| * spice test file for generating .prm files. |
| .lib /home/tim/projects/efabless/tech/XFAB/EFXH018D/libs.tech/models/lpmos/param.lib 3s |
| .lib /home/tim/projects/efabless/tech/XFAB/EFXH018D/libs.tech/models/lpmos/xh018.lib tm |
| * out1 - Output of Inverter to measure step response. |
| X0 out1 in1 GND GND ne L=0.18u W=0.8u |
| X1 out1 in1 VDD VDD pe L=0.18u W=1.0u |
| * out2 - Output of Inverter driven by out1 to determine slow-input effect. |
| X6 out2 out1 GND GND ne L=0.18u W=0.8u |
| X7 out2 out1 VDD VDD pe L=0.18u W=1.0u |
| * out3 - Output of a ne pulling up to determine dynamic-high resistance. |
| X2 out3 in2 VDD GND ne L=0.18u W=0.8u |
| * out4 - Output of a pe pulling down to determine dynamic-low resistance. |
| X3 out4 in3 GND VDD pe L=0.18u W=1.0u |
| Vin1 in1 0 0 pwl (0ns 0 0.1ns 1.98 40ns 1.98 40.1ns 0) |
| Vin2 in2 0 0 pwl (0ns 0 0.1ns 1.98) |
| Vin3 in3 0 5 pwl (0ns 1.98 0.1ns 0) |