blob: 30cd3052aa7aaa02671ee0dd9fa153cd2c51cd45 [file] [log] [blame]
# Shell script setting up all variables used by the qflow scripts
# for this project
# The LEF file containing standard cell macros
set leffile=/usr/local/share/pdk/sky130B/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hs/lef/sky130_fd_sc_hs.lef
# The SPICE netlist containing subcell definitions for all the standard cells
set spicefile=/usr/local/share/pdk/sky130B/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hs/spice/sky130_fd_sc_hs.spice
# The liberty format file containing standard cell timing and function information
set libertyfile=/usr/local/share/pdk/sky130B/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hs/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hs__ff_n40C_1v95.lib
# If there is another LEF file containing technology information
# that is separate from the file containing standard cell macros,
# set this. Otherwise, leave it defined as an empty string.
set techleffile=/usr/local/share/pdk/sky130B/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hs/techlef/sky130_fd_sc_hs.tlef
# All cells below should be the lowest output drive strength value,
# if the standard cell set has multiple cells with different drive
# strengths. Comment out any cells that do not exist.
set bufcell=sky130_fd_sc_hs__buf_1 ;# Minimum drive strength buffer cell
set bufpin_in=A ;# Name of input port to buffer cell
set bufpin_out=X ;# Name of output port to buffer cell
set clkbufcell=sky130_fd_sc_hs__clkbuf_1 ;# Minimum drive strength buffer cell
set clkbufpin_in=A ;# Name of input port to buffer cell
set clkbufpin_out=X ;# Name of output port to buffer cell
set fillcell=sky130_fd_sc_hs__fill_ ;# Spacer (filler) cell (prefix, if more than one)
set decapcell=sky130_fd_sc_hs__decap_ ;# Decap (filler) cell (prefix, if more than one)
set antennacell=sky130_fd_sc_hs__diode_ ;# Antenna (filler) cell (prefix, if more than one)
set antennapin_in=vpb ;# Antenna cell input connection
set bodytiecell=sky130_fd_sc_hs__tapvpwrvgnd_ ;# Body tie (filler) cell (prefix, if more than one)
# yosys tries to eliminate use of these; depends on source .v
set tiehi="sky130_fd_sc_hs__conb_1" ;# Cell to connect to power, if one exists
set tiehipin_out="HI" ;# Output pin name of tiehi cell, if it exists
set tielo="sky130_fd_sc_hs__conb_1" ;# Cell to connect to ground, if one exists
set tielopin_out="LO" ;# Output pin name of tielo cell, if it exists
set gndnet="vgnd,vnb" ;# Name used for ground pins and taps in standard cells
set vddnet="vpwr,vpb" ;# Name used for power pins and taps in standard cells
set separator="" ;# Separator between gate names and drive strengths
set techfile=/usr/local/share/pdk/sky130B/ ;# magic techfile
set magicrc=/usr/local/share/pdk/sky130B/ ;# magic startup script
set magic_display="XR" ;# magic display, defeat display query and OGL preference
set netgen_setup=/usr/local/share/pdk/sky130B/ ;# netgen setup file for LVS
set gdsfile=/usr/local/share/pdk/sky130B/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hs/gds/sky130_fd_sc_hs.gds ;# GDS database of standard cells
set verilogfile=/usr/local/share/pdk/sky130B/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hs/verilog/sky130_fd_sc_hs.v ;# Verilog models of standard cells
# Set a conditional default in the file for this process
set postproc_options="-anchors"
# Normally one does not want to use the top metal for signal routing
set route_layers = 5
set fill_ratios="0,70,10,20"
set fanout_options="-l 200 -c 20"
set addspacers_options="-stripe 2.5 50.0 PG"
set xspice_options="-io_time=500p -time=50p -idelay=5p -odelay=50p -cload=250f"