blob: 523b38e766ac80d4d144f1d9acad54a61d1de999 [file] [log] [blame]
10.5 Native Vt NMOS (Optional)
This section describes Native NMOS rules. This process supports 3.3V and 5V/6V native Vt NMOS. The difference between 3.3V and 5V/6V native Vt transistor is that the 5V/6V native Vt NMOS need Dualgate layer.
Native Vt NMOS is recognized by NCOMP outside NWELL, interact with Poly2 and NAT.
.. csv-table:: Native Vt NMOS
:file: tables_clear/36_Native_Vt_NMOS_90.csv
:widths: 100, 800, 100
:align: center
.. image:: images/nat.png
:width: 900
:align: center
:alt: Native Vt NMOS