blob: 43ac34a8c93c204775d856967dc7f5d3ddf6be2c [file] [log] [blame]
# Mabrains Company LLC ("Mabrains Company LLC") CONFIDENTIAL
# Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Mabrains Company LLC <>
# This file is authored by:
# - <Mina Maksimous> <>
import pya
import math
from .imported_generators.mimcap import *
class mimcap_1_gen(pya.PCellDeclarationHelper):
The PCell declaration for the mimcap_1
def __init__(self):
# Important: initialize the super class
super(mimcap_1_gen, self).__init__()
# declare the parameters
self.param("l", self.TypeDouble, "Length", default=1,unit="um")
self.param("w", self.TypeDouble, "Width", default=1,unit="um")
self.param("array_x", self.TypeInt, "elements in x_direction", default=1)
self.param("array_y", self.TypeInt, "elements in y_direction", default=1)
self.param("x_spacing", self.TypeDouble, "spacing in x_direction", default=1,unit="um")
self.param("y_spacing", self.TypeDouble, "spacing in y_direction", default=1,unit="um")
self.param("totalcap", self.TypeDouble, "Total Capcitance",unit="fF",readonly=True)
# self.set_totalcap(4)
def display_text_impl(self):
# Provide a descriptive text for the cell
return "sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1_w"+str(self.w)+"_l"+str(self.l)
def coerce_parameters_impl(self):
# We employ coerce_parameters_impl to decide whether the handle or the
# numeric parameter has changed (by comparing against the effective
# radius ru) and set ru to the effective radius. We also update the
# numerical value or the shape, depending on which on has not changed.
# rs = None
# if isinstance(self.s, pya.DPoint):
# # compute distance in micron
# rs = self.s.distance(pya.DPoint(0, 0))
# if rs != None and abs(self.r - < 1e-6:
# = rs
# self.r = rs
# else:
# = self.r
# self.s = pya.DPoint(-self.r, 0)
# self.rd = 2 * self.r
# # n must be larger or equal than 4
# if self.n <= 4:
# self.n = 4
self.totalcap = self.w * self.l * self.array_x * self.array_y * 2
def can_create_from_shape_impl(self):
# Implement the "Create PCell from shape" protocol: we can use any shape which
# has a finite bounding box
# return self.shape.is_box() or self.shape.is_polygon() or self.shape.is_path()
def parameters_from_shape_impl(self):
# Implement the "Create PCell from shape" protocol: we set r and l from the shape's
# bounding box width and layer
# self.r = self.shape.bbox().width() * self.layout.dbu / 2
# self.l = self.layout.get_info(self.layer)
def transformation_from_shape_impl(self):
# Implement the "Create PCell from shape" protocol: we use the center of the shape's
# bounding box to determine the transformation
def produce_impl(self):
self.percision = 1/self.layout.dbu
mimcap_instance = mimcap(layout=self.layout,w=self.w,l=self.l,connection_labels=0)
mimcap_cell = mimcap_instance.draw_cap()
write_cells = pya.CellInstArray(mimcap_cell.cell_index(), pya.Trans(pya.Point(0, 0)),
pya.Vector(self.x_spacing*self.percision, 0), pya.Vector(0, self.y_spacing*self.percision),self.array_x , self.array_y)