api: Adding liberty file generator.

Generates liberty timing files from the included json timing data.

Signed-off-by: Tim 'mithro' Ansell <tansell@google.com>
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 4f37195..0ad4828 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -59,4 +59,25 @@
 all: README.rst
+LIBRARIES = $(sort $(notdir $(wildcard libraries/sky130_*_sc_*)))
+	@$(IN_CONDA_ENV) for V in libraries/$@/*; do \
+		python -m skywater_pdk.liberty $$V; \
+		python -m skywater_pdk.liberty $$V all; \
+		python -m skywater_pdk.liberty $$V all --ccsnoise; \
+	done
+sky130_fd_sc_ms-leakage: | $(CONDA_ENV_PYTHON)
+	 @$(IN_CONDA_ENV) for V in libraries/sky130_fd_sc_ms/*; do \
+		python -m skywater_pdk.liberty $$V all --leakage; \
+	done
+sky130_fd_sc_ms: sky130_fd_sc_ms-leakage
+	@true
 .PHONY: all
diff --git a/scripts/python-skywater-pdk/skywater_pdk/liberty.py b/scripts/python-skywater-pdk/skywater_pdk/liberty.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0e87e61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/python-skywater-pdk/skywater_pdk/liberty.py
@@ -0,0 +1,697 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2020 SkyWater PDK Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+import argparse
+import enum
+import json
+import os
+import pathlib
+import pprint
+import re
+import sys
+from collections import defaultdict
+from typing import Tuple, List, Dict
+from . import sizes
+debug = False
+class TimingType(enum.IntFlag):
+    """
+    >>> TimingType.parse("ff_100C_1v65")
+    ('ff_100C_1v65', <TimingType.basic: 1>)
+    >>> TimingType.parse("ff_100C_1v65_ccsnoise")
+    ('ff_100C_1v65', <TimingType.ccsnoise: 3>)
+    >>> TimingType.basic in TimingType.ccsnoise
+    True
+    >>> TimingType.parse("ff_100C_1v65_pwrlkg")
+    ('ff_100C_1v65', <TimingType.leakage: 4>)
+    >>> (TimingType.basic).describe()
+    ''
+    >>> (TimingType.ccsnoise).describe()
+    '(with ccsnoise)'
+    >>> (TimingType.leakage).describe()
+    '(with power leakage)'
+    >>> (TimingType.leakage | TimingType.ccsnoise).describe()
+    '(with ccsnoise and power leakage)'
+    >>> (TimingType.leakage | TimingType.ccsnoise).names()
+    'basic, ccsnoise, leakage'
+    >>> TimingType.ccsnoise.names()
+    'basic, ccsnoise'
+    """
+    basic    = 1
+    # ccsnoise files are basic files with extra 'ccsn_' values in the timing
+    # data.
+    ccsnoise = 2 | basic
+    # leakage files are separate from the basic files
+    leakage  = 4
+    def names(self):
+        o = []
+        for t in TimingType:
+            if t in self:
+                o.append(t.name)
+        return ", ".join(o)
+    def describe(self):
+        o = []
+        if TimingType.ccsnoise in self:
+            o.append("ccsnoise")
+        if TimingType.leakage in self:
+            o.append("power leakage")
+        if not o:
+            return ""
+        return "(with "+" and ".join(o)+")"
+    @property
+    def file(self):
+        if self == TimingType.ccsnoise:
+            return "_ccsnoise"
+        elif self == TimingType.leakage:
+            return "_pwrlkg"
+        return ""
+    @classmethod
+    def parse(cls, name):
+        ttype = TimingType.basic
+        if name.endswith("_ccsnoise"):
+            name = name[:-len("_ccsnoise")]
+            ttype = TimingType.ccsnoise
+        elif name.endswith("_pwrlkg"):
+            name = name[:-len("_pwrlkg")]
+            ttype = TimingType.leakage
+        return name, ttype
+    @property
+    def singular(self):
+        return len(self.types) == 1
+    @property
+    def types(self):
+        tt = set(t for t in TimingType if t in self)
+        if TimingType.ccsnoise in tt:
+            tt.remove(TimingType.basic)
+        return list(tt)
+def cell_corner_file(lib, cell_with_size, corner, corner_type: TimingType):
+    """
+    >>> cell_corner_file("sky130_fd_sc_hd", "a2111o", "ff_100C_1v65", TimingType.basic)
+    'cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o__ff_100C_1v65.lib.json'
+    >>> cell_corner_file("sky130_fd_sc_hd", "a2111o_1", "ff_100C_1v65", TimingType.basic)
+    'cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1__ff_100C_1v65.lib.json'
+    >>> cell_corner_file("sky130_fd_sc_hd", "a2111o_1", "ff_100C_1v65", TimingType.ccsnoise)
+    'cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1__ff_100C_1v65_ccsnoise.lib.json'
+    """
+    assert corner_type.singular, (lib, cell_with_size, corner, corner_type, corner_type.types())
+    sz = sizes.parse_size(cell_with_size)
+    if sz:
+        cell = cell_with_size[:-len(sz.suffix)]
+    else:
+        cell = cell_with_size
+    fname = "cells/{cell}/{lib}__{cell_sz}__{corner}{corner_type}.lib.json".format(
+        lib=lib, cell=cell, cell_sz=cell_with_size, corner=corner, corner_type=corner_type.file)
+    return fname
+def top_corner_file(libname, corner, corner_type: TimingType):
+    """
+    >>> top_corner_file("sky130_fd_sc_hd", "ff_100C_1v65", TimingType.ccsnoise)
+    'timing/sky130_fd_sc_hd__ff_100C_1v65_ccsnoise.lib.json'
+    >>> top_corner_file("sky130_fd_sc_hd", "ff_100C_1v65", TimingType.basic)
+    'timing/sky130_fd_sc_hd__ff_100C_1v65.lib.json'
+    """
+    assert corner_type.singular, (libname, corner, corner_type, corner_type.types())
+    return "timing/{libname}__{corner}{corner_type}.lib.json".format(
+        libname=libname,
+        corner=corner, corner_type=corner_type.file)
+def collect(library_dir) -> Tuple[Dict[str, TimingType], List[str]]:
+    """Collect the available timing information in corners.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    library_dir: str
+        Path to a library.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    lib : str
+        Library name
+    corners : {str: TimingType}
+        corners in the library.
+    cells : list of str
+        cells in the library.
+    """
+    if not isinstance(library_dir, pathlib.Path):
+        library_dir = pathlib.Path(library_dir)
+    libname0 = None
+    corners = {}
+    all_cells = set()
+    for p in library_dir.rglob("*.lib.json"):
+        if not p.is_file():
+            continue
+        if "timing" in str(p):
+            continue
+        fname, fext = str(p.name).split('.', 1)
+        libname, cellname, corner = fname.split("__")
+        if libname0 is None:
+            libname0 = libname
+        assert libname0 == libname, (libname0, libname)
+        corner_name, corner_type = TimingType.parse(corner)
+        if corner_name not in corners:
+            corners[corner_name] = [corner_type, set()]
+        corners[corner_name][0] |= corner_type
+        corners[corner_name][1].add(cellname)
+        all_cells.add(cellname)
+    for c in corners:
+        corners[c] = (corners[c][0], list(sorted(corners[c][1])))
+    assert corners, library_dir
+    assert all_cells, library_dir
+    assert libname0, library_dir
+    all_cells = list(sorted(all_cells))
+    # Sanity check to make sure the corner exists for all cells.
+    for corner, (corner_types, corner_cells) in sorted(corners.items()):
+        missing = set()
+        for cell_with_size in all_cells:
+            if cell_with_size not in corner_cells:
+                missing.add(cell_with_size)
+        if not missing:
+            continue
+        print("Missing", ", ".join(missing), "from", corner, corner_types)
+    return libname0, corners, all_cells
+    for corner, (corner_types, corner_cells) in sorted(corners.items()):
+        for corner_type in corner_types.types:
+            fname = cell_corner_file(libname0, cell_with_size, corner, corner_type)
+            fpath = os.path.join(library_dir, fname)
+            if not os.path.exists(fpath) and debug:
+                print("Missing", (fpath, corner, corner_type, corner_types))
+    timing_dir = os.path.join(library_dir, "timing")
+    assert os.path.exists(timing_dir), timing_dir
+    for corner, (corner_types, corner_cells) in sorted(corners.items()):
+        for corner_type in corner_types.types:
+            fname = top_corner_file(libname0, corner, corner_type)
+            fpath = os.path.join(library_dir, fname)
+            if not os.path.exists(fpath) and debug:
+                print("Missing", (fpath, corner, corner_type, corner_types))
+    return libname0, corners, all_cells
+def remove_ccsnoise(data):
+    for k, v in list(data.items()):
+        if "ccsn_" in k:
+            del data[k]
+            continue
+        if not k.startswith("pin "):
+            continue
+        pin_data = data[k]
+        if "input_voltage" in pin_data:
+            del pin_data["input_voltage"]
+        if "timing" not in pin_data:
+            continue
+        pin_timing = pin_data["timing"]
+        for t in pin_timing:
+            ccsn_keys = set()
+            for k in t:
+                if not k.startswith("ccsn_"):
+                    continue
+                ccsn_keys.add(k)
+            for k in ccsn_keys:
+                del t[k]
+def generate(library_dir, lib, corner, ocorner_type, icorner_type, cells):
+    top_fname = top_corner_file(lib, corner, ocorner_type).replace('.lib.json', '.lib')
+    top_fpath = os.path.join(library_dir, top_fname)
+    top_fout = open(top_fpath, "w")
+    def top_write(lines):
+        print("\n".join(lines), file=top_fout)
+    otype_str = "({} from {})".format(ocorner_type.name, icorner_type.names())
+    print("Starting to write", top_fpath, otype_str, flush=True)
+    common_data = {}
+    common_data_path = os.path.join(library_dir, "timing", "{}__common.lib.json".format(lib))
+    assert os.path.exists(common_data_path), common_data_path
+    with open(common_data_path) as f:
+        d = json.load(f)
+        assert isinstance(d, dict)
+        for k, v in d.items():
+            assert k not in common_data, (k, common_data[k])
+            common_data[k] = v
+    top_data_path = os.path.join(library_dir, top_corner_file(lib, corner, icorner_type))
+    assert os.path.exists(top_data_path), top_data_path
+    with open(top_data_path) as f:
+        d = json.load(f)
+        assert isinstance(d, dict)
+        for k, v in d.items():
+            if k in common_data:
+                print("Overwriting", k, "with", v, "(existing value of", common_data[k], ")")
+            common_data[k] = v
+    # Remove the ccsnoise if it exists
+    if ocorner_type != TimingType.ccsnoise:
+        remove_ccsnoise(common_data)
+    output = liberty_dict("library", lib+"__"+corner, common_data)
+    assert output[-1] == '}', output
+    top_write(output[:-1])
+    for cell_with_size in cells:
+        fname = cell_corner_file(lib, cell_with_size, corner, icorner_type)
+        fpath = os.path.join(library_dir, fname)
+        assert os.path.exists(fpath), fpath
+        with open(fpath) as f:
+            cell_data = json.load(f)
+        # Remove the ccsnoise if it exists
+        if ocorner_type != TimingType.ccsnoise:
+            remove_ccsnoise(cell_data)
+        top_write([''])
+        top_write(liberty_dict("cell", "%s__%s" % (lib, cell_with_size), cell_data, [cell_with_size]))
+    top_write([''])
+    top_write(['}'])
+    top_fout.close()
+    print("   Finish writing", top_fpath, flush=True)
+    print("")
+INDENT="    "
+# complex attribute -- (x,b)
+RE_LIBERTY_LIST = re.compile("(.*)_([0-9]+)")
+def liberty_sort(k):
+    """
+    >>> liberty_sort("variable_1")
+    (1, 'variable')
+    >>> liberty_sort("index_3")
+    (3, 'index')
+    >>> liberty_sort("values") # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+    (inf, 'values')
+    """
+    m = RE_LIBERTY_LIST.match(k)
+    if m:
+        k, n = m.group(1), m.group(2)
+        n = int(n)
+    else:
+        n = float('inf')
+    return n, k
+def is_liberty_list(k):
+    """
+    >>> is_liberty_list("variable_1")
+    True
+    >>> is_liberty_list("index_3")
+    True
+    >>> is_liberty_list("values")
+    True
+    """
+    m = RE_LIBERTY_LIST.match(k)
+    if m:
+        k, n = m.group(1), m.group(2)
+    return k in ('variable', 'index', 'values')
+def liberty_float(f):
+    """
+    >>> liberty_float(1.9208818e-02)
+    '0.0192088180'
+    >>> liberty_float(1.5)
+    '1.5000000000'
+    >>> liberty_float(1e20)
+    '1.000000e+20'
+    >>> liberty_float(1)
+    '1.0000000000'
+    """
+    WIDTH = len(str(0.0083333333))
+    s = json.dumps(f)
+    if 'e' in s:
+        a, b = s.split('e')
+        if '.' not in a:
+            a += '.'
+        while len(a)+len(b)+1 < WIDTH:
+            a += '0'
+        s = "%se%s" % (a, b)
+    elif '.' in s:
+        while len(s) < WIDTH:
+            s += '0'
+    else:
+        if len(s) < WIDTH:
+            s += '.'
+        while len(s) < WIDTH:
+            s += '0'
+    return s
+def liberty_composite(k, v, i=tuple()):
+    """
+    >>> def pl(l):
+    ...     print("\\n".join(l))
+    >>> pl(liberty_composite("capacitive_load_unit", [1.0, "pf"], []))
+    capacitive_load_unit(1.0000000000, "pf");
+    >>> pl(liberty_composite("voltage_map", [("vpwr", 1.95), ("vss", 0.0)], []))
+    voltage_map("vpwr", 1.9500000000);
+    voltage_map("vss", 0.0000000000);
+    >>> pl(liberty_composite("library_features", 'report_delay_calculation', []))
+    library_features("report_delay_calculation");
+    """
+    if isinstance(v, tuple):
+        v = list(v)
+    if not isinstance(v, list):
+        v = [v]
+    #assert isinstance(v, list), (k, v)
+    if isinstance(v[0], (list, tuple)):
+        o = []
+        for j, l in enumerate(v):
+            o.extend(liberty_composite(k, l, i))
+        return o
+    o = []
+    for l in v:
+        if isinstance(l, (float, int)):
+            o.append(liberty_float(l))
+        elif isinstance(l, str):
+            assert '"' not in l, (k, v)
+            o.append('"%s"' % l)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("%s - %r (%r)" % (k, l, v))
+    return ["%s%s(%s);" % (INDENT*len(i), k, ", ".join(o))]
+def liberty_join(l):
+    """
+    >>> l = [5, 1.0, 10]
+    >>> liberty_join(l)(l)
+    '5.0000000000, 1.0000000000, 10.000000000'
+    >>> l = [1, 5, 8]
+    >>> liberty_join(l)(l)
+    '1, 5, 8'
+    """
+    d = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
+    for i in l:
+        d[type(i)] += 1
+    def types(l):
+        return [(i, type(i)) for i in l]
+    if d[float] > 0:
+        assert (d[float]+d[int]) == len(l), (d, types(l))
+        def join(l):
+            return ", ".join(liberty_float(f) for f in l)
+        return join
+    elif d[int] > 0:
+        assert d[int] == len(l), (d, types(l))
+        def join(l):
+            return ", ".join(str(f) for f in l)
+        return join
+    raise ValueError("Invalid value: %r" % types(l))
+def liberty_list(k, v, i=tuple()):
+    o = []
+    if isinstance(v[0], list):
+        o.append('%s%s(' % (INDENT*len(i), k))
+        join = liberty_join(v[0])
+        for l in v:
+            o.append('%s"%s", \\' % (INDENT*(len(i)+1), join(l)))
+        o[1] = o[0]+o[1]
+        o.pop(0)
+        o[-1] = o[-1][:-3] + ');'
+    else:
+        join = liberty_join(v)
+        o.append('%s%s("%s");' % (INDENT*len(i), k, join(v)))
+    return o
+def liberty_dict(dtype, dvalue, data, i=tuple()):
+    assert isinstance(data, dict), (dtype, dvalue, data)
+    o = []
+    if dvalue:
+        dbits = dvalue.split(",")
+        for j, d in enumerate(dbits):
+            if '"' in d:
+                assert d.startswith('"'), (dvalue, dbits, i)
+                assert d.endswith('"'), (dvalue, dbits, i)
+                dbits[j] = d[1:-1]
+        dvalue = ','.join('"%s"' % d.strip() for d in dbits)
+    o.append('%s%s (%s) {' % (INDENT*len(i), dtype, dvalue))
+    i_n = list(i)+[(dtype, dvalue)]
+    # Output the attribute defines first
+    if 'define' in data:
+        for d in sorted(data['define'], key=lambda d: d['group_name']+'.'+d['attribute_name']):
+            o.append('%sdefine(%s,%s,%s);' % (INDENT*len(i_n), d['attribute_name'], d['group_name'], d['attribute_type']))
+        o.append('')
+        del data['define']
+    # Output all the attributes
+    def attr_sort_key(a):
+        k, v = a
+        if " " in k:
+            ktype, kvalue = k.split(" ", 1)
+        else:
+            ktype = k
+            kvalue = ""
+        if ktype == "comp_attribute":
+            ktype = kvalue
+            kvalue = None
+        kn, ktype = liberty_sort(ktype)
+        return (kn, ktype, kvalue)
+    for k, v in sorted(data.items(), key=attr_sort_key):
+        if " " in k:
+            ktype, kvalue = k.split(" ", 1)
+        else:
+            ktype = k
+            kvalue = ""
+        if ktype == "comp_attribute":
+            o.extend(liberty_composite(kvalue, v, i_n))
+        elif isinstance(v, dict):
+            assert isinstance(v, dict), (dtype, dvalue, k, v)
+            o.extend(liberty_dict(ktype, kvalue, v, i_n))
+        elif isinstance(v, list):
+            assert len(v) > 0, (dtype, dvalue, k, v)
+            if isinstance(v[0], dict):
+                def k(o):
+                    return o.items()
+                for l in sorted(v, key=k):
+                    o.extend(liberty_dict(ktype, kvalue, l, i_n))
+            elif is_liberty_list(k):
+                o.extend(liberty_list(k, v, i_n))
+            elif "clk_width" == k:
+                for l in sorted(v):
+                    o.append("%s%s : %s;" % (INDENT*len(i_n), k, l))
+            else:
+                raise ValueError("Unknown %s: %r\n%s" % (k, v, i_n))
+        else:
+            if isinstance(v, str):
+                v = '"%s"' % v
+            elif isinstance(v, (float,int)):
+                v = liberty_float(v)
+            o.append("%s%s : %s;" % (INDENT*len(i_n), k, v))
+    o.append("%s}" % (INDENT*len(i)))
+    return o
+def main():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument(
+            "library_path",
+            help="Path to the library.",
+            type=pathlib.Path,
+            nargs=1)
+    parser.add_argument(
+            "corner",
+            help="Corner to write output for.",
+            default=None,
+            nargs='*')
+    parser.add_argument(
+            "--ccsnoise",
+            help="Include ccsnoise in file output.",
+            action='store_true',
+            default=False)
+    parser.add_argument(
+            "--leakage",
+            help="Include power leakage in file output.",
+            action='store_true',
+            default=False)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    libdir = args.library_path[0]
+    retcode = 0
+    lib, corners, all_cells = collect(libdir)
+    if args.ccsnoise:
+        output_corner_type = TimingType.ccsnoise
+    elif args.leakage:
+        output_corner_type = TimingType.leakage
+    else:
+        output_corner_type = TimingType.basic
+    if args.corner == ['all']:
+        args.corner = list(sorted(k for k, (v0, v1) in corners.items() if output_corner_type in v0))
+    if args.corner:
+        for acorner in args.corner:
+            if acorner in corners:
+                continue
+            print()
+            print("Unknown corner:", acorner)
+            retcode = 1
+        if retcode != 0:
+            args.corner.clear()
+    if not args.corner:
+        print()
+        print("Available corners for", lib+":")
+        for k, v in sorted(corners.items()):
+            print("  -", k, v[0].describe())
+        print()
+        return retcode
+    print("Generating", output_corner_type.name, "liberty timing files for", lib, "at", ", ".join(args.corner))
+    print()
+    for corner in args.corner:
+        input_corner_type, corner_cells = corners[corner]
+        if output_corner_type not in input_corner_type:
+            print("Corner", corner, "doesn't support", output_corner_type, "(only {})".format(input_corner_type))
+            return 1
+        if output_corner_type == TimingType.basic and TimingType.ccsnoise in input_corner_type:
+            input_corner_type = TimingType.ccsnoise
+        else:
+            input_corner_type = output_corner_type
+        generate(
+            libdir, lib,
+            corner, output_corner_type, input_corner_type,
+            corner_cells,
+        )
+    return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import doctest
+    doctest.testmod()
+    sys.exit(main())