blob: ae5cb54eefd89bdf740d7b7b445a7d49a6cc674c [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019-2021 SkyWater PDK Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This code is *alternatively* available under a BSD-3-Clause license, see
# details in the at the top level and the license text at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause OR Apache 2.0
from typing import Tuple, Optional, Mapping
from pybag.core import BBox
from bag.util.immutable import Param
from import TechInfo
from bag.layout.template import TemplateBase
from xbase.layout.enum import DeviceType
from . import config as _config
from . import config_fname as _config_fname
from import MOSTechSkywater130
from import MIMTechSkywater130
# from import FillTechSkywater130
from import ResTechSkywater130
class TechInfoSkywater130(TechInfo):
def __init__(self, process_params):
TechInfo.__init__(self, process_params, _config, _config_fname)
self.register_device_tech('mos', MOSTechSkywater130)
self.register_device_tech('mim', MIMTechSkywater130)
self.register_device_tech('res', ResTechSkywater130)
# self.register_device_tech('fill', FillTechSkywater130)
def get_margin(self, is_vertical: bool, edge1: Param, edge2: Optional[Param]) -> int:
if edge2 is None:
dev_type = edge1['dev_type']
if dev_type is DeviceType.MOS:
margins: Mapping[str, int] = edge1['margins']
table: Mapping[str, Tuple[int, int]] = self.config['margins']
max_sp = 0
for name, val in margins.items():
sp_tot = -(-table[name][is_vertical] // 2)
max_sp = max(sp_tot - val, max_sp)
return max_sp
# TODO: implement this
raise ValueError('Not implemented yet, see developer.')
# TODO: implement this
raise ValueError('Not implemented yet, see developer.')
def add_cell_boundary(self, template: TemplateBase, box: BBox) -> None:
if box.is_physical():
pt_list = [(box.xl, box.yl), (box.xl, box.yh), (box.xh, box.yh), (box.xh, box.yl)]
# template.add_boundary(BoundaryType.PR, pt_list)
def draw_device_blockage(self, template: TemplateBase) -> None:
def get_metal_em_specs(self, layer: str, purpose: str, w: int, length: int = -1,
vertical: bool = False, dc_temp: int = -1000, rms_dt: int = -1000
) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
idc = self._get_metal_idc(layer, purpose, w, length, vertical, dc_temp)
irms = self._get_metal_irms(layer, purpose, w, rms_dt)
ipeak = float('inf')
return idc, irms, ipeak
def get_via_em_specs(self, layer_dir: int, layer: str, purpose: str, adj_layer: str,
adj_purpose: str, cut_w: int, cut_h: int, m_w: int = -1, m_l: int = -1,
adj_m_w: int = -1, adj_m_l: int = -1, array: bool = False,
dc_temp: int = -1000, rms_dt: int = -1000) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
def_purpose = self.default_purpose
purpose = purpose or def_purpose
adj_purpose = adj_purpose or def_purpose
lay_vec = [None, None]
dim_vec = [None, None]
lay_vec[layer_dir] = (layer, purpose)
lay_vec[1 - layer_dir] = (adj_layer, adj_purpose)
dim_vec[layer_dir] = (m_w, m_l)
dim_vec[1 - layer_dir] = (adj_m_w, adj_m_l)
idc = self._get_via_idc(lay_vec[0], lay_vec[1], cut_w, cut_h, dim_vec[0], dim_vec[1],
array, dc_temp)
# via do not have AC current specs
irms = float('inf')
ipeak = float('inf')
return idc, irms, ipeak
def get_res_em_specs(self, res_type: str, w: int, *, length: int = -1,
dc_temp: int = -1000, rms_dt: int = -1000) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
dc_temp = self.get_dc_temp(dc_temp)
rms_dt = self.get_rms_dt(rms_dt)
idc_scale = self.get_idc_scale_factor('', '', dc_temp, is_res=True)
idc = 1.0e-3 * w * idc_scale
irms = 1e-3 * (0.02 * rms_dt * w * (w + 0.5)) ** 0.5
ipeak = 5e-3 * 2 * w
return idc, irms, ipeak
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyMethodMayBeStatic
def _get_metal_idc_factor(self, layer: str, purpose: str, w: int, length: int):
return 1
def _get_metal_idc(self, layer: str, purpose: str, w: int, length: int,
vertical: bool, dc_temp: int) -> float:
if vertical:
raise NotImplementedError('Vertical DC current not supported yet')
inorm, woff = 1.0, 0.0
idc = inorm * self._get_metal_idc_factor(layer, purpose, w, length) * (w - woff)
return self.get_idc_scale_factor(layer, purpose, self.get_dc_temp(dc_temp)) * idc * 1e-3
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def _get_metal_irms(self, layer: str, purpose: str, w: int, rms_dt: int):
b = 0.0443
k, wo, a = 6.0, 0.0, 0.2
irms_ma = (k * self.get_rms_dt(rms_dt) * (w - wo)**2 * (w - wo + a) / (w - wo + b))**0.5
return irms_ma * 1e-3
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def _get_via_idc(self, bot_lp: Tuple[str, str], top_lp: Tuple[str, str], cut_w: int,
cut_h: int, bot_dim: Tuple[int, int], top_dim: Tuple[int, int],
array: bool, dc_temp: int) -> float:
if bot_dim[0] > 0:
bf = self._get_metal_idc_factor(bot_lp[0], bot_lp[1], bot_dim[0], bot_dim[1])
bf = 1.0
if top_dim[0] > 0:
tf = self._get_metal_idc_factor(top_lp[0], top_lp[1], top_dim[0], top_dim[1])
tf = 1.0
factor = min(bf, tf)
via_id = self.config['via_id'][(bot_lp, top_lp)]
if via_id in ('M1_LiPo', 'M1_LiAct', 'M2_M1', 'M3_M2', 'M4_M3'):
if cut_w == cut_h == 64:
idc = 0.1
elif cut_w != cut_h:
idc = 0.2
# we do not support 2X square via, as it has large
# spacing rule to square/rectangle vias.
raise ValueError('Unsupported via w/h: ({},{})'.format(cut_w, cut_h))
idc = 0.4
temp = self.get_dc_temp(dc_temp)
return factor * self.get_idc_scale_factor(bot_lp[0], bot_lp[1], temp) * idc * 1e-3