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# Copyright 2022 GlobalFoundries PDK Authors
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## MIM Capacitor Pcells Generators for Klayout of GF180MCU
import pya
def number_spc_contacts(box_width, min_enc, cont_spacing, cont_width):
""" Calculate number of cantacts in a given dimensions and the free space for symmetry.
By getting the min enclosure,the width of the box,the width ans spacing of the contacts.
box_width (double) : length you place the via or cont. in
min_enc (double) : spacing between the edge of the box and the first contact.
cont_spacing (double) : spacing between different contacts
cont_width (double) : contacts in the same direction
spc_cont = box_width - 2 * min_enc
num_cont = int((spc_cont + cont_spacing) / (cont_width + cont_spacing))
free_spc = box_width - (num_cont * cont_width +
(num_cont - 1) * cont_spacing)
return num_cont, free_spc
def draw_mimcap(layout, l, w , mim_option , metal_level):
used to draw 1.0fF/um2 MIM capacitor by specifying parameters
layout : Object of layout
l : Float of diff length
w : Float of diff width
# Define layers
metal2 = layout.layer(36 , 0 )
metal3 = layout.layer(42 , 0 )
metal4 = layout.layer(46 , 0 )
metal5 = layout.layer(81 , 0 )
metaltop = layout.layer(53 , 0 )
via2 = layout.layer(38 , 0 )
via3 = layout.layer(40 , 0 )
via4 = layout.layer(41 , 0 )
via5 = layout.layer(82 , 0 )
fusetop = layout.layer(75 , 0 )
cap_mk = layout.layer(117, 5 )
mim_l_mk = layout.layer(117, 10)
# MIM Option selection
if mim_option == "MIM-A":
topmet = metal3
botmet = metal2
topvia = via2
elif mim_option == "MIM-B":
if metal_level == "M4":
topmet = metal4
botmet = metal3
topvia = via3
elif metal_level == "M5":
topmet = metal5
botmet = metal4
topvia = via4
elif metal_level == "M6":
topmet = metaltop
botmet = metal5
topvia = via5
topmet = metal3
botmet = metal2
topvia = via2
dbu_PERCISION = 1/layout.dbu
topmet_w = w * dbu_PERCISION
topmet_l = l * dbu_PERCISION
top_bot_enc = 0.6 * dbu_PERCISION
mim_l_mk_width = 0.1 * dbu_PERCISION
via_size = 0.26 * dbu_PERCISION
via_min_spc = 0.5 * dbu_PERCISION
met_via_enc = 0.4 * dbu_PERCISION
# Inserting nmoscap cell
cell_index = layout.add_cell("mimcap")
mimcap_cell = layout.cell(cell_index)
# Inserting a via cell
cont_cell_index = layout.add_cell("topvia")
cont_cell = layout.cell(cont_cell_index)
cont_cell.shapes(topvia).insert(, 0, via_size, via_size))
# Inserting top_metal
mimcap_cell.shapes(topmet).insert(pya.Box(0, 0, topmet_w, topmet_l))
# Inserting fusetop
mimcap_cell.shapes(fusetop).insert(pya.Box(0, 0, topmet_w, topmet_l))
# Inserting bot_metal
mimcap_cell.shapes(botmet).insert(pya.Box(-top_bot_enc, -top_bot_enc, topmet_w+top_bot_enc, topmet_l+top_bot_enc))
# Inserting bottom metal vias
num_left_con_1, left_con_free_spc_1 = number_spc_contacts(topmet_w, met_via_enc, via_min_spc, via_size)
num_left_con_2, left_con_free_spc_2 = number_spc_contacts(topmet_l, met_via_enc, via_min_spc, via_size)
left_con_arr = pya.CellInstArray(cont_cell.cell_index(), pya.Trans(
pya.Point(left_con_free_spc_1 / 2, left_con_free_spc_2/2)),
pya.Vector(via_min_spc + via_size, 0), pya.Vector(0,via_min_spc + via_size),
num_left_con_1, num_left_con_2)
# Inserting mim_l_mk
mimcap_cell.shapes(mim_l_mk).insert(pya.Box(0, 0,topmet_w, mim_l_mk_width))
# Inserting marker
mimcap_cell.shapes(cap_mk).insert(pya.Box(-top_bot_enc, -top_bot_enc, topmet_w+top_bot_enc, topmet_l+top_bot_enc))
return mimcap_cell