blob: c5959dcdc42224e29520bbd15dd46db823eb2bf9 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Copyright 2022 GlobalFoundries PDK Authors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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<description>GLOBALFOUNDRIES 0.18UM 3.3V/(5V)6V MCU TECHNOLOGY</description>
<src># Provide z stack information here
# Each line is one layer. The specification consists of a layer specification, a colon and arguments.
# The arguments are named (like "x=...") or in serial. Parameters are separated by comma or blanks.
# Named arguments are:
# zstart The lower z position of the extruded layer in µm
# zstop The upper z position of the extruded layer in µm
# height The height of the extruded layer in µm
# 'height', 'zstart' and 'zstop' can be used in any combination. If no value is given for 'zstart',
# the upper level of the previous layer will be used.
# If a single unnamed parameter is given, it corresponds to 'height'. Two parameters correspond to
# 'zstart' and 'zstop'.
# Examples:
# 1: 0.5 1.5 # extrude layer 1/0 from 0.5 to 1.5 vertically
# 1/0: 0.5 1.5 # same with explicit datatype
# 1: zstop=1.5, zstart=0.5 # same with named parameters
# 1: height=1.0, zstop=1.5 # same with z stop minus height
# 1: 1.0 zstop=1.5 # same with height as unnamed parameter
# You can declare variables with:
# var name = value
# You can use variables inside numeric expressions.
# Example:
# var hmetal = 0.48
# 7/0: 0.5 0.5+hmetal*2 # 2x thick metal
# You cannot use variables inside layer specifications currently.
# You can enable or disable branches of the table using 'if', 'else', 'elseif' and 'end':
# Example:
# var thick_m1 = true
# if thickm1
# 1: 0.5 1.5
# else
# 1: 0.5 1.2
# end