blob: 844495183a41e285a4ee8776f26435edfadb2eb3 [file] [log] [blame]
caravel_18000abd 1000
2 2 3 ... XX XX:XX:XX 2...
Rule File Pathname: /usr/local/google/home/tansell/work/openflow-drc-tests//runsets/gf180//DRC/base-oas
Rule File Title: This program invokes GLOBALFOUNDRIES' DRC for 0.18um technology. In using this runset, you have agreed to abide by the terms specified in the DISCLAIMER section of the Compiled on 20171102_145905_13_15
Recommended well tap COMP to active COMP space in channel length direction == 1.5
e 1 1
75690 848950 113690 848950
e 2 1
75690 896270 113690 896270