blob: 5faee805a33351f161ba4159559d1592873271a8 [file] [log] [blame]
Mod #,Group,New Style Name,Old Style Name,Description,Pin 01,Pin 02,Pin 03,Pin 04,Pin 05,Pin 06,Pin 07,Pin 08,Pin 09,Pin 10,Pin 11,Pin 12,Die Row
1001,2,,,Continuity Structure (10um wide metal line between all pads),short,short,short,short,short,short,short,short,short,short,short,short,1
1002,2,,,Alignment Structure (metal lines surrounding all pads by 1.0um),,,,,,,metal,,,,,,1
1003,1,,,n-chan field oxide FETs poly1 gate,, , ,,,,,,,,,,1
,,,,poly1 gate w/l = 100/0.14,substrate,drain / source,gate,source / drain,gate,drain / source,,,,,,,
,,,,poly1 gate w/l = 1000/0.17,substrate,,,,,,,drain / source,gate,source / drain,gate,drain / source,
1004,1,,,n-chan field oxide FETs metal1 gate,,,,,,,,,,,,,1
,,,,metal1 gate w/l = 1000/0.24,substrate,drain/ source,gate 1,drain 1,gate 2,drain 2,,,,,,,
,,,,metal1 gate w/l = 1000/0.27,substrate,,,,,,,source,gate 1,drain 1,gate 2,drain 2,
1005,2,,,n+ resistor 320.73 / 12.8 : 25.06 sq,n+ res, , , ,n+ res,substrate,,,,,,,1
,,,,n-well resistor 24.505 / 24.87 : 0.99 sq,, ,n-well res,n-well res,,substrate,,,,,,,
,2,,,p+ resistor 320.67 / 12.8 : 25.05 sq,,,,,,,p+ res,n-well, , ,p+ res, ,
,,,,p+ resistor - 4 terminal measurement 40.01/0.14 : 285.79 sq,,,,,,,force I,,meas V,meas V,,force I,
1006,2,,,n+ high voltage resistor 320.67 / 12.8 : 25.06 sq,hv n+ res, , , ,hv n+ res,substrate,,,,,,,1
,,,,deep n-well resistor 24.505 / 22.545 : 1.09 sq,, ,deep n-well res,deep n-well res,,substrate,,,,,,,
,2,,,p+ resistor 320.67 / 12.8 : 25.05 sq,,,,,,,hv p+ res,n-well, , ,hv p+ res, ,
,,,,p+ resistor - 4 terminal measurement 40.01/0.14 : 285.79 sq,,,,,,,force I,,meas V,meas V,,force I,
1012,5,,,"n-chan gate oxide capacitor, no source/drain: large area -THIN OX",,,,,,,,,,,,,1
,,,,"Area = 4267.2 um2, perimeter = 1029.8 um, poly over field=1281.3 um2",substrate,gate,substrate,gate,substrate,gate,,,,,,,
,5,,,"p-chan gate oxide capacitor, no source/drain: large area",,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Area = 4203.5 um2, perimeter = 1055.9 um, poly over field=1369.7 um2",,,,,,,n-well,gate,n-well,gate,n-well,gate,
1014,2,,,n+ resistor 12.44 / 311.105 : 25.0 sq,n+ res,substrate,,,n+ res,,,,,,,,1
,,,,n+ resistor - 4 terminal measurement 42.55/0.14: 303.9 sq,,substrate,n+ res,n+ res,,,,,,,,,
,2,,,ultra long poly 1 line,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"0.15/1650.48, 0.28 um space over n_ diff lines",,,,,,,n+ diff,poly comb,poly serp,poly serp,,,
,,,,"0.13/1566.17, 0.3 um space over field",,,,,,,,poly comb,,poly serp,poly serp,,
,,,,"0.1/1955.46, 0.245 um space over field",,,,,,,,poly comb,,,poly serp,poly serp,
1016,,,,"VPP_25fF, Poly/M4 Shield, M1-M3 fingers; m=275",c0,c1,,,,,,,,,Top Shield,Psub,1
1017,,,,"VPP_25fF, LI/M4 Shield, M1-M3 fingers; m=275",c0,c1,,,,,,,,,Top Shield,Psub,1
1018,,,,"340fF 2X Nhvnatives, 4X XCMVPP's, M3-M4 fingers, M5-shield, m=132",G,S/D/Bulk,,,,,,,,,,Psub,1
1021,,,,"VPP_100fF, Poly/M4 Shield, M1-M3 fingers; m=132",c0,c1,,,,,,,,,Top Shield,Psub,1
1022,,,,"VPP_100fF, M4 Shield, M1-M3 fingers; m=132",c0,c1,,,,,,,,,Top Shield,Psub,1
1023,,,,description is missing,,,,,,,,,,,,,1
1026,2,,,ultra long n+ diff line integrity test;,,,, ,,,,,,,,,1
,,,,"1354.5 squares long ; 0.29 um line, 0.3 um space",substrate,n+ serp,n+ serp,n+ serp, , ,,,,,,,
,,,,"1354.5 squares long ; 0.29 um line, 0.3 um space",substrate,n+ serp,,n+ serp,n+ serp,,,,,,,,
,,,,"1354.5 squares long ; 0.29 um line, 0.30 um space",substrate,n+ serp,,,n+ serp,n+ serp,,,,,,,
,2,,,ultra long p+ diff line integrity test;,,,, ,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"1354.5 squares long ; 0.29 um line, 0.30 um space",,,,, , ,n-well,p+ serp,p+ serp,p+ serp,,,
,,,,"1354.5 squares long ; 0.29 um line, 0.3 um space",,,,,,,n-well,p+ serp,,,p+ serp,p+ serp,
,,,,"1354.5 squares long ; 0.29 um line, 0.3 um space",,,,,,,n-well,p+ serp,,p+ serp,p+ serp,,
1030,1,,,n+/n-well field FET w/ poly 1 gate, , , , , , ,,,,,,,1
,,,,"n+ / n-well w/l = 26 x 40 / 0.32 (diff to nwell 0.32, poly to diff 0.05)",substrate,n-well,gate,n+,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"n+ / n-well w/l = (6.56*210) / 0.32 (N+ diff to nwell 0.32, poly to diff 0.05) with NWM corner rounding",substrate,n-well,,,gate,n+,,,,,,,
,1,,,p+/p-well field FET w/ poly 1 gate, , , , , , ,,,,,,,
,,,,"p+ / p-well w/l = 26 x 40 / 0.18 (diff to pwell 0.18, poly to diff 0.05)",,,,,,,n-well,substrate,gate,p+,,,
,,,,"p+ / p-well w/l = 24 x 40 / 0.15 (diff to pwell 0.15, poly to diff 0.05)",,,,,,,n-well,substrate,,,gate,p+,
1037,3,,,M1-LI1-poly contacts: mcon/licon = 0.17/0.17 um M1 sq = 4668.5, , , , , , ,,,,,,,1
,,,,contact string (8740 contacts; 0.73 sq/ct RSGP),string,string,string,string,string,string,,,,,,,
,3,,,M2 to M1 via: 0.15um (3240 vias) M2 sq = 3060,,,,,,,string,string,string,string,string,string,
1040,2,,,nested poly 1 on diff,,,,,,,,,,,,,1
,,,,"p1 w = 0.15um, s = 0.25um res l/w = 23.595 / 0.15",V-meas,force - I,V-meas,force - I, , ,,,,,,,
,,,,"p1 w = 0.15um, s = 0.25um res l/w = 25.595 / 0.15",,force - I,,force - I,V-meas,V-meas,,,,,,,
,2,,,isolated poly 1 on diff ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,p1 w = 0.15um res l/w = 23.595 / 0.15,,,,,,,sense 2,force I,,force I, ,,
,,,,p1 w = 0.15um res l/w = 23.595 / 0.15,,,,,,,,force I,,force I,sense 2,sense 1,
1062,,,,VPP_12fF 3.6x3.6,A,B,,,,,,,,,,Psub,1
1063,,,,VPP_mis 12fF,stub,load,Vp,Vn,Vpwr,Vgnd,,,,,,,1
1070,1,,,p-chan field oxide FETs poly1 gate,, , ,,,,,,,,,,1
,,,,"poly1 gate w/l = 1000/0.17, diff spacing = 0.27",n-well,drain / source,gate,source / drain,gate,drain / source,,,,,,,
,,,,"poly1 gate w/l = 1000/0.14, diff spacing = 0.24",n-well,,,,,,,drain / source,gate,source / drain,gate,drain / source,
1072,,,,"VPP_12fF, M3-Shield; m=891",C0,C1,,,,,,,,,MET-3,Psub,1
1073,,,,"VPP_50fF, M3-Shield; m=275",C0,C1,,,,,,,,,MET-3,Psub,1
1074,,,,"VPP_100fF, M3-Shield; m=132",C0,C1,,,,,,,,,MET-3,Psub,1
1076,3,,,M1-LI1-N+ contacts: mcon/licon1 = 0.17/0.17 um, , , , , , ,,,,,,,1
,,,,contact string (6384 contacts; 0.88 sq/ct RSN),string,string,string,string,string,substrate,,,,,,,
,3,,,M1-LI1-P+ contacts: mcon/licon1 = 0.17/0.17 um, , , , , , ,,,,,,,
,,,,contact string (6992 contacts; 0.88 sq/ct RSP),,,,,,,string,string,string,string,string,n-well,
1077,3,,,HV M1-LI1-N+ contacts: mcon/licon1 = 0.17/0.17 um, , , , , , ,,,,,,,1
,,,,contact string (6384 contacts; 0.88 sq/ct RSN) m1 sq = 3734.808,string,string,string,string,string,substrate,,,,,,,
,3,,,HV M1-LI1-P+ contacts: mcon/licon1 = 0.17/0.17 um, , , , , , ,,,,,,,
,,,,contact string (6992 contacts; 0.88 sq/ct RSP) m1 sq = 3410.04,,,,,,,string,string,string,string,string,n-well,
1079,,,,VPP_mis 50fF; M3 shield,stub,load,Vp,Vn,Vpwr,Vgnd,stub_t,load_t,Vp_t,Vn_t,Vpwr,Vgnd,1
1081,,,,XCMVPP2 over NHVNATIVE10x4,Psub/S/D/B,Gate,,,,,,,,,,Psub/S/D/B,1
1082,3,,,M1-LI1 contacts: mcon = 0.17 um, , , , , , ,,,,,,,1
,,,,contact string (3600 contacts; 0.88 sq/ct RSLIW),string,string,string,string,string,string,,,,,,,
,3,,,LI sheet resistance and electrical linewidth, ,, ,,, ,,,,,,,
,,,,2.6 X 452.785 Line,,,,,,,Force 1,Force 2,Sense 1,,Sense 2,,
,,,,0.17 X 426.04,,,,,,,Force 1,Force 2,,Sense 1,,Sense 2,
1083,,,,"VPP_1fF, M3-Shield; m=7436",C0,C1,,,,,,,,,MET-3,Psub,1
1085,,,,"VPP_1fF, LI Shield, M1/M2 fingers; m=7436",C0,C1,,,,,,,,,,Psub,1
1086,,,,"VPP_mis 1fF; LI shield, M1/M2 fingers
VPP_mis 1fF; LI shield, M1/M2 fingers",stub,load,Vp,Vn,Vpwr,Vgnd,stub_t,load_t,Vp_t,Vn_t,Vpwr,Vgnd,1
1087,,,,XCMVPP2 over PHV5x4,S/D/B,Gate,,,,,,,,,,Psub,1
1089,3,,,"M2-M1-LI1-N+ stacked via on mcon on licon1;
M2 = 0.45 um, via = 0.15 um, mcon/licon = 0.17/0.17 um", , , , , , ,,,,,,,1
,,,,string (6992 contacts; 0.904 sq/ct RSN),string,string,string,string,string,substrate,,,,,,,
,3,,,"M2-M1-LI1-P+ stacked via on mcon on licon1;
M2 = 0.45 um, via = 0.15 um, mcon/licon = 0.17/0.17 um", , , , , , ,,,,,,,
,,,,string (6992 contacts; 0.904 sq/ct RSP),,,,,,,string,string,string,string,string,n-well,
1092,3,,,LI1-poly contacts: licon1 = 0.17 um (generic), , , , , , ,,,,,,,1
,,,,"string (8360 contacts; 0.73 sq/ct RSGP, 0.73 sq/ct RSLIW)",string,string,string,string,string,string,,,,,,,
,3,,,"M1-LI contact Kelvin, M1/LI width=0.47/0.28 um", , , , , , ,,,,,,,
,,,,0.17um mcon Kelvin: .05 LI enclosure,,,,,,,metal 1 Vs,metal 1 If,LI 1 If,,LI Vs,,
,,,,0.17um mcon Kelvin: -.01 LI enclosure,,,,,,,,,LI Vs,metal 1 If,LI If,metal 1 Vs,
1093,,,phighvt,"phighvt; w/l=0.64/0.15; licon resistance; n_licons=2,304; contact-gate=0.055u",,,,,,,G/S/B (vpwr=1.8V),,,r0,r1,,1
,,,phighvt,"phighvt; w/l=0.64/0.15; licon resistance; n_licons=4,608; contact-gate=0.055u",,,,,,,G/S/B (vpwr=1.8V),,,r0,,r2,
,,,phighvt,"phighvt; w/l=0.64/0.15; licon resistance; n_licons=2,304; contact-gate=0.050u",,,,,,,G/S/B (vpwr=1.8V),r0,r1,,,,
,,,phighvt,"phighvt; w/l=0.64/0.15; licon resistance; n_licons=4,608; contact-gate=0.050u",,,,,,,G/S/B (vpwr=1.8V),r0,,r2,,,
,,,nshort,"nshort; w/l=0.64/0.15; licon resistance; n_licons=4,608; contact-gate=0.055u",,,r0,r1,,G/S/B (vgnd=0V),,,,,,,
,,,nshort,"nshort; w/l=0.64/0.15; licon resistance; n_licons=4,608; contact-gate=0.055u",,,r0,,r2,G/S/B (vgnd=0V),,,,,,,
,,,nshort,"nshort; w/l=0.64/0.15; licon resistance; n_licons=4,608; contact-gate=0.050u",r0,r1,,,,G/S/B (vgnd=0V),,,,,,,
,,,nshort,"nshort; w/l=0.64/0.15; licon resistance; n_licons=4,608; contact-gate=0.050u",r0,,r2,,,G/S/B (vgnd=0V),,,,,,,
1094,3,,,LI1-n+ diffusion contacts: licon1 = 0.17 um (generic), , , , , , ,,,,,,,1
,,,,"string (6992 cts 0.88 sq/ct RSN, 0.73 sq.ct RSLIW)",string,string,string,string,string,substrate,,,,,,,
,3,,,LI1-p+ diffusion contacts: licon1 = 0.17 um (generic), , , , , , ,,,,,,,
,,,,"string (6992 cts 0.88 sq/ct RSP, 0.73 sq/ct RSLIW)",,,,,,,string,string,string,string,string,n-well,
1137,5,,,n-chan gate oxide capacitor: field-edge intensive, , , , , , ,,,,,,,1
,,,,"FOM w/s = 0.14/0.27, Active Area = 722.4 um2, FOX Perimeter = 10353.6 um",substrate,gate,substrate,gate,substrate,gate,,,,,,,
,5,,,p-chan gate oxide capacitor: field-edge intensive, , , , , , ,,,,,,,
,,,,"FOM w/s = 0.14/0.27, Active Area = 1657.8 um2, FOX Perimeter = 23760 um",,,,,,,n-well,gate,n-well,gate,n-well,gate,
1141,4,,,NMOS contacted pitch FETs: lower half with prox. bars on diff. (0.28 um space),,,,,,,,,,,,,1
,,,,0.42/20 NMOS,substrate,gate,drain,source,,,,,,,,,
,,,,7/8 NMOS,substrate,gate,,drain ,source,,,,,,,,
,,,,7/0.15 NMOS,substrate,gate,,,drain,source,,,gate,,,,
,,,,w/l = 0.15/9.15 um electrical linewidth: upper half,,Force 1,,,,,Sense 2,Sense 1,Force 2,,,,
,,,,10x10 Van der P.,,Sense 1,,,,,,,,Sense 2,Force 1,Force 2,
1174,,,,"VPP_50fF, LI Shield, M1/M2/M3 fingers; m=275",C0,C1,,,,,,,,,,Psub,1
1175,,,,"VPP_100fF, LI Shield, M1/M2/M3 fingers; m=132",C0,C1,,,,,,,,,,Psub,1
1178,,,,"VPP_mis 50fF; LI shield, M1/M2/M3 fingers
VPP_mis 100fF; LI shield, M1/M2/M3 fingers",stub,load,Vp,Vn,Vpwr,Vgnd,stub_t,load_t,Vp_t,Vn_t,Vpwr,Vgnd,1
1182,,,,"VPP_12fF, LI Shield, M1/M2/3 fingers; m=891",C0,C1,,,,,,,,,,Psub,1
1183,,,,"VPP_mis 12fF; LI shield, M1/M2/M3 fingers
VPP_mis 12fF; LI shield, M1/M2/M3 fingers",stub,load,Vp,Vn,Vpwr,Vgnd,stub_t,load_t,Vp_t,Vn_t,Vpwr,Vgnd,1
1184,,,,"VPP_100fF, Poly-M5 Shield, LI/M1/M2/M3/M4 fingers; m=132",C0,C1,,,,,,,,,MET-5,Psub,1
1185,,,,"VPP_100fF, M5 Shield, LI/M1/M2/M3/M4 fingers; m=132",C0,C1,,,,,,,,,MET-5,Psub,1
1186,,,,"VPP_100fF, LI-M5 Shield, M1/M2/M3/M4 fingers; m=132",C0,C1,,,,,,,,,MET-5,Psub,1
1187,,,,"VPP_50fF, LI-M5 Shield, M1/M2/M3 fingers; m=275",C0,C1,,,,,,,,,MET-3,Psub,1
1188,,,,"VPP_12fF, xcmvpp4p4x4p6_fltpolym3shield, PYfloat-M3 Shield, LI/M1/M2 fingers; m=486",C0,C1,botshield,topshield,,,,,,,,Psub,1
,,,,"VPP_12fF, xcmvpp4p4x4p6_polym5shield, PY-M5 Shield, LI/M1/M2/M3/M4 fingers; m=405",,,,,,,C0,C1,,,topshield,Psub,
1189,,,,"VPP_50fF, xcmvpp6p86p1_polym5shield, PY-M5 Shield, LI/M1/M2/M3/M4 fingers; m=150",C0,C1,,topshield,,,,,,,,Psub,1
,,,,"VPP_50fF, xcmvpp8p6x7p9_tpolym5shield, PYfloat-M5 Shield, LI/M1/M2/M3/M4 fingers; m=125",,,,,,,C0,C1,,,topshield,Psub,
1206,,,,"PiS Capacitor in N-Well, C = 30.5pF per device",,,,,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,"w/l = 5/0.5, m=1650 (C=18.5fF per finger)",sub,,,,,body,gate,,,,,,
1213,,,,PiS resistor in nwell L/W = 20/5,sub,low,high,,gate,,,,,,,,4
,,,,PiS resistor in nwell L/W = 40/5,sub,,low,high,gate,,,,,,,,
,,,,"PiS resistor not in nwell, L/W = 20//5",sub,,,,gate,low,high,,,,,,
,,,,PiS resistor not in nwell L/W = 40/5,sub,,,,gate,,low, high,,,,,
,,,,"PiS capacitor in nwell, W/L = 40/40, n = 2, C = 23.7 pF",sub,,,,,,,,S/D,gate,,,
,,,,"PiS capacitor in nwell, W/L = 40/0.5, n = 50, C = 7.4 pF",sub,,,,,,,,,gate,S/D,,
,,,,"PiS capacitor in nwell, W/L = 40/0.33, n = 66, C = 6.5 pF",sub,,,,,,,,,gate,,S/D,
1240,6,,,"AF Cell (WNlv/LNlv,WNmx/LNmx,Wfuse/Lfuse)",,,,,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,Vpp: metal connection,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,Vpp_res: connection through 513.5 Ohm resistor,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"N+ diffusion w/l = 0.29/1.275, ",,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,2nd resistor terminals shorted by Metal3,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"2x2 (4/.15,4/.37,4/.48) AF Array: Cell Ver. 1.B",sub,,WL2 gate,WL1 gate,HV gate,Vpp_res,,Vpp,,,Source 1,Source 2,
,,,,"2x2 (4/.15,4/.37,4/.48) AF Array: Cell Ver. 2",sub,Vpp_res,WL2 gate,WL1 gate,HV gate,,Vpp,,Source 1,Source 2,,,
1242,6,,,"AF Cell (WNlv/LNlv,WNmx/LNmx,Wfuse/Lfuse)",,,,,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,"2x2 (4/.15,4/.37,4/.48) AF Array: Cell Ver. 2",,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,Vpp: metal connection,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,Vpp_res: connection through N+ diff resistor,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,extra N+ diffusion w/l = 0.29/1.275 (513 Ohm) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,resistor terminals shorted by Metal3,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"N+ diffusion w/l = 0.29/3.825, 1.54 kOhm",sub,,WL2 gate,WL1 gate,HV gate,Vpp_res,,Vpp,,,Source 1,Source 2,
,,,,"N+ diffusion w/l = 0.29/2.550, 1.03 kOhm",sub,Vpp_res,WL2 gate,WL1 gate,HV gate,,Vpp,,Source 1,Source 2,,,
1243,6,,,"AF Cell (WNlv/LNlv,WNmx/LNmx,Wfuse/Lfuse)",,,,,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,"2x2 (4/.15,4/.37,4/.48) AF Array: Cell Ver. 2 Breakout",,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,Vpp: metal connection,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,Vpp_res: connection through N+ diff resistor,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,, extra N+ diffusion w/l = 0.29/1.275 (513 Ohm) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,resistor terminals shorted by Metal3,,,,,,AF body,,AF body,,,AF body,AF body,
,,,,"N+ diffusion w/l = 0.29/2.550, 1.03 kOhm",sub,Vpp_res,WL2 gate,WL1 gate,HV gate,WL1 / S1,Vpp,WL1 / S2,Source 1,Source 2,WL2 / S1,WL2 / S2,
1248,,,,missing desctiption,,,,,,,,,,,,,4
1375,2,,,M1 sheet resistance and electrical linewidth, , , ,,, ,,,,,,,1
,,,,2.595 x 435.255 Line ,Force 1,Force 2,Sense 1,,,Sense 2,,,,,,,
,,,,0.18 X 443.965 Line,Force 1,Force 2,,Sense 1,Sense 2,,,,,,,,
,2,,,M2 sheet resistance and electrical width, , , ,, , ,,,,,,,
,,,,2.6 X 457.2 Line,, ,, ,,,Force 1,Force 2,Sense 1,,Sense 2,,
,,,,0.24 X 417.46 Line, ,,,,,,Force 1,Force 2,,Sense 1,,Sense 2,
1668,8,,,lateral PNP BJT (pnppar) (Ae=0.68x0.68um2) Local Mismatch 1-1,Psub,B1,E1,E2,B2, ,,,,,,,1
,,,,lateral PNP BJT (pnppar) (Ae=0.68x0.68um2) Local Mismatch 8-1,C-B-Psub,,,,,,,,,E8,E1,,
1690,,,,Matching Poly Resistors,,,,,,,,,,,,,1
,,,,"W/L = 1/57.925, spacing = 0.48; proximity resistors",IF,V2,,V1,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"W/L = 0.68/12.42, spacing = 0.48; proximity resistors",,,,,IF,V2,V1,,,,,,
,,,,"W/L = 1.0/12.42, spacing = 0.48; proximity resistors",,,,,,,,V1,V2,If,,,
1691,,,,Matching Poly Resistors,,,,,,,,,,,,,1
,,,,"W/L = 1/65, spacing = 0.48; proximity resistors",V1,,V2,IF,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"W/L = 0.68/65, spacing = 0.48; proximity resistors",,,,IF,V2,,V1,,,,,,
,,,,"W/L = 0.68/57.925, spacing = 0.48; proximity resistors",,,,,,,,V1,,V2,IF,,
1692,,,,Matching Poly Resistors,,,,,,,,,,,,,1
,,,,"W/L = 1/57.925, spacing = 0.48; proximity resistors",IF,V0,IS2,V2,,V1,IS1,,,,,,
,,,,"W/L = 0.68/12.42, spacing = 0.48; proximity resistors",,,,,,,IS1,V1,V2,IS2,V0,IF,
1693,,,,Matching Poly Resistors,,,,,,,,,,,,,1
,,,,"W/L = 5/50.3, spacing = 0.48; proximity resistors",V1,,V2,IF,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"W/L = 1/20, spacing = 0.48; proximity resistors",,,,IF,V1,V2,,,,,,,
,,,,"W/L = 2/10, spacing = 0.48; proximity resistors",,,,,,,V1,V2,IF,,,,
1700,6,,,Cell Vss contact, , , , , , ,,,,,,,1
,,,,string (9014 cts; 3.22 sq/ct RSN; 1.68 sq/ct RSM1), , ,string,poly,substrate,string,,,,,,,
,,,,Kelvin contact,met1,met1,diff, ,substrate,,,,,,,,
1701,6,,,Cell L1/p+ cross-couple contact, , , , , , ,,,,,,,1
,,,,string (32256 cts; 0.48 sq/ct RSP; 1.84 sq/ct RSLI), , ,string,poly,n-well,string,,,,,,,
,,,,Kelvin contact,LI1,LI1,diff, ,n-well,,,,,,,,
1702,6,,,Cell Vcc contact, , , , , , ,,,,,,,1
,,,,string (7968 cts; 3.22 sq/ct RSP; 3.92 sq/ct RSM1), , ,string,poly,n-well,string,,,,,,,
,,,,Kelvin contact,met1,diff,diff, ,n-well,,,,,,,,
1703,6,,,Cell L1/n+ cross-couple contact, , , , , , ,,,,,,,1
,,,,string (32256 cts; 0.56 sq/ct RSN; 1.84 sq/ct RSLI), , ,string,poly,substrate,string,,,,,,,
,,,,Kelvin contact,LI1,LI1,diff, ,substrate,,,,,,,,
1705,6,,,L1/n+ bit line contact, , , , , , ,,,,,,,1
,,,,string (10080 mcons / 10080 licons; 3.92 sq/mcon RSM1; 1.25 sq/mcon RSLI; 1.24 sq/licon RSN), , ,string,poly,substrate,string,,,,,,,
,,,,Kelvin contact,met1,met1,diff, ,substrate,,,,,,,,
1709,6,,,LI to LI / LICON to LICON bridging test structure (15232 cells),serp,,,comb,serp,,,,,,,,1
1726,6,,,Ultra long local interconnect 1 line integrity test; ~81600 squares; 9520 cells,serp,met1, ,comb,,,,met1,,comb,,serp,1
1743,6,,,Cell LI1-poly string,,,,,,,,,,,,,1
,,,,"""long"" side: 5200 cts",serp,,poly,substrate,p-well,n-well,p-well,n-well,poly,substrate,,serp,
,,,,"""short"" side: 5200 cts",,serp,poly,substrate,p-well,n-well,p-well,n-well,poly,substrate,serp,,
1744,6,,,6T SRAM cell FETs,,,,,,,,,,,,,1
,,,,NPD long landing pad side: 0.21/0.15,,,Psub,G,S,D,,,,Nwell,,Psub,
,,,,NPASS long landing pad side: 0.14/0.15,S,D,Psub,G,,,,D2,,Nwell,,Psub,
,,,,PPU long landing pad side: 0.14/0.15,,,Psub,,,,G,,S,Nwell,D,Psub,
1756,6,,,6T SRAM N-channel gap and endcap ,,,,,,,,,,,,,1
,,,,integrity structure (for cell FET leakage,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,npass,special_nfet_pass ,NPASS: 2240 FETs,,,,,,Psub,G,S,,,D,Psub,
,,npd,,"NPD: 3360 FETs, 1680 gaps",,,,,,Psub,G1,S,G2,D,,Psub,
,,npass,,NPASS: 2240 FETs,G,S,,,D,Psub,,,,,,Psub,
,,npd,,"NPD: 3360 FETs, 1680 gaps",G1,S,G2,D,,Psub,,,,,,Psub,
1758,6,,,6T SRAM P-channel gap and endcap integrity structure (for cell FET leakage measurement),,,,,,,,,,,,,1
,,ppu,,"PPU: 12320 FETs, 6160 gaps",G1,,G2,,,,,,,S,D,Nwell,
1760,6,,,M1 / M2 step coverage/bridging over cell topo., , , ,, , ,,,,,,,1
,,,,M1: 0.14um ~16210m,m1 serp, , ,m1 comb, ,,,,,m1 comb,,m1 serp,
,,,,M2: 0.14um ~22395 um, ,m2 serp,m2 comb, ,, ,,,m2 comb,,m2 serp,,
1773,6,,,"Memory cell poly bridging structure
20880 NMOS; 20880 PMOS; 31320 gaps
PMOS W/L = 0.15/0.14; NMOS W/L = 0.21/0.15",,,WL1,WL2,substrate,n-well,NO PAD,NO PAD,NO PAD,NO PAD,NO PAD,NO PAD,1
2602,,,nfet,fet mismatch nfet w/ sep sb ; w=1.000; l=0.500;,S,G,D1,D1,,,,,,,,B,2
,,,nfet,fet mismatch nfet w/ sep sb ; w=3.000; l=0.150;,S,G,,,D1,D2,,,,,,B,
,,,nfet,fet mismatch nfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.150;,S,G,,,,,D1,D2,,,,B,
,,,nfet,fet mismatch nfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.150;,S,G,,,,,,,D1,D2,,B,
2605,,,pfet,fet mismatch pfet w/ sep sb ; w=1.000; l=0.500;,S,G,D1,D1,,,,,,,,B,2
,,,pfet,fet mismatch pfet w/ sep sb ; w=3.000; l=0.150;,S,G,,,D1,D2,,,,,,B,
,,,pfet,fet mismatch pfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.150;,S,G,,,,,D1,D2,,,,B,
,,,pfet,fet mismatch pfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.150;,S,G,,,,,,,D1,D2,,B,
2607,,,lowvtnfet,fet mismatch LowVtnfet w/ sep sb ; w=7.000; l=0.250;,S,G,D1,D1,,,,,,,,B,2
,,,lowvtnfet,fet mismatch LowVtnfet w/ sep sb ; w=7.000; l=0.150;,S,G,,,D1,D2,,,,,,B,
,,,lowvtnfet,fet mismatch LowVtnfet w/ sep sb ; w=3.000; l=0.250;,S,G,,,,,D1,D2,,,,B,
,,,lowvtnfet,fet mismatch LowVtnfet w/ sep sb ; w=3.000; l=0.150;,S,G,,,,,,,D1,D2,,B,
2608,,,lowvtnfet,fet mismatch LowVtnfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=1.000;,S,G,D1,D1,,,,,,,,B,2
,,,lowvtnfet,fet mismatch LowVtnfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.180;,S,G,,,D1,D2,,,,,,B,
,,,lowvtnfet,fet mismatch LowVtnfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.150;,S,G,,,,,D1,D2,,,,B,
,,,lowvtnfet,fet mismatch LowVtnfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.150;,S,G,,,,,,,D1,D2,,B,
2611,,,highvtpfet,fet mismatch HighVtpfet w/ sep sb ; w=1.000; l=0.500;,S,G,D1,D1,,,,,,,,B,2
,,,highvtpfet,fet mismatch HighVtpfet w/ sep sb ; w=3.000; l=0.150;,S,G,,,D1,D2,,,,,,B,
,,,highvtpfet,fet mismatch HighVtpfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.150;,S,G,,,,,D1,D2,,,,B,
,,,highvtpfet,fet mismatch HighVtpfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.150;,S,G,,,,,,,D1,D2,,B,
2612,,,nativevtnfet,fet mismatch NTVNativenfet w/ sep sb ; w=4.000; l=0.500;,S,G,D1,D1,,,,,,,,B,2
,,,nativevtnfet,fet mismatch NTVNativenfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.800;,S,G,,,D1,D2,,,,,,B,
,,,nativevtnfet,fet mismatch NTVNativenfet w/ sep sb ; w=10.000; l=0.500;,S,G,,,,,D1,D2,,,,B,
,,,nativevtnfet,fet mismatch NTVNativenfet w/ sep sb ; w=1.000; l=0.600;,S,G,,,,,,,D1,D2,,B,
2618,,,high voltage nfet,fet mismatch HVnfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.500;,S,G,D1,D1,,,,,,,,B,2
,,,high voltage nfet,fet mismatch HVnfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.500;,S,G,,,D1,D2,,,,,,B,
,,,high voltage nfet,fet mismatch HVnfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.500;,S,G,,,,,D1,D2,,,,B,
,,,high voltage nfet,fet mismatch HVnfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.500;,S,G,,,,,,,D1,D2,,B,
2622,,,high voltage pfet,fet mismatch HVpfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.500;,S,G,D1,D1,,,,,,,,B,2
,,,high voltage pfet,fet mismatch HVpfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.500;,S,G,,,D1,D2,,,,,,B,
,,,high voltage pfet,fet mismatch HVpfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.500;,S,G,,,,,D1,D2,,,,B,
,,,high voltage pfet,fet mismatch HVpfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.500;,S,G,,,,,,,D1,D2,,B,
2624,,,nativevtnfet,fet mismatch Nativenfet w/ sep sb ; w=1.000; l=0.900;,S,G,D1,D1,,,,,,,,B,2
,,,nativevtnfet,fet mismatch Nativenfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.700; l=0.900;,S,G,,,D1,D2,,,,,,B,
,,,nativevtnfet,fet mismatch Nativenfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.900;,S,G,,,,,D1,D2,,,,B,
,,,nativevtnfet,fet mismatch Nativenfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.900;,S,G,,,,,,,D1,D2,,B,
2627,,,lowvtpfet,fet mismatch LowVtpfet w/ sep sb ; w=1.000; l=0.500;,S,G,D1,D1,,,,,,,,B,2
,,,lowvtpfet,fet mismatch LowVtpfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.350;,S,G,,,D1,D2,,,,,,B,
,,,lowvtpfet,fet mismatch LowVtpfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.350;,S,G,,,,,D1,D2,,,,B,
,,,lowvtpfet,fet mismatch LowVtpfet w/ sep sb ; w=0.420; l=0.350;,S,G,,,,,,,D1,D2,,B,
2634,1,,npn bjt,"NPN BJT (poly formed emitter, HV NPN) m=1",,Psub,C,E,B,,,,,,,,2
,,,npn bjt,"NPN BJT (poly formed emitter, HV NPN) m=1 mismatch",,,,,,Psub,B2,E2,E1,B1,C,,
2729,,,nvhv,"nvhv symmetric mismatch:5/2.2, m=4",S,G,D1,D2,,,,,,,,B,2
,,,nvhv,"nvhv symmetric mismatch:20/2.2, m=4",S,G,,,D1,D2,,,,,,B,
,,,nvhv,"nvhv symmetric mismatch:5/0.7, m=4",S,G,,,,,D1,D2,,,,B,
,,,nvhv,"nvhv symmetric mismatch:20/0.7, m=4",S,G,,,,,,,D1,D2,,B,
2758,,,pvhv,"pvhv symmetric mismatch:5/2.16, m=4",S,G,D1,D2,,,,,,,,B,2
,,,pvhv,"pvhv symmetric mismatch:20/2.16, m=4",S,G,,,D1,D2,,,,,,B,
,,,pvhv,"pvhv symmetric mismatch:5/0.66, m=4",S,G,,,,,D1,D2,,,,B,
,,,pvhv,"pvhv symmetric mismatch:20/0.66, m=4",S,G,,,,,,,D1,D2,,B,
3012,5,,,"HV n-chan gate oxide capacitor, no source/drain: large area",,,,,,,,,,,,,2
,,,,"NDfif Area = 10 x 41.11 x 10.38 = 4,267.22um2
NDiff perimeter = 10 x 2 x (41.11+10.38) = 1,029.8um",substrate,gate,substrate,gate,substrate,gate,,,,,,,
,5,,,"HV p-chan gate oxide capacitor, no source/drain: large area",,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"NDfif Area = 10 x 43.025 x 9.77 = 4,203.54um2
NDiff perimeter = 10 x 2 x (43.025+9.77) = 1,055.9um",,,,,,,n-well,gate,n-well,gate,n-well,gate,
3181,,cap_var_lvt,xcnwvc,"Varactor Mismatch (xcnwvc), W/L/M=5/0.5/528 Matching Pair",Psub,OPEN,OPEN,OPEN,OPEN,OPEN,OPEN,OPEN,OPEN,WELL,GATE1,GATE2,2
3189,,cap_var_hvt ,xcnwvc2,"Varactor Mismatch (xcnwvc2), W/L/M=5/0.5/528 Matching Pair",Psub,OPEN,OPEN,OPEN,OPEN,OPEN,OPEN,OPEN,OPEN,WELL,GATE1,GATE2,2
3213,5,,,VPP_50fF 7.5x7.5,A,B,,,,,,,,,,Psub,2
3223,5,,,VPP_mis 50fF,stub,load,Vp,Vn,Vpwr,Vgnd,,,,,,,2
,5,,,VPP_mis 200fF,,,,,,,stub,load,Vp,Vn,Vpwr,Vgnd,
3316,5,cap_var_hvt ,xcnwvc2,"Varactor (xcnwvc2), w/l/m=40/40/1",Psub,WELL,GATE,,,,,,,,,,2
,,cap_var_hvt ,xcnwvc2,"Varactor (xcnwvc2), w/l/m=5/10/56",Psub,,,WELL,GATE,,,,,,,,
,,cap_var_hvt ,xcnwvc2,"Varactor (xcnwvc2), w/l/m=5/5/98",Psub,,,,,WELL,GATE,,,,,,
,,cap_var_hvt ,xcnwvc2,"Varactor (xcnwvc2), w/l/m=5/1.5/252",Psub,,,,,,,WELL,GATE,,,,
,,cap_var_hvt ,xcnwvc2,"Varactor (xcnwvc2), w/l/m=5/0.5/462",Psub,,,,,,,,,WELL,GATE,OPEN,
3320,,cap_var_lvt,xcnwvc,"Varactor (xcnwvc), w/l/m=40/40/1",Psub,WELL,GATE,,,,,,,,,,2
,,cap_var_lvt,xcnwvc,"Varactor (xcnwvc), w/l/m=5/10/56",Psub,,,WELL,GATE,,,,,,,,
,,cap_var_lvt,xcnwvc,"Varactor (xcnwvc), w/l/m=5/5/98",Psub,,,,,WELL,GATE,,,,,,
,,cap_var_lvt,xcnwvc,"Varactor (xcnwvc), w/l/m=5/1.5/252",Psub,,,,,,,WELL,GATE,,,,
,,cap_var_lvt,xcnwvc,"Varactor (xcnwvc), w/l/m=5/0.5/462",Psub,,,,,,,,,WELL,GATE,OPEN,
3350,2,res_iso_pw ,xpwres,xpwres: w/l = 2.65/10.7; R = 13461.81,r1,r0,,,,,,,,,nw_ring,Psub,2
,,res_iso_pw ,xpwres,xpwres: w/l = 2.65/26.5; R = 33340.0,,r1,r0,,,,,,,,nw_ring,Psub,
,,res_iso_pw ,xpwres,xpwres: w/l = 2.65/53.0; R = 66680.0,,,r1,,r0,,,,,,nw_ring,Psub,
,,res_iso_pw ,xpwres,xpwres: w/l = 2.65/106.0; R = 133360.0,,,,,r1,,r0,,,,nw_ring,Psub,
,,res_iso_pw ,xpwres,xpwres: w/l = 2.65/159.0; R = 200040.0,,,,,,,r1,,,r0,nw_ring,Psub,
3360,,,,RSRP - 300 ohm/sq poly resistor sheet resistance: VDP (Revs A-C),,V-meas,,,,,,,,V-meas,force I,force I,2
3371,,,,S8P WM4 w/ dense dummy lines - 0.3 x 450 long - Pad2 - Pad5,I1,V1,,,V2,I2,,,,,,,2
,,,,"S8P RSM4_Kelvin (Width = 2.595um/ Length = 434.755um), # of squares = 167.54",,,,,,,I1,I2,V1,,,V2,
,,,,"S8P WM4_Kelvin (Width = 0.3um/ Length = 418.375um), # of squares = 1394.58",,,,,,,I1,I2,,V1,V2,,
3374,,,,S8Q/S8P WM3 w/ dense dummy lines - 0.3 x 450 long - Pad2 - Pad5,I1,V1,,,V2,I2,,,,,,,2
,,,,"S8P RSM3_Kelvin (Width = 2.595um/ Length = 434.755um), # of squares = 167.54",,,,,,,I1,I2,V1,,,V2,
,,,,"S8P WM3_Kelvin (Width = 0.3um/ Length = 418.375um), # of squares = 1394.58",,,,,,,I1,I2,,V1,V2,,
3376,,,,S8PIR/PF WM5 w/ dense dummy lines - 1.6 x 450 - Pad2 - Pad5: ,I1,V1,,,V2,I2,,,,,,,2
,,,,S8PIR/PF RSM5_Kelvin (Width = 2.4um/ Length = 353.4um),,,,,,,I1,I2,V1,,,V2,
,,,,S8PIR/PF WM5_Kelvin (Width = 1.6um/ Length = 223.6um),,,,,,,I1,I2,,V1,V2,,
3379,,,,RSRP - 2K ohm/sq poly resistor sheet resistance: VDP,,,,,,,,substrate,V-meas,V-meas,force I,force I,2
,,,,RSRP - 300 ohm/sq poly resistor sheet resistance: VDP,,,V-meas,V-meas,force I,force I,,substrate,,,,,
3472,10,,,"serpentine-0.3 micron wide RSLNM3F - 10,143 squares
RSLNM3T - 10,143 squares - between each pad - s8q",flat serp,flat serp,flat serp,flat serp,flat serp,flat serp,top serp,top serp,top serp,top serp,top serp,metal2,2
3475,2,,,RSM3 - 1.5 x 450 long - Pad2 -7,I1,V1,,,,,V2,I2,,,,,2
,,,,S8P RSM3 (Van der Pauw Structure 30*30um2),,,,,,,,,I1,I2,V1,V2,
3478,3,,,"RCVIA2,RCVIA2K - RCVIA has 16,500 vias in chain - S8Q
4125 M2 squares between each pad
3509 M3 squares between each pad",chain 3300,chain 3300,chain 3300,chain 3300,chain 3300,chain end,V1,I1,V2,I2,,,2
3521,6,,,SNM module (single dut in array),sub,nwell,unused BL / BLB,unused WL,tru,BLB,BL,bar,WL,Vcc,Vss,pwell,2
3767,,,,s8pf M5 (w=1.6) serpentine (#sq=582.4) over field (S8PF RSLNM5),A,serp,serp,serp,serp,B,,,,,,,2
,,,,s8pf M5 (w=1.6) serpentine (#sq=582.4) over M4 grid (S8PF RSLNM5T),,,,,,,A,serp,serp,serp,B,m4 grid,
3768,,,,"s8pf via4 (0.8x0.8) via chain (270 vias per array, 5 arrays 1350 total vias) m5 width/space 1.6",A,chain,chain,chain,chain,B,,,,,,,2
,,,,s8pf via4 (0.8x0.8) kelvin ( m5 width 1.6 ),,,,,,,force a,sense a,force b,sense b,,,
3770,,,,s8p via3 (0.2x0.2) contact chain (16500 contacts),A,chain,chain,chain,chain,B,,,,,,,2
,,,,s8p via3 (0.2x0.2) kelvin,,,,,,,force a,sense a,force b,sense b,,,
3782,,,,s8p M4 (w=0.3) serp / comb over field (S8P BVM4M4),serp,comb,serp,comb,serp,comb,,,,,,,2
,,,,s8p M4 (w=0.3) serp / comb over M3 grid (S8P BVM4M3),,,,,,,serp,comb,serp,comb,serp,m3 grid,
3789,,,,s8pir/pf M5 (w=1.6) serp / comb over field (S8PIR/PF BVM5M5),serp,comb,serp,comb,serp,comb,,,,,,,2
,,,,s8pir/pf M5 (w=1.6) serp / comb over M4 grid (S8PIR/PF BVM5M4),,,,,,,serp,comb,serp,comb,serp,m4 grid,
4040,,sky130_fd_pr__esd_nfet_g5v0d10v5,nhvesd,nhvesd sym 5.40 0.600,Body,Gate,Src,Drn,,,,,,,,,2
,,sky130_fd_pr__esd_nfet_g5v0d10v5,nhvesd,nhvesd sym 17.50 0.550,Body,Gate,,Src,Drn,,,,,,,,
,,sky130_fd_pr__esd_nfet_g5v0d10v5,nhvesd,nhvesd sym 19.50 0.550,Body,Gate,,,Src,Drn,,,,,,,
,,sky130_fd_pr__esd_nfet_g5v0d10v5,nhvesd,nhvesd sym 21.50 0.550,Body,Gate,,,,Src,Drn,,,,,,
,,sky130_fd_pr__esd_nfet_g5v0d10v5,nhvesd,nhvesd sym 23.50 0.550,Body,Gate,,,,,Src,Drn,,,,,
,,sky130_fd_pr__esd_nfet_g5v0d10v5,nhvesd,nhvesd sym 26.50 0.550,Body,Gate,,,,,,Src,Drn,,,,
,,sky130_fd_pr__esd_nfet_g5v0d10v5,nhvesd,nhvesd sym 30.25 0.550,Body,Gate,,,,,,,Src,Drn,,,
,,sky130_fd_pr__esd_nfet_g5v0d10v5,nhvesd,nhvesd asym 17.50 0.550,Body,Gate,,,,,,,,Src,Drn,,
,,sky130_fd_pr__esd_nfet_g5v0d10v5,nhvesd,nhvesd asym 19.50 0.550,Body,Gate,,,,,,,,,Src,Drn,
4043,,sky130_fd_pr__esd_pfet_g5v0d10v5,phvesd,phvesd sym 14.50 0.550 (100x1080),Body,Gate,Src,Drn,,,,,,,,,2
,,sky130_fd_pr__esd_pfet_g5v0d10v5,phvesd,phvesd sym 15.50 0.550 (100x1080),Body,Gate,,Src,Drn,,,,,,,,
,,sky130_fd_pr__esd_pfet_g5v0d10v5,phvesd,phvesd sym 16.50 0.550 (100x1080),Body,Gate,,,Src,Drn,,,,,,,
,,sky130_fd_pr__esd_pfet_g5v0d10v5,phvesd,phvesd sym 17.50 0.550 (100x1080),Body,Gate,,,,Src,Drn,,,,,,
,,sky130_fd_pr__esd_pfet_g5v0d10v5,phvesd,phvesd sym 19.50 0.550 (100x1080),Body,Gate,,,,,Src,Drn,,,,,
,,sky130_fd_pr__esd_pfet_g5v0d10v5,phvesd,phvesd sym 21.50 0.550 (100x1080),Body,Gate,,,,,,Src,Drn,,,,
,,sky130_fd_pr__esd_pfet_g5v0d10v5,phvesd,phvesd sym 23.50 0.550 (100x1080),Body,Gate,,,,,,,Src,Drn,,,
,,sky130_fd_pr__esd_pfet_g5v0d10v5,phvesd,phvesd sym 26.50 0.550 (100x1080),Body,Gate,,,,,,,,Src,Drn,NC,
4044,,,nshortesd,nshortesd sym 5.40 0.180,Body,Gate,Src,Drn,,,,,,,,,2
,,,nshortesd,nshortesd sym 20.35 0.165,Body,Gate,,Src,Drn,,,,,,,,
,,,nshortesd,nshortesd asym 20.35 0.165,Body,Gate,,,Src,Drn,,,,,,,
,,,nshortesd,nshortesd sym 40.31 0.165 (100x1080),Body,Gate,,,,Src,Drn,,,,,,
,,,nshortesd,nshortesd asym 40.31 0.165 (100x1080),Body,Gate,,,,,Src,Drn,,,,,
4045,,,nhvesd,nhvesd asym 21.50 0.550,Body,Gate,Src,Drn,,,,,,,,,2
,,,nhvesd,nhvesd asym 23.50 0.550,Body,Gate,,Src,Drn,,,,,,,,
,,,nhvesd,nhvesd asym 26.50 0.550,Body,Gate,,,Src,Drn,,,,,,,
,,,nhvesd,nhvesd asym 30.25 0.550,Body,Gate,,,,Src,Drn,,,,,,
,,,nhvesd,nhvesd sym 30.25 1.000,Body,Gate,,,,,Src,Drn,,,,,
,,,nhvesd,nhvesd asym 30.25 1.000,Body,Gate,,,,,,Src,Drn,,,,
4046,,,nhvesd,nhvesd sym 40.31 0.550 (100x1080),Body,Gate,Src,Drn,,,,,,,,,2
,,,nhvesd,nhvesd sym 50.99 0.550 (100x1080),Body,Gate,,Src,Drn,,,,,,,,
,,,nhvesd,nhvesd asym 40.31 0.550 (100x1080),Body,Gate,,,Src,Drn,,,,,,,
,,,nhvesd,nhvesd asym 50.99 0.550 (100x1080),Body,Gate,,,,Src,Drn,,,,,,
,,,nhvesd,nhvesd sym 50.99 1.000 (100x1080),Body,Gate,,,,,Src,Drn,,,,,
,,,nhvesd,nhvesd asym 50.99 1.000 (100x1080),Body,Gate,,,,,,Src,Drn,,,,
4100,6,,,2T Flash EEPROM Cell Rev 2 Mini-Array,,,,,,,,,,,,,2
,,,,FET W/Lsonos/Lnpass = 0.45/0.22/0.15,DNW,Pwell,Psub,WLS1,WL1,WLS2,WL2,SRC2,BL2,SRC1,BL1,Ring,
4144,4,,,SONOS Rev 2: 25/0.5,B,G,S,DNW,D,,,,,,,,2
,,,,SONOS Rev 2: 1/0.5,B,G,S,DNW,,D,,,,,,,
,,,,SONOS Rev 2: 1/0.6,B,G,S,DNW,,,D,,,,,,
,,,,SONOS Rev 2: 1/0.4,B,G,S,DNW,,,,D,,,,,
,,,,SONOS Rev 2: 1/1,B,G,S,DNW,,,,,D,,,,
,,,,SONOS Rev 2: 1.2/0.5,B,G,S,DNW,,,,,,D,,,
,,,,SONOS Rev 2: 0.8/0.5,B,G,S,DNW,,,,,,,D,,
,,,,SONOS Rev 2: 1/25,B,G,S,DNW,,,,,,,,D,
4146,4,,,SONOS Rev 2: 25/0.15,B,G,S,DNW,D,,,,,,,,2
,,,,SONOS Rev 2: 2/0.15,B,G,S,DNW,,D,,,,,,,
,,,,SONOS Rev 2: 0.45/0.15,B,G,S,DNW,,,D,,,,,,
,,,,SONOS Rev 2: 0.45/2,B,G,S,DNW,,,,D,,,,,
,,,,SONOS Rev 2: 2/2,B,G,S,DNW,,,,,D,,,,
,,,,SONOS Rev 2: 25/2,B,G,S,DNW,,,,,,D,,,
,,,,SONOS Rev 2: 0.45/25,B,G,S,DNW,,,,,,,D,,
,,,,SONOS Rev 2: 2/25,B,G,S,DNW,,,,,,,,D,
4147,4,,,SONOS Rev 2: 25/0.22,B,G,S,DNW,D,,,,,,,,2
,,,,Flash Npass Rev 2: 0.45/0.17,B,G,S,DNW,,D,,,,,,,
,,,,Flash Npass Rev 2: 0.45/0.15,B,G,S,DNW,,,D,,,,,,
,,,,Flash Npass Rev 2: 0.45/0.13,B,G,S,DNW,,,,D,,,,,
,,,,SONOS Rev 2: 0.45/0.26,B,G,S,DNW,,,,,D,,,,
,,,,SONOS Rev 2: 0.45/0.18,B,G,S,DNW,,,,,,D,,,
,,,,SONOS Rev 2: 0.45/0.22,B,G,S,DNW,,,,,,,D,,
,,,,SONOS Rev 2: 25/25,B,G,S,DNW,,,,,,,,D,
4148,4,,,SONOS Rev 2 w/o DNW: 25/0.5,B,G,S,Nwell,D,,,,,,,,2
,,,,SONOS Rev 2 w/o DNW: 1/0.5,B,G,S,Nwell,,D,,,,,,,
,,,,SONOS Rev 2 w/o DNW: 1/0.6,B,G,S,Nwell,,,D,,,,,,
,,,,SONOS Rev 2 w/o DNW: 1/0.4,B,G,S,Nwell,,,,D,,,,,
,,,,SONOS Rev 2 w/o DNW: 1/1,B,G,S,Nwell,,,,,D,,,,
,,,,SONOS Rev 2 w/o DNW: 1.2/0.5,B,G,S,Nwell,,,,,,D,,,
,,,,SONOS Rev 2 w/o DNW: 0.8/0.5,B,G,S,Nwell,,,,,,,D,,
,,,,SONOS Rev 2 w/o DNW: 1/25,B,G,S,Nwell,,,,,,,,D,
4149,5,,,"SONOS Rev 2 Capacitor, Area Intensive",,,,,,,,,,,,,2
,,,,"Area = 15,669.5, Perimeter = 770",B,S/D,,,,,,,,,,G,
4150,6,,,"2T Flash Cell Rev 2 Array, 11,264 cells",,,,,,,,,,,,,2
,,,,FET W/Lsonos/Lnpass = 0.45/0.22/0.15,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,BL to SRC Leakage Structure,DNW,Pwell,Psub,,,,,WLSA,WLA,SRCA,BLA,Ring,
,,,,Poly Resistance of WLS and WL,,,,,,WLB,WLSB,WLSA,WLA,,,,
,,,,Met1 Resistance of BL and SRC,,Pwell,,BLB,SRCB,,,,,SRCA,BLA,Ring,
,,,,BV of Poly WLS to BL,,,,,,,,WLSA,,,BLA,,
,,,,BV of Poly WL to SRC,,,,,,,,,WLA,SRCA,,,
4151,6,,,2T Flash Cell Rev 2 FETs,,,,,,,,,,,,,2
,,,,Flash Npass: 0.45/0.15 w/ Breakout Licon,DNW,B,Psub,,G,,,,,S,D,Ring,
,,,,Flash Npass: 0.45/0.15 w/ Breakout Licon,DNW,B,Psub,,G,,,S,D,,,Ring,
4152,6,,,2T Flash Cell Rev 2 FETs,,,,,,,,,,,,,2
,,,,Flash Npass: 0.45/0.15 w/o SONOS,DNW,B,Psub,,G,,,,,S,D,Ring,
,,,,Flash Npass: 0.45/0.15 w/o SONOS,DNW,B,Psub,,,,G,S,D,,,Ring,
4157,5,,,"SONOS Rev 2 Capacitor, Perim. Intensive",,,,,,,,,,,,,2
,,,,"Area = 5967.5, Perimeter = 23870",B,S/D,,,,,,,,,,G,
,,,n20vhv1,"n20vhv1 (s8tet_s_hvn_nw_dnw_sti_3p0_IP): ETD, E-test",Psub,G,,,,S,D,,,,NC,NC,
,,,n20vhviso1,"n20vhviso1 (s8tet_s_hvn_iso_nw_dnw_sti_2p0_esd_DR2_IP): ETD, E-test",Psub,G,,,,,,S,D,P-body,NC,NC,
4442,s8tet,,p20vhv1,p20vhv1 (s8tet_s_hvp_pwde_stdnw_sti_1p5_2f_60um_IP_LVS),Psub,G,N-body,S,D,,,,,,,,2
4443,s8tet,,p20vhv1,p20vhv1 (s8tet_s_hvp_pwde_stdnw_sti_1p5_2f_60um_IP_LVS),Psub,G,N-body,S,D,,,,,,,,2
4451,s8tet,,n20zvtvhv1,n20zvtvhv1; w/l=30/5.5; m=2; s8defet_ccgx_hvn_nw_dnw_native_sti_2p0_nopw_L5p0_W60,Psub,G,S,D,,,,,,,,,2
,,,n20zvtvhv1,n20zvtvhv1; w/l=30/5.5; m=2; s8defet_ccgx_hvn_nw_dnw_native_sti_2p0_nopw_L5p0_W60,Psub,G,,,S,D,,,,,,,
,,,n20zvtvhv1,n20zvtvhv1; w/l=30/5.5; m=2; s8defet_ccgx_hvn_nw_dnw_native_sti_2p0_nopw_L5p0_W60,Psub,G,,,,,S,D,,,,,
,,,n20zvtvhv1,n20zvtvhv1; w/l=30/5.5; m=2; s8defet_ccgx_hvn_nw_dnw_native_sti_2p0_nopw_L5p0_W60,Psub,G,,,,,,,S,D,,,
,,,n20zvtvhv1,n20zvtvhv1; w/l=30/5.5; m=2; s8defet_ccgx_hvn_nw_dnw_native_sti_2p0_nopw_L5p0_W60,Psub,G,,,,,,,,,S,D,
4530,,,,"Large MiM capacitor, CAPM on M3, 11 plates, each 40x40. ",BOT plate,TOP plate,open,open,open,open,open,open,open,open,open,open,2
,,,,"Total A = 17600, P = 1760. Total expected capacitance 35.5 pF",,,,,,,,,,,,,
4532,,,,"Periphery-intensive MiM cap, CAPM on M3. 72 plates each 2x35.",BOT plate,TOP plate,open,open,open,open,,,,,,,2
,,,,"Total A = 5040, P = 5328. Total expected capacitance = 11.1 pF",,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Area-intensive MiM cap, CAPM on M3. 5 plates each 35x35.",,,,,,,BOT plate,TOP plate,open,open,open,open,
,,,,"Total A = 6125, P = 700. Total expected capacitance = 12.4 pF",,,,,,,,,,,,,
4534,,,,"Via-3 array, M4-M3 near CAPM (min via-3 space to CAPM)",CAPM,M4-M3,open,open,open,open,,,,,,,2
,,,,"For Via Shorts, 1120 vias, each in 2x2 arrays inside holes in CAPM",(force low),(force hi),,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"For Cap Meas, total A = 5196.8, P=5196.8. Expected cap = 11.4 pF",(force hi),(force low),,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Via-3 chain, 5754 via-3, M4-CAPM over M3 (min via enclosure)",,,,,,,Force Low,,,,,Force High,
4536,,,,"CAPM linewidth, L/W = 500/2.0",Force HI,Force LO,Meas HI,,Meas LO,,,,,,,,2
,,,,"CAPM linewidth, L/W = 400/1.0",Force HI,Force LO,,Meas LO,,Meas HI,,,,,,,
,,,,"Kelvin via-3, M4-CAPM over M3",,,,,,,force A,sense A,force B,sense B,,,
,,,,"CAPM sheet rho, L/W = 45/4.5",,,,,,,,,,,High Pin,Low Pin,
4538,,,,"M3-M3 serp/comb structure, M3 is under CAPM at min TDR S =1.2",Serp HI,Comb,open,open,open,open,open,Serp LO,,,,,2
,,,,Total defect sensitive length = 2480 um,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,CAPM-CAPM serp/comb structure,,,,,,,,,Serp LO,Comb,Comb,Serp HI,
,,,,Total defect sensitive length = 1005 um,,,,,,,,,,(sht to 11),(sht to 10),,
4541,,,,"Large MiM2 capacitor, CAP2M over M4, 11 plates, each 40x40. ",BOT plate,TOP plate,open,open,open,open,open,open,open,open,open,open,2
,,,,"Total A = 17600, P = 1760. Total expected capacitance 35.5 pF",,,,,,,,,,,,,
4542,,,,"Periphery-intensive MiM2 cap, CAP2M over M4. 72 plates each 2x35. Total A = 5040, P = 5328. Total expected capacitance = 11.1 pF",BOT plate,TOP plate,open,open,open,open,,,,,,,2
,,,,"Area-intensive MiM2 capacitor, CAP2M over M4. 5 plates each 35x35.",,,,,,,BOT plate,TOP plate,open,open,open,open,
,,,,"Total A = 6125, P = 700. Total expected capacitance = 12.4 pF",,,,,,,,,,,,,
4543,,,,"Via-4 array, M5-M4 near CAP2M (minimum via-4 space to CAP2M)",CAPM,M4-M3,open,open,open,open,,,,,,,3
,,,,"For Via Shorts, 160 vias, each inside holes in CAPM",(force low),(force hi),,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"For cap meas, total A = 6054, P=6653. Expected cap = 13.4 pF",(force hi),(force low),,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Via-4 chain, 1392 via-4, M5-CAP2M over M4 (min via enclosure)",,,,,,,Force Low,,,,,Force High,
4544,,,,"CAP2M linewidth, L/W = 500/2.0",Force HI,Force LO,Meas HI,,Meas LO,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"CAP2M linewidth, L/W = 400/1.0",Force HI,Force LO,,Meas LO,,Meas HI,,,,,,,
,,,,"Kelvin via-4, M5-CAP2M over M4",,,,,,,force A,sense A,force B,sense B,,,
,,,,"CAP2M sheet rho, L/W = 45/4.5",,,,,,,,,,,High Pin,Low Pin,
4545,,,,"M4-M4 serp/comb structure, M4 is under CAP2M at min TDR S = 1.0",Serp HI,Comb,open,open,open,open,open,Serp LO,,,,,3
,,,,Total defect sensitive length = 2480 um,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,CAP2M-CAP2M serp/comb structure,,,,,,,,,Serp LO,Comb,Comb,Serp HI,
,,,,Total defect sensitive length = 1005 um,,,,,,,,,,(sht to 11),(sht to 10),,
4546,,,,"Large MiM capacitor, CAPM over M3, 11 plates, each 40x40. ",BOT plate,TOP plate,open,open,open,open,open,open,open,open,open,open,3
,,,,Same capacitor as 4530. Caps have seas of via-2's placed under M3/CAPM,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Total A = 17600, P = 1760. Total expected capacitance 35.5 pF",,,,,,,,,,,,,
4548,,,,"CAPM-M3 and CAP2M-M4 capacitors, stacked on top of each other and connected together. 11 pairs of plates, each 40x40",BOT plate,TOP plate,open,open,open,open,open,open,open,open,open,open,3
,,,,"Total A = 35200, P = 3520. Total expected capacitance 71 pF",(Metal-4),(M3/M5),,,,,,,,,,,
4549,,,,"Large MiM capacitor, CAP2M over M4, 11 plates, each 40x40. ",BOT plate,TOP plate,open,open,open,open,open,open,open,open,open,open,3
,,,,Same capacitor as 4531. Caps have seas of via-3's placed under M4/CAP2M,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Total A = 17600, P = 1760. Total expected capacitance 35.5 pF",,,,,,,,,,,,,
5102,7,,,"143 stage, folded, fanout 1 inverter RO with "" output""
NMOS: 2*1.00/0.15 PMOS: 2*1.68/0.15",Divided output,Output,Vss,Vdd osc,Vdd buffer / divider,Enable,,,Vss,,Vdd buffer / divider,,3
,7,,,"71 stage, folded, fanout 3 inverter RO with "" output""
NMOS: 2*1.00/0.15 PMOS: 2*1.68/0.15",,,Vss,,Vdd buffer / divider,,Divided output,Output,Vss,Vdd osc,Vdd buffer / divider,Enable,
5108c,,,,"727 inverter stages, 10 stage divider",HOLD,vpwr for RO,raw out,vgnd,vpwr for buffers,divided out,,,,,,,3
5109,7,,,"143 stage, folded, fanout 1 inverter RO with "" output""
NMOS: 2*1.00/0.15 (low Vt) PMOS: 2*1.68/0.15",Divided output,Output,Vss,Vdd osc,Vdd buffer / divider,Enable,,,,,,,
,7,,,"71 stage, folded, fanout 3 inverter RO with "" output""
NMOS: 2*1.00/0.15 (low Vt) PMOS: 2*1.68/0.15",,,,,,,Divided output,Output,Vss,Vdd osc,Vdd buffer / divider,Enable,
5109c,,,,"727 inverter stages, 10 stage divider",HOLD,vpwr for RO,raw out,vgnd,vpwr for buffers,divided out,,,,,,,3
5128,7,,,"99 stage, folded, fanout 1 inverter RO with "" output""
NMOS: 2*1.00/0.15 (low Vt) PMOS: 2*1.68/0.35 (lowVt)",Divided output,Output,Vss,Vdd osc,Vdd buffer / divider,Enable,,,,,,,
,,,,"49 stage, folded, fanout 3 inverter RO with "" output""
NMOS: 2*1.00/0.15 (low Vt) PMOS: 2*1.68/0.35 (lowVt)",,,,,,,Divided output,Output,Vss,Vdd osc,Vdd buffer / divider,Enable,
5128c,,,,"502 inverter stages, 10 stage divider",HOLD,vpwr for RO,raw out,vgnd,vpwr for buffers,divided out,,,,,,,3
5200,5,,,High-voltage p+ diff diode,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Area Intensive, Area: 5 * (40 * 44.9) = 8,980 um2
Area Intensive, Peri: 5 * 2 * (40+44.9) = 849 um",n-well,p+ area,p+ area,p+ area,p+ area,p+ area,,,,,,,
,,,,"Peri Intensive, Area: 225 * 20.79 um2 = 4,677.7 um2
Peri Intensive, Peri: 225 * 81.0 um = 18,225.0 um",n-well,,,,,,p+ peri,p+ peri,p+ peri,p+ peri,p+ peri,p+ peri,
5203,5,,,Periphery NMOS and PMOS FETs (for overlap capacitance),,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"NMOS: W/L = 600 * 15.645 / 0.15 = 9,387/0.15 ",substrate,Ngate,N gate,N S/D,N S/D,substrate,,,,,,,
,,,,"PMOS: W/L = 584 * 15.045 / 0.15 = 8,786/0.15 ",,,,,,,P gate,P gate,P S/D,P S/D,n-well,n-well,
5204,5,,,HV Periphery NMOS and PMOS FETs (for overlap capacitance),,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"NMOS: W/L = 384 * 15.65 / 0.50 = 6,010/0.50 ",substrate,Ngate,N gate,N S/D,N S/D,substrate,,,,,,,
,,,,"PMOS: W/L = 368 * 15.04 / 0.15 = 5,535/0.5",,,,,,,P gate,P gate,P S/D,P S/D,n-well,n-well,
5205,Z,,,Low Vt n-diode; High Vt p-diode,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"N Area Intensive, Area: 2 * 40 * 44.9 = 1,796 um2 = 3,592 um2
N Area Intensive, Peri: 2 * 2 * (40+44.9) = 339.6 um",substrate,n+ area,n+ area,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"N Peri Intensive, Area: 3 * 57 * 39.985 * 0.52 = 3,555.5 um2
N Peri Intensive, Peri: 3 * 57 * 2 * (39.985+0.52) = 13,852.7 um",,,,n+ peri,n+ peri,n+ peri,,,,,,,
,,,,"P Area Intensive, Area: 2 * 40 * 44.9 = 1,796 um2 = 3,592 um2
P Area Intensive, Peri: 2 * 2 * (40+44.9) = 339.6 um",,,,,,,nwell,p+ area,p+ area,,,,
,,,,"P Peri Intensive, Area: 3 * 57 * 39.985 * 0.52 = 3,555.5 um2
P Peri Intensive, Peri: 3 * 57 * 2 * (39.985+0.52) = 13,852.7 um",,,,,,,,,,p+ peri,p+ peri,p+ peri,
5207,5,,,"Low Vt NMOS, High Vt PMOS FETs (for overlap capacitance)",,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"NMOS: W/L = 600 * 15.645 / 0.15 = 9,387/0.15 ",substrate,Ngate,N gate,N S/D,N S/D,substrate,,,,,,,
,,,,"PMOS: W/L = 584 * 15.045 / 0.15 = 8,786/0.15 ",,,,,,,P gate,P gate,P S/D,P S/D,n-well,n-well,
5208,5,,,Nwell-Psub diode,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Peri Intensive, Area: 30 * 1.52 * 86.425 = 3,940.9 um2
Peri Intensive, Peri: 30 * 2 * (1.52+86.425) um = 5,276.7 um",Nwell,Nwell,Psub,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Area Intensive, Area: 9 * 47.425 * 88.27 = 37,675 um2
Area Intensive, Peri: 9 * 2 * (47.425+88.27) = 2,442.5 um",,,Psub,Nwell,Nwell,Nwell,Nwell,Nwell,Nwell,Nwell,Nwell,Nwell,
5209,5,,,n-diode; p-diode,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"N Area Intensive, Area: 2 * 40 * 44.9 = 1,796 um2 = 3,592 um2
N Area Intensive, Peri: 2 * 2 * (40+44.9) = 339.6 um",substrate,n+ area,n+ area,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"N Peri Intensive, Area: 3 * 57 * 39.985 * 0.52 = 3,555.5 um2
N Peri Intensive, Peri: 3 * 57 * 2 * (39.985+0.52) = 13,852.7 um",substrate,,,n+ peri,n+ peri,n+ peri,,,,,,,
,,,,"P Area Intensive, Area: 2 * 40 * 44.9 = 1,796 um2 = 3,592 um2
P Area Intensive, Peri: 2 * 2 * (40+44.9) = 339.6 um",,,,,,,p +area,p+ area,,,,n-well,
,,,,"P Peri Intensive, Area: 3 * 57 * 39.985 * 0.52 = 3,555.5 um2
P Peri Intensive, Peri: 3 * 57 * 2 * (39.985+0.52) = 13,852.7 um",,,,,,,,,p+ peri,p+ peri,p+ peri,n-well,
5210,5,,,High-voltage n+ diff diode,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Area Intensive, Area: 5 * 1,796 um2 = 8,980 um2
Area Intensive, Peri: 5 * 169.8 um = 849 um",substrate,n+ area,n+ area,n+ area,n+ area,n+ area,,,,,,,
,,,,"Peri Intensive, Area: 225 * 20.79 um2 = 4,677.7 um2
Peri Intensive, Peri: 225 * 81.0 um = 18,225.0 um",substrate,,,,,,n+ peri,n+ peri,n+ peri,n+ peri,n+ peri,n+ peri,
5211,8,,,lateral PNP BJT (pnppar) (Ae=0.68x0.68um2) m=1,E,B,C-Psub,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,lateral PNP BJT (pnppar) (Ae=0.68x0.68um2) m=1680,,,,B,C-Psub,E,,,,,,,
5212,5,,,Deep N well-Pwell diode,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Peri Intensive, Area: 26 * 1.29 * 100 = 3354 um2
Peri Intensive, Peri: 26 * 2 * (1.29+100) um = 5,267.08 um",Psub,D Nwell,Pwell,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Area Intensive, Area: 9 * 37.7 * 77.7 = 26363.61 um2
Area Intensive, Peri: 9 * 2 * (37.7+77.7) = 2077.2 um",Psub,,,D Nwell,Pwell,Pwell,Pwell,Pwell,Pwell,Pwell,Pwell,Pwell,
5213,5,,,Deep N well-Psub diode,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Peri Intensive, Area: 6 * 3 * 100 = 1800 um2
Peri Intensive, Peri: 6 * 2 * (3+100) um = 1236 um",Psub,Dnwell,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Area Intensive, Area: 9 * 40.5 * 80.5 = 29342.25 um2
Area Intensive, Peri: 9 * 2 * (40.5+80.5) = 2178 um",Psub,,D Nwell,D Nwell,D Nwell,D Nwell,D Nwell,D Nwell,D Nwell,D Nwell,D Nwell,D Nwell,
5215,5,,,Native n-diode,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Area Intensive, Area: 5 * 44.9 * 40 = 8980 um2
Area Intensive, Peri: 5 * 2 * (40 + 44.9) = 849 um",sub,Ndiff,Ndiff,Ndiff,Ndiff,Ndiff,,,,,,,
,,,,"Peri Intensive, Area: 225 * 0.52 * 39.985 = 4678.245 um2
Peri Intensive, Peri: 225 * 2 * (0.52+39.985) um = 18227.25 um",sub,,,,,,Ndiff,Ndiff,Ndiff,Ndiff,Ndiff,Ndiff,
5217,5,,,HV Native NMOS and ntv Native NMOS (for overlap capacitance),,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Native NMOS: W/L = 384 * 15.65 / 0.50 = 6,010/0.50 ",substrate,gate, gate, S/D, S/D,substrate,,,,,,,
,,,,NTV native NMOS: W/L = 284 * 15.65 / 0.9 = 6010/0.50 ,substrate,,,,,, gate, gate, S/D, S/D,substrate,substrate,
5219,5,,,"Low Vt NMOS, High Vt PMOS FETs (for overlap capacitance)",,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"NMOS: W/L = 600 * 15.645 / 0.15 = 9,387/0.15 ",substrate,Ngate,N gate,N S/D,N S/D,substrate,,,,,,,
,,,,"PMOS: W/L = 584 * 15.045 / 0.15 = 8,786/0.15 ",,,,,,,P gate,P gate,P S/D,P S/D,n-well,n-well,
5220,5,,,Low Vt n-diode; Low Vt p-diode,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"N Area Intensive, Area: 2 * 40 * 44.9 = 1,796 um2 = 3,592 um2
N Area Intensive, Peri: 2 * 2 * (40+44.9) = 339.6 um",substrate,n+ area,n+ area,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"N Peri Intensive, Area: 3 * 57 * 39.985 * 0.52 = 3,555.5 um2
N Peri Intensive, Peri: 3 * 57 * 2 * (39.985+0.52) = 13,852.7 um",,,,n+ peri,n+ peri,n+ peri,,,,,,,
,,,,"P Area Intensive, Area: 2 * 40 * 44.9 = 1,796 um2 = 3,592 um2
P Area Intensive, Peri: 2 * 2 * (40+44.9) = 339.6 um",,,,,,,nwell,p+ area,p+ area,,,,
,,,,"P Peri Intensive, Area: 3 * 57 * 39.985 * 0.52 = 3,555.5 um2
P Peri Intensive, Peri: 3 * 57 * 2 * (39.985+0.52) = 13,852.7 um",,,,,,,,,,p+ peri,p+ peri,p+ peri,
5223,8,,npnpar1x1,NPN BJT (npnpar 1x1) (Ae=1.0x1.0 um2) m=1 mismatch,Psub,E1,B1,C1,C2,B2,,,,,,,3
,,,npnpar1x2,NPN BJT (npnpar 1x2) (Ae=1.0x2.0 um2) m=1 mismatch,Psub-E,,,,,,E1,B1,C1,C2,B2,,
5226,8,,npnpar1x1,NPN BJT (npnpar 1x1) (Ae=1.0x1.0 um2) m=1,Psub,C,B,E,,,,,,,,,3
,,,npnpar1x2,NPN BJT (npnpar 1x2) (Ae=1.0x2.0 um2) m=1,Psub,,,,C,B,E,,,,,,
,,,npnpar1x4,NPN BJT (npnpar 1x4) (Ae=1.0x4.0 um2) m=1,Psub,,,,,,,C,B,E,OPEN,OPEN,
5230,8,,pnppar10x,lateral PNP BJT (pnppar10X) (Ae=3.4x3.4um2) m=1,E,B,C-Psub,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,pnppar10x,lateral PNP BJT (pnppar10X) (Ae=3.4x3.4um2) mismatch,,,,c1/c2,b1,e1,e2,b2,,,,,
5290,,,nshort,nshort; w=0.36; l=0.15; m=2280;,b,g,d,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,nshort,nshort; w=0.39; l=0.15; m=2190;,b,g,,d,,,,,,,,,
,,,nshort,nshort; w=0.65; l=0.15; m=1560;,b,g,,,d,,,,,,,,
,,,nshort,nshort; w=0.55; l=0.15; m=1740;,b,g,,,,d,,,,,,,
,,,nshort,nshort; w=0.64; l=0.15; m=1590;,b,g,,,,,d,,,,,,
,,,nshort,nshort; w=0.84; l=0.15; m=1290;,b,g,,,,,,d,,,,,
,,,nshort,nshort; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1680;,b,g,,,,,,,d,,,,
,,,nshort,nshort; w=0.6; l=0.15; m=1650;,b,g,,,,,,,,d,,,
,,,nshort,nshort; w=0.82; l=0.18; m=1276;,b,g,,,,,,,,,d,,
,,,nshort,nshort; w=0.94; l=0.15; m=1170;,b,g,,,,,,,,,,d,
5291,,,phighvt,phighvt; w=0.36; l=0.15; m=2280;,b,g,s,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,phighvt,phighvt; w=0.39; l=0.15; m=2190;,b,g,,s,,,,,,,,,
,,,phighvt,phighvt; w=0.65; l=0.15; m=1560;,b,g,,,s,,,,,,,,
,,,phighvt,phighvt; w=0.55; l=0.15; m=1740;,b,g,,,,s,,,,,,,
,,,phighvt,phighvt; w=0.64; l=0.15; m=1590;,b,g,,,,,s,,,,,,
,,,phighvt,phighvt; w=0.84; l=0.15; m=1290;,b,g,,,,,,s,,,,,
,,,phighvt,phighvt; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1680;,b,g,,,,,,,s,,,,
,,,phighvt,phighvt; w=0.6; l=0.15; m=1650;,b,g,,,,,,,,s,,,
,,,phighvt,phighvt; w=0.82; l=0.18; m=1276;,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,,
,,,phighvt,phighvt; w=0.94; l=0.15; m=1170;,b,g,,,,,,,,,,s,
6200,,,,300 ohm/sq P+ POLY RESISTOR - 2 micron trench contacts oriented || to current flow,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"W = 5.73, L = 2.865, sq = 0.5",V1,V2,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 5.73, L = 5.73, sq = 1",,V1,V2,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 5.73, L = 11.46, sq =2",,,V1,V2,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 5.73, L = 22.92, sq =4",,,,V1,V2,,,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 5.73, L = 114.6, sq =20",,,,,V1,,V2,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 2.85, L = 1.425, sq =0.5",,,,,,,V1,V2,,,,,
,,,,"W = 2.85, L = 2.85, sq =1",,,,,,,,V1,V2,,,,
,,,,"W = 2.85, L = 5.7, sq =2",,,,,,,,,V1,V2,,,
,,,,"W = 2.85, L = 11.4, sq =4",,,,,,,,,,V1,V2,Substrate,
6201,,,,300 ohm/sq P+ POLY RESISTOR - 2 micron trench contacts oriented || to current flow,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"W = 1.41, L = 0.705, sq = 0.5",,V1,V2,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 1.41, L =1.41, sq = 1",,,V1,V2,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 1.41, L = 2.82, sq =2",,,,V1,V2,,,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 1.41, L = 5.64, sq =4",,,,,V1,V2,,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 1.41, L = 28.2, sq =20",,,,,,V1,V2,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 0.69, L = 0.345, sq = 0.5 (will not work for any routes using RRPM mask)",,,,,,,V1,V2,,,,,
,,,,"W = 0.69, L = 0.69, sq =1",,,,,,,,V1,V2,,,,
,,,,"W = 0.69, L = 1.38, sq =2",,,,,,,,,V1,V2,,,
,,,,"W = 0.69, L = 2.76, sq =4",,,,,,,,,,V1,V2,Substrate,
6202,,,,300 ohm/sq P+ POLY RESISTOR - 2 micron trench contacts oriented || to current flow,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"W = 0.33, L = 0.33, sq = 1 (will not work for any routes using RRPM mask)",,,,V1,V2,,,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 0.33, L = 0.66, sq =2",,,,,V1,V2,,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 0.33, L = 1.32, sq =4",,,,,,V1,V2,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 0.33, L = 6.6, sq =20",,,,,,,V1,V2,,,,,
,,,,"W = 0.69, L = 13.8, sq = 20",,,,,,,,V1,V2,,,,
,,,,"W = 2.85, L = 57.0, sq =20",,,,,,,,,V1,,V2,Substrate,
6203,,,,300 ohm/sq P+ POLY RESISTOR - 2 micron trench contacts oriented || to current flow,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Mismatch W = 0.33, L = 6.60, sq = 20",Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 0.33, L = 1.32, sq = 4",,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 0.33, L = 0.66, sq = 2",,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 0.33, L = 0.33, sq = 1",,,,,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,
6204,,,,300 ohm/sq P+ POLY RESISTOR - 2 micron trench contacts oriented || to current flow,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Mismatch W = 0.69, L = 13.8, sq = 20",Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 0.69, L = 2.76, sq = 4",,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 0.69, L = 1.38, sq = 2",,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 0.69, L = 0.69, sq = 1",,,,,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,
6205,,,,300 ohm/sq P+ POLY RESISTOR - 2 micron trench contacts oriented || to current flow,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Mismatch W = 1.41, L = 28.2, sq = 20",Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 1.41, L = 13.142, sq = 4",,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 1.41, L = 2.82, sq = 2",,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 1.41, L = 1.41, sq = 1",,,,,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,
6206,,,,300 ohm/sq P+ POLY RESISTOR - 2 micron trench contacts oriented || to current flow,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 57.0, sq = 20",Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 11.4, sq = 4",,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 5.7, sq = 2",,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 2.85, sq = 1",,,,,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,
6207,,,,300 ohm/sq P+ POLY RESISTOR - 2 micron trench contacts oriented || to current flow,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Mismatch W = 5.73, L = 5.73, sq = 1",R1-Shared,R1-A,R1-B,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 5.73, L = 11.46, sq = 2",,,,R2-Shared,R2-A,R2-B,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 5.73, L = 22.92, sq = 4",,,,,,,R3-Shared,R3-A,R3-B,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 5.73, L = 2.865, sq = 0.5",,,,,,,,,,R4-Shared,R4-A,R4-B,
6208,,,,300 ohm/sq P+ POLY RESISTOR - 2 micron trench contacts oriented || to current flow,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Mismatch W = 0.69, L = 0.345, sq = 0.5 (will not work for any routes using RRPM mask)",Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 1.41, L = 0.705, sq = 0.5",,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 1.425, sq = 0.5",,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 5.73, L = 114.6, sq = 20",,,,,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,
6209,,,,300 ohm/sq P+ POLY RESISTOR - 2 micron trench contacts oriented || to current flow,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 11.4, 5.48 spacing",Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 11.4, 10.48 spacing",,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 11.4, 25.48 spacing",,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 11.4, min space, no dummies",,,,,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,
6210,,,,300 ohm/sq P+ POLY RESISTOR - 2 micron trench contacts oriented || to current flow,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 57.0, sq = 20",Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 11.4, sq = 4",,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 5.7, sq = 2",,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 2.85, sq = 1",,,,,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,
6214,,,,2K ohm/sq P- POLY RESISTOR - 2 micron trench contacts oriented || to current flow,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"W = 5.73, L = 2.865, sq = 0.5",V1,V2,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 5.73, L = 5.73, sq = 1",,V1,V2,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 5.73, L = 11.46, sq =2",,,V1,V2,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 5.73, L = 22.92, sq =4",,,,V1,V2,,,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 5.73, L = 114.6, sq =20",,,,,V1,,V2,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 2.85, L = 1.425, sq =0.5",,,,,,,V1,V2,,,,,
,,,,"W = 2.85, L = 2.85, sq =1",,,,,,,,V1,V2,,,,
,,,,"W = 2.85, L = 5.7, sq =2",,,,,,,,,V1,V2,,,
,,,,"W = 2.85, L = 11.4, sq =4",,,,,,,,,,V1,V2,Substrate,
6215,,,,2K ohm/sq P- POLY RESISTOR - 2 micron trench contacts oriented || to current flow,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"W = 1.41, L = 0.705, sq = 0.5",,V1,V2,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 1.41, L =1.41, sq = 1",,,V1,V2,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 1.41, L = 2.82, sq =2",,,,V1,V2,,,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 1.41, L = 5.64, sq =4",,,,,V1,V2,,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 1.41, L = 28.2, sq =20",,,,,,V1,V2,,,,,,
,,,,"W = 0.69, L = 0.345, sq = 0.5 (may not work for routes using URPM mask)",,,,,,,V1,V2,,,,,
,,,,"W = 0.69, L = 0.69, sq =1",,,,,,,,V1,V2,,,,
,,,,"W = 0.69, L = 1.38, sq =2",,,,,,,,,V1,V2,,,
,,,,"W = 0.69, L = 2.76, sq =4",,,,,,,,,,V1,V2,Substrate,
6216,,,,2K ohm/sq P- POLY RESISTOR - 2 micron trench contacts oriented || to current flow,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"W= 0.33, l = 0.33, sq = 1 (may not work for routes using URPM mask)",,,,V1,V2,,,,,,,,
,,,,"W= 0.33, l = 0.66, sq =2",,,,,V1,V2,,,,,,,
,,,,"W= 0.33, l = 1.32, sq =4",,,,,,V1,V2,,,,,,
,,,,"W= 0.33, l = 6.6, sq =20",,,,,,,V1,V2,,,,,
,,,,"W= 0.69, l = 13.8, sq = 20",,,,,,,,V1,V2,,,,
,,,,"W= 2.85, l = 57.0, sq =20",,,,,,,,,V1,,V2,Substrate,
6217,,,,2K ohm/sq P- POLY RESISTOR - 2 micron trench contacts oriented || to current flow,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Mismatch W = 0.33, L = 6.60, sq = 20",Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 0.33, L = 1.32, sq = 4",,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 0.33, L = 0.66, sq = 2",,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 0.33, L = 0.33, sq = 1 (may not work for routes using URPM mask)",,,,,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,
6218,,,,2K ohm/sq P- POLY RESISTOR - 2 micron trench contacts oriented || to current flow,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Mismatch W = 0.69, L = 13.8, sq = 20",Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 0.69, L = 2.76, sq = 4",,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 0.69, L = 1.38, sq = 2",,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 0.69, L = 0.69, sq = 1",,,,,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,
6219,,,,2K ohm/sq P- POLY RESISTOR - 2 micron trench contacts oriented || to current flow,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Mismatch W = 1.41, L = 28.2, sq = 20",Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 1.41, L = 13.142, sq = 4",,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 1.41, L = 2.82, sq = 2",,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 1.41, L = 1.41, sq = 1",,,,,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,
6220,,,,2K ohm/sq P- POLY RESISTOR - 2 micron trench contacts oriented || to current flow,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 57.0, sq = 20",Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 11.4, sq = 4",,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 5.7, sq = 2",,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 2.85, sq = 1",,,,,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,
6221,,,,2K ohm/sq P- POLY RESISTOR - 2 micron trench contacts oriented || to current flow,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Mismatch W = 5.73, L = 5.73, sq = 1",R1-Shared,R1-A,R1-B,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 5.73, L = 11.46, sq = 2",,,,R2-Shared,R2-A,R2-B,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 5.73, L = 22.92, sq = 4",,,,,,,R3-Shared,R3-A,R3-B,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 5.73, L = 2.865, sq = 0.5",,,,,,,,,,R4-Shared,R4-A,R4-B,
6222,,,,2K ohm/sq P- POLY RESISTOR - 2 micron trench contacts oriented || to current flow,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Mismatch W = 0.69, L = 0.345, sq = 0.5 (may not work for routes using URPM mask)",Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 1.41, L = 0.705, sq = 0.5",,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 1.425, sq = 0.5",,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 5.73, L = 114.6, sq = 20",,,,,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,
6223,,,,2K ohm/sq P- POLY RESISTOR - 2 micron trench contacts oriented || to current flow,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 11.4, 5.48 spacing",Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 11.4, 10.48 spacing",,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 11.4, 25.48 spacing",,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 11.4, min space, no dummies",,,,,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,
6224,,,,2K ohm/sq P- POLY RESISTOR - 2 micron trench contacts oriented || to current flow,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 57.0, sq = 20",Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 11.4, sq = 4",,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 5.7, sq = 2",,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,,,,
,,,,"Mismatch W = 2.85, L = 2.85, sq = 1",,,,,,,,,,Common,R1,R2,
7003,1,,,HV n-chan field oxide FETs poly1 gate,, , ,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,poly1 gate w/l = 1000/0.38 (diff spacing =0.48),substrate,source,gate 1,drain 1,gate 2,drain 2,,,,,,,
,,,,poly1 gate w/l = 1000/0.35 (diff spacing =0.45),,,,,,,,source,gate 1,drain 1,gate 2,drain 2,
7012,5,,,"HV n-chan gate oxide capacitor (GOX55), no source/drain: large area",,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,n+ diff: 10 x W/L=10.82/42.72; poly: 10 x W/L=13.3/44.26,substrate,gate,substrate,gate,substrate,gate,,,,,,,
,5,,,"HV p-chan gate oxide capacitor (GOX55), no source/drain: large area",,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,p+ diff: 10 x W/L = 9.77/41.14; poly: 10 x W/L=12.45/42.78,,,,,,,nwell,gate,nwell,gate,nwell,gate,
7015,1,,,Deep Nwell Resistor W/L = 25/25: 1 sq.,Psub,DNW R1,DNW R2,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,Deep Nwell to Deep Nwell Isolation,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,DNW to DNW Space = 11.5um,Psub,,,DNW Hi,DNW Lo,,,,,,,,
,,,,DNW to DNW Space = 9.5um,Psub,,,,,DNW Hi,DNW Lo,,,,,,
,,,,DNW to DNW Space = 7.5um,Psub,,,,,,,DNW Hi,DNW Lo,,,,
,,,, DNW to DNW Space = 5.5um,Psub,,,,,,,,,DNW Hi,DNW Lo,,
7016,1,,,Isolated Pwell Resistor under Field,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,Pwell Resistor W/L =25/25: 1 sq.,DNW,PW R1,PW R2,,,,,,,,,Psub,
,,,,Pwell to Pwell Isolation in DNW,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,Pwell to Pwell Space = 1.40um,DNW,,,PW Hi,PW Lo,,,,,,,Psub,
,,,,Pwell to Pwell Space = 1.20um,DNW,,,,,PW Hi,PW Lo,,,,,Psub,
,,,,Pwell to Pwell Space = 1.00um,DNW,,,,,,,PW Hi,PW Lo,,,Psub,
,,,,Pwell to Pwell Space = 0.84um,DNW,,,,,,,,,PW Hi,PW Lo,Psub,
7017,1,,,Isolated Pwell Resistor under N+ Active,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,Pwell Resistor W/L =25/25: 1 sq.,DNW,PW R1,PW R2,,,,,,,,,Psub,
,,,,Nwell to Deep Nwell Isolation,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,Nwell to DNW Space = 7.0um,DNW,,,NW Hi,DNW Lo,,,,,,,Psub,
,,,,Nwell to DNW Space = 6.0um,DNW,,,,,NW Hi,DNW Lo,,,,,Psub,
,,,,Nwell to DNW Space = 5.0um,DNW,,,,,,,NW Hi,DNW Lo,,,Psub,
,,,,Nwell to DNW Space = 4.5um,DNW,,,,,,,,,NW Hi,DNW Lo,Psub,
7018,1,,,High Voltage Nwell to Nwell Isolation,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,Nwell to Nwell Space = 2.00um,,NW Hi,NW Lo,,,,,,,,,Psub,
,,,,Nwell to Nwell Space = 2.50um,,,,NW Hi,NW Lo,,,,,,,Psub,
,,,,Nwell to Nwell Space = 1.50um,,,,,,NW Hi,NW Lo,,,,,Psub,
,,,,Nwell to Nwell Space = 1.27um,,,,,,,,NW Hi,NW Lo,,,Psub,
,,,,Nwell to Nwell Space = 1.00um,,,,,,,,,,NW Hi,NW Lo,Psub,
7019,1,,,"HV N+diff Isolation, Poly Gated",,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,Gate W/L = 500/0.15 (diff space 0.30),Psub,Source,Gate,Drain,,,,,,,,,
,,,,Gate W/L = 500/0.15 (diff space 0.30),Psub,,,Source,Gate,Drain,,,,,,,
,,,,Gate W/L = 500/0.15 (diff space 0.27),Psub,,,,,,,Source,Gate,Drain,,,
,,,,Gate W/L = 500/0.15 (diff space 0.27),Psub,,,,,,,,,Source,Gate,Drain,
7024,1,,,HV p+/p-well field FET w/ poly 1 gate,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"p+ / p-well w/l = (6.56*375) / 0.33 (P+ diff to pwell 0.33, poly to diff 0.05) with NWM corner rounding",substrate,n-well,gate,p+,,,,,,,,,
,,,,HV P+diff Isolation under Poly Gate,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,Gate W/L = 920/0.15 (diff space 0.30),,,,,,,Nwell,S: p+,Gate,D: p+,,,
,,,,Gate W/L = 760/0.17 (diff space 0.30),,,,,,,Nwell,S: p+,,,Gate,D: p+,
7030,1,,,HV n+/n-well field FET w/ poly 1 gate,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"n+ / n-well w/l = 26 x 40 / 0.43 (diff to nwell 0.43, poly to diff 0.10)",substrate,n-well,gate,n+ diff,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"n+ / n-well w/l = (6.56*180) / 0.43 (N+ diff to nwell 0.43, poly to diff 0.05) with NWM corner rounding",substrate,n-well,,,gate,n+ diff,,,,,,,
,,,,HV p-chan field FET w/ poly1 gate,, , ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"p+ / p+ w/l = 23 x 40 / 0.48 (diff to diff 0.48, poly to diff 0.05)",,,,,,,n-well,p+ diff,gate,p+ diff,,,
,,,,"p+ / p+ w/l = 19 x 40 / 0.45 (diff to diff 0.45, poly to diff 0.05)",,,,,,,n-well,p+ diff,,,gate,p+ diff,
7031,1,,,HV p+/p-well field FET w/ poly 1 gate,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"p+ / p-well w/l = 22 x 40 / 0.33 (diff to pwell 0.33, poly to diff 0.05)",n-well,substrate,gate,p+,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"p+ / p-well w/l = 22 x 40 / 0.33 (diff to pwell 0.33, poly to diff 0.05)",n-well,substrate,,,gate,p+,,,,,,,
,,,,p+/p-well field FET w/ poly 1 gate,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,"p+ / p-well w/l = (6.56*200) / 0.18 (P+ diff to pwell 0.18, poly to diff 0.05) with NWM corner rouding",,,,,,,Substrate,n-well,gate,p+,,,
,,,,"p+ / p-well w/l = (6.56*165) / 0.15 (P+ diff to pwell 0.15, poly to diff 0.05) with NWM corner rounding ", , , , , , ,Substrate,n-well,,,gate,p+,
7036,1,,,Pwell in Deep Nwell to Psub Isolation,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"Pwell to Psub Space = 0.65um, W = 8 x 43.70um",DNW,Pwell,,,,,,,,,,Psub,
,,,,"Pwell to Psub Space = 0.84um, W = 8 x 43.70um",DNW,,,Pwell,,,,,,,,Psub,
,,,,"Pwell to Psub Space = 1.03um, W = 8 x 43.70um",DNW,,,,,Pwell,,,,,,Psub,
,,,,"Pwell to Psub Space = 1.20um, W = 8 x 43.70um",DNW,,,,,,,Pwell,,,,Psub,
,,,,"Pwell to Psub Space = 1.40um, W = 8 x 43.70um",DNW,,,,,,,,,Pwell,,Psub,
7137,5,,,HV n-chan gate oxide capacitor: field-edge intensive,substrate,gate,substrate,gate,substrate,gate,,,,,,,3
,,,,"FOM w/s = 0.42/0.48, Active Area = 1740.13 um2, FOX Perimeter = 6776 um",,,,,,,,,,,,,
,5,,,Hv p-chan gate oxide capacitor: field-edge intensive,,,,,,,n-well,gate,n-well,gate,n-well,gate,
,,,,"FOM w/s = 0.42/0.48, Active Area = 2135 um2, FOX Perimeter = 10270.8 um",,,,,,,,,,,,,
7200,4,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 50/0.925 (""L=0.7"") inside DNW",Pwell,G,S,D,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 20/0.925 (""L=0.7"") inside DNW",Pwell,G,,,S,D,,,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 20/2.425 (""L=2.2"") inside DNW",Pwell,G,,,,,S,D,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 5/0.925 (""L=0.7"") inside DNW",Pwell,G,,,,,,,S,D,,,
,,,,Leave this device Blank,,,,,,,,,,,Psub,,
7201,4,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 60/0.925 (""L=0.7"") inside DNW",Pwell,G,S,D,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 20/0.925 (""L=0.7"") inside DNW",Pwell,G,,,S,D,,,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 20/2.425 (""L=2.2"") inside DNW",Pwell,G,,,,,S,D,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 5/2.425 (""L=2.2"") inside DNW",Pwell,G,,,,,,,S,D,,,
,,,,Leave this device Blank,,,,,,,,,,,Psub,,
7202,4,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 5/0.925 (""L=0.7""), sa=0.68",B,G,S,D,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 20/0.925 (""L=0.7""), sa=0.48",B,G,,,S,D,,,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 20/0.925 (""L=0.7""), sa=0.68",B,G,,,,,S,D,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 20/0.925 (""L=0.7""), sa=1.11",B,G,,,,,,,S,D,,,
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 20/0.925 (""L=0.7""), sa=2.5",B,G,,,,,,,,,S,D,
7203,4,,,"VHV DE PMOS: 20/0.920 (""L=0.66""), sa=0.68",B,G,S,D,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"VHV DE PMOS: 5/0.920 (""L=0.66""), sa=0.48",B,G,,,S,D,,,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE PMOS: 5/0.920 (""L=0.66""), sa=0.68",B,G,,,,,S,D,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE PMOS: 5/0.920 (""L=0.66""), sa=1.11",B,G,,,,,,,S,D,,,
,,,,"VHV DE PMOS: 5/0.920 (""L=0.66""), sa=2.5",B,G,,,,,,,,,S,D,
7204,4,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 5/0.925 (""L=0.7""), sa=2.5",B,G,S,D,,,,,,,,,3
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 20/2.425 (""L=2.2""), sa=0.48",B,G,,,S,D,,,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 20/2.425 (""L=2.2""), sa=0.68",B,G,,,,,S,D,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 20/2.425 (""L=2.2""), sa=1.11",B,G,,,,,,,S,D,,,
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 20/2.425 (""L=2.2""), sa=2.5",B,G,,,,,,,,,S,D,
7205,4,,,"VHV DE PMOS: 20/0.920 (""L=0.66""), sa=2.5",B,G,S,D,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,"VHV DE PMOS: 20/2.420 (""L=2.16""), sa=0.48",B,G,,,S,D,,,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE PMOS: 20/2.420 (""L=2.16""), sa=0.68",B,G,,,,,S,D,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE PMOS: 20/2.420 (""L=2.16""), sa=1.11",B,G,,,,,,,S,D,,,
,,,,"VHV DE PMOS: 20/2.420 (""L=2.16""), sa=2.5",B,G,,,,,,,,,S,D,
7206,4,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 60/0.925 (""L=0.7"")",B,G,S,D,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 20/0.925 (""L=0.7"")",B,G,,,S,D,,,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 12/0.925 (""L=0.7"")",B,G,,,,,S,D,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 5/0.925 (""L=0.7"")",B,G,,,,,,,S,D,,,
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 5/2.425 (""L=2.2"")",B,G,,,,,,,,,S,D,
7207,4,,,"VHV DE PMOS: 60/0.920 (""L=0.66"")",B,G,S,D,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,"VHV DE PMOS: 20/0.920 (""L=0.66"")",B,G,,,S,D,,,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE PMOS: 12/0.920 (""L=0.66"")",B,G,,,,,S,D,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE PMOS: 5/0.920 (""L=0.66"")",B,G,,,,,,,S,D,,,
,,,,"VHV DE PMOS: 5/2.420 (""L=2.16"")",B,G,,,,,,,,,S,D,
7208,4,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 50/0.925 (""L=0.7"") inside DNW",B,G,S,D,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 20/0.925 (""L=0.7"") inside DNW",B,G,,,S,D,,,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 20/2.425 (""L=2.2"") inside DNW",B,G,,,,,S,D,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 5/0.925 (""L=0.7"") inside DNW",B,G,,,,,,,S,D,,,
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 5/2.425 (""L=2.2"") inside DNW",B,G,,,,,,,,,S,D,
7209,4,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 60/0.925 (""L=0.7"") inside DNW",B,G,S,D,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 20/0.925 (""L=0.7"") inside DNW",B,G,,,S,D,,,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 12/0.925 (""L=0.7"") inside DNW",B,G,,,,,S,D,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 5/0.925 (""L=0.7"") inside DNW",B,G,,,,,,,S,D,,,
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 5/2.425 (""L=2.2"") inside DNW",B,G,,,,,,,,,S,D,
7210,4,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 50/0.925 (""L=0.7"")",B,G,S,D,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 20/0.925 (""L=0.7"")",B,G,,,S,D,,,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 20/2.425 (""L=2.2"")",B,G,,,,,S,D,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 5/0.925 (""L=0.7"")",B,G,,,,,,,S,D,,,
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 5/2.425 (""L=2.2"")",B,G,,,,,,,,,S,D,
7211,4,,,"VHV DE PMOS: 50/0.920 (""L=0.66"")",B,G,S,D,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,"VHV DE PMOS: 20/0.920 (""L=0.66"")",B,G,,,S,D,,,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE PMOS: 20/2.420 (""L=2.16"")",B,G,,,,,S,D,,,,,
,,,,"VHV DE PMOS: 5/0.920 (""L=0.66"")",B,G,,,,,,,S,D,,,
,,,,"VHV DE PMOS: 5/2.420 (""L=2.16"")",B,G,,,,,,,,,S,D,
7212,5,,,VHV DE NMOS: Gate/Drain Overlap Cap,,,,,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,"VHV DE NMOS: 3188/0.936 (""L=0.7"")",B,G,S,D,,,,,,,,,
7213,5,,,VHV DE PMOS: Gate/Drain Overlap Cap,,,,,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,"VHV DE PMOS: 2645.6/0.92 (""L=0.66"")",B,G,S,D,,,,,,,,,
7700c,10,,,"Dense Pad CBCM - POLY 1x 1x (0.15 0.21)
load length - stub length = 22.14",Istub,Iload,Vp,Vn,Vpwr,Vgnd,,,,,,,4
,10,,,"Dense Pad CBCM - LI1 1x 1x (0.17 0.18)
load length - stub length = 22.14",,,,,,,Istub,Iload,Vp,Vn,Vpwr,Vgnd,
7704c,10,,,"Dense Pad CBCM - M1 1x 1x (0.14 0.14)
load length - stub length = 22.14",Istub,Iload,Vp,Vn,Vpwr,Vgnd,,,,,,,4
,10,,,"Dense Pad CBCM - M2 1x 1x (0.14 0.14)
load length - stub length = 22.14",,,,,,,Istub,Iload,Vp,Vn,Vpwr,Vgnd,
7712a,10,,,"Dense Pad CBCM - M3 1x 1x (0.3 0.3) - S8Q
load length - stub length = 16.03",Istub,Iload,Vp,Vn,Vpwr,Vgnd,,,,,,,4
,10,,,"Dense Pad CBCM - PY (2.0 4.0) - S8Q
load length - stub length = 22.105",,,,,,,Istub,Iload,Vp,Vn,Vpwr,Vgnd,
7719,,,,top:met5 width:2.000 space:4.000 bot:met4 width:0.000 space:0.000 load-stub length:22.085 (S8PIR/PF),istub_2,iload_2,vp_2,vn_2,vpwr_2,,,,,,,,4
,,,,top:met5 width:1.600 space:1.600 bot:sub width:0.000 space:0.000 load-stub length:22.085 (S8PIR/PF),,,,,,,istub_1,iload_1,vp_1,vn_1,vpwr_1,,
7721c,10,,,"Dense Pad CBCM - LI (2.0 4.0) over PY
load length - stub length = 22.07",Istub,Iload,Vp,Vn,Vpwr,Vgnd,,,,,,,4
,10,,,"Dense Pad CBCM - M1 (2.0 4.0) over LI
load length - stub length = 22.07",,,,,,,Istub,Iload,Vp,Vn,Vpwr,Vgnd,
7722b,,,,"MM4: w=0.3, s= 0.3, load length 23.42 - stub length 5.335 = 18.085, 11 signal lines",istub_1,iload_1,vp_1,vn_1,vpwr_1,,,,,,,,4
,,,,"MM4: w=2.0, s=4.0, load length 22.52 - stub length 4.435 = 18.085, 1 signal line",,,,,,,istub_2,iload_2,vp_2,vn_2,vpwr_2,,
7727,,,,"Dense Pad CBCM - M2 (2.0 4.0) over M1 - S8T
load length - stub length = 22.07",Istub,Iload,Vp,Vn,Vpwr,Vgnd,,,,,,,4
,10,,,"Dense Pad CBCM - M3 (2.0 4.0) over M2 - S8T
load length - stub length = 22.07",,,,,,,Istub,Iload,Vp,Vn,Vpwr,Vgnd,
7786,6,,,NV Latch Tri-Gates,,,,,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,"SONOS W/L=1.0/0.5, NHV W/L=1.0/0.5 (prg) and 0.42//0.5um (prg_l)",Psub,,source,Vspw,VB,test_n,test_p,VA,prg_l,Vneg,prg,Dnwell,
7821,,,,S8P - WM3/RSM3 WM4/RSM4 Routed around pads,,,,,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,WM3 - 0.3u Wide; 398.2u Long,I,I,,V,,V,,,,,,,
,,,,RSM3 - 1.5u Wide; 486.3u Long,I,I,V,,V,,,,,,,,
,,,,WM4 - 0.3u Wide; 398.2u Long,,,,,,,I,I,,V,,V,
,,,,RSM4 - 1.5u Wide; 486.3u Long,,,,,,,I,I,V,,V,,
8008,,,nshort,nshort; w=25.000; l=25.000; m=1;in DNW,b,g,s,d,,,,,,,,,4
,,,nshort,nshort; w=7.000; l=8.000; m=1;in DNW,b,g,,s,d,,,,,,,,
,,,nshort,nshort; w=25.000; l=0.150; m=1;in DNW,b,g,,,s,d,,,,,,,
,,,nshort,nshort; w=7.000; l=0.150; m=1;in DNW,b,g,,,,s,d,,,,,,
,,,nshort,nshort; w=0.420; l=25.000; m=1;in DNW,b,g,,,,,s,d,,,,,
,,,nshort,nshort; w=0.420; l=20.000; m=1;in DNW,b,g,,,,,,s,d,,,,
,,,nshort,nshort; w=0.420; l=0.150; m=1;in DNW,b,g,,,,,,,s,d,,,
,,,nshort,nshort; w=0.420; l=0.150; m=1;in DNW,b,g,,,,,,,,s,d,,
,,,nshort,nshort; w=0.420; l=0.150; m=1;in DNW,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,d,
8043,,,nhv,nhv; w=5.000; l=0.500; m=1;,b,g,s,d,,,,,,,,,4
,,,nhv,nhv; w=0.420; l=0.450; m=1;,b,g,,s,d,,,,,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=0.750; l=0.450; m=1;,b,g,,,s,d,,,,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=1.000; l=0.450; m=1;,b,g,,,,s,d,,,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=1.500; l=0.450; m=1;,b,g,,,,,s,d,,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=3.000; l=0.450; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,s,d,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=5.000; l=0.450; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,s,d,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=7.000; l=0.450; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,s,d,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=20.000; l=0.450; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,d,
8044,,,phv,phv; w=5.000; l=0.500; m=1;,b,g,s,d,,,,,,,,,4
,,,phv,phv; w=0.420; l=0.450; m=1;,b,g,,s,d,,,,,,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=0.750; l=0.450; m=1;,b,g,,,s,d,,,,,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=1.000; l=0.450; m=1;,b,g,,,,s,d,,,,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=1.500; l=0.450; m=1;,b,g,,,,,s,d,,,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=3.000; l=0.450; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,s,d,,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=5.000; l=0.450; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,s,d,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=7.000; l=0.450; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,s,d,,
,,,phv,phv; w=20.000; l=0.450; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,d,
8050,,,nhv,nhv; w=25.000; l=25.000; m=1;,b,g,s,d,,,,,,,,,4
,,,nhv,nhv; w=7.000; l=8.000; m=1;,b,g,,s,d,,,,,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=25.000; l=0.500; m=1;,b,g,,,s,d,,,,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=25.000; l=0.500; m=1;,b,g,,,,s,d,,,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=0.420; l=25.000; m=1;,b,g,,,,,s,d,,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=0.420; l=20.000; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,s,d,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=0.420; l=0.500; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,s,d,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=0.420; l=0.500; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,s,d,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=25.000; l=8.000; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,d,
8053,,,nhv,nhv; w=5.000; l=0.450; m=1;,b,g,s,d,,,,,,,,,4
,,,nhv,nhv; w=0.420; l=0.400; m=1;,b,g,,s,d,,,,,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=0.750; l=0.400; m=1;,b,g,,,s,d,,,,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=1.000; l=0.400; m=1;,b,g,,,,s,d,,,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=1.500; l=0.400; m=1;,b,g,,,,,s,d,,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=3.000; l=0.400; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,s,d,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=5.000; l=0.400; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,s,d,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=7.000; l=0.400; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,s,d,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=20.000; l=0.400; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,d,
8054,,,phv,phv; w=5.000; l=0.450; m=1;,b,g,s,d,,,,,,,,,4
,,,phv,phv; w=0.420; l=0.400; m=1;,b,g,,s,d,,,,,,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=0.750; l=0.400; m=1;,b,g,,,s,d,,,,,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=1.000; l=0.400; m=1;,b,g,,,,s,d,,,,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=1.500; l=0.400; m=1;,b,g,,,,,s,d,,,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=3.000; l=0.400; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,s,d,,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=5.000; l=0.400; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,s,d,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=7.000; l=0.400; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,s,d,,
,,,phv,phv; w=20.000; l=0.400; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,d,
8063,,,nhv,nhv; w=5.000; l=0.300; m=1;,b,g,s,d,,,,,,,,,4
,,,nhv,nhv; w=0.420; l=0.350; m=1;,b,g,,s,d,,,,,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=0.750; l=0.350; m=1;,b,g,,,s,d,,,,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=1.000; l=0.350; m=1;,b,g,,,,s,d,,,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=1.500; l=0.350; m=1;,b,g,,,,,s,d,,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=3.000; l=0.350; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,s,d,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=5.000; l=0.350; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,s,d,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=7.000; l=0.350; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,s,d,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=20.000; l=0.350; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,d,
8064,,,phv,phv; w=5.000; l=0.300; m=1;,b,g,s,d,,,,,,,,,4
,,,phv,phv; w=0.420; l=0.350; m=1;,b,g,,s,d,,,,,,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=0.750; l=0.350; m=1;,b,g,,,s,d,,,,,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=1.000; l=0.350; m=1;,b,g,,,,s,d,,,,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=1.500; l=0.350; m=1;,b,g,,,,,s,d,,,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=3.000; l=0.350; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,s,d,,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=5.000; l=0.350; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,s,d,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=7.000; l=0.350; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,s,d,,
,,,phv,phv; w=20.000; l=0.350; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,d,
8363,,,nhv,nhv; w=0.42; l=20.0; m=1;,b,g,s,d,,,,,,,,,4
,,,nhv,nhv; w=20.0; l=0.5; m=1;,b,g,,,s,d,,,,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=1.0; l=1.0; m=1;,b,g,,,,,s,d,,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=1.0; l=2.0; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,s,d,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=1.0; l=4.0; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,d,
8364,,,phv,phv; w=0.42; l=20.0; m=1;,b,g,d,s,,,,,,,,,4
,,,phv,phv; w=20.0; l=0.5; m=1;,b,g,,,d,s,,,,,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=1.0; l=1.0; m=1;,b,g,,,,,d,s,,,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=1.0; l=2.0; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,d,s,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=1.0; l=4.0; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,,d,s,
8389,,,nhv,nhv; w=3.0; l=0.5; m=1;,b,g,s,d,,,,,,,,,4
,,,nhv,nhv; w=7.0; l=8.0; m=1;,b,g,,,s,d,,,,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=7.0; l=0.5; m=1;,b,g,,,,,s,d,,,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=0.42; l=8.0; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,s,d,,,
,,,nhv,nhv; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,d,
8390,,,nhvnative,nhvnative; w=10.0; l=0.9; m=1;,b,g,s,d,,,,,,,,,4
,,,nhvnative,nhvnative; w=1.0; l=25.0; m=1;,b,g,,,s,d,,,,,,,
,,,nhvnative,nhvnative; w=0.42; l=0.9; m=1;,b,g,,,,,s,d,,,,,
,,,nhvnative,nhvnative; w=10.0; l=4.0; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,s,d,,,
,,,nhvnative,nhvnative; w=1.0; l=4.0; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,d,
8391,,,nlowvt,nlowvt; w=7.0; l=8.0; m=1;,b,g,s,d,,,,,,,,,4
,,,nlowvt,nlowvt; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;,b,g,,,s,d,,,,,,,
,,,nlowvt,nlowvt; w=0.42; l=1.0; m=1;,b,g,,,,,s,d,,,,,
,,,nlowvt,nlowvt; w=0.42; l=0.15; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,s,d,,,
,,,nlowvt,nlowvt; w=0.84; l=0.15; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,d,
8392,,,nshort,nshort; w=1.68; l=0.15; m=1;,b,g,s,d,,,,,,,,,4
,,,nshort,nshort; w=7.0; l=8.0; m=1;,b,g,,,s,d,,,,,,,
,,,nshort,nshort; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;,b,g,,,,,s,d,,,,,
,,,nshort,nshort; w=0.42; l=8.0; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,s,d,,,
,,,nshort,nshort; w=0.42; l=0.15; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,d,
8393,,,ntvnative,ntvnative; w=10.0; l=0.5; m=1;,b,g,s,d,,,,,,,,,4
,,,ntvnative,ntvnative; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;,b,g,,,s,d,,,,,,,
,,,ntvnative,ntvnative; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;,b,g,,,,,s,d,,,,,
,,,ntvnative,ntvnative; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,s,d,,,
,,,ntvnative,ntvnative; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,d,
8394,,,phighvt,phighvt; w=1.68; l=0.15; m=1;,b,g,d,s,,,,,,,,,4
,,,phighvt,phighvt; w=7.0; l=8.0; m=1;,b,g,,,d,s,,,,,,,
,,,phighvt,phighvt; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;,b,g,,,,,d,s,,,,,
,,,phighvt,phighvt; w=0.42; l=8.0; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,d,s,,,
,,,phighvt,phighvt; w=0.42; l=0.15; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,,d,s,
8395,,,phv,phv; w=3.0; l=0.5; m=1;,b,g,d,s,,,,,,,,,4
,,,phv,phv; w=7.0; l=8.0; m=1;,b,g,,,d,s,,,,,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=7.0; l=0.5; m=1;,b,g,,,,,d,s,,,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=0.42; l=8.0; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,d,s,,,
,,,phv,phv; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,,d,s,
8396,,,,plowvt; w=3.0; l=1.0; m=1;,b,g,d,s,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,plowvt; w=7.0; l=8.0; m=1;,b,g,,,d,s,,,,,,,
,,,,plowvt; w=7.0; l=0.35; m=1;,b,g,,,,,d,s,,,,,
,,,,plowvt; w=0.42; l=8.0; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,d,s,,,
,,,,plowvt; w=0.42; l=0.35; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,,d,s,
8397,,,,pshort; w=1.68; l=0.15; m=1;,b,g,d,s,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=8.0; m=1;,b,g,,,d,s,,,,,,,
,,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;,b,g,,,,,d,s,,,,,
,,,,pshort; w=0.42; l=8.0; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,d,s,,,
,,,,pshort; w=0.42; l=0.15; m=1;,b,g,,,,,,,,,d,s,
8404,3791956,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,d,s,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,d,s,,,,,,,,
,,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,d,s,,,,,,,
,,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,d,s,,,,,,
,,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,d,s,,,,,
,,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,d,s,,,,
,,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,d,s,,,
,,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,d,s,,
,,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,,d,s,
8405,,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,d,s,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,d,s,,,,,,,,
,,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,d,s,,,,,,,
,,,,pshort; w=1.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,d,s,,,,,,
,,,,pshort; w=1.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,d,s,,,,,
,,,,pshort; w=1.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,d,s,,,,
,,,,pshort; w=1.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,d,s,,,
,,,,pshort; w=1.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,d,s,,
,,,,pshort; w=1.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,,d,s,
8407,,,,pshort; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,d,s,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,pshort; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,d,s,,,,,,,,
,,,,pshort; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,d,s,,,,,,,
,,,,pshort; w=0.42; l=0.15; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,d,s,,,,,,
,,,,pshort; w=0.42; l=0.15; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,d,s,,,,,
,,,,pshort; w=0.42; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,d,s,,,,
,,,,pshort; w=0.42; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,d,s,,,
,,,,pshort; w=0.42; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,d,s,,
,,,,pshort; w=0.42; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,,d,s,
8413,,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=1;prox_spc=0.42,b,g,d,s,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=1;prox_spc=0.62,b,g,,d,s,,,,,,,,
,,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=1;prox_spc=0.28,b,g,,,d,s,,,,,,,
,,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=1;prox_spc=0.32,b,g,,,,d,s,,,,,,
,,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=1;prox_spc=0.42,b,g,,,,,d,s,,,,,
,,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=1;prox_spc=0.62,b,g,,,,,,d,s,,,,
,,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=1;prox_spc=1.0,b,g,,,,,,,d,s,,,
,,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=1;prox_spc=1.5,b,g,,,,,,,,d,s,,
,,,,pshort; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=1;prox_spc=2.0,b,g,,,,,,,,,d,s,
8418,,,,phighvt; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,d,s,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,phighvt; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,d,s,,,,,,,,
,,,,phighvt; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,d,s,,,,,,,
,,,,phighvt; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,d,s,,,,,,
,,,,phighvt; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,d,s,,,,,
,,,,phighvt; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,d,s,,,,
,,,,phighvt; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,d,s,,,
,,,,phighvt; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,d,s,,
,,,,phighvt; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,,d,s,
8419,,,,phighvt; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,d,s,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,phighvt; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,d,s,,,,,,,,
,,,,phighvt; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,d,s,,,,,,,
,,,,phighvt; w=1.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,d,s,,,,,,
,,,,phighvt; w=1.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,d,s,,,,,
,,,,phighvt; w=1.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,d,s,,,,
,,,,phighvt; w=1.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,d,s,,,
,,,,phighvt; w=1.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,d,s,,
,,,,phighvt; w=1.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,,d,s,
8421,,,,phighvt; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,d,s,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,phighvt; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,d,s,,,,,,,,
,,,,phighvt; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,d,s,,,,,,,
,,,,phighvt; w=0.42; l=0.15; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,d,s,,,,,,
,,,,phighvt; w=0.42; l=0.15; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,d,s,,,,,
,,,,phighvt; w=0.42; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,d,s,,,,
,,,,phighvt; w=0.42; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,d,s,,,
,,,,phighvt; w=0.42; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,d,s,,
,,,,phighvt; w=0.42; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,,d,s,
8426,,,,plowvt; w=7.0; l=0.35; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,d,s,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,plowvt; w=7.0; l=0.35; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,d,s,,,,,,,,
,,,,plowvt; w=7.0; l=0.35; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,d,s,,,,,,,
,,,,plowvt; w=7.0; l=0.35; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,d,s,,,,,,
,,,,plowvt; w=7.0; l=0.35; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,d,s,,,,,
,,,,plowvt; w=7.0; l=0.35; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,d,s,,,,
,,,,plowvt; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,d,s,,,
,,,,plowvt; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,d,s,,
,,,,plowvt; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,,d,s,
8429,,,,plowvt; w=0.42; l=1.0; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,d,s,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,plowvt; w=0.42; l=1.0; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,d,s,,,,,,,,
,,,,plowvt; w=0.42; l=1.0; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,d,s,,,,,,,
,,,,plowvt; w=0.42; l=0.35; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,d,s,,,,,,
,,,,plowvt; w=0.42; l=0.35; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,d,s,,,,,
,,,,plowvt; w=0.42; l=0.35; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,d,s,,,,
,,,,plowvt; w=0.42; l=0.35; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,d,s,,,
,,,,plowvt; w=0.42; l=0.35; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,d,s,,
,,,,plowvt; w=0.42; l=0.35; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,,d,s,
8434,,,,nshort; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,s,d,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,nshort; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,s,d,,,,,,,,
,,,,nshort; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,s,d,,,,,,,
,,,,nshort; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,s,d,,,,,,
,,,,nshort; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,s,d,,,,,
,,,,nshort; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,s,d,,,,
,,,,nshort; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,s,d,,,
,,,,nshort; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,s,d,,
,,,,nshort; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,d,
8436,,,,nshort; w=1.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,s,d,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,nshort; w=1.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,s,d,,,,,,,,
,,,,nshort; w=1.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,s,d,,,,,,,
,,,,nshort; w=1.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,s,d,,,,,,
,,,,nshort; w=1.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,s,d,,,,,
,,,,nshort; w=1.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,s,d,,,,
,,,,nshort; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,s,d,,,
,,,,nshort; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,s,d,,
,,,,nshort; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,d,
8442,,,,nlowvt; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,s,d,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,nlowvt; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,s,d,,,,,,,,
,,,,nlowvt; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,s,d,,,,,,,
,,,,nlowvt; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,s,d,,,,,,
,,,,nlowvt; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,s,d,,,,,
,,,,nlowvt; w=7.0; l=0.18; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,s,d,,,,
,,,,nlowvt; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,s,d,,,
,,,,nlowvt; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,s,d,,
,,,,nlowvt; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,d,
8444,,,,nlowvt; w=1.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,s,d,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,nlowvt; w=1.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,s,d,,,,,,,,
,,,,nlowvt; w=1.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,s,d,,,,,,,
,,,,nlowvt; w=1.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,s,d,,,,,,
,,,,nlowvt; w=1.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,s,d,,,,,
,,,,nlowvt; w=1.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,s,d,,,,
,,,,nlowvt; w=0.42; l=1.0; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,s,d,,,
,,,,nlowvt; w=0.42; l=1.0; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,s,d,,
,,,,nlowvt; w=0.42; l=1.0; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,d,
8451,,,,nlowvt; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=1;prox_spc=0.42,b,g,s,d,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,nlowvt; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=1;prox_spc=0.62,b,g,,s,d,,,,,,,,
,,,,nlowvt; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=1;prox_spc=0.28,b,g,,,s,d,,,,,,,
,,,,nlowvt; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=1;prox_spc=0.32,b,g,,,,s,d,,,,,,
,,,,nlowvt; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=1;prox_spc=0.42,b,g,,,,,s,d,,,,,
,,,,nlowvt; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=1;prox_spc=0.62,b,g,,,,,,s,d,,,,
,,,,nlowvt; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=1;prox_spc=1.0,b,g,,,,,,,s,d,,,
,,,,nlowvt; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=1;prox_spc=1.5,b,g,,,,,,,,s,d,,
,,,,nlowvt; w=7.0; l=0.15; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=1;prox_spc=2.0,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,d,
8456,,,,phv; w=5.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,d,s,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,phv; w=5.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,d,s,,,,,,,,
,,,,phv; w=5.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,d,s,,,,,,,
,,,,phv; w=5.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,d,s,,,,,,
,,,,phv; w=5.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,d,s,,,,,
,,,,phv; w=5.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,d,s,,,,
,,,,phv; w=1.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,d,s,,,
,,,,phv; w=1.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,d,s,,
,,,,phv; w=1.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,,d,s,
8459,,,,phv; w=0.42; l=0.8; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,d,s,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,phv; w=0.42; l=0.8; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,d,s,,,,,,,,
,,,,phv; w=0.42; l=0.8; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,d,s,,,,,,,
,,,,phv; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,d,s,,,,,,
,,,,phv; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,d,s,,,,,
,,,,phv; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,d,s,,,,
,,,,phv; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,d,s,,,
,,,,phv; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,d,s,,
,,,,phv; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,,d,s,
8466,,,,nhv; w=5.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,s,d,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,nhv; w=5.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,s,d,,,,,,,,
,,,,nhv; w=5.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,s,d,,,,,,,
,,,,nhv; w=5.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,s,d,,,,,,
,,,,nhv; w=5.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,s,d,,,,,
,,,,nhv; w=5.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,s,d,,,,
,,,,nhv; w=1.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,s,d,,,
,,,,nhv; w=1.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,s,d,,
,,,,nhv; w=1.0; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,d,
8469,,,,nhv; w=0.42; l=0.8; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,s,d,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,nhv; w=0.42; l=0.8; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,s,d,,,,,,,,
,,,,nhv; w=0.42; l=0.8; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,s,d,,,,,,,
,,,,nhv; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=2.5;sb=2.5;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,s,d,,,,,,
,,,,nhv; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=1.11;sb=1.11;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,s,d,,,,,
,,,,nhv; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.68;sb=0.68;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,s,d,,,,
,,,,nhv; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.48;sb=0.48;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,s,d,,,
,,,,nhv; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.35;sb=0.35;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,s,d,,
,,,,nhv; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1;sa=0.265;sb=0.265;prox_count=0,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,d,
8649,,,,nlowvt w/l=0.30/0.15 Mismatch (FET B from 8x8 array),Substr,,,GateB,,SourceB,DrainB,,,,,,4
,,,,nlowvt w/l=0.30/0.15 Mismatch (FET A from 8x8 array),Substr,,,,GateA,SourceA,,DrainA,,,,,
,,,,nlowvt w/l=0.30/0.15 singe FET from 8x8 array,Substr,Gate,,,,,,,Source,Drain,,,
,,,,nlowvt w/l=0.30/0.15 (standard modeling layout),Substr,Gate,,,,,,,,,Source,Drain,
8701,,,,nshort; w=0.65; l=0.25; m=1; contact-gate=0.050um,b,g,s,d,,,,,,,,,4
,,,,nshort; w=0.42; l=0.5; m=1; contact-gate=0.050um,b,g,,,s,d,,,,,,,
,,,,nshort; w=0.65; l=0.5; m=1; contact-gate=0.050um,b,g,,,,,s,d,,,,,
,,,,nshort; w=0.36; l=0.15; m=1; contact-gate=0.050um,b,g,,,,,,,s,d,,,
,,,,nshort; w=0.39; l=0.15; m=1; contact-gate=0.050um,b,g,,,,,,,,,s,d,