blob: 83081571c0993153d3c1b0f2458b266f42cfa3d9 [file] [log] [blame]
Physical & Design Verification
.. toctree::
:caption: Physical & Design Verification
:name: verification
Automated Design Rule (DRC) Checking <verification/drc>
- With Mentor Calibre
- With MAGIC
- With Klayout
Layout Versus Schematic (LVS) Checking <verification/lvs>
- With Mentor Calibre
- With netgen
Parasitic Extraction (PEX) <verification/pex>
- With Calibre xRC
- With MAGIC
.. todo::
The SkyWater SKY130 PDK provides automated physical and design rule checking decks.
These verification rules provide;
* :term:`Design Rule Checking` (:term:`DRC`) against rules described in the
:ref:`SkyWater SKY130 Process Design Rules` documentation.
.. warning::
There are some design rules which can not be verified with these decks.
They are clearly marked in the :ref:`SkyWater SKY130 Process Design Rules`
documentation and should be manually verified by the designer.
* :term:`Layout Verse Schematic` (:term`LVS`) Verification
* :term:`Parasitic Extraction` (:term:`PEX`)
TODO: Calibre Decks
Put stuff here.
Put stuff here.