blob: ef46d117dc2377f69f05c83034bcbab962d6222e [file] [log] [blame]
* $Id: $
* Copyright 2022 GlobalFoundries PDK Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Project: 018 5VGREEN SRAM
* Author: GlobalFoundries PDK Authors
* Data Created: 05-06-2014
* Revision: 0.0
* Description: gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram256x8m8wm1 Simulation Model
`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
module gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram256x8m8wm1 (
input CLK;
input CEN; //Chip Enable
input GWEN; //Global Write Enable
input [7:0] WEN; //Write Enable
input [7:0] A;
input [7:0] D;
output [7:0] Q;
inout VDD;
inout VSS;
reg [7:0] mem[255:0];
reg [7:0] qo_reg;
wire cen_flag;
wire write_flag;
wire read_flag;
reg ntf_Tcyc; //notifier for clock period/low/high pulse
reg ntf_Tckh;
reg ntf_Tckl;
reg ntf_tcs; //notifier for setup time
reg ntf_tas;
reg ntf_tds;
reg ntf_tws;
reg ntf_twis;
reg ntf_tch; //notifier for hold time
reg ntf_tah;
reg ntf_tdh;
reg ntf_twh;
reg ntf_twih;
wire no_st_viol; //no setup violation
wire no_hd_viol; //no hold violation
wire no_ck_viol; //no clock related violation
reg clk_dly; //for read/write
reg write_flag_dly; //for write invalidation
reg read_flag_dly; //for read invalidation
reg cen_dly;
reg cen_fell; //detect CEN 1 -> 0 transition
reg cen_not_rst; //detect CEN is not reset initially
wire [7:0] we; //inversion of WEN
wire [7:0] cd2;
wire [7:0] cd4;
wire [7:0] cd5;
reg [7:0] cdx;
reg [7:0] marked_a;
integer i;
assign Q = qo_reg;
//---- for debugging
wire [7:0] mem_0;
wire [7:0] mem_1;
wire [7:0] mem_2;
wire [7:0] mem_3;
assign mem_0 = mem[0];
assign mem_1 = mem[1];
assign mem_2 = mem[2];
assign mem_3 = mem[3];
always @(CEN) cen_dly = #100 CEN;
always @(CEN or cen_dly) begin
if (!CEN & cen_dly) cen_fell = 1'b1;
always @(posedge CLK) begin
if (!CEN & !cen_fell & !cen_not_rst) cen_not_rst = 1;
always @(posedge cen_not_rst) begin
$display("-------- WARNING: CEN is not reset, memory is not operational ---------");
$display("-------- @Time %0t: scope = %m", $realtime, " ---------");
always @(posedge cen_fell) begin
$display("-------- MESSAGE: CEN is just reset, memory is operational ---------");
$display("-------- @Time %0t: scope = %m", $realtime, " ---------");
assign cen_flag = cen_fell & !CEN;
assign write_flag = cen_fell & !CEN & !GWEN & !(&WEN);
assign read_flag = cen_fell & !CEN & GWEN;
reg cen_flag_dly;
always @(cen_flag) cen_flag_dly = #100 cen_flag;
specparam Tcyc = 55600 : 55600 : 55600;
specparam Tckh = 25000 : 25000 : 25000;
specparam Tckl = 25000 : 25000 : 25000;
specparam tcs = 5000 : 5000 : 5000;
specparam tas = 5000 : 5000 : 5000;
specparam tds = 5000 : 5000 : 5000;
specparam tws = 5000 : 5000 : 5000;
specparam twis = 5000 : 5000 : 5000;
specparam tch = 10000 : 10000 : 10000;
specparam tah = 10000 : 10000 : 10000;
specparam tdh = 10000 : 10000 : 10000;
specparam twh = 10000 : 10000 : 10000;
specparam twih = 10000 : 10000 : 10000;
specparam ta = 45000 : 45000 : 45000;
specparam Tdly = 100 : 100: 100;
//---- CLK period/pulse timing
$period (negedge CLK, Tcyc, ntf_Tcyc);
$width (posedge CLK, Tckh, 0, ntf_Tckh);
$width (negedge CLK, Tckl, 0, ntf_Tckl);
//---- CEN setup/hold timing
$setup (negedge CEN, posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tcs, ntf_tcs);
$setup (posedge CEN, posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tcs, ntf_tcs);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag_dly, posedge CEN, tch, ntf_tch);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, negedge CEN, tch, ntf_tch);
//---- GWEN setup/hold timing
$setup (negedge GWEN, posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tws, ntf_tws);
$setup (posedge GWEN, posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tws, ntf_tws);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, posedge GWEN, twh, ntf_twh);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, negedge GWEN, twh, ntf_twh);
//---- WEN[7:0] setup/hold timing
$setup (negedge WEN[0], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
$setup (negedge WEN[1], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
$setup (negedge WEN[2], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
$setup (negedge WEN[3], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
$setup (negedge WEN[4], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
$setup (negedge WEN[5], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
$setup (negedge WEN[6], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
$setup (negedge WEN[7], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
$setup (posedge WEN[0], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
$setup (posedge WEN[1], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
$setup (posedge WEN[2], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
$setup (posedge WEN[3], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
$setup (posedge WEN[4], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
$setup (posedge WEN[5], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
$setup (posedge WEN[6], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
$setup (posedge WEN[7], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge WEN[0], twih, ntf_twih);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge WEN[1], twih, ntf_twih);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge WEN[2], twih, ntf_twih);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge WEN[3], twih, ntf_twih);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge WEN[4], twih, ntf_twih);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge WEN[5], twih, ntf_twih);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge WEN[6], twih, ntf_twih);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge WEN[7], twih, ntf_twih);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge WEN[0], twih, ntf_twih);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge WEN[1], twih, ntf_twih);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge WEN[2], twih, ntf_twih);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge WEN[3], twih, ntf_twih);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge WEN[4], twih, ntf_twih);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge WEN[5], twih, ntf_twih);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge WEN[6], twih, ntf_twih);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge WEN[7], twih, ntf_twih);
//---- A[7:0] setup/hold timing
$setup (posedge A[0], posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
$setup (posedge A[1], posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
$setup (posedge A[2], posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
$setup (posedge A[3], posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
$setup (posedge A[4], posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
$setup (posedge A[5], posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
$setup (posedge A[6], posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
$setup (posedge A[7], posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
$setup (negedge A[0], posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
$setup (negedge A[1], posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
$setup (negedge A[2], posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
$setup (negedge A[3], posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
$setup (negedge A[4], posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
$setup (negedge A[5], posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
$setup (negedge A[6], posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
$setup (negedge A[7], posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, negedge A[0], tah, ntf_tah);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, negedge A[1], tah, ntf_tah);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, negedge A[2], tah, ntf_tah);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, negedge A[3], tah, ntf_tah);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, negedge A[4], tah, ntf_tah);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, negedge A[5], tah, ntf_tah);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, negedge A[6], tah, ntf_tah);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, negedge A[7], tah, ntf_tah);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, posedge A[0], tah, ntf_tah);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, posedge A[1], tah, ntf_tah);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, posedge A[2], tah, ntf_tah);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, posedge A[3], tah, ntf_tah);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, posedge A[4], tah, ntf_tah);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, posedge A[5], tah, ntf_tah);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, posedge A[6], tah, ntf_tah);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, posedge A[7], tah, ntf_tah);
//---- D[7:0] setup/hold timing
$setup (posedge D[0], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
$setup (posedge D[1], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
$setup (posedge D[2], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
$setup (posedge D[3], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
$setup (posedge D[4], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
$setup (posedge D[5], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
$setup (posedge D[6], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
$setup (posedge D[7], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
$setup (negedge D[0], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
$setup (negedge D[1], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
$setup (negedge D[2], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
$setup (negedge D[3], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
$setup (negedge D[4], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
$setup (negedge D[5], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
$setup (negedge D[6], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
$setup (negedge D[7], posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge D[0], tdh, ntf_tdh);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge D[1], tdh, ntf_tdh);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge D[2], tdh, ntf_tdh);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge D[3], tdh, ntf_tdh);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge D[4], tdh, ntf_tdh);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge D[5], tdh, ntf_tdh);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge D[6], tdh, ntf_tdh);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge D[7], tdh, ntf_tdh);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge D[0], tdh, ntf_tdh);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge D[1], tdh, ntf_tdh);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge D[2], tdh, ntf_tdh);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge D[3], tdh, ntf_tdh);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge D[4], tdh, ntf_tdh);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge D[5], tdh, ntf_tdh);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge D[6], tdh, ntf_tdh);
$hold (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge D[7], tdh, ntf_tdh);
//---- Output delay
// rise transition: 0->1, z->1, Ta
// fall transition: 1->0, 1->z, Ta
// turn-off transition: 0->z, 1->z, Tcqx
//if (!CEN & GWEN) (posedge CLK => (Q : 8'bx)) = (Ta, Ta, Tcqx);
if ((CEN == 1'b0) && (GWEN == 1'b1)) (posedge CLK => (Q[0] : 1'bx)) = (ta, ta);
if ((CEN == 1'b0) && (GWEN == 1'b1)) (posedge CLK => (Q[1] : 1'bx)) = (ta, ta);
if ((CEN == 1'b0) && (GWEN == 1'b1)) (posedge CLK => (Q[2] : 1'bx)) = (ta, ta);
if ((CEN == 1'b0) && (GWEN == 1'b1)) (posedge CLK => (Q[3] : 1'bx)) = (ta, ta);
if ((CEN == 1'b0) && (GWEN == 1'b1)) (posedge CLK => (Q[4] : 1'bx)) = (ta, ta);
if ((CEN == 1'b0) && (GWEN == 1'b1)) (posedge CLK => (Q[5] : 1'bx)) = (ta, ta);
if ((CEN == 1'b0) && (GWEN == 1'b1)) (posedge CLK => (Q[6] : 1'bx)) = (ta, ta);
if ((CEN == 1'b0) && (GWEN == 1'b1)) (posedge CLK => (Q[7] : 1'bx)) = (ta, ta);
assign no_st_viol = ~(|{ntf_tcs, ntf_tas, ntf_tds, ntf_tws, ntf_twis});
assign no_hd_viol = ~(|{ntf_tch, ntf_tah, ntf_tdh, ntf_twh, ntf_twih});
assign no_ck_viol = ~(|{ntf_Tcyc, ntf_Tckh, ntf_Tckl});
always @(CLK) clk_dly = #Tdly CLK;
always @(CLK) write_flag_dly = #200 write_flag;
always @(CLK) read_flag_dly = #200 read_flag;
always @(posedge CLK) marked_a = A;
assign we = ~WEN;
assign cd2 = mem[A] & WEN; //set write bits to 0, others unchanged
assign cd4 = D & we; //set write bits to 0/1, others = 0
assign cd5 = cd2 | cd4; //memory content after write
always @(posedge CLK) cdx = {8{1'bx}} & we; //latch cdx
always @(posedge clk_dly) begin
if (write_flag) begin //write
if (no_st_viol) begin //write, no viol
mem[A] = cd5;
else begin //write, with viol
mem[A] = mem[A] ^ cdx; //1^x = x
qo_reg = qo_reg ^ cdx;
end //write
else if (read_flag) begin //read
if (no_st_viol) begin //read, no viol
qo_reg = mem[marked_a];
else begin //read, with viol
qo_reg = 8'bx;
end //read
always @(negedge clk_dly) begin //invalidate write/read when hold/clk viol
if (no_hd_viol == 0 | no_ck_viol == 0) begin
if (write_flag_dly) begin
if (ntf_twh) begin
mem[marked_a] = mem[marked_a] ^ 8'bx; //GWEN can't be used to generate cdx
qo_reg = qo_reg ^ 8'bx;
else begin
mem[marked_a] = mem[marked_a] ^ cdx;
qo_reg = qo_reg ^ cdx;
else if (read_flag_dly) begin
qo_reg = 8'bx;
ntf_tch = 0;
ntf_tah = 0;
ntf_tdh = 0;
ntf_twh = 0;
ntf_twih = 0;
ntf_Tcyc = 0;
ntf_Tckh = 0;
ntf_Tckl = 0;
else begin
ntf_tch = 0;
ntf_tah = 0;
ntf_tdh = 0;
ntf_twh = 0;
ntf_twih = 0;
ntf_Tcyc = 0;
ntf_Tckh = 0;
ntf_Tckl = 0;
always @(posedge ntf_tcs or posedge ntf_tas or posedge ntf_tds or
posedge ntf_tws or posedge ntf_twis or
posedge ntf_tch or posedge ntf_tah or posedge ntf_tdh or
posedge ntf_twh or posedge ntf_twih or
posedge ntf_Tcyc or posedge ntf_Tckh or posedge ntf_Tckl) begin
if (cen_fell) begin
if (ntf_tcs) $display("---- ERROR: CEN setup violation! ----");
if (ntf_tas) $display("---- ERROR: A setup violation! ----");
if (ntf_tds) $display("---- ERROR: D setup violation! ----");
if (ntf_tws) $display("---- ERROR: GWEN setup violation! ----");
if (ntf_twis) $display("---- ERROR: WEN setup violation! ----");
if (ntf_tch) $display("---- ERROR: CEN hold violation! ----");
if (ntf_tah) $display("---- ERROR: A hold violation! ----");
if (ntf_tdh) $display("---- ERROR: D hold violation! ----");
if (ntf_twh) $display("---- ERROR: GWEN hold violation! ----");
if (ntf_twih) $display("---- ERROR: WEN hold violation! ----");
if (ntf_Tcyc) $display("---- ERROR: CLK period violation! ----");
if (ntf_Tckh) $display("---- ERROR: CLK pulse width high violation! ----");
if (ntf_Tckl) $display("---- ERROR: CLK pulse width low violation! ----");
always @(posedge cen_fell) begin //reset fasle notifiers
ntf_tcs = 0; //after CEN reset (CEN from 1 to 0)
ntf_tas = 0;
ntf_tds = 0;
ntf_tws = 0;
ntf_twis = 0;
ntf_tch = 0;
ntf_tah = 0;
ntf_tdh = 0;
ntf_twh = 0;
ntf_twih = 0;
always @(negedge clk_dly) begin //reset setup/hold notifiers
ntf_tcs = 0;
ntf_tas = 0;
ntf_tds = 0;
ntf_tws = 0;
ntf_twis = 0;
ntf_tch = 0;
ntf_tah = 0;
ntf_tdh = 0;
ntf_twh = 0;
ntf_twih = 0;
initial begin //initialization
ntf_Tcyc = 0;
ntf_Tckh = 0;
ntf_Tckl = 0;
ntf_tcs = 0;
ntf_tas = 0;
ntf_tds = 0;
ntf_tws = 0;
ntf_twis = 0;
ntf_tch = 0;
ntf_tah = 0;
ntf_tdh = 0;
ntf_twh = 0;
ntf_twih = 0;
marked_a = 8'd0;
qo_reg = 8'd0;
clk_dly = 0;
write_flag_dly = 0;
read_flag_dly = 0;
cen_dly = 0;
cen_fell = 0;
cen_not_rst = 0;
for(i=0; i<256; i=i+1) begin
mem[i] = 8'd0;