blob: ba3e37389433613deca5e1aa16886031758a9a83 [file] [log] [blame]
Corner/Library Name,Definition Purpose
typical,Nominal process/Estimate typical performance
ff,"Bound EP specifications extreme Idsat and Vt for wide and narrow short
channel FETs. Verify circuit robustness under extreme process condition
with fast NFET and fast PFET"
ss,"Bound EP specifications extreme Idsat and Vt for wide and narrow short
channel FETs. Verify circuit robustness under extreme process condition
with slow NFET and slow PFET"
fs,"Match Idsat and Vt skew between NFETs and PFETs based on line data
and EP specifications. Circuit operation under N to P mismatch, for fast
NFET and slow PFET"
sf,"Match Idsat and Vt skew between NFETs and PFETs based on line data
and EP specifications. Circuit operation under N to P mismatch, for slow
NFET and fast PFET"