So the max refresh rate is 100MHz / (8 * 2 * 500) = 12500Hz.
The set_clk_div input will capture what is set on the input pins and use this as a divider for an internal slow clock that can be provided to the first input bit.
The slow clock is only enabled if the set_clk_div is set, and the resulting clock is connected to input0 and also output on the slow_clk pin.
The slow clock is synced with the scan rate. A divider of 0 mean it toggles the input0 every scan. Divider of 1 toggles it every 2 cycles. So the resultant slow clock frequency is scan_rate / (2 * (N+1)).
PIN NAME DESCRIPTION 20:12 active_select 9 bit input to set which design is active 28:21 inputs 8 inputs 36:29 outputs 8 outputs 37 ready goes high for one cycle everytime the scanchain is refreshed 10 slow_clk slow clock from internal clock divider 11 set_clk_div enable clock divider 9:8 driver_sel which scan chain driver: 00 = external, 01 = logic analyzer, 1x = internal 21 ext_scan_clk_out for external driver, clk input 22 ext_scan_data_out data input 23 ext_scan_select scan select 24 ext_scan_latch_en latch 29 ext_scan_clk_in clk output from end of chain 30 ext_scan_data_in data output from end of chain
The scan controller allows a configurable delay on the latch and scan select pulses. TODO.
./ --update-projects
./ --update-caravel
make user_project_wrapper
There are some testbenches that you can use to check the scan chain and controller is working. The default of 498 projects takes a very long time to simulate, so I advise overriding the configuration first:
# fetch the test projects ./ --test --update-projects # rebuild config with only 20 projects ./ --test --update-caravel --limit 20
Then run the test:
cd verilog/dv/scan_controller # you will also need to set your PDK_ROOT environment variable make test_scan_controller
The Gate Level simulation requires scan_controller and user_project_wrapper to be re-hardened to get the correct gate level netlists:
Edit openlane/scan_controller/config.tcl and change NUM_DESIGNS=498 to NUM_DESIGNS=20.
Then from the top level directory:
make scan_controller make user_project_wrapper
Then run the GL test
cd verilog/dv/scan_controller make test_scan_controller_gl
Uses the scan controller.
cd verilog/dv/scan_controller_int make coco_test
Uses external signals to control the scan chain.
cd verilog/dv/scan_controller_ext make coco_test
Uses the RISCV co-processor to drive the scanchain with firmware.
cd verilog/dv/scan_controller_la make coco_test