| `include "config.v" |
| |
| module execute #(parameter CORENO = 0, INT_VEC = 1) ( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| inout vccd1, |
| inout vssd1, |
| `endif |
| |
| input i_clk, |
| input i_rst, |
| |
| // Pipeline control singnals |
| output o_ready, |
| input i_submit, |
| output reg o_flush, |
| input i_flush, |
| |
| input [`RW-1:0] i_imm, |
| input i_jmp_predict, |
| |
| // Execution control singals |
| input c_pc_inc, c_pc_ie, |
| input c_r_bus_imm, |
| input [`ALU_MODE_W-1:0] c_alu_mode, |
| input c_alu_carry_en, c_alu_flags_ie, |
| input [`REGNO_LOG-1:0] c_l_reg_sel, c_r_reg_sel, |
| input [`REGNO-1:0] c_rf_ie, |
| input [`JUMP_CODE_W-1:0] c_jump_cond_code, |
| input c_mem_access, c_mem_we, c_mem_width, |
| input [1:0] c_used_operands, |
| input c_sreg_load, c_sreg_store, c_sreg_jal_over, c_sreg_irt, c_sys, c_mem_long, |
| |
| // Signals to fetch stage to handle mispredictions |
| output o_pc_update, |
| output [`RW-1:0] o_exec_pc, |
| |
| // Debug outputs |
| output [`RW-1:0] dbg_r0, dbg_pc, |
| |
| // Pipeline next stage |
| output reg [`RW-1:0] o_data, |
| output reg [`RW-1:0] o_addr, |
| output reg [`REGNO-1:0] o_reg_ie, |
| output reg o_mem_access, o_mem_we, o_mem_width, |
| output reg o_submit, |
| input i_next_ready, |
| input [`REGNO-1:0] i_reg_ie, |
| input [`RW-1:0] i_reg_data, |
| |
| input i_irq, |
| output o_c_instr_page, |
| output reg o_c_data_page, |
| output [`RW-1:0] sr_bus_addr, sr_bus_data_o, |
| output sr_bus_we, |
| output reg o_icache_flush, |
| input i_mem_exception, |
| input i_core_int, |
| input [`RW-1:0] i_core_int_sreg, |
| output o_c_instr_long_mode, |
| output reg o_mem_long_mode, |
| output [7:0] o_instr_addr_high, |
| output reg [7:0] o_mem_addr_high |
| ); |
| |
| reg next_ready_delayed; |
| // detect RAW pipeline hazard |
| wire raw_hazard = ( |
| (c_used_operands[0] & o_reg_ie[c_l_reg_sel]) | |
| (c_used_operands[1] & o_reg_ie[c_r_reg_sel]) | |
| (c_mem_long & sreg_long_ptr_en & c_used_operands[0] & o_reg_ie[c_l_reg_sel+1]) |
| ) & (o_submit | ~next_ready_delayed); |
| // hazard happens also in the first cycle when next_ready becomes high, delayed signal is used |
| |
| wire i_invalidate = i_flush | irq | pc_high_updated; |
| // hazard doesn't invalidate instructions, only holds it |
| wire hold_req = raw_hazard | alu_mul_busy; |
| |
| wire i_valid = i_submit & ~i_invalidate; |
| reg hold_valid; |
| |
| wire instr_valid = i_valid | (hold_valid & ~i_submit & ~i_invalidate); |
| wire exec_submit = i_next_ready & instr_valid & ~hold_req; |
| |
| // don't update state when current instruction is not valid (flush or bubble) |
| assign o_ready = exec_submit | ~instr_valid; |
| |
| // At IRQ, current instruction (and state update) is invalidated and pc is saved to sr, to |
| // continue execution from current instruction. Flush is requested on next cycle |
| wire irq = ((i_irq | i_core_int) & irq_en) | prev_sys | trap_exception | i_mem_exception; |
| // core_int is masked as externel event to not interrupt irq handler |
| |
| always @(posedge i_clk) begin |
| if(i_rst) begin |
| hold_valid <= 1'b0; |
| end else if (i_invalidate | exec_submit) begin |
| hold_valid <= 1'b0; |
| end else if (i_valid) begin |
| hold_valid <= 1'b1; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| always @(posedge i_clk) begin |
| if(i_rst) begin |
| next_ready_delayed <= 1'b0; |
| end else begin |
| next_ready_delayed <= i_next_ready; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // Internal buses |
| wire [`RW-1:0] reg_l_con, reg_r_con; |
| wire [`RW-1:0] alu_l_bus, alu_r_bus; |
| wire [`RW-1:0] alu_bus; |
| |
| // Muxes definitions |
| assign alu_l_bus = reg_l_con; |
| assign alu_r_bus = (c_r_bus_imm ? i_imm : reg_r_con); |
| assign alu_bus = (mul_div_op ? alu_mul_res : alu_res); |
| |
| // Component connects |
| wire [`RW-1:0] pc_val; |
| wire [`ALU_FLAG_CNT-1:0] alu_flags_d, alu_flags_q; |
| assign dbg_pc = pc_val; |
| assign o_pc_update = exec_submit; |
| assign o_exec_pc = pc_val; |
| wire [`RW-1:0] sreg_in = reg_r_con; |
| reg [`RW-1:0] sreg_out; |
| wire [`RW-1:0] dbg_reg_out; |
| wire pc_overflow; |
| wire [`RW-1:0] reg_l_high_con; |
| wire [`RW-1:0] alu_mul_res, alu_res; |
| wire alu_mul_busy; |
| wire mul_div_op = (c_alu_mode == `ALU_MODE_MUL) || (c_alu_mode == `ALU_MODE_DIV) || (c_alu_mode == `ALU_MODE_MOD); |
| |
| // Submodules |
| rf rf( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| .vccd1(vccd1), .vssd1(vssd1), |
| `endif |
| .i_clk(i_clk), .i_rst(i_rst), .i_d(i_reg_data), .o_lout(reg_l_con), |
| .o_rout(reg_r_con), .i_lout_sel(c_l_reg_sel), .i_rout_sel(c_r_reg_sel), |
| .i_ie(i_reg_ie), .i_gie(1'b1), .o_l_high_out(reg_l_high_con), |
| .dbg_r0(dbg_r0), .dbg_sel(dbg_reg_sel), .dbg_reg(dbg_reg_out)); |
| |
| alu alu( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| .vccd1(vccd1), .vssd1(vssd1), |
| `endif |
| .i_l(alu_l_bus), .i_r(alu_r_bus), .o_out(alu_res), .i_mode(c_alu_mode), |
| .o_flags(alu_flags_d), .i_carry(alu_flags_q[`ALU_FLAG_C] & c_alu_carry_en)); |
| |
| alu_mul_div alu_mul_div ( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| .vccd1(vccd1), .vssd1(vssd1), |
| `endif |
| .i_clk(i_clk), |
| .i_rst(i_rst), |
| |
| .i_a(alu_l_bus), .i_b(alu_r_bus), .o_d(alu_mul_res), |
| .i_submit(mul_div_op & i_submit), .i_flush(i_invalidate), |
| .o_busy(alu_mul_busy), |
| .i_mul(c_alu_mode == `ALU_MODE_MUL), |
| .i_div(c_alu_mode == `ALU_MODE_DIV), |
| .i_mod(c_alu_mode == `ALU_MODE_MOD) |
| ); |
| |
| pc #(.INT_VEC(INT_VEC)) pc ( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| .vccd1(vccd1), .vssd1(vssd1), |
| `endif |
| .i_clk(i_clk), .i_rst(i_rst), .i_bus(c_sreg_store | c_sreg_irt ? (c_sreg_irt ? sreg_out : sreg_in) : alu_bus), |
| .i_c_pc_inc((c_pc_inc | (~jump_dec_en & jump_dec_valid)) & exec_submit), .i_c_pc_ie((c_pc_ie | (jump_dec_en & jump_dec_valid) | pc_write) & exec_submit), |
| .o_pc(pc_val), .i_c_pc_irq(irq), .o_pc_ovf(pc_overflow)); |
| |
| // Cpu control registers |
| register #(.N(`ALU_FLAG_CNT)) alu_flag_reg ( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| .vccd1(vccd1), .vssd1(vssd1), |
| `endif |
| .i_clk(i_clk), .i_rst(i_rst), .i_d((alu_flags_sreg_ie ? sreg_in[`ALU_FLAG_CNT-1:0] : alu_flags_d)), |
| .o_d(alu_flags_q), .i_ie((c_alu_flags_ie | alu_flags_sreg_ie) & exec_submit)); |
| |
| reg jump_dec_en; |
| wire jump_dec_valid = c_jump_cond_code[`JUMP_CODE_BIT_EN]; |
| |
| wire jump_mispredict = jump_dec_valid & (jump_dec_en ^ i_jmp_predict); |
| wire pc_write = (pc_sreg_ie & c_sreg_store) | c_sreg_irt; |
| |
| always @(posedge i_clk) begin |
| o_flush <= ((jump_mispredict | pc_write | flush_instr_mmu) & exec_submit) | irq | pc_high_updated; // invalidate itself and all previous stages at next cycle |
| end |
| |
| `define JUMP_CODE_UNCOND`JUMP_CODE_W'b10000 |
| `define JUMP_CODE_CARRY `JUMP_CODE_W'b10001 |
| `define JUMP_CODE_EQUAL `JUMP_CODE_W'b10010 |
| `define JUMP_CODE_LT `JUMP_CODE_W'b10011 |
| `define JUMP_CODE_GT `JUMP_CODE_W'b10100 |
| `define JUMP_CODE_LE `JUMP_CODE_W'b10101 |
| `define JUMP_CODE_GE `JUMP_CODE_W'b10110 |
| `define JUMP_CODE_NE `JUMP_CODE_W'b10111 |
| `define JUMP_CODE_OVF `JUMP_CODE_W'b11000 |
| `define JUMP_CODE_PAR `JUMP_CODE_W'b11001 |
| `define JUMP_CODE_GTU `JUMP_CODE_W'b11010 |
| `define JUMP_CODE_GEU `JUMP_CODE_W'b11011 |
| `define JUMP_CODE_LEU `JUMP_CODE_W'b11100 |
| always @(*) begin |
| case (c_jump_cond_code[`JUMP_CODE_W-1:0]) |
| jump_dec_en = 1'b1; |
| jump_dec_en = alu_flags_q[`ALU_FLAG_C]; |
| jump_dec_en = alu_flags_q[`ALU_FLAG_Z]; |
| jump_dec_en = alu_flags_q[`ALU_FLAG_N]; |
| jump_dec_en = ~(alu_flags_q[`ALU_FLAG_N] | alu_flags_q[`ALU_FLAG_Z]); |
| jump_dec_en = alu_flags_q[`ALU_FLAG_N] | alu_flags_q[`ALU_FLAG_Z]; |
| jump_dec_en = ~alu_flags_q[`ALU_FLAG_N]; |
| jump_dec_en = ~alu_flags_q[`ALU_FLAG_Z]; |
| jump_dec_en = alu_flags_q[`ALU_FLAG_O]; |
| jump_dec_en = alu_flags_q[`ALU_FLAG_P]; |
| jump_dec_en = ~(alu_flags_q[`ALU_FLAG_C] | alu_flags_q[`ALU_FLAG_Z]); |
| jump_dec_en = ~alu_flags_q[`ALU_FLAG_C]; |
| jump_dec_en = alu_flags_q[`ALU_FLAG_C] | alu_flags_q[`ALU_FLAG_Z]; |
| default: |
| jump_dec_en = 1'b0; |
| endcase |
| end |
| |
| // Forwarding to next pipeline stage |
| always @(posedge i_clk) begin |
| if (i_rst) begin |
| o_submit <= 1'b0; |
| end else if (exec_submit) begin |
| o_addr <= alu_bus; |
| o_data <= (c_mem_access ? reg_r_con : |
| (c_sreg_load | c_sreg_jal_over ? sreg_out + (c_sreg_jal_over ? `RW'b1 : `RW'b0) |
| : alu_bus)); |
| o_reg_ie <= c_rf_ie; |
| o_mem_access <= c_mem_access; |
| o_mem_we <= c_mem_we; |
| o_mem_width <= c_mem_width; |
| o_mem_long_mode <= c_mem_long & sreg_long_ptr_en; |
| o_mem_addr_high <= computed_mem_addr_high; |
| o_submit <= 1'b1; |
| end else begin |
| o_submit <= 1'b0; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| reg prev_sys; // Execute sys instruction and trigger interrupt at next cycle to resume from next instruction |
| always @(posedge i_clk) begin |
| if (i_rst) begin |
| prev_sys <= 1'b0; |
| end else if (c_sys & exec_submit) begin |
| prev_sys <= 1'b1; |
| end else begin |
| prev_sys <= 1'b0; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| reg trap_exception; |
| always @(posedge i_clk) begin |
| if (i_rst) begin |
| trap_exception <= 1'b0; |
| end else begin |
| trap_exception <= trap_flag & exec_submit; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| reg [`RW-1:0] mem_stage_pc; |
| always @(posedge i_clk) begin |
| if (i_rst) |
| mem_stage_pc <= `RW'b0; |
| else if (exec_submit) |
| mem_stage_pc <= pc_val; |
| end |
| |
| // Special registers |
| `define SREG_PC `RW'b0 |
| `define SREG_PRIV_CTRL `RW'b1 |
| `define SREG_JTR `RW'b10 |
| `define SREG_IRQ_PC `RW'b11 |
| `define SREG_ALU_FLAGS `RW'b100 |
| `define SREG_IRQ_FLAGS `RW'b101 |
| `define SREG_SCRATCH `RW'b110 |
| `define SREG_CPUID `RW'b111 |
| `define SREG_COREID `RW'b1000 |
| `define SREG_MT_IRQ `RW'b1001 //,1010, 1011 |
| `define SREG_PC_HIGH `RW'b1100 |
| `define SREG_PC_HIGH_BUFF `RW'b1101 |
| |
| reg pc_sreg_ie, sreg_priv_control_ie, sreg_irq_pc_ie, alu_flags_sreg_ie, sreg_jtr_ie, sreg_scratch_ie, sreg_pc_high_ie, sreg_pc_high_buff_ie; |
| wire [`RW-1:0] sreg_priv_control_out, sreg_irq_pc_out, sreg_scratch_out; |
| always @* begin |
| {pc_sreg_ie, sreg_irq_pc_ie, sreg_priv_control_ie, alu_flags_sreg_ie, sreg_jtr_ie, sreg_scratch_ie, sreg_pc_high_ie, sreg_pc_high_buff_ie} = 8'b0; |
| case (i_imm) |
| `SREG_PC: begin |
| sreg_out = pc_val; |
| pc_sreg_ie = c_sreg_store; |
| end |
| `SREG_PRIV_CTRL: begin |
| sreg_out = sreg_priv_control_out; |
| sreg_priv_control_ie = c_sreg_store; |
| end |
| `SREG_IRQ_PC: begin |
| sreg_out = sreg_irq_pc_out; |
| sreg_irq_pc_ie = c_sreg_store; |
| end |
| `SREG_JTR: begin |
| sreg_out = {13'b0, sreg_jtr_out}; |
| sreg_jtr_ie = c_sreg_store & sreg_priv_mode; |
| end |
| `SREG_ALU_FLAGS: begin |
| sreg_out = {11'b0, alu_flags_q}; |
| alu_flags_sreg_ie = c_sreg_store; |
| end |
| `SREG_IRQ_FLAGS: begin |
| sreg_out = {11'b0, sreg_irq_flags_out}; |
| end |
| `SREG_SCRATCH: begin |
| sreg_out = sreg_scratch_out; |
| sreg_scratch_ie = c_sreg_store; |
| end |
| `SREG_CPUID: begin |
| sreg_out = 16'b1110_0000_0001_0001; |
| end |
| `SREG_COREID: begin |
| sreg_out = CORENO; |
| end |
| `SREG_MT_IRQ: begin // write is handled in upper_core |
| sreg_out = i_core_int_sreg; |
| end |
| `SREG_PC_HIGH: begin |
| sreg_pc_high_ie = c_sreg_store; |
| sreg_out = {8'b0, pc_high_out}; |
| end |
| `SREG_PC_HIGH_BUFF: begin |
| sreg_pc_high_buff_ie = c_sreg_store; |
| sreg_out = {8'b0, pc_high_buff_out}; |
| end |
| default: |
| sreg_out = 16'b0; |
| endcase |
| |
| if(c_sreg_jal_over) |
| sreg_out = pc_val; |
| if(c_sreg_irt) |
| sreg_out = sreg_irq_pc_out; |
| end |
| |
| // Special registers control |
| |
| |
| wire [`RW-1:0] priv_in = (irq ? (`RW'b0001) : (c_sreg_irt ? (sreg_priv_control_out | `RW'h0004) : sreg_in)); // disable irq and paging flag on interrupt and re-enable on return |
| register #(.RESET_VAL(`RW'b0001)) sreg_priv_control ( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| .vccd1(vccd1), .vssd1(vssd1), |
| `endif |
| .i_clk(i_clk), .i_rst(i_rst), .i_d(priv_in), .o_d(sreg_priv_control_out), |
| .i_ie((((sreg_priv_control_ie & sreg_priv_mode) | c_sreg_irt) & exec_submit) | irq)); |
| |
| wire sreg_priv_mode = sreg_priv_control_out[0]; |
| wire sreg_data_page = sreg_priv_control_out[1]; |
| wire irq_en = sreg_priv_control_out[2]; |
| wire sreg_long_ptr_en = sreg_priv_control_out[3]; |
| |
| register sreg_irq_pc ( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| .vccd1(vccd1), .vssd1(vssd1), |
| `endif |
| .i_clk(i_clk), .i_rst(i_rst), .i_d(sreg_irq_pc_ie ? sreg_in : (i_mem_exception ? mem_stage_pc : pc_val)), .o_d(sreg_irq_pc_out), .i_ie(irq | (sreg_irq_pc_ie & exec_submit))); |
| |
| wire [2:0] sreg_jtr_buff_o, sreg_jtr_out; |
| wire jtr_jump_en = (pc_sreg_ie | jump_dec_valid | c_sreg_irt) & exec_submit; |
| wire jtr_irqh_write = irq; |
| wire [2:0] jtr_buff_in = (irq ? 3'b000 : sreg_in[2:0]); |
| wire [2:0] jtr_in = (irq ? 3'b000 : sreg_jtr_buff_o); |
| register #(.RESET_VAL((CORENO == 0 ? 3'b001 : 3'b000)), .N(3)) sreg_jtr_buff ( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| .vccd1(vccd1), .vssd1(vssd1), |
| `endif |
| .i_clk(i_clk), .i_rst(i_rst), .i_d(jtr_buff_in), .o_d(sreg_jtr_buff_o), .i_ie(sreg_jtr_ie | jtr_irqh_write)); |
| register #(.RESET_VAL((CORENO == 0 ? 3'b001 : 3'b000)), .N(3)) sreg_jtr ( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| .vccd1(vccd1), .vssd1(vssd1), |
| `endif |
| .i_clk(i_clk), .i_rst(i_rst), .i_d(jtr_in), .o_d(sreg_jtr_out), .i_ie(jtr_jump_en | jtr_irqh_write)); |
| assign o_c_instr_page = sreg_jtr_out[0]; |
| wire trap_flag = sreg_jtr_out[1]; |
| wire long_pc_mode = sreg_jtr_out[2]; |
| |
| register sreg_scratch ( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| .vccd1(vccd1), .vssd1(vssd1), |
| `endif |
| .i_clk(i_clk), .i_rst(i_rst), .i_d(sreg_in), .o_d(sreg_scratch_out), .i_ie(sreg_scratch_ie & exec_submit)); |
| |
| wire [4:0] sreg_irq_flags_in = {(i_core_int & irq_en), i_mem_exception, trap_exception, prev_sys, (i_irq & irq_en)}; |
| wire [4:0] sreg_irq_flags_out; |
| register #(.N(5)) sreg_irq_flags ( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| .vccd1(vccd1), .vssd1(vssd1), |
| `endif |
| .i_clk(i_clk), .i_rst(i_rst), .i_d(sreg_irq_flags_in), .o_d(sreg_irq_flags_out), .i_ie(irq)); |
| |
| wire immu_write = c_sreg_store & exec_submit & (sr_bus_addr >= `RW'h100 && sr_bus_addr < `RW'h100 + 16); // flush after write to mmu is executed |
| wire flush_instr_mmu = (immu_write & o_c_instr_page) | ((jtr_in[0] ^ sreg_jtr_out[0]) & (jtr_jump_en | jtr_irqh_write)) | pc_high_updated; |
| always @(posedge i_clk) |
| o_icache_flush <= flush_instr_mmu & ~i_rst; |
| |
| // Delays disable of data paging in case of interrupt. MEMWB stage is still executing and changing |
| // address during request would break commited result. In other cases special handling is not needed, |
| // becaue sregs are updated only when next stage is ready |
| always @(posedge i_clk) begin |
| if (i_rst) |
| o_c_data_page <= 1'b0; |
| else if (i_next_ready) |
| o_c_data_page <= sreg_data_page; |
| end |
| |
| // Higher part of PC in long pointer mode |
| // long pc mode is disabled on interrupt and reabled via jtr at irt, bot registers can be recovered |
| wire [7:0] pc_high = (long_pc_mode ? pc_high_out : 'b0); |
| |
| wire pc_high_ovf = pc_overflow & long_pc_mode & exec_submit; |
| wire pc_high_jtr = (pc_sreg_ie | jump_dec_valid | c_sreg_irt) & long_pc_mode & exec_submit; |
| // Update from buffer at jump or at pc overflow |
| wire [7:0] pc_high_in = (sreg_pc_high_ie ? sreg_in[7:0] : (pc_high_jtr ? pc_high_buff_out : pc_high_out+7'b1)); |
| wire [7:0] pc_high_out; |
| register #(.N(8), .RESET_VAL(8'h80)) pc_high_reg ( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| .vccd1(vccd1), .vssd1(vssd1), |
| `endif |
| .i_clk(i_clk), .i_rst(i_rst), |
| .i_d(pc_high_in), |
| .o_d(pc_high_out), |
| .i_ie((pc_high_ovf | pc_high_jtr | sreg_pc_high_ie) & exec_submit) |
| ); |
| |
| // Update buffer on function call (JAL) with current pointer |
| wire [7:0] pc_high_buff_in = (sreg_pc_high_buff_ie ? sreg_in[7:0] : pc_high); |
| wire [7:0] pc_high_buff_out; |
| register #(.N(8), .RESET_VAL(8'h80)) pc_high_buff_reg ( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| .vccd1(vccd1), .vssd1(vssd1), |
| `endif |
| .i_clk(i_clk), .i_rst(i_rst), |
| .i_d(pc_high_buff_in), |
| .o_d(pc_high_buff_out), |
| .i_ie((sreg_pc_high_buff_ie | (c_sreg_jal_over & long_pc_mode)) & exec_submit) |
| ); |
| |
| wire pc_high_updated = |(prev_pc_high ^ pc_high); // flush pipeline and cache on update. current instuction is incorrect |
| reg [7:0] prev_pc_high; |
| always @(posedge i_clk) begin |
| if (i_rst) prev_pc_high <= 'b0; |
| else prev_pc_high <= pc_high; |
| end |
| |
| assign o_c_instr_long_mode = long_pc_mode; |
| assign o_instr_addr_high = pc_high; |
| |
| wire [7:0] computed_mem_addr_high = (~alu_flags_d[`ALU_FLAG_C] & alu_r_bus[`RW-1] ? reg_l_high_con[7:0]-8'b1 : |
| (alu_flags_d[`ALU_FLAG_C] ? reg_l_high_con[7:0]+8'b1 : reg_l_high_con[7:0])); |
| |
| assign sr_bus_addr = i_imm; |
| assign sr_bus_we = c_sreg_store & sreg_priv_mode & exec_submit; |
| assign sr_bus_data_o = sreg_in; |
| |
| assign dbg_out = {o_ready, pc_val, dbg_reg_out}; |
| |
| endmodule |