blob: 49a05c5b5df0626f868c41ea4275b72f1d794717 [file] [log] [blame]
license VLSL_UseNextLicense string "always"
license ADEL_UseNextLicense string "always"
license VLSXL_UseNextLicense string "always"
license VSEL_UseNextLicense string "always"
asimenv.startup simulator string "spectre"
asimenv.startup projectDir string "/tools/scratch/$USER/skywater130"
; Allows you to use multibit buses in stimulus files [#in_bits<0>], [#in_bits<1>], etc
asimenv mappingMode string "oss"
; have CDF term Order update whenever the symbol is updated
auCore.misc updateCDFtermOrder boolean t
ihdl maxNetNameLength int 16000
layout stopLevel int 32
layout dotsOn boolean t
layout useTrueBBox boolean t
layout xSnapSpacing float 0.001
layout ySnapSpacing float 0.001
layout displayPinNames boolean t
; enable partial selection by defeault
layout partialSelect boolean t
; when move/copy/creating rectangles, automatically use the current mouse-over point.
ui infix boolean t
; set layout property dimension
layout propEditorWidth int 500
layout propEditorHeight int 580
; set roman as default label font
layout labelFontStyle cyclic "roman"
; disable connectivity reference dialog box
layoutXL lxSchematicDefaultApp cyclic "None"
; turn off via stack selection
graphic viaStackSelection boolean nil
; correct schematic/symbol port order automatically.
; this makes DARPA cosim demo look good.
schematic disablePortOrderPopup boolean t
; default waveform display setup
viva.trace lineStyle string "solid"
viva.trace lineThickness string "thick"
viva.rectGraph foreground string "black"
viva.rectGraph background string "white"
viva.axis majorGridForeground string "black"
viva.axis minorGridForeground string "gray"
viva.axis foreground string "black"
viva.axis background string "white"
viva.axis font string "Default,14,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0"
viva.graphLabel font string "Default,14,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0"
; viva.probe font string "Default,14,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0"
; viva.traceLegend font string "Default,14,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0"
; LSF setup parameters
; default job name
; asimenv.distributed userDefinedJobName string "virtuoso_lsf"
; use .cdsenv variables default and do not bring up job parameter form
asimenv.distributed autoJobSubmit boolean t
; set LSF resource string
; asimenv.distributed selectLsfResourceString boolean t
; asimenv.distributed lsfResourceString string "[ptile=4]"
; set LSF queue name
asimenv.distributed queueName string "normal"
; use ssh for connection
asimenv.distributed remoteShell string "ssh"
; block ADE/Ocean until all jobs have finished
asimenv.distributed block boolean t
; LSF jobs log directory
; asimenv.distributed logsDir string "./LSF_logs"
; delete job after it's complete; allows job name recycling
; asimenv.distributed deleteJob boolean t
; if you submit a job with the same name, delete old data
; asimenv.distributed removeJobData boolean t
; number of processors to use for LSF
asimenv.distributed selectLsfNoOfProcessors boolean t
asimenv.distributed lsfNoOfProcessors string "4"