blob: 437801068215414c408c97b18020035f99901b83 [file] [log] [blame]
7.6 Dualgate
This layer defines the 5V/6V area. All 5V/6V device area should be covered by this layer.
.. csv-table:: Dualgate RULES
:file: tables_clear/15_Dualgate40_1.csv
:widths: 200, 700, 100
:align: center
**Rules specific to 3.3V/(5V)6V Dualgate outside DNWELL:**
.. csv-table::
:file: tables_clear/15_Dualgate40_2.csv
:widths: 200, 700, 100
:align: center
.. note::
\* :ref:`Rules not coded`
\* This rule can be detected by ERC, not by DRC
.. image:: images/dualgate.png
:width: 800
:align: center
:alt: Dualgate