Layer name,Purpose,GDS layer:datatype,Description | |
diff,"drawing, text",65:20,Active (diffusion) area (type opposite of well/substrate underneath) | |
tap,drawing,65:44,"Active (diffusion) area (type equal to the well/substrate underneath) (i.e., N+ and P+)" | |
nwell,drawing,64:20,N-well region | |
dnwell,drawing,64:18,Deep n-well region | |
pwbm,drawing,19:44,Regions (in UHVI) blocked from p-well implant (DE MOS devices only) | |
pwde,drawing,124:20,Regions to receive p-well drain-extended implants | |
hvtr,drawing,18:20,High-Vt RF transistor implant | |
hvtp,drawing,78:44,High-Vt LVPMOS implant | |
ldntm,drawing,11:44,N-tip implant on SONOS devices | |
hvi,drawing,75:20,High voltage (5.0V) thick oxide gate regions | |
tunm,drawing,80:20,SONOS device tunnel implant | |
lvtn,drawing,125:44,Low-Vt NMOS device | |
poly,"drawing, text",66:20,Polysilicon | |
hvntm,drawing,125:20,High voltage N-tip implant | |
nsdm,drawing,93:44,N+ source/drain implant | |
psdm,drawing,94:20,P+ source/drain implant | |
rpm,drawing,86:20,300 ohms/square polysilicon resistor implant | |
urpm,drawing,79:20,2000 ohms/square polysilicon resistor implant | |
npc,drawing,95:20,Nitride poly cut (under licon1 areas) | |
licon1,drawing,66:44,Contact to local interconnect | |
li1,"drawing, text",67:20,Local interconnect | |
mcon,drawing,67:44,Contact from local interconnect to metal1 | |
met1,"drawing, text",68:20,Metal 1 | |
via,drawing,68:44,Contact from metal 1 to metal 2 | |
met2,"drawing, text",69:20,Metal 2 | |
via2,drawing,69:44,Contact from metal 2 to metal 3 | |
met3,"drawing, text",70:20,Metal 3 | |
via3,drawing,70:44,Contact from metal 3 to metal 4 | |
met4,"drawing, text",71:20,Metal 4 | |
via4,drawing,71:44,Contact from metal 4 to metal 5 | |
met5,"drawing, text",72:20,Metal 5 | |
pad,"drawing, text",76:20,Passivation cut (opening over pads) | |
nsm,drawing,61:20,Nitride seal mask | |
capm,drawing,89:44,MiM capacitor plate over metal 3 | |
cap2m,drawing,97:44,MiM capacitor plate over metal 4 | |
vhvi,drawing,74:21,12V nominal (16V max) node identifier | |
uhvi,drawing,74:22,20V nominal node identifier | |
npn,drawing,82:20,Base region identifier for NPN devices | |
inductor,drawing,82:24,Identifier for inductor regions | |
capacitor,drawing,82:64,Identifier for interdigitated (vertical parallel plate (vpp)) capacitors | |
pnp,drawing,82:44,Base nwell region identifier for PNP devices | |
LVS prune,drawing,84:44,Exemption from LVS check (used in e-test modules only) | |
ncm,drawing,92:44,N-core implant | |
padCenter,drawing,81:20,Pad center marker | |
target,drawing,76:44,Metal fuse target | |
,,, | |,identifier,81:1,Seal ring identifier | |
areaid.ce,identifier,81:2,Memory (SRAM) core cell identifier | |
areaid.fe,identifier,81:3,Pads in padframe identifier | |,identifier,81:4,Standard cell identifier | |
areaid.sf,identifier,81:6,Signal pad diffusion identifier (for latchup DRC checks) | |,identifier,81:7,Signal pad well identifier (for latchup DRC checks) | |,identifier,81:8,Signal pad metal (for latchup DRC checks) | |,identifier,81:10,Location of e-test modules within the frame | |
areaid.dt,identifier,81:11,Location of dice within the frame | |
areaid.ft,identifier,81:12,Boundary of the frame | |
areaid.ww,identifier,81:13,Waffle window (used to prevent waffle shifting) | |
areaid.ld,identifier,81:14,Low tap density (15um between taps) area. Must be at least 50um from padframe | |
areaid.ns,identifier,81:15,Non-critical side. Blocks stress DRC rules | |
areaid.ij,identifier,81:17,Identification for areas susceptible to injection | |
areaid.zr,identifier,81:18,Zener diode identifier | |
areaid.ed,identifier,81:19,ESD device identifier | |,identifier,81:23,Diode identifier | |
areaid.rd,identifier,81:24,RDL probe pad (not used in this process) | |
areaid.dn,identifier,81:50,Dead zone (used in seal ring only for stress DRC) | |,identifier,81:51,Critical corner (used in seal ring only for stress DRC) | |,identifier,81:52,Critical side (used in seal ring only for stress DRC) | |,identifier,81:53,Substrate cut. Idendifies areas to be considered as isolated substrate | |
areaid.op,identifier,81:54,OPC drop. Block automatic OPC (for fab blocks and lithocal structures) | |
areaid.en,identifier,81:57,Extended drain identifier | |
areaid.en20,identifier,81:58,20V Extended drain identifier | |
areaid.le,identifier,81:60,3.3V native NMOS identifier (absence indicates a 5V native NMOS) | |
areaid.hl,identifier,81:63,HV nwell. Identifies nwells with thin oxide devices connected to high voltage | |,identifier,81:70,subcircuit identifier (for LVS extraction) | |
areaid.po,identifier,81:81,Photodiode device identifier | |,identifier,81:84,IP exempt from DFM rules | |,identifier,81:101,e-test module identifier | |
areaid.lvt,identifier,81:108,Low-Vt identifier | |,identifier,81:125,RF diode identifier | |
,,, | |
fom,dummy,22:23, | |
,,, | |
poly,gate,66:9, | |
,,, | |
poly,model,66:83,(Text type) | |
,,, | |
poly,resistor,66:13, | |
diff,resistor,65:13, | |
pwell,resistor,64:13, | |
li1,resistor,67:13, | |
,,, | |
diff,high voltage,65:8, | |
,,, | |
met4,fuse,71:17, | |
,,, | |
inductor,terminal1,82:26, | |
inductor,terminal2,82:27, | |
inductor,terminal3,82:28, | |
,,, | |
li1,block,67:10, | |
met1,block,68:10, | |
met2,block,69:10, | |
met3,block,70:10, | |
met4,block,71:10, | |
met5,block,72:10, | |
,,, | |
prBndry,boundary,235:4, | |
diff,boundary,65:4, | |
tap,boundary,65:60, | |
mcon,boundary,67:60, | |
poly,boundary,66:4, | |
via,boundary,68:60, | |
via2,boundary,69:60, | |
via3,boundary,70:60, | |
via4,boundary,71:60, | |
,,, | |
li1,label,67:5,(Text type) | |
met1,label,68:5,(Text type) | |
met2,label,69:5,(Text type) | |
met3,label,70:5,(Text type) | |
met4,label,71:5,(Text type) | |
met5,label,72:5,(Text type) | |
poly,label,66:5,(Text type) | |
diff,label,65:6,(Text type) | |
pwell,label,64:59,(Text and data type) | |
pwelliso,label,44:5,(Text type) | |
pad,label,76:5,(Text type) | |
tap,label,65:5, | |
nwell,label,64:5, | |
inductor,label,82:25, | |
,,, | |
text,label,83:44,(Text type) | |
,,, | |
li1,net,67:23,(Text type) | |
met1,net,68:23,(Text type) | |
met2,net,69:23,(Text type) | |
met3,net,70:23,(Text type) | |
met4,net,71:23,(Text type) | |
met5,net,72:23,(Text type) | |
poly,net,66:23,(Text type) | |
diff,net,65:23,(Text type) | |
,,, | |
li1,pin,67:16,(Text and data) | |
met1,pin,68:16,(Text and data) | |
met2,pin,69:16,(Text and data) | |
met3,pin,70:16,(Text and data) | |
met4,pin,71:16,(Text and data) | |
met5,pin,72:16,(Text and data) | |
poly,pin,66:16,(Text and data) | |
diff,pin,65:16,(Text and data) | |
nwell,pin,64:16,(Text type) | |
pad,pin,76:16,(Text and data) | |
pwell,pin,122:16,(Text and data) | |
pwelliso,pin,44:16,(Text and data) | |
,,, | |
nwell,pin,64:0,(Text type) | |
poly,pin,66:0,(Text type) | |
li1,pin,67:0,(Text type) | |
met1,pin,68:0,(Text type) | |
met2,pin,69:0,(Text type) | |
met3,pin,70:0,(Text type) | |
met4,pin,71:0,(Text type) | |
met5,pin,72:0,(Text type) | |
pad,pin,76:0,(Text type) | |
pwell,pin,122:0,(Text type) | |
,,, | |
diff,cut,65:14, | |
poly,cut,66:14, | |
li1,cut,67:14, | |
met1,cut,68:14, | |
met2,cut,69:14, | |
met3,cut,70:14, | |
met4,cut,71:14, | |
met5,cut,72:14, | |
pwell,cut,, | |
,,, | |
met5,probe,72:25, | |
met4,probe,71:25, | |
met3,probe,70:25, | |
met2,probe,69:25, | |
met1,probe,68:25, | |
li1,probe,67:25, | |
poly,probe,66:25, | |
,,, | |
poly,short,66:15, | |
li1,short,67:15, | |
met1,short,68:15, | |
met2,short,69:15, | |
met3,short,70:15, | |
met4,short,71:15, | |
met5,short,72:15, | |
,,, | |
Mask level data,,, | |
,,, | |
cncm,mask,17:0,N-core implant mask | |
crpm,mask,96:0,Resistor Protect mask | |
cpdm,mask,37:0,Pad mask | |
cnsm,mask,22:0,Nitride seal mask | |
cmm5,mask,59:0,Metal 5 mask | |
cviam4,mask,58:0,Via 4 mask | |
cmm4,mask,51:0,Metal 4 mask | |
cviam3,mask,50:0,Via 3 mask | |
cmm3,mask,34:0,Metal 3 mask | |
cviam2,mask,44:0,Via 2 mask | |
cmm2,mask,41:0,Metal 2 mask | |
cviam,mask,40:0,Via mask | |
cmm1,mask,36:0,Metal 1 mask | |
ctm1,mask,35:0,Contact mask | |
cli1m,mask,56:0,Local interconnect mask | |
clicm1,mask,43:0,Local interconnect contact mask | |
cpsdm,mask,32:0,P+ Implant mask | |
cnsdm,mask,30:0,N+ Implant mask | |
cldntm,mask,11:0,Lightly-doped N-tip implant mask | |
cnpc,mask,49:0,Nitride poly cut mask | |
chvntm,mask,39:0,High voltage N-tip implant mask | |
cntm,mask,27:0,N-tip implant mask | |
cp1m,mask,28:0,Poly 1 mask | |
clvom,mask,46:0,Low Voltage oxide mask | |
conom,mask,88:0,ONO Mask | |
ctunm,mask,20:0,Tunnel mask | |
chvtrm,mask,98:0,HLow VT PCh Radio mask | |
chvtpm,mask,97:0,High Vt Pch mask | |
clvtnm,mask,25:0,Low Vt Nch mask | |
cnwm,mask,21:0,Nwell mask | |
cdnm,mask,48:0,Deep nwell mask | |
cfom,mask,23:0,Field oxide mask | |
,,, | |
cfom,drawing,22:20, | |
clvtnm,drawing,25:44, | |
chvtpm,drawing,88:44, | |
conom,drawing,87:44, | |
clvom,drawing,45:20, | |
cntm,drawing,26:20, | |
chvntm,drawing,38:20, | |
cnpc,drawing,44:20, | |
cnsdm,drawing,29:20, | |
cpsdm,drawing,31:20, | |
cli1m,drawing,115:44, | |
cviam3,drawing,112:20, | |
cviam4,drawing,117:20, | |
cncm,drawing,96:44, | |
,,, | |
cntm,mask add,26:21, | |
clvtnm,mask add,25:43, | |
chvtpm,mask add,97:43, | |
cli1m,mask add,115:43, | |
clicm1,mask add,106:43, | |
cpsdm,mask add,31:21, | |
cnsdm,mask add,29:21, | |
cp1m,mask add,33:43, | |
cfom,mask add,22:21, | |
,,, | |
cntm,mask drop,26:22, | |
clvtnm,mask drop,25:42, | |
chvtpm,mask drop,97:42, | |
cli1m,mask drop,115:42, | |
clicm1,mask drop,106:42, | |
cpsdm,mask drop,31:22, | |
cnsdm,mask drop,29:22, | |
cp1m,mask drop,33:42, | |
cfom,mask drop,22:22, | |
,,, | |
cmm4,waffle drop,112:4, | |
cmm3,waffle drop,107:24, | |
cmm2,waffle drop,105:52, | |
cmm1,waffle drop,62:24, | |
cp1m,waffle drop,33:24, | |
cfom,waffle drop,22:24, | |
cmm5,waffle drop,117:4, |