blob: 7e2c22a6322ea824c81e4e640cb9556d5b945c14 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Script to read a GDS file, and replace a single cell structure with a cell of
# the same name from a different GDS file. If a checksum is provided, then
# the cell contents will be checked against the checksum before allowing the
# replacement. The checksum is just the sum of the length of all GDS records in
# the cell. A checksum can be determined by running this routine once without
# supplying a checksum; the checksum will be calculated and printed.
# There are no checks to ensure that the replacement cell is in any way compatible
# with the existing cell. Validation must be done independently. This script is
# only a simple GDS data compositor.
import os
import sys
def usage():
print(' <cell_name> <path_to_cell_gds> <path_to_gds_in> [<path_to_gds_out>] [-checksum=<checksum>]')
if __name__ == '__main__':
debug = False
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print("No options given to")
optionlist = []
arguments = []
for option in sys.argv[1:]:
if option.find('-', 0) == 0:
if len(arguments) < 3 or len(arguments) > 4:
print("Wrong number of arguments given to")
checksum = '0'
for option in optionlist:
if option == '-debug':
debug = True
elif option.split('=')[0] == '-checksum':
checksum = option.split('=')[1]
checksum = int(checksum)
print('Checksum must evaluate to an integer.')
cellname = arguments[0]
cellsource = arguments[1]
source = arguments[2]
# If only three arguments are provided, then overwrite the source file.
if len(arguments) == 4:
dest = arguments[3]
dest = arguments[2]
cellsrcdir = os.path.split(cellsource)[0]
cellinfile = os.path.split(cellsource)[1]
sourcedir = os.path.split(source)[0]
gdsinfile = os.path.split(source)[1]
destdir = os.path.split(dest)[0]
gdsoutfile = os.path.split(dest)[1]
print('Reading GDS file for alternate cell ' + cellname)
with open(cellsource, 'rb') as ifile:
celldata =
# Assume that celldata contains the cell in question.
# Find the extend of the data from 'beginstr' to 'endstr'
datalen = len(celldata)
dataptr = 0
incell = False
datastart = dataend = -1
while dataptr < datalen:
# Read stream records up to 'beginstr', then save data through 'endstr'
bheader = celldata[dataptr:dataptr + 2]
reclen = int.from_bytes(bheader, 'big')
if reclen == 0:
print('Error: found zero-length record at position ' + str(dataptr))
rectype = celldata[dataptr + 2]
datatype = celldata[dataptr + 3]
brectype = rectype.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')
bdatatype = datatype.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')
if rectype == 5: # beginstr
saveptr = dataptr
elif rectype == 6: # strname
if datatype != 6:
print('Error: Structure name record is not a string!')
bstring = celldata[dataptr + 4: dataptr + reclen]
strname = bstring.decode('ascii')
if strname == cellname:
print('Cell ' + cellname + ' found at position ' + str(saveptr))
datastart = saveptr
incell = True
elif debug:
print('Cell ' + strname + ' position ' + str(dataptr) + ' (ignored)')
elif rectype == 7: # endstr
if incell:
incell = False
dataend = dataptr + reclen
print('Cell ' + cellname + ' ends at position ' + str(dataend))
# Advance the pointer past the data
dataptr += reclen
if datastart == -1 or dataend == -1:
print('Failed to find the cell data for ' + cellname)
# Now do the same thing for the source GDS file.
print('Reading GDS file for original source ' + source)
with open(source, 'rb') as ifile:
gdsdata =
datalen = len(gdsdata)
dataptr = 0
incell = False
cellchecksum = 0
oldstart = oldend = -1
while dataptr < datalen:
# Read stream records up to any structure, then check for structure name
bheader = gdsdata[dataptr:dataptr + 2]
reclen = int.from_bytes(bheader, 'big')
if reclen == 0:
print('Error: found zero-length record at position ' + str(dataptr))
rectype = gdsdata[dataptr + 2]
datatype = gdsdata[dataptr + 3]
brectype = rectype.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')
bdatatype = datatype.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')
if rectype == 5: # beginstr
saveptr = dataptr
elif rectype == 6: # strname
if datatype != 6:
print('Error: Structure name record is not a string!')
bstring = gdsdata[dataptr + 4: dataptr + reclen]
strname = bstring.decode('ascii')
if strname == cellname:
print('Cell ' + cellname + ' found at position ' + str(saveptr))
oldstart = saveptr
incell = True
elif debug:
print('Cell ' + strname + ' position ' + str(dataptr) + ' (copied)')
elif rectype == 7: # endstr
if incell:
incell = False
cellchecksum = cellchecksum + reclen
oldend = dataptr + reclen
print('Cell ' + cellname + ' ends at position ' + str(oldend))
print('Cell ' + cellname + ' checksum is ' + str(cellchecksum))
# Find checksum (sum of length of all records in the cell of interest)
if incell:
cellchecksum = cellchecksum + reclen
# Advance the pointer past the data
dataptr += reclen
if oldstart == -1 or oldend == -1:
print('Failed to find the cell data for ' + cellname)
if checksum != 0:
if cellchecksum == checksum:
print('Info: Structure ' + cellname + ' matches checksum ' + str(checksum))
print('Info: Structure ' + cellname + ' at ' + str(oldstart) + ' to ' +
str(oldend) + ' has checksum ' + str(cellchecksum) +
' != ' + str(checksum) + ' (checksum failure)')
print('Info: Structure ' + cellname + ' checksum is ' + str(cellchecksum))
print('Info: Structure ' + cellname + ' at ' + str(oldstart) + ' to ' +
str(oldend) + ' will be replaced by alternate data.')
before = gdsdata[0:oldstart]
after = gdsdata[oldend:]
cellstrdata = celldata[datastart:dataend]
# Reassemble the GDS data around the new cell
gdsdata = before + cellstrdata + after
with open(dest, 'wb') as ofile: