blob: 7da795a522b9765c0bf8637fa399f94137beb3cc [file] [log] [blame]
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
namespace path {::tcl::mathop ::tcl::mathfunc}
# Routines for generating bump bonds.
# Use with "" technology file.
# SkyWater top layers:
# m5 metal5 (thick top metal)
# glass polyimide (glass) cut
# Bump bond layers:
# p1 polyimide via
# rdl redistribution metal
# p2 polyimide via2
# ubm under-bump material
# Internal units to microns conversion
proc magic::i2u {value} {
return [expr {((round([magic::cif scale output] * 10000)) / 10000.0) * $value}]
# Microns to internal units conversion
proc magic::u2i {value} {
return [expr {$value / ((round([magic::cif scale output] * 10000)) / 10000.0)}]
# make_bump_bond ---
# Description:
# Create geometry for a bump bond in a subcell, centered at the
# origin. The bump bond itself is a circle (approximated by a
# 36-sided polygon) of diameter nominally 250um. The RDL layer
# is 10um larger (rule M4) and the under-bump material layer is
# 15um smaller (rule U4).
# Arguments:
# angle: 0 or 45
# The angle represents the direction toward which the taper of
# the RDL layer points. The angle is appended to the subcell
# name, so the cell is "bump_bond0" or "bump_bond45".
# The version with suffix "45" has the RDL tapering toward the
# NE corner when the cell is in its natural orientation. The
# version suffix "0" has the RDL tapering toward the E side when
# the cell is in its natural orientation.
proc make_bump_bond {{orient 0}} {
select top cell
set orig_cell [cellname list self]
load bump_bond${orient} -quiet
box values 0 0 0 0
set rbump 125.0 ;# under-bump material radius, in microns
set coords []
for {set i 0} {$i < 36} {incr i} {
set angle [* $i 10]
set arad [/ [* 3.1415926 $angle] 180.0]
lappend coords [* $rbump [cos $arad]]um
lappend coords [* $rbump [sin $arad]]um
polygon ubm {*}$coords
set rbump 110.0 ;# polyimide 2 via radius, in microns
set coords []
for {set i 0} {$i < 36} {incr i} {
set angle [* $i 10]
set arad [/ [* 3.1415926 $angle] 180.0]
lappend coords [* $rbump [cos $arad]]um
lappend coords [* $rbump [sin $arad]]um
polygon pi2 {*}$coords
set rbump 135.0 ;# rdl layer radius, in microns
set rdiag [expr {$rbump * sqrt(2.0)}]
set coords []
if {$orient == 45} {
for {set i 9} {$i <= 36} {incr i} {
set angle [* $i 10]
set arad [/ [* 3.1415926 $angle] 180.0]
lappend coords [* $rbump [cos $arad]]um
lappend coords [* $rbump [sin $arad]]um
lappend coords ${rbump}um
lappend coords ${rbump}um
} else {
for {set i 0} {$i <= 27} {incr i} {
set angle [* [+ $i 4.5] 10]
set arad [/ [* 3.1415926 $angle] 180.0]
lappend coords [* $rbump [cos $arad]]um
lappend coords [* $rbump [sin $arad]]um
lappend coords ${rdiag}um
lappend coords 0
polygon rdl {*}$coords
# Make cell bound that encompasses the rdl circle only
box grow c ${rbump}um
set bounds [box values]
property FIXED_BBOX "$bounds"
load $orig_cell
# draw_bump_bond ---
# Description:
# Bump bond is a circle (approximated by a 36-sided polygon) of
# diameter nominally 250um.
# Arguments:
# x y : Coordinates of the bump bond center position, in microns
# orient : Direction of tapered RDL joining the pad to a route
# value is in integer degrees, 0 is oriented E (east),
# and value must be a multiple of 45.
proc draw_bump_bond {x y {orient 0}} {
box size 0 0
box position ${x}um ${y}um
if {[% $orient 90] != 0} {
set bondcell bump_bond45
set orient [- $orient 45]
} else {
set bondcell bump_bond0
if {$orient < 0} {
set orient [+ 360 $orient]
if {$orient != 0} {
set orient [- 360 $orient]
getcell $bondcell $orient child 0 0
# bevel_corners ---
# Description:
# Bevel the corners of the indicated layer in the current box
# with the indicated bevel length
# Arguments:
# layer : The layer to be cropped
# length : The length of the bevel (in microns)
proc bevel_corners {layer length} {
snap internal
set ilength [magic::u2i $length]
set side [* $ilength 0.7071]
set iside [expr {int($side)}]
set padbox [box values]
set boxwidth [- [lindex $padbox 2] [lindex $padbox 0]]
set boxheight [- [lindex $padbox 3] [lindex $padbox 1]]
set iwidth [- $boxwidth $iside]
set iheight [- $boxheight $iside]
box size $iside $iside
spliterase sw $layer
box move n $iheight
spliterase nw $layer
box move e $iwidth
spliterase ne $layer
box move s $iheight
spliterase se $layer
# draw_pad_bond ---
# Description:
# Draws layers over a wirebond pad to connect to the RDL layer
# Arguments:
# x y : Coordinates of the bond pad center position, in microns
proc draw_pad_bond {x y} {
snap internal
box values 0 0 0 0
box position $x $y
box grow c 50um
# Make sure there is glass underneath. If not, assume the square
# center of a 60um x 70um bond pad (60um x 60um).
select area glass
set stuff [what -list]
set layers [lindex $stuff 0]
if {$layers == {}} {
box position $x $y
box size 0 0
box grow c 30um
} else {
set padbox [select bbox]
box values {*}$padbox
# Satisfy rule V3: P1 via inside pad cut by 10um
box grow c -10um
paint pi1
bevel_corners pi1 7.5
# Satisfy rule M3: RDL overlap of P1 >= 10um
box grow c 10um
paint rdl
bevel_corners rdl 10.0
# draw_pad_route ---
# Description:
# Draws a route on the RDL layer connecting the points given in
# the coordinate list.
# Arguments:
# coords : List of coordinate pairs, in microns
# width : Route width in microns, default 15
proc draw_pad_route {coords {width 15.0}} {
set icoords []
foreach coord $coords {
lappend icoords ${coord}um
wire segment rdl ${width}um {*}$icoords