Technical info



  • 100MHz input clock
  • 8 ins & 8 outs
  • 2 clock cycles to push one bit through the scan chain (scan clock is half input clock rate)
  • 500 designs
  • scan controller can do a read/write cycle in one refresh

So the max refresh rate is 100MHz / (8 * 2 * 500) = 12500Hz.

Clock divider

The set_clk_div input will capture what is set on the input pins and use this as a divider for an internal slow clock that can be provided to the first input bit.

The slow clock is only enabled if the set_clk_div is set, and the resulting clock is connected to input0 and also output on the slow_clk pin.

The slow clock is synced with the scan rate. A divider of 0 mean it toggles the input0 every scan. Divider of 1 toggles it every 2 cycles. So the resultant slow clock frequency is scan_rate / (2 * (N+1)).


PIN     NAME                DESCRIPTION
20:12   active_select       9 bit input to set which design is active
28:21   inputs              8 inputs
36:29   outputs             8 outputs
37      ready               goes high for one cycle everytime the scanchain is refreshed
10      slow_clk            slow clock from internal clock divider
11      set_clk_div         enable clock divider
9:8     driver_sel          which scan chain driver: 00 = external, 01 = logic analyzer, 1x = internal

21      ext_scan_clk_out    for external driver, clk input
22      ext_scan_data_out   data input
23      ext_scan_select     scan select
24      ext_scan_latch_en   latch
29      ext_scan_clk_in     clk output from end of chain
30      ext_scan_data_in    data output from end of chain

Scan controller configuration

The scan controller allows a configurable delay on the latch and scan select pulses. TODO.

Scan chain structure

block diagram


read wavedrom diagram


load wavedrom diagram

Instructions to build

Fetch all the projects

./ --update-projects

Configure Caravel

./ --update-caravel

Build the GDS

make user_project_wrapper

To build the GDS and run the simulations, you will need to install the Sky130 PDK and OpenLane tool. It takes about 5 minutes and needs about 3GB of disk space.

export PDK_ROOT=<some dir>/pdk
export OPENLANE_ROOT=<some dir>/openlane
cd <the root of this repo>
make setup 


See the separate verification doc.