Skywater 130nm LVS rule deck Documentation

Explains how to use the runset.

Folder Structure

 ┣ 📜
 ┣ 📜sky130.lvs
 ┣ 📜sky130.lyp
 ┗ 📜

Rule Deck Usage

The script takes a gds file and a netlist to run LVS rule deck of SKY technology with switches to select subsets of all checks.


Usage (--help| -h) (--design=<layout_path>) (--net=<netlist_path>) [--thr=<thr>] [--run_mode=<run_mode>] [--no_net_names] [--set_spice_comments] [--set_scale] [--set_verbose] [--set_schematic_simplify] [--set_net_only] [--set_top_lvl_pins] [--set_combine] [--set_purge] [--set_purge_nets]


    python3 --path=nfet_01v8.gds --net=nfet_01v8.spice --thr=16 --set_verbose --set_spice_comments


--help -h Print this help message.

--design=<layout_path> The input GDS file path.

--net=<netlist_path> The input netlist file path.

--thr=<thr> The number of threads used in run.

run_mode=<run_mode> Select klayout mode Allowed modes (flat , deep, tiling). [default: flat]

--no_net_names Discard net names in extracted netlist.

--set_spice_comments Set netlist comments in extracted netlist.

--set_scale Set scale of 1e6 in extracted netlist.

--set_verbose Set verbose mode.

--set_schematic_simplify Set schematic simplification in input netlist.

--set_net_only Set netlist object creation only in extracted netlist.

--set_top_lvl_pins Set top level pins only in extracted netlist.

--set_combine Set netlist combine only in extracted netlist.

--set_purge Set netlist purge all only in extracted netlist.

--set_purge_nets Set netlist purge nets only in extracted netlist.

LVS Outputs

Final results will appear at the end of the run logs.

The output files are :

  1. An extracted netlist (<your_design_name>.cir).

  2. Database file (<your_design_name>.lvdb) for comparison results. you could view it on your file using klayout.