| Partners |
| -------- |
| |
| Open Source SkyWater PDK |
| ======================== |
| |
| .. rst-class:: align-center |
| |
| |google|_ |nbsp| |skywater|_ |
| |
| .. |skywater| image:: _static/logo/skywater-logo.png |
| :width: 49% |
| :alt: Skywater logo |
| |
| .. _skywater: https://www.skywatertechnology.com/ |
| |
| Open Source MPW Shuttle Program |
| =============================== |
| |
| .. rst-class:: align-center |
| |
| |google|_ |nbsp| |efabless_big|_ |
| |
| .. |efabless_big| image:: _static/logo/efabless_logo.png |
| :width: 49% |
| :alt: Efabless logo |
| |
| .. _efabless_big: https://www.efabless.com |
| |
| .. |google| image:: _static/logo/google-logo.png |
| :width: 49% |
| :alt: Google logo |
| |
| .. _google: https://www.google.com/ |
| |
| Industry partners |
| ================= |
| |
| .. rst-class:: align-center |
| |
| |antmicro|_ |nbsp| |cheetah|_ |nbsp| |efabless|_ |
| |
| .. |antmicro| image:: _static/logo/antmicro_logo.png |
| :width: 33% |
| :alt: Antmicro logo |
| |
| .. _antmicro: https://antmicro.com/ |
| |
| .. |cheetah| image:: _static/logo/blue_cheetah_logo.svg |
| :width: 32% |
| :alt: Blue Chetah logo |
| |
| .. _cheetah: https://www.bcanalog.com/ |
| |
| .. |efabless| image:: _static/logo/efabless_logo.png |
| :width: 32% |
| :alt: efabless logo |
| |
| .. _efabless: https://www.efabless.com/ |
| |
| |
| Academic partners |
| ================= |
| |
| .. rst-class:: align-center |
| |
| |cairo|_ |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |ohio|_ |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |um|_ |
| |
| | |
| |
| .. rst-class:: align-center |
| |
| |osu|_ |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |ucsc|_ |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |ucsd|_ |
| |
| .. |ohio| image:: _static/logo/ohio_logo.svg |
| :width: 35% |
| :alt: Ohio supercomupter center logo |
| |
| .. _ohio: https://www.osu.edu/ |
| |
| .. |cairo| image:: _static/logo/auc_logo.png |
| :width: 20% |
| :alt: University of Cairo logo |
| |
| .. _cairo: https://www.aucegypt.edu/index.php/ |
| |
| .. |um| image:: _static/logo/um_logo.png |
| :width: 11% |
| :alt: University of Michigan logo |
| |
| .. _um: https://umich.edu/ |
| |
| .. |osu| image:: _static/logo/osu_logo.svg |
| :width: 15% |
| :alt: Oklahoma State logo |
| |
| .. _osu: https://go.okstate.edu/ |
| |
| .. |ucsc| image:: _static/logo/ucsc_logo.png |
| :width: 17% |
| :alt: University of California Santa Cruz logo |
| |
| .. _ucsc: https://www.ucsc.edu/ |
| |
| .. |ucsd| image:: _static/logo/ucsd_logo.png |
| :width: 20% |
| :alt: University of California San Diego logo |
| |
| .. _ucsd: https://ucsd.edu/ |
| |
| .. |nbsp| unicode:: U+00A0 .. NO-BREAK SPACE |