blob: de322020c93ef57397c2a5c20f32f2849fbf8f84 [file] [log] [blame]
Layer,NW = Nwell,3.3V, 5V/6V
NW.1a,Min. Nwell Width (This is only for litho purpose on the generated area),0.86,0.86
NW.1b,Min. Nwell Width as a resistor (Outside DNWELL only),2,2
NW.2a,"Min. Nwell Space (Outside DNWELL) [Equi-potential], Merge if the space is less than",0.6,0.74
NW.2b,Min. Nwell Space (Outside DNWELL) [Different potential],1.4,1.7
NW.3,Min. Nwell to DNWELL space,3.1,3.1
NW.4,Min. Nwell to LVPWELL space,0,0
NW.5,Min. DNWELL enclose Nwell,0.5,0.5
NW.6,Nwell resistors can only exist outside DNWELL,,
NW.7*,"If Nwell is used as resistor, it must be covered by RES_MK (for LVS purpose).
Width of the resistor determined by Nwell width. Length by COMP to COMP space.
RES_MK length shall be coincide with resistor length (Touching COMP each side) and width covering the width of Nwell)""",,