blob: c19b02e66bc946174551d170dce1569bf49d7b28 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# fix_techlefA ---
# This script adds the missing statement "USEMINSPACING OBS OFF" from
# the technology LEF files for Sky130, adds missing RESISTANCE
# values, and corrects the resistance value of local interconnect.
# Note that resistance values are *nominal* and need to be modified for
# corners.
# This script is a filter to be run by setting the name of this script as
# the value to "filter=" for the model install in the sky130 Makefile for
# variant sky130A.
import re
import os
import sys
def filter(inname, outname):
# Read input
with open(inname, 'r') as inFile:
ltext =
llines = ltext.splitlines()
print(' failed to open ' + inname + ' for reading.', file=sys.stderr)
return 1
# These are the resistance values per via type, by name. Valuse are in
# ohms and presented as a string.
via_res = {}
via_res['mcon'] = '9.30'
via_res['via'] = '4.50'
via_res['via2'] = '3.41'
via_res['via3'] = '3.41'
via_res['via4'] = '0.38'
# Process input with regexp
fixedlines = []
modified = False
proprex = re.compile('[ \t]*MANUFACTURINGGRID')
resrex = re.compile('[ \t]*ENCLOSURE ABOVE')
layerrex = re.compile('[ \t]*LAYER ([^ \t\n]+)')
resrex2 = re.compile('[ \t]*RESISTANCE RPERSQ 12.2 ;')
thickrex = re.compile('[ \t]*THICKNESS')
emptyrex = re.compile('^[ \t]*$')
curlayer = None
thickness_seen = False
for line in llines:
if thickness_seen:
thickness_seen = False
if curlayer and (curlayer == 'met1' or curlayer == 'met2'):
ematch = emptyrex.match(line)
if ematch:
fixedlines.append(' MINENCLOSEDAREA 0.14 ;')
modified = True
rmatch = resrex2.match(line)
if rmatch:
fixedlines.append(' RESISTANCE RPERSQ 12.8 ;')
modified = True
# Check for the MANUFACTURINGGRID statement in the file, and
# add the USEMINSPACING statement after it.
pmatch = proprex.match(line)
if pmatch:
fixedlines.append('USEMINSPACING OBS OFF ;')
modified = True
rmatch = resrex.match(line)
if rmatch:
fixedlines.append(' RESISTANCE ' + via_res[curlayer] + ' ;')
modified = True
lmatch = layerrex.match(line)
if lmatch:
curlayer =
tmatch = thickrex.match(line)
if tmatch:
thickness_seen = True
# Write output
if outname == None:
for i in fixedlines:
# If the output is a symbolic link but no modifications have been made,
# then leave it alone. If it was modified, then remove the symbolic
# link before writing.
if os.path.islink(outname):
if not modified:
return 0
with open(outname, 'w') as outFile:
for i in fixedlines:
print(i, file=outFile)
print(' failed to open ' + outname + ' for writing.', file=sys.stderr)
return 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
# This script expects to get one or two arguments. One argument is
# mandatory and is the input file. The other argument is optional and
# is the output file. The output file and input file may be the same
# name, in which case the original input is overwritten.
options = []
arguments = []
for item in sys.argv[1:]:
if item.find('-', 0) == 0:
if len(arguments) > 0:
infilename = arguments[0]
if len(arguments) > 1:
outfilename = arguments[1]
outfilename = None
result = filter(infilename, outfilename)