blob: a7307329bcb1464117fdbd56e057d67573522500 [file] [log] [blame]
# Configuration values for the OpenGalaxy machines
# Select config-file directed by OPTIONAL (INI file): /etc/sysconfig/ef-config ef_variant= line.
# File should: have no [section] header, use "# " comments, var="val" (no spaces around =),
# no dash in var-names, for good compatibility between python and bash.
# default if fail to read/parse the etc file is STAGING. These values:
# ef_variant=DEV ef_variant=STAGING ef_variant=PROD
# yield respectively:
# import config_DEV import config_STAGING import config_PROD
# Survive (try:) missing,improper,unreadable /etc/sysconfig/ef-config.
# DO NOT survive (no try:) failed imports (non-existent file, bad syntax, etc.).
# look-up ef_variant=... in optional etc file, default to STAGING
import configparser
#TODO: replace path with PREFIX
config = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False, allow_no_value=True)
ef_variant = config.get('null','ef_variant', fallback='STAGING').strip('\'"')
# emulate: import config_<ef_variant>
#cfgModule = __import__("config_"+ef_variant)