blob: 4f43e4689df73668eb4941cd609ff938023eb973 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 GlobalFoundries PDK Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
cell(gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0__inv_4) {
area : 21.952000 ;
leakage_power() {
related_pg_pin : "VDD" ;
when : "!I" ;
value : "0.002332638" ;
leakage_power() {
related_pg_pin : "VDD" ;
when : "I" ;
value : "0.0003875454" ;
leakage_power() {
related_pg_pin : "VDD" ;
value : "0.002332638" ;
pg_pin(VDD) {
voltage_name : VDD ;
pg_type : primary_power ;
pg_pin(VSS) {
voltage_name : VSS ;
pg_type : primary_ground ;
pin(I) {
capacitance : 0.01754 ;
direction : input ;
driver_waveform_rise : driver_waveform_default_rise ;
driver_waveform_fall : driver_waveform_default_fall ;
input_voltage : default ;
max_transition : 8.9 ;
related_ground_pin : VSS ;
related_power_pin : VDD ;
pin(ZN) {
direction : output ;
function : "(!I)" ;
max_capacitance : 0.9111 ;
max_transition : 8.9 ;
min_capacitance : 0.001 ;
output_voltage : default ;
related_ground_pin : VSS ;
related_power_pin : VDD ;
internal_power() {
related_pin : "I" ;
fall_power(pwr_tin_oload_10x10) {
index_1("0.02, 0.08129, 0.2964, 0.7073, 1.347, 2.245, 3.427, 4.916, 6.734, 8.9");
index_2("0.001, 0.007282, 0.02933, 0.07144, 0.137, 0.2291, 0.3502, 0.5028, 0.6891, 0.9111");
values("-0.00149, -0.001111, -0.0006657, -0.0005285, -0.0004867, -0.0004563, -0.000447, -0.000438, -0.0004279, -0.0004297",\
"-0.002769, -0.002218, -0.001341, -0.00093, -0.0007154, -0.0006217, -0.0005735, -0.0005292, -0.0005111, -0.0004965",\
"-0.00261, -0.002398, -0.001705, -0.001193, -0.0009131, -0.0007369, -0.0006466, -0.0005875, -0.0005369, -0.0005107",\
"0.002893, 0.002128, 0.001055, 0.0005021, 0.0001956, 8.35e-06, -0.0001066, -0.0001993, -0.0002466, -0.0002897",\
"0.01484, 0.01289, 0.009204, 0.006318, 0.004356, 0.003087, 0.002199, 0.001549, 0.00111, 0.0007873",\
"0.0334, 0.03053, 0.02399, 0.01784, 0.01324, 0.009884, 0.007518, 0.005755, 0.004486, 0.003507",\
"0.05907, 0.05532, 0.04615, 0.03622, 0.02813, 0.02195, 0.01725, 0.01369, 0.01099, 0.008901",\
"0.09209, 0.08764, 0.07605, 0.06229, 0.05019, 0.04031, 0.03255, 0.02645, 0.02175, 0.018",\
"0.1329, 0.1278, 0.1141, 0.09689, 0.08023, 0.06613, 0.05461, 0.0453, 0.03777, 0.03178",\
"0.182, 0.1762, 0.1607, 0.1401, 0.1191, 0.1002, 0.08435, 0.07117, 0.06033, 0.05126");
rise_power(pwr_tin_oload_10x10) {
index_1("0.02, 0.08129, 0.2964, 0.7073, 1.347, 2.245, 3.427, 4.916, 6.734, 8.9");
index_2("0.001, 0.007282, 0.02933, 0.07144, 0.137, 0.2291, 0.3502, 0.5028, 0.6891, 0.9111");
values("0.05114, 0.0522, 0.05332, 0.05383, 0.05408, 0.05511, 0.0559, 0.05529, 0.05626, 0.06062",\
"0.04899, 0.04999, 0.05172, 0.05288, 0.05399, 0.0542, 0.05481, 0.05529, 0.05785, 0.06062",\
"0.05054, 0.05043, 0.05085, 0.05189, 0.05278, 0.05398, 0.05483, 0.05648, 0.05725, 0.06075",\
"0.05818, 0.05691, 0.05503, 0.05375, 0.05369, 0.05424, 0.05517, 0.05608, 0.05745, 0.06084",\
"0.07236, 0.07004, 0.06523, 0.06153, 0.05872, 0.05753, 0.05707, 0.05707, 0.05852, 0.06495",\
"0.09374, 0.09022, 0.08272, 0.07537, 0.07004, 0.06594, 0.06337, 0.06163, 0.06223, 0.0693",\
"0.1229, 0.1184, 0.1081, 0.09717, 0.08812, 0.08099, 0.07529, 0.07153, 0.0697, 0.07824",\
"0.1603, 0.1549, 0.1417, 0.127, 0.114, 0.1033, 0.09437, 0.08737, 0.08349, 0.09633",\
"0.2065, 0.2003, 0.1845, 0.166, 0.1484, 0.1336, 0.1213, 0.1107, 0.1048, 0.1272",\
"0.2622, 0.2551, 0.2372, 0.2145, 0.1928, 0.1728, 0.1558, 0.143, 0.1389, 0.1817");
timing() {
related_pin : "I" ;
timing_sense : negative_unate ;
timing_type : combinational ;
cell_fall(tmg_ntin_oload_10x10) {
index_1("0.02, 0.08129, 0.2964, 0.7073, 1.347, 2.245, 3.427, 4.916, 6.734, 8.9");
index_2("0.001, 0.007282, 0.02933, 0.07144, 0.137, 0.2291, 0.3502, 0.5028, 0.6891, 0.9111");
values("0.04889, 0.06526, 0.1211, 0.227, 0.3915, 0.6223, 0.9268, 1.308, 1.778, 2.333",\
"0.06431, 0.08099, 0.1374, 0.2435, 0.4081, 0.6397, 0.9437, 1.327, 1.792, 2.352",\
"0.08201, 0.1127, 0.1921, 0.3028, 0.4678, 0.6984, 1.003, 1.386, 1.854, 2.411",\
"0.07769, 0.1225, 0.239, 0.3979, 0.5824, 0.8131, 1.117, 1.499, 1.967, 2.524",\
"0.04824, 0.1073, 0.261, 0.4706, 0.717, 0.9896, 1.296, 1.678, 2.145, 2.702",\
"-0.0101, 0.0644, 0.2554, 0.5151, 0.8219, 1.165, 1.534, 1.932, 2.397, 2.953",\
"-0.0975, -0.0092, 0.2181, 0.5295, 0.8963, 1.307, 1.754, 2.229, 2.729, 3.286",\
"-0.2188, -0.116, 0.1482, 0.5117, 0.9379, 1.416, 1.937, 2.495, 3.084, 3.699",\
"-0.3753, -0.2586, 0.044, 0.4564, 0.9446, 1.489, 2.085, 2.724, 3.401, 4.109",\
"-0.5686, -0.4381, -0.0993, 0.3636, 0.9128, 1.526, 2.193, 2.914, 3.678, 4.48");
cell_rise(tmg_ntin_oload_10x10) {
index_1("0.02, 0.08129, 0.2964, 0.7073, 1.347, 2.245, 3.427, 4.916, 6.734, 8.9");
index_2("0.001, 0.007282, 0.02933, 0.07144, 0.137, 0.2291, 0.3502, 0.5028, 0.6891, 0.9111");
values("0.08152, 0.1171, 0.2358, 0.4585, 0.8043, 1.291, 1.928, 2.729, 3.708, 4.879",\
"0.09674, 0.1322, 0.2524, 0.4768, 0.8252, 1.309, 1.948, 2.748, 3.736, 4.899",\
"0.1588, 0.2021, 0.3231, 0.5469, 0.8947, 1.382, 2.022, 2.824, 3.81, 4.97",\
"0.2432, 0.3015, 0.4603, 0.6905, 1.035, 1.519, 2.159, 2.965, 3.947, 5.108",\
"0.3535, 0.4257, 0.6236, 0.91, 1.264, 1.745, 2.38, 3.184, 4.166, 5.337",\
"0.4912, 0.5787, 0.8131, 1.156, 1.578, 2.068, 2.7, 3.498, 4.477, 5.643",\
"0.6574, 0.7616, 1.035, 1.429, 1.921, 2.486, 3.127, 3.921, 4.893, 6.056",\
"0.8547, 0.9747, 1.29, 1.736, 2.291, 2.94, 3.659, 4.461, 5.43, 6.584",\
"1.086, 1.221, 1.579, 2.079, 2.695, 3.419, 4.232, 5.114, 6.09, 7.241",\
"1.352, 1.504, 1.906, 2.46, 3.138, 3.932, 4.831, 5.816, 6.871, 8.032");
fall_transition(tmg_ntin_oload_10x10) {
index_1("0.02, 0.08129, 0.2964, 0.7073, 1.347, 2.245, 3.427, 4.916, 6.734, 8.9");
index_2("0.001, 0.007282, 0.02933, 0.07144, 0.137, 0.2291, 0.3502, 0.5028, 0.6891, 0.9111");
values("0.04432, 0.07197, 0.169, 0.3531, 0.6404, 1.044, 1.574, 2.243, 3.062, 4.031",\
"0.0487, 0.07222, 0.1686, 0.3532, 0.6407, 1.044, 1.575, 2.245, 3.056, 4.034",\
"0.09334, 0.1242, 0.2039, 0.3555, 0.6406, 1.043, 1.577, 2.248, 3.067, 4.034",\
"0.1523, 0.1949, 0.3083, 0.4635, 0.6758, 1.045, 1.576, 2.242, 3.064, 4.038",\
"0.229, 0.2849, 0.427, 0.629, 0.8678, 1.153, 1.599, 2.242, 3.059, 4.036",\
"0.321, 0.3914, 0.567, 0.8078, 1.104, 1.438, 1.809, 2.331, 3.072, 4.03",\
"0.4304, 0.5154, 0.7286, 1.011, 1.354, 1.75, 2.182, 2.649, 3.26, 4.094",\
"0.551, 0.657, 0.9108, 1.239, 1.629, 2.081, 2.584, 3.125, 3.695, 4.395",\
"0.6868, 0.813, 1.105, 1.492, 1.931, 2.437, 3.001, 3.618, 4.271, 4.956",\
"0.8358, 0.9818, 1.325, 1.759, 2.26, 2.821, 3.439, 4.129, 4.864, 5.642");
rise_transition(tmg_ntin_oload_10x10) {
index_1("0.02, 0.08129, 0.2964, 0.7073, 1.347, 2.245, 3.427, 4.916, 6.734, 8.9");
index_2("0.001, 0.007282, 0.02933, 0.07144, 0.137, 0.2291, 0.3502, 0.5028, 0.6891, 0.9111");
values("0.09766, 0.1572, 0.3646, 0.7618, 1.383, 2.253, 3.397, 4.838, 6.583, 8.69",\
"0.09736, 0.1569, 0.3644, 0.7614, 1.384, 2.252, 3.391, 4.827, 6.6, 8.685",\
"0.1392, 0.1871, 0.3653, 0.7617, 1.382, 2.254, 3.4, 4.837, 6.605, 8.691",\
"0.1984, 0.2648, 0.4432, 0.7717, 1.381, 2.25, 3.393, 4.838, 6.598, 8.678",\
"0.2722, 0.3504, 0.574, 0.898, 1.406, 2.251, 3.394, 4.834, 6.594, 8.693",\
"0.3632, 0.4542, 0.71, 1.101, 1.578, 2.293, 3.404, 4.834, 6.595, 8.692",\
"0.4678, 0.5768, 0.8688, 1.308, 1.864, 2.517, 3.466, 4.834, 6.587, 8.686",\
"0.5854, 0.711, 1.037, 1.524, 2.158, 2.89, 3.74, 4.951, 6.597, 8.687",\
"0.7198, 0.863, 1.232, 1.762, 2.455, 3.281, 4.184, 5.27, 6.758, 8.72",\
"0.8682, 1.027, 1.447, 2.023, 2.767, 3.673, 4.691, 5.786, 7.124, 8.898");