishield_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
+proc sky130::sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3shield_check {parameters} {
+ return [sky130::fixed_check $parameters]
diff --git a/sky130/ b/sky130/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..881eee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/
@@ -0,0 +1,4004 @@
+### Source file
+### Process this file with the macro processor
+### Note that the tech name is always TECHNAME for
+### magic; this keeps compatibility between layouts
+### for all process variants.
+# Copyright (c) 2020 R. Timothy Edwards
+# Revisions: See below
+# This file is an Open Source foundry process describing
+# the SkyWater S8 hybrid 0.18um / 0.13um fabrication
+# process. The file may be distributed under the terms
+# of the (Apache 2.0(?)) license agreement.
+# This file is designed to be used with magic versions
+# 8.3.24 or newer.
+ format 35
+ version REVISION
+ description "SkyWater SKY130: PRE ALPHA Vendor Open Source rules and DRC"
+# Status: 3/17/19: created from
+# Status: 3/20/19: Rev 0 (pre-alpha):
+# Work in progress. Converted from original techfile to S8
+# with all sections updated with as much information as could
+# be immediately gleaned from the documentation. Cifinput and
+# DRC sections have been checked against one standard cell
+# library.
+# Status 5/5/20: Rev 1 (alpha):
+# Changed name from s8 to sky130
+# Supported device types
+# device name magic ID layer description
+# nshort nfet standard nFET
+# nshort scnfet standard nFET in standard cell**
+# nlowvt nfetlvt low Vt nFET
+# sonos_p/e nsonos SONOS nFET
+# pshort pfet standard pFET
+# pshort scpfet standard pFET in standard cell**
+# plowvt pfetlvt low Vt pFET
+# phighvt pfethvt high Vt pFET
+# ntvnative --- native nFET
+# phv mvpfet thickox pFET
+# nhv mvnfet thickox nFET
+# nhvnative mvnnfet thickox native nFET
+# ndiode ndiode n+ diff diode
+# ndiode_h mvndiode thickox n+ diff diode
+# pdiode pdiode p+ diff diode
+# pdiode_h mvpdiode thickox p+ diff diode
+# ndiode_native nndiode diode with nndiff
+# ndiode_lvt ndiodelvt low Vt n+ diff diode
+# pdiode_lvt pdiodelvt low Vt p+ diff diode
+# pdiode_hvt pdiodehvt high Vt p+ diff diode
+# nwdiode --- nwell diode
+# dnwdiode_psub --- deep nwell diode to substrate
+# dnwdiode_pw --- deep nwell diode to pwell
+# xcmimc1 mimcap MiM cap 1st plate
+# xcmimc2 mimcap2 MiM cap 2nd plate
+# mrdn rdn n+ diff resistor
+# mrdn_hv mvrdn thickox n+ diff resistor
+# mrdp rdp p+ diff resistor
+# mrdp_hv mvrdp thickox p+ diff resistor
+# mrl1 rli local interconnect resistor
+# mrp1 npres n+ poly resistor
+# xhrpoly_* ppres (*) p+ poly resistor (300 Ohms/sq)
+# uhrpoly_* xres (*) p+ poly resistor (2k Ohms/sq)
+# xcnwvc varactor varactor (low Vt?)
+# xcnwvc2 varactorhvt high Vt varactor
+# xchvnwc mvvaractor thickox varactor
+# xpwres rpw pwell resistor (in deep nwell)
+# (*) Note that ppres may extract into some generic type
+# called "xhrpoly", but only specific sizes of xhrpoly are
+# allowed, and these are created from fixed layouts like the
+# types below.
+# (**) nFET and pFET in standard cells are the same as devices
+# outside of the standard cell except for the DRC rule for
+# FET to diffusion contact spacing (which is 0.05um, not 0.055um)
+# To avoid creating a large number of types, a few ID layers are
+# used in conjunction with standard devices types: "lvt" for
+# low threshold voltage, and "hvt" for high threshold voltage.
+# "dnwell" is used as an identifier layer where appropriate.
+# Layer HVI (thick oxide) is treated differently, and types
+# "mv*" are defined where thick oxide is required.
+# The following devices are not extracted but are represented
+# only by script-generated subcells in the PDK.
+# nshortesd ESD nFET
+# nhvesd ESD thickox nFET
+# nhvnativeesd ESD native nFET
+# phvesd ESD thickox pFET
+# fnpass flash nFET device
+# npnpar1x* parasitic NPN
+# npn_1x1_2p0_hv thickox gated parasitic NPN
+# pnppar parasitic PNP
+# pnppar5x parasitic PNP
+# xesd_ndiode_h_*** ESD n+ diode
+# xesd_pdiode_h_*** ESD p+ diode
+# reslocsub local substrate island indicator
+# xcmvpp Vpp cap
+# xcmvpp_2 Vpp cap
+# xcmvpp_* Vpp cap
+# xcmvpp* Vpp cap
+# balun balun inductor
+# ind4 inductor
+# fuse metal fuse device
+# Tile planes
+ dwell,dw
+ well,w
+ active,a
+ locali,li1,li
+ metal1,m1
+ metal2,m2
+ metal3,m3
+#ifdef METAL5
+#ifdef MIM
+ cap1,c1
+#endif (MIM)
+ metal4,m4
+#ifdef MIM
+ cap2,c2
+#endif (MIM)
+ metal5,m5
+#endif (METAL5)
+ metali,mi
+ block,b
+ comment,c
+# Tile types
+# Deep nwell
+ dwell dnwell,dnw
+# Wells
+ well nwell,nw
+ -well pwell,pw
+ -well rpw,rpwell
+ -well obswell
+# Transistors
+ active nmos,ntransistor,nfet
+ -active scnmos,scntransistor,scnfet
+ active pmos,ptransistor,pfet
+ -active scpmos,scptransistor,scpfet
+ -active nnmos,nntransistor
+ active mvnmos,mvntransistor,mvnfet
+ active mvpmos,mvptransistor,mvpfet
+ -active mvnnmos,mvnntransistor,mvnnfet,nnfet
+ -active varactor,varact,var
+ -active mvvaractor,mvvaract,mvvar
+ -active pmoslvt,pfetlvt
+ -active pmoshvt,pfethvt
+ -active nmoslvt,nfetlvt
+ -active varactorhvt,varacthvt,varhvt
+ -active nsonos,sonos
+# Diffusions
+ active ndiff,ndiffusion,ndif
+ active pdiff,pdiffusion,pdif
+ -active mvndiff,mvndiffusion,mvndif
+ -active mvpdiff,mvpdiffusion,mvpdif
+ active ndiffc,ndcontact,ndc
+ active pdiffc,pdcontact,pdc
+ -active mvndiffc,mvndcontact,mvndc
+ -active mvpdiffc,mvpdcontact,mvpdc
+ active psubdiff,psubstratepdiff,ppdiff,ppd,psd
+ active nsubdiff,nsubstratendiff,nndiff,nnd,nsd
+ -active mvpsubdiff,mvpsubstratepdiff,mvppdiff,mvppd,mvpsd
+ -active mvnsubdiff,mvnsubstratendiff,mvnndiff,mvnnd,mvnsd
+ active psubdiffcont,psubstratepcontact,psc
+ active nsubdiffcont,nsubstratencontact,nsc
+ -active mvpsubdiffcont,mvpsubstratepcontact,mvpsc
+ -active mvnsubdiffcont,mvnsubstratencontact,mvnsc
+ -active obsactive
+ -active mvobsactive
+# Poly
+ active poly,p,polysilicon
+ active polycont,pc,pcontact,polycut,polyc
+ active xpolycontact,xpolyc,xpc
+# Resistors
+ -active npolyres,npres,mrp1
+ -active ppolyres,ppres,xhrpoly
+ -active xpolyres,xpres,xres,uhrpoly
+ -active ndiffres,rnd,rdn,rndiff
+ -active pdiffres,rpd,rdp,rpdiff
+ -active mvndiffres,mvrnd,mvrdn,mvrndiff
+ -active mvpdiffres,mvrpd,mvrdp,mvrpdiff
+ -active rmp
+# Diodes
+ -active pdiode,pdi
+ -active ndiode,ndi
+ -active nndiode,nndi
+ -active pdiodec,pdic
+ -active ndiodec,ndic
+ -active nndiodec,nndic
+ -active mvpdiode,mvpdi
+ -active mvndiode,mvndi
+ -active mvpdiodec,mvpdic
+ -active mvndiodec,mvndic
+ -active pdiodelvt,pdilvt
+ -active pdiodehvt,pdihvt
+ -active ndiodelvt,ndilvt
+ -active pdiodelvtc,pdilvtc
+ -active pdiodehvtc,pdihvtc
+ -active ndiodelvtc,ndilvtc
+# Local Interconnect
+ locali locali,li1,li
+ -locali corelocali,coreli1,coreli
+ -locali rlocali,rli1,rli
+ locali viali,vial,lic,licon,m1c,v0
+ -locali obsli1,obsli
+ -locali obsli1c,obslic,obslicon
+# Metal 1
+ metal1 metal1,m1,met1
+ -metal1 rmetal1,rm1,rmet1
+ metal1 via1,m2contact,m2cut,m2c,via,v,v1
+ -metal1 obsm1
+ -metal1 padl
+# Metal 2
+ metal2 metal2,m2,met2
+ -metal2 rmetal2,rm2,rmet2
+ metal2 via2,m3contact,m3cut,m3c,v2
+ -metal2 obsm2
+# Metal 3
+ metal3 metal3,m3,met3
+ -metal3 rmetal3,rm3,rmet3
+ -metal3 obsm3
+#ifdef METAL5
+ metal3 via3,v3
+#ifdef MIM
+ -cap1 mimcap,mim,capm
+ -cap1 mimcapcontact,mimcapc,mimcc,capmc
+# Metal 4
+ metal4 metal4,m4,met4
+ -metal4 rmetal4,rm4,rmet4
+ -metal4 obsm4
+ metal4 via4,v4
+#ifdef MIM
+ -cap2 mimcap2,mim2,capm2
+ -cap2 mimcap2contact,mimcap2c,mim2cc,capm2c
+# Metal 5
+ metal5 metal5,m5,met5
+ -metal5 rm5,rmetal5,rmet5
+ -metal5 obsm5
+#endif (METAL5)
+ -metal5 mrdlcontact,mrdlc
+ -metali metalrdl,mrdl,metrdl
+ -metali obsmrdl
+# Miscellaneous
+ -block glass
+ -block fillblock
+ -comment comment
+ -comment obscomment
+# Magic contact types
+ pc poly locali
+ ndc ndiff locali
+ pdc pdiff locali
+ nsc nsd locali
+ psc psd locali
+ ndic ndiode locali
+ ndilvtc ndiodelvt locali
+ nndic nndiode locali
+ pdic pdiode locali
+ pdilvtc pdiodelvt locali
+ pdihvtc pdiodehvt locali
+ xpc xpc locali
+ mvndc mvndiff locali
+ mvpdc mvpdiff locali
+ mvnsc mvnsd locali
+ mvpsc mvpsd locali
+ mvndic mvndiode locali
+ mvpdic mvpdiode locali
+ lic locali metal1
+ obslic obsli obsm1
+ via1 metal1 metal2
+ via2 metal2 metal3
+#ifdef METAL5
+ via3 metal3 metal4
+ via4 metal4 metal5
+#endif (METAL5)
+ stackable
+#ifdef METAL5
+#ifdef MIM
+ # MiM cap contacts are not stackable!
+ mimcc mimcap metal4
+ mim2cc mimcap2 metal5
+#endif (MIM)
+ padl m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 glass
+ padl m1 m2 m3 glass
+#endif (!METAL5)
+ mrdlc metal5 mrdl
+# Layer aliases
+ allwellplane nwell
+ allnwell nwell,obswell
+ allnfets nfet,scnfet,mvnfet,mvnnfet,nfetlvt,nsonos
+ allpfets pfet,scpfet,mvpfet,pfethvt,pfetlvt
+ allfets allnfets,allpfets,varactor,mvvaractor,varhvt
+ allnactivenonfet *ndiff,*nsd,*ndiode,*nndiode,*mvndiff,*mvnsd,*mvndiode,*ndiodelvt
+ allnactive allnactivenonfet,allnfets
+ allnactivenontap *ndiff,*ndiode,*nndiode,*mvndiff,*mvndiode,*ndiodelvt,allnfets
+ allnactivetap *nsd,*mvnsd,var,varhvt,mvvar
+ allpactivenonfet *pdiff,*psd,*pdiode,*mvpdiff,*mvpsd,*mvpdiode,*pdiodelvt,*pdiodehvt
+ allpactive allpactivenonfet,allpfets
+ allpactivenontap *pdiff,*pdiode,*mvpdiff,*mvpdiode,*pdiodelvt,*pdiodehvt,allpfets
+ allpactivetap *psd,*mvpsd
+ allactivenonfet allnactivenonfet,allpactivenonfet
+ allactive allactivenonfet,allfets
+ allactiveres ndiffres,pdiffres,mvndiffres,mvpdiffres
+ allndifflv *ndif,*nsd,*ndiode,ndiffres,nfet,scnfet,nfetlvt,nsonos
+ allpdifflv *pdif,*psd,*pdiode,pdiffres,pfet,scpfet,pfetlvt,pfethvt
+ alldifflv allndifflv,allpdifflv
+ allndifflvnonfet *ndif,*nsd,*ndiode,*nndiode,ndiffres,*ndiodelvt
+ allpdifflvnonfet *pdif,*psd,*pdiode,pdiffres,*pdiodelvt,*pdiodehvt
+ alldifflvnonfet allndifflvnonfet,allpdifflvnonfet
+ allndiffmv *mvndif,*mvnsd,*mvndiode,*nndiode,mvndiffres,mvnfet,mvnnfet
+ allpdiffmv *mvpdif,*mvpsd,*mvpdiode,mvpdiffres,mvpfet
+ alldiffmv allndiffmv,allpdiffmv
+ allndiffmvnontap *mvndif,*mvndiode,*nndiode,mvndiffres,mvnfet,mvnnfet
+ allpdiffmvnontap *mvpdif,*mvpdiode,mvpdiffres,mvpfet
+ alldiffmvnontap allndiffmvnontap,allpdiffmvnontap
+ allndiffmvnonfet *mvndif,*mvnsd,*mvndiode,*nndiode,mvndiffres
+ allpdiffmvnonfet *mvpdif,*mvpsd,*mvpdiode,mvpdiffres
+ alldiffmvnonfet allndiffmvnonfet,allpdiffmvnonfet
+ alldiffnonfet alldifflvnonfet,alldiffmvnonfet
+ alldiff alldifflv,alldiffmv
+ allpolyres mrp1,xhrpoly,uhrpoly,rmp
+ allpolynonfet *poly,allpolyres,xpc
+ allpolynonres *poly,allfets,xpc
+ allpoly allpolynonfet,allfets
+ allpolynoncap *poly,xpc,allfets,allpolyres
+ allndiffcontlv ndc,nsc,ndic,nndic,ndilvtc
+ allpdiffcontlv pdc,psc,pdic,pdilvtc,pdihvtc
+ allndiffcontmv mvndc,mvnsc,mvndic
+ allpdiffcontmv mvpdc,mvpsc,mvpdic
+ allndiffcont allndiffcontlv,allndiffcontmv
+ allpdiffcont allpdiffcontlv,allpdiffcontmv
+ alldiffcontlv allndiffcontlv,allpdiffcontlv
+ alldiffcontmv allndiffcontmv,allpdiffcontmv
+ alldiffcont alldiffcontlv,alldiffcontmv
+ allcont alldiffcont,pc
+ allres allpolyres,allactiveres
+ allli *locali,coreli,rli
+ allm1 *m1,rm1
+ allm2 *m2,rm2
+ allm3 *m3,rm3
+#ifdef METAL5
+ allm4 *m4,rm4
+ allm5 *m5,rm5
+#endif (METAL5)
+ allpad padl
+ psub pwell
+# Layer drawing styles
+ styletype mos
+ dnwell cwell
+ nwell nwell
+ pwell pwell
+ rpwell pwell ptransistor_stripes
+ ndiff ndiffusion
+ pdiff pdiffusion
+ nsd ndiff_in_nwell
+ psd pdiff_in_pwell
+ nfet ntransistor ntransistor_stripes
+ scnfet ntransistor ntransistor_stripes
+ pfet ptransistor ptransistor_stripes
+ scpfet ptransistor ptransistor_stripes
+ var polysilicon ndiff_in_nwell
+ ndc ndiffusion metal1 contact_X'es
+ pdc pdiffusion metal1 contact_X'es
+ nsc ndiff_in_nwell metal1 contact_X'es
+ psc pdiff_in_pwell metal1 contact_X'es
+ pfetlvt ptransistor ptransistor_stripes implant1
+ pfethvt ptransistor ptransistor_stripes implant2
+ nfetlvt ntransistor ntransistor_stripes implant1
+ nsonos ntransistor implant3
+ varhvt polysilicon ndiff_in_nwell implant2
+ mvndiff ndiffusion hvndiff_mask
+ mvpdiff pdiffusion hvpdiff_mask
+ mvnsd ndiff_in_nwell hvndiff_mask
+ mvpsd pdiff_in_pwell hvpdiff_mask
+ mvnfet ntransistor ntransistor_stripes hvndiff_mask
+ mvnnfet ntransistor ndiff_in_nwell hvndiff_mask
+ mvpfet ptransistor ptransistor_stripes
+ mvvar polysilicon ndiff_in_nwell hvndiff_mask
+ mvndc ndiffusion metal1 contact_X'es hvndiff_mask
+ mvpdc pdiffusion metal1 contact_X'es hvpdiff_mask
+ mvnsc ndiff_in_nwell metal1 contact_X'es hvndiff_mask
+ mvpsc pdiff_in_pwell metal1 contact_X'es hvpdiff_mask
+ poly polysilicon
+ pc polysilicon metal1 contact_X'es
+ npolyres polysilicon silicide_block nselect2
+ ppolyres polysilicon silicide_block pselect2
+ xpc polysilicon pselect2 metal1 contact_X'es
+ rmp polysilicon poly_resist_stripes
+ pdiode pdiffusion pselect2
+ ndiode ndiffusion nselect2
+ pdiodec pdiffusion pselect2 metal1 contact_X'es
+ ndiodec ndiffusion nselect2 metal1 contact_X'es
+ nndiode ndiffusion nselect2 implant3
+ ndiodelvt ndiffusion nselect2 implant1
+ pdiodelvt pdiffusion pselect2 implant1
+ pdiodehvt pdiffusion pselect2 implant2
+ pdilvtc pdiffusion pselect2 implant1 metal1 contact_X'es
+ pdihvtc pdiffusion pselect2 implant2 metal1 contact_X'es
+ ndilvtc ndiffusion nselect2 implant1 metal1 contact_X'es
+ mvpdiode pdiffusion pselect2 hvpdiff_mask
+ mvndiode ndiffusion nselect2 hvndiff_mask
+ mvpdiodec pdiffusion pselect2 metal1 contact_X'es hvpdiff_mask
+ mvndiodec ndiffusion nselect2 metal1 contact_X'es hvndiff_mask
+ nndiodec ndiff_in_nwell nselect2 metal1 contact_X'es hvndiff_mask
+ locali metal1
+ coreli metal1
+ rli metal1 poly_resist_stripes
+ lic metal1 metal2 via1arrow
+ obsli metal1
+ obslic metal1 metal2 via1arrow
+ metal1 metal2
+ rm1 metal2 poly_resist_stripes
+ obsm1 metal2
+ m2c metal2 metal3 via2arrow
+ metal2 metal3
+ rm2 metal3 poly_resist_stripes
+ obsm2 metal3
+ m3c metal3 metal4 via3alt
+ metal3 metal4
+ rm3 metal4 poly_resist_stripes
+ obsm3 metal4
+#ifdef METAL5
+#ifdef MIM
+ mimcap metal3 mems
+ mimcc metal3 contact_X'es mems
+ mimcap2 metal4 mems
+ mim2cc metal4 contact_X'es mems
+#endif (MIM)
+ via3 metal4 metal5 via4
+ metal4 metal5
+ rm4 metal5 poly_resist_stripes
+ obsm4 metal5
+ via4 metal5 metal6 via5
+ metal5 metal6
+ rm5 metal6 poly_resist_stripes
+ obsm5 metal6
+#endif (METAL5)
+ mrdlc metal6 metal7 via6
+ metalrdl metal7
+ obsmrdl metal7
+ glass overglass
+ mrp1 poly_resist poly_resist_stripes
+ xhrpoly poly_resist silicide_block
+ uhrpoly poly_resist
+ ndiffres ndiffusion ndop_stripes
+ pdiffres pdiffusion pdop_stripes
+ mvndiffres ndiffusion hvndiff_mask ndop_stripes
+ mvpdiffres pdiffusion hvpdiff_mask pdop_stripes
+ comment comment
+ error_p error_waffle
+ error_s error_waffle
+ error_ps error_waffle
+ fillblock cwell
+ obswell cwell
+ obsactive implant4
+#ifndef METAL5
+ padl metal4 via4 overglass
+ padl metal6 via6 overglass
+ magnet substrate_field_implant
+ rotate via3alt
+ fence via5
+# Special paint/erase rules
+ compose nfet poly ndiff
+ compose pfet poly pdiff
+ compose var poly nsd
+ compose mvnfet poly mvndiff
+ compose mvpfet poly mvpdiff
+ compose mvvar poly mvnsd
+ paint ndc nwell pdc
+ paint nfet nwell pfet
+ paint scnfet nwell scpfet
+ paint ndiff nwell pdiff
+ paint psd nwell nsd
+ paint psc nwell nsc
+ paint pdc pwell ndc
+ paint pfet pwell nfet
+ paint scpfet pwell scnfet
+ paint pdiff pwell ndiff
+ paint nsd pwell psd
+ paint nsc pwell psc
+ paint pdc coreli pdc
+ paint ndc coreli ndc
+ paint pc coreli pc
+ paint nsc coreli pc
+ paint psc coreli pc
+ paint viali coreli viali
+ paint coreli pdc pdc
+ paint coreli ndc ndc
+ paint coreli pc pc
+ paint coreli nsc nsc
+ paint coreli psc psc
+ paint coreli viali viali
+#ifdef METAL5
+ paint m4 obsm4 m4
+ paint m5 obsm5 m5
+#endif (METAL5)
+# Electrical connectivity
+ *nwell,*nsd,*mvnsd,dnwell *nwell,*nsd,*mvnsd,dnwell
+ pwell,*psd,*mvpsd pwell,*psd,*mvpsd
+ *li,coreli *li,coreli
+ *m1 *m1
+ *m2 *m2
+ *m3 *m3
+#ifdef METAL5
+ *m4 *m4
+ *m5 *m5
+#ifdef MIM
+ *mimcap *mimcap
+ *mimcap2 *mimcap2
+#endif (MIM)
+#endif (METAL5)
+ allnactivenonfet allnactivenonfet
+ allpactivenonfet allpactivenonfet
+ *poly,xpc,allfets *poly,xpc,allfets
+ # RDL connects to m5 (i.e., padl) through glass cut
+ *mrdl *mrdl
+ glass metrdl
+# CIF/GDS output layer definitions
+# NOTE: All values in this section MUST be multiples of 25
+# or else magic will scale below the allowed layout grid size
+style gdsii
+# NOTE: This section is used for actual GDS output
+ scalefactor 10 nanometers
+ options calma-permissive-labels
+ gridlimit 5
+# Create a temp layer from the cell bounding box for use in
+# generating ID layers. Note that "boundary", unlike "bbox",
+# requires the FIXED_BBOX property (abutment box) in the cell.
+ templayer CELLBOUND
+ boundary
+ calma 235 4
+# Create a boundary outside of an abutment box, so that layers
+# can be made to stretch to the abutment box edges. First strink
+# so that any box that would be so small as to interact with
+# itself will be removed.
+ shrink 345
+ grow 545
+ and-not CELLBOUND
+ layer DNWELL dnwell
+ calma 64 18
+ layer PWRES rpw
+ and dnwell
+ calma 64 13
+ layer NWELL allnwell
+ bloat-all rpw dnwell
+ and-not rpw,pwell
+ calma 64 20
+ layer WELLTXT
+ labels allnwell noport
+ calma 64 16
+ layer WELLPIN
+ labels allnwell port
+ calma 64 5
+# SUB (text/port only)
+ layer SUBTXT
+ labels pwell noport
+ calma 122 16
+ layer SUBPIN
+ labels pwell port
+ calma 64 59
+ layer DIFF allnactivenontap,allpactivenontap,allactiveres
+ labels allnactivenontap,allpactivenontap
+ calma 65 20
+# TAP
+ layer TAP allnactivetap,allpactivetap
+ labels allnactivetap,allpactivetap
+ calma 65 44
+ templayer basePPLUS pdiffres,mvpdiffres
+ grow 15
+ or xhrpoly,uhrpoly,xpc
+ grow 110
+ bloat-or allpactivetap * 125 allnactivenontap 0
+ bloat-or allpactivenontap * 125 allnactivetap 0
+ bridge 380 380
+ templayer extendPPLUS basePPLUS,CELLRING
+ grow 185
+ shrink 185
+ and-not CELLRING
+ layer PPLUS basePPLUS,extendPPLUS
+ close 265000
+ calma 94 20
+ templayer baseNPLUS ndiffres,mvndiffres
+ grow 125
+ bloat-or allnactivetap * 125 allpactivenontap 0
+ bloat-or allnactivenontap * 125 allpactivetap 0
+ bridge 380 380
+ templayer extendNPLUS baseNPLUS,CELLRING
+ grow 185
+ shrink 185
+ and-not CELLRING
+ layer NPLUS baseNPLUS,extendNPLUS
+ close 265000
+ calma 93 44
+ layer LVTN pfetlvt,nfetlvt,mvvar,mvnnfet,nsonos,*pdiodelvt,*ndiodelvt,*nndiode
+ grow 180
+ bridge 380 380
+ grow 185
+ shrink 185
+ close 265000
+ calma 125 44
+ layer HVTP pfethvt,varhvt,*pdiodehvt
+ grow 180
+ bridge 380 380
+ grow 185
+ shrink 185
+ close 265000
+ calma 78 44
+ layer SONOS nsonos
+ grow 100
+ grow-min 410
+ bridge 500 410
+ grow 250
+ shrink 250
+ calma 80 20
+# SONOS requires COREID around area (areaid.ce). Also, the
+# coreli layer indicates a cell needing COREID.
+ layer COREID
+ bloat-all nsonos,coreli CELLBOUND
+ calma 81 2
+# STDCELL applies to all cells containing scnfet or scpfet.
+ layer STDCELL scnfet
+ bloat-all scpfet,scnfet CELLBOUND
+ calma 81 4
+# RPM
+ layer RPM
+ bloat-all xhrpoly xpc
+ grow 200
+ grow-min 1270
+ grow 420
+ shrink 420
+ calma 86 20
+# URPM (2kOhms/sq. poly implant)
+ layer URPM
+ bloat-all uhrpoly xpc
+ grow 200
+ grow-min 1270
+ grow 420
+ shrink 420
+ calma 79 20
+# LDNTM (Tip implant for SONOS FETs)
+ layer LDNTM
+ bloat-all nsonos *ndiff
+ grow 185
+ grow 345
+ shrink 345
+ calma 11 44
+# HVNTM (Tip implant for MV ndiff devices)
+ templayer hvntm_block *mvpsd
+ grow 185
+ layer HVNTM
+ bloat-all mvnfet,mvnnfet,*mvndiode,mvrdn,*nndiode *mvndiff
+ bloat-all mvvaractor *mvnsd
+ and-not hvntm_block
+ grow 185
+ grow 345
+ shrink 345
+ calma 125 20
+ layer POLY allpoly
+ calma 66 20
+ layer POLYTXT
+ labels allpoly noport
+ calma 66 16
+ layer POLYPIN
+ labels allpoly port
+ calma 66 5
+# THKOX (HVI) (includes rules NWELL 8-11 and DIFFTAP 14-26)
+ templayer baseTHKOX *mvpsd
+ grow-min 470
+ or alldiffmv,mvvar
+ grow 185
+ bloat-all alldiffmv nwell
+ grow-min 600
+ bridge 700 600
+ templayer extendTHKOX baseTHKOX,CELLRING
+ grow 345
+ shrink 345
+ and-not CELLRING
+ layer THKOX baseTHKOX,extendTHKOX
+ calma 75 20
+ layer CONT allcont
+ squares-grid 0 170 170
+ calma 66 44
+ # Contact for pres is different than other LICON contacts
+ # See rules LICON 1b, 1c (width/length) and 2b (spacing)
+ templayer xpc_horiz xpc
+ shrink 1007
+ grow 1007
+ layer CONT xpc
+ and-not xpc_horiz
+ # Force long edge vertical for contacts narrower than 2um
+ # Minimum space is 350 but 520 satisfies no. of contacts rule
+ slots 80 190 520 80 2000 350
+ calma 66 44
+ layer CONT xpc
+ and xpc_horiz
+ # Force long edge vertical for contacts wider than 2um
+ # Minimum space is 350 but 520 satisfies no. of contacts rule
+ slots 80 2000 350 80 190 520
+ calma 66 44
+# NPC (Nitride poly cut)
+# surrounds CONT (LICON) on poly only (i.e., pc)
+ layer NPC pc
+ squares-grid 0 170 170
+ grow 100
+ bridge 270 270
+ grow 130
+ shrink 130
+ calma 95 20
+ # NPC is also generated on xhrpoly and uhrpoly resistors
+ layer NPC xpc,xhrpoly,uhrpoly
+ # xpc surrounds precision_resistor by 0.095um
+ grow 95
+ grow 130
+ shrink 130
+ calma 95 20
+# Device markers
+ layer DIFFRES rdn,mvrdn,rdp,mvrdp
+ calma 65 13
+ layer POLYRES mrp1
+ calma 66 13
+ # POLYSHORT is a poly layer resistor like rli, rm1, etc., for metal layers
+ layer POLYSHORT rmp
+ calma 66 15
+ # POLYRES extends to edge of contact cut
+ layer POLYRES xhrpoly,uhrpoly
+ grow 60
+ and xpc
+ or xhrpoly,uhrpoly
+ calma 66 13
+ layer DIODE *pdi,*ndi,*nndi,*mvpdi,*mvndi,*pdilvt,*pdihvt,*ndilvt
+ # To be done: Expand to include anode, cathode, and guard ring
+ calma 81 23
+# LI
+ layer LI allli
+ calma 67 20
+ layer LITXT
+ labels *locali,coreli noport
+ calma 67 16
+ layer LIPIN
+ labels *locali,coreli port
+ calma 67 5
+ layer LIRES rli
+ labels rli
+ calma 67 13
+ layer MCON lic
+ squares-grid 0 170 190
+ calma 67 44
+# MET1
+ layer MET1 allm1
+ calma 68 20
+ layer MET1TXT
+ labels allm1 noport
+ calma 68 16
+ layer MET1PIN
+ labels allm1 port
+ calma 68 5
+ layer MET1RES rm1
+ labels rm1
+ calma 68 13
+# VIA1
+ layer VIA1 via1
+ squares-grid 55 150 170
+ calma 68 44
+# MET2
+ layer MET2 allm2
+ calma 69 20
+ layer MET2TXT
+ labels allm2 noport
+ calma 69 16
+ layer MET2PIN
+ labels allm2 port
+ calma 69 5
+ layer MET2RES rm2
+ labels rm2
+ calma 69 13
+# VIA2
+ layer VIA2 via2
+ squares-grid 40 200 200
+ calma 69 44
+# MET3
+ layer MET3 allm3
+ calma 70 20
+ layer MET3TXT
+ labels allm3 noport
+ calma 70 16
+ layer MET3PIN
+ labels allm3 port
+ calma 70 5
+ layer MET3RES rm3
+ labels rm3
+ calma 70 13
+#ifdef METAL5
+# VIA3
+ layer VIA3 via3
+#ifdef MIM
+ or mimcc
+#endif (MIM)
+ squares-grid 60 200 200
+ calma 70 44
+# MET4
+ layer MET4 allm4
+ calma 71 20
+ layer MET4TXT
+ labels allm4 noport
+ calma 71 16
+ layer MET4PIN
+ labels allm4 port
+ calma 71 5
+ layer MET4RES rm4
+ labels rm4
+ calma 71 13
+# VIA4
+ layer VIA4 via4
+#ifdef MIM
+ or mim2cc
+#endif (MIM)
+ squares-grid 190 800 800
+ calma 71 44
+# MET5
+ layer MET5 allm5
+ calma 72 20
+ layer MET5TXT
+ labels allm5 noport
+ calma 72 16
+ layer MET5PIN
+ labels allm5 port
+ calma 72 5
+ layer MET5RES rm5
+ labels rm5
+ calma 72 13
+#endif (METAL5)
+# RDL
+ layer RDL *metrdl
+ calma 74 20
+ layer RDLTXT
+ labels *metrdl noport
+ calma 74 16
+ layer RDLPIN
+ labels *metrdl port
+ calma 74 5
+ layer GLASS glass
+ calma 76 20
+#ifdef MIM
+ layer CAPM *mimcap
+ labels mimcap
+ calma 89 44
+ layer CAPM2 *mimcap2
+ labels mimcap2
+ calma 97 44
+#endif (MIM)
+# Chip top level marker for DRC latchup rules to check 15um
+# distance to taps (otherwise 6um is used)
+ bbox top
+ # Clear 200um for pads + 50um for required high tap density
+ # in critical area.
+ shrink 250000
+ calma 81 14
+ layer FILLOBSM1 fillblock
+ calma 62 24
+ layer FILLOBSM2 fillblock
+ calma 105 52
+ layer FILLOBSM3 fillblock
+ calma 107 24
+ layer FILLOBSM4 fillblock
+ calma 112 4
+ render DNWELL cwell -0.1 0.1
+ render NWELL nwell 0.0 0.2062
+ render DIFF ndiffusion 0.2062 0.12
+ render TAP pdiffusion 0.2062 0.12
+ render POLY polysilicon 0.3262 0.18
+ render CONT via 0.5062 0.43
+ render LI metal1 0.9361 0.10
+ render MCON via 1.0361 0.34
+ render MET1 metal2 1.3761 0.36
+ render VIA1 via 1.7361 0.27
+ render MET2 metal3 2.0061 0.36
+ render VIA2 via 2.3661 0.42
+ render MET3 metal4 2.7861 0.845
+#ifdef METAL5
+ render VIA3 via 3.6311 0.39
+ render MET4 metal5 4.0211 0.845
+ render VIA4 via 4.8661 0.505
+ render MET5 metal6 5.3711 1.26
+ render CAPM metal8 2.4661 0.2
+ render CAPM2 metal9 3.7311 0.2
+ render RDL metal7 11.8834 4.0
+#endif (!METAL5)
+style drc
+# NOTE: This style is used for DRC only, not for GDS output
+ scalefactor 10 nanometers
+ options calma-permissive-labels
+ # Ensure nwell overlaps dnwell at least 0.4um outside and 1.03um inside
+ templayer dnwell_shrink dnwell
+ shrink 1030
+ templayer nwell_missing dnwell
+ grow 400
+ and-not dnwell_shrink
+ and-not nwell
+ # SONOS nFET devices must be in deep nwell
+ templayer dnwell_missing nsonos
+ and-not dnwell
+ # Define MiM cap bottom plate for spacing rule
+ templayer mim_bottom
+ bloat-all *mimcap *metal3
+ # Define MiM2 cap bottom plate for spacing rule
+ templayer mim2_bottom
+ bloat-all *mimcap2 *metal4
+ # Note that metal fill is performed by the foundry and so is not
+ # an option for a cifoutput style.
+ # Check latchup rule (15um minimum from tap LICON center to any
+ # non-tap diffusion. Note that to count as a tap, the diffusion
+ # must be contacted to LI
+ templayer ptap_reach psc,mvpsc
+ and-not dnwell
+ # grow total is 15um. grow in 0.84um increments to ensure that
+ # no nwell ring is crossed
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell,dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell,dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell,dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell,dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell,dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell,dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell,dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell,dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell,dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell,dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell,dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell,dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell,dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell,dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell,dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell,dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell,dnwell
+ grow 635
+ and-not nwell,dnwell
+ templayer ptap_missing *ndiff,*mvndiff
+ and-not dnwell
+ and-not ptap_reach
+ templayer ntap_reach nsc,mvnsc
+ # grow total is 15um. grow in 1.27um increments to ensure that
+ # no nwell ring is crossed. There is no difference between
+ # ntaps in and out of deep nwell.
+ grow 1270
+ and nwell
+ grow 1270
+ and nwell
+ grow 1270
+ and nwell
+ grow 1270
+ and nwell
+ grow 1270
+ and nwell
+ grow 1270
+ and nwell
+ grow 1270
+ and nwell
+ grow 1270
+ and nwell
+ grow 1270
+ and nwell
+ grow 1270
+ and nwell
+ grow 1270
+ and nwell
+ grow 945
+ and nwell
+ templayer ntap_missing *pdiff,*mvpdiff
+ and-not dnwell
+ and-not ntap_reach
+ templayer dptap_reach psc,mvpsc
+ and dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell
+ and dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell
+ and dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell
+ and dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell
+ and dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell
+ and dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell
+ and dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell
+ and dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell
+ and dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell
+ and dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell
+ and dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell
+ and dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell
+ and dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell
+ and dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell
+ and dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell
+ and dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell
+ and dnwell
+ grow 840
+ and-not nwell
+ and dnwell
+ grow 635
+ and-not nwell
+ and dnwell
+ templayer dptap_missing *ndiff,*mvndiff
+ and dnwell
+ and-not dptap_reach
+ templayer m1_small_hole *m1
+ close 140000
+ templayer m1_hole_empty m1_small_hole
+ and-not *m1
+ templayer m2_small_hole *m2
+ close 140000
+ templayer m2_hole_empty m2_small_hole
+ and-not *m2
+style paint
+# NOTE: This style is used for database manipulations only via
+# the "cif paint" command.
+ scalefactor 10 nanometers
+ templayer m1grow *m1
+ grow 290
+ # layer listrap: Use the following set of commands to strap local
+ # interconnect wires with metal1 (inside the cursor box) to satisfy
+ # the maximum aspect ratio rule for local interconnect:
+ #
+ # tech unlock *
+ # cif ostyle paint
+ # cif paint m1strap comment
+ # cif paint m1strap m1
+ # cif paint listrap licon
+ # erase comment
+ templayer m1strap *li
+ and-not m1grow
+ grow 30
+ templayer listrap comment
+ slots 30 170 170 60
+# NOTE: All values in this section MUST be multiples of 25
+# or else magic will scale below the allowed layout grid size
+style vendorimport
+ scalefactor 10 nanometers
+ gridlimit 5
+ options ignore-unknown-layer-labels no-reconnect-labels
+#ifndef MIM
+ ignore CAPM
+ ignore CAPM2
+#endif (!MIM)
+#ifndef METAL5
+ ignore MET4,VIA3
+ ignore MET5,VIA4
+ ignore NPC
+ ignore SEALID
+ ignore NPNID
+ ignore PNPID
+ ignore CAPID
+ ignore LDNTM
+ ignore HVNTM
+ ignore POLYMOD
+ labels NWELL
+ labels WELLTXT text
+ labels WELLPIN port
+ layer pwell SUBTXT,SUBPIN
+ labels SUBTXT text
+ labels SUBPIN port
+ layer dnwell DNWELL
+ labels DNWELL
+ layer rpw PWRES
+ and DNWELL
+ labels PWRES
+ templayer ndiffarea DIFF,DIFFTXT,DIFFPIN
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not NWELL
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and-not DIODE
+ and-not DIFFRES
+ and-not THKOX
+ and NPLUS
+ copyup ndifcheck
+ labels DIFF
+ labels DIFFTXT text
+ labels DIFFPIN port
+ labels TAPPIN port
+ layer ndiff ndiffarea
+ # Copy ndiff areas up for contact checks
+ templayer xndifcheck ndifcheck
+ copyup ndifcheck
+ templayer mvndiffarea DIFF,DIFFTXT,DIFFPIN
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not NWELL
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and-not DIODE
+ and-not DIFFRES
+ and THKOX
+ and NPLUS
+ copyup ndifcheck
+ labels DIFF
+ labels DIFFTXT text
+ labels DIFFPIN port
+ layer mvndiff mvndiffarea
+ # Copy ndiff areas up for contact checks
+ templayer mvxndifcheck mvndifcheck
+ copyup mvndifcheck
+ layer ndiode DIFF
+ and NPLUS
+ and DIODE
+ and-not NWELL
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ and-not LVTN
+ labels DIFF
+ layer ndiodelvt DIFF
+ and NPLUS
+ and DIODE
+ and-not NWELL
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ and LVTN
+ labels DIFF
+ templayer ndiodearea DIODE
+ and NPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ and-not NWELL
+ copyup DIODE,NPLUS
+ layer ndiffres DIFFRES
+ and NPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ labels DIFF
+ templayer pdiffarea DIFF,DIFFTXT,DIFFPIN
+ and-not POLY
+ and NWELL
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and-not DIODE
+ and-not THKOX
+ and PPLUS
+ copyup pdifcheck
+ labels DIFF
+ labels DIFFTXT text
+ labels DIFFPIN port
+ layer pdiff pdiffarea
+ layer mvndiode DIFF
+ and NPLUS
+ and DIODE
+ and THKOX
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and-not LVTN
+ labels DIFF
+ layer nndiode DIFF
+ and NPLUS
+ and DIODE
+ and THKOX
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and LVTN
+ labels DIFF
+ templayer mvndiodearea DIODE
+ and NPLUS
+ and THKOX
+ and-not NWELL
+ copyup DIODE,NPLUS
+ layer mvndiffres DIFFRES
+ and NPLUS
+ and THKOX
+ labels DIFF
+ templayer mvpdiffarea DIFF,DIFFTXT,DIFFPIN
+ and-not POLY
+ and NWELL
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and THKOX
+ and-not DIODE
+ and-not DIFFRES
+ and PPLUS
+ copyup mvpdifcheck
+ labels DIFF
+ labels DIFFTXT text
+ labels DIFFPIN port
+ layer mvpdiff mvpdiffarea
+ # Copy pdiff areas up for contact checks
+ templayer xpdifcheck pdifcheck
+ copyup pdifcheck
+ layer pdiode DIFF
+ and PPLUS
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ and-not LVTN
+ and-not HVTP
+ and DIODE
+ labels DIFF
+ layer pdiodelvt DIFF
+ and PPLUS
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ and LVTN
+ and-not HVTP
+ and DIODE
+ labels DIFF
+ layer pdiodehvt DIFF
+ and PPLUS
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ and-not LVTN
+ and HVTP
+ and DIODE
+ labels DIFF
+ templayer pdiodearea DIODE
+ and PPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ copyup DIODE,PPLUS
+ # Define pfet areas as known pdiff, regardless of the presence of a well.
+ templayer pfetarea DIFF
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ and POLY
+ layer pfet pfetarea
+ and-not LVTN
+ and-not HVTP
+ and-not STDCELL
+ labels DIFF
+ layer scpfet pfetarea
+ and-not LVTN
+ and-not HVTP
+ labels DIFF
+ layer pfetlvt pfetarea
+ and LVTN
+ labels DIFF
+ layer pfethvt pfetarea
+ and HVTP
+ labels DIFF
+ # Always force nwell under pfet (nwell encloses pdiff by 0.18)
+ layer nwell pfetarea
+ grow 180
+ # Copy mvpdiff areas up for contact checks
+ templayer mvxpdifcheck mvpdifcheck
+ copyup mvpdifcheck
+ layer mvpdiode DIFF
+ and PPLUS
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and THKOX
+ and DIODE
+ labels DIFF
+ templayer mvpdiodearea DIODE
+ and PPLUS
+ and THKOX
+ copyup DIODE,PPLUS
+ # Define pfet areas as known pdiff,
+ # regardless of the presence of a
+ # well.
+ templayer mvpfetarea DIFF
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and THKOX
+ and POLY
+ layer mvpfet mvpfetarea
+ labels DIFF
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not THKOX
+ and-not DIODE
+ and-not DIFFRES
+ labels DIFF
+ labels DIFFTXT text
+ labels DIFFPIN port
+ layer pdiffres DIFFRES
+ and PPLUS
+ and NWELL
+ and-not THKOX
+ labels DIFF
+ layer nfet DIFF
+ and POLY
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and NPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ and-not LVTN
+ and-not SONOS
+ and-not STDCELL
+ labels DIFF
+ layer scnfet DIFF
+ and POLY
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and NPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ and-not LVTN
+ and-not SONOS
+ labels DIFF
+ layer nfetlvt DIFF
+ and POLY
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and NPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ and LVTN
+ and-not SONOS
+ labels DIFF
+ layer nsonos DIFF
+ and POLY
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and NPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ and LVTN
+ and SONOS
+ labels DIFF
+ templayer nsdarea DIFF
+ and NPLUS
+ and NWELL
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ copyup nsubcheck
+ layer nsd nsdarea
+ labels DIFF
+ layer nsd TAP,TAPPIN
+ and NPLUS
+ labels TAP
+ labels TAPPIN port
+ templayer nsdexpand nsdarea
+ grow 500
+ # Copy nsub areas up for contact checks
+ templayer xnsubcheck nsubcheck
+ copyup nsubcheck
+ templayer psdarea DIFF
+ and PPLUS
+ and-not NWELL
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ and-not pfetexpand
+ copyup psubcheck
+ layer psd psdarea
+ labels DIFF
+ layer psd TAP,TAPPIN
+ and PPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ labels TAP
+ labels TAPPIN port
+ templayer psdexpand psdarea
+ grow 500
+ layer mvpdiff DIFF,DIFFTXT,DIFFPIN
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and-not POLY
+ and THKOX
+ and mvpfetexpand
+ labels DIFF
+ labels DIFFTXT text
+ labels DIFFPIN port
+ layer mvpdiffres DIFFRES
+ and PPLUS
+ and NWELL
+ and THKOX
+ and-not mvrdpioedge
+ labels DIFF
+ layer mvnfet DIFF
+ and POLY
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and NPLUS
+ and-not LVTN
+ and THKOX
+ labels DIFF
+ layer mvnnfet DIFF
+ and POLY
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and NPLUS
+ and LVTN
+ and THKOX
+ labels DIFF
+ templayer mvnsdarea DIFF
+ and NPLUS
+ and NWELL
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and THKOX
+ copyup mvnsubcheck
+ layer mvnsd mvnsdarea
+ labels DIFF
+ layer mvnsd TAP,TAPPIN
+ and NPLUS
+ and THKOX
+ labels TAP
+ labels TAPPIN port
+ templayer mvnsdexpand mvnsdarea
+ grow 500
+ # Copy nsub areas up for contact checks
+ templayer mvxnsubcheck mvnsubcheck
+ copyup mvnsubcheck
+ templayer mvpsdarea DIFF
+ and PPLUS
+ and-not NWELL
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and THKOX
+ and-not mvpfetexpand
+ copyup mvpsubcheck
+ layer mvpsd mvpsdarea
+ labels DIFF
+ layer mvpsd TAP,TAPPIN
+ and PPLUS
+ and THKOX
+ labels TAP
+ labels TAPPIN port
+ templayer mvpsdexpand mvpsdarea
+ grow 500
+ # Copy psub areas up for contact checks
+ templayer xpsubcheck psubcheck
+ copyup psubcheck
+ templayer mvxpsubcheck mvpsubcheck
+ copyup mvpsubcheck
+ layer psd DIFF
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not THKOX
+ and-not pfetexpand
+ and psdexpand
+ layer nsd DIFF
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not THKOX
+ and nsdexpand
+ layer mvpsd DIFF
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and-not POLY
+ and THKOX
+ and-not mvpfetexpand
+ and mvpsdexpand
+ layer mvnsd DIFF
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and-not POLY
+ and THKOX
+ and mvnsdexpand
+ templayer hresarea POLY
+ and RPM
+ grow 3000
+ templayer uresarea POLY
+ and URPM
+ grow 3000
+ templayer diffresarea DIFFRES
+ and-not THKOX
+ grow 3000
+ templayer mvdiffresarea DIFFRES
+ and THKOX
+ grow 3000
+ templayer resarea diffresarea,mvdiffresarea,hresarea,uresarea
+ layer pfet POLY
+ and DIFF
+ and diffresarea
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and-not STDCELL
+ layer scpfet POLY
+ and DIFF
+ and diffresarea
+ and-not NPLUS
+ templayer xpolyterm RPM,URPM
+ and POLY
+ and-not POLYRES
+ # add back the 0.06um contact surround in the direction of the resistor
+ grow 60
+ and POLY
+ layer xpc xpolyterm
+ templayer polyarea POLY
+ and-not POLYRES
+ and-not POLYSHORT
+ and-not DIFF
+ and-not RPM
+ and-not URPM
+ copyup polycheck
+ layer poly polyarea,POLYTXT,POLYPIN
+ labels POLY
+ labels POLYTXT text
+ labels POLYPIN port
+ # Copy (non-resistor) poly areas up for contact checks
+ templayer xpolycheck polycheck
+ copyup polycheck
+ layer mrp1 POLY
+ and-not RPM
+ and-not URPM
+ labels POLY
+ layer rmp POLY
+ labels POLY
+ layer xhrpoly POLY
+ and RPM
+ and-not URPM
+ and PPLUS
+ and NPC
+ and-not xpolyterm
+ labels POLY
+ layer uhrpoly POLY
+ and URPM
+ and-not RPM
+ and NPC
+ and-not xpolyterm
+ labels POLY
+ templayer ndcbase CONT
+ and DIFF
+ and NPLUS
+ and-not NWELL
+ and LI
+ and-not THKOX
+ layer ndc ndcbase
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or ndcbase
+ labels CONT
+ templayer nscbase CONT
+ and DIFF,TAP
+ and NPLUS
+ and NWELL
+ and LI
+ and-not THKOX
+ layer nsc nscbase
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or nscbase
+ labels CONT
+ templayer pdcbase CONT
+ and DIFF
+ and PPLUS
+ and NWELL
+ and LI
+ and-not THKOX
+ layer pdc pdcbase
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or pdcbase
+ labels CONT
+ templayer pdcnowell CONT
+ and DIFF
+ and PPLUS
+ and pfetexpand
+ and LI
+ and-not THKOX
+ layer pdc pdcnowell
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or pdcnowell
+ labels CONT
+ templayer pscbase CONT
+ and DIFF,TAP
+ and PPLUS
+ and-not NWELL
+ and-not pfetexpand
+ and LI
+ and-not THKOX
+ layer psc pscbase
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or pscbase
+ labels CONT
+ templayer pcbase CONT
+ and POLY
+ and-not DIFF
+ and-not RPM,URPM
+ and LI
+ layer pc pcbase
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or pcbase
+ labels CONT
+ templayer ndicbase CONT
+ and DIFF
+ and NPLUS
+ and DIODE
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ and-not LVTN
+ layer ndic ndicbase
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or ndicbase
+ labels CONT
+ templayer ndilvtcbase CONT
+ and DIFF
+ and NPLUS
+ and DIODE
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ and LVTN
+ layer ndilvtc ndilvtcbase
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or ndilvtcbase
+ labels CONT
+ templayer pdicbase CONT
+ and DIFF
+ and PPLUS
+ and DIODE
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ and-not LVTN
+ and-not HVTP
+ layer pdic pdicbase
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or pdicbase
+ labels CONT
+ templayer pdilvtcbase CONT
+ and DIFF
+ and PPLUS
+ and DIODE
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ and LVTN
+ and-not HVTP
+ layer pdilvtc pdilvtcbase
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or pdilvtcbase
+ labels CONT
+ templayer pdihvtcbase CONT
+ and DIFF
+ and PPLUS
+ and DIODE
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ and-not LVTN
+ and HVTP
+ layer pdihvtc pdihvtcbase
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or pdihvtcbase
+ labels CONT
+ templayer mvndcbase CONT
+ and DIFF
+ and NPLUS
+ and-not NWELL
+ and LI
+ and THKOX
+ layer mvndc mvndcbase
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or mvndcbase
+ labels CONT
+ templayer mvnscbase CONT
+ and DIFF,TAP
+ and NPLUS
+ and NWELL
+ and LI
+ and THKOX
+ layer mvnsc mvnscbase
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or mvnscbase
+ labels CONT
+ templayer mvpdcbase CONT
+ and DIFF
+ and PPLUS
+ and NWELL
+ and LI
+ and THKOX
+ layer mvpdc mvpdcbase
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or mvpdcbase
+ labels CONT
+ templayer mvpdcnowell CONT
+ and DIFF
+ and PPLUS
+ and mvpfetexpand
+ and MET1
+ and THKOX
+ layer mvpdc mvpdcnowell
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or mvpdcnowell
+ labels CONT
+ templayer mvpscbase CONT
+ and DIFF,TAP
+ and PPLUS
+ and-not NWELL
+ and-not mvpfetexpand
+ and LI
+ and THKOX
+ layer mvpsc mvpscbase
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or mvpscbase
+ labels CONT
+ templayer mvndicbase CONT
+ and DIFF
+ and NPLUS
+ and DIODE
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and-not LVTN
+ and THKOX
+ layer mvndic mvndicbase
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or mvndicbase
+ labels CONT
+ templayer nndicbase CONT
+ and DIFF
+ and NPLUS
+ and DIODE
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and LVTN
+ and THKOX
+ layer nndic nndicbase
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or nndicbase
+ labels CONT
+ templayer mvpdicbase CONT
+ and DIFF
+ and PPLUS
+ and DIODE
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and THKOX
+ layer mvpdic mvpdicbase
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or mvpdicbase
+ labels CONT
+ layer locali LI,LITXT,LIPIN
+ and-not COREID
+ labels LI
+ labels LITXT text
+ labels LIPIN port
+ layer coreli LI,LITXT,LIPIN
+ and COREID
+ labels LI
+ labels LITXT text
+ labels LIPIN port
+ layer rli LI
+ layer lic MCON
+ grow 95
+ shrink 95
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or MCON
+ labels MCON
+ layer m1 MET1,MET1TXT,MET1PIN
+ labels MET1
+ labels MET1TXT text
+ labels MET1PIN port
+ layer rm1 MET1
+#ifdef MIM
+ layer mimcap MET3
+ and CAPM
+ labels CAPM
+ layer mimcc VIA3
+ and CAPM
+ grow 60
+ grow 40
+ shrink 40
+ labels CAPM
+ layer mimcap2 MET4
+ and CAPM2
+ labels CAPM2
+ layer mim2cc VIA4
+ and CAPM2
+ grow 190
+ grow 210
+ shrink 210
+ labels CAPM2
+#endif (MIM)
+ templayer m2cbase VIA1
+ grow 55
+ layer m2c m2cbase
+ grow 30
+ shrink 30
+ shrink 130
+ grow 130
+ or m2cbase
+ layer m2 MET2,MET2TXT,MET2PIN
+ labels MET2
+ labels MET2TXT text
+ labels MET2PIN port
+ layer rm2 MET2
+ templayer m3cbase VIA2
+ grow 40
+ layer m3c m3cbase
+ grow 60
+ shrink 60
+ shrink 140
+ grow 140
+ or m3cbase
+ layer m3 MET3,MET3TXT,MET3PIN
+#ifdef MIM
+ and-not CAPM
+#endif (MIM)
+ labels MET3
+ labels MET3TXT text
+ labels MET3PIN port
+ layer rm3 MET3
+#ifdef (METAL5)
+ templayer via3base VIA3
+#ifdef MIM
+ and-not CAPM
+#endif (MIM)
+ grow 60
+ layer via3 via3base
+ grow 40
+ shrink 40
+ shrink 160
+ grow 160
+ or via3base
+ layer m4 MET4,MET4TXT,MET4PIN
+#ifdef MIM
+ and-not CAPM2
+#endif (MIM)
+ labels MET4
+ labels MET4TXT text
+ labels MET4PIN port
+ layer rm4 MET4
+ layer m5 MET5,MET5TXT,MET5PIN
+ labels MET5
+ labels MET5TXT text
+ labels MET5PIN port
+ layer rm5 MET5
+ templayer via4base VIA4
+#ifdef MIM
+ and-not CAPM2
+#endif (MIM)
+ grow 190
+ layer via4 via4base
+ grow 210
+ shrink 210
+ shrink 590
+ grow 590
+ or via4base
+#endif (METAL5)
+ layer metrdl RDL,RDLTXT,RDLPIN
+ labels RDL
+ labels RDLTXT text
+ labels RDLPIN port
+ # Find diffusion not covered in
+ # NPLUS or PPLUS and pull it into
+ # the next layer up
+ templayer gentrans DIFF
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and POLY
+ copyup DIFF,POLY
+ templayer gendiff DIFF,TAP
+ and-not PPLUS
+ and-not NPLUS
+ and-not POLY
+ copyup DIFF
+ # Handle contacts found by copyup
+ templayer ndiccopy CONT
+ and LI
+ and DIODE
+ and NPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ layer ndic ndiccopy
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or ndiccopy
+ labels CONT
+ templayer mvndiccopy CONT
+ and LI
+ and DIODE
+ and NPLUS
+ and THKOX
+ layer mvndic mvndiccopy
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or mvndiccopy
+ labels CONT
+ templayer pdiccopy CONT
+ and LI
+ and DIODE
+ and PPLUS
+ and-not THKOX
+ layer pdic pdiccopy
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or pdiccopy
+ labels CONT
+ templayer mvpdiccopy CONT
+ and LI
+ and DIODE
+ and PPLUS
+ and THKOX
+ layer mvpdic mvpdiccopy
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or mvpdiccopy
+ labels CONT
+ templayer ndccopy CONT
+ and ndifcheck
+ layer ndc ndccopy
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or ndccopy
+ labels CONT
+ templayer mvndccopy CONT
+ and mvndifcheck
+ layer mvndc mvndccopy
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or mvndccopy
+ labels CONT
+ templayer pdccopy CONT
+ and pdifcheck
+ layer pdc pdccopy
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or pdccopy
+ labels CONT
+ templayer mvpdccopy CONT
+ and mvpdifcheck
+ layer mvpdc mvpdccopy
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or mvpdccopy
+ labels CONT
+ templayer pccopy CONT
+ and polycheck
+ layer pc pccopy
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or pccopy
+ labels CONT
+ templayer nsccopy CONT
+ and nsubcheck
+ layer nsc nsccopy
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or nsccopy
+ labels CONT
+ templayer mvnsccopy CONT
+ and mvnsubcheck
+ layer mvnsc mvnsccopy
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or mvnsccopy
+ labels CONT
+ templayer psccopy CONT
+ and psubcheck
+ layer psc psccopy
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or psccopy
+ labels CONT
+ templayer mvpsccopy CONT
+ and mvpsubcheck
+ layer mvpsc mvpsccopy
+ grow 85
+ shrink 85
+ shrink 85
+ grow 85
+ or mvpsccopy
+ labels CONT
+ # Find contacts not covered in
+ # metal and pull them into the
+ # next layer up
+ templayer gencont CONT
+ and LI
+ and-not DIFF,TAP
+ and-not POLY
+ and-not DIODE
+ and-not nsubcheck
+ and-not psubcheck
+ and-not mvnsubcheck
+ and-not mvpsubcheck
+ copyup CONT,LI
+ templayer barecont CONT
+ and-not LI
+ and-not nsubcheck
+ and-not psubcheck
+ and-not mvnsubcheck
+ and-not mvpsubcheck
+ copyup CONT
+ labels GLASS
+ labels PADTXT text
+ labels PADPIN port
+ templayer boundary BOUND,STDCELL,PADCELL
+ boundary
+ layer comment LVSTEXT
+ labels LVSTEXT text
+ layer comment TTEXT
+ labels TTEXT text
+# MOS Varactor
+ layer var POLY
+ and DIFF
+ and NPLUS
+ and NWELL
+ and-not THKOX
+ and-not HVTP
+ grow 25
+ labels POLY
+ layer varhvt POLY
+ and DIFF
+ and NPLUS
+ and NWELL
+ and-not THKOX
+ and HVTP
+ grow 25
+ labels POLY
+ layer mvvar POLY
+ and DIFF
+ and NPLUS
+ and NWELL
+ and THKOX
+ grow 25
+ labels POLY
+ calma NWELL 64 20
+ calma DIFF 65 20
+ calma DNWELL 64 18
+ calma PWRES 64 13
+ calma TAP 65 44
+ # LVTN
+ calma LVTN 125 44
+ # HVTP
+ calma HVTP 78 44
+ calma SONOS 80 20
+ calma NPLUS 93 44
+ calma PPLUS 94 20
+ # HVI
+ calma THKOX 75 20
+ # NPC
+ calma NPC 95 20
+ calma RPM 86 20
+ calma URPM 79 20
+ calma LDNTM 11 44
+ calma HVNTM 125 20
+ # Poly resistor ID mark
+ calma POLYRES 66 13
+ # Diffusion resistor ID mark
+ calma DIFFRES 65 13
+ calma POLY 66 20
+ calma POLYMOD 66 83
+ # Diode ID mark
+ calma DIODE 81 23
+ # Bipolar NPN mark
+ calma NPNID 82 20
+ # Bipolar PNP mark
+ calma PNPID 82 20
+ # Capacitor ID
+ calma CAPID 82 64
+ # Core area ID mark
+ calma COREID 81 2
+ # Standard cell ID mark
+ calma STDCELL 81 4
+ # Padframe cell ID mark
+ calma PADCELL 81 3
+ # Seal ring ID mark
+ calma SEALID 81 1
+ # Low tap density ID mark
+ calma LOWTAPDENSITY 81 14
+ calma CONT 66 44
+ calma LI 67 20
+ calma MCON 67 44
+ calma MET1 68 20
+ calma VIA1 68 44
+ calma MET2 69 20
+ calma VIA2 69 44
+ calma MET3 70 20
+#ifdef METAL5
+ calma VIA3 70 44
+ calma MET4 71 20
+ calma VIA4 71 44
+ calma MET5 72 20
+ calma RDL 74 20
+ calma GLASS 76 20
+ calma SUBPIN 64 59
+ calma PADPIN 76 5
+ calma DIFFPIN 65 6
+ calma TAPPIN 65 5
+ calma WELLPIN 64 5
+ calma LIPIN 67 5
+ calma POLYPIN 66 5
+ calma MET1PIN 68 5
+ calma MET2PIN 69 5
+ calma MET3PIN 70 5
+#ifdef METAL5
+ calma MET4PIN 71 5
+ calma MET5PIN 72 5
+ calma RDLPIN 74 5
+ calma LIRES 67 13
+ calma MET1RES 68 13
+ calma MET2RES 69 13
+ calma MET3RES 70 13
+#ifdef METAL5
+ calma MET4RES 71 13
+ calma MET5RES 72 13
+ calma POLYSHORT 66 15
+ calma LISHORT 67 15
+ calma MET1SHORT 68 15
+ calma MET2SHORT 69 15
+ calma MET3SHORT 70 15
+#ifdef METAL5
+ calma MET4SHORT 71 15
+ calma MET5SHORT 72 15
+ calma SUBTXT 122 16
+ calma PADTXT 76 16
+ calma DIFFTXT 65 16
+ calma POLYTXT 66 16
+ calma WELLTXT 64 16
+ calma LITXT 67 16
+ calma MET1TXT 68 16
+ calma MET2TXT 69 16
+ calma MET3TXT 70 16
+#ifdef METAL5
+ calma MET4TXT 71 16
+ calma MET5TXT 72 16
+ calma RDLPIN 74 16
+ calma BOUND 235 4
+ calma LVSTEXT 83 44
+#ifdef (MIM)
+ calma CAPM 89 44
+ calma CAPM2 97 44
+#endif (MIM)
+ calma FILLOBSM1 62 24
+ calma FILLOBSM2 105 52
+ calma FILLOBSM3 107 24
+ calma FILLOBSM4 112 4
+# Digital flow maze router cost parameters
+# Vendor DRC rules
+ style drc variants (fast),(full),(routing)
+ scalefactor 10
+ cifstyle drc
+ variants (fast),(full)
+ width dnwell 3000 "Deep N-well width < %d (Dnwell 2)"
+ spacing dnwell dnwell 6300 touching_ok "Deep N-well spacing < %d (Dnwell 3)"
+ spacing dnwell allnwell 4500 surround_ok \
+ "Deep N-well spacing to N-well < %d (Nwell 7)"
+ cifmaxwidth nwell_missing 0 bend_illegal \
+ "N-well overlap of Deep N-well < 0.4um outside, 1.03um inside (Nwell 5a, 7)"
+ cifmaxwidth dnwell_missing 0 bend_illegal \
+ "SONOS nFET must be in Deep N-well (Tunm 6a)"
+ width allnwell 840 "N-well width < %d (Nwell 1)"
+ spacing allnwell allnwell 1270 touching_ok "N-well spacing < %d (Nwell 2a)"
+ width *ndiff,nfet,scnfet,*nsd,*ndiode,ndiffres,*pdiff,pfet,scpfet,*psd,*pdiode,pdiffres \
+ 150 "Diffusion width < %d (Diff/tap 1)"
+ width *mvndiff,mvnfet,mvnnfet,*mvndiode,*nndiode,mvndiffres,*mvpdiff,mvpfet,*mvpdiode 290 \
+ "MV Diffusion width < %d (Diff/tap 14)"
+ width *mvnsd,*mvpsd 150 "MV Tap width < %d (Diff/tap 1)"
+ extend *mvpsd *mvndiff 700 "MV Butting tap length < %d (Diff/tap 16)"
+ extend *mvnsd *mvpdiff 700 "MV Butting tap length < %d (Diff/tap 16)"
+ extend *psd *ndiff 290 "Butting tap length < %d (Diff/tap 4)"
+ extend *nsd *pdiff 290 "Butting tap length < %d (Diff/tap 4)"
+ width mvpdiffres 150 "MV P-Diffusion resistor width < %d (Diff/tap 14a)"
+ spacing alldifflv,var,varhvt alldifflv,var,varhvt 270 touching_ok \
+ "Diffusion spacing < %d (Diff/tap 3)"
+ spacing alldiffmvnontap,mvvar alldiffmvnontap,mvvar 300 touching_ok \
+ "MV Diffusion spacing < %d (Diff/tap 15a)"
+ spacing alldiffmv *mvnsd,*mvpsd 270 touching_ok \
+ "MV Diffusion to MV tap spacing < %d (Diff/tap 3)"
+ spacing *mvndiff,mvnfet,mvnnfet,*mvndiode,*nndiode,mvndiffres,mvvar *mvpsd 370 \
+ touching_ok "MV P-Diffusion to MV N-tap spacing < %d (Diff/tap 15b)"
+ spacing *mvnsd,*mvpdiff,mvpfet,mvvar,*mvpdiode *mvpsd,*psd 760 touching_illegal \
+ "MV Diffusion in N-well to P-tap spacing < %d (Diff/tap 20 + Diff/tap 17,19)"
+ spacing *ndiff,*ndiode,nfet allnwell 340 touching_illegal \
+ "N-Diffusion spacing to N-well < %d (Diff/tap 9)"
+ spacing *mvndiff,*mvndiode,mvnfet,mvnnfet allnwell 340 touching_illegal \
+ "N-Diffusion spacing to N-well < %d (Diff/tap 9)"
+ spacing *psd allnwell 130 touching_illegal \
+ "P-tap spacing to N-well < %d (Diff/tap 11)"
+ spacing *mvpsd allnwell 130 touching_illegal \
+ "P-tap spacing to N-well < %d (Diff/tap 11)"
+ surround *nsd allnwell 180 absence_illegal \
+ "N-well overlap of N-tap < %d (Diff/tap 10)"
+ surround *mvnsd allnwell 330 absence_illegal \
+ "N-well overlap of MV N-tap < %d (Diff/tap 19)"
+ surround *pdiff,*pdiode,pfet,scpfet allnwell 180 absence_illegal \
+ "N-well overlap of P-Diffusion < %d (Diff/tap 8)"
+ surround *mvpdiff,*mvpdiode,mvpfet allnwell 330 absence_illegal \
+ "N-well overlap of P-Diffusion < %d (Diff/tap 17)"
+ surround mvvar allnwell 560 absence_illegal \
+ "N-well overlap of MV varactor < %d (LVTN 10 + LVTN 4b)"
+ spacing *mvndiode *mvndiode 1070 touching_ok \
+ "MV N-diode spacing < %d (HVNTM.2 + 2 * HVNTM.3)"
+ # Butting junction rules
+ edge4way (*psd)/a ~(*ndiff,*psd)/a 125 ~(*ndiff)/a (*ndiff)/a 125 \
+ "N-Diffusion to P-tap spacing < %d across butted junction"
+ edge4way (*ndiff)/a ~(*ndiff,*psd)/a 125 ~(*psd)/a (*psd)/a 125 \
+ "N-Diffusion to P-tap spacing < %d across butted junction"
+ edge4way (*nsd)/a ~(*pdiff,*nsd)/a 125 ~(*pdiff)/a (*pdiff)/a 125 \
+ "P-Diffusion to N-tap spacing < %d across butted junction"
+ edge4way (*pdiff)/a ~(*pdiff,*nsd)/a 125 ~(*nsd)/a (*nsd)/a 125 \
+ "P-Diffusion to N-tap spacing < %d across butted junction"
+ edge4way (*mvpsd)/a ~(*mvndiff,*mvpsd)/a 125 ~(*mvndiff)/a (*mvndiff)/a 125 \
+ "MV N-Diffusion to MV P-tap spacing < %d across butted junction"
+ edge4way (*mvndiff)/a ~(*mvndiff,*mvpsd)/a 125 ~(*mvpsd)/a (*mvpsd)/a 125 \
+ "MV N-Diffusion to MV P-tap spacing < %d across butted junction"
+ edge4way (*mvnsd)/a ~(*mvpdiff,*mvnsd)/a 125 ~(*mvpdiff)/a (*mvpdiff)/a 125 \
+ "MV P-Diffusion to MV N-tap spacing < %d across butted junction"
+ edge4way (*mvpdiff)/a ~(*mvpdiff,*mvnsd)/a 125 ~(*mvnsd)/a (*mvnsd)/a 125 \
+ "MV P-Diffusion to MV N-tap spacing < %d across butted junction"
+ variants (full)
+ # Latchup rules
+ cifmaxwidth ptap_missing 0 bend_illegal \
+ "N-diff distance to P-tap must be < 15.0um (LU 2)"
+ cifmaxwidth dptap_missing 0 bend_illegal \
+ "N-diff distance to P-tap in deep Nwell must be < 15.0um (LU 2.1)"
+ cifmaxwidth ntap_missing 0 bend_illegal \
+ "P-diff distance to N-tap must be < 15.0um (LU 3)"
+ variants *
+ width allpoly 150 "Poly width < %d (Poly 1a)"
+ spacing allpoly allpoly 210 touching_ok "Poly spacing < %d (Poly 2)"
+ spacing allpolynonfet alldifflvnonfet 75 corner_ok allfets \
+ "Poly spacing to Diffusion < %d (Poly 4a)"
+ spacing npres *nsd 480 touching_illegal \
+ "Poly resistor spacing to N-tap < %d (Poly 9)"
+ overhang *ndiff,rndiff nfet,scnfet 250 "N-Diffusion overhang of nmos < %d (Poly 7)"
+ overhang *mvndiff,mvrndiff mvnfet,mvnnfet 250 \
+ "N-Diffusion overhang of nmos < %d (Poly 7)"
+ overhang *pdiff,rpdiff pfet,scpfet 250 "P-Diffusion overhang of pmos < %d (Poly 7)"
+ overhang *mvpdiff,mvrpdiff mvpfet 250 "P-Diffusion overhang of pmos < %d (Poly 7)"
+ overhang *poly allfets 130 "Poly overhang of transistor < %d (Poly 8)"
+ rect_only allfets "No bends in transistors (Poly 11)"
+ rect_only xhrpoly,uhrpoly "No bends in poly resistors (Poly 11)"
+ extend xpc/a xhrpoly,uhrpoly 2160 \
+ "Poly contact extends poly resistor by < %d (LIcon 1c + LI 5)"
+ spacing xhrpoly,uhrpoly xhrpoly,uhrpoly 1240 touching_illegal \
+ "Distance between precision resistors < %d (RPM 2 + 2 * RPM 3)"
+# NPC (Nitride Poly Cut)
+# Layer NPC is defined automatically around poly contacts (grow 0.1um)
+# CONT (LICON, contact between poly/diff and LI)
+ width ndc/li 170 "N-diffusion contact width < %d (LIcon 1)"
+ width nsc/li 170 "N-tap contact width < %d (LIcon 1)"
+ width pdc/li 170 "P-diffusion contact width < %d (LIcon 1)"
+ width psc/li 170 "P-tap contact width < %d (LIcon 1)"
+ width ndic/li 170 "N-diode contact width < %d (LIcon 1)"
+ width pdic/li 170 "P-diode contact width < %d (LIcon 1)"
+ width pc/li 170 "Poly contact width < %d (LIcon 1)"
+ width xpc/li 350 "Poly resistor contact width < %d (LIcon 1b + 2 * LI 5)"
+ width mvndc/li 170 "N-diffusion contact width < %d (LIcon 1)"
+ width mvnsc/li 170 "N-tap contact width < %d (LIcon 1)"
+ width mvpdc/li 170 "P-diffusion contact width < %d (LIcon 1)"
+ width mvpsc/li 170 "P-tap contact width < %d (LIcon 1)"
+ width mvndic/li 170 "N-diode contact width < %d (LIcon 1)"
+ width mvpdic/li 170 "P-diode contact width < %d (LIcon 1)"
+ spacing allpdiffcont allndiffcont 170 touching_illegal \
+ "Diffusion contact spacing < %d (LIcon 2)"
+ spacing allndiffcont allndiffcont 170 touching_ok \
+ "Diffusion contact spacing < %d (LIcon 2)"
+ spacing allpdiffcont allpdiffcont 170 touching_ok \
+ "Diffusion contact spacing < %d (LIcon 2)"
+ spacing pc pc 170 touching_ok "Poly1 contact spacing < %d (LIcon 2)"
+ spacing pc alldiff 190 touching_illegal \
+ "Poly contact spacing to diffusion < %d (LIcon 14)"
+ spacing pc allpfets 235 touching_illegal \
+ "Poly contact spacing to pFET < %d (LIcon 9 + PSDM 5a)"
+ spacing ndc,pdc nfet,pfet 55 touching_illegal \
+ "Diffusion contact to gate < %d (LIcon 11)"
+ spacing ndc,pdc scnfet,scpfet 50 touching_illegal \
+ "Diffusion contact to standard cell gate < %d (LIcon 11)"
+ spacing mvndc,mvpdc mvnfet,mvnnfet,mvpfet 55 touching_illegal \
+ "Diffusion contact to gate < %d (LIcon 11)"
+ spacing ndc,mvndc rnd,mvrnd 60 touching_illegal "Diffusion contact to rndiff < %d ()"
+ spacing pdc,mvpdc rdp,mvrdp 60 touching_illegal "Diffusion contact to rndiff < %d ()"
+ spacing nsc varactor,varhvt 250 touching_illegal \
+ "Diffusion contact to varactor gate < %d (LIcon 10)"
+ spacing mvnsc mvvar 250 touching_illegal \
+ "Diffusion contact to varactor gate < %d (LIcon 10)"
+ surround ndc/a *ndiff,nfet,scnfet,nfetlvt 40 absence_illegal \
+ "N-diffusion overlap of N-diffusion contact < %d (LIcon 5a)"
+ surround pdc/a *pdiff,pfet,scpfet,pfethvt,pfetlvt 40 absence_illegal \
+ "P-diffusion overlap of P-diffusion contact < %d (LIcon 5a)"
+ surround ndic/a *ndi 40 absence_illegal \
+ "N-diode overlap of N-diode contact < %d (LIcon 5a)"
+ surround pdic/a *pdi 40 absence_illegal \
+ "P-diode overlap of N-diode contact < %d (LIcon 5a)"
+ surround ndc/a *ndiff,nfet,scnfet,nfetlvt 60 directional \
+ "N-diffusion overlap of N-diffusion contact < %d in one direction (LIcon 5c)"
+ surround pdc/a *pdiff,pfet,scpfet,pfethvt,pfetlvt 60 directional \
+ "P-diffusion overlap of P-diffusion contact < %d in one direction (LIcon 5c)"
+ surround ndic/a *ndi 60 directional \
+ "N-diode overlap of N-diode contact < %d in one direction (LIcon 5c)"
+ surround pdic/a *pdi 60 directional \
+ "P-diode overlap of N-diode contact < %d in one direction (LIcon 5c)"
+ surround nsc/a *nsd 120 directional \
+ "N-tap overlap of N-tap contact < %d in one direction (LIcon 7)"
+ surround psc/a *psd 120 directional \
+ "P-tap overlap of P-tap contact < %d in one direction (LIcon 7)"
+ surround mvndc/a *mvndiff,mvnfet 40 absence_illegal \
+ "N-diffusion overlap of N-diffusion contact < %d (LIcon 5a)"
+ surround mvpdc/a *mvpdiff,mvpfet 40 absence_illegal \
+ "P-diffusion overlap of P-diffusion contact < %d (LIcon 5a)"
+ surround mvndic/a *mvndi 40 absence_illegal \
+ "N-diode overlap of N-diode contact < %d (LIcon 5a)"
+ surround mvpdic/a *mvpdi 40 absence_illegal \
+ "P-diode overlap of N-diode contact < %d (LIcon 5a)"
+ surround mvndc/a *mvndiff,mvnfet 60 directional \
+ "N-diffusion overlap of N-diffusion contact < %d in one direction (LIcon 5c)"
+ surround mvpdc/a *mvpdiff,mvpfet 60 directional \
+ "P-diffusion overlap of P-diffusion contact < %d in one direction (LIcon 5c)"
+ surround mvndic/a *mvndi 60 directional \
+ "N-diode overlap of N-diode contact < %d in one direction (LIcon 5c)"
+ surround mvpdic/a *mvpdi 60 directional \
+ "P-diode overlap of N-diode contact < %d in one direction (LIcon 5c)"
+ surround mvnsc/a *mvnsd 120 directional \
+ "N-tap overlap of N-tap contact < %d in one direction (LIcon 7)"
+ surround mvpsc/a *mvpsd 120 directional \
+ "P-tap overlap of P-tap contact < %d in one direction (LIcon 7)"
+ surround pc/a *poly,mrp1,xhrpoly,uhrpoly 50 absence_illegal \
+ "Poly overlap of poly contact < %d (LIcon 8)"
+ surround pc/a *poly,mrp1,xhrpoly,uhrpoly 80 directional \
+ "Poly overlap of poly contact < %d in one direction (LIcon 8a)"
+ exact_overlap ndc/a,pdc/a,psc/a,nsc/a,pc/a,ndic/a,pdic/a
+ exact_overlap mvndc/a,mvpdc/a,mvpsc/a,mvnsc/a,mvndic/a,mvpdic/a
+# LI - Local interconnect layer
+ width *li,rli 170 "Local interconnect width < %d (LI 1)"
+ width coreli 140 "Core local interconnect width < %d (LI c1)"
+ spacing allli allli,*obsli 170 touching_ok "Local interconnect spacing < %d (LI 3)"
+ spacing coreli allli,*obsli 140 touching_ok "Core local interconnect spacing < %d (LI c2)"
+ surround pc/li *li 80 directional \
+ "Local interconnect overlap of poly contact < %d in one direction (LI 5)"
+ surround ndc/li,nsc/li,pdc/li,psc/li,ndic/li,pdic/li,mvndc/li,mvnsc/li,mvpdc/li,mvpsc/li,mvndic/li,mvpdic/li \
+ *li,rli 80 directional \
+ "Local interconnect overlap of diffusion contact < %d in one direction (LI 5)"
+ area allli,*obsli 56100 170 "Local interconnect minimum area < %a (LI 6)"
+# MCON - Contact between local interconnect and metal1
+ width lic/m1 170 "Mcon width < %d (Mcon 1)"
+ spacing lic/m1 lic/m1,obslic/m1 170 touching_ok "Mcon spacing < %d (Mcon 2)"
+ exact_overlap lic/m1
+# METAL1 -
+ width *m1,rm1 140 "Metal1 width < %d (Met1 1)"
+ spacing allm1 allm1,*obsm1 140 touching_ok "Metal1 spacing < %d (Met1 2)"
+ area allm1,*obsm1 83000 140 "Metal1 minimum area < %a (Met1 6)"
+ surround lic/m1 *met1 30 absence_illegal \
+ "Metal1 overlap of local interconnect contact < %d (Met1 4)"
+ surround lic/m1 *met1 60 directional \
+ "Metal1 overlap of local interconnect contact < %d in one direction (Met1 5)"
+variants (fast),(full)
+ widespacing allm1 3000 allm1,*obsm1 280 touching_ok \
+ "Metal1 > 3um spacing to unrelated m1 < %d (Met1 3a)"
+ widespacing *obsm1 3000 allm1 280 touching_ok \
+ "Metal1 > 3um spacing to unrelated m1 < %d (Met1 3a)"
+variants (full)
+ cifmaxwidth m1_hole_empty 0 bend_illegal \
+ "Min area of metal1 holes > 0.14um^2 (Met1 7)"
+variants *
+# VIA1
+ width v1/m1 260 "Via1 width < %d (Via 1a + 2 * Via 4a)"
+ spacing v1 v1 60 touching_ok "Via1 spacing < %d (Via 2 - 2 * Via 4a)"
+ surround v1/m1 *m1 30 directional \
+ "Metal1 overlap of Via1 < %d in one direction (Via 5a - Via 4a)"
+ surround v1/m2 *m2 30 directional \
+ "Metal2 overlap of Via1 < %d in one direction (Met2 5 - Met2 4)"
+ exact_overlap v1/m2
+# METAL2 -
+ width allm2 140 "Metal2 width < %d (Met2 1)"
+ spacing allm2 allm2,obsm2 140 touching_ok "Metal2 spacing < %d (Met2 2)"
+ area allm2,obsm2 67600 140 "Metal2 minimum area < %a (Met2 6)"
+variants (fast),(full)
+ widespacing allm2 3000 allm2,obsm2 280 touching_ok \
+ "Metal2 > 3um spacing to unrelated m2 < %d (Met2 3)"
+ widespacing obsm2 3000 allm2 280 touching_ok \
+ "Metal2 > 3um spacing to unrelated m2 < %d (Met2 3)"
+variants (full)
+ cifmaxwidth m2_hole_empty 0 bend_illegal \
+ "Min area of metal2 holes > 0.14um^2 (Met2 7)"
+variants *
+# VIA2
+ width v2/m2 280 "Via2 width < %d (Via2 1a + 2 * Via2 4)"
+ spacing v2 v2 120 touching_ok "Via2 spacing < 0.24um (Via2 2 - 2 * Via2 4)"
+ surround v2/m2 *m2 45 directional \
+ "Metal2 overlap of Via2 < %d in one direction (Via2 4a - Via2 4)"
+ surround v2/m3 *m3 25 absence_illegal "Metal3 overlap of Via2 < %d (Met3 4)"
+ exact_overlap v2/m2
+# METAL3 -
+ width allm3 300 "Metal3 width < %d (Met3 1)"
+ spacing allm3 allm3,obsm3 300 touching_ok "Metal3 spacing < %d (Met3 2)"
+ area allm3,obsm3 240000 300 "Metal3 minimum area < %a (Met3 6)"
+variants (fast),(full)
+ widespacing allm3 3000 allm3,obsm3 400 touching_ok \
+ "Metal3 > 3um spacing to unrelated m3 < %d (Met3 3d)"
+ widespacing obsm3 3000 allm3 400 touching_ok \
+ "Metal3 > 3um spacing to unrelated m3 < %d (Met3 3d)"
+variants *
+#ifdef METAL5
+# VIA3 - Requires METAL5 Module
+ width v3/m3 320 "Via3 width < %d (Via3 1 + 2 * Via3 4)"
+ spacing v3 v3 80 touching_ok "Via3 spacing < %d (Via3 2 - 2 * Via3 4)"
+ surround v3/m3 *m3 30 directional \
+ "Metal3 overlap of Via3 in one direction < %d (Via3 5 - Via3 4)"
+ surround v3/m4 *m4 5 directional \
+ "Metal4 overlap of Via3 in one direction < %d (Met4 3 - Via3 4)"
+ exact_overlap v3/m3
+# METAL4 - METAL4 Module
+variants *
+ width allm4 300 "Metal4 width < %d (Met4 1)"
+ spacing allm4 allm4,obsm4 300 touching_ok "Metal4 spacing < %d (Met4 2)"
+ area allm4,obsm4 240000 300 "Metal4 minimum area < %a (Met4 4a)"
+variants (fast),(full)
+ widespacing allm4 3000 allm4,obsm4 400 touching_ok \
+ "Metal4 > 3um spacing to unrelated m4 < %d (S2M4)"
+ widespacing obsm4 3000 allm4 400 touching_ok \
+ "Metal4 > 3um spacing to unrelated m4 < %d (S2M4)"
+variants *
+# VIA4 - Requires METAL5 Module
+ width v4/m4 1180 "Via4 width < %d (Via4 1 + 2 * Via4 4)"
+ spacing v4 v4 420 touching_ok "Via4 spacing < %d (Via4 2 - 2 * Via4 4)"
+ surround v4/m5 *m5 120 absence_illegal \
+ "Metal5 overlap of Via4 < %d (Met5 3 - Via4 4)"
+ exact_overlap v4/m4
+# METAL5 - METAL5 Module
+ width allm5 1600 "Metal5 width < %d (Met5 1)"
+ spacing allm5 allm5,obsm5 1600 touching_ok "Metal5 spacing < %d (Met5 2)"
+ area allm5,obsm5 4000000 1600 "Metal5 minimum area < %a (Met5 4)"
+#endif (METAL5)
+variants (full)
+ width metrdl 10000 "RDL width < %d (Rdl 1)"
+ spacing metrdl metrdl 10000 touching_ok "RDL spacing < %d (Rdl 2)"
+ surround glass metrdl 10750 absence_ok "RDL must surround glass cut by %d (Rdl 3)"
+ spacing metrdl padl 19660 surround_ok "RDL spacing to unrelated pad < %d (Rdl 6)"
+variants *
+ extend allfets *poly 420 "Transistor width < %d (Diff/tap 2)"
+ # Except: Note that standard cells allow transistor width minimum 0.36um
+ width pfetlvt 350 "LVT PMOS gate length < %d (Poly 1b)"
+ spacing *nsd,*mvnsd allpolynonfet 55 touching_illegal \
+ "N-tap spacing to field poly < %d (Poly 5)"
+ spacing *psd,*mvpsd allpolynonfet 55 touching_illegal \
+ "P-tap spacing to field poly < %d (Poly 5)"
+ # Full edge rule required to describe FET to butted tap distance
+ edge4way *psd *ndiff 300 *ndiff *psd 300 \
+ "Butting P-tap spacing to NMOS gate < %d (Poly 6)"
+ edge4way *nsd *pdiff 300 *pdiff *nsd 300 \
+ "Butting N-tap spacing to PMOS gate < %d (Poly 6)"
+ edge4way *mvpsd *mvndiff 300 *mvndiff *mvpsd 300 \
+ "Butting MV P-tap spacing to MV NMOS gate < %d (Poly 6)"
+ edge4way *mvnsd *mvpdiff 300 *mvpdiff *mvnsd 300 \
+ "Butting MV N-tap spacing to MV PMOS gate < %d (Poly 6)"
+ # No LV FETs in HV diff
+ spacing pfet,scpfet,pfetlvt,pfethvt,*pdiff *mvpdiff 360 touching_illegal \
+ "LV P-diffusion to MV P-diffusion < %d (Diff/tap 23 + Diff/tap 22)"
+ spacing nfet,scnfet,nfetlvt,varactor,varhvt,*ndiff *mvndiff 360 touching_illegal \
+ "LV N-diffusion to MV N-diffusion < %d (Diff/tap 23 + Diff/tap 22)"
+ # No HV FETs in LV diff
+ spacing mvpfet,*mvpdiff *pdiff 360 touching_illegal \
+ "MV P-diffusion to LV P-diffusion < %d (Diff/tap 23 + Diff/tap 22)"
+ spacing mvnfet,mvvaractor,*mvndiff *ndiff 360 touching_illegal \
+ "MV N-diffusion to LV N-diffusion < %d (Diff/tap 23 + Diff/tap 22)"
+ # Minimum length of MV FETs. Note that this is larger than the minimum
+ # width (0.29um), so an edge rule is required
+ edge4way mvndiff mvnfet 500 mvnfet 0 0 \
+ "MV NMOS minimum length < %d (Poly 13)"
+ edge4way mvnsd mvvaractor 500 mvvaractor 0 0 \
+ "MV Varactor minimum length < %d (Poly 13)"
+ edge4way mvpdiff mvpfet 500 mvpfet 0 0 \
+ "MV PMOS minimum length < %d (Poly 13)"
+# mrp1 (N+ poly resistor)
+ width mrp1 330 "mrp1 resistor width < %d (Poly 3)"
+# xhrpoly (P+ poly resistor)
+ width xhrpoly 350 "xhrpoly resistor width < %d (P+ Poly 1a)"
+ # NOTE: xhrpoly resistor requires choice of discrete widths 0.35, 0.69, ... up to 1.27.
+# uhrpoly (P+ poly resistor, 2kOhm/sq)
+ width uhrpoly 350 "uhrpoly resistor width < %d"
+ spacing xhrpoly,uhrpoly,xpc alldiff 480 touching_illegal \
+ "xhrpoly/uhrpoly resistor spacing to diffusion < %d (Poly 9)"
+# MOS Varactor device rules
+ overhang *nsd var,varhvt 250 \
+ "N-Tap overhang of Varactor < %d (Var 4)"
+ overhang *mvnsd mvvar 250 \
+ "N-Tap overhang of Varactor < %d (Var 4)"
+ width var,varhvt,mvvar 180 "Varactor length < %d (Var 1)"
+ extend var,varhvt,mvvar *poly 1000 "Varactor width < %d (Var 2)"
+#ifdef MIM
+# MiM CAP (CAPM) -
+ width *mimcap 2000 "MiM cap width < %d (Capm 1)"
+ spacing *mimcap *mimcap 840 touching_ok "MiM cap spacing < %d (Capm 2a)"
+ spacing *mimcap via2/m3 1270 touching_illegal \
+ "MiM cap spacing to via2 < %d (Capm 5)"
+ surround *mimcc *mimcap 200 absence_illegal \
+ "MiM cap must surround MiM cap contact by %d (Capm 4)"
+ rect_only *mimcap "MiM cap must be rectangular (Capm 7)
+ surround *mimcap *metal3/m3 140 absence_illegal \
+ "Metal3 must surround MiM cap by %d (Capm 3)"
+ spacing via2 *mimcap 50 touching_illegal "MiM cap cannot overlap via2 (Capm 8)"
+ spacing via3 *mimcap 50 touching_illegal "MiM cap cannot overlap via3 (Capm 8)"
+ # (resolve scaling issue!)
+ # cifspacing mim_bottom mim_bottom 1200 touching_ok \
+ # "MiM cap bottom plate spacing < %d (Capm 2b)"
+ # MiM cap contact rules (VIA3)
+ width mimcc/m3 320 "MiM cap contact width < %d (Via3 1 + 2 * Via3 4)"
+ spacing mimcc mimcc 80 touching_ok "MiM cap contact spacing < %d (Via3 2 - 2 * Via3 4)"
+ surround mimcc/m4 *m4 5 directional \
+ "Metal4 overlap of MiM cap contact in one direction < %d (Met4 3 - Via3 4)"
+ exact_overlap mimcc/m3
+ width *mimcap2 2000 "MiM cap width < %d (Cap2m 1)"
+ spacing *mimcap2 *mimcap2 840 touching_ok "MiM cap spacing < %d (Cap2m 2a)"
+ spacing *mimcap2 via3/m4 1270 touching_illegal \
+ "MiM cap spacing to via3 < %d (Cap2m 5)"
+ surround *mim2cc *mimcap2 200 absence_illegal \
+ "MiM cap must surround MiM cap contact by %d (Cap2m 4)"
+ rect_only *mimcap2 "MiM cap must be rectangular (Cap2m 7)
+ surround *mimcap2 *metal4/m4 140 absence_illegal \
+ "Metal4 must surround MiM cap by %d (Cap2m 3)"
+ spacing via3 *mimcap2 50 touching_illegal "MiM cap cannot overlap via3 (Cap2m 8)"
+ spacing via4 *mimcap2 50 touching_illegal "MiM cap cannot overlap via4 (Cap2m 8)"
+ # (resolve scaling issue!)
+ # cifspacing mim2_bottom mim2_bottom 1200 touching_ok \
+ # "MiM2 cap bottom plate spacing < %d (Cap2m 2b)"
+ # MiM cap contact rules (VIA4)
+ width mim2cc/m4 1180 "MiM2 cap contact width < %d (Via4 1 + 2 * Via4 4)"
+ spacing mim2cc mim2cc 420 touching_ok \
+ "MiM2 cap contact spacing < %d (Via4 2 - 2 * Via4 4)"
+ surround mim2cc/m5 *m5 120 absence_illegal \
+ "Metal5 overlap of MiM2 cap contact < %d (Met5 3 - Via4 4)"
+ exact_overlap mim2cc/m4
+#endif (MIM)
+# End DRC style
+# LEF format definitions
+ routing li li1 LI1 LI li
+ routing m1 met1 MET1 m1
+ routing m2 met2 MET2 m2
+ routing m3 met3 MET3 m3
+#ifdef METAL5
+ routing m4 met4 MET4 m4
+ routing m5 met5 MET5 m5
+#endif (METAL5)
+ routing mrdl met6 MET6 m6 MRDL METRDL
+ cut lic mcon MCON Mcon
+ cut m2c via via1 VIA VIA1 cont2 via12
+ cut m3c via2 VIA2 cont3 via23
+#ifdef METAL5
+ cut via3 via3 VIA3 cont4 via34
+ cut via4 via4 VIA4 cont5 via45
+#endif (METAL5)
+ obs obsli li1
+ obs obsm1 met1
+ obs obsm2 met2
+ obs obsm3 met3
+#ifdef METAL5
+ obs obsm4 met4
+ obs obsm5 met5
+#endif (METAL5)
+ obs obsmrdl met6
+ obs obslic mcon
+# Device and Parasitic extraction
+ style ngspice variants (lvs),(sim),(si)
+ cscale 1
+ # NOTE: SkyWater SPICE libraries use .option scale 1E6 so all
+ # dimensions must be in units of microns in the extract file.
+ # Use extract style "ngspice(si)" to override this and produce
+ # a file with SI units for length/area.
+ variants (lvs),(sim)
+ lambda 1E6
+ variants (si)
+ lambda 1.0
+ variants *
+ units microns
+ step 7
+ sidehalo 2
+ # NOTE: MiM cap layers have been purposely put out of order,
+ # may want to reconsider.
+ planeorder dwell 0
+ planeorder well 1
+ planeorder active 2
+ planeorder locali 3
+ planeorder metal1 4
+ planeorder metal2 5
+ planeorder metal3 6
+#ifdef METAL5
+ planeorder metal4 7
+ planeorder metal5 8
+ planeorder metali 9
+ planeorder block 10
+ planeorder comment 11
+ planeorder cap1 12
+ planeorder cap2 13
+ planeorder block 9
+ planeorder comment 10
+ planeorder cap1 11
+ planeorder cap2 12
+#else (!METAL5)
+ planeorder metali 7
+ planeorder block 8
+ planeorder comment 9
+ planeorder cap1 10
+ planeorder cap2 11
+ planeorder block 7
+ planeorder comment 8
+ planeorder cap1 9
+ planeorder cap2 10
+#endif (!METAL5)
+ height dnwell -0.1 0.1
+ height nwell,pwell 0.0 0.2062
+ height alldiff 0.2062 0.12
+ height allpoly 0.3262 0.18
+ height alldiffcont 0.3262 0.61
+ height pc 0.5062 0.43
+ height allli 0.9361 0.10
+ height lic 1.0361 0.34
+ height allm1 1.3761 0.36
+ height v1 1.7361 0.27
+ height allm2 2.0061 0.36
+ height v2 2.3661 0.42
+ height allm3 2.7861 0.845
+#ifdef METAL5
+ height v3 3.6311 0.39
+ height allm4 4.0211 0.845
+ height v4 4.8661 0.505
+ height allm5 5.3711 1.26
+ height mimcap 2.4661 0.2
+ height mimcap2 3.7311 0.2
+ height mimcc 2.6661 0.12
+ height mim2cc 3.9311 0.09
+ height mrdlc 6.6311 5.2523
+ height mrdl 11.8834 4.0
+#endif (!METAL5)
+ # Antenna check parameters
+ # Note that checks w/diode diffusion are not modeled
+ model partial
+ antenna poly sidewall 50 none
+ antenna allcont surface 3 none
+ antenna li sidewall 75 0 450
+ antenna lic surface 3 0 18
+ antenna m1,m2,m3 sidewall 400 2600 400
+ antenna v1 surface 3 0 18
+ antenna v2 surface 6 0 36
+#ifdef METAL5
+ antenna m4,m5 sidewall 400 2600 400
+ antenna v3,v4 surface 6 0 36
+#endif (METAL5)
+ tiedown alldiffnonfet
+ substrate *ppdiff,*mvppdiff,space/w,pwell well $SUB -dnwell
+# Layer resistance: Use document xp018-PDS-v4_2_1.pdf
+# Resistances are in milliohms per square
+# Optional 3rd argument is the corner adjustment fraction
+# Device values come from trtc.cor (typical corner)
+ resist (dnwell)/dwell 2200000
+ resist (pwell)/well 3050000
+ resist (nwell)/well 1700000
+ resist (rpw)/well 3050000 0.5
+ resist (*ndiff,nsd)/active 120000
+ resist (*pdiff,*psd)/active 197000
+ resist (*mvndiff,mvnsd)/active 114000
+ resist (*mvpdiff,*mvpsd)/active 191000
+ resist ndiffres/active 120000 0.5
+ resist pdiffres/active 197000 0.5
+ resist mvndiffres/active 114000 0.5
+ resist mvpdiffres/active 191000 0.5
+ resist mrp1/active 48200 0.5
+ resist xhrpoly/active 319800 0.5
+ resist uhrpoly/active 2000000 0.5
+ resist (allpolynonres)/active 48200
+ resist rmp/active 48200
+ resist (allli)/locali 12200
+ resist (allm1)/metal1 125
+ resist (allm2)/metal2 125
+ resist (allm3)/metal3 47
+#ifdef METAL5
+ resist (allm4)/metal4 47
+ resist (allm5)/metal5 29
+#endif (METAL5)
+ resist mrdl/metali 5
+ contact ndc,nsc 15000
+ contact pdc,psc 15000
+ contact mvndc,mvnsc 15000
+ contact mvpdc,mvpsc 15000
+ contact pc 15000
+ contact lic 152000
+ contact m2c 4500
+ contact m3c 3410
+#ifdef METAL5
+#ifdef MIM
+ contact mimcc 4500
+ contact mim2cc 3410
+#endif (MIM)
+ contact via3 3410
+ contact via4 380
+#endif (METAL5)
+ contact mrdlc 6
+# Parasitic capacitance values: Use document (...)
+# This uses the new "default" definitions that determine the intervening
+# planes from the planeorder stack, take care of the reflexive sideoverlap
+# definitions, and generally clean up the section and make it more readable.
+# Also uses "units microns" statement, so all parasitic capacitance values
+# are taken directly from the source document PDS_035_03, in units of
+# aF/um^2 for area caps and aF/um for perimeter and sidewall caps.
+# Remember that device capacitances to substrate are taken care of by the
+# models. Thus, active and poly definitions ignore all "fet" types.
+# fet types are excluded when computing parasitic capacitance to
+# active from layers above them because poly is a shield; fet types are
+# included for parasitics from layers above to poly. Resistor types
+# should be removed from all parasitic capacitance calculations, or else
+# they just create floating caps. Technically, the capacitance probably
+# should be split between the two terminals. Unsure of the correct model.
+# NOTE: This value not found in PEX files
+defaultareacap nwell well 120
+# Rely on device models to capture *ndiff area cap
+# Do not extract parasitics from resistors
+# defaultareacap allnactivenonfet active 790
+# defaultperimeter allnactivenonfet active 280
+# Rely on device models to capture *pdiff area cap
+# Do not extract parasitics from resistors
+# defaultareacap allpactivenonfet active 810
+# defaultperimeter allpactivenonfet active 300
+# Do not extract parasitics from resistors
+# defaultsidewall allpolynonfet active 22
+# defaultareacap allpolynonfet active 105
+# defaultperimeter allpolynonfet active 57
+ defaultsidewall *poly active 63
+ defaultareacap *poly active nwell,obswell,pwell well 63
+ defaultperimeter *poly active nwell,obswell,pwell well 16
+ defaultsidewall allm1 metal1 113
+ defaultareacap allm1 metal1 nwell,obswell,pwell well 37
+ defaultperimeter allm1 metal1 nwell,obswell,pwell well 8
+ defaultoverlap allm1 metal1 nwell well 37
+ defaultoverlap allm1 metal1 allactivenonfet active 36
+ defaultsideoverlap allm1 metal1 allactivenonfet active 9
+ defaultoverlap allm1 metal1 allpolynonres active 46
+ defaultsideoverlap allm1 metal1 allpolynonres active 10
+ defaultsidewall allm1 metal1 113
+ defaultareacap allm1 metal1 nwell,obswell,pwell well 17
+ defaultperimeter allm1 metal1 nwell,obswell,pwell well 8
+ defaultoverlap allm1 metal1 nwell well 26
+ defaultoverlap allm1 metal1 allactivenonfet active 36
+ defaultsideoverlap allm1 metal1 allactivenonfet active 9
+ defaultoverlap allm1 metal1 allactivenonfet active 36
+ defaultsideoverlap allm1 metal1 allactivenonfet active 9
+ defaultoverlap allm1 metal1 allpolynonres active 46
+ defaultsideoverlap allm1 metal1 allpolynonres active 10
+ defaultsidewall allm2 metal2 101
+ defaultareacap allm2 metal2 nwell,obswell,pwell well 12
+ defaultperimeter allm2 metal2 nwell,obswell,pwell well 6
+ defaultoverlap allm2 metal2 nwell well 13
+ defaultoverlap allm2 metal2 allactivenonfet active 14
+ defaultsideoverlap allm2 metal2 allactivenonfet active 7
+ defaultoverlap allm2 metal2 allpolynonres active 16
+ defaultsideoverlap allm2 metal2 allpolynonres active 7
+ defaultoverlap allm2 metal2 allm1 metal1 39
+ defaultsideoverlap allm2 metal2 allm1 metal1 10
+ defaultsidewall allm3 metal3 102
+ defaultoverlap allm3 metal3 nwell well 8
+ defaultareacap allm3 metal3 nwell,obswell,pwell well 8
+ defaultperimeter allm3 metal3 nwell,obswell,pwell well 5
+ defaultoverlap allm3 metal3 allactive active 9
+ defaultsideoverlap allm3 metal3 allactive active 6
+ defaultoverlap allm3 metal3 allpolynonres active 10
+ defaultsideoverlap allm3 metal3 allpolynonres active 6
+ defaultoverlap allm3 metal3 allm1 metal1 15
+ defaultsideoverlap allm3 metal3 allm1 metal1 7
+ defaultoverlap allm3 metal3 allm2 metal2 39
+ defaultsideoverlap allm3 metal3 allm2 metal2 10
+#ifdef METAL5
+ defaultsidewall allm4 metal4 102
+# defaultareacap alltopm metal4 well 6
+ areacap allm4/m4 8
+ defaultoverlap allm4 metal4 nwell well 8
+ defaultperimeter allm4 metal4 well 5
+ defaultoverlap allm4 metal4 allactivenonfet active 7
+ defaultsideoverlap allm4 metal4 allactivenonfet active 7
+ defaultoverlap allm4 metal4 allpolynonres active 7
+ defaultsideoverlap allm4 metal4 allpolynonres active 5
+ defaultoverlap allm4 metal4 allm1 metal1 9
+ defaultsideoverlap allm4 metal4 allm1 metal1 6
+ defaultoverlap allm4 metal4 allm2 metal2 15
+ defaultsideoverlap allm4 metal4 allm2 metal2 7
+ defaultoverlap allm4 metal4 allm3 metal3 39
+ defaultsideoverlap allm4 metal4 allm3 metal3 10
+ defaultsidewall allm5 metal5 103
+# defaultareacap allm5 metal5 well 6
+ areacap allm5/m5 6
+ defaultoverlap allm5 metal5 nwell well 6
+ defaultperimeter allm5 metal5 well 5
+ defaultoverlap allm5 metal5 allactivenonfet active 5
+ defaultsideoverlap allm5 metal5 allactivenonfet active 5
+ defaultoverlap allm5 metal5 allpolynonres active 5
+ defaultsideoverlap allm5 metal5 allpolynonres active 5
+ defaultoverlap allm5 metal5 allm1 metal1 7
+ defaultsideoverlap allm5 metal5 allm1 metal1 5
+ defaultoverlap allm5 metal5 allm2 metal2 9
+ defaultsideoverlap allm5 metal5 allm2 metal2 6
+ defaultoverlap allm5 metal5 allm3 metal3 15
+ defaultsideoverlap allm5 metal5 allm3 metal3 7
+ defaultoverlap allm5 metal5 allm4 metal4 39
+ defaultsideoverlap allm5 metal5 allm4 metal4 10
+#endif (METAL5)
+# Devices: Use document (...)
+variants (sim)
+ device msubcircuit pshort pfet,scpfet *pdiff,pdiffres *pdiff,pdiffres nwell error l=l w=w
+ device msubcircuit plowvt pfetlvt *pdiff,pdiffres *pdiff,pdiffres nwell error l=l w=w
+ device msubcircuit phighvt pfethvt *pdiff,pdiffres *pdiff,pdiffres nwell error l=l w=w
+ device msubcircuit nshort nfet,scnfet *ndiff,ndiffres *ndiff,ndiffres pwell,space/w error l=l w=w
+ device msubcircuit nlowvt nfetlvt *ndiff,ndiffres *ndiff,ndiffres pwell,space/w error l=l w=w
+ device msubcircuit sonos_e nsonos *ndiff,ndiffres *ndiff,ndiffres pwell,space/w error l=l w=w
+ device subcircuit xcnwvc varactor *nndiff nwell error l=l w=w
+ device subcircuit xcnwvc2 varhvt *nndiff nwell error l=l w=w
+ device subcircuit xchvnwc mvvaractor *mvnndiff nwell error l=l w=w
+ device msubcircuit phv mvpfet *mvpdiff,mvpdiffres *mvpdiff,mvpdiffres nwell error l=l w=w
+ device msubcircuit nhv mvnfet *mvndiff,mvndiffres *mvndiff,mvndiffres pwell,space/w error l=l w=w
+ device msubcircuit nhvnative mvnnfet *mvndiff,mvndiffres *mvndiff,mvndiffres pwell,space/w error l=l w=w
+ device rsubcircuit short rmp *poly space/w,pwell,nwell error l=l w=w
+ device rsubcircuit short rli1 *li,coreli space/w,pwell,nwell error l=l w=w
+ device rsubcircuit short rmetal1 *metal1 space/w,pwell,nwell error l=l w=w
+ device rsubcircuit short rmetal2 *metal2 space/w,pwell,nwell error l=l w=w
+ device rsubcircuit short rmetal3 *metal3 space/w,pwell,nwell error l=l w=w
+#ifdef METAL5
+ device rsubcircuit short rm4 *m4 space/w,pwell,nwell error l=l w=w
+ device rsubcircuit short rm5 *m5 space/w,pwell,nwell error l=l w=w
+#endif (METAL5)
+ device rsubcircuit xhrpoly xhrpoly xpc pwell,space/w error l=l w=w
+ device rsubcircuit uhrpoly uhrpoly xpc pwell,space/w error l=l w=w
+ device rsubcircuit mrp1 mrp1 *poly pwell,space/w error l=l w=w
+ device rsubcircuit mrdn ndiffres *ndiff pwell,space/w error l=l w=w
+ device rsubcircuit mrdp pdiffres *pdiff nwell error l=l w=w
+ device rsubcircuit xpwres rpw pwell dnwell error l=l w=w
+ device rsubcircuit mrdn_hv mvndiffres *mvndiff pwell,space/w error l=l w=w
+ device rsubcircuit mrdp_hv mvpdiffres *mvpdiff nwell error l=l w=w
+ device subcircuit pdiode *pdiode nwell a=a p=p
+ device msubcircuit ndiode *ndiode pwell,space/w a=a p=p
+ device subcircuit pdiode_h *mvpdiode nwell a=a p=p
+ device msubcircuit ndiode_h *mvndiode pwell,space/w a=a p=p
+ # These are parasitic devices
+ device msubcircuit ndiode_lvt *ndiodelvt pwell,space/w a=a p=p
+ device subcircuit pdiode_lvt *pdiodelvt nwell a=a p=p
+ device subcircuit pdiode_hvt *pdiodehvt nwell a=a p=p
+ device msubcircuit ndiode_native *nndiode pwell,space/w a=a p=p
+#ifdef MIM
+ device subcircuit xcmimc1 *mimcap m3 nwell,pwell,space/w error a=a p=p s=subs
+ device subcircuit xcmimc2 *mimcap2 m4,mimcc/m4 nwell,pwell,space/w error a=a p=p s=subs
+#endif (MIM)
+ variants (lvs),(si)
+ device mosfet pshort scpfet,pfet pdiff,pdiffres,pdc nwell
+ device mosfet plowvt pfetlvt pdiff,pdiffres,pdc nwell
+ device mosfet phighvt pfethvt pdiff,pdiffres,pdc nwell
+ device mosfet nshort scnfet,nfet ndiff,ndiffres,ndc pwell,space/w
+ device mosfet nlowvt nfetlvt ndiff,ndiffres,ndc pwell,space/w
+ device mosfet sonos_e nsonos ndiff,ndiffres,ndc pwell,space/w
+ device mosfet phv mvpfet mvpdiff,mvpdiffres,mvpdc nwell
+ device mosfet nhv mvnfet mvndiff,mvndiffres,mvndc pwell,space/w
+ device mosfet nhvnative mvnnfet *mvndiff,mvndiffres pwell,space/w
+ # These devices always extract as subcircuits
+ device subcircuit xcnwvc varactor *nndiff nwell error l=l w=w
+ device subcircuit xcnwvc2 varhvt *nndiff nwell error l=l w=w
+ device subcircuit xchvnwc mvvaractor *mvnndiff nwell error l=l w=w
+ device resistor short rmp *poly
+ device resistor short rli1 *li,coreli
+ device resistor short rmetal1 *metal1
+ device resistor short rmetal2 *metal2
+ device resistor short rmetal3 *metal3
+#ifdef METAL5
+ device resistor short rm4 *m4
+ device resistor short rm5 *m5
+#endif (METAL5)
+ device resistor xhrpoly xhrpoly xpc
+ device resistor uhrpoly uhrpoly xpc
+ device resistor mrp1 mrp1 *poly
+ device resistor mrdn ndiffres *ndiff
+ device resistor mrdp pdiffres *pdiff
+ device resistor mrdn_hv mvndiffres *mvndiff
+ device resistor mrdp_hv mvpdiffres *mvpdiff
+ device resistor xpwres rpw pwell
+ device pdiode pdiode *pdiode nwell a=a p=p
+ device ndiode ndiode *ndiode pwell,space/w a=a p=p
+ device pdiode pdiode_h *mvpdiode nwell a=a p=p
+ device ndiode ndiode_h *mvndiode pwell,space/w a=a p=p
+ # These are parasitic devices
+ device ndiode ndiode_lvt *ndiodelvt pwell,space/w a=a p=p
+ device pdiode pdiode_lvt *pdiodelvt nwell a=a p=p
+ device pdiode pdiode_hvt *pdiodehvt nwell a=a p=p
+ device ndiode ndiode_native *nndiode pwell,space/w a=a p=p
+ device subcircuit pdiode_h *mvpdiode nwell a=a p=p
+ device msubcircuit ndiode_h *mvndiode pwell,space/w a=a p=p
+#ifdef MIM
+ device capacitor xcmimc1 *mimcap *m3 1
+ device capacitor xcmimc2 *mimcap2 *m4 1
+#endif (MIM)
+# Wiring tool definitions
+ # All wiring values are in nanometers
+ scalefactor 10
+ contact lic 170 li 0 0 m1 30 60
+ contact v1 260 m1 0 30 m2 0 30
+ contact v2 280 m2 0 45 m3 25 0
+#ifdef METAL5
+ contact v3 320 m3 0 30 m4 0 5
+ contact v4 1180 m4 0 m5 120
+#endif (METAL5)
+ contact pc 170 poly 50 80 li 0 80
+ contact pdc 170 pdiff 40 60 li 0 80
+ contact ndc 170 ndiff 40 60 li 0 80
+ contact psc 170 psd 40 60 li 0 80
+ contact nsc 170 nsd 40 60 li 0 80
+# Plain old router. . .
+# Plowing (restored in magic 8.2, need to fill this section)
+# No special plot layers defined (use default PNM color choices)
+ style pnm
+ default
+ draw fillblock no_color_at_all
+ draw nwell cwell
diff --git a/sky130/sky130_fd_sc_hd_config.tcl b/sky130/sky130_fd_sc_hd_config.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d9393a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/sky130_fd_sc_hd_config.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+set current_folder [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]]
+# Technology lib
+set ::env(LIB_SYNTH) "$::env(PDK_ROOT)/$::env(PDK)/libs.ref/lib/$::env(PDK_VARIANT)/sky130_fd_sc_hd_tt_1.80v_25C.lib"
+set ::env(LIB_MAX) "$::env(PDK_ROOT)/$::env(PDK)/libs.ref/lib/$::env(PDK_VARIANT)/sky130_fd_sc_hd_ff_1.95v_-40C.lib"
+set ::env(LIB_MIN) "$::env(PDK_ROOT)$::env(PDK)/libs.ref/lib/$::env(PDK_VARIANT)/sky130_fd_sc_hd_ss_1.60v_100C.lib"
+set ::env(LIB_TYPICAL) $::env(LIB_SYNTH)
+# welltap and endcap cells
+set ::env(FP_WELLTAP_CELL) "sky130_fd_sc_hd_tapvpwrvgnd_1"
+set ::env(FP_ENDCAP_CELL) "sky130_fd_sc_hd_decap_3"
+# defaults (can be overridden by designs):
+set ::env(SYNTH_DRIVING_CELL) "sky130_fd_sc_hd_inv_8"
+#capacitance : 0.017653;
+# update these
+set ::env(SYNTH_CAP_LOAD) "17.65" ; # femtofarad _inv_8 pin A cap
+set ::env(SYNTH_MIN_BUF_PORT) "sky130_fd_sc_hd_buf_2 A X"
+set ::env(SYNTH_TIEHI_PORT) "sky130_fd_sc_hd_conb_1 HI"
+set ::env(SYNTH_TIELO_PORT) "sky130_fd_sc_hd_conb_1 LO"
+# cts defaults
+set ::env(CTS_ROOT_BUFFER) sky130_fd_sc_hd_clkbuf_16
+set ::env(CELL_CLK_PORT) CLK
+# Placement defaults
+set ::env(PL_LIB) $::env(LIB_TYPICAL)
+# Fillcell insertion
+set ::env(FILL_CELL) "sky130_fd_sc_hd_decap_ sky130_fd_sc_hd_fill_"
+set ::env(CELL_PAD) 2
+set ::env(CELL_PAD_EXECLUDE) "$::env(PDK_VARIANT)_tap* $::env(PDK_VARIANT)_decap* $::env(PDK_VARIANT)_fill*"
+set ::env(ROOT_CLK_BUFFER) $::env(PDK_VARIANT)_clkbuf_16
+set ::env(CLK_BUFFER) $::env(PDK_VARIANT)_clkbuf_4
+set ::env(CLK_BUFFER_INPUT) A
diff --git a/sky130/sky130_make_torture.tcl b/sky130/sky130_make_torture.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..580dc0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/sky130_make_torture.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+# Torture test generator for EFS8
+# (Specifically for EFS8B)
+# (work in progress)
+namespace path {::tcl::mathop ::tcl::mathfunc}
+# Set random seed so that torture test is not random from run to run.
+srand 1234567
+# NxN array MOSFET devices
+proc mos_array {n devname startx starty {deltax 12700} {deltay 254}} {
+ suspendall
+ box position $startx $starty
+ set i 0
+ for {set x 0} {$x < $n} {incr x} {
+ for {set y 0} {$y < $n} {incr y} {
+ set r [int [* [rand] 20]]
+ set w [+ 0.22 [* 0.5 $r]]
+ set r [int [* [rand] 20]]
+ set l [+ 0.18 [* 0.3 $r]]
+ set m [int [+ 1 [* [rand] 8]]]
+ set nf [int [+ 1 [* [rand] 8]]]
+ set r [int [* [rand] 8]]
+ set dcov [+ 20 [* 10 $r]]
+ set r [int [* [rand] 8]]
+ set pcov [+ 20 [* 10 $r]]
+ set r [int [* [rand] 8]]
+ set rlcov [+ 20 [* 10 $r]]
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set pov 1} else {set pov 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set dov 1} else {set dov 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set tc 1} else {set tc 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set bc 1} else {set bc 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set fm 1} else {set fm 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set gl 1} else {set gl 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set gr 1} else {set gr 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set gt 1} else {set gt 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set gb 1} else {set gb 0}
+ magic::gencell sky130::${devname} ${devname}_$i \
+ w $w l $l m $m nf $nf diffcov $dcov polycov $pcov \
+ rlcov $rlcov poverlap $pov doverlap $dov topc $tc \
+ botc $bc full_metal $fm glc $gl grc $gr gbc $gb gtc $gt
+ select cell ${devname}_$i
+ set bh [box height]
+ set bh [+ $bh $deltay]
+ box move n $bh
+ incr i
+ }
+ set bp [box position]
+ set bpx [lindex $bp 0]
+ box position $bpx $starty
+ box move e $deltax
+ }
+ resumeall
+# NxN array resistor devices
+proc res_array {n devname startx starty {deltax 12700} {deltay 254}} {
+ suspendall
+ box position $startx $starty
+ set i 0
+ for {set x 0} {$x < $n} {incr x} {
+ for {set y 0} {$y < $n} {incr y} {
+ set r [int [* [rand] 10]]
+ set w [+ 0.42 [* 0.5 $r]]
+ set r [int [* [rand] 50]]
+ set l [+ 2.10 [* 2.0 $r]]
+ set m [int [+ 1 [* [rand] 2]]]
+ set nx [int [+ 1 [* [rand] 10]]]
+ set r [int [* [rand] 8]]
+ set ecov [+ 20 [* 10 $r]]
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set rov 1} else {set rov 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set sn 1} else {set sn 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set fm 1} else {set fm 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set gl 1} else {set gl 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set gr 1} else {set gr 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set gt 1} else {set gt 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set gb 1} else {set gb 0}
+ # Snake geometry does not apply to xhrpoly, uhrpoly, and xpwres, and
+ # roverlap and endcov are prohibited.
+ if {$devname == "xhrpoly" || $devname == "uhrpoly" || $devname == "xpwres"} {
+ magic::gencell sky130::${devname} ${devname}_$i \
+ w $w l $l m $m nx $nx full_metal $fm \
+ glc $gl grc $gr gbc $gb gtc $gt
+ } else {
+ magic::gencell sky130::${devname} ${devname}_$i \
+ w $w l $l m $m nx $nx endcov $ecov roverlap $rov \
+ snake $sn full_metal $fm glc $gl grc $gr gbc $gb gtc $gt
+ }
+ select cell ${devname}_$i
+ set bh [box height]
+ set bh [+ $bh $deltay]
+ box move n $bh
+ incr i
+ }
+ set bp [box position]
+ set bpx [lindex $bp 0]
+ box position $bpx $starty
+ box move e $deltax
+ }
+ resumeall
+# NxN array diode devices
+proc diode_array {n devname startx starty} {
+ suspendall
+ box position $startx $starty
+ set i 0
+ for {set x 0} {$x < $n} {incr x} {
+ for {set y 0} {$y < $n} {incr y} {
+ set r [int [* [rand] 10]]
+ set w [+ 0.42 [* 0.5 $r]]
+ set r [int [* [rand] 10]]
+ set l [+ 0.42 [* 0.5 $r]]
+ set nx [int [+ 1 [* [rand] 4]]]
+ set ny [int [+ 1 [* [rand] 4]]]
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set dov 1} else {set dov 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set el 1} else {set el 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set er 1} else {set er 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set et 1} else {set et 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set eb 1} else {set eb 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set fm 1} else {set fm 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set gl 1} else {set gl 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set gr 1} else {set gr 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set gt 1} else {set gt 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set gb 1} else {set gb 0}
+ magic::gencell sky130::${devname} ${devname}_$i \
+ w $w l $l nx $nx ny $ny doverlap $dov \
+ full_metal $fm elc $el erc $er etc $et \
+ ebc $eb glc $gl grc $gr gbc $gb gtc $gt
+ select cell ${devname}_$i
+ set bh [box height]
+ set bh [+ $bh 254]
+ box move n $bh
+ incr i
+ }
+ set bp [box position]
+ set bpx [lindex $bp 0]
+ box position $bpx $starty
+ box move e 12700
+ }
+ resumeall
+# NxN array cap devices
+proc cap_array {n devname startx starty {deltax 12700} {deltay 160}} {
+ suspendall
+ box position $startx $starty
+ set i 0
+ for {set x 0} {$x < $n} {incr x} {
+ for {set y 0} {$y < $n} {incr y} {
+ set r [int [* [rand] 10]]
+ set w [+ 2.00 [* 1.0 $r]]
+ set r [int [* [rand] 10]]
+ set l [+ 2.00 [* 1.0 $r]]
+ set nx [int [+ 1 [* [rand] 4]]]
+ set ny [int [+ 1 [* [rand] 4]]]
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set bc 1} else {set bc 0}
+ if {[rand] > 0.5} {set tc 1} else {set tc 0}
+ magic::gencell sky130::${devname} ${devname}_$i \
+ w $w l $l nx $nx ny $ny bconnect $bc tconnect $tc
+ select cell ${devname}_$i
+ set bh [box height]
+ set bh [+ $bh $deltay]
+ box move n $bh
+ incr i
+ }
+ set bp [box position]
+ set bpx [lindex $bp 0]
+ box position $bpx $starty
+ box move e $deltax
+ }
+ resumeall
+# NxN fixed devices
+proc fixed_array {n devname startx starty} {
+ suspendall
+ box position $startx $starty
+ set i 0
+ for {set x 0} {$x < $n} {incr x} {
+ for {set y 0} {$y < $n} {incr y} {
+ set nx [int [+ 1 [* [rand] 4]]]
+ set ny [int [+ 1 [* [rand] 4]]]
+ # Do not change the deltas---this will cause DRC problems
+ set r 0
+ # set r [int [* [rand] 10]]
+ set deltax [/ $r 10.0]
+ # set r [int [* [rand] 10]]
+ set deltay [/ $r 10.0]
+ magic::gencell sky130::${devname} ${devname}_$i \
+ nx $nx ny $ny deltax $deltax deltay $deltay
+ select cell ${devname}_$i
+ set bh [box height]
+ set bh [* $bh [+ $ny 1]]
+ box move n $bh
+ incr i
+ }
+ set bp [box position]
+ set bpx [lindex $bp 0]
+ box position $bpx $starty
+ box move e 20000
+ }
+ resumeall
+snap int
+box size 0 0
+# Layout:
+# phv
+# mrl1 mrp1 mrdp mrdp_hv
+# nhv pdiode_h
+# ndiode_h
+# pshort nndiode
+# xhrpoly xpwres mrdn mrdn_hv pdiode
+# nshort ndiode
+mos_array 6 nshort 0 0
+mos_array 6 pshort 0 75000
+mos_array 6 nhv 0 150000
+mos_array 6 phv 0 225000
+mos_array 6 nlowvt 0 300000
+mos_array 6 sonos_e 0 375000 12700 1650
+mos_array 6 plowvt 0 450000
+mos_array 6 phighvt 0 525000
+mos_array 6 nhvnative 0 600000
+res_array 6 xhrpoly 100000 0
+res_array 6 mrl1 100000 180000
+res_array 6 uhrpoly 100000 360000
+res_array 6 xpwres 200000 0 13500 1100
+res_array 6 mrp1 200000 200000
+res_array 6 mrdn 300000 0
+res_array 6 mrdp 300000 180000
+res_array 6 mrdn_hv 400000 0
+res_array 6 mrdp_hv 400000 180000
+diode_array 6 ndiode 500000 0
+diode_array 6 pdiode 500000 30000
+diode_array 6 ndiode_h 500000 60000
+diode_array 6 pdiode_h 500000 90000
+cap_array 6 xcmimc1 600000 0
+cap_array 6 xcmimc2 600000 70000 18000 650
+mos_array 6 xcnwvc 700000 0 15000 254
+mos_array 6 xchvnwc 700000 70000 18000 254
+mos_array 6 xcnwvc2 700000 140000 15000 254
+fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf_npn_1x1 850000 0
+fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf_npn_1x2 850000 30000
+fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf_pnp5x 850000 60000
+fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_lim5shield 900000 0
+fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3_lim5shield 900000 30000
+fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m4shield 900000 60000
+fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym4shield 900000 90000
+fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3_lim5shield 900000 120000
+fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp6p8x6p1_lim4shield 900000 150000
+fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp6p8x6p1_polym4shield 900000 180000
+fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3_lim5shield 900000 210000
+fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvppx4_2xnhvnative10x4 900000 240000
+# fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym50p4shield 900000 270000
+fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3_lishield 950000 0
+fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3shield 950000 30000
+fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp2 950000 60000
+fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp2_nwell 950000 90000
+fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3_lishield 950000 120000
+fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3shield 950000 150000
+fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3_lishield 950000 180000
+fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3shield 950000 210000
+# fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp1p8x1p8_lishield 950000 240000
+# fixed_array 2 sky130_fd_pr_rf_xcmvpp1p8x1p8_m3shield 950000 270000
+fixed_array 1 balun 1000000 0
+fixed_array 1 xind4_02 1000000 200000
+fixed_array 1 xind4_011 1250000 0
+# Draw a deep nwell region around the sonos transistor block
+box values -5200i 369500i 76800i 427500i
+save torture_test_sky130
+gds write torture_test_sky130
diff --git a/sky130/sky130_setup.tcl b/sky130/sky130_setup.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af90784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/sky130_setup.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+### Source file sky130_setup.tcl
+### Process this file with the processor
+# Setup file for netgen LVS
+# SkyWater TECHNAME
+permute default
+property default
+property parallel none
+# For the following, get the cell lists from
+# circuit1 and circuit2.
+set cells1 [cells list -all -circuit1]
+set cells2 [cells list -all -circuit2]
+# NOTE: In accordance with the LVS manager GUI, the schematic is
+# always circuit2, so some items like property "par1" only need to
+# be specified for circuit2.
+# Resistors (except metal)
+set devices {xpwres mrp1 xhrpoly uhrpoly mrdn mrdp mrdn_hv mrdp_hv}
+foreach dev $devices {
+ if {[lsearch $cells1 $dev] >= 0} {
+ permute "-circuit1 $dev" 1 2
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" series enable
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" series {w critical}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" series {l add}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel enable
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {l critical}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {w add}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {value par}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" tolerance {l 0.01} {w 0.01}
+ # Ignore these properties
+ property "-circuit2 $dev" delete par1 pm
+ }
+ if {[lsearch $cells2 $dev] >= 0} {
+ permute "-circuit2 $dev" 1 2
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" series enable
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" series {w critical}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" series {l add}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel enable
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {l critical}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {w add}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {value par}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" tolerance {l 0.01} {w 0.01}
+ # Ignore these properties
+ property "-circuit2 $dev" delete par1 pm
+ }
+# MRM (metal) resistors
+set devices {mrl1 mrm1 mrm2 mrm3}
+#ifdef METAL5
+lappend devices mrm4
+lappend devices mrm5
+#endif (METAL5)
+foreach dev $devices {
+ if {[lsearch $cells1 $dev] >= 0} {
+ permute "-circuit1 $dev" 1 2
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" series enable
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" series {w critical}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" series {l add}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel enable
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {l critical}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {w add}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {value par}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" tolerance {l 0.01} {w 0.01}
+ # Ignore these properties
+ property "-circuit2 $dev" delete par1 pm
+ }
+ if {[lsearch $cells2 $dev] >= 0} {
+ permute "-circuit2 $dev" 1 2
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" series enable
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" series {w critical}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" series {l add}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel enable
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {l critical}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {w add}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {value par}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" tolerance {l 0.01} {w 0.01}
+ # Ignore these properties
+ property "-circuit2 $dev" delete par1 pm
+ }
+# (MOS) transistors
+set devices {nshort nlowvt sonos_e nhvnative nhv pshort plowvt phighvt phv}
+lappend devices xcnwvc
+lappend devices xcnwvc2
+lappend devices xchvnwc
+foreach dev $devices {
+ if {[lsearch $cells1 $dev] >= 0} {
+ permute "-circuit1 $dev" 1 3
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel enable
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {l critical}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {w add}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" tolerance {w 0.01} {l 0.01}
+ # Ignore these properties
+ property "-circuit2 $dev" delete par1 NRD NRS
+ }
+ if {[lsearch $cells2 $dev] >= 0} {
+ permute "-circuit2 $dev" 1 3
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel enable
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {l critical}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {w add}
+ property "-circuit2 $dev" tolerance {w 0.01} {l 0.01}
+ # Ignore these properties
+ property "-circuit2 $dev" delete par1 NRD NRS
+ }
+# diodes
+set devices {ndiode ndiode_lvt pdiode pdiode_lvt pdiode_hvt ndiode_h pdiode_h}
+lappend devices ndiode_native
+foreach dev $devices {
+ if {[lsearch $cells1 $dev] >= 0} {
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel enable
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {area add}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {value add}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" tolerance {area 0.02}
+ # Ignore these properties
+ property "-circuit2 $dev" delete par1 peri
+ }
+ if {[lsearch $cells2 $dev] >= 0} {
+ property "-circuit2 $dev" parallel enable
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {area add}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {value add}
+ property "-circuit2 $dev" tolerance {area 0.02}
+ # Ignore these properties
+ property "-circuit2 $dev" delete par1 peri
+ }
+# capacitors
+# MiM capacitors
+set devices {xcmimc1 xcmimc2}
+foreach dev $devices {
+ if {[lsearch $cells1 $dev] >= 0} {
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel enable
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {area add}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {value add}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" tolerance {l 0.01} {w 0.01}
+ # Ignore these properties
+ property "-circuit2 $dev" delete par1 pm
+ }
+ if {[lsearch $cells2 $dev] >= 0} {
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel enable
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {area add}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel {value add}
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" tolerance {l 0.01} {w 0.01}
+ # Ignore these properties
+ property "-circuit2 $dev" delete par1 pm
+ }
+# Fixed-layout devices
+# bipolar transistors,
+# VPP capacitors
+set devices {sky130rf_npn_1x1 sky130rf_npn_1x2 sky130rf_pnp5x}
+#ifdef METAL5
+lappend devices balun xint4_011 xind4_02
+lappend devices sky130rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_lim5shield
+lappend devices sky130rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3_lim5shield
+lappend devices sky130rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m4shield
+lappend devices sky130rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym4shield
+lappend devices sky130rf2_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_polym50p4shield
+lappend devices sky130rf2_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3_lim5shield
+lappend devices sky130rf2_xcmvpp6p8x6p1_lim4shield
+lappend devices sky130rf2_xcmvpp6p8x6p1_polym4shield
+#endif (METAL5)
+lappend devices sky130rf2_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3_lim5shield
+lappend devices sky130rf2_xcmvppx4_2xnhvnative10x4
+lappend devices sky130rf_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3_lishield
+lappend devices sky130rf_xcmvpp11p5x11p7_m3shield
+lappend devices sky130rf_xcmvpp1p8x1p8_lishield
+lappend devices sky130rf_xcmvpp1p8x1p8_m3shield
+lappend devices sky130rf_xcmvpp2
+lappend devices sky130rf_xcmvpp2_nwell
+lappend devices sky130rf_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3_lishield
+lappend devices sky130rf_xcmvpp4p4x4p6_m3shield
+lappend devices sky130rf_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3_lishield
+lappend devices sky130rf_xcmvpp8p6x7p9_m3shield
+foreach dev $devices {
+ if {[lsearch $cells1 $dev] >= 0} {
+ property "-circuit1 $dev" parallel enable
+ # Ignore these properties
+ property "-circuit2 $dev" delete par1
+ }
+ if {[lsearch $cells2 $dev] >= 0} {
+ property "-circuit2 $dev" parallel enable
+ # Ignore these properties
+ property "-circuit2 $dev" delete par1
+ }
+# Digital cells (ignore decap, fill, and tap cells)
+# Make a separate list for each supported library
+# e.g., ignore class "-circuit2 sky130_fc_sc_hd_decap_3"
+foreach cell $cells1 {
+ if {[regexp "sky130_fc_sc_hd_decap_\[0-9\]+" $cell match]} {
+ ignore class "-circuit1 $cell"
+ }
+ if {[regexp "sky130_fc_sc_hd_fill_\[0-9\]+" $cell match]} {
+ ignore class "-circuit1 $cell"
+ }
+foreach cell $cells2 {
+ if {[regexp "sky130_fc_sc_hd_decap_\[0-9\]+" $cell match]} {
+ ignore class "-circuit2 $cell"
+ }
+ if {[regexp "sky130_fc_sc_hd_fill_\[0-9\]+" $cell match]} {
+ ignore class "-circuit2 $cell"
+ }
+# Handle cells captured from Electric
+# Find cells of the form "<library>__<cellname>" in the netlist
+# from Electric where the extracted layout netlist has only
+# "<cellname>". Cross-check by ensuring that the full name
+# "<library>__<cellname>" does not exist in both cells, and that
+# the truncated name "<cellname>" does not exist in both cells.
+# e.g., hydra_spi_controller__hydra_spi_controller
+foreach cell $cells1 {
+ if {[regexp "(.+)__(.+)" $cell match library cellname]} {
+ if {([lsearch $cells2 $cell] < 0) && \
+ ([lsearch $cells2 $cellname] >= 0) && \
+ ([lsearch $cells1 $cellname] < 0)} {
+ equate classes "-circuit1 $cell" "-circuit2 $cellname"
+ puts stdout "Matching pins of $cell in circuit 1 and $cellname in circuit 2"
+ equate pins "-circuit1 $cell" "-circuit2 $cellname"
+ }
+ }
+foreach cell $cells2 {
+ if {[regexp "(.+)__(.+)" $cell match library cellname]} {
+ if {([lsearch $cells1 $cell] < 0) && \
+ ([lsearch $cells1 $cellname] >= 0) && \
+ ([lsearch $cells2 $cellname] < 0)} {
+ equate classes "-circuit1 $cellname" "-circuit2 $cell"
+ puts stdout "Matching pins of $cellname in circuit 1 and $cell in circuit 2"
+ equate pins "-circuit1 $cellname" "-circuit2 $cell"
+ }
+ }
+# Match pins on black-box cells if LVS is called with "-blackbox"
+if {[model blackbox]} {
+ foreach cell $cells1 {
+ if {[model "-circuit1 $cell"] == "blackbox"} {
+ if {[lsearch $cells2 $cell] >= 0} {
+ puts stdout "Matching pins of $cell in circuits 1 and 2"
+ equate pins "-circuit1 $cell" "-circuit2 $cell"
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/sky130/ b/sky130/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8beebdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/
@@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
+ format 32
+ version REVISION
+ description "SkyWater S8: Vendor GDS layers"
+ p1
+ p2
+ p3
+ p4
+ p5
+ p6
+ p7
+ p8
+ p9
+ p10
+ p11
+ p12
+ p13
+ p14
+ p15
+ p16
+ p17
+ p18
+ p19
+ p20
+ p21
+ p22
+ p23
+ p24
+ p25
+ p26
+ p27
+ p28
+ p29
+ p30
+ p31
+ p32
+ p33
+ p34
+ p35
+ p36
+ p37
+ p38
+ p39
+ p40
+ p41
+ p42
+ p1 NWELL,l1
+ p1 NWELLT,l60
+ p1 NWELLP,l62
+ p2 DNWELL,l2
+ p3 DIFF,l3
+ p3 TAP,l4
+ p4 LVTN,l5
+ p4 HVTP,l6
+ p5 HVI,l7
+ p6 TUNM,l8
+ p7 POLY,l9
+ p7 POLYP,l63
+ p7 POLYT,l70
+ p8 NPC,l10
+ p9 PSDM,l11
+ p9 NSDM,l12
+ p10 LICON1,l13
+ p11 LI1,l14
+ p11 LI1T,l15
+ p11 LI1P,l16
+ p12 MCON,l17
+ p12 MET1,l18
+ p12 MET1T,l19
+ p12 MET1P,l20
+ p13 VIA1,l21
+ p13 MET2,l22
+ p13 MET2T,l23
+ p13 MET2P,l24
+ p14 VIA2,l25
+ p14 MET3,l26
+ p14 MET3T,l27
+ p14 MET3P,l28
+ p15 VIA3,l29
+ p15 MET4,l30
+ p15 MET4T,l31
+ p15 MET4P,l32
+ p16 VIA4,l33
+ p16 MET5,l34
+ p16 MET5T,l35
+ p16 MET5P,l36
+ p17 PAD,l37
+ p17 PADT,l38
+ p17 PADP,l39
+ p18 AREAID,l40
+ p19 TEXT,l41
+ p20 HVTR,l42
+ p21 NCM,l43
+ p22 RPM,l44
+ p23 NSM,l45
+ p24 RDL,l46
+ p25 VHVI,l47
+ p26 LDNTM,l48
+ p26 HVNTM,l49
+ p27 PMM,l50
+ p28 PNP,l51
+ p29 CAP,l52
+ p30 IND,l53
+ p31 PWRES,l54
+ p32 POLYRES,l55
+ p33 DIFFRES,l56
+ p34 DIODE,l57
+ p35 POLYM,l58
+ p36 COREID,l59
+ p37 PWELLT,l61
+ p37 PWELLP,l64
+ p38 CFOMDROP,l65
+ p39 CLI1MADD,l66
+ p40 CNTMADD,l67
+ p41 CP1MADD,l68
+ p42 BOUND,l69
+ styletype mos
+ l1 nwell
+ l2 cwell
+ l3 ndiffusion
+ l4 pdiffusion
+ l5 implant1
+ l6 implant2
+ l7 implant3
+ l8 subcircuit
+ l9 polysilicon
+ l10 implant4
+ l11 pdop_stripes
+ l12 ndop_stripes
+ l13 obsmetal1 contact_X'es
+ l14 metal1
+ l15 metal1
+ l16 metal1
+ l17 metal1 metal2 via1
+ l18 metal2
+ l19 metal2
+ l20 metal2
+ l21 metal2 metal3 via2
+ l22 metal3
+ l23 metal3
+ l24 metal3
+ l25 metal3 metal4 via3
+ l26 metal4
+ l27 metal4
+ l28 metal4
+ l29 metal4 metal5 via4
+ l30 metal5
+ l31 metal5
+ l32 metal5
+ l33 metal5 metal6 via5
+ l34 metal6
+ l35 metal6
+ l36 metal6
+ l37 overglass
+ l38 overglass
+ l39 overglass
+ l40 subcircuit
+ l41 comment
+ l42 implant1
+ l43 mim_top
+ l44 mim_bottom
+ l45 ntransistor_stripes
+ l46 metal7
+ l47 electrode
+ l48 nwell_field_implant
+ l49 hvndiff_mask
+ l50 poly_light
+ l51 mvpdiff
+ l52 mvndiff
+ l53 hvpdiff
+ l54 cwellnsc
+ l55 poly_resist poly_resist_stripes
+ l56 ptransistor_stripes
+ l57 hvpdiff_mask
+ l58 poly_resist
+ l59 subcircuit
+ l60 nwell
+ l61 pwell
+ l62 nwell
+ l63 polysilicon
+ l64 pwell
+ l65 implant1
+ l66 implant2
+ l67 implant3
+ l68 implant4
+ l69 subcircuit
+ l70 polysilicon
+ paint MCON MET1 MCON
+ paint VIA1 MET2 VIA1
+ paint VIA2 MET3 VIA2
+ paint VIA3 MET4 VIA3
+ paint VIA4 MET5 VIA4
+style gdsii
+ scalefactor 50 nanometers
+ options calma-permissive-labels
+ calma 64 20
+ layer NWELLT
+ labels NWELLT noport
+ calma 64 16
+ layer NWELLP
+ labels NWELLP port
+ calma 64 5
+ labels DNWELL
+ calma 64 18
+ layer DIFF DIFF
+ labels DIFF
+ calma 65 20
+ layer TAP TAP
+ labels TAP
+ calma 65 44
+ calma 66 20
+ layer POLYT
+ labels POLYT noport
+ calma 66 16
+ layer POLYP
+ labels POLYP port
+ calma 66 5
+ layer LVTN LVTN
+ labels LVTN
+ calma 125 44
+ layer HVTP HVTP
+ labels HVTP
+ calma 78 44
+ layer HVI HVI
+ labels HVI
+ calma 75 20
+ layer TUNM TUNM
+ labels TUNM
+ calma 80 20
+ layer NPC NPC
+ labels NPC
+ calma 95 20
+ layer PSDM PSDM
+ labels PSDM
+ calma 94 20
+ layer NSDM NSDM
+ labels NSDM
+ calma 93 44
+ layer LICON1 LICON1
+ labels LICON1
+ calma 66 44
+ # Note: LICON1 not on LI1 plane, may not be coincident with LI1.
+ layer LI1 LI1,LI1T,LI1P
+ calma 67 20
+ layer LI1T
+ labels LI1T noport
+ calma 67 16
+ layer LI1P
+ labels LI1P port
+ calma 67 5
+ calma 68 20
+ layer MET1T
+ labels MET1T noport
+ calma 68 16
+ layer MET1P
+ labels MET1P port
+ calma 68 5
+ layer MCON MCON
+ labels MCON
+ calma 67 44
+ layer MET2 MET2,MET2T,MET2P,VIA1
+ calma 69 20
+ layer MET2T
+ labels MET2T noport
+ calma 69 16
+ layer MET2P
+ labels MET2P port
+ calma 69 5
+ layer VIA1 VIA1
+ labels VIA1
+ calma 68 44
+ layer MET3 MET3,MET3T,MET3P,VIA2
+ calma 70 20
+ layer MET3T
+ labels MET3T noport
+ calma 70 16
+ layer MET3P
+ labels MET3P port
+ calma 70 5
+ layer VIA2 VIA2
+ labels VIA2
+ calma 69 44
+ layer MET4 MET4,MET4T,MET4P,VIA3
+ calma 71 20
+ layer MET4T
+ labels MET4T noport
+ calma 71 16
+ layer MET4P
+ labels MET4P port
+ calma 71 5
+ layer VIA3 VIA3
+ labels VIA3
+ calma 70 44
+ layer MET5 MET5,MET5T,MET5P,VIA4
+ calma 72 20
+ layer MET5T
+ labels MET5T noport
+ calma 72 16
+ layer MET5P
+ labels MET5P port
+ calma 72 5
+ layer VIA4 VIA4
+ labels VIA4
+ calma 71 44
+ calma 76 20
+ layer PADT
+ labels PADT noport
+ calma 76 16
+ layer PADP
+ labels PADP port
+ calma 76 5
+ labels AREAID
+ calma 81 4
+ layer TEXT TEXT
+ labels TEXT
+ calma 83 44
+ layer HVTR HVTR
+ labels HVTR
+ calma 18 20
+ layer NCM NCM
+ labels NCM
+ calma 92 44
+ layer RPM RPM
+ labels RPM
+ calma 86 20
+ layer NSM NSM
+ labels NSM
+ calma 61 20
+ layer RDL RDL
+ labels RDL
+ calma 74 20
+ layer VHVI VHVI
+ labels VHVI
+ calma 74 21
+ labels LDNTM
+ calma 11 44
+ labels HVNTM
+ calma 125 20
+ layer PMM PMM
+ labels PMM
+ calma 85 44
+ layer PNP PNP
+ labels PNP
+ calma 82 44
+ layer CAP CAP
+ labels CAP
+ calma 82 64
+ layer IND IND
+ labels IND
+ calma 82 24
+ labels PWRES
+ calma 64 13
+ labels POLYRES
+ calma 66 13
+ labels DIFFRES
+ calma 65 13
+ labels DIODE
+ calma 81 23
+ labels POLYM
+ calma 66 83
+ labels COREID
+ calma 81 2
+ labels PWELLT noport
+ calma 122 16
+ labels PWELLP port
+ calma 64 59
+ labels CFOMDROP
+ calma 22 22
+ labels CLI1MADD
+ calma 115 43
+ labels CNTMADD
+ calma 22 21
+ labels CP1MADD
+ calma 33 43
+ labels BOUND
+ calma 235 4
+style ProgName
+ scalefactor 50 nanometers
+ layer l1 NWELL
+ layer l2 DNWELL
+ layer l3 DIFF
+ layer l4 TAP
+ layer l5 LVTN
+ layer l6 HVTP
+ layer l7 HVI
+ layer l8 TUNM
+ layer l9 POLY
+ layer l10 NPC
+ layer l11 PSDM
+ layer l12 NSDM
+ layer l13 LICON1
+ layer l14 LI1
+ layer l15 LI1T
+ layer l16 LI1P
+ layer l17 MCON
+ layer l18 MET1
+ layer l19 MET1T
+ layer l20 MET1P
+ layer l21 VIA1
+ layer l22 MET2
+ layer l23 MET2T
+ layer l24 MET2P
+ layer l25 VIA2
+ layer l26 MET3
+ layer l27 MET3T
+ layer l28 MET3P
+ layer l29 VIA3
+ layer l30 MET4
+ layer l31 MET4T
+ layer l32 MET4P
+ layer l33 VIA4
+ layer l34 MET5
+ layer l35 MET5T
+ layer l36 MET5P
+ layer l37 PAD
+ layer l38 PADT
+ layer l39 PADP
+ layer l40 AREAID
+ layer l41 TEXT
+ layer l42 HVTR
+ layer l43 NCM
+ layer l44 RPM
+ layer l45 NSM
+ layer l46 RDL
+ layer l47 VHVI
+ layer l48 LDNTM
+ layer l49 HVNTM
+ layer l50 PMM
+ layer l51 PNP
+ layer l52 CAP
+ layer l53 IND
+ layer l54 PWRES
+ layer l55 POLYRES
+ layer l56 DIFFRES
+ layer l57 DIODE
+ layer l58 POLYM
+ layer l59 COREID
+ layer l60 NWELLT
+ layer l61 PWELLT
+ layer l62 NWELLP
+ layer l63 POLYP
+ layer l64 PWELLP
+ layer l65 CFOMDROP
+ layer l66 CLI1MADD
+ layer l67 CNTMADD
+ layer l68 CP1MADD
+ layer l69 BOUND
+ layer l70 POLYT
+ calma NWELL 64 20
+ calma DNWELL 64 18
+ calma DIFF 65 20
+ calma TAP 65 44
+ calma LVTN 125 44
+ calma HVTP 78 44
+ calma HVI 75 20
+ calma TUNM 80 20
+ calma POLY 66 20
+ calma NPC 95 20
+ calma PSDM 94 20
+ calma NSDM 93 44
+ calma LICON1 66 44
+ calma LI1 67 20
+ calma LI1T 67 16
+ calma LI1P 67 5
+ calma MCON 67 44
+ calma MET1 68 20
+ calma MET1T 68 16
+ calma MET1P 68 5
+ calma VIA1 68 44
+ calma MET2 69 20
+ calma MET2T 69 16
+ calma MET2P 69 5
+ calma VIA2 69 44
+ calma MET3 70 20
+ calma MET3T 70 16
+ calma MET3P 70 5
+ calma VIA3 70 44
+ calma MET4 71 20
+ calma MET4T 71 16
+ calma MET4P 71 5
+ calma VIA4 71 44
+ calma MET5 72 20
+ calma MET5T 72 16
+ calma MET5P 72 5
+ calma PAD 76 20
+ calma PADT 76 16
+ calma PADP 76 5
+ calma AREAID 81 4
+ calma TEXT 83 44
+ calma HVTR 18 20
+ calma NCM 92 44
+ calma RPM 86 20
+ calma NSM 61 20
+ calma RDL 74 20
+ calma VHVI 74 21
+ calma LDNTM 11 44
+ calma HVNTM 125 20
+ calma PMM 85 44
+ calma PNP 82 44
+ calma CAP 82 64
+ calma IND 82 24
+ calma PWRES 64 13
+ calma POLYRES 66 13
+ calma DIFFRES 65 13
+ calma DIODE 81 23
+ calma POLYM 66 83
+ calma COREID 81 2
+ calma NWELLT 64 16
+ calma PWELLT 122 16
+ calma NWELLP 64 5
+ calma POLYP 66 5
+ calma PWELLP 64 59
+ calma CFOMDROP 22 22
+ calma CLI1MADD 115 43
+ calma CNTMADD 22 21
+ calma CP1MADD 33 43
+ calma BOUND 235 4
+ calma POLYT 66 16
+style default
+ planeorder p1 0
+ planeorder p2 1
+ planeorder p3 2
+ planeorder p4 3
+ planeorder p5 4
+ planeorder p6 5
+ planeorder p7 6
+ planeorder p8 7
+ planeorder p9 8
+ planeorder p10 9
+ planeorder p11 10
+ planeorder p12 11
+ planeorder p13 12
+ planeorder p14 13
+ planeorder p15 14
+ planeorder p16 15
+ planeorder p17 16
+ planeorder p18 17
+ planeorder p19 18
+ planeorder p20 19
+ planeorder p21 20
+ planeorder p22 21
+ planeorder p23 22
+ planeorder p24 23
+ planeorder p25 24
+ planeorder p26 25
+ planeorder p27 26
+ planeorder p28 27
+ planeorder p29 28
+ planeorder p30 29
+ planeorder p31 30
+ planeorder p32 31
+ planeorder p33 32
+ planeorder p34 33
+ planeorder p35 34
+ planeorder p36 35
+ planeorder p37 36
+ planeorder p38 37
+ planeorder p39 38
+ planeorder p40 39
+ planeorder p41 40
+ planeorder p42 41
diff --git a/sky130/ b/sky130/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4afd9bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Shell script setting up all variables used by the qflow scripts
+# for this project
+# The LEF file containing standard cell macros
+#ifdef EF_FORMAT
+set leffile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/lef/sky130_osu130/sky130_osu130.lef
+#else (!EF_FORMAT)
+set leffile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/sky130_osu130/lef/sky130_osu130.lef
+#endif (!EF_FORMAT)
+# The SPICE netlist containing subcell definitions for all the standard cells
+#ifdef EF_FORMAT
+set spicefile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/spice/sky130_osu130/sky130_osu130.spice
+#else (!EF_FORMAT)
+set spicefile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/sky130_osu130/spice/sky130_osu130.spice
+#endif (!EF_FORMAT)
+# The liberty format file containing standard cell timing and function information
+#ifdef EF_FORMAT
+set libertyfile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/lib/sky130_osu130/sky130_osu130.lib
+#else (!EF_FORMAT)
+set libertyfile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/sky130_osu130/lib/sky130_osu130.lib
+#endif (!EF_FORMAT)
+# If there is another LEF file containing technology information
+# that is separate from the file containing standard cell macros,
+# set this. Otherwise, leave it defined as an empty string.
+#ifdef METAL5
+#ifdef EF_FORMAT
+set techleffile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/techLEF/sky130_osu130/sky130_osu130_tech.lef
+#else (!EF_FORMAT)
+set techleffile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/sky130_osu130/techLEF/sky130_osu130_tech.lef
+#endif (!EF_FORMAT)
+# NOTE: There is no technology LEF file for the 3-metal stack!
+# All cells below should be the lowest output drive strength value,
+# if the standard cell set has multiple cells with different drive
+# strengths. Comment out any cells that do not exist.
+set bufcell=BUFX2 ;# Minimum drive strength buffer cell
+set bufpin_in=A ;# Name of input port to buffer cell
+set bufpin_out=Y ;# Name of output port to buffer cell
+set clkbufcell=BUFX2 ;# Minimum drive strength buffer cell
+set clkbufpin_in=A ;# Name of input port to buffer cell
+set clkbufpin_out=Y ;# Name of output port to buffer cell
+set fillcell=FILL ;# Spacer (filler) cell (prefix, if more than one)
+set decapcell="" ;# Decap (filler) cell (prefix, if more than one)
+set antennacell="" ;# Antenna (filler) cell (prefix, if more than one)
+set antennapin_in="" ;# Antenna cell input connection
+set bodytiecell="" ;# Body tie (filler) cell (prefix, if more than one)
+# yosys tries to eliminate use of these; depends on source .v
+set tiehi="" ;# Cell to connect to power, if one exists
+set tiehipin_out="" ;# Output pin name of tiehi cell, if it exists
+set tielo="" ;# Cell to connect to ground, if one exists
+set tielopin_out="" ;# Output pin name of tielo cell, if it exists
+set gndnet="vdd" ;# Name used for ground pins in standard cells
+set vddnet="vss" ;# Name used for power pins in standard cells
+set separator="" ;# Separator between gate names and drive strengths
+set techfile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/MAGIC_CURRENT/ ;# magic techfile
+set magicrc=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/MAGIC_CURRENT/TECHNAME.magicrc ;# magic startup script
+set magic_display="XR" ;# magic display, defeat display query and OGL preference
+set netgen_setup=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/ ;# netgen setup file for LVS
+#ifdef EF_FORMAT
+set gdsfile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/gds/sky130_osu130/sky130_osu130.gds ;# GDS database of standard cells
+set verilogfile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/verilog/sky130_osu130/sky130_osu130.v ;# Verilog models of standard cells
+#else (!EF_FORMAT)
+set gdsfile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/sky130_osu130/gds/sky130_osu130.gds ;# GDS database of standard cells
+set verilogfile=STAGING_PATH/TECHNAME/libs.ref/sky130_osu130/verilog/sky130_osu130.v ;# Verilog models of standard cells
+#endif (!EF_FORMAT)
+# Set a conditional default in the file for this process
+set postproc_options=""
+#ifdef METAL5
+# Normally one does not want to use the top metal for signal routing
+set route_layers = 5
+set route_layers = 3
+set fill_ratios="100,0,0,0"
+set fanout_options="-l 100 -c 10"
+set addspacers_options="-stripe 1.6 40.0 PG"
+set xspice_options="-io_time=250p -time=50p -idelay=20p -odelay=50p -cload=250f"