blob: 3793faebf920589554872aea67dafd9eebefbbe6 [file] [log] [blame]
Layer,SB = Salicide Block,
SB.3,Space from salicide block to unrelated COMP,0.22
SB.4,Space from salicide block to contact,0.15
SB.5a,Space from salicide block to unrelated Poly2 on field,0.3
SB.5b,Space from salicide block to unrelated Poly2 on COMP,0.28
SB.6,Salicide block extension beyond related COMP,0.22
SB.7,COMP extension beyond related salicide block,0.22
SB.8,Non-salicided contacts are forbidden,
SB.9,Salicide block extension beyond unsalicided Poly2,0.22
SB.10,Poly2 extension beyond related salicide block,0.22
SB.11,Overlap with COMP,0.22
SB.12,Overlap with Poly2 outside ESD_MK,0.22
SB.13,Min. area,2.0 μm2
SB.14a,"Space from unsalicided Nplus Poly2 to unsalicided Pplus Poly2
(Unsalicided Nplus Poly2 must not fall within a square of 0.56μm x 0.56μm at unsalicided Pplus Poly2 corners)",0.56
SB.14b,"Space from unsalicided Nplus Poly2 to P-channel gate
(Unsalicided Nplus Poly2 must not fall within a square of 0.56μm x 0.56μm at P-channel gate corners)",0.56
SB.15a,Space from unsalicided Poly2 to unrelated Nplus/Pplus,0.18
SB.15b,Space from unsalicided Poly2 to unrelated Nplus/Pplus along Poly2 line,0.32
SB.16,"SAB layer cannot exist on 3.3V and 5V/6V CMOS transistors' Poly and COMP area of the core circuit
(Excluding the transistors used for ESD purpose). It can only exist on CMOS transistors marked by
LVS_IO, OTP_MK, ESD_MK layers.",