| #!/usr/bin/env python3 |
| import re, glob, json, csv |
| import datetime |
| import yaml |
| import subprocess |
| import argparse, logging, shutil, sys, os, collections |
| from git_utils import install_artifacts |
| import git |
| from project_urls import filler_project_url, test_project_urls, project_urls |
| |
| |
| # pipe handling |
| from signal import signal, SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL |
| signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL) |
| |
| tmp_dir = '/tmp/tt' |
| |
| |
| def unique(duplist): |
| unique_list = [] |
| # traverse for all elements |
| for x in duplist: |
| # check if exists in unique_list or not |
| if x not in unique_list: |
| unique_list.append(x) |
| return unique_list |
| |
| |
| class Projects(): |
| |
| def __init__(self, args): |
| self.args = args |
| # project urls are defined in project_urls module |
| # by default, this method will fill empty slots with the 'filler project' |
| if self.args.test: |
| self.project_urls = test_project_urls |
| project_dir = 'test_projects' |
| else: |
| self.project_urls = project_urls |
| project_dir = 'projects' |
| |
| logging.info(f"loaded {len(self.project_urls)} projects") |
| |
| if not os.path.exists(project_dir): |
| os.makedirs(project_dir) |
| |
| # useful for contacting people when I find problems in the repo |
| try: |
| with open('git_url_to_email.json') as fh: |
| self.git_url_to_email_map = json.load(fh) |
| except FileNotFoundError: |
| self.git_url_to_email_map = {} |
| |
| self.projects = [] |
| filler = False |
| filler_id = 0 |
| for index in range(args.limit_num_projects): |
| if args.single >= 0 and args.single != index: |
| continue |
| if index < args.start_from: |
| continue |
| if args.end_at != 0 and index > args.end_at: |
| continue |
| |
| try: |
| git_url = self.project_urls[index] |
| except IndexError: |
| if filler is False: |
| git_url = filler_project_url |
| filler_id = 0 # first project is always fill |
| filler = True |
| |
| try: |
| email = self.git_url_to_email_map[git_url] |
| except KeyError: |
| email = 'none' |
| |
| project = Project(index, git_url, email, args, project_dir, fill=filler, fill_id=filler_id) |
| |
| # clone git repos locally & gds artifacts from action build |
| if args.clone_all: |
| if filler is False: |
| logging.info(f"cloning {project}") |
| project.clone() |
| |
| if args.fetch_gds: |
| if filler is False: |
| logging.info(f"fetching gds for {project}") |
| project.fetch_gds() |
| |
| if args.update_all: |
| if filler is False: |
| # only updates code, not gds artifacts |
| logging.info(f"git pull for {project}") |
| project.pull() |
| |
| # projects should now be installed, so load all the data from the yaml files |
| logging.debug("loading project yaml") |
| # fill projects will load from the fill project's directory |
| project.load_yaml() |
| |
| logging.info(project) |
| |
| if args.harden: |
| if filler is False: |
| project.harden() |
| |
| if args.update_caravel: |
| logging.debug("copying files to caravel") |
| if filler is False: |
| project.copy_files_to_caravel() |
| |
| # check all top level module ports are correct |
| if not project.art_only: |
| project.check_ports() |
| project.check_num_cells() |
| |
| self.projects.append(project) |
| |
| # now do some sanity checks |
| all_macro_instances = [project.get_macro_instance() for project in self.projects] |
| self.assert_unique(all_macro_instances) |
| |
| all_top_files = [project.get_top_verilog_filename() for project in self.projects if not project.is_fill()] |
| self.assert_unique(all_top_files) |
| |
| all_gds_files = [project.get_macro_gds_filename() for project in self.projects if not project.is_fill()] |
| self.assert_unique(all_gds_files) |
| |
| if args.metrics: |
| self.build_metrics() |
| |
| def assert_unique(self, check): |
| duplicates = [item for item, count in collections.Counter(check).items() if count > 1] |
| if duplicates: |
| logging.error("duplicate projects: {}".format(duplicates)) |
| exit(1) |
| |
| def build_metrics(self): |
| total_seconds = 0 |
| for project in self.projects: |
| dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(project.metrics['total_runtime'][:-3], '%Hh%Mm%Ss') |
| delt = datetime.timedelta(hours=dt.hour, minutes=dt.minute, seconds=dt.second) |
| total_seconds += delt.total_seconds() |
| logging.info(f"build time for all projects {total_seconds / 3600} hrs") |
| |
| |
| class Project(): |
| |
| def __init__(self, index, git_url, email, args, project_dir, fill, fill_id=0): |
| self.git_url = git_url |
| self.args = args |
| self.email = email |
| self.index = index |
| self.fill = fill |
| self.project_dir = project_dir |
| self.local_dir = self.gen_local_dir(fill_id) |
| self.load_metrics() |
| |
| def load_metrics(self): |
| try: |
| with open(self.get_metrics_path()) as fh: |
| self.metrics = next(csv.DictReader(fh)) |
| except FileNotFoundError: |
| self.metrics = {} |
| |
| # if the project is a filler, then use the config from the first fill project |
| def gen_local_dir(self, fill_id): |
| if self.fill: |
| return os.path.join(os.path.join(self.project_dir, f'{fill_id :03}')) |
| else: |
| return os.path.join(os.path.join(self.project_dir, f'{self.index :03}')) |
| |
| def check_ports(self): |
| top = self.get_macro_name() |
| sources = [os.path.join(self.local_dir, 'src', src) for src in self.src_files] |
| source_list = " ".join(sources) |
| |
| json_file = 'ports.json' |
| yosys_cmd = f"yosys -qp 'read_verilog -lib -sv {source_list}; hierarchy -top {top} ; proc; write_json {json_file}'" |
| p = subprocess.run(yosys_cmd, shell=True) |
| if p.returncode != 0: |
| logging.error(f"yosys port read failed for {self}") |
| exit(1) |
| |
| with open(json_file) as fh: |
| ports = json.load(fh) |
| os.unlink(json_file) |
| |
| module_ports = ports['modules'][top]['ports'] |
| for port in ['io_in', 'io_out']: |
| if port not in module_ports: |
| logging.error(f"{self} {port} not found in top") |
| exit(1) |
| if len(module_ports[port]['bits']) != 8: |
| logging.error(f"{self} {port} doesn't have 8 bits") |
| exit(1) |
| |
| def check_num_cells(self): |
| num_cells = 0 |
| try: |
| yosys_report = glob.glob(f'{self.local_dir}/runs/wokwi/reports/synthesis/1-synthesis.*0.stat.rpt')[0] # can't open a file with \ in the path |
| with open(yosys_report) as fh: |
| for line in fh.readlines(): |
| m = re.search(r'Number of cells:\s+(\d+)', line) |
| if m is not None: |
| num_cells = int(m.group(1)) |
| if not self.fill and self.index != 0: |
| if self.is_hdl(): |
| if num_cells < 20: |
| logging.warning(f"{self} only has {num_cells} cells") |
| else: |
| if num_cells < 11: |
| logging.warning(f"{self} only has {num_cells} cells") |
| |
| except IndexError: |
| logging.warning(f"couldn't open yosys cell report for cell checking {self}") |
| |
| def is_fill(self): |
| return self.fill |
| |
| def is_wokwi(self): |
| if self.wokwi_id != 0: |
| return True |
| |
| def is_hdl(self): |
| return not self.is_wokwi() |
| |
| def load_yaml(self): |
| try: |
| with open(os.path.join(self.local_dir, 'info.yaml')) as fh: |
| self.yaml = yaml.safe_load(fh) |
| except FileNotFoundError: |
| logging.error(f"yaml file not found for {self} - do you need to --clone the project repos?") |
| exit(1) |
| |
| self.wokwi_id = self.yaml['project']['wokwi_id'] |
| self.yaml['project']['git_url'] = self.git_url |
| self.art_only = self.yaml['project'].get('art_only', False) |
| |
| if self.is_hdl(): |
| self.top_module = self.yaml['project']['top_module'] |
| self.src_files = self.yaml['project']['source_files'] |
| self.top_verilog_filename = self.find_top_verilog() |
| else: |
| self.top_module = f"user_module_{self.wokwi_id}" |
| self.src_files = [f"user_module_{self.wokwi_id}.v"] |
| self.top_verilog_filename = self.src_files[0] |
| |
| self.macro_instance = f"{self.top_module}_{self.index :03}" |
| self.scanchain_instance = f"scanchain_{self.index :03}" |
| |
| # docs stuff for index on README.md |
| def get_index_row(self): |
| return f'| {self.index} | {self.yaml["documentation"]["author"]} | {self.yaml["documentation"]["title"]} | {self.get_project_type_string()} | {self.git_url} |\n' |
| |
| def get_project_type_string(self): |
| if self.is_wokwi(): |
| return f"[Wokwi]({self.get_wokwi_url()})" |
| else: |
| return "HDL" |
| |
| def get_project_doc_yaml(self): |
| # fstring dict support is limited to one level deep, so put the git url and wokwi url in the docs key |
| docs = self.yaml['documentation'] |
| docs['project_type'] = self.get_project_type_string() |
| docs['git_url'] = self.git_url |
| return docs |
| |
| def get_wokwi_url(self): |
| return f'https://wokwi.com/projects/{self.wokwi_id}' |
| |
| # top module name is defined in one of the source files, which one? |
| def find_top_verilog(self): |
| rgx_mod = re.compile(r"(?:^|[\W])module[\s]{1,}([\w]+)") |
| top_verilog = [] |
| for src in self.src_files: |
| with open(os.path.join(self.local_dir, 'src', src)) as fh: |
| for line in fh.readlines(): |
| for match in rgx_mod.finditer(line): |
| if match.group(1) == self.top_module: |
| top_verilog.append(src) |
| assert len(top_verilog) == 1 |
| return top_verilog[0] |
| |
| def clone(self): |
| if os.path.exists(self.local_dir): |
| git_remote = list(git.Repo(self.local_dir).remotes[0].urls)[0] |
| if self.git_url == git_remote: |
| logging.info("git repo already exists and is correct - skipping") |
| else: |
| logging.error("git repo exists and remote doesn't match - abort") |
| logging.error(f"{self.git_url} != {git_remote}") |
| exit(1) |
| else: |
| logging.info("clone") |
| git.Repo.clone_from(self.git_url, self.local_dir, recursive=True) |
| |
| def pull(self): |
| repo = git.Repo(self.local_dir) |
| # reset |
| repo.git.reset('--hard') |
| o = repo.remotes.origin |
| o.pull() |
| |
| def harden(self): |
| logging.info(f"hardening {self}") |
| |
| # copy golden config |
| shutil.copyfile('golden_config.tcl', os.path.join(self.local_dir, 'src', 'config.tcl')) |
| |
| cwd = os.getcwd() |
| os.chdir(self.local_dir) |
| |
| # setup user config, not including python fails on github action |
| if 'LOCAL' in os.environ: |
| configure_cmd = './configure.py --create-user-config' |
| else: |
| configure_cmd = 'python ./configure.py --create-user-config' |
| p = subprocess.run(configure_cmd, shell=True) |
| if p.returncode != 0: |
| logging.error(f"configure failed for {self}") |
| exit(1) |
| |
| # requires PDK_ROOT, OPENLANE_ROOT & OPENLANE_IMAGE_NAME to be set in local environment |
| harden_cmd = 'docker run --rm -v $OPENLANE_ROOT:/openlane -v $PDK_ROOT:$PDK_ROOT -v $(pwd):/work -e PDK_ROOT=$PDK_ROOT -u $(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) $OPENLANE_IMAGE_NAME /bin/bash -c "./flow.tcl -overwrite -design /work/src -run_path /work/runs -tag wokwi"' |
| env = os.environ.copy() |
| p = subprocess.run(harden_cmd, shell=True, env=env) |
| if p.returncode != 0: |
| logging.error(f"harden failed for {self}") |
| exit(1) |
| |
| os.chdir(cwd) |
| |
| def __str__(self): |
| if self.args.log_email: |
| return f"[{self.index:03} : {self.email} : {self.git_url}]" |
| else: |
| return f"[{self.index:03} : {self.git_url}]" |
| |
| def fetch_gds(self): |
| install_artifacts(self.git_url, self.local_dir) |
| |
| def get_macro_name(self): |
| return self.top_module |
| |
| # instance name of the project, different for each id |
| def get_macro_instance(self): |
| return self.macro_instance |
| |
| # instance name of the scanchain module, different for each id |
| def get_scanchain_instance(self): |
| return self.scanchain_instance |
| |
| # unique id |
| def get_index(self): |
| return self.index |
| |
| # metrics |
| def get_metrics_path(self): |
| return os.path.join(self.local_dir, 'runs/wokwi/reports/metrics.csv') |
| |
| # name of the gds file |
| def get_macro_gds_filename(self): |
| return f"{self.top_module}.gds" |
| |
| def get_macro_lef_filename(self): |
| return f"{self.top_module}.lef" |
| |
| # for GL sims & blackboxing |
| def get_gl_verilog_filename(self): |
| return f"{self.top_module}.v" |
| |
| # for simulations |
| def get_top_verilog_filename(self): |
| if self.is_hdl(): |
| # make sure it's unique & without leading directories |
| # a few people use 'top.v', which is OK as long as the top module is called something more unique |
| # but then it needs to be made unique so the source can be found |
| filename = os.path.basename(self.top_verilog_filename) |
| return f'{self.index :03}_{filename}' |
| else: |
| return self.top_verilog_filename |
| |
| def get_git_url(self): |
| return self.git_url |
| |
| def copy_files_to_caravel(self): |
| files = [ |
| (f"runs/wokwi/results/final/gds/{self.get_macro_gds_filename()}", f"gds/{self.get_macro_gds_filename()}"), |
| (f"runs/wokwi/results/final/lef/{self.get_macro_lef_filename()}", f"lef/{self.get_macro_lef_filename()}"), |
| (f"runs/wokwi/results/final/verilog/gl/{self.get_gl_verilog_filename()}", f"verilog/gl/{self.get_gl_verilog_filename()}"), |
| (f"src/{self.top_verilog_filename}", f"verilog/rtl/{self.get_top_verilog_filename()}"), |
| ] |
| |
| logging.debug("copying files into position") |
| for from_path, to_path in files: |
| from_path = os.path.join(self.local_dir, from_path) |
| logging.debug(f"copy {from_path} to {to_path}") |
| shutil.copyfile(from_path, to_path) |
| |
| |
| class CaravelConfig(): |
| |
| def __init__(self, projects, num_projects): |
| self.projects = projects |
| self.num_projects = num_projects |
| |
| # create macro file & positions, power hooks |
| def create_macro_config(self): |
| # array size |
| rows = 18 |
| cols = 14 |
| |
| # start point (lower left) |
| start_x = 50 |
| start_y = 95 |
| |
| # module block sizes |
| scanchain_w = 30 |
| scanchain_spc = 6 |
| module_w = 150 |
| module_h = 170 |
| |
| # how much x & y space to leave between blocks |
| space_x = 15 |
| space_y = 15 |
| |
| # step sizes |
| step_x = scanchain_w + module_w + scanchain_spc + space_x |
| step_y = module_h + space_y |
| |
| logging.info(f"start_x {start_x} start_y {start_y} step_x {step_x} step_y {step_y }") |
| |
| num_macros_placed = 0 |
| |
| # macro.cfg: where macros are placed |
| logging.info("creating macro.cfg") |
| with open("openlane/user_project_wrapper/macro.cfg", 'w') as fh: |
| fh.write("scan_controller 100 100 N\n") |
| for row in range(rows): |
| if row % 2 == 0: |
| col_order = range(cols) |
| orientation = 'N' |
| else: |
| # reverse odd rows to place instances in a zig zag pattern, shortening the scan chain wires |
| col_order = range(cols - 1, -1, -1) |
| orientation = 'S' |
| for col in col_order: |
| # skip the space where the scan controller goes on the first row |
| if row == 0 and col <= 1: |
| continue |
| |
| if num_macros_placed < self.num_projects: |
| if orientation == 'N': |
| # scanchain first |
| # co-ords are bottom left corner |
| macro_instance = self.projects[num_macros_placed].get_scanchain_instance() |
| instance = "{} {:<4} {:<4} {}\n".format( |
| macro_instance, start_x + col * step_x, start_y + row * step_y, orientation |
| ) |
| fh.write(instance) |
| |
| macro_instance = self.projects[num_macros_placed].get_macro_instance() |
| instance = "{} {:<4} {:<4} {}\n".format( |
| macro_instance, start_x + scanchain_spc + scanchain_w + col * step_x, start_y + row * step_y, orientation |
| ) |
| fh.write(instance) |
| else: |
| # macro first |
| macro_instance = self.projects[num_macros_placed].get_macro_instance() |
| instance = "{} {:<4} {:<4} {}\n".format( |
| macro_instance, start_x + col * step_x, start_y + row * step_y, orientation |
| ) |
| fh.write(instance) |
| |
| macro_instance = self.projects[num_macros_placed].get_scanchain_instance() |
| instance = "{} {:<4} {:<4} {}\n".format( |
| macro_instance, start_x + module_w + scanchain_spc + col * step_x, start_y + row * step_y, orientation |
| ) |
| fh.write(instance) |
| |
| num_macros_placed += 1 |
| |
| logging.info(f"total user macros placed: {num_macros_placed}") |
| |
| # macro_power.tcl: extra file for macro power hooks |
| logging.info("creating macro_power.tcl") |
| with open("openlane/user_project_wrapper/macro_power.tcl", 'w') as fh: |
| fh.write('set ::env(FP_PDN_MACRO_HOOKS) "\\\n') |
| fh.write(" ") |
| fh.write("scan_controller") |
| fh.write(" vccd1 vssd1 vccd1 vssd1") |
| fh.write(", \\\n") |
| for i in range(self.num_projects): |
| fh.write(" ") |
| fh.write(self.projects[i].get_scanchain_instance()) |
| fh.write(" vccd1 vssd1 vccd1 vssd1, \\\n") |
| fh.write(" ") |
| fh.write(self.projects[i].get_macro_instance()) |
| fh.write(" vccd1 vssd1 vccd1 vssd1") |
| if i != self.num_projects - 1: |
| fh.write(", \\\n") |
| fh.write('"\n') |
| |
| # extra_lef_gds.tcl |
| lefs = [] |
| gdss = [] |
| logging.info("creating extra_lef_gds.tcl") |
| for project in self.projects: |
| if not project.is_fill(): |
| lefs.append(project.get_macro_lef_filename()) |
| gdss.append(project.get_macro_gds_filename()) |
| |
| with open("openlane/user_project_wrapper/extra_lef_gds.tcl", 'w') as fh: |
| fh.write('set ::env(EXTRA_LEFS) "\\\n') |
| fh.write("$script_dir/../../lef/scan_controller.lef \\\n") |
| fh.write("$script_dir/../../lef/scanchain.lef \\\n") |
| for i, lef in enumerate(lefs): |
| fh.write("$script_dir/../../lef/{}".format(lef)) |
| if i != len(lefs) - 1: |
| fh.write(" \\\n") |
| else: |
| fh.write('"\n') |
| fh.write('set ::env(EXTRA_GDS_FILES) "\\\n') |
| fh.write("$script_dir/../../gds/scan_controller.gds \\\n") |
| fh.write("$script_dir/../../gds/scanchain.gds \\\n") |
| for i, gds in enumerate(gdss): |
| fh.write("$script_dir/../../gds/{}".format(gds)) |
| if i != len(gdss) - 1: |
| fh.write(" \\\n") |
| else: |
| fh.write('"\n') |
| |
| # instantiate inside user_project_wrapper |
| def instantiate(self): |
| logging.info("instantiating designs in user_project_wrapper.v") |
| |
| # NOTE: The user project wrapper initially used vectored signals for clk, |
| # scan, and latch signals. However, this leads to atrocious sim |
| # performance, as any change within the vectored signal is |
| # interpreted as a trigger condition for re-evaluating logic (at |
| # least this is the case under Icarus and Verilator). Therefore |
| # single bit signals are used between stages to limit the impact |
| # of any wire changing. |
| |
| # Instance the scan controller |
| body = [ |
| "", |
| "wire sc_clk_out, sc_data_out, sc_latch_out, sc_scan_out;", |
| "wire sc_clk_in, sc_data_in;", |
| "", |
| f"scan_controller #(.NUM_DESIGNS({self.num_projects})) scan_controller (", |
| " .clk (wb_clk_i),", |
| " .reset (wb_rst_i),", |
| " .active_select (io_in[20:12]),", |
| " .inputs (io_in[28:21]),", |
| " .outputs (io_out[36:29]),", |
| " .ready (io_out[37]),", |
| " .slow_clk (io_out[10]),", |
| " .set_clk_div (io_in[11]),", |
| "", |
| " .scan_clk_out (sc_clk_out),", |
| " .scan_clk_in (sc_clk_in),", |
| " .scan_data_out (sc_data_out),", |
| " .scan_data_in (sc_data_in),", |
| " .scan_select (sc_scan_out),", |
| " .scan_latch_en (sc_latch_out),", |
| "", |
| " .la_scan_clk_in (la_data_in[0]),", |
| " .la_scan_data_in (la_data_in[1]),", |
| " .la_scan_data_out (la_data_out[0]),", |
| " .la_scan_select (la_data_in[2]),", |
| " .la_scan_latch_en (la_data_in[3]),", |
| "", |
| " .driver_sel (io_in[9:8]),", |
| "", |
| " .oeb (io_oeb)", |
| ");", |
| ] |
| |
| # Instance every design on the scan chain |
| for idx in range(self.num_projects): |
| # First design driven by scan controller, all others are chained |
| pfx = f"sw_{idx:03d}" |
| prev_pfx = f"sw_{idx-1:03d}" if idx > 0 else "sc" |
| # Pickup the Wokwi design ID and github URL for the project |
| giturl = self.projects[idx].get_git_url() |
| |
| # Append the instance to the body |
| body += [ |
| "", |
| f"// [{idx:03d}] {giturl}", |
| f"wire {pfx}_clk_out, {pfx}_data_out, {pfx}_scan_out, {pfx}_latch_out;", |
| f"wire [7:0] {pfx}_module_data_in;", |
| f"wire [7:0] {pfx}_module_data_out;", |
| f"scanchain #(.NUM_IOS(8)) {self.projects[idx].get_scanchain_instance()} (", |
| f" .clk_in ({prev_pfx}_clk_out),", |
| f" .data_in ({prev_pfx}_data_out),", |
| f" .scan_select_in ({prev_pfx}_scan_out),", |
| f" .latch_enable_in ({prev_pfx}_latch_out),", |
| f" .clk_out ({pfx}_clk_out),", |
| f" .data_out ({pfx}_data_out),", |
| f" .scan_select_out ({pfx}_scan_out),", |
| f" .latch_enable_out({pfx}_latch_out),", |
| f" .module_data_in ({pfx}_module_data_in),", |
| f" .module_data_out ({pfx}_module_data_out)", |
| ");" |
| ] |
| |
| # Append the user module to the body |
| body += [ |
| "", |
| f"{self.projects[idx].get_macro_name()} {self.projects[idx].get_macro_instance()} (", |
| ] |
| if not self.projects[idx].art_only: |
| body += [ |
| f" .io_in ({pfx}_module_data_in),", |
| f" .io_out ({pfx}_module_data_out)", |
| ] |
| body += [ |
| ");" |
| |
| ] |
| |
| # Link the final design back to the scan controller |
| body += [ |
| "", |
| "// Connect final signals back to the scan controller", |
| f"assign sc_clk_in = sw_{idx:03d}_clk_out;", |
| f"assign sc_data_in = sw_{idx:03d}_data_out;", |
| "", |
| "" |
| ] |
| |
| # Write to file |
| with open('verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v', 'w') as fh: |
| # Insert the Caravel preamble |
| with open("upw_pre.v", "r") as fh_pre: |
| fh.write(fh_pre.read()) |
| # Indent, join, and insert the module instances |
| fh.write("\n".join([(" " + x).rstrip() for x in body])) |
| # Insert the Caravel postamble |
| with open("upw_post.v", "r") as fh_post: |
| fh.write(fh_post.read()) |
| |
| # build the blackbox_project_includes.v file - used for blackboxing when building the GDS |
| with open('verilog/blackbox_project_includes.v', 'w') as fh: |
| fh.write('`include "rtl/scan_controller/scan_controller.v"\n') |
| fh.write('`include "rtl/scanchain/scanchain.v"\n') |
| for project in self.projects: |
| if not project.is_fill(): |
| fh.write(f'`include "gl/{project.get_gl_verilog_filename()}"\n') |
| |
| # build complete list of filenames for sim |
| with open('verilog/includes/includes.rtl.caravel_user_project', 'w') as fh: |
| fh.write('-v $(USER_PROJECT_VERILOG)/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v\n') |
| fh.write('-v $(USER_PROJECT_VERILOG)/rtl/scan_controller/scan_controller.v\n') |
| fh.write('-v $(USER_PROJECT_VERILOG)/rtl/scanchain/scanchain.v\n') |
| fh.write('-v $(USER_PROJECT_VERILOG)/rtl/cells.v\n') |
| for project in self.projects: |
| if not project.is_fill(): |
| fh.write(f'-v $(USER_PROJECT_VERILOG)/rtl/{project.get_top_verilog_filename()}\n') |
| |
| # build GL includes |
| with open('verilog/includes/includes.gl.caravel_user_project', 'w') as fh: |
| fh.write('-v $(USER_PROJECT_VERILOG)/gl/user_project_wrapper.v\n') |
| fh.write('-v $(USER_PROJECT_VERILOG)/gl/scan_controller.v\n') |
| fh.write('-v $(USER_PROJECT_VERILOG)/gl/scanchain.v\n') |
| for project in self.projects: |
| if not project.is_fill(): |
| fh.write(f'-v $(USER_PROJECT_VERILOG)/gl/{project.get_gl_verilog_filename()}\n') |
| |
| def list(self): |
| for project in self.projects: |
| logging.info(project) |
| |
| |
| class Docs(): |
| |
| def __init__(self, projects, args): |
| self.projects = projects |
| self.args = args |
| |
| # stuff related to docs |
| def build_index(self): |
| logging.info("building doc index") |
| with open("README_init.md") as fh: |
| readme = fh.read() |
| with open("README.md", 'w') as fh: |
| fh.write(readme) |
| fh.write("| Index | Author | Title | Type | Git Repo |\n") |
| fh.write("| ----- | ------ | ------| -----| ---------|\n") |
| for project in self.projects: |
| if not project.is_fill(): |
| fh.write(project.get_index_row()) |
| |
| def update_image(self): |
| cmd = "klayout -l caravel.lyp gds/user_project_wrapper.gds -r dump_pic.rb -c klayoutrc" |
| logging.info(cmd) |
| os.system(cmd) |
| |
| # create a json file of all the project info, this is then used by tinytapeout.com to show projects |
| def dump_json(self): |
| designs = [] |
| for project in self.projects: |
| design = project.get_project_yaml() |
| designs.append(design) |
| |
| with open(args.dump_json, "w") as fh: |
| fh.write(json.dumps(designs, indent=4)) |
| logging.info(f'wrote json to {args.dump_json}') |
| |
| def dump_markdown(self): |
| |
| with open("doc_header.md") as fh: |
| doc_header = fh.read() |
| |
| with open("doc_template.md") as fh: |
| doc_template = fh.read() |
| |
| with open("INFO.md") as fh: |
| doc_info = fh.read() |
| |
| with open("VERIFICATION.md") as fh: |
| doc_verification = fh.read() |
| |
| with open("CREDITS.md") as fh: |
| doc_credits = fh.read() |
| |
| with open(args.dump_markdown, 'w') as fh: |
| fh.write(doc_header) |
| |
| for project in self.projects: |
| if project.is_fill(): |
| continue |
| yaml_data = project.get_project_doc_yaml() |
| |
| yaml_data['index'] = project.index |
| |
| logging.info(f"building datasheet for {project}") |
| # handle pictures |
| yaml_data['picture_link'] = '' |
| if yaml_data['picture']: |
| # skip SVG for now, not supported by pandoc |
| picture_name = yaml_data['picture'] |
| if 'svg' not in picture_name: |
| picture_filename = os.path.join(project.local_dir, picture_name) |
| yaml_data['picture_link'] = ''.format(picture_filename) |
| |
| # now build the doc & print it |
| try: |
| doc = doc_template.format(**yaml_data) |
| fh.write(doc) |
| fh.write("\n\pagebreak\n") |
| except IndexError: |
| logging.warning("missing pins in info.yaml, skipping") |
| |
| # ending |
| fh.write(doc_info) |
| fh.write("\n\pagebreak\n") |
| fh.write(doc_verification) |
| fh.write("\n\pagebreak\n") |
| fh.write(doc_credits) |
| |
| logging.info(f'wrote markdown to {args.dump_markdown}') |
| |
| if args.dump_pdf: |
| pdf_cmd = f'pandoc --toc --toc-depth 2 --pdf-engine=xelatex -i {args.dump_markdown} -o {args.dump_pdf}' |
| logging.info(pdf_cmd) |
| p = subprocess.run(pdf_cmd, shell=True) |
| if p.returncode != 0: |
| logging.error("pdf command failed") |
| |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="TinyTapeout configuration and docs") |
| |
| parser.add_argument('--list', help="list projects", action='store_const', const=True) |
| parser.add_argument('--clone-all', help="clone all projects", action="store_const", const=True) |
| parser.add_argument('--update-all', help="git pull all projects", action="store_const", const=True) |
| parser.add_argument('--fetch-gds', help="git fetch latest gds", action="store_const", const=True) |
| parser.add_argument('--single', help="do action on single project", type=int, default=-1) |
| parser.add_argument('--start-from', help="do action on projects after this index", type=int, default=0) |
| parser.add_argument('--end-at', help="do action on projects before this index", type=int, default=0) |
| parser.add_argument('--update-caravel', help='configure caravel for build', action='store_const', const=True) |
| parser.add_argument('--harden', help="harden project", action="store_const", const=True) |
| parser.add_argument('--limit-num-projects', help='only configure for the first n projects', type=int, default=DEFAULT_NUM_PROJECTS) |
| parser.add_argument('--test', help='use test projects', action='store_const', const=True) |
| parser.add_argument('--debug', help="debug logging", action="store_const", dest="loglevel", const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO) |
| parser.add_argument('--log-email', help="print persons email in messages", action="store_const", const=True) |
| parser.add_argument('--update-image', help="update the image", action="store_const", const=True) |
| parser.add_argument('--dump-json', help="dump json of all project data to given file") |
| parser.add_argument('--dump-markdown', help="dump markdown of all project data to given file") |
| parser.add_argument('--dump-pdf', help="create pdf from the markdown") |
| parser.add_argument('--metrics', help="print some project metrics", action="store_const", const=True) |
| |
| args = parser.parse_args() |
| |
| # setup log |
| log_format = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)-8s - %(message)s') |
| # configure the client logging |
| log = logging.getLogger('') |
| # has to be set to debug as is the root logger |
| log.setLevel(args.loglevel) |
| |
| # create console handler and set level to info |
| ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) |
| # create formatter for console |
| ch.setFormatter(log_format) |
| log.addHandler(ch) |
| |
| projects = Projects(args) |
| |
| docs = Docs(projects.projects, args=args) |
| caravel = CaravelConfig(projects.projects, num_projects=args.limit_num_projects) |
| |
| if args.list: |
| caravel.list() |
| |
| if args.update_caravel: |
| caravel.create_macro_config() |
| caravel.instantiate() |
| if not args.test: |
| docs.build_index() |
| |
| if args.update_image: |
| docs.update_image() |
| |
| if args.dump_json: |
| docs.dump_json() |
| |
| if args.dump_markdown: |
| docs.dump_markdown() |