| Name,Description,Flags,Value,Unit |
| (licon.1),Min and max L and W of licon (exempt licons inside prec_resistor),,0.170,µm |
| (licon.1b),Min and max width of licon inside prec_resistor,,0.190,µm |
| (licon.1c),Min and max length of licon inside prec_resistor,,2.000,µm |
| (licon.2),Spacing of licon to licon,P,0.170,µm |
| (licon.2b),Min spacing between two slotted_licon (when the both the edges are 0.19um in length),,0.350,µm |
| (licon.2c),Min spacing between two slotted_licon (except for rule licon.2b),,0.510,µm |
| (licon.2d),Min spacing between a slotted_licon and 0.17um square licon,,0.510,µm |
| (licon.3),Only min. square licons are allowed except die seal ring where licons are (licon CD)*L,,0.170 *L, |
| (licon.4),Licon1 must overlap li1 and (poly or diff or tap),,, |
| (licon.5a),Enclosure of licon by diff,P,0.040,µm |
| (licon.5b),Min space between tap_licon and diff-abutting tap edge,P,0.060,µm |
| (licon.5c),Enclosure of licon by diff on one of two adjacent sides,P,0.060,µm |
| (licon.6),Licon cannot straddle tap,P,, |
| (licon.7),Enclosure of licon by one of two adjacent edges of isolated tap,P,0.120,µm |
| (licon.8),Enclosure of poly_licon by poly,P,0.050,µm |
| (licon.8a),Enclosure of poly_licon by poly on one of two adjacent sides,P,0.080,µm |
| (licon.9),"Spacing, no overlap, between poly_licon and psdm; In SKY130DIA/SKY130TMA/SKY130PIR-10 flows, the rule is checked only between (poly_licon outside rpm) and psdm",P,0.110,µm |
| (licon.10),Spacing of licon on (tap AND (nwell NOT hvi)) to Var_channel,P,0.250,µm |
| (licon.11),"Spacing of licon on diff or tap to poly on diff (except for all FETs inside :drc_tag:`areaid.sc` and except s8spf-10r flow for 0.5um phv inside cell names ""s8fs_gwdlvx4"", ""s8fs_gwdlvx8"", ""s8fs_hvrsw_x4"", ""s8fs_hvrsw8"", ""s8fs_hvrsw264"", and ""s8fs_hvrsw520"" and for 0.15um nshort inside cell names ""s8fs_rdecdrv"", ""s8fs_rdec8"", ""s8fs_rdec32"", ""s8fs_rdec264"", ""s8fs_rdec520"")",P,0.055,µm |
| (licon.11a),Spacing of licon on diff or tap to poly on diff (for all FETs inside :drc_tag:`areaid.sc` except 0.15um phighvt),P,0.050,µm |
| (licon.11b),Spacing of licon on diff or tap to poly on diff (for 0.15um phighvt inside :drc_tag:`areaid.sc`),P,0.050,µm |
| (licon.11c),"Spacing of licon on diff or tap to poly on diff (for 0.5um phv inside cell names ""s8fs_gwdlvx4"", ""s8fs_gwdlvx8"", ""s8fs_hvrsw_x4"", ""s8fs_hvrsw8"", ""s8fs_hvrsw264"", and ""s8fs_hvrsw520"")",P,0.040,µm |
| (licon.11d),"Spacing of licon on diff or tap to poly on diff (for 0.15um nshort inside cell names ""s8fs_rdecdrv"", ""s8fs_rdec8"", ""s8fs_rdec32"", ""s8fs_rdec264"", ""s8fs_rdec520"")",P,0.045,µm |
| (licon.12),Max SD width without licon,NC,5.700,µm |
| (licon.13),Spacing (no overlap) of NPC to licon on diff or tap,P,0.090,µm |
| (licon.14),Spacing of poly_licon to diff or tap,P,0.190,µm |
| (licon.15),poly_licon must be enclosed by npc by…,P,0.100,µm |
| (licon.16),"| Every source_diff and every tap must enclose at least one licon1, including the diff/tap straddling areaid:ce. |
| | Rule exempted inside UHVI.",P,, |
| (licon.17),Licons may not overlap both poly and (diff or tap),,, |
| (licon.18),Npc must enclose poly_licon,,, |
| (licon.19),poly of the HV varactor must not interact with licon,P,, |