| # Makefile for efabless design kits for SkyWater Sky130: |
| # |
| # sky130A = 5-metal backend stack with dual MiM |
| # |
| # Written by Tim Edwards March 2019 |
| # efabless corporation |
| # updated October 2019 |
| # updated December 2019 (divide installation sections for individual tools) |
| # updated March 2020 (refactored the install process) |
| # updated May 2020 (changed to new process name Sky130) |
| # |
| # Instructions: |
| # |
| # Run "configure" from the top level directory. Use the following |
| # configuration options to match your environment: |
| # |
| # --with-sky130-source-path=<path> |
| # where <path> is the location of the Google/Skywater repository |
| # cloned from https://github.com/google/skywater-pdk. This |
| # option is mandatory and has no default. |
| # |
| # --with-sky130-local-path=<path> |
| # where <path> is the run-time location of the installed PDK |
| # files generated by open_pdks. This option is mandatory and |
| # has no default. |
| # |
| # --with-sky130-dist-path=<path> |
| # where <path> is the install-time location of the installed |
| # PDK files generated by open_pdks, with the expectation that |
| # <path> is something like a git repository that is then |
| # distributed across a system. If this option is not specified, |
| # then files are installed to the local path. |
| # |
| # --with-sky130-link-targets=<value> |
| # where <value> is one of "none" or "source". If set to "source", |
| # then where possible, the installed files are symbolic links |
| # back to the source, rather than copies of the source. The |
| # default value is "none" if the option is not specified. |
| # |
| # --with-ef-style |
| # If specified, then the installation uses the efabless style, |
| # which swaps the file hierarchy of file formats vs. IP libraries; |
| # e.g., "gds/sky130_fd_sc_hd/" with ef-style, vs. |
| # "sky130_fd_sc_hd/gds/" without it. |
| # |
| # The variables below are substituted from the configuration options: |
| # |
| # SKYWATER_PATH: points to vendor sources |
| # EF_STYLE: 1 for efabless style, 0 otherwise |
| # LINK_TARGETS: link back to source or link to 1st PDK when possible |
| # DIST_PATH: install location for distributed install |
| # LOCAL_PATH: install location for local install or runtime location |
| # for distributed install |
| # |
| # Run "make" to stage the PDK for tool setup and vendor libraries |
| # |
| # Run "make install" to install all staged files. The installation is |
| # either local or distributed, depending on whether --with-sky130-dist-path |
| # has been set when running configure. |
| # |
| # Run "make clean" to remove all staging files. |
| # |
| # Run "make veryclean" to remove all staging and install log files. |
| # |
| # For the sake of simplicity, the "standard" installation can be done |
| # with the usual |
| # |
| # make |
| # make install |
| # make clean |
| # |
| #-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # This Makefile contains bash-isms |
| SHELL = bash |
| MV = mv |
| |
| REVISION = `git describe --long` |
| TECH = sky130 |
| |
| # If EF_STYLE is set to 1, then efabless naming conventions are |
| # used, otherwise the generic naming conventions are used. |
| # Mainly, the hierarchy of library names and file types is reversed |
| # (e.g., sky130_fd_sc_hd/lef vs. lef/sky130_fd_sc_hd). |
| |
| # EF_STYLE = 0 | 1 |
| |
| # Normally it's fine to keep the staging path in a local directory, |
| # although /tmp or a dedicated staging area are also fine, as long |
| # as the install process can write to the path. |
| |
| STAGING_PATH = `pwd` |
| |
| # If LINK_TARGETS is set to "none", then files are copied |
| # from the SkyWater sources to the target. If set to "source", |
| # symbolic links are made in the target directories pointing |
| # back to the SkyWater sources. If set to the name of another |
| # PDK (e.g, "sky130A"), then symbolic links are made to the |
| # same files in that PDK, where they exist, and are copied |
| # from source, where they don't. |
| |
| # LINK_TARGETS = source | none | sky130A |
| |
| # Paths: |
| |
| # Path to skywater_pdk (to be changed to public repo; work in progress) |
| # Version below comes from foss-eda-tools.googlesource.com |
| # SKYWATER_PATH = ~/gits/skywater-pdk-scratch/skywater-pdk/libraries |
| # Version below is also from foss-eda-tools and is more recent than |
| # the scratch repo above. |
| |
| # Path to OSU standard cell library sources (to be added to configuration options). |
| OSU_PATH = ~/gits/osu_130_pdk |
| |
| # NOTE: Install destination is the git repository of the technology platform. |
| # Once updated in git, the git project can be distributed to all hosts. |
| # |
| ifeq (${EF_STYLE}, 1) |
| CONFIG_DIR = .ef-config |
| else |
| # LOCAL_PATH = /usr/local/share/vlsi/SkyWater |
| CONFIG_DIR = .config |
| REV_DIR = . |
| endif |
| |
| # DIST_PATH = ~/gits/ef-skywater-${TECH} |
| |
| # EF process nodes created from the master sources |
| SKY130A = sky130A |
| |
| ifeq (${LINK_TARGETS}, ${SKY130A}) |
| else |
| endif |
| |
| # Basic definitions for each EF process node |
| |
| # Module definitions for each process node |
| # (Note that MOS is default and therefore not used anywhere) |
| # SKY130A_DEFS += -DMETAL5 -DMIM |
| |
| # Add staging path |
| |
| ifeq (${EF_STYLE}, 1) |
| EF_FORMAT = -ef_format |
| else |
| EF_FORMAT = -std_format |
| endif |
| |
| MAGICTOP = libs.tech/magic |
| NETGENTOP = libs.tech/netgen |
| QFLOWTOP = libs.tech/qflow |
| KLAYOUTTOP = libs.tech/klayout |
| OPENLANETOP = libs.tech/openlane |
| |
| ifeq (${EF_STYLE}, 1) |
| else |
| endif |
| |
| # Currently, netgen, qflow, and klayout do not use revisioning (needs to change!) |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| # Where cpp syntax is followed, this is equivalent to cpp, but it does not |
| # mangle non-C source files under the belief that they are actually C code. |
| CPP = ../common/preproc.py |
| |
| # The following script in the ../common directory does most of the work of |
| # copying or linking the foundry vendor files to the target directory. |
| STAGE = set -f ; ../common/foundry_install.py ${EF_FORMAT} |
| INSTALL = ../common/staging_install.py ${EF_FORMAT} |
| |
| # The script(s) below are used for custom changes to the vendor PDK files |
| ADDPROP = ../common/insert_property.py ${EF_FORMAT} |
| |
| # List the EDA tools to install local setup files for |
| TOOLS = magic qflow netgen klayout openlane |
| |
| all: all-a |
| |
| all-a: |
| echo "Starting sky130A PDK staging on "`date` > ${SKY130A}_install.log |
| ${MAKE} tools-a |
| ${MAKE} vendor-a |
| echo "Ended sky130A PDK staging on "`date` >> ${SKY130A}_install.log |
| |
| tools-a: general-a magic-a qflow-a netgen-a klayout-a openlane-a |
| |
| general-a: ${TECH}.json |
| mkdir -p ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A}/${CONFIG_DIR} |
| rm -f ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A}/${CONFIG_DIR}/nodeinfo.json |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} ${TECH}.json > \ |
| ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A}/${CONFIG_DIR}/nodeinfo.json |
| |
| magic-a: magic/${TECH}.tech magic/${TECH}gds.tech magic/${TECH}.magicrc magic/${TECH}.tcl |
| mkdir -p ${MAGICTOP_STAGING_A} |
| mkdir -p ${MAGIC_STAGING_A} |
| rm -f ${MAGICTOP_STAGING_A}/current |
| rm -f ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}.tech |
| rm -f ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}-GDS.tech |
| rm -f ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}.tcl |
| rm -f ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}-BindKeys |
| rm -f ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/magicrc |
| (cd ${MAGICTOP_STAGING_A} ; ln -s ${REV_DIR} current) |
| cp -rp custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/. |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} magic/${TECH}.tech > ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}.tech |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} magic/${TECH}gds.tech > ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}-GDS.tech |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} magic/${TECH}.magicrc > ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}.magicrc |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} ../common/pdk.bindkeys > ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}-BindKeys |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} magic/${TECH}.tcl > ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}.tcl |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} ../common/pdk.tcl >> ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}.tcl |
| |
| qflow-a: qflow/${TECH}.sh qflow/${TECH}.par |
| mkdir -p ${QFLOWTOP_STAGING_A} |
| mkdir -p ${QFLOW_STAGING_A} |
| rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hd.sh |
| rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hd.par |
| rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hdll.sh |
| rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hdll.par |
| rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hs.sh |
| rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hs.par |
| rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hvl.sh |
| rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hvl.par |
| rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}ls.sh |
| rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}ls.par |
| rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}lp.sh |
| rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}lp.par |
| rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}ms.sh |
| rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}ms.par |
| rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}osu.sh |
| rm -f ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}osu.par |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} -DLIBRARY=sky130_fd_sc_hd qflow/${TECH}.sh > \ |
| ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hd.sh |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} -DLIBRARY=sky130_fd_sc_hdll qflow/${TECH}.sh > \ |
| ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hdll.sh |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} -DLIBRARY=sky130_fd_sc_hvl qflow/${TECH}.sh > \ |
| ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hvl.sh |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} -DLIBRARY=sky130_fd_sc_hs qflow/${TECH}.sh > \ |
| ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hs.sh |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} -DLIBRARY=sky130_fd_sc_lp qflow/${TECH}.sh > \ |
| ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}lp.sh |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} -DLIBRARY=sky130_fd_sc_ls qflow/${TECH}.sh > \ |
| ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}ls.sh |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} -DLIBRARY=sky130_fd_sc_ms qflow/${TECH}.sh > \ |
| ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}ms.sh |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} -DLIBRARY=sky130_osu_sc_t18 qflow/sky130osu.sh > \ |
| ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}osu.sh |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} qflow/${TECH}.par > ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hd.par |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} qflow/${TECH}.par > ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hdll.par |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} qflow/${TECH}.par > ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hvl.par |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} qflow/${TECH}.par > ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}hs.par |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} qflow/${TECH}.par > ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}ms.par |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} qflow/${TECH}.par > ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}lp.par |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} qflow/${TECH}.par > ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}ls.par |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} qflow/${TECH}.par > ${QFLOW_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}osu.par |
| |
| netgen-a: netgen/${TECH}_setup.tcl |
| mkdir -p ${NETGENTOP_STAGING_A} |
| mkdir -p ${NETGEN_STAGING_A} |
| rm -f ${NETGEN_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}_setup.tcl |
| rm -f ${NETGEN_STAGING_A}/setup.tcl |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} netgen/${TECH}_setup.tcl > ${NETGEN_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}_setup.tcl |
| (cd ${NETGEN_STAGING_A} ; ln -s ${SKY130A}_setup.tcl setup.tcl) |
| |
| klayout-a: klayout/${TECH}.lyp klayout/${TECH}.lyt |
| mkdir -p ${KLAYOUTTOP_STAGING_A} |
| mkdir -p ${KLAYOUT_STAGING_A} |
| rm -f ${KLAYOUT_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}.lyp |
| rm -f ${KLAYOUT_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}.lyt |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} klayout/${TECH}.lyp > ${KLAYOUT_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}.lyp |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} klayout/${TECH}.lyt > ${KLAYOUT_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}.lyt |
| |
| openlane-a: openlane/common_pdn.tcl openlane/config.tcl openlane/sky130_fd_sc_hd/config.tcl openlane/sky130_fd_sc_hs/config.tcl openlane/sky130_fd_sc_ms/config.tcl openlane/sky130_fd_sc_ls/config.tcl openlane/sky130_fd_sc_hdll/config.tcl openlane/sky130_osu_sc_t18/config.tcl |
| mkdir -p ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A} |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/custom_cells/* |
| mkdir -p ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hd |
| mkdir -p ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hs |
| mkdir -p ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_ls |
| mkdir -p ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_ms |
| mkdir -p ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hdll |
| mkdir -p ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hvl |
| mkdir -p ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_osu_sc_t18 |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/common_pdn.info |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/config.tcl |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hd/config.tcl |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hd/tracks.info |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hd/no_synth.cells |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hs/config.tcl |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hs/tracks.info |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hs/no_synth.cells |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hdll/config.tcl |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hdll/tracks.info |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hdll/no_synth.cells |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_ls/config.tcl |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_ls/tracks.info |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_ls/no_synth.cells |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_ms/config.tcl |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_ms/tracks.info |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_ms/no_synth.cells |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/config.tcl |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/tracks.info |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/no_synth.cells |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_osu_sc_t18/config.tcl |
| rm -f ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_osu_sc_t18/tracks.info |
| cp -r openlane/custom_cells ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A} |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} openlane/common_pdn.tcl > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/common_pdn.tcl |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} openlane/config.tcl > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/config.tcl |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} openlane/sky130_fd_sc_hd/config.tcl > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hd/config.tcl |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} openlane/sky130_fd_sc_hd/tracks.info > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hd/tracks.info |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} openlane/sky130_fd_sc_hd/no_synth.cells > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hd/no_synth.cells |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} openlane/sky130_fd_sc_hs/config.tcl > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hs/config.tcl |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} openlane/sky130_fd_sc_hs/tracks.info > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hs/tracks.info |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} openlane/sky130_fd_sc_hs/no_synth.cells > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hs/no_synth.cells |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} openlane/sky130_fd_sc_ms/config.tcl > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_ms/config.tcl |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} openlane/sky130_fd_sc_ms/tracks.info > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_ms/tracks.info |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} openlane/sky130_fd_sc_ms/no_synth.cells > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_ms/no_synth.cells |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} openlane/sky130_fd_sc_ls/config.tcl > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_ls/config.tcl |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} openlane/sky130_fd_sc_ls/tracks.info > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_ls/tracks.info |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} openlane/sky130_fd_sc_ls/no_synth.cells > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_ls/no_synth.cells |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} openlane/sky130_fd_sc_hdll/config.tcl > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hdll/config.tcl |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} openlane/sky130_fd_sc_hdll/tracks.info > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hdll/tracks.info |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} openlane/sky130_fd_sc_hdll/no_synth.cells > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hdll/no_synth.cells |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} openlane/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/config.tcl > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/config.tcl |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} openlane/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/tracks.info > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/tracks.info |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} openlane/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/no_synth.cells > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/no_synth.cells |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} openlane/sky130_osu_sc_t18/config.tcl > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_osu_sc_t18/config.tcl |
| ${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} openlane/sky130_osu_sc_t18/tracks.info > ${OPENLANE_STAGING_A}/sky130_osu_sc_t18/tracks.info |
| |
| vendor-a: |
| # Modify the LEF files to update hs and ms libraries |
| # Install device subcircuits from vendor files |
| ${STAGE} -source ${SKYWATER_PATH} -target ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \ |
| -ngspice sky130_fd_pr/latest/models/* \ |
| filter=custom/scripts/rename_models.py \ |
| |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_install.log |
| # Install base device library from vendor files |
| ${STAGE} -source ${SKYWATER_PATH} -target ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \ |
| -gds %l/latest/cells/*/*.gds compile-only \ |
| -cdl %l/latest/cells/*/*.cdl compile-only \ |
| -lef %l/latest/cells/*/*.magic.lef compile-only \ |
| -spice %l/latest/cells/*/*.spice filter=custom/scripts/rename_cells.py \ |
| -library primitive sky130_fd_pr |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_install.log |
| # Custom: Add "short" resistor model and subcircuit to the r+c models file |
| cat ./custom/models/short.spice >> \ |
| ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A}/libs.tech/ngspice/sky130_fd_pr__model__r+c.model.spice |
| # Custom: Add diodes as subcircuits to the r+c models file |
| cat ./custom/models/diode.spice >> \ |
| ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A}/libs.tech/ngspice/sky130_fd_pr__model__r+c.model.spice |
| |
| # Install custom additions to I/O pad library |
| ${STAGE} -source ./custom -target ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \ |
| -verilog %l/verilog/*.v \ |
| -cdl %l/cdl/*.cdl \ |
| -gds %l/gds/*.gds \ |
| -lef %l/lef/*.lef compile-only rename=sky130_ef_io \ |
| -library general sky130_fd_io |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_install.log |
| # Install SkyWater I/O pad library |
| ${STAGE} -source ${SKYWATER_PATH} -target ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \ |
| -spice %l/latest/cells/*/*.spice compile-only \ |
| sort=custom/scripts/sort_pdkfiles.py \ |
| -cdl %l/latest/cells/*/*.cdl ignore=topography compile-only \ |
| sort=custom/scripts/sort_pdkfiles.py \ |
| -lef %l/latest/cells/*/*.magic.lef compile-only \ |
| sort=custom/scripts/sort_pdkfiles.py \ |
| -doc %l/latest/cells/*/*.pdf \ |
| -lib %l/latest/timing/*.lib \ |
| -gds %l/latest/cells/*/*.gds compile-only \ |
| sort=custom/scripts/sort_pdkfiles.py \ |
| -verilog %l/latest/cells/*/*.*.v \ |
| -verilog %l/latest/cells/*/*.v exclude=*.*.v \ |
| compile-only filter=custom/scripts/inc_verilog.py \ |
| sort=custom/scripts/sort_pdkfiles.py \ |
| -library general sky130_fd_io |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_install.log |
| # Remove the base verilog files which have already been included into |
| # the libraries |
| ${RM} ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/verilog/*.*.v |
| # Install custom additions to standard cell libraries |
| ${STAGE} -source ./custom -target ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \ |
| -gds %l/gds/*.gds \ |
| -lef %l/lef/*.lef \ |
| -library digital sky130_fd_sc_hd |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_install.log |
| # Install all SkyWater digital standard cells. |
| ${STAGE} -source ${SKYWATER_PATH} -target ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \ |
| -techlef %l/latest/tech/*.tlef \ |
| -spice %l/latest/cells/*/*.spice compile-only \ |
| sort=custom/scripts/sort_pdkfiles.py \ |
| -cdl %l/latest/cells/*/*.cdl ignore=topography compile-only \ |
| sort=custom/scripts/sort_pdkfiles.py \ |
| -lef %l/latest/cells/*/*.magic.lef compile-only \ |
| sort=custom/scripts/sort_pdkfiles.py \ |
| -doc %l/latest/cells/*/*.pdf \ |
| -lib %l/latest/timing/*.lib \ |
| -gds %l/latest/cells/*/*.gds compile-only \ |
| sort=custom/scripts/sort_pdkfiles.py \ |
| -verilog %l/latest/models/*/*.v exclude=*.*.v compile-only \ |
| rename=primitives filter=custom/scripts/inc_verilog.py \ |
| sort=custom/scripts/sort_pdkfiles.py \ |
| -verilog %l/latest/cells/*/*.*.v \ |
| -verilog %l/latest/cells/*/*.v exclude=*.*.v,primitives.v \ |
| compile-only filter=custom/scripts/inc_verilog.py \ |
| sort=custom/scripts/sort_pdkfiles.py \ |
| -library digital sky130_fd_sc_hd \ |
| -library digital sky130_fd_sc_hdll \ |
| -library digital sky130_fd_sc_hvl \ |
| -library digital sky130_fd_sc_hs \ |
| -library digital sky130_fd_sc_ls \ |
| -library digital sky130_fd_sc_ms \ |
| -library digital sky130_fd_sc_lp |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_install.log |
| # Remove the base verilog files which have already been included into |
| # the libraries |
| ${RM} ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/verilog/*.*.v |
| ${RM} ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hdll/verilog/*.*.v |
| ${RM} ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/verilog/*.*.v |
| ${RM} ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hs/verilog/*.*.v |
| ${RM} ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_ms/verilog/*.*.v |
| ${RM} ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_ls/verilog/*.*.v |
| ${RM} ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A}/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_lp/verilog/*.*.v |
| # Install OSU digital standard cells. |
| ${STAGE} -source ${SKYWATER_PATH} -target ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \ |
| -techlef %l/latest/lef/sky130_osu_sc.tlef rename=sky130_osu_sc_t18.tlef \ |
| -cdl %l/latest/cdl/*.cdl ignore=topography compile-only \ |
| -lef %l/latest/lef/*.lef compile-only \ |
| -lib %l/latest/lib/*.lib \ |
| -gds %l/latest/gds/*.gds compile-only \ |
| -library digital sky130_osu_sc_t18 |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_install.log |
| |
| install: |
| if test "x${DIST_PATH}" == "x" ; then \ |
| ${MAKE} install-local ; \ |
| else \ |
| ${MAKE} install-dist; \ |
| fi |
| |
| install-local: install-local-a |
| |
| install-local-a: |
| echo "Starting SKY130 PDK migration on "`date` > ${SKY130A}_migrate.log |
| ${INSTALL} -source ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \ |
| -target ${LOCAL_PATH}/${SKY130A} \ |
| -link_from ${LINK_TARGETS} |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_migrate.log |
| echo "Ended SKY130 PDK migration on "`date` >> ${SKY130A}_migrate.log |
| |
| install-dist: install-dist-a |
| |
| install-dist-a: |
| echo "Starting SKY130 PDK migration on "`date` > ${SKY130A}_migrate.log |
| ${INSTALL} -source ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} \ |
| -target ${DIST_PATH}/${SKY130A} \ |
| -local ${LOCAL_PATH}/${SKY130A} \ |
| -link_from ${DIST_LINK_TARGETS} |& tee -a ${SKY130A}_migrate.log |
| echo "Ended SKY130 PDK migration on "`date` >> ${SKY130A}_migrate.log |
| |
| clean: clean-a |
| |
| clean-a: |
| ${STAGE} -target ${STAGING_PATH}/${SKY130A} -clean |
| |
| veryclean: veryclean-a |
| |
| veryclean-a: clean-a |
| ${RM} ${SKY130A}_install.log |
| ${RM} ${SKY130A}_migrate.log |