blob: 447c76cf66f1b84f527ba13c9abcdea753785e96 [file] [log] [blame]
set msgPrefix "[file tail $argv0]"
proc flatten_list list {string map {\{ "" \} ""} $list}
proc putsFile {file} {
set INP [open $file r]
while {[gets $INP line] != -1} {
puts $line
close $INP
# Load Cadence Compatibility Layer when not in RTL Compiler
set isRTLCompiler [expr {[llength [info commands set_remove_assign_options]] &&
[llength [info commands get_attribute]] &&
[string equal [get_attribute program_short_name /] "rc"]}]
if {!${isRTLCompiler}} {
if {[catch {package require compatibility} errMsg]} {
if {[file exists buildinfra/bin/compatibility.tcl]} {
source "buildinfra/bin/compatibility.tcl"
} else {
puts "Error: compatibility.tcl not found! \'compatibility.tcl\' is searched as follows:"
puts "\t1) based on existence and contents of pkgIndex.tcl"
puts "\t2) based on existence and contents of INFRA environment variable"
puts "\t3) based on existence of compatibility.tcl in ../buildinfra/"
return -code error
if {![info exists ::ns(compat)]} { set ::ns(compat) "::aeware" }
# Default for cvs
set bomFile "BOM.txt"
set cvsStatusFile ""
set flowInfoFile ""
set appInfoFile ""
set bomVersion ""
set cvsRootDir ""
# Parse options (from compatibility layer)
switch -- [parse_options $msgPrefix {} $argv \
"-cvs_status_file sos specifies the name of the cvs status file to analyze" cvsStatusFile \
"-cvs_rpt_root_dir sos the root directory to use for manifest generation of cvs status reports" cvsRootDir \
"-bom_file sos specifies the name of the BOM (manifest) file to write" bomFile \
"-flow_info sos specifies a flow info file to use (and includes flow version info in the generated BOM)" flowInfoFile \
"-app_info sos specifies an applet info file to use (and includes applet version info in the generated BOM)" appInfoFile \
"-bom_version sos specifies a version to use for the BOM itself (i.e., a top level version)" bomVersion \
"-debug bOs enable debug message output" debug ] {
-2 { return }
0 { return -code error }
file delete -force $bomFile
set OSTREAM [open $bomFile "w"]
puts $OSTREAM "#################################################################"
puts $OSTREAM "# Foundation Flow RTL->GDSII Implementation System"
puts $OSTREAM "# Copyright (c) 1997-[clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y] Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved."
puts $OSTREAM "# Version : $bomVersion"
puts $OSTREAM "# Summary : Foundation Flow Kit Manifest"
puts $OSTREAM "# Description : List of kit contents. This includes"
puts $OSTREAM "# RC and EDI code generation packages, applets,"
puts $OSTREAM "# flows, and/or component scripts."
puts $OSTREAM "# Created on : [exec date]"
puts $OSTREAM "#################################################################"
puts $OSTREAM "# Top level release content and versions:"
puts $OSTREAM "# EDIFF: $bomVersion"
# Only print RCFF if flowInfo was provided
# (The presence of applets does not necessarily imply the presence of the RC Foundation Flow)
if {$flowInfoFile ne ""} {
puts $OSTREAM "\n# RCFF:"
# Load/Print flow version info if $flowInfoFile provided
if {$flowInfoFile ne ""} {
puts $OSTREAM "# Flows:"
source $flowInfoFile
set flowsTmpList [array names flowInfo -regexp {,version}]
foreach flow $flowsTmpList {
regsub -all {::flows::(.*),version} $flow {\1} flow
lappend flowsList $flow
foreach flow [lsort -dictionary $flowsList] {
if {[info exists flowInfo(::flows::$flow,version)]} {
puts $OSTREAM "[format "# %-*s %-*s" 40 ${flow}: 20 $flowInfo(::flows::$flow,version)]"
# Load/Print applet version info if $flowInfoFile provided
if {$appInfoFile ne ""} {
puts $OSTREAM "# Applets:"
catch {source $appInfoFile}
set appletsTmpList [array names appInfo -regexp {,version}]
foreach applet $appletsTmpList {
regsub -all {::applet::(.*),version} $applet {\1} applet
lappend appletsList $applet
foreach applet [lsort -dictionary $appletsList] {
if {[info exists appInfo(::applet::$applet,version)]} {
puts $OSTREAM "[format "# %-*s %-*s" 40 ${applet}: 20 $appInfo(::applet::$applet,version) ]"
# Analyze cvs status file and print versions if it was provided
if {$cvsStatusFile ne ""} {
set filelist ""
puts $OSTREAM "\n# Version Info For Component Scripts (For internal use only):"
puts $OSTREAM "# -----------------------------------------------------------------------+---------"
puts $OSTREAM "# File Name | Version "
puts $OSTREAM "# -----------------------------------------------------------------------+---------"
set IS [open $cvsStatusFile "r"]
array set lineArr ""
set lineno 1
while {![eof $IS]} {
gets $IS lineArr($lineno)
if {[regexp {Repository revision:\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+),v$} $lineArr($lineno) full version fullFilePath]} {
set re ".*$cvsRootDir/(.*)\$"
if {$cvsRootDir ne "" && ![regexp $re $fullFilePath full File]} {
set File $fullFilePath
lappend filelist $File
set ${File}(version) $version
incr lineno
close $IS
foreach File [lsort -dictionary $filelist] {
puts $OSTREAM [format "# %-*s | %-*s" 70 $File 8 [set ${File}(version)]]
puts $OSTREAM "#"
close $OSTREAM