blob: b75f6c9630516e93e370df8844579d68a6455fd3 [file] [log] [blame]
Layer,DMF Dummy Metal Fill,
,"Use PMNDMY mark layer to exclude dummy metal generation in
certain critical analog/RF areas.",
DM.1,Min/Max Dummy metal line width/length,2.0 um
DM.2a*,Min Dummy metal line space (for Layout),1.2 um
DM.2b,Min Dummy metal line space (for DRC),0.98um
DM.2c,Min Dummy metal line space for thick top metal (3um Top metal),2.0um
DM.3,Minimum space between dummy metal and circuit Metal line,2.0um
DM.4,"Dummy Metal space to Subsequent Metal layer (E.g. Dummy M1
space to M2)",1um
DM.5,"Dummy Metal space to Previous Metal layer (E.g. Dummy M2
space to M1; Dummy M1 space to Poly2)",1um
DM.6,No overlap of Dummy Metal with the Subsequent Metal layers,
DM.7,No overlap of Dummy Metal with the Previous layers,
DM.8,"There should not be any dummy metal pattern fill in the following areas
(i) MIM CAP area (recognized by Fuse Top)
(ii) Poly fuse area (recognized by POLYFUSE)
(iii) Metal fuse area (recognized by FUSEWINDOW_D)
(iv) Dummy metal exclusion area (recognized by PMNDMY)
(v) MTP mark area (recognized by MTPMK)
(vi) OTP mark area ( recognized by OTP_MK)
Space from these Structures",6um
DM.9*,"Do not use exact replicates of dummy metal fill patterns for
consecutive metal layers to avoid dielectric and metal stress
problems? E.g. the Metal4 dummy metal fill patterns should not be
an exact copy of the Metal3 dummy fill pattern. (Offsets value:)",0.5um
DM.10*,Offset between the Dummy metal of the same layers,0.5um