| .. csv-table:: Table C3: Device, LVS and other CAD definitions |
| :file: layers/table-c3-device-lvs-other.csv |
| .. csv-table:: Table C4a: Purpose layer description in LSW window and Auxiliary Layers |
| :file: layers/table-c4a-layer-description.csv |
| .. csv-table:: Table C4b: Purpose layer description in LSW window and Auxiliary Layers |
| :file: layers/table-c4b-layer-description.csv |
| Devices and Layout vs Schematic (LVS) Information |
| ------------------------------------------------- |
| .. csv-table:: Table F2a: Devices and Layout vs. Schematic (LVS) |
| :file: layers/table-c4b-layer-description.csv |
| .. include:: layers/table-f2a-lvs-key.rst |
| .. csv-table:: Table F2b: Mask Generation table |
| :file: layers/table-f2b-mask.tsv |
| .. include:: layers/table-f2b-mask-key.rst |
| The :download:`gds_layers.csv file <./gds_layers.csv>` provides a raw list of the |
| layers used in the process with name, description and the GDS layer and data type. |
| .. csv-table:: Table - GDS Layers |
| Device and Layout vs. Schematic |
| =============================== |
| .. csv-table:: Table F2a: Devices and Layout vs. Schematic (LVS) |
| :file: layers/table-f2a-lvs.tsv |