blob: 6c4652f87cf4967091673ecce01bffc465617384 [file] [log] [blame]
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright 2019 Blue Cheetah Analog Design Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from typing import Tuple, Optional, FrozenSet, List, Mapping, Any
from dataclasses import dataclass
from itertools import chain
from pybag.enum import Orient2D
from pybag.core import COORD_MAX, BBox
from bag.util.immutable import ImmutableSortedDict, ImmutableList, Param
from import TechInfo
from bag.layout.routing.grid import TrackSpec
from bag.util.immutable import ImmutableSortedDict, ImmutableList, Param
from xbase.layout.enum import MOSType, MOSPortType, MOSCutMode, MOSAbutMode, DeviceType
from import LayoutInfoBuilder, ViaInfo, CornerLayInfo
from xbase.layout.exception import ODImplantEnclosureError
from import MOSTech
from import (
MOSRowSpecs, MOSRowInfo, BlkExtInfo, MOSEdgeInfo, MOSLayInfo, ExtWidthInfo, LayoutInfo,
ExtEndLayInfo, RowExtInfo
from ..util import add_base, add_base_mos, get_arr_edge_dim
MConnInfoType = Tuple[int, int, Orient2D, int, Tuple[str, str]]
@dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
class ConnInfo:
w: int
len_min: int
sp_le: int
orient: Orient2D
via_w: int
via_h: int
via_sp: int
via_bot_enc: int
via_top_enc: int
def get_via_info(self, via_type: str, xc: int, yc: int, bot_w: int, ortho: bool = True,
num: int = 1, nx: int = 1, ny: int = 1, spx: int = 0, spy: int = 0) -> ViaInfo:
vw = self.via_w
vh = self.via_h
vsp = self.via_sp
bot_orient = self.orient
if ortho:
bot_orient = bot_orient.perpendicular()
if bot_orient is Orient2D.x:
bot_encx = self.via_bot_enc
bot_ency = (bot_w - vh) // 2
bot_encx = (bot_w - vw) // 2
bot_ency = self.via_bot_enc
if self.orient is Orient2D.x:
top_encx = self.via_top_enc
top_ency = (self.w - vh) // 2
vnx = num
vny = 1
top_encx = (self.w - vw) // 2
top_ency = self.via_top_enc
vnx = 1
vny = num
enc1 = (bot_encx, bot_encx, bot_ency, bot_ency)
enc2 = (top_encx, top_encx, top_ency, top_ency)
return ViaInfo(via_type, xc, yc, self.via_w, self.via_h, enc1, enc2,
vnx, vny, vsp, vsp, nx, ny, spx, spy)
class MOSTechSkywater130(MOSTech):
ignore_vm_sp_le_layers: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset(('m1',))
def __init__(self, tech_info: TechInfo, lch: int, arr_options: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None:
MOSTech.__init__(self, tech_info, lch, arr_options)
def blk_h_pitch(self) -> int:
return 2
def end_h_min(self) -> int:
return self.mos_config['imp_h_min'] // 2
def min_sep_col(self) -> int:
#return self._get_od_sep_col(self.mos_config['od_spx'])
#felicia copied
lch = self.lch
sd_pitch = self.sd_pitch
od_po_extx = self.od_po_extx
od_spx: int = self.mos_config['od_spx']
imp_od_encx: int = self.mos_config['imp_od_encx']
ans = -(-(od_spx + lch + 2 * od_po_extx + 2*imp_od_encx) // sd_pitch) - 1
return ans + (ans & 1)
def sub_sep_col(self) -> int:
# column separation needed between transistor/substrate and substrate/substrate.
# This is guaranteed to be even.
#return self._get_od_sep_col(max(self.mos_config['od_spx'],
# 2 * self.mos_config['imp_od_encx']))
#felicia - copied method from cds_ff_mpt
#does something similar to _get_od_sep_col but seems to have
#effective +1 that get_od doesn't have
lch = self.lch
sd_pitch = self.sd_pitch
od_po_extx = self.od_po_extx
mos_config = self.mos_config
od_spx: int = mos_config['od_spx']
imp_od_encx: int = mos_config['imp_od_encx']
od_spx = max(od_spx, 2 * imp_od_encx)
ans = -(-(od_spx + lch + 2 * od_po_extx) // sd_pitch) - 1
return ans + (ans & 1)
def min_sub_col(self) -> int:
return self.min_od_col
def gr_edge_col(self) -> int:
return self.min_od_col
def min_od_col(self) -> int:
lch = self.lch
sd_pitch = self.sd_pitch
od_po_extx = self.od_po_extx
od_w_min: int = self.mos_config['mos_w_range'][0]
return -(-max(0, od_w_min - 2 * od_po_extx - lch) // sd_pitch) + 1
def abut_mode(self) -> MOSAbutMode:
return MOSAbutMode.NONE
def od_po_extx(self) -> int:
return self.mos_config['od_po_extx']
def well_w_edge(self) -> int:
imp_od_encx: int = self.mos_config['imp_od_encx']
nwell_imp: int = self.mos_config['nwell_imp']
return -(self.sd_pitch - self.lch) // 2 + self.od_po_extx + nwell_imp + imp_od_encx
def get_conn_info(self, conn_layer: int, is_gate: bool) -> ConnInfo:
mconf = self.mos_config
wire_info = mconf['g_wire_info' if is_gate else 'd_wire_info']
idx = conn_layer - wire_info['bot_layer']
w, is_horiz, v_w, v_h, v_sp, v_bot_enc, v_top_enc = wire_info['info_list'][idx]
orient = Orient2D(int(is_horiz ^ 1))
if conn_layer == 0:
sp_le = mconf['md_spy']
len_min = -(-mconf['md_area_min'] // w)
tech_info = self.tech_info
lay, purp = tech_info.get_lay_purp_list(conn_layer)[0]
# make sure minimum length satisfies via enclosure rule
cur_len = 2 * v_top_enc + (v_w if is_horiz else v_h)
len_min = tech_info.get_next_length(lay, purp, orient, w, cur_len, even=True)
sp_le = tech_info.get_min_line_end_space(lay, w, purpose=purp, even=True)
return ConnInfo(w, len_min, sp_le, orient, v_w, v_h, v_sp, v_bot_enc, v_top_enc)
def can_short_adj_tracks(self, conn_layer: int) -> bool:
return False
def get_track_specs(self, conn_layer: int, top_layer: int) -> List[TrackSpec]:
assert conn_layer == 1, 'currently only work for conn_layer = 1'
sd_pitch = self.sd_pitch
grid_info = self.mos_config['grid_info']
return [TrackSpec(layer=lay, direction=Orient2D.y, width=vm_w,
space=num_sd * sd_pitch - vm_w, offset=(num_sd * sd_pitch) // 2)
for lay, vm_w, num_sd in grid_info if conn_layer <= lay <= top_layer]
def get_edge_width(self, mos_arr_width: int, blk_pitch: int) -> int:
w_edge_min = self.mos_config['imp_od_encx'] + self.sd_pitch // 2
return get_arr_edge_dim(mos_arr_width, w_edge_min, blk_pitch)
def get_mos_row_info(self, conn_layer: int, specs: MOSRowSpecs, bot_mos_type: MOSType,
top_mos_type: MOSType, global_options: Param) -> MOSRowInfo:
assert conn_layer == 1, 'currently only work for conn_layer = 1'
blk_p = self.blk_h_pitch
w = specs.width
w_sub = specs.sub_width
mos_type = specs.mos_type
threshold = specs.threshold
mconf = self.mos_config
po_spy: int = mconf['po_spy']
od_spy: int = mconf['od_spy']
po_h_gate: int = mconf['po_h_gate']
po_od_exty: int = mconf['po_od_exty']
mg_imp_spy: int = mconf['mg_imp_spy']
imp_h_min: int = mconf['imp_h_min']
imp_od_ency: int = mconf['imp_od_ency']
po_spy2 = po_spy // 2
imp_h_min2 = imp_h_min // 2
md_info = self.get_conn_info(0, False)
od_vency = md_info.via_bot_enc
md_top_vency = md_info.via_top_enc
mg_info = self.get_conn_info(0, False)
mg_h = mg_info.w
m1_info = self.get_conn_info(1, False)
v0_h = m1_info.via_h
m1_h_min = m1_info.len_min
m1_spy = m1_info.sp_le
md_bot_vency = m1_info.via_bot_enc
m1_vency = m1_info.via_top_enc
po_yl = po_spy2
po_yh_gate = po_yl + po_h_gate
po_yc_gate = (po_yl + po_yh_gate) // 2
gm1_yh = po_yc_gate + v0_h // 2 + m1_vency
gm1_yl = min(po_yc_gate - v0_h // 2 - m1_vency, gm1_yh - m1_h_min)
# fix mg_imp spacing
imp_yl = max(imp_h_min2, po_yc_gate + mg_h // 2 + mg_imp_spy)
od_yl = imp_yl + imp_od_ency
dm1_yl = gm1_yh + m1_spy
dv0_yl = dm1_yl + m1_vency
dmd_yl = dv0_yl - md_bot_vency
dvc_yl = dmd_yl + md_top_vency
od_yl = max(od_yl, dvc_yl - od_vency)
od_yh = od_yl + w
po_yh = od_yh + po_od_exty
blk_yh = max(od_yh + imp_od_ency + imp_h_min2, po_yh + po_spy2)
blk_yh = -(-blk_yh // blk_p) * blk_p
md_yl, md_yh, vc_num = self._get_conn_params(self.get_conn_info(0, False), od_yl, od_yh)
dm1_yl, dm1_yh, v0_num = self._get_conn_params(m1_info, md_yl, md_yh)
# return MOSRowInfo
top_einfo = RowExtInfo(
mos_type, threshold,
od=(blk_yh - od_yh, od_spy),
po=(blk_yh - po_yh, po_spy),
m1=(blk_yh - dm1_yh, m1_spy),
bot_einfo = RowExtInfo(
mos_type, threshold,
od=(od_yl, od_spy),
po=(po_yl, po_spy),
m1=(gm1_yl, m1_spy),
info = dict(
imp_y=(od_yl - imp_od_ency, od_yh + imp_od_ency),
od_y=(od_yl, od_yh),
po_y=(po_yh_gate, po_yh),
po_y_gate=(po_yl, po_yh_gate),
g_y = (gm1_yl, gm1_yh)
g_m_y = (0, po_yl)
ds_y = ds_g_y = sub_y = (dm1_yl, dm1_yh)
ds_m_y = (po_yh, blk_yh)
return MOSRowInfo(self.lch, w, w_sub, mos_type, specs.threshold, blk_yh, specs.flip,
top_einfo, bot_einfo, ImmutableSortedDict(info), g_y, g_m_y, ds_y,
ds_m_y, ds_g_y, sub_y, guard_ring=False)
def get_ext_width_info(self, bot_row_ext_info: RowExtInfo, top_row_ext_info: RowExtInfo,
ignore_vm_sp_le: bool = False) -> ExtWidthInfo:
assert not ignore_vm_sp_le, 'ignore_vm_sp_le is not supported'
blk_p = self.blk_h_pitch
bot_margins = bot_row_ext_info['margins']
top_margins = top_row_ext_info['margins']
ext_h_min = 0
for key, (bot_val, sp) in bot_margins.items():
top_info = top_margins.get(key, None)
if top_info is not None:
top_val = top_info[0]
ext_h_min = max(ext_h_min, sp - (top_val + bot_val))
w_min = -(-ext_h_min // blk_p)
return ExtWidthInfo([], w_min)
def get_extension_regions(self, bot_info: RowExtInfo, top_info: RowExtInfo, height: int
) -> Tuple[MOSCutMode, int, int]:
if _get_extend_bot_implant(bot_info, top_info):
# split at top
cut_mode = MOSCutMode.TOP
bot_exty = height
top_exty = 0
# split at bottom
cut_mode = MOSCutMode.BOT
bot_exty = 0
top_exty = height
return cut_mode, bot_exty, top_exty
def get_mos_conn_info(self, row_info: MOSRowInfo, conn_layer: int, seg: int, w: int, stack: int,
g_on_s: bool, options: Param) -> MOSLayInfo:
assert conn_layer == 1, 'currently only work for conn_layer = 1'
sep_g = options.get('sep_g', False)
export_mid = options.get('export_mid', False)
export_mid = export_mid and stack == 2
sd_pitch = self.sd_pitch
height = row_info.height
row_type = row_info.row_type
threshold = row_info.threshold
imp_y: Tuple[int, int] = row_info['imp_y']
po_y_gate: Tuple[int, int] = row_info['po_y_gate']
# compute gate wires location
fg = seg * stack
wire_pitch = stack * sd_pitch
conn_pitch = 2 * wire_pitch
num_s = seg // 2 + 1
num_d = (seg + 1) // 2
s_xc = 0
d_xc = wire_pitch
# get gate wires
g_pitch = 2 * sd_pitch
if g_on_s:
g_xc = 0
num_g = fg // 2 + 1
g_xc = sd_pitch
num_g = (fg + 1) // 2
# draw device
builder = LayoutInfoBuilder()
od_y = self._add_mos_active(builder, row_info, 0, fg, w)
# draw gate connection
self._draw_g_conn(builder, sep_g, g_xc, po_y_gate, fg, g_pitch, g_on_s)
# draw drain/source connections
d0_info = self.get_conn_info(0, False)
d1_info = self.get_conn_info(1, False)
md_yl, md_yh, num_vc = self._get_conn_params(d0_info, od_y[0], od_y[1])
num_v0 = self._get_conn_params(d1_info, md_yl, md_yh)[2]
md_y = (md_yl, md_yh)
self._draw_ds_conn(builder, d0_info, d1_info, od_y, md_y, num_vc, num_v0,
d_xc, num_d, conn_pitch)
self._draw_ds_conn(builder, d0_info, d1_info, od_y, md_y, num_vc, num_v0,
s_xc, num_s, conn_pitch)
if export_mid:
m_xc = sd_pitch
num_m = fg + 1 - num_s - num_d
m_info = (m_xc, num_m, wire_pitch)
self._draw_ds_conn(builder, d0_info, d1_info, od_y, md_y, num_vc, num_v0,
m_xc, num_m, wire_pitch)
m_info = None
bbox = BBox(0, 0, fg * sd_pitch, height)
edge_info = MOSEdgeInfo(mos_type=row_type, imp_y=imp_y, has_od=True)
be = BlkExtInfo(row_type, row_info.threshold, False, ImmutableList([(fg, row_type)]),
return MOSLayInfo(builder.get_info(bbox), edge_info, edge_info, be, be,
g_info=(g_xc, num_g, g_pitch), d_info=(d_xc, num_d, conn_pitch),
s_info=(s_xc, num_s, conn_pitch), m_info=m_info,
def _draw_g_conn(self, builder: LayoutInfoBuilder, sep_g: bool, g_xc: int,
po_y_gate: Tuple[int, int], fg: int, conn_pitch: int, g_on_s: bool) -> None:
lch = self.lch
sd_pitch = self.sd_pitch
mconf = self.mos_config
npc_w: int = mconf['npc_w']
npc_h: int = mconf['npc_h']
npc_w2 = npc_w // 2
npc_h2 = npc_h // 2
g0_info = self.get_conn_info(0, True)
g1_info = self.get_conn_info(1, True)
po_lp = ('poly', 'drawing')
po_conn_w = sd_pitch + lch
po_xl_gate = g_xc - po_conn_w // 2
if g_on_s:
g_xc = 0
num_g = fg // 2 + 1
po_xl_even = g_xc
po_xh_even = g_xc + sd_pitch // 2 + lch // 2
po_xl_odd = sd_pitch + sd_pitch // 2 - lch // 2
po_xh_odd = 2 * sd_pitch
g_xc = sd_pitch
num_g = (fg + 1) // 2
po_xl_even = sd_pitch // 2 - lch // 2
po_xh_even = sd_pitch
po_xl_odd = sd_pitch
po_xh_odd = sd_pitch + sd_pitch // 2 + lch // 2
# builder.add_rect_arr(po_lp, BBox(po_xl_gate, po_y_gate[0], po_xl_gate + po_conn_w,
# po_y_gate[1]), nx=num_g, spx=conn_pitch)
builder.add_rect_arr(po_lp, BBox(po_xl_even, po_y_gate[0], po_xh_even, po_y_gate[1]),
nx=(fg - (fg // 2)), spx=conn_pitch)
builder.add_rect_arr(po_lp, BBox(po_xl_odd, po_y_gate[0], po_xh_odd, po_y_gate[1]),
nx=(fg // 2), spx=conn_pitch)
po_yc_gate = (po_y_gate[0] + po_y_gate[1]) // 2
po_h_gate = po_y_gate[1] - po_y_gate[0]
builder.add_via(g0_info.get_via_info('PYL1_C', g_xc, po_yc_gate, po_h_gate,
ortho=False, num=1, nx=num_g, spx=conn_pitch))
# poly via draws npc layer wrong
npc_box = BBox(g_xc - npc_w2, po_yc_gate - npc_h2, g_xc + npc_w2, po_yc_gate + npc_h2)
builder.add_rect_arr(('npc', 'drawing'), npc_box, nx=num_g, spx=conn_pitch)
mp_h = g0_info.w
mp_w_min = g0_info.len_min
mp_lp = ('li1', 'drawing')
mp_yl = po_yc_gate - mp_h // 2
mp_yh = mp_yl + mp_h
if sep_g:
mp_xl = g_xc - mp_w_min // 2
builder.add_rect_arr(mp_lp, BBox(mp_xl, mp_yl, mp_xl + mp_w_min, mp_yh),
nx=num_g, spx=conn_pitch)
mp_dx = g0_info.via_w # felicia - // 2 + g0_info.via_top_enc
# for licon.5
mp_xl = g_xc - mp_dx
mp_xh = g_xc + (num_g - 1) * conn_pitch + mp_dx
builder.add_rect_arr(mp_lp, BBox(mp_xl, mp_yl, mp_xh, mp_yh))
# connect MP to M1
builder.add_via(g1_info.get_via_info('L1M1_C', g_xc, po_yc_gate, mp_h, ortho=True,
num=1, nx=num_g, spx=conn_pitch))
def _draw_ds_conn(builder: LayoutInfoBuilder, d0_info: ConnInfo, d1_info: ConnInfo,
od_y: Tuple[int, int], md_y: Tuple[int, int], num_vc: int, num_v0: int,
xc: int, nx: int, spx: int) -> None:
# connect to MD
md_w = d0_info.w
vc_w = d0_info.via_w
vc_h = d0_info.via_h
vc_sp = d0_info.via_sp
vc_p = vc_w + vc_sp
vc_w2 = vc_w // 2
vc_h2 = vc_h // 2
md_w2 = md_w // 2
od_yc = (od_y[0] + od_y[1]) // 2
vc_h_arr = num_vc * vc_p - vc_sp
vc_yc_bot = od_yc + (vc_h - vc_h_arr) // 2
vc_box = BBox(xc - vc_w2, vc_yc_bot - vc_h2, xc + vc_w2, vc_yc_bot + vc_h2)
md_box = BBox(xc - md_w2, md_y[0], xc + md_w2, md_y[1])
builder.add_rect_arr(('licon1', 'drawing'), vc_box, nx=nx, spx=spx, ny=num_vc, spy=vc_p)
builder.add_rect_arr(('li1', 'drawing'), md_box, nx=nx, spx=spx)
# connect to M1
builder.add_via(d1_info.get_via_info('L1M1_C', xc, od_yc, md_w, ortho=False,
num=num_v0, nx=nx, spx=spx))
def get_mos_abut_info(self, row_info: MOSRowInfo, edgel: MOSEdgeInfo, edger: MOSEdgeInfo
) -> LayoutInfo:
raise ValueError('This method is not supported in this technology.')
def get_mos_tap_info(self, row_info: MOSRowInfo, conn_layer: int, seg: int,
options: Param) -> MOSLayInfo:
assert conn_layer == 1, 'currently only work for conn_layer = 1'
row_type = row_info.row_type
guard_ring: bool = options.get('guard_ring', row_info.guard_ring)
if guard_ring:
sub_type: MOSType = options.get('sub_type', row_type.sub_type)
sub_type: MOSType = row_type.sub_type
sd_pitch = self.sd_pitch
w = row_info.sub_width
height = row_info.height
threshold = row_info.threshold
imp_y: Tuple[int, int] = row_info['imp_y']
# draw device
builder = LayoutInfoBuilder()
#draws diffusion and tap
#if (row_type is MOSType.nch):
od_y = self._add_mos_active(builder, row_info, 0, seg, w, is_sub=True)
# od_y = (193, 303)
# draw drain/source connections
d0_info = self.get_conn_info(0, False)
d1_info = self.get_conn_info(1, False)
md_yl, md_yh, num_vc = self._get_conn_params(d0_info, od_y[0], od_y[1])
num_v0 = self._get_conn_params(d1_info, md_yl, md_yh)[2]
md_y = (md_yl, md_yh)
#draws in vias connecting tap cell to metal 1
self._draw_ds_conn(builder, d0_info, d1_info, od_y, md_y, num_vc, num_v0,
0, seg + 1, sd_pitch)
# draw base
# add extra imp)od_encx for ntap and ptap
imp_od_encx: int = self.mos_config['imp_od_encx']
bbox = BBox(0-2*imp_od_encx, 0, seg * sd_pitch + 2*imp_od_encx, height)
add_base_mos(builder, sub_type, threshold, imp_y, bbox, is_sub=True)
edge_info = MOSEdgeInfo(mos_type=sub_type, imp_y=imp_y, has_od=True)
be = BlkExtInfo(row_type, row_info.threshold, guard_ring, ImmutableList([(seg, sub_type)]),
wire_info = (0, seg + 1, sd_pitch)
return MOSLayInfo(builder.get_info(bbox), edge_info, edge_info, be, be,
g_info=wire_info, d_info=wire_info, s_info=wire_info,
def get_mos_space_info(self, row_info: MOSRowInfo, num_cols: int, left_info: MOSEdgeInfo,
right_info: MOSEdgeInfo) -> MOSLayInfo:
lch = self.lch
sd_pitch = self.sd_pitch
od_po_extx = self.od_po_extx
imp_od_encx: int = self.mos_config['imp_od_encx']
row_type = row_info.row_type
threshold = row_info.threshold
imp_y: Tuple[int, int] = row_info['imp_y']
blk_xh = num_cols * sd_pitch
blk_yh = row_info.height
bbox = BBox(0, 0, blk_xh, blk_yh)
# get information from edge information dictionary
# if MOSEdgeInfo evaluates to False, that means this space block is on the boundary.
if left_info:
typel: MOSType = left_info['mos_type']
if right_info:
typer: MOSType = right_info['mos_type']
typer = typel
elif right_info:
typer: MOSType = right_info['mos_type']
typel = typer
typel = typer = row_type
builder = LayoutInfoBuilder()
# find dummy OD columns
od_extx = od_po_extx - (sd_pitch - lch) // 2
delta_implant = od_extx + imp_od_encx
delta_implant = -(-delta_implant // sd_pitch) * sd_pitch
if typel == typer:
# same implant on left and right
be = BlkExtInfo(row_type, threshold, False, ImmutableList([(num_cols, typel)]),
add_base(builder, typel, threshold, imp_y, bbox)
edger = edgel = MOSEdgeInfo(mos_type=typel, imp_y=imp_y, has_od=False)
# find implant split coordinate
# split closer to the side with the following priority:
# 1. is a opposite tap (i.e. ntap in nmos row)
# 2. is a substrate tap (i.e. ptap in nmos row)
if typel is not row_type:
if delta_implant > blk_xh:
raise ODImplantEnclosureError('Insufficient space to satisfy '
'implant-OD horizontal enclosure.')
add_base(builder, typel, threshold, imp_y, BBox(0, 0, delta_implant, blk_yh))
xl = delta_implant
fgl = delta_implant // sd_pitch
xl = 0
fgl = 0
if typer is not row_type:
xr = blk_xh - delta_implant
if xr < xl:
raise ODImplantEnclosureError('Insufficient space to satisfy '
'implant-OD horizontal enclosure.')
add_base(builder, typer, threshold, imp_y, BBox(xr, 0, blk_xh, blk_yh))
fgr = delta_implant // sd_pitch
xr = blk_xh
fgr = 0
if xr > xl:
# draw implant in middle region
fgm = (xr - xl) // sd_pitch
if typel is row_type:
fgl += fgm
add_base(builder, typel, threshold, imp_y, BBox(xl, 0, xr, blk_yh))
fgr += fgm
add_base(builder, typer, threshold, imp_y, BBox(xl, 0, xr, blk_yh))
fg_dev_list = []
if fgl > 0:
fg_dev_list.append((fgl, typel))
if fgr > 0:
fg_dev_list.append((fgr, typer))
be = BlkExtInfo(row_type, threshold, False, ImmutableList(fg_dev_list),
edgel = MOSEdgeInfo(mos_type=typel, imp_y=imp_y, has_od=False)
edger = edgel.copy_with(mos_type=typer)
wire_info = (0, 0, 0)
return MOSLayInfo(builder.get_info(bbox), edgel, edger, be, be, g_info=wire_info,
d_info=wire_info, s_info=wire_info, shorted_ports=ImmutableList())
def get_mos_ext_info(self, num_cols: int, blk_h: int, bot_einfo: RowExtInfo,
top_einfo: RowExtInfo, gr_info: Tuple[int, int]) -> ExtEndLayInfo:
raise ValueError('Not implemented.')
def get_mos_ext_gr_info(self, num_cols: int, edge_cols: int, blk_h: int, bot_einfo: RowExtInfo,
top_einfo: RowExtInfo, sub_type: MOSType, einfo: MOSEdgeInfo
) -> ExtEndLayInfo:
raise ValueError('Not implemented.')
def get_ext_geometries(self, re_bot: RowExtInfo, re_top: RowExtInfo,
be_bot: ImmutableList[BlkExtInfo], be_top: ImmutableList[BlkExtInfo],
cut_mode: MOSCutMode, bot_exty: int, top_exty: int,
dx: int, dy: int, w_edge: int) -> LayoutInfo:
sd_pitch = self.sd_pitch
well_w_edge = self.well_w_edge
ymid = dy + bot_exty
ytop = ymid + top_exty
# draw extensions
builder = LayoutInfoBuilder()
if bot_exty > 0:
xcur = dx
for info in be_bot:
xcur = _add_blk_ext_info(sd_pitch, builder, info, xcur, dy, ymid)
w_tot = xcur + w_edge
_add_blk_ext_edge(sd_pitch, builder, be_bot[0], dy, ymid, w_edge, 0, well_w_edge)
_add_blk_ext_edge(sd_pitch, builder, be_bot[-1], dy, ymid, w_edge, w_tot, well_w_edge)
if top_exty > 0:
xcur = dx
for info in be_top:
xcur = _add_blk_ext_info(sd_pitch, builder, info, xcur, ymid, ytop)
w_tot = xcur + w_edge
_add_blk_ext_edge(sd_pitch, builder, be_top[0], ymid, ytop, w_edge, 0, well_w_edge)
_add_blk_ext_edge(sd_pitch, builder, be_top[-1], ymid, ytop, w_edge, w_tot, well_w_edge)
# Note: bbox not used, just pass in some value.
return builder.get_info(BBox(0, 0, 0, 0))
def get_mos_end_info(self, blk_h: int, num_cols: int, einfo: RowExtInfo) -> ExtEndLayInfo:
blk_rect = BBox(0, 0, num_cols * self.sd_pitch, blk_h)
builder = LayoutInfoBuilder()
row_type = einfo.row_type
threshold = einfo.threshold
imp_y = (blk_rect.yl, blk_rect.yl)
add_base(builder, row_type, threshold, imp_y, blk_rect)
edge_info = MOSEdgeInfo(row_type=row_type, imp_y=imp_y, threshold=threshold)
return ExtEndLayInfo(builder.get_info(blk_rect), edge_info)
def get_mos_row_edge_info(self, blk_w: int, rinfo: MOSRowInfo, einfo: MOSEdgeInfo
) -> LayoutInfo:
blk_h = rinfo.height
mos_type: MOSType = einfo['mos_type']
return self._edge_info_helper(blk_w, blk_h, mos_type, rinfo.threshold, rinfo['imp_y'])
def get_mos_ext_edge_info(self, blk_w: int, einfo: MOSEdgeInfo) -> LayoutInfo:
row_type: MOSType = einfo['row_type']
threshold: str = einfo['threshold']
blk_h: int = einfo['blk_h']
imp_y: Tuple[int, int] = einfo['imp_y']
return self._edge_info_helper(blk_w, blk_h, row_type, threshold, imp_y)
def get_mos_corner_info(self, blk_w: int, blk_h: int, einfo: MOSEdgeInfo) -> CornerLayInfo:
lch = self.lch
sd_pitch = self.sd_pitch
well_w_edge = self.well_w_edge
row_type: MOSType = einfo['row_type']
threshold: str = einfo['threshold']
well_yl = 0
blk_rect = BBox(blk_w - sd_pitch, well_yl, blk_w, blk_h)
builder = LayoutInfoBuilder()
well_xl = blk_w - well_w_edge
add_base(builder, row_type, threshold, (blk_rect.yl, blk_rect.yl), blk_rect,
well_x=(well_xl, blk_w))
x_margins = dict(well=well_xl)
y_margins = dict(well=well_yl)
edgel = ImmutableSortedDict(dict(dev_type=DeviceType.MOS, lch=lch, margins=x_margins))
edgeb = ImmutableSortedDict(dict(dev_type=DeviceType.MOS, lch=lch, margins=y_margins))
return CornerLayInfo(builder.get_info(blk_rect), (0, 0), edgel, edgeb)
def _get_conn_params(info: ConnInfo, bot_cl: int, bot_ch: int) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
v_dim = info.via_h if info.orient is Orient2D.y else info.via_w
v_sp = info.via_sp
v_bot_enc = info.via_bot_enc
v_top_enc = info.via_top_enc
v_pitch = v_dim + v_sp
v_num = (bot_ch - bot_cl - v_bot_enc * 2 + v_sp) // v_pitch
v_dim_arr = v_num * v_pitch - v_sp
top_dim = max(info.len_min, v_dim_arr + 2 * v_top_enc)
top_cl = (bot_cl + bot_ch - top_dim) // 2
top_ch = top_cl + top_dim
return top_cl, top_ch, v_num
def _get_od_sep_col(self, spx: int) -> int:
lch = self.lch
sd_pitch = self.sd_pitch
od_po_extx = self.od_po_extx
return -(-(spx + lch + 2 * od_po_extx) // sd_pitch) - 1
def _add_mos_active(self, builder: LayoutInfoBuilder, row_info: MOSRowInfo,
start: int, stop: int, w: int, is_sub: bool = False
) -> Tuple[int, int]:
po_yl: int = row_info['po_y'][0]
od_yl: int = row_info['od_y'][0]
lch = self.lch
sd_pitch = self.sd_pitch
od_po_extx = self.od_po_extx
mconf = self.mos_config
po_h_min: int = mconf['po_h_min']
po_od_exty: int = mconf['po_od_exty']
# draw PO
od_yh = od_yl + w
if is_sub:
od_lp = ('tap', 'drawing')
od_lp = ('diff', 'drawing')
po_y = (po_yl, max(po_yl + po_h_min, od_yh + po_od_exty))
self._add_po_array(builder, po_y, start, stop)
# draw OD
po_xl = (sd_pitch - lch) // 2
od_sd_dx = od_po_extx - po_xl
od_xl = start * sd_pitch - od_sd_dx
od_xh = stop * sd_pitch + od_sd_dx
builder.add_rect_arr(od_lp, BBox(od_xl, od_yl, od_xh, od_yh))
# draw base
imp_od_encx: int = self.mos_config['imp_od_encx']
bbox = BBox(od_xl-imp_od_encx, 0, od_xh+imp_od_encx, row_info.height)
#if drawing tap cells, flip the implant type so its opposite of row
if is_sub:
if (row_info.row_type is MOSType.nch):
add_base_mos(builder, MOSType.pch, row_info.threshold, row_info['imp_y'], bbox, is_sub=True)
elif (row_info.row_type is MOSType.pch):
add_base_mos(builder, MOSType.nch, row_info.threshold, row_info['imp_y'], bbox, is_sub=True)
add_base_mos(builder, row_info.row_type, row_info.threshold, row_info['imp_y'], bbox)
return od_yl, od_yh
def _add_po_array(self, builder: LayoutInfoBuilder, po_y: Tuple[int, int], start: int,
stop: int) -> None:
lch = self.lch
sd_pitch = self.sd_pitch
po_x0 = (sd_pitch - lch) // 2 + sd_pitch * start
fg = stop - start
if po_y[1] > po_y[0]:
builder.add_rect_arr(('poly', 'drawing'), BBox(po_x0, po_y[0], po_x0 + lch, po_y[1]),
nx=fg, spx=sd_pitch)
def _edge_info_helper(self, blk_w: int, blk_h: int, row_type: MOSType, threshold: str,
imp_y: Tuple[int, int]) -> LayoutInfo:
sd_pitch = self.sd_pitch
well_w_edge = self.well_w_edge
blk_rect = BBox(blk_w - sd_pitch, 0, blk_w, blk_h)
builder = LayoutInfoBuilder()
add_base(builder, row_type, threshold, imp_y, blk_rect, well_x=(blk_w - well_w_edge, blk_w))
return builder.get_info(blk_rect)
def _get_extend_bot_implant(bot_info: RowExtInfo, top_info: RowExtInfo) -> bool:
# prefer n implant over p implant, prefer transistor over substrate
bot_row_type = bot_info.row_type
top_row_type = top_info.row_type
if bot_row_type.is_pwell:
return True
if top_row_type.is_pwell:
return False
if not bot_row_type.is_substrate and top_row_type.is_substrate:
return True
if not top_row_type.is_substrate and bot_row_type.is_substrate:
return False
return bot_info.threshold < top_info.threshold
def _add_blk_ext_edge(sd_pitch: int, builder: LayoutInfoBuilder, binfo: BlkExtInfo,
yl: int, yh: int, blk_w: int, w_tot: int, well_w_edge: int) -> None:
threshold = binfo.threshold
if w_tot == 0:
blk_rect = BBox(blk_w - sd_pitch, yl, blk_w, yh)
mos_idx = 0
well_x = (blk_w - well_w_edge, blk_w)
xl = w_tot - blk_w
blk_rect = BBox(xl, yl, xl + sd_pitch, yh)
mos_idx = -1
well_x = (xl, xl + well_w_edge)
add_base(builder, binfo.fg_dev[mos_idx][1], threshold, (blk_rect.yl, blk_rect.yl),
blk_rect, well_x=well_x)
def _add_blk_ext_info(sd_pitch: int, builder: LayoutInfoBuilder,
info: BlkExtInfo, xl: int, yl: int, yh: int) -> int:
threshold = info.threshold
# add base
xcur = xl
for fg, dev in info.fg_dev:
xh = xcur + fg * sd_pitch
add_base(builder, dev, threshold, (yl, yl), BBox(xcur, yl, xh, yh))
xcur = xh
return xcur