blob: cadfca5200eb231738a057fb730858888faa1214 [file] [log] [blame]
;; Copyright 2019-2021 SkyWater PDK Authors
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;; limitations under the License.
;; This code is *alternatively* available under a BSD-3-Clause license, see
;; details in the at the top level and the license text at
;; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause OR Apache 2.0
;; This skill file compiles schematic PCells for BAG primitives
lib_obj = ddGetObj("BAG_prim")
{% for mtype, threshold, model, model_thres, w_def, l_def in mos_list %}
; {{ mtype }}_{{ threshold }}/{{ model_thres }}
list( lib_obj "{{ mtype }}_{{ threshold }}" "schematic" "schematic")
((w string "{{ w_def }}")
(l string "{{ l_def }}")
(nf string "1")
let((inst iopin_master io_net io_pin)
wval = cdfParseFloatString(w) * 1e6
lval = cdfParseFloatString(l) * 1e6
nval = atoi(nf)
inst = dbCreateParamInstByMasterName( pcCellView "{{ tech_lib }}" "{{ model }}" "symbol"
"N0" -0.375:0 "R0" 1
list(list("hspiceModel" "string" "{{ model_thres }}")
list("hspiceModelMenu" "string" "{{ model_thres }}")
list("w" "string" sprintf(nil "%0.2f" wval))
list("{{ model_thres }}_l0_w" "string" sprintf(nil "%0.2f" wval))
list("l" "string" sprintf(nil "%0.2f" lval))
list("{{ model_thres }}_l" "string" sprintf(nil "%0.2f" lval))
list("m" "string" nf)
list("totalW" "string" sprintf(nil "%0.2f" wval * nval)))
iopin_master = dbOpenCellViewByType("basic" "iopin" "symbolr" nil "r")
io_net = dbCreateNet(pcCellView "D")
io_pin = dbCreatePin(io_net dbCreateInst(pcCellView iopin_master "D" -0.5:0.5625 "R0")
"D" dbCreateTerm(io_net "D" "inputOutput"))
dbCreateInstTerm(io_net inst dbFindTermByName(inst~>master "d"))
io_net = dbCreateNet(pcCellView "G")
io_pin = dbCreatePin(io_net dbCreateInst(pcCellView iopin_master "G" -0.875:0 "R0")
"G" dbCreateTerm(io_net "G" "inputOutput"))
dbCreateInstTerm(io_net inst dbFindTermByName(inst~>master "g"))
io_net = dbCreateNet(pcCellView "S")
io_pin = dbCreatePin(io_net dbCreateInst(pcCellView iopin_master "S" -0.5:-0.5 "R0")
"S" dbCreateTerm(io_net "S" "inputOutput"))
dbCreateInstTerm(io_net inst dbFindTermByName(inst~>master "s"))
io_net = dbCreateNet(pcCellView "B")
io_pin = dbCreatePin(io_net dbCreateInst(pcCellView iopin_master "B" 0.125:0 "R0")
"B" dbCreateTerm(io_net "B" "inputOutput"))
dbCreateInstTerm(io_net inst dbFindTermByName(inst~>master "b"))
{% endfor %}
{% for intent, model, w_def, l_def in res_list %}
; res_{{ intent }}/{{ model }}
list( lib_obj "res_{{ intent }}" "schematic" "schematic")
((w string "{{ w_def }}")
(l string "{{ l_def }}")
let((inst iopin_master io_net io_pin)
wval = cdfParseFloatString(w) * 1e6
lval = cdfParseFloatString(l) * 1e6
wstr = sprintf(nil "%0.3f" wval)
lstr = sprintf(nil "%0.3f" lval)
inst = dbCreateParamInstByMasterName( pcCellView "{{ tech_lib }}" "{{ model }}" "symbol"
"R0" 0.5:0 "R270" 1
list(list("segW" "string" wstr)
list("w" "string" wstr)
list("segL" "string" lstr)
list("l" "string" lstr)
list("rCalcMethod" "string" "Segment Length")
iopin_master = dbOpenCellViewByType("basic" "iopin" "symbolr" nil "r")
io_net = dbCreateNet(pcCellView "PLUS")
io_pin = dbCreatePin(io_net dbCreateInst(pcCellView iopin_master "PLUS" 1:0 "R0")
"PLUS" dbCreateTerm(io_net "PLUS" "inputOutput"))
dbCreateInstTerm(io_net inst dbFindTermByName(inst~>master "PLUS"))
io_net = dbCreateNet(pcCellView "MINUS")
io_pin = dbCreatePin(io_net dbCreateInst(pcCellView iopin_master "MINUS" -0.15:0 "R0")
"MINUS" dbCreateTerm(io_net "MINUS" "inputOutput"))
dbCreateInstTerm(io_net inst dbFindTermByName(inst~>master "MINUS"))
io_net = dbCreateNet(pcCellView "BULK")
io_pin = dbCreatePin(io_net dbCreateInst(pcCellView iopin_master "BULK" -0.15:-0.4 "R0")
"BULK" dbCreateTerm(io_net "BULK" "inputOutput"))
dbCreateInstTerm(io_net inst dbFindTermByName(inst~>master "B"))
{% endfor %}
{% for layer in res_metal_list %}
; res_metal_{{ layer }}/mrm{{ layer }}
list( lib_obj "res_metal_{{ layer }}" "schematic" "schematic")
((w string "{{ res_metal_w_default }}")
(l string "{{ res_metal_l_default }}")
let((inst iopin_master io_net io_pin)
wval = cdfParseFloatString(w) * 1e6
lval = cdfParseFloatString(l) * 1e6
wstr = sprintf(nil "%0.3f" wval)
lstr = sprintf(nil "%0.3f" lval)
inst = dbCreateParamInstByMasterName( pcCellView "{{ tech_lib }}" "res" "symbol"
"R0" 0.1:0 "R90" 1
list(list("resistorTypr" "string" "met{{ layer }}")
list("rw" "string" wstr)
list("rl" "string" lstr)
list("model" "string" "mrm{{ layer }}")
iopin_master = dbOpenCellViewByType("basic" "iopin" "symbolr" nil "r")
io_net = dbCreateNet(pcCellView "PLUS")
io_pin = dbCreatePin(io_net dbCreateInst(pcCellView iopin_master "PLUS" -0.15:0 "R0")
"PLUS" dbCreateTerm(io_net "PLUS" "inputOutput"))
dbCreateInstTerm(io_net inst dbFindTermByName(inst~>master "r0"))
io_net = dbCreateNet(pcCellView "MINUS")
io_pin = dbCreatePin(io_net dbCreateInst(pcCellView iopin_master "MINUS" 1.15:0 "R0")
"MINUS" dbCreateTerm(io_net "MINUS" "inputOutput"))
dbCreateInstTerm(io_net inst dbFindTermByName(inst~>master "r1"))
{% endfor %}
{% for dtype, intent, model in dio_list %}
; {{ dtype }}_{{ intent }}/{{ model }}
list( lib_obj "{{ dtype }}_{{ intent }}" "schematic" "schematic")
((w string "{{ dio_w_default }}")
(l string "{{ dio_l_default }}")
let((inst iopin_master io_net io_pin wval lval dio_w dio_l)
wval = atoi(w)
lval = atoi(l)
dio_w = (wval - 1)*48 + 14
dio_l = (lval + 1)*86 - 18
inst = dbCreateParamInstByMasterName( pcCellView "{{ tech_lib }}" "{{ model }}" "symbol"
"R0" 0.1:0 "R90" 1
list(list("nfin" "string" w)
list("fw" "string" sprintf(nil "%dn" dio_w))
list("nf" "string" l)
list("dl" "string" sprintf(nil "%dn" dio_l))
list("m" "string" "1")
list("area" "float" dio_w*dio_l*1e-18)
list("pj" "float" 2*1e-9*(dio_w + dio_l))
iopin_master = dbOpenCellViewByType("basic" "iopin" "symbolr" nil "r")
io_net = dbCreateNet(pcCellView "PLUS")
io_pin = dbCreatePin(io_net dbCreateInst(pcCellView iopin_master "PLUS" -0.15:0 "R0")
"PLUS" dbCreateTerm(io_net "PLUS" "inputOutput"))
dbCreateInstTerm(io_net inst dbFindTermByName(inst~>master "PLUS"))
io_net = dbCreateNet(pcCellView "MINUS")
io_pin = dbCreatePin(io_net dbCreateInst(pcCellView iopin_master "MINUS" 1.15:0 "R0")
"MINUS" dbCreateTerm(io_net "MINUS" "inputOutput"))
dbCreateInstTerm(io_net inst dbFindTermByName(inst~>master "MINUS"))
{% endfor %}