| license VLSL_UseNextLicense string "always" |
| license ADEL_UseNextLicense string "always" |
| license VLSXL_UseNextLicense string "always" |
| license VSEL_UseNextLicense string "always" |
| |
| asimenv.startup simulator string "spectre" |
| ; Allows you to use multibit buses in stimulus files [#in_bits<0>], [#in_bits<1>], etc |
| asimenv mappingMode string "oss" |
| |
| ; have CDF term Order update whenever the symbol is updated |
| auCore.misc updateCDFtermOrder boolean t |
| ihdl maxNetNameLength int 16000 |
| |
| layout stopLevel int 32 |
| layout dotsOn boolean t |
| layout useTrueBBox boolean t |
| layout xSnapSpacing float 0.001 |
| layout ySnapSpacing float 0.001 |
| layout displayPinNames boolean t |
| |
| ; enable partial selection by defeault |
| layout partialSelect boolean t |
| |
| ; when move/copy/creating rectangles, automatically use the current mouse-over point. |
| ui infix boolean t |
| |
| ; set layout property dimension |
| layout propEditorWidth int 500 |
| layout propEditorHeight int 580 |
| |
| ; set roman as default label font |
| layout labelFontStyle cyclic "roman" |
| |
| ; disable connectivity reference dialog box |
| layoutXL lxSchematicDefaultApp cyclic "None" |
| |
| ; turn off via stack selection |
| graphic viaStackSelection boolean nil |
| |
| ; correct schematic/symbol port order automatically. |
| ; this makes DARPA cosim demo look good. |
| schematic disablePortOrderPopup boolean t |
| |
| ; default waveform display setup |
| viva.trace lineStyle string "solid" |
| viva.trace lineThickness string "thick" |
| viva.rectGraph foreground string "black" |
| viva.rectGraph background string "white" |
| viva.axis majorGridForeground string "black" |
| viva.axis minorGridForeground string "gray" |
| viva.axis foreground string "black" |
| viva.axis background string "white" |
| viva.axis font string "Default,14,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0" |
| viva.graphLabel font string "Default,14,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0" |
| ; viva.probe font string "Default,14,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0" |
| ; viva.traceLegend font string "Default,14,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0" |
| |
| ; LSF setup parameters |
| |
| ; default job name |
| ; asimenv.distributed userDefinedJobName string "virtuoso_lsf" |
| |
| ; use .cdsenv variables default and do not bring up job parameter form |
| asimenv.distributed autoJobSubmit boolean t |
| |
| ; set LSF resource string |
| ; asimenv.distributed selectLsfResourceString boolean t |
| ; asimenv.distributed lsfResourceString string "[ptile=4]" |
| |
| ; set LSF queue name |
| asimenv.distributed queueName string "normal" |
| |
| ; use ssh for connection |
| asimenv.distributed remoteShell string "ssh" |
| |
| ; block ADE/Ocean until all jobs have finished |
| asimenv.distributed block boolean t |
| |
| ; LSF jobs log directory |
| ; asimenv.distributed logsDir string "./LSF_logs" |
| |
| ; delete job after it's complete; allows job name recycling |
| ; asimenv.distributed deleteJob boolean t |
| |
| ; if you submit a job with the same name, delete old data |
| ; asimenv.distributed removeJobData boolean t |
| |
| ; number of processors to use for LSF |
| asimenv.distributed selectLsfNoOfProcessors boolean t |
| asimenv.distributed lsfNoOfProcessors string "4" |