blob: fce0c2a44e7b5ffec35d1b68824bbf1445c429c5 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Given a destination directory holding individual verilog files of a number
# of modules, create a single verilog library file named <alllibname> and place
# it in the same directory. This is done for the option "compile" if specified
# for the "-verilog" install.
import sys
import os
import re
import glob
import fnmatch
import natural_sort
def usage():
print(' create_verilog_library <destlibdir> <destlib> [-compile-only]')
print(' [-stub] [-excludelist="file1,file2,..."]')
print('Create a single verilog library from a set of individual verilog files.')
print(' <destlibdir> is the directory containing the individual files')
print(' <destlib> is the root name of the library file')
print(' -compile-only remove the indidual files if specified')
print(' -stub generate only the module headers for each cell')
print(' -excludelist= is a comma-separated list of files to ignore')
def create_verilog_library(destlibdir, destlib, do_compile_only=False, do_stub=False, excludelist=[]):
# 'destlib' should not have an extension, because one will be generated.
destlibroot = os.path.splitext(destlib)[0]
alllibname = destlibdir + '/' + destlibroot + '.v'
if os.path.isfile(alllibname):
print('Diagnostic: Creating consolidated verilog library ' + destlibroot + '.v')
# If file "filelist.txt" exists in the directory, get the list of files from it
if os.path.exists(destlibdir + '/filelist.txt'):
print('Diagnostic: Reading sorted verilog file list.')
with open(destlibdir + '/filelist.txt', 'r') as ifile:
rlist =
vlist = []
for rfile in rlist:
vlist.append(destlibdir + '/' + rfile)
vlist = glob.glob(destlibdir + '/*.v')
vlist = natural_sort.natural_sort(vlist)
if alllibname in vlist:
# Create exclude list with glob-style matching using fnmatch
if len(vlist) > 0:
vlistnames = list(os.path.split(item)[1] for item in vlist)
notvlist = []
for exclude in excludelist:
notvlist.extend(fnmatch.filter(vlistnames, exclude))
# Apply exclude list
if len(notvlist) > 0:
for file in vlist[:]:
if os.path.split(file)[1] in notvlist:
if len(vlist) > 1:
print('New file is: ' + alllibname)
with open(alllibname, 'w') as ofile:
allmodules = []
for vfile in vlist:
if not os.path.exists(vfile):
print('Error: File ' + vfile + ' not found (skipping).')
with open(vfile, 'r') as ifile:
# print('Adding ' + vfile + ' to library.')
vtext =
modules = re.findall(r'[ \t\n]module[ \t]+([^ \t\n\(]+)', vtext)
mseen = list(item for item in modules if item in allmodules)
allmodules.extend(list(item for item in modules if item not in allmodules))
# NOTE: "remove_redundant_modules" is disabled because it is
# not checking if duplicate modules might exist within separate
# blocks of an "ifdef".
# vfilter = remove_redundant_modules(vtext, modules, mseen)
vfilter = vtext
# NOTE: The following workaround resolves an issue with iverilog,
# which does not properly parse specify timing paths that are not in
# parentheses. Easy to work around
vlines = re.sub(r'\)[ \t]*=[ \t]*([01]:[01]:[01])[ \t]*;', r') = ( \1 ) ;', vfilter)
print(vlines, file=ofile)
print('\n//--------EOF---------\n', file=ofile)
if do_compile_only == True:
print('Compile-only: Removing individual verilog files')
for vfile in vlist:
if os.path.isfile(vfile):
elif os.path.islink(vfile):
print('Only one file (' + str(vlist) + '); ignoring "compile" option.')
# Remove redundant module entries from a verilog file. "m2list" is a list of
# module names gleaned from all previously read files using re.findall().
# "mlist" is a list of all module names including those in "ntext".
# The reason for doing this is that some verilog files may includes modules used
# by all the files, and if included more than once, then iverilog complains.
# Important note: This module has been disabled. It needs to check if
# duplicate modules are inside mutually exclusive conditions of an ifdef
# block.
def remove_redundant_modules(ntext, mlist, m2list):
updated = ntext
for module in mlist:
# Determine the number of times the module appears in the text
if module in m2list:
# This module seen before outside of ntext, so remove all occurrances in ntext
new = re.sub(r'[ \t\n]+module[ \t]+' + module + '[ \t\n\(]+.*?[ \t\n]endmodule', '\n', updated, flags=re.DOTALL)
updated = new
n = len(re.findall(r'[ \t\n]module[ \t]+' + module + '[ \t\n\(]+.*?[ \t\n]endmodule', updated, flags=re.DOTALL))
# This module defined more than once inside ntext, so remove all but one
# Optimization: Just keep original text if n < 2
if n < 2:
# Remove all but one
updated = re.sub(r'[ \t\n]+module[ \t]+' + module + '[ \t\n]+.*?[ \t\n]endmodule', '\n', updated, n - 1, flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)
return updated
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
argumentlist = []
# Defaults
do_compile_only = False
do_stub = False
excludelist = []
# Break arguments into groups where the first word begins with "-".
# All following words not beginning with "-" are appended to the
# same list (optionlist). Then each optionlist is processed.
# Note that the first entry in optionlist has the '-' removed.
for option in sys.argv[1:]:
if option.find('-', 0) == 0:
keyval = option[1:].split('=')
if keyval[0] == 'compile-only':
if len(keyval) > 0:
if keyval[1].tolower() == 'true' or keyval[1].tolower() == 'yes' or keyval[1] == '1':
do_compile_only = True
do_compile_only = True
elif keyval[1] == 'exclude' or key == 'excludelist':
if len(keyval) > 0:
excludelist = keyval[1].trim('"').split(',')
print("No items in exclude list (ignoring).")
elif keyval[0] == 'stub':
if len(keyval) > 0:
if keyval[1].tolower() == 'true' or keyval[1].tolower() == 'yes' or keyval[1] == '1':
do_stub = True
do_stub = True
print("Unknown option '" + keyval[0] + "' (ignoring).")
if len(argumentlist) < 3:
print("Not enough arguments given to")
destlibdir = argumentlist[0]
destlib = argumentlist[1]
startup_script = argumentlist[2]
print('Create verilog library from files:')
print('Path to files: ' + destlibdir)
print('Name of compiled library: ' + destlib + '.v')
print('Path to magic startup script: ' + startup_script)
print('Remove individual files: ' + 'Yes' if do_compile_only else 'No')
if len(excludelist) > 0:
print('List of files to exclude: ')
for file in excludelist:
create_verilog_library(destlibdir, destlib, startup_script, do_compile_only, do_stub, excludelist)