blob: 6b323bd9e48ea88db067e444dde595b05a49e09a [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
This is the main part of the automatic characterization engine. It takes
a JSON simulation template file as input and parses it for information on
how to construct files for the characterization simulations. Output is
a number of simulation files (for now, at least, in ng-spice format).
Usage: [<root_path>] [<option> ...]
<root_path> is the root of all the other path names, if the other
path names are not full paths. If the other pathnames are all
full paths, then <root_path> may be omitted.
-simdir <path>
is the location where simulation files and data should be placed.
-datasheetdir <path>
is the location of the JSON file describing the characterization
-testbenchdir <path>
is the location of the netlists for the characterization methods
-designdir <path>
is the location of the netlist for the device-under-test
-layoutdir <path>
is the location of the layout netlist for the device-under-test
-datasheet <name>
is the name of the datasheet JSON file
-method <name>, ...
is a list of one or more names of methods to simulate. If omitted,
all methods are run for a complete characterization.
indicates that cace_gensim is being run locally, not on the CACE
server, simulation conditions should be output along with results;
'local' mode implies that results are not posted to the marketplace
after simulation, and result files are kept.
acts like remote CACE by running all simulations in one batch and
posting to the marketplace. Does not generate status reports.
test mode: keep all files after simulation
test mode: generate plot (.png) files locally
test mode: do not post results to the marketplace
test mode: set up all files for simulation but do not simulate
Quick local run---Use: <root_dir> -local -method=<method_name>
e.g., ~/design/XBG_1V23LC_V01 -local -method=DCVOLTAGE_VBG.1
import os
import sys
import json
import re
import time
import shutil
import signal
import datetime
import subprocess
import faulthandler
from functools import reduce
from spiceunits import spice_unit_convert
# Application path (path where this script is located)
apps_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
launchproc = []
def construct_dut_from_path(pname, pathname, pinlist, foundry, node):
# Read the indicated file, find the .subckt line, and copy out the
# pin names and DUT name. Complain if pin names don't match pin names
# in the datasheet.
# NOTE: There may be more than one subcircuit in the netlist, so
# insist upon the actual DUT (pname)
subrex = re.compile('^[^\*]*[ \t]*.subckt[ \t]+(.*)$', re.IGNORECASE)
noderex = re.compile('\*\*\* Layout tech:[ \t]+([^ \t,]+),[ \t]+foundry[ \t]+([^ \t]+)', re.IGNORECASE)
outline = ""
dutname = ""
if not os.path.isfile(pathname):
print('Error: No design netlist file ' + pathname + ' found.')
return outline
# First pull in all lines of the file and concatenate all continuation
# lines.
with open(pathname, 'r') as ifile:
duttext =
dutlines = duttext.replace('\n+', ' ').splitlines()
found = 0
for line in dutlines:
lmatch = noderex.match(line)
if lmatch:
nlnode =
nlfoundry =
if nlfoundry != foundry:
print('Error: Foundry is ' + foundry + ' in spec sheet, ' + nlfoundry + ' in netlist.')
if nlnode != node:
print('Error: Node is ' + node + ' in spec sheet, ' + nlnode + ' in netlist.')
lmatch = subrex.match(line)
if lmatch:
rest =
tokens = rest.split()
dutname = tokens[0]
if dutname == pname:
outline = outline + 'X' + dutname + ' '
for pin in tokens[1:]:
upin = pin.upper()
pinmatch = next(item for item in pinlist if item['name'].upper() == upin)
except StopIteration:
# Maybe this is not the DUT?
found = 0
# Try the next line (to be done)
outline = outline + pin + ' '
found += 1
if found == 0 and dutname == "":
print('File ' + pathname + ' does not contain any subcircuits!')
raise SyntaxError('File ' + pathname + ' does not contain any subcircuits!')
elif found == 0:
if dutname != pname:
print('File ' + pathname + ' does not have a subcircuit named ' + pname + '!')
raise SyntaxError('File ' + pathname + ' does not have a subcircuit named ' + pname + '!')
print('Pins in schematic: ' + str(tokens[1:]))
print('Pins in datasheet: ', end='')
for pin in pinlist:
print(pin['name'] + ' ', end='')
print('File ' + pathname + ' subcircuit ' + pname + ' does not have expected pins!')
raise SyntaxError('File ' + pathname + ' subcircuit ' + pname + ' does not have expected pins!')
elif found != len(pinlist):
print('File ' + pathname + ' does not contain the project DUT ' + pname)
print('or not all pins of the DUT were found.')
print('Pinlist is : ', end='')
for pinrec in pinlist:
print(pinrec['name'] + ' ', end='')
print('Length of pinlist is ' + str(len(pinlist)))
print('Number of pins found in subcircuit call is ' + str(found))
raise SyntaxError('File ' + pathname + ' does not contain the project DUT!')
outline = outline + dutname + '\n'
return outline
conditiontypes = {
"CORNER": 10,
"SIGMA": 11,
"TIME": 13
# floating-point numeric sequence generators, to be used with condition generator
def linseq(condition, unit, start, stop, step):
a = float(start)
e = float(stop)
s = float(step)
while (a < e + s):
if (a > e):
yield (condition, unit, stop)
yield (condition, unit, str(a))
a = a + s
def logseq(condition, unit, start, stop, step):
a = float(start)
e = float(stop)
s = float(step)
while (a < e * s):
if (a > e):
yield (condition, unit, stop)
yield (condition, unit, str(a))
a = a * s
# binary (integer) numeric sequence generators, to be used with condition generator
def bindigits(n, bits):
s = bin(n & int("1" * bits, 2))[2:]
return ("{0:0>%s}" % (bits)).format(s)
def twos_comp(val, bits):
"""compute the 2's compliment of int value val"""
if (val & (1 << (bits - 1))) != 0: # if sign bit is set e.g., 8bit: 128-255
val = val - (1 << bits) # compute negative value
return val # return positive value as is
def bcount(condition, unit, start, stop, step):
blen = len(start)
a = eval('0b' + start)
e = eval('0b' + stop)
if a > e:
a = twos_comp(a, blen)
e = twos_comp(e, blen)
s = int(step)
while (a < e + s):
if (a > e):
bstr = bindigits(e, blen)
bstr = bindigits(a, blen)
yield (condition, unit, bstr)
a = a + s
def bshift(condition, unit, start, stop, step):
a = eval('0b' + start)
e = eval('0b' + stop)
if a > e:
a = twos_comp(a, blen)
e = twos_comp(e, blen)
s = int(step)
while (a < e * s):
if (a > e):
bstr = bindigits(e, blen)
bstr = bindigits(a, blen)
yield (condition, unit, bstr)
a = a * s
# define a generator for conditions. Given a condition (dictionary),
# return (as a yield) each specified condition as a
# 3-tuple (condition_type, value, unit)
def condition_gen(cond):
lcond = cond['condition']
if "unit" in cond:
unit = cond['unit']
unit = ''
if "enum" in cond:
for i in cond["enum"]:
yield(lcond, unit, i)
elif "min" in cond and "max" in cond and "linstep" in cond:
if unit == "'b" or lcond.split(':', 1)[0] == 'DIGITAL':
yield from bcount(lcond, unit, cond["min"], cond["max"], cond["linstep"])
yield from linseq(lcond, unit, cond["min"], cond["max"], cond["linstep"])
elif "min" in cond and "max" in cond and "logstep" in cond:
if unit == "'b" or lcond.split(':', 1)[0] == 'DIGITAL':
yield from bshift(lcond, unit, cond["min"], cond["max"], cond["logstep"])
yield from logseq(lcond, unit, cond["min"], cond["max"], cond["logstep"])
elif "min" in cond and "max" in cond and "typ" in cond:
yield(lcond, unit, cond["min"])
yield(lcond, unit, cond["typ"])
yield(lcond, unit, cond["max"])
elif "min" in cond and "max" in cond:
yield(lcond, unit, cond["min"])
yield(lcond, unit, cond["max"])
elif "min" in cond and "typ" in cond:
yield(lcond, unit, cond["min"])
yield(lcond, unit, cond["typ"])
elif "max" in cond and "typ" in cond:
yield(lcond, unit, cond["typ"])
yield(lcond, unit, cond["max"])
elif "min" in cond:
yield(lcond, unit, cond["min"])
elif "max" in cond:
yield(lcond, unit, cond["max"])
elif "typ" in cond:
yield(lcond, unit, cond["typ"])
# Find the maximum time to run a simulation. This is the maximum of:
# (1) maximum value, if method is RISETIME or FALLTIME, and (2) maximum
# RISETIME or FALLTIME of any condition.
# "lcondlist" is the list of local conditions extended by the list of
# all global conditions that are not overridden by local values.
# NOTE: This list is limited to rise and fall time values, as they are
# the only time constraints known to cace_gensim at this time. This list
# will be extended as more simulation methods are added.
def findmaxtime(param, lcondlist):
maxtime = 0.0
simunit = param['unit']
except KeyError:
# Plots has no min/max/typ so doesn't require units.
if 'plot' in param:
return maxtime
maxval = 0.0
found = False
if 'max' in param:
prec = param['max']
if 'target' in prec:
pmax = prec['target']
maxval = float(spice_unit_convert([simunit, pmax], 'time'))
found = True
if not found and 'typ' in param:
prec = param['typ']
if 'target' in prec:
ptyp = prec['target']
maxval = float(spice_unit_convert([simunit, ptyp], 'time'))
found = True
if not found and 'min' in param:
prec = param['min']
if 'target' in prec:
pmin = prec['target']
maxval = float(spice_unit_convert([simunit, pmin], 'time'))
found = True
if maxval > maxtime:
maxtime = maxval
for cond in lcondlist:
condtype = cond['condition'].split(':', 1)[0]
# print ('condtype ' + condtype)
if condtype == 'RISETIME' or condtype == 'FALLTIME':
condunit = cond['unit']
maxval = 0.0
if 'max' in cond:
maxval = float(spice_unit_convert([condunit, cond['max']], 'time'))
elif 'enum' in cond:
maxval = float(spice_unit_convert([condunit, cond['enum'][-1]], 'time'))
elif 'typ' in cond:
maxval = float(spice_unit_convert([condunit, cond['typ']], 'time'))
elif 'min' in cond:
maxval = float(spice_unit_convert([condunit, cond['min']], 'time'))
if maxval > maxtime:
maxtime = maxval
return maxtime
# Picked up from StackOverflow: Procedure to remove non-unique entries
# in a list of lists (as always, thanks StackOverflow!).
def uniquify(seq):
seen = set()
return [x for x in seq if str(x) not in seen and not seen.add(str(x))]
# Insert hints that have been selected in the characterization tool for
# aid in getting stubborn simulations to converge, or to avoid failures
# due to floating nodes, etc. The hints are somewhat open-ended and can
# be extended as needed. NOTE: Hint "method" selects the parameter
# method and is handled outside this routine, which only adds lines to
# the simulation netlist.
def insert_hints(param, ofile):
if 'hints' in param:
phints = param['hints']
if 'reltol' in phints:
value = phints['reltol']
ofile.write('.options reltol = ' + value + '\n')
if 'rshunt' in phints:
value = phints['rshunt']
ofile.write('.options rshunt = ' + value + '\n')
if 'itl1' in phints:
value = phints['itl1']
ofile.write('.options itl1 = ' + value + '\n')
if 'nodeset' in phints:
value = phints['nodeset']
# replace '/' in nodeset with '|' to match character replacement done
# on the output of magic.
ofile.write('.nodeset ' + value.replace('/', '|') + '\n')
if 'include' in phints:
value = phints['include']
ofile.write('.include ' + value + '\n')
# Replace the substitution token ${INCLUDE_DUT} with the contents of the DUT subcircuit
# netlist file. "functional" is a list of IP block names that are to be searched for in
# .include lines in the netlist and replaced with functional view equivalents (if such
# exist).
def inline_dut(filename, functional, rootpath, ofile):
comtrex = re.compile(r'^\*') # SPICE comment
inclrex = re.compile(r'[ \t]*\.include[ \t]+["\']?([^"\' \t]+)["\']?', re.IGNORECASE) # SPICE include statement
braktrex = re.compile(r'([^ \t]+)\[([^ \t])\]', re.IGNORECASE) # Node name with brackets
subcrex = re.compile(r'[ \t]*x([^ \t]+)[ \t]+(.*)$', re.IGNORECASE) # SPICE subcircuit line
librex = re.compile(r'(.*)__(.*)', re.IGNORECASE)
endrex = re.compile(r'[ \t]*\.end[ \t]*', re.IGNORECASE)
endsrex = re.compile(r'[ \t]*\.ends[ \t]*', re.IGNORECASE)
# IP names in the ridiculously complicated form
# <user_path>/design/ip/<proj_name>/<version>/<spice-type>/<proj_name>/<proj_netlist>
ippathrex = re.compile(r'(.+)/design/ip/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/ \t]+)')
locpathrex = re.compile(r'(.+)/design/([^/]+)/spi/([^/]+)/([^/ \t]+)')
# This form does not appear on servers but is used if an IP block is being prepared locally.
altpathrex = re.compile(r'(.+)/design/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/ \t]+)')
# Local IP names in the form
# <user_path>/design/<project>/spi/<spice-type>/<proj_netlist>
# To be completed
with open(filename, 'r') as ifile:
nettext =
netlines = nettext.replace('\n+', ' ').splitlines()
for line in netlines:
subsline = line
cmatch = comtrex.match(line)
if cmatch:
print(line, file=ofile)
# Check for ".end" which should be removed (but not ".ends", which must remain)
ematch = endrex.match(line)
if ematch:
smatch = endsrex.match(line)
if not smatch:
imatch = inclrex.match(line)
if imatch:
incpath =
# Substitution behavior is complicated due to the difference between netlist
# files from schematic capture vs. layout and read-only vs. read-write IP.
incroot = os.path.split(incpath)[1]
incname = os.path.splitext(incroot)[0]
lmatch = librex.match(incname)
if lmatch:
ipname =
ipname = incname
if ipname.upper() in functional:
# Search for functional view (depends on if this is a read-only IP or
# read-write local subcircuit)
funcpath = None
ippath = ippathrex.match(incpath)
if ippath:
userpath =
ipname2 =
ipversion =
spitype =
ipname3 =
ipnetlist =
funcpath = userpath + '/design/ip/' + ipname2 + '/' + ipversion + '/spice-func/' + ipname + '.spice'
locpath = locpathrex.match(incpath)
if locpath:
userpath =
ipname2 =
spitype =
ipnetlist =
funcpath = userpath + '/design/' + ipname2 + '/spi/func/' + ipname + '.spice'
altpath = altpathrex.match(incpath)
if altpath:
userpath =
ipname2 =
spitype =
ipname3 =
ipnetlist =
funcpath = userpath + '/design/' + ipname2 + '/spi/func/' + ipname + '.spice'
funcpath = os.path.expanduser(funcpath)
if funcpath and os.path.exists(funcpath):
print('Subsituting functional view for IP block ' + ipname)
print('Original netlist is ' + incpath)
print('Functional netlist is ' + funcpath)
subsline = '.include ' + funcpath
elif funcpath:
print('Original netlist is ' + incpath)
print('Functional view specified but no functional view found.')
print('Tried looking for ' + funcpath)
print('Retaining original view.')
print('Original netlist is ' + incpath)
print('Cannot make sense of netlist path to find functional view.')
# If include file name is in <lib>__<cell> format (from electric) and the
# functional view is not, then find the subcircuit call and replace the
# subcircuit name. At least at the moment, the vice versa case does not
# happen.
smatch = subcrex.match(line)
if smatch:
subinst =
tokens =
# Need to test for parameters passed to subcircuit. The actual subcircuit
# name occurs before any parameters.
params = []
pins = []
for token in tokens:
if '=' in token:
subname = pins[-1]
pins = pins[0:-1]
lmatch = librex.match(subname)
if lmatch:
testname =
if testname.upper() in functional:
subsline = 'X' + subinst + ' ' + ' '.join(pins) + ' ' + testname + ' ' + ' '.join(params)
# Remove any array brackets from node names in the top-level subcircuit, because they
# interfere with the array notation used by XSPICE which may be present in functional
# views (replace bracket characters with underscores).
# subsline = subsline.replace('[', '_').replace(']', '_')
# Do this *only* when there are no spaces inside the brackets, or else any XSPICE
# primitives in the netlist containing arrays will get messed up.
subsline = braktrex.sub(r'\1_\2_', subsline)
ofile.write(subsline + '\n')
# Define how to write a simulation file by making substitutions into a
# template schematic.
def substitute(filename, fileinfo, template, simvals, maxtime, schemline,
localmode, param):
"""Simulation derived by substitution into template schematic"""
# Regular expressions
varex = re.compile(r'(\$\{[^ \}\t]+\})') # variable name ${name}
defaultex = re.compile(r'\$\{([^=]+)=([^=\}]+)\}') # name in ${name=default} format
condpinex = re.compile(r'\$\{([^:]+):([^:\}]+)\}') # name in ${cond:pin} format
condex = re.compile(r'\$\{([^\}]+)\}') # name in ${cond} format
sweepex = re.compile(r'\$\{([^\}]+):SWEEP([^\}]+)\}') # name in ${cond:[pin:]sweep} format
pinex = re.compile(r'PIN:([^:]+):([^:]+)') # name in ${PIN:pin_name:net_name} format
funcrex = re.compile(r'FUNCTIONAL:([^:]+)') # name in ${FUNCTIONAL:ip_name} format
colonsepex = re.compile(r'^([^:]+):([^:]+)$') # a:b (colon-separated values)
vectrex = re.compile(r'([^\[]+)\[([0-9]+)\]') # pin name is a vector signal
vect2rex = re.compile(r'([^<]+)<([0-9]+)>') # pin name is a vector signal (alternate style)
vect3rex = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z][^0-9]*)([0-9]+)') # pin name is a vector signal (alternate style)
libdirrex = re.compile(r'.lib[ \t]+(.*)[ \t]+') # pick up library name from .lib
vinclrex = re.compile(r'[ \t]*`include[ \t]+"([^"]+)"') # verilog include statement
# Information about the DUT
simfilepath = fileinfo['simulation-path']
schempath = fileinfo['design-netlist-path']
schemname = fileinfo['design-netlist-name']
testbenchpath = fileinfo['testbench-netlist-path']
rootpath = fileinfo['root-path']
schempins = schemline.upper().split()[1:-1]
simpins = [None] * len(schempins)
suffix = os.path.splitext(template)[1]
functional = []
# Read ifile into a list
# Concatenate any continuation lines
with open(template, 'r') as ifile:
simtext =
simlines = simtext.replace('\n+', ' ').splitlines()
# Make initial pass over contents of template file, looking for SWEEP
# entries, and collapse simvals accordingly.
sweeps = []
for line in simlines:
sublist = sweepex.findall(line)
for pattern in sublist:
condition = pattern[0]
entry = next(item for item in sweeps if item['condition'] == condition)
except (StopIteration, KeyError):
print("Did not find condition " + condition + " in sweeps.")
print("Pattern = " + str(pattern))
print("Sublist = " + str(sublist))
print("Sweeps = " + str(sweeps))
entry = {'condition':condition}
# Find each entry in simvals with the same condition.
# Record the minimum, maximum, and step for substitution, at the same
# time removing that item from the entry.
lvals = []
units = ''
for simval in simvals:
simrec = next(item for item in simval if item[0] == condition)
except StopIteration:
print('No condition = ' + condition + ' in record:\n')
ptext = str(simval) + '\n'
units = simrec[1]
# Remove non-unique entries from lvals
lvals = list(set(lvals))
# Now parse lvals for minimum/maximum
entry['unit'] = units
minval = min(lvals)
maxval = max(lvals)
entry['START'] = str(minval)
entry['END'] = str(maxval)
numvals = len(lvals)
if numvals > 1:
entry['STEPS'] = str(numvals)
entry['STEP'] = str((maxval - minval) / (numvals - 1))
entry['STEPS'] = "1"
entry['STEP'] = str(minval)
# Remove non-unique entries from simvals
simvals = uniquify(simvals)
simnum = 0
testbenches = []
for simval in simvals:
# Create the file
simnum += 1
simfilename = simfilepath + '/' + filename + '_' + str(simnum) + suffix
controlblock = False
with open(simfilename, 'w') as ofile:
for line in simlines:
# Check if the parser is in the ngspice control block section
if '.control' in line:
controlblock = True
elif '.endc' in line:
controlblock = False
elif controlblock == True:
ofile.write('set sqrnoise\n')
# This will need to be more nuanced if controlblock is used
# to do more than just insert the noise sim hack.
controlblock = False
# This will be replaced
subsline = line
# Find all variables to substitute
for patmatch in varex.finditer(line):
pattern =
# If variable is in ${x=y} format, it declares a default value
# Remove the =y default part and keep it for later if needed.
defmatch = defaultex.match(pattern)
if defmatch:
default =
vpattern = '${' + + '}'
default = []
vpattern = pattern
repl = []
no_repl_ok = False
vtype = -1
sweeprec = sweepex.match(vpattern)
if sweeprec:
sweeptype =
condition =
entry = next(item for item in sweeps if item['condition'] == condition)
uval = spice_unit_convert((entry['unit'], entry[sweeptype]))
repl = str(uval)
cond = condex.match(vpattern)
if cond:
condition =
# Check if the condition contains a pin vector
lmatch = vectrex.match(condition)
if lmatch:
pinidx = int(
vcondition =
vtype = 0
lmatch = vect2rex.match(condition)
if lmatch:
pinidx = int(
vcondition =
vtype = 1
lmatch = vect3rex.match(condition)
if lmatch:
pinidx = int(
vcondition =
vtype = 3
entry = next((item for item in simval if item[0] == condition))
except (StopIteration, KeyError):
# check against known names (to-do: change if block to array of procs)
if condition == 'N':
repl = str(simnum)
elif condition == 'MAXTIME':
repl = str(maxtime)
elif condition == 'STEPTIME':
repl = str(maxtime / 100)
elif condition == 'DUT_PATH':
repl = schempath + '/' + schemname + '\n'
# DUT_PATH is required and is a good spot to
# insert hints (but deprecated in fafor of INCLUDE_DUT)
insert_hints(param, ofile)
elif condition == 'INCLUDE_DUT':
if len(functional) == 0:
repl = '.include ' + schempath + '/' + schemname + '\n'
inline_dut(schempath + '/' + schemname, functional, rootpath, ofile)
repl = '** End of in-line DUT subcircuit'
insert_hints(param, ofile)
elif condition == 'DUT_CALL':
repl = schemline
elif condition == 'DUT_NAME':
# This verifies pin list of schematic vs. the netlist.
repl = schemline.split()[-1]
elif condition == 'FILENAME':
repl = filename
elif condition == 'RANDOM':
repl = str(int(time.time() * 1000) & 0x7fffffff)
# Stack math operators. Perform specified math
# operation on the last two values and replace.
# Note that ngspice is finicky about space around "=" so
# handle this in a way that keeps ngspice happy.
elif condition == '+':
smatch =
watchend = smatch.start()
ltok = subsline[0:watchend].replace('=', ' = ').split()
ntok = ltok[:-2]
ntok.append(str(float(ltok[-2]) + float(ltok[-1])))
subsline = ' '.join(ntok).replace(' = ', '=') + line[patmatch.end():]
repl = ''
no_repl_ok = True
elif condition == '-':
smatch =
watchend = smatch.start()
ltok = subsline[0:watchend].replace('=', ' = ').split()
ntok = ltok[:-2]
ntok.append(str(float(ltok[-2]) - float(ltok[-1])))
subsline = ' '.join(ntok).replace(' = ', '=') + line[patmatch.end():]
repl = ''
no_repl_ok = True
elif condition == '*':
smatch =
watchend = smatch.start()
ltok = subsline[0:watchend].replace('=', ' = ').split()
ntok = ltok[:-2]
ntok.append(str(float(ltok[-2]) * float(ltok[-1])))
subsline = ' '.join(ntok).replace(' = ', '=') + line[patmatch.end():]
repl = ''
no_repl_ok = True
elif condition == '/':
smatch =
watchend = smatch.start()
ltok = subsline[0:watchend].replace('=', ' = ').split()
ntok = ltok[:-2]
ntok.append(str(float(ltok[-2]) / float(ltok[-1])))
subsline = ' '.join(ntok).replace(' = ', '=') + line[patmatch.end():]
repl = ''
no_repl_ok = True
elif condition == 'MAX':
smatch =
watchend = smatch.start()
ltok = subsline[0:watchend].replace('=', ' = ').split()
ntok = ltok[:-2]
ntok.append(str(max(float(ltok[-2]), float(ltok[-1]))))
subsline = ' '.join(ntok).replace(' = ', '=') + line[patmatch.end():]
repl = ''
no_repl_ok = True
elif condition == 'MIN':
smatch =
watchend = smatch.start()
ltok = subsline[0:watchend].replace('=', ' = ').split()
ntok = ltok[:-2]
ntok.append(str(min(float(ltok[-2]), float(ltok[-1]))))
subsline = ' '.join(ntok).replace(' = ', '=') + line[patmatch.end():]
repl = ''
no_repl_ok = True
# 'NEG' acts on only the previous value in the string.
elif condition == 'NEG':
smatch =
watchend = smatch.start()
ltok = subsline[0:watchend].replace('=', ' = ').split()
ntok = ltok[:-1]
subsline = ' '.join(ntok).replace(' = ', '=') + line[patmatch.end():]
repl = ''
no_repl_ok = True
elif condition.find('PIN:') == 0:
# Parse for ${PIN:<pin_name>:<net_name>}
# Replace <pin_name> with index of pin from DUT subcircuit
pinrec = pinex.match(condition)
pinname =
netname =
idx = schempins.index(pinname)
except ValueError:
repl = netname
repl = '${PIN}'
simpins[idx] = netname
elif condition.find('FUNCTIONAL:') == 0:
# Parse for ${FUNCTIONAL:<ip_name>}
# Add <ip_name> to "functional" array.
# 'FUNCTIONAL' declarations must come before 'INCLUDE_DUT' or else
# substitution will not be made. 'INCLUDE_DUT' must be used in place
# of 'DUT_PATH' to get the correct behavior.
funcrec = funcrex.match(condition)
ipname =
repl = '** Using functional view for ' + ipname
if lmatch:
entry = next((item for item in simval if item[0].split('[')[0].split('<')[0] == vcondition))
if vtype == 3:
for entry in simval:
lmatch = vect3rex.match(entry[0])
if lmatch:
if == vcondition:
vlen = len(entry[2])
uval = entry[2][(vlen - 1) - pinidx]
repl = str(uval)
# if no match, subsline remains as-is.
# Handle as vector bit slice (see below)
vlen = len(entry[2])
uval = entry[2][(vlen - 1) - pinidx]
repl = str(uval)
# else if no match, subsline remains as-is.
if lmatch:
# pull signal at pinidx out of the vector.
# Note: DIGITAL assumes binary value. May want to
# allow general case of real-valued vectors, which would
# require a spice unit conversion routine without indexing.
vlen = len(entry[2])
uval = entry[2][(vlen - 1) - pinidx]
uval = spice_unit_convert(entry[1:])
repl = str(uval)
if not repl and default:
# Use default if no match was found and default was specified
repl = default
if repl:
# Make the variable substitution
subsline = subsline.replace(pattern, repl)
elif not no_repl_ok:
print('Warning: Variable ' + pattern + ' had no substitution')
# Check if ${PIN} are in line. If so, order by index and
# rewrite pins in order
for i in range(len(simpins)):
if '${PIN}' in subsline:
if simpins[i]:
subsline = subsline.replace('${PIN}', simpins[i], 1)
print("Error: simpins is " + str(simpins) + '\n')
print(" subsline is " + subsline + '\n')
print(" i is " + str(i) + '\n')
# Check for a verilog include file, and if any is found, copy it
# to the target simulation directory. Replace any leading path
# with the local current working directory '.'.
vmatch = vinclrex.match(subsline)
if vmatch:
incfile =
incroot = os.path.split(incfile)[1]
curpath = os.path.split(template)[0]
incpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(curpath, incfile))
shutil.copy(incpath, simfilepath + '/' + incroot)
subsline = ' `include "./' + incroot + '"'
# Write the modified output line (with variable substitutions)
ofile.write(subsline + '\n')
# Add information about testbench file and conditions to datasheet JSON,
# which can be parsed by
testbench = {}
testbench['filename'] = simfilename
testbench['prefix'] = filename
testbench['conditions'] = simval
return testbenches
# Define how to write simulation devices
def generate_simfiles(datatop, fileinfo, arguments, methods, localmode):
# pull out the relevant part, which is "data-sheet"
dsheet = datatop['data-sheet']
# grab values held in 'fileinfo'
testbenchpath = fileinfo['testbench-netlist-path']
# electrical parameter list comes from "methods" if non-NULL.
# Otherwise, each entry in 'methods' is checked against the
# electrical parameters.
if 'electrical-params' in dsheet:
eparamlist = dsheet['electrical-params']
eparamlist = []
if 'physical-params' in dsheet:
pparamlist = dsheet['physical-params']
pparamlist = []
# If specific methods are called out for simulation using option "-method=", then
# generate the list of electrical parameters for those methods only.
if methods:
neweparamlist = []
newpparamlist = []
for method in methods:
# If method is <methodname>.<index>, simulate only the <index>th instance of
# the method.
if '.' in method:
(method, index) = method.split('.')
index = []
if method == 'physical':
usedmethods = list(item for item in pparamlist if item['condition'] == index)
if not usedmethods:
print('Unknown parameter ' + index + ' requested in options. Ignoring.\n')
for used in usedmethods:
usedmethods = list(item for item in eparamlist if item['method'] == method)
if not usedmethods:
print('Unknown method ' + method + ' requested in options. Ignoring.\n')
if index:
for used in usedmethods:
if not neweparamlist and not newpparamlist:
print('Warning: No valid methods given as options, so no simulations will be done.\n')
if neweparamlist:
for param in neweparamlist:
if 'display' in param:
ptext = 'Simulating parameter: ' + param['display'] + ' (' + param['method'] + ')\n'
ptext = 'Simulating method: ' + param['method'] + '\n'
eparamlist = neweparamlist
if newpparamlist:
for param in newpparamlist:
if 'display' in param:
ptext = 'Checking parameter: ' + param['display'] + ' (' + param['condition'] + ')\n'
ptext = 'Checking parameter: ' + param['condition'] + '\n'
pparamlist = newpparamlist
# Diagnostic
# print('pparamlist:')
# for param in pparamlist:
# ptext = param['condition'] + '\n'
# sys.stdout.buffer.write(ptext.encode('utf-8'))
# print('eparamlist:')
# for param in eparamlist:
# ptext = param['method'] + '\n'
# sys.stdout.buffer.write(ptext.encode('utf-8'))
# major subcategories of "data-sheet"
gcondlist = dsheet['global-conditions']
# Make a copy of the pin list in the datasheet, and expand any vectors.
pinlist = []
vectrex = re.compile(r"([^\[]+)\[([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\]")
vect2rex = re.compile(r"([^<]+)\<([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\>")
vect3rex = re.compile(r"([^0-9]+)([0-9]+):([0-9]+)")
for pinrec in dsheet['pins']:
vmatch = vectrex.match(pinrec['name'])
if vmatch:
pinname =
pinmin =
pinmax =
if int(pinmin) > int(pinmax):
pinmin =
pinmax =
for i in range(int(pinmin), int(pinmax) + 1):
newpinrec = pinrec.copy()
newpinrec['name'] = pinname + '[' + str(i) + ']'
vmatch = vect2rex.match(pinrec['name'])
if vmatch:
pinname =
pinmin =
pinmax =
if int(pinmin) > int(pinmax):
pinmin =
pinmax =
for i in range(int(pinmin), int(pinmax) + 1):
newpinrec = pinrec.copy()
newpinrec['name'] = pinname + '<' + str(i) + '>'
vmatch = vect3rex.match(pinrec['name'])
if vmatch:
pinname =
pinmin =
pinmax =
if int(pinmin) > int(pinmax):
pinmin =
pinmax =
for i in range(int(pinmin), int(pinmax) + 1):
newpinrec = pinrec.copy()
newpinrec['name'] = pinname + str(i)
# Make sure all local conditions define a pin. Those that are not
# associated with a pin will have a null string for the pin name.
for cond in gcondlist:
# Convert old style (separate condition, pin) to new style
if 'pin' in cond and cond['pin'] != '':
if ':' not in cond['condition']:
cond['condition'] += ':' + cond['pin']
cond.pop('pin', 0)
if 'order' not in cond:
cond['order'] = conditiontypes[cond['condition']]
cond['order'] = 0
# Find DUT netlist file and capture the subcircuit call line
schempath = fileinfo['design-netlist-path']
schemname = fileinfo['design-netlist-name']
pname = fileinfo['project-name']
dutpath = schempath + '/' + schemname
foundry = dsheet['foundry']
node = dsheet['node']
schemline = construct_dut_from_path(pname, dutpath, pinlist, foundry, node)
except SyntaxError:
print("Failure to construct a DUT subcircuit. Does the design have ports?")
schemline = ''
if schemline == '':
# Error finding DUT file. If only physical parameters are requested, this may
# not be a failure (e.g., chip top level)
if len(eparamlist) == 0:
prescore = 'unknown'
prescore = 'fail'
prescore = 'pass'
methodsfound = {}
# electrical parameter types determine the simulation type. Simulation
# types will be broken into individual routines (to be done)
for param in eparamlist:
# Break out name, method, and conditions as variables
simtype = param['method']
# For methods with ":", the filename is the part before the colon.
testbench = simtype.split(":")[0]
# If hint 'method' is applied, append the value to the method name.
# If no such method exists, flag a warning and revert to the original.
testbench_orig = None
if 'hints' in param:
phints = param['hints']
if 'method' in phints:
testbench_orig = testbench
testbench += phints['method']
if testbench == simtype:
if arguments:
if simtype not in arguments:
if simtype in methodsfound:
fnum = methodsfound[simtype]
fsuffix = '_' + str(fnum)
methodsfound[simtype] = fnum + 1
fsuffix = '_0'
methodsfound[simtype] = 1
if arguments:
if testbench not in arguments:
if testbench in methodsfound:
fnum = methodsfound[testbench]
fsuffix = '_' + str(fnum)
methodsfound[testbench] = fnum + 1
fsuffix = '_0'
methodsfound[testbench] = 1
lcondlist = param['conditions']
# Make sure all local conditions which define a pin are in condition:pin form
for cond in lcondlist:
if 'pin' in cond and cond['pin'] != '':
if not ':' in cond['condition']:
cond['condition'] += ':' + cond['pin']
cond.pop('pin', 0)
if "order" not in cond:
if cond["condition"].split(':', 1)[0] in conditiontypes:
cond["order"] = conditiontypes[cond["condition"].split(':', 1)[0]]
cond["order"] = 14
# Append to lcondlist any global conditions that aren't overridden by
# local values for the electrical parameter's set of conditions.
grec = []
for cond in gcondlist:
test = next((item for item in lcondlist if item["condition"] == cond["condition"]))
except StopIteration:
lcondlist.extend(grec) # Note this will permanently alter lcondlist
# Find the maximum simulation time required by this method
# Simulations are ordered so that "risetime" and "falltime" simulations
# on a pin will set the simulation time of any simulation of any other
# electrical parameter on that same pin.
maxtime = findmaxtime(param, lcondlist)
print("maxtime is " + str(maxtime))
# Sort the list for output conditions, ordering according to 'conditiontypes'.
list.sort(lcondlist, key=lambda k: k['order'])
# Find the length of each generator
cgenlen = []
for cond in lcondlist:
# The lengths of all generators multiplied together is the number of
# simulations to be run
numsims = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, cgenlen)
rlen = [x for x in cgenlen] # note floor division operator
# This code repeats each condition as necessary such that the final list
# (transposed) is a complete set of unique condition combinations.
cgensim = []
for i in range(len(rlen)):
mpre = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, rlen[0:i], 1)
mpost = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, rlen[i + 1:], 1)
clist = list(condition_gen(lcondlist[i]))
duplist = [item for item in list(condition_gen(lcondlist[i])) for j in range(mpre)]
cgensim.append(duplist * mpost)
# Transpose this list
simvals = list(map(list, zip(*cgensim)))
# Generate filename prefix for this electrical parameter
filename = testbench + fsuffix
# If methodtype is the name of a schematic netlist, then use
# it and make substitutions
# NOTE: Schematic methods are bundled with the DUT schematic
template = testbenchpath + '/' + testbench.lower() + '.spice'
if testbench_orig and not os.path.isfile(template):
print('Warning: Alternate testbench ' + testbench + ' cannot be found.')
print('Reverting to original testbench ' + testbench_orig)
testbench = testbench_orig
filename = testbench + fsuffix
template = testbenchpath + '/' + testbench.lower() + '.spice'
if os.path.isfile(template):
param['testbenches'] = substitute(filename, fileinfo, template,
simvals, maxtime, schemline, localmode, param)
# For cosimulations, if there is a '.tv' file corresponding to the '.spice' file,
# then make substitutions as for the .spice file, and place in characterization
# directory.
vtemplate = testbenchpath + '/' + testbench.lower() + '.tv'
if os.path.isfile(vtemplate):
substitute(filename, fileinfo, vtemplate,
simvals, maxtime, schemline, localmode, param)
print('Error: No testbench file ' + template + '.')
for param in pparamlist:
# Break out name, method, and conditions as variables
cond = param['condition']
simtype = 'physical.' + cond
if arguments:
if simtype not in arguments:
if simtype in methodsfound:
fnum = methodsfound[simtype]
fsuffix = '_' + str(fnum)
methodsfound[simtype] = fnum + 1
fsuffix = '_0'
methodsfound[simtype] = 1
# Mark parameter as needing checking by cace_launch.
param['check'] = 'true'
# Remove "order" keys
for param in eparamlist:
lcondlist = param['conditions']
for cond in lcondlist:
cond.pop('order', 0)
gconds = dsheet['global-conditions']
for cond in gconds:
cond.pop('order', 0)
return prescore
def check_layout_out_of_date(spicepath, layoutpath):
# Check if a netlist (spicepath) is out-of-date relative to the layouts
# (layoutpath). Need to read the netlist and check all of the subcells.
need_capture = False
if not os.path.isfile(spicepath):
need_capture = True
elif not os.path.isfile(layoutpath):
need_capture = True
spi_statbuf = os.stat(spicepath)
lay_statbuf = os.stat(layoutpath)
if spi_statbuf.st_mtime < lay_statbuf.st_mtime:
# netlist exists but is out-of-date
need_capture = True
# only found that the top-level-layout is older than the
# netlist. Now need to read the netlist, find all subcircuits,
# and check those dates, too.
layoutdir = os.path.split(layoutpath)[0]
subrex = re.compile('^[^\*]*[ \t]*.subckt[ \t]+([^ \t]+).*$', re.IGNORECASE)
with open(spicepath, 'r') as ifile:
duttext =
dutlines = duttext.replace('\n+', ' ').splitlines()
for line in dutlines:
lmatch = subrex.match(line)
if lmatch:
subname =
sublayout = layoutdir + '/' + subname + '.mag'
# subcircuits that cannot be found in the current directory are
# assumed to be library components and therefore never out-of-date.
if os.path.exists(sublayout):
sub_statbuf = os.stat(sublayout)
if spi_statbuf.st_mtime < lay_statbuf.st_mtime:
# netlist exists but is out-of-date
need_capture = True
return need_capture
def check_schematic_out_of_date(spicepath, schempath):
# Check if a netlist (spicepath) is out-of-date relative to the schematics
# (schempath). Need to read the netlist and check all of the subcells.
need_capture = False
if not os.path.isfile(spicepath):
print('Schematic-captured netlist does not exist. Need to regenerate.')
need_capture = True
elif not os.path.isfile(schempath):
need_capture = True
spi_statbuf = os.stat(spicepath)
sch_statbuf = os.stat(schempath)
print('DIAGNOSTIC: Comparing ' + spicepath + ' to ' + schempath)
if spi_statbuf.st_mtime < sch_statbuf.st_mtime:
# netlist exists but is out-of-date
print('Netlist is older than top-level schematic')
need_capture = True
print('Netlist is newer than top-level schematic, but must check subcircuits')
# only found that the top-level-schematic is older than the
# netlist. Now need to read the netlist, find all subcircuits,
# and check those dates, too.
schemdir = os.path.split(schempath)[0]
schrex = re.compile('\*\*[ \t]*sch_path:[ \t]*([^ \t\n]+)', re.IGNORECASE)
subrex = re.compile('^[^\*]*[ \t]*.subckt[ \t]+([^ \t]+).*$', re.IGNORECASE)
with open(spicepath, 'r') as ifile:
duttext =
dutlines = duttext.replace('\n+', ' ').splitlines()
for line in dutlines:
# xschem helpfully adds a "sch_path" comment line for every subcircuit
# coming from a separate schematic file.
lmatch = schrex.match(line)
if lmatch:
subschem =
subfile = os.path.split(subschem)[1]
subname = os.path.splitext(subfile)[0]
# subcircuits that cannot be found in the current directory are
# assumed to be library components or read-only IP components and
# therefore never out-of-date.
if os.path.exists(subschem):
sub_statbuf = os.stat(subschem)
if spi_statbuf.st_mtime < sch_statbuf.st_mtime:
# netlist exists but is out-of-date
print('Netlist is older than subcircuit schematic ' + subname)
need_capture = True
return need_capture
def printwarn(output):
# Check output for warning or error
if not output:
return 0
warnrex = re.compile('.*warning', re.IGNORECASE)
errrex = re.compile('.*error', re.IGNORECASE)
errors = 0
outlines = output.splitlines()
for line in outlines:
wmatch = warnrex.match(line)
except TypeError:
line = line.decode('utf-8')
wmatch = warnrex.match(line)
ematch = errrex.match(line)
if ematch:
errors += 1
if ematch or wmatch:
return errors
def layout_netlist_includes(pexnetlist, dspath):
# Magic does not generate netlist output for LEF-like views unless
# the option "blackbox on" is passed to ext2spice, in which case it
# generates stub entries. When generating a PEX view for simulation,
# these entries need to be generated then replaced with the correct
# include statement to the ip/ directory.
comtrex = re.compile(r'^\*') # SPICE comment
subcrex = re.compile(r'^[ \t]*x([^ \t]+)[ \t]+(.*)$', re.IGNORECASE) # SPICE subcircuit line
subrex = re.compile(r'^[ \t]*.subckt[ \t]+([^ \t]+)[ \t]*([^ \t]+.*)', re.IGNORECASE)
endsrex = re.compile(r'^[ \t]*\.ends[ \t]*', re.IGNORECASE)
# Also convert commas from [X,Y] arrays to vertical bars as something
# that can be converted back as necessary. ngspice treats commas as
# special characters for some reason. ngspice also does not correctly
# handle slash characters in node names (okay as part of the netlist but
# fails if used in, say, ".nodeset"). Should be okay to replace all '/'
# because the layout extracted netlist won't have .include or other
# entries with filename paths.
# Find project tech path
if os.path.exists(dspath + '/.ef-config/techdir'):
techdir = os.path.realpath(dspath + '/.ef-config/techdir')
maglefdir = techdir + '/libs.ref/maglef'
print('Warning: Project ' + dspath + ' does not define a target process!')
techdir = None
maglefdir = None
with open(pexnetlist, 'r') as ifile:
spitext =
# Find project info file (introduced with FFS, 2/2019. Does not exist in earlier
# projects)
depends = {}
ipname = ''
if os.path.exists(dspath + '/.ef-config/info'):
with open(dspath + '/.ef-config/info', 'r') as ifile:
infolines =
deprec = False
for line in infolines:
if 'dependencies:' in line:
deprec = True
if deprec:
if 'version' in line:
version = line.split()[1].strip("'")
if ipname != '':
depends[ipname] = version
ipname = ''
print('Error: Badly formed info file in .ef-config', file=sys.stderr)
ipname = line.strip(':')
spilines = spitext.replace('\n+', ' ').replace(',', '|').replace('/','|').splitlines()
newspilines = []
extended_names = []
pinsorts = {}
inbox = False
for line in spilines:
cmatch = comtrex.match(line)
smatch = subrex.match(line)
xmatch = subcrex.match(line)
if 'Black-box' in line:
inbox = True
elif not inbox:
if xmatch:
# Pull subcircuit name from an 'X' component and see if it matches any of the
# names that were rewritten in Electric <library>__<cell> style. If so, replace
# the subcircuit name with the modified name while preserving the rest of the
# component line.
rest =
r1 = list(i for i in rest if '=' not in i)
r2 = list(i for i in rest if '=' in i)
subname = r1[-1]
r1 = r1[0:-1]
# Re-sort the pins if needed
if subname in pinsorts:
r1 = [r1[i] for i in pinsorts[subname]]
if subname.upper() in extended_names:
newsubname = subname + '__' + subname
newspilines.append('X' + + ' ' + ' '.join(r1) + ' ' + newsubname + ' ' + ' '.join(r2))
elif cmatch:
elif smatch:
subname =
pinlist =
print("Parsing black-box subcircuit " + subname)
ippath = '~/design/ip/' + subname
ipfullpath = os.path.expanduser(ippath)
if os.path.exists(ipfullpath):
# Version control: Use the versions specified in the .ef-config/info
# version list. If it does not exist (legacy behavior), then use the
# method outlined below (finds highest version number available).
if subname in depends:
useversion = str(depends[subname])
versions = os.listdir(ipfullpath)
vf = list(float(i) for i in versions)
vi = vf.index(max(vf))
useversion = versions[vi]
versionpath = ipfullpath + '/' + useversion
# First to do: Check for /spice/lvs entry (which is readable), and
# check if pin order is correct. Flag a warning if it is not, and
# save the pin order in a record so that all X records can be pin
# sorted correctly.
if os.path.exists(versionpath + '/spice/lvs'):
lvspath = versionpath + '/spice/lvs/' + subname + '.spice'
# More spice file reading! This should be quick, as these files have
# only a single empty subcircuit in them.
found = False
with open(lvspath, 'r') as sfile:
stubtext =
stublines = stubtext.replace('\n+', ' ').replace(',', '|').splitlines()
for line in stublines:
smatch = subrex.match(line)
if smatch:
found = True
stubname =
stublist =
if stubname != subname + '__' + subname:
print('Error: Looking for subcircuit ' + subname + '__' + subname + ' in file ' + lvspath + ' but found subcircuit ' + stubname + ' instead!')
print("This simulation probably isn't going to go well.")
needsort = False
for stubpin, subpin in zip(stublist, pinlist):
if stubpin.upper() != subpin.upper():
print('Warning: pin mismatch between layout and schematic stub header on subcircuit ' + subname)
print('Will sort layout netlist to match.')
print('Correct pin order is: ' +
needsort = True
if needsort:
pinorder = [i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(pinlist), key = lambda x:stublist.index(x[1]))]
pinsorts[subname] = pinorder
if not found:
print('Error: Cannot find subcircuit in IP spice-stub entry.')
print('Warning: IP has no spice-stub entry, cannot verify pin order.')
if os.path.exists(versionpath + '/spice/rcx'):
# This path is restricted and can only be seen by ngspice, which is privileged
# to read it. So we can only assume that it matches the spice/stub entry.
# NOTE (10/16/2018): Use unexpanded tilde expression in file.
# rcxpath = versionpath + '/spice/rcx/' + subname + '/' + subname + '__' + subname + '.spice'
rcxpath = ippath + '/' + useversion + '/spice/rcx/' + subname + '/' + subname + '__' + subname + '.spice'
newspilines.append('* Black-box entry replaced by path to RCX netlist')
newspilines.append('.include ' + rcxpath)
elif os.path.exists(ipfullpath + '/' + useversion + '/spice'):
# In a pinch, if there is no spice/rcx, try plain spice
# NOTE (10/16/2018): Use unexpanded tilde expression in file.
# spicepath = versionpath + '/spice/' + subname + '.spice'
spicepath = ippath + '/' + useversion + '/spice/' + subname + '.spice'
newspilines.append('* Black-box entry replaced by path to schematic netlist')
newspilines.append('.include ' + spicepath)
# Leave as is, and let it force an error
inbox = False
elif maglefdir:
# Check tech file paths
found = False
maglefsubdirs = os.listdir(maglefdir)
for techsubdir in maglefsubdirs:
if not os.path.isdir(maglefdir + '/' + techsubdir):
# print('Diagnostic: looking in ' + str(maglefdir) + ' ' + str(techsubdir))
maglefcells = os.listdir(maglefdir + '/' + techsubdir)
if subname + '.mag' in maglefcells:
# print("Diagnostic: Parsing black-box subcircuit " + subname)
# print('from tech path ' + maglefdir + '/' + techsubdir)
# Like the IP directory, can't read spi/ so have to assume it's there.
# Problem---there is no consistency across PDKs for the naming of
# files in spi/!
newspilines.append('* Need include to schematic netlist for ' + subname)
# However, the CDL file can be used to check pin order
cdlpath = techdir + '/libs.ref/' + techsubdir + '/' + techsubdir + '.cdl'
if os.path.exists(cdlpath):
# More spice file reading! This should be quick, as these files have
# only a empty subcircuits in them.
with open(cdlpath, 'r') as sfile:
stubtext =
stublines = stubtext.replace('\n+', ' ').replace(',', '|').splitlines()
for line in spilines:
smatch = subrex.match(line)
if smatch:
stubname =
stublist =
if stubname == subname:
found = True
needsort = False
for stubpin, subpin in zip(stublist, pinlist):
if stubpin.upper() != subpin.upper():
print('Warning: pin mismatch between layout and schematic stub header on subcircuit ' + subname)
print('Will sort layout netlist to match.')
print('Correct pin order is: ' +
needsort = True
if needsort:
pinorder = [i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(pinlist), key = lambda x:stublist.index(x[1]))]
pinsorts[subname] = pinorder
if found:
print('No file ' + cdlpath + ' found.')
print('Failure to find stub netlist for checking pin order. Good luck.')
if not found:
print('Error: Subcell ' + subname + ' not found in IP or tech paths.')
print('This netlist is not going to simulate correctly.')
newspilines.append('* Unknown black-box entry ' + subname)
elif endsrex.match(line):
inbox = False
with open(pexnetlist, 'w') as ofile:
for line in newspilines:
print(line, file=ofile)
def regenerate_netlists(localmode, dspath, dsheet):
# When running locally, 'netlist-source' determines whether to use the
# layout extracted netlist or the schematic captured netlist. Also for
# local running only, regenerate the netlist only if it is out of date,
# or if the user has selected forced regeneration in the settings.
dname = dsheet['ip-name']
magpath = dspath + '/mag/'
spicepath = dspath + '/spice/' # Schematic netlist for sim
pexpath = dspath + '/spice/pex/' # Layout netlist for sim (C-parasitics)
rcxpath = dspath + '/spice/rcx/' # Layout netlist for sim (R+C-parasitics)
lvspath = dspath + '/spice/lvs/' # Layout netlist for LVS
vlogpath = dspath + '/verilog/' # Verilog netlist for sim and LVS
netlistname = dname + '.spice'
schnetlist = spicepath + netlistname
rcxnetlist = rcxpath + netlistname
pexnetlist = pexpath + netlistname
lvsnetlist = lvspath + netlistname
layoutpath = magpath + dname + '.mag'
schempath = dspath + '/xschem/' + dname + '.sch'
verilogpath = vlogpath + dname + '.v'
pathlast = os.path.split(dspath)[1]
need_sch_capture = True
need_extract = True
need_pex = True
force_regenerate = False
# Check if datasheet has been marked for forced netlist regeneration
if 'regenerate' in dsheet:
if dsheet['regenerate'] == 'force':
force_regenerate = True
if not os.path.exists(schempath):
print('No schematic in path ' + schempath)
# Guess the source based on the file or files in the design directory,
# with preference given to layout. This may be overridden in local mode.
if localmode and ('netlist-source' in dsheet) and (not force_regenerate):
print("Checking for out-of-date netlists.\n")
netlist_source = dsheet['netlist-source']
need_sch_capture = check_schematic_out_of_date(schnetlist, schempath)
if netlist_source == 'layout':
netlist_path = pexnetlist
need_pex_extract = check_layout_out_of_date(pexnetlist, layoutpath)
need_lvs_extract = check_layout_out_of_date(laynetlist, layoutpath)
netlist_path = schnetlist
need_lvs_extract = False
need_pex_extract = False
if not localmode:
print("Remote use, ", end='');
print("forcing regeneration of all netlists.\n")
if 'netlist-source' in dsheet:
netlist_source = dsheet['netlist-source']
if netlist_source == 'layout':
netlist_path = pexnetlist
netlist_path = schnetlist
need_lvs_extract = False
need_pex_extract = False
if os.path.exists(layoutpath):
netlist_path = pexnetlist
dsheet['netlist-source'] = 'layout'
elif os.path.exists(schempath):
netlist_path = schnetlist
dsheet['netlist-source'] = 'schematic'
need_lvs_extract = False
need_pex_extract = False
elif os.path.exists(verilogpath):
netlist_path = verilogpath
dsheet['netlist-source'] = 'verilog'
need_lvs_extract = False
need_pex_extract = False
need_sch_capture = False
elif os.path.exists(verilogaltpath):
netlist_path = verilogaltpath
dsheet['netlist-source'] = 'verilog'
need_lvs_extract = False
need_pex_extract = False
need_sch_capture = False
if need_lvs_extract or need_pex_extract:
# Layout LVS netlist needs regenerating. Check for magic layout.
if not os.path.isfile(layoutpath):
print('Error: No netlist or layout for project ' + dname + '.')
print('(layout master file ' + layoutpath + ' not found.)\n')
return False
# Check for spi/lvs/ directory
if not os.path.exists(lvspath):
# Check for spi/pex/ directory
if not os.path.exists(pexpath):
print("Extracting LVS netlist from layout. . .")
mproc = subprocess.Popen(['magic', '-dnull', '-noconsole',
layoutpath], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd = dspath + '/mag',
universal_newlines = True)
mproc.stdin.write("select top cell\n")
mproc.stdin.write("expand true\n")
mproc.stdin.write("extract all\n")
mproc.stdin.write("ext2spice hierarchy on\n")
mproc.stdin.write("ext2spice format ngspice\n")
mproc.stdin.write("ext2spice scale off\n")
mproc.stdin.write("ext2spice renumber off\n")
mproc.stdin.write("ext2spice subcircuit on\n")
mproc.stdin.write("ext2spice global off\n")
# Don't want black box entries, but create them so that we know which
# subcircuits are in the ip path, then replace them.
mproc.stdin.write("ext2spice blackbox on\n")
if need_lvs_extract:
mproc.stdin.write("ext2spice cthresh infinite\n")
mproc.stdin.write("ext2spice rthresh infinite\n")
mproc.stdin.write("ext2spice -o " + laynetlist + "\n")
if need_pex_extract:
mproc.stdin.write("ext2spice cthresh 0.005\n")
mproc.stdin.write("ext2spice rthresh 1\n")
mproc.stdin.write("ext2spice -o " + pexnetlist + "\n")
mproc.stdin.write("quit -noprompt\n")
magout = mproc.communicate()[0]
if mproc.returncode != 0:
print('Magic process returned error code ' + str(mproc.returncode) + '\n')
if need_lvs_extract and not os.path.isfile(laynetlist):
print('Error: No LVS netlist extracted from magic.')
if need_pex_extract and not os.path.isfile(pexnetlist):
print('Error: No parasitic extracted netlist extracted from magic.')
if (mproc.returncode != 0) or (need_lvs_extract and not os.path.isfile(laynetlist)) or (need_pex_extract and not os.path.isfile(pexnetlist)):
return False
if need_pex_extract and os.path.isfile(pexnetlist):
print('Generating include statements for read-only IP blocks in layout, if needed')
layout_netlist_includes(pexnetlist, dspath)
if need_sch_capture:
# Netlist needs regenerating. Check for xschem schematic
if not os.path.isfile(schempath):
if os.path.isfile(verilogpath):
print('No schematic for project.')
print('Using verilog netlist ' + verilogpath + ' for simulation and LVS.')
return verilogpath
elif os.path.isfile(verilogaltpath):
print('No schematic for project.')
print('Using verilog netlist ' + verilogaltpath + ' for simulation and LVS.')
return verilogaltpath
print('Error: No netlist or schematic for project ' + dname + '.')
print('(schematic master file ' + schempath + ' not found.)\n')
print('Error: No verilog netlist ' + verilogpath + ' or ' + verilogaltpath + ', either.')
return False
if need_sch_capture:
print("Generating simulation netlist from schematic. . .")
# Generate the netlist
print('Calling xschem to generate netlist')
if not os.path.exists(spicepath):
xproc = subprocess.Popen(['xschem', '-n', '-r', '-q',
'--tcl "set top_subckt 1',
'-o', schnetlist, dname + '.sch'],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
cwd = dspath + '/xschem')
xout = xproc.communicate()[0]
if xproc.returncode != 0:
for line in xout.splitlines():
print('Xschem process returned error code ' + str(xproc.returncode) + '\n')
if not os.path.isfile(schnetlist):
print('Error: No netlist found for the circuit!\n')
print('(schematic netlist for simulation ' + schnetlist + ' not found.)\n')
if need_sch_capture:
if (not os.path.isfile(schnetlist)):
return False
return netlist_path
def cleanup_exit(signum, frame):
global launchproc
print("CACE gensim: Received termination signal.")
if launchproc:
print("CACE gensim: Stopping simulations now.")
# Main entry point. Read arguments, print usage or load the json file
# and call generate_simfiles.
if __name__ == '__main__':
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, cleanup_exit)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, cleanup_exit)
# Divide up command line into options and arguments
options = []
arguments = []
localmode = False
for item in sys.argv[1:]:
if item.find('-', 0) == 0:
# Read the JSON file
root_path = []
if len(arguments) > 0:
root_path = str(sys.argv[1])
arguments = arguments[1:]
elif len(options) == 0:
# Print usage information when arguments don't match
print(' ' + str(sys.argv[0]) + ' [root_path] [options ...]')
print('Where [options ...] are one or more of the following:')
print(' -simdir <path>')
print(' is the location where simulation files and data should be placed.')
print(' -datasheetdir <path>')
print(' is the location of the JSON file describing the characterization.')
print(' -testbenchdir <path>')
print(' is the location of the netlists for the characterization methods.')
print(' -netlist <path>')
print(' is the location of the netlist for the device-under-test.')
print(' -layoutdir <path>')
print(' is the location of the layout netlist for the device-under-test.')
print(' -datasheet <name>')
print(' is the name of the datasheet JSON file.')
print(' -method <name>, ...')
print(' is a list of one or more names of methods to simulated. If omitted,')
print(' all methods are run for a complete characterization.')
print(' -local')
print(' indicates that cace_gensim is being run locally, not on the CACE')
print(' server, simulation conditions should be output along with results;')
print(' "local" mode implies that results are not posted to the marketplace')
print(' after simulation, and result files are kept.')
print(' -keep')
print(' test mode: keep all files after simulation')
print(' -plot')
print(' test mode: generate plot (.png) files locally')
print(' -nopost')
print(' test mode: do not post results to the marketplace')
print(' -nosim')
print(' test mode: set up all files for simulation but do not simulate')
simulation_path = []
datasheet_path = []
testbench_path = []
design_path = []
layout_path = []
datasheet_name = []
methods = []
for option in options[:]:
result = option.split('=')
if result[0] == '-simdir':
simulation_path = result[1]
elif result[0] == '-datasheetdir':
datasheet_path = result[1]
elif result[0] == '-testbenchdir':
testbench_path = result[1]
elif result[0] == '-designdir':
design_path = result[1]
elif result[0] == '-layoutdir':
layout_path = result[1]
elif result[0] == '-datasheet':
datasheet_name = result[1]
elif result[0] == '-method':
elif result[0] == '-bypass':
bypassmode = True
elif result[0] == '-local':
localmode = True
# To be valid, must either have a root path or all other options must have been
# specified with full paths.
if not root_path:
err_result = 1
if not simulation_path:
print('Error: If root_path is not provided, -simdir is required.')
elif simulation_path[0] != '/':
print('Error: If root_path not provided, -simdir must be a full path.')
if not testbench_path:
print('Error: If root_path is not provided, -testbenchdir is required.')
elif testbench_path[0] != '/':
print('Error: If root_path not provided, -testbenchdir must be a full path.')
if not design_path:
print('Error: If root_path is not provided, -designdir is required.')
elif design_path[0] != '/':
print('Error: If root_path not provided, -designdir must be a full path.')
if not layout_path:
print('Error: If root_path is not provided, -layoutdir is required.')
elif layout_path[0] != '/':
print('Error: If root_path not provided, -layoutdir must be a full path.')
if not datasheet_path:
print('Error: If root_path is not provided, -datasheetdir is required.')
elif datasheet_path[0] != '/':
print('Error: If root_path not provided, -datasheetdir must be a full path.')
err_result = 0
if err_result:
# Apply defaults where not provided as command-line options
if not datasheet_path:
datasheet_path = root_path
elif not os.path.isabs(datasheet_path):
datasheet_path = root_path + '/' + datasheet_path
if not datasheet_name:
datasheet_name = 'datasheet.json'
inputfile = datasheet_path + '/' + datasheet_name
# 2nd guess: 'project.json'
if not os.path.isfile(inputfile):
datasheet_name = 'project.json'
inputfile = datasheet_path + '/' + datasheet_name
# 3rd guess (legacy behavior): project directory name + '.json'
if not os.path.isfile(inputfile):
datasheet_name = os.path.split(datasheet_path)[1] + '.json'
inputfile = datasheet_path + '/' + datasheet_name
if not os.path.isfile(inputfile):
# Return to original datasheet name; error will be generated.
datasheet_name = 'datasheet.json'
elif localmode and root_path:
# Use normal path to local simulation workspace
simulation_path = root_path + '/ngspice'
# Check that datasheet path exists and that the datasheet is there
if not os.path.isdir(datasheet_path):
print('Error: Path to datasheet ' + datasheet_path + ' does not exist.')
if len(os.path.splitext(datasheet_name)) != 2:
datasheet_name += '.json'
inputfile = datasheet_path + '/' + datasheet_name
if not os.path.isfile(inputfile):
print('Error: No datasheet file ' + inputfile )
with open(inputfile) as ifile:
datatop = json.load(ifile)
# Pick up testbench and design paths from options now, since some of them
# depend on the request-hash value in the JSON file.
if not simulation_path:
if 'request-hash' in datatop:
hashname = datatop['request-hash']
simulation_path = root_path + '/' + hashname
elif os.path.isdir(root_path + '/ngspice'):
simulation_path = root_path + '/ngspice'
simulation_path = root_path
elif not os.path.isabs(simulation_path):
simulation_path = root_path + '/' + simulation_path
if not testbench_path:
testbench_path = root_path + '/testbench'
elif not os.path.isabs(testbench_path):
testbench_path = root_path + '/' + testbench_path
if not design_path:
design_path = root_path + '/spi'
elif not os.path.isabs(design_path):
design_path = root_path + '/' + design_path
if not layout_path:
layout_path = root_path + '/mag'
elif not os.path.isabs(layout_path):
layout_path = root_path + '/' + layout_path
# Project name should be 'ip-name' in datatop['data-sheet']
dsheet = datatop['data-sheet']
except KeyError:
print('Error: File ' + inputfile + ' is not a datasheet.\n')
name = dsheet['ip-name']
except KeyError:
print('Error: File ' + inputfile + ' is missing ip-name.\n')
if not os.path.isdir(testbench_path):
print('Warning: Path ' + testbench_path + ' does not exist. ' +
'Testbench files are not available.\n')
if not os.path.isdir(design_path):
print('Warning: Path ' + design_path + ' does not exist. ' +
'Netlist files may not be available.\n')
# Simulation path is where the output is dumped. If it doesn't
# exist, then create it.
if not os.path.isdir(simulation_path):
print('Creating simulation path ' + simulation_path)
if not os.path.isdir(layout_path):
print('Creating layout path ' + layout_path)
if not os.path.exists(layout_path + '/.magicrc'):
# Make sure correct .magicrc file exists
configdir = os.path.split(layout_path)[0]
rcpath = configdir + '/.ef-config/techdir/'
pdkname = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(configdir + '/.ef-config/techdir'))[1]
rcfile = rcpath + '/' + pdkname + '.magicrc'
if os.path.isdir(rcpath):
if os.path.exists(rcfile):
shutil.copy(rcfile, layout_path + '/.magicrc')
# Find the electrical parameter list. If it exists, then the
# template has been loaded. If not, find the template name,
# then load it from known templates. Templates may be local to
# the simulation files. Priority is (1) templates known to CACE
# (for challenges; cannot be overridden by a user; (2) templates
# local to the simulation (user-generated)
if not 'electrical-params' in dsheet and not 'physical-params' in dsheet:
print('Error: Circuit JSON file does not have a valid characterization template!\n')
fullnetlistpath = regenerate_netlists(localmode, root_path, dsheet)
if not fullnetlistpath:
netlistpath, netlistname = os.path.split(fullnetlistpath)
# If there is a 'hints.json' file in the root path, read it and apply to the
# electrical parameters. The file contains exactly one hint record per
# electrical parameter, although the hint record may be empty.
if os.path.exists(root_path + '/hints.json'):
with open(root_path + '/hints.json') as hfile:
hintlist = json.load(hfile)
i = 0
for eparam in dsheet['electrical-params']:
if not 'hints' in eparam:
if hintlist[i]:
eparam['hints'] = hintlist[i]
i += 1
# Construct fileinfo dictionary
fileinfo = {}
fileinfo['project-name'] = name
fileinfo['design-netlist-name'] = netlistname
fileinfo['design-netlist-path'] = netlistpath
fileinfo['testbench-netlist-path'] = testbench_path
fileinfo['simulation-path'] = simulation_path
fileinfo['root-path'] = root_path
# Generate the simulation files
prescore = generate_simfiles(datatop, fileinfo, arguments, methods, localmode)
if prescore == 'fail':
# In case of failure
# Remove option keys
if 'keep' in datatop:
if 'plot' in datatop:
if 'nopost' in datatop:
if 'nosim' in datatop:
# Reconstruct the -simdir option for cace_launch
options.append('-simdir=' + simulation_path)
# Reconstruct the -layoutdir option for cace_launch
options.append('-layoutdir=' + layout_path)
# Reconstruct the -netlistdir option for cace_launch
options.append('-netlistdir=' + design_path)
# Reconstruct the -rootdir option for cace_launch
if root_path:
options.append('-rootdir=' + root_path)
# Dump the modified JSON file
basename = os.path.basename(inputfile)
outputfile = simulation_path + '/' + basename
with open(outputfile, 'w') as ofile:
json.dump(datatop, ofile, indent = 4)
# Launch simulator as a subprocess and wait for it to finish
# Waiting is important, as otherwise child processes get detached and it
# becomes very difficult to find them if the simulation needs to be stopped.
launchname = apps_path + '/' + ''
# Diagnostic
print("Running: " + launchname + ' ' + outputfile)
for a in arguments:
for o in options:
with subprocess.Popen([launchname, outputfile, *arguments, *options],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize = 1,
universal_newlines=True) as launchproc:
for line in launchproc.stdout:
print(line, end='')
return_code = launchproc.wait()
if return_code != 0:
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(return_code, launchname)