blob: e8c0aa44155a953fb3c3220b04cf4ba8b2720d83 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3 -B
# Open Galaxy Project Manager GUI.
# This is a Python tkinter script that handles local
# project management. It is meant as a replacement for
# Written by Tim Edwards
# efabless, inc.
# September 9, 2016
# Modifications 2017, 2018
# Version 1.0
import sys
# Require python 3.5.x (and not python 3.6.x). Without this trap here, in several
# instances of VMs where /usr/bin/python3 symlinked to 3.6.x by mistake, it manifests
# as (misleading) errors like: ImportError: No module named 'yaml'
# '%x' % sys.hexversion -> '30502f0'
import tkinter
from tkinter import ttk, StringVar, Listbox, END
from tkinter import filedialog
# globals
theProg = sys.argv[0]
root = tkinter.Tk() # WARNING: must be exactly one instance of Tk; don't call again elsewhere
# 4 configurations based on booleans: splash,defer
# n,n: no splash, show only form when completed: LEGACY MODE, user confused by visual lag.
# n,y: no splash but defer projLoad: show an empty form ASAP
# y,n: yes splash, and wait for projLoad before showing completed form
# y,y: yes splash, but also defer projLoad: show empty form ASAP
# deferLoad = False # LEGACY: no splash, and wait for completed form
# doSplash = False
deferLoad = True # True: display GUI before (slow) loading of projects, so no splash:
doSplash = not deferLoad # splash IFF GUI-construction includes slow loading of projects
# deferLoad = False # load projects before showing form, so need splash:
# doSplash = not deferLoad # splash IFF GUI-construction includes slow loading of projects
# deferLoad = True # here keep splash also, despite also deferred-loading
# doSplash = True
# Splash screen: display ASAP: BEFORE bulk of imports.
class SplashScreen(tkinter.Toplevel):
"""Project Management Splash Screen"""
def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(parent, *args, **kwargs)
#image = tkinter.PhotoImage(file="/ef/efabless/opengalaxy/og_splashscreen50.gif")
label = ttk.Label(self, image=image)
# required to make window show before the program gets to the mainloop
import faulthandler
import signal
# SplashScreen here. fyi: there's a 2nd/later __main__ section for main app
splash = None # a global
if __name__ == '__main__':
if doSplash:
splash = SplashScreen(root)
import io
import os
import re
import json
import yaml
import shutil
import tarfile
import datetime
import subprocess
import contextlib
import tempfile
import glob
import tksimpledialog
import tooltip
from rename_project import rename_project_all
#from fix_libdirs import fix_libdirs
from consoletext import ConsoleText
from helpwindow import HelpWindow
from treeviewchoice import TreeViewChoice
from symbolbuilder import SymbolBuilder
from make_icon_from_soft import create_symbol
from profile import Profile
import config
# Global name for design directory
designdir = 'design'
# Global name for import directory
importdir = 'import'
# Global name for cloudv directory
cloudvdir = 'cloudv'
# Global name for archived imports project sub-directory
archiveimportdir = 'imported'
# Global name for current design file
currdesign = '~/.open_pdks/currdesign'
prefsfile = '~/.open_pdks/prefs.json'
# Watch a directory for modified time change. Repeat every two
# seconds. Call routine callback() if a change occurs
class WatchClock(object):
def __init__(self, parent, path, callback, interval=2000, interval0=None):
self.parent = parent
self.callback = callback
self.path = path
self.interval = interval
if interval0 != None:
self.interval0 = interval0
self.interval0 = interval
def query(self):
for entry in self.path:
statbuf = os.stat(entry)
if statbuf.st_mtime > self.reftime:
self.timer = self.parent.after(self.interval, self.query)
def stop(self):
# if first: optionally use different (typically shorter) interval, AND DON'T
# pre-record watched-dir mtime-s (which forces the callback on first timer fire)
def restart(self, first=False):
self.reftime = 0
if not first:
for entry in self.path:
statbuf = os.stat(entry)
if statbuf.st_mtime > self.reftime:
self.reftime = statbuf.st_mtime
self.timer = self.parent.after(self.interval0 if first and self.interval0 != None else self.interval, self.query)
# Dialog for generating a new layout
class NewLayoutDialog(tksimpledialog.Dialog):
def body(self, master, warning, seed=''):
if warning:
ttk.Label(master, text=warning).grid(row = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'wns')
self.l1prefs = tkinter.IntVar(master)
ttk.Checkbutton(master, text='Populate new layout from netlist',
variable = self.l1prefs).grid(row = 2, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'enws')
return self
def apply(self):
return self.l1prefs.get
# Simple dialog for entering project names
class ProjectNameDialog(tksimpledialog.Dialog):
def body(self, master, warning, seed=''):
if warning:
ttk.Label(master, text=warning).grid(row = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'wns')
ttk.Label(master, text='Enter new project name:').grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = 'wns')
self.nentry = ttk.Entry(master)
self.nentry.grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = 'ewns')
self.nentry.insert(0, seed)
return self.nentry # initial focus
def apply(self):
return self.nentry.get()
class PadFrameCellNameDialog(tksimpledialog.Dialog):
def body(self, master, warning, seed=''):
description='PadFrame' # TODO: make this an extra optional parameter of a generic CellNameDialog?
if warning:
ttk.Label(master, text=warning).grid(row = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'wns')
if description:
description = description + " "
description = ""
ttk.Label(master, text=("Enter %scell name:" %(description))).grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = 'wns')
self.nentry = ttk.Entry(master)
self.nentry.grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = 'ewns')
self.nentry.insert(0, seed)
return self.nentry # initial focus
def apply(self):
return self.nentry.get()
# Dialog for copying projects. Includes checkbox
# entries for preferences.
class CopyProjectDialog(tksimpledialog.Dialog):
def body(self, master, warning, seed=''):
if warning:
ttk.Label(master, text=warning).grid(row = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'wns')
ttk.Label(master, text="Enter new project name:").grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = 'wns')
self.nentry = ttk.Entry(master)
self.nentry.grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = 'ewns')
self.nentry.insert(0, seed)
self.elprefs = tkinter.IntVar(master)
ttk.Checkbutton(master, text='Copy electric preferences (not recommended)',
variable = self.elprefs).grid(row = 2, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'enws')
self.spprefs = tkinter.IntVar(master)
ttk.Checkbutton(master, text='Copy ngspice folder (not recommended)',
variable = self.spprefs).grid(row = 3, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'enws')
return self.nentry # initial focus
def apply(self):
# Return a list containing the entry text and the checkbox states.
elprefs = True if self.elprefs.get() == 1 else False
spprefs = True if self.spprefs.get() == 1 else False
return [self.nentry.get(), elprefs, spprefs]
# Not-Quite-So-Simple dialog for entering a new project.
# Select a project name and a PDK from a drop-down list.
class NewProjectDialog(tksimpledialog.Dialog):
def body(self, master, warning, seed='', importnode=None, development=False, parent_pdk=''):
if warning:
ttk.Label(master, text=warning).grid(row = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'wns')
ttk.Label(master, text="Enter new project name:").grid(row = 1, column = 0)
self.nentry = ttk.Entry(master)
self.nentry.grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = 'ewns')
self.nentry.insert(0, seed or '') # may be None
self.pvar = tkinter.StringVar(master)
if not importnode:
# Add PDKs as found by searching /ef/tech for '' directories
ttk.Label(master, text="Select foundry/node:").grid(row = 2, column = 0)
ttk.Label(master, text="Foundry/node:").grid(row = 2, column = 0)
self.infolabel = ttk.Label(master, text="", style = 'brown.TLabel', wraplength=250)
self.infolabel.grid(row = 3, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'news')
self.pdkmap = {}
self.pdkdesc = {}
self.pdkstat = {}
pdk_def = None
node_def = importnode
if not node_def:
node_def = "EFXH035B"
# use glob instead of os.walk. Don't need to recurse large PDK hier.
# TODO: stop hardwired default EFXH035B: get from an overall flow /ef/tech/.ef-config/plist.json
# (or get it from the currently selected project)
#TODO: Replace with PREFIX
for pdkdir_lr in glob.glob('/usr/share/pdk/*/'):
pdkdir = os.path.split( os.path.split( pdkdir_lr )[0])[0] # discard final .../
(foundry, foundry_name, node, desc, status) = OpenGalaxyManager.pdkdir2fnd( pdkdir )
if not foundry or not node:
key = foundry + '/' + node
self.pdkmap[key] = pdkdir
self.pdkdesc[key] = desc
self.pdkstat[key] = status
if node == node_def and not pdk_def:
pdk_def = key
# Quick hack: sorting puts EFXH035A before EFXH035LEGACY. However, some
# ranking is needed.
pdklist = sorted( self.pdkmap.keys())
if not pdklist:
raise ValueError( "assertion failed, no available PDKs found")
pdk_def = (pdk_def or pdklist[0])
if parent_pdk != '':
pdk_def = parent_pdk
# Restrict list to single entry if importnode was non-NULL and
# is in the PDK list (OptionMenu is replaced by a simple label)
# Otherwise, restrict the list to entries having an "status"
# entry equal to "active". This allows some legacy PDKs to be
# disabled for creating new projects (but available for projects
# that already have them).
if importnode or parent_pdk != '':
self.pdkselect = ttk.Label(master, text = pdk_def, style='blue.TLabel')
pdkactive = list(item for item in pdklist if self.pdkstat[item] == 'active')
if development:
pdkactive.extend(list(item for item in pdklist if self.pdkstat[item] == 'development'))
self.pdkselect = ttk.OptionMenu(master, self.pvar, pdk_def, *pdkactive,
style='blue.TMenubutton', command=self.show_info)
self.pdkselect.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
return self.nentry # initial focus
def show_info(self, args):
key = str(self.pvar.get())
desc = self.pdkdesc[key]
if desc == '':
self.infolabel.config(text='(no description available)')
def apply(self):
return self.nentry.get(), self.pdkmap[ str(self.pvar.get()) ] # Note converts StringVar to string
# Not-Quite-So-Simple dialog for selecting an existing project.
# Select a project name from a drop-down list. This could be
# replaced by simply using the selected (current) project.
class ExistingProjectDialog(tksimpledialog.Dialog):
def body(self, master, plist, seed, warning='Enter name of existing project to import into:'):
ttk.Label(master, text=warning).grid(row = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'wns')
# Alphebetize list
# Add projects
self.pvar = tkinter.StringVar(master)
ttk.Label(master, text='Select project:').grid(row = 1, column = 0)
self.projectselect = ttk.OptionMenu(master, self.pvar, plist[0], *plist, style='blue.TMenubutton')
self.projectselect.grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = 'ewns')
# pack version (below) hangs. Don't know why, changed to grid (like ProjectNameDialog)
# self.projectselect.pack(side = 'top', fill = 'both', expand = 'true')
return self.projectselect # initial focus
def apply(self):
return self.pvar.get() # Note converts StringVar to string
# Not-Quite-So-Simple dialog for selecting an existing ElecLib of existing project.
# Select an elecLib name from a drop-down list.
class ExistingElecLibDialog(tksimpledialog.Dialog):
def body(self, master, plist, seed):
warning = "Enter name of existing Electric library to import into:"
ttk.Label(master, text=warning).grid(row = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'wns')
# Alphebetize list
# Add electric libraries
self.pvar = tkinter.StringVar(master)
ttk.Label(master, text="Select library:").grid(row = 1, column = 0)
self.libselect = ttk.OptionMenu(master, self.pvar, plist[0], *plist, style='blue.TMenubutton')
self.libselect.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
return self.libselect # initial focus
def apply(self):
return self.pvar.get() # Note converts StringVar to string
# Dialog for layout, in case of multiple layout names, none of
# which matches the project name (ip-name). Method: Select a
# layout name from a drop-down list. If there is no project.json
# file, add a checkbox for creating one and seeding the ip-name
# with the name of the selected layout. Include entry for
# new layout, and for new layouts add a checkbox to import the
# layout from schematic or verilog, if a valid candidate exists.
class EditLayoutDialog(tksimpledialog.Dialog):
def body(self, master, plist, seed='', ppath='', pname='', warning='', hasnet=False):
ttk.Label(master, text=warning).grid(row = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'wns')
self.ppath = ppath
self.pname = pname
# Checkbox variable
self.confirm = tkinter.IntVar(master)
# To-Do: Add checkbox for netlist import
# Alphebetize list
# Add additional item for new layout
plist.append('(New layout)')
# Add layouts to list
self.pvar = tkinter.StringVar(master)
ttk.Label(master, text='Selected layout to edit:').grid(row = 1, column = 0)
if pname in plist:
pseed = plist.index(pname)
pseed = 0
self.layoutselect = ttk.OptionMenu(master, self.pvar, plist[pseed], *plist,
style='blue.TMenubutton', command=self.handle_choice)
self.layoutselect.grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = 'ewns')
# Create an entry form and checkbox for entering a new layout name, but
# keep them unpacked unless the "(New layout)" selection is chosen.
self.layoutbox = ttk.Frame(master)
self.layoutlabel = ttk.Label(self.layoutbox, text='New layout name:')
self.layoutlabel.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = 'ewns')
self.layoutentry = ttk.Entry(self.layoutbox)
self.layoutentry.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = 'ewns')
self.layoutentry.insert(0, pname)
# Only allow 'makeproject' checkbox if there is no project.json file
jname = ppath + '/project.json'
if not os.path.exists(jname):
self.makeproject = ttk.Checkbutton(self.layoutbox,
text='Make default project name',
variable = self.confirm)
self.makeproject.grid(row = 2, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'ewns')
return self.layoutselect # initial focus
def handle_choice(self, event):
if self.pvar.get() == '(New layout)':
# Add entry and checkbox for creating ad-hoc project.json file
self.layoutbox.grid(row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'ewns')
# Remove entry and checkbox
def apply(self):
if self.pvar.get() == '(New layout)':
if self.confirm.get() == 1:
pname = self.pname
master.create_ad_hoc_json(self.layoutentry.get(), pname)
return self.layoutentry.get()
return self.pvar.get() # Note converts StringVar to string
# Dialog for padframe: select existing ElecLib of existing project, type in a cellName.
# Select an elecLib name from a drop-down list.
# Text field for entry of a cellName.
class ExistingElecLibCellDialog(tksimpledialog.Dialog):
def body(self, master, descPre, seed='', descPost='', plist=None, seedLibNm=None, seedCellNm=''):
warning = 'Pick existing Electric library; enter cell name'
warning = (descPre or '') + ((descPre and ': ') or '') + warning + ((descPost and ' ') or '') + (descPost or '')
ttk.Label(master, text=warning).grid(row = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'wns')
# Alphebetize list
# Add electric libraries
self.pvar = tkinter.StringVar(master)
pNdx = 0
if seedLibNm and seedLibNm in plist:
pNdx = plist.index(seedLibNm)
ttk.Label(master, text='Electric library:').grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = 'ens')
self.libselect = ttk.OptionMenu(master, self.pvar, plist[pNdx], *plist, style='blue.TMenubutton')
self.libselect.grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = 'wns')
ttk.Label(master, text=('cell name:')).grid(row = 2, column = 0, sticky = 'ens')
self.nentry = ttk.Entry(master)
self.nentry.grid(row = 2, column = 1, sticky = 'ewns')
self.nentry.insert(0, seedCellNm)
return self.libselect # initial focus
def apply(self):
# return list of 2 strings: selected ElecLibName, typed-in cellName.
return [self.pvar.get(), self.nentry.get()] # Note converts StringVar to string
# Simple dialog for confirming anything.
class ConfirmDialog(tksimpledialog.Dialog):
def body(self, master, warning, seed):
if warning:
ttk.Label(master, text=warning).grid(row = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'wns')
return self
def apply(self):
return 'okay'
# More proactive dialog for confirming an invasive
# procedure like "delete project". Requires user to
# click a checkbox to ensure this is not a mistake.
# confirmPrompt can be overridden, default='I am sure I want to do this.'
class ProtectedConfirmDialog(tksimpledialog.Dialog):
def body(self, master, warning, seed='', confirmPrompt=None):
if warning:
ttk.Label(master, text=warning).grid(row = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'wns')
self.confirm = tkinter.IntVar(master)
if not confirmPrompt:
confirmPrompt='I am sure I want to do this.'
ttk.Checkbutton(master, text=confirmPrompt,
variable = self.confirm).grid(row = 1, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'enws')
return self
def apply(self):
return 'okay' if self.confirm.get() == 1 else ''
# Simple dialog to say "blah is not implemented yet."
class NotImplementedDialog(tksimpledialog.Dialog):
def body(self, master, warning, seed):
if not warning:
warning = "Sorry, that feature is not implemented yet"
if warning:
warning = "Sorry, " + warning + ", is not implemented yet"
ttk.Label(master, text=warning).grid(row = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'wns')
return self
def apply(self):
return 'okay'
# (This is actually a generic confirm dialogue, no install/overwrite intelligence)
# But so far dedicated to confirming the installation of one or more files,
# with notification of which (if any) will overwrite existing files.
# The warning parameter is fully constructed by caller, as multiple lines as either:
# For the import of module 'blah',
# CONFIRM installation of (*: OVERWRITE existing):
# * path1
# path2
# ....
# or:
# For the import of module 'blah',
# CONFIRM installation of:
# path1
# path2
# ....
# TODO: bastardizes warning parameter as multiple lines. Implement some other way?
class ConfirmInstallDialog(tksimpledialog.Dialog):
def body(self, master, warning, seed):
if warning:
ttk.Label(master, text=warning).grid(row = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'wns')
return self
def apply(self):
return 'okay'
# Dialog to import a project into the project manager
class ImportDialog(tksimpledialog.Dialog):
def body(self, master, warning, seed):
if warning:
ttk.Label(master, text=warning).grid(row = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'wns')
ttk.Label(master, text="Enter new project name:").grid(row = 1, column = 0)
self.nentry = ttk.Entry(master)
self.nentry.grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = 'ewns')
self.projectpath = ""
text = "Choose Project...",
command = self.browseFiles).grid(row = 3, column = 0)
self.pathlabel = ttk.Label(master, text = ("No project selected" if self.projectpath =="" else self.projectpath), style = 'brown.TLabel', wraplength=250)
self.pathlabel.grid(row = 3, column = 1)
return self.nentry
def browseFiles(self):
initialdir = "~/"
if os.path.isdir(self.projectpath):
initialdir = os.path.split(self.projectpath)[0]
selected_dir = filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir = initialdir, title = "Select a Project",)
if os.path.isdir(str(selected_dir)):
self.projectpath = selected_dir
# Change label contents
if (self.nentry.get() == ''):
self.nentry.insert(0, os.path.split(self.projectpath)[1])
def apply(self):
return self.nentry.get(), self.projectpath
# Project Manager class
class OpenGalaxyManager(ttk.Frame):
"""Project Management GUI."""
def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(parent, *args, **kwargs)
self.root = parent
# self.update()
self.update_idletasks() # erase small initial frame asap
parent.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.on_quit)
if splash:
def on_quit(self):
"""Exits program."""
def init_gui(self):
"""Builds GUI."""
global designdir
global importdir
global archiveimportdir
global currdesign
global theProg
global deferLoad
message = []
allPaneOpen = False
prjPaneMinh = 10
iplPaneMinh = 4
impPaneMinh = 4
# if deferLoad: # temp. for testing... open all panes
# allPaneOpen = True
# Read user preferences
self.prefs = {}
# Get default font size from user preferences
fontsize = self.prefs['fontsize']
s = ttk.Style()
available_themes = s.theme_names()
# print("themes: " + str(available_themes))
s.configure('gray.TFrame', background='gray40')
s.configure('blue_white.TFrame', bordercolor = 'blue', borderwidth = 3)
s.configure('italic.TLabel', font=('Helvetica', fontsize, 'italic'))
s.configure('title.TLabel', font=('Helvetica', fontsize, 'bold italic'),
foreground = 'brown', anchor = 'center')
s.configure('title2.TLabel', font=('Helvetica', fontsize, 'bold italic'),
foreground = 'blue')
s.configure('normal.TLabel', font=('Helvetica', fontsize))
s.configure('red.TLabel', font=('Helvetica', fontsize), foreground = 'red')
s.configure('brown.TLabel', font=('Helvetica', fontsize), foreground = 'brown3', background = 'gray95')
s.configure('green.TLabel', font=('Helvetica', fontsize), foreground = 'green3')
s.configure('blue.TLabel', font=('Helvetica', fontsize), foreground = 'blue')
s.configure('normal.TButton', font=('Helvetica', fontsize), border = 3, relief = 'raised')
s.configure('red.TButton', font=('Helvetica', fontsize), foreground = 'red', border = 3,
relief = 'raised')
s.configure('green.TButton', font=('Helvetica', fontsize), foreground = 'green3', border = 3,
relief = 'raised')
s.configure('blue.TMenubutton', font=('Helvetica', fontsize), foreground = 'blue', border = 3,
relief = 'raised')
# Create the help window = HelpWindow(self, fontsize=fontsize)
with io.StringIO() as buf, contextlib.redirect_stdout(buf): + '/manager_help.txt')
message = buf.getvalue()
# Set the help display to the first page
# Create the profile settings window
self.profile = Profile(self, fontsize=fontsize)
# Variables used by option menus
self.seltype = tkinter.StringVar(self)
self.cur_project = tkinter.StringVar(self)
self.cur_import = "(nothing selected)"
self.project_name = ""
# Root window title
self.root.title('Project Manager')
self.root.option_add('*tearOff', 'FALSE')
self.pack(side = 'top', fill = 'both', expand = 'true')
pane = tkinter.PanedWindow(self, orient = 'vertical', sashrelief='groove', sashwidth=6)
pane.pack(side = 'top', fill = 'both', expand = 'true')
self.toppane = ttk.Frame(pane)
self.botpane = ttk.Frame(pane)
# All interior windows size to toppane
self.toppane.columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
# Projects window resizes preferably to others
self.toppane.rowconfigure(3, weight = 1)
# Get username, and from it determine the project directory.
# Save this path, because it gets used often.
username = self.prefs['username']
self.projectdir = os.path.expanduser('~/' + designdir)
self.cloudvdir = os.path.expanduser('~/' + cloudvdir)
# Check that the project directory exists, and create it if not
if not os.path.isdir(self.projectdir):
# Label with the user
self.toppane.user_frame = ttk.Frame(self.toppane)
self.toppane.user_frame.grid(row = 0, sticky = 'news')
# Put logo image in corner. Ignore if something goes wrong, as this
# is only decorative. Note: ef_logo must be kept as a record in self,
# or else it gets garbage collected.
self.ef_logo = tkinter.PhotoImage(file='/ef/efabless/opengalaxy/efabless_logo_small.gif')
self.toppane.user_frame.logo = ttk.Label(self.toppane.user_frame, image=self.ef_logo)
self.toppane.user_frame.logo.pack(side = 'left', padx = 5)
self.toppane.user_frame.title = ttk.Label(self.toppane.user_frame, text='User:', style='red.TLabel')
self.toppane.user_frame.user = ttk.Label(self.toppane.user_frame, text=username, style='blue.TLabel')
self.toppane.user_frame.title.pack(side = 'left', padx = 5)
self.toppane.user_frame.user.pack(side = 'left', padx = 5)
ttk.Separator(self.toppane, orient='horizontal').grid(row = 1, sticky = 'news')
# List of projects:
self.toppane.design_frame = ttk.Frame(self.toppane)
self.toppane.design_frame.grid(row = 2, sticky = 'news')
self.toppane.design_frame.design_header = ttk.Label(self.toppane.design_frame, text='Projects',
self.toppane.design_frame.design_header.pack(side = 'left', padx = 5)
self.toppane.design_frame.design_header2 = ttk.Label(self.toppane.design_frame,
text='(' + self.projectdir + '/)', style='normal.TLabel')
self.toppane.design_frame.design_header2.pack(side = 'left', padx = 5)
# Get current project from ~/.open_pdks/currdesign and set the selection.
with open(os.path.expanduser(currdesign), 'r') as f:
pdirCur =
pdirCur = None
# Create listbox of projects
projectlist = self.get_project_list() if not deferLoad else []
height = min(10, max(prjPaneMinh, 2 + len(projectlist)))
self.projectselect = TreeViewChoice(self.toppane, fontsize=fontsize, deferLoad=deferLoad, selectVal=pdirCur, natSort=True)
self.projectselect.populate("Available Projects:", projectlist,
[["New", True, self.createproject],
["Import", True, self.importproject],
["Flow", False, self.synthesize],
["Copy", False, self.copyproject],
["Rename", False, self.renameproject],
["Delete", False, self.deleteproject],],
height=height, columns=[0, 1])
self.projectselect.grid(row = 3, sticky = 'news')
tooltip.ToolTip(self.projectselect.get_button(0), text="Create a new project/subproject")
tooltip.ToolTip(self.projectselect.get_button(1), text="Import a project/subproject")
tooltip.ToolTip(self.projectselect.get_button(2), text="Start design flow")
tooltip.ToolTip(self.projectselect.get_button(3), text="Make a copy of an entire project")
tooltip.ToolTip(self.projectselect.get_button(4), text="Rename a project folder")
tooltip.ToolTip(self.projectselect.get_button(5), text="Delete an entire project")
pdklist = self.get_pdk_list(projectlist)
self.projectselect.populate2("PDK", projectlist, pdklist)
if pdirCur:
curitem = next(item for item in projectlist if pdirCur == item)
except StopIteration:
if curitem:
# Check that the import directory exists, and create it if not
if not os.path.isdir(self.projectdir + '/' + importdir):
os.makedirs(self.projectdir + '/' + importdir)
# Create a watchdog on the project and import directories
watchlist = [self.projectdir, self.projectdir + '/' + importdir]
if os.path.isdir(self.projectdir + '/upload'):
watchlist.append(self.projectdir + '/upload')
# Check the creation time of the project manager app itself. Because the project
# manager tends to be left running indefinitely, it is important to know when it
# has been updated. This is checked once every hour since it is really expected
# only to happen occasionally.
thisapp = [theProg]
self.watchself = WatchClock(self, thisapp, self.update_alert, 3600000)
# Add second button bar for major project applications
self.toppane.apptitle = ttk.Label(self.toppane, text='Tools:', style='title2.TLabel')
self.toppane.apptitle.grid(row = 4, sticky = 'news')
self.toppane.appbar = ttk.Frame(self.toppane)
self.toppane.appbar.grid(row = 5, sticky = 'news')
# Define the application buttons and actions
self.toppane.appbar.schem_button = ttk.Button(self.toppane.appbar, text='Edit Schematic',
command=self.edit_schematic, style = 'normal.TButton')
self.toppane.appbar.schem_button.pack(side = 'left', padx = 5)
self.toppane.appbar.layout_button = ttk.Button(self.toppane.appbar, text='Edit Layout',
command=self.edit_layout, style = 'normal.TButton')
self.toppane.appbar.layout_button.pack(side = 'left', padx = 5)
self.toppane.appbar.lvs_button = ttk.Button(self.toppane.appbar, text='Run LVS',
command=self.run_lvs, style = 'normal.TButton')
self.toppane.appbar.lvs_button.pack(side = 'left', padx = 5)
self.toppane.appbar.char_button = ttk.Button(self.toppane.appbar, text='Characterize',
command=self.characterize, style = 'normal.TButton')
self.toppane.appbar.char_button.pack(side = 'left', padx = 5)
self.toppane.appbar.synth_button = ttk.Button(self.toppane.appbar, text='Synthesis Flow',
command=self.synthesize, style = 'normal.TButton')
self.toppane.appbar.synth_button.pack(side = 'left', padx = 5)
self.toppane.appbar.padframeCalc_button = ttk.Button(self.toppane.appbar, text='Pad Frame',
command=self.padframe_calc, style = 'normal.TButton')
self.toppane.appbar.padframeCalc_button.pack(side = 'left', padx = 5)
if self.prefs['schemeditor'] == 'xcircuit':
tooltip.ToolTip(self.toppane.appbar.schem_button, text="Start 'XCircuit' schematic editor")
elif self.prefs['schemeditor'] == 'xschem':
tooltip.ToolTip(self.toppane.appbar.schem_button, text="Start 'XSchem' schematic editor")
tooltip.ToolTip(self.toppane.appbar.schem_button, text="Start 'Electric' schematic editor")
if self.prefs['layouteditor'] == 'klayout':
tooltip.ToolTip(self.toppane.appbar.layout_button, text="Start 'KLayout' layout editor")
tooltip.ToolTip(self.toppane.appbar.layout_button, text="Start 'Magic' layout editor")
tooltip.ToolTip(self.toppane.appbar.lvs_button, text="Start LVS tool")
tooltip.ToolTip(self.toppane.appbar.char_button, text="Start Characterization tool")
tooltip.ToolTip(self.toppane.appbar.synth_button, text="Start Digital Synthesis tool")
tooltip.ToolTip(self.toppane.appbar.padframeCalc_button, text="Start Pad Frame Generator")
ttk.Separator(self.toppane, orient='horizontal').grid(row = 6, sticky = 'news')
# List of IP libraries:
self.toppane.library_frame = ttk.Frame(self.toppane)
self.toppane.library_frame.grid(row = 7, sticky = 'news')
self.toppane.library_frame.library_header = ttk.Label(self.toppane.library_frame, text='IP Library:',
self.toppane.library_frame.library_header.pack(side = 'left', padx = 5)
self.toppane.library_frame.library_header2 = ttk.Label(self.toppane.library_frame,
text='(' + self.projectdir + '/ip/)', style='normal.TLabel')
self.toppane.library_frame.library_header2.pack(side = 'left', padx = 5)
self.toppane.library_frame.library_header3 = ttk.Button(self.toppane.library_frame,
text=(allPaneOpen and '-' or '+'), command=self.library_toggle, style = 'normal.TButton', width = 2)
self.toppane.library_frame.library_header3.pack(side = 'right', padx = 5)
# Create listbox of IP libraries
iplist = self.get_library_list() if not deferLoad else []
height = min(8, max(iplPaneMinh, 2 + len(iplist)))
self.ipselect = TreeViewChoice(self.toppane, fontsize=fontsize, deferLoad=deferLoad, natSort=True)
self.ipselect.populate("IP Library:", iplist,
[], height=height, columns=[0, 1], versioning=True)
valuelist = self.ipselect.getvaluelist()
datelist = self.get_date_list(valuelist)
itemlist = self.ipselect.getlist()
self.ipselect.populate2("date", itemlist, datelist)
if allPaneOpen:
ttk.Separator(self.toppane, orient='horizontal').grid(row = 9, sticky = 'news')
# List of imports:
self.toppane.import_frame = ttk.Frame(self.toppane)
self.toppane.import_frame.grid(row = 10, sticky = 'news')
self.toppane.import_frame.import_header = ttk.Label(self.toppane.import_frame, text='Imports:',
self.toppane.import_frame.import_header.pack(side = 'left', padx = 5)
self.toppane.import_frame.import_header2 = ttk.Label(self.toppane.import_frame,
text='(' + self.projectdir + '/import/)', style='normal.TLabel')
self.toppane.import_frame.import_header2.pack(side = 'left', padx = 5)
self.toppane.import_frame.import_header3 = ttk.Button(self.toppane.import_frame,
text=(allPaneOpen and '-' or '+'), command=self.import_toggle, style = 'normal.TButton', width = 2)
self.toppane.import_frame.import_header3.pack(side = 'right', padx = 5)
# Create listbox of imports
importlist = self.get_import_list() if not deferLoad else []
self.number_of_imports = len(importlist) if not deferLoad else None
height = min(8, max(impPaneMinh, 2 + len(importlist)))
self.importselect = TreeViewChoice(self.toppane, fontsize=fontsize, markDir=True, deferLoad=deferLoad)
self.importselect.populate("Pending Imports:", importlist,
[["Import As", False, self.importdesign],
["Import Into", False, self.importintodesign],
["Delete", False, self.deleteimport]], height=height, columns=[0, 1])
valuelist = self.importselect.getvaluelist()
datelist = self.get_date_list(valuelist)
itemlist = self.importselect.getlist()
self.importselect.populate2("date", itemlist, datelist)
tooltip.ToolTip(self.importselect.get_button(0), text="Import as a new project")
tooltip.ToolTip(self.importselect.get_button(1), text="Import into an existing project")
tooltip.ToolTip(self.importselect.get_button(2), text="Remove the import file(s)")
if allPaneOpen:
# ttk.Separator(self, orient='horizontal').grid(column = 0, row = 8, columnspan=4, sticky='ew')
# Add a text window below the import to capture output. Redirect
# print statements to it.
self.botpane.console = ttk.Frame(self.botpane)
self.botpane.console.pack(side = 'top', fill = 'both', expand = 'true')
self.text_box = ConsoleText(self.botpane.console, wrap='word', height = 4)
self.text_box.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand = 'true')
console_scrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(self.botpane.console)
console_scrollbar.pack(side='right', fill='y')
# attach console to scrollbar
self.text_box.config(yscrollcommand = console_scrollbar.set)
console_scrollbar.config(command = self.text_box.yview)
# Give all the expansion weight to the message window.
# self.rowconfigure(9, weight = 1)
# self.columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
# at bottom (legacy mode): window height grows by one row.
# at top the buttons share a row with user name, reduce window height, save screen real estate.
bottomButtons = False
# Add button bar: at the bottom of window (legacy mode), or share top row with user-name
if bottomButtons:
bbar = ttk.Frame(self.botpane)
bbar.pack(side='top', fill = 'x')
bbar = self.toppane.user_frame
# Define help button
bbar.help_button = ttk.Button(bbar, text='Help',, style = 'normal.TButton')
# Define profile settings button
bbar.profile_button = ttk.Button(bbar, text='Settings',, style = 'normal.TButton')
# Define the "quit" button and action
bbar.quit_button = ttk.Button(bbar, text='Quit', command=self.on_quit,
style = 'normal.TButton')
# Tool tips for button bar
tooltip.ToolTip(bbar.quit_button, text="Exit the project manager")
tooltip.ToolTip(bbar.help_button, text="Show help window")
if bottomButtons:
bbar.help_button.pack(side = 'left', padx = 5)
bbar.profile_button.pack(side = 'left', padx = 5)
bbar.quit_button.pack(side = 'right', padx = 5)
# quit at TR like window-title's close; help towards the outside, settings towards inside
bbar.quit_button.pack(side = 'right', padx = 5)
bbar.help_button.pack(side = 'right', padx = 5)
bbar.profile_button.pack(side = 'right', padx = 5)
# Add the panes once the internal geometry is known
pane.paneconfig(self.toppane, stretch='first')
# self.update_idletasks()
# Project list
# projects = os.listdir(os.path.expanduser('~/' + designdir))
# self.cur_project.set(projects[0])
# self.design_select = ttk.OptionMenu(self, self.cur_project, projects[0], *projects,
# style='blue.TMenubutton')
# New import list
# self.import_select = ttk.Button(self, text=self.cur_import, command=self.choose_import)
# Define project design actions
# self.design_actions = ttk.Frame(self)
# self.design_actions.characterize = ttk.Button(self.design_actions,
# text='Upload and Characterize', command=self.characterize)
# self.design_actions.characterize.grid(column = 0, row = 0)
# Define import actions
# self.import_actions = ttk.Frame(self)
# self.import_actions.upload = ttk.Button(self.import_actions,
# text='Upload Challenge', command=self.make_challenge)
# self.import_actions.upload.grid(column = 0, row = 0)
self.watchclock = WatchClock(self, watchlist, self.update_project_views, 2000,
0 if deferLoad else None) # do immediate forced refresh (1st in mainloop)
# self.watchclock = WatchClock(self, watchlist, self.update_project_views, 2000)
# Redirect stdout and stderr to the console as the last thing to do. . .
# Otherwise errors in the GUI get sucked into the void.
self.stdout = sys.stdout
self.stderr = sys.stderr
sys.stdout = ConsoleText.StdoutRedirector(self.text_box)
sys.stderr = ConsoleText.StderrRedirector(self.text_box)
if message:
if self.prefs == {}:
print("No user preferences file, using default settings.")
# helper for Profile to do live mods of some of the user-prefs (without restart projectManager):
def setUsername(self, newname):
def refreshToolTips(self):
if self.prefs['schemeditor'] == 'xcircuit':
tooltip.ToolTip(self.toppane.appbar.schem_button, text="Start 'XCircuit' schematic editor")
elif self.prefs['schemeditor'] == 'xschem':
tooltip.ToolTip(self.toppane.appbar.schem_button, text="Start 'XSchem' schematic editor")
tooltip.ToolTip(self.toppane.appbar.schem_button, text="Start 'Electric' schematic editor")
if self.prefs['layouteditor'] == 'klayout':
tooltip.ToolTip(self.toppane.appbar.layout_button, text="Start 'KLayout' layout editor")
tooltip.ToolTip(self.toppane.appbar.layout_button, text="Start 'Magic' layout editor")
def config_path(self, path):
#returns the config directory that 'path' contains between .config and .ef-config
if (os.path.exists(path + '/.config')):
return '/.config'
elif (os.path.exists(path + '/.ef-config')):
return '/.ef-config'
raise Exception('Neither '+path+'/.config nor '+path+'/.ef-config exists.')
# Check if a name is blacklisted for being a project folder
def blacklisted(self, dirname):
# Blacklist: Do not show files of these names:
blacklist = [importdir, 'ip', 'upload', 'export', 'lost+found', 'subcells']
if dirname in blacklist:
return True
return False
def write_prefs(self):
global prefsfile
if self.prefs:
expprefsfile = os.path.expanduser(prefsfile)
prefspath = os.path.split(expprefsfile)[0]
if not os.path.exists(prefspath):
with open(os.path.expanduser(prefsfile), 'w') as f:
json.dump(self.prefs, f, indent = 4)
def read_prefs(self):
global prefsfile
# Set all known defaults even if they are not in the JSON file so
# that it is not necessary to check for the existence of the keyword
# in the dictionary every time it is accessed.
if 'fontsize' not in self.prefs:
self.prefs['fontsize'] = 11
userid = os.environ['USER']
uid = ''
username = userid
self.prefs['username'] = username
if 'username' not in self.prefs:
p =['/ef/apps/bin/withnet' ,
config.apps_path + '/', userid],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
if p.stdout:
uid_string = p.stdout.splitlines()[0].decode('utf-8')
userspec = re.findall(r'[^"\s]\S*|".+?"', uid_string)
if len(userspec) > 0:
username = userspec[0].strip('"')
# uid = userspec[1]
# Note userspec[1] = UID and userspec[2] = role, useful
# for future applications.
username = userid
username = userid
self.prefs['username'] = username
# self.prefs['uid'] = uid
if 'schemeditor' not in self.prefs:
self.prefs['schemeditor'] = 'electric'
if 'layouteditor' not in self.prefs:
self.prefs['layouteditor'] = 'magic'
if 'magic-graphics' not in self.prefs:
self.prefs['magic-graphics'] = 'X11'
if 'development' not in self.prefs:
self.prefs['development'] = False
if 'devstdcells' not in self.prefs:
self.prefs['devstdcells'] = False
# Any additional user preferences go above this line.
# Get user preferences from ~/design/.profile/prefs.json and use it to
# overwrite default entries in self.prefs
with open(os.path.expanduser(prefsfile), 'r') as f:
prefsdict = json.load(f)
for key in prefsdict:
self.prefs[key] = prefsdict[key]
# No preferences file, so create an initial one.
if not os.path.exists(prefsfile):
# if 'User:' Label exists, this updates it live (Profile calls read_prefs after write)
# Get a list of the projects in the user's design directory. Exclude
# items that are not directories, or which are blacklisted.
def get_project_list(self):
global importdir
badrex1 = re.compile("^\.")
badrex2 = re.compile(".*[ \t\n].*")
# Get contents of directory. Look only at directories
projectlist = []
for item in os.listdir(self.projectdir):
if os.path.isdir(self.projectdir + '/' + item):
projectpath = self.projectdir + '/' + item
#check for subprojects and add them
if os.path.isdir(projectpath + '/subcells'):
for subproj in os.listdir(projectpath + '/subcells'):
if os.path.isdir(projectpath + '/subcells/' + subproj):
projectlist.append(projectpath + '/subcells/' + subproj)
# 'import' and others in the blacklist are not projects!
# Files beginning with '.' and files with whitespace are
# also not listed.
for item in projectlist[:]:
name = os.path.split(item)[1]
if self.blacklisted(name):
elif badrex1.match(name):
elif badrex2.match(name):
return projectlist
# Get a list of the projects in the user's cloudv directory. Exclude
# items that are not directories, or which are blacklisted.
def get_cloudv_project_list(self):
global importdir
badrex1 = re.compile("^\.")
badrex2 = re.compile(".*[ \t\n].*")
if not os.path.exists(self.cloudvdir):
print('No user cloudv dir exists; no projects to import.')
return None
# Get contents of cloudv directory. Look only at directories
projectlist = list(item for item in os.listdir(self.cloudvdir) if
os.path.isdir(self.cloudvdir + '/' + item))
# 'import' and others in the blacklist are not projects!
# Files beginning with '.' and files with whitespace are
# also not listed.
for item in projectlist[:]:
if self.blacklisted(item):
elif badrex1.match(item):
elif badrex2.match(item):
# Add pathname to all items in projectlist
projectlist = [self.cloudvdir + '/' + item for item in projectlist]
return projectlist
# utility: [re]intialize a project's elec/ dir: the .java preferences and LIBDIRS.
# So user can just delete .java, and restart electric (from projectManager), to reinit preferences.
# So user can just delete LIBDIRS, and restart electric (from projectManager), to reinit LIBDIRS.
# So project copies/imports can filter ngspice/run (and ../.allwaves), we'll recreate it here.
# The global /ef/efabless/deskel/* is used and the PDK name substituted.
# This SINGLE function is used to setup elec/ contents for new projects, in addition to being
# called in-line prior to "Edit Schematics" (on-the-fly).
def reinitElec(cls, design):
pdkdir = os.path.join( design, ".ef-config/techdir")
elec = os.path.join( design, "elec")
# on the fly, ensure has elec/ dir, ensure has ngspice/run/allwaves dir
os.makedirs(design + '/elec', exist_ok=True)
except IOError as e:
print('Error in os.makedirs(elec): ' + str(e))
os.makedirs(design + '/ngspice/run/.allwaves', exist_ok=True)
except IOError as e:
print('Error in os.makedirs(.../.allwaves): ' + str(e))
deskel = '/ef/efabless/deskel'
# on the fly:
# .../elec/.java : reinstall if missing. From PDK-specific if any.
if not os.path.exists( os.path.join( elec, '.java')):
# Copy Electric preferences
shutil.copytree(deskel + '/dotjava', design + '/elec/.java', symlinks = True)
except IOError as e:
print('Error copying files: ' + str(e))
# .../elec/LIBDIRS : reinstall if missing, from PDK-specific LIBDIRS
# in
libdirsloc = pdkdir + '/'
if not os.path.exists( os.path.join( elec, 'LIBDIRS')):
if os.path.exists( libdirsloc ):
# Copy Electric LIBDIRS
shutil.copy(libdirsloc, design + '/elec/LIBDIRS')
except IOError as e:
print('Error copying files: ' + str(e))
print('Info: PDK not configured for Electric: no')
return None
# utility: filter a list removing: empty strings, strings with any whitespace
whitespaceREX = re.compile('\s')
def filterNullOrWS(cls, inlist):
return [ i for i in inlist if i and not ]
# utility: do a glob.glob of relative pattern, but specify the rootDir,
# so returns the matching paths found below that rootDir.
def globFromDir(cls, pattern, dir=None):
if dir:
dir = dir.rstrip('/') + '/'
pattern = dir + pattern
result = glob.glob(pattern)
if dir and result:
nbr = len(dir)
result = [ i[nbr:] for i in result ]
return result
# utility: from a pdkPath, return list of 3 strings: <foundry>, <node>, <description>.
# i.e. pdkPath has form '[.../]<foundry>[.<ext>]/<node>'. For now the description
# is always ''. And an optional foundry extension is pruned/dropped.
# thus '.../XFAB.2/EFXP018A4' -> 'XFAB', 'EFXP018A4', ''
# optionally store in each PDK: .ef-config/nodeinfo.json which can define keys:
# 'foundry', 'node', 'description' to override the foundry (computed from the path)
# and (fixed, empty) description currently returned by this.
# Intent: keep a short-description field at least, intended to be one-line max 40 chars,
# suitable for a on-hover-tooltip display. (Distinct from a big multiline description).
# On error (malformed pdkPath: can't determine foundry or node), the foundry or node
# or both may be '' or as specified in the optional default values (if you're
# generating something for display and want an unknown to appear as 'none' etc.).
def pdkdir2fnd(cls, pdkdir, def_foundry='', def_node='', def_description=''):
foundry = ''
foundry_name = ''
node = ''
description = ''
status = 'active'
if pdkdir:
# Code should only be for efabless platform
split = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(pdkdir))
# Full path should be [<something>/]<foundry>[.ext]/<node>
node = split[1]
foundry = os.path.split(split[0])[1]
foundry = os.path.splitext(foundry)[0]
# Check for nodeinfo.json
infofile = pdkdir + '/.config/nodeinfo.json'
if os.path.exists(infofile):
with open(infofile, 'r') as ifile:
nodeinfo = json.load(ifile)
if 'foundry' in nodeinfo:
foundry = nodeinfo['foundry']
if 'foundry-name' in nodeinfo:
foundry_name = nodeinfo['foundry-name']
if 'node' in nodeinfo:
node = nodeinfo['node']
if 'description' in nodeinfo:
description = nodeinfo['description']
if 'status' in nodeinfo:
status = nodeinfo['status']
return foundry, foundry_name, node, description, status
infofile = pdkdir + '/.ef-config/nodeinfo.json'
if os.path.exists(infofile):
with open(infofile, 'r') as ifile:
nodeinfo = json.load(ifile)
if 'foundry' in nodeinfo:
foundry = nodeinfo['foundry']
if 'foundry-name' in nodeinfo:
foundry_name = nodeinfo['foundry-name']
if 'node' in nodeinfo:
node = nodeinfo['node']
if 'description' in nodeinfo:
description = nodeinfo['description']
if 'status' in nodeinfo:
status = nodeinfo['status']
return foundry, foundry_name, node, description, status
raise Exception('malformed pdkPath: can\'t determine foundry or node')
# Get a list of the electric-libraries (DELIB only) in a given project.
# List of full-paths each ending in '.delib'
def get_elecLib_list(self, pname):
elibs = self.globFromDir(pname + '/elec/*.delib/', self.projectdir)
elibs = [ re.sub("/$", "", i) for i in elibs ]
return self.filterNullOrWS(elibs)
# Create a list of datestamps for each import file
def get_date_list(self, valuelist):
datelist = []
for value in valuelist:
importfile = value[0]
statbuf = os.stat(importfile)
# Note entries that can't be accessed.
datestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(statbuf.st_mtime)
datestr = datestamp.strftime("%c")
return datelist
# Get the PDK attached to a project for display as: '<foundry> : <node>'
# unless path=True: then return true PDK dir-path.
# TODO: the ef-config prog output is not used below. Intent was use
# ef-config to be the one official query for *any* project's PDK value, and
# therein-only hide a built-in default for legacy projects without techdir symlink.
# In below ef-config will always give an EF_TECHDIR, so that code-branch always
# says '(default)', the ef-config subproc is wasted, and '(no PDK)' is never
# reached.
def get_pdk_dir(self, project, path=False):
pdkdir = os.path.realpath(project + self.config_path(project)+'/techdir')
if path:
return pdkdir
foundry, foundry_name, node, desc, status = self.pdkdir2fnd( pdkdir )
return foundry + ' : ' + node
if os.path.isdir(project + '/.ef-config'):
if os.path.exists(project + '/.ef-config/techdir'):
pdkdir = os.path.realpath(project + '/.ef-config/techdir')
elif os.path.isdir(project + '/.config'):
if os.path.exists(project + '/.config/techdir'):
pdkdir = os.path.realpath(project + '/.config/techdir')
if path:
return pdkdir
foundry, node, desc, status = self.pdkdir2fnd( pdkdir )
return foundry + ' : ' + node
if not pdkdir:
# Run "ef-config" script for backward compatibility
export = {'EF_DESIGNDIR': project}
p =['/ef/efabless/bin/ef-config', '-sh', '-t'],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE, env = export)
config_out = p.stdout.splitlines()
for line in config_out:
setline = line.decode('utf-8').split('=')
if setline[0] == 'EF_TECHDIR':
pdkdir = ( setline[1] if path else '(default)' )
if not pdkdir:
pdkdir = ( None if path else '(no PDK)' ) # shouldn't get here
return pdkdir
# Get PDK directory for projects to be imported (without a techdir)
def get_import_pdk(self, projectpath):
yamlname = projectpath + '/info.yaml'
with open(yamlname, 'r') as f:
datatop = yaml.safe_load(f)
project_data = datatop['project']
project_foundry = project_data['foundry']
project_process = project_data['process']
project_pdkdir = ''
for pdkdir_lr in glob.glob('/usr/share/pdk/*/'):
pdkdir = os.path.split( os.path.split( pdkdir_lr )[0])[0]
foundry, foundry_name, node, desc, status = OpenGalaxyManager.pdkdir2fnd( pdkdir )
if not foundry or not node:
if (foundry == project_foundry or foundry_name == project_foundry) and node == project_process:
project_pdkdir = pdkdir
return project_pdkdir, foundry, node #------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get the list of PDKs that are attached to each project
def get_pdk_list(self, projectlist):
pdklist = []
for project in projectlist:
pdkdir = self.get_pdk_dir(project)
return pdklist
# Find a .json's associated tar.gz (or .tgz) if any.
# Return path to the tar.gz if any, else None.
def json2targz(self, jsonPath):
root = os.path.splitext(jsonPath)[0]
for ext in ('.tgz', '.tar.gz'):
if os.path.isfile(root + ext):
return root + ext
return None
def yaml2targz(self, yamlPath):
root = os.path.splitext(yamlPath)[0]
for ext in ('.tgz', '.tar.gz'):
if os.path.isfile(root + ext):
return root + ext
return None
# Remove a .json and associated tar.gz (or .tgz) if any.
# If not a .json, remove just that file (no test for a tar).
def removeJsonPlus(self, jsonPath):
ext = os.path.splitext(jsonPath)[1]
if ext == ".json":
tar = self.json2targz(jsonPath)
if tar: os.remove(tar)
return os.remove(jsonPath)
# MOVE a .json and associated tar.gz (or .tgz) if any, to targetDir.
# If not a .json, move just that file (no test for a tar).
def moveJsonPlus(self, jsonPath, targetDir):
ext = os.path.splitext(jsonPath)[1]
if ext == ".json":
tar = self.json2targz(jsonPath)
if tar:
shutil.move(tar, targetDir)
# believe the move throws an error. So return value (the targetDir name) isn't really useful.
return shutil.move(jsonPath, targetDir)
# Get a list of the libraries in the user's ip folder
def get_library_list(self):
# Get contents of directory
iplist = glob.glob(self.projectdir + '/ip/*/*')
iplist = []
return iplist
# Get a list of the files in the user's design import folder
# (use current 'import' but also original 'upload')
def get_import_list(self):
# Get contents of directory
importlist = os.listdir(self.projectdir + '/' + importdir)
# If entries have both a .json and .tar.gz file, remove the .tar.gz (also .tgz).
# Also ignore any .swp files dropped by the vim editor.
# Also ignore any subdirectories of import
for item in importlist[:]:
if item[-1] in '#~':
ipath = self.projectdir + '/' + importdir + '/' + item
# recognize dirs (as u2u projects) if not symlink and has a 'project.json',
# hide dirs named *.bak. If originating user does u2u twice before target user
# can consume/import it, the previous one (only) is retained as *.bak.
if os.path.isdir(ipath):
if os.path.islink(ipath) or not self.validProjectName(item) \
or self.importProjNameBadrex1.match(item) \
or not os.path.isfile(ipath + '/info.yaml'):
ext = os.path.splitext(item)
if ext[1] == '.json':
if ext[0] + '.tar.gz' in importlist:
importlist.remove(ext[0] + '.tar.gz')
elif ext[0] + '.tgz' in importlist:
importlist.remove(ext[0] + '.tgz')
elif ext[1] == '.swp':
elif os.path.isdir(self.projectdir + '/' + importdir + '/' + item):
# Add pathname to all items in projectlist
importlist = [self.projectdir + '/' + importdir + '/' + item for item in importlist]
# Add support for original "upload" directory (backward compatibility)
if os.path.exists(self.projectdir + '/upload'):
uploadlist = os.listdir(self.projectdir + '/upload')
# If entries have both a .json and .tar.gz file, remove the .tar.gz (also .tgz).
# Also ignore any .swp files dropped by the vim editor.
for item in uploadlist[:]:
ext = os.path.splitext(item)
if ext[1] == '.json':
if ext[0] + '.tar.gz' in uploadlist:
uploadlist.remove(ext[0] + '.tar.gz')
elif ext[0] + '.tgz' in uploadlist:
uploadlist.remove(ext[0] + '.tgz')
elif ext[1] == '.swp':
# Add pathname to all items in projectlist
uploadlist = [self.projectdir + '/upload/' + item for item in uploadlist]
# Remember the size of the list so we know when it changed
self.number_of_imports = len(importlist)
return importlist
# Import for json documents and related tarballs (.gz or .tgz):
def importyaml(self, projname, importfile):
# (1) Check if there is a tarball with the same root name as the JSON
importroot = os.path.splitext(importfile)[0]
badrex1 = re.compile("^\.")
badrex2 = re.compile(".*[/ \t\n\\\><\*\?].*")
if os.path.isfile(importroot + '.tgz'):
tarname = importroot + '.tgz'
elif os.path.isfile(importroot + '.tar.gz'):
tarname = importroot + '.tar.gz'
tarname = []
# (2) Check for name conflict
origname = projname
newproject = self.projectdir + '/' + projname
newname = projname
while os.path.isdir(newproject) or self.blacklisted(newname):
if self.blacklisted(newname):
warning = "Name " + newname + " is not allowed for a project name."
elif badrex1.match(newname):
warning = 'project name may not start with "."'
elif badrex2.match(newname):
warning = 'project name contains illegal characters or whitespace.'
warning = "Project " + newname + " already exists!"
newname = ProjectNameDialog(self, warning, seed=newname).result
if not newname:
return 0 # Canceled, no action.
newproject = self.projectdir + '/' + newname
print("New project name is " + newname + ".")
# (3) Create new directory
# (4) Dump the tarball (if any) in the new directory
if tarname:
with, mode='r:gz') as archive:
for member in archive:
archive.extract(member, newproject)
# (5) Copy the YAML document into the new directory. Keep the
# original name of the project, so as to overwrite any existing
# document, then change the name to match that of the project
# folder.
yamlfile = newproject + '/info.yaml'
shutil.copy(importfile, yamlfile)
except IOError as e:
print('Error copying files: ' + str(e))
return None
# (6) Remove the original files from the import folder
if tarname:
# (7) Standard project setup: if spi/, elec/, and ngspice/ do not
# exist, create them. If elec/.java does not exist, create it and
# seed from deskel. If ngspice/run and ngspice/run/.allwaves do not
# exist, create them.
if not os.path.exists(newproject + '/spi'):
os.makedirs(newproject + '/spi')
if not os.path.exists(newproject + '/spi/pex'):
os.makedirs(newproject + '/spi/pex')
if not os.path.exists(newproject + '/spi/lvs'):
os.makedirs(newproject + '/spi/lvs')
if not os.path.exists(newproject + '/ngspice'):
os.makedirs(newproject + '/ngspice')
if not os.path.exists(newproject + '/ngspice/run'):
os.makedirs(newproject + '/ngspice/run')
if not os.path.exists(newproject + '/ngspice/run/.allwaves'):
os.makedirs(newproject + '/ngspice/run/.allwaves')
if not os.path.exists(newproject + '/elec'):
os.makedirs(newproject + '/elec')
if not os.path.exists(newproject + '/xcirc'):
os.makedirs(newproject + '/xcirc')
if not os.path.exists(newproject + '/mag'):
os.makedirs(newproject + '/mag')
self.reinitElec(newproject) # [re]install elec/.java, elec/LIBDIRS if needed, from pdk-specific if-any
return 1 # Success
# Import for netlists (.spi):
# (1) Request project name
# (2) Create new project if name does not exist, or
# place netlist in existing project if it does.
# Install netlist in electric:
# "importfile" is the filename in ~/design/import
# "pname" is the name of the target project (folder)
# "newfile" is the netlist file name (which may or may not be the same
# as 'importfile').
def install_in_electric(self, importfile, pname, newfile, isnew=True):
# Install the netlist.
# If netlist is CDL, then call cdl2spi first
newproject = self.projectdir + '/' + pname
if not os.path.isdir(newproject + '/spi/'):
os.makedirs(newproject + '/spi/')
if os.path.splitext(newfile)[1] == '.cdl':
if not os.path.isdir(newproject + '/cdl/'):
os.makedirs(newproject + '/cdl/')
shutil.copy(importfile, newproject + '/cdl/' + newfile)
p =['/ef/apps/bin/cdl2spi', importfile],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE,
check = True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print('Error running cdl2spi: ' + e.output.decode('utf-8'))
if isnew == True:
return None
spi_string = p.stdout.splitlines()[0].decode('utf-8')
if p.stderr:
err_string = p.stderr.splitlines()[0].decode('utf-8')
# Print error messages to console
if not spi_string:
print('Error: cdl2spi has no output')
if isnew == True:
return None
outname = os.path.splitext(newproject + '/spi/' + newfile)[0] + '.spi'
with open(outname, 'w') as f:
outname = newproject + '/spi/' + newfile
shutil.copy(importfile, outname)
except IOError as e:
print('Error copying files: ' + str(e))
if isnew == True:
return None
# Symbol generator---this code to be moved into its own def.
# To-do, need a more thorough SPICE parser, maybe use netgen to parse.
# Need to find topmost subcircuit, by parsing the hieararchy.
subcktrex = re.compile('\.subckt[ \t]+([^ \t]+)[ \t]+', re.IGNORECASE)
subnames = []
with open(importfile, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
lmatch = subcktrex.match(line)
if lmatch:
if subnames:
subname = subnames[0]
# Run cdl2icon perl script
p =['/ef/apps/bin/cdl2icon', '-file', importfile, '-cellname',
subname, '-libname', pname, '-projname', pname, '--prntgussddirs'],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, check = True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print('Error running cdl2spi: ' + e.output.decode('utf-8'))
return None
pin_string = p.stdout.splitlines()[0].decode('utf-8')
if not pin_string:
print('Error: cdl2icon has no output')
if isnew == True:
return None
if p.stderr:
err_string = p.stderr.splitlines()[0].decode('utf-8')
# Invoke dialog to arrange pins here
pin_info_list = SymbolBuilder(self, pin_string.split(), fontsize=self.prefs['fontsize']).result
if not pin_info_list:
# Dialog was canceled
print("Symbol builder was canceled.")
if isnew == True:
return 0
for pin in pin_info_list:
pin_info = pin.split(':')
pin_name = pin_info[0]
pin_type = pin_info[1]
# Call cdl2icon with the final pin directions
outname = newproject + '/elec/' + pname + '.delib/' + os.path.splitext(newfile)[0] + '.ic'
p =['/ef/apps/bin/cdl2icon', '-file', importfile, '-cellname',
subname, '-libname', pname, '-projname', pname, '-output',
outname, '-pindircmbndstring', ','.join(pin_info_list)],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, check = True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print('Error running cdl2icon: ' + e.output.decode('utf-8'))
if isnew == True:
return None
icon_string = p.stdout.splitlines()[0].decode('utf-8') # not used, AFAIK
if p.stderr:
err_string = p.stderr.splitlines()[0].decode('utf-8')
return 1 # Success
# Import netlist file into existing project
def importspiceinto(self, newfile, importfile):
# Require existing project location
ppath = ExistingProjectDialog(self, self.get_project_list()).result
if not ppath:
return 0 # Canceled in dialog, no action.
pname = os.path.split(ppath)[1]
print("Importing into existing project " + pname)
result = self.install_in_electric(importfile, pname, newfile, isnew=False)
if result == None:
print('Error during import.')
return None
elif result == 0:
return 0 # Canceled
# Remove original file from imports area
return 1 # Success
# Import netlist file as a new project
def importspice(self, newfile, importfile):
# Use create project code first to generate a valid project space.
newname = self.createproject(None)
if not newname:
return 0 # Canceled in dialog, no action.
print("Importing as new project " + newname + ".")
result = self.install_in_electric(importfile, newname, newfile, isnew=True)
if result == None:
print('Error during install')
return None
elif result == 0:
# Canceled, so do not remove the import
return 0
# Remove original file from imports area
return 1 # Success
# Determine if JSON's tar can be imported as-if it were just a *.v.
# This is thin wrapper around tarVglImportable. Find the JSON's associated
# tar.gz if any, and call tarVglImportable.
# Returns list of two:
# None if rules not satisified; else path of the single GL .v member.
# None if rules not satisified; else root-name of the single .json member.
def jsonTarVglImportable(self, path):
ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1]
if ext != '.json': return None, None, None
tar = self.json2targz(path)
if not tar: return None, None, None
return self.tarVglImportable(tar)
def yamlTarVglImportable(self, path):
ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1]
if ext != '.yaml': return None, None, None
tar = self.yaml2targz(path)
if not tar: return None, None, None
return self.tarVglImportable(tar)
# Get a single named member (memPath) out of a JSON's tar file.
# This is thin wrapper around tarMember2tempfile. Find the JSON's associated
# tar.gz if any, and call tarMember2tempfile.
def jsonTarMember2tempfile(self, path, memPath):
ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1]
if ext != '.json': return None
tar = self.json2targz(path)
if not tar: return None
return self.tarMember2tempfile(tar, memPath)
def yamlTarMember2tempfile(self, path, memPath):
ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1]
if ext != '.yaml': return None
tar = self.yaml2targz(path)
if not tar: return None
return self.tarMember2tempfile(tar, memPath)
# Determine if tar-file can be imported as-if it were just a *.v.
# Require exactly one yosys-output .netlist.v, and exactly one .json.
# Nothing else matters: Ignore all other *.v, *.tv, *.jelib, *.vcd...
# If user renames *.netlist.v in cloudv before export to not end in
# netlist.v, we won't recognize it.
# Returns list of two:
# None if rules not satisified; else path of the single GL netlist.v member.
# None if rules not satisified; else root-name of the single .json member.
def tarVglImportable(self, path):
# count tar members by extensions. Track the .netlist.v. and .json. Screw the rest.
nbrExt = {'.v':0, '.netlist.v':0, '.tv':0, '.jelib':0, '.json':0, '/other/':0, '/vgl/':0}
nbrGLv = 0
jname = None
vfile = None
node = None
t =
for i in t:
# ignore (without counting) dir entries. From cloudv (so far) the tar does not
# have dir-entries, but most tar do (esp. most manually made test cases).
if i.isdir():
# TODO: should we require all below counted files to be plain files (no symlinks etc.)?
# get extension, but recognize a multi-ext for .netlist.v case
basenm = os.path.basename(
ext = os.path.splitext(basenm)[1]
root = os.path.splitext(basenm)[0]
ext2 = os.path.splitext(root)[1]
if ext2 == '.netlist' and ext == '.v':
ext = ext2 + ext
if ext and ext not in nbrExt:
ext = '/other/'
elif ext == '.netlist.v' and self.tarMemberIsGLverilog(t,
vfile =
ext = '/vgl/'
elif ext == '.json':
node = self.tarMemberHasFoundryNode(t,
jname = root
nbrExt[ext] += 1
# check rules. Require exactly one yosys-output .netlist.v, and exactly one .json.
# Quantities of other types are all don't cares.
if (nbrExt['/vgl/'] == 1 and nbrExt['.json'] == 1):
# vfile is the name of the verilog netlist in the tarball, while jname
# is the root name of the JSON file found in the tarball (if any)
return vfile, jname, node
# failed, not gate-level-verilog importable:
return None, None, node
# OBSOLETE VERSION: Determine if tar-file can be imported as-if it were just a *.v.
# Rules for members: one *.v, {0,1} *.jelib, {0,1} *.json, 0 other types.
# Return None if rules not satisified; else return path of the single .v.
# def tarVglImportable(self, path):
# # count tar members by extensions. Track the .v.
# nbrExt = {'.v':0, '.jelib':0, '.json':0, 'other':0}
# vfile = ""
# t =
# for i in t:
# ext = os.path.splitext([1]
# if ext not in nbrExt:
# ext = 'other'
# nbrExt[ext] += 1
# if ext == ".v": vfile =
# # check rules.
# if (nbrExt['.v'] != 1 or nbrExt['other'] != 0 or
# nbrExt['.jelib'] > 1 or nbrExt['.json'] > 1):
# return None
# return vfile
# Get a single named member (memPath) out of a tar file (tarPath), into a
# temp-file, so subprocesses can process it.
# Return path to the temp-file, or None if member not found in the tar.
def tarMember2tempfile(self, tarPath, memPath):
t =
member = t.getmember(memPath)
if not member: return None
# Change so it extracts into our new temp-file.
# extract() can specify the root-dir befow which the member path
# resides. If temp is an absolute-path, that root-dir must be /.
tmpf1 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
if[0] != "/":
raise ValueError("assertion failed, temp-file path not absolute: %s" % =
# Create an electric .delib directory and seed it with a header file
def create_electric_header_file(self, project, libname):
if not os.path.isdir(project + '/elec/' + libname + '.delib'):
os.makedirs(project + '/elec/' + libname + '.delib')
p =['electric', '-v'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
eversion = p.stdout.splitlines()[0].decode('utf-8')
# Create header file
with open(project + '/elec/' + libname + '.delib/header', 'w') as f:
f.write('# header information:\n')
f.write('H' + libname + '|' + eversion + '\n\n')
f.write('# Tools:\n')
# Create an ad-hoc "project.json" dictionary and fill essential records
def create_ad_hoc_json(self, ipname, pname):
# Create ad-hoc JSON file and fill it with the minimum
# necessary entries to define a project.
jData = {}
jDS = {}
jDS['ip-name'] = ipname
pdkdir = self.get_pdk_dir(pname, path=True)
jDS['foundry'], jDS['node'], pdk_desc, pdk_stat = self.pdkdir2fnd( pdkdir )
# Cannot parse PDK name, so foundry and node will remain undefined
jDS['format'] = '3'
pparams = []
param = {}
param['unit'] = "\u00b5m\u00b2"
param['condition'] = "device_area"
param['display'] = "Device area"
pmax = {}
pmax['penalty'] = '0'
pmax['target'] = '100000'
param['max'] = pmax
param = {}
param['unit'] = "\u00b5m\u00b2"
param['condition'] = "area"
param['display'] = "Layout area"
pmax = {}
pmax['penalty'] = '0'
pmax['target'] = '100000'
param['max'] = pmax
param = {}
param['unit'] = "\u00b5m"
param['condition'] = "width"
param['display'] = "Layout width"
pmax = {}
pmax['penalty'] = '0'
pmax['target'] = '300'
param['max'] = pmax
param = {}
param['condition'] = "DRC_errors"
param['display'] = "DRC errors"
pmax = {}
pmax['penalty'] = 'fail'
pmax['target'] = '0'
param['max'] = pmax
param = {}
param['condition'] = "LVS_errors"
param['display'] = "LVS errors"
pmax = {}
pmax['penalty'] = 'fail'
pmax['target'] = '0'
param['max'] = pmax
jDS['physical-params'] = pparams
jData['data-sheet'] = jDS
return jData
# Create info.yaml file (automatically done in in case it's executed from the command line)
def create_yaml(self, ipname, pname, description="(Add project description here)"):
# ipname: Project Name
# pname: PDK directory
data = {}
project['description'] = description
project['foundry'], foundry_name, project['process'], pdk_desc, pdk_stat = self.pdkdir2fnd( pname )
# Cannot parse PDK name, so foundry and node will remain undefined
project['project_name'] = ipname
return data
# For a single named member (memPath) out of an open tarfile (tarf),
# determine if it is a JSON file, and attempt to extract value of entry
# 'node' in dictionary entry 'data-sheet'. Otherwise return None.
def tarMemberHasFoundryNode(self, tarf, memPath):
fileJSON = tarf.extractfile(memPath)
if not fileJSON: return None
# NOTE: tarfile data is in bytes, json.load(fileJSON) does not work.
datatop = json.loads('utf-8'))
print("Failed to load extract file " + memPath + " as JSON data")
return None
node = None
if 'data-sheet' in datatop:
dsheet = datatop['data-sheet']
if 'node' in dsheet:
node = dsheet['node']
fileJSON.close() # close open-tarfile before any return
return node
# For a single named member (memPath) out of an open tarfile (tarf),
# determine if first line embeds (case-insensitive match): Generated by Yosys
# Return True or False. If no such member or it has no 1st line, returns False.
def tarMemberIsGLverilog(self, tarf, memPath):
fileHdl = tarf.extractfile(memPath)
if not fileHdl: return False
line = fileHdl.readline()
fileHdl.close() # close open-tarfile before any return
if not line: return False
return ('generated by yosys' in line.decode('utf-8').lower())
# Import vgl-netlist file INTO existing project.
# The importfile can be a .v; or a .json-with-tar that embeds a .v.
# What is newfile? not used here.
# PROMPT to select an existing project is here.
# (Is also a PROMPT to select existing electric lib, but that's within importvgl).
def importvglinto(self, newfile, importfile):
# Require existing project location
ppath = ExistingProjectDialog(self, self.get_project_list()).result
if not ppath: return 0 # Canceled in dialog, no action.
pname = os.path.split(ppath)[1]
print( "Importing into existing project: %s" % (pname))
return self.importvgl(newfile, importfile, pname)
# Import cloudv project as new project.
def install_from_cloudv(self, opath, ppath, pdkname, stdcellname, ydicts):
oname = os.path.split(opath)[1]
pname = os.path.split(ppath)[1]
print('Cloudv project name is ' + str(oname))
print('New project name is ' + str(pname))
os.makedirs(ppath + '/verilog', exist_ok=True)
vfile = None
isfullchip = False
ipname = oname
# First check for single synthesized projects, or all synthesized
# digital sub-blocks within a full-chip project.
os.makedirs(ppath + '/verilog/source', exist_ok=True)
bfiles = glob.glob(opath + '/build/*.netlist.v')
for bfile in bfiles:
tname = os.path.split(bfile)[1]
vname = os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(tname)[0])[0]
tfile = ppath + '/verilog/' + vname + '/' + vname + '.vgl'
print('Making qflow sub-project ' + vname)
os.makedirs(ppath + '/verilog/' + vname, exist_ok=True)
shutil.copy(bfile, tfile)
if vname == oname:
vfile = tfile
# Each build project gets its own qflow directory. Create the
# source/ subdirectory and make a link back to the .vgl file.
# qflow prep should do the rest.
os.makedirs(ppath + '/qflow', exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(ppath + '/qflow/' + vname)
os.makedirs(ppath + '/qflow/' + vname + '/source')
# Make sure the symbolic link is relative, so that it is portable
# through a shared project.
curdir = os.getcwd()
os.chdir(ppath + '/qflow/' + vname + '/source')
os.symlink('../../../verilog/' + vname + '/' + vname + '.vgl', vname + '.v')
# Create a simple file so that the project manager
# qflow launcher will see it as a qflow sub-project. If the meta.yaml
# file has a "stdcell" entry for the subproject, then add the line
# "techname=" with the name of the standard cell library as pulled
# from meta.yaml.
stdcell = None
buildname = 'build/' + vname + '.netlist.v'
for ydict in ydicts:
if buildname in ydict:
yentry = ydict[buildname]
if 'stdcell' in yentry:
stdcell = yentry['stdcell']
with open(ppath + '/qflow/' + vname + '/', 'w') as ofile:
print('#!/bin/tcsh -f', file=ofile)
if stdcell:
print('set techname=' + stdcell, file=ofile)
# Now check for a full-chip verilog SoC (from CloudV)
modrex = re.compile('[ \t]*module[ \t]+[^ \t(]*_?soc[ \t]*\(')
genmodrex = re.compile('[ \t]*module[ \t]+([^ \t(]+)[ \t]*\(')
bfiles = glob.glob(opath + '/*.model/*.v')
for bfile in bfiles:
tname = os.path.split(bfile)[1]
vpath = os.path.split(bfile)[0]
ipname = os.path.splitext(tname)[0]
tfile = ppath + '/verilog/' + ipname + '.v'
isfullchip = True
if isfullchip:
print('Cloudv project IP name is ' + str(ipname))
# All files in */ paths should be copied to project verilog/source/,
# except for the module containing the SoC itself. Note that the actual
# verilog source goes here, not the synthesized netlist, although that is
# mainly for efficiency of the simulation, which would normally be done in
# cloudV and not in Open Galaxy. For Open Galaxy, what is needed is the
# existence of a verilog file containing a module name, which is used to
# track down the various files (LEF, DEF, etc.) that are needed for full-
# chip layout.
# (Sept. 2019) Added copying of files in /SW/ -> /sw/ and /Verify/ ->
# /verify/ for running full-chip simulations on the Open Galaxy side.
os.makedirs(ppath + '/verilog', exist_ok=True)
cfiles = glob.glob(vpath + '/source/*')
for cfile in cfiles:
cname = os.path.split(cfile)[1]
if cname != tname:
tpath = ppath + '/verilog/source/' + cname
os.makedirs(ppath + '/verilog/source', exist_ok=True)
shutil.copy(cfile, tpath)
cfiles = glob.glob(vpath + '/verify/*')
for cfile in cfiles:
cname = os.path.split(cfile)[1]
tpath = ppath + '/verilog/verify/' + cname
os.makedirs(ppath + '/verilog/verify', exist_ok=True)
shutil.copy(cfile, tpath)
cfiles = glob.glob(vpath + '/sw/*')
for cfile in cfiles:
cname = os.path.split(cfile)[1]
tpath = ppath + '/verilog/sw/' + cname
os.makedirs(ppath + '/verilog/sw', exist_ok=True)
shutil.copy(cfile, tpath)
# Read the top-level SoC verilog and recast it for OpenGalaxy.
with open(bfile, 'r') as ifile:
chiplines =
# Find the modules used, track them down, and add the source location
# in the Open Galaxy environment as an "include" line in the top level
# verilog.
parentdir = os.path.split(bfile)[0]
modfile = parentdir + '/docs/modules.txt'
modules = []
if os.path.isfile(modfile):
with open(modfile, 'r') as ifile:
modules =
print("Warning: No modules.txt file for the chip top level module in "
+ parentdir + "/docs/.\n")
# Get the names of verilog libraries in this PDK.
pdkdir = os.path.realpath(ppath + '/.ef-config/techdir')
pdkvlog = pdkdir + '/libs.ref/verilog'
pdkvlogfiles = glob.glob(pdkvlog + '/*/*.v')
# Read the verilog libraries and create a dictionary mapping each
# module name to a location of the verilog file where it is located.
moddict = {}
for vlogfile in pdkvlogfiles:
with open(vlogfile, 'r') as ifile:
for line in
mmatch = genmodrex.match(line)
if mmatch:
modname =
moddict[modname] = vlogfile
# Get the names of verilog libraries in the user IP space.
# (TO DO: Need to know the IP version being used!)
designdir = os.path.split(ppath)[0]
ipdir = designdir + '/ip/'
uservlogfiles = glob.glob(ipdir + '/*/*/verilog/*.v')
for vlogfile in uservlogfiles:
# Strip ipdir from the front
vlogpath = vlogfile.replace(ipdir, '', 1)
with open(vlogfile, 'r') as ifile:
for line in
mmatch = genmodrex.match(line)
if mmatch:
modname =
moddict[modname] = vlogpath
# Find all netlist builds from the project (those that were copied above)
buildfiles = glob.glob(ppath + '/verilog/source/*.v')
for vlogfile in buildfiles:
# Strip ipdir from the front
vlogpath = vlogfile.replace(ppath + '/verilog/source/', '', 1)
with open(vlogfile, 'r') as ifile:
for line in
mmatch = genmodrex.match(line)
if mmatch:
modname =
moddict[modname] = vlogpath
# (NOTE: removing 'ifndef LVS' as netgen should be able to handle
# the contents of included files, and they are preferred since any
# arrays are declared in each module I/O)
# chiplines.insert(0, '`endif')
chiplines.insert(0, '//--- End of list of included module dependencies ---')
includedfiles = []
for module in modules:
# Determine where this module comes from. Look in the PDK, then in
# the user ip/ directory, then in the local hierarchy. Note that
# the local hierarchy expects layouts from synthesized netlists that
# have not yet been created, so determine the expected location.
if module in moddict:
if moddict[module] not in includedfiles:
chiplines.insert(0, '`include "' + moddict[module] + '"')
# chiplines.insert(0, '`ifndef LVS')
chiplines.insert(0, '//--- List of included module dependencies ---')
chiplines.insert(0, '// iverilog simulation requires the use of -I source -I ~/design/ip')
chiplines.insert(0, '// NOTE: Includes may be rooted at ~/design/ip/ or at ./source')
chiplines.insert(0, '// SoC top level verilog copied and modified by project manager')
# Copy file, but replace the module name "soc" with the ip-name
with open(tfile, 'w') as ofile:
for chipline in chiplines:
print(modrex.sub('module ' + ipname + ' (', chipline), file=ofile)
# Need to define behavior: What if there is more than one netlist?
# Which one is to be imported? For now, ad-hoc behavior is to select
# the last netlist file in the list if no file matches the ip-name.
# Note that for full-chip projects, the full chip verilog file is always
# the last one set.
if not vfile:
vfile = tfile
# NOTE: vfile was being used to create a symbol, but not any more;
# see below. All the above code referencing vfile can probably be
# removed.
sfiles = glob.glob(vpath + '/source/*')
sfiles.extend(glob.glob(vpath + '/*/source/*'))
sfiles = glob.glob(opath + '/*.v')
sfiles.extend(glob.glob(opath + '/*.sv'))
sfiles.extend(glob.glob(opath + '/local/*'))
for fname in sfiles:
sname = os.path.split(fname)[1]
tfile = ppath + '/verilog/source/' + sname
# Reject '.model' and '.soc" files (these are meaningful only to CloudV)
fileext = os.path.splitext(fname)[1]
if fileext == '.model' or fileext == '.soc':
if os.path.isfile(fname):
# Check if /verilog/source/ has been created
if not os.path.isdir(ppath + '/verilog/source'):
os.makedirs(ppath + '/verilog/source')
shutil.copy(fname, tfile)
# Add standard cell library name to project.json
pjsonfile = ppath + '/project.json'
if os.path.exists(pjsonfile):
with open(pjsonfile, 'r') as ifile:
datatop = json.load(ifile)
datatop = self.create_ad_hoc_json(ipname, ppath)
# Generate a symbol in electric for the verilog top module
iconfile = ppath + '/elec/' + ipname + '.delib/' + ipname + '.ic'
if not os.path.exists(iconfile):
# NOTE: Symbols are created by qflow migration for project
# builds. Only the chip top-level needs to run create_symbol
# here.
if isfullchip:
print("Creating symbol for module " + ipname + " automatically from verilog source.")
create_symbol(ppath, vfile, ipname, iconfile, False)
# Add header file
self.create_electric_header_file(ppath, ipname)
dsheet = datatop['data-sheet']
if not stdcellname or stdcellname == "":
dsheet['standard-cell'] = 'default'
dsheet['standard-cell'] = stdcellname
with open(pjsonfile, 'w') as ofile:
json.dump(datatop, ofile, indent = 4)
return 0
# Import vgl-netlist AS new project.
# The importfile can be a .v; or a .json-with-tar that embeds a .v.
# What is newfile? not used here.
# PROMPT to select an create new project is within importvgl.
def importvglas(self, newfile, importfile, seedname):
print('importvglas: seedname is ' + str(seedname))
return self.importvgl(newfile, importfile, newname=None, seedname=seedname)
# Utility shared/used by both: Import vgl-netlist file AS or INTO a project.
# Called directly for AS. Called via importvglinto for INTO.
# importfile : source of .v to import, actual .v or json-with-tar that embeds a .v
# newfile : not used
# newname : target project-name (INTO), or None (AS: i.e. prompt to create one).
# Either newname is given: we PROMPT to pick an existing elecLib;
# Else PROMPT for new projectName and CREATE it (and use elecLib of same name).
def importvgl(self, newfile, importfile, newname=None, seedname=None):
elecLib = None
isnew = not newname
# Up front: Determine if this import has a .json file associated
# with it. If so, then parse the JSON data to find if there is a
# foundry and node set for the project. If so, then the foundry
# node is not selectable at time of import. Likewise, if "isnew"
# is false, then we need to check if there is a directory called
# "newname" and if it is set to the same foundry node. If not,
# then the import must be rejected.
tarVfile, jName, importnode = self.jsonTarVglImportable(importfile)
if isnew:
print('importvgl: seedname is ' + str(seedname))
# Use create project code first to generate a valid project space.
newname = self.createproject(None, seedname, importnode)
if not newname: return 0 # Canceled in dialog, no action.
print("Importing as new project " + newname + ".")
elecLib = newname
ppath = self.projectdir + '/' + newname
if not elecLib:
choices = self.get_elecLib_list(newname)
if not choices:
print( "Aborted: No existing electric libraries found to import into.")
return 0
elecLib = ExistingElecLibDialog(self, choices).result
if not elecLib:
# Never a just-created project to delete here: We only PROMPT to pick elecLib in non-new case.
return 0 # Canceled in dialog, no action.
# Isolate just electric lib name without extension. ../a/b.delib -> b
elecLib = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(elecLib)[-1])[0]
print("Importing to project: %s, elecLib: %s" % (newname, elecLib))
# Determine isolated *.v as importactual. May be importfile or tar-member (as temp-file).
importactual = importfile
if tarVfile:
importactual = self.jsonTarMember2tempfile(importfile, tarVfile)
print("importing json-with-tar's member: %s" % (tarVfile))
if not os.path.isfile(importactual):
# TODO: should this be a raise instead?
print('Error determining *.v to import')
return None
result = self.vgl_install(importactual, newname, elecLib, newfile, isnew=isnew)
if result == None:
print('Error during install')
return None
elif result == 0:
# Canceled, so do not remove the import
return 0
# If jName is non-NULL then there is a JSON file in the tarball. This is
# to be used as the project JSON file. Contents of file coming from
# CloudV are correct as of 12/8/2017.
pname = os.path.expanduser('~/design/' + newname)
legacyjname = pname + '/' + newname + '.json'
# New behavior 12/2018: Project JSON file always named 'project.json'
jname = pname + '/project.json'
# Do not overwrite an existing JSON file. Overwriting is a problem for
# "import into", as the files go into an existing project, which would
# normally have its own JSON file.
if not os.path.exists(jname) and not os.path.exists(legacyjname):
tarJfile = os.path.split(tarVfile)[0] + '/' + jName + '.json'
importjson = self.jsonTarMember2tempfile(importfile, tarJfile)
jData = self.create_ad_hoc_json(newname, pname)
with open(jname, 'w') as ofile:
json.dump(jData, ofile, indent = 4)
# Copy the temporary file pulled from the tarball and
# remove the temporary file.
shutil.copy(importjson, jname)
# For time-being, if a tar.gz & json: archive them in the target project, also as extracted.
# Remove original file from imports area (either .v; or .json plus tar)
# plus temp-file if extracted from the tar.
if importactual != importfile:
pname = self.projectdir + '/' + newname
importd = pname + '/' + archiveimportdir # global: archiveimportdir
os.makedirs(importd, exist_ok=True)
# Dirnames to embed a VISIBLE date (UTC) of when populated.
# TODO: improve dir naming or better way to store & understand later when it was processed (a log?),
# without relying on file-system mtime.
archived = tempfile.mkdtemp( dir=importd, prefix='{:%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M:%S}-'.format(datetime.datetime.utcnow()))
tarname = self.json2targz(importfile)
if tarname:
with, mode='r:gz') as archive:
for member in archive:
archive.extract(member, archived)
self.moveJsonPlus(importfile, archived)
return 1 # Success
# Prepare multiline "warning" indicating which files to install already exist.
# TODO: ugly, don't use a simple confirmation dialogue: present a proper table.
def installsConfirmMarkOverwrite(self, module, files):
warning = [ "For import of module: %s," % module ]
anyExists = False
for i in files:
exists = os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser(i))
if exists: anyExists = True
warning += [ (" * " if exists else " ") + i ]
if anyExists:
titleSuffix = "\nCONFIRM installation of (*: OVERWRITE existing):"
titleSuffix = "\nCONFIRM installation of:"
warning[0] += titleSuffix
return ConfirmInstallDialog(self, "\n".join(warning)).result
def vgl_install(self, importfile, pname, elecLib, newfile, isnew=True):
# Convert the in .v to: spi, cdl, elec-icon, elec-text-view forms.
# TODO: Prompt to confirm final install of 5 files in dir-structure.
# newfile: argument is not used. What is it for?
# Target project AND electricLib MAY BE same (pname) or different.
# Rest of the filenames are determined by the module name in the source .v.
newproject = self.projectdir + '/' + pname
p =['/ef/apps/bin/vglImport', importfile, pname, elecLib],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
check=True, universal_newlines=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
if hasattr(e, 'stdout') and e.stdout: print(e.stdout)
if hasattr(e, 'stderr') and e.stderr: print(e.stderr)
print('Error running vglImport: ' + str(e))
if isnew == True: shutil.rmtree(newproject)
return None
dataLines = p.stdout.splitlines()
if p.stderr:
# Print error messages to console
for i in p.stderr.splitlines(): print(i)
if not dataLines or len(dataLines) != 11:
print('Error: vglImport has no output, or wrong #outputs (%d vs 11)' % len(dataLines))
if isnew == True: shutil.rmtree(newproject)
return None
module = dataLines[0]
confirm = self.installsConfirmMarkOverwrite(module, dataLines[2::2])
if not confirm:
if isnew == True: shutil.rmtree(newproject)
return 0
# print("Proceed")
clean = dataLines[1:]
nbr = len(dataLines)
ndx = 1
# trap I/O errors and clean-up if any
while ndx+1 < nbr:
trg = os.path.expanduser(dataLines[ndx+1])
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(trg), exist_ok=True)
shutil.move(dataLines[ndx], trg)
ndx += 2
except IOError as e:
print('Error copying files: ' + str(e))
for i in clean:
with contextlib.suppress(FileNotFoundError): os.remove(i)
if isnew == True: shutil.rmtree(newproject)
return 0
print( "For import of module %s installed: %s" % (module, " ".join(dataLines[2::2])))
return 1 # Success
# Callback function from "Import Into" button on imports list box.
def importintodesign(self, value):
if not value['values']:
print('No import selected.')
# Stop the watchdog timer while this is going on
newname = value['text']
importfile = value['values'][0]
print('Import project name: ' + newname + '')
print('Import file name: ' + importfile + '')
# Behavior depends on what kind of file is being imported.
# Tarballs are entire projects. Other files are individual
# files and may be imported into new or existing projects
if os.path.isdir(importfile):
print('File is a project, must import as new project.')
result = self.import2project(importfile, addWarn='Redirected: A projectDir must Import-As new project.')
ext = os.path.splitext(importfile)[1]
vFile, jName, importnode = self.jsonTarVglImportable(importfile)
if ((ext == '.json' and vFile) or ext == '.v'):
result = self.importvglinto(newname, importfile)
elif ext == '.json':
# Same behavior as "Import As", at least for now
print('File is a project, must import as new project.')
result = self.importjson(newname, importfile)
result = self.importspiceinto(newname, importfile)
if result:
# Callback function from "Import As" button on imports list box.
def importdesign(self, value):
if not value['values']:
print('No import selected.')
# Stop the watchdog timer while this is going on
newname = value['text']
importfile = value['values'][0]
print('Import project name: ' + newname)
print('Import file name: ' + importfile)
# Behavior depends on what kind of file is being imported.
# Tarballs are entire projects. Other files are individual
# files and may be imported into new or existing projects
if os.path.isdir(importfile):
result = self.import2project(importfile)
pathext = os.path.splitext(importfile)
vfile, seedname, importnode = self.jsonTarVglImportable(importfile)
if ((pathext[1] == '.json' and seedname) or pathext[1] == '.v'):
result = self.importvglas(newname, importfile, seedname)
elif pathext[1] == '.json':
result = self.importjson(newname, importfile)
result = self.importspice(newname, importfile)
if result:
def deleteimport(self, value):
if not value['values']:
print('No import selected.')
print("Delete import " + value['text'] + ' ' + value['values'][0] + " !")
# Require confirmation
warning = 'Confirm delete import ' + value['text'] + '?'
confirm = ProtectedConfirmDialog(self, warning).result
if not confirm == 'okay':
print('Delete confirmed!')
item = value['values'][0]
if not os.path.islink(item) and os.path.isdir(item):
ext = os.path.splitext(item)
# Where import is a pair of .json and .tar.gz files, remove both.
if ext[1] == '.json':
if os.path.exists(ext[0] + '.tar.gz'):
os.remove(ext[0] + '.tar.gz')
elif os.path.exists(ext[0] + '.tgz'):
os.remove(ext[0] + '.tgz')
def update_project_views(self, force=False):
# More than updating project views, this updates projects, imports, and
# IP libraries.
projectlist = self.get_project_list()
pdklist = self.get_pdk_list(projectlist)
self.projectselect.populate2("PDK", projectlist, pdklist)
old_imports = self.number_of_imports
importlist = self.get_import_list()
valuelist = self.importselect.getvaluelist()
datelist = self.get_date_list(valuelist)
itemlist = self.importselect.getlist()
self.importselect.populate2("date", itemlist, datelist)
# To do: Check if itemlist in imports changed, and open if a new import
# has arrived.
if force or (old_imports != None) and (old_imports < self.number_of_imports):
iplist = self.get_library_list()
self.ipselect.repopulate(iplist, versioning=True)
valuelist = self.ipselect.getvaluelist()
datelist = self.get_date_list(valuelist)
itemlist = self.ipselect.getlist()
self.ipselect.populate2("date", itemlist, datelist)
def update_alert(self):
# Project manager has been updated. Generate an alert window and
# provide option to restart the project manager.
warning = 'Project manager app has been updated. Restart now?'
confirm = ConfirmDialog(self, warning).result
if not confirm == 'okay':
print('Warning: Must quit and restart to get any fixes or updates.')
os.execl('/ef/efabless/opengalaxy/', '')
# Does not return; replaces existing process.
# Delete a project from the design folder.
def deleteproject(self, value):
if not value['values']:
print('No project selected.')
path = value['values'][0]
print('Delete project ' + value['values'][0])
# Require confirmation
warning = 'Confirm delete entire project ' + value['text'] + '?'
confirm = ProtectedConfirmDialog(self, warning).result
if not confirm == 'okay':
if os.path.islink(path):
if ('subcells' in path):
# Clean out the simulation folder. Traditionally this was named
# 'ngspice', so this is checked for backward-compatibility. The
# proper name of the simulation directory is 'simulation'.
def cleanproject(self, value):
if not value['values']:
print('No project selected.')
ppath = value['values'][0]
print('Clean simulation raw data from directory ' + ppath)
# Require confirmation
warning = 'Confirm clean project ' + value['text'] + ' contents?'
confirm = ConfirmDialog(self, warning).result
if not confirm == 'okay':
if os.path.isdir(ppath + '/simulation'):
simpath = 'simulation'
elif os.path.isdir(ppath + '/ngspice'):
simpath = 'ngspice'
print('Project has no simulation folder.')
filelist = os.listdir(ppath + '/' + simpath)
for sfile in filelist:
if os.path.splitext(sfile)[1] == '.raw':
os.remove(ppath + '/ngspice/' + sfile)
print('Project simulation folder cleaned.')
# Also clean the log file
filelist = os.listdir(ppath)
for sfile in filelist:
if os.path.splitext(sfile)[1] == '.log':
os.remove(ppath + '/' + sfile)
# Determine which schematic editors are compatible with the PDK, and return a list of them.
def list_valid_schematic_editors(self, pdktechdir):
# Check PDK technology directory for xcircuit, xschem, and electric
applist = []
if os.path.exists(pdktechdir + '/elec'):
if os.path.exists(pdktechdir + '/xschem'):
if os.path.exists(pdktechdir + '/xcircuit'):
return applist
# Determine which layout editors are compatible with the PDK, and return a list of them.
def list_valid_layout_editors(self, pdktechdir):
# Check PDK technology directory for magic and klayout
applist = []
if os.path.exists(pdktechdir + '/magic'):
if os.path.exists(pdktechdir + '/klayout'):
return applist
# Create a new project folder and initialize it (see below for steps)
def createproject(self, value, seedname=None, importnode=None):
global currdesign
# Note: value is current selection, if any, and is ignored
# Require new project location and confirmation
badrex1 = re.compile("^\.")
badrex2 = re.compile(".*[/ \t\n\\\><\*\?].*")
warning = 'Create new project:'
development = self.prefs['development']
# Find out whether the user wants to create a subproject or project
parent_pdk = ''
with open(os.path.expanduser(currdesign), 'r') as f:
pdirCur =
if ('subcells' in pdirCur):
# subproject is selected
parent_path = os.path.split(os.path.split(pdirCur)[0])[0]
pdkdir = self.get_pdk_dir(parent_path, path=True)
(foundry, foundry_name, node, desc, status) = self.pdkdir2fnd( pdkdir )
parent_pdk = foundry + '/' + node
warning = 'Create new subproject in '+ parent_path + ':'
elif (pdirCur[0] == '.'):
# the project's 'subproject' of itself is selected
parent_path = pdirCur[1:]
pdkdir = self.get_pdk_dir(parent_path, path=True)
(foundry, foundry_name, node, desc, status) = self.pdkdir2fnd( pdkdir )
parent_pdk = foundry + '/' + node
warning = 'Create new subproject in '+ parent_path + ':'
while True:
if seedname:
newname, newpdk = NewProjectDialog(self, warning, seed=seedname, importnode=importnode, development=development, parent_pdk=parent_pdk).result
newname, newpdk = NewProjectDialog(self, warning, seed='', importnode=importnode, development=development, parent_pdk=parent_pdk).result
except TypeError:
# TypeError occurs when "Cancel" is pressed, just handle exception.
return None
if not newname:
return None # Canceled, no action.
if parent_pdk == '':
newproject = self.projectdir + '/' + newname
newproject = parent_path + '/subcells/' + newname
if self.blacklisted(newname):
warning = newname + ' is not allowed for a project name.'
elif badrex1.match(newname):
warning = 'project name may not start with "."'
elif badrex2.match(newname):
warning = 'project name contains illegal characters or whitespace.'
elif os.path.exists(newproject):
warning = newname + ' is already a project name.'
if parent_pdk !='' and not os.path.isdir(parent_path + '/subcells'):
os.makedirs(parent_path + '/subcells')
subprocess.Popen([config.apps_path + '/', newproject, newpdk]).wait()
# Show subproject in project view
if parent_pdk != '':
except IOError as e:
print('Error copying files: ' + str(e))
return None
print('Error making project.')
return None
return newname
# Find what tools are compatible with the given PDK
schemapps = self.list_valid_schematic_editors(newpdk + '/')
layoutapps = self.list_valid_layout_editors(newpdk + '/')
print('New project name will be ' + newname + '.')
print('Associated project PDK is ' + newpdk + '.')
# Make standard folders
if 'magic' in layoutapps:
os.makedirs(newproject + '/mag')
os.makedirs(newproject + '/spi')
os.makedirs(newproject + '/spi/pex')
os.makedirs(newproject + '/spi/lvs')
if 'electric' in layoutapps or 'electric' in schemapps:
os.makedirs(newproject + '/elec')
if 'xcircuit' in schemapps:
os.makedirs(newproject + '/xcirc')
if 'klayout' in schemapps:
os.makedirs(newproject + '/klayout')
os.makedirs(newproject + '/ngspice')
os.makedirs(newproject + '/ngspice/run')
if 'electric' in schemapps:
os.makedirs(newproject + '/ngspice/run/.allwaves')
os.makedirs(newproject + '/testbench')
os.makedirs(newproject + '/verilog')
os.makedirs(newproject + '/verilog/source')
os.makedirs(newproject + '/.ef-config')
if 'xschem' in schemapps:
os.makedirs(newproject + '/xschem')
pdkname = os.path.split(newpdk)[1]
# Symbolic links
os.symlink(newpdk, newproject + '/.ef-config/techdir')
# Copy preferences
# deskel = '/ef/efabless/deskel'
# Copy examples (disabled; this is too confusing to the end user. Also, they
# should not be in user space at all, as they are not user editable.
# for item in os.listdir(deskel + '/exlibs'):
# shutil.copytree(deskel + '/exlibs/' + item, newproject + '/elec/' + item)
# for item in os.listdir(deskel + '/exmag'):
# if os.path.splitext(item)[1] == '.mag':
# shutil.copy(deskel + '/exmag/' + item, newproject + '/mag/' + item)
# Put tool-specific startup files into the appropriate user directories.
if 'electric' in layoutapps or 'electric' in schemapps:
self.reinitElec(newproject) # [re]install elec/.java, elec/LIBDIRS if needed, from pdk-specific if-any
# Set up electric
self.create_electric_header_file(newproject, newname)
if 'magic' in layoutapps:
shutil.copy(newpdk + '/' + pdkname + '.magicrc', newproject + '/mag/.magicrc')
if 'xcircuit' in schemapps:
xcircrc = newpdk + '/' + pdkname + '.' + 'xcircuitrc'
xcircrc2 = newpdk + '/'
if os.path.exists(xcircrc):
shutil.copy(xcircrc, newproject + '/xcirc/.xcircuitrc')
elif os.path.exists(xcircrc2):
shutil.copy(xcircrc2, newproject + '/xcirc/.xcircuitrc')
if 'xschem' in schemapps:
xschemrc = newpdk + '/'
if os.path.exists(xschemrc):
shutil.copy(xschemrc, newproject + '/xschem/xschemrc')
except IOError as e:
print('Error copying files: ' + str(e))
return None
return newname
# Import a CloudV project from ~/cloudv/<project_name>
def cloudvimport(self, value):
# Require existing project location
clist = self.get_cloudv_project_list()
if not clist:
return 0 # No projects to import
ppath = ExistingProjectDialog(self, clist, warning="Enter name of cloudV project to import:").result
if not ppath:
return 0 # Canceled in dialog, no action.
pname = os.path.split(ppath)[1]
print("Importing CloudV project " + pname)
importnode = None
stdcell = None
netlistfile = None
# Pull process and standard cell library from the YAML file created by
# CloudV. NOTE: YAML file has multiple documents, so must use
# yaml.load_all(), not yaml.load(). If there are refinements of this
# process for individual build files, they will override (see further down).
# To do: Check entries for SoC builds. If there are multiple SoC builds,
# then create an additional drop-down selection to choose one, since only
# one SoC build can exist as a single Open Galaxy project. Get the name
# of the top-level module for the SoC. (NOTE: It may not be intended
# that there can be multiple SoC builds in the project, so for now retaining
# the existing parsing assuming default names.)
if os.path.exists(ppath + '/.ef-config/meta.yaml'):
print("Reading YAML file:")
ydicts = []
with open(ppath + '/.ef-config/meta.yaml', 'r') as ifile:
yalldata = yaml.load_all(ifile, Loader=yaml.Loader)
for ydict in yalldata:
for ydict in ydicts:
for yentry in ydict.values():
if 'process' in yentry:
importnode = yentry['process']
# If there is a file ().soc and a directory ().model, then pull the file
# ().model/().model.v, which is a chip top-level netlist.
ydicts = []
has_soc = False
save_vdir = None
vdirs = glob.glob(ppath + '/*')
for vdir in vdirs:
vnameparts = vdir.split('.')
if len(vnameparts) > 1 and vnameparts[-1] == 'soc' and os.path.isdir(vdir):
has_soc = True
if len(vnameparts) > 1 and vnameparts[-1] == 'model':
save_vdir = vdir
if has_soc:
if save_vdir:
vdir = save_vdir
print("INFO: CloudV project " + vdir + " is a full chip SoC project.")
vroot = os.path.split(vdir)[1]
netlistfile = vdir + '/' + vroot + '.v'
if os.path.exists(netlistfile):
print("INFO: CloudV chip top level verilog is " + netlistfile + ".")
print("ERROR: Expected SoC .model directory not found.")
# Otherwise, if the project has a build/ directory and a netlist.v file,
# then set the foundry node accordingly.
elif os.path.exists(ppath + '/build'):
vfiles = glob.glob(ppath + '/build/*.v')
for vfile in vfiles:
vroot = os.path.splitext(vfile)[0]
if os.path.splitext(vroot)[1] == '.netlist':
netlistfile = ppath + '/build/' + vfile
# Pull process and standard cell library from the YAML file
# created by CloudV
# Use yaml.load_all(), not yaml.load() (see above)
if os.path.exists(ppath + '/.ef-config/meta.yaml'):
print("Reading YAML file:")
ydicts = []
with open(ppath + '/.ef-config/meta.yaml', 'r') as ifile:
yalldata = yaml.load_all(ifile, Loader=yaml.Loader)
for ydict in yalldata:
for ydict in ydicts:
for yentry in ydict.values():
if 'process' in yentry:
importnode = yentry['process']
if 'stdcell' in yentry:
stdcell = yentry['stdcell']
if importnode:
print("INFO: Project targets foundry process " + importnode + ".")
print("WARNING: Project does not target any foundry process.")
newname = self.createproject(value, seedname=pname, importnode=importnode)
if not newname: return 0 # Canceled in dialog, no action.
newpath = self.projectdir + '/' + newname
result = self.install_from_cloudv(ppath, newpath, importnode, stdcell, ydicts)
if result == None:
print('Error during import.')
return None
elif result == 0:
return 0 # Canceled
return 1 # Success
# Make a copy of a project in the design folder.
def copyproject(self, value):
if not value['values']:
print('No project selected.')
# Require copy-to location and confirmation
badrex1 = re.compile("^\.")
badrex2 = re.compile(".*[/ \t\n\\\><\*\?].*")
warning = 'Copy project ' + value['text'] + ' to new project.'
print('Copy project directory ' + value['values'][0])
newname = ''
copylist = []
elprefs = False
spprefs = False
while True:
copylist = CopyProjectDialog(self, warning, seed=newname).result
if not copylist:
return # Canceled, no action.
newname = copylist[0]
elprefs = copylist[1]
spprefs = copylist[2]
newproject = self.projectdir + '/' + newname
if self.blacklisted(newname):
warning = newname + ' is not allowed for a project name.'
elif badrex1.match(newname):
warning = 'project name may not start with "."'
elif badrex2.match(newname):
warning = 'project name contains illegal characters or whitespace.'
elif os.path.exists(newproject):
warning = newname + ' is already a project name.'
oldpath = value['values'][0]
oldname = os.path.split(oldpath)[1]
patterns = [oldname + '.log']
if not elprefs:
if not spprefs:
print("New project name will be " + newname)
shutil.copytree(oldpath, newproject, symlinks = True,
ignore = shutil.ignore_patterns(*patterns))
except IOError as e:
print('Error copying files: ' + str(e))
# NOTE: Behavior is for project files to depend on "project_name". Using
# the project filename as a project name is a fallback behavior. If
# there is a info.yaml file, and it defines a project_name entry, then
# there is no need to make changes within the project. If there is
# no info.yaml file, then create one and set the project_name entry to
# the old project name, which avoids the need to make changes within
# the project.
# Check info.yaml
yamlname = newproject + '/info.yaml'
found = False
if os.path.isfile(yamlname):
# Pull the project_name into local store (may want to do this with the
# datasheet as well)
with open(yamlname, 'r') as f:
datatop = yaml.safe_load(f)
if 'project_name' in datatop['project']:
found = True
if not found:
pdkdir = self.get_pdk_dir(newproject, path=True)
yData = self.create_yaml(oldname, pdkdir)
with open(newproject + '/info.yaml', 'w') as ofile:
yaml.dump(yData, ofile)
# If ngspice and electric prefs were not copied from the source
# to the target, as recommended, then copy these from the
# skeleton repository as is done when creating a new project.
if not spprefs:
os.makedirs(newproject + '/ngspice')
os.makedirs(newproject + '/ngspice/run')
os.makedirs(newproject + '/ngspice/run/.allwaves')
except FileExistsError:
if not elprefs:
# Copy preferences
deskel = '/ef/efabless/deskel'
shutil.copytree(deskel + '/dotjava', newproject + '/elec/.java', symlinks = True)
except IOError as e:
print('Error copying files: ' + e)
# Change a project IP to a different name.
def renameproject(self, value):
if not value['values']:
print('No project selected.')
# Require new project name and confirmation
badrex1 = re.compile("^\.")
badrex2 = re.compile(".*[/ \t\n\\\><\*\?].*")
projname = value['text']
# Find the IP name for project projname. If it has a YAML file, then
# read it and pull the ip-name record. If not, the fallback position
# is to assume that the project filename is the project name.
# Check info.yaml
projectpath = self.projectdir + '/' + projname
yamlname = projectpath + '/info.yaml'
oldname = projname
if os.path.isfile(yamlname):
# Pull the ipname into local store (may want to do this with the
# datasheet as well)
with open(yamlname, 'r') as f:
datatop = yaml.safe_load(f)
project_data = datatop['project']
if 'project_name' in project_data:
oldname = project_data['project_name']
warning = 'Rename IP "' + oldname + '" for project ' + projname + ':'
newname = projname
while True:
newname = ProjectNameDialog(self, warning, seed=oldname + '_1').result
except TypeError:
# TypeError occurs when "Cancel" is pressed, just handle exception.
return None
if not newname:
return None # Canceled, no action.
if self.blacklisted(newname):
warning = newname + ' is not allowed for an IP name.'
elif badrex1.match(newname):
warning = 'IP name may not start with "."'
elif badrex2.match(newname):
warning = 'IP name contains illegal characters or whitespace.'
# Update everything, including schematic, symbol, layout, JSON file, etc.
print('New project IP name will be ' + newname + '.')
rename_project_all(projectpath, newname)
# class vars: one-time compile of regulare expressions for life of the process
projNameBadrex1 = re.compile("^[-.]")
projNameBadrex2 = re.compile(".*[][{}()!/ \t\n\\\><#$\*\?\"'|`~]")
importProjNameBadrex1 = re.compile(".*[.]bak$")
# centralize legal projectName check.
# TODO: Several code sections are not yet converted to use this.
# TODO: Extend to explain to the user the reason why.
def validProjectName(self, name):
return not (self.blacklisted(name) or
self.projNameBadrex1.match(name) or
# Import/link a project or subproject to the project manager
def importproject(self, value):
warning = "Import project:"
badrex1 = re.compile("^\.")
badrex2 = re.compile(".*[/ \t\n\\\><\*\?].*")
# Find out whether the user wants to import a subproject or project
parent_pdk = ''
with open(os.path.expanduser(currdesign), 'r') as f:
pdirCur =
if ('subcells' in pdirCur):
# subproject is selected
parent_path = os.path.split(os.path.split(pdirCur)[0])[0]
parent_pdkdir = self.get_pdk_dir(parent_path, path=True)
(foundry, foundry_name, node, desc, status) = self.pdkdir2fnd( parent_pdkdir )
parent_pdk = foundry + '/' + node
warning = 'Import a subproject to '+ parent_path + ':'
elif (pdirCur[0] == '.'):
# the project's 'subproject' of itself is selected
parent_path = pdirCur[1:]
parent_pdkdir = self.get_pdk_dir(parent_path, path=True)
(foundry, foundry_name, node, desc, status) = self.pdkdir2fnd( parent_pdkdir )
parent_pdk = foundry + '/' + node
warning = 'Import a subproject to '+ parent_path + ':'
while True:
newname, projectpath = ImportDialog(self, warning, seed='').result
except TypeError:
# TypeError occurs when "Cancel" is pressed, just handle exception.
return None
if not newname:
return None # Canceled, no action.
if parent_pdk == '':
newproject = self.projectdir + '/' + newname
newproject = parent_path + '/subcells/' + newname
if self.blacklisted(newname):
warning = newname + ' is not allowed for a project name.'
elif badrex1.match(newname):
warning = 'project name may not start with "."'
elif badrex2.match(newname):
warning = 'project name contains illegal characters or whitespace.'
elif os.path.exists(newproject):
warning = newname + ' is already a project name.'
elif not os.path.exists(projectpath + '/info.yaml'):
warning = projectpath + 'does not contain an info.yaml file.'
techdir_exists = False
if os.path.exists(projectpath + '/.config/techdir'):
project_pdkdir = os.path.realpath(projectpath + '/.config/techdir')
techdir_exists = True
project_pdkdir, foundry, node = self.get_import_pdk(projectpath)
if project_pdkdir == '':
warning = 'Could not find PDK directory for ' + projectpath
elif parent_pdk!='' and project_pdkdir!=parent_pdkdir:
warning = 'Parent PDK is different from PDK for ' + projectpath
if not techdir_exists:
if not (os.path.exists(projectpath + '/.config') or os.path.exists(projectpath + '/.ef-config')):
os.makedirs(projectpath + '/.config')
os.symlink(project_pdkdir, projectpath + self.config_path(projectpath) + '/techdir')
# Make techdirs if necessary in the subprojects
for subproject in os.listdir(projectpath + '/subcells'):
subproject_path = projectpath + '/subcells/' + subproject
if not (os.path.exists(subproject_path + '/.config') or os.path.exists(subproject_path + '/.ef-config')):
os.makedirs(subproject_path + '/.config')
os.symlink(project_pdkdir, subproject_path + '/.config/techdir')
elif not os.path.exists(subproject_path + self.config_path(subproject_path) + '/techdir'):
os.symlink(project_pdkdir, subproject_path + self.config_path(subproject_path) + '/techdir')
#Make symbolic link to imported project
if parent_pdk=='':
os.symlink(projectpath, self.projectdir + '/' + newname)
if not os.path.exists(parent_path + '/subcells'):
os.makedirs(parent_path + '/subcells')
os.symlink(projectpath, parent_path + '/subcells/' + newname)
# "Import As" a dir in import/ as a project. based on renameproject().
# addWarn is used to augment confirm-dialogue if redirected here via erroneous ImportInto
def import2project(self, importfile, addWarn=None):
name = os.path.split(importfile)[1]
projpath = self.projectdir + '/' + name
bakname = name + '.bak'
bakpath = self.projectdir + '/' + bakname
warns = []
if addWarn:
warns += [ addWarn ]
# Require new project name and confirmation
confirmPrompt = None # use default: I am sure I want to do this.
if os.path.isdir(projpath):
if warns:
warns += [ '' ] # blank line between addWarn and below two Warnings:
if os.path.isdir(bakpath):
warns += [ 'Warning: Replacing EXISTING: ' + name + ' AND ' + bakname + '!' ]
warns += [ 'Warning: Replacing EXISTING: ' + name + '!' ]
warns += [ 'Warning: Check for & exit any Electric,magic,qflow... for above project(s)!\n' ]
confirmPrompt = 'I checked & exited apps and am sure I want to do this.'
warns += [ 'Confirm import-as new project: ' + name + '?' ]
warning = '\n'.join(warns)
confirm = ProtectedConfirmDialog(self, warning, confirmPrompt=confirmPrompt).result
if not confirm == 'okay':
print('New project name will be ' + name + '.')
if os.path.isdir(projpath):
if os.path.isdir(bakpath):
print('Deleting old project: ' + bakpath);
print('Moving old project ' + name + ' to ' + bakname)
os.rename( projpath, bakpath)
print("Importing as new project " + name)
os.rename(importfile, projpath)
return True
except IOError as e:
print("Error importing-as project: " + str(e))
return None
# Helper subroutine:
# Check if a project is a valid project. Return the name of the
# datasheet if the project has a valid one in the project top level
# path.
def get_datasheet_name(self, dpath):
if not os.path.isdir(dpath):
print('Error: Project is not a folder!')
# Check for valid datasheet name in the following order:
# (1) project.json (Legacy)
# (2) <name of directory>.json (Legacy)
# (3) not "datasheet.json" or "datasheet_anno.json"
# (4) "datasheet.json"
# (5) "datasheet_anno.json"
dsname = os.path.split(dpath)[1]
if os.path.isfile(dpath + '/project.json'):
datasheet = dpath + '/project.json'
elif os.path.isfile(dpath + '/' + dsname + '.json'):
datasheet = dpath + '/' + dsname + '.json'
has_generic = False
has_generic_anno = False
filelist = os.listdir(dpath)
for file in filelist[:]:
if os.path.splitext(file)[1] != '.json':
if 'datasheet.json' in filelist:
has_generic = True
if 'datasheet_anno.json' in filelist:
has_generic_anno = True
if len(filelist) == 1:
print('Trying ' + dpath + '/' + filelist[0])
datasheet = dpath + '/' + filelist[0]
elif has_generic:
datasheet + dpath + '/datasheet.json'
elif has_generic_anno:
datasheet + dpath + '/datasheet_anno.json'
if len(filelist) > 1:
print('Error: Path ' + dpath + ' has ' + str(len(filelist)) +
' valid datasheets.')
print('Error: Path ' + dpath + ' has no valid datasheets.')
return None
if not os.path.isfile(datasheet):
print('Error: File ' + datasheet + ' not found.')
return None
return datasheet
# Run the LVS manager
def run_lvs(self):
value = self.projectselect.selected()
if value:
design = value['values'][0]
# designname = value['text']
designname = self.project_name
print('Run LVS on design ' + designname + ' (' + design + ')')
# use Popen, not run, so that application does not wait for it to exit.
subprocess.Popen(['netgen','-gui',design, designname])
print("You must first select a project.", file=sys.stderr)
# Run the local characterization checker
def characterize(self):
value = self.projectselect.selected()
if value:
design = value['values'][0]
# designname = value['text']
designname = self.project_name
datasheet = self.get_datasheet_name(design)
print('Characterize design ' + designname + ' (' + datasheet + ' )')
if datasheet:
# use Popen, not run, so that application does not wait for it to exit.
dsheetroot = os.path.splitext(datasheet)[0]
subprocess.Popen([config.apps_path + '/',
print("You must first select a project.", file=sys.stderr)
# Run the local synthesis tool (qflow)
def synthesize(self):
value = self.projectselect.selected()
if value:
design = value['values'][0]
# designname = value['text']
designname = self.project_name
development = self.prefs['devstdcells']
if not designname:
# A project without a datasheet has no designname (which comes from
# the 'ip-name' record in the datasheet JSON) but can still be
# synthesized.
designname = design
# Normally there is one digital design in a project. However, full-chip
# designs (in particular) may have multiple sub-projects that are
# independently synthesized digital blocks. Find all subdirectories of
# the top level or subdirectories of qflow that contain a ''
# file. If there is more than one, then present a list. If there is
# only one but it is not in 'qflow/', then be sure to pass the actual
# directory name to the qflow manager.
qvlist = glob.glob(design + '/*/')
qvlist.extend(glob.glob(design + '/qflow/*/'))
if len(qvlist) > 1 or (len(qvlist) == 1 and not os.path.exists(design + '/qflow/')):
# Generate selection menu
if len(qvlist) > 1:
clist = list(os.path.split(item)[0] for item in qvlist)
ppath = ExistingProjectDialog(self, clist, warning="Enter name of qflow project to open:").result
if not ppath:
return 0 # Canceled in dialog, no action.
ppath = os.path.split(qvlist[0])[0]
# pname is everything in ppath after matching design:
pname = ppath.replace(design + '/', '')
print('Synthesize design in qflow project directory ' + pname)
if development:
subprocess.Popen([config.apps_path + '/',
design, '-development', '-subproject=' + pname])
subprocess.Popen([config.apps_path + '/',
design, '-subproject=' + pname])
print('Synthesize design ' + designname + ' (' + design + ')')
# use Popen, not run, so that application does not wait for it to exit.
if development:
subprocess.Popen([config.apps_path + '/',
design, designname, '-development'])
subprocess.Popen([config.apps_path + '/',
design, designname])
print("You must first select a project.", file=sys.stderr)
# Switch between showing and hiding the import list (default hidden)
def import_toggle(self):
import_state = self.toppane.import_frame.import_header3.cget('text')
if import_state == '+':
self.importselect.grid(row = 11, sticky = 'news')
def import_open(self):
self.importselect.grid(row = 11, sticky = 'news')
# Switch between showing and hiding the IP library list (default hidden)
def library_toggle(self):
library_state = self.toppane.library_frame.library_header3.cget('text')
if library_state == '+':
self.ipselect.grid(row = 8, sticky = 'news')
def library_open(self):
self.ipselect.grid(row = 8, sticky = 'news')
# Run padframe-calc (today internally invokes libreoffice, we only need cwd set to design project)
def padframe_calc(self):
value = self.projectselect.selected()
if value:
designname = self.project_name
print("You must first select a project.", file=sys.stderr)
# Run padframe-calc (today internally invokes libreoffice, we set cwd to design project)
# Modelled somewhat after 'def importvgl':
# Prompt for an existing electric lib.
# Prompt for a target cellname (for both mag and electric icon).
# (The AS vs INTO behavior is incomplete as yet. Used so far with current-project as newname arg).
# newname : target project-name (INTO), or None (AS: i.e. prompt to create one).
# Either newname is given: we PROMPT to pick an existing elecLib;
# Else PROMPT for new projectName and CREATE it (and use elecLib of same name).
def padframe_calc_work(self, newname=None):
elecLib = newname
isnew = not newname
if isnew:
# Use create project code first to generate a valid project space.
newname = self.createproject(None)
if not newname: return 0 # Canceled in dialog, no action.
# print("padframe-calc in new project " + newname + ".")
elecLib = newname
# For life of this projectManager process, store/recall last PadFrame Settings per project
global project2pfd
project2pfd = {}
if newname not in project2pfd:
project2pfd[newname] = {"libEntry": None, "cellName": None}
ppath = self.projectdir + '/' + newname
choices = self.get_elecLib_list(newname)
if not choices:
print( "Aborted: No existing electric libraries found to write symbol into.")
return 0
elecLib = newname + '/elec/' + elecLib + '.delib'
elecLib = project2pfd[newname]["libEntry"] or elecLib
cellname = project2pfd[newname]["cellName"] or "padframe"
libAndCell = ExistingElecLibCellDialog(self, None, title="PadFrame Settings", plist=choices, descPost="of icon&layout", seedLibNm=elecLib, seedCellNm=cellname).result
if not libAndCell:
return 0 # Canceled in dialog, no action.
(elecLib, cellname) = libAndCell
if not cellname:
return 0 # empty cellname, no action.
project2pfd[newname]["libEntry"] = elecLib
project2pfd[newname]["cellName"] = cellname
# Isolate just electric lib name without extension. ../a/b.delib -> b
elecLib = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(elecLib)[-1])[0]
print("padframe-calc in project: %s, elecLib: %s, cellName: %s" % (newname, elecLib, cellname))
export = dict(os.environ)
export['EF_DESIGNDIR'] = ppath
subprocess.Popen(['/ef/apps/bin/padframe-calc', elecLib, cellname], cwd = ppath, env = export)
# not yet any useful return value or reporting of results here in projectManager...
return 1
# Run the schematic editor (tool as given by user preference)
def edit_schematic(self):
value = self.projectselect.selected()
if value:
design = value['values'][0]
pdktechdir = design + self.config_path(design)+'/techdir/'
applist = self.list_valid_schematic_editors(pdktechdir)
if len(applist)==0:
print("Unable to find a valid schematic editor.")
# If the preferred app is in the list, then use it.
if self.prefs['schemeditor'] in applist:
appused = self.prefs['schemeditor']
appused = applist[0]
if appused == 'xcircuit':
return self.edit_schematic_with_xcircuit()
elif appused == 'xschem':
return self.edit_schematic_with_xschem()
elif appused == 'electric':
return self.edit_schematic_with_electric()
print("Unknown/unsupported schematic editor " + appused + ".", file=sys.stderr)
print("You must first select a project.", file=sys.stderr)
# Run the schematic editor (electric)
def edit_schematic_with_electric(self):
value = self.projectselect.selected()
if value:
design = value['values'][0]
# designname = value['text']
# self.project_name set by setcurrent. This is the true project
# name, as opposed to the directory name.
designname = self.project_name
print('Edit schematic ' + designname + ' (' + design + ' )')
# Collect libs on command-line; electric opens these in Explorer
libs = []
ellibrex = re.compile(r'^(tech_.*|ef_examples)\.[dj]elib$', re.IGNORECASE)
# /elec and /.java are prerequisites for running electric
if not os.path.exists(design + '/elec'):
print("No path to electric design folder.")
if not os.path.exists(design + '/elec/.java'):
print("No path to electric .java folder.")
# Fix the LIBDIRS file if needed
#fix_libdirs(design, create = True)
# Check for legacy directory (missing .ef-config and/or .ef-config/techdir);
# Handle as necessary.
# don't sometimes yield pdkdir as some subdir of techdir
pdkdir = design + self.config_path(design) + '/techdir/'
if not os.path.exists(pdkdir):
export = dict(os.environ)
export['EF_DESIGNDIR'] = design
p =['/ef/efabless/bin/ef-config', '-sh', '-t'],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE, env = export)
config_out = p.stdout.splitlines()
for line in config_out:
setline = line.decode('utf-8').split('=')
if setline[0] == 'EF_TECHDIR':
pdkdir = re.sub("[';]", "", setline[1])
for subpath in ('', 'libs.ref/elec/'):
pdkelec = os.path.join(pdkdir, subpath)
if os.path.exists(pdkelec) and os.path.isdir(pdkelec):
# don't use os.walk(), it is recursive, wastes time
for entry in os.scandir(pdkelec):
if ellibrex.match(
# Locate most useful project-local elec-lib to open on electric cmd-line.
designroot = os.path.split(design)[1]
finalInDesDirLibAdded = False
if os.path.exists(design + '/elec/' + designname + '.jelib'):
libs.append(design + '/elec/' + designname + '.jelib')
finalInDesDirLibAdded = True
elif os.path.isdir(design + '/elec/' + designname + '.delib'):
libs.append(design + '/elec/' + designname + '.delib')
finalInDesDirLibAdded = True
# Alternative path is the project name + .delib
if os.path.isdir(design + '/elec/' + designroot + '.delib'):
libs.append(design + '/elec/' + designroot + '.delib')
finalInDesDirLibAdded = True
# Finally, check for the one absolute requirement for a project,
# which is that there must be a symbol designname + .ic in the
# last directory. If not, then do a search for it.
if not finalInDesDirLibAdded or not os.path.isfile(libs[-1] + '/' + designname + '.ic'):
delibdirs = os.listdir(design + '/elec')
for delibdir in delibdirs:
if os.path.splitext(delibdir)[1] == '.delib':
iconfiles = os.listdir(design + '/elec/' + delibdir)
for iconfile in iconfiles:
if iconfile == designname + '.ic':
libs.append(design + '/elec/' + delibdir)
finalInDesDirLibAdded = True
# Above project-local lib-adds are all conditional on finding some lib
# with an expected name or content: all of which may fail.
# Force last item ALWAYS to be 'a path' in the project's elec/ dir.
# Usually it's a real library (found above). (If lib does not exist the messages
# window does get an error message). But the purpose is for the universal side-effect:
# To EVERY TIME reseed the File/OpenLibrary dialogue WorkDir to start in
# project's elec/ dir; avoid it starting somewhere in the PDK, which
# is what will happen if last actual cmd-line arg is a lib in the PDK, and
# about which users have complained. (Optimal fix needs electric enhancement).
if not finalInDesDirLibAdded:
libs.append(design + '/elec/' + designroot + '.delib')
# Pull last item from libs and make it a command-line argument.
# All other libraries become part of the EOPENARGS environment variable,
# and electric is called with the elecOpen.bsh script.
indirectlibs = libs[:-1]
export = dict(os.environ)
arguments = []
if indirectlibs:
export['EOPENARGS'] = ' '.join(indirectlibs)
except IndexError:
print('Error: Electric project directories not set up correctly?')
subprocess.Popen(['electric', *arguments], cwd = design + '/elec',
env = export)
print("You must first select a project.", file=sys.stderr)
# Run the schematic editor (xcircuit)
def edit_schematic_with_xcircuit(self):
value = self.projectselect.selected()
if value:
design = value['values'][0]
# designname = value['text']
# self.project_name set by setcurrent. This is the true project
# name, as opposed to the directory name.
designname = self.project_name
print('Edit schematic ' + designname + ' (' + design + ' )')
xcircdirpath = design + '/xcirc'
pdkdir = design + self.config_path(design) + '/techdir/'
# /xcirc directory is a prerequisite for running xcircuit. If it doesn't
# exist, create it and seed it with .xcircuitrc from the tech directory
if not os.path.exists(xcircdirpath):
# Copy xcircuit startup file from tech directory
hasxcircrcfile = os.path.exists(xcircdirpath + '/.xcircuitrc')
if not hasxcircrcfile:
if os.path.exists(pdkdir + '/xcircuitrc'):
shutil.copy(pdkdir + '/xcircuitrc', xcircdirpath + '/.xcircuitrc')
# Command line argument is the project name
arguments = [design + '/xcirc' + designname]
subprocess.Popen(['xcircuit', *arguments])
print("You must first select a project.", file=sys.stderr)
# Run the schematic editor (xschem)
def edit_schematic_with_xschem(self):
value = self.projectselect.selected()
if value:
design = value['values'][0]
# self.project_name set by setcurrent. This is the true project
# name, as opposed to the directory name.
designname = self.project_name
print('Edit schematic ' + designname + ' (' + design + ' )')
xschemdirpath = design + '/xschem'
pdkdir = design + self.config_path(design) + '/techdir/'
# /xschem directory is a prerequisite for running xschem. If it doesn't
# exist, create it and seed it with xschemrc from the tech directory
if not os.path.exists(xschemdirpath):
# Copy xschem startup file from tech directory
hasxschemrcfile = os.path.exists(xschemdirpath + '/xschemrc')
if not hasxschemrcfile:
if os.path.exists(pdkdir + '/xschemrc'):
shutil.copy(pdkdir + '/xschemrc', xschemdirpath + '/xschemrc')
# Command line argument is the project name. The "-r" option is recommended if there
# is no stdin/stdout piping.
arguments = ['-r', design + '/xschem/' + designname]
subprocess.Popen(['xschem', *arguments])
print("You must first select a project.", file=sys.stderr)
# Run the layout editor (magic or klayout)
def edit_layout(self):
value = self.projectselect.selected()
if value:
design = value['values'][0]
pdktechdir = design + self.config_path(design) + '/techdir/'
applist = self.list_valid_layout_editors(pdktechdir)
if len(applist)==0:
print("Unable to find a valid layout editor.")
# If the preferred app is in the list, then use it.
if self.prefs['layouteditor'] in applist:
appused = self.prefs['layouteditor']
appused = applist[0]
if appused == 'magic':
return self.edit_layout_with_magic()
elif appused == 'klayout':
return self.edit_layout_with_klayout()
elif appused == 'electric':
return self.edit_layout_with_electric()
print("Unknown/unsupported layout editor " + appused + ".", file=sys.stderr)
print("You must first select a project.", file=sys.stderr)
# Run the magic layout editor
def edit_layout_with_magic(self):
value = self.projectselect.selected()
if value:
design = value['values'][0]
# designname = value['text']
designname = self.project_name
pdkdir = ''
pdkname = ''
if os.path.exists(design + '/.ef-config/techdir/'):
pdkdir = design + '/.ef-config/techdir/'
pdkname = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(design + '/.ef-config/techdir'))[1]
elif os.path.exists(design + '/.config/techdir/'):
pdkdir = design + '/.config/techdir/'
pdkname = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(design + '/.config/techdir'))[1]
# Check if the project has a /mag directory. Create it and
# put the correct .magicrc file in it, if it doesn't.
magdirpath = design + '/mag'
hasmagdir = os.path.exists(magdirpath)
if not hasmagdir:
hasmagrcfile = os.path.exists(magdirpath + '/.magicrc')
if not hasmagrcfile:
shutil.copy(pdkdir + '/' + pdkname + '.magicrc', magdirpath + '/.magicrc')
# Check if the .mag file exists for the project. If not,
# generate a dialog.
magpath = design + '/mag/' + designname + '.mag'
netpath = design + '/spi/' + designname + '.spi'
# print("magpath is " + magpath)
hasmag = os.path.exists(magpath)
hasnet = os.path.exists(netpath)
if hasmag:
if hasnet:
statbuf1 = os.stat(magpath)
statbuf2 = os.stat(netpath)
# No specific action for out-of-date layout. To be done:
# Check contents and determine if additional devices need to
# be added to the layout. This may be more trouble than it's
# worth.
# if statbuf2.st_mtime > statbuf1.st_mtime:
# hasmag = False
if not hasmag:
# Does the project have any .mag files at all? If so, the project
# layout may be under a name different than the project name. If
# so, present the user with a selectable list of layout names,
# with the option to start a new layout or import from schematic.
maglist = os.listdir(design + '/mag/')
if len(maglist) > 1:
# Generate selection menu
warning = 'No layout matches IP name ' + designname + '.'
maglist = list(item for item in maglist if os.path.splitext(item)[1] == '.mag')
clist = list(os.path.splitext(item)[0] for item in maglist)
ppath = EditLayoutDialog(self, clist, ppath=design,
pname=designname, warning=warning,
if not ppath:
return 0 # Canceled in dialog, no action.
elif ppath != '(New layout)':
hasmag = True
designname = ppath
elif len(maglist) == 1:
# Only one magic file, no selection, just bring it up.
designname = os.path.split(maglist[0])[1]
hasmag = True
if not hasmag:
populate = NewLayoutDialog(self, "No layout for project.").result
if not populate:
return 0 # Canceled, no action.
elif populate():
# Name of PDK deprecated. The .magicrc file in the /mag directory
# will load the correct PDK and specify the proper library for the
# low-level device namespace, which may not be the same as techdir.
# NOTE: netlist_to_layout script will attempt to generate a
# schematic netlist if one does not exist.
print('Running /ef/efabless/bin/ ../spi/' + designname + '.spi')
p =['/ef/efabless/bin/',
'../spi/' + designname + '.spi'],
stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = design + '/mag')
if p.stderr:
err_string = p.stderr.splitlines()[0].decode('utf-8')
# Print error messages to console
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print('Error running ' + e.output.decode('utf-8'))
if os.path.exists(design + '/mag/create_script.tcl'):
with open(design + '/mag/create_script.tcl', 'r') as infile:
magproc =['/ef/apps/bin/magic',
'-dnull', '-noconsole', '-rcfile ',
pdkdir + '/' + pdkname + '.magicrc', designname],
stdin = infile, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = design + '/mag')
print("Populated layout cell")
# os.remove(design + '/mag/create_script.tcl')
print("No device generating script was created.", file=sys.stderr)
print('Edit layout ' + designname + ' (' + design + ' )')
magiccommand = ['magic']
# Select the graphics package used by magic from the profile settings.
if 'magic-graphics' in self.prefs:
magiccommand.extend(['-d', self.prefs['magic-graphics']])
# Check if .magicrc predates the latest and warn if so.
statbuf1 = os.stat(design + '/mag/.magicrc')
statbuf2 = os.stat(pdkdir + '/' + pdkname + '.magicrc')
if statbuf2.st_mtime > statbuf1.st_mtime:
print('NOTE: File .magicrc predates technology startup file. Using default instead.')
magiccommand.extend(['-rcfile', pdkdir + '/' + pdkname + '.magicrc'])
# Run magic and don't wait for it to finish
subprocess.Popen(magiccommand, cwd = design + '/mag')
print("You must first select a project.", file=sys.stderr)
# Run the klayout layout editor
def edit_layout_with_klayout(self):
value = self.projectselect.selected()
print("Klayout unsupported from project manager (work in progress); run manually", file=sys.stderr)
# Run the electric layout editor
def edit_layout_with_electric(self):
value = self.projectselect.selected()
print("Electric layout editing unsupported from project manager (work in progress); run manually", file=sys.stderr)
# Upload design to the marketplace
# NOTE: This is not being called by anything. Use version in the
# characterization script, which can check for local results before
# approving (or forcing) an upload.
def upload(self):
value = self.projectselect.selected()
if value:
design = value['values'][0]
# designname = value['text']
designname = self.project_name
print('Upload design ' + designname + ' (' + design + ' )')['/ef/apps/bin/withnet',
config.apps_path + '/',
design, '-test'])
# Upload a datasheet to the marketplace (Administrative use only, for now)
# def make_challenge(self):
# importp = self.cur_import
# print("Make a Challenge from import " + importp + "!")
# #[config.apps_path + '/', importp, '-test'])
# Runs whenever a user selects a project
def setcurrent(self, value):
global currdesign
treeview = value.widget
selection = treeview.item(treeview.selection())
pname = selection['text']
pdir = treeview.selection()[0]
#print("setcurrent returned value " + pname)
metapath = os.path.expanduser(currdesign)
if not os.path.exists(metapath):
os.makedirs(os.path.split(metapath)[0], exist_ok=True)
with open(metapath, 'w') as f:
f.write(pdir + '\n')
# Pick up the PDK from "values", use it to find the PDK folder, determine
# if it has a "magic" subfolder, and enable/disable the "Edit Layout"
# button accordingly
svalues = selection['values']
#print("svalues :"+str(svalues))
pdkitems = svalues[1].split()
pdkdir = ''
if os.path.exists(svalues[0] + '/.config'):
pdkdir = svalues[0] + '/.config/techdir'
elif os.path.exists(svalues[0] + '/.ef-config'):
pdkdir = svalues[0] + '/.ef-config/techdir'
if pdkdir == '':
print('No pdkname found; layout editing disabled')
if ef_style:
subf = os.listdir(pdkdir + '/')
subf = os.listdir(pdkdir + '/')
print('PDK ' + pdkname + ' has no layout setup; layout editing disabled')
# If the selected project directory has a JSON file and netlists in the "spi"
# and "testbench" folders, then enable the "Characterize" button; else disable
# it.
# NOTE: project.json is the preferred name for the datasheet
# file. However, the .spi file, .delib file, etc., all have the name of the
# project from "project_name" in the info.yaml file, which is separate from the datasheet.
found = False
ppath = selection['values'][0]
yamlname = ppath + '/info.yaml'
if os.path.isfile(yamlname):
# Pull the project_name into local store
with open(yamlname, 'r') as f:
datatop = yaml.safe_load(f)
project_data = datatop['project']
ipname = project_data['project_name']
self.project_name = ipname
print('Setting project ip-name from the project folder name.')
self.project_name = pname
jsonname = ppath + '/project.json'
if os.path.isfile(jsonname):
with open(jsonname, 'r') as f:
datatop = json.load(f)
dsheet = datatop['data-sheet']
found = True
# Do not specifically prohibit opening the characterization app if
# there is no schematic or netlist. Otherwise the user is prevented
# even from seeing the electrical parameters. Let the characterization
# tool allow or prohibit simulation based on this.
# if os.path.exists(ppath + '/spi'):
# if os.path.isfile(ppath + '/spi/' + ipname + '.spi'):
# found = True
# if found == False and os.path.exists(ppath + '/elec'):
# if os.path.isdir(ppath + '/elec/' + ipname + '.delib'):
# if os.path.isfile(ppath + '/elec/' + ipname + '.delib/' + ipname + '.sch'):
# found = True
# Use 'pname' as the default project name.
print('No characterization file ' + jsonname)
# If datasheet has physical parameters but not electrical parameters, then it's okay
# for it not to have a testbench directory; it's still valid. However, having
# neither physical nor electrical parameters means there's nothing to characterize.
if found and 'electrical-params' in dsheet and len(dsheet['electrical-params']) > 0:
if not os.path.isdir(ppath + '/testbench'):
print('No testbench directory for eletrical parameter simulation methods.', file=sys.stderr)
found = False
elif found and not 'physical-params' in dsheet:
print('Characterization file defines no characterization tests.', file=sys.stderr)
found = False
elif found and 'physical-params' in dsheet and len(dsheet['physical-params']) == 0:
print('Characterization file defines no characterization tests.', file=sys.stderr)
found = False
if found == True:
# Warning: temporary hack (Tim, 1/9/2018)
# Pad frame generator is currently limited to the XH035 cells, so if the
# project PDK is not XH035, disable the pad frame button
if len(pdkitems) > 1 and pdkitems[1] == 'EFXH035B':
# main app. fyi: there's a 2nd/earlier __main__ section for splashscreen
if __name__ == '__main__':
if deferLoad:
# Without this, mainloop may find&run very short clock-delayed events BEFORE main form display.
# With it 1st project-load can be scheduled using after-time=0 (needn't tune a delay like 100ms).